THE · tality ; weekly abstract of...

THE RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. IV'. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1876. NUMBER I,oc8, HEALTH DEPARTMENT. I ~. ~W HEALTH DEPARTMENT, No. OI MOTT STREET, 3 NEW YORK, October 3, 1876. The Board of Health met this day. Orders. 207 orders for the abatement of nuisances were made. Suits for Penalties. The Attorney was directed to commence suits for penalties for non-compliance with the orders the Board in 44 cases, and for violation of the Sanitary Code in cases. of S U R E A U CONDENSED REPORTED MORTALITY (week (each day in the week, ending THE CHIEF CAUSES Reports Received. From the Sanitary Superintendent : On the operations of the Sanitary Bureau ; on contagious . THE ACTUAL MORTALITY AN ENUMERATION OF F. DAY, M. D., Superintendent and Register. diseases ; on slaughter-houses ; on applications for permits ; report from Riverside Hospital ; on work perforrr.ed by Disinfecting Corps ; on manure dumps ; on inadequate supply of water on east side, O F VITAL STATISTICS - STATEMENT OF MORTALITY. - ending Sept. 30, 1876), AND at noon, Sept. 23, t876), WVITH OF DEATIL WALTER Da Sanitary between Seventy-third and Seventy-ninth streets ; From the Attorney and Counsel : Weekly report From the Deputy Register of Records : \Veekly tality ; weekly abstract of marriages, births, and still- theria, scarlatina, membranous croup, and malarial clerks. Bills Audited. M. Nussbaum 420 00 Lehman Samuels & Bro 113 29 J. B. Taylor 69 00 E. McNamara 48 88 Corunari,zicatio,s re/erred to other D To the Department of Public Works- On street pavement in front of 189 Avenue A. Ludlow street, between Fifty-second street, between on street pavements ; on application for relief. and monthly report. mortuary statement ; weekly letter on mor- births ; weekly report of deaths from diph- and cerebrospinal fevers ; on work performed by I L. McDermott $238 75 H. Endeman 33 47 C. Golderman 124 97 Swift & White 3,333 34 p rrtmer:ts for the necessary action. East Houston and Stanton streets. Sixth and Seventh avenues. (1 =' rr ~, 5 a ___ --- Actual number of Deaths each day. _- Y• w ^ C o ~^ eet, e Norfolk str eet, between Delancey and Broome streets Communica. ons received from other Departments. From Department of Docks, announcing that Engineer-in-Chief had been directed to make the neces- sary repairs to dock foot of Thirty-eighth street, North river. Y P' I units Granted. To drive two cows from northeast corner Thomas and Valentine avenue, to common on Valen- tine avenue and Third street. To drive one cow from northeast corner Mott street and Madison avenue, to common on Locust avenue, west of Southern Boulevard. To keep 25 chickens at 147 West Fortieth street. Resolutions. 0.L v c C7 =' n T o ga. ~~ V " o o u•O n , d a ° i'v r •- •• ~~ ° ~s N μ 2 S w -o ^ = O C r A n^ ,; ° n , 67 20 I x8 - I 19 7 ~' ry I U I o' ' T T ° e n n a a y g y c 8 _ ,I " n y CAUSE-S OF DEATH. E ? ° T ~~ w c ~ g 't7 23.C3 599 1548.4 484 - - 83 23 25 I- ! 25 5 61 61 67 8 t 64 Total Deathsfrom all Cause .'' 4Z9 _ - 121 7.r3 220 20o.8 146 126.2 129 _ ' x66.o 152 3x.o 37 _6 14 27 z5 -t Total Zymotic Diseases. 6.30 tt6 - 2o6 39 x9 x6 14 21 __ t 6 zx Total Constitutional Dis-' 122 ewes. Resolved, That the Sanitary Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to issue permits for 7.42 x•8x -- x6 24 9 5 x 2 59 4 28 Total Local Diseases. 161 driving he deem least the further this sheep along such routes as may the objectionable, until order of Board. 3 q Total Developmental Dis- 3, 2 ease.. Resolved , That the Attorney be directed to continue prosecution of all persons violating tl.e ordinances relative to accumulating or dumping stable manure. 97 __ - -- 0 9 x8 24.4 i 20 5 _- - 3 - x 3 4 - 2 - Deaths by Violence. 2:3 - 1 Resolved, That the Board of Police be respectfully requested to enforce section lot of the San itary Code, which forbids the emptying of vaults by scavengers without a special permit in writing for each vault and to prevent the removal of the contents of vaults and cesspools over the ferries by in violation of the Sanitary Code. unlicensed persons -- 7 2 -___ 5• 2 l i - .8 2 _ __.. _ __ _ - - - - Small-pox. r - - Measles. 3 7 Resolved, That the time for the enforcement of sec. 184 of the Sanitary Code be extended un- til the further order of this Board. Whereas, The block included between Eleventh avenue and the North river, Fortieth, and Forty- first streets is now devoted to the business of hog slaughtering ; and Whereas, This Board has ordered the slaughter-houses between Tenth and Eleventh avenues in this immediate vicinity to be closed ; therefore Resolved, That permission be granted to T. H. Tobias to slaughter animals on the north side of Fortieth street, West of Eleventh avenue, in conformity with the regulations of this Board so long as hog slaughtering is permitted on this block. 48 4 y.6 10 2 x z - x 2 x I 2 2 Scarlatina. 48 as j 38 ! tt 22.2 10 __i 8.6 6 13 .8 10 r.° 1 - - _ 9•a 10 - 4.6 6 95.0 64 - - 2 3 3 Diphtheria. 20 7 ' x 2 1 - =~ r x 4 - r Stemhranous Croup. 4 g .04 - -_ -48 . 29 3 : xa - __ .09 - __ 58 4.05 e 3 " - ' x.66 63 _ It - - _ x6 7 95 9 105 3 8 76 =x 33 x - - Whooping Cough. 7 - x - x - - - - - - 9 - - - - - x Typhus Fever. _ Resolved, That a copy of the report of Sanitary Inspector Viele, on the inadequate supply of water on the east side, from Seventy-third to Seventy-ninth street, be forwarded to the Department x x - r x -- 6 ; 7 a ilit i - r4 - Yellow Fever. - of Public Works for information as to the probable duration of the evil complained of. _ 3 a Typhoid Fever. 8 Resolved, That the application of James Soneville, for relief from Order 4607 on premises No. 276 Mulberry street, be and is hereby denied, and the order enforced. - - a Puerperal Diseases. Th Resolved, That the Attorney be and is hereby authorized to appeal from the judgment of dis- missal rendered in action No. 1340 of the Health Department against Mary Pinckney. 9 9 Under 5 yeah. Diarrhoea) 43 Resolved, That the Attorney be and is hereby directed to commence action in the name of the x~6.z 7g -_ - r3 xe 9 7 x7 II Diseases. It All ages. 4K Board agamst the following named persons for violation of the Sanitary Code I)r. Finley, Forty-sixth street and Third avenue. mow- x 9 4'2 8.8 77.6 -- 1 5.8 25.0 x4.8 z3•a ro.6 rz.8 2 - 1 - - - x 10 - - - -Ti:-- - _ r Alcoholism. _ 2 Dr. O'Dwyer, Lexingtonavenue and Sixty-first street. Mrs. Dunster, corner Fourth avenue and One Hundred and Thirteenth street. 12 3 3 r II 12 2 8 - a Cancer. g _ Rev. J. C. K. Milligan, 309 \Vest Fifty-second street. Rev. M. J. Doherty, 139 West Thirt -sixth street. 83 r6 t8 8 Phthisis Pulmonalis. 90 Rev. J. McQuirk, 139 West Thirty-sixth street. - 17 - 3 - - 3 - z - 5 4 - 6 - _ 3 4 6 x Bronchitis. 17 - 2b Rev. George Hepworth, 19 West Forty-seventh street. Sanitary Bureau. The following is a record of the work performed in the Sanitary Bureau for the week ending 34 8 z 5 z Pneumonia. - 13 a x a z a 4 Heart Diseases. Maraumus - '1'abcs Mesen- tenca and Scrofula. 20 - g September 30, 1876: The total number of inspections made by the Sanitary and Assistant Sanitary Inspectors was 1,567, as follows, viz. : I public building, 774 tenement-houses, lot private dwellings, 32 other dwellings, 9 manufactories and workshops, [z stores and warehouses, 39 stables, 46 markets and market places, 99 slaughter-houses, i pier and dock, 14 fat-rendering establishments, 2 head X78 ~ 5 .63 1 - x - 39 - 5 1 16 3 z 4 ---- r ---- 3 x x x 3 x _ 13 3 r 2 1 x - x I Hydrocephalus and Tuber- cutar Slenmgitis. - 12 picking establishments, 9 tripe cleaning establishments, 8 rag and bone houses, x manure dump, 12 sunken and vacant lots, courts, and areas, 63 cellars and basements, 84 wasteand 36 yards, -pipes 8 1 x 3 - - r - Meningitis and Encephalitis. 6 drains, 128 privies and water-closets, So streets, gutters, and sidewalks, 2 dangerous stairways, 4 . I I I p I I N I I I I I I t8 7 56 20 _~ 3 sea 37 ?9t 13.0 _ 7.a 13 - t 3 6 z Convulsions. 1 2 dangerous together Inspectors chimneys, 21 other nuisances, with 7 visits of the to cases of contagious diseases. - 9 3 -- - Direct Effect of Solar Heat. - - The number of reports thereon received from the Inspectors was 564. During the past week 76 complaints were received from citizens, and referred to the Inspectors - 2 2 - - - 5 5 5 - -i x x Apoplexy. e for investigation and report. The Disinfecting Corps have visited 26 where contagious diseases were found, have premises and 45•a 40 6 5 7 7 All Diseasesot the Brain and system. 3 9 disinfected and fumigated 17 houses, 17 privy-sinks, together with clothing, bedding, etc. x9•2 x.6 4.8 12 x a I x 3 x r 3 Bri ht's Disease and Neph. 21 4 cases of small-pox were removed to hospital by the Ambulance Corps. Permits were issued to the consignees of 103 vessels to discharge cargoes, on vouchers from the Health Officer of the Port. 1 - - - - x - Deaths by Suicide. 1 75 permits were granted scavengers to empty, clean, and disinfect privy sinks. 2 x - - - - x - Deaths by Drowning. -- 1 The following is a comparative statement of cases of contagious diseases reported at this Bureau for the two weeks ending September 1876: 95.0 z 72 55 9 9 7 x4 8 in Deaths Institutions. 30, 83 27 5 5 3 a ; 7 All Deaths of Persons 70 old or more. years 30 Week Ending Typhus Fever. Typhoid Fever. 28. 22. Scarlet Fever. t6. t2. Cerebro- Spinal Meningitis. 0. 2. Measles. I. 13. Diphtheria. 27. 34. Small-pox. 0. 6. t7 = 147 25 23 13 19 23 23 as Under x year. e• 1 _ 16 264 a39.o 210 x 3 33 a8 Under 2 years. 0 a 162 187 _ September 23.. September 30.. I. I . xx•66 3x3 a8 3 4 - 339 - 35 - - 4a a9 -- a6 - 38 -~ 38 3x aS•g Under 5 years.

Transcript of THE · tality ; weekly abstract of...








    The Board of Health met this day. Orders.

    207 orders for the abatement of nuisances were made. Suits for Penalties.

    The Attorney was directed to commence suits for penalties for non-compliance with the orders the Board in 44 cases, and for violation of the Sanitary Code in cases.


    S U R E A U


    REPORTED MORTALITY (week (each day in the week, ending THE CHIEF CAUSES

    Reports Received. From the Sanitary Superintendent : On the operations of the Sanitary Bureau ; on contagious



    F. DAY, M. D., Superintendent and Register.

    diseases ; on slaughter-houses ; on applications for permits ; report from Riverside Hospital ; on work perforrr.ed by Disinfecting Corps ; on manure dumps ; on inadequate supply of water on east side,





    ending Sept. 30, 1876), AND at noon, Sept. 23, t876), WVITH



    between Seventy-third and Seventy-ninth streets ; From the Attorney and Counsel : Weekly report From the Deputy Register of Records : \Veekly

    tality ; weekly abstract of marriages, births, and still-theria, scarlatina, membranous croup, and malarial clerks.

    Bills Audited. M. Nussbaum 420 00 Lehman Samuels & Bro 113 29 J. B. Taylor 69 00 E. McNamara 48 88

    Corunari,zicatio,s re/erred to other D To the Department of Public Works-

    On street pavement in front of 189 Avenue A. Ludlow street, between Fifty-second street, between

    on street pavements ; on application for relief. and monthly report.

    mortuary statement ; weekly letter on mor- births ; weekly report of deaths from diph-

    and cerebrospinal fevers ; on work performed by

    I L. McDermott $238 75 H. Endeman 33 47 C. Golderman 124 97 Swift & White 3,333 34

    p rrtmer:ts for the necessary action.

    East Houston and Stanton streets. Sixth and Seventh avenues.

    (1 =' rr ~, 5 a ___


    Actual number of Deaths each day. _- Y• w ^ C o ~^ eet, e Norfolk street, between Delancey and Broome streets

    Communica. ons received from other Departments.

    From Department of Docks, announcing that Engineer-in-Chief had been directed to make the neces-sary repairs to dock foot of Thirty-eighth street, North river. Y P'

    I units Granted.

    To drive two cows from northeast corner Thomas and Valentine avenue, to common on Valen- tine avenue and Third street.

    To drive one cow from northeast corner Mott street and Madison avenue, to common on Locust avenue, west of Southern Boulevard.

    To keep 25 chickens at 147 West Fortieth street.


    0.L v c C7 ='

    n T o ga.~~


    " o o

    u•O n, d

    a ° i'v r •- ••

    ~~ ° ~s N µ 2 S w -o

    ^ = O C r

    A n^

    ,; °

    n ,



    I x8 -

    I 19


    ~' ry I U I o' ' T T ° e n n

    a a y g y c 8


    ,I " n y CAUSE-S OF DEATH.

    E ? ° T

    ~~ w c ~ g


    23.C3 599 1548.4 484 - -



    25 I-

    ! 25


    61 61 67 8 t 64 Total Deathsfrom all Cause .'' 4Z9 _ -

    121 7.r3 220 20o.8 146

    126.2 129 _

    ' x66.o 152

    3x.o 37

    _6 14 27 z5 -t Total Zymotic Diseases.

    6.30 tt6 -



    x9 x6 14 21 __ t6


    Total Constitutional Dis-' 122 ewes.

    Resolved, That the Sanitary Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to issue permits for




    x6 24

    9 5

    x 2



    28 Total Local Diseases. 161

    driving he deem least the further this sheep along such routes as may the objectionable, until order of Board.

    3 q Total Developmental Dis- 3,2 ease.. Resolved, That the Attorney be directed to continue prosecution of all persons violating tl.e

    ordinances relative to accumulating or dumping stable manure. •97

    __ -

    -- 09

    x8 24.4 i 20 5 _- -




    3 4




    Deaths by Violence. 2:3 -


    Resolved, That the Board of Police be respectfully requested to enforce section lot of the San itary Code, which forbids the emptying of vaults by scavengers without a special permit in writing for each vault and to prevent the removal of the contents of vaults and cesspools over the ferries by

    in violation of the Sanitary Code. unlicensed persons

    -- 7


    -___ 5•2 li -

    .8 2

    _ __.. _ __ _ - -


    - Small-pox.

    r - - Measles. 3


    Resolved, That the time for the enforcement of sec. 184 of the Sanitary Code be extended un-til the further order of this Board.

    Whereas, The block included between Eleventh avenue and the North river, Fortieth, and Forty-first streets is now devoted to the business of hog slaughtering ; and

    Whereas, This Board has ordered the slaughter-houses between Tenth and Eleventh avenues in this immediate vicinity to be closed ; therefore

    Resolved, That permission be granted to T. H. Tobias to slaughter animals on the north side of Fortieth street, West of Eleventh avenue, in conformity with the regulations of this Board so long as hog slaughtering is permitted on this block.

    48 4 y.6 10 2 x z - x

    2 x I

    2 2 Scarlatina.



    j 38

    ! tt

    22.2 10 __i

    8.6 6

    13.8 10

    r.° 1 - - _

    9•a 10 -

    4.6 6

    95.0 64




    3 3 Diphtheria. 20

    7 ' x 2 1

    - =~ r x 4

    - r Stemhranous Croup.

    4 g


    - -_


    .29 3:xa - __

    .09 -



    •e 3 "-'


    63 _


    - - _


    7 95 9









    - Whooping Cough. 7


    x -

    x -


    - -

    - -


    - - - - -

    x Typhus Fever. _

    Resolved, That a copy of the report of Sanitary Inspector Viele, on the inadequate supply of water on the east side, from Seventy-third to Seventy-ninth street, be forwarded to the Department

    x x -

    r x --

    6 ; 7


    iliti -


    - Yellow Fever. - of Public Works for information as to the probable duration of the evil complained of.

    _ 3 a Typhoid Fever. 8 Resolved, That the application of James Soneville, for relief from Order 4607 on premises No.

    276 Mulberry street, be and is hereby denied, and the order enforced. - -

    a Puerperal Diseases. Th Resolved, That the Attorney be and is hereby authorized to appeal from the judgment of dis-missal rendered in action No. 1340 of the Health Department against Mary Pinckney.

    9 9 Under 5 yeah. Diarrhoea) 43 Resolved, That the Attorney be and is hereby directed to commence action in the name of the x~6.z 7g -_ - r3 xe 9 7 x7 II

    Diseases. It All ages. 4K

    Board agamst the following named persons for violation of the Sanitary Code I)r. Finley, Forty-sixth street and Third avenue.


    x 9




    -- 15.8






    2 - 1 - - - x


    - - - -Ti:-- - _ r Alcoholism. _ 2 Dr. O'Dwyer, Lexingtonavenue and Sixty-first street.

    Mrs. Dunster, corner Fourth avenue and One Hundred and Thirteenth street. • 12 3 3 r

    II 12



    - a Cancer. g _

    Rev. J. C. K. Milligan, 309 \Vest Fifty-second street. Rev. M. J. Doherty, 139 West Thirt -sixth street.

    83 r6 t8 8 Phthisis Pulmonalis. 90 Rev. J. McQuirk, 139 West Thirty-sixth street. -

    17 -

    3 - -

    3 - z -


    4 -


    - _




    x Bronchitis. 17

    - 2b

    Rev. George Hepworth, 19 West Forty-seventh street.

    Sanitary Bureau. The following is a record of the work performed in the Sanitary Bureau for the week ending 34 8 z 5 z Pneumonia.

    - 13 a x a z a 4 Heart Diseases.

    Maraumus-'1'abcs Mesen- tenca and Scrofula.

    20 -


    September 30, 1876: The total number of inspections made by the Sanitary and Assistant Sanitary Inspectors was 1,567, as follows, viz. : I public building, 774 tenement-houses, lot private dwellings,32 other dwellings, 9 manufactories and workshops, [z stores and warehouses, 39 stables, 46 markets and market places, 99 slaughter-houses, i pier and dock, 14 fat-rendering establishments, 2 head

    X78 ~ 5

    .63 1-x -

    •39 -5

    1 16 3 z


    ----r---- 3 x x

    x 3

    x _

    13 3 r 2

    1 x -



    Hydrocephalus and Tuber- cutar Slenmgitis.

    - 12

    picking establishments, 9 tripe cleaning establishments, 8 rag and bone houses, x manure dump, 12 sunken and vacant lots, courts, and areas, 63 cellars and basements, 84 wasteand 36 yards, -pipes

    8 1


    3 - -

    r - Meningitis and Encephalitis. 6 drains, 128 privies and water-closets, So streets, gutters, and sidewalks, 2 dangerous stairways, 4 . I I I p I I N I I I I I I



    56 20 _~






    _ 7.a

    13 - t 3 6 z Convulsions. 12

    dangerous together Inspectors chimneys, 21 other nuisances, with 7 visits of the to cases of contagious diseases.


    9 3 --

    - Direct Effect of Solar Heat. -

    - The number of reports thereon received from the Inspectors was 564. During the past week 76 complaints were received from citizens, and referred to the Inspectors

    - 2 2 - - -

    5 5 5

    - -i x x Apoplexy. e for investigation and report.

    The Disinfecting Corps have visited 26 where contagious diseases were found, have premises and 45•a 40 6 5 7 7 All Diseasesot the Brain and

    system. 39 disinfected and fumigated 17 houses, 17 privy-sinks, together with clothing, bedding, etc.




    12 x a I x 3 x r 3 Bri ht's Disease and Neph. 21 4 cases of small-pox were removed to hospital by the Ambulance Corps. Permits were issued to

    the consignees of 103 vessels to discharge cargoes, on vouchers from the Health Officer of the Port. 1 - - - - x - Deaths by Suicide. 1 75 permits were granted scavengers to empty, clean, and disinfect privy sinks.

    2 x - - - - x - Deaths by Drowning.

    -- 1

    The following is a comparative statement of cases of contagious diseases reported at this Bureau for the two weeks ending September 1876:



    72 55 9 9 7 x° x4 8 in Deaths Institutions. 30,


    27 5 5 3 a ; 7 All Deaths of Persons 70 old or more. years 30 Week Ending Typhus Fever.

    Typhoid Fever.

    28. 22.

    Scarlet Fever.

    t6. t2.

    Cerebro- Spinal


    0. 2.


    I. 13.


    27. 34.


    0. 6.

    t7= 147 25 23 13 19 23 23 as Under x year. e• 1_16 264 a39.o 210 x 3 33 a8 Under 2 years.

    0 a




    September 23.. September 30..

    I. I .

    xx•66 3x3 a8 3 4 - 339 - 35 - - 4a a9 -- a6 - 38 -~ 38 3x aS•g

    Under 5 years.


    During the week ending September 30, 1876, there were iccued from this Bureau 459 burial permits for city deaths, 19 for bodies in transitu, and 51 for the interment of still-burn inlants. 'There were recorded 459 deaths, 143 marriages, 419 births, 51 still-births, 19 applications for transit permits, and 48 returns from Coroners. There were 26 searches of the registers of marriages and deaths, and 3 transcripts of marriage record, and 17 of death, were issued from this Bureau.

    By order of the Board, EMMONS CLARK. Secretary.


    October 3, 1876. • \V. DE F. D:w, M. D., Sanitari S'nperrntendent a~u! Register :

    SIR—During the week ending Saturday, September 23, 1876, there were 459 deaths reported in this city, being a decrease of 28 as compared with the preceding week and 127 less than the number reporte.l for the corresponding week of 1875. The actual mortality for the previous week was 484, or 64.4 less than the average number of deaths for the past five years, and represents an annual death-rate 01 23.63 per 1,000 persons living, the population estimated at 1,065,142.

    The deaths from diarrhmal diseases decreased 36, membraneous croup 3, whooping cough 3, typhoid typhus fever I, typhoid fever z, pneumonia 8, marasmus and scrofula 7, meningitis and e»cephalitts8,

    infantile convulsions 4, and all diseases of the nervous system 8 ; and small-pox increased I, measles 2, diphtheria 6, puerperal diseases I, lithisis utlmonalis to bronchitis diseases of the heart and

    p rl'` 1 1 ' 4, 5, and Bright's disease S. Deaths of children under five year> decreased 53, while the deaths of persons 70 years of age and upwards increased 3 during the past, compared with the preceding week. The deaths for the week included i from small-pox, 3 from measles, 7 from scarlatina, 20 from diphtheria, 7 from ntembraneou., cr.3up, 7 from whooping cough, 8 frm typhoid fever, 5 from puerperal diseases, 48 from diarncceal diseases, 3 from cancer, 90 from phthisis pulmonalis., 25 from pneumonia, 17 from bronchitis, ao from heart disease, 8 from nmrtsmus and scrofula, 12 from hydrocephalus and tuber- cular meningitis, 39 from diseases of the nervous system, 21 from Bright's disease, 187 children under 5 years of age, and 30 of persons 70 year., old or more ; 83 deaths occurred in institutions, 136 in houses containing 3 families and less, 223 in tenement-houses. 7 in hotels and boarding-houses, and the balance in the rivers, streets, etc. The six most fatal causes of death for the week were phthisis pul- monalis go, diarncce al diseases 48, nervous diseases ;9, pneumonia 25, and diphtheria and diseases of the heart 20 each.

    The mean temperature for the week ending September 30th was 59. I digrees Fahr.; the mean humidity was 79, saturation being too ; the number of miles traveled by the'wind was 1247, and the amount of rain-fall was 0.71 inch.

    The distribution of the mortality for the week ending September 23 is as follows, viz. : First, Io ; Second, I ; Third, 6 ; Fourth, 7: Fifth. 3 ; Sixth, 5 : Seventh, 28 ; Eighth, 1S ; Ninth, I7 : Tenth, 16 ; Eleventh, 36 ; Twelfth. 31 : Thirteenth, 17 : Fourteenth, 16 : Fifteenth, 6 ; Sixteenth, 20 ; Seventeenth, 29 ; Eighteenth, t8 : Nineteenth, 82 ; Twentieth, 23 ; Twenty-first, 23 ; Twenty- second, 49 ; •Twenty-third, 6 : Twenty-fourth. 7.

    Zvmotic diseases during this week caused 27 deaths in the Nineteenth Ward ; 17 in the Twenty- second : 13 in the Seventh ; 12 in the Twentieth ; I i in the Seventeenth ; Io in the Twelfth, and none in the Second, Fifth, and Fifteenth \Wards.

    During the month of September t death was reported from small-pox, 5 from measles, 25 from scarlatina, 06 from diphtheria, 27 from membranous croup, 35 from whooping-cough, 24 from mala- rial fevers. and }from cere:,ro-spinal fever ; 6t of the deaths from these caues occurred in bons s containing thr,e families and less, 115 in houses containing more than three families, i I in institutions, and i in a hotel or boarding-hou.. e. 1,929 certificates of births were received, of which 631 mothers and 383 fathers were born in the United States, 65o mothers and 603 father, were born in Germany, 388 mothers and 320 fathers were born in Ireland, 57 mothers and 22 fathers were born in England, 42 mothers and 35 fathers in Bohemia. The number of still births was 174, of which 94 were males, 79 females, and t not stated : 55 mother, and 34 fathers were born in the United States, 43 mothers and 3i fathers were Irish, 41 mothers and 38 fathers were German, 5 mother; and 3 fathers were Eng- lish, and 4 mothers and 4 lathers v ere born in Austria. The number of marria'e certificates received was 580, of which 276 brides and 1-3 Brooms were born in the United States, ig4 brides and and 119 grooms were born in Germany, 7o brides and 44 grooms were Irish, 15 brides and 5 grooms were English, 9 brides and 8 grooms were French. 7 brides and 6 grooms were Austrians.

    The annual death-rate per i,00c persons living, according to the estimated or enumerated popu- lation, of the following American cities from the most recent weekly returns was, Philadelphia, 20.54 Boston, z o2 : Chicago, z 2 ; Baltimore, 2 6 St. Louis, 21.26 ; Richmond,22.95 54 : 4• 4•ci 5 7

    ' Cincinnati, 18..}9: and in foreign cities was : Lonrloa, 16.7 ; Liverpool, 21 ; Glasgow, 21 ; Edinburgh, IS ; Dublin, 22.6 ; Belfast, 27 ; Calcutta, 24.5 : Bombay, 30.8; Madras, 35.6 ; Paris, 26. I : Brussels, 19.3 : Amsterdam. 20.2 : Rotterdam, 24.5 : The Hague, 36.4 ; Copenhagen, 34. I ; Stockholm, 33.3 ; Christiania, 17.6 : Berlin, 40.6 : Breslau, J5.4 ; Munich, 33.7 ; Vienna. 21.2 ; Buda-Pe5th, 36.9: Rome. 24.7 ; Naples, 25.7 : Turin, 17.7 ; Alexandria, 51.4.

    Respectfully submitted, JOHN T. NAGLE, M. D.,

    Deputy Register of Records,

    Patrolman Tame A. McPherson, from Second Court to Sixteenth Precinct. " Michael Fletnming, from Second Court to Nineteenth Precinct. " George Niven, from Third Court to Steamboat Squad. " Valentine (;ass, from Third ('nurt to'I'enth Precinct. '' David Kelly, Iron, Third Court to Seventh Precinct. " Thos, Mc(ormick, from'1'hird Court to Sixteenth Precinct. '' Abm. G. Berthol from Fourth Court to 'I wellth Precinct.

    Dennis Leamy, from Fourth Court to Eighteenth Precinct. .' l)avid O'Connell, from Fourth Curt to \in.teenth Precinct. 11. N. Hitchcock, from Fourth Court to Twelfth Precinct.

    L. D. Smalley, from Fourth Court to Twelfth Precinct.

    Resolved, That the following-named members of the Police Force be and they are hereby trans- ferred to the Precincts hereinafter named, and detailed for duty herein specified, to wit

    Sergeant Thomas Ahearn, from Eleventh Precinct to Second Court. Sylvester O born, from Twelfth Precinct to Fourth Court.

    Patrolman Gabriel Aiguer, from Fourth Precinct to First Court. `' Frederick R. Lewis, from Twenty-fourth Precinct to First Court.

    Henry Drv}er, fr.,m Fifth Precinct to hits[ Court.



    toP. M. Out Door Poor Department, No. 66 Third avenue, Pd-

    ways ope t, entrance on Eleventh street. Reception Hospital, Ninety-ninth street and Tenth ave

    nue, always oPen. Bellevue Hos ital, foot of Twenty-sixth street, East P Y-

    river, always open. -

    Names, Residences, the [Members

    and /'laces of Business rf of the Board of Aldermen. At meetings of the Board governing this Department, held during the two weeks ending 20th

    September, 1876, inclusive, all the Commissioners present, except that on 13th instant Commissioner Dimock was absent, the following action was had, to wit :

    Or anlzation, etc. .~ September 20—Engineer-in-Chief notified that captains and engineers of pile-drivers may be allowed

    pro rata pay for all time over eight hours per day, when employed continuously and by his special order.

    September 20--John H. Staats designated as Transit-man, to take effect from and after i8thSep

    tear- her, 1876 ; salary, I,000 per annum.

    Applications for Leases, etc. September 13—Treasurer authorized to allow a deduction of $50 from rent due from Frederick Iirocge,

    lessee of pier at Fifty-first street, North river, consequent upon its free use being obstructed during the recent repaving of the street. 1 Lr

    September 20—From Thos. O'Rorke and others, lessees of bulkhead between Piers 20 and 21, East river, for reduction of rent or cancellation of the lease. Denied.

    A.pplitations for Permits, etc. September 13—From Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to erect and maintain an awning in front of

    ferry premises at Desbrosses street, North river. Granted till 1st November, 1876.

    September zo—From Thomas J. Madge, lessee, to change easterly side of shed on Pier 18, East river, at the expense of the Department. Denied. P 1

    September 20—From W. D. Morgan, agent, to place a portable office on the westerly side of Pier 18, East river. Granted.

    Repairs Ordered, etc.

    September t3.—Engineer-in-Chief directed to prepare plans and specifications for construction of new Pier, 39 North river, to be built under the plan adopted for the permanent improvement of the water-front, and in place of present Pier 47.

    September 13—Engineer-in-Chief directed to raise bulkhead at One Hundred and Twelfth street, H. R., up to the proper grade, the Department of Public Works reporting such work necessary, to enable contractor for paving said street to fill in.

    September 13—The President requested to consult with the owner of north half of Pier 59, East river, as to repairs.

    September 13 —Owners of bulkhead between Forty-ninth and Fifty first streets, East river, notified to make necessary repairs.

    September 13—Owners of bulkhead betss een Piers 23 and 24, East river, notified to make necessary repairs.

    p September 13—Secretary direc'ed to notify Engineer-in -Chief to detail pile-driver, and necessary

    workmen, for rebuilding three docks at northeast corner of 1llackwell' Island, as soon as the Department of Public Charities and Correction consent to place said workmen on the pay-rolls of that Department, during the period employed, and furnish the material and coal required for the work. 20—I). W. C. Ward given permission to remove the L on southerly side of pier between Forty ninth and Fiftieth streets, North river, and to extend the pier 30 f:et westerly.

    September 2o—Approved action of President in directing Engineer-in-Chief to cut off the piles at bath, at Pier 51, East river, to prevent damage to bath therefrom.

    September 2o--Knickerbocker Ice Co., lessees, notified to make repairs to pier at Twentieth street, North river.

    September 2o—Frederick Habkemeier, lessee, notified to make repairs to pier at Sixteenth street, North river.

    September 20—Charles L. Wright & Co., lessees, notified to repair damage to shed on new Pier 46, North river.

    September 20-- Engineer-in-Chief directed to repair pier at Thirteenth street, North river, the owner or lessee of the southerly half to pay one-half of the cost thereof.

    Contracts, etc.

    September 13 —Comptroller notified to enter upon the records of the Finance Department the name of John Mullins, of 14 Fourth place, Brooklyn, as in default to the Corporation, he having refused or omitted to execute the contract for furnishing this Department with 5,000 barrels cement, awarded to him on 4th August, ultiuto.

    September 20—The sureties to the bid of John Mullins, to whom was awarded contract for furnishing 5,000 barrels cement, on 4th ultimo, notified that the Department will hold them liable for any difference between the contract and the sum to be paid to any higher bidder to whop) a contract for said material may be awarded hereafter.

    ,1l,%scellaneous. September 13—Counsel to the Corporation requested to advise if the Department has the right, and is

    compelled by law or by the terms of the contract made by the Board of Health, on 7th Novem- her, 1874, to repair the pier at Thirty-eighth street, North river, set apart for the use of the con-

    September 13—Superintendent Butler directed to notify owner or occupant of the float forsnsall boats, moored at Seventeenth street, East river, to submit the evidence, as to his right to occupy said premises.

    September 2o—Approved action of President in accepting oiler of S. L. Merchant & Co., to furnish Department with 3,000 barrels of English Portland cement, at $3.42 per barrel—all the Com 3 $ , 2 P missioners voting in the affirtnative.

    September 20—Approved action of President, in furnishing E. M. Wight with copy of notice, served on lessee of Pier 51 (old number), North river, about 9th October, 1873, as to premises being required for uses of Department q l

    September 20—Approved action of President, in returning to Erie Railway Company bill transmitted by Company for payment for repairs to Pier 30, North river, Department not being liable therefor.

    September 20—Approved actipn of President, in notifying Thomas McKeagney thatDavid Tracy, lessee of Pier at Fifty-seventh street, North river, is liable for all loss or damage consequent from 6' Q injury to horse by breaking through surface of the pier on 16th instant.


    September z1—Engineer-in-Chief directed to report cost of removing sunken sloop now lying in slip between Piers 47 and 48, North river.

    September 2o—Comptroller respectfully requested to hereafter cause all communications from the Finance Department, relating to the official business of this Department, to be addressed and enclosed either to 11 The Department of Docks," or to the Secretary of this Board, as the custom which now obtains of addressing individual Commissioners, may, at some time, delay action upon matters, which should have immediate and prompt attention, to fully protect the interests of the city.

    September 20—During the two weeks ending this date, twenty-three communications and nine reports received and read, three communications taken from the table, and two from the files of the Executive Committee ; of which thirty-four were placed on file, two laid on the table, and one referred to the President.

    EUGENE '1'. LYNCH, Secretary. y

    I ------ - _._. _


    Samuel A. Lewis... U. P. C. Billings... Win. L. Cole . . Joseph Cudlipp..... ,NbgnusGross......

    Jas. J. Gumbletun.. John W. Guntzcr... Jacob He,-. Henry E. Howland. Patrick Kccnan.... W in. H. McCarthy. Jahn J. Morris Jos. C. 1'inckucy... Henry D. Yurroy..'I John Reilly 1 Bryan Reilly Witliam ,a Peter Sorry Thomas Shcdti James J. Stevin Michael Tuomcy William Wauc

    FRANCIS I. Ttrontr•.Y,

    ARTS, SCIENCUS, Tuomey, and Morris.

    YuuLlc Wwacs.-Aldermen Hess.

    FERRIES sxn DOCK Tuomey, and wade.

    FINANCE ANn DEPARTMENT MENTS.—Aldermen John and Morris.

    LAW DEP,RTMENT.—Billings.


    and Wade. RAILROADs.—:Aldermen RrPAIRS AND SuPPUes.-

    and Hess.

    s, BRtocas, Bryan Reilly, and Cudlipp.

    SALARIES AND OPrtcts.—Pinckney.

    STttedts.-Aldermen Srr.EET PAVEMExrs.—

    and Pinckney. LANDS, PLAces. AND

    Purroy, Stavin, an.f FDlEN-r. .'ddcrmen

    OF TAXES Reilly, Cole,

    Aldermen Purroy,

    Satter, Gumbleton, Aldcrmcn

    Shafts, Keenan, Aldermen

    n D "IbaNt:LS.—Aldermen


    Bryan Reilly, Saner. Aldermen Guntzer,

    PARK DEPARTSIENT.-]lowland.



    AND Sheik, and

    Aldermen Seery,

    BOARD OF EXCISE. Commissioners' Office, first floor, 299 Mulberry street,

    9 A. M. to 4 P. rat. -


    Office of the Board, 9 A. rat. to 5 P. M. Superintendent of Schools, 9 A. n1. to 5 P. M.

    COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Commissioners' Office, Brown-stone building, 32

    Chambers Street (basemcntl.

    THE CITY RECORD. Office, No. 2 City Hall, northwest corner basement,

    8 A. M. to 6 P. at.


    Coroners' Office, 40 East Houston street, second floor. Sheriff's Office, first floor, southwest corner of New

    County Court-house. County Clerk's Office, first floor, northeast corner of

    New County Cmtrt-house. Surrogate's Office, first floor, southeast corner of New

    County Court-house. Register's Office, Hall of Records, City Hall Park. District Attorney 'S Office, second floor, Brown-stone

    building, City Hall Park, 9 A. rat. to 5 P. Si

    COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Commissioner's Office, Rotunda, north side, New County

    Court-house, 9 A. rat. to 4 P. rat. -


    tractor for removing dead animals, offal, etc.

    -%TATE3IENT OF all the Public

    Ness, and at which burns, as well as of ;ceps and such Courts

    EXECUTIVE Mayors Office, No. 1layor's Marshal, Permit Bureau, No. License Bureau, -No.

    LEGISLATIVE Board of Aldermen

    office hours from ,o A. Clerk of the Common

    visors, No. 3, City Hall,


    Comptrollers Office, I. Bureau for the

    from rents and interest venue arising from the to or managed by the

    S. Bureau for the building, City lLdI Park.

    3. Bureau for the assessments and Water

    4. Auditing Bureau, 5• Bureau of Licenses, 6. Bureau of Markets, 7. Bureau for the raception

    Treasury in the City, warrants drawn b~ by the Mayor, at t tc Treasurer, second floor,

    8. Bureau for the south side.

    LAW Counsel to the Corporation,

    third floor, 9 A. nL to Public Administrator,

    A. Al, to 4 P. NI. Corporation Attorney,

    A. rat. to 4l- P. Al. Attorney for the

    'faxes, No. St Chambers Attorney to the

    avenue, 9 A. M. to 5 P.


    Commissioners' Office, Superintendent's Office, Inspectors' Office. Chief Clerk's Ofce, Property Clerk, first Bureau of Street Cleaning,

    Burteau of Elections,


    Commissioner's Office, Chief Clerk's Office, Contract Clerk's Office, Engineer in charge

    " Bureau of Repairs

    Lamps and Incumbranccs,

    •' Street Improvements, Chief Engineer Water Register, Water Purveyor,

    " Streets and

    THE HOURS DURING Offices in the City each Court regularly

    the places where are held.

    WHICH are open for bust-

    opens and ad- such offices are

    A. rat. to 3 P. M. A. rat. to 3 P. n1.

    rat. to 3 P. St. A. M. to 3 P. N

    No. g, City Hall,

    Board of Super. rat.

    9 A. M. TO4 P. M. end.

    revenue accruing mortgages, and re-

    belonging end.

    Brown stone

    of Taxes and west end. end.

    end. end.

    paid into the of money on

    countersigned and County


    Zeitung Building,

    Nassau street, Io

    Nassau street, 82

    of Personal floor.

    a Fourth


    51. to 5 P. M. "

    (rear), 8 A. M. to

    8 A. rat. to 5 P. M.

    WORKS. P. M.

    Avenues, No. 1854

    No. it 34.


    General Term, Special Term, Chambers, Circuit Part I, Circuit Part II, Circuit Part III , sccood floor, New County Court-house, roi, A. at. to 3 P. M.

    SUPERIOR COURT. General Term, Trial Term Part I, Trial Term Part II,

    third floor, New County Court-house, II A. Al. Clerk's Office. Third floor, New County Court-house, A. P. S. q nI•, to 4

    COMMON PLEAS. General Term, Equity Term, Trial Term Part I, Trial

    Term Part II. - Third floor, New County Court-house, r1 A. rat.

    Clerk's office, third floor. q A. S. to 4 P. M. MARINE COURT.

    General Term, Trial Term Part I, Trial Term Part II, Trial Term Part III, Chambers, third floor, to A. S. to 3 P. M'

    Clerk's Office, room 19, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. rat. Brown-stone building, third floor.

    GENERAL SESSIONS. Brown-stone building, City Hall Park, ro A. rat. to 4 P. M. Clerk's Office, Brown-stone building, City Hall Park,

    second floor, room 14, to A. M. to 4 P. rat.

    DYER AND TER\IINER. General Term, New County Court-house, second floor,

    southeast corner, room ii, Io:3o A. rat. Clerk's Office, Brown-crone building, City Hall Park,

    second floor, northwest corner.

    SPECIAL SESSIONS. At Tombs, corner Franklin and Centre streets, Tuesdays,

    Thursdays, and Saturdays, Io A. rat. Clerk's Office, Tombs.

    DISTRICT COURTS. First District—First, Second, Third, and Fifth Wards,

    southwest corner of Centre and Chambers streets, to A. S. to 4 P. %.

    Second District—Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth Wards No. 514 Pearl street, 9 A. S. to 4 P. %t.

    Third District—Eighth, Ninth and Fifteenth Wards, No. 12 Greenwich avenue, 9 A. AI. to 4 P. at.

    Fourth District—Tenth and Seventeenth Wards, No. 163 East Houston Street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

    Filth District—Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth Wards, No. 154 Clinton street, 9 .s. M. to 4 P. Al.

    Sixth District—Eighteenth and 'Twenty-first Wards, Nos. 389 and 391 Fourth avenue.

    Seventh District—Nineteenth and Twenty-second Wards, Fifty-seventh %treat, between Third and Lexington venues, g A. M. to 4 P. rat.

    Eighth District—Sixteenth and Twentieth Words, south west corner Twenty-second street and Seventh avenue 9:i0 A. M. to 4 P. AI.

    Ninth District—Twelfth Ward, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, near Fourth avenue, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M.

    Tenth District—Twenty-third and Twenty fourth Wards, northeast corner of Third avenue and Southern Boulevard. Harlem Bridge, 9 A. SI. to 4 P. Si.


    First District—Fourteenth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty. fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh, and portion of San. itary Precinct, Tombs, corner Franklin and Centre streets, 7 A. SI. to , I'. nl.

    Second District—Ei-,hth, Ninth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, •Twenty-fifth, Thirty-third, Twenty-eighth, and Twenty-ninth Precincts, Greenwich avenue, corner of Tenth Street, q A. n1. to 6 P. M

    Third District—Seventh, Tenth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and portion of Sanitary Precinct, No. 6g Essex street, S A. nl. to 4 I'. M.

    Fourth District—Nineteenth, Twenty-first, Twenty. second, Twenty-third, and Nineteenth Sub-station, Fifty-seventh street, between Third and Lexington avenues, 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.

    Fifth District—Twelfth Ward, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street. near Fourth avenue, 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.

    Sixth District--Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, Morrisania.


    DEPARTMENT. 6, City Hall, so

    No. 7, City Hall, TO t, City Hall, ,o .t. I, Cq' Hall, 10

    DEPARTMENT. and Supervisors, S. to 4 P. St.

    Council and of m A. to 4 P.


    second floor, west collection of the

    on bonds and use or sale of property

    City, first floor, west Collection of Taxes;

    Collection of Arrears Rents, first floor•

    second floor, west first floor, west first floor, west

    of all moneys and for the payment

    the Comptroller and Office of Chamberlain

    west end. Collection of Assessments,


    DEPARTMENT. Stoats

    5 +. M. I55 and 117

    115 and 117

    Collection of Arrears street, second

    Department of Buildings, rat.


    second floor. first floor.

    first floor. second floor, 8 A. floor (rear)


    second floor (rear),


    Resolved, That James McGinness be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds, in place of Imes McGinness, whose term of office has expired. P J' + P

    Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 20, 1876. Approved by the Mayor, September 25, 1876.

    ~ _

    OF PUBLIC 9 A. M. TO 4 No. 19.

    No. zo. No. 21.

    of Sewers, No. 21. Boulevards and

    and Supplies, No. r8. Gas. No. t3.

    No. 13. No. fir.

    Croton Aqueduct, No. ro. No. 4.

    Roads, No. r3.

    Resolved, That Lawrence street, from Ninth avenue to the Boulevard, be paved with Bel. gtan or trap-block pavement, and that at the several intersecting streets and avenues crosswalks be laid where not now laid, and relaid where those now laid are, in the opinion of the Commissioner I of Public Works, not in good repair, or are not upon a grade adapted to the grade of the proposed + g' P + P g Q g P P new pavement, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accom. panying ordinance therefor be adopted.

    Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 20, i876. 1 Approved by the Mayor, September 25, 1876.


  • 1480


    ELECTION NOTICE. I SUPREME COURT. day of October, 1876, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as

    he said ren b t heard ~' a motion will be made that

    P Dated NRw YORK, August Ir, t8 6.





    Ro'ruNn NR ~YoRK.I August II, 181 6,

    August 7 OFFICE e F 1 U (;LEkx -IF - I IH s Cul:uut,

    \u. a Crry BALL. N. Vi*, October r, 1876.

    the provisions of section r, chapter 5o-;. Laws of 1875, being an act to amend chapter (75 of the laws of 1872, entitled •' An act in relation to erection+ in the City and County oC \ew York, and to provide for ascertaining by proper proofs the citizens who shall be entitled to the rights ifsulirage thereat," that at the General Election to be held in this State on the Tue..1day succeeding the first Monday of November next lNQycralxr 7?, the fQttotyiug municipal officers are to be elected in the City and County of New York, viz.:

    .4 .11n or, to be voted for by the electors of the City at y y y I e.

    rx Aldtrz ren, to be voted for by the electors of the City at large.

    'lkree AldermenFirst,

    in the , Third,

    Fourth Senate District, corn- posed of the First, Second, Thi Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,

    City Seventh, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Wards of the Cit • of New York.

    Three Aldermen in the Fifth Senate District, composed ofthe Eighth, Ninth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Wards of the City of New York.

    Three Aldermen in the Sixth Senate Distri^t, composedof the Tenth, Eleventh, and Seventeenth Wards of the City of New York.

    Three aldermen in the Seventh Senate District, Com- of the ity f cnth, 'I'wcntand and 'I'wcuty-first

    Wards ofthe City of New' York : and Four.-lldo-+enr in the Eighth Senate Di trict,composed

    of the Twelfth, Nineteendi, an 11'w•cnty-second \Ward', and the territory comprised within the l'wenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of N cw York.

    A Sher f and A e-n ( y Clerk. T/cree Cornier=. A S:rrsga'e in place of Delano C. Calvin, appointed to

    fill the vacancy caused by the death of Stephen D. Van Schaick.

    A 7ud,'c of the Srrj,erior Court, in place of Claudius L. Munch, deceased.

    .d judge rf the .7leriue Cora'?, in place of lames P. Sinnott, appointed in place of Alexander Spaulding, deceased.

    To be voted for by the elect.'[•s of the City at large. Y

    F. J. 'I'R"O\I FY, C1crl C ' tt :`.; on!.

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUAN 1'O In the matter d the application -d" the Irepartment n!

    Public Parks, for and in behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City• of New fork, relative to >

    thcopeningofUnc Hundred and '1'hirtycighthstrrcl, from Harlen[ river to Long Island Sound ; and to the opening of One Hundred and F'orty-moth street, from the Harlem river to the S:,uthern Boulev.u'd ; nod to the opening of Westchester avenue, from Third avenue to the city line at the Bronx river ; and to the opening of Citff street, front 'Third avenue to Union avenue : and to the opening of one Hundred and Six[)-fiat street, from Jerome avenue (late Central avenue) to Third avenue : and to the opening of One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street. from Bovton avenue to Ust n avcane: and to the opening of "Tinton avenue, front Westchester avenue to U«c Hundr1 C. WHITNEY, Counsel to the Corp~ ration.


    r O T I C I'.




    NEW YoRI:, June I 1876. ,PPLICA'1IO sS FOR EXENIPIIONS W it L BE r heard here, from q to q daily, from all persons hitherto liable or recently serving who have become exempt, and all needed information will be Riven.

    those who have not answered as to their liability, or proved permanent exemption, will receive a "jury enroll- went notice, ° requiring them to appear before me this year. Whether liable or not, such notices must be an- swered (in person, if possible, and at this office only? under severe penalties. If exempt, the party must bring proof exemption ; if liable, he must also answer in person, giving fill, and correct name, residence, etc., etc. No attention paid to letters.

    yersons •• enrolled " as liable must serve when called or ! • their tines. No mere excuse will be allowed or . pay interference permitted. The fines, received from those ''ho, for business or other reasons, are unable to serve at the time se lected, pay the expenses of this op op, and it unpaid will be entered judgments upon the property of the delinquents.

    All good citizens will aid the course of justice, and secure reliable and respectable Junes, and equalize their duty by serving promptly tc!ten summoned, allowing their clerks or subordinates to serve,


    o me any attemp

    t y )'f' g n Per sons betwee sixty and seventy years of age, summer

    absentees, persons temporarily ill, and United States and District Court jurors are not exempt.

    very man must attend to his own notice. It is a m,s- demeanor to give any jury paper to another to answer It is also punishable by line or imprisonment to give o, receive any present or bribe, directly or indirectly, in re- lotion to a jury service, or to withhold any paper or make any tats^ statement, and every case sell] be fully prose- cuted.

    f IOMAS DUNLAP, Commissioner, County Court-house (Chambers street entrance




    ROTUNDA, i LEC COURT-HOUSE, New York, August 25, x876.


    - - ----- - -- --- --


    ~ROPERTI'-HOLDERS ARE HEREBY NOTI-fied that the following assessment list was received

    this day in this Bureau for collection

    CONFIRMED JL•LY 13, 1876,

    One Hundred and Tenth street opening, from Second avenue to Harlem river.

    All er 24, 8 made on the above assessment on or before October a t8 6, will be exempt 'a sessme to law) from - s. 7 p ] interest. After that date interest will be c tar ged at the !~ rate of seven '7; per cent. from the date of confirmation.

    e Collector's office is open daily from 9 A. M. to 2 '. sf for the collection of none •, and until P. %I. for general information. }


    NICHOLAS F. BITI'ENSCHON, Collector of Assessments.

    1 ter.•,:: . SND Cr I': uOF H IRD :F_ENVE

    AND ~~*:::ec~ ups,

    CORNeR OF'I H1RD veNue A oberENTH Sr., NE,~ YORK. October 3. 1876•

    ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDINANCE OF I the Common Council, •• In relation to the burial of

    strangers or unknown pennon= who may die in any of the public institutions of the City of New York," the Corn- m stoners of Public Charities and Correction report no follows :

    Charity 'Hospital, Black}vell's Island, October a 1676—Martin P. Peterson ; a,e sty-five scars ; five feet seven inches high ; gray hair and eyes ; right foot anrpu- toted. Had on when admitted brown coat aid parts, black vest, red floitnel shirt, bro

    .'au s'ioe~, straw hat.

    Nothing known of his friends or rciatn-cs. By Order,

    JOSHUA PHILLIPS, Secretary.



    THE A1"L'ENTION OF LAWYERS, REAL istate Owners, Monetary Institutions engaged in

    making loans upon real estate, and all who are interested in providing themselves with facilities for reducing the cost of examination+ and searches, is invited to these OfficialIndices of Records, containing all recorded transfers of real estate in the City of New York from 1653 to 5857, prepared Y under the direction of the Commasloners of Records. Gr ntors, grantees, Suits in equ!ty insolvents' and

    Sheriffs' sales, in 6x volumes, full bound, price Sico on The same, in 25 volumes, half hound 50 on Complete sets, folded, ready for binding 55 25 Records ofJudgmcnu, 25 volumes, hound to no

    Orders should he addressed to '• Mr. Stephen Angell Comptroller's Office, New County Court-house."

    ANDREW H. GRFEN Comptroller.

    CouPTkou ER's OFFICE, l NEw YORK, May q, 1876.



    CORNED. OF umD AVENUE AND ELeve-:'ru Sr., NEV, 1"o a, October .}, r8 r.

    ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORUI\' NCL OF I the Common Council, '• In relation to the burial of strangers or unknown persons who may dic in any of the

    ublic institutions of the City of New York." the Cora- F } missioners of Public Charities and Correction report as follows :

    At Charity Hospital, Blackwell's Island, Octo'~er z, x876 John Duggin ; age forty-eight years ; five feet eight inches high ; brown hair ; gray eves. Had on when ad- mitted black coat and pants, muslin shirt, brogan shoes, felt hat. ~iothing known of !!is friends or relatives.

    October 3, 1.76—Catherine Nlcrri;,an ; age sixty-five }eats ; five feet four inches high ; gray hair and eyes. Had on when admitted brown calico skirt, plaid waist, black shawl, white petticoat, hood. -Nothing known of her friends or relatives.


    Secretor)'. y



    THE INTEREST ON THE BONDS AND STOCKS 1 of the City and Coway of New York, due Novem-

    ber r, 1876, will be paid on that day by the Comptroller, at his office in the New Court-house.

    The transfer books will he closed from September 25 to November 1, 1876.


    L.O\7PTROLLEk'S OFFICE, September 16, r8 6. J p 7 ANDREW H. GREEN,

    Comptroller. P


    THE COMMITTEE ON FERRIES AND DOCK THE Department will meet ever Wednesday, at 2 o'clock P 3' y'• P. SL, in Room No. q, City Hall.


    Committee on Ferries and Dock Department. P FRANCIS .'I'SS'OSIEV, J



    CORNER OF "I'HIt:D i~l"E::UE AND ELEVENTH Sr., 1 N E'.V YORK, October 2, 1876. J

    IN the

    WITH AN ORDINANCE OF the Common o v,uaal, " In relation to Elie burial of

    strangers or unknown persons who may die in any of the public institutions of

    Charities riti of New York," the Corn-

    misoioners of Public Charities and Correcticn report as follows :

    At Morgue, Bellevue Hospital, from Pier 33: North river—Unknown

    nine ineshigh ; sandy hair and whisks years;

    blue eyeet Had hi black coat, vest and pants , old n so pats—two

    hickory shirts, heavy cop boots, brown socks. By Order,

    JOSHUA PHILLIPS, Secretary.


    ROTUNDA, NEW COURT-HOUSE, NEW ~' ORK, August 29, r876.

    In the matter of the application of the Department of PuLlic Works, for and to behalf of the Mayor, Alder Alder- men, and Commonalty of the City of New York. relative to the opening ofa new street known as One Hundred and Seventy-fifth. street, though not yet named by pro- er authorit parallel to and five thousand two hun- P Y , p

    dyed and seventy-six and sixty-seven one hundredths z 6 6-loo feet northerl • Iron the souther) line of

    One Hundred and F odd t the

    street, from the easterly line of Kinb bridge road to the westerly line of Tenth avenue, as established by the Commissioners of the Central Park, in the City of New York.

    THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS WILL meet every Wednesday, at I o'clock P. M.


    Committee on Public Works F. J. TwOMEY,



    DROPERTY-HOLDERS ARE HEREBY NOT!- tied that the following assessment list was received '

    this day in this Bureau for collection :

    Opening of Fort CONFItIMED APRIL

    RidgeBroad, between the &'u evard, on the we;[, and Eleventh avenue and Kings-P bridge road, on the east, etc.

    All payments made on the above assessments on or be-fore October z8, 1876, will be exempt (according to law) from interest. After that date interest will be charged at the rate of seven (7) per cent. from the date of confirms- tion.

    The Collector's office is open daily, from q A. M. to z P. M., for the collection of money, and until q P. M. for general intwmahon.

    NICHOLAS F. BUTENSCHON, Collector of Assessments,

    THE COMMITTEE ON SALARIES AND OFFICES 1 will meet every Tuesday, 3 at o'clock P. M., in Room


    Committee on Smote= and Offices. F. J. TwoMEY,


    W E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled

    matter, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, occu- pant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

    First—That we have completed our estimate and assess- ment, and that all persons interested in these proceedings, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and who may be opposed to the same, do present thetrobjectwns in writing. duly verified, to the Commissioners, at our office, No. 57 Broadway !Room No. a{ , in the said city, on or before the 26th dal of September, 18 6 ; and that we, the said y p 7 Commissioners, will hear parties ob g within the tOS weekdays next after the said afith day 01 September, 1876, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days, at 3 o'clock P. St.

    becond.—That the abstract of the said estimate and assessment, together with our maps, and also all the affida- 'its, estimates, and other documents which were used by us in making our report, have been deposited in the office of the Department of Public Works in the City of New York, there to remain until the 3d day of October, 1876.

    Third.—That the assessment limits embraced by the aessment aforesaid are as follows, to wit : Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Tenth avenue, distant two hundred and twenty-four feet and ten inches south of the southerly line of the proposed One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street ; and running from thence westerly on a line parallel with said One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street to the easterly line of King. bridge road ; thence northerly along the easterly line of Kingsbridge road to a point distant three hundred and sixty-nine feet and one fourth of an inch north ofthe northerly line of said One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street ; [octet easterly on a line parallel with said One Hundred and Seventy-fiftl[ street to the westerly line of Tenth avenue ; thence southerly along the westerly line of Tenth avenue to the point or place of beginning.

    Fourth.—That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the New Court-house, at the City Hall, in the City of New York, on the aoth




    IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDINANCE OF the Common Council, '• In relation to the burial of strangers or unknown persons who may die in any of the public institutions of the City of New York," the Com-

    " y followners of Public Charities and Correction report as follows :

    At Cha Hospital, Blackwell's Island, Septemr 26, 1876, James U'Rourke, age seventy years, five feet eight inches high, gray hair, beard and eyes. Had on when ad- mitted gray pants and coat, blue flannel vest, gray shirt, straw hat, gaiters. Nothing known of his friends or vela- Dyes.


    Secretar y'


    ROTUNDA, NEW COURTHOUSE, New Yokx, August z8, 1876.

    HE COMMITTEE ON ARTS AND SCIENCES. THE meet every Friday. at an D' y No' . City Hall

    'clock P. M., in Room


    Committee on Arts and Sciences. FRANCIS J. TwoMEV,



    DROPERTY-HOLDERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED r that the following Assessment Lists were received this day in this Bureau for collection :

    CONFIRMED AUGUST 23, 1876. Broadway, sewer, between Thirty-second and Fifty-

    ninth streets. Hudson street, basin, northwest corner of Leroy street.

    Forsyth street, basin, northwest corner of Canal street d street, south side, fencing vacant lots 225 Fifty-second

    feet west of Ninth avenue. Seventy-seventh street, south side. fencing vacant lots,

    northeast corner of First avenue. Eishty-fifth street, flagging, northeast corner of Fifth

    avenue. Mangan street, flagging, west side, rum Rivington to

    Stanton street. All payments made on the above assessments on or be-

    fore October 27, 5876, will be exempt (according to law) from interest. After that date interest will be charged at the rate of seven (7) per cent. from the date of confirma- tion.

    The Collector's office is open daily, from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., for the collection of money, and until 4 P. M. for general in- formation.

    NICHOLAS F. BUTENSCHON, Collector of Assessments.

    THE COMMITTEE ON COUNTY AFFAIRS WILL 1 meet every Monday, at I o'clock P. M., in Room No q City Hall. ,


    Committee on County Afairs,



    September 15. 1876.

    OWNERS WANTED BY 1 HE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department, of the City of New York, on Mulberry street, Room 30, for the follow- ing property now in his custody without claimants :

    Three boats, furniture. male and female clothing, silver watch, trunk and contents, eight revolvers, valise and con- tents, pails, bag coffee, opera glass, rings, and several amounts of money found in street and taken from prison- ens.

    C. A. ST. JOHN, Property Clerk.

    THE COMMITPEE ON STREET PAVEMENTS will meet every Tuesday, at z o'clock P. M., in Room


    Committee on Street Pavements F. 1. Twosav,
