The Summoner


Transcript of The Summoner

Page 1: The Summoner
Page 2: The Summoner

Physical Characteristics, Clothing, and Accessories - Narrow eyes and black, scabby brows - Had a thin beard - Smelled like garlic and onions - Pimples sitting on his cheeks

Words, Experiences, and Personality traits -A quote of his is “questio quid juris” meaning “what is the point and law.” -Children are afraid of him. -He is a drunk

Page 3: The Summoner

•Clergy -Although the Summoner is in the Clergy because of his job title, he is one of the most immoral people in the group.

•Inferences - Chaucer describes the Summoner as a smelly drunk by saying, “Garlic he loved, and onions too, and leeks, and drinking strong red wine till all was hazy.” (p. 20) - Chaucer brakes up the Summoner’s story with an interruption from the Friar saying, “No, there you lie!” (p.306) - A lot of the Summoner’s character can be revealed by the way he treats the other companions on the journey. Because of his hatred for the Friar, he begins his story by talking about Friars’ place in hell stating: “ Hold up thy tail, Satan, show forth thine arse and let the Friar see the nest ordained for friars in this place.” (p. 304)

Page 4: The Summoner

Main Characters: • Friar- scam artist collects money from people for prayers but does not pray for them, lies to people.•Thomas: The Friar’s sick, bed-ridden friend•Thomas’s wife: unhappy with her husband because he doesn’t react to her. •The Lord: Finds amusement in what happens to the Friar. Setting: •Yorkshire, a marshy district known as Holderness 

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Plot Synopsis: The main tale of the Summoner is about a Mendicant friar who travels about

preaching and gaining his living by begging. It tells at first how the friar begs for money and that he records the names of the people who give him charity so he can pray for them later. It then says that he erases the names as soon as he has left the house.

The friar in the tale then goes to a sick man's house. He does not beg for some meager fare to sustain him, but instead demands a roasted pig's head. The friar asks the sick man for money to help his order build its cloister. He tells him how important it is to share wealth and he emphasizes how important friars are to society.

The sick man, Thomas, says angrily that he has given much to many friars over the years and he is still sick. The friar reprimands him for such sentiments and tells him three parables warning of the dangers of greed. The sick man then says he has one gift he can give which must be equally shared among the friars and that he is sitting on it to keep it safe. The friar puts his hand in the cleft of the man's buttocks and the sick man lets out an enormous fart.

Leaving in rage and disgust the friar goes straight to the house of the local lord and tells him and his wife what has happened. The lord does not seem very sympathetic to the friar and instead muses on how the gift could be divided among all thirteen friars of the order. When the lord's squire suggests having the monks stand around a cartwheel on a still day and letting someone fart in the centre.

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Theme:It is a satire poking fun at Friars because of the Summoner’s distain for the Friar on the Journey.

Genre: Mock Heroic. We believe this mock Heroic

because it ridicules the Friar through out this whole story, who is suppose to be a respectful person.