The Sun. (New York, NY) 1872-03-23 [p ]. gale. llouMc reels will' taken III Itill Mill, hatches...

JJM JN TUB -- MKTIlOrOLlS. fiAfillim lllltli A.l TIIVItF. nVTItl! raw's A f.JO.OIlIt llrrncli of Promise Sult-A-r- rt l nit. Hi ni) M. Iluilln un I In' Cum-plul- i.t of Miss "M H IBM l t llnillliny. Hargurt lloiillgny seeks to got tMrn from ,l,ntr M Martin fur having aloliled till promise In marry hr Ihe ssya lhat he Tl(l-- regularly from IKHIUI l7t)al her rcthlcnro, 1M ttdl Fifteenth tirr-- t. tMn vltilt worn rnnllnni'd shrii ihe removed in rii;ibfth, . .. In September, IsT", Mirtln went to prim e aa agent for her father. Prior to his dcpitturc M, Hi' 3d f April, 1170. In the Hoch. iter llonc. In ( lln-I- , i, idai e, this clly.tht IutIhk couple rltghtnl their troth lo each nl her. Margaret acrt Cut sh" his alvrais a,i i ih.w, irmly sn Iw llllug to msrty Martin : that In i"'.i. Maitln rciiiMic.i from Frame, bringing ltti (ninawutniu whom I," pa. ted ss fit wife Ml wit i mV.mi n iivd is i .an and alic.alihr Western Hotel. In mil' hi mpi I Miriin has told Msrgsnt that this Villi. an It nt LP) wife, nnil histoid Mariraicl'a fat n;T 1i, . ' ilni aa.anrlh iO,nuu, and has Mused to " v"rpar"i"'htiinr'lii'iriltr of rrrt atralnat Marlln, H a.,.1 he arrested liy Hi puly Mierlif I.. A. I urr.anl hi tu IIh nffli. nf "n'er of Air.. i I lerk .Isryls, wh. ir t. gave, Mai) lull. Duucau, -- human A. to., Ma boudtu.t u. falling Ihe (ircat Mull Sen-- 1 .'iCJII lliialiila nf hull Thrnavit Oteihiinitt lu 11 rilnrm. Ilii. 'inolirr tTtitcluo ll.illu), 1'iipt. Ilallry, from St. Matllnf, with arateouf l,luhuiucliuf salt fur Woodruff & Kublnann, I'ih title, tltp.tarrhed at llila fa Y.'i dura-la- evening, after a passage nf . During llil time there wai a sun csslun of gal's IfuiiiN N.W..N. V... and 8. H. V which Miw with tone cnoui'h to split nrry Mil. The Halley Uftfct. Marlins. iil'(b.. Fi.r few days rim met with no eiuburras.n i lit fiirtlnr tlnn'mld, rtrouc and a heavy but tp ady si , flu I In innrnlns of Mirihdtho weathir w Dili k a l tloudy, wind N. V... and blowing a gale. llouMc reels will' taken III Itill Mill, hatches hsttcnrd, eti rylhtng nloft not nrcatary to tne rafrly of llm nfOl atut dun,nilll ntcil unit anlnt what rulKht happen. IIkpm runiilnit inminlalii bUh.and uudc clran Lrnclin oirr licr t ctcry nirire. She Mppnl iiuirli alrr, an. lie mm had lii laih tlitin-I- . lira lu Ihi ii.sata ami KUuiralm. On the Mill (irral wavr Hiu. k mid 11. ally Miit In'r un hrr liram rudi. Hila uualiippcd H rnil lrr tiy tirciidMi ntf lmlh nudcon. Ki. fiiritn i i i'i iri l n had mil lliii nuMrr.ciupttu limit n . Pa ft. tii In the lnd. The main nyatl war f 1. k. i p Ui r Hi wly. lu Hut cundlllnn he rull. d and tunilileU twn il)a. Ihu ttraln on lur pUiikliiiriBurcd Inr Inliak.and 4'0 Urnkf! per hour l tlir I liiii i re rtqulrul In keep her clear. Dii Minli i4. latitude Jl. 1nKluidcn.M H, ld hauled In w W. and liiiretn-d- . Flic ewel heavily Inailed and fir duv n In Hie walir. It anm; apnesn d that ann eihlnir inml li.. dune In ee Ihe trail an Itlieir I Uvea Hie p. illoua l.'-- k of ii lilni! Ilm hall hea and the irim the tea traa Jelrtmln. 'I ;.n. I hi- lineult un di;i k. Mr. .Iidin 1thmw1n Iu luate, ajieakaof tula c.toil, uud. r lliC anuniol ullellie ilalf r.alid aaked n it Mlm rame tn Int. rvlew tittn uu the aulijrrt tiitrraiidplitiin It In hla mind. Tlio rrpnrier uu Iwrn luii.blait Uli hard lack. Lnl ruiifeMed hla Ina tlllty In liniflee tint terrlbKi K.ene a here lirave in.". i"'de more liraie hy ton. I.n.llne ri. iiieiit. whlih hurlcl alho jrt the narruw Ir. ii.MiDit iilaiika h Mieiih their feet th cliol. e In tweeii Itviutr aud il) iinr. and ahleti niual he pniiiiplly met. Miliillffli iiliy lti-- y nl almnt In mln,i iiie "It It wa a work nf huura, aud Ihe l alnart vi m lm ail) nlled alth water iiiirltift the npetaii.iii 11 rellevid hrr.hoa crr. ot nearly altty tmia . iiilil. A few houra later, on huuday, Man li II. (he .md I l oaaed. aholll twnhunilr.'.l rollea l.y Ine lull.e north nfcape llatl.'na Taking adttntae uf llietalni, llieuieii hulated the md tier un lard, butr.i a hnln Ihruuiih tn tMit.rore i; i li.iln lhtimn ihe hole, ri aet and made fal hy meana nl chalnaaadlaeklratnthe punp rallliifr. Iho lud now veered In imrllieaM lllnu up an iirly ara. Hhcairalo iH'ian tu lahur. Hie mid Imrrairdat thla tune, and her wlndwaidh.iw.aiid Indeed lu r luata and lalla were o tmbeildrd In lee lhat teara wrrc rnlertallied thai Hie mlitlil fuul and link from that miae. hi.rlunalrly on the irtn llio wind rhanted to the eonlhward. rorlinuluir aeTiral houra. foinlnir un tl.e Jt'rrey ahore n. met rnld.atnin northerly wli.ifa arln, lint flhallr arrlred in Ihe IllghUnda nit Wedoi aday, a auteif. and on rnuradiyw aainwcl Into the Atlantic IU;ln. llriH.klyn. to await dlaeharse. In her pnnt condition .lie I. a i.rfeet enrln. ly Her ile. Vt Irnln tlein ti item are white with cryatHIUed nalt. Talter-- d ajU. hrokeu apara. and an afr nf eomiilf te cihauiituu. iu far at the hauda arc coucerned, linl' the 1 liturc. t'lrero'aanil 1'ieNH'a t''il Klrellnnn, mid Ihr Wlaaer-ltnllua- rlion t onlekl. Yeaterilay runrnliiKi bcfnro tlie Aj'lstnnt Aldermen 'a committee on the cm lialid electliin caio, Mr. l'ctrr Mitchell, ruuntel for the contcilaul, Henry WUter, iltnu d that In ? tho crllteentll Illilrut of Iho KUHi AaeiuM) Martin Ulupp not permitted ly lo wauh for Wliaer, allhomh ahoaid thim hla authority, and that uo waa a rcvutallo cltlrii, awurt that he 19lToleahlih trc tail for Witter, There In thla dlitrkt.nnd, at m lit nee of the fact, meulloued tl.o clrcum'tance lhat tho In' hid heen Indli led hy Ihe tltnd Jury. rentnl to the Tenth Dltlrlet, Mr. Mitchell that James llanlon, w.itilier for Mr. Wit-e- r, ndrUeufroiiithe nulla by irtnt uf hired ri.w ilililiiel. cot up a penulatl'in nf the uo. tlnlj Iw. i.i t. eu oirt appetrid on the fur lr Wlrer, tvhUe furlr rlllfena awore had luapeetora. voKd fur Muter. Tho Urand Jury hat Tilrlnnlh liitlrlit they men Mr. fitter but hut lin y thnujiht allerard the could uf more liberal In ihe " Imti hiniin," and gaie then by i nulnir that the nr. I rrlurn wa; I'oril lhree eltlena they had him. X iruiorihy rltumaayrc that he aeieral meu whn ote,lfnr Ituhluton, aud n nUlere l at lltlnz lu hla owu huute. com luded hit ttreih. nh'.i h w al a ttt one. hy refrrrlnir In all the lulled couieKd em t fmm Un II. ue of LU en. ai d (' i aar down to laer aKtlnat linhluauii. and Ihe iom n.lltie to taiTltlcc allun Jiidieea and. a. I.ikIui llruttu tminuUml hla aon un ihe aliar or i u luniil. tu dure yard ihilr mutt ted reeuui icd uolUat in order I iihiuli rlkhti uut .mdji.-- t r. Mr John llarde. ruuna. for Mr. Ilohlnton, elaim I that Munp wnt (iitntli ad d . thui llanl .n waa nut re lul. 'l l.lllllotun lu the pulla, hl.t d hit alllh.'tltl lu the virouir puriyi that the funy ihr.e tltleut in the IL.tlrcnth IlltlrKl .r. all nutlakeli. with Ihe el fiTtlon of fuurtrru who apperid on the returut ; thtt a nood intuy Uudlordt do i.ut liiiow llielr uw ut nania Ile elalmed lhat nu fraud had been i vinmltled. and that ltcbininn thuuld k. ep bit tilt. Tie. cuuimUHo will Muuday Heck. The Dlmiirlmuco In Ilnrry Illll'a Vuilrl) Tlicnlre, Detci'thc Irtlna InlJ n Hi's reporter, rotter-dt- y, thai the man who rtruek lilm at Harry II Ill's niti nee aaa rnllnly unkm wn tuhlm, and lht the axaul waa without prOToeatlon. lie ttyt that he hiar.l a u. in ' lii kind I mi L.llie, aMle ipllhtt.ind then lie re. .Hid allDKlnv blow on the chetk. Mr. In loir kuoiked tne apaalUnt down, titn ha I im i hance to tilin. a a du n ruuet inn rr red iiid held huu baik. ll.iny Ulu emit ll.e folluwlnir lard. The ilille prrtniml'iniler'ttndlnz reforted lo hae ncciirred at my Varletlea 'Iheiitre hi. 1 reirrel toper J' eelve, lecn tortured inln a frneaa of men vluknee abit one In whli h dmiteroui wetpoui aere fretl and fearleaa It npra1fd lo. The ilinplc atturane to all aueh at knnw me that nu inch i tortt weu elllcr couiiaelliil or allowed, will It It tprrehend-!- eonttltnte a tnttleienl refutallon to the nuj lit ueeut itlon At the eutlmllin of the nui.lle pi nee. Ihe proi rletor t til ai--t ill hla iiinreniaey nl eouirot and ropoea to maintain It Intact durlutr hla oieiipancy ol iL. lUalre. HaIILV lUhh, A l.atl lluuit 'U elicit A l'luiliy C'oniliictor ThUIiic out hla I'nri. , ttltli lii rui. YeeterilA? tun r u flirt th linartlod n Qraml Rlrcul tr. it me Minor Home, In Meeker atenue, iW.lia'nt burnh, to ride to Uliary Cemclery. When atked foi their ftre they held up their Bali and told the conductor In take It out of tint. The cundtiitor, although atllghl huiU nun, la plucky arid umli ritaiida touieahat the art cl Hlfdefmce, lieci hlnn the tainennewer n recotui time, he murk out from the ahouhler, and while the aea. i uf tine uf tin ruuuht went irathiux ihro ifh the window hla waa tent ipmwllinx on tin ttiMir of tl.M , ni... on,. Cnt klMielc ile. w n khlfe ttahheri the conduclur In the wrlil,and tlu-- ran. Afie admliilati rlns a few Mrkt to ihe one un th- - floor, the rmi'ltieior puraued and nvermok Ihe tun who Iihm lUhbed him. Hu Ktte the fell iw aanuiid thrathlni; an! thru made htm glc op hla kulf aniapontili . An mil uran'td lu uriol Ihnu, hut tl.e jouni; euuduitn. an uiiwiiiiuk to mak. a ioii..UlLt, taluy Ibut he hau k'Diu tUui puiiLahuieui ei.uv.k'h. hcnrchlni the I'lceou-lln- li k In ihe llltttiu y .iiionii-)- ' ofiiff. 4 Mr. Stralian'a of llio .liiOlclar Ommlltee aru a Hit of thou prtioueri l.i wbote raiei no dlrpoaltlon ippeuri oa tho bookt of th. IHMrlet Atlnriiey. The llal.whm eompltled, will bi i nmparid with the bookt In ll.c t hrk'a nrhre, tod. eon r whether any ri main uuttilid. The preparatlmi wlllouupy tewrul ilu)l, aud whtll It la uuUhed oral j tritlmony will be ink' u Mr. eliahin taya he I lopoan j 1 to InntUttlc thoroughly h ate it'parulciy, Tlic Tenth Arcnup Slnnlcr. At the opining of Ihe Cuuit uf tnuerul b, a. ni).-- . It iday tnotfiiuK, Coiinti llor llnwe made a uiuiloii f r tint admlMiuii of newly dlcorered leatlinonytu tin Wllke-V- , urrfn ier uturdcr cae. 11c dealrcd lo piove . tuaika of rloliii.e on the neckof the prltouerou tin I L.orulnKOf theatlray, for thepurpoao of corroborillnp V the tertlon glreii by WHkr, Objection waa made b I t'ol. l elloa,, and Ui cordi r llackclt overruled the mo tlon anii pro. eeiti.i in , harne Ihe Jur). Ile dwelt par Jl tleula'i) up, i. the pun t of prelin dltatlon or nullci aIoriihnui;hi.KH,i1tilaw trry uiurhaa It wai ulveu lntheritcriai. Mien he had concluded and the Jury ei ,'iboi.t lo nun. a nuetliuii up aafowhire Ihey .hnni.i n. ihe lu the bulldli.K beiiiKlIt k belli rtuaiirelriKaralara. Tlmlly. howerer, lleei.H. r l i. , . u iiinii d tut th liny ahould he ruiuliii led lo lu 1, unl. r. luHruadany. 0ei an huur elapaed In for.- ii,. ir return An Imprfttlon that a rerdli t nf iiullly uf un,,,!. nn l', flr-- i ileuree would hu relidelnil prevail, 11 r. ...ii. lourlliium It waa put orrci 1. Tin M.ditv , ktuil'i ol inui der In ih teiwnd diu-- r Col Kilbiwa then itiuid for a nt r, ,,i,. n,,- lie eordir, In the ..tile, 1. 1,.. , ,1 i.,i, Ullke InMale I' hio.l lal. ,1. lor ,r. . The Mlileuee wua rulluwi l liy u pmnlui ,.,e thrla tllla IVtlke, Mfe. uf the couth led man ai.o l,., tVll fileally amtaled thrnUKhnut tin ei.l'i, til.',... h, t, .1 I with a hjtterleal til, and tmno frmule frieiuU vtho ai I coiiipiiind her wire unp)o)nl a.iit.ioua,) t, ,i,ut I ball tu hour iu rcaloilUK hirlo a iuti of lumii iaure. the I'mirrnl of Col, lliigi'iio I.l- - (inl, I IIiIk .(Jin. J. M. Viiiluii, I'oiiiinuiiiluii; tlioTlnrd K ' Ilrlnde, r'lrtt Ulvlilon, yeiterday litutd the foiloaiue I ordi r It It with deep re rrct that the Urlglrtler firneral aunounrea thodiath of e Col. Futcuel.e, Utl, who ao Ioiik and Itlihfully aerrrd In the National Guard at eoiuuiaiKlaul ef the Kifiy rjfili HrKlmeut. Hit leai ul bo i.Lcmlw deplored I) all tg whuui he an kaowu. ill. The l'lfty fltth lleirlrncnt la detail, d to act ta funeral rerr.rt,and will nemblit at their aruavry ou buuti.y, Mare.tiM. at I o'clock 1' M. 'I .1 f .' wlnif .C.i.ri are rMineiled lo act aa pall bearer, ami win aemble al the armory of the Mil), fifth llealmelil in I' M I'n' Mldney, W t'ooier. Flf't Infantry. ol I mm. - Clark, H .e.ith I' II. feotl, I'luhth Infantrt I teal nl t . II. llralni.. Ninth Infantrri l.letit.-- t ol. N. naini, tlunn, hlahtb lnfnnlry; Mriit. t '.l. A. I. Ui Later. 1 rtt y. All the nifteera of the I'lrat Ihvirlnn nre Inriled l .elt.nil. Ihe brigade trallwlll awrmbli al tbctieli-i- i n icaideiu . euM. Matk'n plate. ai J r. M. t I. I.e (,al a Ihe urlRltial or(tanlcr1.r thla fainoua ri nt h coiuiniind. Ilehadterted fi.r ntertai Iveji an, an I realaiiei thorlly after the cluie of Ihe war, lie, wai a Hoc eolillcr aud a tlrlct illteipllnarUn. Tlir Wire nftlip Murderer In the Tomb. C.irl Vtiitt, tlio allcireil munlcrcr if ( lioviitlrr I in It. , a de lllanco, waa before .tutleo llogiu, at tin) Tomba, )elir,lAy, fur turthrr eiaininflllon. Charlra Mell, the flelclan t'omiil, Aatlatant Dlatrlct Attorney Alirernoii F. tullliran, tho prlaouer'a counael, and Ihn uaual number of attendant aero preient. Vogt't wile apt" an d In court, looking lomewbat pain and embar-rime- Hie waidrrtie.1 In a green poplin w lib Umif 1.1 pi. li nk. A Vogt eutered the imlled and advanced lo meet him, leading him lo a uiuoto corner of tho room, where they converted during the eiamlnatlon. Vnpi lieara hli lucarcerallon a ell, and appeared aa f rrali ml cheerful aa upon the diyot hlarre..l. Tlictaiiuna I'.itpaiitui hat hat. pad Lc'Tecn the proamnion and the l'i"ilt aniiiorltlia were mhiiultcd In the .Imtce. Mr. ,roi.a il a illtnlaal of Iho caao 011 Ihn prouiidtlui no further cvl lirce had been recelred nr liiformntion obtained that a wltii. at bad left llruela for til try 1 he lielglan outiil tlilt'ltJ ''' vram f mm the 'llnxt. r of I un Ign VfJ"' iijlmr that a allrcaaamil 1 nil 1 hence on Monday 1be 1111II1111 una d nil d. The 'nn d ii "er frotn Voti tnhli wife wa read by Mr. ami uken In Mi l. u- . in tti tire li'iy iniUute.l the gooi'a liken from Miilni. Vi. ir.omln Pl.llidilpbla. ilt.e pletm. , il t... imliltar) uniform, biara an aatlat 1 Ini- - Tiic'iaae'waa'iionri.e.l tinlll Monday, to she the ptotviuliou l:n.f to I., ar fiom Piutaili, "Myflotll It aina my (laait Son. nnil IlcatU" 'flioiiias Wnril, better Know 11 n "lIllmlTiiitt," iu iuuud dead Tbiuaitay tn a cellar-wa- In front of hit Itti home, V "prlcgt'reit. lto wat lying on hliback. and had i vldmlly hern dead nnit houra. He loat hie ilglit In the ruiv, nd then drew a pioiloo from Ihe ttuvcrtiment. He tked out lilt pentlon byatlllng bab, and Ida face and voice had Wen for ) eaia familiar to tho frrqnt uiera ef Caihatlne Markrt. He drank lomc.andlt II niprotrd tint, rrael Ine bom 1 He and Intoa'cMed.l.c tonk refuge lilul. r Hie cellar doora lii caeapethe pi 10 intlng bla.nof .In. li'.t. He waaiaat aien lit e In n ti t 'n- - ileti king ealoun. when-!- .irtell ,1 r In1 I nl'.l I" db HI Huil Kh. A l npoll.r whit I d at the lu.ile, II t In the r. ir. foul d Miltlll .ird, llnd T.. n't I i' er. viho It about '0 yiait t.t ,e. He waailetpl) iffe.llll. w e went t lie I eirly," tald the old man. ' and we d.dti't hmr Ihomal enme In. Thla tm. ruing I w ai out awhile, but Itwaamcnhl I cotlldll t work. I WBaJliat Lai k In the hnnae a hen mine Uill lnn came In and aahl there wia a man dead or drtink, It mgln the cellar area. I i nl uuali ant Innked, and my Uud I It waa my own 1.11. an d. ad I" and tin old inanliroke down In teara. flllnd Iti'i.'t age la Jit en at S, llimijh he lookt. and la Hid by Ihe poll. e. tube admit to. Ho leivti a alfe aud two children oj blatcu Mind. Ciirnilctiarra llltrippcnrriiicct .Ttilm C'tirtnli'liart. ngeil nlioiit S3 yenr", of llcr. tin. a link for McKlllop. Fprague Co., IPS Worth itrett, thtt city, went from borne aiuiual on Saturday, Marth ,for tho ttore. tin till way to the ferry he atopped at Murphy'a Hotel In Utand itrret andaiked Mr. Murphy to lend him fifty ccnta, mylng that he would band It to Idm on Ida return In the ctculng. Mr. Murphy lent lilin the amnuut. During the afternoon Cartnlchart went out with a filend for recreation and drank eraeral tlniea, became Intoilealeil and incapable of tilklug care of hilllti lf. Hill becanio nianifrit at llroome itrret and liroadwav, and hla frl. ud railed a hat k, placed him In It. and the diltrr tu take hi 111 to Murphy'i Hotel. IVrgen. Ile hu not lucy been teen. Carnilrhaei aaa a hlgtilv educated and accompllahed ton of a elergrman In Ireland, tor tome time he hit htdadetire in vlallhla faihrr, and had been laying tide It a a eel: from bit angel to pay hli paaaage back. Hehadttlpulit'dwllh hli employ era fnrthenilo huld thetunileaa Ih.'V ai . molilalia, md uuder nn rlrruni. itaiuri were th.-- in be touched, nicrettothltweekly laruini!! waaencntn hla wife and her two children ) i..t 1 Inihia 111 bright, bad tide Hhitkert and lnouttaihe uearly black, ud tlrcwcd fjihiuuably. The (Irnml tlpcrn llunap l'nrtncrahlp rnlt. A motion vrii nrcui'il licforc Jutluo t'urtlozo In the mlt of ColeiBaliiit llaki-- todlMhargi the defend-an- t ftom arrcit. Mr. Inlf waa Flik'a manKerof tho Oraud llpera llouie, and afterward leated the home. He tialma that ho iKtrcd with Ilakirto go Into the manaF-ment- the lrandO-r- llouie, each to put hi 3Vi but Mr. Uakcr lepriarutlng Hut he had pnr. rbaaeil iin ptrty In t abfnrnl which had coil him flfljin uud pr.diietd enongh llicon.e to aupport hit family he advanced the JSJmfur Maker hliuat It, aud ubi'iiiently lUMio mure For tblt I13JUI he nuw f 11. a, and. ihalglng that he wa tticelved by the de- ll lltlllit, g"t an order. of arreit. from which Mr. Uakcr eckl relief, n.e detendinl ia)i that hla llatementa were not tn obtain the, but made In uecatlooal cnuvcraatluu, and were true eien If the title to the pruperty win but In hit nni thkt the other advanrea cie parlmrihlp inalieta, and that there la due hliu Irum tneparluiiahip rume I UV W. IKtlilon reierwd. An Alibi I lira 1 .luallrn Dotallng llnubleil. Ill tho !jirclal HoMliiiH.TliuratlH)', Jluryl.jriicli, uf Vint avinue, iworc that Utcar Dltcr.thc prltonrr t tho bar, whom ihe reengnlwd, enlcrcd her room between the bunri of I and I o'clock A. M Utrcb If. When the became ware nt hla pretence the ii retintd and aetitd the Intruder, hhe tirucK a mairh wblrh he held before the atrmge man'a face for the abort lime that the w at able tn chug to him. Ulv. r product d Ihne wlln.raeta, all retpertable look- ing m tt. whu potltlvely aaort that from tiiiduigltl until nVliwk. entering the time when IMver w aa allegi d I" be In Mrt l.yiiih'tlitiute.h.. watatnlall In Kuuitbtlrret, i.eia .en Aai'imaA and II. Juitlre lloa ling laid that 'e 1.. Iievetl II e atpry total ny the wuitian, uud icutcucid I'.tt r lu tit mui.tha In the r. itlteutlar). The Truth A a rime fiiniE'a Snnd llnga. Ii't Minilny ptfiilnif l'leil Widier. "f Ttmiti-kii.- it illK I., wai waylaid and rubbed In Teulb tv. r.n. 1'etcrt oiiwuy aira arriai. d. and Identified aaoneof the nun who had committed the In the police a valuable anld waich a fnuiid In hi iuiae-bi- Capl. fanrrt advertla. .1 thi witrh,und 1'elU Nodal, a fpanlatd. who It lu thtt country uu a plcaiuro tour, (lain. d II. tald lhat en Monday evening, while walking thtuUiih Tuerii flrti air. et. near etenih menu'-- he aaa ttiurk oil the hti'W of thehiad .tlth wh.,1 hi 111 night aaa a laudhag, ami whll. iim'utttclout wat rnbhi d, He tlld not rieover from tl.e eitrcti of Ihe blow until Conway la ni.e uf Ihe utiiorbuit Tenth avcuuo gal . and hat lin ed Ave yt an In elug bias. Not n l'llrlnllnn In llnrlcin. In tha Murine Court, yesterday, before Judge irii. Mm lira ltutler, a modcil tnliiuf 1" I'liium ra, uedJnbn Mulltr fur J I."J). Mia Duller la uu orphan and eart.1 her own lhlnz. Bhe wat returning fruui ..r about (u'llotk III the evening, aud In paiilug Mr lulbr'i home, at Third avenue, and lltlh rtrert.fell lulo an npi-1- coal bolo ami wai conCaeit In her bed for twn witki In cnntee,uence. Judge White, who lor the defendant, tried tn proie that Mlaa Uut-le- r lu Ihe act of fllrlini with a clerk In a tea ttore next toMuller'a hnuae, aud thai iho wat uot looking straight ahi ad, but ngllngat the Clark at the time the Ml. Ihe fair plallillll pruteil to the ntltfii Hon of the t uurt thai the ucvtr Allied, aud wat aaard.d I Ml dauieg't, 3lr. Icltny'a III voice nlt. It.ii.ettu McKay Inu unci her liusbiuiil I'atrlt'k f. r h ii.llt .1 .ill ..r. e, cuarglug him with tarb ua forma of imilttealim ut, aud among themalll. lining her ar- med, bheiippllud yittcrday befnru Judge llohluiou for Dllmony tlarlng her ault, and In the piper mid un her hthilf, l "Idea the charge ou alilih the Ingt lull, aya he la In net Ipt of au Income of ISO' p. r week. Mr McKay taya hla alfeli a drunkard, and drill, k about twice a we. k, and waa arreated repeatedly for drunk , ta, and In aupport of that fact brought Ihu aindavlta of aeteral polloemi n. He aim ilenttaany inrh Income as hla lfe u'.'ill vi 10 Mm, and taji hit whulo piopirty I. nut uhuut I Judge itobintou lent tho nialtcr to u 1. 11 in. to lake proof uf Ihe fniti. The Nfiv Cnlnnil of the Ninth. The M11II1 llcitlincfit la to olect 11 rolnrtel In ihuplitct ofJaiii'iVIik,Jr.,uu Thurtday evening. C'ul. I'.njaiidn W. Illunchard hai decllnid tho potllluu on irennntoflll biafth, The leading landldate 11 Judge tteoiga U. Huruuril. The potlllon hai been tendered h in, unit he hai Mgnlfb d hit intention of ie riding It, niuviued he ree. het a miinlinoiti vnte. Jmlgi' Itanitr.l 'lathebl pciltlnn tu the alaffuf the V'lnih, though hu uevt r paradt d with theriglment. The Ninth, under Ihe nmmaiid of tlif late Cub 1 lak, wat aa fine a regiment at my In the i ll)', uud rmi rivalled the will know 11 K'M-uth- . Itiut Among A, T. Hrunil'a l.nlinicia, Tlio men t iniilnjcil 011 A. T . Htoavnit'e rullrnnil are canting great trouble lu the aulhurlllea. Ou Thurs- day night they engaged In two rtota. The firatwaa at I armlngdale. where the men demolished everything In tuc hnuie, and beat Ihe landlady, Mn. Heurer, to badly that It la fearid ihe will die. tlinei r O'llara arretted Ibreeof them, aud .lutib e Mnntfortl committed them. At Qiiet'i.t, kutti a and cltibiwcre truly uard. Jaima Kay had hla head and budy badly cut, and McAfee had biinei broken. Thn iiithnrnf tl.o disturbance i.aaaini-ir- by the Hheiirr, aud Justice beedeker com. oiled lilui lor three monlhi. The Ilea-- . II. Aiulrcaas Acqiilltctl. TIip Jury In llio cae of tlio llev. II. Amlrowa, Ind.t led In Hudson county, N. J., fur cruil treatuunt lu Mary McLaughlin, hai brought In a verdict uf acquittal. Urn thlld bad run awiy from different houses seaeral llmei.sndhad Anally been taken I ruin HaudaU'i Iilatnl by the minister and placed lu hit home kt JerieyClty. bhe ran away at night fruiuiutly, and wss found In tho iticiti louieweiki ngo in a half started and frnren 1011I11I011. Hercoiidliloii waa thown In In Hit rctull of I. a on u attt aud not ol cruel trcatuiiut. Attempt tn All-ea- t lr. CltTilcy. Yo-.l- t uliiy inurnliiif nn ipplliiitl"ii avna in mlo by counael uf Mr. Kills of tlio t.eueva Hutih Coinpsuy to Judge Cardoto, for an order of arrest against Horace trinity, Whittiluw Held, aud Mr. Hluelslr uf Ihe In a suit for libel. Judge Cardoso tald I lore was 11 lUi.g. of ihe defendants running aa ay. 'I hey wern a known r. ildtultof Hilt locality, aud he Ibuught to psue uu urler ul orrett lu forc a aerdlct would simply I. t . nisiiri pertonal feeling, which wai no part ol Ihu iMt ol uJudc. Ilo wouliubercforudcoy tlio mollou, f'ol. ( biirli f, Hpoucer'a tjttnrtrrmnalrr. Col. Churlea H. Pjient'er, llio newly elected t'om mandantuftbaFllih fleglmcnt, U now buty totklog tppolntinents on his staff, The Hon, Taoroaa Coman sf the Heard vt AhltrUttu. bat beta appointed Q'0itr uiaiter. CAUL SC1I1JHX EXAMJaN'Kl). WHAT UV. IS VIlliVAIlllJ) IO l'JlOVJ! AHuur Titr. i'it i;.t'Ji A a ms. The Administration lint t'.iiilcnaoiliig to Wring t'ro.n him the Nitnica of the ho I'lnponCH lo Mimnioil Do tticy Witrtl tho Truth to t'oitit' O11I f WAfltl.NOTON, Miltlll 'ii. Til" SitllllO Anns IliTcatlKitllliK CnliiinlllfP, nt tliolr incel-In- g thla niiirnliig, sjxaiiif iii-i- l llt liiirz. Ilo anlil lioflratliciuino at'qtiiitiiU'il with the MarqnU tic fhanibriin In the aprlins of ISM, ami Know ho wmi nn nttorney for the inoaoctitlnn of linlnia of Vreinli rltUelia In llio nuirla of tho I'lillcil HUtca. lie tllil not, think Cliinnbniii .ta llh the secret sort Ice. In reply to tho riticftlnii 11a to atlielhcr Hie ei hail frctinelit Inter Iowa lth the M.triiil, Mr. hchitrjt begun liN tcply b) alitlliiu In ttlint iniinncr lie obtained htiolcdo tibnitt thUntnn bnellioM. Un Imi', F11I1I, 111 liU eiieecli In tlio Sen. nto, that when aiicli feell'U nroao In thla cottli try In concritirnco of tho Bulo of ninia to tin) l'reiifli (loM'tiiinent he waa utitrtlcd to think Hint mir Ooicrtinient rihotild carry on an. It tiro- -i et'illn;a merely for Ihe jiiirpnao of RettliKf rid of oiilnnnee atnrea. llnl he only Know tho fnct thru nurh nrtna cie sold, eurgo after inrso, to 1'innce. WHY St'llUIIZ WIS SOT PIT OS TUT, CO?IMITTr.l:. The Drat t Into III atHpleloin were at rcniftliciicil wai nfter the boglnnlim of Iho tinwent seaaluti of t;oiigrea. When Una oru.iiilnllnti of tlio Ctiiiunllteu Vina tulked iibout for Ihn fiirrectliiil of nhuaea. hn iiiiiliraliuiil tlint feiiiitnr t'oiihlliig hud a ild to (I0V..I1 well of t that It would bo liiinrnii'r to place him t.Mr. fi'hnrlnt Ihelheud of ilmt ijiililioltten for tin- ri'iouiii Unit he would iierliap usiill hliiMt-i- of hla opportunity to Imeitllgute thewiloor iirnn to IVninn. lie liml nut nl Hint tlmo the knonledgii nlmilt tho rlreiitnalniieea of tlmefuto pxi i'tit that aiich nnita had but'ii mild. Al" oil a wt'tl. or fortnight lieforo the Clirlatmai aui'ulloii a ii'l't of ItUMIMITtl.S'h l.lrTTKIl TO l.t:Cf"MS waa abnwii to lilm bj 11 nieiiiber of the IcgMa-tia- t liium li of the fliiaerninent, like that wlili h niienred In the ire,itnlilo of Mr. Hiiiiiner'a li en-I- lain. Ho did not know of hla own kmmlctl-t- who gut Hint b'tliT. Ilo aiiiitwd tho ruiiunll-- , tee might enll on tho b'eiitli'innn blini'lr to aa. mid thonght thn Ktfiitletnnit wmild hare no to toll, lie reguided hla I'lilneinittloit Willi htm in riinllili'iili.'d. He would Mute, how- ever, that tho cebili'iinin tiiwhiini he referred wiu not Mr. Hiiiinier. It might hnrc been eight, ten, or fourteen tlaya before Mr. ."limner Intio-ili- n iHl Ida reaoliillon that lieleariied the Martiila do Chamliruii hnd knowledge of the mliject f III , mid ntked tlio M.iniilla what ho knew of tho mailer. Tho Marqula hud culled nt Ida luitisc, but not for the iirioyo of talking; upon the subject. Uo hud t nlli d lu n aoi'lnl way, the lanilllea of 111" 1 ntiil ine .nar-qu- la being Intiiniile. Tho Marquis aioke of tho letter of .Mr. Ileinlngtou lo .Mr. beeoBiie, either nt that or a mlwoqiiciit Interview, ami Informed wit lies Hint he bad hnd n ennreraatlnu with the tfecrotury of War. lie had heard tho letter read from the of War to tho Secretary of Sl.tle, whli'h til a. find appetited in the debntea, wllh referetrco to THE UANffACTCItC OP c atiTiiinor.. nnd tho aajlngof Iteiiilugton to Ieeno that he had tistitc atrong Inllueiu'e to havo tlii iu luuiui-rai'turc- d. Thn Iari)iiN further aald tho letter via no aeerct. It linalns been read to him by the War In the preaenco of other per-anti- a, and at a aubaeqiient llilonlew, In nnsater tn tho qui'atlon whether It wna a t'ouUdentlal illicit nit 11 1. Ihu MarquU replied that It wna nut. rk'iialtir Schiin liaaltn; been asked how iminy lutervlown ho had with M. do ('linmbruii, ho had been acquainted with lit lis for the hutt six years. The wife of the MarquN IkIIci1 Ida hoin-e- , and. ho frequently .um Mm In the aamo aoclal way. lie hud often talked tu lilui on the subject of thimale of anna. Ilo did not know lion iti iipyi.f llio Icltirnf the Secre- tary of Warto the Hei'relary of wnafur-lili-lie- d fur tho preamble to Mr. Sumner a 1. aolii-ti"i- i. HOW 111 MINCTOM'r) I.CTTKIl IVAS I'llOCf Itr.D. The wtlneaa was then neked whether lie km w how n copy of Mr. ltemlnutnn'a letter to Iai eano waa procured, and replied Hint It wna eointnu-nlente- d to t'haiiilinm by the nttorney at l'arla. Ilo united at tho time that the paper waa pro- duced lu evidence nt tho trial In l'urla; that thn wltnem had lu oilier Infortunium procured at that aotiree. The other Information the wltneaa prti. tired from other Miurt-ea- j nmt he atated that lie knew moro Hum I'hiimbriiii hlmu'lf. Ho hnd had no renaon for calliiiK on cither tho Secretary of War or tho Secretary of the Trea-aur- y Ut Inquire aa to apiarent illeerepam lea In tho nci'nuiita ot money reiehed from the ealo of anna. In leiiiionae to a question whether he lindiinv knnwlt'ilga of ntiyonicer eonuertrd villi thn llovcrnment having reeelaed any money dlreetlv or Indirectly from tho enlo of arm. rtltnOa re- plied that a pood deal of Information to Idm from thtnl purtlea for coiifldeiu'e. He thought thla Information could be irnl before thla I'ommltteo In evidence. He thought he hud exprvsaed to tho committee In Ida letter hla willingness to thla end. tlf course, he rotild lint te tit., himself on thoe pnliitK, because he had no knowledge of Ida own. WaMI.Nfl HOIIPII.'rt M'TIlOlllfV. Penalnr Carienttr Iroui pe aunt ill I jou re- ceive communications on thn iubjeet'i A - I dn but think I in anawir that iiuettlon, her ma.' iialn tini oniiiiiinletited lu me In cunrldt mi a iat ut o and turn, persons knew alioilt the cnte. I Inti nd to mi.: g Hal ttersona alio gate 1110 tin lufunuaibju called. ennlnr Carpenter 1 repeat, frotn what persona did yon receive ciinllili nils! iiannmnleallous upou the sub- ject 1 A. I do tint think I uiislit 111 ssy. Eiuatur Csrprut-- r 1 Udnk wu ouihl to know. Wit nesa replied that If he thoiild la the let- ter before, tho eoinuiltlco It might stop Hint I art of tho liiveittlgatluii entlri'l), fur It would inako thosn afraid whu now gho Infnri'uHiui ; but the end would be answered I'V giving to the committee tho names of tlio vtltnir.m. ftCNATOH HC I III 117. WILI, PKOIICCi: WtTftEHSrs. beuitnr Harlan Is It your ptirpoto 10 hate the wit- nesses subo. naed aud eiamlned A. Il !. Senator Jlarlsn Are they iltltens of the fnlted States? one. 1 reecimt no Iniurmatiou from abrosd, eicert what 1 have already detailed. Senator Carpenter -- I a alt " the nutation until bcn&tor Behura has put In all his tcatlmniii , Henator Pchurs 1 dn not know but that would have the same ellcct, as Inosu pitous might Lot want t'lhave their nsim s knowu henator Carpenter one part of the n aoiut 'on under which the t'ouimttlee are acting n qutrei thein to nak, Whether any member nf the Senate or any oilier American cltlren Is nr has Item lu communication ur rulliislon wllh the French Ooternmeui or other foreign power, or a lib any sgeul or officer thereof In refiieucc lo said mailer." dc. Senator Scliurs -- 1 have bad nn men communication My communications acre with American eltuens who had no conuullon whatever Willi foreign tloteru-ments- , KenatnrPtevenaon I nn.leittand you to lay thst the gentb-nu-- fiom whom ynn received the inftiriaatlnn said Ihe teller fnim the r?oerelary of M sr lu Ihe eire-lar- uf Slate wss read lu Ilia presauca of the others. A. 1 did. THE I.KTTCtt. Rualor Carpenter-M- ho aero there alien Ihe btter waariad. A. I ttsted thsl Cbamhnin aahl an In lee " 1 do not reineinbi r4if bis having mentioned the names nf tho persnna. The first time Chambrtin repealed the conleulsof Iho leiu-- f rum uu uiory.aud the second llmt-h- said thn letter was nut euualderiil by the biititary of War a conltdeutlal d.icimeLt at all. Semitor llaiiilln Hat. ). u, ul any time, beard from him that a opt nf ihu lelh r whs giien tu blm for the lufurtunilun uf (he French only, and eipreasly for the purpose of b lug shut In the President snd nu. butty elm, aud did a nu not h ar from htm that a t np of the letter was furnlrheu for that piirpoae solely y A,- - I never heard blm is) aniihlng of Ihe kind, bid be aal.l the secretary of Mar did not lunttdcr It a cocBdchllai communication, Senntor Carpenter Do you know how a copy of the letter trom ib'iulngtnn lo I.ecesin was prueuretl ? A.- - I thlnkahe first Impression I bid of liwssihsl Senstnr Simiui r obt.unid kuualedge of It from somebody else thnu Chalilbrul. Henator Curpenter lln yon know from whom Senator Rumuer received a copy of that letter namu tho witness nf my own kiinwleilge. EXPECTH TO B'flTAIN AM, II IS At.IXO aTlONS. Tha wlliivaH luitlier euiu that as an erroneous Impieesltiii pruvulled that the limnHgutliiii wna nwolved iitaiii four montha nifii. he wished tu statu Hint tin had 110 Idea of moving; nn Invnstt-gallo- n until very receuily, whin the faita known. He did not know that ho should movu lint all, Certainly nobody within hla knowl- edge had any such liiteullnn four montha ago. Hruatnr Carpenter Have you any knowledge shoalug Hint any oiliicr of Ihallotefiimuit eitr made an) profit by selling srins lo penults knuau In bo sgiiiunf the I leiii liovirumi nl A.- -l do not kuua uf myoaii knualedge. My oinmnnlcatlons nre all from third persons. I ssbl In my btn r tu the lummllli e lhat 1 ex petted to tuttatu all the allegations made by me. Senator Hamlin aald ho held In hU hand 1111 ar- ticle from tho tYorU ltrutKht Altynnrinr Ztllinif, Ilo trausf erred It to Henutiir Si hur, who read II, anting that that paper wax iirluted In llerlln, ami waa nn nfflclnl organ. Tho following sen-ten- oectira therein! nWebellvewe are trill Informed whenwe say that our lloiernmcnt takes nu lutiiii. nr ul Hie Hunt imly a negative one, In the question whu h Mr sunnier bus brought befoio Ihe Anierkuu Senate." (IF.ItMANV'H KI'.EI.IMI. Senuler Schurz aald In his opluloii It wna tho duty of American Senntoitj to study the in. lie) of inii'lgu lioveriiineuta so aa to foiiu an opin- ion as to what they nero likely to do under par- ticular elri'iiiiiKtaiicea, an aa mrt to fall Into tlio ulinitrilllloet uttered aometliuca by men who ought to know holler. Ilo hud always been con- vinced that normally wuuld take nu notice of tho anlo of theao nruia, perhaps bei'iiusn It wna, ua every well Informed man know, her fixed pi dlry to remain ou the rriomlllet tei nia 1th the United States. Tho witness further H.1I1I thai In his riiiivrrs.itlon wllh tho M.irqiiU do t'liiun. bniu ho did not hear him suy he K hamhruii) lo muko 11 point liiitny way fur the I'li'iu li Oiivcrnment, but on thn contrary ho wai aiich wrot not the enae. tenalur Hainlln- - Hid you tint itippnafl (hat Cham bruu's iibjecl waa to luipllcalu auini b..d whu had churgtd lor the anna moru ltisu hu utiuht In hnv, rlmrged? A.- - I only ke.nw that I bambriin took a lively lutereat in what was going on. u Did you not draa au lufuchcc that such was bis A. No. After fnrlher procecdlnxa tho coniinlttco ad- journed until MnuiUy, 1 Collon, aided by the Iloone Rlslera, will IDr, evening cuMoLdty, of Itujultr and uiiiilc at the Cuuicr Tit V l.A J L.SJ' SIXTH WA It I) Til I VI) 1 rrolmlile aturi'cr In Mtillierrr Utrect Ilia, pule titer the Old (luine of l'nrtj.llvca Ilroni'iKlIi hi nnd rUiitl. Dniiiliilck nnd Mtiriit GtiTiiiililj' oectipy rooms In tho tenement 59 Mulberry street. Ml i hacl Dottin baa iipaitmcnta (11 the samo build I in". There mo nlati other persona under the snino roof, find nt nlghtrnll they frequently ge t Ingolhor lOi lally tti recount tho past, to tell of His' future, or to annuo themselves with some; canto of enrda, forty-live- s bclni? tho favorite. Dolati la nn liitemperatn mnn, nnd when under the Influence! of liquor tery foolish and disagreeable. When In IhU stnto lio clinllcnged Jlr. nnd Mr- -. Her. to 11 came of forty-flyc- s. If thev iif.epted thero waa n row, with r knock down nnd drntf out termination. At last Mrs. (lemighty told Ilolnn neur tu enter herapuil ineiilMiigaln when not sober. On Tuesday llnlan, whllo drunk, again applied for ii(linlMon,liut Mr.niid.Mrs.tlcrnighty.seelinj Ida coiullthm. ordered Idtn awuv. Dolati would not go, nnd Mrs. (lerraghty attacked Idm with n broiunatlck. Mr. Oerraghty Interfered, nnd ptiahcd Dolan backward down tho atnlrwiiy. Ill ir.lllng Dolati struck liU head nira list the stairs, mid when taken up wot linenslblo. Dr. Henrno of Ilavartl street dressed tin; woiiiul,and Dolati wn taken home. A council wna held after tho renl condition of D0I.111 wan known, and It w.w ilecldi'd to liu-- H up the tnigedy and keep It, fiom tha public. 'Jhroiiglt Dr. Ilearne a per- mit waa proiiiietl nnd Dolan was sent to llellevuo lloepltal. Not n word waa said iibout tho event until yesterday morning. Then Oitpt. Kennedy of the Iranklln street elation heanl Iho flory. lie went to tho hos- pital, saw Dolan. leurned tho whereabout, of tho (JcrraEhtia.aiid took Mr, (lernuhty Into eiistody. At nlioiit nooii.Ooroner 1 tiling; havliisr been eiinimoned, she and several witnesses wero taken to tho I1ufplt.1t. and nfter an iii examination, the I'ori'in ,r cave It lis hla oplii on Dolan was pn .1 all Impe or recovery. Mrs. llerrnghty was lliereupnli tominlticd to the 'itwiw now Important to find flcrraithtr. Ho deuNIti Junk, inui ninkea soaii-f- 11 spin'lRltv. Ill-- , roiile la through Canal anil other Mrccf.. near. dpt. Kennedy stationed himself at t'nnsi nnd Mulberry streets at 2 o'clock mid after he hnd wnlted nearly three liiiurt hla luniil ainu III fight. Tho captain took til 11 to tho rratiklln street station. About two weeks ngo tiennghly and Dnlnn plaacil cards, and unt Into nil angry dispute. Af- ter that the relation betwetn thein were lint veiv pli'iionnt, and ely threats of revengo were Indulged In. From Hint cln'tiitislaiico the pre-su- it f.ilullty Ii') tl'itibt hud Its sturllm; point. jk.v .v cut xci r.. Gliding of the fitter County Conscript - Tt iil Per C'cui. Witutcd. Correspondence of 1 he Hnn. KiNtwroK, Mitrcli W. Tho Untftiil melt of thla county met here pursuant to call. Court lelng ill session, the nicetlnif was held lu the llrand .Iiirora' room, wlib Ii wna crowdtil. Tim ltpv. Wm. Hull, the lobbyist, nnd Chairman of tho Plate Committee, of Drafted Men, w.n pref. nt. Ile addressed the gathering; whllo fe.itcil III n clinlr. Ho argued that the drafted men held the bnlanco of imlltlcal power, nnd cited several Instances In support of hi pofltlon. He urircd upon hla auditors the neces- sity of sending to tho U'glslatttre men favora- ble, to tho pasaaee of u bill refunding to the drafted men of 11 the money paid bythciu to eaeape aervlco In the army. He had naanrnnco that the lobby men would pass audi a bill, pro- vided tho assignment of twenty per cent, of such claim could bo obtained. Ilo requested thnao present to either make such assignment, or pay ten dollars. In order to further thn pas- sage of the bill. Homo from tha rural districts thoiuht the percentage rather exorbitant, and preferred lo pay tho money down. Others made the detlrcd assignment. The reverend gentle- man, with the utmost complacency. Informed those vs. Impair! that tbcv w. mid ncversee their money ngalti, which announcement waa received wllh comt'liiluble stol, Iriu. A number of blank assignments slinllllur to the copy published In the Tlir. St'N n few tin) ngo were given to those present from tho Inte- rior town, with tho view of having them Idled nut and signed hy thnao dralted lu the several town. The meeting then adjourned. Several years ngo Mr. Hull wa 11 prai tUlm attorney In Stone llldge. n small vlllngo about tin mllf from thla city. From there he re- moved to Suiigertles, In thla county, where lie edited the Suiicn illu Tr(rnipfi. lie siibseqtient-I- ) retired from the editorial profo-hm- , and fil- ler "d Ihe HnptUt iiilnlitry. lie now reside ul Hud 11,' V. V. ItOMEVN. .1 match niton i:.v o vi Iiileiicrcnre ofn Dublin tJIrl'a I'nreiila The Milclde ti f nit t'nhnppy I. over, Klilmiil Pi'iilii, un Irish (linker nhont '."lyear. of ace, was found dead In bed nt IKl'or-e- ) lb trect, nt 1 o'clock vrstcrdny morning, with I1I.1 breast and tho cuke uf hli legs frightfully cut. A small d penknife waa found by his sldo covered with bl.ioil. About 11 year ago l'errlu came to thl country and became bill tender In I'aul F. Hurley's aIuoii at Chrjatle and Dclnnrey streets. Ho boarded wllh Mr. Hurley, and was remnrknbly reticent. With the exception nf n brother In Philadelphia, with whom bo never oxiiiang d Ii Iters and seldom spoke of, he had un relative In this country-Mrs- . Hurley, n Utile, nervous, kcen-elghtc- tl wniiiiin, told a fii"fi reimrter that she alwavi know there was mm" setrti In l'errlu' life that troubled Idm, slid fn.m time to time she hail Slenned the follow diet One of keeps a large dry goods store In Dublin, and has In hi iniilu) ti num. Iter of glih. l'errlu fell desperately III love vvllli ..1 f the girls, nnd proposed mariluge. His funillv threw every obstacle in tho way, and would not permit lVrrln to aaaoclato with the gill. At last driven to desperation he came to America. He wondered aliout New York for week looking for work. He wn at length em- ployed by Mr. Htiiloy, uud thed In the latter' I.tnuly. At time he wit despondent and mt'Oilv. nud coninlHlnedofexcruciatliiK ihctimu-t'- i ii.dii-- . In the calves of hi leg. Igiat Wednesday ho au nttai'k of bilious It vir. Mr. Hurley wulli'il nn him ami treated him a kindly a she would u son. SI10 left hi hcdtldn last on Thiirn-d- a night about llo'clin k. Aliout 1 o'clock tho next iimriiliig Mr. Hurley remiied li'iine, and en- tering liu 0 I'errln'a rnoin found him Ivlugdead In 11 l'.'ul of I'luod. I't. rimer Young held the Tin: mri.i.T. ji i:it, A lllll of I'.vrepllnui, Compl lalng .10(1 Pages loKi' Miiy of I'l'fieeedlnga KMcnded, Jiidgn Cntilozo lmviiii; ovrmtktl Mr. Slnkes' plea I lint the (1 rand Jury which Indicted him wo Illegally Ptokea's counsel yertenlfiy presented n bll of exceptions to the .luilge' ruling. 'Iho document, which com-prl- nearly ulJU paci", Ml. Ucrrysitld hud been ferved tin the Dl-tt- b t Attorney. DMrlrt Attorn ey- -l bsve bet n ff r ed a lib If , but bat e nm had time tn examine II . Judge I arduio - Hi 11 a ill, of course, be granted yon Mr. (lorry mado n motion that tho tlmo of set- tling the exceptions be extended. Ill Honor liilimuted Hint theie wna no neces- sity for doing so. DWrlct Attorney I with to be Informed whether the stay hat not terminate. W sir. lleirr-hecld- edli uot. District Attorney-f- lu It I should bring the prlion-r- r hi re and arraign blm V Mr. Miheon -- Vuueuuldli'l do. II, Mr. Ilerry-- If you lake that course In this trial, you aa 111 find yourself beset with mure fatal cireptluut Hull you w III bu able to dt al w tt It. .luilge Cardno Intcrpoaeil by laying he con tin- ned the a tny of proceeding. The District Attorney said he would give no- tice when ho Wiia prepared to settle the bill of exceplluns, Col. I'UU'a I'lrsl Composition. nvm McAtrtnt'n ( unit Jlmei fifJuiael i"b, Jr. Duo of hiscopv-tinok- s, titetl when I111 wn about twelve yesri, old, I still preserved by Ida stepmother st her homo In llrattleboro, and to say that It If n literary rurloflty Is to do ineogre Justice to one of the most original of all the the written result of school-bo- y labor ever the critic. Hardly a page but show the antipathy of Iho boy to cvcrythlia.' like et forms, nnd hardly n lino but beara ovldouce of his natural contempt for uniformity, 'ihe little book contalliH three or four compositions, unci id whhii, entitled "A I'le.'o about The Dog,'' I n unique ai anything etcr penned bv Artemii Ward. Tim young writer suy In hi "l'leco" (which hnd evidently been originally written "l'cnee"): A Dog la an aid 'lal wllh fore lees because he Is a qiisdruiipt'd. I Ilk.- large dugs best bcuaute they cau inu lurtliir and light heller than little dngaaud they can aliocetch rnbltt. A big dogalnl wnrlh iniicli without us cm good breed luto him. Then I had drainer her a Idler line. They can alu dreg tleili tome has been tallied to ciry tllrki and haikcti and titerrr, Ihn lUlldog It I'n' h' si nthll'.g d"g becanio mott likely b" was mad. for thai puiput. A brn-- r goes mnatly for rata hut they can alio fight. 1 ilnk Ihe iiew fuun.llau.l la Hie noblest tlug he istes children from ilruwmllugi uuu I lie J uiu aag.isluua. i'Ms It all fur the prituul. A Siilnilllna dpi rnlliin In tlrnnge Count)'. .lunus r.Utoii of Ureenvilln, Orange vouutt. wae tin.' owucr of llio only hotel In that pluie. linen gjgida Mr. Ue lu tell the. piopirly, and one Hcain greed lo purchase It. r.ltldn was to lake In pari pay- ment a mortgage nn Albany properly, which alierward prm. dm hi uoiild. and I.e balance In caah on Ihn hrsl uf April. I lit' 11 aim ngnid to hoard Sears until thst llme,aui gave blm liiim.'iltatu poaaestlmi uf thn Inr. l.eure. Ivcd fluufioiu hlttoulurblt nnli'ellu flmtlug imn-'iaa- . r. Pears went lu Port .lerrla and by false represent. Huns siic. i eded In gelling wlucs and llquurs uf Leopold l'uerth. and tigsrs and confectionery of Snulremrlei. lutllcli nt tu 1 look hit bar. On Holiday last bears aud Lee scut off their goods and decantpt d. Hears ri turued to OreenvllU tho ueit day and waa captured. Ho waa takuh before, Justice Ilntchrr aud (onuulUW 14 UCIktu Jail, Lev bt not h;eu smiltd. TllV llIAMX'ION BASE 11 Al t. t', The Wonderful I'lnyer that Imte been Kn gngetl for the I'orrat City I lob The Whole World Challenged A Smnrt Hearer. lYmi the Vtttttamt Lemler. TIip plttliff for tho siinnncr of 1R7:' has been prnstlcltuf for soveral week outside of the) city limit, nnd, though not feeling well, can now throw n regulation ball with siieh swlflims that It cannot be seen unless covered with phos- phorus; and often the friction occasioned by It passago through tlio air cause a heat so great as to burn tho ball to as hea before It rent' lie tlio catcher, who only llnda n mas of cinder In his hand. The assistant or reserve pitcher baa been piactlalngbut a few weeks, but ho, can throw n, ball through eighteen Inches of oak plank noyys and, If he keep on, tho man on deck will bo compelled to encase Id stomach wllh n monitor turret and other ormur, or Buffer tho vuuse- - qtlcllci's. The catcher has been for three week past III breaking tip pig Iron ut tho Ncwburgli rolling mills, nnd to still further toughen hi. hand he nlluws the big twenty-to- n trip hammer to drop on them two hour each day: they are now about tlio slo of u wind mill, and If 11 bull gets by It 11 It avlll lis by traversing tho atmos- phere of nn ndjolulnff county. Tho reader can gamblo on this, Tho first baseman Is trying tho diet s)stcm to sternly his nerves, and can let n government initio kick hliu with both feet nil day In tho abdomen without winking. I tea avlll never move hi foot I rom a sand ba tinlea In Iho lino of his duty, nnd a runner for tha llr- -t base tuny light on hliu like 11 night hawk on n Juno hup; without making lii 111 swervo n hair. Tho fecund baseman hn developed himself moru especially for miscellaneous anil acllva service. Ho can s tund on Ids head, catch a ball with his feet, reverso his position, and knock 11 grasshopper off from a iniillcn stnlk nt eighty rods, iilnu times out often. There will bo no use In n ritimer trylnit to dodgo Idm, for ho ha globe rights on hi nose, nnd can plumb n man lu the hull or rigging, Just it ho chooses, Thu short stop Is nrobably tho best man for this position lhat call bo found tills fldo of tho Sue, ciiiial. Ho Is short himself, and ha lived on pie-cru-st ull winter, can turn thirteen somer- sault with, nit spilling 011 Id hand, nud ratch n bull with equal facility lu either hand or his teeth. The third brwentaji baa been making sauer-krot- it nud riding 11 velocipede all winter to de. velnp Ihe inu-ii- e of hi lower Illub, which are Immense, and give blm the npiearnnco of being troubled with elephantiasis. Hut don't fool yourself j ho can run dun 11 n giraffe In three minutes, and can but n bull so fnr th-i- t his oppo- nents never think of chasing them the sumo da) they are lilt, but proceed with n new ball. 'llio three llelilent have been frisking about In the country all winter, and drinking angle-vviir- oil to give suppleness to their limb. They gn 011 all fours faster than many professional can run, nnd nre so limber that circus men die ort Ilkcsheep after srvlni thein perform once. In fact, wo may well bo proud of our club for tho present year, and If there Is any orgaulatlnii In tho country that thinks It con compete with them, let them draw on us at six months' right through the United states Treasury Department (or sooner If they get n sight of us), stating how tunny dollar' worth of conOdenco they feel In their favorite club. wo tin not forget our cmo mannger, wnn 1111 that n father could bo tu the hov. uud whu dor much moro than his naiiin would Indicate to make tho season nud It matches success fill. The scorer for tho present year ha been sel 'cteil a the champUiii whlttler nf the State. Holms purchased n liran new Jackuife, two thiiii-ai- shingles. Mini will keephl not iicsnii thetbiuble-entr- y plan, Hint I, one entry for the other side Mid two nils for Ids own. Tlir Mid Slary of I'liiillnr Miirkhiim. lnw , 1'lilHJrll h.u Vim. A very fuw your iitto then' lltishoil 1111011 tho American 'stage 11 woman of marvellous beauty nnd of perfect fnrm-- n form, too, not Jealously concealed. She was acknowledged to lie the handsomest player nf theday. She turned the heads of all the young men who saw her, and addled the brains of not a few nf the old one. She was the Hon (thn lioness. If you like ;t better) of tho day. The newspapers teemed with her praises, mid even dlgnltled magazines bowed the knee before her. Her voice, we nro told, was like until "vocal velvet," her appenr-iuic- o majestic, her llmh Indescribable, yet tiioilestl) but mtntltclydeacrlhcd, and unrivalled. If the reader ha over entered utheatro he knows that we mean the very queen of the hlondr. the charming NM.icdt of tho "lllack Crook "- - Pau- line Murkhaiu. Iteeently wo vlalletl New' York, and to put In n dull afternoon wandered to Wood' Museum. We found Mis Moxklinm was one uf thu com- pany. Though surprised that we hud heard nnthlius of her through the newspapers, nnd that she should be an actor at the afternoon perform- ance) of a museum, wo fully expected, not ex- actly tn see her as dashing aa ever, but certainly to find hrr still In some rcSierts the Markhnm "f memory. Tu aay that wo wero astonished when she came on fall to cxiirosa our feeling. The curtain rose, and, In theatrical parlance, n lady seated was discovered. In her we recog- nized not a feature of Paulino Markham ; jet It was her. She wa pale, wan. nnd weak, so much so, Indieil, that It watt evident she went through her part lu the greatest p.iln. It avaa not slekne i what we beheld wna thmitter wreck of thl once magnificent being. A harsh, deep couth told sadly and emphatically enough of eoiisumtitiiui, and of consumption not Jut commenced. To us the sight wa painful. A J ear ngothl-womn- n lived Ihe life of a prlnceis : wealth wa poured Into herlap. Now she w.n not worthy tnircace even the evening programme of a place of amusement unrecognized as n theatre, and literally tottered afternoon after afternoon nlioiit the stage that thn might earn cumuli tu keep yet nwhllo longer the little Ufa still left her. svieral times rho sought Hie support of the scenery, when compelled tn a tnud a moment or two. A btirlcsquo followed the comedy Jut such a hurlceijui) aa she waa wont of old to tlitali through In the g.iot.t of gay spirits. Shew. is allotted the second, not the tlr'i part. A cough had replaced her ringing laugh, a smile the bright glulii'cs of her eyes. The career of thl woman Is oi.tyoiitof Ihe eoiiiliion order In that It ha been su abort. She triumphed scarcely a 1)11:11 ter the average length of time. Like thousands before, eho thought her beauty mid her talent (for sho hatl tho lat- ter too) everlasting, and ncgleiiod the warnings which mutt have come to her until too late. How gladly now would she take a third of what au hour's shopping hu time and 113.1I11 cost her. Till: 1XVAI. ESTATE SIAllliLT. Among the recent Important roniearu'c whlcli have Juit been n corded, may be mentioned the houae and lot on the northwest corner of Proadwty and Tark place, by A. V. Hastings tn the Knickerbocker Life Insurant e Company for fllilr'0 bouse aud lut on the nortbvatt corner u( I'tilvertlly place and Nlulh Hreel. .tohnliroantolliiiry Malllard f. r ".','), if to 31') .n. liHlve. i:itt Twelflh ttrcct, Catharine WILIna 10 Itnirt Mutry, f tt.'tfi house and lot north side ef street, an fe t east of Mtlh avenue, Horace K 1 burner In liavl.l Morrison, IM.IUS. plot lulTtiai.Suu tl.e sniilhsldenf ntly-elghl- alreit. Sft feel west nf (he Iwhlh aveiim , Isaac ami Hlmon llernheinlcr to Matlld 1 Ctibiirn,'i plot, on the uurth. ueit corner of lKth street and Fifth ave- nue, T. A. Vyse to I,. I". Harry, .Mi.uO ; houta and lot on the wi tt able ot I eilnalun avenue, KiA feet south nf Klfly iilnth Uriel, .1. Ilinsisn to ,1. c. lln. h. .n,ti; niie lot nn the wett side of Hecnnd svenue. 41 feet notlli of llfth Itret t, one on the north side uf llr.Hi air et.W feel wett of Peeond avenue, and one on the nnrlh able of lllth atrell, U.3 feet weal of Third an inn, II. N Deau to I W. Twlgir of llliiomtlchl, N .1 . anl0 Mr. Itajnoryiatirda) mid at prbsle sale three full bus uu Ihe toiitheaat comer of nr. I ay'rioe Mid IK I tut I, and IWtl ou the I ear. Rltlllfur fi Hl aim Ihreu lots ull ihe north tide uf ll ttrcit, HQ fi tl out of 5th atcuuf, .'SHIUIeseli, for f;,Mi. jvsth 1: aki:i. A Iteoiicsl by Ihn Munnaer of Ihe (ileal IliinUrupt suite 01 tienevn vvnn nes, nt 711.1 HrnuiliTio, nu Account nt' the Aertlou nflbc ig Tlibunc. Tho manager respectfully Invite tho editor of every newapsper lu this city to lend a reporter, accom- panied by a Jeatllcr. to u eiumlne the worka and teat the quality of the cues nf all or part f lto Hoi know luliig told by tuuoriat lomvuMulih Company. All walehes are plainly marked, and there Is no devi- ation In Iho price. If Ihe Jeweller, iiiidtr oath, does not st He that each waleh it gold nr silver, or at least sold fifty per cent, ilieaper than by an) Jeweller In Ne w 1 ... k, Ihrminigeraticcttoclotu the store aud dltcoutluue the aale. ihe aale of the ttoek bu alto betn much Inture.l by articles appearing In thu 71'iuwaud W. and Ihe 111 wa- ger sincerely trusts that Hicie pain rs, when It Is b urly that he Is at thu bead uf a liglllinate biialncaa, wilt Kite hliu that credit which all houitt uicn dtieno lu auiionorablo e. Two Year A go. My run contracted the bronchitis, and soon be- came to 111 ho hid to take lo his bed. After tiling a boll lent Dr. Jayne's liipoclorinl bu obtained .omni case, and ai evidently beller, hula itiong fever coin- ing un tuliaeipienlly, his inolhir and myself bertmii siitlous, and senl for nur family doctor lie told ut thu l.jpccturant might gbo him nllof, but would not cum hliu, to he gave ul tunie tiiedliinouf hit own prrtcrlh Ing. He rapidly became 10 much w one under the treat-min- t that we all feared ho would die, aud at a litt re- tort determined to give the l.ipectorant another trial. To uur treat Joy, allef takiug two buttles of this reme. dy, with the bciialltu iilla at they were required, he wai iiiiiii entirely cured. I have since cured a trouhleiouia cute of croup with Ihe Cipectorant, and kunir uf tta be. Ing iited with beneficial n milt In oilier enact of liron. chlsl dliorih'ri. lean safely say It Is a moil eicilleut medicine (or the ihrnst and liiugi. Jviti Wiiifrr, i.f Ui. tm ell, i.uireil u., da. How He vtua Trrnled fur Hum Mug 11 nd Hpllilug. A peiillenmn from Piiteraoii, N. .7 , had catarrh badl) He mulled up hit nostrils eight pluts of Wob colt's AuulhlUtor. Be sajt It proved a rsdlval cute. -- Ait. m Did you ever see n dally pnner that did not con tain kerosene seeldent "Hem?" '1 he remedy Is f uuud lu the ute, of 1 '1 all's .Mini Oil. .btc. Kurnlttire, carpel", and budding. An Immense flock uud 'uw prlcti al II. M Cowperlhwilt'i, IJ5 Wetkiy audmouthly paymnuU takio.-jli- ii', Aa Intf ly tt viols ta, Knot's aprlpg Itjlo of gU tKutCii'iku(iat3UJiudVl'i"'',l'' XiusilltS Jfloltti'a. M low in I'rrvcnl Xiinill-I'ii- L'tc fret ly HHOMO- - CIII.UIIA1.1M, the new, edorletf, and nonpolaouona fx a deodorlrur and dlilnfrctant which deatroja the germi j;l of contagion, aud prev.'Sa the spreading of dls.ate. jljH Prepared only by TII.DKN Ar CI)., 171 William ft. old jS by tlldruggltti. HV t'ctrcrlly iili' In utl Crises. (J MII8. WINSUUVS .(iiilllINO bVlit'I'. for all ills-- catci of children tucti .a. Icithlng, wind lollc, c, Ii u hit tafe, reliable, aud baruilci remrdy. I'V The heal plnre In Neva- Verb, in buy rellnhlst r'l witclu't, One rtlamin-i- rlia fahlunal le jewelry, and PJ licrauig gliver weuuiiig iircr"ii's,iaotuiiiL. r,vi 1 uuu t.c tt. Dltmondi a tpceti.'y ji "A filcinl nl n nineli." la Duiuo' Cntnrth Sunt:. It cautei the deaf lo hear. i Tnpn7.- - Old and yo ng '.jpera find Wlllltuil't Kx- - V tract Jiunali a tiingrr niprr.or to an) drink. L .'Jjlftilll 3)olitt3. g TvM I'A Til V IT It I! ol HI) I CI I. II lT(Mt . atlae, now so w olely known hi ruuliriio nulle's bthie. dsui bih 1111 ps. aaa Inirodurtd Into tin world uuder tha 1 Indcrsrmeiii ut four thouaHnd leading members of thi 1 medlifll pr frastuu, snme twenty yean ago, Ha pro I priclur wat well aware that It could no wliolly ese.apii ! the penalty attsehetl tn all new anditsefiil prepurstlout. I He therefore endeavored 10 Inn at It with Ihn stroiigetl i pottibie lafegtiuiil agslntt counterli'tlert and imitators, 1 lo render all attempts to plrattt It tliitieiill and danger- J uus. It was tuhliillled to dlftlngulaht d (heinltts foi H prouomiccd by tiieintlio purer! spirits cvt si tiiatidfactiiied. Ha purity anJ jiropertles having been r thill asi't rl'iliied .rtlnpb's of tlie urllele were foraartle.l a to tea thiiutsud physicians, Including all Hut J leading practn loiiera tu tho t lilted btttci, fm II the pinpntti nf experiment. A rlrcultr rtii'iettlug .1 H tilaluf the preparation and report ot the reaull accom f panic I each tpet linen. Fuur Iboutand of thu mott unil. r 10 ill iiouoni 110 11 tu 1110 t iiiuit i'iviiii'.ij ,, Hielr oplnlnninf Ihe article wire, tinanimuualy favora. k ble. Piich a pn iiatatlun, they said, hid long been want. I ed by the profession, as uu eliannt could be placed on Ihe ordinary llnuors of coiinuerce, ail of which mini J mort ur h . a.liiiti rated, nnd ihereiure unlit fur iiirdt L cal purpuM's. I he p. iiltareM'ell.'iic" of Hie ol! nf iitr.l. 2 per, which formed one of Ihe principal tngl dlenfs ..t i Ihe St hllappi, logelln r a lib all UUHlloy.-- liar.icter uf the Hlcolioltc el. uu lit, give tt. Ill the ettlmtlioli of llul tl f.u uily, a miirited tuni riorlty oiei en ry oilier dlttdaUa i illmult-ii- at a dtuii lie, lonle, aud restorative. . lllll, WW'S til NTlll'.NT. still 1: i,i:s. i' Vvtii'Mlh. I'l.l HIES. Ac., call be cured. Thn rational treatm. nt, as inuli ated by iiature, Is to reduce the local A jniUiiimatiiin, fuiilhelhn nt ighlstrlng nenes, eoul Ihn 9 iietietl bio. nl, ami rtuider the water) b liornus dlacharg.i r coiisialci t and lieaitM HauiiUy, llolluws)'s tilnimt-ii- I aceuiiiplishi s tin n mil with uutmllng cirluluty. '.') I ri ntHierboi or pot. si Tiir.r.HiiiT vt).iii:itsTiiTirn wditi.n. f I. The Pyramids nf I'grpt. 2. The Pharns of Aleiau- - V tlrla, 3. Ilie walls and banging gardens uf lab)luii, 4. . 'Ihi temple uf Dluua at I.pliesus. a. 1 lie flaluti uf thtt p iil)inplau Jupiter d. The Mauaoleuiii of Atltmlala. 7. The Cntiiastia of Ithodes. a. Kalnbuw's llupturu Cure. i The greatest nf all Is found at til) llroadwsy, ivjriuc ti lib ti ki r at , New urk. 1 I'tlll .VKITIt I'ATC'lli:- -, frcekb. and la'n mn Perry's Mnihanil rret kle U1II1.11 The re. 1. Itahle and liiiruib'aa reineily tor brown ,a. ol .1 ii,..i.. . r. the luie Di put, 4) Pond tt., New Yrk. bold ny all dr'ggnit iiiirof'iti:.i ai.iJ. . PIlll'I'S ,V PVNS, ' lllll' HHIH f ()IT"l I., lii III l"N ST. I'TtiSt's.- - hiinn t 111, ruiiii-ii- . is siiruinic ' Aiiieniaii. H Park row.Ni York, oliiaui naieiiUetery- - ' whin I went) nn-)- ars't tl. 1I1 in e. I m iilhingroii fl'lenllal. send bu I'nient has s and I, ulde lo Inventors. "iimm'v 111:1. u p I'oit yoi mi:n. Nif. vims Hi bill) in d I r in melliod. liuiuikahlit le. poristtiit Ir. e v.itii'-Mt- . Ho.vauu ;.Aiiur AiuAa nit mi m.l'hiln Ipina, I'n I lt -- ; i:i.T DIsl'I.N-Alt- V, 7 1 IllMIHr:- - veitai ail. vt. , tl e af".e..d. (.una HMI lu- te, d Vat clnalioii nee Honrs. II. land 1 to - P. M. f ' VHK I( H ( tll'.lt NO IIAIttiK I All- - ) Ihn fnr, i iluatiou trie at the l'.jumHll it. Jjls l'V,U tsi s 14. ir . .ra tt uu 1 to j 10 mo 1 r.n. II II VAI . HAVANA I.OTTritV, ! KX fllAOItlllNAllV DHAIVINO OF AI KIL 4, H7f.' 11 hvlc UgklU, It one Iwen'iiib pail. Ii. s ..J by J. It. MAHTINB. AID, flank, rt. 1J Will it., buil.CU New Yoik r iii'itlef. V ( 111 1 Y AI , 1 1 A VAN A I.IITTIiltV. J rrUeiciihstf.thlormillan furnlihe I. ordeti promptly" Biles, bit ban rtlri pit. for ill kiodi 0) ld aud alliat tat Oovernmenl leeuriilct, Ac. c. 194KJ Uim W.'lWaMP' W lUKtw UM -- a Vf f v , 1 s MMtttteittasM4 wtttJWtt ,, , , ,. a n.VAticiit, A ,v) vq sxnn net at., rntDAY, M rrih 2! 1'. M Tho railway share mirlt ibai' 1.. I1 u'. I, d hi tho K'm.-i- l lilt by dullneaa and a tatm m ta A ipcculatlon, ilnnulatty In eontraatwilhtlt" activity and animation dliplay d tn certain of tho prominent ipcuulatlunr. Tlio entire market waa decidedly Irregnltr dirlug tho morning, but tho afternoon brought easy money with It, ana a bullish dltpotltlon ou the part of operators, which In carrying up prices pretty mnrh all oyer from H tu i per cent., the general market winding up ttrong and holding thelmprovcment itlffly. The moat active itotka were Ohio and Mlnlitlppl and S'ortbwcttctn tonunon, whlih divided thehonora ot th- - diy between them. The Brat named opening Heady at 43Xt prcf-nte- an un- broken front al! day, and made an upward movement without lulling tn 47S. Northwestern In the mean time rom from : to 89b, tho upward ipurt deriving bcocflt from somo unfounded rumors of a dividend In view. i:rlo wai pcaklng-a- ud was t toady In Iho morning at tJVDV. Whin the cablo teported higher prlcci In London, a better buylug morcmeist ent Iho price lo Wt, but It qulcliy wen' offiirvln to Vanderhllt roadf , Ineludlni Cake Shore, were dull, Hock Iilind being quiet ami firm. Union Pacific waa exceptionally weak, and decl'ned 1 V rent, at tho cioic. Pacine Mall wai liken boll of byitronRpartlea.and dtanced from sH to m, VVeitern Union In the mean ttma rlilng t V cent, to HJf. Alton and Term llauto preferred wi la trco rcru(tt st CS, a good buying de- mand being illmnlated by tho eipectallona of the road, and a return to the payment of dividends. Pt. ami Iron Mountain opened st sn, and closed at M f an. ton moved np t cent, tn fs. an 1 Qulekallver preferred I 't to 12 i. There w ero a few transactions In M irtpnsaa at i.J cents per tharo for common, and II 4 to U for preferred. ( nnaollitaltun ( ral was ttreng on Hie quiet purchtti a of well Informed parllea who have coiifl.lenco In tho future of Iho slock, baaing their inurement III on the Increase In H.o trull. uf Ihe rt llroud owned rart the coinpanv. as nmjiari d a itli ..nt year. Kxpresa tharrs were active 111 uullul stales, and Dim on tho rettnf the Hat. tlold Ii In n dull and steady all dayattoovand 10a', whatever speculation may have been douebeln' on the Intermediate sixteenth. Ihe tnpht war cloud arising from possible complications between Ituaala and bnoland tlld not create the leaat breath of eiitlement tn tl.e tlold Hoom, aud everything thero wna ttsgnant. TheearrvlnraleswereS,3,7. andipcr cent. The Assistant redet nietl In calleil bonds Jl.lll.t"', a total of s,tisiM3 no.) and iltahuraeii In coin (overdue! IntrrVat. tiM ua). a total of til 911,(01. The recelnls nf gold al the sub i reaaory werefV)',"! payments. Il,tl t.iD.bulanti . The currency rerelpia were fill fetis pay- ments, :.xU; baunre, V.I The cuainms re celpla were tPU.OU. The Inlal ileailiga .it the Hold I'.xrbnuse Hank were tn)f".tiiii pild balances. II.19D.. 5sai anil currency baUncet, tle1J3,Ui. The following were the quntatlona: !A M . .P"V m 1". M .. lw' .IP M IDOV bid Nominal y (he ratis nf furelrn eacbsnge baveeen in luutt for pilmeW days bills, sud Wi to I inu for short. but Ihe free off. rliiKi of bllladriwn against the tale ein .rt nf l.iletharts have su dcuinrulletl tualtcra that sales were reportrd ont nf se nnd hands at UW. the bullion In the bank ot Kngland was decreased lan.iMi, the rate nf discount r. ndhulng unaltered at 3 V cent. A sharp demand waa rctmrted for money dur- ing the murnlng, when (he atnek brnkera paid at the rite of , V cent, currency, and an additional bonus of I t.' p lent, per day Inr their accommodations. Until alter J I". M.lhli stringency waa remarked, v. hen ami. denly the market became eaiy, and in tato dealings thn rates were I, S. and C a cent., though wo should pcrruq s uuotu them 111 the icverte older. Thn dlabnncnieiiti of t.imtlhlng like (aioiu nf gold br tho thla wi ek might In an the batik retervet aa tn upon Ihe hanks 1, which will lei reipili I Interior ard In Iho teiilement aud adjiiitment of April t bautners. Iheuretiiallv tho statement lomornnr ought to bo favorable. Iilicounti were dull at sin 12 ' cent. iioierinn nt bonds llae tt'srrely varied K uf a cent. In the limitations today, beanie a hating beeu very lac all one. The iii .rk'l b II ..Itsteidy. II ury II. 0U...1: Wall at 11'. M : ItM.Atttl.' HU. A'! 01. V o enr is rai tiaif lOfs.tat'. coup tPi' 111 reg. . . II ih HlX . IO. coup .IIIK lla Ss, I. iinip Il'ils IIMs lii,lMS.eoup..ll'lK 113a IMS aauf aai.'.reg..lOl'; linw VKIl.l u'lp 111., HI'S 111 ISSI, COUP.. 10l lODH s4, coup Hit, llttt 1U V, reg lm 1K Vst, wa. coup ,112 lUla coup., ...bit lmw eJ-- jlllf 1I1)J Ctlit.l'.soldbda.lClW 101 k Ronthern stte icnirltlcs were qntet. Tennetseea w re steady at bi, new July Snutli Cnrollnaa tiling to JTM, and IslerreaeHni lo TMtf. Tharo waa a good de. maud for Virginia Consols to cover short contracts, which advanced tho price IK e cent, lo I'J'f. City btnk ihirei sold it fnllowii lltnk othttle of New York, 113 Hank of Commerce, Its) Continental, W, Central Fourth National, ll'JK 1 and Ninth Nation-at- , tt. In railroad bonds the business was lets Impor. tant, but high prltes ruled. Central Parities sold at lOISi1, t'ulon Tits doting atn'r to tn Incomes. Ssu to S5i and land grants. 4V to W, We note sales of Krlo lata at lcut do. Ms. 91 Michigan Central Ss, 119 1 Mlrbt-ga- n Southern Sinking V'uud, HUi Chicago and North western lata, '"DaAW. Toledo and Waliaali Ma, DPisllrcat W'citern lats,sitdi, Jds, jn- - Hock laland 7a. 101 iiMor-- ' rlaandKaarx ds, VI i do. Ills. llUMi Cleveland and I'lllabiirga.cnnatiildsttd S.KlrauirortWayne lira, lor, Ohio sn.r.Ml.i. jilt, in, SI.Louit and Iron Mnuntalu lsta.or.i Milwaukee an.' St. I'aul Itts, 9.1, lts ot C.C.and I.C..SH do. Ma. 15; ISIS of Alton indTerre Haute, 97iioletln, Pen. ik and Vvarasw lilt. We.teni till blon. Ill 91 4. Iloiton, artfurdandKrlelitf, HKiN'urlh iilsta uf 1. C. tin., and Indlanapol a, UUi aud Jtoimi and W nti rln Ists, lai. The follnwlng were the hlhttl, loweit, and.. I'. M, closing prlcea of tlocki: - Volno llai.t.lsrtu. tlut.Ailnt. N'.V C llinlaoncun 951, yin al ua V. V C. 4. Hudton eer ... . V so'af suy fl' llarlcm - lit 111 S Crle vijf tt ',' 41 Kile preferred 71 7H 77 - - 11311 111 t l.ikei-hor- i eidlv ... . 9Uj W ( SIS lake shore Mill lal.f !! fflif , Wsbvth 7if ii'i 7l 7Si lilt.burgh l' SU"! !'( 91 S'orlhweaiern ni( sna sntr Northweitern preferred N !' Vltt W Mock lalind WI 1HX Wil H'i lnrt Wayne SiH 7 7' 7 MllaukeuKI.I'au1 M S ? MI'waukeeASi I'aul prcf.... "9i Tflej Tt 2 111! 4V, li! 1H Hosinn. llartfonl& Krle m K t4 H lllinolt lenlral IW U", ISjh 1X3 Delaware, ljick. 4 tVcatttn.. lb1!.' lius ""'1 llovt' Michigan Cintral II IV - New Jersey Central 1U.J 113 l'nlon I'aclfle ' MS tst, jus, c.,t A I. c " satj vas Jav, , .t. l.ouls and Iron k tt Ilinnlbsl A si. Joaeph ....II 43X 41 41, llaiinllwl Lt. Joseph prcf .. - - '!)'. I'suama ai W) Wen m I nlou lilegraph.... 71'; ICf 71V 1'atlflcMall ua y ! stv. ouiiktiiicr nt s aav ' llulckiih.rpref US 41 4i4- - 4J Cmion IT. H WI ); onaol. Cnaliil Md as i--'i S'J Adailia Kxpress S Is'-- , Wells, FaiviisVCn. Kiprisa... n mi Aim r Union Kx. 71 7IW 7I.' 7I' I'ultcdbtilei Kiprtat 7I. 7I 71), 7I, HAXKlXa AXI 1'IXAXCIA I.. rl' HOLD r)OSD. We oCrr at fir aud lstrrts I. IB Cillt'my, the 79D Ilondiol the N'ntllnrn I'aclfle, piliirl al and Interrit payable In (ield and holders exempt from I'ntt.d ktatci Tat. Ttt fact U1 over Ji,3tV0 uf these Ponda were told tbepait thrc n.cullj ta proof of their popularity with tuition. All uisikoiabic Peenrltlis rcctlvr d lo cvchthiie. .JAY tO'Htn A CO, W Wall ttrect, Nctv Turk. wn nisntr. to cam. aitition to tub change In the tlmo of opeolng thelsioki In this clly for siibtcilptloni to the capital stuck of the, Culled States Nat Hank tn tho IQlli diyof April, noted In our advertlilng columns. Thli thingo Ii main to cerre. point UU Ihe lUnei of opening cits II a r book, lu otht e 11111 a. Neaa Vol I. Vlnlliels, I'n id vv. Match I'Loi'it and All grades uf Itotir were In good demntul. and prlct-- wer.i abnuil milfnrinly lughei. Nu Israi lim s ihaug.d hands, liut Hie iiului't.s in Ihe hi.iliriuii uud n giilar shlpters was hiiak, nmounltng to shout 11,00 bbla , while rit'ij.tsw.r only I.Mi libls. Ilje ll.oir In g.Mi 1 dtsii'ind and (Inn. Corn meal acdve at fur Wi m rn )ellow. Wi'iiiiote Flour biipcrBnr. V hlil., Id IIWIil ' I aira state, sr., t" ls.l 1" i rn :d tt 1 do. iliiuhle eilras. I7.;va 75 do. winter wheal. ex. traa snd doiibli ettraa, t W rt , city ihlpplnrtcilraa, ti'tti in; southern hnktra'siid family brands, fa 7. 1 tin Jii hiiiitbirn shipping cilraa.f? tiMlS-M)- . Ilyi'tlour, l kV.VIS. Corn meal -- Wi alem. f . fl.-.lisi- , lirands a Ine, Ac, fJ.(vi, 1'ccd bat declined to fl.5o.ji J1.53 V U rs. (lues mint The cofTee market baa been very active, but partlciilara uf transactions an- wlUiheldt talcaof Hlo, lu re and nt rtoulheru markita, are eatlmated ut iiiti bagt . alau, In thli markel, 'lul hags l.agui) ra , un prices glaen foreign molssin now about sold up ami unlet , sales hints I'orlo tlico at law. for old, and Soc, fur new. New lllleans linn i talet Hi bids, at UtCb. , ltlce very flrm and nutt t . sales ,S lei. Carolina at sVi 'k-- , baga Haiigoon st t.bc. butars ver dull ri liners full and nut selling lielr product I barely steady al s atsi'. tor fair to good refining! tabs Ut) hhdi at sV'tvc for ( libs. r"i es uiolancH sugar nt e'te, II, flned weak at iKm.UI,c fur hardi 11 He for" A." I'siiMSinNS Porkmoii sctheforiiewmcitandprlei'1 (Inner, isles ".urn bids, at W Wt(, rtgular ;, cath and sell, r Manh, 11 n it st Her April ; nnd tia v), seller August) also J ibluugparcela at (11 fur new prim mraa, JU.15 fnr urn tin m and til 511 for eilrn pi line, lleef In good demand and II rm . luets, V bid . t til) fur plalu and IWiilW.iu for ultra prime mos. p lceM f lis (is, aid India m.'s tlOuUli H" f hams JuMiIng fairly at tll.iti7. according tn quality Ibicou a sliadii (lrli.ei sales laVl boxes ul aia.7e. fur long clear, and 7i'.7l,i' for tbnrt clenr, and ciiy Cut meals iiiicbangi d ; pit kled hsma, medium lights, s. do .1 ., v l.nrd lath, r Bimer and dull salei l.lo'tri at sc. fnrnrline illy, tike, for prime Western un Ihu sou. and s isc for abij ib . livery . other mouths unsettled limit r tlu'l bin una Wttll'lll, laa.s!e. lull". IH...I.. ., Mule. . an 1 libellous, irT ..'e. tin can nrm st v.tjiic., Hie high, r price fur choice tuclurles, linahegga active nt 21 i2a'. Con.. ilo d, iiiaiiil furcuttoiiunthi .put a fair lor eiiinri al unchanged prhea. inarkil limit mid- dling uplauda. j.'ic , nnd low middling dn , Ulttc , 4 s,a halea, nf whlih i,S7S for evport f orward dellieib a lu fair demand nt Hoc higher rut 1 salei 7,u) hai"-- , rluilng, by nillelal reimrt at for April. VI 11 I" fnr May,) Plfe. June, il'le. fnr September, mid Be forOcftilier. Ihe rti'iiplt at the ports the pan went have hem 3,ll hah a rponl luted dull at lid ft r middling uidaudi. Thi alUcet hvui Mauibit'.. r i J lets fat orahh'. DkaIN Wheal wai mode rat ly at tire for ir.'Ulug and export, and lliere waa an Imulir adianre in iitleeti lain t7,C(X) bull. tit, 'iu in.rk' t loin g t..iui.what nominal at II JSmII.W for Nu 4 Ppring. Chleagi) and Milwaukee, In Horn and adoat tl.utu,al 77 lor ledand tmhir wlnnandtl.slMII.;," for nuniinon to rho white, nre, M(4ac, for Wettern and Hats, liarles Call al ISJiMc tor 6lie, two and foufrpwed, and Kt (.1 II Ii for Cir,ta kill tad wett, Jia dad nvtlanjM .VS- - ' -- ,.. ja m . a .m. . . . .. - , ,, falsa JoWlbnihela at tS f'tf fir prime ICeatern lif n.J iters 1 SV4&ac. fordo aft, at r7SKc for whllm tt )V tho track and sBoat ( nrn Pmn r but unlet fab a :i rtt 1' bu uis, mainly .1 72 7' fr new V tsi rn iiov-- u, v yellow slloai, with fooiti Western and Doulhcm wlilto) (J nl t TSe I J k HiMiitika HeBned petroleum In fair demand at 22VCJ - In tihis and '71.. 111 s rude r,ui. I ,1 wc. tnsphs t.f lbs. lie, st.d h .linnal hi trite lurprtit'r wss nultrs V; a active at Tta- alters m. "nru bnaipess at tie. strained aft I rotin wis qultt st t.i.f if so, but there waa a gonit mm builness 111 One Nn. I. at i6M. lar and pltclb mm tinchangi'd. 1 in.eeil of) in good demand nt sc pljm In citki, nn Ihn and 010. for May de- - mm livery. Fttti oils unit t and unchanged, anil Rib nlher olla unlet. In frills baa been ennatd- - tjlli crablu activity st lor loose Miitratel raisins, IVitV ili'l 10c. for new Turkish prunes, dflc. for old do., and 7c. ilflf for eerranls. Clot er seed firmer at SVMvVe. Tallona, Vttik told at Ile. tor prime city, w nkev flriner at RanasMe. lyre I'lg Iron and Mock tin m ry Brin ut Ihe lite ipeeiitsllvtt 'B it advance, and copiier has been active and higher. Ik ,11 cloalng at 3i,.'ti'fc. , n. I Mi tlnll and drnojilng. alt Freights quiet tor nn al Hrh in, I nl olherwlae fslrly Sll acdve aud ralhcr flrmcr. Kentucky tobacco active aud ill firmer. sjil I.lve ftocU .llnrkrf. ijffl Nrw YoitK, I'lldiiv. Unrcli wern ln rieady aud unchanged. "ii nclpls of 7.17. making MM ,"V'.! since Monday, agno-- 1 ''.TV fnr Ihe same time lft, fB wrek. Ktrlushr of 1 .n nf bulls sold at SVe. i t., ja live might, and tears of thin ChrrnVi e cattle telling nl Wjj lOSnllc. the rnn was HoiUHt.v ft., wltlt (in thn bulk of tho talea ctoii) In 12c. ' V. Panipleialr n were 47 Illinois slcers, 7,f Ptl3'(e.i 42 do., f ( 113 ewt., at le.; it do., IU ewt., at I2'le tndrrss M fl'l ewt.,at ll'e . 57 inlaed Mliaotirl and Ull- - III 7, . at lie, !W bulla rt SKC. V live weight J B and in light Cherokee caltle, ewt., nt inijialle. Uflt I''.levcncars.or IXtslthetp arrlted. making S.Ttl slncia njt Monday, against li ma for time lime last week. Tina 118 market was nrm In t m t sel lac, and poorest tn beat lots dJ were told at 'tuili't'c. V ft. wllh Ihe mott uf the talea JJIK at 'Ofttsli'c. Mull ThT're wai nn tride In lite l oca. Therecelpla-a- ll for ilw rlanghlerrra- - were 1."v, mnklnx If.MI fur four ilty. tjll tgalntt IS.4U) tor sam tin" la.l tteek. Dressed hngi fjm wero weak aisxc. for llmon, and Sisir.c. tor city, jBJj ma 11 1x1: a ;. i.tar.xcn. jffi uivnTt'ra tratavae nt nir. tliti Bnn rise. I in Dun eis a la Moon acta... S 15 fr!f! 110111 nn oar. JarL1 Faddy Hook.. C ai dov 1.1 11 it. i VlilllHls'e.... 8 It 'J A rrlved-- I nintv. March 22. trJ? Sieaimhlp Vobinii er, I' inlila, build. IK st ui Henn. llrenien, nuise. 3)tl Ship tuiierator Aletaudi r I., It nnliurg, ml to, Hla ItrU Matanr mar. all. I'rtc t'lwnril.i.Kltts..,iii. tt l.rl"' inian Un Hlo I meim. ro . o I. .IB riil n Hunter. Indi iiiohi. i.'d. - vr. if f rlir Mtlng sun, Sullllu llltei, n., 'jinber. Vil Aim, the uaual river an I resaclt. Tk d ma nni nn. nKPAMnF.rite-l.KrnvNI'.-- ln the Clupel of the (It Place of Vert lilies, V'ebruiry ia, M du rtamezeutl tn ii Mile, befranc. daughter ef the Vrcnch Mlnlitoruf War. Nti ot'ier ceremony hss In en pi raormcd lu tblsrhureU (1 lines the marrbaga of Louis XVI. tu Marie Antoinette. M itirottcHo. wi 1II.AKK. -- In Hartford, at the March termof tliaa fan- - yf perlor Court. Tenia Ulaku from Thointt Y. Dlake. f'J Cause, .idiiltery, t, 1101 ItNU-- ln Chlcaeo, March ID, by Judga Jaiiiiion, V l.ydla D. Ilourno from Henry A. Ilotime. Lvj IIAWI.IOV lu Hartford, at the March term uf thn rij Puperlor Court, Mattlo Davtlcy from Wllllaiii F. Daw- - B Icy. Cause, adultery. Married May, IWi. U! liAS'IK.I.H.-- In Hartford, at the March term of the) it, Buperlor Court, Iloia Daniels from Joseph W. Danleli. a Caute. general initeondaet. rAIIVUI It. Iu the March term of tho ft fliiierlor court, Julia A. Kartuur, ot lirlilot. fruui , Cheater Farvour. Cause, latcmperancc. Married June, ISST. "1 JuRDf. In Hartford, at tho March tenn of th Su- - perbT ( iiurf, Jacob Jortll from Mary Jordl. Cause, adultery. Msrrletl August, lra. . MAI hit. lu Chicago, Mirch II, by Judgo Jamcroni I' Ssrsb . Mai er (nun Charlei N. Mayer. I NhSKUICMI. -- In Hartford, at tho Marth termof Hid Ruprnnti court, Mary I.'. Sett lliuin, uf Cantiiii, from Levy Ncaelbiith. cause, desertion and general mltcou- - ,. duel. Harried feplembfr, lm. srDWKI I..-- In th March term nf thn d, Superior Csmrl, Mary Ann Sbiwell. ef Hutrleld. fnuti ;i ( oibclt rltowill. Cause, grueral inlacouduct. Marriid 1' January, Mil, vrun. H riiAWFOUIl.-I- n Cincinnati. March '.1. Mlaa Martha Jf ( ranford, ot tho Erin ot l, Crawford tk Co., aged 3 fi year. !2f DVKOCP.-- ln Deealnr. Ala., March 1., Dennis Djk. Jfl ous. hUu-t- he iible.t printer la AUbnina. 7 irXl.lT In llostnn.March , Win. Hall Dale, formany Is years hi cretary uf the Aliiertean luauianco Company. Iff aged SJ yeara. CT bhlbS. Ill Nicholson, Ta. March !5,of typhoid fever, il Dr. Bninut l I'aiea, aged VI year 3J Plllru-a.-l- Ctnelnnail, Harch I J, Mrs. Ullcn Frits, cj relict of the late Dr. tleorge Files. k. FOWI.KH.- - lu Kaal rithklll, N. V., March U, of pucii- - (' tuonla, Dr. Theodore sgcdivjyt'art. I'i liDZKNM'lli: V It.M!t:l1). In l.lm.i. rem. Feb- - if' ruary 1. Hon Joa tlorenecbe y Harretla, tl.e t venerable ArchhUbop of l.hna. ft' IIUtlHi:.-)- n March il, ot ronttimptlon, llcton A 5. Ilnchrs. agnl 11 )ears, Lv tuueral will t.I.e pltee it hit lata rtildeiire, list Hlvl M ston tt.. at 2o't bit k P. M, tin huuday, March 44. 'Ikf fji mrmbeii of Typographb al l'nlon, No. 0, are luvltcd le Si alt. nd. I IIKItltlCK.- - In Argntvllle, N Y., March 17. Pr. Julie J Pherl.urne Herrick, aired 47 years. 1 KKK. Iu Wludtor, from the errecli E of a fall received wlitle hunting. 1 .aily c harles liinett Ker. K MASKI.I.I.. Du Tbiirtilay, Maich 21, Mary Msakt.ll I! widow of 1). nla Maspi'll.lii tli'tmh vearef hi rage. ! TheieUtlvcs and Intends of the family are reapeeb la fully tua lied to attend ihe funeral, fiiim her Iat.- - real. as di nee, tiio ICatt .tld al.tnu biinday, March 21, at 1 fa UKUVUS. In Tuukhanuook, Pa Manb 9, Ilarlil U Hei ves, aged 1)7 ye irs, W 8.MITII. -- In w'llliamihurgh, I.. I., March , KlUabelb ? Soph! 1, wife of Kobrrl smith, sard 21 jeur uud 7dnyi. K The relatives and friends nf the family are rcsticci. VI fully Invlt d to attend tbe funeral, from Die resident nf her mother, Mrs. JoliuM. IV site. n Heine at.. Wit K llamaburKh, nu Monday, March 1, at 1 11'cliick P. M. IS 1 In Turiiuay, January J.I, Auu, widow ol k Dr. W. Turner, aged 31 yt art. jl WASIIIH'HN IiiNallek, Maaa., March IS, Mr. Jede. U dlah Waahburu, aged si ) ears i March V Mltta Wath. ft burn, hla wife, agid Tt years. They had lived hspplli u togitt er nearly M yeara, and nntll within a few year) IS on a farm bought by his ancestors nf the Indians, bum LI forty uf llielr deiccndatits llvo within tao miles of theli u late rctbli nee. fl WAIKCIt. In Whitewater, TTIa., March II, Mrs. lies H bci e.a IV nlker, one of th. t arly resident uf Milwaukee. D VVKI.M. lu North dalll, Msa- , la.l week, nf poem P monta, It II. VVella, l.s. ,11 prominent cliltin. fl VOt'MI.-suddrn- lr, nn Ibuisday. March III, KlUa Mu fj ran, wife of Pal rick ) tiling, aged 2u years. f, Ihe lileuda uf the f.oullv aru n ..pel full) Invlle.) to attend tin fum un salurdey, Mart h 2.1. al o'clock, It from the re.ideno. of her brin her-- law, Ullam Kager. H No ;t M11II11 iryst , Nt iv York. II

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1872-03-23 [p ]. gale. llouMc reels will' taken III Itill Mill, hatches...


fiAfillim lllltli A.l TIIVItF. nVTItl!raw's

A f.JO.OIlIt llrrncli of Promise Sult-A-r- rt

l nit. Hi ni) M. Iluilln un I In' Cum-plul- i.t

of Miss "M H IBM l t llnillliny.Hargurt lloiillgny seeks to got tMrn from

,l,ntr M Martin fur having aloliled till promise In

marry hr Ihe ssya lhat he Tl(l-- regularly fromIKHIUI l7t)al her rcthlcnro, 1M ttdl Fifteenth tirr-- t.

tMn vltilt worn rnnllnni'd shrii ihe removed inrii;ibfth, . .. In September, IsT", Mirtln went toprim e aa agent for her father. Prior to his dcpitturcM, Hi' 3d f April, 1170. In the Hoch. iter llonc. In ( lln-I- ,

i, idai e, this clly.tht IutIhk couple rltghtnl their trothlo each nl her. Margaret acrt Cut sh" his alvraisa,i i ih.w, irmly sn I w llllug to msrty Martin : that i"'.i. Maitln rciiiMic.i from Frame, bringing ltti(ninawutniu whom I," pa. ted ss fit wife Ml wit imV.mi n iivd is i .an and alic.alihr Western Hotel.In mil' hi mpi I Miriin has told Msrgsnt that thisVilli. an It nt LP) wife, nnil histoid Mariraicl'a fat n;T1i, . ' ilni aa.anrlh iO,nuu, and has Mused to" v"rpar"i"'htiinr'lii'iriltr of rrrt atralnat Marlln,

H a.,.1 he arrested liy Hi puly Mierlif I.. A. I urr.anlhi tu IIh nffli. nf "n'er of Air.. i I lerk .Isryls,wh. ir t. gave, Mai) lull. Duucau, -- human A. to.,

Ma boudtu.t u.

falling Ihe (ircat Mull Sen-- 1 .'iCJII lliialiila nfhull Thrnavit Oteihiinitt lu 11 rilnrm.

Ilii. 'inolirr tTtitcluo ll.illu), 1'iipt. Ilallry,from St. Matllnf, with arateouf l,luhuiucliuf salt furWoodruff & Kublnann, I'ih title, tltp.tarrhed at llila

fa Y.'i dura-la- evening, after a passage nf .

During llil time there wai a sun csslun of gal'sIfuiiiN N.W..N. V... and 8. H. V which Miw withtone cnoui'h to split nrry Mil. The Halley Uftfct.Marlins. iil'(b.. Fi.r few days rim met with no

eiuburras.n i lit fiirtlnr tlnn'mld, rtrouc and a

heavy but tp ady si , flu I In innrnlns of Mirihdthoweathir w Dili k a l tloudy, wind N. V... and blowing

a gale. llouMc reels will' taken III Itill Mill, hatcheshsttcnrd, eti rylhtng nloft not nrcatary to tne rafrlyof llm nfOl atut dun,nilll ntcil unit anlnt what

rulKht happen. IIkpm runiilnit inminlalii bUh.anduudc clran Lrnclin oirr licr t ctcry nirire. SheMppnl iiuirli alrr, an. lie mm had lii laih tlitin-I- .

lira lu Ihi ii.sata ami KUuiralm. On the Mill (irralwavr Hiu. k mid 11. ally Miit In'r un hrr liram rudi. Hila

uualiippcd H rnil lrr tiy tirciidMi ntf lmlh nudcon.Ki. fiiritn i i i'i iri l n had mil lliii nuMrr.ciupttulimit n . Pa ft. tii In the lnd. The main nyatlwar f 1. k. i p Ui r Hi wly. lu Hut cundlllnn he rull. d

and tunilileU twn il)a. Ihu ttraln on lurpUiikliiiriBurcd Inr Inliak.and 4'0 Urnkf! per hour

l tlir I liiii i re rtqulrul In keep her clear. Dii

Minli i4. latitude Jl. 1nKluidcn.M H, ld hauledIn w W. and liiiretn-d- . Flic ewel heavilyInailed and fir duv n In Hie walir. It anm; apnesn d

that ann eihlnir inml li.. dune In ee Ihe trail an ItlieirI Uvea Hie p. illoua l.'-- k of ii lilni! Ilm hall hea and

the irim the tea traa Jelrtmln. 'I ;.n. I hi-

lineult un di;i k. Mr. .Iidin1thmw1n Iu luate, ajieakaof tula c.toil, uud. r lliC

anuniol ullellie ilalf r.alid aaked n

it Mlm rame tn Int. rvlew tittn uu the aulijrrttiitrraiidplitiin It In hla mind. Tlio rrpnrier uuIwrn luii.blait Uli hard lack. Lnl ruiifeMed hla Inatlllty In liniflee tint terrlbKi K.ene a herelirave in.". i"'de more liraie hy ton.I.n.llne ri. iiieiit. whlih hurlcl alho jrt thenarruw Ir. ii.MiDit iilaiika h Mieiih their feet th cliol. eIn tweeii Itviutr aud il) iinr. and ahleti niual he pniiiipllymet. Miliillffli iiliy lti-- y nl almnt In mln,i iiie "It Itwa a work nf huura, aud Ihe l alnart vi m l m ail) nlledalth water iiiirltift the npetaii.iii 11 rellevid hrr.hoacrr. ot nearly altty tmia . iiilil. A few houra later, onhuuday, Man li II. (he .md I l oaaed. ahollltwnhunilr.'.l rollea l.y Ine lull.e north nfcape llatl.'naTaking adttntae uf llietalni, llieuieii hulated the mdtier un lard, butr.i a hnln Ihruuiih tn tMit.rore i;i li.iln lhtimn ihe hole, ri aet and made fal hy meana nlchalnaaadlaeklratnthe punp rallliifr. Iho lud nowveered In imrllieaM lllnu up an iirly ara. HhcairaloiH'ian tu lahur. Hie mid Imrrairdat thla tune, andher wlndwaidh.iw.aiid Indeed lu r luata and lalla were

o tmbeildrd In lee lhat teara wrrc rnlertallied thai Hie

mlitlil fuul and link from that miae. hi.rlunalrly onthe irtn llio wind rhanted to the eonlhward. rorlinuluiraeTiral houra. foinlnir un tl.e Jt'rrey ahore n. metrnld.atnin northerly wli.ifa arln, lint flhallr arrlredin Ihe IllghUnda nit Wedoi aday, a auteif. and onrnuradiyw aainwcl Into the Atlantic IU;ln. await dlaeharse. In her pnnt condition .lie I. ai.rfeet enrln. ly Her ile. Vt Irnln tlein ti item arewhite with cryatHIUed nalt. Talter-- d ajU. hrokeuapara. and an afr nf eomiilf te cihauiituu. iu far at thehauda arc coucerned, linl' the 1 liturc.

t'lrero'aanil 1'ieNH'a t''il Klrellnnn, midIhr Wlaaer-ltnllua- rlion t onlekl.

Yeaterilay runrnliiKi bcfnro tlie Aj'lstnntAldermen 'a committee on the c m

lialid electliin caio, Mr. l'ctrr Mitchell, ruuntelfor the contcilaul, Henry WUter, iltnu d that In

? tho crllteentll Illilrut of Iho KUHi AaeiuM)

Martin Ulupp not permitted lylo wauh for Wliaer, allhomh

ahoaid thim hla authority, and thatuo waa a rcvutallo cltlrii, awurt that he

19lToleahlih trc tail for Witter, ThereIn thla dlitrkt.nnd, at m lit nee of the fact,

meulloued tl.o clrcum'tance lhat tho In'

hid heen Indli led hy Ihe tltnd Jury.rentnl to the Tenth Dltlrlet, Mr. Mitchell

that James llanlon, w.itilier for Mr. Wit-e- r,

ndrUeufroiiithe nulla by irtnt uf hired ri.w

ilililiiel. cot up a penulatl'in nf the uo.tlnlj Iw. i.i t. eu oirt appetrid on the

fur lr Wlrer, tvhUe furlr rlllfena aworehad

luapeetora.voKd fur Muter. Tho Urand Jury hat

Tilrlnnlh liitlrlit they men Mr. fitter buthut lin y thnujiht allerard the could uf

more liberal In ihe " Imti hiniin," and gaiethen by i nulnir that the nr. I rrlurn wa;I'oril lhree eltlena they had

him. X iruiorihy rltumaayrc that heaeieral meu whn ote,lfnr Ituhluton, aud

n nUlere l at lltlnz lu hla owu luded hit ttreih. nh'.i h w al a ttt

one. hy refrrrlnir In all the lulled couieKdem t fmm Un II. ue of LU en. ai d (' i aar down

to laer aKtlnat linhluauii. and Ihe iomn.lltie to taiTltlcc allun Jiidieea and. a. I.ikIui llruttutminuUml hla aon un ihe aliar or i u luniil. tu dureyard ihilr mutt ted reeuui icd uolUat in order I

iihiuli rlkhti uut .mdji.-- t r. John llarde. ruuna. for Mr. Ilohlnton, elaim I

that Munp wnt (iitntli ad d . thui llanl .n waa nut relul. 'l l.lllllotun lu the pulla, hl.t d hit alllh.'tltllu the virouir puriyi that the funy ihr.e tltleut inthe IL.tlrcnth IlltlrKl .r. all nutlakeli. with Ihe elfiTtlon of fuurtrru who apperid on the returut ; thtta nood intuy Uudlordt do i.ut liiiow llielr uw u t naniaIle elalmed lhat nu fraud had been i vinmltled. and thatltcbininn thuuld k. ep bit tilt. Tie. cuuimUHo will

Muuday Heck.

The Dlmiirlmuco In Ilnrry Illll'a Vuilrl)Tlicnlre,

Detci'thc Irtlna InlJ n Hi's reporter, rotter-dt- y,

thai the man who rtruek lilm at Harry II Ill's nitinee aaa rnllnly unkm wn tuhlm, and lht the axaulwaa without prOToeatlon. lie ttyt that he hiar.l a u. in

' lii kind I mi L.llie, aMle ipllhtt.ind then lie re. .HidallDKlnv blow on the chetk. Mr. In loir kuoiked tneapaalUnt down, titn ha I im i hance to tilin. a adu n ruuet inn rr red iiid held huu baik. ll.iny Uluemit ll.e folluwlnir lard.The ilille prrtniml'iniler'ttndlnz reforted lo hae

ncciirred at my Varletlea 'Iheiitre hi. 1 reirrel toperJ' eelve, lecn tortured inln a frneaa of men vluknee

abit one In whli h dmiteroui wetpoui aere fretl andfearleaa It npra1fd lo.

The ilinplc atturane to all aueh at knnw me that nuinch i tortt weu elllcr couiiaelliil or allowed, will It Ittprrehend-!- eonttltnte a tnttleienl refutallon to thenuj lit ueeut itlon At the eutlmllin of the nui.lle pi nee.Ihe proi rletor t til ai--t ill hla iiinreniaey nl eouirot andropoea to maintain It Intact durlutr hla oieiipancy ol

iL. lUalre. HaIILV lUhh, A l.atl lluuit 'U elicit

A l'luiliy C'oniliictor ThUIiic out hla I'nri., ttltli lii rui.

YeeterilA? tun r u flirt th linartlod n Qraml Rlrcultr. it me Minor Home, In Meeker atenue, iW.lia'ntburnh, to ride to Uliary Cemclery. When atked foitheir ftre they held up their Bali and told the conductorIn take It out of tint. The cundtiitor, although atllghlhuiU nun, la plucky arid umli ritaiida touieahat the artcl Hlfdefmce, lieci hlnn the tainennewer n recotuitime, he murk out from the ahouhler, and while theaea. i uf tine uf tin ruuuht went irathiux ihro ifh thewindow hla waa tent ipmwllinx on tinttiMir of tl.M , ni... on,. Cnt klMielc ile. w n khlfettahheri the conduclur In the wrlil,and tlu-- ran. Afieadmliilati rlns a few Mrkt to ihe one un th- - floor, thermi'ltieior puraued and nvermok Ihe tun who IihmlUhbed him. Hu Ktte the fell iw aanuiid thrathlni; an!thru made htm glc op hla kulf aniapontili . An mil

uran'td lu uriol Ihnu, hut tl.e jouni; uiiwiiiiuk to mak. a ioii..UlLt, taluy Ibut he hauk'Diu tUui puiiLahuieui ei.uv.k'h.

hcnrchlni the I'lceou-lln- li k In ihe llltttiuy .iiionii-)- ' ofiiff.

4 Mr. Stralian'a of llio .liiOlclarOmmlltee aru a Hit of thou prtioueri l.i

wbote raiei no dlrpoaltlon ippeuri oa tho bookt of th.IHMrlet Atlnriiey. The llal.whm eompltled, will bii nmparid with the bookt In ll.c t hrk'a nrhre, tod.eon r whether any ri main uuttilid. The preparatlmiwlllouupy tewrul ilu)l, aud whtll It la uuUhed oral

j tritlmony will be ink' u Mr. eliahin taya he I lopoanj 1 to InntUttlc thoroughly h ate it'parulciy,

Tlic Tenth Arcnup Slnnlcr.At the opining of Ihe Cuuit uf tnuerul b, a. ni).-- .

It iday tnotfiiuK, Coiinti llor llnwe made a uiuiloii f rtint admlMiuii of newly dlcorered leatlinonytu tinWllke-V- , urrfn ier uturdcr cae. 11c dealrcd lo piove

. tuaika of rloliii.e on the neckof the prltouerou tinI L.orulnKOf theatlray, for thepurpoao of corroborillnpV the tertlon glreii by WHkr, Objection waa made bI t'ol. l elloa,, and Ui cordi r llackclt overruled the mo

tlon anii pro. eeiti.i in , harne Ihe Jur). Ile dwelt parJl tleula'i) up, i. the pun t of prelin dltatlon or nullci

aIoriihnui;hi.KH,i1tilaw trry uiurhaa It wai ulveulntheritcriai. Mien he had concluded and theJury ei ,'iboi.t lo nun. a nuetliuii upaafowhire Ihey .hnni.i n. ihe lu thebulldli.K beiiiKlIt k belli rtuaiirelriKaralara. Tlmlly.howerer, lleei.H. r l i. , . u iiinii d tut th linyahould he ruiuliii led lo lu 1, unl. r. luHruadany. 0eian huur elapaed In for.- ii,. ir return An Imprfttlonthat a rerdli t nf iiullly uf un,,,!. nn l', flr-- i ileureewould hu relidelnil prevail, 11 r. ...ii. lourlliiumIt waa put orrci 1. Tin M.ditv , ktuil'i ol inuider In ih teiwnd diu-- r

Col Kilbiwa then itiuid for a nt r, ,,i,. n,,- lieeordir, In the ..tile, 1. 1,.. , ,1 i.,i,Ullke InMale I' hio.l lal. ,1. lor ,r.

. The Mlileuee wua rulluwi l liy u pmnlui ,.,e thrlatllla IVtlke, Mfe. uf the couth led man ai.o l,., tVllfileally amtaled thrnUKhnut tin ei.l'i, til.',... h, t, .1I with a hjtterleal til, and tmno frmule frieiuU vtho aiI coiiipiiind her wire unp)o)nl a.iit.ioua,) t, ,i,utI ball tu hour iu rcaloilUK hirlo a iuti of lumii iaure.

the I'mirrnl of Col, lliigi'iio I.l-- (inl,I IIiIk .(Jin. J. M. Viiiluii, I'oiiiinuiiiluii; tlioTlnrdK ' Ilrlnde, r'lrtt Ulvlilon, yeiterday litutd the foiloaiueI ordi r

It It with deep re rrct that the Urlglrtler firneralaunounrea thodiath of e Col. Futcuel.e, Utl,

who ao Ioiik and Itlihfully aerrrd In the National Guardat eoiuuiaiKlaul ef the Kifiy rjfili HrKlmeut. Hit leai

ul bo i.Lcmlw deplored I) all tg whuui he an kaowu.


The l'lfty fltth lleirlrncnt la detail, d to act ta funeralrerr.rt,and will nemblit at their aruavry ou buuti.y,Mare.tiM. at I o'clock 1' M.

'I .1 f .' wlnif .C.i.ri are rMineiled lo act aa pallbearer, ami win aemble al the armory of the Mil),fifth llealmelil in I' M I'n' Mldney, W t'ooier. Flf'tInfantry. ol I mm. - Clark, H .e.ith I'

II. feotl, I'luhth Infantrt I teal nl t . II.llralni.. Ninth Infantrri l.letit.-- t ol. N. naini, tlunn,hlahtb lnfnnlry; Mriit. t '.l. A. I. Ui Later. 1 rtt

y. All the nifteera of the I'lrat Ihvirlnn nre Inriledl .elt.nil. Ihe brigade trallwlll awrmbli al tbctieli-i- i

n icaideiu . euM. Matk'n plate. ai J r. M.

t I. I.e (,al a Ihe urlRltial or(tanlcr1.r thla fainoua

ri nt h coiuiniind. Ilehadterted fi.r ntertai Iveji an,an I realaiiei thorlly after the cluie of Ihe war, lie, waia Hoc eolillcr aud a tlrlct illteipllnarUn.

Tlir Wire nftlip Murderer In the Tomb.C.irl Vtiitt, tlio allcireil munlcrcr if ( lioviitlrr

I in It. , a de lllanco, waa before .tutleo llogiu, at tin)Tomba, )elir,lAy, fur turthrr eiaininflllon. CharlraMell, the flelclan t'omiil, Aatlatant Dlatrlct AttorneyAlirernoii F. tullliran, tho prlaouer'a counael, and Ihnuaual number of attendant aero preient. Vogt't wileapt" an d In court, looking lomewbat pain and embar-rime-

Hie waidrrtie.1 In a green poplin w lib Umif1.1 pi. li nk. A Vogt eutered the imlled and advanced

lo meet him, leading him lo a uiuoto corner of thoroom, where they converted during the eiamlnatlon.Vnpi lieara hli lucarcerallon a ell, and appeared aa frrali

ml cheerful aa upon the diyot hlarre..l. TlictaiiunaI'.itpaiitui hat hat. pad Lc'Tecn the proamnionand the l'i"ilt aniiiorltlia were mhiiultcd In the.Imtce. Mr. ,roi.a il a illtnlaal of Iho caao 011 Ihnprouiidtlui no further cvl lirce had been recelred nrliiformntion obtained that a wltii. at bad left llruelafor til try 1 he lielglan outiil tlilt'ltJ '''vram f mm the 'llnxt. r of I un Ign VfJ"'iijlmr that a allrcaaamil 1 nil 1 hence on Monday

1be 1111II1111 una d nil d.The 'nn d ii "er frotn Voti tnhli wife wa read

by Mr. ami uken In Mi l. u- .in tti tire li'iy iniUute.l the gooi'a liken from

Miilni. Vi. ir.omln Pl.llidilpbla. ilt.e pletm. ,

il t... imliltar) uniform, biara an aatlat 1 Ini- -

Tiic'iaae'waa'iionri.e.l tinlll Monday, to she theptotviuliou l:n.f to I., ar fiom Piutaili,

"Myflotll It aina my (laait Son. nnil IlcatU"'flioiiias Wnril, better Know 11 n "lIllmlTiiitt,"iu iuuud dead Tbiuaitay tn a cellar-wa- In front of hit

Itti home, V "prlcgt'reit. lto wat lying on hliback.and had i vldmlly hern dead nnit houra. He loat hie

ilglit In the ruiv, nd then drew a pioiloo from Ihe

ttuvcrtiment. He tked out lilt pentlon byatlllng, and Ida face and voice had Wen for ) eaia familiarto tho frrqnt uiera ef Caihatlne Markrt. He dranklomc.andlt II niprotrd tint, rrael Ine bom 1 He and

Intoa'cMed.l.c tonk refuge lilul. r Hie cellar doora liicaeapethe pi 10 intlng bla.nof .In. li'.t. Hewaaiaat aien lit e In n ti t 'n- - ileti king ealoun.when-!- .irtell ,1 r In1 I nl'.l I" d b HI Huil Kh. A

l npoll.r whit I d at the lu.ile,II t In the r. ir. foul d Miltlll .ird,

llnd T.. n't I i' er. viho It about '0 yiait t.t ,e. Hewaailetpl) iffe.llll.

w e went t lie I eirly," tald the old man. ' and wed.dti't hmr Ihomal enme In. Thla tm. ruing I w ai outawhile, but Itwaamcnhl I cotlldll t work. I WBaJliatLai k In the hnnae a hen mine Uill lnn came In and aahlthere wia a man dead or drtink, It mgln the cellar area.I i nl uuali ant Innked, and my Uud I It waa my own1.11. an d. ad I" and tin old inanliroke down In teara.

flllnd Iti'i.'t age la Jit en at S, llimijh he lookt. and laHid by Ihe poll. e. tube admit to. Ho leivti a alfe audtwo children oj blatcu Mind.

Ciirnilctiarra llltrippcnrriiicct.Ttilm C'tirtnli'liart. ngeil nlioiit S3 yenr", of llcr.

tin. a link for McKlllop. Fprague Co., IPS Worthitrett, thtt city, went from borne aiuiual on Saturday,Marth ,for tho ttore. tin till way to the ferry he

atopped at Murphy'a Hotel In Utand itrret andaikedMr. Murphy to lend him fifty ccnta, mylng that hewould band It to Idm on Ida return In the ctculng.Mr. Murphy lent lilin the amnuut. Duringthe afternoon Cartnlchart went out with a filend forrecreation and drank eraeral tlniea, became Intoilealeiland incapable of tilklug care of hilllti lf. Hill becanionianifrit at llroome itrret and liroadwav, and hlafrl. ud railed a hat k, placed him In It. and

the diltrr tu take hi 111 to Murphy'iHotel. IVrgen. Ile hu not lucy been teen.Carnilrhaei aaa a hlgtilv educated and accompllahedton of a elergrman In Ireland, tor tome time he hithtdadetire in vlallhla faihrr, and had been layingtide It a a eel: from bit angel to pay hli paaaage back.

Hehadttlpulit'dwllh hli employ era fnrthenilo huldthetunileaa Ih.'V ai . molilalia, md uuder nn rlrruni.itaiuri were th.-- in be touched, nicrettothltweeklylaruini!! waaencntn hla wife and her two children

) i..t 1 Inihia 111 bright, bad tideHhitkert and lnouttaihe uearly black, ud tlrcwcdfjihiuuably.

The (Irnml tlpcrn llunap l'nrtncrahlp rnlt.A motion vrii nrcui'il licforc Jutluo t'urtlozo In

the mlt of ColeiBaliiit llaki-- todlMhargi the defend-an- t

ftom arrcit. Mr. Inlf waa Flik'a manKerof tho

Oraud llpera llouie, and afterward leated the home.He tialma that ho iKtrcd with Ilakirto go Into themanaF-ment- the lrandO-r- llouie, each to put hi

3Vi but Mr. Uakcr lepriarutlng Hut he had pnr.rbaaeil iin ptrty In t abfnrnl which had coil himflfljin uud pr.diietd enongh llicon.e to aupport hitfamily he advanced the JSJmfur Maker hliuat It, audubi'iiiently lUMio mure For tblt I13JUI he nuw

f 11. a, and. ihalglng that he wa tticelved by the de-ll lltlllit, g"t an order. of arreit. from which Mr. Uakcreckl relief, n.e detendinl ia)i that hla llatementa

were not tn obtain the, but made In uecatlooalcnuvcraatluu, and were true eien If the title to thepruperty win but In hit nni thkt the other advanrea

cie parlmrihlp inalieta, and that there la due hliuIrum tneparluiiahip rume I UV W. IKtlilon reierwd.

An Alibi I lira 1 .luallrn Dotallng llnubleil.Ill tho !jirclal HoMliiiH.TliuratlH)', Jluryl.jriicli,

uf Vint avinue, iworc that Utcar Dltcr.thc prltonrrt tho bar, whom ihe reengnlwd, enlcrcd her room

between the bunri of I and I o'clock A. M Utrcb If.When the became ware nt hla pretence the ii retintdand aetitd the Intruder, hhe tirucK a mairh wblrh heheld before the atrmge man'a face for the abort limethat the w at able tn chug to him.

Ulv. r product d Ihne wlln.raeta, all retpertable look-ing m tt. whu potltlvely aaort that from tiiiduigltl until

nVliwk. entering the time when IMver w aa allegi d I"be In Mrt l.yiiih'tlitiute.h.. watatnlall In Kuuitbtlrret,i.eia .en Aai'imaA and II. Juitlre lloa ling laid that' e 1.. Iievetl II e atpry total ny the wuitian, uud icutcucidI'.tt r lu tit mui.tha In the r. itlteutlar).

The Truth A a rime fiiniE'a Snnd llnga.Ii't Minilny ptfiilnif l'leil Widier. "f Ttmiti-kii.- it

illK I., wai waylaid and rubbed In Teulb tv. r.n.1'etcrt oiiwuy aira arriai. d. and Identified aaoneof thenun who had committed the In the police

a valuable anld waich a fnuiid In hi iuiae-bi-Capl. fanrrt advertla. .1 thi witrh,und 1'elU Nodal, afpanlatd. who It lu thtt country uu a plcaiuro tour,(lain. d II. tald lhat en Monday evening, while walkingthtuUiih Tuerii flrti air. et. near etenih menu'-- heaaa ttiurk oil the hti'W of thehiad .tlth wh.,1 hi 111 nightaaa a laudhag, ami whll. iim'utttclout wat rnbhi d, Hetlld not rieover from tl.e eitrcti of Ihe blow until

Conway la ni.e uf Ihe utiiorbuit Tenth avcuuogal . and hat lin ed Ave yt an In elug bias.

Not n l'llrlnllnn In llnrlcin.In tha Murine Court, yesterday, before Judgeirii. Mm lira ltutler, a modcil tnliiuf 1" I'liium ra,

uedJnbn Mulltr fur J I."J). Mia Duller la uu orphanand eart.1 her own lhlnz. Bhe wat returning fruui

..r about (u'llotk III the evening, aud In paiilug Mr

lulbr'i home, at Third avenue, and lltlh rtrert.felllulo an npi-1- coal bolo ami wai conCaeit In her bed fortwn witki In cnntee,uence. Judge White, who

lor the defendant, tried tn proie that Mlaa Uut-le- r

lu Ihe act of fllrlini with a clerk In a tea ttorenext toMuller'a hnuae, aud thai iho wat uot lookingstraight ahi ad, but ngllngat the Clark at the time theMl. Ihe fair plallillll pruteil to the ntltfii Hon of thet uurt thai the ucvtr Allied, aud wat aaard.d I Mldauieg't,

3lr. Icltny'a III voice nlt.It.ii.ettu McKay Inu unci her liusbiuiil I'atrlt'k

f. r h ii.llt .1 .ill ..r. e, cuarglug him with tarb ua formaof imilttealim ut, aud among themalll. lining her ar-

med, bheiippllud yittcrday befnru Judge llohluioufor Dllmony tlarlng her ault, and In the piper mid unher hthilf, l "Idea the charge ou alilih the Ingt lull,

aya he la In net Ipt of au Income of ISO' p. r week. MrMcKay taya hla alfeli a drunkard, and drill, k abouttwice a we. k, and waa arreated repeatedly for drunk, ta, and In aupport of that fact brought Ihu aindavltaof aeteral polloemi n. He aim ilenttaany inrh Incomeas hla lfe u'.'ill vi 10 Mm, and taji hit whulo piopirtyI. nut uhuut I Judge itobintou lent tho nialtcr tou 1. 11 in. to lake proof uf Ihe fniti.

The Nfiv Cnlnnil of the Ninth.The M11II1 llcitlincfit la to olect 11 rolnrtel In

ihuplitct ofJaiii'iVIik,Jr.,uu Thurtday evening. C'ul.

I'.njaiidn W. Illunchard hai decllnid tho potllluu onirennntoflll biafth, The leading landldate 11 Judgetteoiga U. Huruuril. The potlllon hai been tenderedh in, unit he hai Mgnlfb d hit intention of ie riding It,niuviued he ree. het a miinlinoiti vnte. Jmlgi' Itanitr.l'lathebl pciltlnn t u the alaffuf the V'lnih, though huuevt r paradt d with theriglment. The Ninth, under Ihe

nmmaiid of tlif late Cub 1 lak, wat aa fine a regiment atmy In the i ll)', uud rmi rivalled the will know 11

K'M-uth- .

Itiut Among A, T. Hrunil'a l.nlinicia,Tlio men t iniilnjcil 011 A. T . Htoavnit'e rullrnnil

are canting great trouble lu the aulhurlllea. Ou Thurs-day night they engaged In two rtota. The firatwaa atI armlngdale. where the men demolished everything Intuc hnuie, and beat Ihe landlady, Mn. Heurer, to badlythat It la fearid ihe will die. tlinei r O'llara arrettedIbreeof them, aud .lutib e Mnntfortl committed them.At Qiiet'i.t, kutti a and cltibiwcre truly uard. JaimaKay had hla head and budy badly cut, and McAfee had

biinei broken. Thn iiithnrnf tl.o disturbancei.aaaini-ir- by the Hheiirr, aud Justice beedeker com.oiled lilui lor three monlhi.

The Ilea-- . II. Aiulrcaas Acqiilltctl.TIip Jury In llio cae of tlio llev. II. Amlrowa,

Ind.t led In Hudson county, N. J., fur cruil treatuunt luMary McLaughlin, hai brought In a verdict uf acquittal.Urn thlld bad run awiy from different houses seaeralllmei.sndhad Anally been taken I ruin HaudaU'i Iilatnlby the minister and placed lu hit home kt JerieyClty.bhe ran away at night fruiuiutly, and wss found In thoiticiti louieweiki ngo in a half started and frnren1011I11I011. Hercoiidliloii waa thown In In Hit rctull ofI. a on u attt aud not ol cruel trcatuiiut.

Attempt tn All-ea- t lr. CltTilcy.Yo-.l- t uliiy inurnliiif nn ipplliiitl"ii avna in mlo by

counael uf Mr. Kills of tlio t.eueva Hutih Coinpsuy toJudge Cardoto, for an order of arrest against Horacetrinity, Whittiluw Held, aud Mr. Hluelslr uf Ihe

In a suit for libel. Judge Cardoso tald I lore was11 lUi.g. of ihe defendants running aa ay. 'I hey werna known r. ildtultof Hilt locality, aud he Ibuught topsue uu urler ul orrett lu forc a aerdlct would simplyI. t . nisiiri pertonal feeling, which wai no part ol IhuiMt ol uJudc. Ilo wouliubercforudcoy tlio mollou,

f'ol. ( biirli f, Hpoucer'a tjttnrtrrmnalrr.Col. Churlea H. Pjient'er, llio newly elected t'om

mandantuftbaFllih fleglmcnt, U now buty totklogtppolntinents on his staff, The Hon, Taoroaa Coman sfthe Heard vt AhltrUttu. bat beta appointed Q'0itruiaiter.


WHAT UV. IS VIlliVAIlllJ) IO l'JlOVJ!AHuur Titr. i'it i;.t'Ji A a ms.

The Administration lint t'.iiilcnaoiliig toWring t'ro.n him the Nitnica of the

ho I'lnponCH lo Mimnioil Do tticyWitrtl tho Truth to t'oitit' O11I f

WAfltl.NOTON, Miltlll 'ii. Til" SitllllOAnns IliTcatlKitllliK CnliiinlllfP, nt tliolr incel-In- g

thla niiirnliig, sjxaiiif iii-i- l llt liiirz. Iloanlil lioflratliciuino at'qtiiitiiU'il with the MarqnUtic fhanibriin In the aprlins of ISM, ami Know howmi nn nttorney for the inoaoctitlnn of linlnia ofVreinli rltUelia In llio nuirla of tho I'lillcilHUtca. lie tllil not, think Cliinnbniii .ta

llh the secret sort Ice.In reply to tho riticftlnii 11a to atlielhcr Hie ei

hail frctinelit Inter Iowa lth the M.triiil,Mr. hchitrjt begun liN tcply b) alitlliiu In ttlintiniinncr lie obtained htiolcdo tibnitt thUntnnbnellioM. Un Imi', F11I1I, 111 liU eiieecli In tlio Sen.nto, that when aiicli feell'U nroao In thla cottlitry In concritirnco of tho Bulo of ninia to tin)l'reiifli (loM'tiiinent he waa utitrtlcd to thinkHint mir Ooicrtinient rihotild carry on an. It tiro- -i

et'illn;a merely for Ihe jiiirpnao of RettliKf ridof oiilnnnee atnrea. llnl he only Know tho fnctthru nurh nrtna cie sold, eurgo after inrso, to1'innce.WHY St'llUIIZ WIS SOT PIT OS TUT, CO?IMITTr.l:.

The Drat t Into III atHpleloin were at rcniftliciicilwai nfter the boglnnlim of Iho tinwent seaaluti oft;oiigrea. When Una oru.iiilnllnti of tlio

Ctiiiunllteu Vina tulked iibout forIhn fiirrectliiil of nhuaea. hn iiiiiliraliuiil tlintfeiiiitnr t'oiihlliig hud a ild to (I0V..I1 well of t

that It would bo liiinrnii'r to place himt.Mr. fi'hnrlnt Ihelheud of ilmt ijiililioltten fortin- ri'iouiii Unit he would iierliap usiill hliiMt-i-

of hla opportunity to Imeitllgute thewiloor iirnnto IVninn. lie liml nut nl Hint tlmo the

knonledgii nlmilt tho rlreiitnalniieea oftlmefuto pxi i'tit that aiich nnita had but'ii mild.Al" oil a wt'tl. or fortnight lieforo the Clirlatmaiaui'ulloii a ii'l't of

ItUMIMITtl.S'h l.lrTTKIl TO l.t:Cf"MS

waa abnwii to lilm bj 11 nieiiiber of the IcgMa-tia- tliium li of the fliiaerninent, like that wlili h

niienred In the ire,itnlilo of Mr. Hiiiiiner'a li en-I-

lain. Ho did not know of hla own kmmlctl-t-who gut Hint b'tliT. Ilo aiiiitwd tho ruiiunll-- ,tee might enll on tho b'eiitli'innn blini'lr to aa.mid thonght thn Ktfiitletnnit wmild hare no

to toll, lie reguided hla I'lilneinittloitWilli htm in riinllili'iili.'d. He would Mute, how-ever, that tho cebili'iinin tiiwhiini he referredwiu not Mr. Hiiiinier. It might hnrc been eight,ten, or fourteen tlaya before Mr. ."limner Intio-ili- n

iHl Ida reaoliillon that lieleariied the Martiilado Chamliruii hnd knowledge of the mliject f

III , mid ntked tlio M.iniillawhat ho knew of tho mailer. Tho Marqula hudculled nt Ida luitisc, but not for the iirioyo oftalking; upon the subject. Uo hud t nlli d lu naoi'lnl way, the lanilllea of 111" 1 ntiil ine .nar-qu- la

being Intiiniile. Tho Marquis aioke of tholetter of .Mr. Ileinlngtou lo .Mr. beeoBiie, eithernt that or a mlwoqiiciit Interview, ami Informedwit lies Hint he bad hnd n ennreraatlnu with thetfecrotury of War. lie had heard tho letter readfrom the of War to tho Secretary ofSl.tle, whli'h til a. find appetited in the debntea,wllh referetrco to

THE UANffACTCItC OP c atiTiiinor..nnd tho aajlngof Iteiiilugton to Ieeno that hehad tistitc atrong Inllueiu'e to havo tlii iu luuiui-rai'turc- d.

Thn Iari)iiN further aald tho lettervia no aeerct. It linalns been read to him by the

War In the preaenco of other per-anti- a,

and at a aubaeqiient llilonlew, In nnsatertn tho qui'atlon whether It wna a t'ouUdentlalillicit nit 11 1. Ihu MarquU replied that It wna nut.

rk'iialtir Schiin liaaltn; been asked how iminylutervlown ho had with M. do ('linmbruii,

ho had been acquainted with lit lis forthe hutt six years. The wife of the MarquN

IkIIci1 Ida hoin-e- , and. ho frequently .um Mm Inthe aamo aoclal way. lie hud often talked tulilui on the subject of thimale of anna. Ilo didnot know lion iti iipyi.f llio Icltirnf the Secre-tary of Warto the Hei'relary of wnafur-lili-lie- d

fur tho preamble to Mr. Sumner a 1. aolii-ti"i- i.

HOW 111 MINCTOM'r) I.CTTKIl IVAS I'llOCf Itr.D.The wtlneaa was then neked whether lie km w

how n copy of Mr. ltemlnutnn'a letter to Iai eanowaa procured, and replied Hint It wna eointnu-nlente- d

to t'haiiilinm by the nttorney at l'arla.Ilo united at tho time that the paper waa pro-duced lu evidence nt tho trial In l'urla; that thnwltnem had lu oilier Infortunium procured atthat aotiree. The other Information the wltneaaprti. tired from other Miurt-ea- j nmt he atatedthat lie knew moro Hum I'hiimbriiii hlmu'lf.Ho hnd had no renaon for calliiiK on cither thoSecretary of War or tho Secretary of the Trea-aur- y

Ut Inquire aa to apiarent illeerepam lea Intho nci'nuiita ot money reiehed from the ealoof anna.

In leiiiionae to a question whether he lindiinvknnwlt'ilga of ntiyonicer eonuertrd villi thnllovcrnment having reeelaed any money dlreetlvor Indirectly from tho enlo of arm. rtltnOa re-plied that a pood deal of Information toIdm from thtnl purtlea for coiifldeiu'e. Hethought thla Information could be irnl beforethla I'ommltteo In evidence. He thought he hudexprvsaed to tho committee In Ida letter hlawillingness to thla end. tlf course, he rotild lintte tit., himself on thoe pnliitK, because he hadno knowledge of Ida own.

WaMI.Nfl HOIIPII.'rt M'TIlOlllfV.Penalnr Carienttr Iroui pe aunt ill I jou re-

ceive communications on thn iubjeet'i A - I dn butthink I in anawir that iiuettlon, her ma.' iialn

tini oniiiiiinletited lu me In cunrldt mi a iat ut oand turn, persons knew alioilt the cnte. I Inti nd to mi.:g Hal ttersona alio gate 1110 tin lufunuaibjucalled.

ennlnr Carpenter 1 repeat, frotn what persona didyon receive ciinllili nils! iiannmnleallous upou the sub-ject 1 A. I do tint think I uiislit 111 ssy.

Eiuatur Csrprut-- r 1 Udnk wu ouihl to know.Wit nesa replied that If he thoiild la the let-

ter before, tho eoinuiltlco It might stop HintI art of tho liiveittlgatluii entlri'l), fur It wouldinako thosn afraid whu now gho Infnri'uHiui ;

but the end would be answered I'V giving to thecommittee tho names of tlio vtltnir.m.

ftCNATOH HC I III 117. WILI, PKOIICCi: WtTftEHSrs.beuitnr Harlan Is It your ptirpoto 10 hate the wit-

nesses subo. naed aud eiamlned A. Il !.Senator Jlarlsn Are they iltltens of the fnlted

States? one. 1 reecimt no Iniurmatioufrom abrosd, eicert what 1 have already detailed.

Senator Carpenter -- I a alt " the nutation until bcn&torBehura has put In all his tcatlmniii ,

Henator Pchurs 1 dn not know but that would havethe same ellcct, as Inosu pitous might Lotwant t'lhave their nsim s knowu

henator Carpenter one part of the n aoiut 'on underwhich the t'ouimttlee are acting n qutrei thein to nak,

Whether any member nf the Senate or any oilierAmerican cltlren Is nr has Item lu communication urrulliislon wllh the French Ooternmeui or other foreignpower, or a lib any sgeul or officer thereof In refiieucclo said mailer." dc.

Senator Scliurs -- 1 have bad nn men communicationMy communications acre with American eltuens whohad no conuullon whatever Willi foreign tloteru-ments- ,

KenatnrPtevenaon I nn.leittand you to lay thst thegentb-nu-- fiom whom ynn received the inftiriaatlnnsaid Ihe teller fnim the r?oerelary of M sr lu Ihe eire-lar-

uf Slate wss read lu Ilia presauca of the others.A. 1 did.

THE I.KTTCtt.Rualor Carpenter-M- ho aero there alien Ihe btter

waariad. A. I ttsted thsl Cbamhnin aahl an In lee " 1

do not reineinbi r4if bis having mentioned the names nftho persnna. The first time Chambrtin repealed theconleulsof Iho leiu-- f rum uu uiory.aud the second llmt-h-

said thn letter was nut euualderiil by the biititaryof War a conltdeutlal d.icimeLt at all.

Semitor llaiiilln Hat. ). u, ul any time, beard fromhim that a opt nf ihu lelh r whs giien tu blm for thelufurtunilun uf (he French only, and eipreaslyfor the purpose of b lug shut In the President snd nu.butty elm, aud did a nu not h ar from htm that a t np ofthe letter was furnlrheu for that piirpoae solely y A,- - I

never heard blm is) aniihlng of Ihe kind, bid be aal.lthe secretary of Mar did not lunttdcr It a cocBdchllaicommunication,

Senntor Carpenter Do you know how a copy of theletter trom ib'iulngtnn lo I.ecesin was prueuretl ? A.- -I thlnkahe first Impression I bid of liwssihsl SenstnrSimiui r obt.unid kuualedge of It from somebody elsethnu Chalilbrul.

Henator Curpenter lln yon know from whom SenatorRumuer received a copy of that letternamu tho witness nf my own kiinwleilge.

EXPECTH TO B'flTAIN AM, II IS At.IXO aTlONS.Tha wlliivaH luitlier euiu that as an erroneous

Impieesltiii pruvulled that the limnHgutliiii wnanwolved iitaiii four montha nifii. he wished tustatu Hint tin had 110 Idea of moving; nn Invnstt-gallo- n

until very receuily, whin the faitaknown. He did not know that ho should

movu lint all, Certainly nobody within hla knowl-edge had any such liiteullnn four montha ago.

Hruatnr Carpenter Have you any knowledge shoalugHint any oiliicr of Ihallotefiimuit eitr made an) profitby selling srins lo penults knuau In bo sgiiiunf theI leiii liovirumi nl A.- -l do not kuua uf myoaiiknualedge. My oinmnnlcatlons nre all from thirdpersons. I ssbl In my btn r tu the lummllli e lhat 1 expetted to tuttatu all the allegations made by me.

Senator Hamlin aald ho held In hU hand 1111 ar-

ticle from tho tYorU ltrutKht Altynnrinr Ztllinif,Ilo trausf erred It to Henutiir Si hur, who readII, anting that that paper wax iirluted In llerlln,ami waa nn nfflclnl organ. Tho following sen-ten-

oectira therein!nWebellvewe are trill Informed whenwe say that

our lloiernmcnt takes nu lutiiii. nr ul Hie Hunt imlya negative one, In the question whu h Mr sunnier busbrought befoio Ihe Anierkuu Senate."

(IF.ItMANV'H KI'.EI.IMI.Senuler Schurz aald In his opluloii It wna tho

duty of American Senntoitj to study the in. lie)of inii'lgu lioveriiineuta so aa to foiiu an opin-ion as to what they nero likely to do under par-ticular elri'iiiiiKtaiicea, an aa mrt to fall Into tlioulinitrilllloet uttered aometliuca by men whoought to know holler. Ilo hud always been con-vinced that normally wuuld take nu notice oftho anlo of theao nruia, perhaps bei'iiusn It wna,ua every well Informed man know, her fixedpi dlry to remain ou the rriomlllet tei nia 1th theUnited States. Tho witness further H.1I1I thaiIn his riiiivrrs.itlon wllh tho M.irqiiU do t'liiun.bniu ho did not hear him suy he K hamhruii)

lo muko 11 point liiitny way fur the I'li'iu liOiivcrnment, but on thn contrary ho wai

aiich wrot not the enae.tenalur Hainlln- - Hid you tint itippnafl (hat Cham

bruu's iibjecl waa to luipllcalu auini b..d whu hadchurgtd lor the anna moru ltisu hu utiuht In hnv,rlmrged? A.- - I only ke.nw that I bambriin took a livelylutereat in what was going on.

u Did you not draa au lufuchcc that such was A. No.

After fnrlher procecdlnxa tho coniinlttco ad-

journed until MnuiUy,1

Collon, aided by the Iloone Rlslera, willIDr, evening

cuMoLdty,of Itujultr and uiiiilc at the Cuuicr

Tit V l.A J L.SJ' SIXTH WA It I) Til I VI) 1

rrolmlile aturi'cr In Mtillierrr Utrect Ilia,pule titer the Old (luine of l'nrtj.llvcaIlroni'iKlIi hi nnd rUiitl.

Dniiiliilck nnd Mtiriit GtiTiiiililj' oectipyrooms In tho tenement 59 Mulberry street. Ml

i hacl Dottin baa iipaitmcnta (11 the samo buildI in". There mo nlati other persona underthe snino roof, find nt nlghtrnll they frequentlyge t Ingolhor lOi lally tti recount tho past, to tellof His' future, or to annuo themselves with some;

canto of enrda, forty-live- s bclni? tho favorite.Dolati la nn liitemperatn mnn, nnd whenunder the Influence! of liquor tery foolishand disagreeable. When In IhU stnto lio clinllcnged Jlr. nnd Mr- -. 11 came of forty-flyc- s. If thev

iif.epted thero waa n row, with r knockdown nnd drntf out termination. At last Mrs.(lemighty told Ilolnn neur tu enter herapuilineiilMiigaln when not sober.

On Tuesday llnlan, whllo drunk, again appliedfor ii(linlMon,liut Mr.niid.Mrs.tlcrnighty.seelinjIda coiullthm. ordered Idtn awuv. Dolati wouldnot go, nnd Mrs. (lerraghty attacked Idm with nbroiunatlck. Mr. Oerraghty Interfered, nndptiahcd Dolan backward down tho atnlrwiiy. Illir.lllng Dolati struck liU head nira list the stairs,mid when taken up wot linenslblo. Dr. Henrnoof Ilavartl street dressed tin; woiiiul,and Dolatiwn taken home. A council wna held after thorenl condition of D0I.111 wan known, and It w.wilecldi'd to liu-- H up the tnigedy and keep It,

fiom tha public. 'Jhroiiglt Dr. Ilearne a per-

mit waa proiiiietl nnd Dolan was sent tollellevuo lloepltal. Not n word waa saidiibout tho event until yesterday morning.Then Oitpt. Kennedy of the Iranklln streetelation heanl Iho flory. lie went to tho hos-pital, saw Dolan. leurned tho whereabout, oftho (JcrraEhtia.aiid took Mr, (lernuhty Intoeiistody. At nlioiit nooii.Ooroner 1 tiling; havliisrbeen eiinimoned, she and several witnesses werotaken to tho I1ufplt.1t. and nfter an iii

examination, the I'ori'in ,r cave It lis hla oplii Dolan was pn .1 all Impe or recovery. Mrs.llerrnghty was lliereupnli tominlticd to the

'itwiw now Important to find flcrraithtr. HodeuNIti Junk, inui ninkea soaii-f- 11 spin'lRltv.Ill-- , roiile la through Canal anil other Mrccf..near. dpt. Kennedy stationed himself at t'nnsinnd Mulberry streets at 2 o'clock

mid after he hnd wnlted nearly threeliiiurt hla luniil ainu III fight. Tho captain tooktil 11 to tho rratiklln street station.

About two weeks ngo tiennghly and Dnlnnplaacil cards, and unt Into nil angry dispute. Af-

ter that the relation betwetn thein were lintveiv pli'iionnt, and ely threats of revengo wereIndulged In. From Hint cln'tiitislaiico the pre-su- it

f.ilullty Ii') tl'itibt hud Its sturllm; point. jk.v .v cut xci r..

Gliding of the fitter County Conscript -

Tt iil Per C'cui. Witutcd.Correspondence of 1 he Hnn.

KiNtwroK, Mitrcli W. Tho Untftiil meltof thla county met here pursuant tocall. Court lelng ill session, the nicetlnif washeld lu the llrand .Iiirora' room, wlib Ii wnacrowdtil. Tim ltpv. Wm. Hull, the lobbyist, nndChairman of tho Plate Committee, of DraftedMen, w.n pref. nt. Ile addressed the gathering;whllo fe.itcil III n clinlr. Ho argued that thedrafted men held the bnlanco of imlltlcal power,nnd cited several Instances In support of hipofltlon. He urircd upon hla auditors the neces-

sity of sending to tho U'glslatttre men favora-ble, to tho pasaaee of u bill refunding to thedrafted men of 11 the money paid bythciu toeaeape aervlco In the army. He had naanrnncothat the lobby men would pass audi a bill, pro-vided tho assignment of twenty per cent, ofsuch claim could bo obtained. Ilo requestedthnao present to either make such assignment,or pay ten dollars. In order to further thn pas-sage of the bill. Homo from tha rural districtsthoiuht the percentage rather exorbitant, andpreferred lo pay tho money down. Others madethe detlrcd assignment. The reverend gentle-man, with the utmost complacency. Informedthose vs. Impair! that tbcv w. mid ncversee theirmoney ngalti, which announcement waa receivedwllh comt'liiluble stol, Iriu.

A number of blank assignments slinllllur tothe copy published In the Tlir. St'N n few tin)ngo were given to those present from tho Inte-rior town, with tho view of having them Idlednut and signed hy thnao dralted lu the severaltown. The meeting then adjourned.

Several years ngo Mr. Hull wa 11 prai tUlmattorney In Stone llldge. n small vlllngo abouttin mllf from thla city. From there he re-

moved to Suiigertles, In thla county, where lieedited the Suiicn illu Tr(rnipfi. lie siibseqtient-I- )

retired from the editorial profo-hm- , and fil-ler "d Ihe HnptUt iiilnlitry. lie now reside ulHud 11,' V. V. ItOMEVN.

.1 match niton i:.v o vi

Iiileiicrcnre ofn Dublin tJIrl'a I'nreiila TheMilclde ti f nit t'nhnppy I. over,

Klilmiil Pi'iilii, un Irish (linker nhont'."lyear. of ace, was found dead In bed nt IKl'or-e- )

lb trect, nt 1 o'clock vrstcrdny morning, withI1I.1 breast and tho cuke uf hli legs frightfullycut. A small d penknife waa foundby his sldo covered with bl.ioil. About 11 yearago l'errlu came to thl country and becamebill tender In I'aul F. Hurley's aIuoii at Chrjatleand Dclnnrey streets. Ho boarded wllh Mr.Hurley, and was remnrknbly reticent. Withthe exception nf n brother In Philadelphia, withwhom bo never oxiiiang d Ii Iters and seldomspoke of, he had un relative In this country-Mrs- .

Hurley, n Utile, nervous, kcen-elghtc- tl

wniiiiin, told a fii"fi reimrter that she alwaviknow there was mm" setrti In l'errlu' life thattroubled Idm, slid fn.m time to time she hailSlenned the follow diet

One of keeps a large dry goodsstore In Dublin, and has In hi iniilu) ti num.Iter of glih. l'errlu fell desperately III love vvllli..1 f the girls, nnd proposed mariluge. Hisfunillv threw every obstacle in tho way, andwould not permit lVrrln to aaaoclato with thegill. At last driven to desperation he came toAmerica. He wondered aliout New York forweek looking for work. He wn at length em-ployed by Mr. Htiiloy, uud thed In the latter'I.tnuly. At time he wit despondent andmt'Oilv. nud coninlHlnedofexcruciatliiK ihctimu-t'- i

ii.dii-- . In the calves of hi leg. Igiat Wednesdayho au nttai'k of bilious It vir. Mr. Hurleywulli'il nn him ami treated him a kindly a shewould u son. SI10 left hi hcdtldn last on Thiirn-d- a

night about llo'clin k. Aliout 1 o'clock thonext iimriiliig Mr. Hurley remiied li'iine, and en-tering liu 0 I'errln'a rnoin found him IvlugdeadIn 11 l'.'ul of I'luod. I't. rimer Young held the

Tin: mri.i.T. ji i:it,A lllll of I'.vrepllnui, Compl lalng .10(1 Pages

loKi' Miiy of I'l'fieeedlnga KMcnded,Jiidgn Cntilozo lmviiii; ovrmtktl Mr.

Slnkes' plea I lint the (1 rand Jury which Indictedhim wo Illegally Ptokea's counselyertenlfiy presented n bll of exceptions to the.luilge' ruling. 'Iho document, which com-prl-

nearly ulJU paci", Ml. Ucrrysitld hud beenferved tin the Dl-tt- b t Attorney.

DMrlrt Attorn ey- -l bsve bet n ff r ed a lib If , but bat enm had time tn examine II .

Judge I arduio - Hi 11 a ill, of course, be granted yon

Mr. (lorry mado n motion that tho tlmo of set-tling the exceptions be extended.

Ill Honor liilimuted Hint theie wna no neces-sity for doing so.

DWrlct Attorney I with to be Informed whether thestay hat not terminate. W

sir. lleirr-hecld- edli uot.District Attorney-f- lu It I should bring the prlion-r- r

hi re and arraign blm V

Mr. Miheon -- Vuueuuldli'l do. II,Mr. Ilerry-- If you lake that course In this trial, you

aa 111 find yourself beset with mure fatal cireptluut Hullyou w III bu able to dt al w tt It.

.luilge Cardno Intcrpoaeil by laying he con tin-ned the a tny of proceeding.

The District Attorney said he would give no-

tice when ho Wiia prepared to settle the bill ofexceplluns,

Col. I'UU'a I'lrsl Composition.nvm McAtrtnt'n ( unit Jlmei fifJuiael i"b, Jr.Duo of hiscopv-tinok- s, titetl when I111 wn

about twelve yesri, old, I still preserved by Idastepmother st her homo In llrattleboro, and tosay that It If n literary rurloflty Is to do ineogreJustice to one of the most original of all thethe written result of school-bo- y labor ever

the critic. Hardly a page but showthe antipathy of Iho boy to cvcrythlia.' like etforms, nnd hardly n lino but beara ovldouce ofhis natural contempt for uniformity, 'ihe littlebook contalliH three or four compositions, unciid whhii, entitled "A I'le.'o about The Dog,'' I

n unique ai anything etcr penned bv ArtemiiWard. Tim young writer suy In hi "l'leco"(which hnd evidently been originally written"l'cnee"):

A Dog la an aid 'lal wllh fore lees because he Is aqiisdruiipt'd. I Ilk.- large dugs best bcuaute they cauinu lurtliir and light heller than little dngaaud they canaliocetch rnbltt. A big dogalnl wnrlh iniicli without

us cm good breed luto him. Then I had drainer her aIdler line. They can alu dreg tleili tome has beentallied to ciry tllrki and haikcti and titerrr, IhnlUlldog It I'n' h' si nthll'.g d"g becanio mott likely b"

was mad. for thai puiput. A brn-- r goes mnatly forrata hut they can alio fight. 1 ilnk Ihe iiew fuun.llau.lla Hie noblest tlug he istes children from ilruwmllugiuuu I lie J uiu aag.isluua. i'Ms It all fur the prituul.

A Siilnilllna dpi rnlliin In tlrnnge Count)'..lunus r.Utoii of Ureenvilln, Orange vouutt.

wae tin.' owucr of llio only hotel In that pluie. linengjgida Mr. Ue lu tell the. piopirly, and one Hcaingreed lo purchase It. r.ltldn was to lake In pari pay-

ment a mortgage nn Albany properly, which alierwardprm. dm hi uoiild. and I.e balance In caah on Ihnhrsl uf April. I lit' 11 aim ngnid to hoard Sears untilthst llme,aui gave blm liiim.'iltatu poaaestlmi uf thnInr. l.eure. Ivcd fluufioiu hlttoulurblt nnli'elluflmtlug imn-'iaa-

. r.Pears went lu Port .lerrla and by false represent.

Huns siic. i eded In gelling wlucs and llquurs uf Leopoldl'uerth. and tigsrs and confectionery of Snulremrlei.lutllcli nt tu 1 look hit bar. On Holiday last bears audLee scut off their goods and decantpt d. Hears ri turuedto OreenvllU tho ueit day and waa captured. Ho waatakuh before, Justice Ilntchrr aud (onuulUW 14 UCIktuJail, Lev bt not h;eu smiltd.

TllV llIAMX'ION BASE 11Al t. t',

The Wonderful I'lnyer that Imte been Kngngetl for the I'orrat City I lob The WholeWorld Challenged A Smnrt Hearer.

lYmi the Vtttttamt Lemler.TIip plttliff for tho siinnncr of 1R7:' has

been prnstlcltuf for soveral week outside of the)city limit, nnd, though not feeling well, cannow throw n regulation ball with siieh swlflimsthat It cannot be seen unless covered with phos-phorus; and often the friction occasioned by Itpassago through tlio air cause a heat so greatas to burn tho ball to as hea before It rent' lie tliocatcher, who only llnda n mas of cinder In hishand. The assistant or reserve pitcher baa beenpiactlalngbut a few weeks, but ho, can throw n,

ball through eighteen Inches of oak plank noyysand, If he keep on, tho man on deck will bocompelled to encase Id stomach wllh n monitorturret and other ormur, or Buffer tho vuuse- -qtlcllci's.

The catcher has been for three week pastIII breaking tip pig Iron ut tho Ncwburgli

rolling mills, nnd to still further toughen hi.hand he nlluws the big twenty-to- n trip hammerto drop on them two hour each day: they arenow about tlio slo of u wind mill, and If 11 bullgets by It 11 It avlll lis by traversing tho atmos-phere of nn ndjolulnff county. Tho reader cangamblo on this,

Tho first baseman Is trying tho diet s)stcm tosternly his nerves, and can let n government initiokick hliu with both feet nil day In tho abdomenwithout winking. I tea avlll never move hi footI rom a sand ba tinlea In Iho lino of his duty,nnd a runner for tha llr- -t base tuny light on hliulike 11 night hawk on n Juno hup; without makinglii 111 swervo n hair.

Tho fecund baseman hn developed himselfmoru especially for miscellaneous anil acllvaservice. Ho can s tund on Ids head, catch a ballwith his feet, reverso his position, and knock 11

grasshopper off from a iniillcn stnlk nt eightyrods, iilnu times out often. There will bo nouse In n ritimer trylnit to dodgo Idm, for ho haglobe rights on hi nose, nnd can plumb n manlu the hull or rigging, Just it ho chooses,

Thu short stop Is nrobably tho best man forthis position lhat call bo found tills fldo of thoSue, ciiiial. Ho Is short himself, and ha livedon pie-cru-st ull winter, can turn thirteen somer-sault with, nit spilling 011 Id hand, nud ratch nbull with equal facility lu either hand or histeeth.

The third brwentaji baa been making sauer-krot- it

nud riding 11 velocipede all winter to de.velnp Ihe inu-ii- e of hi lower Illub, which areImmense, and give blm the npiearnnco of beingtroubled with elephantiasis. Hut don't foolyourself j ho can run dun 11 n giraffe In threeminutes, and can but n bull so fnr th-i- t his oppo-nents never think of chasing them the sumo da)they are lilt, but proceed with n new ball.

'llio three llelilent have been frisking about Inthe country all winter, and drinking angle-vviir-

oil to give suppleness to their limb. They gn011 all fours faster than many professional canrun, nnd nre so limber that circus men die ortIlkcsheep after srvlni thein perform once.

In fact, wo may well bo proud of our club fortho present year, and If there Is any orgaulatlniiIn tho country that thinks It con compete withthem, let them draw on us at six months' rightthrough the United states Treasury Department(or sooner If they get n sight of us), stating howtunny dollar' worth of conOdenco they feel Intheir favorite club.

wo tin not forget our cmo mannger, wnn 1111

that n father could bo tu the hov. uud whu dormuch moro than his naiiin would Indicate tomake tho season nud It matches success fill.The scorer for tho present year ha been sel 'cteila the champUiii whlttler nf the State. Holmspurchased n liran new Jackuife, two thiiii-ai-

shingles. Mini will keephl not iicsnii thetbiuble-entr- y

plan, Hint I, one entry for the other sideMid two nils for Ids own.

Tlir Mid Slary of I'liiillnr Miirkhiim.lnw , 1'lilHJrll h.u Vim.

A very fuw your iitto then' lltishoil 1111011

tho American 'stage 11 woman of marvellousbeauty nnd of perfect fnrm-- n form, too, notJealously concealed. She was acknowledged tolie the handsomest player nf theday. She turnedthe heads of all the young men who saw her,and addled the brains of not a few nf the oldone. She was the Hon (thn lioness. If you like;t better) of tho day. The newspapers teemedwith her praises, mid even dlgnltled magazinesbowed the knee before her. Her voice, we nrotold, was like until "vocal velvet," her appenr-iuic- o

majestic, her llmh Indescribable, yettiioilestl) but mtntltclydeacrlhcd, and unrivalled.If the reader ha over entered utheatro he knowsthat we mean the very queen of the hlondr. thecharming NM.icdt of tho "lllack Crook "-- Pau-line Murkhaiu.

Iteeently wo vlalletl New' York, and to put In ndull afternoon wandered to Wood' Museum.We found Mis Moxklinm was one uf thu com-pany. Though surprised that we hud heardnnthlius of her through the newspapers, nnd thatshe should be an actor at the afternoon perform-ance) of a museum, wo fully expected, not ex-

actly tn see her as dashing aa ever, but certainlyto find hrr still In some rcSierts the Markhnm "fmemory. Tu aay that wo wero astonished whenshe came on fall to cxiirosa our feeling.

The curtain rose, and, In theatrical parlance, nlady seated was discovered. In her we recog-nized not a feature of Paulino Markham ; jet Itwas her. She wa pale, wan. nnd weak, so muchso, Indieil, that It watt evident she went throughher part lu the greatest p.iln. It avaa not

slekne i what we beheld wna thmitterwreck of thl once magnificent being. A harsh,deep couth told sadly and emphatically enoughof eoiisumtitiiui, and of consumption not Jutcommenced.

To us the sight wa painful. A J ear ngothl-womn- n

lived Ihe life of a prlnceis : wealth wapoured Into herlap. Now she w.n not worthytnircace even the evening programme of a placeof amusement unrecognized as n theatre, andliterally tottered afternoon after afternoonnlioiit the stage that thn might earn cumuli tukeep yet nwhllo longer the little Ufa still left her.svieral times rho sought Hie support of thescenery, when compelled tn a tnud a moment ortwo. A btirlcsquo followed the comedy Jutsuch a hurlceijui) aa she waa wont of old to tlitalithrough In the g.iot.t of gay spirits. Shew. isallotted the second, not the tlr'i part. A coughhad replaced her ringing laugh, a smilethe bright glulii'cs of her eyes.

The career of thl woman Is oi.tyoiitof Iheeoiiiliion order In that It ha been su abort. Shetriumphed scarcely a 1)11:11 ter the average lengthof time. Like thousands before, eho thoughther beauty mid her talent (for sho hatl tho lat-

ter too) everlasting, and ncgleiiod the warningswhich mutt have come to her until too late.How gladly now would she take a third of whatau hour's shopping hu time and 113.1I11 cost her.


Among the recent Important roniearu'cwhlcli have Juit been n corded, may be mentioned thehouae and lot on the northwest corner of Proadwty andTark place, by A. V. Hastings tn the Knickerbocker LifeInsurant e Company for fllilr'0 bouse aud lut on thenortbvatt corner u( I'tilvertlly place and Nlulh Hreel..tohnliroantolliiiry Malllard f. r ".','), if to 31')

.n. liHlve. i:itt Twelflh ttrcct, Catharine WILIna 10

Itnirt Mutry, f tt.'tfi house and lot north side efstreet, an fe t east of Mtlh avenue, Horace K

1 burner In liavl.l Morrison, IM.IUS. plot lulTtiai.Suu tl.esniilhsldenf ntly-elghl- alreit. Sft feel west nf (he

Iwhlh aveiim , Isaac ami Hlmon llernheinlcr to Matlld 1

Ctibiirn,'i plot, on the uurth.ueit corner of lKth street and Fifth ave-nue, T. A. Vyse to I,. I". Harry, .Mi.uO ; houta andlot on the wi tt able ot I eilnalun avenue, KiA feet southnf Klfly iilnth Uriel, .1. Ilinsisn to ,1. c. lln. h. .n,ti;niie lot nn the wett side of Hecnnd svenue. 41 feet notlliof llfth Itret t, one on the north side uf llr.Hi air et.Wfeel wett of Peeond avenue, and one on the nnrlh ableof lllth atrell, U.3 feet weal of Third an inn, II. N

Deau to I W. Twlgir of llliiomtlchl, N .1 . anl0Mr. Itajnoryiatirda) mid at prbsle sale three full

bus uu Ihe toiitheaat comer of nr. I ay'rioe Mid IK I

tut I, and IWtl ou the I ear. Rltlllfur fi Hl aim Ihreulots ull ihe north tide uf ll ttrcit, HQ fi tl out of 5thatcuuf, .'SHIUIeseli, for f;,Mi.

jvsth 1: aki:i.A Iteoiicsl by Ihn Munnaer of Ihe (ileal

IliinUrupt suite 01 tienevn vvnn nes, nt 711.1

HrnuiliTio, nu Account nt' the Aertlounflbc ig Tlibunc.

Tho manager respectfully Invite tho editor ofevery newapsper lu this city to lend a reporter, accom-panied by a Jeatllcr. to u eiumlne theworka and teat the quality of the cues nf all or part f

lto Hoi know luliig told by tuuoriat lomvuMulihCompany.

All walehes are plainly marked, and there Is no devi-

ation In Iho price. If Ihe Jeweller, iiiidtr oath, does notst He that each waleh it gold nr silver, or at least soldfifty per cent, ilieaper than by an) Jeweller In Ne w 1 ... k,Ihrminigeraticcttoclotu the store aud dltcoutluuethe aale.

ihe aale of the ttoek bu alto betn much Inture.l byarticles appearing In thu 71'iuwaud W. and Ihe 111 wa-ger sincerely trusts that Hicie pain rs, when It Is b that he Is at thu bead uf a liglllinate biialncaa,wilt Kite hliu that credit which all houitt uicn dtienolu auiionorablo e.

Two Year A go.My run contracted the bronchitis, and soon be-came to 111 ho hid to take lo his bed. After tilinga boll lent Dr. Jayne's liipoclorinl bu obtained .omnicase, and ai evidently beller, hula itiong fever coin-ing un tuliaeipienlly, his inolhir and myself bertmiisiitlous, and senl for nur family doctor lie told ut thul.jpccturant might gbo him nllof, but would not cumhliu, to he gave ul tunie tiiedliinouf hit own prrtcrlhIng. He rapidly became 10 much w one under the treat-min- t

that we all feared ho would die, aud at a litt re-

tort determined to give the l.ipectorant another trial.To uur treat Joy, allef takiug two buttles of this reme.dy, with the bciialltu iilla at they were required, he waiiiiiiii entirely cured. I have since cured a trouhleiouiacute of croup with Ihe Cipectorant, and kunir uf tta be.Ing iited with beneficial n milt In oilier enact of liron.chlsl dliorih'ri. lean safely say It Is a moil eicilleutmedicine (or the ihrnst and liiugi. Jviti Wiiifrr, i.fUi. tm ell, i.uireil u., da.

How He vtua Trrnled fur Hum Mug 11 ndHpllilug.

A peiillenmn from Piiteraoii, N. .7 , had catarrhbadl) He mulled up hit nostrils eight pluts of Wobcolt's AuulhlUtor. Be sajt It proved a rsdlval cute. --

Ait. m

Did you ever see n dally pnner that did not contain kerosene seeldent "Hem?" '1 he remedy Is f uuudlu the ute, of 1 '1 all's .Mini Oil. .btc.

Kurnlttire, carpel", and budding. An Immenseflock uud 'uw prlcti al II. M Cowperlhwilt'i, IJ5

Wetkiy audmouthly paymnuU takio.-jli- ii',

Aa Intf ly tt viols ta, Knot's aprlpg Itjlo of gUtKutCii'iku(iat3UJiudVl'i"'',l''

XiusilltS Jfloltti'a. Mlow in I'rrvcnl Xiinill-I'ii- L'tc fret ly HHOMO- -

CIII.UIIA1.1M, the new, edorletf, and nonpolaouona fx adeodorlrur and dlilnfrctant which deatroja the germi j;lof contagion, aud prev.'Sa the spreading of dls.ate. jljHPrepared only by TII.DKN Ar CI)., 171 William ft. old jSby tlldruggltti. HV

t'ctrcrlly iili' In utl Crises. (JMII8. WINSUUVS .(iiilllINO bVlit'I'. for all ills--

catci of children tucti .a. Icithlng, wind lollc, c, Ii u hittafe, reliable, aud baruilci remrdy. I'V

The heal plnre In Neva- Verb, in buy rellnhlst r'lwitclu't, One rtlamin-i- rlia fahlunal le jewelry, and PJlicrauig gliver weuuiiig iircr"ii's,iaotuiiiL. r,vi 1 uuu t.ctt. Dltmondi a tpceti.'y ji

"A filcinl nl n nineli." la Duiuo' CntnrthSunt:. It cautei the deaf lo hear.

iTnpn7.- - Old and yo ng '.jpera find Wlllltuil't Kx- - V

tract Jiunali a tiingrr niprr.or to an) drink. L

.'Jjlftilll 3)olitt3. gTvM I'A Til V IT It I! ol HI) I CI I. II lT(Mt .atlae, now so w olely known hi ruuliriio nulle's bthie.dsui bih 1111 ps. aaa Inirodurtd Into tin world uuder tha 1

Indcrsrmeiii ut four thouaHnd leading members of thi 1medlifll pr frastuu, snme twenty yean ago, Ha pro Ipriclur wat well aware that It could no wliolly ese.apii !the penalty attsehetl tn all new anditsefiil prepurstlout. IHe therefore endeavored 10 Inn at It with Ihn stroiigetl ipottibie lafegtiuiil agslntt counterli'tlert and imitators, 1

lo render all attempts to plrattt It tliitieiill and danger- Juus. It was tuhliillled to dlftlngulaht d (heinltts foi H prouomiccd by tiieintlio purer! spirits cvt sitiiatidfactiiied. Ha purity anJ jiropertles having been rthill asi't rl'iliied .rtlnpb's of tlie urllele were foraartle.l ato tea thiiutsud physicians, Including all Hut Jleading practn loiiera tu tho t lilted btttci, fm IIthe pinpntti nf experiment. A rlrcultr rtii'iettlug .1 Htilaluf the preparation and report ot the reaull accom fpanic I each tpet linen. Fuur Iboutand of thu mott unil. r10 ill iiouoni 110 11 tu 1110 t iiiuit i'iviiii'.ij , ,

Hielr oplnlnninf Ihe article wire, tinanimuualy favora. kble. Piich a pn iiatatlun, they said, hid long been want. Ied by the profession, as uu eliannt could be placed onIhe ordinary llnuors of coiinuerce, ail of which mini Jmort ur h . a.liiiti rated, nnd ihereiure unlit fur iiirdt Lcal purpuM's. I he p. iiltareM'ell.'iic" of Hie ol! nf iitr.l. 2per, which formed one of Ihe principal tngl dlenfs ..t iIhe St hllappi, logelln r a lib all UUHlloy.-- liar.icter ufthe Hlcolioltc el. uu lit, give tt. Ill the ettlmtlioli of llul tlf.u uily, a miirited tuni riorlty oiei en ry oilier dlttdaUa iillmult-ii- at a dtuii lie, lonle, aud restorative. .

lllll, WW'S til NTlll'.NT. still 1: i,i:s. i'Vvtii'Mlh. I'l.l HIES. Ac., call be cured. Thn rationaltreatm. nt, as inuli ated by iiature, Is to reduce the local A

jniUiiimatiiin, fuiilhelhn nt ighlstrlng nenes, eoul Ihn 9iietietl bio. nl, ami rtuider the water) b liornus dlacharg.i rcoiisialci t and lieaitM HauiiUy, llolluws)'s tilnimt-ii- Iaceuiiiplishi s tin n mil with uutmllng cirluluty. '.') Iri ntHierboi or pot. si

Tiir.r.HiiiT vt).iii:itsTiiTirn wditi.n. fI. The Pyramids nf I'grpt. 2. The Pharns of Aleiau- - V

tlrla, 3. Ilie walls and banging gardens uf lab)luii, 4. .

'Ihi temple uf Dluua at I.pliesus. a. 1 lie flaluti uf thtt piil)inplau Jupiter d. The Mauaoleuiii of Atltmlala. 7.The Cntiiastia of Ithodes. a. Kalnbuw's llupturu Cure. i

The greatest nf all Is found at til) llroadwsy, ivjriuc tilib ti ki r at , New urk. 1

I'tlll .VKITIt I'ATC'lli:- -, frcekb. and la'n mnPerry's Mnihanil rret kle U1II1.11 The re. 1.

Itahle and liiiruib'aa reineily tor brown ,a. ol .1 ii,..i.. . r.the luie Di put, 4) Pond tt., New Yrk. bold ny alldr'ggnit

iiiirof'iti:.i ai.iJ. .

PIlll'I'S ,V PVNS, 'lllll' HHIH f

()IT"l I., lii III l"N ST.

I'TtiSt's.- - hiinn t 111, ruiiii-ii- . is siiruinic 'Aiiieniaii. H Park row.Ni York, oliiaui naieiiUetery- - 'whin I went) nn-)- ars't tl. 1I1 in e. I m iilhingroiifl'lenllal. send bu I'nient has s and I, ulde lo Inventors.

"iimm'v 111:1. u p I'oit yoi mi:n. Nif.vims Hi bill) in d I r in melliod. liuiuikahlit le.poristtiit Ir. e v.itii'-Mt- . Ho.vauu ;.Aiiur AiuAanit mi m.l'hiln Ipina, I'n I

lt -- ; i:i.T DIsl'I.N-Alt- V, 7 1 IllMIHr:- -veitai ail. vt. , tl e af".e..d. (.una HMI lu-te, d Vat clnalioii nee

Honrs. II. land 1 to - P. M. f '

VHK I( H ( tll'.lt NO IIAIttiK I All- - )

Ihn fnr, i iluatiou trie at the l'.jumHll it. Jjls l'V,U

tsi s 14.

ir . .ra tt uu 1 to j 10 mo 1 r.n.II II V A I . HAVANA I.OTTritV, !

KX fllAOItlllNAllV DHAIVINO OF AI KIL 4, H7f.'11 hvlc UgklU, It one Iwen'iiib pail. Ii. s ..J by

J. It. MAHTINB. AID, flank, rt.1J Will it., buil.CU New Yoik r iii'itlef. V


1 1 1 1 Y AI , 1 1 A V A N A I.IITTIiltV. JrrUeiciihstf.thlormillan furnlihe I. ordeti promptly"

Biles, bit ban rtlri pit. for ill kiodi 0) ld aud alliattat Oovernmenl leeuriilct, Ac. c.

194KJ Uim W.'lWaMP' W lUKtw UM

-- a Vf f v , 1 sMMtttteittasM4 wtttJWtt ,, , , ,. a

n.VAticiit, A ,v) vq sxnnnetat.,rntDAY, M rrih 2! 1'. M Tho railway share

mirlt ibai' 1.. I1 u'. I, d hi tho K'm.-i- l lilt by

dullneaa and a tatm m ta A ipcculatlon, ilnnulatty In

eontraatwilhtlt" activity and animation dliplay d tn

certain of tho prominent ipcuulatlunr. Tlio entiremarket waa decidedly Irregnltr dirlug tho morning,but tho afternoon brought easy money with It, ana a

bullish dltpotltlon ou the part of operators, which

In carrying up prices pretty mnrh all oyer from Htu i per cent., the general market winding up ttrong andholding thelmprovcment itlffly. The moat active itotkawere Ohio and Mlnlitlppl and S'ortbwcttctn tonunon,whlih divided thehonora ot th- - diy between them.The Brat named opening Heady at 43Xt prcf-nte- an un-

broken front al! day, and made an upward movementwithout lulling tn 47S. Northwestern In the mean timerom from : to 89b, tho upward ipurt deriving bcocfltfrom somo unfounded rumors of a dividend In view.i:rlo wai pcaklng-a- ud was t toadyIn Iho morning at tJVDV. Whin the cablo teportedhigher prlcci In London, a better buylug morcmeist entIho price lo Wt, but It qulcliy wen' offiirvln to

Vanderhllt roadf , Ineludlni Cake Shore, were dull,Hock Iilind being quiet ami firm. Union Pacific waa

exceptionally weak, and decl'ned 1 V rent, at tho cioic.Pacine Mall wai liken boll of byitronRpartlea.anddtanced from sH to m, VVeitern Union In the mean

ttma rlilng t V cent, to HJf. Alton and Term llautopreferred wi la trco rcru(tt st CS, a good buying de-

mand being illmnlated by tho eipectallona of the road,and a return to the payment of dividends. Pt.ami Iron Mountain opened st sn, and closed at M f an.ton moved np t cent, tn fs. an 1 Qulekallver preferredI 't to 12 i. There w ero a few transactions In M irtpnsaaat i.J cents per tharo for common, and II 4 to U forpreferred. ( nnaollitaltun ( ral was ttreng on Hie quietpurchtti a of well Informed parllea who have coiifl.lencoIn tho future of Iho slock, baaing their inurement III

on the Increase In H.o trull. uf Ihe rt llroud ownedrartthe coinpanv. as nmjiari d a itli ..nt year. Kxpresatharrs were active 111 uullul stales, and Dim on thorettnf the Hat.

tlold Ii In n dull and steady all dayattoovand10a', whatever speculation may have been douebeln'on the Intermediate sixteenth. Ihe tnpht war cloudarising from possible complications between Ituaala andbnoland tlld not create the leaat breath of eiitlementtn tl.e tlold Hoom, aud everything thero wna ttsgnant.TheearrvlnraleswereS,3,7. andipcr cent.The Assistant redet nietl In calleil bonds Jl.lll.t"', a totalof s,tisiM3 no.) and iltahuraeii In coin (overdue! IntrrVat.tiM ua). a total of til 911,(01. The recelnls nf gold al thesub i reaaory werefV)',"! payments. Il,tl t.iD.bulanti . The currency rerelpia were fill fetis pay-ments, :.xU; baunre, V.I The cuainms recelpla were tPU.OU. The Inlal ileailiga .it the HoldI'.xrbnuse Hank were tn)f".tiiii pild balances. II.19D..5sai anil currency baUncet, tle1J3,Ui. The followingwere the quntatlona:!A M . .P"V m 1". M .. lw' .IP M IDOV bid

Nominal y (he ratis nf furelrn eacbsnge baveeenin luutt for pilmeW days bills, sud Wi to I inu for

short. but Ihe free off. rliiKi of bllladriwn against thetale ein .rt nf l.iletharts have su dcuinrulletl tualtcrathat sales were reportrd ont nf se nnd hands at UW.

the bullion In the bank ot Kngland was decreasedlan.iMi, the rate nf discount r. ndhulng unaltered at3 V cent. A sharp demand waa rctmrted for money dur-ing the murnlng, when (he atnek brnkera paid at therite of , V cent, currency, and an additional bonus ofI t.' p lent, per day Inr their accommodations. Untilalter J I". M.lhli stringency waa remarked, v. hen ami.denly the market became eaiy, and in tato dealings thnrates were I, S. and C a cent., though wo should pcrruq suuotu them 111 the icverte older. Thn dlabnncnieiiti oft.imtlhlng like (aioiu nf gold br thothla wi ek might In an the batik retervet aa tn

upon Ihe hanks 1, which will lei reipili I Interior ard InIho teiilement aud adjiiitment of April t bautners.Iheuretiiallv tho statement lomornnr ought to bofavorable. Iilicounti were dull at sin 12 ' cent.

iioierinn nt bonds llae tt'srrely varied K uf a cent.In the limitations today, beanie a hating beeu verylac all one. The iii .rk'l b II ..Itsteidy.II ury II. 0U...1: Wall at 11'. M :

ItM.Atttl.' HU. A'! 01.V o enr is rai tiaif lOfs.tat'. coup tPi' 111 reg. . . II ih HlX . IO. coup .IIIK llaSs, I. iinip Il'ils IIMs lii,lMS.eoup..ll'lK 113a

IMS aauf aai.'.reg..lOl'; linwVKIl.l u'lp 111., HI'S 111 ISSI, COUP.. 10l lODH

s4, coup Hit, llttt 1U V, reg lm 1KVst, wa. coup ,112 lUla coup., ...bit lmw

eJ-- jlllf 1I1)J Ctlit.l'.soldbda.lClW 101 kRonthern stte icnirltlcs were qntet. Tennetseea

w re steady at bi, new July Snutli Cnrollnaa tiling toJTM, and IslerreaeHni lo TMtf. Tharo waa a good de.maud for Virginia Consols to cover short contracts,which advanced tho price IK e cent, lo I'J'f. City btnkihirei sold it fnllowii lltnk othttle of New York, 113

Hank of Commerce, Its) Continental, W, CentralFourth National, ll'JK 1 and Ninth Nation-at- ,

tt. In railroad bonds the business was lets Impor.tant, but high prltes ruled. Central Parities sold atlOISi1, t'ulon Tits doting atn'r to tn Incomes. Ssu toS5i and land grants. 4V to W, We note sales of Krlolata at lcut do. Ms. 91 Michigan Central Ss, 119 1 Mlrbt-ga- n

Southern Sinking V'uud, HUi Chicago and Northwestern lata, '"DaAW. Toledo and Waliaali Ma, DPisllrcatW'citern lats,sitdi, Jds, jn- - Hock laland 7a. 101 iiMor-- 'rlaandKaarx ds, VI i do. Ills. llUMi Cleveland andI'lllabiirga.cnnatiildsttd S.KlrauirortWayne lira, lor,Ohio sn.r.Ml.i. jilt, in, SI.Louit and Iron Mnuntalu lsta.or.iMilwaukee an.' St. I'aul Itts, 9.1, lts ot C.C.and I.C..SHdo. Ma. 15; ISIS of Alton indTerre Haute, 97iioletln, Pen.

ik and Vvarasw lilt. We.teni till blon. Ill 91 4. Iloiton,artfurdandKrlelitf, HKiN'urlh iilsta

uf 1. C. tin., and Indlanapol a, UUi aud Jtoimi andW nti rln Ists, lai.

The follnwlng were the hlhttl, loweit, and.. I'. M,closing prlcea of tlocki: - Volnollai.t.lsrtu. tlut.Ailnt.N'.V C llinlaoncun 951, yin al uaV. V C. 4. Hudton eer ... . V so'af suy fl'llarlcm - lit 111 SCrle vijf tt ',' 41

Kile preferred 71 7H 77- - 11311 111 tl.ikei-hor- i eidlv ... . 9Uj W ( SISlake shore Mill lal.f !! fflif ,Wsbvth 7if ii'i 7l 7Sililt.burgh l' SU"! !'( 91

S'orlhweaiern ni( sna sntrNorthweitern preferred N !' Vltt WMock lalind WI 1HX Wil H'ilnrt Wayne SiH 7 7' 7

MllaukeuKI.I'au1 M S ?

MI'waukeeASi I'aul prcf.... "9i Tflej Tt 2 111! 4V, li! 1HHosinn. llartfonl& Krle m K t4 Hlllinolt lenlral IW U", ISjh 1X3

Delaware, ljick. 4 tVcatttn.. lb1!.' lius ""'1 llovt'Michigan Cintral II IV -New Jersey Central 1U.J 113

l'nlon I'aclfle ' MS tst, jus,c.,t A I. c " satj vas Jav, ,.t. l.ouls and Iron k ttIlinnlbsl A si. Joaeph ....II 43X 41 41,llaiinllwl Lt. Joseph prcf .. - - '!)'.I'suama ai W)

Wen m I nlou lilegraph.... 71'; ICf 71V1'atlflcMall ua y ! stv.ouiiktiiicr nt s aav 'llulckiih.rpref US 41 4i4- - 4JCmion IT. H WI );

onaol. Cnaliil Md as i--'i S'J

Adailia Kxpress S Is'-- ,

Wells, FaiviisVCn. Kiprisa... n miAim r Union Kx. 71 7IW 7I.' 7I'I'ultcdbtilei Kiprtat 7I. 7I 71), 7I,


rl' HOLD r)OSD.

We oCrr at fir aud lstrrts I. IB Cillt'my, the 79D

Ilondiol the N'ntllnrn I'aclfle, piliirl al and

Interrit payable In (ield and holders exempt from

I'ntt.d ktatci Tat. Ttt fact U1 over Ji,3tV0 uf

these Ponda were told tbepait thrc n.cullj ta proof

of their popularity with tuition. All uisikoiabic

Peenrltlis rcctlvr d lo cvchthiie.

.JAY tO'Htn A CO,

W Wall ttrect, Nctv Turk.

wn nisntr. to cam. aitition to tubchange In the tlmo of opeolng thelsioki In this clly forsiibtcilptloni to the capital stuck of the, Culled StatesNat Hank tn tho IQlli diyof April, noted In ouradvertlilng columns. Thli thingo Ii main to cerre.point UU Ihe lUnei of opening cits II a r book, lu otht e

11111 a.

Neaa Vol I. Vlnlliels,I'n id v v . Match I'Loi'it and All

grades uf Itotir were In good demntul. and prlct-- wer.iabnuil milfnrinly lughei. Nu Israi lim s ihaug.dhands, liut Hie iiului't.s in Ihe hi.iliriuii uud n giilarshlpters was hiiak, nmounltng to shout 11,00 bbla ,while rit'ij.tsw.r only I.Mi libls. Ilje ll.oir In g.Mi 1

dtsii'ind and (Inn. Corn meal acdve at fur Wi m rn)ellow. Wi'iiiiote Flour biipcrBnr. V hlil., Id IIWIil '

I aira state, sr., t" ls.l 1" i rn :dtt 1 do. iliiuhle eilras. I7.;va 75 do. winter wheal. ex.traa snd doiibli ettraa, t W rt , city ihlpplnrtcilraa,ti'tti in; southern hnktra'siid family brands, fa 7. 1

tin Jii hiiiitbirn shipping cilraa.f? tiMlS-M)- . Ilyi'tlour,l kV.VIS. Corn meal -- Wi alem. f . fl.-.lisi- ,

lirands a Ine, Ac, fJ.(vi, 1'ccd bat declined to fl.5o.jiJ1.53 V U rs.

(lues mint The cofTee market baa been very active,but partlciilara uf transactions an- wlUiheldt talcaofHlo, lu re and nt rtoulheru markita, are eatlmated utiiiti bagt . alau, In thli markel, 'lul hags l.agui) ra , unprices glaen foreign molssin now about sold up amiunlet , sales hints I'orlo tlico at law. for old, and Soc,fur new. New lllleans linn i talet Hi bids, at UtCb. ,ltlce very flrm and nutt t . sales ,S lei. Carolina at sVi'k--

, baga Haiigoon st t.bc. butars ver dull riliners full and nut selling lielr product I barely steadyal s atsi'. tor fair to good refining! tabs Ut) hhdi atsV'tvc for ( libs. r"i es uiolancH sugar nt e'te,II, flned weak at iKm.UI,c fur hardi 11 He for" A."

I'siiMSinNS Porkmoii sctheforiiewmcitandprlei'1(Inner, isles ".urn bids, at W Wt(, rtgular ;,cath and sell, r Manh, 11 n it st Her April ; nndtia v), seller August) also J ibluugparcela at (11 fur newprim mraa, JU.15 fnr urn tin m and til 511 for eilrnpi line, lleef In good demand and II rm . luets, V bid . ttil) fur plalu and IWiilW.iu for ultra prime mos.p lceM f lis (is, aid India m.'s tlOuUli H" fhams JuMiIng fairly at tll.iti7. according tnquality Ibicou a sliadii (lrli.ei sales laVl boxes ulaia.7e. fur long clear, and 7i'.7l,i' for tbnrt clenr,

and ciiy Cut meals iiiicbangi d ; pit kled hsma,medium lights, s. do .1 ., v l.nrd lath, rBimer and dull salei l.lo'tri at sc. fnrnrline illy, tike,for prime Western un Ihu sou. and s isc for abij ib .

livery . other mouths unsettled limit r tlu'l bin unaWttll'lll, laa.s!e. lull". IH...I.. ., Mule. . an 1

libellous, irT ..'e. tin can nrm st v.tjiic., Hie high, rprice fur choice tuclurles, linahegga active nt 21 i2a'.

Con.. ilo d, iiiaiiil furcuttoiiunthi .put a

fair lor eiiinri al unchanged prhea. inarkil limit mid-dling uplauda. j.'ic , nnd low middling dn , Ulttc , 4

s,a halea, nf whlih i,S7S for evport f orward dellieib alu fair demand nt Hoc higher rut 1 salei 7,u) hai"-- ,rluilng, by nillelal reimrt at for April. VI 11 I"fnr May,) Plfe. June, il'le. fnr September, mid BeforOcftilier. Ihe rti'iiplt at the ports the pan wenthave hem 3,ll hah a rponl luted dull at lid ft rmiddling uidaudi. Thi alUcet hvui Mauibit'.. r i J

lets fat orahh'.DkaIN Wheal wai mode rat ly at tire for ir.'Ulug and

export, and lliere waa an Imulir adianre in iitleetilain t7,C(X) bull. tit, 'iu in.rk' t loin g t..iui.whatnominal at II JSmII.W for Nu 4 Ppring. Chleagi) andMilwaukee, In Horn and adoat tl.utu,al 77 lor ledandtmhir wlnnandtl.slMII.;," for nuniinon to rhowhite, nre, M(4ac, for Wettern and Hats, liarlesCall al ISJiMc tor 6lie, two and foufrpwed, and Kt (.1

II Ii for Cir,ta kill tad wett, Jia dad nvtlanjM

.VS- - ' -- ,.. ja m .a .m. . . . . . - , ,,

falsa JoWlbnihela at tS f'tf fir prime ICeatern lif n.Jiters 1 SV4&ac. fordo aft, at r7SKc for whllm tt )V

tho track and sBoat ( nrn Pmn r but unlet fab a :i rtt 1'bu uis, mainly .1 72 7' f r new V tsi rn iiov-- u, vyellow slloai, with fooiti Western and Doulhcm wlilto) (Jnl t TSe I J k

HiMiitika HeBned petroleum In fair demand at 22VCJ -In tihis and '71.. 111 s rude r,ui. I ,1 wc. tnsphs t.flbs. lie, st.d h .linnal hi trite lurprtit'r wss nultrs V; a

active at Tta- alters m. "nru bnaipess at tie. strained aft Irotin wis qultt st t.i.f if so, but there waa a gonit mmbuilness 111 One Nn. I. at i6M. lar and pltclb mmtinchangi'd. 1 in.eeil of) in good demand nt sc pljmIn citki, nn Ihn and 010. for May de-- mmlivery. Fttti oils unit t and unchanged, anil Ribnlher olla unlet. In frills baa been ennatd- - tjllicrablu activity st lor loose Miitratel raisins, IVitV ili'l10c. for new Turkish prunes, dflc. for old do., and 7c. ilflffor eerranls. Clot er seed firmer at SVMvVe. Tallona, Vttiktold at Ile. tor prime city, w nkev flriner at RanasMe. lyreI'lg Iron and Mock tin m ry Brin ut Ihe lite ipeeiitsllvtt 'B itadvance, and copiier has been active and higher. Ik ,11cloalng at 3i,.'ti'fc. , n. I Mi tlnll and drnojilng. altFreights quiet tor nn al Hrh in, I nl olherwlae fslrly Sllacdve aud ralhcr flrmcr. Kentucky tobacco active aud illfirmer. sjil

I.lve ftocU .llnrkrf. ijfflNrw YoitK, I'lldiiv. Unrcli wern lnrieady aud unchanged. "ii nclpls of 7.17. making MM

,"V'.! since Monday, agno-- 1 ''.TV fnr Ihe same time lft, fBwrek. Ktrlushr of 1 .n nf bulls sold at SVe. i t., jalive might, and tears of thin ChrrnVi e cattle telling nl WjjlOSnllc. the rnn was HoiUHt.v ft., wltlt (inthn bulk of tho talea ctoii) In 12c. ' V. Panipleialr nwere 47 Illinois slcers, 7,f Ptl3'(e.i 42 do., f ( 113ewt., at le.; it do., IU ewt., at I2'le tndrrss M fl' ewt.,at ll'e . 57 inlaed Mliaotirl and Ull- - III 7, . at lie, !W bulla rt SKC. V live weight J Band in light Cherokee caltle, ewt., nt inijialle. Uflt

I''.levcncars.or IXtslthetp arrlted. making S.Ttl slncia njtMonday, against li ma for time lime last week. Tina 118market was nrm In t m t sel lac, and poorest tn beat lots dJwere told at 'tuili't'c. V ft. wllh Ihe mott uf the talea JJIKat 'Ofttsli'c. Mull

ThT're wai nn tride In lite l oca. Therecelpla-a- ll for ilwrlanghlerrra- - were 1."v, mnklnx If.MI fur four ilty. tjlltgalntt IS.4U) tor sam tin" la.l tteek. Dressed hngi fjmwero weak aisxc. for llmon, and Sisir.c. tor city, jBJj

ma 11 1x1: a ;. i.tar.xcn. jffiuivnTt'ra tratavae nt nir. tliti

Bnn rise. I in Dun eis a la Moon acta... S 15 fr!f!110111 nn oar. JarL1

Faddy Hook.. C ai dov 1.1 11 it. i VlilllHls'e.... 8 It 'JA rrlved-- I nintv. March 22. trJ?

Sieaimhlp Vobinii er, I' inlila, build. IKst ui Henn. llrenien, nuise. 3)tlShip tuiierator Aletaudi r I., It nnliurg, ml to, HlaItrU Matanr mar. all.I'rtc t'lwnril.i.Kltts..,iii. ttl.rl"' inian Un Hlo I meim. ro . o I. .IBriil n Hunter. Indi iiiohi. i.'d. - vr. iff rlir Mtlng sun, Sullllu llltei, n., 'jinber. VilAim, the uaual river an I resaclt. Tk

dma nni nn.nKPAMnF.rite-l.KrnvNI'.-- ln the Clupel of the (It

Place of Vert lilies, V'ebruiry ia, M du rtamezeutl tn iiMile, befranc. daughter ef the Vrcnch Mlnlitoruf War.Nti ot'ier ceremony hss In en pi raormcd lu tblsrhureU (1lines the marrbaga of Louis XVI. tu Marie Antoinette. M

itirottcHo. wi1II.AKK. -- In Hartford, at the March termof tliaa fan- - yf

perlor Court. Tenia Ulaku from Thointt Y. Dlake. f'JCause, .idiiltery, t,

1101 ItNU-- ln Chlcaeo, March ID, by Judga Jaiiiiion, V

l.ydla D. Ilourno from Henry A. Ilotime. LvjIIAWI.IOV lu Hartford, at the March term uf thn rij

Puperlor Court, Mattlo Davtlcy from Wllllaiii F. Daw- - BIcy. Cause, adultery. Married May, IWi. U!

liAS'IK.I.H.-- In Hartford, at the March term of the) it,Buperlor Court, Iloia Daniels from Joseph W. Danleli. aCaute. general initeondaet.

rAIIVUI It. Iu the March term of tho ftfliiierlor court, Julia A. Kartuur, ot lirlilot. fruui ,Cheater Farvour. Cause, latcmperancc. Married June,ISST. "1

JuRDf. In Hartford, at tho March tenn of th Su- -perbT ( iiurf, Jacob Jortll from Mary Jordl. Cause,adultery. Msrrletl August, lra. .

MAI hit. lu Chicago, Mirch II, by Judgo Jamcroni I'Ssrsb . Mai er (nun Charlei N. Mayer. I

NhSKUICMI. -- In Hartford, at tho Marth termof HidRuprnnti court, Mary I.'. Sett lliuin, uf Cantiiii, fromLevy Ncaelbiith. cause, desertion and general mltcou- - ,.duel. Harried feplembfr, lm.

srDWKI I..-- In th March term nf thn d,Superior Csmrl, Mary Ann Sbiwell. ef Hutrleld. fnuti ;i( oibclt rltowill. Cause, grueral inlacouduct. Marriid 1'

January, Mil,

vrun. HriiAWFOUIl.-I- n Cincinnati. March '.1. Mlaa Martha Jf

( ranford, ot tho Erin ot l, Crawford tk Co., aged 3 fiyear. !2fDVKOCP.-- ln Deealnr. Ala., March 1., Dennis Djk. Jfl

ous. hUu-t- he iible.t printer la AUbnina. 7irXl.lT In llostnn.March , Win. Hall Dale, formany Is

years hi cretary uf the Aliiertean luauianco Company. Iffaged SJ yeara. CT

bhlbS. Ill Nicholson, Ta. March !5,of typhoid fever, ilDr. Bninut l I'aiea, aged VI year 3J

Plllru-a.-l- Ctnelnnail, Harch I J, Mrs. Ullcn Frits, cjrelict of the late Dr. tleorge Files. k.

FOWI.KH.- - lu Kaal rithklll, N. V., March U, of pucii- - ('tuonla, Dr. Theodore sgcdivjyt'art. I'i

liDZKNM'lli: V It.M!t:l1). In l.lm.i. rem. Feb- - if'ruary 1. Hon Joa tlorenecbe y Harretla, tl.e tvenerable ArchhUbop of l.hna. ft'

IIUtlHi:.-)- n March il, ot ronttimptlon, llcton A 5.Ilnchrs. agnl 11 )ears, Lv

tuueral will t.I.e pltee it hit lata rtildeiire, list Hlvl Mston tt.. at 2o't bit k P. M, tin huuday, March 44. 'Ikf fjimrmbeii of Typographb al l'nlon, No. 0, are luvltcd le Sialt. nd. I

IIKItltlCK.- - In Argntvllle, N Y., March 17. Pr. Julie JPherl.urne Herrick, aired 47 years. 1

KKK. Iu Wludtor, from the errecli Eof a fall received wlitle hunting. 1 .aily c harles liinett Ker. K

MASKI.I.I.. Du Tbiirtilay, Maich 21, Mary Msakt.ll I!widow of 1). nla Maspi'll.lii tli'tmh vearef hi rage. !

TheieUtlvcs and Intends of the family are reapeeb lafully tua lied to attend ihe funeral, fiiim her Iat.- - real. asdi nee, tiio ICatt .tld al.tnu biinday, March 21, at 1 fa

UKUVUS. In Tuukhanuook, Pa Manb 9, Ilarlil UHei ves, aged 1)7 ye irs, W

8.MITII. -- In w'llliamihurgh, I.. I., March , KlUabelb ?Soph! 1, wife of Kobrrl smith, sard 21 jeur uud 7dnyi. K

The relatives and friends nf the family are rcsticci. VIfully Invlt d to attend tbe funeral, from Die residentnf her mother, Mrs. JoliuM. IV site. n Heine at.. Wit KllamaburKh, nu Monday, March 1, at 1 11'cliick P. M. IS

1 In Turiiuay, January J.I, Auu, widow ol k

Dr. W. Turner, aged 31 yt art. jlWASIIIH'HN IiiNallek, Maaa., March IS, Mr. Jede. U

dlah Waahburu, aged si ) ears i March V Mltta Wath. ftburn, hla wife, agid Tt years. They had lived hspplli utogitt er nearly M yeara, and nntll within a few year) ISon a farm bought by his ancestors nf the Indians, bum LIforty uf llielr deiccndatits llvo within tao miles of theli ulate rctbli nee. fl

WAIKCIt. In Whitewater, TTIa., March II, Mrs. lies Hbci e.a IV nlker, one of th. t arly resident uf Milwaukee. D

VVKI.M. lu North dalll, Msa- , la.l week, nf poem Pmonta, It II. VVella, l.s. ,11 prominent cliltin. fl

VOt'MI.-suddrn- lr, nn Ibuisday. March III, KlUa Mu fjran, wife of Pal rick ) tiling, aged 2u years. f,

Ihe lileuda uf the f.oullv aru n ..pel full) Invlle.) toattend tin fum un salurdey, Mart h 2.1. al o'clock, Itfrom the re.ideno. of her brin her-- law, Ullam Kager. HNo ;t M11II11 iryst , Nt iv York. II