The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.) 1870-10-19. · imusio ofthe Sundaysohool Hymnand chorus,...

BBS" V EMI k warf r I c. t i. Jb>cbefr» suint op .their «kop» lf»W*S^ 1:," J*\'-wi»>ling*orf' College,' thé colleg K ^«>it,.tl|*Ttr«ib.»AMilkary Institut g WtbaKpiicopal Church, wiíero t Gen & < ^1^« ^oruWpp«^ «¿«rc «i^ > HjoUfoibga íew h/Our* >fter his death. ;jÜ«ncr«l Lee hod becö sjdiost cutirelj Töiioöoapiou'a'.eiiicft Monday night, e.p< \\ #;j*\veryvpe«^uHy;st halT-pust, ?. 'o .elo.ojg Wé'a'úiJacUy jrmrojag. * Hi wai fc^flra* 'taken/stpk /oñ Wednesday çvern - ihg, September. 28,- «hile jost about td 8¡t down to toa, rr li co he snddeuly sank jo hit? chair insensible, ll« soon revi "fed, «rid in tho course of the next ten ' daya ottudily improved, until it waa ho- ped Wus out of danger ; but ern Monday evening last he became suddenly and .rapidly worse, and ooutiuued to biol 'outil Wednesday morning. Duringtht '.early part Of his sickness he slept much and apoke but little) but Was ..rational! . when awake, and ' always rooognifcoi 17 those who approached him. At times! ? Iii» miod seemed for a While to woiider,j5 j and several oooaatona reverted, to th efl sruiy. Ho once ordered hie tcut lo bi- ..? struck, aud at another ti^c ordered that Hill should be sent 'lor. Ho suffered but little, and died without a struggle He will be buried on Saturday, October 15, at V?! o'clock, The place selected for bia iùtcruieut is a vault beneath the oollegtf chapul, which uanda iu I (val midst of tho college grounds. Thia! was tho Qrst building eroded after his! removal to Lexington, General Lee having declared that it was proper that tho Gi at thing the oollege did should be to dedietitte a house to' tho sorvioe of "religion. Hero he will appropriately V.5 "rest, surrounded by tho monuments ot \. .his lator yeats, his romains sentin'olled by the mountains of that Virginia upon winch he has conferred such imperish¬ able fume. The corpse iras removed, to day from his rosideuce to the chapel, where ho will Ho in state "until Satur- . day. To day tho faculties of the varions! .olloges held meetings and passed ap prcpriato resolutions. RICHMOND, October 13. Richmond presents to-day a scene ofS mourning hardly witnessed in hiagener at ion. Tho stores aud pUblio building* are closed, the bells in all parts of the] eily are tolling, and on many doors are Îdelores or.d photographs of General jee draped in crape, with evergreens. The citizens aro standing in groups in the principal thorough fares, and talk in subdued, tones of tho sad event. The fooling that he ought to bo buried hero at the State's expeuces is nniver sal, and Che Legislature, in making this! request of his family, reiltcrated, public opinion, lite City Council met to day at the cull of tho Mayor. Governor Walker, sent tho following message t the General Assembly : It is with unaffected grief that I an¬ nounce' to you the painful intelligence of tho death of General Kobcrt E. Lee at Lexington, ou yesterday morning - He dud as he had lived, a noble exem phir ol' the sublime prinoiplcs and teach mg* of tho Christian religion. Ht gocadown to the lomb amid the lu tuen lotions ol'nu affectionate and sovvowin . people. Of exalted public and private virtue in his life, he fited tho full mea sure of our conception of a man. A stricken lamtly, a bereaved Sluto, au affectionate people, bow with reference! and humility before this visitation o Divine Providence. It is fitting that you, the representatives of the people should tu kc such appropriate action ssl the melancholy occurrence suggests I believe you would but give expie- sion to thc universal desire of tho poo plc should you solicit thc interment ol thc remains upon thu gouods owned hy .the State in Hollywood Cemetery, where they may raise n monumental shaft commemorative alike of theil sincere and lasting affect ¡un for the man. and.their profound nppiovlatioo of hi.-« ¿rou'ness and goodness. After reading thc Governor4» massage a joint resolution was unanimously passed, expressive of the deep sorrow of both houses ut the sad event, and re; questing ihut (ho body be turned over tu tho Stute for interment at Hollywood Cc in ot cry, near tho city j that a join' com mi! tee, consisting of five members of! thc House and three of thc Senate and] throe presiding officers, bo appointed to go to Lexington und escort tho re mains heie, if he requtst be granted The r¿')gis|ntur0 then adjourned. Thc Tobacco Association held a mee i og und suspended its session as rv mark ot respect to the memory of General] Lee. Tho City Council also met and] adopted a series of appropriate résolu lions, und unpointed a committoto ao> in concert with the legislativo commit lee. The flags of thc shipping and public buildings nero at half mast. NB\V Ottl.BAN8, October 13 'l he death of General Lue casi gloom over the city. Tho morning Jiupurs were dressed in mourning, the lags throughout the oily und shipping . both foreign tun] homo, wore nt hull Iftaftt, and many piucos were draped io mourning. Tile Hoard of broker adjourned last evening in respect lo] Gt-nernl Leo, und J uduc Dibble thi U' tining adjourned thu Eighth District -Court, as a tríbulo of rcspwtt to thi deceased, lu tho course Of his remark» tho Judge said his purposo wan to honor a heroic and nobleoil ifalf« who by hit heming hud won thc admiration our) .affection of every heart iu thu lund The motion to adjourn wan mudo by John II. Low, wh6 uollyorod at ouching , tributo to liss memory The following curd hu» been signed by, many of tho most prominent mei chun s und buiiuoss firms in tho city Wo, the nu h-rsignod merchants, sug¬ gest lo our fellow citizens that all busi mao-has Mico. ; >:;:^ \ Tb« city has bee« Ju mouramg alli day io honor of General Uf. All buai J netts housea were closed, aud toe chuiohj bella tolled. A public address was dei livered «t tho Opera Douse to a large] audie ooo by General J oho J. MorganJ The grict of the people ts deep and uni] versal. The deo th of General Lee regarded ae a national calamity. .. COLUMBIA, Ootober Ï8V Oo the announcement of ¿he death of Geoeral Lee, tho court ?Mourned, oo motion of Solicitor. Talley. judge Moiton, UÍBO made rj0me remarks afc aro impromptu meeting of the oUiiei*, held ¡a the courthouse. ' General Wade Hampton presided abd made en address ; Capt ai n Caldwell acted «8 secretary. Col OD el J\ P. Thoma», m an admirable^ f peech, offered appropriate resolutions," which were adopted. The resolutions ¡ara to be sent tothefaouityof Washiog- too College, to General Lee's family, and to the Governor of Virginia. Al) the church bella were tolled all day. THE WATCHMAN WEDNESDAY, OCTR IO. IA. A. GILBERT --.- - .EDITOR! The Sumter Watchman has by ¡far the largest circulation lisper ovally in the swvounding country) any paper published in Sumter, land was established hi i860. DEATH OP «KN. KOBRRT K. I,BB.| The whole South is in mourning, and the nobler and unprejudiced North Jem heart is moved, whilst the civilized world will not fail to record the fact that a great and good mao has depart« ed from earth. It is not iu the spirit with which we viewed tho great captain, as he stood with his weale and deoimated ranks, tho invincible barrier against whioh tho heavy legions of tho North roooiled with disaster, and defeat, thai we eome now to look upon him, as he passes away from mortal sight. The nobler and purer and higher instincts of our nature, call upon us and upon the country, to look upon him, as he rises to view, the embodiment of the more grand and enduring principles whioh have adorned mankind in every age of the civilizod world ; and American history, when the passions and prejudices of the times [shall have gone to oblivion, will not fail to acoord him position foremost 'among [those who have given lustre to our na tional carno. lu his great character and sublime! virtues, Gen. LREOSU noverbe estimât [ ed from the narrow stand point whioh views him merely os the leader of 'he Southe» o patriot soldier in our strug¬ gle for civil liberty. 'Tis true that here he won distinction, and the affections Jof tho soldiery and of the whole people fur whom he buttled, to au ox^0ft which would shed additional lustre, and add ja fresh wreath of laurel, to the brow [of tho proudest chieftain of earth ; but his name and history belong to the world, and will bo enrolled, on tho scroll of fame J high among thoso mankind will delight to cherish, as grout and good. Side byl side with that of "the Father of his[ country," his fame will go down to future) generations Aud now that he has passed forever away from us, the lessons his life and character leach, address themselves to us with fresher and moro earnest ap¬ peal. Tho soul of manly coora go and endu rance, he was not only great amid the olush of arius and tho shock of batt io, but great amid thc wreck, aud ruin, and [dark ness of disaster and defeat. The humo faith and trust in his God, whioh ¿ave nerve to his arm and placid hero¬ ism to his heart, ns he moved amid the thunder* of artillery and rain of the ¡deadly bullet, supported him in the more trying arden) that followed ; and brought to view tho sublimer virtues ol' his character. HR raises no voice ol vindictive- condeninattai against he fer with whom ho contended'; but, with thcl culm meekness of the christian soldier, resigns himself to the terrible change! that ensues, and exhibits the same] patient endurance throughout all th«] crushing humiliation that follows. We foci that our poor pen is too weak und imputent to rooord his virtues'; bul thoy live in tho hearts of the people, and will altino with a brighter lustre yours and generations roll on. NOHT»:<Klf li I. BOT IO NS. State elections wuro held, last week, in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana J There hus Uouu soma Democratic gain] on tho whole vote of thone Stute» ; bute thc cxtout to whioh u revulsion of pub«! Mñ-M. mm rbi grslef> Jf¡ Mabi»jtf*-*f th«, gírotii echoed and rc-whoed with, the tinging .hoot «Bd merry lichter peal of tty youthful tbroog, And oidor hear te «rei« g'.adeoed. and beat with, youthful impulse, too. And wer« oar pen permit Wd td stray midst each happy group, it would tell of inore than" j ampi og ropo/ or "prisoner's base." Tb%re Mle mern orita dODoeotcd with tho »pot, thai> in¬ vested it with the charm of other days, and marked it M the scene* «¿where first wc> »eV* fwd wh,er e the glance of the vff etamped impresBioos upon the heart, whiefc herve long since ripened into ms« tor Ky, produoing tho beautiful fruits el connubial lpvo and the happy family 'The "occasion was favored with tho presence of Revs. 8.M.. Rion AJRDSON and WM. HAYNE LEAVKLL, of tho Baptist Church, who kindly consented, sud addressed the children iu remarks hap¬ pily calculated to impress tho youthful heart with tho sublime principios of christian truth and love. There.were' also juvenile addresses from Miss, li ATTI v. DURANT, Miss ?FANNIE PINGLE, and Master KEMBBUT SHARVIN and PRESTON MOOD, which reflected oredit upon the young speak¬ ers. . < Later in the day, those grateful shades were redolent with the swoet imusio of the Sunday sohool Hymn and chorus, «We are a group of happy children," was invested with new and holier inspiration, as it swelled from the lips of the youthful company, beneath tho blue canopy and bright sunlight of Heaven, in the temple of nature's own adornment. It is good thus to withdraw oneself from the busy and distracting care» of Íliío, and spend the day in promoting tbe christian pleasure and instruction of the young. 9&- Mr. Tilos. T Ursiiun, to be found at the Hardware store of Capt. L. P. LORIN«, who represents Messrs. LYON BROS. Cotton Factors and Com¬ mission Merchants, of Baltimore, will make liberal advances ou cotton and needed plantation or family supplies. We take pleasure ic referring our readers to bis advertisement, on anothor column, and asking for him a libera) sharo of patronage. THE WAU Between Trance and Prussia is pro¬ gressing slowly. Paris and Parisian enthusiasm hold out. Various French successes of minor importance noted.- Efforts to conolude s peace continue, amidst increasing complications. a BBEDBB St DAVIS. We take pleasure in calling the at-B tention of our readers to the card oil this firm in another column. Agreeable,! prompt, reliable; they are thu! very men to transact a planter's busi-l ness to hie satisf action ai.d advantage! «OOO POIS DARLINGTON* We saw, in the garden of Mr. J. W.j GAMBLE, at Florouco, the other day, stalk of cotton, upon which there waa! four hundred and sixty matured bolls ;l or bolls that would make white staple [ In addition, there was a largo uumbei of bolls partly matured, besides ,lf or ms.' It measured eight feet in height, twen ty five feet iu circumference, aad seveu| feet in diameter. Mr. GAMBLE also exhibited to our delighted eyes, a piece of ootton, con¬ taining two acres, from which he had already gathered over four thousand pounds iu the seed. Wo had never be- fore Been cotton so heavily fruited with] matured fruit. The bolls wore iu Clus¬ ter«-the brunches borne to tho ground with their weight. It was of tb« "Boyd's Prolific" variety, and. stable manure, alono, had been used. TBnPBKANOK. The Temperance Advocate, published lat Columbia,.8. C., under dato of Oot. I, contains the following resolution ; Resolved, That tho Temporáneo Lite rory and Debating Society of Columbia dc invite the temperance organizations .ad all'friends of temporáneo through¬ out this State to meet in oodVentloQ in Columbia on the 10th November next, fur the purpose of deviling some organ ¡lcd plan for advancing tho cause} throughout the State. The same paper states that th oro ic some probability of a visit from ED¬ WARD CABS WELL, Esq , a distinguished temperanoe lecturer from the British Province^of Ontario, with a tlow ot .peaking at some of the more prominent points of the State. Letters addressed toB. D. TOWNSENRD, at Society Hill, will meet proper attention. nebea » fctt«t f*«« bi«,. »^«««4 tM je|£ji>0: BUTfcBB, which axarbWatbe» gricvou? «eocteity for rotorm, and th« honest ^ople of th* 8t*te to de» Capt. W. L^sPAStf ifM àmçWgB the speak«« ol 'litt great Hefoifm Masafl Meeliog at Cb&Ttôâton last weikv- Th efl Netoa Saturday Inst, says that he tor oed to Camden on the da.y províousM leaving tn Charleston pleasant r,eoQ.(l«o.B tiona of the tiraely, eloqueut and patri-R otic speech delivored by him. y > fl TBB TJBANSATlJtNTlO ; Wo ar« iud «¡»ted to the publiaheriM Meaars. L. lt. HAMBRBLBY A Co., I forfl the Septombor number oi¡ their Maga-H noe, entitled as above, oootuînibg choice! selections from foreign current litera-B turo. Subscription price 84, or. sentB with the Watchman for 92 per annuur.fl £t contains about .140 pages of entertain fl ¡hg matter. IHK LKXINaTON DISPATCH. fl We have received the first number offl qu^te a Ddt little sheet, entitled ns fl above and publidhud at Lexington Court fl House, bj Mr. OODJTBBY M. HARMAN fl The tncohanionl department of the dis-fl patch' is under the management of Capt.fl W. D. M. HARMON, nod its editorial!! labors will bo performed by W. H Rt CB,BJ Ksq., and Capt. W.D. M. HARMAN. Bi The initiatory shoot gives promise offl usefulness. We extend the hand offl courtesy cordially, and shall expootfl pleasure .from the visits of our newfl friend. ._" fl COMMERCIAL._fl We have nothing favorable to report. -Offer-H, inga have not bee» aa large aa last week, andfli prieea have not improved. Onr market closes arl' from ll to 19 cents, which is fully ap to Newfl York and Liverpool. We do not look for better» prices until tho war doses. fl BACON-Sides, 20@22; Shoulders, 18® 19 fl Hams, 30. N LARD-20® 25c ff FLOUR-Per bbl. $7®$12. g OOPPEB-Leguayra, 3U@32 ; Java, 45@5u;|| Rio, 22@30. H SALT-$2.60 H 8UOAR-Brown, 12}@H; C., 15® 17 ; A., nfl @00 ; Crushed, 19t@0O. ? Il AU OIN G-26®379. fl IRON-TIES-8@ 10. K ROPE-10@15. fl RATESV1LLE SHIRTINGS Por bale 12ofl YARN BY THE BALE-f 1,90c. Per bunch.H NEW YORK MARKET, OPT» 18 fl COTTON 15ft. fl GOLD 113*. fl LATEST QUOTATIONS OF fl1 SOUTHERN SECURITIES, fl IN CHARLESTON, S. C., Corrected weekly by A. C. KA ÜFMÁN, Broker, No. 25 Broad Street. OCT. 14, 1870« STATS SECUHIYIBB-South Carolina, old, 82® 00; do new, 72¡®- do, regist'd atoe», ek int -®70. CITY SKCORITIKB--Augusta, Ga. Bonds, -@ 80; Charleston, S. C. Stock, (oz qr int) -®46j do, Firo Loan Bond«, -@67j Columbia, S. C Bonds, - @60. RAILROAD BONDS-Blue Bidge, (first mortgage) -@60; Charleston and Savannah, -@66 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, -®86; Choraw and Darlington, -85 ; Green ville nnd Columbra, (ïst mort) ®8»; du, (8into guar- nntoo) 66® - ; Northeastern, -@80; Savan¬ nah and Charleston, (lat mort)-78; do, (Stute guarantee)-®60; South Carolina,-®75;' do, 71 ; Spartanburg and Union,'-@00. RAILROAD- STOCKH-Charlotte, Columbia an dB Augusta,-@40; Uroenville mid Columbia, -Hi ® 2i; Northeastern, @19; Savannah nnd Charles H ton, - @3I ; South Carolina, (whole - sh'arcsjH? -®38; do, (half do) -@W. Exe H ANO K. «fcc-Now York 8tgbt, i off par; Oold, 111® 114; Silver, 104.® SOOTS. CA ll Ot. Ut A »ARK BILLS. *Bnnk of Charleston.,.-®- .Bank of Newberry.......97@- Batik ofCumdon.,. e.*+*..*.*.»% 37®-H Dank cf Georgetown..«...."-®» Hank of South Carolina.10® Dank of Chester.11®- Uonk of Hamburg-<-.....'.~ß® Dunk of State ot 8. C. prior to 1861.45® - K ink of State of S. 0. issue 1861 nnd 1862 32® .Plnntors'und Mechanics'Bank of Charles-®- ton.-®- . People's Bank of Charleston........-®- . Union Bank of Charleston.- ® .Sou tb wes io m B R Bank of Charleston, - ®- (old).-®- .Southwestern R R Dank of Charleston, -@- (new).-r@- Marmora' and Exohange Bank of Charles*-®- ton. - Exohsnge Bank of Columbia..o®- Merchants' Bunk of Cheraw. 0®- Planters'Bank ofPairfleld .tttn- State of South Carolina Bills Reoeivable...007 City of Charleston Change Bills...95. .Billa marked thus (*) nre being redeemed at Ibo Bank Counters of eaeh. ?Tan 12 _? ly MASONIC« rilHE RKOULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICA-' _L TION OF CLAREA ONT LOLGB, NO 64; \.\ P.*. M.*. will bo hellion Thursday evening NOT. 3, 1870, ot 7 o'olook. Members tn nrroars aro summoned to attend! [this Communication, and show cause why their] ¡nautas, should not bo atrloken from the roll. By order of B. O. OREEN, W.-. M.*. T. V. WALSH, Seoretary. _ NOTICE. T71ROM this data, Mr. JUNIUS N. SPANN _L «ill Sot its my Agent In tb« management! Ol tay store and transaction of alt business eon ¡Hooted therewith. Oat 19-JR J. 8. HUOHSON. WANTED* A YOUNO LADY, of some experience ia» J_\ toaoblng, desirae * situation as teeaaerS* ouTTer ln a aebool of a private family. Sho ieT Competent to teach tb« asa Kl English branches J and music on tb* Plano. She can give good re l oommoodatioae both aa to competency and| personal oharaotór. Address imn.cdlstely, MR. HENRY POXWORTH, Ku in ter, 8. O. or MIL DAVID HOUSER, Oct 19-tt 6U Mathewj,8. 0. DIED, tn Buiate* Circuit. .Bebbatb morning, September 25,1870, NICHOLAS &. PUNCH. We Ml ti to be a pleasure, as.well asa duty, to tay 9o»«tbli.«* of thia servant of God,, who baa poss ad to bia reward. ? . . * '? , Ha hod been a member of the Met ho di at C burch or mure than thirty yeara add daring tba» tim* Mirved tb« Church in th« oapeeK* of Steward, Slaoa Leader, Sunday ßohool Superintendent, kálTeachor of Bible Clo*a. At bl« death'be waa Chairman of Board Of Stewards, and Teach- »r of our interesting female Blbio Clasi. Whatsoever the poeitiop -assigned him, be was "althful, and ponctuai io the performance of all ils dulles. He wa« blessed with more than an or* dinary mind, wbicb he bad atores! with mucb.use- \il Knowledge, puking bim wiro In counsel and ¡or root in Judgment. .. ",' . Tor two year«, previous to bl« 'death, lt wee apparent that his health waa rapidly declining, un t as tho "outward maa perished the Jaward map waa renewed day by day." For twelve Months bo frequency spoke of bl« death, with r,rent calmness, manifesting an unshaken faith In God, through the Lord Jesu« Christ, A yeal before his death, when bo apprehended that death waa nigh, he requested t>>o Writer of thia to preach »la funeral-sermon from- that anbllmepoaaage in Job > "Though ho alay me, yet will I trust in bim." He died as the itofant of day«, falling Mle«}. In its mother'« arm«, and we feel assured that be has exchanged thc sorrows of earth for ibat "real remaining to the people of God." Io his. \ death the Church baa loot one of ber most stBolent member«, the country a worthy eitlien, » bereaved wife, an affectionate husband. He oaves a largo circle of relative« and frionda to mourn his. foss. May they remember be cannot -.omo back to them, but may they strive to go where he I«. J. W. MURRAY, Christian Neighbor «nd Southern Christian Advócate will please copy.' Good to Eat. Beof Tongues, Cabbages,] Bolognas, Mnkerel, Oyster«, Lobster«, Tomato ss, Green Corn, Cheese, Macearon!, White Bean«, Jellies, Préservât, Raison«, Almonds. Lard, 20o. Coffee, 26b. Sugar, i2¿ Vinegar, 60c. AUGUSTA FLOTJR, all grades, BOLTED MEAL AND GRIST. AND ALL KINDS OP FAMILY' GROCERIES.! CANDIES, plain and fairey. Lemons, Toilet Soaps, io variety, Glass and Crockery Ware. , Lamps and Fixtures, Fine Segara and Tobacco. Call on J. N. SPANN, Ag't, UNDER PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. INVIÏATIO&. Having this day assumed the management oil tho Mercantile business or Dr. <T. S. IIUGH-I STON, I would respectfully invite ALL of my I Irlends, ladies and house hoopers especially, tel jail and examino goods and price«. Satisfaction! guaranteed. J. N. SPANN, Oct 19_ Agent. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES] Wagons, Carts, And aJU manner of Wood Wor7<\ ' for (7te Same. PLOUGHS, ftc., &c. THE UNDERSIGNED offer« for «ale, at very] LOW PRICES-POR CASH-a. rory full! assortment of the abo?« artlolos. I Whore oredlt ia desired, special contract« for| the same may be made for approved nofbs. Repairing of all kind« io Wood and Iron exe¬ cuted With promptness and dispatch. , W. J. ANDERSON, Agent. Ott 19~«V . SEED RYEj NEW GEORGIA í*LOUR, PJ0ARL HOMINEY. SIFTED MEAL. I-ORDRR'4 TAKEN FOR-- WINTER SEED OATS,] J. W. DARYAN'S. Oct 19 ; ''? _4» ROBERT BROUN, tVrohffóot, . County Surveyor;! -.AND-.- Mechanical Engineer,! ff ILL ATTEND tO ANY BD6INE«8 BN-I rusted to a* Bf with »ce,»r*cy and. dispatch, Ref«* tb F.OES OR FRIRND8. ' ; Addreie, Manchester, 8. 0. I £ fi D S R ¿ i D A V , CGTTÖtf ^ÔTOÏIS, AN*) J General Commission Merchants,] ADGBR'S WHARF, 1 C h a r 1 o s to n , 8 . 0 . " >swell Reeder. 2(ram««anQ Davlsl .Ceti» '?. ' a* " if mg rsilrnMii «»t«t they «rill rapidly MC lat«. Md, at tho IUD« tl««, be aw.Jort u, TO TOÉ^ ti and Wiáti*íOpMin^ M, J. ZKRNoV f'Hai! reeenti* returned fro» Nal Tori, where «be selected «a «i giant and variad assortment oV flood« In the MILLINERY LINS, Embracing all lb.« latest NOVELTIES OF Til Kl [SKASON. ; ¡M I «er Stock hes been selected with great carej ind will bo found unequaled In choice and verle-i [ty, «nd will be oft>red at price« that cannot fal* ko glveaatlaraetloB./ I 1 ¿ar Order*' from th« COHO try will recelve| prompt attention. Pet 10 , SOUTH CAROLINA Central Bail Road Co« CHARLESTONS. C., October lt, 1870. fXMIB FOURTH INSTALMENT OF FIVFfl X DOLLARS PER. SHARE, will be payable* on 16th November proximo. In Charleston-at the Office of th« Company, ? No. 10 Broad-street. In Sumter-To Major JOSEPH JOHNSON. In Clarendon-To Br. JOHN I. INGRAM. WM. H. PXRONNBAU, Treasurer. Oct 10 LYON BROS. \Cotton Factors d> Cotn'n. Merchants^ 175 Smith's Wharf, . BALTIMORE MARYLAXD\ THROUGH OUR AO'T, THOS. T. EPS H UR.! J H., at Su tu ter, 6. C., we are prepared tel make M liberal, advances on consignment* oil COTTON when delivered, M any one, and willi bold it for e reasonable period if desired. We] will fill sdi orders for Git AI v, PROVISIONS, HAY, ORO*] C KU I KS, «Ye. at the cheapest market rates for easb on de livery. Having connections In the West »edi being members of the Baltimore .Cern Exchanged we foci assured that we oap put drain «ed Prov!-! si on s io Sumter as cheaply, if not more so, than! any one In th« Statu of South Carolina. We buyl at small profits for oub, and soe willing to sell! so. We feel sure of giving general satisfaction.] HAVING RETURNED to Sumter in the into est of the above firm, I reJ speotfuUy state to the Planters .and publie gen J «rally, that having given' almost universal! satisfaction during my past year's ageney, I bavai 00 hesitation In again solid ting the patronage off Sumter and adjoining Coontie«, and promise »y| utmost endeavors to pica*«. Very respectfully, TnOS T. UP8nUR, Office nt the Store of Capt. L. P. Loving. Oct 19-_ _,1m XP*J STORF. 128 QQQYAUDSBAOaiNO» ' * ^QTONS IRON TIBS, 5,000 Peanut Bag«, 2,500 Sacks Salt, 45 Boxos L. 0. Bacon, 80 Hogsheads Bacon, 100 Barrels Mess Pork, ISO Barrels «ad Boxe« CrackersJ lb Boxes Cheese, , .i 10 Bose« Cod Fish, SO Tabs Superior Batter, 180 Barrels Sager, SO Hogsheads Sngar, 80 Oases Fresh Poaobes, 80 ..*> Conceatratod Ly K 80 » Potash, 80 " COY« Oysters, SOO Barrels. Fleur, , f8 Tabs, Kegs cad Tieroes Lard J 80 Boxe« Candle«. Jv i* v v . t i .i . For lal« low by V. W. KB RÖHN BR,- 27, 28 «nd SO North Water St. Pet 10-_ _r. JÜST RECEIVED A FINB LOT OF OOLOATIi'ri FAMlLTf [\_ SOAPS, aad Ait »at« cheep, T ! By J. F.. W, DoLOBME, ALSO 1 A fresh lei of LANDRÈTH'S ONION SETTSJ l-OL whit« and red Ly J. F. W. DeLORME. Pictures ! Pictures ! Pictures 1 \ PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, AMBROTÏPBS, PÜHCKLA1N PICTURES.] w]¿ i ' "?"**. .*. " IThese Ptcturee are now taken at tba Sumter Gallery, In ail «lae« cad styles-up td tifia sise Recent Improvement* have beert bro«gilt Inte réquisition, and the undersigned feels confidant that he «an produce as erfect ead Well finished Pictures can be obtained In the flute. J Copying rHm Old LtXeatéees. .ad the or Igln »ll Titi VT Ji jrl io j& w*¿? - Slr; .v*v:v,'.; igjS&S FANCY GOODS, OBOOKEKY SADDLERY »nd HARNESS; HATS and OAFS, |^;!?$$ GROCERIES, of edi Mudfl, (Èxcefefc tiqùôm)! , ; . i ?-? '- -'^f Satín Cloth, » new article for Ladlea Dregier, ASSORTMENT OF DRESS 00008 la Town. At Y OREEN A WALSHS All Wool Merinos, DeLalne« and Empress Cloth. Dress Trinmungs, OF ALL KINDS. THE LATEST 8 TY LBS. At GRKKN * WALSH'S. AlpQccae-all kind«, colors and qualities The NEWSÜYLE HOOPSKlRT At OREEN A WALBOO. 8llke, Poplin s, Scotch Plaide and Paney Delal nea Shawls and Cloaks, AWFUL CHEAP, At GREEN & WALSH'S. Cloaks and Shawls of all qualities. Blaiikets, ClothingT AMD nATS, of all kinds, At ORKEN A WALSH'S. I Largest Assortment of Harnees ia Sumter. Coates and tee lt. Saddles, Harness, AND WHIPS, ofueei quutity; At OREEN A WALSH'S. Saddles and Bridles to suit every one. Crockery, Glassware, ANO HARDWARE, at retail kai wholesale, At G KEEN * WALLH'S. Another Lot of thoa* Kew Sirle Hats. ACCIDENTS PREVENTED BY PURCHASING THE NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSINE LAMPS, to bo had ou!y . At GREEN A WALSH'S. ? -i- ' \i China and Glass Wara. . 1 Crockery of all kinda. Full Stock DP CORN, BACON. LARD, BAMS AND BUTTER, COFFEE,TBA and SUGAR, At QKBBN A WALSH'S. Calf Skin, Sola and Laolng Leather.. Bobber Belting. ..?.-> LOUR. SALT, MOLASSES aad UBSS PORK, At GREEN A WALSH'S. Philadelphia Boote and Shoes. ¡ Kew Lot ItfV WHtTB GOODS, GLOVES, HOSIBRY! \\J and DRESS GOODS, Just reaatred at aa Itonlshlofly low prices, _Dy GREEN A WALSH. Mile's Boote and Shoes. King'. Ladles Sho«s.| New York Exchange, BOUGHT AND SOLD BY GREEN A WALSH. ---r'--,- ? ? n « WLLH [Bargains in Eemnants, At Planter'i owing ut for Supplies art requee'ted to meet their oitiga- ticmejpromptig^aeth^ v \ \ [ ie ihc time of the year wt need, our teü Cotton, we witt dtip and W i '-OIMMIN * wÀLéfK . BJ ^-r^-.^'a» Ve are preparé to -pay the HIOHlSrPj EA81I PRIOH POR COTTON, OR SHIpJj KP HOLD WBMN DESIRED, making 1 0A8H ADVANCES ON SAME. Green £ Walsh, 0F.ALER8 IN 8£N6lUt ^ROHANOISe. . ;A»» Conuniasion Mernhantai Î Of the Season caa bc tm ¿S A GENERAL fiTO^fc|[ ¿1 »& - " i* «. Iv ¿V-. Î desire to call espoo]*! |ttt> $ " .. tion to my extensivo Stock of GIA1TQS, CA8SIMEBE8. JEANS, SATtBEIS &c , ftc*« Aft »l-l . , 'ff '*Gw2f Mjr Grocery Department is being daily replenished with a varied stock of every stylo of KEPT IN THAT Lim fl DBESS FITTING, New Patterns fortheWrirei MADAME DEMOREST. Stamping for Embroi¬ dery and Braiding MRS. DARGAN Il now prepared to ferr« Ibo Ltdlu. OlD *»l examino her new and beaatifel FALL PATTERNS, JUST RECEIVED.. Dresses Fl it ed according to Ultttt, at the Sumer CoafexUiiery, Where jon can alio get the BEST C ANDT, NICE TBING8, GENERALLY, at ll* e* Regular Confectionery and Fane* 8** in Town. Pet 1»_. . ' FALL AND WlN!TI» CLOTHING CASSIMEBES, te I am now wcoivínga lai¡r¿0^ Complete Stock of FALL AND WINTBR CkOTHlNGf, . OF EVERY DESOMfXWE» ' CLOTHS, GASSIMBRBS, gHfiL Kentuckey Jeanf, of low |re*e *ee»*v cheep. Shirl* ... ' Drawer«, . ' . Iladerteste, Olores and CrarsU, Suspenden, Collars, Seeks, Hankereblefs, Ae., it--A» AtSO A FULL SVPmANDVAMtTTW These Qoods X aa* determined WjMP JJ taft they caa ha br eght lo J^*^ |QC la this «Me alone,! em enabled WiKg,* Ï only ask my oil friends to^gggg and ir they do nof «nd my f*o«* .»7Fr' not expect theta to bay. > , ». J. WINN, Age* Sept »8 ^^T"- COUNTY OF lathe Ct-o. .1*^-*? ratees ». líendrick, Ce». fWfP»* .?s,' .< -.1 'tte. Joaaty. Cnowo ». *». te ' 'lenurton, branded by lead igJV ^"uU lenlfs ead by land of P. «. B"»°W f McDonald ead E. Cords. TEEM8t .u-i01» Oat third oMh-tbebalaaoe ^T'Lyabh 5^>*£#^,, .«s*}»..

Transcript of The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.) 1870-10-19. · imusio ofthe Sundaysohool Hymnand chorus,...

Page 1: The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.) 1870-10-19. · imusio ofthe Sundaysohool Hymnand chorus, «Weare a group of happy children," was invested with new and holier inspiration,as


EMIk warf




i. Jb>cbefr» suint op.their «kop»lf»W*S^ 1:,"J*\'-wi»>ling*orf' College,' thé collegK ^«>it,.tl|*Ttr«ib.»AMilkary Institutg WtbaKpiicopal Church, wiíero

t Gen& <^1^« ^oruWpp«^ «¿«rc «i^ >

HjoUfoibga íew h/Our* >fter his death.;jÜ«ncr«l Lee hod becö sjdiost cutireljTöiioöoapiou'a'.eiiicft Monday night, e.p<

\\ #;j*\veryvpe«^uHy;st halT-pust,?. 'o .elo.ojg Wé'a'úiJacUy jrmrojag. * Hi waifc^flra* 'taken/stpk /oñ Wednesday çvern

- ihg, September. 28,- «hile jost about td8¡t down to toa, rr li co he snddeuly sankjo hit? chair insensible, ll« soon revi

"fed, «rid in tho course of the next ten' daya ottudily improved, until it waa ho-ped Wus out of danger ; but ern Mondayevening last he became suddenly and

.rapidly worse, and ooutiuued to biol'outil Wednesday morning. Duringtht'.early part Of his sickness he slept muchand apoke but little) but Was ..rational!

.when awake, and ' always rooognifcoi

17 those who approached him. At times!? Iii» miod seemed for a While to woiider,j5j and où several oooaatona reverted, to th efl

sruiy. Ho once ordered hie tcut lo bi-..? struck, aud at another ti^c ordered that

Hill should be sent 'lor. Ho sufferedbut little, and died without a struggleHe will be buried on Saturday, October15, at V?! o'clock, The place selectedfor bia iùtcruieut is a vault beneath theoollegtf chapul, which uanda iu I (valmidst of tho college grounds. Thia!was tho Qrst building eroded after his!removal to Lexington, General Leehaving declared that it was proper thattho Gi at thing the oollege did should beto dedietitte a house to' tho sorvioe of"religion. Hero he will appropriatelyV.5 "rest, surrounded by tho monuments ot

\. .his lator yeats, his romains sentin'olledby the mountains of that Virginia uponwinch he has conferred such imperish¬able fume. The corpse iras removed, today from his rosideuce to the chapel,where ho will Ho in state "until Satur-

. day.To day tho faculties of the varions!

.olloges held meetings and passed apprcpriato resolutions.

RICHMOND, October 13.Richmond presents to-day a scene ofS

mourning hardly witnessed in hiagenerat ion. Tho stores aud pUblio building*are closed, the bells in all parts of the]eily are tolling, and on many doors are

Îdelores or.d photographs of Generaljee draped in crape, with evergreens.The citizens aro standing in groups inthe principal thorough fares, and talk insubdued, tones of tho sad event. Thefooling that he ought to bo buriedhero at the State's expeuces is nniversal, and Che Legislature, in making this!request of his family, reiltcrated, publicopinion, lite City Council met to dayat the cull of tho Mayor. GovernorWalker, sent tho following message tthe General Assembly :

It is with unaffected grief that I an¬nounce' to you the painful intelligenceof tho death of General Kobcrt E. Leeat Lexington, ou yesterday morning

- He dud as he had lived, a noble exemphir ol' the sublime prinoiplcs and teachmg* of tho Christian religion. Htgocadown to the lomb amid the lu tuenlotions ol'nu affectionate and sovvowin

. people. Of exalted public and privatevirtue in his life, he fited tho full measure of our conception of a man. Astricken lamtly, a bereaved Sluto, auaffectionate people, bow with reference!and humility before this visitation oDivine Providence. It is fitting thatyou, the representatives of the peopleshould tu kc such appropriate action sslthe melancholy occurrence suggestsI believe you would but give expie-sion to thc universal desire of tho pooplc should you solicit thc interment olthc remains upon thu gouods owned hy.the State in Hollywood Cemetery,where they may raise n monumentalshaft commemorative alike of theilsincere and lasting affect ¡un for the man.and.their profound nppiovlatioo of hi.-«¿rou'ness and goodness.After reading thc Governor4» massage

a joint resolution was unanimouslypassed, expressive of the deep sorrowof both houses ut the sad event, and re;questing ihut (ho body be turned overtu tho Stute for interment at HollywoodCc in ot cry, near tho city j that a join'com mi! tee, consisting of five members of!thc House and three of thc Senate and]throe presiding officers, bo appointedto go to Lexington und escort tho remains heie, if he requtst be grantedThe r¿')gis|ntur0 then adjourned.Thc Tobacco Association held a mee

i og und suspended its session as rv markot respect to the memory of General]Lee. Tho City Council also met and]adopted a series of appropriate résolulions, und unpointed a committoto ao>in concert with the legislativo commitlee. The flags of thc shipping andpublic buildings nero at half mast.

NB\V Ottl.BAN8, October 13'l he death of General Lue casi

gloom over the city. Tho morningJiupurs were dressed in mourning, thelags throughout the oily und shipping

. both foreign tun] homo, wore nt hullIftaftt, and many piucos were draped iomourning. Tile Hoard of brokeradjourned last evening in respect lo]Gt-nernl Leo, und J uduc Dibble thiU' tining adjourned thu Eighth District-Court, as a tríbulo of rcspwtt to thideceased, lu tho course Of his remark»tho Judge said his purposo wan to honora heroic and nobleoil ifalf« who by hitheming hud won thc admiration our).affection of every heart iu thu lundThe motion to adjourn wan mudo byJohn II. Low, wh6 uollyorod at ouching

, tributo to liss memoryThe following curd hu» been signed

by, many of tho most prominent meichun s und buiiuoss firms in tho city

Wo, the nu h-rsignod merchants, sug¬gest lo our fellow citizens that all busi

mao-has Mico. ; >:;:^ \

Tb« city has bee« Ju mouramg alliday io honor of General Uf. All buaiJnetts housea were closed, aud toe chuiohjbella tolled. A public address was deilivered «t tho Opera Douse to a large]audie ooo by General Joho J. MorganJThe grict ofthe people ts deep and uni]versal. The deo th of General Leeregarded ae a national calamity. ..

COLUMBIA, Ootober Ï8VOo the announcement of ¿he death of

Geoeral Lee, tho court ?Mourned, oomotion of Solicitor. Talley. judgeMoiton, UÍBO made rj0me remarks afc aro

impromptu meeting of the oUiiei*, held¡a the courthouse. ' General WadeHampton presided abd made en address ;Capt ai n Caldwell acted «8 secretary.Col OD el J\ P. Thoma», m an admirable^f peech, offered appropriate resolutions,"which were adopted. The resolutions¡ara to be sent tothefaouityofWashiog-too College, to General Lee's family,and to the Governor of Virginia. Al)the church bella were tolled all day.



The Sumter Watchman has by¡far the largest circulation lisperovally in the swvounding country)anypaper published in Sumter,

land was established hi i860.DEATH OP «KN. KOBRRT K. I,BB.|The whole South is in mourning,

and the nobler and unprejudiced NorthJem heart is moved, whilst the civilizedworld will not fail to record the factthat a great and good mao has depart«ed from earth.

It is not iu the spirit with which we

viewed tho great captain, as he stoodwith his weale and deoimated ranks,tho invincible barrier against whiohtho heavy legions of tho North roooiledwith disaster, and defeat, thai we eome

now to look upon him, as he passes awayfrom mortal sight. The nobler andpurer and higher instincts of our nature,call upon us and upon the country, tolook upon him, as he rises to view, theembodiment of the more grand andenduring principles whioh have adornedmankind in every age of the civilizodworld ; and American history, whenthe passions and prejudices of the times[shall have gone to oblivion, will not failto acoord him position foremost 'among[those who have given lustre to our na

tional carno.

lu his great character and sublime!virtues, Gen. LREOSU noverbe estimât [ed from the narrow stand point whiohviews him merely os the leader of 'heSouthe» o patriot soldier in our strug¬gle for civil liberty. 'Tis true that herehe won distinction, and the affectionsJof tho soldiery and of the whole peoplefur whom he buttled, to au ox^0ft whichwould shed additional lustre, and addja fresh wreath of laurel, to the brow[of tho proudest chieftain of earth ; buthis name and history belong to the world,and will bo enrolled, on tho scroll of fameJhigh among thoso mankind will delightto cherish, as grout and good. Side bylside with that of "the Father of his[country," his fame will go down to future)generationsAud now that he has passed forever

away from us, the lessons his life andcharacter leach, address themselves tous with fresher and moro earnest ap¬peal.Tho soul of manly coora go and endu

rance, he was not only great amid theolush of arius and tho shock of batt io,but great amid thc wreck, aud ruin, and[dark ness of disaster and defeat. Thehumo faith and trust in his God, whioh¿ave nerve to his arm and placid hero¬ism to his heart, ns he moved amid thethunder* of artillery and rain of the¡deadly bullet, supported him in themore trying arden) that followed ; andbrought to view tho sublimer virtues ol'his character. HR raises no voice olvindictive- condeninattai against he ferwith whom ho contended'; but, with thclculm meekness of the christian soldier,resigns himself to the terrible change!that ensues, and exhibits the same]patient endurance throughout all th«]crushing humiliation that follows.We foci that our poor pen is too weak

und imputent to rooord his virtues'; bulthoy live in tho hearts of the people, andwill altino with a brighter lustre a«

yours and generations roll on.

NOHT»:<Klf li I.BOTIO NS.State elections wuro held, last week,

in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana JThere hus Uouu soma Democratic gain]on tho whole vote of thone Stute» ; butethc cxtout to whioh u revulsion of pub«!


rbi grslef> Jf¡ Mabi»jtf*-*f th«, gírotiiechoed and rc-whoed with, the tinging.hoot «Bd merry lichter peal of ttyyouthful tbroog, And oidor hear te«rei« g'.adeoed. and beat with, youthfulimpulse, too. And wer« oar pen permitWd td stray midst each happy group, itwould tell of inore than"j ampi og ropo/or "prisoner's base." Tb%re Mle mernorita dODoeotcd with tho »pot, thai> in¬vested it with the charm of other days,and marked it M the scene* «¿where firstwc> »eV* fwd wh,er e the glance of thevff etamped impresBioos upon the heart,whiefc herve long since ripened into ms«torKy, produoing tho beautiful fruits elconnubial lpvo and the happy family

'The "occasion was favored with thopresence ofRevs. 8.M..RionAJRDSON andWM. HAYNE LEAVKLL, of tho BaptistChurch, who kindly consented, sudaddressed the children iu remarks hap¬pily calculated to impress tho youthfulheart with tho sublime principios ofchristian truth and love.There.were' also juvenile addresses

from Miss, liATTI v. DURANT, Miss?FANNIE PINGLE, and Master KEMBBUTSHARVIN and PRESTON MOOD, whichreflected oredit upon the young speak¬ers. .


Later in the day, those gratefulshades were redolent with the swoetimusio of the Sunday sohool Hymn andchorus, «We are a group of happychildren," was invested with new andholier inspiration, as it swelled from thelips of the youthful company, beneaththo blue canopy and bright sunlightof Heaven, in the temple of nature'sown adornment.

It is good thus to withdraw oneselffrom the busy and distracting care» of

Íliío, and spend the day in promotingtbe christian pleasure and instructionof the young.9&- Mr. Tilos. T Ursiiun, to be

found at the Hardware store of Capt.L. P. LORIN«, who represents Messrs.LYON BROS. Cotton Factors and Com¬mission Merchants, of Baltimore, willmake liberal advances ou cotton andneeded plantation or family supplies.We take pleasure ic referring our

readers to bis advertisement, on anothorcolumn, and asking for him a libera)sharo of patronage.

THE WAUBetween Trance and Prussia is pro¬gressing slowly. Paris and Parisianenthusiasm hold out. Various Frenchsuccesses of minor importance noted.-Efforts to conolude s peace continue,amidst increasing complications. a

BBEDBB St DAVIS.We take pleasure in calling the at-B

tention of our readers to the card oilthis firm in another column. Agreeable,!prompt, reliable; they are thu!very men to transact a planter's busi-lness to hie satisf action ai.d advantage!

«OOO POIS DARLINGTON*We saw, in the garden of Mr. J. W.j

GAMBLE, at Florouco, the other day,stalk of cotton, upon which there waa!four hundred and sixty matured bolls ;lor bolls that would make white staple [In addition, there was a largo uumbeiof bolls partly matured, besides ,lf or ms.'It measured eight feet in height, twenty five feet iu circumference, aad seveu|feet in diameter.

Mr. GAMBLE also exhibited to our

delighted eyes, a piece of ootton, con¬

taining two acres, from which he hadalready gathered over four thousandpounds iu the seed. Wo had never be-fore Been cotton so heavily fruited with]matured fruit. The bolls wore iu Clus¬ter«-the brunches borne to tho groundwith their weight. It was of tb«"Boyd's Prolific" variety, and. stablemanure, alono, had been used.

TBnPBKANOK.The Temperance Advocate, published

lat Columbia,.8. C., under dato of Oot.I, contains the following resolution ;

Resolved, That tho Temporáneo Literory and Debating Society of Columbiadc invite the temperance all'friends of temporáneo through¬out this State to meet in oodVentloQ inColumbia on the 10th November next,fur the purpose of deviling some organ¡lcd plan for advancing tho cause}throughout the State.The same paper states that th oro ic

some probability of a visit from ED¬WARD CABSWELL, Esq , a distinguishedtemperanoe lecturer from the BritishProvince^of Ontario, with a tlow ot.peaking at some of the more prominentpoints of the State. Letters addressedtoB. D. TOWNSENRD, at Society Hill,will meet proper attention.

nebea » fctt«t f*«« bi«,. »^«««4 tMje|£ji>0: BUTfcBB, which axarbWatbe»gricvou? «eocteity for rotorm, andth« honest^ople of th* 8t*te to de»

Capt. W. L^sPAStf ifM àmçWgBthe speak«« ol 'litt great Hefoifm MasaflMeeliog at Cb&Ttôâton last weikv- TheflNetoa oí Saturday Inst, says that hetoroed to Camden on the da.y províousMleaving tn Charleston pleasant r,eoQ.(l«o.Btiona of the tiraely, eloqueut and patri-Rotic speech delivored by him. y > flTBB TJBANSATlJtNTlO

; Wo ar« iud «¡»ted to the publiaheriMMeaars. L. lt. HAMBRBLBY A Co., I forflthe Septombor number oi¡ their Maga-Hnoe, entitled as above, oootuînibg choice!selections from foreign current litera-Bturo. Subscription price 84, or. sentBwith the Watchman for 92 per annuur.fl£t contains about .140 pages of entertain fl¡hg matter.

IHK LKXINaTON DISPATCH. flWe have received the first number offl

qu^te a Ddt little sheet, entitled ns flabove and publidhud at Lexington Court flHouse, bj Mr. OODJTBBY M. HARMAN flThe tncohanionl department of the dis-flpatch' is under the management of Capt.flW. D. M. HARMON, nod its editorial!!labors will bo performed by W. H RtCB,BJKsq., and Capt. W.D. M. HARMAN. BiThe initiatory shoot gives promise offl

usefulness. We extend the hand offlcourtesy cordially, and shall expootflpleasure .from the visits of our newflfriend. ._" fl

COMMERCIAL._flWe have nothing favorable to report. -Offer-H,

inga have not bee» aa large aa last week, andfliprieea have not improved. Onr market closes arl'from ll to 19 cents, which is fully ap to NewflYork and Liverpool. We do not look for better»prices until tho war doses. flBACON-Sides, 20@22; Shoulders, 18® 19 fl

Hams, 30. NLARD-20®25c ffFLOUR-Per bbl. $7®$12. gOOPPEB-Leguayra, 3U@32 ; Java, 45@5u;||Rio, 22@30. HSALT-$2.60 H8UOAR-Brown, 12}@H; C., 15® 17 ; A., nfl@00 ; Crushed, 19t@0O. ?Il AUOIN G-26®379. flIRON-TIES-8@ 10. KROPE-10@15. flRATESV1LLE SHIRTINGS Por bale 12oflYARN BY THE BALE-f 1,90c. Per bunch.HNEW YORK MARKET, OPT» 18 flCOTTON 15ft. flGOLD 113*. fl


IN CHARLESTON, S. C.,Corrected weekly by A. C. KA ÜFMÁN,

Broker, No. 25 Broad Street.OCT. 14, 1870«

STATS SECUHIYIBB-South Carolina, old, 82®00; do new, 72¡®- do, regist'd atoe», ek int-®70.CITY SKCORITIKB--Augusta, Ga. Bonds, -@80; Charleston, S. C. Stock, (oz qr int) -®46jdo, Firo Loan Bond«, -@67j Columbia, S. C

Bonds, [email protected] BONDS-Blue Bidge, (first mortgage)-@60; Charleston and Savannah, -@66Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, -®86;Choraw and Darlington, -85 ; Green ville nnd

Columbra, (ïst mort) ®8»; du, (8into guar-nntoo) 66®- ; Northeastern, -@80; Savan¬nah and Charleston, (lat mort)-78; do, (Stuteguarantee)-®60; South Carolina,-®75;' do,71 ; Spartanburg and Union,'[email protected] STOCKH-Charlotte, Columbia andBAugusta,-@40; Uroenville mid Columbia, -Hi® 2i; Northeastern, @19; Savannah nnd Charles Hton, -@3I ; South Carolina, (whole - sh'arcsjH?-®38; do, (half do) [email protected] H ANO K. «fcc-Now York 8tgbt, i off par;Oold, 111® 114; Silver, 104.®

SOOTS. CA ll Ot. UtA »ARK BILLS.*Bnnk of Charleston.,.-®-.Bank of Newberry.......97@-Batik ofCumdon.,. e.*+*..*.*.»%37®-HDank cf Georgetown..«...."-®»Hank of South Carolina.10®Dank of Chester.11®-Uonk of Hamburg-<-.....'.~ß®Dunk of State ot 8. C. prior to 1861.45®-K ink of State of S. 0. issue 1861 nnd 1862 32®.Plnntors'und Mechanics'Bank ofCharles-®-ton.-®-. People's Bank of Charleston........-®-. Union Bank of Charleston.- ®.Sou tb wes iom B R Bank of Charleston, -®-(old).-®-.Southwestern R R Dank of Charleston, -@-(new).-r@-Marmora' and Exohange Bank of Charles*-®-ton. 1®-Exohsnge Bank of Columbia..o®-Merchants' Bunk of Cheraw. 0®-Planters'Bank ofPairfleld .tttn-

State of South Carolina Bills Reoeivable...007City of Charleston Change Bills...95.

.Billa marked thus (*) nre being redeemed atIbo Bank Counters of eaeh.

?Tan 12 _? lyMASONIC«

rilHE RKOULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICA-'_L TION OF CLAREA ONT LOLGB, NO 64;\.\ P.*. M.*. will bo hellion Thursday eveningNOT. 3, 1870, ot 7 o'olook.Members tn nrroars aro summoned to attend!

[this Communication, and show cause why their]¡nautas, should not bo atrloken from the roll.By order of

B. O. OREEN, W.-. M.*.T. V. WALSH, Seoretary. _

NOTICE.T71ROM this data, Mr. JUNIUS N. SPANN_L «ill Sot its my Agent In tb« management!Ol tay store and transaction of alt business eon¡Hooted therewith.Oat 19-JR J. 8. HUOHSON.

WANTED*A YOUNO LADY, of some experience ia»J_\ toaoblng, desirae * situation as teeaaerS*ouTTer ln a aebool of a private family. Sho ieT

Competent to teach tb« asa Kl English branchesJand music on tb* Plano. She can give good re loommoodatioae both aa to competency and|personal oharaotór. Address imn.cdlstely,

MR. HENRY POXWORTH,Ku in ter, 8. O.

or MIL DAVID HOUSER,Oct 19-tt 6U Mathewj,8. 0.

DIED, tn Buiate* Circuit. .Bebbatb morning,September 25,1870, NICHOLAS &. PUNCH. WeMl ti to be a pleasure, as.well asa duty, to tay9o»«tbli.«* of thia servant of God,, who baa possad to bia reward. ? . . *



Ha hod been a member of the Met ho di at C burchor mure than thirty yeara add daring tba» tim*Mirved tb« Church in th« oapeeK* of Steward,Slaoa Leader, Sunday ßohool Superintendent,kálTeachor of Bible Clo*a. At bl« death'bewaa Chairman of Board Of Stewards, and Teach-»r of our interesting female Blbio Clasi.Whatsoever the poeitiop -assigned him, be was

"althful, and ponctuai io the performance of allils dulles. He wa« blessed with more than an or*dinary mind, wbicb he bad atores! with mucb.use-\il Knowledge, puking bim wiro In counsel and¡or root in Judgment. .. ",' .

Tor two year«, previous to bl« 'death, lt weeapparent that his health waa rapidly declining,un t as tho "outward maa perished the Jawardmap waa renewed day by day." For twelveMonths bo frequency spoke of bl« death, withr,rent calmness, manifesting an unshaken faithIn God, through the Lord Jesu« Christ, A yealbefore his death, when bo apprehended that deathwaa nigh, he requested t>>o Writer of thia to preach»la funeral-sermon from- that anbllmepoaaage inJob > "Though ho alay me, yet will I trust inbim." He died as the itofant of day«, fallingMle«}. In its mother'« arm«, and we feel assuredthat be has exchanged thc sorrows of earth foribat "real remaining to the people of God." Iohis. \ death the Church baa loot one ofber moststBolent member«, the country a worthy eitlien,» bereaved wife, an affectionate husband. Heoaves a largo circle of relative« and frionda tomourn his. foss. May they remember be cannot-.omo back to them, but may they strive to gowhere he I«.

J. W. MURRAY,Christian Neighbor «nd Southern Christian

Advócate will please copy.'

Good to Eat.Beof Tongues, Cabbages,]Bolognas, Mnkerel,Oyster«, Lobster«,Tomato ss, Green Corn,

Cheese, Macearon!,White Bean«,

Jellies, Préservât,Raison«, Almonds.

Lard, 20o. Coffee, 26b.Sugar,i2¿ Vinegar, 60c.



Lemons,Toilet Soaps, io variety,Glass and Crockery Ware.

, Lamps and Fixtures,Fine Segara and Tobacco.


INVIÏATIO&.Having this day assumed the management oil

tho Mercantile business or Dr. <T. S. IIUGH-ISTON, I would respectfully invite ALL of my IIrlends, ladies and househoopers especially, teljail and examino goods and price«. Satisfaction!guaranteed. J. N. SPANN,Oct 19_ Agent.


And aJU manner of Wood Wor7<\' for (7te Same.

PLOUGHS, ftc., &c.

THE UNDERSIGNED offer« for «ale, at very]LOW PRICES-POR CASH-a. rory full!assortment of the abo?« artlolos. IWhore oredlt ia desired, special contract« for|the same may be made for approved nofbs.Repairing of all kind« io Wood and Iron exe¬

cuted With promptness and dispatch.,

W. J. ANDERSON, Agent.Ott 19~«V .



Oct 19 ; ''? _4»ROBERT BROUN,

tVrohffóot, . County Surveyor;!-.AND-.-

Mechanical Engineer,!ffILL ATTEND tO ANY BD6INE«8 BN-Irusted to a* Bf with »ce,»r*cy and. dispatch,Ref«* tb F.OES OR FRIRND8.' ; Addreie, Manchester, 8. 0.

I £ fi D S R ¿ i DA V Iß, CGTTÖtf ^ÔTOÏIS, AN*) J

General Commission Merchants,]ADGBR'S WHARF, 1

C h a r 1 o s to n , 8 . 0 .


>swell Reeder. 2(ram««anQ Davlsl.Ceti» '?. '


ifmg rsilrnMii «»t«t they «rill rapidly MClat«. Md, at tho IUD« tl««, be aw.Jort u,

TO TOÉ^ ti

and Wiáti*íOpMin^M, J. ZKRNoV

f'Hai! reeenti* returned fro» Nal

Tori, where «be selected «a «igiant and variad assortment oVflood« In the

MILLINERY LINS,Embracing all lb.« latest NOVELTIES OF Til Kl[SKASON. ; ¡M I

«er Stock hes been selected with great carejind will bo found unequaled In choice and verle-i

[ty, «nd will be oft>red at price« that cannot fal*ko glveaatlaraetloB./ I1 ¿ar Order*' from th« COHO try will recelve|prompt attention.Pet 10


SOUTH CAROLINACentral Bail Road Co«

CHARLESTONS. C., October lt, 1870.fXMIB FOURTH INSTALMENT OF FIVFflX DOLLARS PER. SHARE, will be payable*on 16th November proximo.In Charleston-at the Office of th« Company,

? No. 10 Broad-street.In Sumter-To Major JOSEPH JOHNSON.In Clarendon-To Br. JOHN I. INGRAM.

WM. H. PXRONNBAU, Treasurer.Oct 10

LYON BROS.\Cotton Factors d> Cotn'n. Merchants^175 Smith's Wharf,. BALTIMORE MARYLAXD\

THROUGH OUR AO'T, THOS. T. EPSH UR.!JH., at Su tu ter, 6. C., we are prepared tel

make M liberal, advances on consignment* oilCOTTON when delivered, M any one, and willibold it for e reasonable period if desired. We]will fill sdi orders forGitAI v, PROVISIONS, HAY, ORO*]

CKU I KS, « the cheapest market rates for easb on delivery. Having connections In the West »edibeing members of the Baltimore .Cern Exchangedwe foci assured that we oap put drain «ed Prov!-!si on s io Sumter as cheaply, if not more so, than!any one In th« Statu of South Carolina. We buylat small profits for oub, and soe willing to sell!so. We feel sure of giving general satisfaction.]

HAVING RETURNEDto Sumter in the into est of the above firm, I reJspeotfuUy state to the Planters .and publie genJ«rally, that having given' almost universal!satisfaction during my past year's ageney, I bavai00 hesitation In again solid ting the patronage offSumter and adjoining Coontie«, and promise »y|utmost endeavors to pica*«.

Very respectfully,TnOS T. UP8nUR,Office nt the Store of Capt. L. P. Loving.Oct 19-_ _,1m


^QTONS IRON TIBS,5,000 Peanut Bag«,2,500 Sacks Salt,

45 Boxos L. 0. Bacon,80 Hogsheads Bacon,

100 Barrels Mess Pork,ISO Barrels «ad Boxe« CrackersJlb Boxes Cheese,

, .i10 Bose« Cod Fish,SO Tabs Superior Batter,

180 Barrels Sager,SO Hogsheads Sngar,80 Oases Fresh Poaobes,80 ..*> Conceatratod Ly K

80 » Potash,80 " COY« Oysters,

SOO Barrels. Fleur, ,

f8 Tabs, Kegs cad Tieroes LardJ80 Boxe« Candle«.Jv i* v v . t i .i .

For lal« low byV. W. KBRÖHNBR,-

27, 28 «nd SO North Water St.Pet 10-_ _r.JÜST RECEIVED

A FINB LOT OF OOLOATIi'ri FAMlLTf[\_ SOAPS, aad Ait »at« cheep,T ! By J. F.. W, DoLOBME,ALSO

1 A fresh lei of LANDRÈTH'S ONION SETTSJl-OL whit« and redLy J. F. W. DeLORME.

Pictures ! Pictures ! Pictures 1 \PHOTOGRAPHS,


PÜHCKLA1N PICTURES.]w]¿ i' "?"**. .*. "

IThese Ptcturee are now taken at tba SumterGallery, In ail «lae« cad styles-up td tifia siseRecent Improvement* have beert bro«gilt Inte

réquisition, and the undersigned feels confidantthat he «an produce as erfect ead Well finishedPictures a» can be obtained In the flute.J Copying rHm Old LtXeatéees. .ad the or Igln »ll

Titi VT Ji jrl io

j& w*¿? - Slr; .v*v:v,'.; igjS&SFANCY GOODS, OBOOKEKY


HATS and OAFS, |^;!?$$

GROCERIES,of edi Mudfl, (Èxcefefc tiqùôm)!

,; . i ?-? '- -'^fSatín Cloth, » new article for Ladlea Dregier,


All Wool Merinos, DeLalne« and Empress Cloth.



AlpQccae-all kind«, colors and qualities



8llke, Poplin s, Scotch Plaide and Paney Delal nea

Shawls and Cloaks,AWFUL CHEAP,


Cloaks and Shawls of all qualities.

Blaiikets, ClothingTAMD nATS, of all kinds,At ORKEN A WALSH'S. I

Largest Assortment of Harnees ia Sumter. Coatesand tee lt.

Saddles, Harness,AND WHIPS, ofueei quutity;


Saddles and Bridles to suit every one.

Crockery, Glassware,ANO HARDWARE, at retail kai wholesale,


Another Lot of thoa* Kew Sirle Hats.


. At GREEN A WALSH'S.? -i- ' \iChina and Glass Wara. . 1

Crockery of all kinda.


Calf Skin, Sola and Laolng Leather..Bobber Belting. ..?.->


Philadelphia Boote and Shoes. ¡Kew Lot

ItfV WHtTB GOODS, GLOVES, HOSIBRY!\\J and DRESS GOODS, Just reaatred at aaItonlshlofly low prices,_Dy GREEN A WALSH.

Mile's Boote and Shoes. King'. Ladles Sho«s.|New York Exchange,


GREEN A WALSH.---r'--,- ? ? n « WLLH[Bargains in Eemnants,


Planter'i owing ut for Supplies art

requee'ted to meet their oitiga-ticmejpromptig^aeth^ v \ \ [

ie ihc time of the year wt need, our

teü Cotton, we witt dtip andW i'-OIMMIN * wÀLéfK .

BJ ^-r^-.^'a»


Green £ Walsh,0F.ALER8 IN 8£N6lUt ^ROHANOISe.

. ;A»»

Conuniasion MernhantaiÎ

Of the Season caa bc tm¿S A GENERAL fiTO^fc|[

¿1 »& -" i*«. Iv ¿V-.Î desire to call espoo]*! |ttt>$ "


tion to my extensivo Stock of



SATtBEIS&c , ftc*« Aft

»l-l . , 'ff '*Gw2f

Mjr Grocery Department is beingdaily replenished with a varied

stock of every stylo of



New Patterns fortheWrireiMADAME DEMOREST.

Stamping for Embroi¬dery and Braiding

MRS. DARGANIl now prepared to ferr« Ibo Ltdlu. OlD *»lexamino her new and beaatifelFALL PATTERNS,

JUST RECEIVED..Dresses Fl ited according to Ultttt,

at the Sumer CoafexUiiery,Where jon can alio get the BEST C ANDT, M»NICE TBING8, GENERALLY, at ll* e*Regular Confectionery and Fane* 8**

in Town.Pet 1»_. .




I am now wcoivínga lai¡r¿0^Complete Stock of




CLOTHS, GASSIMBRBS, gHfiLKentuckey Jeanf, of low |re*e *ee»*v

cheep.Shirl* ...


Drawer«, . ' .

Iladerteste,Olores and CrarsU,Suspenden,Collars,Seeks,Hankereblefs, Ae., it--A»


These Qoods X aa* determined WjMP JJtaft they caa ha br eght lo J^*^|QC la this «Me alone,! em enabled WiKg,*Ï only ask my oil friends to^ggggand ir they do nof «nd my f*o«* .»7Fr'not expect theta to bay.>,

». J. WINN, Age*Sept »8 ^^T"-

COUNTY OFlathe Ct-o..1*^-*?ratees ». líendrick, Ce».fWfP»*.?s,' .< -.1 'tte.

Joaaty. Cnowo ». *». MÄ te b» '

'lenurton, branded by lead igJV ^"uUlenlfs ead by land of P. «. B"»°Wf McDonald ead E. Cords.

TEEM8t .u-i01»Oat third oMh-tbebalaaoe ^T'Lyabh
