The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-10-25 [p 4]. · tn h a nucleus nf otllcept ami men thnr with tho for...

t THE SUN THURSDAY OCTOBER 25 1000 4 p u T hd 273000 soldier Unteern When Urn H to Con ross the tirntocol hAd been sl treaty had not had Himin had not evacuated iba a army l en folly t dlhand our army as thn preliminary to iiiul tim nxldnl v lluit ntiri army until uf UT ih truniy ut In Tim viluniiiT I01- Hnnir Insistent IMIIW 10 ttii to iheir IOIIIOM and what rrjldnl nUicl- a i il kirl jd nifillt- of 4itmo In thn regular army of iinDOviluntc- wiw not unri Con- fminibrlVrwhliii Irnslilciitenllid mailing It rivnm ngiilnrs MOw new What Is the IliBilar of thu nlted- Htales It is a l of American cltlen provided for h h ron lllrtllou and I7in undur tho llrxl Irjsldency of- dorgn Washington It U to man the f4nicoist firiiil inonti which our harbors and gr t lie liosiiln attack and garrison iin inlllury poits along our rrontleri nnd nt mieh H lnla In I ho country as tongress dtinnlnu tn to radv to Ilirlil for their couniry- In anv iildn eimrgticy which may come upon us them tlini to ralsu a and dnrlig Ihe whll micli a forcn raised i Mililv etperliniiit and ikirci uith all thn liiiprnvtiniint In military wieiice both nrini oriuipment sani- tation drill add tartlcc tn ha nucleus nf otllcept ami men thnr with tho for ilia- nirnngiliininf and mom ready ln of a army whennvnr thnt shnll ho coma nnii s kind of emorgelicy which tlm Iluilir army lo meet Illustrated by inrent events In China Fir fnun if a is our troops wore miit there and did are coming away agiin In limn than it would have heen li riin und and a nmcl regiment f volunlivr This was hecaiisn thin troops nnd tho nnd material t movu on till Intin The auifiorUeil number ut thn rgulur iirtny- ti diy i IKIIIJ hit on ih null nt Inne next II will mil them bo nuttier levliatlon in the ninaiiilinc bo rwluciU to IwentyMVMi ear but us country hrown In It iind Its muhltiido- of Imerrsih as our Miiifiat hiivu biiil InTnaed under livulcr hlp of- Knniiiel 1 TlldHii nnd 111111 plan prtpnrc- by tin1 tlr i r ut the of war has become ln re sclenlltlc and ciiuplUatid inure men niv iusi surv to cr- frm kiimn duties than were uhlu to per Inn them years nti Thr army uf i7iui n only nliiiit onethird as urx In In our tNipiiliiiinii as our wa I ilny yi iir how the iirmy shuld- b Is a simple buslnn iiuiMiin U how hula arn nwessnry u pirf rm ccrtnin tpncillc- dutlM Thn lout Cumin led upon n ii O- In viuw of thn iiindltlniio then nxi ilntf Tho next session of Contfri will dclrr- mlnn how many rniulille under the cm- dlllon then Ixisilni XI e hclllverniil- pnnpln will probably ask fort HI many uiioti toil few I think wn can assume Now any sine Anierican hnriislly be- lieve thil this threaleni llii lljiortln or Ihn- IniiltnliuiH of our ountry had 82 urn men In at thn eusi- of thn Spanish war I Irani an army of I 03 n on Ihn Mtli of April W they melted Away Into the Ihn uiirilike In Mrty llit thnn are volunteers It will he u ViJl till Idler of the lleifultr army urn voluntiMT Never in the lilstiry of thn army tutu thnrn- lecn a man drafted of foriid Into It atralnst Ills will Their term of cnlinienl i hut IhriM- vnirs anti at the end of thit limn rimy tn to thu occupations of ivll life Thy are sill They arn intellltnt Americans- NotiH are admltlc who caniiui rent mil write They are nound wholesome nierlcanH cood habits nnd regular li s for none ailinlitl who sirs nit In heilth Niniiien thouind live hundrnil and furtynino mnn wnrn- enllled In tlm year endliiu thn ailh of last June to like Hi plant of wlm e terms had cuplred und huso inJtu srleuted- elt or Mi311 aipllints in3ii utah Oivil rn ntcl a tilt up t the standard In- Ulleclirilly or phyically They all wear Hire tint t a or a Irusldent hut to the I nited static ti America They likn Ihn volunteer from American Th fliiB f their floats nlway over thnm They are urroiinded the iiiniiiiriM and thn tradition of comradm who hivn fr It They breathe tIll uf probity and t fur I call vim all to vltinMs that wherever In all It American Army has cone whether In tlin- Htal or whether in Mexico or lrto liir or tlm or Chin i there i li luvn with conlldenct and with rMoii rnlnlttratlon bith military civil marknd by Integrity and honor are In the of piico Where tn law and other ju ticn nnd chnrltv nducu I of rJ180 we Under rm And 261 0 1II 4I1e u bHII lilt IlIIUI r IOlo IIIIX I Ill I Wlt I In tiik tIi 1101 that hLl I howl lat hut Ihll I Ir I I I for UrI I h hill 7 11 whld liii rr I ill I thu nol PiEd I ar h1 I rId Ill reaitru v run fbi I Ioi rtt 8Ci urn I uitIgnii ii l i I hj iii vity hiy liitii hi t Iii ir iliit ii Iii Mat tuhh wu v iris ft let iri n tIifltllll Tilt i oiliI I fut lir hush nUt hini lii Ir hIt It I I t hui lit I thiIly iii IilulIiiur iii It in il pMt Iiu 11114 lou hurt Itliiit hidlih I Ilht rat iii liviu tith tin I lrilul thin lint lire flu hill ii y III tar i 3 I ihihrulliiihh t iIi I ii I I Ihli- tliuit itit oilu1iiii li II I rtiiliqi doMe MRtnle po IIui thin Iui iititfl I t b Arni l ire l nil Iuifll i ilSiut i tl h tory t Ian u4 tutu lii thin n ins lid 1 I hii fIsh > ¬ < < > ¬ > > m arc only cndurlnt under hardship and brav ilamrnr lint they an undei irovocnliin magnanimous after victory imrlnir the years In thin beon adnilnisicrinu hair with r Justlcn nnd They have been fenl naked iirul po tertiiu Ihn weak stud i l aniii the utah mli unit eitnbllohlnir hnsplials ninl nrKanlrinR anil- openlmr schools and billdlm and em our mniniercn and tencliiK unIt to take the In Mlfoverniimnt with cheerful and rin I challenin heIr detractors to av whether any immunity vhirn thny havn Iwn In nil tho Kular army till nittrer and men have not ways biine thmilvns as simple unahtimi- nir AmuricMii citizens I chal lcnfn th m to point tn t lmn art nppreNlin- in all thcsi to i sinitle net lovnlty on Ihn uf the It unlar aimy to tlin- iltircmncy of civil liw and tlin iiiliiipln nf- nr r Mititution il liotvinment I believe snys Mr llrvnn nt ew York thnt one of Ihn mason that thev wnnt a lartro frilly to suppress forc Hut dsinti nt that to by leji l iilnn hm warrant has for thnt lintmf When or by whom a thlnit been attemptii IIK S he hit know lint it is nitm IirlmMnn by the MatntiK nf the r nlted Stain tint know that I horn I a i n taiit eifort on n part of the War lieimrlment to iitahlhhlnir PIS smut a emistuit lv people our cities to lire iheir establish menf tOt him uiid ri ke to knMir the re- moval of lort Crook from of inKihn- nnd sen what n ponn hn would n cnivn from Its people iet him a W why Iowa lun na t ward of obtained Ihn pt aie of n hill Consress nt till la t sKlnn for the establishment of a pot nt lies Molnes let hInt why Taeoin anil am contending us to which city shall have thin establishment of new po t now why the of Iresiiitt Arlji pn atralnit the rmnovnl nf Kort of Texas ore iirflii- cthelncreanifthnarrl Kort Sam Houston why the people of Atlanta are sendlnir delega- tions to sniiire heidtiarters there unit he that thn people of tlm Inlted States in- stead of lrn thn e pots In their neighborhoods beiflivether know that this lon Is hut th Idle of a campaign orntor- Thn of the to reprew says Mr Bryan Whoa nnd Twlceiotily Inthe past twenty- VMpt It hAt heen u In any inert In whin a President Mr Cleveland ent troops to fhlcnBo to protect t he malls nnd aaaln In ison when upon a the Democratic of Idaho certifying in accordance with Con Mil that hnurrcctlnn exited which the statn authorities were unahln to repress the Prr ldniit In the srfonnance duty ent BUS men Into the Cieur tit the civil oHlrorsoftheStiitoToprntert life nnd property are Mr of Ihe Department show that slum the orsailrailon army It 5 4 Heiiarale entrairementM Wilt of IMII Mexlcnn y r nor In th ar endured and privations and wounds and dtth It has wti anil protection of this n ttiers as- thv unit over West Its titers hnv fainted under thn torrid h stM of summer and frozen iind r thn bitter cold of and no- where havu they filt rod or boon fnllnle s to heIr trust lv n to th country Irani and Mherldinnnd Thonnsand Meadn and Itan Wit Il In in niliinrlis trjw tots I scum and ltllv It did null kIln In Mexico It slit not idl when tl i nlon wa threatened It never Idled on the plains when Ihe frontier wttlententi wero to rc cieil from savig fon hern was nn MIIIIIIHII and rhrnwusnoldlnnwI- n lawtons miroh that broke i ie of Tinrilng ril In luinn U Mini Idle bfr Hi wills of Tlntjln Dh Ulley upon the wjlls f ivkln TM wornin ritliiis idicmihilTW iidilslmt over tlilr children tn the of resell linal coldlT who have iivirneil hir buslRniM and ntt nd to III wir wrk hard work long workVirly- nnd work late tpon thn proof of Inore than n faithful hcrvlw the nnrl in soldier Is not n danger to nn Inn id vie their eftlKler He has rued rind mnfldence lush grntlturin fnun thn- merlean minli Hlid I ilinl1 nei Jut ligninit f Ih penln as lieiw iu him und men who for their own nillh purrxs die nn1 ninllgnlng him In imi lands he Is bravlnc liarlhlii and dln- n i wounds unset Heath In i efenci of our coiin ir s Hie u ir oppoiiKnts iiier In four yotrt n r hU Mnniii money l vin und lilke nf nothinir tint 1 eo iinntlf bv lihl Ihn emjit- vilinerpil reillrshoro I tironn the flldiiiiiriiiMiliin sordidls ne Is ihepirtv- i li I nnj avows its Intiiitinli iill en n i u of MrIs oliiifin In all thi ha thii I I t I t tO II for thhi4 tiiu I r h Inlr Ire h liii I l whl tis nnn to th nr ht Ph rlet Ih t I FInn I I Ii fn Ii r Ir 11 I IIi t tit in hiriit hula ins ttii hiiitiry iutiih it riii lint t I luliit ry n titi iii II ir I tri sirluly hiuihlit in hi V itiiul ii Vi hit hit uuuiti i i Iii II PIll iflt y I Ma thIn a t tlng it t I h SVI atil Ibi Irhint llITfl growIng hatior 1S114 ratu r lu htci tile Iii hu Its t ho nu hisirdhii V ur 1 C I el 1111 itt r idur ii nil i lihlti v r IbId 4th tloui iii hiiis yi ltit uni 1511 I iiiitnhili iii nor I t i ul lrynn- 1AV ii i flg 1 J > < > ¬ < ¬ ¬ < < < < ° the South without theIr consent wliMhfr or about Imperialism nnd tho Declaration of Independ- ence Was that gathered In HIM loul rouinol th Hoffman ate heIr dinner w Hi Mayor Van of Ihe Ie Trust a and Illcliiird crokr of lie I runt- s prnldlng genlm thairinitii of iho I emo National ommlticc Jones of the Halo Trust as thn director of the campaign were thif triuu and agonlltii tilt the of their from tliHr iMrnels1 What ovidtnce men given of capacIty to iv ni Vliat wo OWTI promises that he men who would coiKtUutn trnliii If Iho- chango bi lo and of govcrnniciilV What primf hIM tliiilr eadnr nyer given of In piiblloalTuIn llo expounded many any coinn lo lol over proved to lie right llo dclioimcnd a pro- tective tariff Was h right declared Hint If mint wen tint tot hn coinage of silvar ruin and dw ui be Iho fato- Wa ho rl ht hltory Iho Amor- pacity for safe con to Iho- knowlfiUo of all the people Now they arn asked to put thn reins all thn Vint which our de ends in tho hands of a man wilt never did anything bul never was rluht In any all the thirst Mr Hryan- Imi Ijwn a leader of opinion Imt ho n hand to old his anY one of the hard tasks with which It tine been When hiw thcro been ono word of or credit for America or American Institution or American government or for any of thn men who sent of by the people choice When lm them linen from but depreciation and ill for that Is mid that Is done In our When hits there coiiin from him ono word of encouragement ur hope ono word to cheer tlm of labor lo lire ambition ot lo confirm or to In- rrwisi American topics rotiildenco In their InstlttltloiH loyally to llatf hu lta s is l t l Us irlends every uiiderliikltiK is lnt pmecutcd by thi e In It Is H not iourn of the AmtTlcan I leave the conduit of their nllalM In thn hands of t who bellnvu that this nnt ihu wirst but the Utt lotvrn- tiiint on earth tlmtll Is tilt th niost inivriible but the mist happy of lnniK that we us nut thn tho muM brlllliint and elorloiis future f noplcs who In- habit till earth To whom Ihe American leopln exeitcd to ximmlt thn wlilili It U a knd to takoauay Irnnt President Atrhltiley but tci u mtley nnd mtt ered fromthien parties iitfiiiintriiii n noslnttln principle or licy e et Ihn fr c iclMiin of nnd held cnlv lrr itirpiis ly s mnth of 11111111111 detrac- tion n mln t nil thn Klorlmis hlivrineii of- Animlnin nndnr I ills inMhn- durinir tnerallcn llnv ate irdclh- of dlMililent ho wllli shitj e- or the citiniiiirit maw from their nciaiitltrii t uruunuiiN for ex- an lonit iirtfuuetitsi lit men and anticold iiniuniint- tor silver men and always und everyvlnrn- sneklntf to stir up rii ss und hutted Anicilcaiis a American They seek tn substitute for the old nnd liil I llvotildc- onillrt nf e tl n liijainl eitlen 11 iew 10- 1ttlt of class attain ilas I hev strilie at Ibo r nt of frw with the dclmlvo- prmnlses of till ilemuriine lendiiM the I cor un ortunatn to Iwk f iTovirninrnt rather than to and thrlt to maUe them rich and strum Thev strike it thin lln of i iiterprl liy chalent1nr tin rIght of tlm the rrult of Tin sinniitli nf triM ill AmnilM h rented for nil iffo- riinlurle pat Im fact HIH were no classes Ilia all men won erniiil- hefnro tutu law nniil In tbe f cltlen- liii In the dlrnitv of mnnhiml un lint thn poor and humble mday linvltwr II riualltles and entnrprle urn rich and tmweful iMnmrrow thai tlm rich ind iMiwrful liii the o ire Hinr and bumble totnorruwr that sill vnr tin1 land this por t v rkln n e i who co to chianti their own con- jillon nro I oh In u with pride and upon ijielr boys mnrtlti out utiin rnreorn with idvantaves iheir falliers never had with linen to distinction and wealth With Ihesn cotidltlnns which have nlwnfis erinted- ti which todav Is no urI thing is ra So gulf divides merlcan citizens from carh other Thor Is mt onn Ideal onn- tlllo of honor of pride nnd f mutual Ihe Idfil anil the title nf Atnnrlrnn Htlren hln All tpls these men would Wtroy In enter that th y may ride into a the itov- rnors of an unhappy and discordant people nrsrttTS nnrAxv- Is us tI I nw Otflrrr f ls Into Cart I XI o bolt t 1 I Ih led dull Ih wIld or AmNn nL thu tia I tclo 1 of ca II 1 k W nr rr 01 h ho I hit I polr I I I I t I ut lol f lIIillo I lhI1 UP onn S I t eth u uihuihIe F I ek t his crat Cut tiifl uuohicI toiiq I ii 9 U I fills I if itit hs y hits thucuir ui iii I y I ii iii y I tin hum Ii liii I frs II lull tiit four eltillist Itt ktn tir mini triwl t1IOA mitad Inrsuinit rahid liii ho ls ll diurlriit Clth tao t tin ito g n nil iifl thIng 011111 r h OiiI Ii t hit till It hut I v tut luitei hi fu flu t Isis uli4l i51ihl Nh vlr I ig t hut i till 111111 Ill ilLtl iii I hu lhh It Inu i I iimitli X ssntnls hilt sv tit Surti tni tit I ut gum ii o i IIMI I t itt lotus i4 sit i ti In riii rh A I ui this ulih ltl1i hit tilt hot I on i n Itt t her retort TIJflLIXV ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > > ¬ < > > ° lth u Inrln ltlrn Who Want lo Vote The application of Krmk luarhe who was born In Iorto Hlco and 1ms resided snore a year In this city to compel the Klectlon In- spectors In the Twentyfourth ElectIon dis- trict of till Twentyfifth wnibly district to HCl ter him as n citizen was Hrinied heforo Justice Irccdman of tin Supreme Court yester- day ilunrbf Is 1 years nld Counsel for the applicant contended that he became it clll7cn under lh provision of the treaty of i nce with Spain This provided that the civil rlirhts and political status of thin Inhahilunts of Porto Rico shallbndetermined by uncross Assistant Corporation Counsel Duttm nf John Whalen ntalT ald on rcslstinc tlm application that thn laws of Congress whirls riiulrn olin born person to be naturalised could not changed by the treaty and that as It was not shown that Coimress had passed any act III chance tilt former laws In favor of the Inhahl Iorto Illco Juarbecould not vote with out btine naturull7ed The Court reserved de- cision MKfVBr 1411 MV IXtlAT IMK- X w York Showed ana to 14 III the roll of the falrrnllrN- RW HAVRN hun Oct 2 The etuct flc lire of the poll of Viiln Iniverslty for Prel- dentinl candiditcn at nnnoincod today worn McKlnler to 150 tot Ilrvan Divided Into departments tie vote stood Academic MKinley 9is sUiiilflo MuKinley- 3IS llrvun J2 law school McKinlny 107 Ilryan 12 dlvlnlly honl McKiiney Ilryan 0 lId leal McKlnley rj llrvan Cnnnectcu ciut 4SS fur SicKUiley and 78 for Now flM fur Klnly and 14 lor- Ilryan 1ennylvanUi for McKinley 10 for SlBs ichnsit 75 for McKinley and 12 for Bryan Vermont est mo t of till M practically solid for McKInley The count of the ballots was conducted und r thin of tho nnicer of tho Ho publican and Democratic clubs CAxtnittPon Muss Oct 24 The seimd issue of the Harvard which appeared a of the Harvard pfctio- nnd Immedlatn of thin college The poll shows that In th law choo in of 470 for M lnn y and In the d muttons ouiofiJiJ I3CD- Ilryan 170 und scnttrrln votes iflv Extra llonlbi for Ilrooklrn V tri In all congested election districts In Brooklyn extra booths will he rut at the and the most export election to lake the vote Hoard of Klecilon tInts that thin Is th onlyarrance- inrnt It cnn make to meet the I lilt IUS for ill 3 tithelli Stntes ain Idll hint poll 37M urn the ont n d I hunts of iirk tint V were the McKinley hits talc ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL STOP y THAT COUGH IN A FEW HOURS- Dont Begin the Winter with n Cough Tlioiisniuls of uncos of Catarrh Hron- cliltlK IliouiiKinlii until every ytiir by nvKltctlnc tlrft cold ciirpH n roniiiinn coKl Inn few hours It iieniiaiiPiitly cures Cntnrrh Hron or your money RnM hj all ltiicg U nr tij mall MfilcM- antlrrfrrr the ItrMmrnt rite UutOt Cumiltlr I HI Trl OutfIt Jc tilt 1C T UOUTU CO Ithac T lUll II IlIltl OIl lIlIIlllIulI Is rofuntlod S IjyoMa- 2K atm t Ito YOM 11 pint tIre > > GROWING THUXE i riiMtuK HIM ri ninsi lull JflM Wlll I HI IlltrA- ppllcBilnni Plate mv Urn llrrrlffd tilt IUrr fur I tfiini7 llrninnilratlon unit Still Arc Cinnlu IiiAnolhfr liny llriire- It Is hard work KHSHKIIIK how many men nltoffeitier will h III lln for munil mon y- piradi on Nut i hut the npplicatlins for places by thin trad atnl other clnbn and tlm number of truth pldird by each ortfiinliiiloii- brlnifs ui to I7ft i Secretary Drain who knows iiinri libnil thn parudn than uiy man Identlllid with It has tllvnn 1111 KtiessliiK anil refuse t estimate any mor till to l Vl Miiirruiiliy hithoiiulit that tho limit hud I n pinched bit thn tuliP two dar has brought him to thn conclusion Hint the number If all thn biiflncxs men fol- lowed their Inclinations would bo beyond llgurlng Thn told fuel uliow though that allowing for nearly twinty thousand men to changa Hielr ribotit rigor of a parado of this character titer will olllt he ijotiuo men In llii which will about nil that onn parado can eland It has been ntllid that former Mayor William It Htrotig will ride In tlm carriage wllli lov- Tioo eelt thin chief reviewing officer tol- Hlrons was Invited to this prominent pint In thu some limit sign and hut hu been in had health of hero wa Homo doubt of his ability lo Uocptho engage- ment It was nnnomicod yesterday that Cut Strong was very muhbitteriind would bn well enough to take part In tho dmontraliun In- Ihn nieanllmo application fur ilaes III tlin Ilnn continue to pour In and as H thn wMi t ex- clude nonn U hill been decided tit t liar troll participation In thn parado llmn who apply fur plni after loday us hail at llr t louts in- tended All those who IIHVO their applications III by today will hive plucs In ihu linn aligned to I nnd tliM placet be taken away from them Those who come afterward will Invn to take pot lurk Kvcrythitiif will bn dune fr them but no matter wh they urn or how many men tlwy turn out they will luvntobltlllnlldcr The Twentysecond 1nnd haM linen engagid by tin llu hnss Mens tlepubllcun- nnd Sound Money Ksoilatlnii Intend money parade up Hroadway mi thn morning of Nov i Thrn will l n i voniyllvo playr In thin bind and wlilln i ai of thin men play others will lost MI that during ilc Hni there will bn muii at tin Imad f tub column At Twiitytliinl niriit tin ituiri band will strik ioiitinii piiylng limy urn tui griil t win lIt will In patltig the reviewers huM not hvn list In nil prilnlilitv it will be SitrSiflnglcd Haiimr Ihn lOON timid Si ri ics lornver or soil nt hit e o lo music n efforl bo made lo havn all of- Ihn Ii mds viir t ic iniislc pasing thn grand find as ii Is riHigiilycil that ti m Is what his bniualit t tho front thoismus of thus who are going I In biimlf of Miind money This n linn li upon vet hovever as thole are many who think- sitnniiliii like i IKISK already timler- eneairHineit and iiimiiluliit IMS bc n mini by iimi of thn orK iniuiti n thai limy Had every and drum mid life iirr HIHI limy tr to hns alriidy been nmrnKnd 1 nr tin1 benefit of thiHo wh want muK1 it iniv be- litnd that Till Si N tIll received word ir m- t In silvir Cormt lImit f Hmuitun X which tivik ten III hi f IMC and tutu drum and llfi of iiricn mm hat hey urn lint eniau xl and nr iMd to Ulf TIT tht smtnd money It well crttled that the sIre tmds men will hid the III n plnc which their turnnit of 37AM then eitltte tlnm to In m estimation of evervbody iriind Mirhal William K Webb of the dry JIIHHS men an tIp avpolnmcnt uf the rnllnwlni t his stall II W Mirtln chief nidi II II llrown II It Mil In I W Swain I Iytir lihvnnl- Jacka Harry Murphy Ivall Vanderlillt c 1ilm IiiLniham II 11 Hord n Samuel ynlmby- Ktcd K Wntem It K M fieri J 1 W Iais M K llnckitt rind Kiwetie S runson II II Hori1i n will iiiiiminiil the Thoinni lrMt illusion H W Martin the Worth street dlvllon I K Mrilcn the Leonard street division Water the Iranklm and J Alexamhr the Walker FIGURES 1 Men Inca I i4uiiitiii I hit tloll of IlIarl iimh tiau tho lutist be till AI laM I 01111 I III 11 I t tilt l lit ill tunIC II 1Jf tiotsiu tIliilni trI hall l 1 rlld I I t IIIIr I I 1 street 111 IA BADE is the 1 lucY ill t tin slit smubir v lion I I Wet I tiijuiiii nil t i I us i nil rich tin iiroinig hit punt tIe ted tue south i sill II hunt tilt lteglm hint i hit the lit it dish shIll ii Ill it i1 lOCh truth l iscit I t 10011 fill I nIcest mitt Shiilt its IIIius tilt hart lti I Ill IiI hin i iitiiirl It Iuw Alt l > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ nnd division of the drj good mfn imposed of 13i i men will have a of own ten Joseph IoUKdnii f th Ihunlx Silk f IatiTii but ho will rc rt to Mr Wrbh Tin dry K H have ordered 4 i i with HIBS at- talicd to them fr lle pnrnde The latest trI to an Interest In the pnrnd that of the musical r triiniiit manu faclurers Kdwnrd Hill isis wit out a circular to the rail all having It nntd In parade Mnd tl lr- namstohiniai oncn Already heliasriCilvrl- u number of and lire w litout- Ijceptloii favorable iM hiv lovn hit knew whiit he won talking whnn wild In cull A lliMielitolls occasion of thU kind should not be to pi- iwithout th music trades nf New li cathuia in whlrli- nxlst in utile circles It Is niissirv i tli Initiator mow In order to pcrfcit- ui imposing organization for thit itit A uf mul men hid a meitltic afternoon In thn fimnTiil Inii Bound iiuinay rooms at Koiirtnunth tr t unit Illth Hvenun Several mailn and tin Ilithusliism flits liowu It v s ir- iiled to a entallr n In parade will he made today They will probably a thousand men in Dr s tcr noviiiuMit in get up a- flection of phyilclans and xurgnns has met with KUCCII of ihn prcn untIe lr Sylvester Mild vnriiu and BchooU I havn ttssurancn that stiideni will Join us lu n similar dlvl n turned out 400 men and I think tint we cnn idy turn- out 2100 men incillrnl nu very ea- thulatic over the matter nnd I think wo will miko a fine II llwdnn Irisldent nf thn lewollnrs- McKlnlcy and HuoevcU riul will In the pnruln ild yesterday that luw 00 pOt cent if the In the city would bo in HIM on Nov i Fver In- thn trado that I talk tn sidd Mr llowden want to turn tilt ir dull is not a llepubllcaii club Wn Iwvo nlniost as many lpinorniti It as hilt wn nrn unanimous on one point that I that the etiindard mu t firmly n tal IMnl and that mnn who lias In will itUute anything nln tOIl it the f thin cniintrys niiiiri iiil Interots and must be defnativj lilt of llftv nuii that I nnipy- In my factory tlmr nrn hut who not lvs fur MKinlnv nnd- Itnonevelt Thio two hnvo not wav ither fiicturiit III trade Ire In same condition The nf the Inlvnsitv Iiw Sihon root hut lilirht unit nrgihi7 d a sound sloshes Chili In ihn tutnide Kght r i n- oompanleh will match with tn lawyis citron J W Illgilnw wn e rtiil The meeting nn hld thiom- erclal Travellers 737 Hroadwiv thn faculty having rnfusd to reclutlon rooms lo be u d lor pu- rtun WIT iiHinsr It nn II I I tiiiti Ihlll in far larll r hi rk 1111 t iii 11 Iii l I lOud hwlll will I t III I nl I t woo I to 0 t IIit 11 I R UniversIty nil w the PolItst ul grit tiil uIamiiifiul ta ti t ray i Ii ill s ci its I rih hut it u t lit hit I the II lit til I isi nit nterIty iruil itit hint i hue a nil lull ross iiris iiieit I I lll si4 I hi t lie Pit rt ii I t nut 1 I lepttidh vii sub iisu ii I tiers liii irult I III- I hipnnolvut cit hair t hit t hit t1ICe I I lilt p0st crt CIFIrtfl > > < > < ° Ilrotlifrhnod of Itullnuy Iralnnirn Itniudlatr the llnpntdi Srut Out front Illnglminlnn- IliNoiiAMTfs X Y Oct 24 The Ilrother hood of Itnllnay Trainmen announces that the despatch sent out sicncd liy J M Wood of Norwich nnd A II Murphy of ntillnc- lhi thn I islitlve Hwril of the Italltvav Trainmen of the stal motored Ihe cmdlilacy of John H Siancliliild for iovenior In every ilotnll They iy tliai nn effort was made to pas sueh n resolution but It failed As n matter of fact thin not nrianUnd for the reason that thn- dcleaatfs from the llrotlicrliMid of Ilrcinnn- ncrn tint ein In yntc nn the suhi Tlicrn was a comnilttee nf three nppolntwl nrcnnizatlon Two of thnsv drew up the deipatch lint ihe third demurred tn It and to Icn The rlnxiil iiidunuiit- nt the action f Its ini niber in nttciiir tlnif to- ilratf tho orcnni illon Into ilitjv- V IMM VISi r Hit HIM A Prominent Trias llrmocrnl Who Mill Vote rill MlKlnlr antI Snunil Money AfNTlN Tex Oct i lIon T It Tarv r of- l itedo Ter Hi state l eR liiiure- nnd for inniy iidneiit IVino- crnts n boidr was tnclav- nnl niitioinced hi iti ontnn nf for McKlnler nnd lt M vi l nt thn eiecllou II sav h still a- Demoerii and will with ilmt puny when It of IlryntuMii and P Mr T rver 0 nntivn Southerner and rv tl throiich IhCivil War wild Terrys Coifcderalo- JtuifTM Hn is nn st md havincsront mot f hisllf on the Ii tier nf Mexico hn knows and dif fore ice In not ntTuirs in a free HY T and souiil money country and lw believes In the sold H andard 1II rei I 1IlIIhr or er one fOr tIn L I II npre tutu h wid the condhti r 1t Jr- AIII5JI Ji I tIm tt shill rue hut Fl a was irish ill Itrot I t ft I Ill hUn irnnilo list vii luau tutu tig alIt ill It tIil its irul sit > > ¬ < A iftrxyflioVMr not Np f rh In Pivot at Wld r Ilomsln Only Mae llnnths Age Senator Ittrlck II Mcfiirren nf Ilrooklyn ono nf the prlnclvil of till Ilryan ainimlifn IHTII and n candidate for reflection hlnivlr di ltvere l this ndilrcss on Keb 21 J si- i liini months nun before the Andrew Jnckton Club of thn lividlni iiinocriitlo orxan I am nn expanslonM The Democratlo party to n trim to It principles cannot ho nn niitliiuiii lonlHl iwirty No territory that ha bi ii ndded to this country linn Iwn- iiihlil la aiiythlnu hint u Democratic Admin lilriilloti fin iiunntlon lit doubt us to uhF ability to uovern coiintrv on the earths a ritleciiiiu on ability of the American Amrlriin Hair from ant SHI whepi It ha rc Itsrlf Immediately loin n iOn of patriotism of the people I cant take now to make a of Democratic to llnd out what the matter with II but somebody Is for condllUin I lie p ill condition dun to the nile of the If we had hind a leader I cratle ciindldntn would have bien elected Anybody with n head a wouldnt tilt n 10 to i In the Democrat If that simple matter of colnnue hud been left out the party would VH ate ulTerlm ministration whutV to be done I Ijillevo that simple opposition for thn sake of opposition wronc ml- vatice n I believe It Is to It hrrausn n advanced by the opposite part I bellovo that we havii UN thin principle of Democracy nnd when we nomi- nate proper i eopn I belleyi Hint we will win We are not to hut to make the condition better and to brlwr about hirnionv The people of lhli country evidently l e country to on iiorih aurora borenlls on ie by the South Pile the mst by thu rising sim and on the west the setting Him AVP fall In line wo nn- taironlo the American We cun- uivern any country that win ever rhode I know and I helleve that every Inuler In Ihn would say the that I ccitild interview notne teen from tlo ward wlio iotild methods thnt would make the Filipinos open thlr I bnllcve In the itloti and wn all love tour honored leader Mr McLaiisMln nnd I hilt every mull should his nhout the hilL the man who to defeat thn nrualilatluii when hn cant have his own way s nut nwuinlnr the correct attitude My Mundard wpintf bceauso when ho does win lie wants everybody to irlvo up irs- nnl opinions und him In nrtrun nIl SuCh who luau control his district- I uwin n iiijer hut when fairly outvotnd hu- h is oiIy tn the verdict Snwitr Mclnrrcn hiss mad In hits premMit ffiiivu sliiimiiMif which he han in id any attiinpt i harmonU hi ini liii- drlriitiuii Ilryan recd which hu- linw indnrses Miv iv jtirinir- n Stralchtiinl AntnrrliiB of Oafilloui ni- llml llrrn lrd- WnMiNiniiN Del let 21William J Hryan mid his wuy Hironeli tho lencth of Delnwnro reachinc Wdmlnutiin at V5o this even hug He pa cd through Maryland thl morn Intf In lili private car speaking at Salisbury iiMiiiu first town at luxm There lio- sokn hrlilh nnd started on his war north Stops were Goi r futown Mllford far nnuion Dover chit ton Mlddlttown Kirkwood and New Cuttle Ooiircetown Mllford and Dover Mr Hrynn WitS o rtid Into the towns uid from platforms At lilt r h too l Inclni thu otllru- of tio D lawurn Hp trntlnn Trust Company controlled exitusivly Democrat and d tiunced trusts bndyuuard turn haItI was six seruntints who kent hoMe to him until hn arrived In till city The iMcnrt from Delawnrn coinl t l of Keaator Kenney lltiv Tunnel I Irvinit former of sisal Willlard Salisbury chairman of thin Diinncratic Slots Committee At every stop considerable crowds hail withered was tint In thh about 4Oo persons tnt thn special nt the station Mr wa at onco to thin rnsldence Peter J Ford Democratic candidate for iov where In1 dined nt T oclock proceeding tn thin tent where Ills flrt speech was Ato oco he went to House and made another lloth were laruely attended the weather heliiK tine All tn made by Mr were of the stereotype kind Html the changes on trustS II n uol He showed slntH wearlnes and lacked the snip that marked visit to State four years am I 1 r rlllltH Oil Imllllll Itt Kinsg I 1111 ollfl III In Ior dutwts I bun I II I II I 111 ot o on n O It had II t h cit M n Is 111111 it Ill II < t lII rill I rall hi Si t lade m mull tiaarer t I hilt I ti iil ii thin lit Sit iii t t hut tsliirlti n I t tie y tlIesmiMl hut tsiitnn tiitti belie ye t lie ituiu oltu I Iii iii It lie lie t lie hi lit hi ITt sa ton I n g ii or- t itlit is I lit 0 ty use itt tiny hut hIt 2ulne tit us lit lilt i Il M hi I hit Itt ru t tic t ill lolan are snail nI 11 this ¬ Mr to Itepulillcan lawyer of city to Philippines and and silver nlthou h Mr Iou invited to np ear in tlm tent nnd put tlm questions A was flit from SHll suvPir that the Invitation ext ndd by lh county committee here was not accepted by Ilryan In nTlvirc to four nf relatlnir to what flnan would do if elided In the iiinttrr of the Philippine he said lint mailer hail en Ids speeches nnd- lu iravn no direct In rn to whether ln would nay tin miliirMlmn nf tho country in- cld or Kllvr hI replied thnt he tlm law nnd do it ser forth Ho read the questions llrst from a local paper Sty Srnators linn and Scwrll t Nationa- lllraliunrt r- Inlled States Senators Kean and Sewell of New f rs v called at Xalloiinl- H Niliinrier 1oa urethemanncer8 of the nirntLn there that New sure to lie In the column on election flay Th didnt Imlinve thaI th rn iloiitit nf this in t n minds of Senator Rcoti Mr Manley Mr llbb or Mr Murphy but ihnurhi that nn nssurnnce In rff t would tilt Senator Keim i sold the Hep hi cnn plurnllt In Jersey be Or tio0i aid Senator I Save 8356 per cent in Cost of Lighting- by using the IMPROVED IIn lll lIoclil1 Ih Ollll 111 him tullolI i I ft ohi II 1fnH K1vL1 dno000 Itt uhliraD mars thl nllt ot ap- proval c i this lvi tel it t hii I his N I tao lila t filTh bin ninrti mar thict tie Co y Jers was l cli isi Icy 51 IVIIS any tie > WeSsbach GASSAVINQ REGULATOR 507o Less Gas 30070 More Light Absolutely the best and cheapest artificial light in existence Beware of Imitntiona All genuine goods bear the name Velsbach and are packed in sealed boxes Look for the Name Look for tho Scot Welsbach Company 1133 Broadway and all dealers p lightWITH i i I It j I f C 0 ci MviMfinr sArn rnrr lilt Trip With llanruAmiiilni mprl oc In W l VlrilnU Thus lion wminm I Krro of Maine Presi- dent pro lemporo of the Henatt who will l- one of rpetkcr nt the linowelt cloinon trillion In MuUlinn 8iiiar lurilon on Irldnye- venlnw nrrlvcdln this city yftterday Henator- Krye Sonitor llanmt in his trip thruiiiili tlm West and Is convinced Ihnl there U to be a llepubllcan limlslldo ila Mtl terilay- Kfiini HIP iln of he meetings antI enthti OKIII nt every point we visited II wvmcd that nit people went us A coiiMrvatlvoi- Mtlmit tmulo liy correspondent w accompanied Hcnatnr llanna mid myoelf place the number at people actually heard our Hpipcliiii ill over Jtfinon Over twothird of tlio voters In South Dakota attended the thirtytwo different tnicllnun Thcrn no doubt that South Dakota will 1m In the McKlnley column In Wisconsin Mlnne iti Nebraska und Iowa the win mormon at every wo vl ltiMl Senator Ilnnnn receIved i perfect ovation lilit jolly way of I hn ueH of campaign him ii great Th hardest campaigning I ever did In llfu otis Virginia In rural diMrlct It beeaniH nerewary- to travel carriage mind hoorhafk unit Instances It four hours or more t trawl n dozen owlnz to the roughness of the rebus nt every were great crowd we were with mi enthiiMlnMn could leave no doubt an to liow West Virginia I going l put only uli safe for Inter tint the will carried the and Senator Elklns returned to the Hen ate On of the Interesting Incident of trip Hut Ktnte with the efTnrU of trio Democrat to away the peo- ple from the miu meeting wn a for Democrats Ono f f heir favorite trick vtn to circulate rumont that the train upon which our party tray elling was the been de- clared off Occasionally we were MI Inle a to cmise doubt n to our appearance Frequently hurts wet made we Inlns were always taken however to keen ibis malinger nnd they always took the bets nt the best odds gOt ansI at n result n great denl of won by the fins was particularly trui at one where the flr t our train arrived without me- Heltlmr was nt once begun at odd1 of 1 to 1 when I lh li t section the H- elihllcan managers quite a handon- ioriir 111 v TCcirn KT- AtUn Mret Saloon Urrprr I- Uriel fir FlfHlim Law VlnUllon rapt Dhmciidrhnrllo Krnmerof 123 Allii- rtnvl attended b a choice bodvituard of laIn Ati A Mir rendered himself at ypiterdar afternoon having learned that front evidence given on Mondiv by two prisoners brought from Iudlow Htrwt all the Orand Jury TueiJiy had handed i an Indict- ment charging him and lohn Smith with viola- tion of the rlecloti law four venr nco A warrant was for KramerV arre t but tho Allen wliect 11llchthoue saw the Mo OillnBh deputiM In time to warn Kramer and out of tlittit and when he got rend gathered frlufid stud tMirrmuKred him colt Honator Cirid IlitleTIm Sullivan MartIni Alilerninn lorte Max tlm and llenri J ioldnilih were with Kramer when lie entered the Kind ofllro All wore diamond dV7llnR Imtre and nil were elntixl ai hivltie riviched thin building without Krattier having been by n Mccullauh deputy The donrnien of the of huleneit to make It known that thor wa they could do in the line of running errand the that they wouldnt do on tlin jump One of thorn to clerk ofllce whom Kramer found that hall would be 120011 Murtiii Kneel as bond moan unit was accepted by Judge Sewhureer Smith has not yet been arrested KdwMrtl T Ooc of 50 flreat Jones street was held for further ixamlnatiou In the Jeffer- son Market pollen court on a charce of false registration lie Is one of niea nc- us l of InvlnB enrolled In Ilrooklni In the ofTey light la Aiuiixt and u the Sixth Assembly dIstrict later Jnineo Wlllliiiny a was arrested bv- i McCullnch deputy night on a warrant Issued Newburircr WM Indicted by this Grand Jury Pomplln to register nnd vote at the last I nnd tire both await I lur Ton lIt C04 hue I rico itiibtittsli1 I Ito wIt It t hue ts hit I C lnaK bit fit iv crow nil 1 I I Ito b visited hit ti will woe on si et a fri urn t sit lit ol led cii sad tIllili IlitIti toni d dIstrict t lie rittsltial uihlrts ilitlldhiag last lIMited Ill chits kM big osirto t hIs the lat Ito un a chnre of bribing Tunison levi ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ln In 1 omus n dealer of utrett nnd Amster- dam avenue who s tn tmve fnrnlrhiil tho- lirlb money to Williams Is out on ball nwnlt- lni trial John K Pnvln necro was locked up laM nliht In tho Wi t Thirtieth Mreci police on n diarxe of illegal He reiiR- tered In tin KIchtn Election dlntrU of thin Twen tyfifth Assembly and BSVM hi address as 111 West street when lie really lived at US Wet Ktnv- troi AS HKitv fiEuminii Trlrd to flown McKInley and Hnn fTplt Plct amend iot Itcbnkr lram III Cuptsln You want to take those picture of McKlnley and lloosavelt down Why Vour husband lent going to vote for fiem- Is ho Yes he ls I lent In a poor man He ouehtnt for them Ilryan Is thin man fur the pour titan Youd bettor Hko the down thus oonvcr ition occurred on Tuo cIty I between Toilcemin David J Kivfoof the clirns- Ntreot Ntuilun in Brooklyn Htiil Mnt I ckwood- In fn nt of ut nv Hudson avenue The policeman hail lieon rent to verify the re 4truion Irom the houe nt which i Saul stat bin I tin ¬ ¬ < ho Inolueiiuuly asjunnl the of a T tin of D the Incident adiiioul lnvl Knife who eKpiained- tho matter ns a irlendly Joke ASSOCIATION Wont Attend ConTrnilnn nt Democratic at Treutoa The Hobert Davis Association of Jerfcy City the largest Democratlo club In Ken Jer- wy will nut bo represented at the Stnto ron vcntlon of Democratic clubs which will take place In Taylors Opera House Trenton to day and it Is believed that only n few of eIghty Democratic awoclntlonn In Hudson r hi ieth tut w fist lou Ill IS P4 IhS lab the will send delegate Ilohert Dnvls said yesterday that he knew nothing about the except whnt hud road In the Kues d the association named in hU honor would be too with election work to en to Trenton Sir prevented all but 10 of HudsonsI- 7B delegates thin Demoerntlo- Klllo Convention on 12 became CliHir man William II Omrley of the State Committee ordered the convvntion held on the tched- uled for the annual outing of thin Davis As- eoctal Ion Kxnm rcvv FOR SIKIXIEV The IUD of Imptrlalltm It I Mere Figment NRW OntKAN In Oct M KxOov David pun II Ienn In a letter today declares in favor of McKInley toy Penn was Colonel ani lu if htri ana tmatiaton of the Seventh Louisiana iteclmcnt In the Confederate Army Ho nominated for IleulHiiatitdovirnor on the Democratic ticket In IS In the dhputn over the which followed Guy put himself nt tile of the White the KiltoceOov 14 1874 ant thus executive until was declared elected In the letter Boy Ienn declare that he MUll Is n Democrat but Rryan Ism Is riot Democracy ho Is for money nnd conlri rH the s ue of a mere HcmcMl of HIJHIIB Imaclnatloli- OTiH 01 TlIK rAJIIMOX A campnlcn meeting will lie held under the auspice of tIns Itepubllcan Club of the Twenty first Assembly district at the lubhoux t9 West Ninetysixth street this evenlnc Tho following will address th Henry C lln znrd Jr Wilson nun CliarU A Hale Daniel I Sul- livan inch E TnKkiT lordin Miller or Virginia will unealc- at of the mtnrrclal Tray ellers Sound I headquarters Fourteenth street and Filth A McKlnley anti Iloosevelt flag dis- played almve It the name flanker and and Sound Money Club wits hunk arrrwK llrnd street at with strict ye t The tine hano- wi as t trusts i he top pnsslnir cntf An Mifoot flagstaff wa put up I ncne Hub house yesterday to replace pole that WBS the storm of Oct that wa In town The will be heisted on the MW note Uito morning was hiet hits erntiioflt after a battle in New orleans 4tpt Jcuhin i ansi rapt t hit thi115 liitMt luau I ilCul toCia cIuls S sit on the tnhon the tats and Stripes I u ¬ ¬ ° A SODA FOUNTAIN FOR TRADE MARK Small Sttel Cipsuloi HllcJ With UqulJ CaronlcAcldbj MAKE ALL DRINKS SPARKLING How soon alter the Doctor has ordered milk do you begin to rebel at the very sight of it You will never reach this un pleasant state of feeling if you aerate p r the milk with a SPARKLET It will a taste and will digest quickly Try it It is more palatable than Kumyss Pint bottles up Pint syphon attachments SO cts J Quart syphons JOO up t Pint SPARKLETS 10 in a box 2c Mineral Tablets and Fruit Syrups Also Supplied All Dealers Write for Booklet Compressed Gas Capsule Co Bway 25th St N Y City Pr s- have new charms of appearance and ISO F j Quart SPARKLETS 10 in a box 40c I ihI L ¬ > set next the whalebone are the hardest to unfasten on a tailor made waist you have the SNAP HOOK AND EYE THE HOOK OF J900 alt you habe to do is to give a quick outtoarJ pull on the hook side of the 7l aist and the deed is done but the waist will not cannot open till you are ready MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES If your dttet dots not seep them send 10 cts smae cArd 5uy whether WHITE or BLACK SNAP HOOK EYE CO 377 Bway NY City THE HOOKS If a An Article of Food that satisfies the appetite is not always either digestible or nutri tious Many of the most satisfying lie like lead on the stomach appeases the hunger digests easily and is nourishing It forms tissue and builds up the general system Put the dry flakes In a colander pour salted boiling water over them drain shake slightly and turn into a hot dish ABSOLUTELY NO COOKING li I Book of tested receipts in every package fti ALL GROCERS COOKS FLAKED RICE I ii e LARGE PACKAGE 15 CENTS ¬ Iii STIIHTS nvor UTK The Hoard of ItrEltritlon nt New listen llrcldrs Acalrnt Them NEW HAVEV Oct 14 Thin llnnrd of Uesls- tratlon for New Huvcn made i r ihne tonlulit In cae of Vale students who want t reel ter In this city that I hey can vote In thn cntnini wa ninin i tlmsindonN- Alwiut twenty Vain men appeared bnurd lo be Hworn in as e esters Onlv Li gut by and e on tho Hworn liteMinnt they went to beiomn re tdeits of X Thus remainder dnrlnred that they did suit mund- lo make this city I heir home except whit iiitvid liur and they were Tin rn are about fifty Vnln on the rvlstr iin list to l niailn voters thl yenr Thn acti n of t nLht will dbar thn nilccinns froth voting In this election The Hoard f Jieaistnitlon Is liemoniiic Tln llepuhllcnn members of the Hoard vigorously prntntiHl thu in ilority- rtrgltrntlon Itrrorils llrokrn In Nru rk All previous records have been broken In his reglMratlon of voters in Newark The refflMtry d was hut Tuesday mid lIst totals turmlned nr a Ktnt The total registered on tie three days nin M774 or IB per olit more than t o yen H This Increie over four Is eji The Increase over two ycaiNano is hits ill cectlon oral I lie rid 1tg lint it I Iii t tins t I jut college toil e than boird itjatnt the itoiiIon tif last sic tug sear Hell ltOii2 > > Ilankrr Crnrdlcls Inrmrr Uf me r i llrljhtlr- lnriNwini Vinii Ocf Thn llepubl COILS f ihi town luul n big ivinuln tonlKlit followed b an nddres h fonKrn sman K Hill In the Open HOIIP The parade passn the former home of I r llenedirt hlchis now n Kiiniiiier hoti The Kvery wlndiw III Ihn lioini was illniiiniit nut It was tint subject l muelieiiiiiiuent hut thi house where ruler flevlind vi ilnd h- lrre ldncv should bn all nelow for a McKlnley parnd Mr llnnndi t viiind the alter learniniroi thniiiiiiiiiiiiMtli but whether this has nnyl him tn d with it is a iiie tlon- Prnmlnrnt Mlsmorl llemncrnt for McKlnlfy- Inpux Mo Charles If Morgan of Lainnr who fcrvel four terms m Congress us a Iemocrnt Kild I diall CHst tills fall for McKlnley anti lttx veli The llrynnlhs havn numn npp to tlin war In the Philippines tlio paramount l ui and I am In iho wnr to victory for American arnih Mr Hrynn unit lute supporters arn nvirywlinrn exiireui nrnil foilWITH f A ilinlio and in tempi ini t ji ihrir attack upon our Thi i iiiiic nnd t my voletMi mnn lol in such VU WN uutinirii I7FPIUIlS P1 RI 1 z llumlnaipj 4 it I 11 tli Ill tn t nit dstrb sis Oct lCol tltO bolt hr wI I icfoiidl flit irs rib cannot give > > < < > < i aryan1ubPt- we Iy WbisRy- C tasesu- gRY old ecaseJI- rse1 ct is o ia C44HN BilL T CO Bdthnore Md- t rl r i- sTi p S f A a p h 00- hi I i In th ofph cii wi for his it- be hi- C for roe thu p1ev- itiw liolt- Mr ci of hi this t hat in 1- 1WI apar- drid down back 62 Itt bark titii with Julni- S Jvt lriIi- Uve I ret titti I- i1 M- tr bail lii- I F- mrof 05- t n ln- aud or Jutsi- liZlt hi- S

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-10-25 [p 4]. · tn h a nucleus nf otllcept ami men thnr with tho for...



hd 273000 soldier

Unteern When Urn H

to Con ross the tirntocol hAd been sltreaty had not had

Himin had not evacuated iba aarmy

l en folly t dlhand our armyas thn preliminary to iiiul tim

nxldnl v lluit ntiri armyuntil uf UT ih truniy utIn Tim viluniiiT I01-Hnnir Insistent IMIIW 10ttiito iheir IOIIIOM and what rrjldnl nUicl-

a i il kirl jd nifillt-

of 4itmo In thn regular armyof iinDOviluntc-wiw not unriCon-fminibrlVrwhliii Irnslilciitenllid mailingIt rivnm ngiilnrs MOw new

What Is the IliBilar of thu nlted-

Htales It is a l of American cltlenprovided for h h ron lllrtllou and

I7in undur tho llrxl Irjsldency of-

dorgn Washington It U to man thef4nicoist firiiil inonti which ourharbors and gr t lie liosiiln attackand garrison iin inlllury poits along ourrrontleri nnd nt mieh H lnla In I hocountry as tongress dtinnlnu tnto radv to Ilirlil for their couniry-In anv iildn eimrgticy which may comeupon us them tlini to ralsu a

and dnrlig Ihe whll micli a forcnraised i Mililv etperliniiit

and ikirci uith all thn liiiprnvtiniintIn military wieiice both nrini

oriuipment sani-tation drill add tartlcctn h a nucleus nf otllcept ami men thnr

with tho for ilia-nirnngiliininf and mom ready lnof a army whennvnr thnt shnll hocoma nnii s kind of emorgelicywhich tlm Iluilir army lo meetIllustrated by inrent events In China Firfnun if a is our troops wore miit thereand did are coming awayagiin In limn than it would have heen

li riin und and a nmclregiment f volunlivr This was hecaiisnthin troops nnd tho nnd material

t movu on till IntinThe auifiorUeil number ut thn rgulur iirtny-

ti diy i IKIIIJ hit on ih null nt Inne nextII will mil them bo nuttier levliatlon inthe ninaiiilinc bo rwluciU to

IwentyMVMi ear but us countryhrown In It iind Its muhltiido-

of Imerrsih as our Miiifiathiivu biiil InTnaed under livulcr hlp of-

Knniiiel 1 TlldHii nnd 111111 plan prtpnrc-by tin1 tlr i r utthe of war has become ln re sclenlltlc andciiuplUatid inure men niv iusi surv to cr-

frm kiimn duties than were uhlu to perInn them years nti Thr army uf i7iui nonly nliiiit onethird as urx InIn our tNipiiliiiinii as our wa I ilny yi iir

how the iirmy shuld-b Is a simple buslnn iiuiMiin U howhula arn nwessnry u pirf rm ccrtnin tpncillc-dutlM Thn lout Cumin led upon n ii O-

In viuw of thn iiindltlniio then nxi ilntf Thonext session of Contfri will dclrr-mlnn how many rniulille under the cm-dlllon then Ixisilni XI e hclllverniil-pnnpln will probably ask fort HI many

uiioti toil few I think wn can assume

Now any sine Anierican hnriislly be-lieve thil this threaleni llii lljiortln or Ihn-IniiltnliuiH of our ountry

had 82 urn men In at thn eusi-of thn Spanish war I Irani an army ofI 03 n on Ihn Mtli of April W theymelted Away Into the Ihn

uiirilike In Mrty llit thnnare volunteers It will he u ViJl till

Idler of the lleifultr army urn voluntiMTNever in the lilstiry of thn army tutu thnrn-lecn a man drafted of foriid Into It atralnstIlls will Their term of cnlinienl i hut IhriM-vnirs anti at the end of thit limn rimy tnto thu occupations of ivll life Thy are sill

They arn intellltnt Americans-NotiH are admltlc who caniiui rent mil writeThey are nound wholesome nierlcanH

cood habits nnd regular li sfor none ailinlitl who sirs nitIn heilth Niniiien thouind livehundrnil and furtynino mnn wnrn-enllled In tlm year endliiu thn ailh of lastJune to like Hi plant of wlm e termshad cuplred und huso inJtu srleuted-elt or Mi311 aipllints in3ii utahOivil rn ntcl a tilt up t the standard In-

Ulleclirilly or phyically They all wearHire tint t a or a Irusldent

hut to the I nited static ti America Theylikn Ihn volunteer from AmericanTh fliiB f their floats nlway overthnm They are urroiinded the iiiniiiiriMand thn tradition of comradm who hivnfr It They breathe tIll ufprobity and t fur I call vim all tovltinMs that wherever In all ItAmerican Army has cone whether In tlin-Htal or whether in Mexicoor lrto liir or tlm orChin i there i li luvnwith conlldenct and with rMoiirnlnlttratlon bith military civil markndby Integrity and honor areIn the of piico Where tn law andother ju ticn nnd chnrltv nducu


of rJ180 weUnder rm And 261 0

1II 4I1e ubHII

lilt IlIIUI

r IOlo


I IllI Wlt I

In tiik tIi 1101that hLl


howl lat hutIhll I Ir



for UrI




7 11whld liii rrI







I rIdIll

reaitru v




rtt 8Ci



iil i I hj

iii vity hiy liitiihi

t Iii



Iii Mat tuhhwu v

iris ft let


tIifltllll Tilt i

oiliI I fut lir hushnUt hini

lii IrhIt

It I

I t hui

lit I

thiIly iii IilulIiiur iii It in ilpMt Iiu11114 lou

hurt Itliiit

hidlih I Ilht rat iii liviu tith


I lrilul thinlintlire

flu hill ii y


i 3

I ihihrulliiihh t iIi I ii I

I Ihli-

tliuit itit oilu1iiii li II I rtiiliqidoMe


po IIui thinIui iititfl




l ire


nil Iuiflli ilSiut i


h tory t Ian


tutulii thin n



I hii










m arconly cndurlnt under hardship and brav

ilamrnr lint they an undeiirovocnliin magnanimous after victoryimrlnir the years In thin

beon adnilnisicrinu hair withrJustlcn nnd They have been fenl

naked iirul potertiiu Ihn weak stud i l aniii the utah mliunit eitnbllohlnir hnsplials ninl nrKanlrinR anil-openlmr schools and billdlm and em our

mniniercn and tencliiK unIt totake the In Mlfoverniimnt withcheerful and rin I challenin heIrdetractors to av whether any immunityvhirn thny havn Iwn In nil thoKular army till nittrer and men have not

ways biine thmilvns as simple unahtimi-nir AmuricMii citizens I challcnfn th m to point tn t lmn art nppreNlin-in all thcsi to i sinitle netlovnlty on Ihn uf the It unlar aimy to tlin-iltircmncy of civil liw and tlin iiiliiipln nf-nr r Mititution il liotvinment

I believe snys Mr llrvnn nt ew Yorkthnt one of Ihn mason that thev wnnt a lartro

frilly to suppress forc Hut dsinti ntthat to by leji l iilnn hmwarrant has for thnt lintmf When or bywhom a thlnit been attemptii IIK S

he hit know lint it is nitm IirlmMnn bythe MatntiK nf the r nlted Stain tintknow that I horn I a i n taiit eifort on n partof the War lieimrlment to iitahlhhlnir

PIS smut a emistuit lvpeople our cities to lire iheir establishmenf tOt him uiid ri ke to knMir the re-moval of lort Crook from of inKihn-nnd sen what n ponn hn would n cnivn fromIts people iet him a W why Iowa lun na tward of obtained Ihn pt aie of n hill

Consress nt till la t sKlnn for theestablishment of a pot nt lies Molneslet hInt why Taeoin anil

am contending us to which city shallhave thin establishment of new po t nowwhy the of Iresiiitt Arlji pn

atralnit the rmnovnl nf Kortof Texas ore iirflii-cthelncreanifthnarrl Kort Sam Houston

why the people of Atlanta are sendlnir delega-tions to sniiire heidtiarters there unit he

that thn people of tlm Inlted States in-stead of lrn thn e

pots In their neighborhoods beiflivetherknow that this lon Is hutth Idle of a campaign orntor-

Thn of the toreprew says Mr Bryan Whoa nnd

Twlceiotily Inthe past twenty-VMpt It hAt heen u In anyinert In whin a President

Mr Cleveland ent troops to fhlcnBo to protectt he malls nnd aaaln In ison when upon a

the Democratic ofIdaho certifying in accordance with ConMil that hnurrcctlnn exitedwhich the statn authorities were unahln torepress the Prr ldniit In the srfonnance

duty ent BUSmen Into the Cieur tit the civiloHlrorsoftheStiitoToprntert life nnd property

are Mrof Ihe Department show that slum theorsailrailon army It5 4 Heiiarale entrairementM Wilt of IMII

Mexlcnn y r nor In thar endured andprivations and wounds and dtth It has wtianil protection of this n ttiers as-

thv unit over West Its titers hnvfainted under thn torrid h stM of summer andfrozen iind r thn bitter cold of and no-where havu they filt rod or boon fnllnle s toheIr trust lv n to th country Irani

and Mherldinnnd Thonnsand Meadn and ItanWit Il In in niliinrlis trjw

tots I scum and ltllv It did null kIln InMexico It slit not idl when tl i nlon wathreatened It never Idled on the plains whenIhe frontier wttlententi wero to rc cieilfrom savig fon hern was nnMIIIIIIHII and rhrnwusnoldlnnwI-n lawtons miroh that brokei ie of Tinrilng ril In luinn UMini Idle bfr Hi wills of Tlntjln DhUlley upon the wjlls f ivkln TM worninritliiis idicmihilTW iidilslmt

over tlilr childrentn the of resell linal coldlT who haveiivirneil hir buslRniM and ntt nd to

III wir wrk hard work long workVirly-nnd work late

tpon thn proof of Inore thann faithful hcrvlw the nnrl insoldier Is not n danger to nn Inn id

vie their eftlKler He has ruedrind mnfldence lush grntlturin fnun thn-

merlean minli Hlid I ilinl1 nei Jutligninit f Ih penln as lieiw iu him undmen who for their own nillh purrxs

die nn1 ninllgnlng him Inimi lands he Is bravlnc liarlhlii and dln-

n i wounds unset Heath In i efenci of our coiinir s Hie

u ir oppoiiKnts iiier Infour yotrt n r hU Mnniiimoney l vin und lilke nf nothinir tint

1 eo iinntlf bv lihl Ihn emjit-vilinerpil reillrshoro I tironn theflldiiiiiriiiMiliin sordidls ne Is ihepirtv-

i li I nnj avows its Intiiitinliiill en n i u of MrIs oliiifin In

allthi ha thii




t tO II for thhi4 tiiu





Ireh liii



whl tis nnn to




rlet Ih



I Iifn


r Ir11



t tit

in hiriit hulains ttii hiiitiry iutiih


riiilint t

I luliit ryn



II ir

I tri

sirluly hiuihlit in hi V itiiul ii


hithit uuuiti

i i IiiII

PIll iflt

y I

Ma thIna

t tlng

it tI


atil Ibi IrhintllITfl



1S114 ratu

r lu

htci tile

Iii hu Its t honu hisirdhii

V ur1C I

el 1111 itt r idurii nil i


r IbId

4thtloui iii hiiis y i ltit


1511 I iiiitnhili



t i




ii i flg

1 J













the South without theIr consent wliMhfror about

Imperialism nnd tho Declaration of Independ-ence Was thatgathered In HIM loul rouinol th Hoffman

ate heIr dinner w HiMayor Van of Ihe Ie Trust a

and Illcliiird crokr of lie I runt-s prnldlng genlm thairinitii of iho I emo

National ommlticc Jones of theHalo Trust as thn director of the campaignwere thiftriuu and agonlltii tilt the of their

from tliHr iMrnels1What ovidtnce men given of

capacIty to iv ni Vliat woOWTI promises that he men who would

coiKtUutn trnliii If Iho-chango bi lo

and of govcrnniciilVWhat primf hIM tliiilr eadnr nyer givenof In piiblloalTuIn lloexpounded many any

coinn lo lol over provedto lie right llo dclioimcnd a pro-

tective tariff Was h rightdeclared Hint If mint wen tint

tot hn coinageof silvar ruin and dw ui be Iho fato-

Wa ho rl ht hltory Iho Amor-

pacity for safe con to Iho-knowlfiUo of all the people Now they arnasked to put thn reins allthn Vint which ourde ends in tho hands of a man wilt never didanything bul never was rluht In any

all the thirst Mr Hryan-Imi Ijwn a leader of opinion Imt ho nhand to old his anY one of the hardtasks with which It tine been Whenhiw thcro been ono word of or credit forAmerica or American Institution or Americangovernment or for any of thn men whosent of by the peoplechoice When lm them linen frombut depreciation and ill

for that Is midthat Is done In our When hits therecoiiin from him ono word of encouragement urhope ono word to cheer tlm of labor lolire ambition ot lo confirm or to In-

rrwisi American topics rotiildenco In

their InstlttltloiH loyally to llatfhu lta s is l t l Us irlends

every uiiderliikltiK is lnt pmecutcd by thi eIn It Is H not iourn

of the AmtTlcan I leave the conduitof their nllalM In thn hands of t who bellnvuthat this nnt ihu wirst but the Utt lotvrn-tiiint on earth tlmtll Is tilt th niost inivriiblebut the mist happy of lnniK that weus nut thn tho muM brlllliintand elorloiis future f noplcs who In-

habit till earthTo whom Ihe American leopln exeitcd

to ximmlt thn wlilili ItU a knd to takoauay Irnnt President Atrhltileybut tci u mtley nnd mttered fromthien parties iitfiiiintriiii n noslnttlnprinciple or licy e e t Ihn fr c iclMiin of

nnd held cnlv lrritirpiis ly s mnth of 11111111111 detrac-tion n mln t nil thn Klorlmis hlivrineii of-

Animlnin nndnr I ills inMhn-durinir tnerallcn llnv ate irdclh-of dlMililent ho wllli shitj e-

or the citiniiiirit mawfrom their nciaiitltrii t uruunuiiN for ex-

an lonit iirtfuuetitsi litmen and anticold iiniuniint-

tor silver men and always und everyvlnrn-sneklntf to stir up rii ss und huttedAnicilcaiis a American They seektn substitute for the old nnd liil I llvotildc-onillrt nf e tl n liijainl eitlen 11 iew 10-1ttlt of class attain ilas I hev strilie at Ibor nt of frw with the dclmlvo-prmnlses of till ilemuriine lendiiM the I cor

un ortunatn to Iwk f iTovirninrntrather than to and thrlt to maUethem rich and strum Thev strikeit thin lln of iiiterprl liy chalent1nrtin rIght of tlm therrult of Tin sinniitli nf triM

ill AmnilM h rented for nil iffo-riinlurle pat Im fact HIH wereno classes Ilia all men won erniiil-hefnro tutu law nniil In tbe f cltlen-liii In the dlrnitv of mnnhiml un

lint thn poor and humble mday linvltwr IIriualltles and entnrprle urn

rich and tmweful iMnmrrow thai tlm richind iMiwrful liii the oire Hinr and bumble totnorruwr that sillvnr tin1 land this por t v rkln n e i who

co to chianti their own con-jillon nro I oh In u with pride and uponijielr boys mnrtlti out utiin rnreorn withidvantaves iheir falliers never had with linen

to distinction and wealth WithIhesn cotidltlnns which have nlwnfis erinted-ti which todav Is no urI thing

is ra So gulf divides merlcan citizensfrom carh other Thor Is mt onn Ideal onn-tlllo of honor of pride nnd f mutual

Ihe Idfil anil the title nf Atnnrlrnn Htlrenhln All tpls these men would Wtroy Inenter that th y may ride into a the itov-

rnors of an unhappy and discordant people

nrsrttTS nnrAxv-

Is us tI I nw Otflrrr f ls Into Cart


X Io

bolt t

1 I

Ih leddull


wIldor AmNn nL thu

tia I tclo 1of ca


1 k

W nr






polr I






ut lol

f lIIillo





I t eth u uihuihIe F I

ekt his

crat Cut tiifl

uuohicI toiiq I ii



fills I if itit

hs yhits thucuir

ui iii I yI ii iii y

I tin hum

Ii liii I frs II lull tiit

four eltillistItt

ktn tir minitriwl t1IOA


Inrsuinit rahid


hols ll diurlriit


tao t tinito g

n niliifl thIng

011111 r

hOiiI Ii

t hittill

It hut I v


luitei hi fu flut

Isis uli4l i51ihl

Nh vlr I ig t hut i till 111111

IllilLtl iii

I hu

lhh It

Inu i I

iimitli X ssntnls

hilt sv


Surti tni tit

I ut gum ii o

i IIMI I t itt lotus i 4

sit i ti Inriii rh A I

ui this

ulih ltl1ihit




i n Itt t her








> > ¬





lth u Inrln ltlrn Who Want lo Vote

The application of Krmk luarhe who wasborn In Iorto Hlco and 1ms resided snorea year In this city to compel the Klectlon In-

spectors In the Twentyfourth ElectIon dis-

trict of till Twentyfifth wnibly district toHCl ter him as n citizen was Hrinied heforoJustice Irccdman of tin Supreme Court yester-day ilunrbf Is 1 years nld Counsel for theapplicant contended that he became it clll7cnunder lh provision of the treaty of i nce withSpain This provided that the civil rlirhts andpolitical status of thin Inhahilunts of Porto Ricoshallbndetermined by uncross

Assistant Corporation Counsel Duttm nf JohnWhalen ntalT ald on rcslstinc tlm application

that thn laws of Congress whirls riiulrn olinborn person to be naturalised could notchanged by the treaty and that as It was notshown that Coimress had passed any act III

chance tilt former laws In favor of the InhahlIorto Illco Juarbecould not vote with

out btine naturull7ed The Court reserved de-


MKfVBr 1411 MV IXtlAT IMK-

X w York Showed ana to 14 III the roll ofthe falrrnllrN-

RW HAVRN hun Oct 2 The etuct flc

lire of the poll of Viiln Iniverslty for Prel-dentinl candiditcn at nnnoincod today worn

McKlnler to 150 tot Ilrvan DividedInto departments tie vote stood AcademicMKinley 9is sUiiilflo MuKinley-3IS llrvun J2 law school McKinlny 107 Ilryan12 dlvlnlly honl McKiiney Ilryan 0 lIdleal McKlnley rj llrvan

Cnnnectcu ciut 4SS fur SicKUiley and 78 forNow flM fur Klnly and 14 lor-

Ilryan 1ennylvanUi for McKinley 10

for SlBs ichnsit 75 for McKinley and12 for Bryan Vermont est mo tof till M practically solid forMcKInley

The count of the ballots was conducted und rthin of tho nnicer of tho Hopublican and Democratic clubs

CAxtnittPon Muss Oct 24 The seimd issueof the Harvard which appeared

a of the Harvard pfctio-

nnd Immedlatnof thin college The poll shows that In th lawchoo in of 470 for M lnn y and In

the d muttons ouiofiJiJ I3CD-Ilryan 170 und scnttrrln votes iflv

Extra llonlbi for Ilrooklrn V triIn all congested election districts In

Brooklyn extra booths will he rut at theand the most export election

to lake the vote Hoardof Klecilon tInts that thin Is th onlyarrance-inrnt It cnn make to meet the



IUS for



tithelli Stntes


Idll hint poll

37M urn


ont n d


hunts of





McKinley hits







IN A FEW HOURS-Dont Begin the Winter with

n Cough

Tlioiisniuls of uncos of Catarrh Hron-cliltlK IliouiiKinlii until

every ytiir by nvKltctlnctlrft cold

ciirpH n roniiiinn coKl Innfew hours

It iieniiaiiPiitly cures Cntnrrh Hronor your money

RnM hj all ltiicg U nr tij mall MfilcM-antlrrfrrr the ItrMmrnt rite UutOtCumiltlr I HI Trl OutfIt Jc

tilt 1C T UOUTU CO Ithac T



IlIltl OIl lIlIIlllIulIIs rofuntlod




t ItoYOM 11





THUXE i riiMtuK HIM ri ninsilull JflM Wlll I HI IlltrA-

ppllcBilnni Plate mv Urn llrrrlffd tiltIUrr fur I

tfiini7 llrninnilratlon unit Still ArcCinnlu IiiAnolhfr liny llriire-

It Is hard work KHSHKIIIK how many men

nltoffeitier will h III lln for munil mon y-

piradi on Nut i hut the npplicatlins forplaces by thin trad atnl other clnbn and tlmnumber of truth pldird by each ortfiinliiiloii-brlnifs ui to I7ft i SecretaryDrain who knows iiinri libnil thn parudnthan uiy man Identlllid with It has tllvnn 1111

KtiessliiK anil refuse t estimate any mortill to l Vl Miiirruiiliy hithoiiulit

that tho limit hud I n pinched bit thn tuliP

two dar has brought him to thn conclusionHint the number If all thn biiflncxs men fol-

lowed their Inclinations would bo beyondllgurlng Thn told fuel uliow though thatallowing for nearly twinty thousand men tochanga Hielr ribotitrigor of a parado of this character titer willolllt he ijotiuo men In llii which will aboutnil that onn parado can eland

It has been ntllid that former Mayor WilliamIt Htrotig will ride In tlm carriage wllli lov-

Tioo eelt thin chief reviewing officer tol-

Hlrons was Invited to this prominent pintIn thu some limit sign and huthu been in had health of hero wa

Homo doubt of his ability lo Uocptho engage-

ment It was nnnomicod yesterday that CutStrong was very muhbitteriind would bn wellenough to take part In tho dmontraliun In-

Ihn nieanllmo application fur ilaes III tlin Ilnn

continue to pour In and as H thn wMi t ex-

clude nonn U hill been decided tit t liar trollparticipation In thn parado llmn who applyfur plni after loday us hail at llr t louts in-

tended All those who IIHVO their applicationsIII by today will hive plucs In ihu linn alignedto I nnd tliM placet be taken awayfrom them Those who come afterward will

Invn to take pot lurk Kvcrythitiifwill bn dune fr them but no matter wh theyurn or how many men tlwy turn out they will

luvntobltlllnlldcrThe Twentysecond 1nnd haM linen

engagid by tin llu hnss Mens tlepubllcun-nnd Sound Money Ksoilatlnii Intendmoney parade up Hroadway mi thn morning ofNov i Thrn will l n i voniyllvo playr Inthin bind and wlilln i ai of thin men play

others will lost MI that during ilc Hnithere will bn muii at tin Imad f tub columnAt Twiitytliinl niriit tin ituiri band willstrik ioiitinii piiylng limy urn

tui griil t win lIt willIn patltig the reviewers huM not

hvn list In nil prilnlilitv it willbe SitrSiflnglcd Haiimr Ihn lOON timid

Si ri ics lornver or soil nt hit e o lomusic n efforl bo made lo havn all of-

Ihn Ii mds viir t ic iniislc pasing thn grandfind as ii Is riHigiilycil that ti m Is

what his bniualit t tho front thoismus ofthus who are going I In biimlf of Miindmoney This n linn liupon vet hovever as thole are many who think-

sitnniiliii like i IKISK already timler-eneairHineit and iiimiiluliit IMS bc n miniby iimi of thn orK iniuiti n thai limy Hadevery and drum mid life iirr HIHI limytr to hns alriidy been nmrnKnd 1 nr tin1benefit of thiHo wh want muK1 it iniv be-

litnd that Till Si N tIll received word ir m-

t In silvir Cormt lImit f Hmuitun X whichtivik ten III hi f IMC and tutu

drum and llfi of iiricn mmhat hey urn lint eniau xl and nr iMd to

Ulf TIT tht smtnd money

It well crttled that the sIre tmdsmen will hid the III n plnc which theirturnnit of 37AM then eitltte tlnm to In mestimation of evervbody iriind MirhalWilliam K Webb of the dry JIIHHS men an

tIp avpolnmcnt uf the rnllnwlnit his stall II W Mirtln

chief nidi II II llrown II It Mil In I WSwain I Iytir lihvnnl-Jacka Harry Murphy IvallVanderlillt c1ilm IiiLniham II 11 Hord n Samuel ynlmby-Ktcd K Wntem It K M fieri J1 W Iais M K llnckitt rind Kiwetie Srunson II II Hori1i n will iiiiiminiil theThoinni lrMt illusion H W Martin theWorth street dlvllon I K Mrilcn the Leonardstreet division Water the Iranklm

and J Alexamhr the Walker



Men Inca I i4uiiitiii

I hit

tloll of IlIarl iimh tiau tho lutist








11 I t

tilt llit


tunIC II

1Jftiotsiu tIliilni


hall l







street 111


is the1 lucY


t tin slit smubir

v lion I I Wet

I tiijuiiii nil t i I us


nil rich tin iiroinig hit

punt tIe tedtue south


sill II hunt


lteglm hint

i hit

thelit it

dish shIll ii

Ill it

i1 lOCh


l iscit I



fill I nIcestmitt

Shiilt its IIIius tilthart lti I Ill

IiI hin i iitiiirl It Iuw



> <





nnddivision of the drj good mfn imposed of13i i men will have a ofown ten Joseph IoUKdnii f th IhunlxSilk f IatiTiibut ho will rc rt to Mr Wrbh Tin dry K H

have ordered 4 i i with HIBS at-

talicd to them fr lle pnrndeThe latest trI to an Interest In the

pnrnd that of the musical r triiniiit manufaclurers Kdwnrd Hill isis wit out acircular to the rail allhaving It nntd In parade Mnd tl lr-

namstohiniai oncn Already heliasriCilvrl-u number of and lire w litout-Ijceptloii favorable iM hiv lovnhit knew whiit he won talking whnn

wild In cull A lliMielitolls occasionof thU kind should not be to pi-iwithout th music trades nf New

li cathuia in whlrli-nxlst in utile circles It Is niissirv i

tli Initiator mow In order to pcrfcit-ui imposing organization for thit itit

A uf mul men hid a meitlticafternoon In thn fimnTiil Inii

Bound iiuinay rooms at Koiirtnunth tr t unitIllth Hvenun Several mailn andtin Ilithusliism flits liowu It v s ir-iiled to a entallr n In parade

will he made today Theywill probably a thousand men in

Dr s tcr noviiiuMit in get up a-

flection of phyilclans and xurgnns has metwith KUCCII of ihn prcnuntIe lr Sylvester Mildvnriiu andBchooU I havn ttssurancn that stiideni willJoin us lu n similar dlvl n turned out400 men and I think tint we cnn idy turn-out 2100 men incillrnl nu very ea-

thulatic over the matter nnd I think wo willmiko a fine

II llwdnn Irisldent nf thn lewollnrs-McKlnlcy and HuoevcU riul will

In the pnruln ild yesterday that luw00 pOt cent if the In the city

would bo in HIM on Nov i Fver In-

thn trado that I talk tn sidd Mr llowdenwant to turn tilt ir dull is not

a llepubllcaii club Wn Iwvo nlniost as manylpinorniti It as hilt wn nrnunanimous on one point that I that the

etiindard mu t firmly n tal IMnl andthat mnn who lias In willitUute anything nln tOIl it the fthin cniintrys niiiiri iiil Interots and mustbe defnativj lilt of llftv nuii that I nnipy-In my factory tlmr nrn hut whonot lvs fur MKinlnv nnd-Itnonevelt Thio two hnvo not

wav ither fiicturiit III

trade Ire In same conditionThe nf the Inlvnsitv Iiw Sihon

root hut lilirht unit nrgihi7 d a sound sloshesChili In ihn tutnide Kght r i n-

oompanleh will match with tn lawyiscitron J W Illgilnw wn e rtiil

The meeting nn hld thiom-erclal Travellers 737 Hroadwiv thn

faculty having rnfusd toreclutlon rooms lo be u d lor pu-

rtun WIT iiHinsr




tiiitiIhlll in far




t iii









t wooI

to0 t IIit

11 I


UniversIty nil w thePolItst ul

grit tiil

uIamiiifiul ta ti t ray i

Ii ill s ci its


rih hut itu t lit

hit I


lit tilI isi



iruil itithint i hue

a nil lull

rossiiris iiieit I

I lll

si4 I

hi t liePit rt ii

I t nut 1

I lepttidh vii

subiisu ii

I tiersliii irult I III-

I hipnnolvut cit hair t hitt hit





crt CIFIrtfl







Ilrotlifrhnod of Itullnuy Iralnnirn Itniudlatrthe llnpntdi Srut Out front Illnglminlnn-

IliNoiiAMTfs X Y Oct 24 The Ilrotherhood of Itnllnay Trainmen announces thatthe despatch sent out sicncd liy J M Wood ofNorwich nnd A II Murphy of ntillnc-lhi thn I islitlve Hwril of the ItalltvavTrainmen of the stal motored Ihe cmdlilacyof John H Siancliliild for ioveniorIn every ilotnll They iy tliai nn effort wasmade to pas sueh n resolutionbut It failed

As n matter of fact thinnot nrianUnd for the reason that thn-

dcleaatfs from the llrotlicrliMid of Ilrcinnn-ncrn tint ein In yntc nn the suhiTlicrn was a comnilttee nf three nppolntwl

nrcnnizatlon Two of thnsv drew up thedeipatch lint ihe third demurred tn It and

to Icn The rlnxiil iiidunuiit-nt the action f Its ini niber in nttciiir tlnif to-ilratf tho orcnni illon Into ilitjv-


A Prominent Trias llrmocrnl Who Mill Voterill MlKlnlr antI Snunil Money

AfNTlN Tex Oct i lIon T It Tarv r of-

l itedo Ter Hi state l eR liiiure-nnd for inniy iidneiit IVino-crnts n boidr was tnclav-nnl niitioinced hi iti ontnn nffor McKlnler nnd lt M vi l nt thn

eiecllou II sav h still a-

Demoerii and will with ilmt puny whenIt of IlryntuMii and P MrT rver 0 nntivn Southerner and rv tlthroiich IhCivil War wild Terrys Coifcderalo-JtuifTM Hn is nn st mdhavincsront mot f hisllf on the Ii tier nfMexico hn knows and diffore ice In not ntTuirs in a free HY Tand souiil money country and lw believes Inthe sold H andard

1II rei


1IlIIhr or

er one fOr

tIn L


IInpre tutu h widthe condhti



Ji I tIm

ttshill rue

hut Fl a




Itrot It


I IllhUn irnnilo list

vii luau

tutu tigalIt ill It

tIil its

irul sit





A iftrxyflioVMrnot Np f rh In Pivot at Wld r Ilomsln

Only Mae llnnths AgeSenator Ittrlck II Mcfiirren nf Ilrooklyn

ono nf the prlnclvil of till Ilryanainimlifn IHTII and n candidate for reflectionhlnivlr di ltvere l this ndilrcss on Keb 21 J si-

i liini months nun before the Andrew JncktonClub of thn lividlni iiinocriitlo orxan

I am nn expanslonM The Democratloparty to n trim to It principles cannot honn niitliiuiii lonlHl iwirty No territorythat ha bi ii ndded to this country linn Iwn-iiihlil la aiiythlnu hint u Democratic Adminlilriilloti fin iiunntlon lit doubt us to uhFability to uovern coiintrv on the earths

a ritleciiiiu on ability of the American

Amrlriin Hair from ant SHI whepi It harc Itsrlf Immediately loin n

iOn of patriotism of thepeople I cant take now to make a

of Democratic to llnd outwhat the matter with II but somebody Is

for condllUinI lie p ill condition dun to the nile

of the If wehad hind a leader Icratle ciindldntn would have bien electedAnybody with n head a wouldnt

tilt n 10 to i In the DemocratIf that simple matter of colnnue

hud been left out the party wouldVH ate ulTerlm

ministration whutV to be doneI Ijillevo that simple opposition for thn

sake of opposition wronc ml-vatice n I believe ItIs to It hrrausn nadvanced by the opposite part I bellovothat we havii UN thinprinciple of Democracy nnd when we nomi-nate proper i eopn I belleyi Hint we willwin We are not to hutto make the condition better and to brlwr abouthirnionv

The people of lhli country evidently l ecountry to

on iiorih aurora borenlls on ieby the South Pile the mst by thurising sim and on the west the settingHim AVP fall In line wo nn-

taironlo the American We cun-uivern any country that win ever rhode Iknow and I helleve that everyInuler In Ihn would say thethat I ccitild interview notne teen from tlo

ward wlio iotildmethods thnt would make the Filipinos openthlr I bnllcve In the

itloti and wn all love tour honored leaderMr McLaiisMln nnd I hiltevery mull should his nhout the

hilL the man who to defeatthn nrualilatluii when hn cant have his ownway s nut nwuinlnr the correct attitude My

Mundard wpintf bceauso when hodoes win lie wants everybody to irlvo up irs-nnl opinions und him In nrtrun

nIl SuCh who luau control his district-I uwin n iiijer hut when fairly outvotnd hu-

h is oiIy tn the verdictSnwitr Mclnrrcn hiss mad

In hits premMit ffiiivu sliiimiiMif which he hanin id any attiinpt i harmonU hi ini liii-drlriitiuii Ilryan recd which hu-

linw indnrses

Miv iv jtirinir-n Stralchtiinl AntnrrliiB of Oafilloui ni-

llml llrrn lrd-WnMiNiniiN Del let 21William J Hryan

mid his wuy Hironeli tho lencth of Delnwnroreachinc Wdmlnutiin at V5o this even

hug He pa cd through Maryland thl mornIntf In lili private car speaking at Salisbury

iiMiiiufirst town at luxm There lio-

sokn hrlilh nnd started on his war northStops were Goi r futown Mllford farnnuion Dover chit ton Mlddlttown Kirkwoodand New Cuttle

Ooiircetown Mllford and Dover Mr HrynnWitS o rtid Into the towns uid fromplatforms At lilt r h too l Inclni thu otllru-of tio D lawurn Hp trntlnn Trust Companycontrolled exitusivly Democrat and dtiunced trusts bndyuuard turn haItI

was six seruntints who kent hoMe tohim until hn arrived In till city The iMcnrtfrom Delawnrn coinl t l of Keaator Kenneylltiv Tunnel I Irvinit formerof sisal Willlard Salisbury chairmanof thin Diinncratic Slots Committee At everystop considerable crowds hail withered

was tint In thhabout 4Oo persons tnt thn special nt the stationMr wa at onco to thin rnsldencePeter J Ford Democratic candidate for iov

where In1 dined nt T oclock proceedingtn thin tent where Ills flrt speech was

Ato oco he went to House andmade another lloth werelaruely attended the weather heliiK tine Alltn made by Mr were of thestereotype kind Html the changes ontrustS II n uol He showed slntH wearlnesand lacked the snip that marked visit toState four years am I

1 r rlllltH


Imllllll Itt Kinsg



ollfl III In Ior dutwts Ibun




111 ot


onn O It had

IIt h



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II <



rill I



Si t

lade m

mull tiaarer


I hiltI ti iil ii thin

lit Sit iii tt hut tsliirlti n

It tie y

tlIesmiMl hut

tsiitnn tiittibelie ye t lie ituiu


I Iii iii It


lie t liehi lit hi ITt

sa ton I n gii or-

t itlit is I lit 0 ty


tinyhut hIt 2ulne tit

us lit


IlM hi I hit


ru t tict ill lolan are

snail nI




Mr toItepulillcan lawyer of city to

Philippines and and silver nlthou h MrIou invited to np ear

in tlm tent nnd put tlm questionsA was flit from SHll

suvPir that the Invitation ext nddby lh county committee here was not acceptedby Ilryan In nTlvirc to four nfrelatlnir to what flnan would do if elided Inthe iiinttrr of the Philippine he said lintmailer hail en Ids speeches nnd-lu iravn no direct In rn to whetherln would nay tin miliirMlmn nf tho country in-

cld or Kllvr hI replied thnt hetlm law nnd do it ser forth Ho read thequestions llrst from a local paper

Sty Srnators linn and Scwrll t Nationa-lllraliunrt r-

Inlled States Senators Kean and Sewell ofNew f rs v called at Xalloiinl-H Niliinrier 1oa urethemanncer8of the nirntLn there that Newsure to lie In the column on electionflay Th didnt Imlinve thaI th rn

iloiitit nf this in t n minds of SenatorRcoti Mr Manley Mr llbb or Mr Murphybut ihnurhi that nn nssurnnce Inrff t would tilt Senator Keim i

sold the Hep hi cnn plurnllt In Jerseybe Or tio0i aid Senator


Save 8356 per centin Cost of Lighting-

by using the


IIn lll lIoclil1Ih Ollll111 him





1fnH K1vL1 dno000

Itt uhliraD


thlnllt ot


c i

thislvi tel it t hii I his

N I taolila t filTh

binninrti mar




Jers wasl cli isi Icy

51IVIIS any





507o Less Gas30070 More Light

Absolutely the best andcheapest artificial light inexistence

Beware of Imitntiona

All genuine goods bearthe name Velsbachand are packed in sealedboxes

Look for the NameLook for tho Scot

Welsbach Company1133 Broadway

and all dealers










MviMfinr sArn rnrrlilt Trip With llanruAmiiilni mprl oc

In W l VlrilnUThus lion wminm I Krro of Maine Presi-

dent pro lemporo of the Henatt who will l-

one of rpetkcr nt the linowelt cloinon

trillion In MuUlinn 8iiiar lurilon on Irldnye-

venlnw nrrlvcdln this city yftterday Henator-Krye Sonitor llanmt in his tripthruiiiili tlm West and Is convinced Ihnl thereU to be a llepubllcan limlslldo ila Mtlterilay-

Kfiini HIP iln of he meetings antI enthtiOKIII nt every point we visited II wvmcd thatnit people went us A coiiMrvatlvoi-

Mtlmit tmulo liy correspondent w

accompanied Hcnatnr llanna mid myoelf placethe number at people actually heard ourHpipcliiii ill over Jtfinon Over twothirdof tlio voters In South Dakota attended thethirtytwo different tnicllnun Thcrn nodoubt that South Dakota will 1m In the McKlnley

column In Wisconsin Mlnne iti Nebraskaund Iowa the win mormon at every

wo vl ltiMl Senator Ilnnnn receIvedi perfect ovation lilit jolly way of

I hn ueH of campaignhim ii great

Th hardest campaigning I ever did Inllfu otis Virginia In

rural diMrlct It beeaniH nerewary-to travel carriage mind hoorhafk unit

Instances It four hours or more t

trawl n dozen owlnz to the roughnessof the rebus nt everywere great crowd we were withmi enthiiMlnMn could leave no doubt anto liow West Virginia I going lput only uli safe for Inter tint the

will carried theand Senator Elklns returned to the Henate

On of the Interesting Incident of tripHut Ktnte with the

efTnrU of trio Democrat to away the peo-ple from the miu meetingwn a for Democrats Onof f heir favorite trick vtn to circulate rumontthat the train upon which our party trayelling was the been de-

clared off Occasionally we were MI Inle a tocmise doubt n to our appearanceFrequently hurts wet made we

Inlns were always taken howeverto keen ibis malinger nndthey always took the bets nt the best odds

gOt ansI at n result n great denl ofwon by the fins

was particularly trui at one where theflr t our train arrived without me-Heltlmr was nt once begun at odd1 of 1 to 1

when I lh li t section the H-elihllcan managers quite a handon-

ioriir 111 v TCcirn KT-

AtUn Mret Saloon Urrprr I-

Uriel fir FlfHlim Law VlnUllonrapt Dhmciidrhnrllo Krnmerof 123 Allii-

rtnvl attended b a choice bodvituard of laInAti A Mir

rendered himself atypiterdar afternoon having learned that frontevidence given on Mondiv by two prisonersbrought from Iudlow Htrwt all the OrandJury TueiJiy had handed i an Indict-

ment charging him and lohn Smith with viola-

tion of the rlecloti law four venr nco A

warrant was for KramerV arre t buttho Allen wliect 11llchthoue saw the MoOillnBh deputiM In time to warn Kramer and

out of tlittit and when he got rendgathered frlufid stud tMirrmuKred himcolt

Honator Cirid IlitleTIm Sullivan MartIniAlilerninn lorte Max tlm and

llenri J ioldnilih were with Kramer whenlie entered the Kind ofllroAll wore diamond dV7llnR Imtre andnil were elntixl ai hivltie riviched thinbuilding without Krattier having beenby n Mccullauh deputy The donrnien of the

of huleneit to makeIt known that thor wa they coulddo in the line of running errand thethat they wouldnt do on tlin jump One ofthorn to clerkofllce whom Kramer found that hall wouldbe 120011 Murtiii Kneel as bondmoan unit was accepted by Judge SewhureerSmith has not yet beenarrested

KdwMrtl T Ooc of 50 flreat Jones streetwas held for further ixamlnatiou In the Jeffer-son Market pollen court on a charceof false registration lie Is one of niea nc-

us l of InvlnB enrolled In Ilrooklni In theofTey light la Aiuiixt and

u the Sixth Assembly dIstrict laterJnineo Wlllliiiny a was arrested bv-

i McCullnch deputy night on awarrant Issued Newburircr

WM Indicted by this Grand JuryPomplln to register nnd vote at the last I

nnd tire both await


lur Ton





rico itiibtittsli1


Ito wIt It

t hue


hit I C lnaK bitfit iv crow

nil 1 I I



hit ti




si et

a fri urn t sit litol led cii


tIllili IlitIti toni d dIstrictt lie rittsltial uihlrts ilitlldhiag




chits kMbig




latItoun a chnre of bribing Tunisonlevi












ln In 1 omus ndealer of utrett nnd Amster-dam avenue who s tn tmve fnrnlrhiil tho-lirlb money to Williams Is out on ball nwnlt-lni trial

John K Pnvln necro was locked up laMnliht In tho Wi t Thirtieth Mreci policeon n diarxe of illegal He reiiR-tered In tin KIchtn Election dlntrU of thin Twentyfifth Assembly and BSVM hi addressas 111 West street when lie reallylived at US Wet Ktnv-

troi AS HKitv fiEuminiiTrlrd to flown McKInley and Hnn fTplt Plct

amend iot Itcbnkr lram III CuptslnYou want to take those picture of McKlnley

and lloosavelt downWhyVour husband lent going to vote for fiem-

Is hoYes he ls I

lent In a poor man He ouehtnt forthem Ilryan Is thin man fur the pour titanYoud bettor Hko the down

thus oonvcr ition occurred on Tuo cIty I

between Toilcemin David J Kivfoof the clirns-Ntreot Ntuilun in Brooklyn Htiil Mnt I ckwood-In fn nt of ut nv Hudsonavenue The policeman hail lieon rent toverify the re 4truion Irom the houe nt which

i Saul

stat bin






ho Inolueiiuuly asjunnl the of aT tin ofD

the Incident adiiioul lnvl Knife who eKpiained-tho matter ns a irlendly Joke


Wont Attend ConTrnilnn nt Democraticat Treutoa

The Hobert Davis Association of JerfcyCity the largest Democratlo club In Ken Jer-wy will nut bo represented at the Stnto ronvcntlon of Democratic clubs which will takeplace In Taylors Opera House Trenton today and it Is believed that only n few ofeIghty Democratic awoclntlonn In Hudson

r hi

ieth tut w fist lou

Ill IS P4 IhSlab


will send delegate Ilohert Dnvlssaid yesterday that he knew nothing aboutthe except whnt hud road Inthe Kues d the associationnamed in hU honor would be too withelection work to en to Trenton

Sir prevented all but 10 of HudsonsI-7B delegates thin Demoerntlo-Klllo Convention on 12 became CliHirman William II Omrley of the State Committeeordered the convvntion held on the tched-uled for the annual outing of thin Davis As-eoctal Ion


The IUD of Imptrlalltm It I Mere Figment

NRW OntKAN In Oct M KxOov Davidpun II Ienn In a letter today declares infavor of McKInley toy Penn was Colonel



if htri ana tmatiaton

of the Seventh Louisiana iteclmcnt In theConfederate Army Ho nominated forIleulHiiatitdovirnor on the Democratic ticketIn IS In the dhputn over the whichfollowed Guy put himself nt tileof the White the KiltoceOov

14 1874 ant thus executive untilwas declared elected In the letter Boy Ienndeclare that he MUll Is n Democrat but RryanIsm Is riot Democracy ho Is for moneynnd conlri rH the s ue of a mereHcmcMl of HIJHIIB Imaclnatloli-


A campnlcn meeting will lie held under theauspice of tIns Itepubllcan Club of the Twentyfirst Assembly district at the lubhoux t9West Ninetysixth street this evenlnc Thofollowing will address th HenryC lln znrd Jr Wilsonnun CliarU A Hale Daniel I Sul-livan inch E TnKkiT

lordin Miller or Virginia will unealc-at of the mtnrrclal Trayellers Sound Iheadquarters Fourteenth street and Filth

A McKlnley anti Iloosevelt flag dis-played almve It the name flanker and

and Sound Money Clubwits hunk arrrwK llrnd street atwith strict ye t The tine hano-wi as t trusts i he top pnsslnir cntf

An Mifoot flagstaff wa put upI ncne Hub house yesterday to replacepole that WBS the storm of Oct

that wa In town Thewill be heisted on the MW note Uito



hiet hits

erntiioflt after a battle in New orleans 4tpt

Jcuhin iansi rapt

t hit thi115 liitMt luau IilCul toCia cIuls


siton the tnhon


tats andStripes








Small Sttel Cipsuloi HllcJ With UqulJ CaronlcAcldbj


How soon alter the Doctor has ordered milk do you begin

to rebel at the very sight of it You will never reach this un

pleasant state of feeling if you aerate p rthe milk with a SPARKLET It will


taste and will digest quickly Try it

It is more palatable than Kumyss

Pint bottles upPint syphon attachments SO cts JQuart syphons JOO up tPint SPARKLETS 10 in a box 2c

Mineral Tablets

and Fruit Syrups Also Supplied

All Dealers Write for Booklet

Compressed Gas Capsule Co Bway 25th St N Y City



have new charms of appearance and




Quart SPARKLETS 10 in a box 40c





set next the whalebone are the hardest to unfasten on atailor made waist you have the


THE HOOK OF J900alt you habe to do is to give a quick outtoarJ pull on thehook side of the 7l aist and the deed is done but the waistwill not cannot open till you are ready


If your dttet dots not seep them send 10 cts smae cArd5uy whether WHITE or BLACK



aAn Article of Food

that satisfies the appetite is not always either digestible or nutritious Many of the most satisfying lie like lead on the stomach

appeases the hunger digests easily and is nourishing It formstissue and builds up the general system

Put the dry flakes In a colander poursalted boiling water over them drain shakeslightly and turn into a hot dish


liI Book of tested receipts in every package








The Hoard of ItrEltritlon nt New listenllrcldrs Acalrnt Them

NEW HAVEV Oct 14 Thin llnnrd of Uesls-tratlon for New Huvcn made i r ihne tonlulitIn cae of Vale students who want t reelter In this city that I hey can vote In thn cntnini

wa ninin i tlmsindonN-Alwiut twenty Vain men appearedbnurd lo be Hworn in as e esters Onlv Li gutby and e on tho Hworn liteMinntthey went to beiomn re tdeits of XThus remainder dnrlnred that they did suit mund-lo make this city I heir home except whit iiitvidliur and they were Tin rnare about fifty Vnln on the rvlstr iinlist to l niailn voters thl yenr Thn acti nof t nLht will dbar thn nilccinnsfroth voting In this election The Hoard fJieaistnitlon Is liemoniiic Tln llepuhllcnnmembers of the Hoard vigorously prntntiHl

thu in ilority-

rtrgltrntlon Itrrorils llrokrn In Nru rkAll previous records have been broken In his

reglMratlon of voters in Newark TherefflMtry d was hut Tuesday mid lIst totals

turmlned nr a KtntThe total registered on tie three days ninM774 or IB per olit more than t o yen H

This Increie over four Is eji TheIncrease over two ycaiNano is


illcectlon oral I lie rid 1tg

lint it I Iii

t tins t I jut

college toile

than boird

itjatnt the itoiiIon tif



tugsear Hell




Ilankrr Crnrdlcls Inrmrr Uf me r i llrljhtlr-

lnriNwini Vinii Ocf Thn llepublCOILS f ihi town luul n big ivinuln tonlKlitfollowed b an nddres h fonKrn sman KHill In the Open HOIIP The parade passnthe former home of I r llenedirt hlchis nown Kiiniiiier hoti The Kvery wlndiwIII Ihn lioini was illniiiniit nut It was tintsubject l muelieiiiiiiuent hut thi house where

ruler flevlind vi ilnd h-lrre ldncv should bn all nelow for a McKlnleyparnd Mr llnnndi t viiind thealter learniniroi thniiiiiiiiiiiiMtli but whetherthis has nnyl him tn d with it is a iiie tlon-

Prnmlnrnt Mlsmorl llemncrnt for McKlnlfy-Inpux Mo Charles If Morgan

of Lainnr who fcrvel four terms m Congressus a Iemocrnt Kild I diall CHst

tills fall for McKlnley anti lttx veli Thellrynnlhs havn numn npp to tlin war Inthe Philippines tlio paramount l ui and I amIn iho wnr to victory forAmerican arnih Mr Hrynn unit lute supportersarn nvirywlinrn exiireuinrnil foilWITH f A ilinlio andin tempi ini t ji ihrir attack upon our

Thi i iiiiic nnd tmy voletMi mnn lol in such VU WN

uutinirii I7FPIUIlS P1 RI 1 z





tli Ill

tn t nit dstrb sis

Oct lCol



I icfoiidl flitirs

rib cannot give

> >






aryan1ubPt-we Iy WbisRy-

C tasesu-

gRY old ecaseJI-rse1 ct is o

ia C44HN BilL T CO Bdthnore Md-






















ciof hi

thist hatin 1-


apar-driddownback62 IttbarktitiiwithJulni-S JvtlriIi-

Uve Irettitti I-

i1 M-

trbail lii-

I F-





aud or

Jutsi-liZlt hi-