® SEPT–OCT 2016 | VOLUME 28 ISSUE 5 “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet.” Isaiah 58:1 ® THE TH AND FINAL TRUMPET 7 PAGE 5 PAGE 11 PAGE 7 Return of the Dragon The Sign of His Coming Revelaon Series 7th Seal k Trumpet

Transcript of THE TH AND FINAL TRUMPET - The Church of God


SEPT–OCT 2016 | VOLUME 28 ISSUE 5 “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet.” Isaiah 58:1




Return ofthe Dragon

The Sign of His Coming

Revelation Series7th Seal k Trumpet



Surely I Come Quickly 4

The Sign of His Coming 5

The Seven Seals and Seven Trumpetsof Revelation: A Series 7

Return of the Dragon 11

Armageddon News 13

Prepare to Meet Thy God 13


We are a people living on the verge. Knowing neither the day nor the hour, we yet live near the time of the end. God, being ever true to His word, has appointed a day, a Great Day, in which “the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God” (1 Thess. 4:16).

Be aroused, O sleeping world! Awake, all ye deluded religionists! He is coming! Coming in fiery vengeance on those who know not God and obey not His gospel!

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for not discerning the time of His first coming (for their own prophets and His own works declared it). They sought another sign and rejected the very Messiah they professed to wait for.

And so it is today. False prophets, having deluded the masses, have the people vainly waiting for some strange anti-christ personality to arise, or a literal thousand-year reign, or for the moon to turn to blood, or some other nonsensical sign not sanctioned by the Word of God. Meanwhile, they cannot discern the signs of the time.

Oh, thank God for a true understanding of the holy scrip-tures! Simeon and Anna were “in the know” back then, and, bless God, so are His people today! Hence, we can joyfully marvel as we behold prophetic truths unfolding before our eyes, revealing the nearness of His coming.

Thrilled at the thought of His coming, we yet pray for divine enablement of His grace to stand strong in the last battles against the forces of darkness, as Satan lashes out with intense fury, knowing that his time is short. With a world deceived, the little flock stands opposed by an innumerable host, but her hope is bright as she stays upon her Mighty God.

And while we await that blessed Day, we mean to occupy till He comes and to seek to save as many as we can.

Dear reader, are you comforted at the thought of His soon coming? Does your heart say, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus”? Are you living holy, separate from the spirit of the world, and ready to meet Him in peace? Do you love His appearing?

It is high time to prepare to meet thy God. sm

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The Journey on the Narrow WayDear saints, praise the Lord!

I am so much blessed to be the child of our merciful God. I am so thankful that I have chosen the narrow way towards heav-en. I know that God has saved me and now I am no more turning towards the broad way. Our merciful God heard my voice when I was lost in sin.

I don’t want to turn to this world where there is worldly pleasure. When I found the church of God, I found myself being pro-tected. Saints, I request you all to pray for my mission journey. I know the narrow way is difficult, but I also know that I will be in heaven with many saints and with our loving God. Saved by His blood, Bro. Gideon Giri (Age 14) Nepal

Restoring His ChurchPraise the Lord, saints!

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings.” Isa. 52:7.

Indeed how wonderful it is to be in the precious church of God, and hear the clear Word of God. I have been blessed mightily and greatly stirred by the powerful preaching we heard in the 2016 camp meeting. Surely the Lord is restoring His church, and my heart rejoices to see more of His children coming “leaping and shouting home to Zion”! What a mighty restoration we are in!

I’m very thankful to be saved and to be living a life pure and free from sin. Truly this is the only life that’s worth living. Oh, the joys of salvation–no tongue can tell!

I love the church of God with all my heart, and there is no desire in me to ever turn back or forsake this holy way. I thank the Lord for real victory for a young person in this time. My eyes are fixed on heaven, and my greatest desire and burden is to help as many souls as I can. I want to labor for the restoration until death or until the Lord returns! Yours for the restoration, Sis. Rachel Bontrager (Age 21) Indiana, USA

Keeps Me FreeDear saints,

Praise the Lord! I want to thank God that the Lord has saved me and keeps me free from worldly things. Please pray for me that I can stand in the Lord.

I thank God that salvation has come to Nepal, too. I love the church of God restoration work! Sis. Martha Lama (Age 14) Nepal

The Miracle of SalvationI thank God, the Almighty, for the great

miracle of salvation, for a full deliverance from all sin in my life! I, free from the guilt of sin, now fully enjoy the assurance of a home in heaven.

I’m spoiled for the world and its pleasures ever since I first experienced the glory of God in the assembly of the saints, and ever since I have true joy and peace that only God gives, that all the powers of darkness cannot destroy.

By the grace of God, I’m leading a holy, sin-free life, triumphant and victorious over all evil. I follow Jesus, who went this way

before me, and His holy ministry, whom He is mightily using in these last days. I am determined to reach heaven, after I have done all that I could (Mark 14:8). Sis. Christine Schmidt


No Turning BackOnce I was wandering in this world

like a helpless girl. Nobody would help me, but I realized that there was one who could help me and roll all my burden away. Thank God that He found me where I was in that condition!

I am glad to be in the church of God where I can enjoy learning different things about God and live a sin-free life. He has opened a door for me. I thank God for what He has done for me! But saints, I want to live for Him no matter what, even if my father and mother denied me.

I don’t want to go back to this world where people are doing sin every day. As the song says, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back.” Please pray for me so that I can make it to heaven and fulfill His will. For the work of restoration, Sis. Rebecca Tamang (Age 15) Nepal

So Much LaughterThis [The Joking Preacher] is a great

article and so true. I have often felt this same way. Hearing so much laughter in the church during sermons is unsettling to say the least.

Our Saviour Jesus is to be taken seriously, including sermons and speech about Him. M. Taylor

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Editor-in-Chief: Sis. Susan MutchGerman Dept.: Sis. Doreen TovstigaRussian Dept.: Bro. Waldemar Anselm

Godly Sorrow and Repentance Acts 3:19; 17:30, 2 Cor. 7:10The New Birth–a Radical Conversion John 3:3-7Freedom from Sin/A Holy Life 1 Jn. 5:18, Lk. 1:73-75, Tit. 2:11-12Entire Sanctification–a Second Cleansing 1 Thess. 5:23, Act 15:8-9 Unity of God’s People/One Church John 17:21, Matt. 16:18Divine Healing James 5:14-15, Isa. 53:5Ordinances Mt. 28:19-20, Jn. 13:14-15, 1 Cor. 11:23-26Plain, Modest Dress Dt. 22:5, 1 Tim. 2:9-10, 1 Cor. 11:14-15Sanctity of Marriage Mt. 19:5-6, Mk. 10:11-12, Lk. 16:18, Rom. 7:2-3Non-Violence Luke 3:14; 6:27-29; 18:20Restoration (Sounding 7th Trumpet) Rev. 10:7; 11:15Eternal Punishment or Reward Matt. 25:46

Anti-Denominational Holiness Paper

This definite, radical, anti-sectarian holiness paper is published in the name of the Lord for the edification of the church of God. Its mission is to point souls to full salva-tion through Christ and to expose the errors of spiritual Babylon (false religion). We desire this paper to be used as a sharp instrument in the hands of the Lord, breaking the spiritual silence in this time of restoration.

This publishing work is supported through freewill of-ferings. Biblical quotes are from the King James Version unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to edit or decline any material and are not responsible for the return of any items. Articles printed in this publication are used on the merit of the truth contained therein, and should not necessarily be understood as a commendation of the writer. The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Co. and its subsid-iaries are operated under the authority of the General Ministerial Body of the Church of God.

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The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Co.

The Bible teaches:


There is no question in our minds as to whether or not the Lord is coming back very soon. We can read the prophe-cies and their fulfillment down throughout the Gospel Day. We can see the exact fitting of our time as to how

the scripture describes the latter days to be.Now the real question is, do you really believe it? And what

are you doing to show that you believe it? We can clearly read in scriptures that Jesus is coming for a

glorious church and understand by the prophecies that there will be a great ingathering of souls to the church in this time. We can see, and we say that we know the harvest is great and the labourers are few, but do we really understand it in the depth of our souls?

It might be good to ask ourselves a few questions concerning what we profess to believe about our time. Can we readily say with John, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” knowing that we are doing all we can to prepare for His coming? Can we honestly say that we are “burning the candle at both ends” for the gospel? How many souls have we pulled from the fire? What really have you sacrificed for this work? Is the Lord able to use you to your fullest capabilities, or have you talents yet unused for God?

Is it possible to live a “normal” life and understand the Lord’s soon return? (Sometimes I feel like “My God, help us! What are we doing?”) How dare we even consider it while multitudes are madly rushing into eternity to be lost forever, while chil-dren and young people are needing instruction in the ways of holiness, while souls are pin-ing and groaning deep within to be free from the cages of sin and decep-tion, and countries are begging for us to come over and help them.

Lord help us to be able to truly say with the Revelator “Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” because surely He is coming quickly! And may God help us to labour in such a way as to enable Him to has-ten His coming.

“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and god-liness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the ele-ments shall melt with fervent heat?” 2 Peter 3:11-12. &

Surely I Come QuicklyBro. John Byler (Age 19)


Approximately two millennia have passed since God-incarnate ascended from this earth to be seated at the right hand of the Father. The messengers in white apparel proclaimed the wonderful tidings: “Jesus…shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:10-11). “The promise of His coming” stands unshaken and true, in spite of all scoffers. Jesus Christ will most certainly appear the second time to take vengeance in flaming fire on all sinners (2 Thess. 1:7-8) and to dissolve the universe. The occasion of the second and final advent of Christ will irrevocably seal the eternal fate of every living person. The import of the Last Great Day cannot be

over-estimated.The scriptures

plainly state that no man knows the day nor the hour of His coming. All who predict such, do so in direct opposition to the Word of God. However, the

scriptures speak of “knowing the time,” and knowing that His coming is nigh. God is not willing that any should perish. In tender mercy, He has not “left himself without witness.” With deep concern for the eternal well-being of His creation, God gives a sign of His coming. The object of this sign, like that of many

physical signs, is to proclaim that which succeeds it and to alert of its imminent appearance.

A true exegesis of Matthew 24 necessitates the understanding that in verse 3 of this chapter, the disciples of Christ asked three distinct questions. One of these is, “What shall be the sign of thy coming?” Jesus then proceeds to answer all three of these questions throughout the course of the chapter. In verse 30, He begins to address the sign of His coming and predicts the actual coming and appearing of Himself on the Last Great Day. Then in verse 31, He tells in explicit detail the substance of the sign itself.

“Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven.” This does not denote the aerial heavens, nor yet the celestial abode of God, but rather the spiritual realm where spiritual events transpire. This “heaven” is synonymous with the “high places” of Ephesians 6:12 and the “heavenly places” of Ephesians 2:6 and 3:10. Being that this sign will appear in heaven, it is implied that its nature is spiritual and not discernible by men of fleshly minds.

“He [Christ] shall send his angels [Greek: messengers] with a great sound of a trumpet”–the gospel message of awakening, warning, and alarm (Isa. 58:1). These God-sent messengers (His ministers) will then proceed to gather together in one (John 11:52) the elect of God, namely all His redeemed children. In that Matt. 24:31 says, “from


The occasion of the second and final

advent of Christ will irrevocably seal

the eternal fate of every living person.

The import of the Last Great Day

cannot be over-estimated.

6 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET Remove Revelation pages if you desire to keep as a study reference.

It seems nothing has done more to dishonor the name of God than so-

called churches–divided and splintered, and not even remotely similar to

the one “glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.”

one end of [the spiritual] heaven to the other,” it indicates the universality of this gathering (Eph. 1:10).

God could have allowed this wicked world “wrapped in slumber” to continue in sinful sleep, to be only awakened in horror by the sound of the last trump. At that point, however, all hope of repentance will be absolutely precluded. God intended that by the means of the piercing blast of true preaching and the resulting unification of all saints, the listless masses should perceive that His awful coming is “near, even at the doors.” With this realization impressed upon them, through the convicting power of the Holy Ghost, they are to fall on their knees and plead for forgiveness of sins, ere that day overtake them in their iniquity and pronounce their doom.

The grave fact is that we are presently living in and witnessing the direct fulfillment of Matt. 24:31. God has provided Himself a heavenly ministry that is divinely commissioned to go forth and proclaim God’s judgments on all unrighteousness, including the sin of religious sectism. It seems nothing has done more to dishonor the name of God than so-called churches–divided and splintered, and not even remotely similar to the one “glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing” (Eph. 5:27). With burdened heart, Christ prayed the Father in fervent accents, “that they all may be one…that

the world may believe” (John 17:21). Oh, what a moving plea! Jesus knew that the world needed to see the gathering/unity of God’s people in order to repent of their sins.

We stand in awe as we see God, through the instrumentality of His messengers, “take…one of a city, and two of a family, and…bring [them] to Zion” (Jer. 3:14)! Our hearts thrill with joy at the sound of the great trumpet which has shattered the ghastly stillness of apostasy and compromise. With solemn conviction, we realize that God is coming, yea, quickly coming. With mounting urgency, we observe the sign of His coming, as the sign is clear

evidence that we live in the very end of the end. The message of the hour is, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!” Whatever we are aspiring to do for our own souls or the souls of others must be done quickly because the sign proclaims Him near.

This sign must precede God’s coming, as there will be no opportunity for its fulfillment on the Last Day. On that day, the messengers will not have to locate and assemble the saints, as they will be “caught up” from wherever they are “to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:17). At Christ’s return, the aerial heavens and planet Earth will burst into flames, thus obliterating time and place for a gathering on that day (2 Peter 3:12). The gathering is NOW!

We witness a massive array of misconceptions and errant expectations concerning signs. Even when Jesus walked this earth, carnally-minded men–though very religious–required signs of Him who Himself was the “Sign which should be spoken against.” It is astounding that in the chapter directly succeeding the account of the feeding of four thousand, the Pharisees and Sadducees asked for a sign (Matt. 16:1)! What evidence of tremendous spiritual dullness–willful dullness. Before Jesus walked away, leaving them “signless,” He promised one sign–that of Jonas. The only sign God gave the Ninevites was that of a man walking their streets,

preaching the judgment of God. For the Jews who required a sign, Paul had one response–preaching (1 Cor. 1:22-23). Similarly, the preaching of the everlasting gospel and its effects, are the sign by which God now

chooses to convict men of His soon coming. Those who discontentedly look for “other” signs would not believe “though one rose from the dead” (Luke 16:31). Jesus called those that rejected the obvious sign and demanded another, wicked and adulterous hypocrites.

Dear reader, can you not discern the signs of the times? Could anything possibly be more spectacular than the present working of God, namely the gathering of His people and restoring of His church? Even if for no other reason, we beseech you, “believe for the very works’ sake.” &

Bro. Benjamin Tovstiga

77 of 7

Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

“Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him.” Psalm 50:3.

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1.

When God and His people are on the move, silent it is not. There is noise as the works of darkness are being exposed and destroyed, causing souls to be shaken out of their sin, paths of religious falsehood, or spiritual lethargy. So, in this regard, silence would be a curse to earth, a Satan-induced state.

Hence, Revelation 8:1 reveals a trag-edy. This is not a silence in the heaven of heavens where God dwells but, rather, in the “heavenly places” as referred to in Ephesians chapter two, wherein the saved dwell spiritually. How did this grievous half hour of silence come to be?

During the sixth trumpet period, things were wonderfully tempestuous. D.S. War-ner and others were faithful to lift up their voices as trumpets and declare the truth to

the people. How things shook! Sect-lovers gnashed as their unbiblical denominations crumbled, while truth-lovers shouted the high praises of God and rejoiced in the light. There was holy noise, holy activity. Faithful preachers exposed the works of darkness without fear of man. God’s sheep had been scattered in sectism for long cen-turies. “Come out of her, my people”! was the message. Many souls received spiri-tual help and, fleeing the religious cages of man, were gathered together of God in His one, holy fold. Great was the rejoic-ing of God’s true people as they enjoyed the unity, oneness of spirit, and the glori-ous presence of God coming down in their meetings.

The plain truth preached without fear of man will always produce unity and glo-ry.

After the passing of our faithful Bro. Warner, some ministers imbibed a spirit of compromise and, not discerning the danger of “little things,” departed from some clear standards of dress to “win more souls.” Thus they broadened the way. Being let loose, this spirit of compromise eventually brought in a flood of worldliness and sin. The glory departed from their midst.

Those who still dared to cry aloud and spare not were pronounced legalistic, un-loving, and narrow-minded.

The sound of the sixth trumpet faded into a fatal silence. Those who had been blessed with so much light and glory in the early evening of the Gospel Day, whom God had used to sound forth the judgments of His holy Word, were now silent while the devil did his insidious work.

How can one begin to explain the incalculable effects of this half hour of silence? The effects were monumental. They were global. Every generation in ev-ery place since the silence began has been deeply affected. This lack of sound, bibli-cal preaching and living has produced con-fusion and devastation everywhere. The “little” seed of compromise birthed a mon-ster of deception and sin, especially under the name of Christianity, yea, even the bib-lical name, the church of God.

Biblical restraints in ruin, Satan had his opening to start releasing the dragon–a revival of Paganism. The worldview changed with time, particularly in the 1960s.

Ecumenism, “tolerance,” humanism, and polytheism entered even the fiber of mainstream “Christianity.”

The nations have been deceived. Pro-fessing Christians walk hand in hand with the spirit of the world, having no concept of real holy living or of what the church is supposed to be.

A church that has no voice to shake sinners and professors, no voice that turns the world upside down, that makes not the wicked flee, the devil howl, and persecution rage – that

church may have "gods many," but has not the true God dwelling in her.– D. S. Warner –

7Seal k Trumpet

Revelation 11:14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are be-come the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

18 And the nations were an-gry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou should-est give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thun-derings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

“And the fourth angel sounded…And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!” Rev. 8:12-13.

The last three trumpets in the series of seven are referred to as the woe trumpets. (See also Rev. 9:12; 11:14.) With increased light from the Word of God, comes increased responsibility, and as time advances to the end of the Gospel Day–the day of salvation–there is an increased urgency.

The third woe trumpet is presently sounding. It is mankind’s last call to salvation. The end of all things is at hand. Jesus Christ will soon call this world into Final Judgment. Woe to those who heed not the sound of the trumpet!

The Three Woe Trumpets

“The second woe is past,” refers to the cessation of the sounding forth of the sixth trumpet after the time of D.S. Warner. It was silenced by a spirit of compromise which ushered in the half hour of silence. The symbolic half hour covers a period of approximately seventy years, 1910-1980.

The sounding forth of the seventh trumpet (the third woe) broke the silence. Around 1980 and onward, God stirred up individuals in various places, eventually bringing them into one fold, and, under the leadership of Bro. Daniel Layne, who faithfully and fearlessly started sound-ing forth the seventh trumpet, He brought about a restoration of His church.

Thank God, the devastating silence was broken, and great voices were again heard in the heavenly places! Revelation 11:15-17 is expressive of God’s raising up to Himself a people through which He can reign in the power of holiness. His children heard His voice and fled the compromised, worldly religious sects.

Great is the rejoicing in the church as those called out from sin and false religion give God the glory for His mighty works. And the ministry, the “four and twenty el-ders,” knowing that without Him they can do nothing, fall on their faces, humbly and emphatically returning all thanks and praise to God for raising up a holy, separate

Dates are approximate.

people for His own name’s sake.But not everyone is happy when God is on the

move. Verse 18 speaks of nations being angry at the sounding of this seventh trumpet, this third woe trumpet. In this context, the word nations, from the Greek ethnos, refers to foreign nations not worship-ping the true God; to Gentiles or pagans. In other words, all the unregenerate.

They are angry because God’s wrath against all sin (Rom. 1:18) is faithfully being sounded forth from the church. The plain, unadulterated truth is being boldy preached and faithfully lived, bring-ing condemnation to those who love darkness rather than light. While saints rejoice, sinners and sect-lov-ers gnash their teeth. Truth forces one to a decision; there is no neutral ground.

“The time of the dead, that they should be judged” is now, in this end time. Those that are spiri-tually dead, void of real, Bible salvation need to ex-perience preliminary judgment now, lest they will be undone at the soon-to-come Final Judgment. What mercy from God to try to warn and to awaken them now! Thank God for this time of preliminary judg-ment! And thank God for those who have already been awakened and have taken heed to His voice sounding from the church.

Rev. 11:18 also speaks of those “which destroy the earth.” This refers to none other than Babylon the Great, the great city of deception, that place of all sin and false religion. Also referred to as a blasphe-mous whore in Rev. 17:1-6, guilty of abominations and drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs.

Seeing this in the spirit, God’s true ministers are compelled to cry out this warning, “Come out of her,

my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues [judgments]. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath re-membered her iniquities” (Rev. 18:4-5).

Damnable false religions! Curse of the earth! Misrepresenters of Almighty God! Who can count its slain? No marvel that God desires to “destroy them which destroy the earth.” Destroy by exposing its errors and corruptions in order that honest souls may escape.

What reward the prophets and saints enjoy when they behold God saving and delivering souls from sin and false religion and gathering them safely home to His visible body of believers in this time! No longer scattered, no longer mixed with unbeliev-ers in sect cages (Rev. 18:2), and no longer hindered and led astray by false doctrines, thank God!

“The temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunder-ings, and an earthquake, and great hail.” This is good news! It tells of the restoration of God’s visible church in this time. The temple, or church (See Eph. 2:21-22) is opened in the heavenly places–there is again a visible body of true believers, separate from all the sects of man. In her is seen the presence of God (ark of his testament), the enlightenments and shakings (lightnings and thunderings) of the Word of God, and solid, hard preaching of the Word (hail).

Hail the bright day! Here the bride is making herself ready for the Bridegroom’s soon return.

The seventh trumpet will sound on earth until it is eclipsed on the Last Day by the trump of God (1 Thess. 4:15-17). Sis. Susan Mutch

1930: Anderson church of God ousted F.G. Smith as editor of their Trumpet publication in favour of Charles E. Brown (new approach to Christian unity, no more naming Babylon, curtailing publishing of prophecy/Revelation articles and books).

1960: The Beatles are formed in Liverpool, ushering in the era of Rock music.Kennedy is elected President of the USA (openly low standard of morals in leadership).

2015: 23,000 self-professed pagans gather to celebrate the summer solsatice at Stonehenge.

Did you know?


Return of theDragon

Our world has changed–drastically. It is be-cause a dragon, once bound, has been loosed in this end time, just as

biblical prophecies declared. According to Bible prophecies, the coming of the Lord will be preceded by certain signs. One such sign clearly indicating the imminence of His return is that there will be a revival of paganism.

The book of Revelation reveals three major enemies to the church–a dragon, a beast out of the sea, then a beast out of the earth. The dragon, first introduced in Rev-elation chapter 12, symbolizes the spirit of paganism. The church, starting out in the morning time of the Gospel Day, was im-mediately confronted by this dragon in-tent on devouring or destroying the first converts. This entity warred against Jesus and His angels (messengers or ministers). Many were martyred in this war against the dragon, but Christianity prevailed.

The New Testament, as well as secu-lar history, bears out that paganism was an antagonistic, persecuting power against primitive Christianity. Revelation 20:1-3 reiterates the same events as chapter 12,

giving a history of the Gospel Day from the time of the early morning church right up to its close at the great white throne Judg-ment Day.

“And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.”

The dragon, not the devil himself, is being bound by an angel. Paganism was a devilish system of false religion designed by Satan to destroy souls. The apostles preached the gospel with the Word and the Spirit (the key and great chain) to the Gen-tiles who had long been deceived by this dragon power. The light of the gospel pen-etrated the pagan darkness and multitudes were delivered from their idols to serve the true and living God. We see a practical example of this in Acts 19 where the mak-ers of the idols saw that their craft was in danger and were stirred against God’s min-

isters. Paganism lost its stronghold over the nations to deceive souls when the gospel came around. Hence, it was bound or “shut up.” Truth bound the pagan lies. The ensu-ing thousand years simply represents a long period of time.

In Rev. 20:7-9 we learn of events to take place shortly before the return of Je-sus Christ to call this world into final judg-ment. “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison” (Verse 7).

Thanks to false prophets, many minds now immediately think of a 1000 year fu-ture, literal reign on earth. But this proph-ecy speaks of no such future event, neither here nor anywhere else in the Bible. It is the dragon being loosed out of prison–the same dragon, called Satan, of verse 2. Pa-ganism is loosed after being restrained for so long.

One need not look far to see that this has already happened. Our world is becom-ing increasingly pagan and secular. Look in the spiritual section of major bookstores. Books on the occult, new age movement, Wicca, yoga, meditation, and eastern reli-gions (we could list much more) often out-number Christian books.


Look in any city and see the new age stores and find their annual psychic fairs. Look at the textbooks in public schools. They are not teaching what was taught forty years ago. God has been kicked out of schools and increasingly out of govern-ment, while evolution and humanism are being embraced, with an antagonism to anything truly Christian.

Along with the rise of sec-ular humanism and atheistical political powers, we clearly see a revival of fundamental Buddhism, Hinduism, and Muslim religions.

Over the past 100 years the dragon has by slow incre-ments crept back on the scene, bursting forth particularly in the 1970’s and 1980’s, causing a para-digm shift in society as a whole. That is impact!

The apostle Paul warned in 2 Tim. 3:1 that in the latter days perilous (danger-ous) days would come. The peril is in the extreme deceptions rampant in this end time, not to mention the type of people it is producing.

“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the na-tions which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to-gether to battle: the number of whom is as

the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the be-loved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” Rev. 20:7-9.

Paganism “shall go out to deceive the nations,” and join itself to Gog and Ma-

gog. Here we have the other two major enemies to the church–Gog and Magog. Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 tell us of these literal enemies, who came “up against my people of Israel.” They represent the other two enemies of the church that Satan has used successively to deceive souls after paganism lost its stronghold–Catholicism (the beast of Revelation 13:1) and Protes-tantism (the beast with horns like a lamb in Rev. 13:11). False Christianity!

In this end time, all three entities have gathered together on the breadth of the earth. This is clearly evidenced in the ecu-menical movement. Not only have Catho-

lics and Protestants joined hands, but east-ern religions have also found a place in this triad of error, creating a potent blend of unprecedented deception. They’ve all agreed not to judge and everyone can be-lieve whatever they will. As the pagans of old picked the god(s) of their choice, there is now a new type of polytheism under the

guise of Christianity–pick the church (or non-church) of your choice; all roads lead to heaven.

Their toleration stops, though, when it comes to the camp of the saints, the beloved city–the church of God. They now compass the true church about with their allied troops to battle together against her. It would seem evident that God

still has a church in the end of the Gospel Day, otherwise the devil wouldn’t have one to encompass and fight!

True to other prophecies, God has been and still is gathering His people to-gether back to His one fold, the visible church (Matt. 24:31; Jn. 10:16).

All of these events clearly mark the soon coming of our mighty Saviour. Rev-elation 20:3 states that when paganism is loosed, it will be but for “a little season.” Very little time is now left before the re-turn of Jesus Christ. “When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” & Sis. Susan Mutch

Not only have Catholics and Protestants joined hands, but eastern religions have also found a place in this triad of error, creating a potent blend of unprecedented deception. They’ve all agreed not to judge and everyone can believe

whatever they will.

Reported by Bro. Daniel Eichelberger

Prepare to Meet Thy God

Lost soul, this solemn exhortation is to you. Time sprints onward to your inevitable meeting with

God at His Judgment Throne. It will not be the first time you have met your Maker. Indeed, that final meeting will wake memories of a lifetime sprinkled with moments in which you met Him. That pang of conscience, the stroke of tragedy, desertion by friends, and foiled plans–all have been countless appoint-ments set up by God and arranged by divine mercy, to meet with you while reconciliation was still possible.

You have met with Him in creation: the mountains and oceans bear irrefut-able witness to the existence of your omnipotent Creator and the humble-ness of miniscule man. In the singing of birds and in the whistling of the wind is heard your condemnation. Prepare to meet thy God.

Seeker of pleasure, you know how to prepare. You prepare to stage elabo-rate banquets, organize decorated wed-dings, and host frivolous parties. Yet you consider not that for all your folly God will bring you into judgment; for that momentous event, you remain un-prepared.

Pursuer of mammon, you are an accomplished preparer. You prepare to meet your business associate, your wealth management advisor, and the large-scale investor. Yet you are not wise enough to sell all to gain the fa-vor of Him who lends you breath, who will on that Day require of you a full account of your deeds.

And you, scholar, preparation has been the key to your success. You pre-pare for strenuous examinations, an-ticipated interviews, and long-awaited graduation ceremonies. Yet you study not to prepare for the great and final examination administered by God Him-self, before whom both learned and un-learned must soon appear.

Time is almost finished. The End is upon us. Prepare now to meet thy God. &Bro. Thomas Tovstiga

ObituaryElias John Burr died suddenly on August 2, 2016, at Greenville, Ohio, at the age of 16.

Angels rejoiced as he was born again on March 14, 2008, at the age of eight. A few months later he was entirely sancti-fied. Bro. Elias defied the course of this world and fled youthful lusts. Instead of joining with the majority of sixteen-year-olds in the mad pur-suit of pleasure, he desired to preach the ever-lasting gospel. He lived a life of radical holiness, and boldly exhorted his peers to do the same.

His presence, singing, testimonies, and ex-hortations will be much missed in the assembly of the saints. Even now, his example is stirring the hearts of those he left behind.

We live in a world convulsed in moral and spiritual upheaval. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to save it. He has made a glorious church without spot or wrinkle to be the shining city on a hill. It cannot be hid by the cul-tural darkness around it. Yes, the Lord is gathering His people in our day to boldly stand against the wrong and fight the bat-tle against unholiness and ungodliness of wicked men. The devil knows this. Where he cannot counterfeit a movement of God, he will seek to obstruct it altogether.

Modern Child Murder First came the Nazi eugenic program

where thousands of mentally and physi-cally impaired people, including children, were euthanized. But it was done involun-tarily and done in secret. Now the killing of children is done in peaceful times with

the approval of “enlightened” societies. Belgium has just become the first country where a minor has been put to death under an age expansion of existing right-to-die laws. Terminally ill children with incur-able diseases where death is expected to be imminent can now be euthanized at their own request.

One must ask, what kind of society teaches their ill children that their lives have so little value they can hasten their own deaths? Oh, Belgium! The heavens blush and angels weep!

On the Way to Unity?On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther

famously nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle church, launching what was later to become the Protestant Reformation. Nearly 500 years later, his spiritual progeny in the Evangelical Lu-


MEETING REPORTSGo ye into all the world.


Bolivia: We want to thank the Lord for the wonderful meeting that we had in Bo-livia starting on the 27th of June and con-tinuing to July 3rd. Saints from Ontario, Manitoba, Ohio, California, Texas, and Durango joined us as the ministers taught and preached on the fundamental church of God doctrines. Pictures were also shown and history given of this restoration work.

Streetmeeting was once again held on the busy streets of Santa Cruz where many listened to the saints sing and preach.

There were up to 23 visitors, some who came repeatedly.

Nine were baptized, and we also par-took of the ordinances of feet washing and the Lord’s supper.

We are thankful for what the Lord is doing in this community and the surround-ing area.

Pray for all the contacts that have met and seen the saints, that the Lord would fol-low after them and bring them home to the church of God. Bro. John Hildebrandt

Chihuahua, Mexico: “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.”

God granted us the wonderful privi-lege to gather for our annual meeting here in Chihuahua. Many saints came from the different localities in Mexico, Canada and the United States.

The power of God was manifested as saints gathered to praise God and glorify His name for what He has done and is do-ing. We sat under anointed messages that were sent from heaven. Many visitors at-tended throughout the whole meeting, in-cluding many of the Tarahumara tribe from the mountains. They heard the call from God to be saved and were touched as they sat under powerful messages that clearly showed how to be saved.

It was wonderful to see how the chil-dren from the orphanage in Baja California enjoyed themselves as the presence of God was very real.

Sinners came under heavy conviction and some prayed through and found for-

giveness and cleansing of sin.How sweet and wonderful the unity

and the fellowship of the saints!We feel the Lord is working in a won-

derful way in Mexico. May the Lord send more laborers, for the harvest is ripe. Please pray for the work of God here.

For the glory of God, Bro. John Redecop

Ireland: Once called the isle of saints and scholars, we now sense and witness the spiritual vacuum of the people on this beautiful emerald island.

Catholic corruptions now exposed and religious wars marring the history, have left this generation disillusioned and groping for answers. And with neo-paganism now afoot, the confusion has deepened. The people, spirited and friendly, need some-thing real for their souls.

Our hearts burn for the spread of true holiness across Ireland and the British Isles. With this burden, a gospel company

Bolivia Ireland

United States of America Alaska (Anchorage): Bro. & Sis. Sims (907) 376-7133

California (Upland): Bro. Rick Wiebe (909) 238-4359

Illinois (Chicago): Bro. Patrick O’Shea, Sr. (262) 652-7517

IndianaVevay: Bro. Lonnie Bontrager (812) 571-3341Warsaw: Bro. Steve Hargrave (260) 433-7637

OhioGreenville: Bro. Ray Tinsman (937) 548-7373 Benton (Millersburg): Bro. John Strizu (937) 830-9427

OklahomaOklahoma City: Bro. Addison Everett (918) 315-0494

Texas (Honey Grove): Bro. John Friesen (903) 378-3097

WisconsinCecil: Bro. Allen Bontrager (715) 509-0000Sheboygan: Bro. Jeff Moser (920) 627-2683

CanadaManitoba (Steinbach): Bro. Jacob Braun (204) 326-5338 Ontario (Aylmer): Bro. Henry Hildebrandt (519) 765-2331

Austria (Wald am Arlberg) (0650) 760-2990

Germany Meinersen Kr. Gifhorn: Bro. Alexander Kähm (05372) 67 66Neuenstadt, Kr. Heilbronn: Meeting House (06264) 92 62 20

Kenya Bro. Simon Mutinda 254 072521 4861

MexicoBaja California: Mission Home (646) 117-3042Chihuahua: Bro. Ben Dyck (625) 584-1250Durango: Bro. Isaac Thiessen (677) 879-4572Zacatecas: Bro. Jacob Zacharias (671) 101-7479

Nepal Bro. Binod Mandal Kathmandu

PhilippinesMarinduque: Bro. Bernard Lustado Santa CruzMindanao: Sis. Cherry Pacauncis Kalilangan, BukidnonLuzon: Bro. Josefino Faustino Quezon City, Manila Bro. Eduardo Rodil Marikina City Sis. Myrna Luzong Paniqui, Tarlac Sis. Myrna Nuguid Apalang

of twelve returned for the third summer to labour for seven weeks in this ripe harvest field. Joined by others at times from North America, Austria, and Germany, we laboured with almost daily street meetings in some of the fair cities of this country. What a joy to meet and speak with young and old alike, answering their many questions, and making new friends and contacts.

We held meetings in rented rooms in some cities and were thankful for each and every visitor we were honoured to re-ceive.

With multiplied requests for us to establish congregations there, and with longing hearts to see this speedily accom-plished, we look to the Lord to appoint the workers He would have to return in the near future for an extended time.

Please pray for the seed sown and for the hastening in of the harvest, to the glory of God. Sis. Susan Mutch

theran Church in America (ELCA) voted overwhelmingly in favor of a statement of unity with the Roman Catholic Church. The statement, “Declaration on the Way,” identifies 32 points of doctrinal agreement between the two groups, areas where they still (very politely) disagree, and possible steps forward.

Luther steadfastly held and published until his death that the pope was antichrist and the Roman Catholic Church was Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots in the Apocalypse, but naturally, there is no mention of this in the declaration. They are minding their ecumenical manners.

Apparently, all the world continues to wonder after the beast in one way or another.

Keep Your Faith in the Church BuildingIn a move harkening back to the old Soviet era proscrip-

tions on religion, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ap-proved new anti-terrorism laws that greatly restrict evangeli-zation. In fact, the laws make it a crime to share faith anywhere except government-recognized church buildings. This means it is now illegal in Russia to evangelize in public, online, or even in homes.

The extent of enforcing the laws remains to be seen, but the Russians have nearly a hundred years of experience in suppression and oppression. One prominent Ukrainian min-ister has already been arrested under the new law. There may yet be many more.

In this conflict, our help is not in the laws and capricious-ness of men, but in the name of the Lord who made the heaven and the earth. Foolish nations! You cannot eclipse or stop the glorious gospel from going forth to all the world. God has purposed it, and He will perform it. &

ARMAGEDDON Continued from Page 13


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Think on Thine End“Stand in awe, and sin not.” Psalm 4:4

Sinner, is thy heart at rest?Is thy bosom void of fear?

Art thou not by guilt oppressed?Speaks hot conscience in thine ear?

Can this world afford thee bliss?Can it chase away thy gloom?Flattering, false, and vain it is;

Tremble at the worldling’s doom!

Think, O sinner, on thy end,See the Judgment Day appear!Thither must thy spirit wend,

There thy righteous sentence hear.

Wretched, ruined, helpless soul,To a Saviour’s blood apply;

He alone can make thee whole,Fly to Jesus, sinner, fly!

Authour Unknown