The Striking Similarity Between Hellweg-Markers and Loess-Deposits

8/20/2019 The Striking Similarity Between Hellweg-Markers and Loess-Deposits 1/6 The striking Similarity between Hellweg-Markers and Loess Deposits  jwr47 Comparing the Map of European Loess Deposits and the Maps for Hellweg-markers in The Hellweg Ends at Both Lands Ends we ma! o"ser#e a striking similarit!$ Loess is a deposit sediment that is formed "! the a%%umulation of wind-"lown dust and %o#ers a"out &'( of the Earths surfa%e$ The Hellweg is a medie#al name gi#en to main tra#elling routes in )erman! $ Howe#er we must assume these routes also e*tended "e!ond )erman "orders and also %o#ered the +ren%h, Belgian an part of the Dut%h territories$  1: A modern Map of European Loess Deposits , from HAASE et al. 2007. (publised in te blo! "es#i#te der "eolo!ie  $  2: Hell%e!&Mar'ers from )e Hell%e! as a Map for Loess Deposits * in "oo!le Maps

Transcript of The Striking Similarity Between Hellweg-Markers and Loess-Deposits

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The striking Similarity between Hellweg-Markers and Loess Deposits jwr47

Comparing the Map of European Loess Deposits  and the Maps for Hellweg-markers in The

Hellweg Ends at Both Lands Ends  we ma! o"ser#e a striking similarit!$ Loess  is a deposit

sediment that is formed "! the a%%umulation of wind-"lown dust and %o#ers a"out &'( of the

Earths surfa%e$ The Hellweg  is a medie#al name gi#en to main tra#elling routes in )erman!$Howe#er we must assume these routes also e*tended "e!ond )erman "orders and also %o#ered the

+ren%h, Belgian an part of the Dut%h territories$

 1: A modern Map of European Loess Deposits  , from HAASE et al. 2007.

(publised in te blo!  "es#i#te der "eolo!ie $

  2: Hell%e!&Mar'ers from )e Hell%e! as a Map for Loess Deposits* in "oo!le Maps

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The pattern of European Loess Deposits and the Hellweg-Markers

n The Hellweg Ends at Both Lands Ends .+inist/re and +isterra0  noti%ed the pattern of straight

lines in the )oogle Maps patterns for street names la"eled 12ue de lEnfer3, whi%h is the +ren%h

translation for Hellweg$ These road names ma! ha#e "een gi#en to main tra#eling routes in

Charlemagnes empire on what is now )erman and +ren%h territor!$ These routes formed a sort of 

trading or pilgrims roads from Maastri%ht towards +inistere, respe%ti#el! +inisterra .the end of the

medie#al world0$

The patterns of Loess Deposits, pu"lished "! H5E et al$ 6''7 howe#er illustrates how the  +ue

de lEnfer -markers found "! )oogle-Maps in analog! to the )erman Hellweg-markers ma! ha#e

 "een deri#ed from indi#idual loess deposits$

fter the main roads had "een esta"lished the pilgrim routes ma! ha#e "een formed uite naturalll!

 "! using e*isting %onne%tions "etween the most fertile a%res of the empires farming regions$

Loess Deposits at the slope of the mountains

The Map of European Loess Deposits %learl! shows loess %annot "e deposited at ele#ated lo%ationsa"o#e 8''-4''m&$ Carried "! the wind the loess material usuall! will "e dropped at the slope of a

mountain whi%h depending on the winds is lo%ated in the western or southern side of the deposit$

The Celts ma! ha#e "een aware of these effe%ts and sele%ti#el! %hose their new territories a%%ording

to the most fertile European regions$ t the European %ontinent the! seem to ha#e restri%ted their 

ha"itat to the mountainous regions of the )erman and +ren%h loess deposits$

The gap at the west-side of the Maastricht Loess deposits

The map of European Loess Deposits  do%uments a strange 8'km wide gap "etween the loss

deposits, whi%h is to "e found at the west side of Maastri%ht .a the triple "order point "etween

Belgium, )erman! and the 9etherlands0$ The loess deposits seem to "e a"sent, pro"a"l! %arried

awa! "! a ri#er$

)enerall! the maps of loess deposits ma! "e full of %ontradi%tions$ The %lassifi%ation of loess

deposits ma! "e un%lear and:or undefined$

Loess deposits at the sector north of the line Amsterdam-Berlin

+irst of all it "e%ame %lear that the se%tor north of the line msterdam-Berlin hardl! %ontains an!

loess deposits, although a few slight 1sand! loess3 se%tors .marked "right !ellow0 e*ist in a se%tor 

to the south of Berlin ; rea%hing to the ri#er <der at the "orderline to =oland$ t the west-side of 

Berlin a few other slight 1sand! loess3 se%tors .marked "right !ellow0 e*ist 6$

The map also seems to displa! the strange loess deposit at )roes"eek .near 9imwegen0 and Cle#e,

whi%h is %hara%teri>ed "! a few lo%al Hellweg-markers8$

Detailed des%riptions of the Hellweg-routes are do%umented in The Hellweg Ends at Both Lands

Ends$ These stations howe#er ma! also "e sele%ted "! %li%king the markers in ? The Hellweg as a

Map for Loess Deposits@ in )oogle Maps$

& 5our%e .)erman0A om Eis>eitwind >ur Trffelknolle6 t this lo%ation a #illage Hellwege e*ists, whi%h has "een do%umented &67 D$

8 5treet name markers areA De Hel, & )roes"eek .9L0F De Hel, & )roes"eek .9L0F Helweg, 6 )roes"eek.9L0

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Loess deposits in Switzerland 

<nl! a few 5wiss regions es%aped from "eing gla%iated at the i%e age$ Loess deposits ma! onl! "e

found in the northern se%tors around Basel, Baden and 5%haffhausen$ n the neigh"orhood of Basel

found four Hellweg-markers4$

Loess deposits in ranceThe map of European Loess Deposits  illustrates where loess ma! "e found at the %oastlines of 

Brittan! and 9ormand!$

n southern +ran%e the loess deposits are #er! rare$ n the neigh"orhood of 9antes at the mouth of 

Loire ri#er loess deposits e*ist along with some ?2ue de lEnfer1-markers$

The 2hone #alle! is marked as a thin #erti%al loess deposit se%tor from the north to the south

towards the Mediterranean sea$ t the northern se%tor three Hellweg-markers e*ist$

+rom the map of European Loess Deposits  think the routes G& and G6 leading from Maastri%ht to

+inistere, respe%ti#el! 9antes:La 2o%helle ha#e "een formed uite a%%identall! "! the natural

formations of mountainous regions in +ran%e$ 2oute G& is a %oastal road, whi%h is pa#ed on a loessdeposit area$ 2oute G& and route G6 are separated "! mountainous territor!, where loess is a"sent$

4 Hell"ergstrae, 7I4& LJrra%h .D0F 5%hwei>AHellweg, 48&4 KeiningenF Hellerstrasse, 4 EinsiedelnF

Hellerstrasse, I'&4 5t$ )allen 2ue dEnfer, 6&6'' BeauneF Les Enfers, 6&6' Cha"euil F 2ue des Enfers, 64'' ouste-sur-5!e ."ei )reno"le0

  -: Hell%e! routes labeled *+ue de lEnfer* (or similar$ in ran#e

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Loess deposits in !tal" 

t the slopes of the talian side of the lps ; e$g$ near Milano - the map of European Loess Deposits

displa!s a slight series of loess deposits$ This lpine se%tor also re#eals some street names

%ategori>ed as ?/ia nferiore, whi%h ma! "e eui#alent to the +ren%h 12ue dEnfer3 and 2oman

1#ia inferior3 $ t is not reall! an inferior street, "ut eui#alent to 1lower road3 in %ontrast to 1higher 

road3$ also found some names like ?/ia dellnferno (Hell road3$, "ut these are found in %entral

tal!, where no loess is to "e found$

Loess deposits in #oland on the route to the Black Sea

The eastern se%tors of the Hellweg-markers whi%h are leading to the Bla%k 5ea seem to follow a

tin! tra%k at the slopes of the Carpathian Mountain Chain$ n =oland found si* Hellweg-markers,

whi%h ; e*%ept for the Hellweg .1Heller 5trae30 in ro%Naw whi%h is found on an old )erman

town map7 - "asi%all! ha#e "een "ased on the word 1Oasna3 .1"right30 $

also found some #illage names "ased on the word ? 4ie'5o .=olish for ?Hell10, "ut these #illages

are not lo%ated in loess deposit se%tors along the Carpathian mountain %hain$


ia nferiore, 86'4' 5an =ietro di Cadore BLFia nferiore, 8&'& 5%omigo TF ia nferiore, 64'' illanuo#a

B)F ia nferiore, 64'' illanuo#a B)F7 lte 5traennamen, Breslau .ro%Naw0, =olen

9a <statnim )ros>u 64, 4-6'7 ro%NawF Oasna, Ka"r>eF Oasna, Patowi%eF Oasna, PrakQwF Oasna, Prosno undOasna, 5anok$

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The pattern of European Loess Deposits and the Hellweg-Markers$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6

Loess Deposits at the slope of the mountains$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6

The gap at the west-side of the Maastri%ht Loess deposits$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6

Loess deposits at the se%tor north of the line msterdam-Berlin$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6

Loess deposits in 5wit>erland$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8

Loess deposits in +ran%e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8

Loess deposits in tal!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4

Loess deposits in =oland on the route to the Bla%k 5ea$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4

Map of European Loess Deposits $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$