8 THE SPOUTING March 6. THE STAGE. MUSIC AND_I)11AMA. I*ocnl Novelties llrlefly Commented Upon Programme For the New Week—Mod- jfskit's Case—Crane** New Play Current Stag" Facts ami Fancies. VIIII.ADEI.PUIA. Saturday, March 2. Editor £I>I.KTIN(I Lire: The Grand Opera House, the ChiMtnut Street Theatre and the National mo- nopolized the novelties of the week. Daniel Bumlmmn presented "Aust«riiu M -for the first time in Philadelphia, Monday flight, at the Gnui.1 Opera House. lie had a big house, and the star nnd his excellent company were warmly received. , Tho play was commended as being a good one and did a pood business all week..... John A. Stcvcns gave "The Mask of Life" for the tir*t time here at the National, before houses that were crowded to the limit. The applause was liberal und tho p'«y made a popular hit. ..... ''The Pearl ot Pekin" provoked plenty ol laughter and applause from larpe audiences at the Chcslnut Street Theatre. Vv'hile it is con- fessed that much of the opera is dull and tire- some, the good parts arc good enouga to carry tho audienca over the dull spots ..... Good houses ruled at the Walnut with "Jocelyn/* Hermann'* with "Faust/ 1 the Chestnut Street Opera House with Booth and Barrett in "Ham- let/' and the Arch with "A Brass Monkey." At the Grand Opera House on Monday even- ing next Karasay Morris' play, "The Tigress," a dramatization of his well-knoT\tn novel, "Crucify Her," will have itr1 first Philadelphia presenta- tion. Mr. Morris, who will himself appear in the cast, will be supported by Miss Selina Fetter (whoto effective work in "The Henrietta" last ecason wiii doubtie.'a be remembered), and by "what is announced to ba a strong company, The story of''The Tigress" opens at Monte Carlo, the celebrated gaming resort, where Victor Valjenn, after many losses, is seeking a loan to help him try his luck once more with the wheel of fmlnne. He discovers the opportune hanker in tierant 2Vott6*i-/, th« broth or of the woman IK- )ovoi». Jle returns happily to Mm green cloth, where Manila the si-»tor, Lttt Tro»bf-ft t who watdiej hia j-)a> with keeu iiittrest. But Hit-re U another one on tlie seeijc, th*1 pretty violet uirl, Sutyi, whose eii esare Hleo fixed on Vi-tvr, who but a moment heforo told her that be htnl tired ot" her luve. It; the nie»nt>iue Life calmly conff«tes to him that »Wo has been i rifling ctrity end cmiso-, by her caad-.-r, I'irfur's self-murder. Sore, niches to the d(nd form of her lover and swears venge.itice ou Life. At last, tep* nuint of her pill love for llie uufortunnte Victor, Sura cjianjies her n»m« to AHJC'<I lioiHttno, unil is employed by the Cf»-tntef3 Beau- tirij to t«ko charge of her wnrrt. The Oim/ess' eon, JtiiHhnel, faIN in live with Angela, to th« chagrin of Line Tr»jnbtrtt who, under the no* twine of Stella /J:i- rotti, tuts bf.*('H invited aa.igmsi to Chateau Deaudry. Tlie O'vntffn liwes a diamond necklace OD Ihoovenf a trcnii't ball, but suspicion fulls on no one until tho bail tikt-s p'nco, win n, in the excitement of a quarrel between tho adventuress and the gnverneea, a Muck bu.ul of velvet fiilliti^ from tlio mck of the former convicts her of the thefr. Stflta, accomian'ed by her brother, nt once depart:) from dnieati Htsiudry in dis- grace. Rujihitel hus a visit fiuiu Stella on tho follow- ing morning, when she tnkos iv draught of plow poison in hi.-< rvejence mil dje*, leaving tlio secret of Angela's cloiKifd past with the dead. "Tho Tigress/' it id understood, is hand- Bomt'ly staged, especially ft? regards tho c *tnmo3 worn by the. feminine m< mU-ri of tin.- co npany. Tlit> muti- lipes at the Grand Opera UoueO will be on Tuesday nod guturday. Foil Following "The Tigress" Mr. Morrison's Faiut" will occupy tho i-tigo of tbe Grand Opera Ilonse for a wecV. This strong play ia m»w placing to fiuo IIOUBCS at the t-'oiH'i Uroad ami will dunbtlesa repeat it» down-town success at t'ie np-town hou$e. 'ilN'tte'a "Sin>" add the ''Queen's Mute" aie alao com- ' - attractions. The attraction at the National Theatre Mon- day night anil thr.'Uidiont Ihe week will ho "Ou tho Trail," <i dr.irna of life in the early ttftjs of Kentucky, yith the character of Daniel Borme, the pioneer, as the central figure. The play deals with, thu wild life of the Western border and in an interesting story. It was written by Mr. Charles Gay lor, who lias taken aa the basis t;f tlio story e-nia histuriral incidents of early dftysnlwng ih*» Ohio, and 1ms introtlticeil some notaUe QQgea of thotse times, Including thu renegade The play opens in lioone'a early home, irhioh fs in dungor of an TuiHan attack, and introduces Bonne'* daughter fcVsie and hct JOVCT, Ciipt-iin Goodloe. The India t let hy (jirf//, attack the cabin, un 1 afibr Attirillin^ combat ihh women ;ire abducted and taken to the front. The second act dealt) the life of S»*if Boom> and her c'.an.'auioa Ltlly in the Ii^lmn'a cove, and the atten>iits made to rescue them by fr-xnu1, Goodtoe and their companions. This gives a series of stirring and exciting eceuoa, nnd after a number of hiUr-l'iYAdtli escapes the girh are rescued. A notable feature i* tho duel »n horseback between Keitton and tha Indian cMef. Girtij in the Ut,t act renews )>ij &t~ tempts to abduct Sttnic, but is foiled at all points and Is oTentiuliy killed by, which eiids the Ktru^vle and the pioneers are h*pvy. Th^ comedy element is eupplied I)}- ntt IiislnnAn and a negro, and their acts are purh us to make ample fun ihr»uibout tlie p'ay. A band, of gt nnine Iniliuni givt-s u ri-alibtic touch to tho pictar. 3 i-f Wt-stern lir'o. The piece is full of ginger from beginning to end and vill be pure of i warm wel- come by the patron a of the National. Messrs. Peck & Fursman have in their Indian contingent chiefa, brave?, squaws and a popoo^e, nud the other adjuncts include trained Kentucky In -rseu, brnnrlioa, mnstaiips, a bear and an educated donkey. If "On Iho Trtui" is nut a booming flucces.', it will cer- tainly not ho f»r lack of realistic acceacoriea supplied fcy its enterprising proprietors. The next attraction at the National will be Charles Giul-r'e molotirama of New York life, entitled "Lights aud Shadows." ' Minnie Palmer, with abundant reason for con- tentment arising from her almost unlimited prosperity during her recent tour of Great Britain an 4 Ireland, and the brilliant seconding of tlie i-ame during her aen- ion in this country, returns to the Walnut Street Thea- tre on JIoii-ln.v nigUt fti;d \vill appear on its etaj:e in tiio Bubetdiititil euccess of last year, '*My Brother's Sis- ter.' ' The world-renowned comedienne will meet witli a glowing re.tet>lion, f--r the majority of her wii'Ji- ences will remember tlnit she is a Plina^olphin girl a^d ber earlier eutcesses were made in her native city. Moreover, ail who aro cognizant of theatric matters know thtit she hue honored her chosen profo^iou l>y a life both on und ott the stage of singular honesty of purfH:ee and execution. That Minnie Palmer has gained a great deal Jn her art uf Lite one must believe from the constant and distinct Hfm-ement ot ail tie critics of the cities in which she hm npprtired; thiit she hiw grown iu j) pultirity is «]ually utie^ted by the fwvor with which fch»* is eyerywhero ro:eiv< tl, the- current seiiSon l-eing tlf 1 eat ahe has ever (spcrience-J. Tho play in which* Elie will appear hai leeii auniewhht altered at-d bet- tf-rctl, it is Mild, and at nil events Minnie promises a dozen now BOII;:S and daiKe*, nnd the master hand of WITI'I will be Keen in Borne of her new ccpiumt-s. Humidor I-'Mrfclmian is to set tho play mipetbh, sud with a caiital company in PupLort, ail the auspices are favorable fur a week of complete success. So it tb'-iuU be. As Minnie Pa'mer does not play at the Wed- nesday nuitinee Urn pretent week ut tlie Wali-.nt Rtr--i-t Tlieiitre. it will Iw devoted an Jntcrestinjf pt-rf"im i nee of Kobe-tsoD'H deliRhtful corned v,"Caste," l>y Wnie. Bishop's Drawiiti; C->. Iu the orifEiiial pro- lo/ue. ivvct.ili:i); the secrets of the Green liooni, ihoro \\iil IKI iniri'diiced an encampment ar>d moo»li»ht danco of Kjp^iff, tho corjH <1*,- bullet made iijj of liand- FO'iu' yutiutc ladies tiiEtrJullv nttircd in tcarlet «nd eptu ghe. All the coflfume-f wero made Bperiiilly for tins production, and tbeio will bo beautiful stoutly. Tl e iuiiintfs ot thy Fi-n^t Home will (ccupy a 8'a«e 1 x ttrnl eucoiirace Iho yoiin^ po&pla in their worthy ' iiN to rrect a htiviut- to Fon-ft. Mm?. Biehop's Co. , l v«' i Cns'e' 1 nscc^ssfully at I'rcct >r'i Grind OjM-ra J.' n-e, Wiluiiugtou, Del., yesterday afUrnwn and eight. Minnie Palmer will bo followed week of March Jl, with the famous melodrama, "A I>arK Secret." T For the coming week at tho other theatres no dulling novelties are bided. This will be the closing week U tho !t.,o:h-B;»rrttt engagement at the Che»tr>ut Street opera Hoii;e, wlieio the entire repert>iy of tlie <oiupuny will to repeateJ, ttie bill being chjn^el nithily........."TIie l l o»rl ol Pekiu" will remain at the Chesinttt....... / Faust1 ' i^ to It- continued at Hermann's Tliottro.........At the Arch CtiHr'os A. G-irdner will be CM) in "Iftithcr'aauV ........Oilier programnsca will coin! rise iitin'i''el grut<sijucH ft Car DC ices', tho Loi.- <'.on Specially Company at tho Central, Hili's ''Worlil of Novehi' s" at llio Slan-.lard, "Lights o' London" at th» Krnii'iigton, llurrounhs1 Company at the Conti- iM-.-.tbl, "Tim Main Linn" at the Lyceum. "The Sight AVrttch ' at Forcpaujb^, and German plays at the Gei- fti-uiiTl!.-atr-3. Although Maua-jcr J. H. MoVichcr has Btr-'iitsty pio'e^ted to Mi^fjcs'ta against the injustice cf c*iiceling !:er ron'e for next eeaeou nod ofiVring no couipt-riHitioii theref >r, it not likely thU the deil t>\ which ehejouia Edwin Booth will be Interfered ^it'-i in any way. To app^ft^e Sfariagcr 5fcVick*r, IH.V.OVL-I-, MoJjcsiin will play her dd ; c at his house, Mr. Hooth !ayiu« off dnrinic '&»* eiuagt-m nt. Mr. HcVickor's strontie t |ioint van that Z:mnierni«n & Kixcn KinI Joi-enli fJrook", in selling out their con- tract wHi her for l«S9-<") 'o B-.-fh utiJ B« re- " -"'"''"" r u ibeie turn of the ten. He thinks that not only Hodj««ka, but the manngers whou shedienpT'Ointfl, oujcht to ihaio in that bouua. Sentiment is with Mr. McVicker, Vr.t the theatrical busineu is not given much to sentiment. \Ve have yet to liear from Modjeska herself lu this matter. Mr. William II. Crane has decided upon the play he will star In next season, when his partner- ship with Mr. Stuart Itobaon will have expired. Mr. T. Henry Krem h baa secured for Mr. Crane "The Balloon," a comply n,>w running Rt t*10 Strand Theatre, London, ttnd with all its American rights will turn it over to that gentleman. Mr. Ficuch h*a sold lo Mr, Giutave Kahii the rights t> Iho play, "Flanda Across tlit* Set," now being plaj ctl »t the PMncess'j) Theatre, London. Tho latUr play will be first Been a* K. U. Field's Boatoa Museum; Lawrence Barrett delivered an eloquent ad- dress on the career and character of Charlotte Cueb- man in the Union League Cluii, Tuesday alterLOon. "The Fall of Babylon," as it will be given at the F<jrep«iii;h^iouuds tbe coming summer, under the mHuaKemvnt of II. B. Malm, will be one of the grimiest and most da72ling spectacular entertain- mtnts ever cffercd in this cvty. No expenditure will bo spired to render the exhibition in all its colossa' proportions fully worthy of the patronage of our befl citizeua. The drawings of tho working plans for Man- acer Fleiehmau'n new Park Thoatro, corner of Broat ami Faiimount arenne, are now fiuithetl, and *Managei FteishmaD baa decided to begin operHtiona during nex week. Despite numerous counter attractions, the at- tendance at the Kiite Hink tbe past week bus beeu bet ler than on any previous week since the toboggan chute was rtrst upeneil. "We are doing a rnBbin£bii8i ne^!-," Bivys Manager GorJcn: "much buittr tli^u I ex- pectt-d we would c-ver do in Philadelphia. If we hill a dozen c>*r* inattad of six they would be kept poinii al the tuiiO.' 1 The management i^ agreeabb' disappoiutec over the busine-w they ar« doing oud in the class of people that are patronUm;* the link. A most eeleci crowd ii :itti\tcteil to trie rink daily, and it would bo hard lo find u public place of omuaemeut whore better order is iiiaintiiiat-o:, where thocrowild nro vo unifuraily ma>!o up of only the tetter clans «>f pdoile. a^d wln-rt there are no olijfctiounble fiatur- a of noy kind to mar thi^ rtpi.rt or detract from it in the e>ea of the uios critical aud eeusiiive j-frson. Footliglit Fliokerin^s. Frederick Backus hit a joined tbo support of Fiedric Brjton. Mine. [Inding will siil f,.r France, March 9, to plaj a »prina: enga^t'ment there. T"ifl prcduction of "Under tbe Polar Star" hag been podtjoiifd until next e;e;\gon. Ilwrry Lee's 'dvitliev" will be produced at Palmer'a Theitre, Now York, this week. Henry Leo and Tuft aie considering a new piay b; B-mcicault, tor Mist Kitio I'llsler. Mr. William Oiliette is at hU home in HartforJ, suf feting from a severe attack of pneumonia. Maurice II. Barry more denies that ha ia to eUtr nex s<aa( n. He is UQ'Jer cuultu;t to A. M. Puluier. Florence As'ibrooke has rojoine I Gilmorc V "Twelve Temptatlona" Co., and ArlaH Uicinn'jml iias left it. Aiice Vincent, of th« Car'etuii Opera Co., fcacturcc her arm at ! a a dona, Cal., recently, while riding, ' K. II. Vanderfolt and Harry Hnpgoot) . ro ftiliiticna feiigagouients fur next ttaion's tour of "Slienanhoiilj. Lotta Fetunont ("M.iry Seal Whitman) his brought suit for divoii.0 from Charles Cbappalle, at Siu Frau- cii-co^ CjJ. The new Pasadena (Cnl.) Opera Hous? was or* Feb. lit, by the Cjrleton Oper* Co. llarry C. Wyatt ie the manager. Ti.omas Ad-iisnn has sottl t> F. F. Proctor a comedy- drama, "Count CuAper," ia which Chirles T. JCltij will star next season. "The Yeoman of the Guild" proveJ as much of a failure In Uost-m an it haJ prcviuuily btea iu Now York tij;d Philudolphia. Grace Addison, eiDgiug;?ouhreiteof Eton Plympton'a Co., ia eaid ti» have recently tiie recipieu quite a large foriuue from England. A London dispatch niakes knowa tho marriage ol Prince Alexander of Uuttojbuig to ilario Loiii'ju^er the opera singer, at M; ntoiie, Feb. 6. Mine, do Naucnze, «Lo wai sent homo to Eiiylani by tho charily of <ho piofe^iio!), da^hly threatens l< return to this cuiiutry with a new play. Frank Mordaant ha» buen engaged to play Mr. Crane's part io "T!io Hcmi«tta, r ' und form the teadiu support of Mr. Kobson in hid other plays. Mr.*. Langtrjr has beeu onared ihe leaee of Iho IJay- market Theatre, in London, lor next soaaou by Mr. Befrbohrn Tree, the preeeut lessee of that huuso. Wilson Barn U api*arod in tli*; rolo cf un elderly man in his owa drama, "Nowadays,'* at the Prince*n The- atre, London, Feb. 28. lie ecored a well-ueser succees. Loulae B«.lfe ha* been engaged to play the Ital psirt in J. K. I'mmot's new iUy, whi^h in lo bo pro- duced at the Fourteenth titreet Theatre. New York, on April 22. Ilattio E. Schell, late of the Lyceum Theat-e "Wife" Co., was rrmrrifd Feb. 21 nt the Little Church AI-OHIK tlie C.rncr, Now York City, to Licut. Godfrey L. Car- dt-u, U. S. N. George Fiederick Lee, the triplr-Toiced TOcaligt and actor, writes UH from llaltimore tliat he has quite re- covered from liis itlneja and ia ia trim for au operatic or dramatic engagement. Lillian Con way is sttll quite ill in New York City with rheumatism. Last vt«e.k ebe was removm] from St. Vincent's Hospital to tl;o hotiae of a epccialiat, Tho Acloi'i Fucd defrays her expenses. Eben I'lymplo'i's Co., in "Tho Mountebank," closeJ their tour Feb. 23, ia Now England. All saUiies were paid and fares advanced t^> New York Cily. Mr. 1'lymi'lon tioDts t> rosume later on. Tony Hart went from Worcester, M&ss., to MerMen, CL, Feb. 24.andeaw a performance of ''The Paymaster" with his wife in tho ctist. It was the firtt time he had been away from Hartford since he left tho aiylum. A pleasant fare well ie to be accorded W. J. Scanlan on hia depaituro for Entriiiud, April t). Ho will bo auruptoudly wined ani din^d by a number of hia friends and admirers iu JNtw York City. His mother died Feb. 19. Nina Boucicunlt, who has been playing Peggy Chud- hi<jh in the "Harbor Lighin" Co., WHS taken suddtnly ill with pneumonia lust week. So dangerous w?re the symptons that fho w&n removed to tbo Maseachuaette General Ha^pitat, Boitou. Sadie Marti not Bailed for "Kaesau Thiirflday. *She will »penJ ihrfte or four mouths in the Babamae in or- der to le^ain l:er iiealtb, which lia^ not been xood HJDCO her last viiit to Home, where ebe contracted the fever of tho Campajrna. An ir»n pin fell fr ( m tbe flies of tbe Howes Op ra House, Bridgeport, on la^t Sniurday nixht and trac- tnred lli« skull of J. W. McAUi.iter, of the Harry and Fay Co. Mr. aicAllisu-r was taken to tbe Sisfen 1 Hospital, where he now li^s in a precarious condition. Laora Moore's ent'ajrement wiih the McCau!! 0| era Co. cloita at the end of March. Sbe has already signed a contract to join Francis Wilson's new cut nit; opora company, which will pnsent "The Oolah" at the Broadway Theatre, Now York, on May 15. Mrs. Edgar Straktsh (Harriet Avery) takes her place. The largest theatric*] advertigfment on nconl is tlia* just placed hv Mr. Henry Irvitig in the, Loouou Era. It occupies GO columns or 1^ cages of tbat papier, and comprises all tbe more important notices that have been mttdo of Mr. Irvhip's production ofMacbeth" in tho London prt-ss. Irving must be financially iu- terebted in the Era. Blanagor John It. Rogers has (nstmcted bis attor- neys to withdraw all oners lo settle at a compromise Leonard Grover's claims in "My Brother's Sister." He a.ys that while ho would have paid $1,500 to relieve himself of further annoyance, Mr. Grovcr's persisttnt clinib : Dg the scale of con-cqu'rntial damages has TO- Rutted, so fur as he fs comem^d, iu a firm resolution iiot to pay one cent. The fiTorite little 8tpr, Corinae, will shortly p'ay a serie-f of euyngements in the Eastein cities. Mm. Kimball, Ler mother and managere.v, atatea that she has nngaved the services of two of London 8 boet bur- loaque writers to construct for ht-r two burlesques for tho ensuing: season, to be tnkeu from familiar mljfcts. Their titles will bp "Little Mary, tju«eu of Scot-.' 1 aijd "llich^rd III., Jr." THE KENNEL. Tho Eastern Gouistnx Club ba^ been organized for the purpose of affordinp: facilities for the enjoyment of the fp>rt of courting h ires with greyhounds. Suitable grounds h*vo bet-n selected ou tbe lino of the Long lalaid ilHilrtod. The fullinvinz named genJl-jmfn nre tt:e orgnnizers of tbo club: E. If. Blucka:n, W. B. GrowUge. E. Garbltr, T. Mortimer Tin rue. Jr., J. Her- bert Watson, H. W. Hm tington, A. Ler ruing and C. Torrcy. Addre-s Tho Eastera CouritogClub, 25^ Fifth avenue, New York. Tl-u conrainK for tho Waterloo Cup at Altcar, Eng., was coucbi'lcd Feb. 22. Tho four dogs Iff* in wete Fullertcn, Hersclu-l, Trough end an1 Pruiger Signal. Thoro were but two tria's decided, which resnlfd In the victory of Fulleitun over Herjchel, and Tronyherid OTer Danger Signal. Tbe two winners then divjled. The letting was four to one ou Fullerton and three to two on Trougheud iu their uudindeJ courses. Tho di-TUSilou between the American Spaniel Club and the Bcston nutlioritJes as to (he appofiitment cf Mr. Grt-sliain to judge their classification has been amicably teltNd in f^vor ol the gredalty Club, by tho Eehntion of Mr. Cburlea Ma^on to judye these classes. The pointer dog Old Black J-'o d : ed Feb. 5. from pnfiimun^a. It will te rrmerobe:eil that be won both the Derby and all-aged stakes at the recent 6elJ tsiala ot the Pacific Coast Field Trials Club. AVe tind»T&:»nd that tbe Rhode Island Kennel Club ia netuliatinj? witb the State Fair Aawciation with a view of holding a dog s'jow next fall in connection ttitU the annual State fair. The Collie Club offers a special of 810 for tbe best coltio owned by a member cf the club, and a silver rnevli',1 for the best cullie Lred and uwnid by a member at the Rochester show. Tbe bencb show of tbe Renac'acr Kerjnel Club at Troy, N. Y., laat week. WUK the mo t iuccessful ia tbe history of the club. Tho receipts were f 1,500 in excess of last year's show. Mr. F. Kirhy sold t) Mr. E. S. Porter Mr. Woodill'i bull terrier Mioerva, at a good price. Mr. S. 3. Buiks h;is disposed of Ned B t tho winner of foui th prize In t/pcn clasd ycicters uudvi 55 pouncla. at W. K. C. show last week, to Dr. Maun. Brooklyn, fo $m We bear that Mr. Hitchcock also bought Lad c Tammany, wiener of eeccnd in do* pnppy class, an also Lass of Tammany, winntrof first in bitch puppiei Mr. C. II. Mason decline;! judging the American foxhound and beagle classes at Borton upon the groun< that he was not thoroughly up in tho breeds. Mr. Sbini), of Philadelphia, hna been unfortunate fn losing !m new Clyesdale torrierdog, Loyne of Pol ley. A tumor carried him oCf. The hlttck cocker spaniel Juba, owned by tbe Nahmke K<-aael, dlod from pneumonia at tbe New York show. ol! " Gold Wa Sold f..r SS1OO. until Ikl v, aU'li in the wo limckeepcr. W__ _ _ __ ranted. Heavy Soiii Gold Hunting Caaca. Ucth ladies' ! aad gems'«izea,wiiU work* and casei of equal Talue. Onel*ct*sonineach lo- cnltiy can secure one free, er with our Itrg* and val- uable lino of Household CH* These samples, wo!l cs tlia watch, we send TVee, »r.d after you hava kept (hem In your home for 3 mom hi and shown (hem to those who may h«v« called, Ihey become your own propcrtv. Those who vrrite nt once can be jure of receivir.)!- th« Watch «n<l Samples. We pay til express, freighf.ctc. Address tttliiftou «!: Co., llox ;io, Portland, Msur.e^ C ^ RAND OPERA HOUSE, T COR. 11ROAD AND MONTGOMERY AVE THOMAS F. KELLY..................................Manager K.CIIOLMELEY JONES...............Business Mau««er ONE WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, MAfK'H 4 MATINEES TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. First Production io Philadelphia of Itamsay Morris Groat Pluy, THE TIGRESS. A DranmMzatlon by Mr. Morris of bis Famous N vel, HER. Vnctei- thn M.-iuagfineuI of CHABLKS SELENA FETTER, RAMSAY MORRIS AND A STRONG COMPANY. NEW AND 1JEAUTIFFI. SOKSKRY. NEW AND RICH COSTUMES POPULAR PRICES 2.^:. 'to 81.00. MATINEE I'KICES 25c. to. 75c Sea's on Bn?e Rt Sinipson'g Pianoforte Ware- rooDM, 14a:l Chcatinit slrcet, Gantiacutal Hotfl an tho <iruu(t;i Hous?. NEXT WKKK-LKWIS MORRISON, in hia Mag uincc-it 1'ioilu^tion FAL'ST. Seiits uu sale Thursday. N ATIONAL THEATRE. Hidxe avenue. Tenth and rflllowhlll streets. PRICKS ALWAYS T11K SAME, 15 2o, 50 75C. RESERVKC ORCHESTRA CHAIRS. ONLY SOCts MONDAY, MAKC1I 4th, MATINEES TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. THE 9 SI & DANIEL BOONE, THE PIONEER 8 GENUINE SHAWNEE INDIANS 8 lucludiug Uucke, Squaws ami Papooai'fl, h^vo beeu eniMg.'d. 6— BEAUTIFUL TltAINED HORSES— 6 MAGNIFICENT \EW SCKXEHY STARTLING bTAliE KFKKCTS FIERCE HAND-TO-IIASD KNIKE DUEL ON HOIWEBACK KUKN- INiJ Of LOOSE'S L(J(j CABIN, El'C. A Magnificent Special Cur is used to carry Scenery Hoiaef, Animals, etc. SECURE SEATS DURIS5 'HIE DAY, 8:30 TO 6 Branch Ticket Oflice Neivs Slatd, Continental. XEXT WEEK MONDAY, M.VKCU 11, -\T7-ALNUT STREET THEATRE. ¥V I. FLErsHMAN.........Solo Lessee and Manager JUUircu !. Each Night and Saturday Matinee only. Minnie Palmer, Who will appoar In her latest find greatest success, MY BROTHER'S SISTER MINNIE AS A U.OY. MINNIE AS A GIUL All the critics of America, Grc;tt Brituin and Ire- land nn<l Anijtraiiv unite in endorsing MINNIt PALMER as cuinhininf; more gifts and graces than any other nrt SK' upon the stage to-day-. Next Wei-k A DARK SECRET. W ALNUT STREET THEATRE CAST R I. VLEISIIMAS, Sole I«we »n<l SUnagor. \VEDSESn.\Y MATINEE, MARCH B. MJIE. E. K. 1!I«IIOP'S DUAJIATIC COMPANY In KoLeriaou's Pt>(iiil>ir Colliedy, —— O^^.iSTE3 —— Prtceile'! by au On'eiQ.-il Prologue, THE OREKX ROOM. riCTURESQUE GYPSY BALLET. Seats at Theatre, Clnel Hotels und Mnric ftaret. PHILADELPHIA Twenty-third and Chestnut Streets SOMETHING NEW! The bJ'et thins in the city in the amassment line safe and fascinating, ln-tler lh;m Iho far-famed snow toboggan slide of the North. Roller eknting, daucinjr two bands of music. Open every eveninjr. Sl'CC'a matinees for ladies and childreu every afternoon, ez- ceptine Monday and Friday. Admission................................................. 25 CentF. Ladies........................ ..... ........................ 10 Cents, INCLUDING FREE USE OF SKATES. _______WANAMAKER'S. Our Hat Store. Thoroughly equipped in every respect. More room, more light, more goods than you are likely to to find in a Hat store any- where. Every seasonable thing for men's or boy's headwear. Not simply one maker's work, but choosings from the mar- kets of the world. Our Hat Store has grown so big because it deserved to; we mean to merit a bigger growth. Shall it be a Silk Hat? Com- pare our $6 or $5 or $4 Hats with any others at the price in town. Knox's Derby Hats $4; others $3.50 and $3, and one unexcelled at $2.50. JOHN WANAMAKER. RTJDO:L.:PH (PATENT AFPUKD FOK.) ia thfl only ball made for indoor practice thai will euro 'shoulder bound," elrt-ngtheiis tbe arm*, hardecs tho muds. ]*' tier ib:in ludian club or dumb bc-H excrctee. Prices, 8%-oiince ball, $1.50; 12-ounte bill, J225; K>- ounce ball, $3.00. Seat pvetpaid by mail on receipt of e CHARLES E. RUBOLPH. 301 W, 147 Street, New York City. BANDS FOK MARKING PIGEONS. The Bauds For Spring Hatched Birds Now KciiUy. THE SPORTING LIFE Seamless, Attractive, lighf, lunible and iiot to be tamp<*re<1 witb. For use upou ouDg birds in tbo nest. Birda lo compete iu tlie &u- uoiu ract-s of 1S80 QH spring batched youngsters must wear tho baud is-mod for tbe gaaie. Every bird wear- op a baud ia registered. ribejutiTelj uurabored and one ititial: Single baud........... .O.» 4 bands.............. .10 40 bauds......... #1.00 lOOtaude .........82.30 Op;*n bands for adult bin's: to 100, consecutively uumbered.................... 81.OO Kacb inilialon band, per 1OO........................ .50 Addrea BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE SIGHTING LlfE PlBUSIUNO CO., rhibidelphia. Fa. THE NEWPORT ALUMINUM AND STEEL COMPAMY, NEWPORT, KENTUCKY. e now prepared to praut licences to iion manufacturers or the cheaper production of solt ttet-1 and malleablu rou castings, direct from furuHcc without anucaiing, our new Ferie Aluminum proct^s. A grand tuccew. yaity low. Penoually lnT«&Ugate at work*. EEACI'S SPORTIM GOODS, continuous adoption of the REACH Ball by the Ame r ican Association from 1883 to 1891 is positive proof that it gives satisfaction and that it has no equal. The superiority of The Reach. Association Ball is owing to our patent process of manufacture,without which no ball can be made that will retain its shape and firmness. These points we guarantee, and should any of them become soft we will replace it with a new one. Per dozen, $15.00. now call your attention to our latest success, REACH'S ERICAN ASSQCIM The New Patent Seamless The ball proper is exactly the same as our celebrated American Association Ball. The difference is in the cover only, which being seamless the possibility of its ripping is precluded. It is easier on the hands and will not bruise, as is often the case with the present style, especially when the ball is wet. Try one and be convinced. Price, each. $i.7C- 1 M. O ' -" per dozen, f ib.oo. Antique Split _____ Ash Bat is made " """" of the very best, thor- . ., oughly seasoned sec- ond growth ash, and is considered by professionals the best shaped and balanced in use. Send $ i. oo, and v. e'li guarantee you receive the most perfect bat on the market. Per dozen, $10.00. (~)UR No. ooo Full Left-Hand Catcher's Gloves are made of the best mouse-colored buckskin and are extra thickly padded and lined \vith the best chamois skin; the full left hand with or with- out sole-leather tips. This is the glove used by the most noted catchers of the League and As- sociation. Per pair, $5.00. Agents for Irwin's Improved Catchers' and Infielders' Gloves. Uniforms will be fully up to tlie high standard for and durability of former years. We have a new and tried article in this line, viz.: the ——New Seamless Base Ball Uniform.—— For durability and comfort it is unequalled. It can be made to fit tight or loose, and will not rip or shrink. We can furnish it in any color or combination of colors, with the certainty of being absolutely fast. The letters or monograms are woven in the goods, and consequently will not come off, as is the case when sewn on. On receipt of address will send you catalogue and uniform samples, giving full des- cription of our goods. A. J. REACH C0. ; 1022 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FA. 'S AND STOCKINETTE JACKETS. WE HAVE A FULL- LINK OF MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS, IS ALL WOO!, AXi) WOK-jTED. At 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.50,5.00, C.OO and 7.00 Each. AIi°EN'S STOCKINETTE COATS, SPLENDID FOB HUSTIXO AM) HIDING, At 3.00,4.00,5.00 and 7.50 Each. ALSO, MEN'S ENGLISH WORSTED, FOOT BALL JERSEYS, .i.xT> ENGLISH WORSTED SWEATERS AND GUERNSEYS, IN A FULL ASSORTMENT. EIGHTH AM) MARKET STS., Irwin, Anson, Ewing, Dunlap, Comlskey, Larkjn, Orr, PurcelF, i< f\> ____i_ ^ _ _ A_ n_..i.i~.. F*______II__ « Kelly, Glasscock, Faatz, O'Brien, Wllat they think of Clafiiii's Base Biill Shoes. Barkley, Fennelly, Foutz, Kerins, THE BALTIMORE and OHIO R.R. I S THE ONLY LINE running soiic] trains of Sleep- Iiiir Cars, Day Coaches anii Baggage Cars thron?!* from I'Biladelpala to CINCINNATI ana CHICAGO. r paaaenjtrs of Buy class. Between the Eitl and ONLY LINE VIA WASHINGTON. *5»SI'KCIA1. ATTENTION ii given to Theatrical 3ompuuiea, Ball Cluba, auU al) kinds of organized pur* lie*. Informfliion ID regard to rates of fare, time of trains, tlucogh-car arrangements, etc., will be jrompilj- furnished, upon applicatioo, 1>J any of the ollowiug named representatives: C. P. CRAIG, Gen'1 Eaktern Puss'g'r Ajt., 415 Broad- nay, New York. C. R. MACKENZIE, District Past'g'r Agt., 833 Chest- nut ttrcel, Philadelphia. '. G. SMITH, Passenger Agent, 1351 Pennsylvania ATenue, Washington, D. C. E. D SMITH, Division Passenger Agt., Pittibiirg, Pa. W. E. REPPERT, Division Pass'g'r Agl., Columbus, 0. . F. McCARTOY, District Passenger Agent, 169 Walnut street, Cincinnati, 0, H. W. MiKEVVIN, District Passenger Agent, 193 South Clark street, Chicago. Chas. 0. Scull, General Paspcrrger Agent, BALTIMORE* M Waldo I, Claflin, 831 Chestnut St., PHBLADELPHSA, PA. J. W. MANSFIELD, -SEND FOK SAMPLES AND piucns.~e» T.A.RRY O BASE BALL EMPORIUM, No. 137 North Eighth Street, Phila., Pa. Sole Agency of THE MASON BALL. The Bninswiek-Balke-Collender Co., BILLIARD and POOL TABLE M'ftrs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UEALKRS IN ALL A. G. SPALDING & UKOS.' Sporting Goods. Send for Catalogue. H. J. BERCIV1AN, 1003 AECI1 STRKKT, PHILADELPHIA. BILLIARDS. HEADQUAKTEUS K0!l THE Brunswick-Balke-CoUender Co. Billiard Tables, Carom Combination and Pool. Billiard G'jod-* i.I uvt ry cesciiptiou aKva.vs on hand. Over 56O,O{)O A'oiae Subduers Svlil Or Jus trom a'l varls of (he wi.rld proinptiy attcuded to. JOHN CBEAHAN. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. TRUSSES, SUSPENSORY BAGS, Etc. E. A. YARNALL, 102O WALNUT ST., PHILAD'A. SEND FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND -BICYCLES- And Terms of Easy Payments 1o KIRK BROWN", 18 South liroail Street, PHILADELPHIA. SPORTSMEN ATTENTION! BlUJKL'S FAMILV RKMEDY ia the best euro for Sprit: 8. Hrn s-t!, Stiffsic.-*. or any kind uf Scrvueafc No rubbing required.' 50c. a bottle. 603'S. Tenth St., Pliihtclclpliin, Pa. an 3 mnV c more monorworVinp for uethtjl A<i<lre.., Tutu* Co., Autf^l*, U*ki«. rilii p niaim'BCliire

Transcript of THE STAGE. EEACI'S SPORTIM GOODS,"what is...



I*ocnl Novelties llrlefly Commented Upon — Programme For the New Week—Mod- jfskit's Case—Crane** New Play Current Stag" Facts ami Fancies. VIIII.ADEI.PUIA. Saturday, March 2. Editor

£I>I.KTIN(I Lire: The Grand Opera House, the ChiMtnut Street Theatre and the National mo­ nopolized the novelties of the week. Daniel Bumlmmn presented "Aust«riiuM -for the first time in Philadelphia, Monday flight, at the Gnui.1 Opera House. lie had a big house, and the star nnd his excellent company were warmly received. , Tho play was commended as being a good one and did a pood business all week..... John A. Stcvcns gave "The Mask of Life" for the tir*t time here at the National, before houses that were crowded to the limit. The applause was liberal und tho p'«y made a popular hit. ..... ''The Pearl ot Pekin" provoked plenty ol laughter and applause from larpe audiences at the Chcslnut Street Theatre. Vv'hile it is con­ fessed that much of the opera is dull and tire­ some, the good parts arc good enouga to carry tho audienca over the dull spots ..... Good houses ruled at the Walnut with "Jocelyn/* Hermann'* with "Faust/ 1 the Chestnut Street Opera House with Booth and Barrett in "Ham- let/' and the Arch with "A Brass Monkey."

At the Grand Opera House on Monday even­ ing next Karasay Morris' play, "The Tigress," a dramatization of his well-knoT\tn novel, "Crucify Her," will have itr1 first Philadelphia presenta­ tion. Mr. Morris, who will himself appear in the cast, will be supported by Miss Selina Fetter (whoto effective work in "The Henrietta" last ecason wiii doubtie.'a be remembered), and by

"what is announced to ba a strong company,

The story of''The Tigress" opens at Monte Carlo, the celebrated gaming resort, where Victor Valjenn, after many losses, is seeking a loan to help him try his luck once more with the wheel of fmlnne. He discovers the opportune hanker in tierant 2Vott6*i-/, th« broth or of the woman IK- )ovoi». Jle returns happily to Mm green cloth, where Manila the si-»tor, Lttt Tro»bf-ft t who watdiej hia j-)a> with keeu iiittrest. But Hit-re U another one on tlie seeijc, th*1 pretty violet uirl, Sutyi, whose eii esare Hleo fixed on Vi-tvr, who but a moment heforo told her that be htnl tired ot" her luve. It; the nie»nt>iue Life calmly conff«tes to him that »Wo has been i rifling ctrity end cmiso-, by her caad-.-r, I'irfur's self-murder. Sore, niches to the d(nd form of her lover and swears venge.itice ou Life. At last, tep* nuint of her pill love for llie uufortunnte Victor, Sura cjianjies her n»m« to AHJC'<I lioiHttno, unil is employed by the Cf»-tntef3 Beau- tirij to t«ko charge of her wnrrt. The Oim/ess' eon, JtiiHhnel, faIN in live with Angela, to th« chagrin of Line Tr»jnbtrtt who, under the no* twine of Stella /J:i- rotti, tuts bf.*('H invited aa.igmsi to Chateau Deaudry. Tlie O'vntffn liwes a diamond necklace OD Ihoovenf a trcnii't ball, but suspicion fulls on no one until tho bail tikt-s p'nco, win n, in the excitement of a quarrel between tho adventuress and the gnverneea, a Muck bu.ul of velvet fiilliti^ from tlio mck of the former convicts her of the thefr. Stflta, accomian'ed by her brother, nt once depart:) from dnieati Htsiudry in dis­ grace. Rujihitel hus a visit fiuiu Stella on tho follow­ ing morning, when she tnkos iv draught of plow poison in hi.-< rvejence mil dje*, leaving tlio secret of Angela's cloiKifd past with the dead.

"Tho Tigress/' it id understood, is hand- Bomt'ly staged, especially ft? regards tho c *tnmo3 worn by the. feminine m< mU-ri of tin.- co npany. Tlit> muti- lipes at the Grand Opera UoueO will be on Tuesday nod guturday.

FoilFollowing "The Tigress" Mr. Morrison's Faiut" will occupy tho i-tigo of tbe Grand Opera Ilonse for a wecV. This strong play ia m»w placing to fiuo IIOUBCS at the t-'oiH'i Uroad ami will dunbtlesa repeat it» down-town success at t'ie np-town hou$e. 'ilN'tte'a "Sin>" add the ''Queen's Mute" aie alao com- ' - attractions.

The attraction at the National Theatre Mon­ day night anil thr.'Uidiont Ihe week will ho "Ou tho Trail," <i dr.irna of life in the early ttftjs of Kentucky, yith the character of Daniel Borme, the pioneer, as the central figure. The play deals with, thu wild life of the Western border and in an interesting story. It was written by Mr. Charles Gay lor, who lias taken aa the basis t;f tlio story e-nia histuriral incidents of early dftysnlwng ih*» Ohio, and 1ms introtlticeil some notaUe

QQgea of thotse times, Including thu renegade

The play opens in lioone'a early home, irhioh fs in dungor of an TuiHan attack, and introduces Bonne'* daughter fcVsie and hct JOVCT, Ciipt-iin Goodloe. The India n«t let hy (jirf//, attack the cabin, un 1 afibr Attirillin^ combat ihh women ;ire abducted and taken to the front. The second act dealt) the life of S»*if Boom> and her c'.an.'auioa Ltlly in the Ii^lmn'a cove, and the atten>iits made to rescue them by fr-xnu1, Goodtoe and their companions. This gives a series of stirring and exciting eceuoa, nnd after a number of hiUr-l'iYAdtli escapes the girh are rescued. A notable feature i* tho duel »n horseback between Keitton and tha Indian cMef. Girtij in the Ut,t act renews )>ij &t~ tempts to abduct Sttnic, but is foiled at all points and Is oTentiuliy killed by, which eiids the Ktru^vle and the pioneers are h*pvy. Th^ comedy element is eupplied I)}- ntt IiislnnAn and a negro, and their acts are purh us to make ample fun ihr»uibout tlie p'ay. A band, of gt nnine Iniliuni givt-s u ri-alibtic touch to tho pictar. 3 i-f Wt-stern lir'o. The piece is full of ginger from beginning to end and vill be pure of i warm wel­ come by the patron a of the National.

Messrs. Peck & Fursman have in their Indian contingent chiefa, brave?, squaws and a popoo^e, nud the other adjuncts include trained Kentucky In -rseu, brnnrlioa, mnstaiips, a bear and an educated donkey. If "On Iho Trtui" is nut a booming flucces.', it will cer­ tainly not ho f»r lack of realistic acceacoriea supplied fcy its enterprising proprietors.

The next attraction at the National will be Charles Giul-r'e molotirama of New York life, entitled "Lights aud Shadows." '

Minnie Palmer, with abundant reason for con­ tentment arising from her almost unlimited prosperity during her recent tour of Great Britain an 4 Ireland, and the brilliant seconding of tlie i-ame during her aen- ion in this country, returns to the Walnut Street Thea­ tre on JIoii-ln.v nigUt fti;d \vill appear on its etaj:e in tiio Bubetdiititil euccess of last year, '*My Brother's Sis­ ter.' '

The world-renowned comedienne will meet witli a glowing re.tet>lion, f--r the majority of her wii'Ji- ences will remember tlnit she is a Plina^olphin girl a^d ber earlier eutcesses were made in her native city. Moreover, ail who aro cognizant of theatric matters know thtit she hue honored her chosen profo^iou l>y a life both on und ott the stage of singular honesty of purfH:ee and execution.

That Minnie Palmer has gained a great deal Jn her art uf Lite one must believe from the constant and distinct Hfm-ement ot ail tie critics of the cities in which she hm npprtired; thiit she hiw grown iu j) pultirity is «]ually utie^ted by the fwvor with which fch»* is eyerywhero ro:eiv< tl, the- current seiiSon l-eing tlf 1 eat ahe has ever (spcrience-J. Tho play in which* Elie will appear hai leeii auniewhht altered at-d bet- tf-rctl, it is Mild, and at nil events Minnie promises a dozen now BOII;:S and daiKe*, nnd the master hand of WITI'I will be Keen in Borne of her new ccpiumt-s. Humidor I-'Mrfclmian is to set tho play mipetbh, sud with a caiital company in PupLort, ail the auspices are favorable fur a week of complete success. So it tb'-iuU be.

As Minnie Pa'mer does not play at the Wed­ nesday nuitinee Urn pretent week ut tlie Wali-.nt Rtr--i-t Tlieiitre. it will Iw devoted t» an Jntcrestinjf pt-rf"im i nee of Kobe-tsoD'H deliRhtful corned v,"Caste," l>y Wnie. Bishop's Drawiiti; C->. Iu the orifEiiial pro- lo/ue. ivvct.ili:i); the secrets of the Green liooni, ihoro \\iil IKI iniri'diiced an encampment ar>d moo»li»ht danco of Kjp^iff, tho corjH <1*,- bullet made iijj of liand- FO'iu' yutiutc ladies tiiEtrJullv nttircd in tcarlet «nd eptu ghe. All the coflfume-f wero made Bperiiilly for tins production, and tbeio will bo beautiful stoutly. Tl e iuiiintfs ot thy Fi-n^t Home will (ccupy a 8'a«e 1 x ttrnl eucoiirace Iho yoiin^ po&pla in their worthy

' iiN to rrect a htiviut- to Fon-ft. Mm?. Biehop's Co. , l v«' i Cns'e' 1 nscc^ssfully at I'rcct >r'i Grind OjM-ra J.' n-e, Wiluiiugtou, Del., yesterday afUrnwn and eight.

Minnie Palmer will bo followed week of March Jl, with the famous melodrama, "A I>arK Secret."


For the coming week at tho other theatres no dulling novelties are bided. This will be the closing week U tho !t.,o:h-B;»rrttt engagement at the Che»tr>ut Street opera Hoii;e, wlieio the entire repert>iy of tlie <oiupuny will to repeateJ, ttie bill being chjn^el nithily........."TIie l lo»rl ol Pekiu" will remain at theChesinttt....... / Faust1 ' i^ to It- continued at Hermann'sTliottro.........At the Arch CtiHr'os A. G-irdner will be CM) in "Iftithcr'aauV ........Oilier programnsca willcoin! rise iitin'i''el grut<sijucH ft Car DC ices', tho Loi.- <'.on Specially Company at tho Central, Hili's ''Worlil of Novehi' s" at llio Slan-.lard, "Lights o' London" at th» Krnii'iigton, llurrounhs1 Company at the Conti- iM-.-.tbl, "Tim Main Linn" at the Lyceum. "The Sight AVrttch ' at Forcpaujb^, and German plays at the Gei- fti-uiiTl!.-atr-3.

Although Maua-jcr J. H. MoVichcr has Btr-'iitsty pio'e^ted to Mi^fjcs'ta against the injustice cf c*iiceling !:er ron'e for next eeaeou nod ofiVring no couipt-riHitioii theref >r, it i§ not likely thU the deil t>\ which ehejouia Edwin Booth will be Interfered ^it'-i in any way. To app^ft^e Sfariagcr 5fcVick*r, IH.V.OVL-I-, MoJjcsiin will play her dd ; c at his house, Mr. Hooth !ayiu« off dnrinic '&»* eiuagt-m nt. Mr. HcVickor's strontie t |ioint van that Z:mnierni«n & Kixcn KinI Joi-enli fJrook", in selling out their con- tract wHi her for l«S9-<") 'o B-.-fh utiJ B« re-

" -"'"''"" r u ibeie turn of

the ten. He thinks that not only Hodj««ka, but the manngers whou shedienpT'Ointfl, oujcht to ihaio in that bouua. Sentiment is with Mr. McVicker, Vr.t the theatrical busineu is not given much to sentiment. \Ve have yet to liear from Modjeska herself lu this matter.

Mr. William II. Crane has decided upon the play he will star In next season, when his partner­ ship with Mr. Stuart Itobaon will have expired. Mr. T. Henry Krem h baa secured for Mr. Crane "The Balloon," a comply n,>w running Rt t*10 Strand Theatre, London, ttnd with all its American rights will turn it over to that gentleman. Mr. Ficuch h*a sold lo Mr, Giutave Kahii the rights t> Iho play, "Flanda Across tlit* Set," now being plaj ctl »t the PMncess'j) Theatre, London. Tho latUr play will be first Been a* K. U. Field's Boatoa Museum;

Lawrence Barrett delivered an eloquent ad­ dress on the career and character of Charlotte Cueb- man in the Union League Cluii, Tuesday alterLOon.

"The Fall of Babylon," as it will be given at the F<jrep«iii;h^iouuds tbe coming summer, under the mHuaKemvnt of II. B. Malm, will be one of the grimiest and most da72ling spectacular entertain- mtnts ever cffercd in this cvty. No expenditure will bo spired to render the exhibition in all its colossa' proportions fully worthy of the patronage of our befl citizeua.

The drawings of tho working plans for Man-acer Fleiehmau'n new Park Thoatro, corner of Broat ami Faiimount arenne, are now fiuithetl, and *Managei FteishmaD baa decided to begin operHtiona during nex week.

Despite numerous counter attractions, the at­ tendance at the Kiite Hink tbe past week bus beeu bet ler than on any previous week since the toboggan chute was rtrst upeneil. "We are doing a rnBbin£bii8i ne^!-," Bivys Manager GorJcn: "much buittr tli^u I ex- pectt-d we would c-ver do in Philadelphia. If we hill a dozen c>*r* inattad of six they would be kept poinii al the tuiiO.' 1 The management i^ agreeabb' disappoiutec over the busine-w they ar« doing oud in the class of people that are patronUm;* the link. A most eeleci crowd ii :itti\tcteil to trie rink daily, and it would bo hard lo find u public place of omuaemeut whore better order is iiiaintiiiat-o:, where thocrowild nro vo unifuraily ma>!o up of only the tetter clans «>f pdoile. a^d wln-rt there are no olijfctiounble fiatur- a of noy kind to mar thi^ rtpi.rt or detract from it in the e>ea of the uios critical aud eeusiiive j-frson.

Footliglit Fliokerin^s.Frederick Backus hit a joined tbo support of Fiedric

Brjton.Mine. [Inding will siil f,.r France, March 9, to plaj

a »prina: enga^t'ment there.T"ifl prcduction of "Under tbe Polar Star" hag been

podtjoiifd until next e;e;\gon.Ilwrry Lee's 'dvitliev" will be produced at Palmer'a

Theitre, Now York, this week.Henry Leo and Tuft aie considering a new piay b;

B-mcicault, tor Mist Kitio I'llsler.Mr. William Oiliette is at hU home in HartforJ, suf

feting from a severe attack of pneumonia.Maurice II. Barry more denies that ha ia to eUtr nex

s<aa( n. He is UQ'Jer cuultu;t to A. M. Puluier.Florence As'ibrooke has rojoine I Gilmorc V "Twelve

Temptatlona" Co., and ArlaH Uicinn'jml iias left it.Aiice Vincent, of th« Car'etuii Opera Co., fcacturcc

her arm at ! a a dona, Cal., recently, while riding, ' K. II. Vanderfolt and Harry Hnpgoot) . ro ftiliiticna

feiigagouients fur next ttaion's tour of "Slienanhoiilj.Lotta Fetunont ("M.iry Seal Whitman) his brought

suit for divoii.0 from Charles Cbappalle, at Siu Frau- cii-co^ CjJ.

The new Pasadena (Cnl.) Opera Hous? was or* Feb. lit, by the Cjrleton Oper* Co. llarry C. Wyatt ie the manager.

Ti.omas Ad-iisnn has sottl t> F. F. Proctor a comedy- drama, "Count CuAper," ia which Chirles T. JCltij will star next season.

"The Yeoman of the Guild" proveJ as much of a failure In Uost-m an it haJ prcviuuily btea iu Now York tij;d Philudolphia.

Grace Addison, eiDgiug;?ouhreiteof Eton Plympton'a Co., ia eaid ti» have recently tiie recipieu quite a large foriuue from England.

A London dispatch niakes knowa tho marriage ol Prince Alexander of Uuttojbuig to ilario Loiii'ju^er the opera singer, at M; ntoiie, Feb. 6.

Mine, do Naucnze, «Lo wai sent homo to Eiiylani by tho charily of <ho piofe^iio!), da^hly threatens l< return to this cuiiutry with a new play.

Frank Mordaant ha» buen engaged to play Mr. Crane's part io "T!io Hcmi«tta,r ' und form the teadiu support of Mr. Kobson in hid other plays.

Mr.*. Langtrjr has beeu onared ihe leaee of Iho IJay- market Theatre, in London, lor next soaaou by Mr. Befrbohrn Tree, the preeeut lessee of that huuso.

Wilson Barn U api*arod in tli*; rolo cf un elderly man in his owa drama, "Nowadays,'* at the Prince*n The­ atre, London, Feb. 28. lie ecored a well-ueser succees.

Loulae B«.lfe ha* been engaged to play the Ital psirt in J. K. I'mmot's new iUy, whi^h in lo bo pro­ duced at the Fourteenth titreet Theatre. New York, on April 22.

Ilattio E. Schell, late of the Lyceum Theat-e "Wife" Co., was rrmrrifd Feb. 21 nt the Little Church AI-OHIK tlie C.rncr, Now York City, to Licut. Godfrey L. Car- dt-u, U. S. N.

George Fiederick Lee, the triplr-Toiced TOcaligt and actor, writes UH from llaltimore tliat he has quite re­ covered from liis itlneja and ia ia trim for au operatic or dramatic engagement.

Lillian Con way is sttll quite ill in New York City with rheumatism. Last vt«e.k ebe was removm] from St. Vincent's Hospital to tl;o hotiae of a epccialiat, Tho Acloi'i Fucd defrays her expenses.

Eben I'lymplo'i's Co., in "Tho Mountebank," closeJ their tour Feb. 23, ia Now England. All saUiies were paid and fares advanced t^> New York Cily. Mr. 1'lymi'lon tioDts t> rosume later on.

Tony Hart went from Worcester, M&ss., to MerMen, CL, Feb. 24.andeaw a performance of ''The Paymaster" with his wife in tho ctist. It was the firtt time he had been away from Hartford since he left tho aiylum.

A pleasant fare well ie to be accorded W. J. Scanlan on hia depaituro for Entriiiud, April t). Ho will bo auruptoudly wined ani din^d by a number of hia friends and admirers iu JNtw York City. His mother died Feb. 19.

Nina Boucicunlt, who has been playing Peggy Chud- hi<jh in the "Harbor Lighin" Co., WHS taken suddtnly ill with pneumonia lust week. So dangerous w?re the symptons that fho w&n removed to tbo Maseachuaette General Ha^pitat, Boitou.

Sadie Marti not Bailed for "Kaesau Thiirflday. *She will »penJ ihrfte or four mouths in the Babamae in or­ der to le^ain l:er iiealtb, which lia^ not been xood HJDCO her last viiit to Home, where ebe contracted the fever of tho Campajrna.

An ir»n pin fell fr ( m tbe flies of tbe Howes Op ra House, Bridgeport, on la^t Sniurday nixht and trac- tnred lli« skull of J. W. McAUi.iter, of the Harry and Fay Co. Mr. aicAllisu-r was taken to tbe Sisfen 1 Hospital, where he now li^s in a precarious condition.

Laora Moore's ent'ajrement wiih the McCau!! 0| era Co. cloita at the end of March. Sbe has already signed a contract to join Francis Wilson's new cut nit; opora company, which will pnsent "The Oolah" at the Broadway Theatre, Now York, on May 15. Mrs. Edgar Straktsh (Harriet Avery) takes her place.

The largest theatric*] advertigfment on nconl is tlia* just placed hv Mr. Henry Irvitig in the, Loouou Era. It occupies GO columns or 1^ cages of tbat papier, and comprises all tbe more important notices that have been mttdo of Mr. Irvhip's production ofMacbeth" in tho London prt-ss. Irving must be financially iu- terebted in the Era.

Blanagor John It. Rogers has (nstmcted bis attor­ neys to withdraw all oners lo settle at a compromise Leonard Grover's claims in "My Brother's Sister." He a.ys that while ho would have paid $1,500 to relieve himself of further annoyance, Mr. Grovcr's persisttnt clinib : Dg the scale of con-cqu'rntial damages has TO- Rutted, so fur as he fs comem^d, iu a firm resolution iiot to pay one cent.

The fiTorite little 8tpr, Corinae, will shortly p'ay a serie-f of euyngements in the Eastein cities. Mm. Kimball, Ler mother and managere.v, atatea that she has nngaved the services of two of London 8 boet bur- loaque writers to construct for ht-r two burlesques for tho ensuing: season, to be tnkeu from familiar mljfcts. Their titles will bp "Little Mary, tju«eu of Scot-.' 1 aijd "llich^rd III., Jr."

THE KENNEL.Tho Eastern Gouistnx Club ba^ been organized for

the purpose of affordinp: facilities for the enjoyment of the fp>rt of courting h ires with greyhounds. Suitable grounds h*vo bet-n selected ou tbe lino of the Long lalaid ilHilrtod. The fullinvinz named genJl-jmfn nre tt:e orgnnizers of tbo club: E. If. Blucka:n, W. B. GrowUge. E. Garbltr, T. Mortimer Tin rue. Jr., J. Her­ bert Watson, H. W. Hm tington, A. Ler ruing and C. Torrcy. Addre-s Tho Eastera CouritogClub, 25^ Fifth avenue, New York.

Tl-u conrainK for tho Waterloo Cup at Altcar, Eng., was coucbi'lcd Feb. 22. Tho four dogs Iff* in wete Fullertcn, Hersclu-l, Trough end an1 Pruiger Signal. Thoro were but two tria's decided, which resnlfd In the victory of Fulleitun over Herjchel, and Tronyherid OTer Danger Signal. Tbe two winners then divjled. The letting was four to one ou Fullerton and three to two on Trougheud iu their uudindeJ courses.

Tho di-TUSilou between the American Spaniel Club and the Bcston nutlioritJes as to (he appofiitment cf Mr. Grt-sliain to judge their classification has been amicably teltNd in f^vor ol the gredalty Club, by tho Eehntion of Mr. Cburlea Ma^on to judye these classes.

The pointer dog Old Black J-'o d : ed Feb. 5. from pnfiimun^a. It will te rrmerobe:eil that be won both the Derby and all-aged stakes at the recent 6elJ tsiala ot the Pacific Coast Field Trials Club.

AVe tind»T&:»nd that tbe Rhode Island Kennel Club ia netuliatinj? witb the State Fair Aawciation with a view of holding a dog s'jow next fall in connection ttitU the annual State fair.

The Collie Club offers a special of 810 for tbe best coltio owned by a member cf the club, and a silver rnevli',1 for the best cullie Lred and uwnid by a member at the Rochester show.

Tbe bencb show of tbe Renac'acr Kerjnel Club at Troy, N. Y., laat week. WUK the mo t iuccessful ia tbe history of the club. Tho receipts were f 1,500 in excess of last year's show.

Mr. F. Kirhy sold t) Mr. E. S. Porter Mr. Woodill'i bull terrier Mioerva, at a good price.

Mr. S. 3. Buiks h;is disposed of Ned B t tho winner of foui th prize In t/pcn clasd ycicters uudvi 55 pouncla.

at W. K. C. show last week, to Dr. Maun. Brooklyn, fo$m

We bear that Mr. Hitchcock also bought Lad c Tammany, wiener of eeccnd in do* pnppy class, an also Lass of Tammany, winntrof first in bitch puppiei

Mr. C. II. Mason decline;! judging the American foxhound and beagle classes at Borton upon the groun< that he was not thoroughly up in tho breeds.

Mr. Sbini), of Philadelphia, hna been unfortunate fn losing !m new Clyesdale torrierdog, Loyne of Pol ley. A tumor carried him oCf.

The hlttck cocker spaniel Juba, owned by tbe Nahmke K<-aael, dlod from pneumonia at tbe New York show.

ol! " Gold WaSold f..r SS1OO. until Ikl

v, aU'li in the wo limckeepcr. W__ _ _ __

ranted. Heavy Soiii Gold Hunting Caaca. Ucth ladies'

! aad gems'«izea,wiiU work* and casei of equal Talue. Onel*ct*sonineach lo- cnltiy can secure one free,

er with our Itrg* and val­ uable lino of Household

CH* These samples, a» wo!l cs tlia watch, we send TVee, »r.d after you hava kept

(hem In your home for 3 mom hi and shown (hem to those who may h«v« called, Ihey become your own propcrtv. Those who vrrite nt once can be jure of receivir.)!- th« Watch

«n<l Samples. We pay til express, freighf.ctc. Address tttliiftou «!: Co., llox ;io, Portland, Msur.e^


THOMAS F. KELLY..................................ManagerK.CIIOLMELEY JONES...............Business Mau««erONE WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, MAfK'H 4

MATINEES TUESDAY AND SATURDAY.First Production io Philadelphia of Itamsay Morris

Groat Pluy,

THE TIGRESS.A DranmMzatlon by Mr. Morris of bis Famous N vel,

HER.Vnctei- thn M.-iuagfineuI of CHABLKS




MATINEE I'KICES 25c. to. 75c Sea's on Bn?e Rt Sinipson'g Pianoforte Ware-

rooDM, 14a:l Chcatinit slrcet, Gantiacutal Hotfl an tho <iruu(t;i Hous?.NEXT WKKK-LKWIS MORRISON, in hia Mag

uincc-it 1'ioilu^tion FAL'ST.Seiits uu sale Thursday.

NATIONAL THEATRE. Hidxe avenue. Tenth and rflllowhlll streets.






8 GENUINE SHAWNEE INDIANS 8lucludiug Uucke, Squaws ami Papooai'fl, h^vo beeu




A Magnificent Special Cur is used to carry SceneryHoiaef, Animals, etc.

SECURE SEATS DURIS5 'HIE DAY, 8:30 TO 6 Branch Ticket Oflice Neivs Slatd, Continental.


-\T7-ALNUT STREET THEATRE. ¥V I. FLErsHMAN.........Solo Lessee and ManagerJUUircu !. Each Night and Saturday Matinee only.

Minnie Palmer,Who will appoar In her latest find greatest success,


All the critics of America, Grc;tt Brituin and Ire­ land nn<l Anijtraiiv unite in endorsing MINNIt PALMER as cuinhininf; more gifts and graces than any other nrt SK' upon the stage to-day-.




In KoLeriaou's Pt>(iiil>ir Colliedy,—— O^^.iSTE3 ——Prtceile'! by au On'eiQ.-il Prologue,


Seats at Theatre, Clnel Hotels und Mnric ftaret.


Twenty-third and Chestnut StreetsSOMETHING NEW!

The bJ'et thins in the city in the amassment line safe and fascinating, ln-tler lh;m Iho far-famed snow toboggan slide of the North. Roller eknting, daucinjr two bands of music. Open every eveninjr. Sl'CC'a matinees for ladies and childreu every afternoon, ez- ceptine Monday and Friday. Admission................................................. 25 CentF.Ladies........................ ..... ........................ 10 Cents,



Our Hat Store. Thoroughly equipped in every respect. More room, more light, more goods than you are likely to to find in a Hat store any­ where. Every seasonable thing for men's or boy's headwear. Not simply one maker's work, but choosings from the mar­ kets of the world. Our Hat Store has grown so big because it deserved to; we mean to merit a bigger growth.

Shall it be a Silk Hat? Com­ pare our $6 or $5 or $4 Hats with any others at the price in town.

Knox's Derby Hats $4; others $3.50 and $3, and one unexcelled at $2.50.



(PATENT AFPUKD FOK.)ia thfl only ball made for indoor practice thai will euro 'shoulder bound," elrt-ngtheiis tbe arm*, hardecs tho muds. ]*' tier ib:in ludian club or dumb bc-H excrctee.

Prices, 8%-oiince ball, $1.50; 12-ounte bill, J225; K>- ounce ball, $3.00. Seat pvetpaid by mail on receipt of

e CHARLES E. RUBOLPH.301 W, 147 Street, New York City.


The Bauds For Spring Hatched Birds NowKciiUy.

THE SPORTING LIFE Seamless, Attractive, lighf, lunible and iiot to be tamp<*re<1 witb. For use upou ouDg birds in tbo nest. Birda lo compete iu tlie &u- uoiu ract-s of 1S80 QH spring batched youngsters must

wear tho baud is-mod for tbe gaaie. Every bird wear- op a baud ia registered.

ribejutiTelj uurabored and one ititial: Single baud........... .O.» 4 bands.............. .1040 bauds......... #1.00 lOOtaude .........82.30

Op;*n bands for adult bin's:to 100, consecutively uumbered.................... 81.OO

Kacb inilialon band, per 1OO........................ .50Addrea BOOK DEPARTMENT,

THE SIGHTING LlfE PlBUSIUNO CO.,rhibidelphia. Fa.


NEWPORT, KENTUCKY.e now prepared to praut licences to iion manufacturers or the cheaper production of solt ttet-1 and malleablu rou castings, direct from furuHcc without anucaiing,

our new Ferie Aluminum proct^s. A grand tuccew.yaity low. Penoually lnT«&Ugate at work*.

EEACI'S SPORTIM GOODS,continuous adoption of the REACH Ball by the Ame r

ican Association from 1883 to 1891 is positive proof that it gives satisfaction and that it has no equal. The superiority of

The Reach. Association Ball is owing to our patent process of manufacture,without which no ball can be made that will retain its shape and firmness. These points we guarantee, and should any of them become soft we

will replace it with a new one. Per dozen, $15.00.

now call your attention to our latest success,


The New Patent SeamlessThe ball proper is exactly the same as our celebrated American Association Ball. The difference is in the cover only, which being seamless the possibility of its ripping is precluded.

It is easier on the hands and will not bruise, as is often the case with the present style, especially when the ball is wet.

Try one and be convinced. Price, each. $i.7C-1 M. O ' -"per dozen, f ib.oo.

Antique Split _____ Ash Bat is made " """"

of the very best, thor- . ., oughly seasoned sec­ ond growth ash, and is considered by professionals the best shaped and balanced in use.

Send $ i. oo, and v. e'li guarantee you receive the most perfect bat on the market. Per dozen, $10.00.

(~)UR No. ooo Full Left-Hand Catcher's Gloves are made of

the best mouse-colored buckskin and are extra thickly padded and lined \vith the best chamois skin; the full left hand with or with­ out sole-leather tips. This is the glove used by the most noted catchers of the League and As­ sociation. Per pair, $5.00.

Agents for Irwin's Improved Catchers' and Infielders' Gloves.

Uniforms will be fully up to tlie high standard for and durability of former years. We have a new and

tried article in this line, viz.: the

——New Seamless Base Ball Uniform.——For durability and comfort it is unequalled. It can be made to fit tight or loose, and will not rip or shrink. We can furnish it in any color or combination of colors, with the certainty of being absolutely fast. The letters or monograms are woven in the goods, and consequently will not come off, as is the case when sewn on.

On receipt of address will send you catalogue and uniform samples, giving full des­ cription of our goods.





At 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00,3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.50,5.00,

C.OO and 7.00 Each.


At 3.00,4.00,5.00 and 7.50 Each.ALSO,






Irwin, Anson, Ewing, Dunlap, Comlskey, Larkjn, Orr, PurcelF, i< f\> ____i_ ^ _ _ A_ n_..i.i~.. F*______II__ « Kelly, Glasscock, Faatz,


Wllat they think of Clafiiii's Base Biill Shoes.

Barkley, Fennelly, Foutz, Kerins,


BALTIMORE and OHIO R.R.I S THE ONLY LINE running soiic] trains of Sleep-

Iiiir Cars, Day Coaches anii Baggage Cars thron?!* from I'Biladelpala to CINCINNATI ana


r paaaenjtrs of Buy class. Between the Eitl and


3ompuuiea, Ball Cluba, auU al) kinds of organized pur*

lie*.Informfliion ID regard to rates of fare, time of

trains, tlucogh-car arrangements, etc., will be jrompilj- furnished, upon applicatioo, 1>J any of the ollowiug named representatives:

C. P. CRAIG, Gen'1 Eaktern Puss'g'r Ajt., 415 Broad- nay, New York.

C. R. MACKENZIE, District Past'g'r Agt., 833 Chest­ nut ttrcel, Philadelphia.

'. G. SMITH, Passenger Agent, 1351 PennsylvaniaATenue, Washington, D. C.

E. D SMITH, Division Passenger Agt., Pittibiirg, Pa. W. E. REPPERT, Division Pass'g'r Agl., Columbus, 0.

. F. McCARTOY, District Passenger Agent, 169 Walnut street, Cincinnati, 0,

H. W. MiKEVVIN, District Passenger Agent, 193 South Clark street, Chicago.

Chas. 0. Scull,General Paspcrrger Agent, BALTIMORE* M

Waldo I, Claflin,831 Chestnut St., PHBLADELPHSA, PA.




No. 137 North Eighth Street, Phila., Pa.

Sole Agency of THE MASON BALL.


A. G. SPALDING & UKOS.' Sporting Goods.Send for Catalogue.



Brunswick-Balke-CoUender Co. BilliardTables, Carom Combination and Pool.

Billiard G'jod-* i.I uvt ry cesciiptiou aKva.vs on hand.Over 56O,O{)O A'oiae Subduers Svlil

Or Jus trom a'l varls of (he wi.rld proinptiy attcuded to.JOHN CBEAHAN.

Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.




-BICYCLES-And Terms of Easy Payments 1o

KIRK BROWN",18 South liroail Street, PHILADELPHIA.


for Sprit: 8. Hrn s-t!, Stiffsic.-*. or any kind uf Scrvueafc No rubbing required.' 50c. a bottle.

603'S. Tenth St., Pliihtclclpliin, Pa.

an 3 mnV c more monorworVinp for uethtjl

A<i<lre.., Tutu* Co., Autf^l*, U*ki«.

rilii p niaim'BCliire