The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-10-08 [p...

I rJ- I J THE OCTOBER S1004 rTLTcrAj F i1o SUN SATURDAY = DAMiCIW AM nnOKEIUII- AJVKEHH ISStyi Letters of Credit Available In all paTti ut Ihe ld WALL rNewYnrl Vermilye Co BANKERS BOSTON BALTIMORE f Suiaawr in Miilfar Iteilly i SUte Trust to Capital And surplus OOODOO- JJlulll offlre 43 HrimdHHr- llrancli oftircs- S7 Fifth sv 4V toliintlitis Av Houston St DIVItlKMIS VM IXTKHIWT- 1NITFD STATFS ItMtlJKH OMPAV 42 llniadway New Vork October ah 1W4 The Ku rd of Directors of the lnltfd Mate Rubber has tills ilsy Ucclarrd n dl l Irnd of one and one half per cent on he year hcirltinlnjt I 1801 to stork holders recorj November 30th 1004 December I4tb IIMI referred stock Transfer nooks will rlosi- at 3 P M on Wednesday Sllli 1804 nd reopen at 10 A M Friday December 16 180t J WATSON Jr Treasurer PITTSBURGH COAL COMPANY The Hoard of Directors ot this Company tola day declared n quarterly dividend of one threequarters il 4 per cent on the prcfcrrei Mock from the earnings Payable October 2Mb 1804 to stockholders of record October 14th 1H01 F J LcMoyne Secretary Pittsburgh 1a October lilt luol TRANSFER BOOKS OF Tim CONSOII First Mlgc 5 per cent registered of the East Tennessee and ia ItS 45osc at the office of P Morgnn Co N Y Friday October 14 at three oclock preparstorj- to the payment ot the semi aniiunl lntereit thereon uc I and wilt reopen Nov 2 IBM a- Ul iANKFOIlD Sccretar Southern Ry Vurk Oct H IW- ITHETI1ANSFFR nOOKS OFTHR nECISTEnRl First Consolldstcrt S per cent Mtje bonds of Chesapeake anti Ohio Ilaltnny CompAny will the of the Central Tnist Company of York Oct II I 4 st neloik tory tn the payment of the oral annual Interesl Thereon due Nov 1801 ant will reopen Nov 2nd al 10 A M C F VKLLFOHI Treasurer nichmonrt Va Oct H itxit- K OFFICE OF TUB UMTEIJ OAS F IMPROVEMENT COMPANY N V corner llroad and Arch streets Philadelphia Ia ept 14 IOU The Dtrertora have till day declared a dividend of two per cent tone dollar per share October 14100410 stock holders of recorc- t the clo e of business September 3 18OI Checks will be malted Trc- aKLECTIO8 Al MEKTINCS Great Northern Railway Company October 1st 1804 The annual meeting of the stockholders of tap Great Northern Italluav Company for the election of three Directors to serve for a term of three years and for the transaction nf such other but tees a may rome before It will be held at the omco of the Company Nn K NasMU street In h nn nIVJ 1Vth 1804 at eleven oclock In the forenoon I T NICHOLS SecreUry- PBTCTIISS COUNTY KAIInOAD COMPANY NOT1CK The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Dutches County Railroad Company will be held No 244 Main street Pouhkcepsle NY on Wedne- sJO PARKEH Secretary KNCIN- KERSHMBYLLESBYCO INCOHPOItATEI ENGINEERS construct and op r t Hallway Light rawer and Hydraulic Plants Examinations and Reports New York Life Bulldlnt CHICAGO IILINO- HSOUTHERNS EARNINGS GROW Annnal Report Shows Galiu The i The annual report of the Southern Rail Company for the year ended June SO published yesterday MOWS a large in orea p In grosa earnings The Rross earn- Ings nero 145100777 a gain of Although there was an increase in operating expenses the net earnings from operation amounted to 030390 more than lost After the preferred dividend was paid there was a i 337022 greater lost year- Several railroad properties were ac the company the year Including the Tennessee Northern Knoxvillo and Bristol and a half interest In the Charleston Terminal Company the Atlantic Coast Line owner In the the two terminal companies in New Orleans were Southern Railway with the at Louis and San Francisco has secured con trol of the Extensive improve meats of the terminal properties commenced President Samuel Spencer says that the reversed of the company hen very encouraging year 2ipgo 8JiSr uH1nj o Slay nrie CHICAnO Oct was reported today tha the Chicago Shipbuilding Company South Chicago would resume operations on Oct IR after having been shut down since ln t May Twelve thousand men idle The Is the local branch oMbe United States Shipbuilding Company- and has n large at 101st street the lake At offices of the company none wns present who con deny the report SURTREAsunr THURSDAT Paid by SubTreasury to banks M2ISOOO Paid by to 3WOOOO Gain to on days transactions U78000 rniDAr LAST to banks 20018000 Paid h bank to subTreasury 24448000 Low to banks loss to banks same period previous week 8780000 DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS Company ana Trtm Slot Amt Payable Illuminating Co 2 Xov I Live stock Market TniuAT Oct 7 Receipts of beeves were 37B7 head A capon alive 101 cars for slaughterers and 31 for the with the few car held ovrr yesterday car on sale steers were In fairly good demand and price tlrm lo a shade and rowe steady the yards were iru uraon to good native steers sold at tt6085M per 100 lbs breeds at 3csel stags nt bun at rows at lstt U beef selling freely at Meaily prices Natlvte e to beef sold st Liverpool j Loodon tables quoted lire Celtic at m Hi40 per xrelgbl sheep selling at ed wright refrigerator beef higher at 4C per lb today none tomorrow 1112 30 and 842M quarters of beef of calves were m brad Including for butchers anti with the few stale there were HI on sale Veiili were no niece titan r graasers almost nominal no Westerns Common to prime veals sold at 4D8VM per 100 ealve City dress d yeah sold at 7HoI- 8HC per country dressed at 7 llHc dressed at 4O4o- Heortpt of sheep and Iambi were 1412 head and with the stale stock there were 12 ale On light receipts the market ruled nrm to ashade niftier and the arrivals abeep at MaKM period lbs lambs at UMtt Dressed mutton steady at JttJc per Ib I tnUv lower U Brmpit r wttb rrnflalo t 1 p J t dl u7 01 1 t NEWYORK Or i t may I I u r t i olock of net npr I hM iJ f l i 1 THY t bOle A Co- w 11 i i co- al ore t l I j ew York t t I the 0 omhr I 12 t d D r u Goo i Hfolh ay 1 J I f 11 U of that States I J 7It F have- n i i today t r i oa bank I j i I for J makln 3 higher J hal fUI2 ran r end o lb I lea ala qUOIIt lb S ran for for make of to choIce Ilre lambs t of hog wtra 2 bed for mar J t fiiiiiiCo t CIlITtJT PhtldelphIL- t I t y TflUSTCMPtNW- Jr1H pre- ferred tIlI cOIIIVFflY the i for th patatJI b flu fuLl r ov 10 A M the pkra- I quarterly F 1 I the CRY October I I I I I 14 d day At M t I J t t 1 L I t I I I I part has TiM I I PaId by I 3 fiso too 1 t a cArs p hulLi S quite from lb graIaer were 121tZ76 ireMed alaughterers and 9 the I C were quicKly Common aU o Uit omtnaUy I > > > > > ¬ ¬ + > > < < FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL FRIDAY Oct 7 There was a very perceptible lessoning the activity of business on tho Stock today but the tendency of prices save In tho lost hour ot tho exchange Be- sion was toward a recovery of the losses sustained yesterday Quotations London for our lending stocks before the opening our market were somewhat Irregular showed declines in a greater number of in stances than they recently purchases of lomlon houses here however luring the day wore about as numerous a the wiles Speaking generally tho strength of the market during the greater part o the day in to IM attributed to tim tact speculators were very quick to selxo profit that awaited them this morning from their operations yesterday for fall and that brought into a small quantity of stop loss orders On the other hand when rebound in prices canned by these forces was today accomplished there wits ver little desire apparently bn the part speculators for the rise to push the advance further The market though It continued strong become dull nnd finally prices again receded eo that at the close a full half of the days gain had been lost and the tone of the market was changed from firmness to one of more uncertain char- acter As usual advances in two or three stocks today were much greater than In others Out of the slightly over 800000 shares stock bought nnd sold more than onequar- ter were of Heading common and the price of this stock which at one time yesterdnj was 685f was at one time today 72j At the control of the Heading property i now absolutely lodged In strong hands there is no Idea that a contest for this control is going on and the only reasonable explanation for the recent large rise in the of the stock I that it has been nntlcl of a dividend distribution H L a matter of record that the Readings net earnings last year a surplus avail dividend on the com- mon stock of about OM per cent hilt it if also welt known of course that the business last year was exceptionally profit- able owing to the severity of the winter and the depletion of coal stocks caused by tho incidents of the year before and that the Heading earnings statements of the two months of the present fiscal year have shown a decrease in net of over 700000 Moreover todays report of the production- of anthracite in September showed a de crease of nearly 400000 tons as compared with September a year ago Whether therefore the Heading directors will next spring feel like placing the com- mon stock upon as high a of a 4 per cent dividend payer seems prob- lematical at least and even if this dividend basis is to bo established it must be con- sidered by every conservative critic that there isa certain price ut which it can l e sold that tho stock has qultediseounted the event- It con of course be substantially urged ou the other side that tho supply of an- thracite coal in ourcountry is limited that of this the largest share is in the hands of the Heading company that in gen- eral the coal business ono whose may be expected tolncrease rather diminish in the future All the coal road stocks today were strong in sympathy with the Reading shares while Erie Penn- sylvania New York Central St Paul Mis- souri Pacific and other prominent stocks rose a point or more apiece all these shared however lost a good part of their gain as American Sugar RefIning was latter part of the day upon have recently been in this Issue while scored an extreme points because no doubt of the increasing strength of thecopper trade position Ilet prices for raw copper have been advanced- by degrees JJ of a cent In less than a week The influence of this fact was naturally most noticeable today in the Boston stock market where the securities of the chief copper producing companies are dealt in money today was somewhat harder In the afternoon to per cent and the weakness of the market in the final dealings was it may be due to this development Forecasts of the bank ment tomorrow were that the lost In cash during the week over 7000000 and the returns upon which these estimates were based showed that the shipment of funds to the Interior had been any week thus far of the outward of money York Stock Exchange Bale Oat f CLOSING PRICKS Or DKOTD 8TATCT BOKD- sSJe 1O4W IOAH 4regnl3IH 133- reg 104U 4 132 coup lOOi 100 OC 886 1 IB 110 100 USPI4SI10r- eg 1OOH 106M- AILROAD AND OTHER IIONDS Ant Dock Imp Ss Erie prior 4j Ohio RIver tat I0000114 80000014 1000011 Ala Irrer llldcAI fa Or Hall ft Nav 4i 000 87 1000103 1 tts 200088 400 I Ann Arbor 1st 4 2600 8734 Or Snort Line Ga 4 Ala en ts 1 u 4a 8000 Or Short LIe 4- i10001O178 Green Bar Went 1000 OOU- t 13000 07 7000 I 5U 400 OC3l- MchTASKEaat S1000 21000 Ok 4s III Cent R H Co trans cv SM- sJOM07U r 10000 I 8000 Boas Penna Sjs ll 200008S int st 1 00 HBIj SOOO 103 PeorIa i Last In t Japan rtl fs 1000060U- ltfcObgold 4s rm 4- 15001O21a 500H2 1000101- 70001OI7ft 730000 I U J0f001007 7000 1 10000O I 2700010I- laltoiiMvnua 60000 oils tooooI oor KaruasCAIaclst tat 1000HI 4- s10001OO HtnraCountr 4 10000 027g Rio Grande W4 600038 log Lack M 1003 8 10001OIU hr fclj 600081 20000 8019 6000 H1U 600011O 10000 LShMSo4i 10000HOluJ- uftalo Gas M 2000 8fl LShiMlchSJiii St Louis N W IOOOOUU 500083lg entral Ga en 005 100001 1 S7g Long Island fdg nooo 707- 26000I I 8N 1SOOO 81- entnl lia 21 In La Ark M San AAA Iau 4- ijoooo3 12000 87ir- entralPaeltlc tot Lou Nash Mob l0001OOIg 10IIOI03 20000 I 2000I ShShrev 4 S itt Central NJ I Lou A Nub 4 IOOOD IO 4 ij 100013411 100001O4I9 bet 4 Ohio 4Ui Lou AN 4i South Pacific 4 200007U S000n4la- bl A Alton ji 1000 2000 8 I Met St Iljr ret 41 Southern fly li- sojo HII 200011710 1000081 U loooonnS Stand Hope 4T 6- 1SOOOB7o Lies Cent ton 4 5000 07la 1000 ORI Stand ItopcATlii 7000 10001 10 4000 illul iUex Cut lit In Tea 4 Pan tat ti- hi u A ill JHs ioon171 iioooiaa 250000434 Third Avenue 4 ties Cent 2d In iuonnofe- bl ft ir1e lIt I4000I 09f Pacificev 12000 I aa noooi 34 10000 l on noon ti aooo i ldM i Minn Nt Louis 4too I otiaj 1100RnU Ion ext let 10001 i 12000 2000 I Kl S50001 OflTV- I JOOO T ejta 26100 1 007- SOOO8634 10000 I Oaij 4l Ill III 4 11 o Kan 4k ex 4 60000 1 Ofl- IJOOO 14000 1OI lOOOKIOM- jtOOOO703fiUoKauaT x 2d 000 1 2000 7119 ionoH I 3000 loonllO- OO 40008134 tlOOOI007 4 000 70lgl 9100082 115000 107 ol ruelIron As 10008 11 140100 I 071 90 Paclfln ron olo Midland u loon aat PUelGCd 11000 837 southern 4sl tooou IO 1 la 17000 8S3jJ- 1000 HniglNaaaau nen i USbcpn 4 UilSMelaf JOOOf- OOOB734l 48800887 In of and The that the the all the of of pre howe d HadIng and profs describe than note Amalgamate Cal 2 state on New 1 Did d1 10 4s flea rm Am 1000 RIle I 600 001 100001 tOOl I tat 3 ZOOOOIOOI 3000 I 78 I 0 I lea rCeol 0 St 000 OR SW r1 00 I UOla Moot 4i roll 4000 171 U I tooo I nooo 1 761 0 I O7l 300M I 07 Frfdc 4 c N C ZOOO8 600 II 3- fO1 89 Ex- change coal move- ment 4skd D2ar 4t 1o6 seam FMC lIn 4 1000 03t 41 1 mit 1500 I 10000 000 0 2000 0 I 23000 1 Steel LMA C > loon I 5 Snob V Nf oo1O6 4 Cii liar 1 0 e l 10000 Id It Pac lIlt l1fl3 Chi a 1 600OtI7I Miltinl Cole Coal Gas 1000 0000M7Si1UtJteiltyA- Imi0ooIls i ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < 10000 IB7lg SOOOO 8000 8000 10000 7770 137000 84- ConsTotuiccn 41 700 SOOO 73 NYi- aooo 4000 I oo SOOO 7a7H YCentXtClUn 4000- o nooo 117000 7271 NYOntAWest4j 10000 84 1000 soon lOatjiVa Iron Cub Cart full H- fSB18l8 44000 10 ai 1SOOftO- Oi1700008lj orL rV WU onilnCo- nETVAOrns 10000O7 3000 I 21 I H 400 I 1000 14000 104IB 200001IE- Ulson Wee llICo 2000 1000RII of llrooklyn 4s North Pacific M 1000 GI n OOOQ- IIEvTllgms 900074sJ 20001034 Total sales of bonds par vnlue III 112001 RAILROAD AND OTHrK SHAREi Ulan Lo til oaa 01 1630 23lg 23 410AmCFpf Saia 2100 Am Cot Oil 100 Amice 77fl ems 1 it- HI leg Cltn OI7 41 2314 I 82 UMt 2914 a- 77S 778 illllsi I3I ISO 33 s 240 Am LOCO 2614 034 sou i AmLocopf 06 Ofllj 00 I 1300 Am Smelt OOU OA34 06ln I 300 Am Smelt pf 107 100 107 1 18280 AmSugar 1387g I3IU 13214 11- inOAmWool 10 10 10 I 1100 Anaconda 0034 0834 00 8421 ATSF 833g 8234 8234 I 1033ATSFp lOOIn 100 100 200 At L 1373s 130lj 13flljll 8600 007a 807g 80lj 1074S BklynRT 0834 08 683g I 100 nufR4Pl 04 104 104 II too Duf 4 Suspf 88I4 SOU 88U SI- 182S Can Pacific I 32lf4 1311 132 Iota Chea It Ohio 4414 43 H 44 310 Chi 4 Alton 1734 ii 4 3734 13- SOOChlEIIlp 130 133 130 3 400 ChliN W1 88 188 188 1 lOOChlGtW Ifllj IfiU 1 OU I- I01B4 Cbl MASTP 1 OOSs 1001 10034 t- eoOCCCStL 83lfl 8234 83 3614 U0 30U 4oocoi4iici ia R 1213 iaia7- 2S Col South 1014 10 I 300 Col Sol pf 01 01 0 1 4oocoiso2pt aoig an 20 1 41 50 Con QU21 1 2003 210 I 1 20 Con Tob a 314 12314 12334 1 650 Corn Prod 1 Onfl lo 10 3810 Del 4 Hud 17314 172 172la 400 Del 14 W 20414 394 29434 300 Del Un Ry 7Ola 70 70lj I 100 Pet Sou pf 7 7 7 170 Distill Sees 2flln 28 11S4 Erie 3314 32lj 33Ifl 3875 Erie I pf flflV 08U OOI 3 1800 Erie 2 pf 474 4014 47lj I 2114 Gen Elec Col 7 Us 170 171 1 100 Hock Val 80la 801 801s I loll III Central I 427g 14S13 1 I 300 Int Paper 17 Iflta 200 lot Paper p 70 7478 73 1 700 Int Power 00 03 00 21 200 la Cent pf 401ft 40 40 I 77la 771 77la4 1 300 Knlck Ice 2BOO Lou A NAh 27la 137 1271s4 I 200 Manhattan a418 1 64 1641 I 125 7 Met St 20 H 8 4 1 1 97S4 I 9920 Viet Secu 8234 707fl H 400 Ilex Cent 14 1378 14 100 Mich Cent 13 1 131 131 7180 USIP4SSU 81 78U 2SO MSPSSM pM 34 133 134 43 3100 ft Tex 2flla 243fl 2750UK4Tpf 02 flOla 6134411 13220 Vlo Pacific 1 OOU 00 I BOO NC 4 M L 130 120 130 41 2260 Nat 22la 2134 22U I 04 04 04 64 NatK S 14 14 14 ZOONatnUMpf 30 30 3ft 1 J Central 182U 1R2U 182UH 1 ON Y Central 130 128 s 34 1100 Nor 4 West 72U 70la 7114 4- 2SS Ont 4 West 347s 34la 34Sgf V 100 Pac Coast 64la 641a 84I 31 400 Paelfle Mall 333s 33 33 I 37760 132 s 1 I 2021 Peoples Gu 10314 1017s 103 1 100 78la 78t 14 100 P Ft W 4 CI 8334 18334 30M Pressed S O 3 47g 321a 477PrStCarpf 81 7084 81 114 250 HRSecu 87 87 87 725 HepublloSI I l g la 3100 HepSI pf 32 fllU OIU 4- 216KOO Reading 723fl 70U 71o 1000 Reading I p SOU 8334 884 84- 2AOO Reading 2p 70 771a 783 4 a 8 10 Rock Island 2834 28 14 000 Rock Is pf 72 71 78 + la 350 Rubber Gd 21 201j 201a U- 400Slo Shef 41 la 41 4112 la pf 80la 80la 801a 1217 1 p 03 00 03 2 700 SUo4GI 2 p 26U 20 2014 lg- 450SLSF2p 08la 08U 68U U- 100SLSFCEIctl72 172 172 300 St LouisSW 21la 211s 2Ha4 Is- UJOStLKWpf 48lR 471a 471al1- B880Sou Pacific 087 08U 68Sfl 2 oosouPacpfl 107fl 11 Ola Is 7161 Sou Hr Co 3234 32IR IR- 9IOTennC4Ir 40 48U 40 4 Ij 1820 Tex Pacific 32lo 3I7a 33 U- OOTolSI4Wpf 60 40U 60 1U 2071 TwlnC R T I 0 I 7fl OP34 34 41520 UnPaclflc IO3fls lOSIa 103 + eooUnRylnpf 6714 07 67 2ISUSCIIlpo 13 13 13 u 110 USCI Ppf 01 61 fll IR 914 USR4Imp Oll 80 4 61 1 2 00 U S Leather Ola nlg 0s 350 US Leath pf 874 8714 6260 U S Rubber 24I 23IR U- UUOUSRubpf 80 70U s 11225 USSteel 1 SIR 17 8 1 fl IR 01115 US Steel pf 703s 74U 74 s4 ID 220 Va CarCh 341a 34U 3414 14 loch v cochpfO7 lonta looia ta leo Wabuh I 07R 1014 1 s BOO Wahash pf 4 I Tfl 407S 41 IR IMO West hse 104 160 41 la- AOO West U Tel 02 Ollj P3 ft IR 110 WIn Central 1034 1014 1034 IR- a10 WlaCent pf 441e 43lg 4 Total sales of stocks T03000 shares LOSING PRICES ma- dams l p2lol- llsChImrs iruj 44 ftlJi A Cot Oil 80 DTel press210 firms 5j- m tilde I II ALpf 19 mice 7M 31 llj m Lin Oil pf 30- m Loco ri a- m Malt 4 m Malt pf 20- mSmelfg M m Smelt pf loci m Snurf 3Bj- m SnufT pf U5 U2U msugpfl2- mTC 01 mT4Tiao Wool I44 m Wool pf 81 Arbor 28 Arbor pt 48 Anaconda 8AVj 82 4 T S r pf 88i Coast LI38 4 S- alt Ohio 80H ft Oh pf 83- kyn U GU222r- unswtck 6 unn pi44 titetf tld i- 2WI InicOaspf 8- 11j IKW 91 51 IKiWpf- fiH Long Uland a 23 i- 8li Manhattan I54l 20 114 81IH 27 I3U 211 A Minn 54 4 M ft fit I pf 83 MSPASSM 80 77 KISP4SSVtpf siu 2- 5IJlj MKTpf Ji 38 Mo PacifIc 9 H 17 NashC4KLI29I- II Vat niscut 48 4v 110 21 22H- R 81- lOfH 11- 1Ijaij HC54 N J Central I II- I32 NYAI1 111 113 NYCenlral 128 04 NVC4SIL 140 NYC4SlLlpno1- 3iNYCASIL2p 84 81 NY Dock 14 2 NY Dock pf 40 M N Y Nil 1118 DO Nor A Weal 71U 82 North Am 82 inn Ont A West 14H 137 Parlre Coast 84 j- A81t PAC Coast 1 p 88 83 PacCosjl 74 114 3 223 PrnnaR RU8 ISO PeoEut 28 10001871 100no774 R R 81000 37 a4 001111 a C lono 1000 I I 111 Id 100711 orllkIWI 10011001- I 300n I uo I OU341wralhror lono I 0034 ono I Ol34 0lR4 PM Wa HOOD 100081- t GM I ton OM Ale C Coo AmCar F 82 203 Am lee pf 12 34 Coat Col 1014 4 pro I 14 34 PA 14 I 17 34 COO KC S pro 0 A 0 i 8034 U K Led uo NI If 2 ZION Penn I Ptre Mar 781 18334 14 3414 i 350 SloSh 1 I I l3 l I I I I 41 DO 100 COIr 68 3 Lou U7S Am C P pl ali 15 Am s2 Am 4 Cent 14 Am 136 Am L 571 4 Am o II Am ph K Am Loco 11 41i all pl NI RIMe 40 R 0 1121 11 Am I Ann > 4 At T IH WS At 1- 7nkln RT k p 1 Mali 7f 103 100084 l000837 0000 I Nat a ez ts C a- s5000727q Vfluofdrtn 78 500078 Wabash o Mli l I J00 NorfAtY City Ze 09l tu l West shoe Si- DlslIIIersSecur 3lI000049 0l tiles t00000413 WbeaILlent- 31000OR 2 70 Fuellr 14 fly 1 165 l7g 28l 1 2015 RB 333 175 065 1 1 14 165 28l I 0 l3 t37l 7Q7 03 10 110 31 AllIs h pf Moat Am C A Met St Ity 1 l07 Am Cot Ill p1 Met Sec Mel flch Cent 130 St lee 13 u ft4- m LIn OIl 51 994 2111 p I 12l5 Nat Lesd 01 p 1014 in Sugar l3L 11f 114 Is Ann 7Ij di 4 11474 All 1 halt rarlfc 1334 PenOLCl024 2414 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + > > < > > < < < < + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + nia AIM tut- BuflBPpM58 170 POCA81L 7- 1DutSu pf 1V WPCCa IpHMM- Buttcrlck 40 Bl PrdBtCirj 4 Can Southn 714 8 li PrdStCrp 0 Can Pac 1J2 U2S PullmanPCtrMZ 44 441 HwySceu 85 Chi A Alton S7H J 4 nySlSpt 22 Chi 4 lfnpl to 84 Hr St Spf pf M ceo ft it L itetdUr 7114- CblGtAVeat U 1 Read Irt pf 8IK 5 77 i ChlGtWB S3 2 lli It RepSlcflpf BUj Cbl N W1I7 nock laland 28X- Cbl H A SI I 5 i 7- 1ChlMASlPpfU 114 Rubb rUdf O- HCblTrrmtuil e pf B3- HChlTtrmIpf 141i IM Slo sShff 1 7 i SloniShff pf S OS KtJAai tfl- col reel i IB- Col II 04 I 2- ColSoutherh Col So let p C- 0coiso2dpf ConGa 20104 font Tab iif 121i Corn Prod I4 Corn Prod pf 70 4 Del 4 lied J jii- Ifl 14 W9JI i A IUi 27i s u st J it a s p s- ItNSt LASK 1 p 72 10 St LiSTIp B8K- St P4 CirJ 211 S8H 124 ro Padnepll H- outbfrn fly 32j 7 B1H 171 I nn04l 48i Det V 7i 4 South pf i ll S cur 2- ADSS4A 74 DSS 4 A p I 2 Krlt 11- rrlc Itt pf egij- Krleldpf 4- 7KvftTlf I- Knv4THpf 74 28 Poe 35- 0i TblnlAiRHISSU 21 JTSUftW 10I 71 TSIft IOI 7fjLn 2 0114 U- 11n L S CI P Pf f0- Gt Norlbpf ItO Hock Val 8 Hock Vl pf tjiI- lllnoti CrntU t- IntPaprr 16 74i 45 tnt Ihimp SJij til- owaCrntral 24 44- Kan4Ulrb 3- KCFHAMp 77 i Kin City So MS 45i- KtoltUtiU 13 69ij IlSItathfr 8i- 4Ji US Ifath pf 87 i 80 fSRMlyA Ito 61 85 LSHubbci 2 171 ti lab I7 80 US Steel pf 74 i- Kl iCtr 11- 4Hl aCa pf 10 4 17 Wabash 1 H 75 Wabmhpf 41 a5mVrllvFKip237- 14i Un Tel BIJi- 79U W t barlR54 25 Wulbe p185 46 Wh l It L E I7i- 7H W 4LR 1 pf 44 77i W 4 1 PJpf 24- 23H WlsCcntrxl 48K WUCenl pf 44 17 TIn OUTSIDE MAKKET The market for outside securities toda at the start was atialn Incllnrd to a tendency Prices cased off under but the declines outside of a specialties were small the first lapsed Into and prices and a small rally set in Northern Securities was under pressure opening and after falling l per cent re half The shares were steadier International Mer- cantlle Marine was up per cent American Tobacco preferred after an rise of I per cent per cent ftna dealings The Seaboatd were heavy offerings fell I stocks were irregular the preferred after an early of l per cent recovering all but a fraction Greene Consolidated Copper again ap i tH J sure was again brought Interests which were Instrumental In forcing the down yesterday the figure however show net advance Montreal and Boston was firmer The bond department was American Tobacco as were k American Writing Paper 6 X per cent the market today as follows HI01 tow Clo int etl COt 1na 1100 American Can 0 OH OH ej AmCanpf 484 48 4 48 AmTpfwI 86U 87 86J 86 AmWritPpf I6 16 i 16 16 2 n nayStOa til 1 618 S- 200BrttCCop 4 4U 4 4 20 BuffaloGa 47 4f 4 4 100 Can P rt w I 6f 6U 6l S- S3 CenFoundry Hi Hi IJi 33 Cen FdrypT fl 9 0 9 200 Elec Re i i J COO Gold 4 1118 II II 10230 20 30H OJ 20J 800 Havana Tob 26 20J4 26 2B- oo HavanaTpf 30 30M 30 34 70 InterUMpt 2OJ 2O 20 20 700 InterboroRT 148 118 147 147 W IntSalt 20 20 20 20 1400 Maekay Cos 30 30 30 30 MacksCospf 7 72 72 72 iHO Man Tram 1132 Il I 1 200 NY Trans 7 7 7 7 100 North A LAP 14 111 Hi 1 700 NorPaowr 140 140 130 13P l NYOELP 00 60 Ofl- 100D3 XdrSecur 1 13 113 112S 4100 PbanlxG M 10 22 10 20 101 Neabd 16 10 3SO Seabd A1pf 32i 32 32i 32J 200 South Elb Ld 3i 2i Sj lOOOSiLTrans 25 StandardOil644 640 G444 644 100 StoragePwr M 100 Tenn Cop 32K 3OH U2M 3BJt 400 UnRyaStLctf 23 23W 23 23J 200 WhKb Cop 1 IM IM IkI- 10XX Am Tob 4a I 64 64 64 64 10WO AmTBawll07M 1071 J07Mli- OOO Am W PS 77 77H 77M 77 SOnolntSaltfri 30 o9H fiOM 00U- OOO Syracuse GSJ 1 0 1 101 101 101 JOftl So Elb Land 5 16 16 16 16 1000 VaCarC51 08 PR R8 98 10030 WMhKBy4a 83H 83 83H LATEST QUOTATIONS OF INAC- TIVE OUTSIDE STOCKS mcrican Can common Lmcrlran Can preferredi- mertranVVrltlnc Paper pfd Condfnifd Milk Condensed Milk pfd IrttlJh Columbia Copper Brooklyn and New York entralFoundrycommon- ntral Foundry preferred Compressed Air frl ratorOo Dominion Securities Ucc trio Dost common Ilettrtc Boot preferred Uectrtc Vehicle common Ifctric Vehicle preferred Ilectrte Lead Rcductt3n cam llrctrlc I ad neductlon pfd Empire Steel common Empire Steel preferred Electro Pneumatic told Hill Copper ireat Northern pfd w I ireene Consolidated Copper lackcniaclt Meadows ComplY tall Savanna Tobacca common tavanna Tobacco preferred International Mercantile Marine nlerbamUEh Rapid Transit nternatlonal Salt lickay Companies ttckay Companies pfd lanbittan Transit Montreal and Boston Consol York Traniportatlon Northern IaflHc w I Torthern S iirltlfi- lew Orlr n Street Railway eon lew Orleatu street Hallway pfd Klcvator Company coot Elevator Company pfd TioonU Gold MInIng Manufacturing Manufacturing lot pfd ilaouacturlnr Royal Baklnt Powder common Diklnc Powder preferred afetyCarUchtandHeatCo- tLoulsTranslt common leaboant Air Line common eaboard Air Line preferreil- ouibern Paelnc tandardOUOoofNJt- andardMIUInc tandard MllUnr pfd toratPowtrl enncMeeCopptr- onopabGoldMlnlncCo nlonCopper nlonTjpcwrtter- nlonTyptwrlter mpfd BJ4 Alttd- OK OM 48 48W 3i- lfli 120 121H MOM I1SH- Rt Jf 0 34 j lt18 172 20i 10 77 26 30j 0 4 20 147 20 30 7SH 4 I 7 I 33 I I 9j t u alk Ohio 17 li aOlt U U TIM 8 S IU ChI 01 Wdeb a 1 flock Id pr U 4 Chi Un Trr 8 Ui- SIJ01Ip6li 6i 74 IV Mi 21 471 Cable IU3 So ParlOr nay it pr len Z n0 pl so 10- Z1 III Se Oli nIl Southa CI Clt to Parlor > U 67i 4 US nub pl US Steel 844 I 10sn 0 4 lot Power pl I 13 Iowa tnl pr II 41- I ure few Are hut noon hour h abut earlY I C Inthe on loss but near close 8 IIlht 1 market The tran aclonB In all 47 lad Grta C Cop 6 I I l AI I I 8 2 8 8 B 107 83 3 nor 4 Hi I I 10 H U I 01 8 37 43 80 78 I i 16t 21 H I t H I RI 20 10 261i 37 6 nlemlloMI Mar pI 20i I I 21 3014 I 73 I 7 140 I I I 27 29 OIl to 37 94 08 14 16 II Pope 77 RO Pope lCl IQ 20 I Royal I 041 101 ti 321i pta wi II J4 I I 7 II 28 Ii 32 33 B I 7A AI I I Og 111 I0I a44 227- Ches Cl Chi flW CM 6514 Head 2d pf flrpbC Steel 138f ISO II 7I Hub Oda CIa La t Cle to t pf 83 5314 l hl4 1 LNW II 18 St 1 5 IV p 4 Cola 150 I IW4 3114 io fly U4l 49 1P44 TeLl I1 3 114 34 TeaLs Dci M 4 I 31 It TwIn Ic3 20114 s laepf 94 tiN CI OIpe 1844 Itt 331 S Exprent I I lIe 044 5114 Gea Elec Co1694 9044 15 7414 liii Paper t est III- lnt Pump 156 211 10- Kanaly Sop reactionary hour showed slIght changes until after A better ws moderate cent American Can good support per- cent closed were pen I < I1 3 8 < 14 SaNDS American Writing Paprcommon 44 PeTTy 4 8 Consolidated I 8 1 Signal 82 MercantIle 471i 414 ll New 214 014 074 Oils rope 4 pfd I 1S8 814 ISM 1614 3214 I 814 848 27 14 14 < < >> < > < > < < < < < < > < > < < < > < < > < > >< < < < < < < < < < ¬ > < < Hit Union Typewriter id pfd 108 United lUllwiyi of St LonU pfd fl t- Wuhlnrtonnallwayaadeieclric IV- Wualncton Railway and Elec pfd 79 WorthJnf ton Pump pfd 1 10 WnltaKnobCopper I BOHDl American Tobacco 4w 1 63H American Tobacco 81 wp I07U- Amerirati Writing Paper Si 7 7 International Salt M ofl New Orleatu Railway 4 t 76 New York Central deb 4i OH Seaboard Air Line Si 06 i Standard Ullllnrfc 7 A- VirginiaCarolina Chemical M WU- inublutton Railway4 Electric 83 Boarov CLOSING QUOTATIONS AILROAD steel flltAlIU Bid Xltd WOOl pf li 81 host Alb24 H 50 MIXING tTOCIf Host Uel 4 lOS Adventure a 3 1M IM Allouei 1I1 OJ RS Y143 148 Amalrraled 13 CJRASYpf Am X am llJ 13 130 Anaconda Max Pleo 11 u Arcadian 80 100 Elsa 65 S Arnold 40- Mez Central 34 Atlantic 13 11 N YS II Allma IWi Ulniham 2 58 Old Colonyromi 2in Bonanza 40- Ptre 74 75 81J l8re Marq pf 71 72 British Col 3 Cal leclaS2 624- W P s n H m K Centennial W- WES HR pf1104 111 Cochltl BONO Con Mer M 40- Am Tel 4s Ki Wt Contln 7 A L hell Tel 4s Cop flange Co C l W- i tort Scott 81 West 14 14 j Kim River V- M C lIt Inc Franklin us- II C 2d pf Inc Iranby NY4NB lit ei Ouanajuato IN H- NY 7s Me 70 M West Tel is Majestic uiaciuu nj Llass Cop 4 O 5 M Am Pneumc 44 5 Am Jneu pf 24 s Merced Am Tel fjai Michigan 7 1 Am Ac Ch is Mohawk 47M 48 Ch pt 77 77K Mon 4 Roin Central oil 7 8j Old Col Cumbd 110 Old Dominion 21 Dominion MM Usceola m Dom CI pf Parrot 7s rM II i j Ib Con Cop 2 Kdlson Illec 25r 01 Urn Ill I7li Rhode Island I lla Gai 4VU Santa Fe l f I Mass Oas ta 3h Shannon 4H 1- Uerrenthlert5 l Tamarack 119 f li Tecum eh I3i I3 f Trl Mountain Planters Co Irlnliy 7J 8 Plants Co pf H II Union Pullman 22lj 222j UnIted Cop Settle HI 41 US Co 2iH i1 Seattle Id pf ni on Utah 41 4- 1s lft Co lift Victoria 4 Unltcil 101 Waihlntton I Shoe Mach Ms M Wlnona Hf 0 U Sh Mach pf 31 ll Uolvrrlne M 91 in l West Tel tAMD BTOOK- IWest Tel pf 82 o n Land Nlj 81 llosion Land g Westho U pf III lOll llovl ton S Wool 144 is K LanJ ei 7 PHILADELPHIA QUOTATIONS Am Co Con C in IS 745 haSten KlecStor M KlecWorpf M FalrmtPkT I 24 t7- L Valley RR 46t- Mamden North Pa H12- lPhtlaCo 42fc r 20 PaKlccVeh U i 7 PhlbHT IS I V Phlla AKrle 3 18- SunqlrASt I Tidewaters I lCo olNJ2tS 212 UnionTrac IM I ass I Co INI WelsbachCo 18 BONDS IndPRy4i Wli ten NJCona 110 II4V itS ProTrac4i IDS UnTrao4s H t CHICAGO CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bid Atted nit Asked Am Can Co 64 Met W S El IS- AmCanCopf 48 4 i5 Met es Am Radiator Bl M Nat BIscuit 4 ii 8- Am Rod pf 123 124 Nat His pfl08i Ito Box Board 1U lf Nat Carbon Si a Box Hoard pf in Nat Car ChtrnTrar Ch fn Tr pf City Rallwayl74 Diamond M 133 Lake M El No Ch St 78 So El 81 177 Sts Sta Car ni 31 1S4 MONEl AND EXCHANGE Money on call per cent last loan 21 l er ruling price 2 per cent Tim money tiuoted at 3 cent for sixty days 3W 1H per cent for days 3H1 per cent four months and it4 for five And six months Commercial paper Is quoted at 6 per cent for narnPii and bills other names per cent Sterling market was and nrtvanced 10 points over last nights final Dotations was due to n demand from remitters for tomorrowi mall while the of bills were limited Continental exchange was firmer Posted rate were at 484 for long bills and I4MH for short Actual rates loner hIlls I48140WI4M4S sight drafl- xI4w r i vi and cable Irnnafcrs 48i r- iil4 SK Francs were quoted at 5o for long and VI V 3SI8J for short Ttelrhsmnrks were ouoted nt 9 l103n4 for long nnd flWiAflfl1H for short nitllder at 40W40 lIAforlomrand 4031DW- 40U for short Domestic xchan e on New York Boston 16c discount 30o discount Charleston buying 1t8c discount selling llAr Par to 2IH1 premium Montreal Par New Orlnnns tl25 St Paul 35c discount Minneapolis- Par Louisville 2Sc discount cisco aight 7C premium telegraph toe premium St Ion 30p Momy In London Iftl per cent Rule three months bills 2 liefi 1Vt per cent Con sols for money eloped at M 8ia and for the account nt 88 1118 Paris advices quoted 3 cents nt 08 francs The rate of discount Is 1 per rent Exchange In Lon- don 25 francs 15 centimes Berlin advices exchange on london 20 38 pfgs The private rate of discount Is s per rent New York Clearing House statement Ex- changes balances 11163821- 8SubTreasury debit balance tl443107 price of hnr silver In New York nor London at 2 id Mexican sliver dollars were quoted at 44 c- ItAILItOAD EA Central of Georgia 1584 183S aanetl 4th week Sept Sl4 ns I247IM Inc M7722 Month 828304 7820U lot 14B22 From July I 24nnM 213344 Inc 21780- 3nuluth South Shore and Atlantic 4th week Sept 71281 178780 flee 13 4M Month 23I40B 24I24 lei 10120 From July I 70n887 78S01 Dec 1104 Greet Northern Sjstcm Month Sept MR87794 I41M14J rIpe From July I 112O840t ltS78844 Dec 3Mi24- 3Xatlnnal Railroad of Mexico th week Sept 270214 384822 Inc 14782 Month W4I 8SOS72 Inn 2X From Ian I 8 n5104 88M085 Inc 12000 Twin City Iaplrt Transit llh week sept fintnjs M7202 Inc sM7 Month 371478 370S48 Inc 1 IM From Jan 1 31782M JrrMMI Inc 171 817 INDUSTRIAL EARNINGS The niMlllcis Securities Corporation reports for year ended June SO 1804 1803 Channel receipts 7818718A W87W708 Dec 13M3440- xpenses 74488702 78784074 Deg 8J74 7- pronts 3878 4 tsftoeiesT iMJue on loans tax Ac 427143 433808 Dec 4783 Balance t324IS21 U433714 Dec 28240- 4ddnsrcpsftc 814088 7MMI DIr 122783 Balance t2CS72S3 I27WI844 Pre 7lMi5il on bonds 033248 812042 Inc 327184 Surplus lt697B87 12184782 Pee 48880- 4tAILY TREASURY STATEMENT WasniKQTOK Oct 7 The rash statement of receipts and expenditures of the Treasury shows d iv Tills month Fliral tlKir 11847441 lllnOO8S2 t l26S- xpendlmres 2oooom n4NHooo Pencil 5244I US81I iliuuJM The receipts from customs today were 5H40 rom revenue P31 117 and mlicellaneous- MB84 The cash slatement of the United States Tress for Oct 7 shwrs- inriirTi roxo coin tlWOOOhOO rcxo ialst notes and certificates Is- sued i II Oie837Bi Ul7Me844- 8OOH8MI 8788240- 8ISS442 2147048- S2 B4- 7Hej3 73- 1I827M old coin and bullion old ccrtinrates Standard sIlver dollars Ilicr bullion nlled states notes Hlcinnl bank notcs Ub 111ar silver and minor coin hsnk5- w l Inc reImbursement Cwh balance e U48 28l iO 84283044 Asked 73 I 10714 78 10 Rlil AOH 77 I OOli 114 I II o flail 12 II7i 141 host C C II 0 l 3 27 1 Mci Cn U 67 Ho II 0163 15IS I a 16 mAr OIl I Tel 11 CIO I Max Tel N TI j o 11 Fruit ton IIi l lIId Asked lIftS pa 28 I Sup i k o r Ira I Cnn Tre N J 8 ni 19 M- In 00 of A iS 2 IS 11 8 fJ 11 Ide W Ch III R Ent nlnol Mill j Thl good only I I Banks CJn I discount hHnkll- i If dlllOUllt In muet short and r nn5112 37 7 C Gross Otc tat lot Till I5737l07 Gold Tarn held ONEUL rmcO I In IIAM201111 LIalillIle IltI2MaIU 112 89 90 129 114 6414 0644 Uun I 3 lat Cop 110 6I lont A 1 Ing lfl1 it S OIl I0 13 l3 flnl E 4kd 47A 454 Sel 15 Con Sup p1 104 i4 1ICo 1s 741 14 24 15 4514 l9 4ewk PaM Penna fiR 5 LM14 PaSted 03 6 75 5lDi fiXINGS the the ulcer Sliser cvfllfltatcS Tel 1497146413 225TS- 4rnsi > < > < < < < < < > < < > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > = = GOSSIP OF WALL STREET The openlnc of the market fount mixed without particular dlpo ltlon on the part of the traders to test prices they hive done the early trading In the past There was feature to the until the morem In Reading got under way whun the of IU advance began to carry the rwt of list up with It The floor had looked for appearance of atop orders and a reaumi lion of Thursdays liquidation When failed to develop the room came to a of halfconclUBlon that the nelllng of had been taken easily with object of Inducing a short Interest to further another advance The sales were well taken and the buying In some lsue looked good Con plciiotiB on tiie buylnir In Jteaf lug were the same people who worked Pennsylvania and Erie tocU responded readily to their effort and had galnqd 3 by nooll on a volume of sonIc 147000 shares A house which had accumulated a big perhaps 30000 shares earlier In the week had In an order for 10000 shares at 71 the order could not be filled at the price was executed at Philadelphia Will liberal buyer Wansermann was credited with purchases of between 15000 and 20000 shares In the morning eeealon John V was a big buyer selling heavily later The room called the buying of New Central especially good Ontario and Westerns In the trading came from London which Is ell optimistic on the stock on the theory that It control so held at present that It can be turned over to sonic big road the Net Haven being most frequently mentioned Bullish statements regarding the steeltrad outlook were made yesterday by Chnrles M Schwab also by Mr Ontes who It will be re fulled11 wasP oiicn In the steel wny hlm eU but these went practically unreflected In th stocks of the Steel Corporation Mr Schwul said he would be surprised if the coming year was a poor one In the trade and Mr Gates slid If certain steel manufacturer say there is no Improvement In Iron steel conditions they are not telling the truth Mr Schwabs statement came out after that of Mr dates The room thought that much of the buy- Ing of steel preferred was nnd that higher prices for It would be made Amalgamated Copper made another new high record for the year stimulated by further advance In the price pf the metal and the old theory regarding Its break through 60 An effort was mndc to give nn Impressloi of trade buying but the floor had Its doubts A deckled movement In tile stock has before this marked the temporary end of nn movement J S Bache A Co were buyers A a result of the long continued bull mar- ket rumors are beginning to fill the Stree regarding the finances of the bucketshops These Seen based more on the experience of such Institutions In their struggles with rising markets In the on developments at the moment Their to stand the strain so long has called forth n little admiration from critIcs who have per haps overlooked the Tact they too have stood still while the community of Interest idea haa spread but have adopted It eagerly persuaded that In union here U strength and no ruinous competition As a matter of fact some of these concerns are pressIng the telegraph companies for more wire gerT Ice and telling their confidants that buslnes Is greater than they can handle with economi- cal results The rise in Sugar was started by Riling wood t Cunningham with traders following this lead Dick Bros were among the com- mission house buyers The buying of E A C Randolph was looked good Sentiment in the early trading yesterday was largely influenced by reports which were in general circulation that there been some sort of rupture among the supposed to be working for higher price So one on the floor seemed to know the nature of the differences which the re port T flId had every one certain that it jut a well to go slow If there was any question of selling out on one another as was Intimated might be the case The failure of such a manifests tlon to develop andthe upblddlng of Read- Ing convinced the room that the reports were untrue The Metropolitan Issues particularly Securities advanced In the after noon largely at the expense of the shorts who sold these stocks freely In the hear period of Thursday afternoon The room has i suspicion Is a vulnerable short Interest In these Issue it may fall In Its reliance on the opening of the subway There was some evidence of a switching of speculative operations to the preferred shares of the Industrials apparently on the theory that If trade IB actually concerns should share In the benefit and their securities come Into some demand Pressed Steel Car Smelters Car Foundry Itubber and Lead seemed to enjoy some of this buying COMMERCIAL Cotton Advance Netvan Shorts Corn Dulls Give Support When Needed Liverpool Better Than Expected Grain Lower tlemvy General Selling Crop Report Favorable FniPAT Oct 7 COTTOX Spot cotton wa unchanged Middling lOtio against ttOc last year Sale 100 bales for spinning sad 1700 delivered on contracts Galveston New Orleans and Savannah advanced 1 ll o Mobile o Galveston Memphu and New Orleans VAnnhe 1S19C Steles Galveston 31 bales Orleans 1800 Mobile 100 Savannah 1739 1740 The receipts today were a follows rotfoj LosS i 03 Port receipts 44WS 88718 J712 Weeks S87MW 4MS17 nterior towns for the week was u rat week Loaf week IROS 244423 2S9412 IW078 Shipment 214921 I78 70 181776 2S4812 178414 122290 itocks- Isllmated receipts loustnn- jalveston Orleans Tomorrow Lest week 1803 1240014000 1881 1000 IBOOOJOOOO 2 172 18240- 1S600I4JOO 8744 8774 The total export from the ports were 48772 ales comprising 44180 to Great Britain W to slId 2482 to the Continent Futures In New Orleans were u follows Open Hit OK Cbs Ins tit nl tag October 8S1 881 8M J 871 lecember 883 1004 880 1001 883- anuar 1003 1015 888 1011 w March 1023 1041 1020 10S2 1012 Futures here advanced 18 to 18 and closed ery steady with estimated isles of 200000 bales Priers as follows Hlektil riaitnf Lost October 1003 881 I002AI004 8870 tlM- eccmbcr 1018 1004 10iemo17 10OOfclooi 1022 1008 I02tctlo22 laoeaioxw March 1011 1018 1Q28CtlOSO May 10J4 1022 IO3SalO34 lOlMtlOJO In cotton declined 13 Mid tiling 4Od against 480d last year Sales 7000- lalea imports none Futures declined to 1 but and closed unchanged to 2 lower u follows Today Yiiltrdtu ltd Jctober 448 o 431- NovemberDecember 444 444 M- anuaryFebruary 444 445 4 j- Jareh Apr1l 448 448 The weekly crop movement was a follows 1801 OS 1WJ1O4 receipts M78C3 S05 jo Overland to mills stud Canada 8742 eOW4 Southern null takings utd 41000 41000 Gala of stock at Interior towns 47448 2SO4 Drought Into sight for week 406070 JS06T The follawlnr shows the total crop movement on 84S003 Overland to mills and Canada 21870 BOO- Ilouthern mill takings esfdi 118000 10000 Stock at Interior towns In exceu of Sept 1 178847 1008J- Ctlroujbt Into eight thus far for season 184100 1248838 The ttrenrth of the cotton market ww baaed er tarrrly on the nrmnesi of Liverpool quota In the latter trading there strength of prices at the South and a certain nervousness regard to the weather over Sunday Frost occurred 111 sal J at one point In and frost was for the Interior of Venn arotlaa and lower temperatures were Indicated of Texas and taking the cotton belt nx a whole the Indications for rather hither temperatures than iborti unfavorable weather of some sort somewhere Sunday pot rntresu were buyers Orleans and on quite a lIberal sivlc a larte New Orleans operator wa Rain purrhMtng here and the Street hull rave when It wa needed ot very much was needed Much of the scattered room sentiment however as In no trading vigor the the these sort the side up line but and a York early- I readily and any big the points Its Oats good upward past ability not t otis had in- terests ariSen but seemed WAS Metro- politan that there and thgt reviving such be Mobile 934c New week TOe total movement at the twent eight principal New France Last Lowest n January points Port lions spot Itt lIght for were day over New > > I short Interest ha ben liquidated of late but u It very generally a New unrnvfrctl England mill were understood In to acme The crop movement for thr wiVt turned out to be smaller Ilisn at one time expected and the export urrr on a Manchcater wrri SlId It It evident that the HncIWi trade look continuance of the prrsrnt stilt on a firm hauls of values Miller ft Co Liverpool advtret cnnMmi- rbulllth and siilnners are In br artKn- buvini sales however bring kept ulthln OH to the small nvallable In llxennn- U roust be remembered that n vrr xnnh amount of cotton lifts so far reached the I silO but J soon w be supply abroad shall t purrhi r viu be l It evident that uturr nui- kel re disposed to follow anti i i needless to giy i n long as they wurli Kigrthn In a the Mluntlon a one Advices tram the South contlnuo tn able feature of the present quiet MeadlneM u i probable erect on markri All ih trade needs U a table value fnr rnw rnitnn anti If thH should be raalntalnMl for s tmf prices of would dju t and would buy their supplies free The consuming public ti not In any rii trt s nni Is a All that U nceilri Is same stable ba H to work on which Hill permli mills to manuiscture at a profit Dick llnwKcmle n Co Nordcn k fn slid McF dden llnw were rood buyers Wall Slrert house were the prIncipal I lo Nov I to be nearly a record for same period lu aol year Continued Increase i the worlds supply will again be a feature nf this weekS and we expect thl to continue veil Into ar future In a market I dominated by the of a clique very little can be said o Its possibilities from to d i Perhaps weather conditions the pert of front next week should this Influence appear would prove the greatest v l Un r In securing an advance tile absence of which time I seem to be nothing to stimulate speculate buying or covering of short Interest vn situation Is among the povlblll ties the next few days and nothing be onr- tcasusl operations seem Justified There I one buyer here vtm orders to buy more short cotton at than our receipts amount to Planters sic stubborn and wont Oreenvllle Nl One of our best planters nslt the following Milli tier acre a bad of weather oer on third ot belt 10000000 acres which ould cause a loss of boll would detente crop to the extent of SOOooo hales of cotton New moderate rternnn- dftuyer looking round but very little tr nc Think market rule steady Probably higher A day or two co we had towns stating farmers would hold anti we think orleaus his private advlcfj make Mlulutppl than last year New Orlean Buyers offering fivesixteenth- at Interior TrIM points this morning Cnnnni buy bale Farmers even to allow then tn sample their cotton Sell weeks figures hound lo show big decrease In movement Dillsn Tex Just returned from Worm riling all late cotton Farmers say they do not owe a dollar and will hold It are toll out of all holdingssowe will see a falling on In re Glut Wheat Spot dull Nn sales Vn 2 red winter ll c over New York December Northwestern receIpts were Ml cars against n- tut week and 97 year Chicago 44 cars aralnM- S2 liut week and etn last year Future elowd- c to Ic lower Sales 8000000 bush Prices j follows Open Ifffh Low Clot Ina rtl nl Ing vi v ecemberllU 1I H Ii mj IIJii Stay Illi 10BH lioij tiiij Oats were steady on the spot Sales nnnn bosh Natural white SO to S2 lbs Torn on the spot Sales MOowbush No s mixed c under York December Futurei cloud l r to Ijc tower Sales 20000 lash Prices a follow Open Hleh Lett Clot Lmt Ins eat cot Ina XliM December S h Wi KM MH M J May 2M M The following shows the grain movement New York Whtal Corn Oali fur natlit Receipts 20900 JU7S 70800 2O1 34447 47e 9 27769 Chicago Receipts I2 ooo I42om 218000 sono iimi Shipments 41000 273000 01000 sdio cm Receipts 13000 B200T 371000 10000 JOOIWI Shipments 80W 201000 ISSOOO mm from all sections of the mInes break In wheat There was sonic recovery iron the lowest of the day before the close hut the undertone continued weak Thrre s iar of shorts being shoW the only buy r Hears hammered aggressively catching ntirrernut stop orders Ilrokers to be actIng for Armour were especially prominent In the jeiiint The outside were all weak the aMn were bearish foreign houses sold and crop were favorable Snow slid Mr returns of threshing show little change from figures of list month and on the basis of my personal rsilrrst will give a crop not far from uninnnn bushels Seeding or wheat has made cool and rondlllons of moisture are now su- erally such as to give the crop satisfactory slur The acreage being Is materially larger thuS the last harvested In nearly all districts and In Is for a good start M compared with a poor early situation last year Merfern MIller said Conditions generally continue favorable for the seeding of winter whcit and for promoting germination complaint nf consequence are from any section of tb winter wheat belt and the indIcatIons are that the acreage will be fully a large as last year If not greater Liverpool declined Md to London IMd to IMd Paris to25centimeand Budapest 1 kr Berlin wa unchanged to i mk hliher exports for the week according to Dradaireeii were bush ll23S ln tile previous week and 2171722 last year since July i 7ii 42f4 m4 In the same time last year The Argentine shipments amounted to 878000 against 7on week and 178000 last your since Jan 170Wono against M704000 In the Mm time last seMen The primary receipts were I 234000 hush against 1S 1f COO laal year The weather map this mornlnf showed cloudy conditIons In extreme north temperature Z2 to 40 degrees In the Nnrthwt It also was cloudy temperature is to M degrees Clear condition were noted In the West tenr r 40 to SB The weather In the cloudy temperature 44 to M rte gees There were general frosts In the Ohio Val heavy frost The weather forecast for east cooler In tile western North Dakota rain cloudy and cooler Saturday South n Vnti showers cloudy and cooler Saturday NebrsH Kansas Mlasonri Illinois Indiana Wisconsin and Michigan shower warmer Corn declined owing to the break In wheat fiver able expectation of large In the near future general selling and a luck of support frosts were at a number of but little damage Is said to bate resulted Tie cable were to d lower Primary reeelr were 281000bush against 278ono last week s 7 Bat last year The exports for the week amounted to AJ2M8 against 70OR82 last week 1101 I18lat year since 1 8180842 bush i ln I8IU0248 In the same time last season Arcentlni shipped S887O30 hush stalest 8S24nm last verk last year since Jan t A4M7ooo blush 0 i way with the rest of the list The rrlm r receipts were 700000bu against 777000 last Kuitm Quiet with the tone easier Sse oi- hbls IlecdnM 14210 hbla exports nT S bb Winter In bhls 4404 1478 strslfbt- M5n lMi patents Rye flour Rl on the quiet st M r for SilM K Future srl vanred S point on some months hut rescted The close was steady with sales nf 2S7V1 hug Havre declined wss unchanged H Pfg lower Rli declined to rein Pyi stock 444000 Santos wiu unchanged re 42000 bags stock 1737010 Price n- Hlalint Lnvfit- tKI 880 October seam AMI December 7S 7Sa n BSIJH M Mr no isswioi March 710 70S 705ft7IO 70firin 7SS 7S5 770W72S 7K rfi The fluctuations In coffee were narrow nm months advancing slightly early tn the thy on stash receipts and covering of shorts hut lute on a lewenrd demand to rose TV tradIng was dull and featureless MBTAI Th tone was generally firm with th trading quiet In tin advanced 7 clnrln- cit ia T for spot and 128 for futures rnppr there advanced ls st 9 129 nd for fiO 19 for fatuirs Prtres herr as follni LAVe I3ai 12 c electrolytic i castings o spotter v lead 4JOei Oc tin 2d30S2 40c spirit of i9M f Common to good ftralaed rosin tlMP- KOTMIOK waa steady prime Wesiet- S20 refined Continent MS Pork wa quiet at StaMUtTR for nIPS Tallow 4C4 ic hogs ri Vif er Creamerr Orals JOHc U wtcm flr O ttJlc Chicago Oct 7 Market a shade lo er around with periods ot excellent buying ol M- IT the packing Interent roruplcuotis on v SroK Raw quiet at4Ue4 SlfVJtcr rmir1- igal Ml lent and for tnnaroTado test lined was quiet anti unchanged granulated 40V- CmcAOO Oct T These were todays price High Law Clot lit- VAeirt tit ino Vffi 1170 1170 U2730 ISJS 1123 IW7M 780 7ftO- T4A 71S T47 71- 7A2 752J tIM 1140- IIM 11A1- 1302M l 031- jtlnneapalls lire Ill t Louts May II4M- infl tn eon tee vif lit iooi nri Mar irM iM iiH lit1 flee 100 IOO i I07 irrVK hiss 100M IIIU IK 11H1 VasIIU IU1 Wl I IOOH 8 W iv II4M 1IIH tUU 4 II er4 interest on side remain New w for a call 50001 ont he ample It II ripened Ihat Vet also i atuh rep r rood Ipol leensnd Si fttll ptI0n One 01 Itt able to W Spader Si Co The has sub say only one to Ulk tilt they will less a was The tnt was for both long and short account caused a further less a against bush South- west was partly 30 to ES degrees CincInnati Te ported hotIrs Ia Minnesoti showers warnr and agaisat 5Sli In same time last vest U 3toSt120 In bids Clears 5440tl Sat was bags follows Cfrciln rf e1c5 553 they London and lIe I NAval all aide was l h1 ODeS tug eat Oct 1M1 1 flee itot 101 108h 111911 May lO444 1114 108 VOl 18I July 874 974 11614 07- 43l 04- llec 491414 4344 454 art May 47 4854 4510 4l July 454 46t4 45 ceY Dec 301414 504 se4 11 00 May 321474 2274 324k 354- Iatcj Oct 270 77 Dec 713 7410 1 a Jail 7631460 768 May Jan 660 575 578 69714 65714 653 014 tl S POrk Oct 2116 1115 II- 0cc lt5- ha IS May 1155 l9- O7ITU VARTr3- Opel JSb lMtI flfl- lISeitf buliih Toledo flee ansLs ne flee 114 I 111 11114 11294 t l > < > > > < < < < < < > < < ° °

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-10-08 [p...










Letters of CreditAvailable In all paTti ut Ihe ld

WALL rNewYnrl

Vermilye CoBANKERS


f Suiaawr in Miilfar Iteillyi SUte Trust to

Capital And surplus OOODOO-JJlulll offlre 43 HrimdHHr-

llrancli oftircs-S7 Fifth sv 4V toliintlitis Av Houston St


1NITFD STATFS ItMtlJKH OMPAV42 llniadway New Vork October ah 1W4

The Ku rd of Directors of the lnltfd MateRubber has tills ilsy Ucclarrd n dl l

Irnd of one and one half per cent on he

year hcirltinlnjt I 1801 to storkholders recorj November 30th 1004

December I4tb IIMI

referred stock Transfer nooks will rlosi-at 3 P M on Wednesday Sllli 1804

nd reopen at 10 A M Friday December 16

180t J WATSON Jr Treasurer

PITTSBURGH COAL COMPANYThe Hoard of Directors ot this Company

tola day declared n quarterly dividend of onethreequarters il 4 per cent on the prcfcrreiMock from the earnings Payable October 2Mb

1804 to stockholders of record October 14th 1H01

F J LcMoyneSecretary

Pittsburgh 1a October lilt luol

TRANSFER BOOKS OF Tim CONSOIIFirst Mlgc 5 per cent registered

of the East Tennessee and ia ItS45osc at the office of P Morgnn Co N Y

Friday October 14 at three oclock preparstorj-to the payment ot the semi aniiunl lntereit thereon

uc I and wilt reopen Nov 2 IBM a-

Ul iANKFOIlD Sccretar Southern RyVurk Oct H IW-

ITHETI1ANSFFR nOOKS OFTHR nECISTEnRlFirst Consolldstcrt S per cent Mtje bonds ofChesapeake anti Ohio Ilaltnny CompAny will

the of the Central Tnist Company ofYork Oct II I 4 st neloiktory tn the payment of the oral annual IntereslThereon due Nov 1801 ant will reopen Nov2nd al 10 A M C F VKLLFOHI Treasurer

nichmonrt Va Oct H itxit-


N V corner llroad and Arch streetsPhiladelphia Ia ept 14 IOU

The Dtrertora have till day declared adividend of two per cent tone dollar per share

October 14100410 stock holders of recorc-t the clo e of business September 3 18OI Checks

will be malted Trc-


Great Northern Railway CompanyOctober 1st 1804

The annual meeting of the stockholders of tapGreat Northern Italluav Company for the electionof three Directors to serve for a term of threeyears and for the transaction nf such other buttees a may rome before It will be held at theomco of the Company Nn K NasMU street In

h nn nIVJ 1Vth

1804 at eleven oclock In the forenoonI T NICHOLS SecreUry-


The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of theDutches County Railroad Company will be heldNo 244 Main street Pouhkcepsle N Y on Wedne-

sJO PARKEH Secretary



ENGINEERSconstruct and op r t Hallway Light

rawer and Hydraulic PlantsExaminations and Reports

New York Life Bulldlnt CHICAGO IILINO-


Annnal Report Shows Galiu The

i The annual report of the Southern RailCompany for the year ended June

SO published yesterday MOWS a large inorea p In grosa earnings The Rross earn-Ings nero 145100777 a gain ofAlthough there was an increase in operatingexpenses the net earnings from operationamounted to 030390 more than lostAfter the preferred dividend was paidthere was a i 337022 greaterlost year-

Several railroad properties were acthe company the year

Including the Tennessee NorthernKnoxvillo and Bristol and a half interestIn the Charleston Terminal Company theAtlantic Coast Line ownerIn the the two terminal companies inNew Orleans wereSouthern Railway with the at Louis andSan Francisco has secured control of the Extensive improvemeats of the terminal propertiescommenced

President Samuel Spencer says that the

reversed of the companyhen very encouraging year

2ipgo 8JiSr uH1nj o Slay nrieCHICAnO Oct was reported today

tha the Chicago Shipbuilding CompanySouth Chicago would resume operationson Oct IR after having been shut downsince ln t May Twelve thousand men

idle The Is the local branchoMbe United States Shipbuilding Company-and has n large at 101st streetthe lake At offices of the company

none wns present who condeny the report


Paid by SubTreasury to banks M2ISOOOPaid by to 3WOOOO

Gain to on days transactions U78000rniDAr LAST

to banks 20018000Paid h bank to subTreasury 24448000

Low to banksloss to banks same period previous week 8780000


Company ana Trtm Slot Amt PayableIlluminating

Co 2 Xov I

Live stock MarketTniuAT Oct 7

Receipts of beeves were 37B7 headA capon alive 101 cars for slaughterers

and 31 for the with the few carheld ovrr yesterday car on sale steers wereIn fairly good demand and price tlrm lo a shade

and rowe steady the yards wereiru uraon to good native steers sold at

tt6085M per 100 lbs breeds at 3cselstags nt bun at rows at lsttU beef selling freely at Meailyprices Natlvte e to

beef sold st Liverpoolj Loodon tables quoted lire Celtic at m

Hi40 per xrelgbl sheep selling ated wright refrigerator beef higher at

4C per lb today none tomorrow1112 30 and 842M quarters of beef

of calves were m brad Includingfor butchers anti with the few stale therewere HI on sale Veiili were no niece titan

r graasers almost nominal no WesternsCommon to prime veals sold at 4D8VM per 100

ealve City dress d yeah sold at 7HoI-8HC per country dressed at 7 llHc dressed

at 4O4o-Heortpt of sheep and Iambi were 1412 head

and with the stale stock there were 12ale On light receipts the market ruled

nrm to ashade niftier and the arrivalsabeep at MaKM period lbs lambs at UMtt

Dressed mutton steady at JttJc per Ib I

tnUv lowerU Brmpit r wttb rrnflalo


1 pJt

dlu7 01



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CIlITtJT PhtldelphIL-






pre-ferred tIlI cOIIIVFflY the ifor th


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ov10 A M






I the CRY OctoberI



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lb graIaer were 121tZ76 ireMed

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aUo Uit omtnaUy
















There was a very perceptible lessoningthe activity of business on tho Stock

today but the tendency of pricessave In tho lost hour ot tho exchange Be-

sion was toward a recovery of the lossessustained yesterday Quotations Londonfor our lending stocks before the openingour market were somewhat Irregularshowed declines in a greater number of in

stances than they recentlypurchases of lomlon houses here howeverluring the day wore about as numerous athe wiles Speaking generally tho strengthof the market during the greater part o

the day in to IM attributed to tim tactspeculators were very quick to selxoprofit that awaited them this morningfrom their operations yesterday forfall and that broughtinto a small quantity of stoploss orders On the other hand whenrebound in prices canned by these forceswas today accomplished there wits verlittle desire apparently bn the partspeculators for the rise to push the advancefurther The market though It continuedstrong become dull nnd finally pricesagain receded eo that at the close a fullhalf of the days gain had been lost and thetone of the market was changed fromfirmness to one of more uncertain char-acter

As usual advances in two or three stockstoday were much greater than In othersOut of the slightly over 800000 sharesstock bought nnd sold more than onequar-ter were of Heading common and the priceof this stock which at one time yesterdnjwas 685f was at one time today 72j Atthe control of the Heading property inow absolutely lodged In strong handsthere is no Idea that a contest for thiscontrol is going on and the only reasonableexplanation for the recent large rise in the

of the stock I that it has been nntlclof a dividend distribution H L

a matter of record that the Readings netearnings last year a surplus avail

dividend on the com-

mon stock of about OM per cent hilt it if

also welt known of course that thebusiness last year was exceptionally profit-

able owing to the severity of the winterand the depletion of coal stocks causedby tho incidents of the year before and thatthe Heading earnings statements of thetwo months of the present fiscal year haveshown a decrease in net of over 700000

Moreover todays report of the production-of anthracite in September showed a decrease of nearly 400000 tons as comparedwith September a year ago Whethertherefore the Heading directors will nextspring feel like placing the com-

mon stock upon as high a ofa 4 per cent dividend payer seems prob-

lematical at least and even if this dividendbasis is to bo established it must be con-

sidered by every conservative critic thatthere isa certain price ut which it can l e soldthat tho stock has qultediseounted the event-

It con of course be substantially urgedou the other side that tho supply of an-

thracite coal in ourcountry is limited thatof this the largest share is in the hands ofthe Heading company that in gen-

eral the coal business ono whosemay be expected tolncrease ratherdiminish in the future All the coal roadstocks today were strong in sympathywith the Reading shares while Erie Penn-

sylvania New York Central St Paul Mis-

souri Pacific and other prominent stocksrose a point or more apiece all these sharedhowever lost a good part of their gain as

American Sugar RefIning waslatter part of the day upon

have recently beenin this Issue whilescored an extreme

points because no doubt of the increasingstrength of thecopper trade position Iletprices for raw copper have been advanced-by degrees JJ of a cent In less than a weekThe influence of this fact was naturallymost noticeable today in the Boston stockmarket where the securities of the chiefcopper producing companies are dealt in

money today was somewhat harderIn the afternoon to per cent

and the weakness of the market in thefinal dealings was it may be due to thisdevelopment Forecasts of the bankment tomorrow were that thelost In cash during the week over 7000000and the returns upon which these estimateswere based showed that the shipment offunds to the Interior had been

any week thus far of the outwardof money

York Stock Exchange Bale Oat fCLOSING PRICKS Or DKOTD 8TATCT BOKD-

sSJe 1O4W IOAH 4regnl3IH 133-reg 104U 4 132coup lOOi 100 O C 886 1 IB 110

100 USPI4SI10r-eg 1OOH 106M-


Ant Dock Imp Ss Erie prior 4j Ohio RIver tatI0000114 80000014 1000011 Ala

Irrer llldcAI fa Or Hall ft Nav 4i000 87 1000103

1 tts200088 400 I

Ann Arbor 1st 4 2600 8734 Or Snort LineGa 4 Ala en ts 1 u

4a 8000 Or Short LIe 4-i10001O178 Green Bar Went 1000 OOU-

t 1300007 7000 I 5U 400 OC3l-

MchTASKEaat S1000 21000Ok 4s III Cent R H Co trans cv SM-sJOM07U r

10000 I8000 Boas Penna Sjs l l200008S int st

1 00 HBIj SOOO 103 PeorIa i Last Int Japan rtl fs 1000060U-ltfcObgold 4s rm 4-

15001O21a 500H2 1000101-70001OI7ft 730000 I U J0f0010077000 1 10000O I 2700010I-

laltoiiMvnua 60000 oils tooooI oorKaruasCAIaclst

tat 1000HI 4-s10001OO HtnraCountr 4

10000 027g Rio Grande W 4600038 log Lack M1003 8 10001OIU hr fclj600081 20000 80196000 H1U 600011O

10000 LShMSo4i 10000HOluJ-uftalo Gas M 2000 8fl

LShiMlchSJiii St Louis N WIOOOOUU 500083lg

entral Ga en 005100001 1 S7g Long Island fdg nooo 707-26000I I 8N 1SOOO 81-entnl lia 21 In La Ark M San AAA Iau 4-ijoooo3 12000 87ir-

entralPaeltlc tot Lou Nash Mobl0001OOIg 10IIOI03

20000 I 2000I ShShrev 4 S ittCentral NJ I Lou A Nub 4 IOOOD I O 4 ij

100013411 100001O4I9bet 4 Ohio 4Ui Lou A N 4i South Pacific 4

200007U S000n4la-bl A Alton ji 10002000 8 I Met St Iljr ret 41 Southern fly li-sojo HII 2000117101000081 U loooonnS

Stand Hope 4T 6-1SOOOB7o Lies Cent ton 4

5000 07la 1000 ORI Stand ItopcATlii7000 10001 10 4000 illuliUex Cut lit In Tea 4 Pan tat ti-

hi u A ill JHs ioon171 iioooiaa250000434 Third Avenue 4

ties Cent 2d In iuonnofe-bl ft ir1e lIt I4000I 09f Pacificev12000 I aa noooi 34 10000 l on

noon t i aooo ildM i Minn Nt Louis 4too I otiaj

1100RnU Ion ext let 10001 i

12000 2000 I Kl S50001 OflTV-I JOOO T ejta 26100 1 007-SOOO8634 10000 I Oaij 4l

Ill III 4 11 o Kan 4k ex 4 60000 1 Ofl-IJOOO 14000 1OI lOOOKIOM-jtOOOO703fiUoKauaT x 2d 000 1

2000 7119 ionoH I 3000 loonllO-OO 40008134 tlOOOI007

4 000 70lgl 9100082 115000 107ol ruelIron As 10008 11 140100 I 071

90 Paclfln ronolo Midland u loon aat

PUelGCd 11000 837southern 4sl tooou I O 1 la 17000 8S3jJ-1000 HniglNaaaau nen i USbcpn

4 UilSMelafJOOOf-

OOOB734l 48800887














note Amalgamate

Cal 2




1 Did d110 4s


rmAm 1000 RIle I

600 001 100001tOOl



3000I 78


0 I

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4000 171U I

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I O7l 300M I 07Frfdc

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fO1 89






4skdD2ar 4t 1o6


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mit1500 I


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2000 0 I 23000 1


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oo1O6 4

Cii liar 1 0



Id It Pac lIlt

l1fl3Chi a 1

600OtI7I MiltinlCole

Coal Gas 10000000M7Si1UtJteiltyA-Imi0ooIls













10000 IB7lg SOOOO 80008000 10000 7770 137000 84-

ConsTotuiccn 41 700SOOO 73 NYi-aooo 4000 I ooSOOO 7a7H YCentXtClUn 4000-

o nooo117000 7271 NYOntAWest4j 10000 84

1000 soon lOatjiVa Iron

Cub Cart full H-

fSB18l844000 10 ai

1SOOftO-Oi1700008lj orL rV WU onilnCo-nETVAOrns 10000O7

3000 I 21 I H 400 I 100014000 104IB 200001IE-

Ulson Wee llICo 2000 1000RIIof llrooklyn 4s North Pacific M 1000 G I n

OOOQ-IIEvTllgms 900074sJ20001034

Total sales of bonds par vnlue III 112001


Ulan Lotiloaa 01

1630 23lg 23410AmCFpf Saia

2100 Am Cot Oil100 Amice 77fl

ems 1 it-

HI leg CltnOI7 412314 I

82UMt 2914 a-

77S 778illllsi I3IISO 33 s

240 Am LOCO 2614 034 sou i

AmLocopf 06 Ofllj 00 I

1300 Am Smelt OOU OA34 06ln I

300 Am Smelt pf 107 100 107 1

18280 AmSugar 1387g I3IU 13214 11-

inOAmWool 10 10 10 I

1100 Anaconda 0034 0834 008421 ATSF 833g 8234 8234 I

1033ATSFp lOOIn 100 100200 At L 1373s 130lj 13flljll

8600 007a 807g 80lj1074S BklynRT 0834 08 683g I

100 nufR4Pl 04 104 104 IItoo Duf 4 Suspf 88I4 SOU 88U SI-

182S Can Pacific I 32lf4 1311 132Iota Chea It Ohio 4414 43 H 44

310 Chi 4 Alton 1734 ii 4 3734 13-

SOOChlEIIlp 130 133 130 3400 ChliN W1 88 188 188 1

lOOChlGtW Ifllj IfiU 1 OU I-

I01B4 Cbl MASTP 1 OOSs 1001 10034 t-

eoOCCCStL 83lfl 8234 833614 U0 30U

4oocoi4iici ia R 1213 iaia7-

2S Col South 1014 10 I

300 Col Sol pf 01 01 0 1

4oocoiso2pt aoig an 20 1

41 50 Con QU21 1 2003 210 I

1 20 Con Tob a 314 12314 12334 1

650 Corn Prod 1 Onfl lo 103810 Del 4 Hud 17314 172 172la

400 Del 14 W 20414 394 29434300 Del Un Ry 7Ola 70 70lj I

100 Pet Sou pf 7 7 7170 Distill Sees 2flln 28

11S4 Erie 3314 32lj 33Ifl3875 Erie I pf flflV 08U OOI 31800 Erie 2 pf 474 4014 47lj I

2114 Gen Elec Col 7 Us 170 171 1

100 Hock Val 80la 801 801s I

loll III Central I 427g 14S13 1 I

300 Int Paper 17 Iflta200 lot Paper p 70 7478 73 1

700 Int Power 00 03 00 21200 la Cent pf 401ft 40 40 I

77la 771 77la4 1

300 Knlck Ice2BOO Lou A NAh 27la 137 1271s4 I

200 Manhattan a418 1 64 1641 I

125 7 Met St 20 H 8 4 1 1 97S4 I

9920 Viet Secu 8234 707fl H

400 Ilex Cent 14 1378 14100 Mich Cent 13 1 131 131

7180 USIP4SSU 81 78U2SO MSPSSM pM 34 133 134 43

3100 ft Tex 2flla 243fl2750UK4Tpf 02 flOla 6134411

13220 Vlo Pacific 1 OOU 00 I

BOO N C 4 M L 130 120 130 412260 Nat 22la 2134 22U I

04 04 0464 NatK S 14 14 14ZOONatnUMpf 30 30 3ft 1

J Central 182U 1R2U 182UH1 ON Y Central 130 128 s 34

1100 Nor 4 West 72U 70la 7114 4-

2SS Ont 4 West 347s 34la 34Sgf V100 Pac Coast 64la 641a 84I 31400 Paelfle Mall 333s 33 33 I

37760 132 s 1 I

2021 Peoples Gu 10314 1017s 103 1

100 78la 78t 14100 P Ft W 4 CI 8334 18334

30M Pressed S O 3 47g 321a477PrStCarpf 81 7084 81 114250 HRSecu 87 87 87

725 HepublloSI I l g la3100 HepSI pf 32 fllU OIU 4-

216KOO Reading 723fl 70U 71o1000 Reading I p SOU 8334 884 84-

2AOO Reading 2p 70 771a 783 4 a8 10 Rock Island 2834 28 14

000 Rock Is pf 72 71 78 + la350 Rubber Gd 21 201j 201a U-

400Slo Shef 41 la 41 4112 lapf 80la 80la 801a

1217 1 p 03 00 03 2700 SUo4GI 2 p 26U 20 2014 lg-

450SLSF2p 08la 08U 68U U-

100SLSFCEIctl72 172 172300 St LouisSW 21la 211s 2Ha4 Is-

UJOStLKWpf 48lR 471a 471al1-B880Sou Pacific 087 08U 68Sfl2 oosouPacpfl 107fl 11 Ola Is7161 Sou Hr Co 3234 32IR IR-

9IOTennC4Ir 40 48U 40 4 Ij1820 Tex Pacific 32lo 3I7a 33 U-

OOTolSI4Wpf 60 40U 60 1U2071 TwlnC R T I 0 I 7fl OP34 34

41520 UnPaclflc IO3fls lOSIa 103 +eooUnRylnpf 6714 07 672ISUSCIIlpo 13 13 13 u110 USCI Ppf 01 61 fll IR

914 USR4Imp Oll 80 4 61 1

2 00 U S Leather Ola nlg 0s350 US Leath pf 874 8714

6260 U S Rubber 24I 23IR U-

UUOUSRubpf 80 70U s11225 USSteel 1 SIR 17 8 1 fl IR01115 US Steel pf 703s 74U 74 s4 ID

220 Va CarCh 341a 34U 3414 14

loch v cochpfO7 lonta looia taleo Wabuh I 07R 1014 1 sBOO Wahash pf 4 I Tfl 407S 41 IR

IMO West hse 104 160 41 la-AOO West U Tel 02 Ollj P3 ft IR110 WIn Central 1034 1014 1034 IR-

a10 WlaCent pf 441e 43lg 4

Total sales of stocks T03000 shares


ma-dams l p2lol-llsChImrs iruj




Cot Oil80

DTelpress210firms 5j-

m tilde I

II ALpf 19

mice 7M31

lljm Lin Oil pf 30-

m Loco ria-

m Malt 4

m Malt pf 20-

mSmelfg Mm Smelt pf locim Snurf 3Bj-m SnufT pf U5

U2Umsugpfl2-mTC 01

mT4TiaoWool I44

m Wool pf 81

Arbor 28Arbor pt 48

Anaconda 8AVj

82 4

T S r pf 88iCoast LI38

4 S-

alt Ohio 80Hft Oh pf 83-

kyn U GU222r-unswtck 6

unn pi44

titetf tld i-

2WI InicOaspf 8-

11j IKW 91

51 IKiWpf-fiH Long Uland a23 i-

8li Manhattan I54l20114 81IH

27 I3U211

A Minn 544 M ft fit I pf 83


siu 2-5IJlj MKTpf Ji38 Mo PacifIc 9 H17 NashC4KLI29I-II Vat niscut 48

4v 11021 22H-

R 81-

lOfH 11-

1IjaijHC54 N J Central I II-

I32 NYAI1 111

113 NYCenlral 12804 NVC4SIL

140 NYC4SlLlpno1-3iNYCASIL2p 8481 NY Dock 14

2 NY Dock pf 40M N Y Nil 1118DO Nor A Weal 71U82 North Am 82

inn Ont A West 14H137 Parlre Coast 84 j-

A81t PAC Coast 1 p 8883 PacCosjl 74114 3

223 PrnnaR RU8ISO PeoEut 28

10001871 100no774R R 81000

37a4 001111

a Clono

1000 I I111


100711 orllkIWI 10011001-I 300n


uo I OU341wralhrorlono I 0034 ono I Ol34

0lR4 PM Wa

HOOD 100081-t GM


ton OM

AleC Coo

AmCar F82


Am lee pf 12




1014 4

pro I





17 34

COO KC S pro0 A 0



Leduo NI If 2


Penn I

Ptre Mar 78118334 14



350 SloSh


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lI I




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1 2015

RB 333


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I 0 l3






AllIs h pfMoatAm C A

Met St Ity 1 l07Am Cot Ill p1 Met Sec

Melflch Cent 130


lee 13 u ft4-

m LIn OIl 51


p I

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in Sugarl3L

11f 114



di4 11474



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nia AIM tut-BuflBPpM58 170 POCA81L 7-1DutSu pf 1V WPCCa IpHMM-Buttcrlck 40 Bl PrdBtCirj 4Can Southn 714 8 li PrdStCrp 0

Can Pac 1J2 U2S PullmanPCtrMZ44 441 HwySceu 85

Chi A Alton S7H J 4 nySlSpt 22Chi 4 lfnpl to 84 Hr St Spf pf Mceo ft it L itetdUr 7114-

CblGtAVeat U 1 Read Irt pf 8IK5 77 i

ChlGtWB S3 2 lliIt RepSlcflpf BUj

Cbl N W1I7 nock laland 28X-

Cbl H A SI I 5 i 7-1ChlMASlPpfU 114 Rubb rUdf O-HCblTrrmtuil e pf B3-HChlTtrmIpf 141i IM Slo sShff 1

7 i SloniShff pf S

OS KtJAai tfl-

col reel i IB-

Col II 04 I 2-

ColSoutherhCol So let p C-0coiso2dpf

ConGa 20104font Tab iif 121iCorn Prod I4Corn Prod pf 70 4

Del 4 lied J jii-Ifl 14 W9JI i

A IUi 27i

s u st J it a s p s-

ItNSt LASK 1 p 7210 St LiSTIp B8K-

St P4 CirJ211 S8H124 ro Padnepll H-

outbfrn fly 32j7 B1H

171 I nn04l 48i

Det V 7i4

South pf i

ll S cur 2-ADSS4A 74D S S 4 A p I 2

Krlt 11-

rrlc Itt pf egij-Krleldpf 4-7KvftTlf I-Knv4THpf 74

28 Poe 35-

0i TblnlAiRHISSU21 JTSUftW 10I71 TSIft


7fjLn2 0114


11n L S CI P Pf f0-

Gt Norlbpf ItOHock Val 8

Hock V l pf tjiI-lllnoti CrntU t-

IntPaprr 16


tnt Ihimp SJijtil-

owaCrntral 2444-

Kan4Ulrb 3-

KCFHAMp 77 iKin City So MS

45i-KtoltUtiU 13

69ij IlSItathfr 8i-4Ji US Ifath pf 87 i80 fSRMlyA Ito 61

85 LSHubbci 2

171 tilab I7

80 US Steel pf 74 i-

Kl iCtr 11-4Hl aCa pf 10 4

17 Wabash 1 H75 Wabmhpf 41

a5mVrllvFKip237-14i Un Tel BIJi-

79U W t barlR5425 Wulbe p18546 Wh l It L E I7i-

7H W 4LR 1 pf 44

77i W 4 1 PJpf 24-

23H WlsCcntrxl48K WUCenl pf 4417


The market for outside securities todaat the start was atialn Incllnrd to atendency Prices cased off under

but the declines outside of aspecialties were small the first

lapsed Into and prices

and a small rally set in NorthernSecurities was under pressureopening and after falling l per cent re

half The shareswere steadier International Mer-cantlle Marine was up per centAmerican Tobacco preferred after anrise of I per cent per cent ftnadealings The Seaboatd were heavy

offerings fell Istocks were irregular the preferred afteran early of l per cent recovering all buta fraction

Greene Consolidated Copper again api tH J

sure was again brought Interests whichwere Instrumental In forcing the downyesterday the figure however show

net advance Montreal and Bostonwas firmer The bond departmentwas American Tobacco as werek American Writing Paper 6 X per cent

the market todayas follows

HI01 tow Cloint etl COt 1na

1100 American Can 0 OH OH ejAmCanpf 484 48 4 48AmTpfwI 86U 87 86J 86

AmWritPpf I6 16 i 16 162 n nayStOa til 1 618 S-

200BrttCCop 4 4U 4 420 BuffaloGa 47 4f 4 4

100 Can P rt w I 6f 6U 6l S-

S3 CenFoundry Hi Hi IJi33 Cen FdrypT fl 9 0 9

200 Elec Re i i J

COO Gold 4 1118 II II

10230 20 30H OJ 20J800 Havana Tob 26 20J4 26 2B-

oo HavanaTpf 30 30M 30 3470 InterUMpt 2OJ 2O 20 20700 InterboroRT 148 118 147 147

W IntSalt 20 20 20 201400 Maekay Cos 30 30 30 30

MacksCospf 7 72 72 72iHO Man Tram 1132 Il I 1

200 NY Trans 7 7 7 7100 North A LAP 14 111 Hi 1

700 NorPaowr 140 140 130 13Pl NYOELP 00 60 Ofl-

100D3 XdrSecur 1 13 113 112S4100 PbanlxG M 10 22 10 20

101 Neabd 16 103SO Seabd A1pf 32i 32 32i 32J200 South Elb Ld 3i 2i Sj

lOOOSiLTrans25 StandardOil644 640 G444 644

100 StoragePwr M

100 Tenn Cop 32K 3OH U2M 3BJt400 UnRyaStLctf 23 23W 23 23J200 WhKb Cop 1 IM IM IkI-

10XX Am Tob 4a I 64 64 64 6410WO AmTBawll07M 1071 J07Mli-OOO Am W PS 77 77H 77M 77SOnolntSaltfri 30 o9H fiOM 00U-

OOO Syracuse GSJ 1 0 1 101 101 101JOftl So Elb Land 5 16 16 16 161000 VaCarC51 08 PR R8 98

10030 WMhKBy4a 83H 83 83H


mcrican Can commonLmcrlran Can preferredi-

mertranVVrltlnc Paper pfdCondfnifd MilkCondensed Milk pfd

IrttlJh Columbia CopperBrooklyn and New York

entralFoundrycommon-ntral Foundry preferred

Compressed Airfrl ratorOo

Dominion SecuritiesUcc trio Dost commonIlettrtc Boot preferredUectrtc Vehicle common

Ifctric Vehicle preferredIlectrte Lead Rcductt3n camllrctrlc I ad neductlon pfdEmpire Steel commonEmpire Steel preferredElectro Pneumatictold Hill Copperireat Northern pfd w I

ireene Consolidated Copperlackcniaclt Meadows ComplYtallSavanna Tobacca commontavanna Tobacco preferredInternational Mercantile Marine

nlerbamUEh Rapid Transitnternatlonal Saltlickay Companiesttckay Companies pfd

lanbittan TransitMontreal and Boston Consol

York TraniportatlonNorthern IaflHc w I

Torthern S iirltlfi-lew Orlr n Street Railway eonlew Orleatu street Hallway pfd

Klcvator Company cootElevator Company pfd

TioonU Gold MInIngManufacturingManufacturing lot pfd

ilaouacturlnrRoyal Baklnt Powder common

Diklnc Powder preferredafetyCarUchtandHeatCo-tLoulsTranslt common

leaboant Air Line commoneaboard Air Line preferreil-ouibern PaelnctandardOUOoofNJt-andardMIUInctandard MllUnr pfd


nlonCoppernlonTjpcwrtter-nlonTyptwrlter mpfd

BJ4 Alttd-OK OM

48 48W3i-

lfli120 121HMOM I1SH-





0 4




7I 33I I 9 j


Ohio 17li



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4Chi Un Trr 8



IV Mi21


Cable IU3

So ParlOr nay


len Z

n 0 pl so 10-

Z1III Se Oli

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US nub plUS Steel

844I 10sn


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plI 13

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noon hourh



C Intheon


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ladGrta C Cop

6I I l

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28 8 B





Hi I I10H U

I 01837 4380 78I i 16t21



I RI2010


6nlemlloMI Mar pI 20i




I7140I I


27 29OIl to 37

94 0814 16


Pope 77 ROPope lCl IQ

20IRoyal I 041 101


321ipta wi I I J4 I


7 II


32 33B


II Og 111




Chi flW CM 6514 Head 2d pfflrpbC Steel


II7I Hub Oda

CIa La t

Cle to t pf 83 5314


hl4 1 LNW II18 St 1 5 IV p 4

Cola 150

I IW43114

io fly U4l


1P44 TeLl I1 3 114 34TeaLs

Dci M 4 I 31It

TwInIc3 20114

s laepf 94tiN C I OIpe 1844

Itt331 S Exprent I I lIe



Gea Elec Co1694 9044



liii Paper t

est III-

lnt Pump 156



Kanaly Sop



showed slIght changes until afterA better ws

moderatecent American Can

good support per-cent








< 14


American Writing Paprcommon

44PeTTy 4 8




Signal 82




214014 074


rope 4



ISM 16143214I 814






> >




















> <


>< << <











HitUnion Typewriter id pfd 108United lUllwiyi of St LonU pfd fl t-

Wuhlnrtonnallwayaadeieclric IV-

Wualncton Railway and Elec pfd 79WorthJnf ton Pump pfd 1 10WnltaKnobCopper I


American Tobacco 4w 1 63HAmerican Tobacco 81 wp I07U-Amerirati Writing Paper Si 7 7International Salt M oflNew Orleatu Railway 4 t 76New York Central deb 4i OH

Seaboard Air Line Si 06 iStandard Ullllnrfc 7 A-

VirginiaCarolina Chemical M WU-inublutton Railway4 Electric 83


AILROAD steel flltAlIUBid Xltd WOOl pf li 81

host Alb24 H 50 MIXING tTOCIfHost Uel 4 lOS Adventure a 3

1M IM Allouei 1I1

OJ RS Y143 148 Amalrraled 13CJRASYpf Am X am llJ 13

130 AnacondaMax Pleo 11 u Arcadian 80 100

Elsa 65 S Arnold 40-

Mez Central 34 Atlantic 13 11

N YS II Allma IWi Ulniham 2 58Old Colonyromi 2in Bonanza 40-

Ptre 74 75 81Jl8re Marq pf 71 72 British Col

3 Cal leclaS2 624-

W P s n H m K Centennial W-

WES H R pf1104 111 CochltlBONO Con Mer M 40-

Am Tel 4s Ki Wt Contln 7 A Lhell Tel 4s Cop flange Co C l W-

i tort Scott 81 West 14 14j Kim River V-

M C lIt Inc Franklin us-II C 2d pf Inc IranbyNY4NB lit ei Ouanajuato IN H-

NY 7s Me 70 MWest Tel is Majestic

uiaciuu nj Llass Cop 4 O 5 MAm Pneumc 44 5Am Jneu pf 24 s MercedAm Tel fjai Michigan 7 1

Am Ac Ch is Mohawk 47M 48Ch pt 77 77K Mon 4 Roin

Central oil 7 8j Old ColCumbd 110 Old Dominion 21Dominion MM Usceola mDom CI pf Parrot 7s rM

II i j Ib Con Cop 2

Kdlson Illec 25r 01Urn Ill I7li Rhode Island I

lla Gai 4VU Santa Fe l f I

Mass Oas ta 3h Shannon 4H 1-

Uerrenthlert5 l Tamarack 119f li Tecum eh

I3i I3 f Trl MountainPlanters Co Irlnliy 7J 8Plants Co pf H II UnionPullman 22lj 222j UnIted CopSettle HI 41 US Co 2iH i1Seattle Id pf ni on Utah 41 4-1s lft Co lift Victoria 4

Unltcil 101 WaihlnttonI Shoe Mach Ms M Wlnona Hf 0U Sh Mach pf 31 ll Uolvrrlne M 91

in lWest Tel tAMD BTOOK-IWest Tel pf 82 o n Land

Nlj 81 llosion Land gWestho U pf III lOll llovl ton S

Wool 144 is K LanJ ei 7


Am CoCon C


haStenKlecStor MKlecWorpf M

FalrmtPkT I24t7-

L Valley RR 46t-MamdenNorth Pa H12-lPhtlaCo 42fc


PaKlccVeh Ui

7PhlbHT IS I V

Phlla AKrle 3 18-

SunqlrASt I

Tidewaters IlCo olNJ2tS 212UnionTrac IMI ass I Co INI

WelsbachCo 18BONDS

IndPRy4i Wli tenNJCona 110

II4V itSProTrac4i IDSUnTrao4s H t


Bid Atted nit AskedAm Can Co 64 Met W S El IS-

AmCanCopf 48 4 i5 Met esAm Radiator Bl M Nat BIscuit 4 ii 8-

Am Rod pf 123 124 Nat His pfl08i ItoBox Board 1U lf Nat Carbon Si aBox Hoard pf in Nat CarChtrnTrarCh fn Tr pfCity Rallwayl74Diamond M 133Lake M El

No Ch St 78So El 81

177 Sts Sta Car ni 311S4


Money on call per cent last loan21 l er ruling price 2 per cent Timmoney tiuoted at 3 cent for sixty days3W 1H per cent for days 3H1per cent four months and it4

for five And six months Commercialpaper Is quoted at 6 per cent for

narnPii and bills othernames per cent

Sterling market wasand nrtvanced 10 points over last nightsfinal Dotations was due to ndemand from remitters for tomorrowimall while the of bills werelimited Continental exchange was firmerPosted rate were at 484 for longbills and I4MH for short Actual ratesloner hIlls I48140WI4M4S sight drafl-xI4w r i vi and cable Irnnafcrs 48i r-

iil4 SK Francs were quoted at 5ofor long and VI V 3SI8J for short

Ttelrhsmnrks were ouoted nt 9 l103n4for long nnd flWiAflfl1H for short nitllder

at 40W40 lIAforlomrand 4031DW-40U for short

Domestic xchan e on New York Boston16c discount 30o discountCharleston buying 1t8c discountselling llAr Parto 2IH1 premium Montreal Par NewOrlnnns tl25

St Paul 35c discount Minneapolis-Par Louisville 2Sc discount

cisco aight 7C premium telegraph toepremium St Ion 30p

Momy In London Iftl per cent Rule

three months bills 2 liefi 1Vt per cent Consols for money eloped at M 8ia and for theaccount nt 88 1118 Paris advices quoted 3

cents nt 08 francs The rate ofdiscount Is 1 per rent Exchange In Lon-don 25 francs 15 centimes Berlin advices

exchange on london 20 38pfgs The private rate of discount Is sper rent

New York Clearing House statement Ex-changes balances 11163821-8SubTreasury debit balance tl443107

price of hnr silver In New Yorknor London at 2 id

Mexican sliver dollars were quoted at 44 c-


Central of Georgia1584 183S aanetl

4th week Sept Sl4 ns I247IM Inc M7722Month 828304 7820U lot 14B22From July I 24nnM 213344 Inc 21780-

3nuluth South Shore and Atlantic4th week Sept 71281 178780 flee 13 4MMonth 23I40B 24I24 lei 10120From July I 70n887 78S01 Dec 1104

Greet Northern SjstcmMonth Sept MR87794 I41M14J rIpeFrom July I 112O840t ltS78844 Dec 3Mi24-

3Xatlnnal Railroad of Mexicoth week Sept 270214 384822 Inc 14782

Month W4I 8SOS72 Inn 2XFrom Ian I 8 n5104 88M085 Inc 12000

Twin City Iaplrt Transitllh week sept fintnjs M7202 Inc sM7Month 371478 370S48 Inc 1 IMFrom Jan 1 31782M JrrMMI Inc 171 817


The niMlllcis Securities Corporation reports foryear ended June SO

1804 1803 Channelreceipts 7818718A W87W708 Dec 13M3440-

xpenses 74488702 78784074 Deg 8J74 7-

pronts 3878 4 tsftoeiesT iMJueon loans

tax Ac 427143 433808 Dec 4783

Balance t324IS21 U433714 Dec 28240-4ddnsrcpsftc 814088 7MMI DIr 122783

Balance t2CS72S3 I27WI844 Pre 7lMi5ilon bonds 033248 812042 Inc 327184

Surplus lt697B87 12184782 Pee 48880-

4tAILY TREASURY STATEMENTWasniKQTOK Oct 7 The rash statement of

receipts and expenditures of the Treasuryshows

d iv Tills month Fliral tlKir11847441 lllnOO8S2 t l26S-

xpendlmres 2oooom n4NHooo

Pencil 5244I US81I iliuuJMThe receipts from customs today were 5H40

rom revenue P31 117 and mlicellaneous-MB84The cash slatement of the United States Tress

for Oct 7 shwrs-inriirTi roxo

coin tlWOOOhOOrcxo

ialst notes and certificates Is-

sued i II Oie837Bi



S2 B4-7Hej3 73-


old coin and bullionold ccrtinrates

Standard sIlver dollars

Ilicr bullionnlled states notesHlcinnl bank notcs

Ub 111ar silver and minor coin

hsnk5-w l Inc reImbursement

Cwh balancee

U48 28l iO






77I OOli




flail 12



host C C II 0 l

3 27 1

Mci Cn U 67 HoII

0163 15IS




I Tel 11


Max TelN TI


o 11


ton IIi


lIId Asked lIftSpa 28

I Sup ik o r Ira I

Cnn Tre N J 8

ni19 M-

In 00 of AiS 2



8 fJ







j Thl good





I discount hHnkll-

i If dlllOUllt In muet short and


nn5112 37











IIn IIAM201111











Cop 110


lont A




it S OIl I013 l3


4kd47A 454 Sel 15

Con Sup p1 104i4 1ICo

1s741 14

24 15


l94ewk PaM

Penna fiR 5 LM14

PaSted 03

6 75






Sliser cvfllfltatcS

Tel 1497146413























= =


The openlnc of the market fountmixed without

particular dlpo ltlon on the part of thetraders to test prices they hive donethe early trading In the past There wasfeature to the until the moremIn Reading got under way whun theof IU advance began to carry the rwt oflist up with It The floor had looked forappearance of atop orders and a reaumilion of Thursdays liquidation Whenfailed to develop the room came to aof halfconclUBlon that the nelllng of

had been taken easily withobject of Inducing a short Interest to furtheranother advance The sales were well takenand the buying In some lsue looked good

Con plciiotiB on tiie buylnir In Jteaflug were the same people who workedPennsylvania and Erie tocU respondedreadily to their effort and had galnqd 3

by nooll on a volume of sonIc 147000 sharesA house which had accumulated a bigperhaps 30000 shares earlier In the week

had In an order for 10000 shares at 71

the order could not be filled at the pricewas executed at Philadelphia Willliberal buyer Wansermann was creditedwith purchases of between 15000 and 20000

shares In the morning eeealon John V

was a big buyer selling heavily later

The room called the buying of NewCentral especially good

Ontario and Westerns In thetrading came from London which Is elloptimistic on the stock on the theory that It

control so held at present that It canbe turned over to sonic big road the NetHaven being most frequently mentioned

Bullish statements regarding the steeltradoutlook were made yesterday by Chnrles M

Schwab also by Mr Ontes who It will be refulled11 wasP oiicn In the steel wny hlm eU

but these went practically unreflected In thstocks of the Steel Corporation Mr Schwulsaid he would be surprised if the comingyear was a poor one In the trade and MrGates slid If certain steel manufacturersay there is no Improvement In Ironsteel conditions they are not telling the truthMr Schwabs statement came out after thatof Mr dates

The room thought that much of the buy-

Ing of steel preferred was nnd thathigher prices for It would be made

Amalgamated Copper made another newhigh record for the year stimulated byfurther advance In the price pf the metaland the old theory regarding Its break through60 An effort was mndc to give nn Impressloiof trade buying but the floor had Its doubtsA deckled movement In tile stock has beforethis marked the temporary end of nnmovement J S Bache A Co were buyers

A a result of the long continued bull mar-ket rumors are beginning to fill the Streeregarding the finances of the bucketshopsThese Seen based more on the experienceof such Institutions In their struggles withrising markets In the ondevelopments at the moment Theirto stand the strain so long has called forth nlittle admiration from critIcs who have perhaps overlooked the Tact they too havestood still while the community of Interestidea haa spread but have adopted It eagerlypersuaded that In union here U strengthand no ruinous competition As a matterof fact some of these concerns are pressIngthe telegraph companies for more wire gerTIce and telling their confidants that buslnesIs greater than they can handle with economi-cal results

The rise in Sugar was started by Rilingwood t Cunningham with traders followingthis lead Dick Bros were among the com-

mission house buyers The buying of E A C

Randolph was looked good

Sentiment in the early trading yesterdaywas largely influenced by reports whichwere in general circulation that therebeen some sort of rupture among the

supposed to be working for higherprice So one on the floor seemed to knowthe nature of the differences which the report T flId had every onecertain that it jut a well to go slowIf there was any question of selling outon one another as was Intimated mightbe the case The failure of such a manifeststlon to develop andthe upblddlng of Read-Ing convinced the room that the reportswere untrue

The Metropolitan Issues particularlySecurities advanced In the after

noon largely at the expense of the shortswho sold these stocks freely In the hear periodof Thursday afternoon The room has isuspicion Is a vulnerable shortInterest In these Issue it may fallIn Its reliance on the opening of the subway

There was some evidence of a switchingof speculative operations to the preferredshares of the Industrials apparently on thetheory that If trade IB actuallyconcerns should share In the benefit andtheir securities come Into some demandPressed Steel Car Smelters Car FoundryItubber and Lead seemed to enjoy some ofthis buying


Cotton Advance Netvan Shorts CornDulls Give Support When NeededLiverpool Better Than ExpectedGrain Lower tlemvy General SellingCrop Report Favorable

FniPAT Oct 7 COTTOX Spot cotton waunchanged Middling lOtio against ttOclast year Sale 100 bales for spinning sad1700 delivered on contracts GalvestonNew Orleans and Savannah advanced 1 ll oMobile o Galveston Memphu and NewOrleans VAnnhe 1S19CSteles Galveston 31 bales Orleans1800 Mobile 100 Savannah 17391740 The receipts today were a follows

rotfoj LosS i 03Port receipts 44WS 88718 J712Weeks S87MW 4MS17

nterior towns for the week was urat week Loaf week IROS244423 2S9412 IW078

Shipment 214921 I78 70 1817762S4812 178414 122290itocks-

Isllmated receipts



Tomorrow Lest week 18031240014000 1881 1000IBOOOJOOOO 2 172 18240-1S600I4JOO 8744 8774

The total export from the ports were 48772ales comprising 44180 to Great Britain W to

slId 2482 to the ContinentFutures In New Orleans were u follows

Open Hit OK CbsIns tit nl tag

October 8S1 881 8M J 871lecember 883 1004 880 1001 883-anuar 1003 1015 888 1011 w

March 1023 1041 1020 10S2 1012Futures here advanced 18 to 18 and closed

ery steady with estimated isles of 200000 balesPriers as follows

Hlektil riaitnf LostOctober 1003 881 I002AI004 8870 tlM-eccmbcr 1018 1004 10iemo17 10OOfclooi

1022 1008 I02tctlo22 laoeaioxwMarch 1011 1018 1Q28CtlOSOMay 10J4 1022 IO3SalO34 lOlMtlOJO

In cotton declined 13 Midtiling 4Od against 480d last year Sales 7000-lalea imports none Futures declined to 1

but and closed unchanged to 2 loweru followsToday Yiiltrdtu ltd

Jctober 448 o 431-NovemberDecember 444 444 M-

anuaryFebruary 444 445 4 j-

Jareh Apr1l 448 448The weekly crop movement was a follows

1801 OS 1WJ1O4receipts M78C3 S05 jo

Overland to mills stud Canada 8742 eOW4Southern null takings utd 41000 41000Gala of stock at Interior towns 47448 2SO4

Drought Into sight for week 406070 JS06TThe follawlnr shows the total crop movementon 84S003

Overland to mills and Canada 21870 BOO-Ilouthern mill takings esfdi 118000 10000

Stock at Interior towns In exceuof Sept 1 178847 1008J-

Ctlroujbt Into eight thus far forseason 184100 1248838

The ttrenrth of the cotton market ww baaeder tarrrly on the nrmnesi of Liverpool quota

In the latter trading there strength ofprices at the South and a certain nervousness

regard to the weather over Sunday Frostoccurred 111 sal J at one point In and

frost was for the Interior of Vennarotlaa and lower temperatures were Indicated

of Texas andtaking the cotton belt nx a whole the Indications

for rather hither temperatures thaniborti unfavorable

weather of some sort somewhereSunday pot rntresu were buyersOrleans and on quite a

lIberal sivlc a larte New Orleans operator waRain purrhMtng here and the Street hull

rave when It wa neededot very much was needed Much of the scattered

roomsentiment however

as Inno

























ariSen but seemedWAS


that thereand thgt

reviving such

be Mobile 934cNew


TOe total movement at the twent eight principal




Lowest n











I short Interest ha ben liquidated of late but uIt very generally a New

unrnvfrctlEngland mill were understood In

to acme The crop movement for thr wiVtturned out to be smaller Ilisnat one time expected and the export urrron a Manchcater wrri

SlId It It evident that the HncIWitrade look continuance of the prrsrnt stilt

on a firm hauls of valuesMiller ft Co Liverpool advtret cnnMmi-

rbulllth and siilnners are In br artKn-buvini sales however bring kept ulthlnOH to the small nvallable In llxennn-U roust be remembered that n vrr xnnhamount of cotton lifts so far reached the

I silO but J soon w be supply abroad shall tpurrhi r viu

be l It evident that uturr nui-

kel re disposed to follow anti i i

needless to giy i n long as they wurli KigrthnIn a the Mluntlon aone Advices tram the South contlnuo tn

able feature of the present quiet MeadlneM u iprobable erect on markri All ihtrade needs U a table value fnr rnw rnitnn

anti If thH should be raalntalnMl for s tmfprices of would dju tand would buy their supplies freeThe consuming public ti not In any rii trt s nniIs a All that U nceilriIs same stable ba H to work on which Hill permlimills to manuiscture at a profit

Dick llnwKcmle n Co Nordcn k fnslid McF dden llnw were rood buyers WallSlrert house were the prIncipal

I lo Nov I to be nearly a record forsame period lu aol year Continued Increase

i the worlds supply will again be a feature nfthis weekS and we expect thlto continue veil Into ar future In a market

I dominated by the of a clique very littlecan be said o Its possibilities from to d i

Perhaps weather conditions thepert of front next week should this Influenceappear would prove the greatest v l Un r In

securing an advance tile absence of which timeI seem to be nothing to stimulate speculate

buying or covering of short Interest vnsituation Is among the povlblll

ties the next few days and nothing be onr-tcasusl operations seem Justified

There I one buyer here vtmorders to buy more short cotton at

than our receipts amount to Planters sicstubborn and wont

Oreenvllle Nl One of our best plantersnslt the following Millitier acre a bad of weather oer on third ot

belt 10000000 acres which ould causea loss of boll would detente cropto the extent of SOOooo hales of cotton

New moderate rternnn-dftuyer looking round but very little tr ncThink market rule steady Probably higherA day or two co we hadtowns stating farmers would hold anti we think

orleaus his private advlcfjmake Mlulutppl than last year

New Orlean Buyers offering fivesixteenth-at Interior TrIM points this morning Cnnnnibuy bale Farmers even to allow then tnsample their cotton Sell weeks figures houndlo show big decrease In movement

Dillsn Tex Just returned from Wormriling all late cotton Farmers say they do notowe a dollar and will hold It are tollout of all holdingssowe will see a falling on In re

Glut Wheat Spot dull Nn sales Vn2 red winter ll c over New York DecemberNorthwestern receIpts were Ml cars against n-

tut week and 97 year Chicago 44 cars aralnM-S2 liut week and etn last year Future elowd-

c to Ic lower Sales 8000000 bush Prices jfollows

Open Ifffh Low ClotIna rtl nl Ing vi v

ecemberllU 1I H Ii mj IIJiiStay Illi 10BH lioij tiiij

Oats were steady on the spot Sales nnnnbosh Natural white SO to S2 lbs Torn

on the spot Sales MOowbush No s

mixed c under York December Futureicloud l r to Ijc tower Sales 20000 lashPrices a follow

Open Hleh Lett Clot LmtIns eat cot Ina XliM

December S h Wi KM MH M JMay 2M M

The following shows the grain movementNew York Whtal Corn Oali fur natlit

Receipts 20900 JU7S 70800 2O134447 47e 9 27769

ChicagoReceipts I2 ooo I42om 218000 sono iimiShipments 41000 273000 01000 sdio cmReceipts 13000 B200T 371000 10000 JOOIWI

Shipments 80W 201000 ISSOOO mmfrom all sections of the mInes

break In wheat There was sonic recovery ironthe lowest of the day before the close hutthe undertone continued weak Thrre s iarof shorts being shoW the only buy r

Hears hammered aggressively catching ntirrernutstop orders Ilrokers to be actIng forArmour were especially prominent In the jeiiintThe outside were all weak the aMnwere bearish foreign houses sold and cropwere favorable Snow slid Mr returns ofthreshing show little change from figures of listmonth and on the basis of my personal rsilrrst

will give a crop not far from uninnnnbushels Seeding or wheat has made cool

and rondlllons of moisture are now su-erally such as to give the crop satisfactory slurThe acreage being Is materially larger thuSthe last harvested In nearly all districts and In

Is for a good start M compared with apoor early situation last year

Merfern MIller said Conditions generallycontinue favorable for the seeding of winter whcitand for promoting germination complaint nfconsequence are from any section of tbwinter wheat belt and the indIcatIons are that theacreage will be fully a large as last year If notgreater Liverpool declined Md to LondonIMd to IMd Paris to25centimeand Budapest1 kr Berlin wa unchanged to i mk hliherexports for the week according to Dradaireeiiwere bush ll23S ln tile previousweek and 2171722 last year since July i 7ii

42f4 m4 In the same time last year TheArgentine shipments amounted to 878000against 7on week and 178000 last yoursince Jan 170Wono against M704000 In the Mmtime last seMen The primary receipts were I

234000 hush against 1S 1fCOO laal year The weather map this mornlnfshowed cloudy conditIons In extreme northtemperature Z2 to 40 degrees In the NnrthwtIt also was cloudy temperature is to M degreesClear condition were noted In the West tenr r

40 to SB The weather In thecloudy temperature 44 to M rte

gees There were general frosts In the Ohio Val

heavy frost The weather forecast for

east cooler In tile western North Dakotarain cloudy and cooler Saturday South n Vntishowers cloudy and cooler Saturday NebrsHKansas Mlasonri Illinois Indiana Wisconsin andMichigan shower warmer

Corn declined owing to the break In wheat fiverable expectation of largeIn the near future general selling and a luck of

support frosts were at a number of

but little damage Is said to bate resultedTie cable were to d lower Primary reeelrwere 281000bush against 278ono last week s 7Bat last year The exports for the week amountedto AJ2M8 against 70OR82 last week 1101

I18lat year since 1 8180842 bush i lnI8IU0248 In the same time last season Arcentlnishipped S887O30 hush stalest 8S24nm last verk

last year since Jan t A4M7ooo blush0 i

way with the rest of the list The rrlm rreceipts were 700000bu against 777000

lastKuitm Quiet with the tone easier Sse oi-

hbls IlecdnM 14210 hbla exports nT S bbWinter In bhls 4404 1478 strslfbt-

M5n lMipatents Rye flour

Rl on the quiet st M r forSilM K Future srl

vanred S point on some months hut resctedThe close was steady with sales nf 2S7V1 hugHavre declined wss unchangedH Pfg lower Rli declined to rein Pyi

stock 444000 Santos wiu unchanged re42000 bags stock 1737010 Price n-

Hlalint Lnvfit-tKI 880October seam AMI

December 7S 7Sa n BSIJHM M r no isswioi

March 710 70S 705ft7IO 70firin7SS 7S5 770W72S 7K rfi

The fluctuations In coffee were narrow nm

months advancing slightly early tn the thy on

stash receipts and covering of shorts hut luteon a lewenrd demand to rose TV

tradIng was dull and featurelessMBTAI Th tone was generally firm with th

trading quiet In tin advanced 7 clnrln-cit ia T for spot and 128 for futures rnpprthere advanced ls st 9 129 nd for

fiO 19 for fatuirs Prtres herr as follniLAVe I3ai 12 c electrolytic i

castings o spotter v

lead 4JOei Oc tin 2d30S2 40cspirit of i9M fCommon to good ftralaed rosin tlMP-

KOTMIOK waa steady prime Wesiet-S20 refined Continent

MS Pork wa quiet at StaMUtTR for nIPSTallow 4C4 ic hogs riVifer Creamerr Orals JOHc U wtcm flr

O ttJlc Chicago Oct 7 Market a shade lo er

around with periods ot excellent buying ol M-

IT the packing Interent roruplcuotis on v

SroK Raw quiet at4Ue4 SlfVJtcr rmir1-igal Ml lent and for tnnaroTado test

lined was quiet anti unchanged granulated 40V-CmcAOO Oct T These were todays price

High Law Clot lit-VAeirt tit ino Vffi

1170 1170U2730 ISJS1123 IW7M

780 7ftO-

T4A 71ST47 71-

7A2 752J

tIM 1140-IIM 11A1-1302M l 031-

jtlnneapalls lire Ill

t LoutsMay II4M-

infl tn eon tee viflit iooi nri

Mar irM iM iiH lit1flee 100 IOO i I07 irrVK

hiss 100MIIIU IK 11H1

VasIIU IU1 WlI IOOH 8 W iv



er4interest on side remainNew


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for both long and short account caused a further





South-west was partly

30 to ES degrees CincInnati Te

portedhotIrs Ia Minnesoti showers warnr


agaisat 5Sli In same time last vestU

3toSt120 In bids Clears5440tl Sat


followsCfrciln rf e1c5





lIe I




l h1

ODeStug eat

Oct 1M1 1

flee itot 101 108h 111911

May lO444 1114 108 VOl 18IJuly 874 974 11614 07-

43l 04-llec 491414 4344 454 artMay 47 4854 4510 4lJuly 454 46t4 45

ceYDec 301414 504 se4 11 00May 321474 2274 324k 354-

IatcjOct 270 77Dec 713 7410 1


Jail 7631460 768May

Jan 660 575 57869714 65714 653 014 tl S

POrkOct 2116 1115 II-

0cc lt5-ha ISMay 1155 l9-

O7ITU VARTr3-Opel JSb lMtI flfl-


buliihToledo flee

ansLs neflee 114 I

111 11114 11294 t l











