The Story of Entlantis

Introduction Segment Cheech and Chong live on a tugboat that is docked at a public pier in Northern California. Their only job is growing weed in a grow lab in the hull of the tugboat. Cheech dotes over the plants while Chong surfs Reddit. Cheech argues that Chong spends too much time on Reddit and not enough time working. Chong argues that he’s learning about the world. Cheech argues that all he does is look at advice animals and AMAs of celebrities. Chong defends his surfing habits by listing all the things going wrong in the world that Reddit has made him aware of. In addition to war, corruption, corporate greed and economic exploitation, Chong mentions the latest pandemic scare that scientists may be related to a massive meteor crash that happened a year ago. Cheech argues that Chong is just working himself up over media- contrived, sensationalized non-issues and problems he can’t solve. Cheech says that Chong should focus on the real world that is right in front of him. Their argument is interrupted when they get a phone call from a neighbour who lives on a sailboat who tells them that police are swarming the pier. Chong goes on deck to distract the police by pretending to have a seizure while Cheech ties bricks to all the plants and drops them out the port hole to sink the ocean floor. The police (led by Officer Reeves) raid Cheech and Chong’s boat and find an empty grow lab. The police confiscate all their equipment and threaten them extensively. Cataclysm Segment After the police leave Cheech starts making calls trying to find new equipment and new seeds. Chong gets on Reddit to complain to r/Ent about what just happened. Chong’s self-post leads to a discussion about how great it would be if Ents could just create their own private island where they can live free. Inspired by Chong’s discussion thread, a Redditor named Iemuru starts r/Entlantis.

Transcript of The Story of Entlantis

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Introduction Segment

Cheech and Chong live on a tugboat that is docked at a public pier in Northern California. Their only job is growing weed in a grow lab in the hull of the tugboat. Cheech dotes over the plants while Chong surfs Reddit.

Cheech argues that Chong spends too much time on Reddit and not enough time working. Chong argues that he’s learning about the world. Cheech argues that all he does is look at advice animals and AMAs of celebrities. Chong defends his surfing habits by listing all the things going wrong in the world that Reddit has made him aware of. In addition to war, corruption, corporate greed and economic exploitation, Chong mentions the latest pandemic scare that scientists may be related to a massive meteor crash that happened a year ago. Cheech argues that Chong is just working himself up over media-contrived, sensationalized non-issues and problems he can’t solve. Cheech says that Chong should focus on the real world that is right in front of him.

Their argument is interrupted when they get a phone call from a neighbour who lives on a sailboat who tells them that police are swarming the pier. Chong goes on deck to distract the police by pretending to have a seizure while Cheech ties bricks to all the plants and drops them out the port hole to sink the ocean floor.

The police (led by Officer Reeves) raid Cheech and Chong’s boat and find an empty grow lab. The police confiscate all their equipment and threaten them extensively.

Cataclysm Segment

After the police leave Cheech starts making calls trying to find new equipment and new seeds. Chong gets on Reddit to complain to r/Ent about what just happened. Chong’s self-post leads to a discussion about how great it would be if Ents could just create their own private island where they can live free. Inspired by Chong’s discussion thread, a Redditor named Iemuru starts r/Entlantis.

Cheech is unimpressed by Chong’s interest in exploring a pipe dream with a bunch of anonymous stoners on the internet. Cheech goes scubadiving to retrieve their discarded weed plants. While he’s doing that Chong continues hashing out ideas on the r/Entlantis subreddit. Cheech eventually returns with all their salt-water-soaked weed plants. He dries them out and continues discussing Entlantis with Chong. Cheech is angrier than before that Chong is wasting his time. Chong is more enthusiastic about the idea.

Cheech contacts everyone he knows looking for local grow supplies and can’t find anything in the price range he’s looking for. So as a last resort he contacts an associate named Surf, who is a paranoid conspiracy theorist who lives in a cabin the in the woods. Surf has upgraded his grow lab equipment recently agrees to sell Cheech his equipment for irresistibly cheap. Cheech leaves to go to Surf’s hideout while Chong continues to brainstorm with the r/Entlantis community.

Cheech arrives at Surf’s hideout and is show the equipment he has come to buy. Cheech tells Surf about Chong’s newfound obsession with obtaining a private island. Surf enthusiastically analyses the possibility

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of anonymous internet users purchasing and outfitting an island. He concludes the only way it could possibly happen is if they build a floating island off of Cheech and Chong’s houseboat by constructing platforms on top of plastic bottles and drums. Surf tells Cheech about visiting similar man-made floating islands in Mexico and Thailand. Surf goes on to say that a floating island would be good protection against the upcoming meteor pandemic. Surf explains how the Italians built Venice on the Adriatic Sea as a way to escape the Black Plague and it worked… to an extent. He says a floating raft off of California would serve the same purpose. Cheech thinks Surf is crazy. He buys Surf’s equipment. As he’s leaving they hear a broadcast on Surf’s CB radio. Someone is saying that a super flu pandemic has officially broken out in China, and millions are already dead. Surf warns Cheech that he needs to bug out one way or the other. Cheech dismisses the broadcast as coming from another paranoid conspiracy theorist.

The Decision Segment

Cheech returns to the boat and goes about setting up the equipment he bought while smoking the salty weed he recovered from the ocean floor earlier. While he’s setting up his equipment he tells Chong about Surf’s ideas for the floating island. Chong embraces the idea and (unbeknownst to Cheech) tells the r/Entlantis community to send plastic bottles to his address and invites anyone who wants to come stay at his boat to help build a floating island.

First Rising Action Segment

Cheech wakes up to loud noises. He goes on deck and finds a group of 8 hippies putting plastic bottles into orange sacks and nailing shipping pallets into boxes, then filling the boxes with sacks of plastic bottles. Cheech is bewildered and upset. Cheech goes back below deck where Chong is sitting at his computer typing away on Reddit. Cheech asks Chong what is going on, and Chong tells him that he put out an open invitation for volunteers, and these hippies were at a nearby Rainbow Gathering when they read Chong’s invitation on their smart phone. So at the end of the festival they drove the hippie bus (which they’re living in and exploring North America) to Northern California to help build the floating island. Their motivation is that they’re free-wheeling wandering hippies, and their goal in life is to travel, get into absurd situations and do a lot of drugs with colourful people.

Cheech drags Chong to the top deck telling him to get rid of the hippies. When they get on deck the leader of the hippies introduces herself. Her name is Iemuru, and she’s very thankful and excited about the idea of building a floating island. As Iemuru talks about the possibilities of having a floating island Cheech’s mind turns to thoughts about how he can profit from it. By the time Iemuru is done talking Cheech decides to embrace the floating island idea (but he doesn’t plan on helping build it). He spends the evening watching everyone else work and being a backseat driver.

The next day nine cars containing a total of twenty people from different backgrounds, ethnicities and genders arrive. They each heard about the Entlantis floating island project from different sources and have come because they’re scared of the pandemic and have nowhere else to go. Cheech tells them all to leave, but Chong calls a “family meeting.” Cheech, Chong, Iemuru and the other seven hippies hold a meeting on the deck of the tug boat and vote whether or not to let the random people be a part of their tribe. They narrowly vote in favour of accepting the new members.

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The new members set up tents on the shore. Some join helping gather plastic bottles in town. Some help constructing the boxes filled with bags of bottles. Some devote themselves to domestic tasks. Everyone comes to Cheech looking for answers, which flatters and flusters him. A young goth woman who claims that her legal name is “Borg Queen” offers to help Cheech by taking responsibility for giving instructions. Cheech gratefully accepts her offer for help and lets her answer everyone’s questions while he runs away to his grow room.

The next day Cheech and Chong are awakened by banging on the door of their boat. The answer the door and find all of their neighbours furious over the floating island (which they call a pile of trash) and the vagrant campers. Chong talks the neighbours down and promises to move the island and the campers.

They load all of the camping gear into the cars and attach the floating island to the back of the tug boat via a heavy chain. They pull the island around the coastline until they find a private cove. They reason that with the pandemic outbreak nobody will care if they squat in a private cove. They tell the people in the cars where their GPS location is, and the cars find their way to the cove, which is surrounded by forest.

When they reconvene they decide it would be safest to have all the tents on the floating island instead of on shore. The space is cramped, but they manage. Late in the afternoon Iemuru returns with an 18 wheeler full of large plastic drums that she acquired by a stroke of luck. Everyone drops their duties and pitches in to build more boxes for the drums to go in so they can expand the size of the island and everyone can have a little more space.

The next day more people arrive (because Chong broadcasted their GPS location on Reddit). The police do not show up. Some of the new arrivals are sick. Borg Queen tells the sick people that they’re not allowed to be a part of the group, but Iemuru intervenes and says that the group makes major decisions by voting. Borg Queen questions Iemuru’s authority and belittles her, but Cheech and Chong intervene. They call a family meeting and discuss their options. They hold a vote and decide to create a camp site on the shore as a quarantine.

The next day everyone is a little on edge for various reasons. The main reason is because the president officially declared martial law stating that the plague outbreak constituted an imminent threat and potentially more dangerous than atomic warfare. Chong encourages everyone to keep calm and carry on, and they turn on him asking what they’re getting out of their hard work and why they should share the fruits of their labour with a guy who surfs the internet all day. Borg Queen joins in the mutiny and calls a family meeting. Everyone has a long, intense family meeting where they pound out a set of rules. They decide that all major decisions will be made by voting. Minor decisions will be made by department heads of the various work crews (who are elected). Each person owns a portion of the island that is proportionate with the number of hours they’ve put into supporting the group. Any profits or harvests produced by the residents are split equally among every resident with no exceptions. Borg Queen is vehemently opposed to this method of wealth distribution and proposes a more capitalistic method of resource distribution, but her proposal is voted down.

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A few of the workers decide to leave the island siting that the whole project is absurd, and they would rather die with their families at home than with a bunch of Commie pot head vagabonds on a floating death raft.

Second Rising Action Segment

Chong secretly live streams the family meeting over the internet. Thousands of people see the video, and there is a fair amount of chatter about it on Reddit the next day. Over the next 48 hours 142 new campers show up at the cove looking to join Entlantis. Their primary motivation is escaping the plague and the National Guard. They set up a tent city on the shore that includes a kitchen, toilet facilities, solar powered batteries and an infirmary. The quarantine camp is moved farther away, and more people join it.

Iemuru efficiently in-processes all the new campers and assigns them to work crews. With all the new workers and skill sets the speed and quality of construction increases ten-fold. Over the next few weeks they build a very sturdy, very expansive floating island platform that’s big enough for all the tents to fit on. The tents are arranged evenly spaced a concentric circle. Walls are built enclosing each camping space, and a roof is installed on top of the walls so that every person has their own private shelter. The island also has another ring of rooms which include a kitchen, toilets, offices, green houses, utility rooms, dining room, game room, workshops. The center of the island has a tower with a platform on top that is level with the roofs of the surrounding buildings. Rope bridges and rope ladders connect the middle platform to the surrounding roofs. Rain collectors are built on top of the roofs of the buildings and channel rain into storage/treatment tanks. (Note: Only half of this infrastructure has been built at this point in the story. At this point it kind of looks like a half-built Death Star.) There is a long floating walkway connecting Entlantis to the shore. Entlantis is also chained to the tug boat so that it can be pulled out to sea.

Officer Reeves shows up and tells everyone they’re under arrest for trespassing, vagrancy, indecency and building a floating building without a license. Nobody complies, and he is powerless to enforce the law. A grieving mother paws him begging for information about a cure for the plague or when it will be over. Flustered, angry and scared, Officer Reeves drives away promising to return with a SWAT team.

During the ongoing construction of Entlantis Iemuru sparks up a fledgling romance with a structural engineer named Wratchet (who is mostly responsible for designing Entlantis’s infrastructure). Cheech develops a crush on Borg Queen and chases her around, but she is disgusted by him. Chong devotes almost all of his time to blogging, vlogging, Tweeting, Tumbling and chatting on the internet. Surf pays a visit. He is impressed by Entlantis. Cheech asks Surf to stay, but Surf insists that he’s been preparing his bug out hut for the apocalypse his whole life. Speaking to Cheech and a crowd of people, Surf says that people who die from the plague are returning to life as flesh eating zombies. He says the zombie apocalypse is literally happening, and now is the time to batten down the hatches. Surf warns them to lock up, kick out or euthanize their sick. Nobody believes Surf, and everyone is offended. Surf asks for female volunteers to bug out with him and repopulate the world if necessary. A male/female couple

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volunteer saying that with or without the dead rising they would rather be in a gun-toting survivalist’s stronghold during these tough times. Surf reluctantly accepts the pair and they leave.

As the crowd watches Surf drive off through the woods in his Mad Max style El Camino, Chong comes running down the walkway that connects Entlantis to the shore. He is waving a hand tablet screaming that the dead are rising and that there is officially a zombie apocalypse. The president has even issued a public declaration confirming it. Chong shows them the presidential speech. The president says that the virus infects the patient’s DNA and rewrites it… sort of like the black liquid on Prometheus. The president goes as far as to confirm that the virus is of alien origin and was brought by the meteor a year earlier. It has been in incubation, studying its hosts DNA. When virus then rewrites its hosts DNA, killing the host in the process and then continuing to feed on the hosts body as it metamorphoses the host into a new organism with new DNA. The metamorphasized corpse’s body regenerates very quickly. It secretes a contagious venom from its gums that it uses to pass the virus onto other hosts. Its high metabolism makes it fast (but very poorly coordinated) and very, very hungry. They can be killed by massive trauma to the body, but the quickest way to kill them is to destroy the brain. The president declares that everyone who has died or will die of the plague are to be burned. He says that all corpses that have gone through metamorphosis and have reanimated are to be killed on sight and that aiding and abetting reanimated corpses is a class B felony. The president declares that the number one priority of all law enforcement and military personnel is disposal of the sick.

A family meeting is held where they discuss what to do. They agree to burn their dead, but they refuse to kill their sick, but they move all sick individuals back to the quarantine camp site. They agree to disassemble half the walking platform that connects Entlantis to the shore and leave a row boat at the end of the platform for transportation to and from the shore. They agree to use some of their building equipment to construct respectable shelter for the quarantine victims. Wratchet says that for Entlantis to be reasonably sustainable without contact from the outside world they’ll need a bus load of supplies. Iemuru points out that she has a bus and offers to go with Wratchet on one last supply run. Two other people volunteer, and they all leave promising to return the next day.

Note: (From this point forward, Iemuru, Wratchet and the two other volunteers will be collectively referred to as “The Volunteers”).

The Volunteers empty the bus of all nonessential cargo and drive towards town. There’s gridlock traffic headed out of town but very little city-bound traffic. The Volunteers pull up to a checkpoint where a national guard’s man tells them to go home and fortify their defences. He says that there’s been a localized outbreak in town. It’s being contained, but they’re still under martial law and everyone is supposed to go home. The Volunteers bribe the guard with a big bag of weed to let them through. He warns them that once they go in they probably won’t be able to come out.

The Volunteers quickly hit more gridlock traffic and realize they can’t get anywhere. While exploring some back roads they stumble on a massive plant nursery and farming supply store. They pull the bus in over the curb and back it up near the front door. The owner does not want to let them in, but they talk him into letting them. While inside they barter for plants and building equipment. While gathering up

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the materials and loading them into the bus a zombie attacks. The owner kills it with a builder’s hammer (of which he wields two). They lock up the building and fortify it.

The Volunteers continue loading the bus. During that time two car loads of people and three pedestrians come to the building and find refuge. The last pedestrian is being chased by three zombies. The Volunteers kill the zombies. They look up from killing the zombies and realize there are dozens of zombies converging around them. They run inside and lock it up. They use creative methods to kill the zombies from the roof and through windows.

After the battle is over they take a vote on going back to Entlantis. They decide there are too many unknown variables. So they decide to spend the night at the business.

Third Rising Action Segment

Cell phone reception stops working everywhere at dawn the next day. On the radio everyone is talking about how the zombie outbreak has gotten out of control. Law enforcement and military personnel are succeeding at containing the outbreak in areas that have a lot of law enforcement and military personnel. The rest of the country is screwed. Anarchy and fear are crippling the nation. Everyone on Entlantis is worried about The Volunteers, who have not yet returned.

Everyone on Entlantis is trying to distract themselves by making music, creating art, exercising, reading, swimming, etc. They’re succeeding at lulling themselves into some sense of security when they hear a scream from shore. Cheech and Chong run down the walkway to the row boat and row to shore. As they’re nearing land they see an older woman who was caring for the sick people in the quarantine camp running towards them. She is being chased by a wild-eyed zombie who is drooling profusely and running like a drunkard. Chong rows faster as Cheech hoists the table leg he has brought as a weapon. They reach the shore at the same time as the girl. She jumps aboard at the same time as Cheech jumps off and smashes the zombie in the head with the table leg. They look up and see more zombies stumbling out of the forest. They row back to Entlantis as quickly as possible.

Back on the boat they consider going back to clear the zombies in case the volunteers on the supply run return. Borg Queen argues that they should assume the volunteers are dead or not coming back and they should just hold tight. They hold a vote, and the residents vote against clearing the shore.

That night Cheech and Chong are awoken by screams aboard Entlantis. The zombies from the shore had swam to the walking platform and climbed aboard and are terrorizing the island. Cheech goes berserker with his table leg. Chong climbs the tower and fights on the rope bridges with a flag pole. Borg Queen uses a hand gun she had kept hidden. Other residents fight with other weapons. The zombies kill 12 people before all the zombies are killed. The zombies and the dead are taken to shore and burned. Several more zombies emerge from the woods and are killed on shore. Then all of Entlantis is scrubbed clean, and the walkway is barricaded.

The Volunteers spend the whole day killing scattered clusters of zombies by launching projectiles from the roof of the business and stabbing through window traps. The owner stays glued to the radio. He also

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has a CB radio. The news gets more and more grim, and he keeps everyone up to date. Early in the evening he calls everyone in the building together and tells them that the city has officially been overrun. There is an army of zombies spilling out in every direction doing as much damage as a plague swarm of 120 pound locusts. There is little hope for survival even with the best defences. Everyone left alive is urged to flee regardless of how hopeless you think your chances of survival on the run are, because inaction is certain death.

The Volunteers, the owner and the other refugees who were holed up in the business finish loading the bus and drive towards Entlantis. They drive over a lot of zombies and through a lot of fields. Eventually they arrive at the cove and drive as far as they can through the forest. When the bus can’t go any further they abandon it and run on foot. They are attacked by zombies (people who died in the quarantine camp). The Volunteers confront each zombie directly without running away, but they soon find themselves faced with a large crowd of zombies (people who had died sitting in traffic). As they begin to run, head lights shine on them. Surf is driving his Mad Max El Camino through the forest and plows through the zombie crowd. He backs up and makes a 9 point turn running over all the zombies who were still standing. Then he escorts them quickly to the shore. He flashes his head lights at Entlantis and honks his horn. Entlantis acknowledges the signal and sends the row boat.

They make several trips in the row boat ferrying all the people across. During that time the people left on shore huddle near the car ready to react if any zombies approach. While they’re waiting they kill several zombies coming from the forest. Then a zombie comes out of the water and kills someone unimportant. They take a 360 degree defensive position around the car and wait to be ferried across. As they load the last of the people there’s not enough room for Surf. As they push off they hear a loud rumbling noise like a train. An army of zombies comes crashing through the forest. The row boat rows as fast as it can, and Tex swims to Entlantis. Along the way other people jump out of the boat to swim the rest of the way so the boat can move faster. They all get to Entlantis.

When everyone is loaded onto Entlantis they unhook the walkway and barricade the entrance. Chong uses the tug boat to pull Entlantis farther away from shore. While he’s doing that Borg Queen throws a dramatic fit about how all the people they just brought on were infected. Iemuru punches Borg Queen off her feet and gives her a speech about what a pathetic bitch she is and how nobody likes her.

The Prize/Sunset Segment

The next day they decide to move to a larger, potentially safer cove that Cheech and Chong know about because they used to go to boat parties there (and usually be asked to leave). They arrive at the cove and find a flotilla of all sorts of boats.

They make contact with the boaters and join the flotilla. Borg Queen runs off with a sugar daddy. Cheech finds a sugar momma. Chong meets other Redditors. Wratchet and Iemuru are together.

The boats of the flotilla circle around Entlantis and use it as their communal living area/community center. They make aggressive plans to take back land from the zombies and secure more resources.

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The End

…although, with enough motivation I would continue this storyline.