The Spirit in ways of the dark and the strength of...

The Spirit in You

Transcript of The Spirit in ways of the dark and the strength of...

Page 1: The Spirit in ways of the dark and the strength of the light. She is quiet, beautiful, and observant. She is a rare and powerful guide,

The Spirit in You

Page 2: The Spirit in ways of the dark and the strength of the light. She is quiet, beautiful, and observant. She is a rare and powerful guide,



This publication is dedicated to Dean, my confidante, my advisor, my teacher,

my counselor, my Magic 8 Ball - My friend.

There is not more than that.

Peace, Love and Harmony

Compiled and edited for you through extensive research.

Live well, Laugh often

And Love with ALL

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Table of Contents Animal Totems or Animal Guides 5 The Protectors Dragon 6 Pegasus 6 Phoenix 6 Unicorn 6 Our Familiars Cat 7 Crow 7 Dog 8 Magpie 8 Owl 8 Raven 9 The Workers Bee 9 Butterfly 9 Chinchilla 10 Frog 10 Lizard 10 Moose 11 Turtle 11 The Special Ones Dolphin 11 Whale 11 All About Angels 12 Orders of Angels 13 Egyptian Symbols 16 Ankh 16 Bast 17 Crescent Moon 17 Eye Of Horus 17 Feather of Maat 17

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Table of Contents

Egyptian Symbols continued . . . Lotus 18 Pyramid 18 Scarab 18 Native American Symbols 19 Colors and What They Mean 20 Red 20 Magenta 22 Orange 23 Yellow 23 Green 23 Pink 24 Turquoise 25 Sky Blue 25 Indigo 26 Purple 26 White 27 Black 27 The End 28

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Animal Totems or Animal Guides

It is said that all people have nine Animal Totems or Animal Guides that walk through life with us; teaching, guiding and protecting us if we so desire and with our acceptance on some level. Major changes in our lives can change our Animal Guides and there may be times when we need an extra guide or protector which may just appear, or upon our request, depending on life’s challenges. Our Animal Guides represent the East, the South, the West, the North, Above as Below and beside us, one on our Male Side or right and one on our Female Side or left = nine Guides. Animal Guides fall into three categories; Protectors, Familiars, and Workers. Protectors are usually a Dragon, Phoenix, Unicorn or Pegasus. Familiars are usually a Cat, Dog, or possibly even a Crow, Magpie, Owl, or Raven. All other animals including the above, if they are not your Familiar, are Workers. Whales and Dolphins fall into a different category as they have a very high vibration.

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The Protectors DRAGON is fierce and magical. He allows changes to take place in the ways we observe and think. He brings vitality, enthusiasm and great courage, enhancing our abilities to be leaders. Dragon shows us what we are truly capable of doing, bringing with him great focus, clarity and inspiration. He is very protective, sharing his compassion with us. Dragon must be treated with great respect or he can disappear in a twinkle.

PHOENIX renews our bodies, minds and spirits. He makes us whole. Phoenix reminds us that nothing is impossible, that we are the Creators of our destinies. He gives us hope in the middle of despair, giving us strength to persevere, knowing that we emerge greater than we ever were before.

UNICORN makes our dreams come true by developing our personal powers. She connects the human plane to the magical spiritual plane. Unicorn is very powerful, but gentle and kind. The spiral of the horn represents the healing spiral, so she allows us to develop our healing abilities.

PEGASUS reminds us that we are without limits, except those that we impose upon ourselves, guiding us to release those limitations. He does not accept physical limitations. Pegasus is a loving and gentle companion that

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inspires us artistically, quickly and with great wisdom. He travels between dimensions and allows us to travel with him, enhancing our psychic abilities, protecting us wherever we may travel. Pegasus reminds us that the mind is greater than the body. The body is capable of only so much, taking us only so far, but it is the mind that triumphs over all adversity.

Our Familiars

CAT teaches us to relax and enjoy life, knowing when to be gentle and when to become ferocious, but easily returning to peaceful harmony. Cats are magical, mysterious, mystical, mischievous, but independent,

sharing all of those attributes with us. Cat leads us through the light, into the dark, and back into the light again. Cats are miniature lions and tigers so they are strong, resourceful and fearless, giving us confidence and courage. When a Cat is afoot, mystery and magic are there, too! CROW is the “Keeper of the Sacred Law.” As such, Crow reminds us that there is no time. He simultaneously exists in all worlds, past, present and future, and accordingly shares this information with us. He is the messenger. Crow has great personal integrity and is here to remind us to be aware of our opinions and actions, speaking our truths knowing that it is part of our life’s mission and that we, too, are messengers. Crow is very powerful and aids us in making necessary changes.

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DOG is loyal, faithful and playful. Do not ignore Dog or he may vanish. Dog has a great ability to love, whether you deserve it or not, protecting you while you find your way. If you hunt for the truth no matter where it may take you, the Dog will help you find the trail without judgment, only with deep compassion and understanding sharing these qualities with you. Dog spirit never gives up.

MAGPIE is very smart and so are you! He can do anything, but beware of being “a jack of all trades, but a master of none,” unless that suits you, of course. Magpie has great occult knowledge so he has the ability to

open portals of understanding for you. Use Magpie wisely and he will be with you always for he loves to share the unknown to the known, but make sure that you are wise enough to complete tasks and follow through with the information and training or it is all for nothing. OWL is the symbol of the moon and the night. Owl is wise and prophetic, the extractor of secrets. He can see into your very Soul. Owl has access to all knowledge, and through meditation you can, too. Listen to the voice inside of you and you will hear what is said and not said by others. Trust your instincts.

Owl energy is very strong and powerful so can be a bit overwhelming and threatening, but is ultimately kind and benign. Remember not to overwhelm others with your information and paranormal knowledge.

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RAVEN is dark in the light and light in the dark. He entreats us to enter our dark places within and find only the light and bring it forward, resolving our inner conflicts. This is when a true healing takes

place. Raven is magical and creative while being pragmatic and a realist – giving us the ability to take a thought and turn it into a reality. He allows us to make great changes within ourselves, while being accepting of others, allowing them to make changes at their own paces, and quoth the Raven, “nevermore . . .”

The Workers Of course, there are many more, but I thought you’d enjoy these most! BEE can accomplish the impossible, and does every time he flies. It is aerodynamically impossible for the bee to fly so he symbolizes the impossible! He is also a symbol of fertility. The Bee’s honeycomb is a hexagon or the symbol of the heart, the Sun and all its energies, reminding us to take all of the honey out of life while the Sun shines. Bee shouts, “Examine your own productivity! Are you busy enough or are you a workaholic? All dreams can be accomplished, but enjoy life while you’re doing it.”

BUTTERFLY dances the dance of Joy and change. She is the symbol of the Soul. Butterfly reminds us that life is not to be taken too seriously, that we should find joy in all things, and life is sweet just as it is.

Butterfly encourages change, gently not traumatically, for the process can be a learning experience of pleasure if we simply allow it to be. If you see a Butterfly, her message is one of change, so change! You will like the outcome. Allowing is the message.

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CHINCHILLA carries with her the old magic ways of the dark and the strength of the light. She is quiet, beautiful, and observant. She is a rare and powerful guide, but sometimes difficult to understand. Her strength is not her beauty, but her endurance. Chinchilla has secret knowledge, but does not waste it on the unconscious. Listen! Her message is one of intelligence and the ability to understand what may be hidden from others. Do not underestimate the Chinchilla as her gift to you is one of grace and confidence.

FROG symbolizes transmutation – change from the tiny, quiet tadpole to the energetic, active Frog. Frog is a symbol of change. Frog allows you the knowledge to come into your own personal power. Frog’s environment is water so he reminds us to

get in touch with our feelings and to be comfortable with them. His job is to cleanse his environment, symbolic of allowing us to release or cleanse ourselves of all negativity. LIZARD reminds us to listen to our own intuitions, instead of listening to others’. Lizards live in the shadows. Dreams are our shadow sides. Pay attention to your dreams for they have information that we may want to refute while awake. Dreams are shadows of our fears and our hopes. Lizard also teaches us to not to be too attached to the things of this world. Sometimes it is necessary to detach ourselves from things and others to be able to accomplish our goals. Lizard teaches objectivity.

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MOOSE is symbolic of primal female energy. In times of uncertainty he is still wise, strong, has confidence, and endures. His message is to know and understand - when to speak and when not to speak. Moose is a study in contradictions. He is clumsy, yet graceful - large, yet swift and silent. Moose has excellent depth perception. All of these

things and more he shares with you. TURTLE is the very oldest symbol known to man. She is the hearth keeper, the caretaker of the Earth. She reminds you

to honor the creative abilities within you - to honor your femininity and ability to take care of your home and surroundings. Turtle is the teacher of faster is not better, slowness does accomplish more, safely and more enjoyably and allows you to use the limitless energies that are available to you from the Universe simply by allowing. Her message is one of harmony.

The Special Ones DOLPHIN is all about breathing, sound, and gentle healing. This makes Dolphin the perfect Totem for those who use their voices; singers or speakers and, of course, for healers, particularly midwives. Dolphin reminds us to play and breathe, for without breath there is no life! WHALE is independent and creative. Whale teaches us to plummet to the very depths of our being, knowing when to come up for air, to search everywhere for truth,

but to live on the earth plane as well. He is power and magic together and shares that knowledge with us, knowing that balance is necessary for harmony in the spiritual and human

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All About Angels! If a bunch of geese is a gaggle and a clump of bananas is a bunch – if a family of lions is a pride and several wolves are a pack – if a coop of chickens is a flock and scads of quail are called a covey, what is a group of Angels called???

The Angels are a different species. They are different from you and me. They are a higher or enhanced vibration than we are, and they are certainly more refined! They are most certainly aware of us, even if we are not so aware of them. Our closest is our companion, our Guardian Angel, maybe even known to us as a Spirit Guide, although not all Spirit Guides are

necessarily from the Angelic Realm, they may simply be humans that chose to assist other humans instead of reincarnate as a human just then. Although they usually come to us on their own terms of tenderness and love we can ask, even demand, that they do come to us and assist us – for our highest good, of course! They work with our souls and our Universal or Higher Minds or God/Goddess connections. Our Universal Minds and our conscious minds enter into dialogue with our Angels, and as we practice this dialogue and become more familiar with working with Angels our awareness level will increase and it will become easier to receive information. Simply believe and practice, becoming quite comfortable with the entire process.

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Orders of Angels There are different levels or Orders of Angels. Most people have heard of only four. The Orders according to the book of Enoch, which was a pseudonym of Dionysos, are the following: The Heavenly Counselors

1. Seraphim - Angels of Love, Light and Fire 2. Cherubim - Full of Knowledge 3. Thrones - Wheels of Transformative Energy

The Heavenly Governors

4. Dominions 5. Virtues 6. Powers

The Heavenly Messengers

7. Principalities - always in the presence of God 8. Archangels 9. Angels

The Principalities are the guardians of large groups such as cities, states, nations, governments. It is the Principalities that we should be calling upon right now to intervene and assist world powers in making wise decisions in the face of tyranny and war mongering. The Archangels are the supervisors or “Head Angels in Charge” of the Angels. Many of them we know by name. Michael: The Warrior Archangel, The Brave Protector, who channels God’s Word. When we need a courageous combatant, call upon Michael to help us win or at the very least understand our own personal wars or problems.

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Gabriel: God’s Private Eye and Secret Messenger. Pick him when you’re looking for the Sherlock Holmes of Angels, gatherer of information or knowledge, or have him take a communication to someone. Raphael: for Physical and Mental Healing for yourself or for your loved ones. Just ask! Uriel: Spiritual Growth and Personal Understanding. Uriel is a wonderful and understanding teacher. The Angels are closest to humanity and are concerned with human affairs. They can be companion angels and guides. God has given them a mission, and their mission is to take care of us and be at our disposal. You can call upon them generally or specifically and, just as it is always better to be specific rather than general when making a request to another person if you do want it to get done, it is so with the Angels. Be specific in your request. If you want to sell your home, ask for assistance from a Real Estate Angel not a Nurse Angel. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a healing, better to ask for a Healing or Nurse Angel than a Longshoreman Angel. Yes, be very specific as to the expertise of the Angel and be specific as to your desires and what you want as an outcome – keeping in mind always, that it be for the highest good of all concerned. Although Angels are most popular in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as well as in Zoroastrianism, there are references to Angels in most religions. They are mentioned about 300 times in the bible. We understand that they have been given the difficult task of helping mankind in Psalms 91:11-12. They are immortal and Ageless, Matt 22:30. They are sexless, visible or invisible as they wish.

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In the Bhagavad Gita, devotees give daily offering to Angels, and all of the major religions of the world include the higher orders as part of their understanding of the world of spirits. So, now that you know more about Angels, remember that they really are sent by God to be at your beck and call. Most people kind of just stagger through life, never asking for their assistance. Sometimes it becomes even too much for the inhabitants of the Angelic Realms and they take matters into their own hands and intercede in our lives, often with very dramatic effect. We all know some very wonderful Angel stories, and this might be a wonderful time to share some of those stories, so I invite you to tell your favorite Angel story to us. By the way, there are Choirs of Angels that are waiting for our instructions! Many Blessings to all of you, and remember – just call on your Angels! That’s what they’re there for.

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Egyptian Symbols

Egyptian symbols are known all over the world because of their magical qualities, the mysteries they hold, but mostly because we do believe them to be very, very powerful and yet have not yet been able to access those secrets or the power. Depicted in hieroglyphs, these symbols were called, "the words of God" and were used mainly by priests.

Ankh The Ankh is the Egyptian hieroglyphic character that means "life." Only Pharaohs, Kings, Queens and Gods were allowed to carry this very potent symbol for the person holding it had the power to give life or take it away from lesser mortals. It is the combination of two universal

symbols, the cross and the circle. The Ankh evokes images of the Sun rising over the crossbar path of the horizon, indicating daily rebirth. The horizontal and vertical bars of the lower cross represent the feminine and masculine energies. This combination of male and female symbols - the cross and the circle in the Ankh -suggests fertility and creative power. The Ankh appears frequently in ancient Egyptian writing with two other hieroglyphs meaning "strength" and "health." In later years, it came to be known as the Egyptian Cross and the "key of life", its key-like shape inspiring the belief that it could unlock the "gates of death."

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Crescent Moon

Among the most powerful of all lucky symbols, the Crescent Moon is especially lucky for young children and their mothers, symbolizing fertility, motherhood, women, and is a healer of the sick. The Crescent Moon rules all things magical.

Eye of Horus

Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is also called the Eye of Ra, which is associated with vitality, protection, wisdom, health and regeneration.

Feather of Maat

A symbol of truth, justice, morality and balance. The hearts of the deceased were weighed against Maat's feather at the Final Judgment. If the heart of a "truth speaker" was equal to the feather, known as being "light

-hearted," he would be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Osiris or Heaven. If the heart was heavy with sin and weighed more than the feather of Maat, the deceased was devoured by the monster Ammut.

Bast, the daughter of Ra, the Sun God, was known as the Cat Headed Goddess. She was a symbol of love, happiness, fertility and Protector of the Home. She was associated with both fertility and childbirth. She was also the goddess of music, dancing and joy.

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Symbol of the Sun, creation, purity and rebirth, a Lotus Flower with its radiant yellow center, the Egyptian blue lotus resembles the Sun emanating from the primeval waters as told in the myth of creation. At night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises, opens again and is reborn again. In mathematics, the Lotus hieroglyph symbolizes the number, one thousand. It is also symbolic of Upper Egypt and represents the resurrection of Isis.

Pyramid A Pyramid is a very important symbol in Sacred Geometry. It is said to be the single most powerful shape. It is believed that the shape itself is symbolic of our present human

experiences, being solidly “planted” with a firm foundation on the Earth, but with eternal aspirations of climbing to the spiritual dimension. It is said that all of the knowledge of the Universe is contained within the Pyramid. Pyramids amplify and then tightly focus energy through their apexes.


Symbolic of creation, strength, protection and transformation, the Scarab personified Khepri, a Sun God associated with resurrection. As such, the Scarab is considered good luck and wards off evil. These amulets were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead, with the further entreaty, "do not stand as a witness against me."

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Native American Symbols

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Colors and What They Mean Color has been investigated and used for more than 4,000 years. Throughout history, different civilizations have experimented and learned more about color. Studies have shown that ancient civilizations can

be defined in their social, cultural and spiritual advancement predicated by the number of colors they are able to recognize during a given period of time. We are still learning today about how color affects us and its importance in our lives.

RED, The First or Base Chakra Red is a bold color that commands attention! Red gives the impression of seriousness and dignity, represents heat, fire and rage, it is known to escalate the body's metabolism. Red can also signify passion and love. Red promotes excitement and action. It is a bold color that signifies danger, which is why it's used on stop signs. Using too much red should be done with caution because of its domineering qualities. Red is the most powerful of colors. The longest wave length in the visible spectrum is red. It is the lowest rate of vibration of the visible spectrum. It is an outgoing vibration related to aggressiveness and conquest, i.e. blood. It is an expression of vitality, of nervousness, and of glandular activity. It is a very exciting color. A strong, clear red in the aura indicates force, vigor, and energy. It is also the color of warmth, love and tenderness. A clear dark red is a sensual color, building and stimulating the five senses. It is a very strong selling color. High pressure salesmanship is a red vibration. It is an irritant and excitant. A dark and cloudy red indicates high temper and nervous

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turmoil. A light thin red aura indicates an impulsive and self-centered person with very little reserve of nervous energy. The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is such an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves and the police. In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture is perfect to attract attention. Red is often used in restaurant decorating schemes because it is an appetite stimulant.

Man evolves from the low gross color of Red/blood through the entire color spectrum to the highest of colors, Purple/White/God. The negative aspect of red is an aggressive warlike attitude and instability with a very strong sex drive.


Magenta balances the emotions. It is soothing and relaxing both to over-emotional and under-emotional conditions. It stimulates and builds the heart. It produces similar stimulative and depressive effects to

those of both scarlet and purple although it works slightly slower. It will raise or lower blood pressure automatically to produce a normal condition. It balances sexual desires and abilities. As with green, magenta is used for all disorders and conditions and makes the other colors more effective. It builds the aura, strengthening and intensifying the auric field.

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ORANGE, The Second or Navel Chakra

Orange is the color of success, athletes, and warriors—perhaps because they are highly competitive. Although it is excellent for building and sustaining confidence, too much orange can cause excessive aggressive behavior. Projected on the

body it contributes to the following: It helps you expand your interest and activities. It increases oxygen by stimulating the lungs and thyroid glands. It stimulates the production of milk in the mammary glands. This eliminates the need for animal milks and artificial formulas. Nothing can compare with mother's milk if she is eating the correct foods. It is effective in stopping hiccups. Because orange doesn’t show up often in nature, it tends to jump out at us when we see it. For that reason, it’s often used for life jackets, road cones, and hunting vests. More sports teams have orange as their brand than any other single color.

YELLOW, The Third or Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow is the most visible color and is the first color the human eye notices! Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. Yellow leaves a warm and satisfying impression, lively and stimulating. Dark yellow can be oppressive while light yellow is breezy. Yellow's stimulating nature and high visibility to the eye is the reason why many road signs are bold yellow contrasted by black text as are buses, taxis and Smiley Faces. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads.

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While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow is a creative color. It brings the following benefits: stimulating, activating, endless energy and building of the motivating actions in the body. Creates mental and emotional self-confidence and courage. It increases the appetite and metabolism. Aids in better assimilation for better nutrition. Yellow is the color of inspiration, knowledge, and the joy of learning. Insects don’t like yellow.

GREEN, The Fourth or Heart Chakra Green and blue are the most restful colors for the eye to behold — sky, water and plants. It is always a popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting

to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients and gives them hope. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.

Green is the master color. It is the fulcrum or pivot point of the primary colors and stands out as the key to prepare the body for more effective results from the other colors. It is the vibrant color of life and growth---the most predominating color in the life force of our planet. It is crisp, cool, and fresh-cleaning in nature. Green has universal appeal to the sense of balance and normality. It raises the vibrations of the body above the vibrations of disease---a form of immunity from all diseases. It destroys and heals all infections.

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Hospitals find fewer infections when green is present. It is the color of clarity, building cells and tissues. Plants create nitrogen, the substance of protein, the builder of muscles and are easily digested. Animal proteins are highly toxic, destructive and require extensive digestion. Many elements needed by the body are absorbed from the air through the lungs. It is recognized that oxygen and hydrogen are taken from the air, but few realize that nitrogen is also from the air and used as a protein builder. Breathing fresh air and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are the most healthful things that we can do for ourselves. Smoking prevents the lungs from utilizing the nitrogen from the air. Heavy smokers have a craving for toxic animal proteins. Plants obtain a great percentage of their nitrogen from the air. Green is the best basic color for good health.

Pink Pink is the most gender specific color. Pink represents femininity and has a gentle nature. Pink is associated with sweets like candy and bubble gum. It also symbolizes softness. Pink and blue color

combos are most associated with babies, soaps and detergents. The most romantic color, pink is very tranquilizing. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.

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Turquoise is very calming, cooling and relaxing---especially for headaches and pressures. If you have trouble sleeping use turquoise in bedding or bedroom. Use instead of sleeping pills---a mild sedative with no side effects.

SKY BLUE, The Fifth or Throat Chakra The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors and the second most powerful color. It causes the opposite reaction to red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

The oxygen in blue unites or intercepts the hydrogen in red to increase perspiration as a fever is broken. It is a vitality builder---the oxygen neutralizes the fatigue poisons for a more relaxed and calming condition. Blue is the color of the pineal gland, the color of the spirit. A strong, deep blue in the aura indicates maturity, calmness, and dependability. A light thin blue in the aura indicates anemia. Blue is a creative force. It produces a peaceful effect for sounder sleep. It relieves itching and irritations.

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Blue represents masculinity. Blue is often associated with somber emotions like sadness, gloom and fear. Blue is a contemplative color.

INDIGO, The Sixth or Third Eye Chakra Indigo depresses the thyroid and at the same time stimulates the parathyroid. It is an analgesic---giving relief especially to pain from extreme swelling. Actually reduces acute swelling as well as relieving the pain. It is a very strong

sedative. Indigo when used in a bedroom has a narcotic effect, producing a strong, deep sleep. Upon awakening, there are no hangovers or drug-like, effects. Instead, one feels alive, alert, and refreshed. It stimulates psychic abilities and accessing universal knowledge.

PURPLE, The Seventh or Crown Chakra The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic, however, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.

Violet has the shortest wave length of the visible colors. It relaxes, calms, and depresses the nerves, as in over excitable people. It reduces excitement and extreme irritations, depresses the appetite, is a cardiac depressant, is relaxing and soothing to the muscles and nerves controlling the heart. It gives a wonderful deep sleep similar to Indigo. In extremes it designates and enhances depression and mental illness.

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The Crown Chakra is the umbilical cord to God. It is a shaft of light which begins as Purple at the top of your head and as it progresses upward becomes a lighter and lighter shade until it is White or Bright Light. It is your direct connection to God.


White is the color of purity. Brides wear white in many countries, because white symbolizes virginity. White means kindness. In some cultures white is worn at funerals. White is Monday's color. White daisies are symbols of loyal love.

Strictly speaking, White is not a color, but the manifestation of the presence of all color - the complete energy of light or God. It stands for wholeness and completion. In many cultures it represents openness and truth. White has a cold quality. It can provide clarity as its energy is complete.

White has purification vibrations and can be used to clear blocks from your path. It holds the potential to move toward every other color and this makes it a good choice for new beginnings, and development in any direction. Put some white in your life when you want: to clear clutter and obstacles away, to start a fresh beginning, to bring about mental clarity, or purification of thoughts or actions.


Black is the color of protection, authority, and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is considered stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify

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submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearers seem aloof or evil. Villains always wear black hats and vampires, including Dracula, always wore Black. Most uniforms traditionally are black, a combination of submission to a higher power/officer, authority over others, while also protecting them.