* THE TIMES, PAGES FIVE TO EIGHT. KICHMOND, VA.,sr\l)AV, JUNE 22, 189ft religious Opinions. ii /oi'rcr fAlaf teBafaa 1. llli. htli. PAItTI I- latarl iiu-i) iio- nexl iiiiiii, .'.a. w mj onward path .\,,,| | 1 il .' .\ \%.,s .i tln-, Btonj VI.IV ... lliroUKh r.-iv iii- I. bc if it bul l.'l to llll. tlie elel, Ul) rn I n dooi 1.. . path hu K Ihy ii ki. ¦'¦ holila iu. ..s -t',.v watch iu t nu V. p md rn- more ean l* II ih'.n art, boy witb Uiy k ti,.. ur. low wbere Uiou rt u nn- to iniinite reglona valnly n Ht.vs in..! - a*- r, lln.ilnu not Uiy home. .. uii ti - ti iniiua Mvoi'i t---ui. .', woold t.e! n oi w... unealled I maj nol Ul} ..vv ii M fj -Iii BC i. ue, that Ii". tislj*. ml, ,v r tin path .111".. le. I, I tollOW an wnv. ih ii hi ovv.-st lournej I ni -i i ii mi LAW or. i tl I ll. llll Ul "1 ll.O I'l.I'l .1 11 lo I'.' "the MltUiiiie law ol il." ind i' attachei tln- attributee all "tbe lav. s ,,| th, li in | urauance .pi.iiia. -y to "all liealt r w bich -hall be ni the Buthority "I the I m.i.And, in ordi r to give ¦. l.lll II l'i llll- ol, il, ll llll iiii deel in - that "the ulgea in tverj liall I. l.'UM-l lh< t.i-v. mj thint* mai itiii!--;i "i lawa .iip.:. I., wj 'is. !.! rlcnling 'v ith » nii in ui. l i ,i.Ina. o.l vv 11 lilli pll!" II .lUlll.'l ioU v\ ith Iiiiiii I. uuply i" ita un ..i Mi;r. .noi Ibie ' laim '1 i'.v ;i jual aml t'i"|>or iiii.ii'tot iii'ui n! iis language, ia tin iml "f the llll'-ls I. Ill .IV a n- i i.ivri-. linailB thoae ..! il .ll-tl'l tllll't'S ill" li ia tni.- that the nion I- 13 " Bmcndi i bj the pn ,i ita .1: Imi U i- al vv;i>s ; it aa it ii tln- tinn-. "the au- - vi-t v thiii", ll." nt ii atrUCture uml «'!" iii V ll 111 tl) tii.- Bible conaidered uiou t" buman faith unii pi ini.l i- 'l r-pir- < 'I and, iimi io uld it ln treiitedr The lirna Ui T i'l I'lolesl ml t ill I- .11 bal the llible. thui faith and pi ictici It ia auch a i ul-. t'l'tt-.l ii. Imt i- Ihe t\ .-i.l ..f Ood, iin.l c in io- with it his ea, w bether ll i-t 1 '. iilv ,1-nl promii .un I,. in-.- ibe ¦; Lf lll.-pii ill.'ti ,1 i.l. i- Im his iva.-.uii tlu- Mipt ¦' i' -li- I" v >|,.' ;illirin;ilivo th,- uudei atantlinx. Tne .vv i lu- ahall i li do oi < mii. i- a-i li. '1'.' di ipute tlo- 1 i- viatnui v and t. tnei ut. ul inli-leiltv ,. i; ll.- iv Bible aa n diviue ii,. i.i.v. i.v ihe t' HU- I'l lu- in hi- Ott n ii.n .1 all ,",s iiutli iritj !' i- imi aup tbat, thua thinking uml tlms be abould diapute thia au WI on t apeaka man i- I- i,i .1 -.i b.ii. ve vv imt he taye, and d< ll" lion, then, afi. r aa bai 1-,'lie, .1 ll,.- .livit.e BUthOI lt V ..; Il inplv lln- matti "t hiatory, ni il-. ii it. .i a 'iutv Tbia "i .imri not alwaya au wei wiiin i.i i limea rery ,-<.i,-i i. ible tu.l.v. "f the Word i>f an >ot Ibat word ui.. ur ao antiqu ii. .1 in n- language, iiiii ruli ol apprebenaion m IU conteu v. li.'le an auawi r Buffl - ¦! all the graal :.ii and pr iciice. iti. i'..' i. i- wba* ii parpoi - to be v. .ti. ii (l. iii (.. -i a: i.l in.i is i."i "".'iln ii iim which can un.1.1..'..imi. i llllliil- Hi anffl j'lelu-ii.l Hrt ki .'vv. toa «!. Iiiiiii- r.-riiiiu ,- ii t< a, tn- and i!iu- make n a .-.I guMie. Tbe language ui lhal ..| i IU) mOU lile.ainl Ihe ol, .1-a i.-;it ||n- i- v rdinarj apprt-ui naive i tu.-luiiiini -iiiini. vYbilothore '|s lil--i.;lly ln. .iui IO tlu- Ii 11 ol [llioti>;lit vv l> . ti iln- )'.,l-le i.p. i.-. iuiI i.n-bio maj irarel in iiiit. i » ml s Diotbing iiL.tinil iiiii'is run i nti-r iln- | || th.- ki ..w le ';... tliey tln- purpoae of bolr . tllil illlii il I'h r. I ,1 llilliloi- lei 'i.mii. ,i-i|iie. imt tln- aligbh iiii\ ...- t>. ni" ii-;i . ..imi. i tin- llible (." I. "i a- t>. n ..1 tin- bable i hriai, "t bj t" ipurpoaa lor whtoh he eaaae Inte |is vv ..I Id. I'l a- I-- tln- iiiip.rl aml ile bia aufferinga aad daath, ot BB ll.llU'.lln "II Vvllllil hll.l). .v¦ i I.. Him. ut as t'. ti... faj t .at un ii an riiiiiib ai,.i ajajaj ti.. I gf*a08, ol" iii. lu llio \ i-'o the iiiiinat. - ui all' r .l< .tlti IU iltlolli ¦(ata "i lo-itv. oi a- I,, ibe CaOi uf U Itui. i. run. .tn.,, of the ,|.-a.l an.l a Uiil jadgBBBBrt, ol ni- i<> tln- i ...nn i.v,..., u.iurt aad eh.ii.u ., i in tii,- i' ... ;.... alBBllnj iu lln- l,le i.. llll- iim Ull.e ol Uod, UlM duc- Un-..I* illist. tho 'I'.eliiiH' ,,t aj \ | ..ii ti..- do-otnae "i iiutt alihe lo <."ii ii'l ri iti mii tho .Im iiino oi ilea U ail tlu-M- |XJ|IH« iu. niu.ii- s-, plinii. -', inii v aod i. I'.'Ht.-iiiv un ii iu laa Bibhj thal Iha wajfarlaa l.lll. l'i.: tl li^ -l. Li nl itot i-U lli H -, tl Hilt . ihi-ii- bOi-W-'iiia iu \Uv'i itiiii" xvitith wa oaaaot aaaaai-af laa, a ptontj i.f tiii-tn; aiul thara an bbji ii-- ararywharaeaea x*hi.ii %*.¦ oaa .aotaxplaia. wimt ahall x*r <i.» xxitii tiiiM- niv-ti-iii -.' Do ootbing xvuii tlu in; lat tlitni alona: tlu ii"t trv tO**X- piaia tlii'tn: aad n.'xrr for_..'i tha tbinga beloog t.> tba t_ord oaf ti," an.l a ra aaver intatndi <\ for ba* iinui a<xi>iiaaatkm. Baliava taa Bibia wben lt raaaaloa nayatary ioat bb nn- cii. itlv aa >t.u 1"-l.a \.- ii whao ii |it"- acribea thaeimplael .imx. Balievethe NlVsl'TV US MH'll. ;n,,| |,.t |t Mt.lf'.l .'l~ -M*ii Qod i- jual i" _;.'.'.! autbortij for i uiii- wa< tafuiiv ataaarataad. Oureepacltr to iiii tbat i- i"\.:ii.-.i, la not tba .-.'ii'liti"ii of acoeptlng as troa wlial ia r.-v. ala>.l. Tli"i>-i- a Nt'lis" in N Iiu li \m- iln imi uiiil.rMiiiiil aaytblUg, "M-i Aal which, baoaaaa famillar, tha llmpleel; atiil vi.- benoe nt'fil imt ln- urpii-i-.l toflod iiix -ti-i i"s tO Ul in tli" U i.i.i of <; "I- Hi" lurpriae xv .uiii ln it ti." fact xvt-rt- otberv word. raadcr, traal lha 1 *«ii»if. In to i> -ni'l cl tii ii comaa witbin the acope of ita teocbing, aa tba Boprema law "f faitb n-ail it as aooh atudy it aa anch; aaek byetudy t" ¦. i.iin ita troa meaning: arbea jron bave found tbal meaaiag, aco pl ll aa uu.-. ao mattt r \> imt ataode oppoeed to it i 1.. li.-V" right 00, aiul l.i'lit-v.i t-.nxti : -,iv to rourea it. as I'.nii sai-i. "I. t Uod I." tru. BUd i'mtv in aii a llar" u I... "nn tradicta bim; lel tbia be tba flxed aad i>.-t m.jti.-iit oonditionof your mla in a w ill i" -t, i" your om ii itlafactlon, and_for tba comforl i ( your beart, ¦olve tbe greal problem "i religion. faitb aml practice. Tbe more you tnisi tbe Bible, tbe more p »wi i il arill ive *.*. uli you. aml th" greater tbe bli teiuge «hit-ii a x\iii imparl t" you. A balf- faitb ia ool tberighl kiml. lt doubtato much to ba a p iwar. .The I ad< pa nd- .-:tt. \ TBINO i.» Bl AVOl ni:i». Ooe "i tbe moal dangrrou ili" ktlddle Agea i" lati r generati tbe liaiui of lookiog into one i aell oon- tinually, an.) carefully lakiug a ni oae i i.iiiui"- aod sioe. Tbere waa a vasi amount of iatroepeclive life intbe Ifiddle Agea,eapeoially among relig-oua -. Hi.uli wasperfectlj normaland natural al tbeir atage ..i tbe develop tnent. but xs im li is in tbe ln_.lii al di gtee it,min and uoatural now. A tfa ini. meditative life la very diffi ret t from ,ni Introepective lifi-. The fact thatooi ia alwaya mouruing over lu~ BIDfl IM t!i" x.-ry |. B) ,-\ JdeOCe tliat "ll" failing tn ilu bia tliity in iJi«¦ world uli mi bim. 'I'in- man wbo ia benl d lha* wm k ..f ll." li. ur « ill DOt l>" un conacioaa i ln^ sina, bul be xviil have rerj little tu_M»to devote t'i tbeir an il. i-. Tbe happieat life ia one which is largely concerned wilh the life "t t.lit- iu w B luat.'- ihnughCf ire iki ii away from bimaelf, and las- tened upon tli" needa and iotereata <'f iim-" aii .ui linn. No man ever got oul ol in- weaknei >ea oi hia aini bj uontin u.iliv thinking about Iheio; tbe only \s ij i.. gi t oul "I ll.iiii is tn vxork out. Nn man ever aaved himaelf hv think- thoughl witboul BCtion i- lulil" and I'lii. ii. A bealthy nature litnl^ :t-t Ii -ii continually calli ¦! upon to put itn us .inimal activitii i that il baa n ry little time and very amall tn .ii tu mi .!..\xn and ^i\" it-'-lf u|i to the int- 111' iuii luxurj ul iin : ovei ita offi ml Cutbolic tella h|s|. Iii thi _;i".-it univerae an inti man ouKbt tn iiml s mi" inni" int. n -t cta ol thoughl thiit hiaphwn ini- i>"ii. .-tii.ti-. They will never be cured by im.- i"I.. .1 at they x. ill only be- come 'ii toit. i- I,' I. al thi m 1"";; enou h toaee a bal tbey are, aod tben l.n.k awaji to tii" xMiik thatcanbelp mui tu overcome tbem. Al bottom ex- ction is alway a dia ¦! 1 iniiii-.ittli.:, a liiurt' s.-li- gitive couficience it betraya a morbid i. mperamenl or a aelfiab indulgence in th" magnifj ing one oa n import aui". The cura for tbia aort of and .piritual iniirmity ia lb« bracingair ol a bealtby. aotive, natural life. Pol your heart into human relatioaa aod your banda t" ^...1 worka. aml you iriildiape] tbeebadowt whicbaurround mui. We were put bare t.. work out -iir aalvation ; no m in ver \ "i thoughl a na. Cbrialian Uokon. ,\ BA8I8 <>l Xliu;Al -. 1 iii-.).t| aneaeare iu searcl inorala; ao raya tbe tlochi Shimbun, a leading journal *'f Tokio. Looal jov> rimi' ui au,! prefirCta have raemorialia .1 -iivt-t nin.-iit. a:al have minded tbe hi^in i autboritiea that tli" edut)ptional i!i"in|iia.- long I. ii perplexed "ii the aame aubject, and baa'found tbat »t sit-rii religion as 11¦«- lui-i- of a eatern moralii \ ia unauited for tbe country. even tiiuuKit \\*t-1*vrm civilizationa be i. \'. t- do not wonder that ipuneee :- idei i thou thi Bod utill- tarianiam too unpractical as ;. guide ol cunducl Cap ibleof expoaitiun in aahoii ook. Iu ibart, tbe Japa h ive come to theramaconcluaion ;is Ariatotle aiul as Ubriatian moraliata . "iu" t". liaiiuly, tbat thero ia no abatracl baaii (ii moi ila, i- b cepting authority and aanapla. Thia concluaion i> t Igl regret tbal the J re decided tbal tli" maximaof Confuciua iauodoobtedlya at. -iii-- than lliil or EIoBbea, "i iinui.. bul Confuciua ui tii" morallat "i a paternal deapotism, and n unapii itual bb a modern Utllitarian or EleV lt i, quite poaaible, bowever, tbat the et "t Bbaatnng may prepare lus couotrymen for tl ir of Slnal, and even for Him wbo apake ;-. man spake '1 be Japaneee art- from ni" Kii gdom of tin.i ;is li aean in an earneatneaa about moral pbiloaophj which rabukea tbe indifferonceof tii" Weal. nt: nv" l< .-I .-ui" thal and intereatlag people are ahall iiml. are knocking and it th opemd unto lham..Tbe Cburcnman. m x\ 1 Hi.iM aia.x. Dr. Li man Abb 'ti ia quotod i ing. " >' naooHal "u. \\ tbeology1 aa tbough it wereaotnetniog n. xv in iiu world to bave a aaw tbeology. tbeology of Paul waa ao new thal ili*- Chriatiaa churcb coukl hardly dare to .laxt- ii prracbed. Tha tbeology oi \\'i--ii_\ waaaonea tbat all tlu;Cburch .iiml broka out in d< iisiv,- langb- i. Now, bowavej goodoi bad tbe ua. i. thal la b xi-iy ui"defeaaaol .'¦¦ Paai'a iin oiogj aawV Tha lilt, death aad rasiir- ti " ol ..> bub Cbi 1.1 bb ;"' 'ompliabed factr were now. Elaa taa "aaa tbeolo¬ gy "aaytbingin tha aaaao aaaaa "nou the world? li -", what i-* it? Ati.'i' tbeae tbe burden ol the ap preacbiog and lettrrawaa juatinoatlon bj faitb, a dootrine aa ol aa kbrabam, ..ii,- i.aii.i r. i iln- faithful." Aod tiii-u Ibe "ih xx '¦' -.. 'i Wi ila x i tlit'olo- | lll.V. ill-. 'Ml \ lu -alv illoii lu al| min, ln^li and lox*, on ilie t uii.iiti. n "i rapentaace iiii faitb, a is tii.: ii. a f mm i u aot f|« ;ik lruin averypage ol ravelation aad i it'K tbro_a_b ali 11*.- agaa wbara tlu- II ut ii haa iiiin Bcriptaralli proolaitnad? \ui \|i< min mal religion, waa tliat aew? waa lt aal aa eaal aa Paul aad Aaal? If Dr. Abaotjl raaaa that Um ii.fiiintie oi Paul aadWealai aera aaa to tbenaoat <-i tbr a^ne*%_taooB lo waoai tii.y praaaaad taaaa, wa aaaaat. Bm arbat tbeu boooaaee ol tbe womlogf a*ad argunwnt? Wlint apoatle or prophel ur |i:,iiMi' .-vi-i- pri-iu h.-ii tin- aaodorai "aaa. lavaloaj t¥b_l aga oi tba Cburchevat aold it? Dr. Abbotl iaa 4jii.ii aad ^iiuii iiiuti. Imt ha- *xuuM l«'i- U'i ii>¦ aoeaaotbei dafcn eoj Ihe "n.-w tbeology."- PiUaaarg Cbilatian Advo- eata. ot i: Hll IM. I KII > P )', .\ d bf tht'suprt'Uiw lu*t Of fi" "i- .hip, nu uutailiug ii'gfii'.i to '.ii>' J-ii.'flt iiii.I 111)1)1. st ilovelopu,.-nt .1 Um "l'i" I ot affaotlon. hoa faitbfnl aad Iroa h our ilit ine frieml Tba vnrie.1 eveiiH flf Otir Ufa ha llaalljia ti> Mil-aerve tbia ii.iiiinoll oiul.- tliiit they all BBJ BB p piag-etooea of prograaa; and, 8 aiag Iha 'inn .inn- <>f htegracioua plaa oooeorn- log u-. ln- iperea no'dlacipliaa, bo pain ^.r irru-f. inu-t l>.- im 'I t'< 1*088 the Houl Hlol 81*8 ll lor-A.II'l. I.ot ll- Uot doubl tlu- loviog pui|i"-e of tbia u nd I lii'-tuls. lior w.arv i'f his traloiog, in tn glacl t" mim tbe tohene ol bH preaence bj ihaafay. Hia earthiy aaea aanger 11 ia wbo rsoaoea vvith bajp*rao< st-iit atraauTftta aad coaaforl f"r our time oi need. Aml aloag tlie itraltaned path vve tre.ul. no oilier than mir I-¦ r-1 himaelf ia leading aa, t'> briog ua to uigher groaod beyond. '.vh.-ie we *-li*i11 -oi- iiiii re eharly BBd koOW iii'.r.- 1*818 Iv. and through Ihe Baorifloa and atrug* glaof Uie pi-1- ahall aopreheiMJ aml ahare bia peace.- Sunday Bcbool Tlioi I lli: I'.ll'.l ! I III. 8) ilKIt Ol l.lll). Wewantto aand tbrouch Ibalengtb and breadth of the world tbe HcJy s tripturea, tbal the c taaoii noi - <¦! men :,ia\i- tbem, iimi tiii«l lluy are a aaving word t'» tbeit wnartonrea aod .-.ul-. Tho II,ilv Bciiptnree are f..r avery claaa oi ibiakera oalling tbem- m Iv. s t'hii.-tiuiis; Ihey are llle'.- appeal, tbe flnal law. Wben Atbaoa .1111 is vindicating againal Ariue, Ihe Diviue character of oui L ird, it ia mt ble that ba doee not apraal t" tbe tra- .,1 the like; be appe .is texl l>y t'\t. to tbe bleesed Word ol Uod. When Tbomaa Aquinaa, ln tbe d ^ Ol a gn at D< '.v im raiiiie. tlu."l M- viving, baa '.<) grappte with tbe mighty taak of putting In iti- proper plaoe thal new llterature, .11 appt als oonatantly to Um fioal -. word, tii" 1 lf* ina Booke. Ha aa clearly acb oa ledgi r£Holy Wi it us tbe authoi v aa ani »ne ol ui prai enl ia in thia ball could do. Bo. mj frienda, wiioii we corne down to tba preeent ..,, n i- are <>i>!i-«¦<i to admil that, ii iodeed it abould evei happen.which 1 know it will not.lhal criticiam ahould undermine tha authorith of tha Word ol Uod. 't leavaa oa notbing bebind; we ate II" llew I'.'l.le. 11 vv o t-.iUllnt tru t i" tini. wecan trual to notbing . -m 11 imiisi go. There la oo otber ulti- mate autbority. Howevei wemayen- di bvi i t. inti rprat ai d ¦ we tte tba W'.'iil ol Bsripture with otber teacbing. ull acknoa ledife tbal tbe Word ol <;od .. tii Chti-t aod hia nature; that tt notbing to Intorpret it practically in all tbe greal outlinx i oi the Chrhv- tiau litb; iiiat it bringa oa Chriat. We all acknoa ledge it. Now [bave i" direct your attention for a mornent or two to tbe reaaona «.i acknoa ledging h. One tbing, I tbn k, i- quite clear. U ia m>i bt cauae we have all aal down aod examioed il ci ttically by chapter and n rae, aa t" tbe timo wben one or the otber book waa written, wbo waa tba autbor of it, and tbe like. lt ia notbing ol lhal tbal makea lbe Bible our autbority*, foi tbia aimple reaaon, that a great manj of us are incapable .¦! ttii- inveatigation "t circumatancea. And I iay. furthi r, thal it ia impoaeible i" make tbat oi ncluaivcly for manj of oa, how '.v.i we iu i\ puram tbe Now 1 inu-t make tbal >-">i"i !". ;> m tucnt. Vt. bave before .1-. we will aaj in tbe N- w 'i'i -iiiin nt, a large c >il tion ol H une j eai . .. many, U was ;. mu. lllie. al liy t-i-ti-iai writl and 1 i.uik- 1 -s tbal tbi bo ika -.. 1. written (ar lal.r than ttt bad -upp'-i.l. and on-. .|ii< ntlv lhat the*j w. i. wtitten bj otbel autbon ihatn we bad m tbal tbej n grown up, and been altered, snd been ni- n.i. .1. n n.i a on, in I'l aomewbi re i" wnrda the cloae of tbe aeoondc ntury vv,- inu-t li "i. iu tbem. or the moal "t tbem, as a eollected wbole. Now mark h b 11 bai ikon pl ice. li rerj re markable in every point ol vtew. Tbe n al, ii"i alw :r. t iio obj ¦ writera waa tbat leave room foi lbe growth ol tbi natural, tbat they mighl bi \- room m v. bich to or< il mt tlm, or ;: iheorj "i Kitii.uaii-iu. for all the ato* the New Teetamei I They want- ,-,1 tbat room, and ihi n fore ii waa aay to gain Uie neci rj apaoe by coruing to the convkjtion tii 11 ll waa to- vtarda tbe cloae of the 1 ntury the bun ii- c tme iui But crilicitm baa been g iog on in Ihis countrj aad th late Bal .| >.i 1 t tl 11 min .mr critica. Whal ba takiog i,i.i-i- nol only ln tbi c motry, bul elro- ,v 1,, re, baa een a gr idu tl u intu tbo ii--t centurj ¦¦' 11 wa- tbougbl '"ai it bave ". ritten till the lattei part ol lbe oentury. Kow vv.- may take courage aa to themere reaultaul crlti- od to a , i" 1 ctem v..- 1. iv .1.- criticiam. I would nol in. 1 would p uiou not to ully et all tbal baa been .1 iu< . euligl tiam of thi But it d ifilj weaken nr faith in 1 i.n ntrary. li foi v. bal w ., !. li-vc-i, lhat tu receit ins the hiatory of I Im-t, .11 11 ath and R mii 1,. o, n all II us ol the powi r "t ibal Death and Reauirection, we foel tbat we are -ui atrungi r ground; tbat tln biatoi -i ot 1- tt, r 11 :iu anj .:,tinal ioit: and tha maj .11 Bibh a ith -1 belh t ing eyeand min 1. and love u and trual it, and live upon ii. The '.'¦'. ol the i.ut;« r latnal vve fn m .,1 1 v ..vv ii gio from thooentre and g oul vv ai da, while cril iciem from tbe periphery aod worka inwarda witb tba bope aometimea ol iii troyint the centre roying the can- tro: tbat is t" raj. deatroying the iu| ei natural. itiaof no uae blinkiog the iiK'tti-r. Will v«'ij bave a rellgion in w bi< b natural ia rec ignized, or a taligion witbout tba kuperoatutal? [bavealwayabeen vm-y maoh atiuck aomeinlng nttered by l'l.-har.l i; great, 0 rm m acbolar bim* -.,tha ' ootions wbioh cirouiatad around bim. II iacd I -'. worda "l do nol at e how tbere oan ba a rerehUion witboul itural. For whal M n t ih". V ll ts ihe tdicv ul tbe t-iiiK'niii- tnrali What is rninohyy It la tha workingoi iheaupersalural. A religion boaid i"'ii Div 11 e rav ekatioi Bl it-- illfitiilv Bl t" lu.te neither proheoy B 11 miraole, would ba ¦ religion almoat io**toaaible toooooeiva. iln-sui'.riiaturui. iiieii. inu-t alwaya Lo. And when we turn toCnriat Him¬ aelf, tbe centre nnd 0 iraof eur religion. u ia nol criticiam tbat mual uit" us tba evidenoe tnal ara want about Him. Ii is un- Chrut Qiraaell whomuatgive n. .-..I-, aa ii" walked on tba ahorea <d Qalibje, as aurely ia whan Be ipok to man,and by His .spt-uii eoti* rioced tbem and made tbem love llnn, BO Mir. iv tv ill Ile im a 1. . wiiu walh kkoul In thi.-v btiaTj oigeteanth ceatury, aod lead 10, and win ,is, an.l gOVOTB iaii . inn-ieui-ea if we giva oauaarlaaa to Him. I balB ra tlu- New Ttfilannit and tha Ou). 1 ii.-ii. v. tha Bibhj bacaaiM "i lim-i liitn- nt*lf. Maj l read .1 MBlaooa or two lhal I ttiole fuiue timi aaaBJwV "I-*- I- 1.1 088, I BBbJ "li-ite o nu.- il.vv n t ua froa ;iiur, imt on tbe Bta**808*th »'f Iha baatoaioal argumanl tlkal they a/ara indaad wbattbvy ware aupnoaad t iha, ii>.t "ii nu intvtir.i in roa h> which tbaj tn -1 abowed aa Ctarial aad thaa bad u* captivea lo Cbr*a*ri. Ravat iuan apoke like this Mai¦; MVtr B l"te lite Bia l.iite: ii.-tei" atJOh -i llle Bf(8l 88881 881 lilllll Ii-.liill-. N-1*801 ill'l Un illtiltll id ¦Miet. luti-t diil the itis'.:ii-.-t of li.-iu- uatagtoa sucli u Being *uli m.i ii u isd im i ti iii» lijis. aracb k»*8 iu Ittaj lu'Uit.auch a cliatiutei. n biluuced and Qomplotf. vtitu olaiaai bo um- tjn-ai.-a rtinJ wi I'.'fl) i joioatl tu ftv )<ro* f.iii '1 liiiiuility aml >u virat a kimlneH*. t,,*. arda iin- i\aa. Tlu- Bibi" oon.iu. ih u-ttaifhri«t. Btnl ao coaviaoea aa Tberafora, wbaa ara giaace from tli.- N.-w Teetaaaeal ao Maa <>i.i wobavotboriafatto ooaaaMar,aad well <-uit-iii.-r. aii Chriet Myaabool tbe <>|.| Tisc.iii. ni <»iir I.ur.l iiiin.'. ao lo apaak, from tbo boaom of tboJaa ib rrligloo, and att'>t*<l l»y H»' J«-'w»i» propbooiea, aad He la Ili-* tnm ato* nooaoad upon Unil reiigtoa ;it"l its ln tory. Our Lord att. -t.-.i the <>i*J Taal in i.i. anil \w iniiut aad musi not Oiruxi. aakfetbal whieh Heattaanaa th- oat aaaailiag Iii-. poaitioaj as f.o.l.. Arclibi.-liup of York. I II i. i> x X III lil s | ,.- I...-.--i'v "f a irt-nt-ral wcekly holidaj -.-"ii.- i'"i a* to baae inan falfc, maohleaato bavobeoa reeogniaed by law,orb] oae ol ttaoae eaatoaae ha«Hi ..ii :tii iii-iin. iix. s- ii-. ol I'liiivcnia mv w'lii-li Hi" so iniicii atrongor tbaa all lawa. 'i ii" fact, m a a bata aaid, ia aa rxoeediagly cuiiooa oaa, aaaeh more .uiiuus ili'in tin- praaent teadencyto niiik" Stiml.iy h jK'r.-iuptoi ily clusi- day. lt i«poeeible tbal tbe doaalaioooa* aot* diera bad aonaethiog to do xviih tba mattt r. -..Mn r-" l.aluts ln COfnlog Bxi 'I iu war-tima, aad war recognlaiog tu> bolidaj; aad poapibla, t" <. tbal tlie oae univeraal wora being agnoultaro, tbe of peaaaotB greatly laflac tbeir rula-is. With allcoltivatora,work, being regulated bj tlu -. »ne, m necee- s-mly li.-!"" ur int.-riiiitli'iit in patchl -. imi tbe Inatlnctive dealre ia foi >ng bolldaya io Black timea, aa, for exam p| Jual before barveat. rathet tbaa for i,t Intervala of li laura, Even iiiixv. aad in ESogland, tl" ion of laboreri rxcuara bayanakfa Sunday, aad if tbe maj ait? owned tb< -tnl. we Ihould -".' I.l.'tity Of Siillilax labor in the Belde. lae greal oaa tbe iivui-iiiiit" ol regalar bolldaya waa, bowevar, we are nearlj oouvinced, ibor, anl tli" tia.litir.naty babltl ot tbougbt aml iictiuii wbicb ilave labor encooraged. 'I"1'" whoks body "f tin free were determined ibatalavee ahould work witboul pauaa -tbat i* tii" onlj ,,, - i,i,, .-v|ii.«ii.iti"ii oi th" aecurity qi locia i\ it'.i againat dave rie Inga.and would tolerate no plan ->i I,.,, alll| qo ri "iai " latCBBM Wbicb -"ii interf. n 'i witb tbat. \x ili ti." in.. ni moveaaeat in favor of Bunday aa a day ol aaal be nerelj .paamodtc, or ia it likoly t" laat? We iim,k it iiktiv to laat It baa la Ita tbe appioval of aii tbe cburchae, wbicb, tbougfa ofti n ean i"-* about Ui" for long !'¦ rfoda "i nui.'. bave .¦i-rt-tii-' '1 to urge ii"- !».'" hclal .-f- obej ing t ii*- Chriatian tradition, an_ in tai ir own loweel aa well aa bigh- t si intereats, ean n rar ceaae to uik1' lt. No prieotbnod ean poaaibly wlah eitba r tbat tbe atornal ordiaaaoee of timir iitii ibould be nealeotod.'orthat men i minde abould be materialiaed until tbej i-¦ 'im- ;.s imiitr i.-i.i a- tii" i,iuii-. Tbe philanthropic man "i -. it'iH.". too, xshu wii! bave much more iu Bay in ili" world than tbey bave bad, n nl all i." un tlu- -inu'- siii". Boaae wlah inu to Improve bygiena, xx bich n quirea l. ii .|, ,,| reat lur Iiuiii xxuiki ;-. iiii.l -..ui" to v* in innii t"il :i nui" for wtb and cultivation whksb iltail D,,i I..- rendered wortbleaa bj .1 t itigue. Aod, Baaliy, Un w obtaining the rote, ar.- becoming cooacioui "t tlnir obj d Inu r t-.-i. aii.i even i" plaoi ¦ wbi re i,lir. ... ti j ive t] ii" againat re ligj .ti ii vi iy "ini mi- -' ita ol iinii'i. wiuch baa made ita appearance al Inter .il througb buropean hiatory, mixing itaell up, >r inatance, xmlt ihe the Albigei -1, witb lha biatorj "i wltcbcraft, xvitli t.»«. Uuguanoi movi ment. and even x. itb oui own "i ollardrj.' add wha h baa imi been bail ut carefully Uudied aa ll i.-. Thi- hand-workera ol Bn ill not give up tl." Bonday im> more x\ b. n once tbi) bave fairly got it, nor auffer _»». lawa lo ii" rei withoul x'.liu'li tbo -ii pi um cannot Ij" made anfficiontly uDtvenal. Ratber tbey will make Un- weeklj reat, if anytbing, .i little too lt.nk'. Tbe movement for doubling lt baa begun alre uly, Bnglaud baa aatumed marki .1 prop ir- i,,.,;-. .--|!x aa regarda bil labor. The people have contracted a habit ol uuntiug, nol ihe d iye ol toil Ina wei k, imt ti..- boura, and t atriking every it.-li i,mn- they t_.«in from the B-tur- tiut. As tnev leain to u ..ui" i' ti' i. ii ".. '¦'-1 b '''""' !""n''"'" patienl ol getting thi ir leiaure in little fractiona, and will Incline, u- they do slieady, toward claiming entii .,, wbicb tbej will Ij- maetera of their own ti'.i". lea a 111 atrike matny employeri ravagant, but il one xvhicli tlns writei .u li aat vi rj itrongly that befi i" anothei generati mbaariai n cootrol oi afl ilra, ti." arorkmi n .. ity a new uinbrou and more tban rteam, xmii imxt .nui. .1 iluir pri -.nt ideal, tbe eight- dat into .1 nine-houra daj, laal ni B A. M. to 5 P. M.. and will bave -t.-uu in every weektwoSab batical 'iix.-. Ibe Bituiday and H ii,:U reema a lar ". d< duction from la- bat n ience ia ddiag to man i rorce; the Baturday ia already bul ¦ brok. n day, and the dimioutton oi drinking aa tbe n»<>-1 waateful ol all it.ttiit-, \xiii reetoru tonearly half tbe familiee in tbe klngdom al lea»fi tbrea iiuuri, a xviak of extra capacitj forworl ,, will I no loaa .-! lima, aa the eaaj adoption of tli" balf holiday abua- iiaiitiy provea,wbllatbi tollaraof tbe world will gain at laal tnai command nf leiaure. witboat a%icb,aa tha greal llebrew-Egypiian would Beamtobave foreaeen, tbere ean be no foll oppor> t'Hiitv eitbei of mental or »pirttual ad- PeopJe ¦ IH ',:iV>'ll that Moaea wa b t "ln parod11 la anj but wbere <ii»l be get tliat notion i Iqg np ii levenih of a natioo i time for labor la order to aeenre to ita litm' fur worahip and tliuutflit Waa il gi nerated in bia mind ¦olaly bj \ u.x foi ihe overwi rkol bia i" ople, «ii>'" onat .,-mil which ia like Iroa.aad undera sky tbal st- ol braaa, tbay beapad up tbeaoaaaive brickwork which baaaur- ,is ,i Pbaroab,buthaanotaurvived tba ¦btvai to whotn be aroold |tae ao reatP- Loadi n Bpi"titor. Ml Nia.ll I IN III. IX IA. Nt.itiuiit siii.ii i." 1" haaveoj ao pUMruu aliMini Hhall ti'm tl. it ..!-.iii'iis lno ''. I'"': s Mliill lall Itl -i il" Bl " ir l-HMHI llt.W. l- , Tlmt tluli Ir.iKiiiit' tlirni-ii"' tii.l \i> niytit -liill I." ui li.av.ti,i.i IO HV -ii. ih,-.-,- .->"s ihi ai'i" II-'ii iiKiiiriilt.l vlgU h."|', llnsi- ti.imi.niih tlri.-.l, llt.-ir t.arsiill Hlpefl ti.*-> ¦ ... onaia_»ii 'i ua "tfiiiiii aay. \.. n'uiit siniii ba mil. ...a; iii's-in-'- \., -, ,-t,-t anguiali, ii" ""il" i" ii |"H". MohiiiM-rinu inni*. uo burnloB i.-.t-r ili.-n- iwl 1.1 ii. -r-m S-, ni4lit hliiiil l>" ln in-iiveli. Iiin "iiill M ti"rn Nu fitsl il, 111.uiii -nn, ii" WHitin.! imh>ii; ilut l".r. UM l.'itil' slmll \ li-lil |.t-rjH t.iul ll.-itl m 11,.,-:.,-.- -ffii and watera evaw angai .Nu iiuiii sliall ba ni li"ix"ii; ii.>.l..rk»-ii"it i-i ."I. No ii. tl i.t ii< ttii. i'"i sii.-ni'' im Ui" toinlt; - ... ii.kit witb I.'X" iiii.l iruli. Muaii in ii- tn.- iiuiii.- xviiu _*u launortal JlUltll. >.. n-Kl.t ^lnlll I." ln li.-i.v. h; liut lllulit Is". i ba iii.-iii "I w»m»_ itii'i Hi" ui-iii "i; nnnu-,i Un- nu tlmt aow mv _i,-|i«titii.-ii'. Aml aal.r.iik ft<.itt th. rl tli.H BBB| T.'. t-.. peuiL \t. nl.'lil »! Hl. N ln liaaivni h. Iiitil I faitb '.t iu st'lt il ll dtit illll X. ilti"-»>:ilt|i, iim ...Uli xv a 1,1 inak" Hi.B-J iilil, -ii' I'lt.ii- fii » Ilu AuJ !<-i.ii nl-li- liaiiiWlorth i a-aiilif.ii 1110. -aHulrcivd. i LlTERARY LEAVES. "//. ||i I Ihr 8888888 BBBl 8T8 hr (/ iii ,i V«,l; h> h'l'h nol nl, /.')<¦ /. -" '" /.'//'. -i ,t ilnink ink; htt tn', II, <l ii ifJ i, !>!¦ ii- ,..,.,/, ,/..,'.. li/'.- dutltrpmrl*.'. l ¦- II'" . llaat'tW rrni'mlfi'l IIki.i II' 1. - ' lllisilll. A I'liitntr ii tt. tt'hlto rOBBBaiBBB IJ f, v n.i tneekll <11-»|>1:»\ ing ishi"tn ,i petala frasUa and .- ttd. While l.iiielniisaro Orliut vv in ro aldei iviii.!- "ii tln- WBVI I he lllies ||ii[,,ii|. -. metadowa tln- brfcrl I'rlit cbi illetath.-vvhii. st. |k)« n mltesl an.l si it -iiininoi v ple tr.-e f.v Inkll -. lli e all -III [ta blcaaaima lli il llutter like whlto hlltt. ih.- orvsiai i.i.H.k Ruabea, iii.- ll-.w. r li ihe tralllai arbatua |s pinK nn the alope ; ih. v.illi-v That K l.'il le-ellll.'e. \ ra aunnj and fraarant ttilh klsse- "1 h"|-e, i iii, boora * ni -' m- roaleat, art* in-t, ...l.l-v. sini. .1 an.l mao. llll ,ts -vvaua "ii a sir. Min un: s"iiis i,o. |. repeatinu, . iih viiieref. re ao floi iim.', Like i.i.-. ¦ ari¦ "iilv I 88 'il V" -i:.K..Miuiklitri.k.ln Ymiih'si ..iiipauniu. 81 t i.i:. The lollowing opiuioBeof diaiinguiah .1 u rftera of the prreaent day expn aa .1 in lettera to the autbor of tha raoentlj pabliabed bnak on the an of auth aabia will b f"un inti ii atiog. Mi. llall C 'ine thinks lhat witboul ¦ oalural earfor ii11"1' nfoae no writei "w ill v. do gri at tbinga.' lie him- aelf look lor .lt hi Broughurai and Carlyle, a eouraa by bo meana to be re 00 nmended ;t<> the lyro, aad wbich woul I doobtk bave apoiled Mr. - mv la bad be been ln the h aal influenoeahi thoae ibockingexamplea l'i, i, llu.tlev aaya' "I bave Bevei bad the fortune,for goodot evll, to ra ceive ao] guidance or inatruction io ih,- ui oi IJogliab eompoaition. lt ia iv for ih-it reaaon 1 have alwayi mu m .1 a ii< .tt aar t" thec ammon advioa iv good mndela,' lo 'give r< ur lav- and nigbta tn the atudjp ol Addi ¦ii. and ao oo. Huif m aaid that a man'a rtj l< ia hia r< > aelf, aad ia my judgment it oughl to I Profi rtaor i! teckel writee: "Sinca you ara Bpeciall* iotereatad In my atyle .i(.nl vv i-h tu kttOW what 1 u-, in my iiteiaiy eompoaition. 1 can only that an itihoin l8J.ll Bt l.iv..r- me iv. and that from early youth on 1 bave wished t.i give my tbougbta a clear and pr> cbx n. Bp cial v . .Im-ill Ul l have bad lU'iie. in il I,. itOWl .1 .i-i i ii"' "U :ii t i-t ii compoeition.1 Pi f< ator Tyndall, in a from bia favoritc Alne, "Emeraon baa --ni i" "io "i ln-1 I, tin r.- io im thoda in mathematics ., an- incommunk ible, aml it cer* ti.Hilv would tn- a ihiii. uii. it not an impoasible. laah t"r me t.. t. :i you bow bad ih-' atyle of which y«>u are kiod enough t" bim ak io favorably. To iliiiik clearly ia the firsl requiaite. Mv .nu i- i.. expreaa clearly in »ru- iuk 'v bal l tbink." ..; ,p ,1 .n.i l'i:--, ii I. .well is "lie-iiin.i t.. ihink tbal i man'a atyle i- boni with bim, and tbal a atyle nto- leii.ii uponanothcr'aiaaptto be none .il 80(80.' i: iiniiml Clarence Btadman njr. i atn the ll)"H nnpi'BBed lln: long(M I rv.. with tn. i..i.i Buffon'a aaying. 'i'. ., the al v le Indet d the man,1" .1 u i.i ii I! * iln-i '.'. Bl ''dbrpoaed to tbii k that literarj atyle ii largi ly b matter "i innate aplitude. and i- foa ,. ,| ., niuc by tbe rtudy of good authora as by pi raonal efl irta." Bpeaking <¦! metboda of ccmp tbe lai" Bobert Browning ¦iiin ,i name anj one autbor win. \- cluaivelj infiueuce me in tbat reapect .as to the h tt al expreeaion ol tboughl but thought n-"lt ha.i manj impul- siuiin from vali.ui- BOOI Wiiiiam M'iriis. Boet and i rcialiat, -.-ml- a obaracteriatic letter in whii h b< t the young men for wboae be- beae rtewa won- coilected) "It l were adviaing tbem, I ibould adviae tbem t-> lo.ii 'i .a ¦ aa posstble tbe aad i id tbat tbi y areelavea, wneiBver tbeir poaition maj bo, ao that they migbtturn tbe whole I theirenergiea toward >vin- niiijj; in. dom, ii notf ¦. thamaalvea, ret for tbe cblldran they will beget. .lei- iucb coudition - art and llterature ,i. ti | worth i "ii ridaration. a v.-ry aound Btatament ia lhat ol or Jobn Btuart Blackie, who .. i iu vor made any ipecial f ityle, and whatover vlrtue l :. ive iii tbia in ty graw ap aa. mj mindgrew BBOonacioualjr. Btyleaeerna -., ,i,i,. mi oa thr.o tbinga. 11) a mental* and character; (8) ¦ familiar I uith the t" -t autbora; (8) dexb ritj in' the ii- "i vv.nis. acquired bj oon- ,-iant tn totk . B. vv,- tauat learn i" ipeak by apeaking, aa are laarn ;,' rj walking, oi to dancr .1,. iug, Tbe main thiog ln writingiato bave diatinct and claai and wall.maiaballedideaa,and thento expreaa l taoa aimply and withoutaffec- tatioo. Tbia fornt* whal we aaay call lli- l...ue.-of OgOod ft>l". Tlnn vou iiiioi atud) to givooolor by apt Im and waraath by natural pa-aiion and arw -'in -.. Iha mualc ol worda aml a matter di um tln- , ar.' And he concludee: "Butitia difhoultto glve advtce ln rucb u rtjattar. Bvery man unisi h ive bia "v\ti atyle, u ba baa hia oa a faoe aml bia own fe^tuwa.*1 li t i.i: t it i:i in 1- i v. jfbrtj ii it - ago tl" m » L'ut °*a printiog'offlce in Od ii-s.-ni -.beiearethirty-ttvaauobea atJuaTatnta iheie. tWeUtJ i ! w lihit B81 *8fl 0888J *M during tno laal bra y ln thia rejsrd tba citj on tha Blaci ra aimoal equala tbe capital "t the E»i| iro, for u baa a printiBgH ffloa fur avi i-1 000 of ita ii.h iiiiia-it-.u ini.-st. t'et. raburg ha-- .me for every 8,000, Hara.alao, ihe .iitist DO taken iui" .-'ii si.leratl.iti. that the graal ¦.> ol utapi rktJ reaidaoca turnaout priated matter for tha wbole Bmpire, wbila OJaaam wotfel "iily for it- ,i,-uiii BBd aurroundinga. Bhe | ro ,im- ¦ al prea ut 10 pei ci nt. of all the booka iml 1'jini.hlet.s priniid m tha Ivupire. .Next to Cldtaaa. the city Ol Ka/au niog a centre of publioation. Aj> oordiBg to the rap Hrii of tba Ce«aori buieau tiiitiy It.H.ks uio pi n tt'l in nlher pro vi niai i-.vttis, stnii as Kiev. Kliur- k.,v. VorO» zh, lCya/in, i;kat.-i iiuatlaf. 1't-rm uml I'lti.r-. B8ai even iu BB8jfa .niall placea a* Vv-lnk. Ilillierto M. ¦ivv In-lil tha moni.-'oly of "clieap e.h- tiLiis' of v»..rk-i ratad by Iha ma-ef. nl pri.-.-nl I1.-' tu..tu ;al prerrt tien ttilh bar bri thopriBtiag and tttagof BOfaj. i.u worka. lo "' pohlicniion of liooki addteaaTfl 10 B !ii>-lier order of IBteUlgenc- the pr-da-f tbe large pro* riocial dtiea alaaoai BaraifBedai that of tbe twoeapitaki al t'1" topiro. r,ii>.lical put'li. attoaa liave eorre- s-|to:.iliUKly lucreii-til. Aluio-it evety city of iinportaii.e hia it* 'lai'y or wee!»ly j 'iiruat. Some P8JBBH of lbe kargar Btwv*lhoh>J toarna awnilacom- wilh the letialliuua" Of tha in ti..;. iln, iu nize aml iu thj natur,; af then- o n'eiu-. only i»:i|h.'*' M nfunrm in nt, but avan iu;ioilica.l pu»i' iicatioua ou Bg'iouUurV uohooloa*. m«olc»o«, juiiupmdfwovi h«w «*Wi »i>ecial branrhes a)f learning are pub. Iislia.l in th" large citie*. Tofc'.'itifr with thedevelopmeut of tli" aetivity of tliu prei*H. a ilenonun,at'on of nrocaamoaal lit«*rati naadeielopad M. ¦ who are living on the produotioniiof poaa ara <|uite freejaaatly tn.-t xt ith in (i l.'tiii. but there are sin.'h jut- sonfi in oaher atovfaaafal olttra, aaoa »¦* Ki.'v. Kaaaa, Niratov. Khaikov. Til'is and aitln-r plai-f*. Iu Oileasa aml 111 EtaratOV tbe lit.rati have forma.lnm- tunl ixui'tit ¦oaaatlce like tii. are iiax" in Bt. PaUwbarg aaal Haaoaw: Bad iaotiaar o*ilea»too. e ob ohroaai ..f iit.-iarv min ara being faeaaed. If xv" take int" ciiisi.itf.iti.iii thal la tho proviocial towaaao work _.¦"* to preaa witboul i»-.o^ pearlaaaly ravloed an.l approved hv laa oaaaor, aad tbal iii.iny titi.s of iini.urt.iii.'i' luivo not .¦v.'ii a c.'tisor'ia btira-au Of tln-ir own. iimi araeaaapelled to tarad their priat- iag iiintt. r for rexisjuii toanother pkMBa, tho il.-xt lopmi'tit of tlie literary BO- tiviiy in tha> proviaooa, racb as it in, aaay bo regarded aa a caiearfal si»tn of tbe tloie aad of tlm latelkctoal pro- zrv-m tit Uiis.-iii. .Litarary Beview, «\s f.x i;ai\ a.l M i;a»l - . Ceataialf aaa, [a bia raath be mni moro nioni'y iliati be o.ij;ht. bat in Bttl t reara be waa avartclouu. i.yi.niaiwi.x - paraded bia geaoroaity Bbaliay alaraya gave in aacret. Hy t >ti ooafaaeed (aad 1 ha.l only -."tno a yoar. whilo lt" bad 01 that Iie xvas la my tiebt, aiul tiiiit im um-t stttlo But l alaraya inrm.l iti'tf. HoooofBaaed il>al li«- fa -t.ii! tl i'm out of oneyear's la*90_OO. Bhelley bad Cl.OOO t. yaar, aad gave away £500 evert yaar, ()f Mary Bbefleyi aaeatal facultiee, Tralaway apoka tbaa: "Her miad \x ia notbiag partioular. Bhawaa aotwor- thy t.r Bhelloy. Bar fathar taughi bei h ki'o.I tlf.'il an.l Bhelloy Ibe ri-t." I sai,| that tlu- "Siit'llv Memonals." a book t'lif.i by Lady Bbally, gave tba world*a*ar] bighoptalonof barebar* acter. 'in in>-'. Trebtwoy roee from his ch.ur aml made ;i .jiiuk nmxc ment toward nae. lle rtopped audden- Iv. an.l in a HtVBge tone exclaimed: -They ara all lalaa." I waited for i aaa fnrther exptaaaUoa, inr I .liil not un- derataod bia moanlng. Al ia*t be aald: "The lettera publiehed ia tboaa»_ie-Boii . ar,- bera Mary Bhelloy]; the rest of iim h.'..k is all tii'tiuii." A well-kaown _*ngl*eh aaUu n ¦ waa at thai iim.' trying t«> iiml ;i poblbher for a book wbicb sh" ha.i compiledon Byroo. Trelaway aald: *. toidme aboul it. He aaaurae oae u i* karutleaa, tbatil will do Byroo ao Inrm \xh:.t- Bver." l aaked him whethor the writer poa- -. --"I anv autbentio doouaaaata. "Vis, BOt-te. I'.nt none of aay nu- portanco. .beggad aaa t" aaa bar, bat I r.'fiis."!. She shall not puta IcH ol liee ni ber book aad *ay I told Iheai." Bpeakiagol Byroaa portraltehaeold "Tbi re it* but one good likeneaa <>f Hv- ron, and tbal ta the work of Thorwald- Baa. a statii" ahould, wbdb p-.r-iuii-. tnble th" original that it la areoted Byron'a aiater. ha» wife, Hobbouae. Kinnaird. Haroeaa aad myaelf all coa- ikleredtbe boel by Thorwaidaan was thebtal in exiateece of Byroa. Tha- portraita bj PbUlipe and othera were ual k" him. b.'tli ln draw lag ii... rxpreeaioa. Byroa bima s.if tboucbi tbey ware oarica- luree. Tne miiiiiiiura' by Holmoa (luu foohaveol mineh_.e_it*.rtboogbi rery like, bul abe conaJderad thal no irtiet of lus titae eookJ dojuatice to bia expreaaive face. I waa witb Ladj lUrmi wben ih" atatuoby Tboi waldaea i ,- ii.|>' Lady Byroa'aoold mv wanaed at tbo si-ia of it lat- petuoaity K"' tba better of bajr foi im-". aaabe exok-lm. d: kHow like im dear Byroa only nol bail beautiful eoough for bba.' -tba laelgh ould in.,1 imt onofaull in n tav lobe of tl." ,,.r ,!i,i n-'t li" cloaa eaoagh to tlie iu-i-k.' Temple Hir. i.iti:i:.\kv aociariaa. ln manj of .mr t"x\ aa there are ciationa, more or laaa inforual, for tbe parpoee of litorary Improvanaeat, in n im h young pereoaa aad older i>- uf the two m M-' meet to oompare aotea ,,u lome braneh ol lettera wbiob tbey have agreed to proeecute. Buch meet- iiiKs, it luepired by ¦ tdncere deeire to advaoce in knou ledge aad tast.-. ran h" alike prolitable and agreeable in,.y ibould be free from vanity, affeo tation, and pedautry. Mo vain glorioua ilfsire iu exploil ona'i attainraenta ibould eator into in b -" iata i Tbe lempor and manner ol Bclontihc i ationa mav be o .pied. Tbe moat emi ,,,.,-t Kientiata coi fi t with modeatyand .sui, ..its. n..i gotiam aad aavy. Tbey ara almoat childlike iu tbalr de meanor wben tbey meol lo aaoi rtain what now trutb baa beea rurmieed ..r old bypotheeW con__rmed. Tli*- donaain of more Hterary taata i- not quite so lure aad ao xm ll defiued, and tbere needa to be care leaa roaent- .,.', |. i,. provoki .1 '>r folblea wouodi d. l,i th.- t-arli. r itagM of tbeaeaooietiee kno*wledge aaay be tbe obiafaim. and afterw trd critical dlecuaalon \\ ill b Ifl ..riler. Tbey aboald be deaaocratic. No autoerat is wantard al tbeto. Witb i al and fair capaoity, and aa lafaeioo ol magnanimity toward one aaotbar, than ,-.. aot well li'li' being mucb gain,and they ougbl alao to i.i"in"t.- frieed ha-'-'l upoa kii.'U.'ii taatee and reeting oo i.-i'.'iu- '.'l"':'':u" oalyaoxillarj iu ivate readfag .ni'l n Bectioa, but tbej ougbl to L." itaefal aadcaa ia' madaao by thoaa who w ill -ink pride and-nod- eaty and ewaeetly atrive for Lntellec- fial ipoila, big or little. Thay ar" atepa iiitheri-iiUlirectiou.-Pill.sbiir^Chron- iole-Telegrapb. _ CAl.i.ta.Kxiiix \M) OBA-taOTIOt, Nobodf ooatwaitlBg tbe aignatarea <.f Charlaa I. an.l Ollver Oromwall could doubl wbicb of tbe two moa bad tbe ttroogar will. Charlaall wrotoa maob m .,. pleaaiog baad wbaa Priooe ol u/aleathan aftar iii-i accaaitrin to Ui" tbrone, but ll i>* eortaioly troa tbal handwritlna andtorgoee many traaafar- mstiona aad ra_eata la many anaxpect- ",1 waxs the iliati^.'s of BOOd Oi th" writer. Koabody need heaJtatalo reoof< i,^ lu,- t.-ui|i' i la xvinch a leller M writton, aml notbiag la more abaurd tbaa tbe lacoaoraal baate with wblofa anv one iu a paaatoa BXpraaafB liiiuself. Saxhiog, t«>". ai atore potbotk Hian the tr*«nblingerba_atctarB fornaed by old age orill-bealttu Tberola a ilgnatore of tba tirfit Kul "( Miaitt-nimiy. kbaautbor of the ' i:iKira.'t"ii.-lUs. la tbe lintish tfoeeaaa. wbiob ia elcqoaol ol tba 1.. tirmiii's from which be xv ia aufferiag. lt is a far cry fimn \\ ii.mii:1 UL to Oaorga Waahiagtoai. bat oaa) Baaaaa t.> bavea parallal in tbe c-Uigrepby oftbe two fi.uiou'. captaiaa, « hieb is. i bapa, ¦jco io ba drawa betwaan timir obarac- 1.1 a;, men of aotiaa Haa af letier^ are aotortoaaly tbe wntera of th.-ir tiaaa, aiul xve look, fmtmtm m v.nii for ladteatioae of cbaltatat la the hurne.1 BOiawla xviiah do 'luty for tha-ir autaaxaaaa. Ibara aat.of oooraa, h. th anain. eacaaaaaaa uumerous enoiiRh 10 rank aa IxaBBBjBB of ttiecon- reraarata. Aaidinon. f*ir laeraaoe, « rote a baa ilifally clear, if noinewhai oorrrot. baad. Deaa Swifi arvota a legiblebut sinr baad. aaarly upnght, a Baaaolaat indafla*<loo nl bia iud«-*ieuee of chaiatter. Riclianl B. Sl.eritiaii xxrole au .xeerable baad, wlnle paja^r Sheu»toue nuuht havo beeu a -iltini, aaafi~r ao ju.iue by hi* ada cate*l >f characta'risiic super«crii)tion. £)r. Jobuaon. Baflavtet wr...<_ .* very cral. bed haui, but ua> fault coul.l b«> found with iton tne the acore *>f ille^ibility, for nearly every letter was well fonneal. aml aaw cuu believe that he ha.l tli« horror of "correotiou*"b.'fore hii miad. Voltaire wrete aamall but legible baad, wUi-'u leetpa to iodicate tbat »». mu-C have Uea di#UD«ui«»r»«?d by aatlhod and piatJiliob Qt WWViWi TMW WM eertainly no imlii-ation of aajajftaa BJ th baadwrtrtiagTif K.imumi D88*ka,whlct is lailuii i flaajInalB Inoklnc* but Bobodj eould doubt the iniliviilinilily of Fnm i in i;ii- ui. Coatgrava wrota a . lear. if s.iinevvhar acbtxilb'ty i*h haml. and ThumaaCjinitdiell. tuo. waa a line au.l free tvriti r. There ii B curioua famil.v likaneaa betwaaa tba baa*adwrifia>g oi VVordaworth, hbuihoy aad C'-ohwidga. wbich t.nipt.s obb) to tlunk thal they eoeied OOO atifltht-r; but II 80, they eer- i-ainly ilid nut niieeei il in BJod(a**fB81 a very remaikable hand. * I. il Lvi-n w an a inui-h more untiilv writer. aml if we oomaaN Iuh lBB*dw(rWM witb S iiitliey'ri. we ean «eo at a gl.un what 8 glllf lilfi.leil tkal tWO flBMBB, R iti'Tt Buraaaa badautoa^sph w,.riliyoi royal tv. Drtileti 8*8088 B -*h..larlv ind. but ..ue aaa deaaoa, one t m ii.-i. a !a-k of il.-eisii'ii ifl hia ti emul.'ii-eiirve ajrafl tln ii taOWB atftj k- The Italian soh. .1 inu-t have liei lt in n wli.ii Mana av*la>U*o*ftl taughl tO tvrite. t'.r uer haml re|.|. primnesi panoofaaad, taot auBworthyof her laie.'. ln the sum- wav. t"". (88 people wouhs, wa imaiime. aave i. .1 far aatray by tha baaidwriting:ol oliver Qouiaaaith, whlch, wilh all its hfantiea. is wbolly laekitiK ''i danhiaoB, aml so.-uis to curioimly tetlect lu< r«- lilieil I'UI vtiivtt ari t.'iilp'i ililelit Hilt U would ba intareatiag to know whal thoae modem aoothaav«ri would make ui -um. ni-toriotl haaaiwriUnfa. would ba aife toprrxlict that tbey would make a r;ire baah "f auqh ebaraotara aa Welliogtoa aml Napi'lemi.. I. lUilon Stauii.inl. oen i". TLit. publisliern OOOaBBOBjaJly make raiatakee ia Imt to aay that they are bu< man. Dooaloy. tl ia aaid, rafuaad to give Stetiie IX (01 "Tristrtitn Shainlt," aml evaotuaily araa gtad to pay lum MM for tha rkthl io the aeooua dttiou only. of them raa to tha otharaxtraaae in paying Oliver Gotdmnith f'>r worka which lu.v.-r evao oegaJa. Dodalay made anothet mUtake ia refuaiag to toythinc to do with MiauBuTM) - lirst novel, *T\teliiiil." She event B >l Ij s.ihl it tn atiother pulili-lier for C88, aml ba must bave nuitde hundreda, it not tbouaaoda, m.i of n.^Z Tha wbole biatorj oa lltarature abowa thal Ihora is as mueb tun'eriaiuty about publiabing aa about Buthorabip, No .iti.- OOUld tole-ee that vvheli Profl H Bobertaoa aocepted Ml .> f"r lus "llis toryof Hootlana'' he would by thal work iu.ike it vv-.rth while furatnih- liabor i" give bim 84,800 for bia "lu-- toryof Charloa v.." anow ¦taahlaaa known b "k. Qfbbon bad, if wa mai taka not. to bring out tha Birad rolume ,.t bia "Decline and I ail" al lun owa Kpanae; v . t ba la aaid t>> kuva oh arad £6.000 h I'.'ie be hnislioil lor tlo 0 »pj rigbt, Qa would have ntada anoro bad beretainetl tba copyright. Then con n.i-: lliime. vtli,. recelved C200 for tba lirst tWO v..liiiiies ,»t' his 'Tli-t.iry of Eogland." aritb aboauray, arha ra ' mu) f.,r the lirsl tvto voltitnes .-1 i.i- Iiie line old eei'inimie law "I -upplt in.l ,1. maml op- - IB th" unlu-ti v .1 book roakiog. aa in ror? othof bf*anch ..i buroan etr.irt. Tha -neaaaui "i .. uiati ui (i.i. n lhara lao ¦ n doaa into ajl ih..- braaobee of n»uoy«*nMr4tiBg. I Luck counta for exnoh in ihe litt rai world. lt Ifl leit.iuilv bad luck for ani autbor- who makea a bit t»ul« Itaol ohance of making :i t trtuna in ihe Uld [ World t.. Uod bia pi nl. and | ii,ip, and |o?--btiog aold by tbo hun-j died tbouBBfl ui America, witboul tbo! r.iurii i.f BSlngh] l-eiiny t . hiiil. . All I u,i > ar Bound. i ni I R11 BMITY Of DI BltlBTt Durlng Iha t. aidenoa of Jamea ll In S Dublin, in 1088 and 1890, Trinity Coi I lege ueaaed to exfart until tha B&ttli of I tbe H tj ue brougbt back tbe 1'. Ih-tv- from tin ir biding placea in Bnuland aud drovi away tha gaxriaon wbich bad beea quarterea in thadr buildinga ii oceforth tbe biatory of the uoiverai ty ia one "< more oi leaa pea iful da- v.-liiptiioiii. Diaagraernente h iv ari aa from lima t-i time among the gof-' erning body, but the m at remarka- hi,. peeulhruity ol tha oolkage du»> |DH tl..- laat oantary araa oar» tainly the rrowdbaeai o( ita younger membera, a bo in on inatBfaM rdaot au iiiiu.'.xioii- Junior r'ellow doad ni ln Btoodatbuj bedroom wlndow. Minor .-ni to bava bi an -1 alhraoat dally occurrence. Wonad with woiadavlaoai the ondergraduataa "atooed the daau oul of the iiaii. braaking into bfai ro ani and deatroyirog everytl ing ln tbem rbey oantrived to ravage otber pai ,,t tbe ooliege, until tbe middle <>f the oigbt, evivlently ondangoting tba life ol tbo peraon who waa the object oi tln u Iment." Thia vvas ia itio; aud that. thiUga li '.! BOl all''r"l BBUOh haif a century later raay ba gathered ir.-m B letter of l'i"- hiagae, aftarwardi Aroh- biahopol Dublin, wbo araa alao) :i iVll.i.v-lup iu 1788, Wii'-ti ho ba- oama Junior Daau, ba a*rl '.Whata aituatioo thta muat !". bbx** roupded by aighl huadrt .1 reatleea, aad many of them miacbievi us. burdea, continuailj mlxing ia one mai m.iv i coojeotura, bui that con Jecture a Bl be far inort ol tbe r. ality. I wai not fwodayi in ehlca oban 1 btbi hliged to .-..llv..ut .ii ii at Bight (rom a vvaiui room, and uodai a baravy cold, to put a -i rp to ii hattle bi tween a bodj of our nnaanotinad routhi aod ¦ b tdj ,,i p i. Aii.i piungiog tbrougb iha dirty -rtrceta ob ¦ f»rj wetnightfor raore thaa an bour, I rradtad thaxnall iototbaooUagi aon.Btof thowateh ,1, - .un- OUi Of the kolll.e! One ia remlnded cf the ex [utaiteiy lodieroua "Q laatte "tu row io "Old Tniiiiv," giveu iu Chaiiaa O'Malhiy, writt-'ii in parodyof tbagrvat Pauiaaa- lar th gaa, with ihe "fah- attawh oa tha Qarden, to bt luraod Into a ,,.,i oo ti th" ladlea abould BOtaaata, atO V.t. with all un turbuleuce. a bich, bn a loft, may ba atkau a- a aign of rigdroua lifo.DubUo Umvoratty W88 eveii .luririiT the reatri-ti il perioil with which llr.Btubba da i, "iMiive of fajnoui vtittj."' Tha " gtraal Mr. Congravea raputatioa may be a tnii.' iu.slv rjowadaya.but Burke, Ooidamitb, aml SWift are u iim-s of tvluoh auy ijni- oeraity miKht well ba pmu-i. aaaai ;h the latiei w aot»ntrlo, nncouth, diasgreeabla fouog Lraaamaa **rtow\j racaped plucking whti at Duhlm. TbeSaturday Itevitw. I01 IMt". *' tKMM.s. N-. man ever livo.I tn-ie p;ain!y <>i iv'.iki-'l hani-i lhal) Suillii-y; yet he D8*vav bad ayeuru InaBJaaa in a-lvauc.-, we «r. told. tili iu 1886, wba tt;.n lixty- oaai yaaw ol i- Bir Bohert 1'eel aetiiad i p,,.aion of t"Wo ou him aud offarsd lum a h.ironeley. vvlu-ii he ha.l the .ood «en-ie to dsatiuo. Ki»;hi-aml twawty yearsearlior. IbwT.U |*eiifi..ii Oi £160 ayear aad baau (xmfarrod oa alai ihroun'h the ;;o'>d f*dB8*Bl of hb BUUUOh (riaud Wynu, who bad nitbarto aiiow- o,l him H miiiiI ir BJUBj allliually. Jl kaUJ bawaat rty-fourtha ¦¦¦vpnliil i"v B8M ot a, bad 8888 ouabk-.l tuui BB buy em 'he 8 l«er <enta. 1 uai, £188 alrealy there. be w ,,,te with a mouriiful toueii of irony. -an.l shul then bt< worth Ctl l»er mu- num " Three yeara laler IhW £180 ha.i growa to WbbV thu KiUhenugtof Mll ihe moat i-iu-Jioua aud blameless life tune oj Whleh iho anual-s gf our litera- lure h"hi tecord. Aud thia man ttu* ,Kiei '.hiireale of Eaulaud (u-»t iiuiteoue l,t her benl, perhapa.) and hai .-nncbe.1 ,,ur lileial.ue wilh minie nl Ita tiuesl pro»e. Ue bud a wife aud family, anu for the Rreaier part of bia life he had to provide for them out of bia braiu tb" roa-f tbat ahelwred them. the (OOd thev Hl Bflal tho clnthea they win . Had aickneaa atoppad tbe daily la-k thy muat bate atarved.«'r teen a»td trorj starvlng ooly by OhaVrttJ.'- Mavaiilhtn'i M-4ja»iiW. n li lil ii iiiiiii iirlalaaiBl I lltlttRV tllAT. Iti hi* iihara* of the North Amertoaa iti'vi.w'a Bympnaiiuin. "Da Amerteaaa ll.te Knglantiy" t'llonel Higglaeoa pieturtH the I.nKlinhmau Amaraaaaae war-whiKpuiK un I»uaJou doaw-rlarpo. i'..l .utl HigL'ioBon .I. ul.ileaa aappoaeo sin'h an ALiericsn thi' a:rea*%0 eattrrly of tlm KiiRltsh A naaibai of u:ii-iii;ii« Aui. rn iu* ilrc* near a I, .rnI.ui tltx.r, to which they had been invhed. I i'm tl.e stepn they foul d tituiln-r of our couairvBBeeh a )i .-t of ilu' Weat. He w ia ji-t tl'.'ii quite the rago ia laiuluii aocietj at* the untamea! crealuie uf llll' f.,ie«t, tllHKilllethlU t'aiiaint-1 Tig- itiuBon repreaeote hishust* a* rx|.-ting tu tin.) him. Tne po<>t upon the l.oi,tluii door-etep worean orercoal uf buffalo ni*).' ai *l <l.«l not tottptt, ev*a ni the |.re-fia:e onlv of Amerloeae, thal it was aaa ereature of the utmpoiled, virginal Weal he waa no ailnurad. "I >.t\. s.." he Bhoatod, rat-o^uiaing tho Americana, now doyouget into one of tin-.' plaeea tl »> ,»u ihump or yelll" rhe poet of the Mierraa waa a typa in il>ur.,' daiH The eiKblarenth cwntury iat livinv:o\er to the uineteentb, in Boetoat was not. The Btory by Rev. John Hradley Oll- man."A Praukenateio Kaniily." pub- in llarpera 1'. >/.r, May 29. ia i,i. iiiiril in motive with that in F.d- wiinl Kverett llale'a I .tc xtravBj._r._a. "Buaau'M Ivieort." The ca>iin'i>le»ee, however. enda with tbe i«lea. The de- relopment of l-.-tl. »l*ine* im ntir.-ly uu- like. Tbia coincidence of uleaa <?on- tiutially ovcurring in flclion, thouah the blorien conl tii nt them ari' publiah- .1 it luch intervala from eacb other tbe > oiucidencea fail to attract at- t* nu .n. nii"in-i u t-e. yeariBK.i, neaily broughl IWO auiluus intona-riuiMtrouble witb magaaine editorB. Ihe czplana* tiona which enaued prova Imw i*<«.lily i-ini nn tn m aoappod upby literary people. Itith llia'ite ha.! been iit a iliiiii.i puty xi h.'ii ihe story haal beea told wbicb was tbe garai of both tlu ir owa. A well kaowfl lil.rateur ton, \v Iiu iii alao a j iiiiialiHi. ia a very brilliaul racoateur.bat a i l.-verly cautioua oue. II" iaroaaarkad*»have au i-[."ii*ll >, ri.h ftiii.l *>f anee.lute at .-.-rtii't l-rnl.iv atli'iiioou "at hoiueti." where ha- i* a xvelcome babitue. Thi* generoua glvlogout upon that day aaata tban upon othera ia explaiaed by iho fact that all ln- I'.i.lay altirnoon aiiec- i and c iiii"'Uiuii- >.f x\u au.i thoughl iipi'.ar in oi," ol the ncxt Suu- i.iv tnormngpapera, and aie alreeaty in typ« b.'fore Iie .-uinidea them toeo- il.ll Ih,. Ci.tia tells of a la<ly wh-- ni nm-.-npi* for a !'iibli»lilui; uli wliuli't-h It'.nl ol.i', lli>lN_A* ii.'tly iiniiioral. I'Ul that a|! eled her uu\ |i|i a-antlv. Whtii she lt to thepubliaber Bbeaaid, I caa t* II y.>u I,i,i bow tbe iiuil.or of iin* aiory . k-. tli.n weal on to deeerabe her an ,..a. i-i i-i t .hv, sin,.|imi{ MreaatJ* af patcbnuly.aml g<dng into aletail' v\ tlie Crltlc r. Iiauii .1 fiom r.'|>eat- iog, Ih" I'tilili-her wa* ainaz .1 aml mil.l acarotly believe tb« reaaar had ,..., tn tbe wiiit'i- of wboaa her li - iriptipo »iia so rxact- A in.*. lately reviewed lo Tbe 1' ia ailuin.-tl witfl a portiait of itn Huthor. A i.""ii obeecver could nol bolp be- iugatrui'k wilh the faee 'iu typioal «f Hi" women who uiue fu*h b-oka. Wiihoui being a coarae book In the , ora luvx one, it it an'on nf carnality. pureaml -iiiiple.thtuiaaae .arnalily utuiosphera al wilh |ImM| lioeiry, with deliariaiuB aml which was the ' huniHiiifctii ' of tne Itallan Renaia .mra1. aml ni reec- tntii from Hi" gloomy myatl imi» vi the Midalle .^^"-|. The p.irtr.iit a<- ..uX|«Bny- iii^ ihe noxel in markedly a Banaiaeance fac*. Baoraa like it ,,! eourteaan, prince, pralata and took Irom the famoaa eaavaaaj ,,t thu kizteentb aud --v.-nta-tli eoaiaV \ Iik.< it wonld i. 'i ba»«, beea oouoted i iroigB or itraago ta tho iu air. lea. lt la not au _.»¦.-i*l.-ii- tai coiBcidena tba« portraita af th.« autboraol "Tba Peatof Lovonaadaf li-,- Quick or the fi' .!"' I "ue ',. altbough taa ii«t i* of u roature w< man and ii." otbaff of a gtrL Botbare of U-e"Hoinantele " and be- sidaa them tbi Pradanoaaaad l*n»*:illaa ,f our Puritaablood woaW look likeice mai'U'iiH. '1 tn-" women n adeia in lar^aj, maga- -i!i.-. ni.-.--. muat ba a rece apart, i* raee ,,i Bubllo iniuitioiira if not u-.canny powera <>f occult .livinatioii. Ouce upon a time 1 aent three manuaorlnli ¦ leadiog Amerlcan nsagaaina. Tbay ,,'ir. Iy .ItlT.'r.'iitiiichaiitter. thu handwrUing and other feataree oftbe M.-s-s. I muil" aa diffaranl aa ixnaibie. aodonewaato be credlted lo aa a<t- ,|r. " III PUtia. one lo B LaOOdoO .uiiireuB, one luN-xv Vuik. ln tbe courae of time came a letter of aocarptaaoe *»f oaaal iS. Tbe letter e ml liae lalan the g wuids: "We bave i"'< iv* tl two other M8B., mailed in.L odoa and New York,which,altbough tigoed by differaot aamee aaam i- ae by the Mmeband tbe oue betawith ae- i, jiu-l. If tbey ai«' <''t. tl.eitimiluiiliea ui atyle ;i" I peniuaaahlp ar" ui"»t waa* derful. If tbe three aie bythreadlifar* .¦rn bandfl we «iil nevar 'rust our a*U_ irial ii.-tii..t- agaia." Kowwbai pta> teroatorally "intuitixe *oman (nerer vtill I believe ber a man I) bad f-.und me out among tbe tena oftthoaaaadl who -,ii,| ItSB. to tbe C. .' lt actuilly gave ,.,,y feeling, Hke the man'a wi.o tned to eacapa bia anadow at*i c»»ula . ,u I ,i a while tbat »lgoitl:ant ex- perience *i*iii*- -* i aalde my -bare iu tbe taopularauperatition tbat Ml.I. are not iu tbe k'leat publUbing -4-000. ButHiuco tbeu, wben my aketa-heB iu autobiograpbk form, uprojriou»lv maa- calme in >f*iril and iu udveniuro by Hooalau.l lia-ld, baxa; b.all letumcal to ,.,. witb "Ml-"' or "Mrfl." pra lixtd to iny iiiti-iominiltal iniliala. I km.w that my maaculiaeetory haa ix>l been reid an.l ...Iy my miaatoty deceptive ptB> manahip beeii Kla'1*-'^'1 :it- Loadoo Tratb ia what the PaiiBiana calla J"urnul .lee boulevardfl. lt bree into piivato ufTairn, u uttl*-.-, it flneeraw.** like I_i»ly l amlour sdear four huu.lred. ritu* i* w bat Trulh thinknohould be tbe treatmeal of women wb*. talk p*litic». A libaral bdj oace caaaa io tho cou- ,l,i,i ,.. that sli'j cul.l w.-riu a.ut of L.rd Ikacuiilleid »oiue indicaliv.n of hfcl contemp-it.'l cooraa of aotioa. Sbe -n by him at a iwrt*. Hlie t.lke.1 politicB, and lt le by I Uie *l.. apprajacha-d the uiatta r. I..r*l l{ara*'.)Usti*iar..i-'«llinev*r*»ud| :e'»IJ< berbaud renisrked. I'retiy *l_inn«. which, liays Tratb, n ihe au.wer eierr reaw.nable man to mako Ut every woaian b in upon proving that tL* rule of the Anuizonu i* better than tbe preBtnt Btate of tbiugn If poor Beacoaa* tield were not beyou.i abame at bdag maite ridicuiouB, one inight imagia** 4 him turlously au<er at »ucb a alander. Were Trulb'a tbeory of couduct lo ob» taiu any exemplara it wouhl af- faml the world the apcctaclo «f a general -ukiut; out from reapeo- table aociety by buBbaod* and broiher* of "HMiaKinable iueu. bngltaa anct'dote tellerB, by tbe way. do aot quite keep up ibe i.iea of auatoro oro- pn<ty. which u the dianity of the Bog« lub wcMiiiu. It .* t«»ld of an Kogliah l.wbop. tbat.Bittiu/ b'Bide a c'uaraaiaa iidy at diun.'r. ho »bowed hioBaWf llranuely lodiffereul to tbe femialao habble whicb "reaBioable mea" tiad aa d.l.iltotful. ^n-llly tbaj Hi«L^v MertaMt to hia 1**1 iu mcit-ilon. "It baa eoaaa at UM!" he aaid,' I bave long beea ex- tmcting paraiyii*. I have beea piooti* ing my l«g fot tbe lea.t a*e attaatat*; wubout the laat BoaaaBtoti J" "**}* youraeM e->\ <ny Urd 0*aaaa* }mml^< tbaltdi tooUi'-tt tl mr t«f m^~ befMPaMaUbgr1

Transcript of THE TIMES, PAGES FIVE TO EIGHT. - Library of...




ii /oi'rcr fAlafteBafaa

1. llli. htli.



iiu-i) iio- nexl iiiiiii, .'.a. w mj onward path.\,,,| | 1 il .' .\ \%.,s

.i tln-, BtonjVI.IV

... lliroUKh r.-iv iii-I.

bc if it bul l.'l to

llll. tlie elel, Ul)

rn In

dooi 1..

. path hu K Ihyii ki. ¦'¦ holila iu. ..s


watch iu t nuV. p

md rn- more ean l*II ih'.n art, boy witb Uiy

k ti,.. ur.

low wbere Uiou rt

u nn- to

iniinite reglona valnlyn Ht.vs

in..!- a*- r, lln.ilnu not Uiy home.

.. uii ti - ti iniiua Mvoi'i t---ui.

.', woold t.e!n oi w... unealled I maj

nolUl} ..vv ii M fj -Iii BC i.

ue, that Ii".

tislj*.ml, ,v r tin path.111".. le. I, I tollOW

an wnv. ih ii hi ovv.-st


I ni -i i ii mi LAW or. i tl I ll.

llll Ul "1 ll.O I'l.I'l .111 lo I'.' "the MltUiiiie law

ol il." ind i' attachei tln- attributeeall "tbe lav. s ,,| th,li in | urauance

.pi.iiia. -y to"all liealt r w bich -hall be

ni .¦ the Buthority "I theI m.i.And, in ordi r to give

¦. l.lll II l'i llll- ol, il, ll lllliiii deel in - that "the ulgea in tverj

liall I. l.'UM-l lh< t.i-v. mj thint*mai itiii!--;i "i lawa

.iip.:.I.,wj 'is. !.! rlcnling 'v ith

» nii in ui.

l i ,i.Ina. o.l vv 11 lilli

pll!" II .lUlll.'lioU v\ ith Iiiiiii I.

uuply i" ita un ..i Mi;r. .noi Ibie' laim '1 i'.v ;i jual aml t'i"|>or

iiii.ii'tot iii'ui n! iis language, ia tiniml "f llll'-ls I. Ill .IV

a n- i i.ivri-. linailB thoae..! il .ll-tl'l tllll't'S ill"

li ia tni.- that thenion I- 13 " Bmcndi i bj thepn ,i ita .1: Imi U i- al vv;i>s

; it aa it i« ii tln- tinn-. "the au-- vi-t v thiii",

ll." nt ii atrUCture uml «'!" iiiV ll 111 tl)

tii.- Bible conaidereduiou t" buman faith unii pi

ini.l i- 'l < 'I and, iimi

io uld it ln treiitedr The lirnaUiT i'l I'lolesl ml t ill I- .11

bal the llible. thui

faith and pi ictici It ia auch a i ul-.t'l'tt-.l

ii. Imt i- Ihet\ .-i.l ..f Ood, iin.l c in io- with it his

ea, w betherll i-t 1 '. iilv

,1-nl promii.un I,. in-.- ibe

¦; Lf lll.-pii ill.'ti,1 i.l. i- Im his iva.-.uii tlu-Mipt ¦' i'-li- I"

v >|,.' ;illirin;ilivoth,- uudei atantlinx. Tne .vv

i lu- ahall ili do oi < mii. i-

a-i li. '1'.' di ipute tlo-:¦ 1 i- viatnui

v and t. tnei ut.ul inli-leiltv

,. i;

ll.- iv Bible aa n diviueii,. i.i.v. i.v ihe t' HU- I'l lu-in hi- Ott n ii.n .1 all

,",s iiutli iritj !' i- imi auptbat, thua thinking uml tlms

be abould diapute thia au

WI on t apeaka man i-I- i,i .1 -.i b.ii. ve vv imt he taye, and d<

ll", then, afi. r aa bai

1-,'lie, .1 ll,.- .livit.e BUthOI lt V ..; Ilinplv lln-

matti "t hiatory,ni il-. ii it. .i a 'iutv Tbia

"i .imri not alwaya au weiwiiin i.i i limea rery,-<.i,-i i. ible tu.l.v. "f the Word i>f

an >ot Ibat wordui.. ur ao antiqu ii. .1 in n- language,

iiiii ruli ol apprebenaion m IUconteu v. li.'le an auawi r Buffl

- ¦! all the graal:.ii and pr iciice.

iti. i'..' i. i- wba* ii parpoi - to bev. .ti. ii (l. iii (.. -i a: i.l

in.i is i."i "".'iln ii iim whichcan un.1.1..'..imi. i

llllliil- Hi anffl j'lelu-ii.l Hrtki .'vv. toa «!. Iiiiiii- r.-riiiiu

,- ii t< a, tn- and i!iu- make n a.-.I guMie. Tbe language ui lhal

..| i IU)mOU lile.ainl Ihe ol, .1-a i.-;it ||n-i- v rdinarj apprt-ui naive

i tu.-luiiiini -iiiini. vYbilothore'|s lil--i.;lly ln. .iui IO tlu- Ii 11 ol[llioti>;lit vv l> . ti iln- )'.,l-le i.p. i.-. iuiI

i.n-bio maj irarel in iiiit.i » ml s Diotbing

iiL.tinil iiiii'is run i nti-r iln-| || th.- ki ..w le ';... tliey

tln- purpoae of bolr. tllil illlii il I'h r. I ,1 llilliloi-

lei 'i.mii.,i-i|iie. imt tln- aligbh

iiii\ ...- t>. ni" ii-;i . ..imi. i

tin- llible (." I. "i a- t>.n ..1 tin- bable i hriai, "t bj t"

ipurpoaa lor whtoh he eaaae Inte|is vv ..I Id. I'l a- I-- tln- iiiip.rl aml ile

bia aufferinga aad daath, ot BBll.llU'.lln "II Vvllllil hll.l).

.v¦ i I.. Him. ut as t'. ti... faj un ii an riiiiiib ai,.i ajajaj ti..

I gf*a08, ol" iii. lu llio \ i-'o

the iiiiinat. - ui all' r .l< .tlti IU iltlolli¦(ata "i lo-itv. oi a- I,, ibe CaOi uf U

Itui. i. run. .tn.,, of the ,|.-a.l an.l a

Uiil jadgBBBBrt, ol ni- i<> tln- i ...nn eiii.lii.v,..., u.iurt aad eh.ii.u ., i in tii,-

i' ... ;.... alBBllnj iu lln- l,le i..llll- iim Ull.e ol Uod, UlM duc-

Un-..I* illist. tho 'I'.eliiiH' ,,t aj \ |..ii ti..- do-otnae "i iiutt alihe lo <."iiii'l ri iti mii tho .Im iiino oi ileaU ail tlu-M- |XJ|IH« iu. niu.ii- s-, plinii.

-', inii v aod i. I'.'Ht.-iiiv unii iu laa Bibhj thal Iha wajfarlaal.lll. l'i.: tl li^ -l. Li nl itot i-U lli H -, tl

Hilt . ihi-ii- n» bOi-W-'iiia iu \Uv'i

itiiii" xvitith wa oaaaot aaaaai-af laa,a ptontj i.f tiii-tn; aiul thara an bbji

ii-- ararywharaeaea x*hi.ii %*.¦ oaa.aotaxplaia. wimt ahall x*r <i.» xxitiitiiiM- niv-ti-iii -.' Do ootbing xvuiitlu in; lat tlitni alona: tlu ii"t trv tO**X-piaia tlii'tn: aad n.'xrr for_..'i tha

tbinga beloog t.> tba t_ord oafti," an.l a ra aaver intatndi <\ for ba*iinui a<xi>iiaaatkm. Baliava taa Bibiawben lt raaaaloa nayatary ioat bb nn-

cii. itlv aa >t.u 1"-l.a \.- ii whao ii |it"-acribea thaeimplael .imx. BalievetheNlVsl'TV US MH'll. ;n,,| |,.t |t Mt.lf'.l .'l~

-M*ii Qod i- jual i" _;.'.'.! autbortij fori uiii-

wa< tafuiiv ataaarataad. Oureepacltrto iiii tbat i- i"\.:ii.-.i, lanot tba .-.'ii'liti"ii of acoeptlng as troawlial ia r.-v. ala>.l. Tli"i>-i- a Nt'lis" in

N Iiu li \m- iln imi uiiil.rMiiiiil aaytblUg,"M-i Aal which, baoaaaa famillar,

tha llmpleel; atiil vi.- benoe nt'filimt ln- urpii-i-.l toflod iiix -ti-i i"s tO Ulin tli" U i.i.i of <; "I- Hi" lurpriaexv .uiii ln it ti." fact xvt-rt- otberv

word. raadcr, traal lha 1 *«ii»if. Into \¦ i> -ni'l cl tii ii comaa

witbin the acope of ita teocbing, aa tbaBoprema law "f faitb n-ail it as aoohatudy it aa anch; aaek byetudy t" ¦.

i.iin ita troa meaning: arbea jron bavefound tbal meaaiag, aco pl ll aa uu.-.

ao mattt r \> imt ataode oppoeed to it i1.. li.-V" right 00, aiul l.i'lit-v.i t-.nxti :

-,iv to rourea it. as I'.nii sai-i. "I. t UodI." tru. BUd i'mtv in aii a llar" u I... "nntradicta bim; lel tbia be tba flxed aadi>.-t m.jti.-iit oonditionof your mla in

a w ill i" -t, i" your om ii itlafactlon,and_for tba comforl i ( your beart,¦olve tbe greal problem "i religion.faitb aml practice. Tbe more you tnisi

tbe Bible, tbe more p »wi i il arill ive*.*. uli you. aml th" greater tbe bli teiuge«hit-ii a x\iii imparl t" you. A balf-faitb ia ool tberighl kiml. lt doubtatomuch to ba a p iwar. .The I ad< pa nd-.-:tt.

\ TBINO i.» Bl AVOl ni:i».

Ooe "i tbe moal dangrrouili" ktlddle Agea i" lati r generatitbe liaiui of lookiog into one i aell oon-tinually, an.) carefully lakiug ani oae i i.iiiui"- aod sioe. Tbere waa avasi amount of iatroepeclive life intbeIfiddle Agea,eapeoially among relig-oua

-. Hi.uli wasperfectlj normalandnatural al tbeir atage ..i tbe developtnent. but xs im li is in tbe ln_.lii al di gteeit,min and uoatural now. A tfaini. meditative life la very diffi ret t

from ,ni Introepective lifi-. The factthatooi ia alwaya mouruing over lu~BIDfl IM t!i" x.-ry |. B) ,-\ JdeOCe tliat "ll"

failing tn ilu bia tliity in iJi«¦ worlduli mi bim. 'I'in- man wbo ia benl dlha* wm k ..f ll." li. ur « ill DOt l>" un

conacioaa i ln^ sina, bul be xviil havererj little tu_M»to devote t'i tbeir an il.i-.

Tbe happieat life ia one which islargely concerned wilh the life "t

t.lit- iu w B luat.'- ihnughCfire iki ii away from bimaelf, and las-tened upon tli" needa and iotereata <'fiim-" aii .ui linn. No man ever got oulol in- weaknei >ea oi hia aini bj uontinu.iliv thinking about Iheio; tbe only\s ij i.. gi t oul "I ll.iiii is tn vxork out.Nn man ever aaved himaelf hv think-

thoughl witboul BCtion i- lulil"and I'lii. ii. A bealthy nature litnl^:t-t Ii -ii continually calli ¦! upon to put

itn us .inimal activitii i that il baan ry little time and very amalltn .ii tu mi .!..\xn and ^i\" it-'-lf u|i tothe int- 111' iuii luxurj ul iin : oveiita offi ml Cutbolic tellah|s|.

Iii thi _;i".-it univerae an intiman ouKbt tn iiml s mi" inni" int. n -t

cta ol thoughl thiit hiaphwn ini-i>"ii. .-tii.ti-. They will never be curedby im.- i"I.. .1 at they x. ill only be-come 'ii toit. i- I,' I. al thi m 1"";;enou h toaee a bal tbey are, aod tbenl.n.k awaji to tii" xMiik thatcanbelpmui tu overcome tbem. Al bottom ex-

ction is alway a dia¦! 1 iniiii-.ittli.:, a liiurt' s.-li-

gitive couficience it betraya a morbidi. mperamenl or a aelfiab indulgence inth" magnifj ing one oa n importaui". The cura for tbia aort ofand .piritual iniirmity ia lb« bracingairol a bealtby. aotive, natural life. Polyour heart into human relatioaa aodyour banda t" ^...1 worka. aml youiriildiape] tbeebadowt whicbaurroundmui. We were put bare t.. work out-iir aalvation ; no m in ver \ "i thoughla na. Cbrialian Uokon.

,\ BA8I8 <>l Xliu;Al -.

1 iii-.).t| aneaeare iu searclinorala; ao raya tbe tlochi Shimbun, aleading journal *'f Tokio. Looal jov>rimi' ui au,! prefirCta have raemorialia.1 -iivt-t nin.-iit. a:al have r» minded tbehi^in i autboritiea that tli" edut)ptional

i!i"in|iia.- long I. ii perplexed "ii

the aame aubject, and baa'found tbat»t sit-rii religion as 11¦«- lui-i- of a eaternmoralii \ ia unauited for tbe country.even tiiuuKit \\*t-1*vrm civilizationa be

i. \'. t- do not wonder thatipuneee :- idei i thou thi Bod utill-

tarianiam too unpractical as ;. guide olcunducl Cap ibleof expoaitiun in aahoii

ook. Iu ibart, tbe Japa h ivecome to theramaconcluaion ;is Ariatotleaiul as Ubriatian moraliata . "iu" t".

liaiiuly, tbat thero ia no abatracl baaii(ii moi ila, i- bcepting authority and aanapla. Thiaconcluaion i> t Igl regret tbalthe J re decided tbal tli"maximaof Confuciua iauodoobtedlyaat. -iii-- than lliil or EIoBbea, "i

iinui.. bul Confuciua ui tii" morallat "i

a paternal deapotism, and n unapii itualbb a modern Utllitarian or EleVlt i, quite poaaible, bowever, tbat the

et "t Bbaatnng may prepare luscouotrymen for tl ir of Slnal,and even for Him wbo apake ;-.

man spake '1 be Japaneee art-

from ni" Kii gdom of tin.i ;is li aean inan earneatneaa about moral pbiloaophjwhich rabukea tbe indifferonceof tii"Weal. nt: nv" l< .-I .-ui" thaland intereatlag people areahall iiml. are knocking and it thopemd unto lham..Tbe Cburcnman.

m x\ 1 Hi.iM aia.x.

Dr. Li man Abb 'ti ia quotod i

ing. " >' naooHal "u. \\ tbeology1 aa

tbough it wereaotnetniog n. xv in iiuworld to bave a aaw tbeology.tbeology of Paul waa ao new thal ili*-Chriatiaa churcb coukl hardly dare to.laxt- ii prracbed. Tha tbeology oi\\'i--ii_\ waaaonea tbat all tlu;Cburch

.iiml broka out in d< iisiv,- langb-i. Now, bowavej goodoi bad tbe

ua. i. thal la b xi-iyui"defeaaaol .'¦¦ Paai'a iinoiogj aawV Tha lilt, death aad rasiir-ti " ol ..> bub Cbi 1.1 bb ;"' 'ompliabedfactr were now. Elaa taa "aaa tbeolo¬gy"aaytbingin tha aaaao aaaaa "nou

the world? li -", what i-* it?Ati.'i' tbeae tbe burden ol the appreacbiog and lettrrawaa juatinoatlonbj faitb, a dootrine aa ol aa kbrabam,..ii,- i.aii.i r. i iln- faithful." Aod tiii-uIbe "ih xx '¦' -.. 'i Wi ila x i tlit'olo-

| lll.V. ill-. 'Ml \ lu-alv illoii lu al| min, ln^li

and lox*, on ilie t uii.iiti. n "i rapentaaceiiii faitb, a is tii.: ii. a f mm i u aotf|« ;ik lruin averypage ol ravelationaad i it'K tbro_a_b ali 11*.- agaa wbara tlu-II ut ii haa iiiin Bcriptaralli proolaitnad?\ui \|i< minmal religion, waa tliataew? waa lt aal aa eaal aa Paul aadAaal? If Dr. Abaotjl raaaa that Umii.fiiintie oi Paul aadWealai aera aaato tbenaoat <-i tbr a^ne*%_taooB lo waoaitii.y praaaaad taaaa, wa aaaaat. Bmarbat tbeu boooaaee ol tbe womlogf a*adargunwnt? Wlint apoatle or prophelur |i:,iiMi' i» .-vi-i- pri-iu h.-ii tin- aaodorai"aaa. lavaloaj t¥b_l aga oi tbaCburchevat aold it? Dr. Abbotl iaa4jii.ii aad ^iiuii iiiuti. Imt ha- *xuuM l«'i-U'i ii>¦ aoeaaotbei dafcn eoj Ihe "n.-wtbeology."- PiUaaarg Cbilatian Advo-eata.

ot i: Hll IM. I KII > P)', .\ d bf tht'suprt'Uiw lu*t Of fi" "i-

.hip, nu uutailiug ii'gfii'.i to '.ii>' J-ii.'flt

iiii.I 111)1)1. st ilovelopu,.-nt .1 Um "l'i" Iot affaotlon. hoa faitbfnl aad Iroa hour ilit ine frieml Tba vnrie.1 eveiiHflf Otir Ufa ha llaalljia ti> Mil-aerve tbiaii.iiiinoll oiul.- tliiit they all BBJ BB ppiag-etooea of prograaa; and, 8 aiag Iha'inn .inn- <>f htegracioua plaa oooeorn-log u-. ln- iperea no'dlacipliaa, bo pain

^.r irru-f. inu-t l>.- im 'I t'< 1*088 theHoul Hlol 81*8 ll lor-A.II'l. I.ot ll- Uotdoubl tlu- loviog pui|i"-e of tbia u nd

I lii'-tuls. lior w.arv i'f his traloiog,in tn glacl t" mim .¦ tbe tohene ol bHpreaence bj ihaafay. Hia earthiy aaeaaanger 11 ia wbo rsoaoea vvith bajp*rao<st-iit atraauTftta aad coaaforl f"r our timeoi need. Aml aloag tlie itraltanedpath vve tre.ul. no oilier than mir I-¦ r-1himaelf ia leading aa, t'> briog ua touigher groaod beyond. '.vh.-ie we *-li*i11-oi- iiiii re eharly BBd koOW iii'.r.- 1*818Iv. and through Ihe Baorifloa and atrug*glaof Uie pi-1- ahall aopreheiMJ amlahare bia peace.- Sunday Bcbool Tlioi

I lli: I'.ll'.l ! I III. 8) ilKIt Ol l.lll).

Wewantto aand tbrouch Ibalengtband breadth of the world tbe HcJys tripturea, tbal the c taaoii noi - <¦! men

:,ia\i-tbem, iimi tiii«l lluy area

aaving word t'» tbeit wnartonrea aod.-.ul-. Tho II,ilv Bciiptnree are f..ravery claaa oi ibiakera oalling tbem-m Iv. s t'hii.-tiuiis; Ihey are llle'.-appeal, tbe flnal law. Wben Atbaoa.1111 is vindicating againal Ariue, IheDiviue character of oui L ird, it ia mtble that ba doee not apraal t" tbe tra-

.,1 the like; be appe .is texl l>yt'\t. to tbe bleesed Word ol Uod.When Tbomaa Aquinaa, ln tbe d ^

Ol a gn at D< '.v im raiiiie. tlu."l M-

viving, baa '.<) grappte with tbemighty taak of putting In iti-proper plaoe thal new llterature,

.11 appt als oonatantly to Um fioal-. word, tii" 1 lf* ina Booke. Ha aa

clearly acb oa ledgi r£Holy Wi it us tbeauthoi v aa ani »ne ol ui prai enl iain thia ball could do. Bo. mj frienda,wiioii we corne down to tba preeent

..,, n i- are <>i>!i-«¦<i to admil that, iiiodeed it abould evei happen.which 1know it will not.lhal criticiam ahouldundermine tha authorith of tha Word olUod. 't leavaa oa notbing bebind; we

ate II" llew I'.'l.le. 11 vv o t-.iUllnttru t i" tini. wecan trual to notbing.-m 11 imiisi go. There la oo otber ulti-mate autbority. Howevei wemayen-di bvi i t. inti rprat ai d ¦ we tte tbaW'.'iil ol Bsripture with otber teacbing.ull acknoa ledife tbal tbe Word ol <;od

.. tii Chti-t aod hia nature; that notbing to Intorpret it practicallyin all tbe greal outlinx i oi the Chrhv-tiau litb; iiiat it bringa oa Chriat. Weall acknoa ledge it.Now [bave i" direct your attention

for a mornent or two to tbe reaaona «.i

acknoa ledging h. One tbing, Itbn k, i- quite clear. U ia m>i bt cauaewe have all aal down aod examioed ilci ttically by chapter and n rae, aa t" tbetimo wben one or the otber book waawritten, wbo waa tba autbor of it, andtbe like. lt ia notbing ol lhal tbalmakea lbe Bible our autbority*, foitbia aimple reaaon, that a great manjof us are incapable .¦! ttii- inveatigation"t circumatancea. And I iay. furthi r,thal it ia impoaeible i" make tbatoi ncluaivcly for manj of oa, how'.v.i we iu i\ puram tbe Now 1inu-t make tbal >-">i"i !". ;> m tucnt.Vt. bave before .1-. we will aaj in tbeN- w 'i'i -iiiin nt, a large c >il tion ol

H une j eai . .. many,U was ;. mu. lllie. al liy t-i-ti-iai writland 1 i.uik- 1 -s tbal tbi bo ika-.. 1. written (ar lal.r than ttt bad-upp'-i.l. and on-. .|ii< ntlv lhat the*jw. i. wtitten bj otbel autbon ihatn webad m tbal tbej n

grown up, and been altered, snd beenni- n.i. .1. n n.i a on, in I'l aomewbi re i"

wnrda the cloae of tbe aeoondc nturyvv,- inu-t li "i. iu tbem. or the moal "t

tbem, as a eollected wbole. Now markh b 11 bai ikon pl ice. li rerj remarkable in every point ol vtew. Tben al, ii"i alw :r. t iio obj ¦

writera waa tbatleave room foi lbe growth ol tbinatural, tbat they mighl bi \-

room m v. bich to or< il mt tlm, or ;:

iheorj "i Kitii.uaii-iu. for all the ato*the New Teetamei I They want-

,-,1 tbat room, and ihi n fore ii waa

aay to gain Uie neci rj apaoe bycoruing to the convkjtion tii 11 ll waa to-vtarda tbe cloae of the 1 ntury

the bun ii- c tme iuiBut crilicitm baa been g iog on in Ihiscountrj aad th late Bal .| >.i 1

t tl 11 critica. Whal ba takiogi,i.i-i- nol only ln tbi c motry, bul elro-,v 1,, re, baa een a gr idu tl uintu tbo ii--t centurj ¦¦'

11 wa- tbougbl '"ai it bave". ritten till the lattei part ol lbe

oentury. Kow vv.- may takecourage aa to themere reaultaul crlti-

od to a , i" 1 ctem v..- 1. iv .1.-criticiam. I would nol

in. 1 wouldp uiou not to

ully et all tbal baa been .1 iu< .

euligl tiam of thiBut it d ifilj

weaken nr faith in 1 i.n

ntrary. lifoi v. bal w ., !. li-vc-i,lhat tu receit ins the hiatory of I Im-t,.11 11 ath and R mii 1,. o, n all II

us ol the powi r "t ibal Deathand Reauirection, we foel tbat we are-ui atrungi r ground; tbat tln biatoi

-i ot 1- tt, r 11 :iu anj.:,tinal ioit: and tha w« maj.11 Bibh a ith -1 belh t ing eyeand

min 1. and love u and trual it, and liveupon ii.The '.'¦'. ol the i.ut;« r latnal vve fn m

.,1 1 v ..vv ii gio from thooentreand g oul vv ai da, while cril iciemfrom tbe periphery aod worka inwardawitb tba bope aometimea ol iii troyintthe centre roying the can-tro: tbat is t" raj. deatroying the iu| einatural. itiaof no uae blinkiog theiiK'tti-r. Will v«'ij bave a rellgion inw bi< b natural ia rec ignized,or a taligion witbout tba kuperoatutal?[bavealwayabeen vm-y maoh atiuck

aomeinlng nttered by l'; great, 0 rm m acbolar bim*

-.,tha ' ieriii.inootions wbioh cirouiatad around bim.II iacd I -'. worda "l do nol at ehow tbere oan ba a rerehUion witboul

itural. For whal M n tih". V ll ts ihe tdicv ul tbe t-iiiK'niii-tnrali What is rninohyy It la thaworkingoi iheaupersalural. A religion

boaid i"'ii Div 11 e rav ekatioiBl it-- illfitiilv Bl t" lu.te

neither proheoy B 11 miraole, would ba ¦religion almoat io**toaaible toooooeiva.

iln-sui'.riiaturui. iiieii. inu-t alwayaLo. And when we turn toCnriat Him¬aelf, tbe centre nnd 0 iraof eur religion.u ia nol criticiam tbat mual uit" us tbaevidenoe tnal ara want about Him. Iiis un- Chrut Qiraaell whomuatgive n.

.-..I-, aa ii" walked on tbaahorea <d Qalibje, as aurely ia whan Beipok to man,and by His .spt-uii eoti*rioced tbem and made tbem lovellnn, BO Mir. iv tv ill Ile im a 1. .

wiiu walh kkoul In thi.-v btiaTjoigeteanth ceatury, aod lead 10, andwin ,is, an.l gOVOTB iaii . inn-ieui-ea ifwe giva oauaarlaaa to Him. I balB ratlu- New Ttfilannit and tha Ou). 1ii.-ii. v. tha Bibhj bacaaiM "i lim-i liitn-nt*lf. Maj l read .1 MBlaooa or twolhal I ttiole fuiue timi aaaBJwV "I-*-I- 1.1 088, I BBbJ "li-ite o nu.- il.vv n t

ua froa ;iiur, imt on tbe Bta**808*th »'fIha baatoaioal argumanl tlkal they a/araindaad wbattbvy ware aupnoaad t iha,ii>.t "ii nu intvtir.i in roa h> which tbajtn -1 abowed aa Ctarial aad thaa bad u*

captivea lo Cbr*a*ri. Ravat iuan apokelike this Mai¦; MVtr B l"te lite Bial.iite: ii.-tei" atJOh -i llle Bf(8l 88881 881lilllll Ii-.liill-. N-1*801 ill'l Un illtiltll id¦Miet. luti-t diil the itis'.:ii-.-t of li.-iu-

uatagtoa sucli u Being *ulim.i ii u isd im i ti iii» lijis. aracb k»*8 iuIttaj lu'Uit.auch a cliatiutei. n biluucedand Qomplotf. vtitu olaiaai bo um-

tjn-ai.-a rtinJ wi I'.'fl) i joioatl tu ftv )<ro*

f.iii '1 liiiiuility aml >u virat a kimlneH*.t,,*. arda iin- i\aa.

Tlu- Bibi" oon.iu. ih u-ttaifhri«t. Btnlao coaviaoea aa Tberafora, wbaa aragiaace from tli.- N.-w Teetaaaeal ao Maa<>i.i wobavotboriafatto ooaaaMar,aadwell <-uit-iii.-r. aii Chriet Myaabooltbe <>|.| Tisc.iii. ni <»iir I.ur.l iiiin.'. aolo apaak, from tbo boaom of tboJaa ibrrligloo, and att'>t*<l l»y H»' J«-'w»i»propbooiea, aad He la Ili-* tnm ato*nooaoad upon Unil reiigtoa ;it"l its lntory. Our Lord att. -t.-.i the <>i*J Taalin i.i. anil \w iniiut aad musi notOiruxi. aakfetbal whieh Heattaanaa th-oat aaaailiag Iii-. poaitioaj as f.o.l..Arclibi.-liup of York.

I II i. i> x X III lil s |

,.- I...-.--i'v "f a irt-nt-ral wceklyholidaj -.-"ii.- i'"i a* to baae inan falfc,maohleaato bavobeoa reeogniaed bylaw,orb] oae ol ttaoae eaatoaae ha«Hi..ii :tii iii-iin. iix. s- ii-. ol I'liiivcnia mvw'lii-li Hi" so iniicii atrongor tbaa alllawa. 'i ii" fact, m a a bata aaid, ia aarxoeediagly cuiiooa oaa, aaaeh more.uiiuus ili'in tin- praaent teadencytoniiik" Stiml.iy h jK'r.-iuptoi ily clusi- i«poeeible tbal tbe doaalaioooa* aot*diera bad aonaethiog to do xviih tbamattt r. -..Mn r-" l.aluts ln COfnlog Bxi 'Iiu war-tima, aad war recognlaiog tu>

bolidaj; aad poapibla, t" <. tbal tlie oaeuniveraal wora being agnoultaro, of peaaaotB greatly laflactbeir rula-is. With allcoltivatora,work,being regulated bj tlu -. .¦ »ne, m necee-s-mly li.-!"" ur int.-riiiitli'iit in patchl -.

imi tbe Inatlnctive dealre ia foi >ngbolldaya io Black timea, aa, for examp| Jual before barveat. rathet tbaa for

i,t Intervala of li laura,Even iiiixv. aad in ESogland, tl"

ion of laboreri rxcuara bayanakfaSunday, aad if tbe maj ait? owned tb<-tnl. we Ihould -".' I.l.'tity Of Siillilaxlabor in the Belde. lae greal oaatbe iivui-iiiiit" ol regalar bolldaya waa,bowevar, we are nearlj oouvinced,

ibor, anl tli" tia.litir.naty babltlot tbougbt aml iictiuii wbicb ilave laborencooraged. 'I"1'" whoks body "f tinfree were determined ibatalavee ahouldwork witboul pauaa -tbat i* tii" onlj,,, - i,i,, .-v|ii.«ii.iti"ii oi th" aecurity

qi locia i\ it'.i againat dave rieInga.and would tolerate no plan ->iI,.,, alll| qo ri "iai " latCBBM Wbicb -"ii

interf. n 'i witb tbat.\x ili ti." in.. ni moveaaeat in favor

of Bunday aa a day ol aaal be nerelj.paamodtc, or ia it likoly t" laat? Weiim,k it iiktiv to laat It baa la Ita

tbe appioval of aii tbe cburchae,wbicb, tbougfa ofti n ean i"-* about Ui"

for long !'¦ rfoda "i nui.'. bave.¦i-rt-tii-' '1 to urge ii"- !».'" hclal .-f-

obej ing t ii*- Chriatian tradition,an_ in tai ir own loweel aa well aa bigh-t si intereats, ean n rar ceaae to uik1' lt.No prieotbnod ean poaaibly wlah eitba r

tbat tbe atornal ordiaaaoee of timiriitii ibould be nealeotod.'orthat men i

minde abould be materialiaed untiltbej i-¦ 'im- ;.s imiitr i.-i.i a- tii"i,iuii-. Tbe philanthropic man "i-. it'iH.". too, xshu wii! bave much moreiu Bay in ili" world than tbey bave bad,n nl all i." un tlu- -inu'- siii". Boaae wlahinu to Improve bygiena, xx bich n quireal. ii .|, ,,| reat lur Iiuiii xxuiki ;-.

iiii.l -..ui" to v* in innii t"il :i nui" forwtb and cultivation whksb

iltail D,,i I..- rendered wortbleaa bj.1 t itigue. Aod, Baaliy, Unw obtaining the rote, ar.-

becoming cooacioui "t tlnir obj d Inu r

t-.-i. aii.i even i" plaoi ¦ wbi rei,lir. ... ti j ive t] ii" againat re

ligj .ti ii vi iy "ini mi- -' ita ol iinii'i.wiuch baa made ita appearance al Inter

.il througb buropean hiatory,mixing itaell up, >r inatance, xmlt ihe

the Albigei -1, witb lhabiatorj "i wltcbcraft, xvitli t.»«.

Uuguanoi movi ment. and even x. itboui own "i ollardrj.' add wha h baaimi been bail ut carefully Uudied aa ll

i.-. Thi- hand-workera ol Bnill not give up tl." Bonday im>

more x\ b. n once tbi) bave fairly got it,nor auffer _»». lawa lo ii" reiwithoul x'.liu'li tbo -ii pi um

cannot Ij" made anfficiontlyuDtvenal. Ratber tbey will makeUn- weeklj reat, if anytbing,.i little too lt.nk'. Tbe movement fordoubling lt baa begun alre uly,Bnglaud baa aatumed marki .1 prop ir-

i,,.,;-. .--|!x aa regarda bil labor.The people have contracted a habit oluuntiug, nol ihe d iye ol toil Ina wei k,imt ti..- boura, and t atriking everyit.-li i,mn- they t_.«in from the B-tur-

tiut. As tnev leain to u

..ui" i' ti' i. ii ".. '¦'-1 b '''""' !""n''"'"

patienl ol getting thi ir leiaure in littlefractiona, and will Incline, u- they doslieady, toward claiming entii.,, wbicb tbej will Ij- maetera of theirown ti'.i".

lea a 111 atrike matny employeriravagant, but il l« one xvhicli tlns

writei .u li aat vi rj itronglythat befi i" anothei generati mbaariai n

cootrol oi afl ilra, ti." arorkmi n.. ity a new

uinbrou and moretban rteam, xmii imxt

.nui. .1 iluir pri -.nt ideal, tbe eight-dat into .1 nine-houra daj, laalni B A. M. to 5 P. M.. and will

bave -t.-uu in every weektwoSabbatical 'iix.-. Ibe Bituiday and Hii,:U reema a lar ". d< duction from la-

bat n ience ia ddiag to man i

rorce; the Baturday ia already bul ¦brok. n day, and the dimioutton oidrinking aa tbe n»<>-1 waateful ol allit.ttiit-, \xiii reetoru tonearly half tbefamiliee in tbe klngdom al lea»fi tbreaiiuuri, a xviak of extra capacitj forworl

,, will I no loaa .-! lima, aa theeaaj adoption of tli" balf holiday abua-iiaiitiy provea,wbllatbi tollaraof tbeworld will gain at laal tnai commandnf leiaure. witboat a%icb,aa tha grealllebrew-Egypiian would Beamtobaveforeaeen, tbere ean be no foll oppor>t'Hiitv eitbei of mental or »pirttual ad-

PeopJe ¦ IH ',:iV>'ll

that Moaea wa b t "ln parod11 la anjbut wbere <ii»l be get tliat notion

i Iqg np ii levenih of a natioo i

time for labor la order to aeenre to italitm' fur worahip and tliuutflit '¦ Waa ilgi nerated in bia mind ¦olaly bj \ u.x foiihe overwi rkol bia i" ople, «ii>'" onat.,-mil which ia like Iroa.aad underasky tbal st- ol braaa, tbay beapad uptbeaoaaaive brickwork which baaaur-,is ,i Pbaroab,buthaanotaurvived tba¦btvai to whotn be aroold |tae ao

reatP- Loadi n Bpi"titor.Ml Nia.ll I IN III. IX IA.

Nt.itiuiit siii.ii i." 1" haaveoj ao pUMruualiMini

Hhall ti'm tl. it ..!-.iii'iis lno ''. I'"':s Mliill lall Itl -i il" Bl " ir l-HMHI

llt.W. l-,Tlmt tluli Ir.iKiiiit' tlirni-ii"'


\i> niytit -liill I." ui li.av.ti,i.i IO HV -ii.ih,-.-,- .->"s ihi ai'i" II-'ii iiKiiiriilt.l vlgU

h."|',llnsi- ti.imi.niih tlri.-.l, llt.-ir t.arsiill Hlpefl

ti.*-> ¦ ... onaia_»ii 'i ua "tfiiiiii aay.

\.. n'uiit siniii ba mil. ...a; iii's-in-'-

\., -, ,-t,-t anguiali, ii" ""il" i" ii |"H".MohiiiM-rinu inni*. uo burnloB i.-.t-r ili.-n-

iwl 1.1 ii. -r-m

S-, ni4lit hliiiil l>" ln in-iiveli. Iiin "iiill Mti"rn

Nu fitsl il, 111.uiii -nn, ii" WHitin.! imh>ii;ilut l".r. UM l.'itil' slmll \ li-lil |.t-rjH t.iul

ll.-itlm 11,.,-:.,-.- -ffii and watera evaw angai

.Nu iiuiii sliall ba ni li"ix"ii; ii.>.l..rk»-ii"iti-i ."I.

No ii. tl i.t ii< ttii. i'"i sii.-ni'' im Ui" toinlt;- ... ii.kit witb I.'X" iiii.l iruli.

Muaii in ii- tn.- iiuiii.- xviiu _*u launortalJlUltll.

>.. n-Kl.t ^lnlll I." ln li.-i.v. h; liut lllulit".

i ba iii.-iii "I w»m»_ itii'i Hi" ui-iii "i;nnnu-,i Un- nu tlmt aow mv _i,-|i«titii.-ii'.

Aml aal.r.iik ft<.itt th. rl tli.H BBB| T.'. t-..

peuiL\t. nl.'lil »! Hl. N ln liaaivni h. Iiitil I faitb'.t iu st'lt il ll dtit illll X. ilti"-»>:ilt|i,iim ...Uli xv a 1,1 inak" Hi.B-J iilil, -ii' I'lt.ii-

fii » IluAuJ !<-i.ii nl-li- liaiiiWlorth .» i a-aiilif.ii

1110.-aHulrcivd. i


"//. ||i I Ihr 8888888 BBBl 8T8hr (/ iii ,i V«,l; h> h'l'h nol nl, /.')<¦ /. -"

'" /.'//'. -i ,t ilnink ink; htt tn', II, <l ii ifJ i, !>!¦ ii-

,..,.,/, ,/..,'.. li/'.- dutltrpmrl*.'.l ¦-

II'" . llaat'tW rrni'mlfi'l IIki.iII' 1.

- ' lllisilll.

A I'liitntr ii tt.

tt'hlto rOBBBaiBBB IJ f,v n.i tneekll <11-»|>1:»\ ingishi"tn ,i petala

frasUa and .- ttd.While l.iiielniisaro Orliutvv in ro aldei

iviii.!- "ii tln- WBVII he lllies ||ii[,,ii|.

-. metadowa tln- brfcrlI'rlit cbi illetath.-vvhii. st.|k)« n mltesl an.l si

it -iiininoi v

ple tr.-e f.v Inkll -.

lli e all -III[ta blcaaaima lli il llutterlike whlto hlltt.

ih.- orvsiai i.i.H.k Ruabea,iii.- ll-.w. r liihe tralllai arbatua

|s pinK nn the alope ;ih. v.illi-vThat K l.'il le-ellll.'e.\ ra aunnj and fraarantttilh klsse- "1 h"|-e,

i iii, boora * ni -'m- roaleat, art* in-t,...l.l-v. sini. .1 an.l mao. llll,ts -vvaua "ii a sir. Min

un: s"iiis i,o. |. repeatinu,. iih viiieref. re ao floi iim.',

Like i.i.-. ¦ ari¦ "iilvI 88 'il V"

-i:.K..Miuiklitri.k.ln Ymiih'si ..iiipauniu.

81 t i.i:.

The lollowing opiuioBeof diaiinguiah.1 u rftera of the prreaent day expn aa .1

in lettera to the autbor of tha raoentljpabliabed bnak on the an of auth aabiawill b f"un inti ii atiog.Mi. llall C 'ine thinks lhat witboul ¦

oalural earfor ii11"1' nfoae no writei"w ill v. do gri at tbinga.' lie him-aelf look lor .lt hi Broughurai andCarlyle, a eouraa by bo meana to be re

00 nmended ;t<> the lyro, aad wbichwoul I doobtk bave apoiled Mr.

- mv la bad be been ln the h aalinfluenoeahi thoae ibockingexamplea

l'i, i, llu.tlev aaya' "I bave Beveibad the fortune,for goodot evll, to raceive ao] guidance or inatruction ioih,- ui oi IJogliab eompoaition. lt ia

iv for ih-it reaaon 1 have alwayimu m .1 a ii< .tt aar t" thec ammon advioa

iv good mndela,' lo 'give r< ur

lav- and nigbta tn the atudjp ol Addi¦ii. and ao oo. Huif m aaid that a

man'a rtj l< ia hia r< > aelf, aad ia myjudgment it oughl to IProfi rtaor i! teckel writee: "Sinca you

ara Bpeciall* iotereatad In my atyle.i(.nl vv i-h tu kttOW what 1 u-,

in my iiteiaiy eompoaition. 1 can that an itihoin l8J.ll Bt l.iv..r- me

iv. and that from early youth on1 bave wished t.i give my tbougbta a

clear and pr> cbx n. Bp cialv . .Im-ill Ul l have bad lU'iie. in il

I,. itOWl .1 .i-i i ii"' "U :ii t i-t ii

compoeition.1 Pi f< ator Tyndall, in a

from bia favoritc Alne,"Emeraon baa --ni i" "io "i ln-1I, tin r.- io im thoda in mathematics

., an- incommunk ible, aml it cer*ti.Hilv would tn- a ihiii. uii. it not an

impoasible. laah t"r me t.. t. :i you bowbad ih-' atyle of which y«>u are

kiod enough t" bim ak io favorably. Toiliiiik clearly ia the firsl requiaite. Mv

.nu i- i.. expreaa clearly in »ru-

iuk 'v bal l tbink."..; ,p ,1 .n.i l'i:--, ii I. .well is

"lie-iiin.i t.. ihink tbal i man'a atyle i-boni with bim, and tbal a atyle nto-leii.ii uponanothcr'aiaaptto be none

.il 80(80.'i: iiniiml Clarence Btadman njr. i

atn the ll)"H nnpi'BBed lln: long(M Irv.. with tn. i..i.i Buffon'a aaying.'i'. ., the al v le Indet d the man,1"

.1 u i.i ii I! * iln-i '.'. Bl ''dbrpoaed totbii k that literarj atyle ii largi ly b

matter "i innate aplitude. and i- foa,. ,| ., niuc by tbe rtudy of good

authora as by pi raonal efl irta."Bpeaking <¦! metboda of ccmp

tbe lai" Bobert Browning¦iiin ,i name anj one autbor win. \-

cluaivelj infiueuce me in tbat to the h tt al expreeaion ol tboughlbut thought n-"lt ha.i manj impul-

siuiin from vali.ui- BOOIWiiiiam M'iriis. Boet and i rcialiat,

-.-ml- a obaracteriatic letter in whii h b<t the young men for wboae be-beae rtewa won- coilected) "It

l were adviaing tbem, I ibould adviaetbem t-> lo.ii 'i .a ¦ aa posstble tbe aadi id tbat tbi y areelavea, wneiBver tbeirpoaition maj bo, ao that they migbtturntbe whole I theirenergiea toward >vin-

niiijj; in. dom, ii notf ¦. thamaalvea, retfor tbe cblldran they will beget..lei- iucb coudition - art and llterature,i. ti | worth i "ii ridaration.a v.-ry aound Btatament ia lhat ol

or Jobn Btuart Blackie, who.. i iu vor made any ipecial

f ityle, and whatover vlrtue l:. ive iii tbia in ty graw ap aa. mj

mindgrew BBOonacioualjr. Btyleaeerna-., ,i,i,. mi oa thr.o tbinga. 11) a* and character; (8) ¦ familiar

I uith the t" -t autbora; (8) dexb ritjin' the ii- "i vv.nis. acquired bj oon-,-iant tn totk . B. vv,- tauat learn i"

ipeak by apeaking, aa are laarn;,' rj walking, oi to dancr

.1,. iug, Tbe main thiog lnwritingiato bave diatinct and claaiand wall.maiaballedideaa,and thentoexpreaa l taoa aimply and withoutaffec-tatioo. Tbia fornt* whal we aaay calllli- l...ue.-of OgOod ft>l". Tlnn vou

iiiioi atud) to givooolor by apt Imand waraath by natural pa-aiion andarw -'in -.. Iha mualc ol worda aml

a matterdi um tln- , ar.' And he

concludee: "Butitia difhoultto glveadvtce ln rucb u rtjattar. Bvery manunisi h ive bia "v\ti atyle, u ba baa hiaoa a faoe aml bia own fe^tuwa.*1

li t i.i: t it i:i in 1- i v.

jfbrtj ii it - ago tl" m » L'ut °*a

printiog'offlce in Od ii-s.-ni-.beiearethirty-ttvaauobea atJuaTatntaiheie. tWeUtJ i ! w lihit B81 *8fl 0888J*M during tno laal bra y ln thiarejsrd tba citj on tha Blaci ra aimoalequala tbe capital "t the E»i| iro, for u

baa a printiBgH ffloa fur avi i-1 000 ofita ii.h iiiiia-it-.u ini.-st. t'et. raburg for every 8,000, Hara.alao, ihe

.iitist DO taken iui" .-'ii si.leratl.iti.that the graal ¦.> ol utapi rktJ reaidaocaturnaout priated matter for tha wboleBmpire, wbila OJaaam wotfel "iily forit- ,i,-uiii BBd aurroundinga. Bhe | ro,im- ¦ al prea ut 10 pei ci nt. of all thebooka iml 1'jini.hlet.s priniid m thaIvupire.

.Next to Cldtaaa. the city Ol Ka/au i»

niog a centre of publioation. Aj>oordiBg to the rap Hrii of tba Ce«aoribuieau tiiitiy It.H.ks uio pi n tt'l in nlher

pro vi niai i-.vttis, stnii as Kiev. Kliur-k.,v. VorO» zh, lCya/in, i;kat.-i iiuatlaf.1't-rm uml I'lti.r-. B8ai even iu BB8jfa.niall placea a* Vv-lnk. Ilillierto M.¦ivv In-lil tha moni.-'oly of "clieap e.h-tiLiis' of v»..rk-i ratad by Iha ma-ef. nl

pri.-.-nl I1.-' tu..tu ;al prerrt tien ttilhbar bri thopriBtiag and tttagof BOfaj.i.u worka. k» lo "' pohlicniion ofliooki addteaaTfl 10 B !ii>-lier order ofIBteUlgenc- the pr-da-f tbe large pro*riocial dtiea alaaoai BaraifBedai that oftbe twoeapitaki al t'1" topiro.

r,ii>.lical put'li. attoaa liave eorre-

s-|to:.iliUKly lucreii-til. Aluio-it evety

city of iinportaii.e hia it* 'lai'y or

wee!»ly j 'iiruat. Some P8JBBH of lbe

kargar Btwv*lhoh>J toarna wilh the letialliuua" Of thain ti..;. iln, iu nize aml iu thj natur,; afthen- o n'eiu-. only i»:i|h.'*' Mnfunrm in nt, but avan iu;ioilica.l pu»i'iicatioua ou Bg'iouUurV uohooloa*.m«olc»o«, juiiupmdfwovi h«w «*Wi

»i>ecial branrhes a)f learning are pub.Iislia.l in th" large citie*.

Tofc'.'itifr with thedevelopmeut of tli"aetivity of tliu prei*H. a ilenonun,at'on ofnrocaamoaal lit«*rati naadeielopad M. ¦who are living on the poaa ara <|uite freejaaatly tn.-txt ith in (i l.'tiii. but there are sin.'h jut-sonfi in oaher atovfaaafal olttra, aaoa »¦*

Ki.'v. Kaaaa, Niratov. Khaikov. Til'isand aitln-r plai-f*. Iu Oileasa aml 111

EtaratOV tbe lit.rati have forma.lnm-tunl ixui'tit ¦oaaatlce like tii. areiiax" in Bt. PaUwbarg aaal Haaoaw:Bad iaotiaar o*ilea»too. e ob ohroaai ..fiit.-iarv min ara being faeaaed.

If xv" take int" ciiisi.itf.iti.iii thal latho proviocial towaaao work _.¦"* topreaa witboul i»-.o^ pearlaaaly ravloedan.l approved hv laa oaaaor, aad tbaliii.iny titi.s of iini.urt.iii.'i' luivo not.¦v.'ii a c.'tisor'ia btira-au Of tln-ir own.

iimi araeaaapelled to tarad their priat-iag iiintt. r for rexisjuii toanother pkMBa,tho il.-xt lopmi'tit of tlie literary BO-tiviiy in tha> proviaooa, racb as it in,aaay bo regarded aa a caiearfal si»tn oftbe tloie aad of tlm latelkctoal pro-zrv-m tit Uiis.-iii. .Litarary Beview,

«\s f.x i;ai\ a.l M i;a»l - .

Ceataialf aaa, [a bia raath be mnimoro nioni'y iliati be o.ij;ht. bat in Bttl treara be waa avartclouu. i.yi.niaiwi.x -

paraded bia geaoroaity Bbaliay alarayagave in aacret. Hy t >ti ooafaaeed (aad 1ha.l only -."tno a yoar. whilo lt" bad

01 that Iie xvas la my tiebt, aiultiiiit im um-t stttlo But l alarayainrm.l iti'tf. HoooofBaaed il>al li«- fa-t.ii! tl i'm out of oneyear's la*90_OO.Bhelley bad Cl.OOO t. yaar, aad gaveaway £500 evert yaar,

()f Mary Bbefleyi aaeatal facultiee,Tralaway apoka tbaa: "Her miad \x ianotbiag partioular. Bhawaa aotwor-thy t.r Bhelloy. Bar fathar taughi beih ki'o.I tlf.'il an.l Bhelloy Ibe ri-t."

I sai,| that tlu- "Siit'llv Memonals." a

book t'lif.i by Lady Bbally, gave tbaworld*a*ar] bighoptalonof barebar*acter. 'in in>-'. Trebtwoy roeefrom his ch.ur aml made ;i .jiiuk nmxc

ment toward nae. lle rtopped audden-Iv. an.l in a HtVBge tone exclaimed:-They ara all lalaa." I waited for i aaafnrther exptaaaUoa, inr I .liil not un-

derataod bia moanlng. Al ia*t be aald:"The lettera publiehed ia tboaa»_ie-Boii .

ar,- bera Mary Bhelloy]; the rest of iimh.'..k is all tii'tiuii."A well-kaown _*ngl*eh aaUu n ¦ waa

at thai iim.' trying t«> iiml ;i poblbherfor a book wbicb sh" ha.i compiledonByroo. Trelaway aald: *. toidmeaboul it. He aaaurae oae u i* karutleaa,tbatil will do Byroo ao Inrm \xh:.t-Bver."

l aaked him whethor the writer poa--. --"I anv autbentio doouaaaata."Vis, BOt-te. I'.nt none of aay nu-

portanco. .beggad aaa t" aaa bar,bat I r.'fiis."!. She shall not puta IcHol liee ni ber book aad *ay I told Iheai."Bpeakiagol Byroaa portraltehaeold

"Tbi re it* but one good likeneaa <>f Hv-ron, and tbal ta the work of Thorwald-Baa. a statii" ahould, wbdb p-.r-iuii-.

tnble th" original that it la areotedByron'a aiater. ha» wife, Hobbouae.

Kinnaird. Haroeaa aad myaelf all coa-ikleredtbe boel by Thorwaidaan was

thebtal in exiateece of Byroa. Tha-portraita bj PbUlipe and otherawere ual k" him. b.'tli ln drawlag ii... rxpreeaioa. Byroa bimas.if tboucbi tbey ware oarica-luree. Tne miiiiiiiura' by Holmoa(luu foohaveol mineh_.e_it*.rtboogbirery like, bul abe conaJderad thal no

irtiet of lus titae eookJ dojuatice tobia expreaaive face. I waa witb LadjlUrmi wben ih" atatuoby Tboi waldaea

i ,- ii.|>' Lady Byroa'aoold mvwanaed at tbo si-ia of it lat-

petuoaity K"' tba better of bajr foiim-". aaabe exok-lm. d: kHow like im

dear Byroa only nol bail beautifuleoough for bba.' -tba laelgh ouldin.,1 imt onofaull in n tav lobe of tl.",,.r ,!i,i n-'t li" cloaa eaoagh to tlieiu-i-k.' Temple Hir.

i.iti:i:.\kv aociariaa.

ln manj of .mr t"x\ aa there areciationa, more or laaa inforual, for tbeparpoee of litorary Improvanaeat, inn im h young pereoaa aad older i>-uf the two m M-' meet to oompare aotea,,u lome braneh ol lettera wbiob tbeyhave agreed to proeecute. Buch meet-iiiKs, it luepired by ¦ tdncere deeire toadvaoce in knou ledge aad tast.-. ran h" alike prolitable and agreeablein,.y ibould be free from vanity, affeotation, and pedautry. Mo vain gloriouailfsire iu exploil ona'i attainraentaibould eator into in b -" iata i Tbelempor and manner ol Bclontihc iationa mav be o .pied. Tbe moat emi,,,.,-t Kientiata coi fi t with modeatyand.sui, ..its. n..i gotiam aad aavy.Tbey ara almoat childlike iu tbalr demeanor wben tbey meol lo aaoi rtainwhat now trutb baa beea rurmieed..r old bypotheeW con__rmed. Tli*-donaain of more Hterary taata i-

not quite so lure aad ao xm ll defiued,and tbere needa to be care leaa roaent-.,.', |. i,. provoki .1 '>r folblea wouodi d.l,i th.- t-arli. r itagM of tbeaeaooietieekno*wledge aaay be tbe obiafaim. andafterw trd critical dlecuaalon \\ ill b Ifl..riler. Tbey aboald be deaaocratic. Noautoerat is wantard al tbeto. Witb i al

and fair capaoity, and aa lafaeioo olmagnanimity toward one aaotbar, than,-.. aot well li'li' being mucb gain,andthey ougbl alao to i.i"in"t.- frieedha-'-'l upoa kii.'U.'ii taatee and reetingoo i.-i'.'iu- '.'l"':'':u" oalyaoxillarjiu ivate readfag .ni'l n Bectioa, but tbejougbl to L." itaefal aadcaa ia' madaaoby thoaa who w ill -ink pride and-nod-eaty and ewaeetly atrive for Lntellec-fial ipoila, big or little. Thay ar" atepaiiitheri-iiUlirectiou.-Pill.sbiir^Chron-iole-Telegrapb.


CAl.i.ta.Kxiiix \M) OBA-taOTIOt,Nobodf ooatwaitlBg tbe aignatarea <.f

Charlaa I. an.l Ollver Oromwall coulddoubl wbicb of tbe two moa bad tbettroogar will. Charlaall wrotoa maobm .,. pleaaiog baad wbaa Priooe olu/aleathan aftar iii-i accaaitrin to Ui"tbrone, but ll i>* eortaioly troa tbalhandwritlna andtorgoee many traaafar-mstiona aad ra_eata la many anaxpect-",1 waxs the iliati^.'s of BOOd Oi th"

writer. Koabody need heaJtatalo reoof<i,^ lu,- t.-ui|i' i la xvinch a leller Mwritton, aml notbiag la more abaurdtbaa tbe lacoaoraal baate with wblofaanv one iu a paaatoa BXpraaafB liiiuself.Saxhiog, t«>". ai atore potbotk Hian thetr*«nblingerba_atctarB fornaed by old ageorill-bealttu Tberola a ilgnatore of tbatirfit Kul "( Miaitt-nimiy. kbaautbor ofthe ' i:iKira.'t"ii.-lUs. la tbe lintishtfoeeaaa. wbiob ia elcqoaol ol tba 1..tirmiii's from which be xv ia is a far cry fimn \\ ii.mii:1 UL to

Oaorga Waahiagtoai. bat oaa) Baaaaa t.>

bavea parallal in tbe c-Uigrepby oftbetwo fi.uiou'. captaiaa, « hieb is. t» i bapa,¦jco io ba drawa betwaan timir obarac-1.1 a;, men of aotiaa Haa af letier^are aotortoaaly tbe wntera ofth.-ir tiaaa, aiul xve look, fmtmtm m

v.nii for ladteatioae of cbaltatat la thehurne.1 BOiawla xviiah do 'luty for

tha-ir autaaxaaaa. Ibara aat.of oooraa, anain. eacaaaaaaa uumerous

enoiiRh 10 rank aa IxaBBBjBB of ttiecon-reraarata. Aaidinon. f*ir laeraaoe,« rote a baa ilifally clear, if noinewhaioorrrot. baad. Deaa Swifi arvota a

legiblebut sinr baad. aaarly upnght,a Baaaolaat indafla*<loo nl bia iud«*ieuee of chaiatter. Riclianl B.Sl.eritiaii xxrole au .xeerable baad,wlnle paja^r Sheu»toue nuuht havo beeua -iltini, aaafi~r ao ju.iue by hi* adacate*l >f characta'risiic super«crii)tion.£)r. Jobuaon. Baflavtet wr...<_ .* very cral.

bed haui, but ua> fault coul.l b«> foundwith iton tne the acore *>f ille^ibility,for nearly every letter was well fonneal.aml aaw cuu believe that he ha.l tli«horror of "correotiou*"b.'fore hii miad.Voltaire wrete aamall but legible baad,wUi-'u leetpa to iodicate tbat »». mu-C

have Uea di#UD«ui«»r»«?d by aatlhodand piatJiliob Qt WWViWi TMW WM

eertainly no imlii-ation of aajajftaa BJ thbaadwrtrtiagTif K.imumi D88*ka,whlct is

lailuii i flaajInalB Inoklnc* but Bobodjeould doubt the iniliviilinilily of Fnmi in i;ii- ui. Coatgrava wrota a . lear. ifs.iinevvhar acbtxilb'ty i*h haml. andThumaaCjinitdiell. tuo. waa a line au.lfree tvriti r. There ii B curioua famil.vlikaneaa betwaaa tba baa*adwrifia>g oiVVordaworth, hbuihoy aad C'-ohwidga.wbich t.nipt.s obb) to tlunk thal theyeoeied OOO atifltht-r; but II 80, they eer-

i-ainly ilid nut niieeei il in BJod(a**fB81 a

very remaikable hand. * I. il Lvi-nw an a inui-h more untiilv writer. aml ifwe oomaaN Iuh lBB*dw(rWM witbS iiitliey'ri. we ean «eo at a gl.un what8 glllf lilfi.leil tkal tWO flBMBB, R iti'TtBuraaaa badautoa^sph w,.riliyoi royaltv. Drtileti 8*8088 B -*h..larlv ind.but ..ue aaa deaaoa, one t mii.-i. a !a-k of il.-eisii'ii ifl hiati emul.'ii-eiirve ajrafl tln ii taOWB atftj k-The Italian soh. .1 inu-t have liei lt in

n wli.ii Mana av*la>U*o*ftltaughl tO tvrite. t'.r uer haml re|.|.primnesi panoofaaad, taot auBworthyofher laie.'. ln the sum- wav. t"". (88people wouhs, wa imaiime. aavei. .1 far aatray by tha baaidwriting:ololiver Qouiaaaith, whlch, wilh all itshfantiea. is wbolly laekitiK ''i danhiaoB,aml so.-uis to curioimly tetlect lu< r«-

lilieil I'UI vtiivtt ari t.'iilp'i ililelit HiltU would ba intareatiag to know whalthoae modem aoothaav«ri would makeui -um. ni-toriotl haaaiwriUnfa.would ba aife toprrxlict thattbey wouldmake a r;ire baah "f auqh ebaraotara aaWelliogtoa aml Napi'lemi.. I. lUilonStauii.inl.

oen i".

TLit. publisliern OOOaBBOBjaJly makeraiatakee ia Imt to aay that they are bu<man. Dooaloy. tl ia aaid, rafuaad to giveStetiie IX (01 "Tristrtitn Shainlt," amlevaotuaily araa gtad to pay lum MMfor tha rkthl io the aeooua dttiou of them raa to tha otharaxtraaaein paying Oliver Gotdmnith f'>r workawhich lu.v.-r evao oegaJa. Dodalaymade anothet mUtake ia refuaiag to

toythinc to do with MiauBuTM) -

lirst novel, *T\teliiiil." She event B >l Ijs.ihl it tn atiother pulili-lier for C88, amlba must bave nuitde hundreda, it nottbouaaoda, m.i of n.^ZTha wbole biatorj oa lltarature abowa

thal Ihora is as mueb tun'eriaiuty aboutpubliabing aa about Buthorabip, No.iti.- OOUld tole-ee that vvheli Profl HBobertaoa aocepted Ml .> f"r lus "llistoryof Hootlana'' he would by thalwork iu.ike it vv-.rth while furatnih-liabor i" give bim 84,800 for bia "lu--

toryof Charloa v.." anow ¦taahlaaaknown b "k. Qfbbon bad, if wa maitaka not. to bring out tha Birad rolume,.t bia "Decline and I ail" al lun owaKpanae; v . t ba la aaid t>> kuva oh arad

£6.000 h I'.'ie be hnislioil lor tlo 0 »pjrigbt, Qa would have ntada anoro badberetainetl tba copyright. Then conn.i-: lliime. vtli,. recelved C200 for tbalirst tWO v..liiiiies ,»t' his 'Tli-t.iry ofEogland." aritb aboauray, arha ra

' mu) f.,r the lirsl tvto voltitnes.-1 i.i-

Iiie line old eei'inimie law "I -uppltin.l ,1. maml op- - IB th" unlu-ti v .1

book roakiog. aa in ror? othof bf*anch..i buroan etr.irt. Tha -neaaaui "i ..

uiati ui (i.i. n lhara lao ¦ n doaa intoajl ih..- braaobee of n»uoy«*nMr4tiBg. ILuck counta for exnoh in ihe litt raiworld. lt Ifl leit.iuilv bad luck for aniautbor- who makea a bit t»ul« Itaolohance of making :i t trtuna in ihe Uld [World t.. Uod bia pi nl. and |ii,ip, and |o?--btiog aold by tbo hun-jdied tbouBBfl ui America, witboul tbo!r.iurii i.f BSlngh] l-eiiny t . hiiil.. All Iu,i > ar Bound.

i ni I R11 BMITY Of DI BltlBTt

Durlng Iha t. aidenoa of Jamea ll In SDublin, in 1088 and 1890, Trinity Coi Ilege ueaaed to exfart until tha B&ttli of Itbe H tj ue brougbt back tbe 1'. Ih-tv-from tin ir biding placea in Bnulandaud drovi away tha gaxriaon wbich badbeea quarterea in thadr buildingaii oceforth tbe biatory of the uoiveraity ia one "< more oi leaa pea iful da-v.-liiptiioiii. Diaagraernente h iv ari aafrom lima t-i time among the gof-'erning body, but the m at remarka-hi,. peeulhruity ol tha oolkage du»>|DH tl..- laat oantary araa oar»

tainly the rrowdbaeai o( ita youngermembera, a bo in on inatBfaM rdaot au

iiiiu.'.xioii- Junior r'ellow doad ni lnBtoodatbuj bedroom wlndow. Minor

.-ni to bava bi an -1 alhraoat dallyoccurrence. Wonad with woiadavlaoaithe ondergraduataa "atooed the daauoul of the iiaii. braaking into bfai ro ani

and deatroyirog everytl ing ln tbemrbey oantrived to ravage otber pai,,t tbe ooliege, until tbe middle <>f theoigbt, evivlently ondangoting tba life oltbo peraon who waa the object oi tln u

Iment." Thia vvas ia itio; audthat. thiUga li '.! BOl all''r"l BBUOh haif a

century later raay ba gathered ir.-m Bletter of l'i"- hiagae, aftarwardi Aroh-biahopol Dublin, wbo araa alao):i iVll.i.v-lup iu 1788, Wii'-ti ho ba-oama Junior Daau, ba a*rl'.Whata aituatioo thta muat !". bbx**

roupded by aighl huadrt .1 reatleea, aadmany of them miacbievi us. burdea,continuailj mlxing ia one maim.iv i coojeotura, bui that con

Jecture a Bl be far inort ol tbe r. ality.I wai not fwodayi in ehlca oban 1 btbi

hliged to .-..llv..ut .ii ii at Bight (roma vvaiui room, and uodai a baravy cold,to put a -i rp to ii hattle bi tween a bodjof our nnaanotinad routhi aod ¦ b tdj,,i p i. Aii.i piungiog tbrougb ihadirty -rtrceta ob ¦ f»rj wetnightforraore thaa an bour, I rradtad thaxnalliototbaooUagi aon.Btof thowateh

,1, - .un- OUi Of the kolll.e!One ia remlnded cf the ex [utaiteiy

lodieroua "Q laatte "tu row io "OldTniiiiv," giveu iu Chaiiaa O'Malhiy,writt-'ii in parodyof tbagrvat Pauiaaa-lar th gaa, with ihe "fah- attawh oa tha

Qarden, to bt luraod Into a,,.,i oo ti th" ladlea abould BOtaaata,atO V.t. with all un turbuleuce.a bich, bn a loft, may ba atkau a- a aignof rigdroua lifo.DubUo UmvorattyW88 eveii .luririiT the reatri-ti il perioilwith which llr.Btubba da i, "iMiive

of fajnoui vtittj."' Tha " gtraal Mr.

Congravea raputatioa may be a tnii.'iu.slv rjowadaya.but Burke, Ooidamitb,aml SWift are u iim-s of tvluoh auy ijni-oeraity miKht well ba pmu-i. aaaai

;h the latiei w aot»ntrlo, nncouth,diasgreeabla fouog Lraaamaa **rtow\jracaped plucking whti at Duhlm.TbeSaturday Itevitw.

I01 IMt". *' tKMM.s.

N-. man ever livo.I tn-ie p;ain!y <>i

iv'.iki-'l hani-i lhal) Suillii-y; yet heD8*vav bad ayeuru InaBJaaa in a-lvauc.-,we «r. told. tili iu 1886, wba tt;.n lixty-oaai yaaw ol i- Bir Bohert 1'eel aetiiadi p,,.aion of t"Wo ou him aud offarsdlum a h.ironeley. vvlu-ii he ha.l the.ood «en-ie to dsatiuo. Ki»;hi-amltwawty yearsearlior. IbwT.U |*eiifi..ii Oi£160 ayear aad baau (xmfarrod oa alaiihroun'h the ;;o'>d f*dB8*Bl of hb BUUUOh(riaud Wynu, who bad nitbarto aiiow-o,l him H miiiiI ir BJUBj allliually. Jl kaUJbawaat rty-fourtha ¦¦¦vpnliil i"vB8M ot a, bad 8888 ouabk-.l tuui BB buyem i» 'he 8 l«er <enta. 1uai, £188 alrealy there. bew ,,,te with a mouriiful toueii of irony.-an.l shul then bt< worth Ctl l»er mu-

num" Three yeara laler IhW £180 ha.i

growa to WbbV thu KiUhenugtof Mllihe moat i-iu-Jioua aud blameless lifetune oj Whleh iho anual-s gf our litera-

lure h"hi tecord. Aud thia man ttu*

,Kiei '.hiireale of Eaulaud (u-»t iiuiteouel,t her benl, perhapa.) and hai .-nncbe.1,,ur lileial.ue wilh minie nl Ita tiueslpro»e. Ue bud a wife aud family, anu

for the Rreaier part of bia life he hadto provide for them out of biabraiu tb" roa-f tbat ahelwred them. the

(OOd thev Hl Bflal tho clnthea theywin . Had aickneaa atoppad tbe dailyla-k thy muat bate atarved.«'r teena»td trorj starvlng ooly by OhaVrttJ.'-Mavaiilhtn'i M-4ja»iiW.

n li lil ii iiiiiii iirlalaaiBl

I lltlttRV tllAT.

Iti hi* iihara* of the North Amertoaaiti'vi.w'a Bympnaiiuin. "Da Amerteaaall.te Knglantiy" t'llonel HigglaeoapieturtH the I.nKlinhmau Amaraaaaaewar-whiKpuiK un I»uaJou doaw-rlarpo.i'..l .utl HigL'ioBon .I. ul.ileaa aappoaeosin'h an ALiericsn thi' a:rea*%0 eattrrlyof tlm KiiRltsh A naaibai ofu:ii-iii;ii« Aui. rn iu* ilrc* near aI, .rnI.ui tltx.r, to which they had beeninvhed. I i'm tl.e stepn they foul dtituiln-r of our couairvBBeeh a)i .-t of ilu' Weat. Hew ia ji-t tl'.'ii quite the rago ialaiuluii aocietj at* the untamea! crealuieuf llll' f.,ie«t, tllHKilllethlU t'aiiaint-1 Tig-itiuBon repreaeote hishust* a* rx|.-tingtu tin.) him. Tne po<>t uponthe l.oi,tluii door-etep worean orercoaluf buffalo ni*).' ai *l <l.«l not tottptt, ev*ani the |.re-fia:e onlv of Amerloeae, thalit was aaa ereature of the utmpoiled,virginal Weal he waa no ailnurad. "I>.t\. s.." he Bhoatod, rat-o^uiaing thoAmericana, now doyouget into one oftin-.' plaeea tl »> ,»u ihump or yelll"rhe poet of the Mierraa waa a typa inil>ur.,' daiH The eiKblarenth cwntury

iat livinv:o\er to the uineteentb,in Boetoat was not.

The Btory by Rev. John Hradley Oll-man."A Praukenateio Kaniily." in llarpera 1'. >/.r, May 29. iai,i. iiiiril in motive with that in F.d-wiinl Kverett llale'a I .tc xtravBj._r._a."Buaau'M Ivieort." The ca>iin'i>le»ee,however. enda with tbe i«lea. The de-relopment of l-.-tl. »l*ine* im ntir.-ly uu-like. Tbia coincidence of uleaa i« <?on-

tiutially ovcurring in flclion, thouahthe blorien conl tii nt them ari' publiah-.1 it luch intervala from eacb other tbe > oiucidencea fail to attract at-t* nu .n. nii"in-i u t-e. yeariBK.i, neailybroughl IWO auiluus intona-riuiMtroublewitb magaaine editorB. Ihe czplana*tiona which enaued prova Imw i*<«.lilyi-ini nn tn m aoappod upby literarypeople. Itith llia'ite ha.! beeniit a iliiiii.i puty xi h.'ii ihe story haalbeea told wbicb was tbe garai of bothtlu ir owa. A well kaowfl lil.rateur

ton, \v Iiu iii alao a j iiiiialiHi. ia avery brilliaul racoateur.bat a i l.-verlycautioua oue. II" iaroaaarkad*»haveau i-[."ii*ll >, ri.h ftiii.l *>f anee.lute at.-.-rtii't l-rnl.iv atli'iiioou "at hoiueti."where ha- i* a xvelcome babitue. Thi*generoua glvlogout upon that day aaatatban upon othera ia explaiaed by ihofact that all ln- I'.i.lay altirnoon aiiec-

i and c iiii"'Uiuii- >.f x\u au.ithoughl iipi'.ar in oi," ol the ncxt Suu-i.iv tnormngpapera, and aie alreeatyin typ« b.'fore Iie .-uinidea them toeo-il.ll

Ih,. Ci.tia tells of a la<ly wh--ni nm-.-npi* for a !'iibli»lilui;uli wliuli't-h It'.nl ol.i', lli>lN_A*

ii.'tly iiniiioral. I'Ul that a|! eled her uu\|i|i a-antlv. Whtii she lt tothepubliaber Bbeaaid, I caa t* II y.>uI,i,i bow tbe iiuil.or of iin* aiory. k-. tli.n weal on to deeerabe her an

,..a. i-i i-i t .hv, sin,.|imi{ MreaatJ* afpatcbnuly.aml g<dng into aletail'v\ tlie Crltlc r. Iiauii .1 fiom r.'|>eat-iog, Ih" I'tilili-her wa* ainaz .1 amlmil.l acarotly believe tb« reaaar had,..., tn tbe wiiit'i- of wboaa herli - iriptipo »iia so rxact- A in.*.

lately reviewed lo Tbe 1' iaailuin.-tl witfl a portiait of itn Huthor.A i.""ii obeecver could nol bolp be-iugatrui'k wilh the faee 'iu typioal «fHi" women who uiue fu*h b-oka.Wiihoui being a coarae book In , ora luvx one, it it an'onnf carnality. pureaml -iiiiple.thtuiaaae.arnalily utuiosphera al wilh |ImM|lioeiry, with deliariaiuB aml which was the ' huniHiiifctii ' oftne Itallan Renaia .mra1. aml ni reec-

tntii from Hi" gloomy myatl imi» vi theMidalle .^^"-|. The p.irtr.iit a<- ..uX|«Bny-iii^ ihe noxel in markedly a

Banaiaeance fac*. Baoraa like it,,! eourteaan, prince, pralata and

took Irom the famoaa eaavaaaj,,t thu kizteentb aud --v.-nta-tli eoaiaV

\ Iik.< it wonld i. 'i ba»«,beea oouoted i iroigB or itraago ta tho

iu air. lea. lt la not au _.»¦.-i*l.-ii-tai coiBcidena .¦ tba« portraita af th.«

autboraol "Tba Peatof Lovonaadafli-,- Quick or the l» fi' .!"' I "ue

',. altbough taa ii«t i* of u

roature w< man and ii." otbaff of a gtrLBotbare of U-e"Hoinantele " and be-sidaa them tbi Pradanoaaaad l*n»*:illaa,f our Puritaablood woaW look likeicemai'U'iiH.

'1 tn-" women n adeia in lar^aj, maga--i!i.-. ni.-.--. muat ba a rece apart, i* raee,,i Bubllo iniuitioiira if not u-.cannypowera <>f occult .livinatioii. Ouce

upon a time 1 aent three manuaorlnli¦ leadiog Amerlcan nsagaaina. Tbay

,,'ir. Iy .ItlT.'r.'iitiiichaiitter. thuhandwrUing and other feataree oftbeM.-s-s. I muil" aa diffaranl aa ixnaibie.aodonewaato be credlted lo aa a<t-,|r. " III PUtia. one lo B LaOOdoO .uiiireuB,one luN-xv Vuik. ln tbecourae of time

came a letter of aocarptaaoe *»f oaaaliS. Tbe letter e ml liae lalan theg wuids: "We bave i"'< iv* tl

two other M8B., mailed in.L odoa andNew York,which,altbough tigoed bydifferaot aamee aaam i- ae by theMmeband a« tbe oue betawith ae-

i, jiu-l. If tbey ai«' <''t. tl.eitimiluiilieaui atyle ;i" I peniuaaahlp ar" ui"»t waa*derful. If tbe three aie bythreadlifar*.¦rn bandfl we «iil nevar 'rust our a*U_

irial ii.-tii..t- agaia." Kowwbai pta>teroatorally "intuitixe *oman (nerervtill I believe ber a man I) bad f-.undme out among tbe tena oftthoaaaadl who-,ii,| ItSB. to tbe C. .' lt actuilly gave

,.,,y feeling, Hke the man'a wi.otned to eacapa bia anadow at*i c»»ula. ,u I ,i a while tbat »lgoitl:ant ex-

perience *i*iii*- -* i aalde my -bare iu tbetaopularauperatition tbat Ml.I. are iu tbe k'leat publUbing -4-000.ButHiuco tbeu, wben my aketa-heB iuautobiograpbk form, uprojriou»lv maa-

calme in >f*iril and iu udveniuro byHooalau.l lia-ld, baxa; b.all letumcal to

,.,. witb "Ml-"' or "Mrfl." pra lixtd to

iny iiiti-iominiltal iniliala. I km.w thatmy maaculiaeetory haa ix>l been reidan.l ...Iy my miaatoty deceptive ptB>manahip beeii Kla'1*-'^'1 :it-

Loadoo Tratb ia what the PaiiBianacalla J"urnul .lee boulevardfl. lt breeinto piivato ufTairn, u uttl*-.-, it flneeraw.**like I_i»ly l amlour sdear four huu.lred.ritu* i* w bat Trulh thinknohould be tbetreatmeal of women wb*. talk p*litic».A libaral bdj oace caaaa io tho cou-

,l,i,i ,.. that sli'j cul.l w.-riu a.ut ofL.rd Ikacuiilleid »oiue indicaliv.n ofhfcl contemp-it.'l cooraa of aotioa. Sbe-n by him at a iwrt*. Hliet.lke.1 politicB, and lt le by I Uie*l.. apprajacha-d the uiatta r. I..r*ll{ara*'.)Usti*iar..i-'«llinev*r*»ud| :e'»IJ<

berbaud renisrked. I'retiy *l_inn«.which, liays Tratb, n ihe au.wer eierrreaw.nable man to mako Ut everywoaian b in upon proving that tL* ruleof the Anuizonu i* better than tbe

preBtnt Btate of tbiugn If poor Beacoaa*tield were not beyou.i abame at bdagmaite ridicuiouB, one inight imagia** 4him turlously au<er at »ucb a alander.Were Trulb'a tbeory of couduct lo ob»taiu any exemplara it wouhl af-faml the world the apcctaclo «fa general -ukiut; out from reapeo-table aociety by buBbaod* andbroiher* of "HMiaKinable iueu. bngltaaanct'dote tellerB, by tbe way. do aot

quite keep up ibe i.iea of auatoro oro-

pn<ty. which u the dianity of the Bog«lub wcMiiiu. It .* t«»ld of an Kogliahl.wbop. tbat.Bittiu/ b'Bide a c'uaraaiaaiidy at diun.'r. ho »bowed hioBaWfllranuely lodiffereul to tbe femialaohabble whicb "reaBioable mea" tiad aad.l.iltotful. ^n-llly tbaj Hi«L^v MertaMtto hia 1**1 iu mcit-ilon. "It baa eoaaaat UM!" he aaid,' I bave long beea ex-tmcting paraiyii*. I have beea piooti*ing my l«g fot tbe lea.t a*e attaatat*;wubout the laat BoaaaBtoti J" "**}*youraeM e->\ <ny Urd 0*aaaa* }mml^<tbaltdi tooUi'-tt tl mr t«fm^~befMPaMaUbgr1