The Spirit of 76

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  • 8/14/2019 The Spirit of 76


    (t The Spirit oF

    A Collection of 76 Recipes



    Benita F. Schwartz(XXXXXXXXX

    ebster Pre-SchoolSpecial Four

    Tu-ThMrs. SandersMay 13, 1976




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    Pork Chops lE. Stuffing

    4 center eut pork chops3 c. soft bread cubes2 T. chopped onioni c. melted butter

    1.. c. watert t. ppultry seasoning

    '1 can cream of celery soup1/3 c. water

    Brown chopa on both sides; pour off drippings., Lightly mix bread, onion, butter,i

    c. water and seaaoning. Place a moundof stuffing on each chop. B1end SOUplfith 1/3 c. water; pour over chops. Bake 3500 1 hr. 4 'servings. (Baste stuifingonce dm-ing baleing rith SOupe Spoon some soup over chep wben serving.)

    '.Perk Chops and Rice Dinner

    4 perk chops, center cut3/4,c. Unc1e Benis ri ce

    l can cream of chicken soupapprox. 3IU can water

    Br01'TIlpork chops. Heat soup and lfater ti1 hot. Place rice in bottom of a bakingdish '( to fit the number of chops); pour approrimatelY hall' the soup over rice; toplTith chops; pour remaining soup over chops. Caver. Bake 350 1 hr. Stir once whi1e

    baleing. Serves 4.

    2-3 lbs. sparerib~1t to 2 T. liquid smoke1c. catsupt c. Worcestershire sauce4 c. 1emon juice ,

    ~ Barbequed Spareribs

    1 t. salt1 t. chili polfder1 c. lT'ater1 t. celery seed

    Place ribs in 3ha110lf pan, m~aty side up. (cut off large annunts of fat) Brush rith

    liquid smoke. Bake 4000,

    30 minutes. CombinerelIl.!; hoat ta boi lingand pour over ribs. Reduce temp. te 3500 for 1 hr. or til tender. Baste rl th sauceevery 15 to 20 minutes. Serves 4 to 6. Refri~rate any remaining sauce for future.

    2-3 1b~. ~hort ribs c. lfater1c. vinegar' c. catsup2 t. Tabasco 3auce t. Worcestershire sauce

    Oven Barbequed Short Rib3

    ! t. pepperfi t. d.!l.rkbrown sugar1 t. dry mustardl t. paprika~ c. chopped onion

    Br01'fIl short ribs sl0lf1y on al1 sides rlthout added fat. Combineremaining ingred-ients and pour over ribs. Cover. Bake 325'0, 2 hrs. Ribs may 80150be prepared inDutch oven on top of range. Serves u-5. Refriger80te remainin-g sauce.

    Chili Cheese steaks

    3 T. flour2 t. salt

    2 t. d1.ili powdert t. pepper


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    2 lbs. round steak?t c. shortening2 c. hopped onions

    1 ~ 16 oz. can whole tomatoesl c. shredded Cheddar cheese

    Combine flour, salt, chili powcler and pepper. Trim excess fat !rom meat; place meaton board and sprin~ with some flour mixture. With Meat mallet or edge of saucer,pound mixture into Meat. Torn and repeat on other side.ln large skillet, in hotshortening, brown meat nll on bath si. des; remove meat to plate. In drippings,brown onions; stir in remaining fleur 'mixture. Spoon on10n ,mixture into large shal-1011' casserole. Arrange steaks' on top, then add tamatoes (and their liquid). Cover.Balte 3$00 Ilhrs. (for 1" thick meat, 1 br. for in thick). Spoon any fat from

    casserole. Sprinkle steaks with cheese. Heat$

    min. or til cheese melts. Serves 6.

    steak and Potato Casserole- ..~2llbs. round steak, in thickl c. flourli t. saltlt. pepper4 C. salad oil

    ..8 madium carrots, thickly sI1ced8 mediumpota toes, thickly sliced1, pJcg~ onion soup mix (dry)

    chopped parsl~ for garnish

    Cut mea.t into serving pieces, fat. On wooden board or wa:x:edpaper, usingmea\ mallet or edg. of saucer, pound mixture ot flo~ salt and pepper into meat.

    In hot oil, br01l1lmeat "..11 on both sides. :.Arrange Meat in 3 qt. casserole; placecarrots Illd potato slices on top. Sprinkle with onion soup mi.%. and cover 3ic. water.. Bake 3500, covared, for 2 hrs. Sldm ott excess fat. If you like, thick-en gravy'With 2 T. nour mixed 1I1th i c. cold water and stirred into casserole;return ta over for a few minutes. ,Sprinkle lIith parsley on top. Serves B. Note:

    ,l usua~ ho1d the potatoes out until the 1ast hall' bour.

    1 lb. round steak2 T. oi1

    2 c. rresh green beans, eut diagonally'4 sca"ions, sliced

    1t. saltl t,. Tabasco sauce

    2 madium tomatoes, eut into wedges2 T. soy sauce

    Cut meat across grain inta paper, thin slices. Heat oi1 in skillet;add beans andscalllons, sprink1. 1f'ith salt. ~tir to .aut beans. Add meat, &tirring to sautquickl3". Sprinkle Tabas co over aU. Add tomatoe. and soy sauce, stir. Cover andcook 3 minutes. Serve ovar rice. Serves 4.

    Sherried Beer

    2 lbs. stewing beer, eut in l!' cubel2 cana cream. of mushroomsoup

    3/4 c. sherry winel pkg. dry- onion soup

    Combine an ingredients in large casserole (do notbrcnm beef). Cover. Bake 3000far 3 hrs. Serve over rice or Dood1es. Serves 4 to 6.

    1redish Meatball./il

    i cm cream of ce1.17soupl soup cm water1 lb. ground beef2/3 c. dry bread crumb.

    1 egg, slight1y beaten2 T. minced onion1 T. chopped pars1ey1 t. salt

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    Blend soup and water together. Measure out! c. of this mixture and combinerlthremaining,cingredients. Shape into lU balla and brown meatballs in l T. shorlening;drain off' any fat. Add remining soup mixture. Cover. Cooko'Ver lolf heat about20 minutes, stirring occasionall~. Serves 4.

    Hamburger Stroganoff

    l lb. ground besf2 T. butter or margarine2 T.

    flour1 T. instant minced onionl 'beef bouillon cube

    ,1t. garlic salt

    i t. paprika1c. lfater

    1--3 oz. can sliced mushrooms1envelope sour cream sauce mix1--6 oz. can evaporated milk2 T. sherry wine

    Browngraund be.t in ~utter. Sttr in tlour,' onion, bouillon cube, garlic salt andpaprika. Add lfater and lIIUshroomsrlth liquide Covar; simmer la minutes. Combinesauce mix ldth evaporated Dllk; strr--Ult Meat mixture. Addwine and heat through.Servw over hot buttered noodles.

    Fg Meatloaf

    l.gg2/3 c. bread crumbs2/3 c. milkIl lbs, ground beef or meatloaf' DIi.xturei c. minced onion1t.salt

    -l t. dry" mustardit. celery salti t. pepper4' t. saga1/8 t. garlic pawder, if desiredl T. Worcestershire sauce

    In large balrlJ beat egg .lightq) m:i.x in remaining ingredients thoroughly. Spreadmixture :Ln lD'lgreasedlod pan, 9x,~ or shape into loa! in ungreased shallOlf baldngpan. Bake 3,00 l br. Serves 6 to 8. ' ,

    !!!lChicken Divan

    Chickm breasts, legs or thighsF~esh broccoli

    2 cans ,creamof chickan soup, l c. ,nayonnaise

    i t. curry-pam:ier

    1 T. lemon juicel T. sherry wineli c. grated cheddar Cheese

    bread crumb.

    Use enough chicken and broccoli to serw 6 to 8. Remve.ld.n trom chicken; preparebroccoli into' rrlng piece.; place in large, shallow baking dish. Combinesoup,mayonnaise, cUlT7, juice and wine. Pour over chicken and broccoli. Sprinkle cheeseon top and shan bread crumbrl OTer all. Balee3.500 for li hrs. or till broceoli istender. Serves 6 to 8.

    Sour eream Baked Chicken

    Chicken parts, skinnedl c. sour creaml t.,salt

    2 T. lemon juicel T. 8ugar

    Cornf'lake cl-umbs

    Dip sldnned chic ken pieces into a mixture of sour cre~ salt, juice and sugar; roll'in cruhed corntlake crumb,. Cover. Bake J,OC 'for 11 hrs. Dip is enough for-.pproximatelT 12 cbicken piace


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    Chicken Salt1mbocca '.

    6 large chickenbreasts, skinned'and boned6 tin sUces b011ed hem31g. slices mozzarella cheesa, halvedl medium tomato~. seeded and choppedi t. dried sage, crushed

    1/3 c. tine dry bread crumb.2 T. grated parmesan cheese2 T. snipped paraleyh T. bu~ter or margarine, melted

    Place chicken, boned aide up, on cutting board. Place a pieceof clear plastic wrapOTer. ,W'orkingfrom the canter out, poundlightly' 'With Meat Mallet to 6x6". Remove

    ,wrap. Placie a hams14ce and haIt slics cheese on each cutlet, cutting ta fit. Top'With some tomato and a dash of sage. Tuck in sides; r.oll up jelly-roll style, press-ing to seal. weIl. Combinecrumbs,parmesan and parsley. Dip chicken in butter, thenroll in crumbs. Place seam aide downin shal10w pan. Bake 3500 40-45 minuteSenes 6. (This 1s an adaption t the reno1fIlsdItalian Chicken CordqnBleu.) (Sanchicken bones for making Chicken''Soup) '


    l-l} lbs. groUlldbeet1c. chopped onion1t. salt2-3 c. diced ra potatoes

    Hamburger-Potate Hot Dish

    2 c. chopped celeryi can tomato soupl cao crea. of mushroomsoup6 T. water

    . Brollnbeeif ''l'f'ithonion and salt; drain. Place Meat in 9xl3 dish and add r.e-maining ingredients) m:ix 1I'ell. Conr. Bake 3500 tor li hrs. Stir once or twice1Ihile .

    , , Bee! 'N Cheese Crelcent Pis

    1 lb. ground beef 1

    i to i c. chopped green pepper1pkg. spaghetti, chili or taco seasoning mix1--6 oz. cz tomato pasto

    3/4 c. water1-8 oz. can refrig.Crescent Rollsl. c. grated parmesan cheese .4 slices (6 oz.) mozzarella cheese

    Brwn ground beef and green pepper; drain. Stir in seasoning mix, tomato paste andwator; simmerla minutes. Separate crescent dough into 8 triangles. Place in greased9" pie pan; press OTerbottom and up sides to form crust. Sprinkle t c. parmesanchees~ OTer crust.. SpoonhaU of hot Meat Menure into crust; top lfith 2 slices moz..zarella cheese Spoon remain; ng Meat mixture o-vercheese and top 1fith remaining t c.paraesan' chee~e. Bake.3SOC 15 to 20 minutes til goIdenbrown. Cut remaining 2 m z-zarella sli08. into lengthwis. strips; arrange on pie in lattice pattern. Return toaven for a tn llinutes to 'MIt cheese s'trips. SerTeS 5 to 6.

    Be8f.d-~ Biscuit Casserole

    1-1; lbs. gromxi beef2 T..iDstmt minced oniOl!i c.diced green chi1es or green pepper1-8. oz. can tomato saucet t. garlic salt

    2 t. chili polIder1--8 oz. cao refrig. biscuitsIl co' grated cheddar chee.e! c. sour crea1 egg, slightly beaten

    Bro1'lll ground beef, onioZland chiles; drain. Stir in tomate sauce, chili power andgarlic salt. Sil'Ilmer'Whi1epreparing dough. Separate biscuit dough into 10 biscuits;


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    . pul~ apart each iIlto 2 layera. Press 10 biscuit layers over bottom of greased a or 9, aquare baldng pan. Combine! c. cheese (reserve remaining cheese tor topping), sour

    creamand egg; mU weIl. Removemeat mexture trom heat; stir in sour crea mixture;spoonover dough. Arrange remaining biscuit layera on top; sprink1e ldth remainingcheese. Bake 3750 for 2.5 to 30 minutes til biscuits are deep golden brown. To makahead, prepare, cover and retrigerate up to 2 hrs. betore; bake 30-35 minutes.

    lIb. ground beeti c. choppedonion.. c. choppedgreen pepper1-1.5 oz. can tomato saucei t. seasoned salt

    Do-AheadBeef Noodle Bake............

    it.p~per2 c. cre~style cottage cheese

    1--3 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened4 oz. noodles, cooked (about 3 c.)

    Brown beef, onion md green pepper; drain. stir in tomato sauce, salt and pepper.Blend cottage cheese and cream cheese ti1l f1orfy. Spoonthe cooked noodles into abuttered 10x6 or axa baklng dish. Cowr with cheese mixture; pour Meat sauce overaIl. (If desired, cover and chill ti1l !hr. betore mea1time.) Bake 3.500for30 to 40 minutes. SeMe~ 6.

    Skillet Beef and Nood1es==-..0._-1 lb. ground beet1 envelope dry onion soup !Dix

    1-28 oz. can tomatoes4 oz. uncookednood1es (about 2 c.)

    In large skillet, cook and stir ground beef unti1 brown. . stir :in remaininJ?ingred-ients. Heat to boiling, reduce heat, covsr and simmer, stirring occasionallY, about20 minutes or unti1 noodles are tender. Serves 6. Variations: Skillet Beet andCheese---8tir in 1 c. diced cheddar cheese (about 4 oz.) and 2 c. dicd ceiery betoresimmering. Skillet Beet and Corn--8tir in 1- 8 oz. can lIbole kerne1 corn, withliquid, belore silDienng.- -


    1 lb. ground beet2 mediumonions, chopped (about 1 c.)1 c. choppedgreen pepper1 c. uncookede1bo1fmacaroni1--28 0 z. can tomatoes1-2 t. chili powder

    In large skillet, cook and stir ground beet, onion and green pepper unti1 meat isbrawn and onion is ten:1er; drain. Stirin remaining ingredients. Cover and cook,stirring occasionally, 20 ta 30 minutes or til macaroni is tender. Serws 6.

    1--8 oz. can tomato sauce1t. salt1/8 t. cayenne pepper1/8 t. paprika1-15i oz. can kidney beans

    Green~-Mushroom ed1ey

    1 lb. ground bee!1mediumonion, cnopped(t c.)1-16 oz. can green beans1-lo! oz. can cremaot mushroomsoup1-4 oz. can mushroomstems. and pieces,drainedi c. choppedgreen pepper

    In large skil1et or Dutch oven, cook and stir ground beef and onion unti1 meat is

    l c. choppedce1ery3/4 c. mille1 T. Worcestershire sauce1 t. salt4 oz. uncookednoodles (2 c.)


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    brown and onion tender. SUr in green beans, with liquid, and remaining ingredients;heat to boiling. Reduceheat; cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, 25 to 30 min.or ti1 nood1es are tender. Or, cover and bake at 35'00 for 35 minutes. Serves 6.


    :! c. chopped celery1c. choppedonionIl c. choppedgreen pepperu T. butter or margarine

    1 lb. ground beef1 can tomato soup1 t.Worcestershire saucedash pepper

    Cookvegetables in butter or margarine til tender but not brown. Addground beef,stirring til meat islightly brownl drain. Addremaining ingredients, mix weIl andsimmer20 minutes. Serve over toasted. hamburgerbuns. Serves 11.


    li lbs. ground beefl c. choppedonion1-1S! oz. can refried beans1.. t. saltl t. pepper1c. oil12 tortillas2 tomato's, peeled and chopped0/4 c.)4 T. butter or margarine

    1c. flour1t. salt4 t. paprika2 c. mille1--10 oz. 'can enchilada sauce

    li c. grated cheddar cheese (6 oz.)374 c. slicedripe olives4 drops bottled hot pepper sauce,

    if desired

    In skillet, ,cookbeef and onion ti1 Meat;Lsbrownand onion tender; drain. Stir inbeans, first i t. salt and the pepper. In another sld.llet, heat oi1. Quickly diptortillas in hot oil just til softened. Divide Meat mixture into twelfths, p1acing1/12 on eachtortilla. Top each with choppedtomatoJ roll tightly. Place, sem sidedOlm,in large (lOx14) 'baking dish. Malt butter or margarine; stir in nour andseasonings. Addmilk and enchilada sauce. Cookand stir til boiling; boil l minute.Stir 'in remain;ng ingredients. Pour over tortillas. Bake 3500 for 30 min. Serves 6


    1lb. groundbeef, c. water2-11 oz. pkg. spaghetti sauce mix1--6 oz. can tomato paste

    2 T. butter or mar~arine1t. salt7 oz. spaghetti, broken

    In large heavy saucepan, brcmrlbeef; drain. Addwater, sauce mix, tomato paste,butter and salt; bring to boiling. Addspaghetti. Caver and cook, stirringoccasionally', til spaghetti is tender, about 20 minutes. Serves 6.

    ltalian Beer Rice Skillet~=~--l lb. groundbeef1-4 oz. can sliced mushrooms1small can tomatees, eut in pieces

    Bl"OlmMeat in skillet; drain. Drain muShrOOIDS and tomatoes, reserving juiee. Addwater to juice to malee3i c. liquide Addremaining.ingredients and liquid to Meat;stir.Bring to beil. Reduceheat, cover and cook over 1011' heat about 25 minutes,or until rice is tender and mixture is of desired consistency. 5tir occasionally.Serves 4-6.

    1 c. Uncle Benis ricel--ll oz. pkg. spaghetti sauce mix

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    Beer ahl Rice Stroganoff Ski11et

    1 lb. ground beefl c. Uncle Benis rice2t c. water1t. salt

    1 t. garlic salt1 c. sliced onion1--10~ oz. can cr. of mushroom soup1/3 c. ~tsup

    BrOi'mbeef in skillet; drame Stir in remaining ingredients. Bring to boil.heat, caver and cook over low heat about 25 minutes, or til rice is tender andture is of desired consisteIlcy. stir occ~siona1ly. Serves 4-6.


    Creasr Chicken Casserole

    6 oz. (1 3/4 c.) large elbovr mac~oni2 c. diced cooked chicken (3 Ig. breasts)4 oz. (1 c.) grated cheddar cheesel can cream of chicken soup

    lc.mTh1--3 oz. cao sllced mushrooms (t c.)t c. chopped pimientoloz. ct c.) grated cheddar cheese

    Cook elbow macaroni about 6 minutes. Rinse with co1d water; drain. Combine chicken,1 c. cbeese, chicln soup, milk, mushrooms, pim:i,entoand pasta.. Turn into 2 qt.casserole. Bake, covered, 3500 for 50 to 60 minutes. Uncover; top rith remaining

    cheeS8 and return to oven ti1 cheese melts. Serves 6: .~J""r-i - D"-'-C ,( L1.

    k..-- ~lCJ:J ,., .~.~ iJ---l ~.......,'-...........,_.:--l~, ,-,- . ') ,L",,:.-v;...... ~c:.... r..-----p- . -- ~ .:J(~L'~ ~

    .::> 0'\..1 -...; v-..:-v'- ~c:.. ....\ 1 ~-v-t.L-~ \

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    Shrimp Soufne

    6 slices bread! to 1 lb. shrimpt lb. Old English Style cheese, sliced4 c. melter butter

    3, beatensalt

    ~ t. dry mustard2 c. mi~

    Slice bread into cubes. In a greased 13~x83/h" fIat baldnl! dish, arrange bread cubeson bottom, top wi th shrimp, ,then slices of chee se. p.our mel ted,butter over aIl. Beateggs, add remaining ingredients, and pour over the entire casserole. Coyer and letstand overnight in refrigerator. Bake, covered, 3500 l hr. Serves.6.


    Pineapp1e Lgrered Salad

    1--3 oz. pkg. lime jell0~ c. crushei pineapple, undrained1! c. boiling water

    1--3 oz. pkg. lemon je1lol! c. boiling water1--3 oz. pkg. cream cheese1c. whip cream, whipped

    Dissolve lime jello in hot water, cool until thickened. (Refrigerate til soupy).Fo1d in pineapple and pour into a 6 c. mold. Dissolve 1emon je1lo in hot water. CoolWhip the cream and fold in the softened cream cheese; pour into the 1emon jello whichhas been i'fhippedslightly. Pour all over the lime layer. Refrigerate 2u hrs. Ser,,-es

    Carrot Salad Mold

    1--#2 can crushed pineapp1e (or #303)1-3 oz. pkg. lel1'.onjellolc. sugar4 t. salt

    2 T. lemon juice~ pt. whipping cream, whi-pped

    stiffl c. finely grated carrots

    Drain pineapple, add enough ~ater to juice ta make li c. Heat juice to a boil andadd the jello, stirring til dissolved. Add sugar, salt and lemon juice to mixture.ChilI until slightly thickened. Add the pineapple carrots and the whipped cream.Pour into 4 c. ring mold. Refrigerate 24 hrs. Serves,6.

    Spiced Peach Mold

    1--8 oz. can pineapple slices1--29 oz. can spiced peaches2--3 oz. pkgs. orange-pineapple flavored' gelatin

    2 T. lemon juicet t. salt2--1 oz. bottles ginger ale, chil1ed

    Drain and halve pineapple slices. Drain peaches, reserving syrup. Remove pi ts. Addwater to syrup to make 2 c. In a saucepan, combine peach gyrup and gelatin; heat andstir til1 gelatin is dissolved. Add lemon juice and salt. ChilI till cold but notset. Pour ginger ale carefully into ge1atin; stir vri th up-and-dOTm motion. Pour abouhalf the geLatin into a ~ c. ring mo1d; chili.both portions of gelatin till partiallyset, about 10-15 minutes. Arrange peaches and pineapple around mold, gently placingthe fruits in the ge1atin. Chin till alrrost firme eut remaining peaches and pineapplfold into reserved gelatin. Pour carefully into mold. Chill overnight. Serves 10.(C~od for Thanksgiving).


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    '1 'lemongaraporated milk

    1-~ o'Z.. can, n~~~ )~~~'t\\\m.t, ~\lsmaller or 2 cam tidbi ts

    l jar Royal Ann cherries, halveduO 19. marshma11ows,cut in t'sl c. whipping

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    Date Nut Bread

    1 c. dates, pittedl t. sodal c. boiling ~aterl egg, '.Tell beaten1 T. soft margarine

    li c. f10ur1 c. sugar1 t. vanillat c. chopped nuts

    Cut dates in small pieces; add soda and pour boiling wat;'I' over and :e t stand ~ hr.Beat eggs .reil; add margarine. B1eng in dry ingredients, vanilla and I}1~ Pour in9x5x3 baldng dish. Bake 3500 50 minutes. (J~. 10aves--40-45 min.)

    Raisin Nut Bread

    1 egg2 c. milk4 c. f10url c. sugar, .-~~

    4 t. baking pom:ler1 t. salt3/4 to l c. raisins!"to 3/4 c. nuts', chopped


    , . .Beat gg 1rell; add milk and mi.x weIl. Add sifted dry ingredients to this liquid, beaweIl. Add raisins and nuts. Pour into gr'ased 97$ pan. Sprinkle with a mixture ofcinnamon and sugar OTer top. Dice with butter. let raise in .:i warm place for 10 minBake 3500 ,50 min. Very good toasted too!

    3/4 c. brown sugar~ c. shortening1 egg2 c. f10url t. baldng soda

    Pineapple Pecan Bt'cad

    i t. salt2--6 oz. can (1/3 c.) frozen orange

    juice concentrate thawed1--8 3/4 oz. can (1 c.) cr. pineappla~f. chopped pecans

    Cream togethe~ sugar and shortening; add egg and beat welle Sift dry ingredients;alternately add dry ingredients and orange concentrate to creamed mixture, stirringafter each addition. Stir in undrained pineapp1e and pecans. Turn into greased

    9x5 10af dish. Bake 3500 50~0 minutes. ~

    Pumplein Bread

    4 eggs ~ t. cloves 2 t. soda L J,. e"~"b

    &.. 2 2/3 c. sugar l t. cinnamon 2 c. pumpkin_S~f": ""2/3 c. shortening ~ t. nutmeg 2/3 c. water

    Y't..OcSu(. 1,' 1. /3'2 c. fiour 12 t. salt 2 3 c. nuts

    -CJ,1' ">'eV' \ ~ sVu>r~~ rl)... } t. baleing powder ::. -n c...v~.

    Put aJl ingredients in large bowl except the nuts. Beat at rdium speed until sJ'OC)o

    Fo1d in nuts. Pour 'into two greased 9x5x3. Bake 3500

    60 minute,s. Brea9 will crack.~ ',- ~\,,,,o..l\ \0':-\-"- LLc-U,,> YI-,'o1. tJ"(' v c... .. \

    'Fd\ o...\o,~.r l.. \vl Spiced Applesauce Bread

    ,lt c. applesaucel c. sugar1. '1'2 c. oJ.2 aggs3 T. milk

    2 c. flourl t. baking sodai t. baldng pOlfderi t. cinnamont t. salt'4 t. nutmeg

    1. t. allspice te. hopped pecans"(w",~Vl c. chopped pecans)'f. c. b~own sugar'2 t. ClnnaIOOn


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    Combineand mix the appIesace, sugar, oil, egps andand the spices (only the first t t. cinnamon). Stir',Tell. Fold in nuts and turn into greased 9x5x3 loafbr01'fIlsu~ar and ~ t. cinnamon; sprinkle over batter.

    milk. Sift together the flourinto applesauce mixture; beat

    an. Combinethe t c. pecans,Bake 3500 ,0-60 min. '


    Coconut Butter Cookies

    t c. butter2' c. shorteningl c. sugar1! c. flour1. t. soda

    t. baleing puwderl/B

    t. salt1. t. vanillal c. f1aked coconut

    Creambutter, shortening and sugar; add dry ingredients and mix weil.vanilla and coconut. Form into 1" balls. Bake 3.500 12-15 minutes.bake! Yield: 4 dozen.

    Blend inDo not over-

    Apricot Jam Bars

    l c. margarinel c. sugar

    2 egg yolks2 c. flour

    t c. nutsl c. apricot jam

    Beat shortening and sugar weIl. Add egg yolks, f10ur and nuts. Beat w,e11. Spoonhalf'of dough in ~eased 9x9 pan. Spread jam over dough, then put rest of dough'ontop. Bake 32j-l 50~0 minutes or til ligbtly brown. (A nice party cookie).

    2 small ripe bananas~ c. shortening2 eggs2 c. flour

    l~ c. sugarl t. baking pomler

    Banana Spice Bars

    t t. sodal t . salt1! t. cinnamon.1.-i t. cloves

    i t. nutmeg:il c. mille

    2/3 c. chopped nutsFrosting:

    2 T., butter, meltedl T. hot water

    2 t. lemon juicel c. powdered sugar

    Mashbanana; b1end in shortening and eggs; mix weIl. Add dry ingredients alternate-]:y with the milk. Fold in nuts. Turn into greased 10x15xl pan. Bake 3500 18-20mll1utes. While warm, frost;ri th above frosting. Yield: approx. 48 bars.


    2/3 c. shortening2t c. brown sugar3 eggs

    2 2/3 c. flour~ t. baleing powdert t. salt

    l t. vanilla1--6 oz. pkg.choc.chipsi-1 c. nuts, if desired

    Melt shortening in large saucepan. stir in brown sugar and cool slightly. Beat ineggs, one at a time; beat wall a..fter each addition. Fold in dry ingredients and re-maining ingr.edients. Pour in greased 15xlOxl pan. Bake 3500 l8to 20 minutes. Don'toverbake. (Be sure batter ia cool before adding chips).

    Date Bars

    3 eggs, weil beaten1 c. sugar1 c. flour

    t t. saltl t. baking powder

    l c. chopped dates1 c. chopped nuts

    -11- ....... ~

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    .Beat eggs well; add dry ingredients and blend in. Fo1d in dates and nuts. Turn intogreased 9xl3 pan. Bake 3500 25 minutes. Whencooled, cut in bars and roll in stft-cd pewdered sugar. Yield: 36 bars.

    ChevryFlake Cooldes

    2/3 c. margarine1 c. eranulated ~Jgar1 c. brown sugar2 eggs

    l t. vanilla2 c. f10url t. powderl t. salt

    1 t. soda2 c. Post Fortified Oat

    Flakes, 40%Bran Flakes,OR Grape-Nut Flakes

    Creambutter; gradually add sugars and crearn til light and fluffy. Addep:gs and va-,ni1la; beat weIl. Add dry ingredients and cereal, I1rixing unti1 blended. Drop tyteaspoonfuls onto ungreased sheet. Bake 3500 10-12 minutes. Cool slightly beforeremoving form sheet. Yie1d: 5 dozen.

    ~ , \ cr, Vz.. G. ".:>h,cr-+'., Prize 'Ginger Cooldes(b ..rk(' 4 tl~!?'-~

    Scant 3/4 c. shortening * c. rro1asses1 c. sugar 2 c. flourl egg 2 t. soda

    t t. saltl t. gingerl t. cinnannn

    Cream shorteruing and sugar; add egg and beat well. B1end in molasses. stir in dryingredients. Form into approx. 1" bal1s, dip in granulated sugar and set on cookysheet with sugar side up. Bake 3500 10 minutes. Yield: 4 dozen.

    2 c . brown su gar2 eggsU T. margarine, softt c. oolasses

    Ginger Bars

    2 t. vani11a2 c. flour1 t. sodal t. salt1t. ciIUlaIOOn

    l t. gingert t. cloves2 c. milk1 c. chopped nuts

    powdered sugar

    Cream sugar, eggs, margarine, molasses and vanil1a. Add dry ingredients to egg mix-ture alterna te].y ri th milk. Mix weIl. Add nuts. Pour into greased 15xlOxl pan.Bake 3500 20-25 minutes. Cool. Sprink1e tops of cookies with powdered sugar. Yield

    4. c. quick oatsl c. brown sugar

    Q Henry Bars

    t c. white Karol T. vanilla2/3 c. butter, melted

    Topping:1--6 oz. pkg.choc. chips2/3 c. chunky peanutbutter

    Mix oats and sugar; add the Karo, vanilla and melted butter. Mi.x weIl and pat into

    greased 9x13 pan. Bake 3750 12 minutes (no more). Cool. Melt chips over low heat;add peanutbutter. Spread on the coo1ed crust. eut wben set. Yield: 48 squares.

    le. shortening1 c. granula ted sugarl c. brOWIlsugar2 eggs

    Oatmeal Sugar Cooldes

    11 c. flour12 t. soda! t. baking power

    i t. salt2 t. cinnazoonl t. vani11a3 c. oatmeal

    Creamshorlening and sugars; add eggs. Combinedry ingredients lfith creamed mixture.


  • 8/14/2019 The Spirit of 76


    Stir in vanill ..~ .::l!)d o.:;.tmeal. (ChilI dough il nec0s~;arJ j i!orm lleU,"l1 i.nto l' .. ,3113dip in granulated sugar and set on cooly sheet vrith sugar side up. 'Bake 3500 for8-10 minutes. Do not overbake! Yield: 5 dozen.


    l c. margarineIt c. sugar2 eggs

    2 3/ c. f10ur2 t. cream of tartarl t. soda

    ~t. salt2 T. sugar, topping2 t. cinnamonl

    Mix the shortening, 1~ c. sugar' and aggs thorough1y. B1end in dry ingredients and sti

    well. Shapedough in lit balls. Roll in mixture of Sligar and cinna.m::>n. Place on un-ggeased baking sheet. Bake 3500 8-10 minutes. Yield: 5 dozen. (Don't overbake).

    Chocolate Crinkles

    1 c. vegetable oil4-1 oz. sq. unSW8etened

    chocolate, melted

    2 c. sugar4 eggs2 t. vanilla2 c. fiour

    2 t. baking polfdar.l. t. saltct c. powder su!

  • 8/14/2019 The Spirit of 76


    !ombinee(;gs, m;;.qp.:-inc ri.nd SUG;l1 ..nd bc:s.., ,,~11.until blended. Add four and nuts and mix ~ll.Bake 3500 for 25-30 minutes. Frosting:

    2 T. marg~ine l c. powdered sugar, siftedl T. milk l t. peppermint extract

    Tllorough1yblend the 2 T. margarine and milk.the coo1ed baked layer. Whenthe frosting isients which have been melted together. Plac~firme eut into strips 3/4 x 2~1I. Yield: 48

    i.dJ .;l:Gulate and t!xl-ract awi Si.LrPour into greased 9" square pan.

    Ghze:1--1 oz. sq. chocolatel T. margarine

    Add the sugar ~nd extract. Spread ovefirm, spread over it the glaze ingred-in refri~erator until the chocolate isstrips.

    Chocolate Nut Wafers

    1 c. shortening2 c. sugar2 eggs

    2 t. vanilla4-1', oz. sq. unsweetened


    Ilc. f10ur1'2 t. salt3/4 c. nuts, chopped

    Cream ~hortening and sugar. Blend in eggs and vani11a. Add chocolate and dry ingred-ients and mix welle Fold in 'nuts. Drop by small teaspoonfuls on cooy $heet. F1attenwith. a smoth bottom glas:! that has been grea:sed lfith shortening. Dip in lT'ater as yoflatten each cooky. Bake 3250 for 10-12 minutes. Let cookies set on sheet about oneminute before remoTing. Yield: 5-6 dozen.

    Chocolate Sherry Cream ~

    4-1 oz. sq. unS1f8etenedchocolate

    l c. margarine

    4 eggs2 c. sugar1 c. flour

    t t'. saltl t~ vanilla.

    1. c.1 c.4

    4 T.

    Frosting:butter 4 c. pwd.milk ~u@'arsherry 1 c. nuts

    Melt chocolate and butter over 10lf heat and let cool. Beat eggs until light, then adsugar gradually. Blend in chocolate mixture, dry ingredients and vanil1a. Beat onefull minute. Pour into greased lOx15xl pan. Bake 20-25' 3250 Cool. Forfrosting, beat butter and sugar together, adding milk and sherry gradually. When lil!hand flufty, add walnuts. Mix '1re1l and spread over base. Cut in 3/4x2tn Yie1d: 60.(A good party cooky; excellent for Christmas; keep ~ll).

    Chocolate Spice Brownies

    2 c.2 c.1. c.

    ~ c.


    4 T.l c.1. c.21t.


    (or soured milk)

    2 t. cinnamon~ t. salt1t. Tanill;.2 eggs

    Measure flour and sugar into bOlfl. D'ring the :sh6rtenings, cocoa and water to a boil;pour over flour mixture and beat weIl. Add remaining ingredients and blend thoroughlyPour into greased lOx15x1 pan. Bake 4000 for 18-20 minutes. Frosting: Fiva minutesbefore cake is done, melt in 2 qt. pan and bring to a boil the fo110wing:3 ingredients

    1.) J.. c. margarine 3.) 4 T. Cocoa l t. vanilla

    2.) 4-6 T...milk l lb. ,powdered sugar, sifted ' 3/4 c. chopped nutsAdd the sifted po1fdered sugar, vanilla and nuts. Spread OTer base ,,",hile still WarIn.Yield: 48 large squares.


    ~mon De:ssert

    i lb. vanilla wafers 3 egg yolks1 can Eagle Brand SWeetened

    Condensed milk

    t pt. lfbipping cream juice or 2 !resh 1emons


  • 8/14/2019 The Spirit of 76


    Crush vanil1a TTafeI'S. PIO\.cehal.f in ~x9 pan. \'fhip the milkj .add yoLks and juice andbeat "ffell. Pour over crumbs. Whipwhipped cream; a,dd a little suga.r and vanilla.Pour over milk mixture. Top ri th remaining crurobs. Refrigeratc 24 hrs, Serves 9.(Double recipe for 9xl3 pan--about h8 cooldes).

    Creamy Pumpkin Spica Dessert

    2 c. graharo craclr crumbsi c margarine, melted4 c. sugar

    2 c. pumpldn 'l lb. marshmallo'\'1'sl t. cinnaroon

    t t. each of c1oves, nutmeg,ginger, salt

    1pt. whip cream, lfhipped

    Mix graham crackers, melted margarine :md sugar. Press mixture l'irmly into bottom of9:

  • 8/14/2019 The Spirit of 76


    Fruit Cocktail Cake

    2 c. fruit cocktail, drained(No. 30) can)

    2 eggs, weIl beaten

    1c. sugarli c. flour1t. soda

    1. t. salt1 c. brown sugar~ c. cboppedwalnuts'..

    Drain fruit Beat eggs til light and fluffy. Fold in dry ingredients. Adddrained fruit cocktail and beat weIl. Pour in greased 9x9 pan. Mi:lc broml sugar, withnuts; sprinkle over top of batter Bake )O()O for 1 hr. 15 minutes. Serve WarIn withdessert topping. Serves 8-9.

    t c. butter2--1 oz. sq. unsweetened

    ~ FudgeSauce

    li c. sugarchocolate 178 t. salt

    1-5 1/3 oz. can evaporated m:i.lki t. vani11a

    Melt butter and chocolate; add sugar gradually. Stir until sugar dissolves. Addsalt. Slo1l':qadd Cooka few minutes until 'ail sugar is dissolved and sauceis thickened. Serve WarDl over ice cream. Refrigerate arr:! 1eftovers. Mustbe heat-ed bafore Serves 4-6. (This is' haU the recipe-can easily be doubledto makea larger portion.) (Addsome of the milk lfith the sugar to get more liquid).


    Pink WinePunch

    4-10 oz. pIegs. frozen sliced strmmerries 2--12 oz. cans frozen lemonade1 c. sugar concentrate24 gal. bottles Rosrine, chilled 2 qt. club soda (or 28 oz.bottles)

    In large container combinethawed strmerries with sugar and 1qt. Ros~. let standfor an hour, covered. strain into punch bcn, add lemonade; stir until thall'ed. Addremaining bottles ot Rose, then 2 bottles of club soda. Addblock of ice, stir gently

    and serve. Yield: 6O-four oz. servings.

    8 slice. wheat sandwichbreadt c. mqonnaise Paprika


    2 T. instant mincedonion or 1 small onion,6 T. parmesan.cheese finely chopped

    TriD. crusts off bread and toast one side until brownunder the broiler. Mi.x remaininingredients and spread on untoasted side. Cut bread into quarters and sprinkle eachheavily' with paprika. Broil until brown. Yield: 32 appetizers.

    Zippr ~ Salad Dressing

    1-8 oz. can (1 c.) diced beetsl c. ma.yonnaiseor salad dressing

    li t. prepared horseradishl mediumhead iceberg lettuce

    Thorough~ drain beets, resernng liquide Mashbeets slight~ wi th fork; stir inmayqnnaise,horseradish and dash salt. Addbeet juice, if needed, to makemixture ofdesired ,consistency-. Core lettuce and eut in 6 wedges. Spoonon dressing. Serves 6(A deep pink dressing--good during nnter 1lentomatoes are scarce).