The Third Silesian War

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  • 7/31/2019 The Third Silesian War


    Copy Rights All Rights Reserved


    The Third Silesian WAXIS POWERS HETALIAChopin Anger-Maestro & Eisstern


    It starts out by Gilbert and Roderich having a secret relationship before their nations starts another war against

    each other for Silesia. Then during the war, Gilbert ends up being forced by Frederick the Great to kill Roderichwho he knew by a traitor that he was Gilbert s lover.

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    The Third Silesian War (1756 1763)

    This was a part of the all European Seven Years' War ; Austria once more tried to get backSilesia (for the third time). The collapse of the Anglo-Austrian Alliance in 1756 meant that Britain hadnow changed sides, and in this war they supported Prussia against their former allies the Austrians.

    After battles in 1761 1762 went well for Russian and Austrian forces, in January 1763 Austria wassuddenly abandoned by her ally with the ascension of Peter III of Russia who recalled his army fromwithin Berlin and Pomerania upon the death of Empress Elizabeth of Russia (d. January 5 th, 1762[O.S. 25 December 1761]).

    While Peter was assassinated himself the next summer, before Catherine the Great succeeded him and could once again bring Russia into an alliance, peace talks that were already inprogress about the wider war had concluded in February 1763 and, worse for Austria, Peter hadmediated an agreement between Prussia and Sweden, allowing Frederick II 's forces to consolidatehis position and bolster Prussia's claims in January and February. All these events were against

    Austria's interests. Consequently, Prussia was then confirmed with her Silesian possessions in theTreaty of Hubertusburg .

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    About Characters

    Roderich EdelsteinRoderich has violet eyes and somewhat wavy brown hair, with

    a wild strand that represents Mariazell . He doesn't smile often and"doesn't need to". He wears glasses, a long navy blue coat with a white

    jabot, and black pants. He also has a mole on his face, which acts asan erogenous zone for him.

    He was born to fight, yet was too weak as a child and oftenhad to be assisted in battles by his Swiss ally, Vash Zwingli , until theyhad a falling-out. He is described as a well-spoken, young master type,who was initially aloof until he was saddled with too many burdens. Hegives higher priority to his hobbies rather than his work, and is more

    optimistic and quiet in comparison to Ludwig Beilschmidt , a German allyof his who is more serious and work-oriented.

    His interests are art, music (the piano in particular), and cake.Despite being musically talented and his high class appearance, he isvery frugal and has no sense of direction and frequently gets lost.

    His nations history was marked by many marriages, including one to Hungary (referencingthe Austro-Hungarian Compromise ) and one to Spain (referencing the union of the countries in theHouse of Habsburg ). He helped raise one of the Italian brothers, Feliciano Vargas when he becameproperty of the Holy Roman Empire .

    Gilbert Beilchmidt

    Gilbert has light-colored hair and red eyes. His hair variesbetween platinum blond, white, or silver, while his eyes have also beendepicted as pink or a dark red hue. He is seen in many images with alittle yellow chick upon his head or on his shoulder which he appearsnever to notice. He seems to be easy to find, as he's distinguished byhis constant laughter and birds nearby him all of the time.

    He wears a deep blue (Prussian blue) military uniform, akin toa Luftwaffen Fliegerbluse with an Iron Cross on his tie. In the WorldWar II-set Buon San Valentino, he is shown to wear a Waffen SSuniform like his brother.

    He is very loyal to his leaders, and had a special attachment toFrederich II (Frederick the Great) , known to him as "Old Fritz." Hecontinues to hope that Old Fritz will watch over him and that he'll beproud. It is said though, that he tends to become rather depressed if Fritz is brought up due to this attachment.

    As a child, Gilbert was originally a field hospital, protected by the German Knights inJerusalem before becoming part of the St. Maria Order , and then became part of the Teutonic Knights until some point in his teens, before finally growing up to be in Prussia (after some other, unspecified

    stages of his life, namely the Duchy of Prussia ). However, later on Gilbert was said to have beenraised in a cold place from birth, contradicting his initially given origin.

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    This is a fan-fiction based on Axis Powers Hetalia , aJapanese web-comic, later adapted as a manga and an anime

    series, by Hidekaz Himaruya . The series' main presentation is as anoften over-the-top allegory of political and historic events as well asmore general cultural comparisons. Characters are personifications

    of countries, regions such as Hong Kong , and micro-nations suchas the Sealand , with little reference to other nationalpersonifications such as Uncle Sam or John Bull . Both positive and

    negative cultural stereotypes form part of each character'spersonality, though note some expectations differ since the series is

    based in Japanese cultural views of the world.

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    Chapter 1 1756

    The Telegram

    It was only a month before the war. Roderich and Gilbert were still in their relationship thatwas known as a secret to everyone else including Elizabeta and Gilberts two b est friends in theother countries. Their relationship has been continuing for couple months now. They lived in the same

    house, which was the Austrians huge mansion that was delicately decorated with fragile furniture.They even slept in the same room, same bed absolutely lovers, indeed.

    I love you, Roderich would repeat those loving words every once in awhile to the albinoman, No matter what. Dont forget that, mein liebe. He caressed his lovers soft, pale cheek with hishand, smiling while he deeply gazed into those attracting ruby eyes. The pianist planted a kiss on thecorner of the Prussians lips with his.

    Not knowing about their future fate, the Prussian enjoyed every minute they'd spend together in their 'secret relationship'. A few times he worried because the Austro-Prussian relations weren't thebest, but right now it didn't matter too much. Gilbert wasn't often at his own home anyways; the albinowanted to spend every second with his love.

    It always made Gilbert s heart flutter to hear those words, every time they came of the Austrians, his Austrian s mouth. "Ich liebe dich auch," he replied every time, his voice soundinggentler than usual, full of affection, Illlove you forever, Roderich." That was one of the times he usedRoderichs name instead of the nicknames. Putting his arms around his love Gilbert pulled thebrunette closer to him to reply the kiss lovingly.

    The albinos kisses were always smooth, gentle, soft, and incredibly loving. Not only was hislips, the touches he would give Roderich were comforting always as well. He kissed him once more,but fully on the lips this time, wanting to go deeper and feel more of the others love. The Prussianalways put effort on showing his love for the brunette, threw his emotions out by every of his touches.

    Just as they both wanted to continue, the door bell ruined the moment a little and madeGilbert raise an eyebrow and a displeased sound left his mouth. Roderich simply glared at the door

    with a small sigh, then focused his eyes back on Gilbert, and smiled.It shouldnt be really important than what were on right now, ja? He gazed into the ruby

    eyes again as he wrapped both of his arms around Gilberts neck. "Exactly my thoughts." Notbothering too much Gilbert nodded smiling and lent into the kiss once again, only to get interrupted asecond time. Ill be right back with you, love. He gave a light squeeze on the albinos arms when hegave a smooch on the cheek before heading to the door. "Alright, Schatz. he replied and mentallycursed at whoever rang the damn bell and dared to knock as he waited for his love to return. He didn'tcatch much of the conversation; out of boredom he tugged at the blankets and sighed.

    When Roderich opened the door, he was greeted with a soldier who wore a uniform thatlooked very similar to what Gilbert used to wear when he was in war- duty. Guten tag, sir. The

    Austrian greeted the man with a smile and the man greeted back with a salute, What can I help you

    with? The soldier handed him a telegram. For Herr Gilbert Beilschmidt, said the soldier, Its fromKnig Frederich. The king would like the telegram replied by the weekend. And the soldier ended hissentence, saluted, and then left.

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    Gilbert didn't catch much of the conversation; out of boredom he tugged at the blankets andsighed. Roderich closed the door and hurried to Gilbert. For you. He handed the telegram to him. The albino sat up quickly and took the telegram. "From Old Fritz? Then I better open it now." Doing ashe said opened it to begin reading.

    At first his expression was the same, but the more he read, the wider his eyes opened andhis face became even paler, if that was possible. It couldn't be... That had to be a mistake! Despairedhe gripped the sheet of paper tighter, his fits almost shaking in disbelief. His red eyes focused on thepaper the albino almost forgot Roderich was in the same room, but he was still so shocked hecouldn t speak up.

    While Gilbert read the telegram, Roderich went over to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for the two. When he sat down on the couch across from Gilbert, putting the coffee on the coffee table,Roderich observed his face and his expression carefully, getting a hint of some strange danger. Hekept quiet for awhile as he took a sip of his cof fee until the albinos reaction began to get worse.

    Gil? He called out, placing a hand on his knee after putting the coffee back down on thetable. Whats wrong? He asked in a worried voice, What does it say? Of course, he has never seen

    his lover so shocked and terrified like this ever before. Looking at his widened ruby eyes, shakingfist God, he was worried to death.

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    The Prussian barely noticed Roderich s voice, sunken in his thoughts what he could doagainst the situation described in the telegram. As he felt his loves hand Gilbert turned to face him, "Itsays... he spoke up, then took a deep breath to calm himself d own.That... Because Maria Theresadidn't want to give up Schlesien...", the albino made a short break again, then looked down, it madehim sad, despaired, angry, all at the same time, but he had to tell the Austrian, "Old Fritz is going todeclare war... Against sterreich."

    To say those words was the most difficult and horrible thing ever. Did that really have to be?Wasn't the Kingdom of Prussia already mighty enough? Why Austria? Is it because Friedrich hatedMaria Theresa and all the other empresses? Gilberts head was full of questions, seeking for ananswer how to prevent the war.

    For a moment, Roderich's heart felt like it had skipped a huge beat. He was just staring atnothing blankly with his widened violet eyes in absolute shock. Why did it have to be his nation? Whydid it have to be Silesia? Why did it have to /Prussia/ attacking Silesia? More and more questionstortured the brunette's brain as it pained him as if a sword has just stabbed all the way through hishead.

    "You don't have to go..." Roderich spoke in a very weak voice, "... D-Do you?" He tried togive a small chuckle, but it came out more like a shiver. If Gilbert didn't have to join the battle, theycan still be together. They can still continue their happy, fairy tale-like relationship, and whatnot.

    It pained the Prussian more than anything to see his loves reaction. He wished he never gotthe telegram and the news. Maybe he could convince Old Fritz to change his plans? Or MariaTheresa could give in and hand Silesia over?

    None of Gilberts thoughts really seemed to get them out of the more than worse situation.With sorrow in his eyes the albino began, "I... I do., he gripped the brunettes shoulders a little, "Roderich, I don't want to! C-Can't we do anything against this?!" War was almost inevitable, their relationship in danger. It was perfect, why does his kingdom try to ruin it? "I'll have to be at home bythe weekend... And I don't know when I can come back. But I promise I'll try not to let this happen!"

    "Why..." Roderich murmured a whisper almost to himself, tears starting to roll down to hischeeks. He gripped both of Gilbert's hands in his and looked at him in the eyes. "No..." He said,shaking his head, "Don't go, Gilbert...!" Then he pulled him into a hug, causing his lover to drop thetelegram from his hands. "I wouldn't be able to eat or sleep a single day without you!" He cried ontohis shoulder.

    As he saw Roderich in tears, he couldn't hold his own anymore, "I know... But what should Ido?!" Gilberts breath was shaky, but he still tried to find a solution, "When I don't go... I can't even trytalking to Old Fritz!"

    There's got to be a way where both Roderich and Gilbert will be able to avoid and get awayfrom the war, or at least prevent it. Then as the Austrian thought while crying, he suddenly pulled thealbino man away to have eye contact with him. "We can move to another country...!" He suggested,"W-We can either move to Switzerland or maybe even somewhere out of Europe...!" He gave a littlesmile at the thought. "Fritz won't know it if we do, right?" He hoped.

    The Prussian shook his head, "But everyone will know and find us... it s ounded good, but intheir position not realistic, "When Old Fritz tried to leave Prussia with a friend...they cut his head off and Fritz had to watch! What do you think will happen if we do this?!" Traitors would be punished withtheir death, but to Gilbert it felt more as if he was the one who got betrayed by Fritz, by his ownkingdom. And he couldn't run away. Not alone. Not with Roderich.

    Gilbert tried to wipe the Austrians tears away and stood up, "We can't get away Roderich. Nomatter how hard we try." It broke his heart to say it, but it was the truth.

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    Roderich continued to think of some way to prevent this. Telling both of their nation's rulersabout their secret relationship would not do any good either. They would end their relationship withforce and separate them farther.

    The Austrian got off the couch and grabbed his coat from the clothes-hanger, deciding to gohave a discussion about the war to his Queen. "Haushlterin, das pferd!" He called his butler for hishorse.

    "Roderich, are you going to talk to her? the Prussian asked, even though it was obvious.Sighing he stood up and took his own coat, also ready to leave. This chance was probably their onlyone. But would they have a saying in this? They'd be the ones suffering the most, so it would only befair.

    When he was ready to head out to the door, Roderich turned around and met Gilbert oncemore. He rushed to him and gave a kiss fully on the lips, his tears rolling down from his eyes again."We will be alright..." He said with a saddening smile, "We will still be together after the war even if one of loses or wins..." He caressed the Prussian's cheeks gently with his hands, "I love you, Gilbert.

    And I always will..." Those were his last words with another before he left and rode his white stallionand rapidly headed to Maria Theresa's mansion.

    The words and kisses that would usually make Gilbert so happy made him only sadder at themoment, the goodbye even more difficult, "We will, Roderich. And I'll return to your house, our home."He tried to smile a little, "I love you too, Roderich. Forever. " After those words he couldn't stop hisown tears and went to get his own horse.

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    "Why not?!" Roderich slammed his hands against the table with anger at Queen Theresa'sanswer when he asked her to just give the land away to the other Kingdom. He knew it soundedridiculous, but it was the only idea he could think of right now. It was the only idea to keep hisrelationship with Gilbert.

    "Mr. Edelstein!" the Queen silenced the brunette, "There is absolutely no reason for you tospeak in such manner when you are in duty in the war, Mr. Edelstein!" Roderich was even moreshocked at this news. "What...?" He sounded utterly weak, "Y-You never told any of this to me, myQueen. This is not fair...!" the Austrian could not believe this. He had to fight against Prussia. He hadto fight against Gilbert, his lover. "... I object. I do not wish to participate and I apologize for this, myQueen..." He said, not looking at his Highness in the eyes. "I am sorry, Mr. Edelstein. But you are induty of this madness by force. You cannot object." His Highness spoke, and that made tears gather inthe corner of Roderich's eyes again.

    On the other side, determined to convince Old Fritz, Gilbert held his boiling emotions back."Aber warum sterreich? Don't we have already enough areas?" Friedrich gave him a surprised look,Gilbert ... You never minded any war and were enthusiastic back then, what is so different now?" Of course Old Fritz wouldn't understand. Everything was different.

    "I am... the Prussian began, "I am sick and tired of all those wars! Can't we finally stop?!"The Prussian king stood up and put his hand on the albino s shoulder, "Gilbert, mein Junge. Of course,a war isn't a pleasant thing, but it has to be. Don't you understand I'm doing this for the kingdom andmore importantly for you? Only if we claim Schlesien and other parts, we can finally live in pea-"

    "Schwachsinn! Gilbert interrupted, shaking his head, "We 're going to continue like thisforever. I don't see any sense in this! It's not my decision. You can go to war alone!" With that hepushed the old man he used to like so much away and stormed out of the room, tears falling down onhis way home.

    In fact, it didn't feel like home anymore. His lovers house was his home, to be in Roderich 'sarms; that felt like home. But he couldn't go now. Old Fritz ordered him to take a break, so that 'hemay not talk any nonsense tomorrow'. Lost in his thoughts the Prussian fell asleep after hours of lyingawake. And for Roderich after his long, unforgivable discussion, he was finally home as well. His bodyfelt heavy as if he was under a pile of dead bodies, and Gilbert wasn't home. He didn't know what totell him when he got home. No, he wouldn't tell him. It could cause more problems to their relationshipand the war. The brunette dropped himself in his bed when he got to his bedroom, sighing deeply ashe wished to just sleep when he couldn't.

    Then it was three in the morning and without knowing the time, Roderich was still unable tosleep. He only stared at the empty spot next to him where Gilbert lye as he ran his hand against it, stillable to feel a bit of warmth on it. When he took a glance at the clock on the bed-side table, he led outan exhausted sigh and took a small bottle filled with sleeping-pills out from the cabinet underneath thetable. He swallowed two pills into his throat with water that he had on the table before, and lye backdown to wait for the pill to kick in.

    Eventually, he fell asleep after couple minutes taking the pill and woke up in the morning. Helooked at the empty spot next to him and thought Gilbert was there like always at first until heremembered what happened yesterday. He gritted his teeth as he cursed at his own habit. The

    Austrian finally sat up from bed, got cleaned and dressed, and headed to his music room even thoughhis body felt extremely heavy still.

    "Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor No.1..." He thought the piece in his head; another Chopin pieceas he sat on his piano bench. The pianist began playing the instrument. Maybe this will make himrelax at least a bit, he thought.

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    Chapter 2 1756

    The War begins

    Early in the next morning Gilbert got woken up by the shining sunlight. 'What an irony, hethought, rubbing his tired eyes. Today he only got greeted by a chirp from his small yellow bird insteadof his lovers soft voice. It felt so cold without him... Letting out a deep sigh the Prussian stood up ashe looked around in the room where almost everything was covered with a slight layer of dust.

    A look out of the window made his heart skip a beat; the preparations for war already started!What the albino wanted was just to run away and not accept a reality like this. It seemed like anightmare, getting worse by every second. But there was no way to wake up or to change it.

    Also the albino couldn't get away now, it'd be suspicious, and other Prussians may think thathe'd help their enemy, Austria. Actually he planned to send Gilbird over with a small letter, butprobably they'd catch the small bird, knowing it was Gilbert's, read the letter and their secretrelationship would be revealed. All the thinking made his head hurt, so he sat down and wrote in hisdiary to get his thoughts sorted.

    In Austria, similar thing happened in the same morning as a door bell interrupted Roderich'spiece once again. It was an Austrian soldier this time by the door. He greeted the pianist and handed

    him some clothes that were all neatly folded in his hands; a coat, a shirt, a trouser, belts, a hat, and asword. Except for the hat dyed black, every other clothes were dyed clean white with gold buttonswith the sword very well polished. Of course, Roderich knew this was their war-uniform. He gaveanother sigh, but he nodded at the soldier and closed the door to get changed to his uniform.

    When Gilbert was told by a soldier he should prepare himself, he took his war-outfit out of hiswardrobe. It consisted of a cloak in-of course-Prussian blue with a red collar and golden decorations.The shirt was in a simple dark brown, the trouser only slightly brighter. The boots and the hat wereslate, and the outfit all in all seemed less bright than the Austrians. The Prussian kingdom spent moreeffort on the weapons. The sword was heavy, but well polished and the blade of it sharp like no other.

    When Roderich was changed to his uniform, he headed to Silesia on his horse where thebattle was taking place in. Everyone; the Austrians settled their things and their hospitality utilitiesdown where they were couple fields away from their enemies base. Roderich looked around andoverheard his allies and his soldiers speak harsh about the Prussians which made him grit his teethBecause of the word "Prussian" that only meant his lover ever since they began their relationship. Hewas a centimeter close to blurting out madly in anger to them, but he held it in with all his best or elseeveryone will know his secret.

    It was the only time the Prussian felt almost sick after putting the uniform on he was so proudof. Finally outside he heard the cheering Prussians, how they'd defeat the 'losers of Austrians'. Gilbertdidn't want that. He didn't want to win. Not against his lover. With his head low the albino rode alongwith the others, it seemed like an eternity until they arrived.

    For once Gilbert didn't cheer along with the Prussians, he just hoped he didn't have to faceRoderich, but as soon as he saw the brunette he knew he couldn't avoid it. What was he supposed todo now? Gilbert didn't want his lover to get hurt but at the same time he couldn't fight against his ownmen.

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    "The Prussians are approaching!" One of the guard said when he saw the Prussian flagapproaching up in the air with their numerous horses. The Austrians quickly grabbed their weaponsand approached to the center of the battle field, only a few yards away from their enemies now. Thebrunette lowered his face before he could spot Gilbert in front of him, not wanting to see Gilbert. No,he couldn't and he shouldn't. It would just make him feel absolutely more atrocious being here. Hishands were shaking along with his legs.

    "Knig Friedrich..." One of the Austrian Generals somewhat greeted the Prussian King."Guten Tag.", Friedrich said calmly, as if it wasn't war now, "I hope you soon regret not handingSchlesien over to Preuen." After that the King gave the command to attack the Austrians. Everyonedrew their swords and rode towards their enemies, almost sure of being the future winners.

    Gilbert just couldn't avert his eyes from Roderich. Keeping silent, he just followed his men,which made Friedrich slightly suspicious and wonder about the albino's behavior.

    The Austrian General ordered his soldiers and his allies to attack a second after Friedrichs command to his own soldiers. There were screaming and shouting among both armies as they fought.

    And at the time, Roderich was going for the opposite direction of where Gilbert was heading to. Hehad to get away and avoid him before he could purposely or accidentally have eye-contact with him.

    While the fight was going on Gilbert did the same as Roderich; get away from each other asfar as possible, also he avoided being close to his king. He didn't want to hear it. The screams of dying people, the shouts of the fighting.

    Usually the Prussian was a good fighter, but this time he couldn't stab as easily as he'dalways do, so he dodged and avoided the attacks of the Austrians, which resulted in many wounds for him. The more people he killed, the more horrible he felt, not only for the fallen soldiers but also for hislover.

    Seeing the red blood of his opponents on his own clothes made him sick. As they retreatedthe albino refused to talk anyone else and wanted to be left alone. Gilbert could only take a few bitesand a sip of water until he couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore. Stabbing and defeating the other Prussian soldiers for Roderich with his sword made his heart ache even though it wasnt like he wasbetraying his lover, but it felt so much like it. He was in war couple times, but he was only a medic atthat time.

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    Soon, both sides decided to retreat for the day and returned to their bases. Most of hissoldiers and allies had injuries, but they were only major cuts. Every one of them was given food toeat, but Roderich refused to eat and accepted a glass of water only. He just couldnt eat with thosebloody and sick visions in his head he saw during the fight.

    The brunette decided take a fresh air from the dirty scent in the tent he was currently in ashe sneaked out, not bringing a lantern with him, of course. He knew he would get lost, but didnt caremuch. The General will order his soldiers to find him anyways. As Roderich looked around where hewas for once, he realized he was in the middle of a deep forest, and then he heard a shuffling noisebetween the branches. Good thing he brought his sword at least. He kept quiet for a few seconds ashe silently drew his sword out. Whos there?! He called out.

    The Prussian had to get away from the others and their talk about 'defeating the weak Austrians'. Even though he didn't want to distance himself too far from the bases Gilbert only took hissword with him. As he heard a far too familiar voice he jumped a little. "Roderich....? he asked quietly ,not believing his own eyes. What was his lover doing here?

    Roderich recognized that voice, and slowly put his sword back in its place, walking closer towhere the branches were shuffling. "Gilbert?" He called out, not really able to see the man clearlybecause of the darkness. "Is that you, Gilbert...?" When the Austrian was close enough for him to seeGilbert's face and his shining ruby eyes, he rapidly ran a hug into him tightly, bursting his tears outquietly. No one was around or near them. No one was watching them.

    As the other put the sword back, Gilbert also moved towards the Austrian, "Ja it's me..." Hereturned the hug, gently stroking the brunette s hair to calm him a little, "... Mein Schatz..." ThePrussian was sure that no one followed him...and his lover was alone too.

    "Gilbert, I missed you so much..." He cried, his hands clutched into the Prussian's coat,scenting a lot of blood on it. "A-Are you hurt...?" He asked worriedly, searching the albino's bodycarefully for wounds.

    The albino placed a gentle kiss on both of Roderich' s cheeks, I missed you too.... Roderich...I don't want to go back; I want to stay with you... Gilbert winced a little at the touch, the wound sstarting to hurt again, "Well... Ja, but only a little. he smiled, tr ying to reassure his lover that he wasokay and not too injured.

    Looking around for a moment the Prussian asked: "Are you sure no one is coming to followyou? When anyone sees us... Oh, Gott... He didn't even want to think about that.

    "Gut... Gilbert sighed in relief, "Ja, better we return soon..." The Prussian looked down insadness, then up at his lover again as he felt him tie the handkerchief, "Danke... he said calmly,smiling a little.

    Roderich shook his head as he smiled back at him. "Nein, I came alone." He nodded, "Butwe'll have to return... Or else they'll start looking for us in the morning..." He sighed. Then he pulledhis white handkerchief from his pocket and tied it tightly around his lover's wound on the arm.

    "I'm sorry..." He suddenly apologized, and looking at the wounds feeling like everything washis fault that Gilbert got hurt.

    "You don't have to be... I t's my fault and not yours. the albino replied; indeed it was hiskingdoms fault, not Roderichs , "I guess... We have to say good-bye for now..." Gilbert pulled thebrunette in a soft and loving kiss, probably being the last one for a while.

    The Austrian nodded and kissed the Prussian back without hesitation, but with worry.Gilbert He called once more, Maybe we can sneak out every night to here ? I really dont think Ican survive without seeing or talking to you Roderich held Gilberts hand, giving a tight squeezeagainst it. I really cant He repeated, tears starting to fall again, Es tut mir leid I must lookterribly pathetic to you right now

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    The Prussian had to admit he missed his lover and the kisses more than anything, "We couldtry, but not every night... We'll get suspicious and that would lead nowhere." Gilbert held the other shand just as tight, "It hurts me to see you like this... And I should be the one excusing myself...!" Nowa tear started rolling down against his own cheek, "Bitte Don't cry because of me..."

    Roderich nodded as he quickly wiped his tears away on his sleeves, feeling like a child for amoment. I guess we ll have to go now He sniffled. Before he could say farewell to Gilbert, heplanted one probably-last kiss on his lips and softly said, See you soon and left, hesitantly; lookingback at him every few steps he took away from him.

    "Ja, unfortunately...", Gilbert replied sounding as if he'd break into more tears, the kiss madehim hold them back and throw his feelings out instead. "Auf Wiedersehen... with that he started towalk away as well, meeting the others glances a few last times.

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    Chapter 3 1762

    The nightmare

    About six years passed so fast, it felt like the entire war has only begun a week or day ago.Roderich couldn t even think how he made it so far. It was a good thing even though he was recentlygetting hurt, but they were just major injuries. If he kept going like this, both Gilbert and him cansurvive and possibly get back to their content relationship. But everything suddenly changed this day.

    Britain has left the alliance to our enemy ! The Austrian Messenger has shouted to theRussian and Austrian soldiers. The man handed a telegram to the General as the General cursed,Schiesse.. .! He huffed in great frustration. Roderich only watched this scenery. The brunette wassomehow terrified. Since Britain left their alliance, they re weak even with the Russians, no? Then, thewar would end shortly, but something just terrified Roderich so much.

    Without any further discussion from the General, the Austrians and the Russians headedback to the battle field for another fight-day as everyone looked suddenly exhausted, nervous, andworried.

    Being a nation, Gilbert wasn't too affected by himself for rather a short period of time, whenthe others were clearly exhausted and grew visibly older. Luckily, some things stayed the same and

    that was Roderich being alive.Suddenly, all the Prussians around him started to seem happy, what was the good news?

    Soon a soldier started to inform him and his eyes widened in shock, "W-What...?" That wouldpractically mean that Austria would lose in this kind of situation. Arthur, that asshole! The albino had tohold his emotions back. It would look awkward if he wouldn't be 'happy' at this situation.

    Stepping onto the battle field Gilberts heart skipped a beat at the sight of the now really tinyamount of Austrian soldiers. He had to avoid fighting Roderich. He had to, no matter what. AsFriedrich gave the command to attack once again, the Prussian tried to avoid getting close to his lover again.

    Roderich was once again fighting on the other side from Gilbert. But somehow, thePrussians around him seemed to fight more furiously than ever before. He was frightened as swordswere just shooting at him so dangerously. One of the enemy literally pulled Roderich off of his horse.

    As the man was about to stab him down hard to death, the brunette turned over quickly and stabbedthe man before he could.

    Panting heavily, he cursed at the British men in his mind instead of cursing at the Prussians.He was just about to get back on his horse until a Prussian soldier came by and sliced one of Roderichs sides quite deeply with his sword. The pianist fell once more to the ground as he screamedin pain and agony. His vision began to blurry for a second until Roderich forced himself to get up anddefeat the man who attacked him. He tried to cover the bleeding with one hand as he limped over tothe forest to rest for at least a while behind the trees where no one will notice or find him.

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    Of course, Gilbert and the other Prussians would have it easier from now on; they weremuch more. He got fewer injuries, but that was mainly because other soldiers would finish the

    Austrians off, so there weren't many left to attack the albino alone. Somehow the Prussian used thatto escape from the battle field, being far away from his lover again.

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    After the war, Friedrich would probably scold him for his attitude, but Gilbert did everythingfor his Austrian. Couldn't the war just end? Couldn't one side finally just give up? Probably it wouldn'ttake much longer to end war, seeing how they easily defeated the Austrians. Was Roderich okay?That was the only thing the albino could worry about now. He rode back into the forest they used tomeet, but spotted him nowhere.

    The brunette always got lost no matter where he was. Unless he had someone with him, healways got lost like right now, he was wandering around the forest from where he was resting for theday. Mein Gott, where am I He mumbled to himself, looking around, finding no similar paths or lanterns no matter where he looked. He can t just yell out for help here right now, or else he could bekilled if a Prussian found him instead of one of his soldiers or allies.

    He was still limping with his wound still bleeding, but it was bleeding less than before. Ineed to get out of here He spoke to himself and tried to remember how he got here as he steppeda few steps back and bumped into something. He gasped and rapidly turned around to see what hehad bumped into. Somewhat unfortunately, it wasn t an object. It was a person; a person who lookedlike he had a similar hairstyle of Gilbert s, but then again it was after the war and it was getting dark.

    Gilbert? He called out quietly as he squinted a little since he was not able to see theman s face, yet. Gilbert? Youre talking about Gilbert Beilschmidt, Roderich? Sorry, but I m not him. The man spoke. It was a similar voice. The man lit the lantern he had in his hand and showed himself,causing the brunette s eyes go wide in shock. Mr. Kirkland There was a shiver in Roderich s voice.Why are you looking for Beilschmidt? The British asked right away. I-I wasnt looking for him.Please, back away He stuttered, gripping his hand on his sword, about to draw.

    The longer Gilbert was riding around, the more he started to worry about his lover. He wasRoderich quite often now, too often for his liking. The Prussians head was filled with worries; now thatit was late he couldn't even trust his eyes. But then he heard noises. Was there people talking?Should he get closer to listen? It probably wasn't a good idea; not knowing who was talking at all.

    Dont lie to me, you git. Arthur frowned angrily,Tell me. Why were you looking for Gilbert?What is your relation with him? He s been acting differently recently. It s unlike him. The British mannow had the point of his sword landing right beneath Roderich s chin, aiming his neck. I do not haveany relation with him-, Roderich tried to tell him, but he was cut off, Youve been acting differently aswell Just like Gilbert; quiet and avoiding The blonde focused his emerald eyes on Roderich sviolet eyes, Its a secret, isn t it? He laughed at him and then began to threaten him, You tell menow, or Ill just end you right here. Don t even try to fight back at me when you can t. He smirked atRoderichs wound.

    Momentarily, Roderich had no option nor had a single choice, but to tell the Brit about hisrelationship with Gilbert. Surprisingly, Arthur retreat his sword although he looked very unpleasant of what the brunette said. Arthur, please do not tell this anyone. I beg you..! Roderich even got downon his knees. I wont tell anyone and I promise. It was unlike for the British man, but he left as he letRoderich alive. Until the last minute He murmured beneath his breath as he kept walking.

    Gilbert just hid until he heard the sound of bushes rustling, soon footsteps approaching himas the Austrian as well quickly ran away from where he was, but unfortunately met Gilbert in thewoods. G-Gilbert Roderich looked terrified like never before. His hands nor could his feet move aninch from where he was standing.

    "Roderich...? Immediately, Gilbert got off of his horse and walked towards the brunette andpulled him into a hug. Tears immediately fell from the brunette s eyes as he was hugged by the albino.Gilbert I Was he going to tell him or was he going to keep it as another secret? Then, Gilbertmentally cursed as he thought of the other s wounds and let go, "Your wounds... Oh, Gott..." ThePrussian ripped some pieces of his coat off and tore them apart, "I'm going to take care of them... Then he started using the pieces as bandage, which was pretty difficult considering it wasalmost night and Gilbert couldn't just take a lamp.

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    How did this happen? Seeing how bad the injures were, the albino would even have tofight one of his own soldiers to protect Roderich now, there's no way he could continue fighting or defend himself in this state. Roderich let out a deep, heavy sigh as he nodded, I-Im fine and triedsmile. His eyes were still showing fear and horror every time he looked at Gilbert. Its just a Um Acut. That s all. Im really fine. The brunette tried to reassure his lover even though it did not look like a

    just-a-cut injury, but he had to say something because he saw the same expression in his lover s eyes.

    Were you looking for me out here? Sorry, I was hiding and kind of got lost He chuckled alittle even though a slight shiver was heard as he was nervously tangling both of his own handsaround. Y-Youre not hurt anywhere, ja ? He asked, looking up at Gilbert as he spoke.

    "Your wounds don't look fine... Gilbert spoke as he kept bandaging them, "and that's not justa cut." It made him feel guilty to no end, one of his men did that to his lover and he wasn't there, hecouldn't be, You don't need to pretend that it's nothing... I'm here now and I'll take care of you."

    As the Prussian was finished he placed a kiss on Roderich's lips, noticing that he wasnervous and tried to calm him, "I'm fine, Roderich... What did happen to you?" Somehow the albinosensed that something about the Austrian s behavior was awkward, but he couldn't exactly figure whatexactly.

    Its nothing I was just a bit scared that I d be lost forever. He gave another nervouschuckle as the Prussian sighed a little," I know your sense of orientation isn't the best, but still..."Roderich then hugged Gilbert tightly. I I dont know whats going to happen next for us Im soscared He mumbled lowly against Gilbert s shoulder without knowing he was thinking out loud. For now he decided not to question him any further and just returned the hug, then caressed his back in acalming manner, "I don't either... all we can do is hope for the best and wait..."

    It made Gilbert nervous to stay with his lover, but the war didn't left many moments like thisfor them and so he tried to enjoy it, to forget the fear which was present all the time. "Roderich," thealbino spoke up, "Will you be fine alone now? I can't stay with you much longer. I don't want them tofind us..."

    N-No! Roderich protested, I mean Just stay here with me just for a bit longer Just for at least a minute He hugged him tighter as if there won t be a tomorrow. The brunette calmlyclosed his eyes in Gilbert s arms, feeling ever so safe than anywhere else.

    When the pianist realized it had already been past a minute, he slowly let go of Gilbertalthough he hesitated to. Danke, Gilbert He spoke softly, Ill leave now. This time when he gavea farewell, it sounded like the both men were going to be separated from each other forever. Why wasdid it seem like that? Was it because of Arthur s threat he had given to Roderich? But Arthur surelypromised Roderich that he would not tell anyone for sure. Guten nacht, Gil. He said before leavingwith a kiss on the lips.

    "Alright,mein Schatz... the Prussian gave in and returned th e hug in the same manner. Themoment felt right yet so wrong considering he had to let go so soon. With half lidded eyes Gilbertlooked down until his lover let go of him.

    The minute was over all too soon, "Auf Wiedersehen... he replied to the farewell, whispering and almost unaudible; the words the albino hated to say so much. Would this end soon?Could they be able to embrace each other without feeling fear again? "Gute Nacht, Roderich... hereplied, then returned the kiss, which didn't last too long.

    "Ich liebe dich. Never forget that. Gilbert said with hurt in his voice only to turn his backagainst the brunette. The warmth of his touch, the feeling of the others lips against his own was stilllingering as he walked away into a uncertain future, tears running down his pale cheeks. To leave the

    Austrian hurt more than anything else, the wounds of the war were nothing compared to this sort of pain.

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    Chapter 4 1763

    An Eternal Promise

    As another year passed, both Roderich and Gilbert continued their routine of getting awayfrom each other during the battle, and meeting each other secretly at night after the battle. The battlealso seemed like it was getting at its end. There were much fewer Austrians and their allies than their enemys sides.

    Once both of the armies were once again at their battle field, Friedrich stepped out in front of his army alone. This war has been too long, General. King Friedrich spoke loudly on his horseback, And we are all exhausted. Why don t we end this madness fairly in a one-on-one battle, ja? Buthere s just one rule He took a strange, short glance at Gilbert and Arthur while the Brit smirked insuccess at Friedrich. I will get to choose who goes against whom.

    The Austrian General didn't seem too satisfied with the other man's idea, but he sure didagree with him that this war has been exhausting and far too long. "Very well, then..." The Generalresponded with a small sigh, "We shall have a fair duel to end this madness." He said and Friedrichgrinned. "Gilbert!" King Friedrich called the albino as he pointed at him to stand next to him. "Und...Du." The Prussian King chose Roderich who was standing behind the many other Austrian soldierswho looked nervous. "You in the brown hair und glasses. Ja, Du!"

    Roderich looked around to make sure Friedrich wasn't calling for him, but there were no anyother man who had brown hair with glass near him. And when he realized he was chosen, he felt hisheart stop for a few seconds.

    "Wha... What...?! Nein, General! This is not fair!" Roderich protested as he looked at thehigher man in disbelief. "And why is that? Why is it that you do not want to go out there for your country? For your nation and foe your own pride?" The higher man looked angry.

    "I will not be choosing another one of your soldiers besides the one I have just chose,General." Friedrich frowned at the other man. "Get out there immediately!" The Austrian Generalyelled at the brunette while the brunette still protested until he pushed him out in front of him.

    Roderich was looking straight at Gilbert, his lover, who he was going to fight against now. "I'llgive you two options to choose, Gilbert." Friedrich spoke to the albino, "Either kill your lover out therefor your own good, your own pride, and for your Kingdom... Or Ill kill him with my own sword whileyou can get executed from everyone from betraying us! The Prussian King began to threaten Gilbert.

    The albino stood next to Friedrich, ready to follow his kings order but then his face greweven paler while his eyes widened in shock when he heard it, "W-was...?!" Panicking, his eyeswandered between Roderich and Friedrich, "A-Aber... A ber... he stuttered in disbelief.

    Why would Friedrich do this? Why exactly /his/ Austrian? As the brunette took a few stepsforward Gilberts hands started shaking and the grip on his sword loosened, he did not want to fighthim, he could not fight him, Roderich; his lover, his everything.

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    "I-Ich kann das nicht...! the Prussian protested, shaking his head, "Old Fritz, bitte-", whenthe word 'lover' fell, Gilberts heart skipped a beat. How in the world did he know? Did he see them atnight? That would be impossible. The albino always made sure no one would see him! As he turnedaround to see his king, his gaze fell onto Arthur s smirk. It all made sense now. Damn that Brit! Hecursed in his mind as he grit his teeth in anger.

    The situation couldn't get any worse as much as Gilbert wanted to stab the Brit for it. He hadto kill his lover instead. The Prussian took a step forward and faced the brunette, "Roderich... I don'twant to... he said, his red eyes fixated on the other s amethyst ones.

    As difficult as it was for himself, Gilbert gripped his sword tighter, preparing for the battlewhich would cost the Austrians life. There was no way to avoid it. They couldn't get away withoutdeath awaiting them.

    Friedrich, who was impatient now pushed Gilbert out to the field as well while Roderich'sentire body shook in horror and fear as he wasn't able to grip his sword properly at all. Then, thosetears began falling from his eyes again while looking at the ruby-eyed man. As the Prussian gotpushed out he almost fell down while his eyes still focused into the other s amethyst ones. Soon, hisown eyes began to water. He couldn't hold his emotions back anymore.

    "It's alright, Gil..." Roderich spoke as a shiver was heard clearly in his voice that told Gilberthe was scared. "I deserve it... I've caused this; I broke our promise-" As both of them weren't movingat all at the moment, Friedrich got even more impatient as he drew his sword out, "What are youwaiting for?!" He yelled madly at Gilbert, and then even the Austrian General began to threatenRoderich now, "He's our /enemy/, Edelstein! He is nothing, but a cruel enemy!"

    "I'll be alright, Gilbert..." Roderich whispered breathlessly, trying his best to ignore his higher man's voice and the crowd of soldiers chanting to him to kill the albino from behind. His eyes onlyfocused ever so still on his lover's as he gave him the smallest smile from his lips.

    Raising his sword Gilbert shook his head, "Nein, it's not...", he replied sobbing as more tearsran down, the yelling of his king making his whole body tremble with fear and despair while thebrunette was giving himself the fault. Oh, how much the Prussian wished that he could comfort himinstead of being his opponent.

    The albino managed to walk a few steps closer to his lover and tried to wipe his tears awayto get a clearer sight of him. He tried his best to return the smile, "Es tut mir Leid... He apologizedalmost inaudibly while more tears were falling down. Roderich, bitte... F orgive me" A moment later he tightened his grip on his sword.

    Running towards each other to finally attack, Roderich dropped his sword purposely whenhe was a few feet close to Gilbert, letting his lover's swords stab inside of him straight that aimed athis heart while Gilbert prayed that the Austrian would somehow dodge the attack.

    The sword fortunately didn't stab right at the Austrian s heart, but it did stab him all the way.When it did stab him all the way, he let out a single, loud scream in agony and pain. The Prussian shands seemed to move themselves as they stabbed the Austrian s inside and caused the sword to getthe same color as his own eyes, which could only watch the deed. The brunette reached his arms outand pulled the albino close to him with a tight grip against the back of his coat, dropping down to hisknees as he spit a pile of blood out from his mouth over the man's shoulder.

    "It's over, Gil..." He whispered to his ear as he coughed, breathing heavily, "It's finally over...I'm sorry..." Gilbert was unable to do something against it, shocked by the sight of his lover, feelingguilty for obeying his kings order, devastated about what he just had done to him.

    A moment later the albino dropped his sword and embraced the other as more and moretears started falling down from Gilbert s ruby eyes, "Roderich, nein... S tay with me... He beggedbetween heavy sobs, even though he knew his lovers life wouldn't last much longer and would endtoo soon, "I can't live without you...!"

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    Im so sorry that I can t stay with you any longer Roderich apologized to Gilbert againwhen he pulled away to look at him in his eyes as the same sad smile grew on his blood-stained lips.His hand-grip on the albino s coat got tighter, but it was no use for the brunette. I love you, Gilbert. He said sweetly in a soft, weak voice, Dont ever forget that. Don t ever forget about me either.Promise me that and he gave a light squeeze on one of Gilbert s hands.

    "I hurt you like this. It's my entire fault..." The Prussian replied with deepest regret in hisvoice, trying to calm his own sobs as he blinked away the tears that couldn't stop running down.Gilbert squeezed the other s hands stronger after every word he spoke as to reassure his lover, "Ichliebe dich auch, Roderich. More than anything else in the whole world, and I always will, I could never forget you, He continued after taking a deep breath, "I promise you, Roderich, with my life."

    From behind, Friedrich watched the two with a very small guilty feeling as he turned hisaway from the couple. Lets head back, Herren. He said as he left back to their base with his armywithout Gilbert. Same with the other army, they left the lovers alone in the battle field and headedback to their base to return home. Then, battle field was left dead-silent. There were no wind blowingnor there was a single noise of footsteps in the field.

    At least that the soldiers retreated now and left him and his lover alone relieved Gilbert alittle. He didn't have to worry about anything, but his lover. But still it was too late. If Arthur didn't telltheir secret; if Friedrich didn't know; if Roderich didn't have to be his opponent - it was no use to thinkabout it anymore.

    Gilbert, before I leave The dying Austrian spoke again as he began to breathe tougher and more intense. He felt his own heart starting to slow down its beat and he knew he wasn t going tosurvive another minute. May I have our last kiss? He demanded, keeping his smile on as he tried hisbest to keep his grip still.

    The albino listened carefully to the Austrians words, knowing that his voice soon woulddisappear forever from his life. With a nod with a small, sad smile followed a quiet response, "Ja, meinSchatz... And soon, a gentle, loving kiss on his lover s bloody lips was planted. Gilbert embracedRoderich tightly as if it could make him stay, but feeling how his lover s heart was beating slower instead of faster like usual when they have kissed made him realize once again that it was the lasttime he would feel the other s warmth and love.

    The brunette tried so hard to keep his grips firm, but it was no longer possible for himself to.But once he kissed back with his blood-stained lips, he felt that was the only thing he had gave to hislover with his last, small amount of strength that was left in his body. Then, few seconds after their lastkiss, both of Roderich's hands lost its grips completely and dropped to the ground as his heart and hisbreathing stopped.

    The Austrian's face looked oh-so pale, yet peaceful at the same time as it looked like theman was just sleeping. Those soft, thin eyelids of Roderich looked like they would flip back open andreveal those gorgeous violet eyes, but it never did. And those gentle fingers of the man stoodabsolutely still like a mannequin when they looked like they would move so energetically, makingbeautiful music in the piano, but it never did. Neither miracle nor anything happened to the Austrian asonly the dark clouds quickly gathered up in the skies.

    Rain began to fall on the lovers as they stood still in the middle of the bloody battle field as itwashed most of Roderich's blood stains off on his pale face and body. As much as Gilbert wanted hislover to come back alive and wished these terrible, seven years of war was just a simple nightmare,Roderich never came back and the war and its memories stayed in reality.

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    Gilbert could never forget the day he lost Roderich; how his heart stopped and ended his livemuch too early, how he wished those violet eyes would look at him again but remained shut forever,how it made his own heart tear up at the sight. The amount of rain falling on that day was smallcompared to the tears the Prussian has cried.

    The first day after it happened, the scene repeated in itself as a nightmare in the albino shead. He would always wake up under tears, heavily sobbing while he mumbled, apologizing, "Es tutmir Leid, Roderich... Es tut mir Leid...! Bitte vergib mir....

    And even after Roderich's death he still went to his house and stayed there as long aspossible. When the Prussian had dozed off on the couch like he used to, he could swear he hadheard the piano play, but when he went to the piano room, not a sound left the instrument. When hetouched the ivory keys, it simply wasn't the same tune coming out.

    The usual home-like atmosphere at the Austrian s house disappeared. The smell of freshlybaked cake and the music that filled it got replaced by void.

    Soon, the albino realized it wasn't only his lovers life that ended on that day. What was hewithout him?

    What did he want to achieve?

    What should he do now?

    Everything was pointless without Roderich and nothing could bring him the happiness asimple smile of the brunette brought. The Prussian had promised not to forget him, yet it made hisheart ache every time he remembered his Austrian. But there was no way out of his situation, andthere never will be. And the usual smile the albino wore was no longer real.

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