The Ten Commandments Found in the New Testament

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Transcript of The Ten Commandments Found in the New Testament

  • 8/14/2019 The Ten Commandments Found in the New Testament



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    1. Exodus 20:1-3-The First Commandment

    Then Elohim instructed the people as follows: "I am YHWH your Elohim, whorescued you from slavery in Egypt. "Do not worship any other gods besides me.

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    he first Commandment is to have faith in YHVH your Elohim and acknowledge Himas the only God. He is the One who led you out of Egypt and this relates to the factthat believers are actually part of Israel and that they are brought out of Egypt to be a

    light to the nations so that all nations would become part of Israel (Righteous people of Elohim)eventually.

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    he church today does not believe that they are part of Israel and this means thatthey do not fully believe this first Commandment where YHVH is the Elohim of Israelas a whole, there is now separate entities known as Israel and the Church. The

    reason for this belief is that the church believes in Replacement theology where the Churchhas replaced Israel. This is contradicting the passage in Romans and is not true. We believe inYHVH is the God of Israel and He is now our God as well, and we are part of Israel. There is onlyone Elohim and one assembly and one Bride of Messiah, and that is Israel. He is the One whobrought our forefathers out of physical bondage (back then) and He is the one who brought us out

    from spiritual bondage (now).

    2. Exodus 20:4-6- The Second Commandment

    "Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish.You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, YHWH your Elohim, am a

    jealous Elohim who will not share your affection with any other gods! I do notleave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the

    sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations. But Ilavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands,

    even for a thousand generations.

    his is one of the most serious Commandments and it wasdisobedience to this Commandment, that Israel were scatteredthroughout the nations. What is Idol Worship? Bowing down to a

    physical idol, yes, but there is no real Hebrew word for Idolatry and isavodah zerah and is described as foreign service. Anything you use asworship practice that He did not Command is Foreign Service and we havethe example of the golden calf to underline the seriousness thereof.

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    hey made an image and named it YHVH and wanted to have a celebration in honorof His Name. He did not command that and thousands died that day. Worship shouldbe taken serious because our Elohim is a Holy and jealous Elohim and He alone

    should be feared. People also do the same today, they decide how to worship YHVH and makestatues of the Mother of Jesus and bow down to it. This is very sincere BUT IT IS WRONGbecause YHVH has not commanded it.

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    n His Name is forgiveness and Salvation and His Name is Holyand we should glorify His Name. This means that if you say you

    follow Him, that you do not do things that is from the worldbecause then people will think that He approves of sin

    and they will get a wrong perception of Him and His Holiness. Vain alsomeans, to speak falsely. It shares the same Hebrew word that is used inthe ninth Commandment you shall not bring a false (vain) witnessagainst your brother, which means that you will not connect any thing thatis not true, to that person. To take YHVHs Name in vain is to connectsomething that is not true to His Name or His Character. That is to say forexample that YHVH approves of gay relationships. To take His Name invain is to devalue the image of Him and to de-grade Him and to bring Himdown to mans level, taking mansstandards and rules, and say that it isfrom YHVH. It is also to change His Ways

    to conform to man and to make YHVH less Holy than He is. Youalso take His Name in vain by putting words in His mouth andsay things He has not said. Preachers do this very thing wherethey take His Name in saying; thus says the Lord, whenYHVH has not spoken. To sum it up; you take His Name in vainwhen you degrade His Character by a sinful life and say that youfollow Him. It is also to change His standards and say that Hechanged it, and lastly to say things as if He said it but He did not.

    4. Exodus 20:8-11-The Fourth Commandment

    Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall youlabor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath toYHWH your Elohim. On it you shall do any work, neither you noryour manservant, nor your maidservant nor your animals northe alien within your gates. For in six days YHWH made theheavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but Herested on the seventh day. Therefore YHWH blessed theseventh day and made it holy.

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    his is the Commandment that most believers break because they follow the Catholicsystem where they have changed the times and laws as prophesied in Daniel 7:25.The Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments by taking out the second

    Commandment, (they have a lot of graven images) and they modified the fourth one. They havechanged the Sabbath (seventh day), to the Lords Day (First day - Sunday) and have split thelast Commandment in two so that it will add up to ten again. The Sabbath day rest was initiatedduring Creation and forms the basis of our worship to YHVH, acknowledging Him as the Creatorand doing as He instructed; to rest on this set apart day. You actually do not acknowledge Him asthe Creator if you do not honor His day of rest; it is as simple as that because this is the mainreason for this day. The Sabbath is also a prophetic foreshadow (just like the Festivals that alsohas Sabbaths), of the Second Coming of Yshua where we as His Bride will enter into His rest inthe Seventh Millennium.

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    The Catholic Church changed Sabbath worship to Sunday Worship

    The earliest Sunday law known to history is that of Constantine (the first Pope and founder of Catholicism),

    promulgated in AD. 32 1. It reads:

    On the venerable day of the sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all

    workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and

    lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for

    grain sowing or for vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the

    bounty of heaven should be lost. (Given the 7th day of March, Crispus and Constantine being

    consuls each of them for the second time.) Codex Justinianus, lib. 3, tit. 12, 3; translated in

    This substitution of Sunday for the Sabbath is not a thing which the Catholic Church either denies or

    attempts to conceal. On the contrary, it frankly admits it, and indeed points to it with pride as evidence of

    its power to change even a commandment of God. Read these extracts from Catholic catechisms:

    The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, the work of the Reverend Peter Geiermann, C.S.R.,

    received on January 25, 1910, the apostolic blessing of Pope Pius X. On this subject of the change of the

    Sabbath, this catechism says:

    Ques.-Which is the Sabbath day?Ans.-Saturday is the Sabbath day.

    Ques,-Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?

    Ans.-We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of

    Laodicea (A.D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.-Second edition, p. 50.

    The Catholic Press of Sydney, Australia, is emphatic that Sunday observance is solely of Catholic origin.

    Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claims to observance can be defended only on Catholic

    principles.... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of

    weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first. - August 25, 1900.

    In his book Plain Talk About the Protestantism of Today, Monsignor Segur says:

    It was the Catholic Church which, by the authority of Jesus Christ, has transferred this rest to the

    Sunday in remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord. Thus the observance of Sunday by the

    Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the [Catholic]

    Church. Edition of 1868, Part 3, sec. 14, p. 225.

    5. Exodus 20:12- The Fifth Commandment

    Honor your father and your mother, so that you maylive long in the land YHWH your Elohim is giving you.

    his Commandment is the Commandment that is atransition between the first four Commandments,where we learn how to honor and worship YHVH,

    and the last five Commandments, where we learn how to livewith other people and love them. This Commandment forms partof the first four Commandments where you honor your heavenly

    Father, and it also forms part of the last five Commandments, where you must honor your earthlyfather and mother. This is the most important Commandment you must teach your children sothat they can learn to honor you as their parents, and as they grow older, they will then know howto honor their Heavenly Father.

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    his rolls out to the community as well, you are suppose to honor older people andrespect them so that you may be open to receive their wisdom. If you do not honoryour elders in your community, you will not teachable and will stagnate spiritually

    because YHVH uses the wise to teach the young. His Word is designed to work through peopleamong the people and you will only receive the fullness if have learned to be humble and receivefrom others, especially older people.

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    o steal is defined by the act of taking something of value thatbelongs to someone else without permission. People tend to tryand get away with stealing things by saying they are only

    borrowing it. But if you borrow without permission, you are stealing.Stealing is one of the Commandments that is the easiest to break,especially when no one can see you. Things like pirate software, musicgames, movies, these things are so easy to steal and no one will know itexcept you. Repent and get rid of those things, which you have obtainedillegally.

    Another form of stealing is when we are at work and we do not do what we are supposed to dobut we do our own stuff or have long social conversations during normal working hours. It is soeasy to fall into the trap of being dishonest today, for example, you drag the job out when you arepaid by the hour, you take something from work when you need it at home because they wouldntmiss it, or you use the works phone constantly for private business. All these things are creativestealing and should not be found within the followers of YHVH. We are all guilty because it is soeasy to do these things and get away with it, repent and do not do it anymore because yourFather in heaven sees you and He knows everything.

    9. Exodus 20:16--The Ninth Commandment

    You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

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    Lies, false witness and slander are idle words because they are not constructive and originatesfrom the father of lies; namely Satan. If you choose to follow his counsel, you will earn his reward(torment), but if you follow YHVH counsel, you will attain everlasting life.

    10. Exodus 21:17--The Tenth Commandment

    You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor'swife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anythingthat belongs to your neighbor.

    he First Commandment is about YHVH, having faith inYHVH and it is the most important Commandment of all.The Last Commandment is the second most important

    Commandment because it forms the foundation for breaking all theother Commandments. Not to covet is the Commandment that is theopposite and furthest away from the First Commandment and will

    cause you to be separated from YHVH. You cannot serve twoMasters, YHVH and Material things; it is one or the other If you covet,you will steal, you will murder, you will lie and you wouldnt honor thefirst five Commandments either.

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    have of preaches who fall into sin; they do it in the highest degree because Satan dont wantthem to return to YHVH and he keeps them bound by their reputation, guilt and sin. Watch outand guard yourself against past sins and habits so that you will not step into the same traps andentangle yourself with its consequences, because it is very difficult to get free again.

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    The Ten Commandments are spilt into two Sections; the first 5 is on how to love YHVHwith all your heart or about how to have a relationship with Him. The second set of 5 ison how to love your neighbor as yourself. On these two sets of Commandments hangthe Torah and the Prophets. In other words, it forms the basis and foundation for lovingYHVH and your fellow man.