The story of the little drop




Transcript of The story of the little drop

Once upon a time, a small drop of water would travel. She wanted so much to live extraordinary adventures,she approached her sister drops congregated to form a dark cloud ready to rain watering the earth.

There was a big thunder and suddenly the black cloud dispersed thousands of drops down to the ground.The small drop which would travel so, saw a gust of wind leading to the deck of a magnificent ship.

On the deck of this ship, many men were coming and going in all directions, from the gigantic masts to front and rear axles. On the rail, in beautiful gold letters, she saw this inscription: "The Santa Maria", Spain.

“Oh! The ship of Christopher Columbus” thought the little drop, “ I wanted adventure, I will be served”.

She fell gently into a barrel of water on the deck. Inside, she met other drops as it made the trip so that the crew did not die of thirst.....

The little drop began interacting with other drops and devising a plan to investigate the ship, when suddenly a sailor stumbled with the barrel which fell spilling the containing water.

All drops were dispersed on the deck: some ended up in Christopher Columbus´cabin, others in the cellar or in the ocean and the small little drop went to the mast resfreshing the watchman´s face while he was half asleep . When the watchman awoke, he looked through his telescope and cried: Land in sight!

A dark shape stood off and the sailor posted on the

lookout shouted again: "Land on the horizon! Land, land! All sailors rushed to the railing to see, glad to finally put ashore after months at sea. Wind swelled their fabulous white sails and Christopher Columbus commanded: "Lower the sails, slow down!"

The crew ran in all directions, the approach to the island gave them wings. But each had a specific mission and a wink all the sails were brought down the towers.

The little drop that remained on the lookout chin watching the show, was fascinated. She saw the butterfly shape of the land in sight.She slipped on the long view of the sailor who descended from his observation post to join his friends on the deck.

The small drop met her friends again and jumped into the ocean at the same time a seagull caught a fish. The litlle drop and some of her friends ended in the craw of the gull who flew away towards the beach and landed on a rock.

When the small drop was in the stomach of the gull he elaborated a plan with his friends and swallowed lots of fish. They are morrired to turn in the stomach of the sea bird which was disgusted and spat out all that he had swallowed. The drop found itself in the sea up to the neck.

The little drop watched the ship approaching to the butterfly shaped island and all the men landing on the sandy beach with excitement. Then she went back to another cloud to looke for new adventures.