The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects...

The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects Humans Julia R. Ko ¨ hler 1 , Arturo Casadevall 2 , and John Perfect 3 1 Division of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 2 Departments of Microbiology and Immunology and Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York 10461 3 Division of Infectious Diseases, Duke Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710 Correspondence: [email protected] Few among the millions of fungal species fulfill four basic conditions necessary to infect humans: high temperature tolerance, ability to invade the human host, lysis and absorption of human tissue, and resistance to the human immune system. In previously healthy individu- als, invasive fungal disease is rare because animals’sophisticated immune systems evolved in constant response to fungal challenges. In contrast, fungal diseases occur frequently in immunocompromised patients. Paradoxically, successes of modern medicine have put in- creasing numbers of patients at risk for invasive fungal infections. Uncontrolled HIVinfection additionally makes millions vulnerable to lethal fungal diseases. A concerted scientific and social effort is needed to meet these challenges. F ungal infections today are among the most difficult diseases to manage in humans. Some fungi cause disease in healthy people, but most fungal infections occur in individuals al- ready experiencing serious illness, and frequent- ly jeopardize the success of the newest medical advances in cancer care, solid organ and hema- topoietic stem cell transplantation, neonatal medicine, autoimmune disease therapies, trau- ma and intensive care, and sophisticated sur- gery. In fact, these medical advances themselves often make their beneficiaries vulnerable to fungal disease. Treatment can involve breaching normal immune functions, or susceptible pa- tients, such as extremely premature newborns who survive long enough to become infected by a fungus. The following discussion intends to touch on highlights of the evolutionary developments by which living humans became substrates for fungi. Given the tremendous wealth of recent findings on fungal evolution, phylogenetics, ge- nomics, development, and pathogenesis, this overview will necessarily omit much work criti- cal to our understanding of fungi, which the other articles in this collection will focus on in detail. Among the estimated 1.5–5.0 million fun- gal species on planet Earth (O’Brien et al. 2005), only several hundred cause disease in humans, and very few are able to affect healthy people. Animals coevolved with fungi, and the sophis- ticated and potent human immune system arose from the constant challenge posed by the mi- crobial world. Fungal pathogens likely adapted their pathogenic repertoire to other animal prey—mammals, insects, and even unicellular amoebae—before encountering and attacking Editors: Arturo Casadevall, Aaron P. Mitchell, Judith Berman, Kyung J. Kwon-Chung, John R. Perfect, and Joseph Heitman Additional Perspectives on Human Fungal Pathogens available at Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019273 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a019273 1 on May 20, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Page 1: The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects · fungi likely evolved in association with plants (Humphreysetal.2010),whosenighttimetem-perature

The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects Humans

Julia R. Kohler1, Arturo Casadevall2, and John Perfect3

1Division of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 021152Departments of Microbiology and Immunology and Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine, New York, New York 10461

3Division of Infectious Diseases, Duke Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710

Correspondence: [email protected]

Few among the millions of fungal species fulfill four basic conditions necessary to infecthumans: high temperature tolerance, ability to invade the human host, lysis and absorption ofhuman tissue, and resistance to the human immune system. In previously healthy individu-als, invasive fungal disease is rare because animals’sophisticated immune systems evolved inconstant response to fungal challenges. In contrast, fungal diseases occur frequently inimmunocompromised patients. Paradoxically, successes of modern medicine have put in-creasing numbers of patients at risk for invasive fungal infections. Uncontrolled HIV infectionadditionally makes millions vulnerable to lethal fungal diseases. A concerted scientific andsocial effort is needed to meet these challenges.

Fungal infections today are among the mostdifficult diseases to manage in humans.

Some fungi cause disease in healthy people, butmost fungal infections occur in individuals al-ready experiencing serious illness, and frequent-ly jeopardize the success of the newest medicaladvances in cancer care, solid organ and hema-topoietic stem cell transplantation, neonatalmedicine, autoimmune disease therapies, trau-ma and intensive care, and sophisticated sur-gery. In fact, these medical advances themselvesoften make their beneficiaries vulnerable tofungal disease. Treatment can involve breachingnormal immune functions, or susceptible pa-tients, such as extremely premature newbornswho survive long enough to become infected bya fungus.

The following discussion intends to touchon highlights of the evolutionary developments

by which living humans became substrates forfungi. Given the tremendous wealth of recentfindings on fungal evolution, phylogenetics, ge-nomics, development, and pathogenesis, thisoverview will necessarily omit much work criti-cal to our understanding of fungi, which theother articles in this collection will focus on indetail.

Among the estimated 1.5–5.0 million fun-gal species on planet Earth (O’Brien et al. 2005),only several hundred cause disease in humans,and very few are able to affect healthy people.Animals coevolved with fungi, and the sophis-ticated and potent human immune system arosefrom the constant challenge posed by the mi-crobial world. Fungal pathogens likely adaptedtheir pathogenic repertoire to other animalprey—mammals, insects, and even unicellularamoebae—before encountering and attacking

Editors: Arturo Casadevall, Aaron P. Mitchell, Judith Berman, Kyung J. Kwon-Chung, John R. Perfect, and Joseph Heitman

Additional Perspectives on Human Fungal Pathogens available at

Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019273

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Page 2: The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects · fungi likely evolved in association with plants (Humphreysetal.2010),whosenighttimetem-perature

humans. But unlike plants, insects, and ecto-thermic vertebrates (animals whose body tem-perature fluctuates with their surroundings),mammals are highly resistant to invasive fungaldiseases, and evolution of endothermy andhomeothermy enhanced antifungal immunity(Robert and Casadevall 2009; Bergman andCasadevall 2010). The remarkable resistance ofmammals to fungal pathogens has been hypoth-esized to be responsible for emergence of mam-mals as the dominant land species, when pro-liferation of fungi at the end of the Cretaceousera created a “fungal filter” that selected for thisanimal group (Casadevall 2005, 2012).

For a fungus, parasitizing a human is a de-manding strategy. Four criteria must be fulfilled.(1) It must be able to grow at a high tempera-ture, at or above 37˚C. (2) It must be able toreach the tissues it will parasitize, by penetratinghost tissue barriers, or by circumventing themthrough small airborne cells that enter air-filledspaces of lungs and sinuses directly. (3) It mustbe able to digest and absorb components ofhuman tissues. (4) Finally, it must be able towithstand the human immune system.

Virulence factors can be divided into as-pects of physiology that allow a fungus to fulfillthese four criteria. Growth at high temperatureis a stringent criterion, because land-colonizingfungi likely evolved in association with plants(Humphreys et al. 2010), whose nighttime tem-perature must be cool enough to minimize theratio of carbon-expending respiration to car-bon-assimilating photosynthesis. Casadevalland colleagues have discussed how the stableelevated temperature of endothermic (warm-blooded) animals may have been one of themost potent developments in antifungal immu-nity (Robert and Casadevall 2009; Bergman andCasadevall 2010; Garcia-Solache and Casadevall2010). The energy cost of the human fever re-sponse to infection, which is tightly regulated bycytokines like TNF-a, represents another testi-mony to the evolutionary importance of tem-perature as a major host defense against fungi.

The role of fungal heat intolerance is il-lustrated by the different clinical scenarios ofdisseminated Fusarium infection versus dissem-inated candidiasis. Fusarium spp. are important

plant pathogens that can infect neutropenicpatients. As filamentous Fusarium spp. producecells resembling yeast in the human host, whichreadily float within the bloodstream, a hallmarkof their dissemination is development of nu-merous metastatic foci in the skin, presumablybecause the skin is the coolest organ. The devel-opment of metastatic lesions in warm organsdistant from the primary focus, like spleen andkidneys, is much more unusual in fusariosis. Incontrast, invasive infections with human tem-perature-adapted Candida spp., which also useyeast to disseminate through the bloodstream,frequently lead to innumerable metastatic fociin deep organs.

Morphogenesis is an important virulencefactor related to fungal locomotion. Althoughfungal hyphae can pierce tissue barriers owingto the turgor pressure at their tips, yeast canreadily disseminate to distant sites in a largeanimal. Fungi that infect healthy humans doso almost exclusively in their yeast form. Butfor most fungi, the ability to assume variousshapes is critical for infecting humans, becausemany enter the body in the form of small, roundairborne dispersal propagules, sporangiosporesor conidia, which are produced from hyphalcells. In the oceans, fungi originated as unicel-lular, oval cells propelled by flagella, so growthas a round or oval cell was a fundamental fungaltrait. Lucking et al. (2009), in their comparisonof fossil and molecular dating systems of fungalevolution, state that “all dating estimates showthat the evolution of filamentous fungi oc-curred much later than the origin of the fungallineage itself, suggesting that for a long timeafter their origin, fungi were heterotrophic, uni-cellular, flagellate, aquatic organisms.” An op-tion for the hyphal form, whose adaptive utilityis shown by convergent evolution of hyphae infungi and oomycete water molds (Money et al.2004), may have evolved when fungi colonizedland as plant symbionts (Redecker et al. 2000;Heckman et al. 2001; Lucking et al. 2009).Morphogenesis also contributes to protectionagainst amoeboid cell predation. Filamentousforms of Cryptococcus neoformans are resistantto amoeba (Neilson et al. 1978), and incubationof Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces

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dermatitidis yeast with amoeba at 37˚C triggerstransition to filamentous growth (Steenbergenet al. 2004).

Tremendous variability of cell forms andthe ability to switch between them continuesin extant fungal phyla, and few lineages havecompletely lost a round or a filamentous cellform. A highly successful human-host-associat-ed fungus, Candida albicans, is notable for thefacility and frequency with which it switchesbetween a broad spectrum of growth forms inthe host, between round yeast, elongated pseu-dohyphae, and filamentous hyphae (Sudberyet al. 2004). Adhesion molecules are virulencefactors related to fungal locomotion strategiesbecause a hypha must anchor itself to host tis-sue to exert tissue-penetrating pressure at itstip, and because once a fungal cell has reacheda favorable location, it needs to be able to stay atthe site.

Secretion of digestive enzymes appropriateto dissolve host tissue is the first step for a fun-gus to use the host as a nutritious substrate. Thenext step is to absorb the small molecules re-leased by digestion of host tissues; fungal cellshave transporters of nitrogen and carbon sourc-es as well as metal ions and other micronutri-ents. Iron acquisition plays a special role be-cause of its importance in critical enzymaticprocesses including respiration, and becausethe human host actively sequesters iron duringinfection to withhold it from the pathogen(Boelaert et al. 1993; Ibrahim et al. 2006; Kron-stad et al. 2013; Noble 2013). The importanceof iron sequestration in the host to defendagainst fungal growth was dramatically illustrat-ed by disseminated Mucorales infections in pa-tients receiving the iron chelator, deferoxamine(Windus et al. 1987).

Most fungi, even with these capabilities,cannot withstand the phagocytes unleashedagainst them by an immunocompetent human,which have help from opsonins such as comple-ment and specific antibody, and from activatingT lymphocytes. Fungi that infect healthy hu-mans devote a large portion of their physiologyto withstanding or evading the immune system.To this end they use an amazingly diverse arrayof strategies, which sometimes differ even be-

tween lineages of a single species. In contrast,many species that grow at 37˚C can readily in-fect a severely immunocompromised patient.

Last, coordinating the processes to fulfillthese four criteria of pathogenicity demands acomplex network of sensing and signaling sys-tems, which inform the fungal cell of externalconditions and set in motion its appropriateresponses. Loss of virulence was shown manytimes in many fungal pathogens, when justa single element of a sensing and signalingnetwork was genetically or pharmacologicallydisturbed, such as mechanosensor, calcineurin,protein kinase A, MAP kinase, Tor, and highosmolarity signaling pathways (Rohde and Car-denas 2004; Cramer et al. 2008; Kumamoto2008; Bastidas and Heitman 2009; Argimon etal. 2011; Ernst and Pla 2011; Hogan and Muhl-schlegel 2011; Shapiro et al. 2012; Chen et al.2013).


The capability to infect an immunocompetenthuman has arisen independently multiple timesamong three major fungal phyla: the Ento-mophthoromycota (Kwon-Chung 2012), theAscomycota, and the Basidiomycota.


Entomophthoromycota contains effective path-ogens of insects. They occur worldwide, buthave been found as agents of invasive humaninfection only in subtropical and tropical re-gions. The species of genera pathogenic forhumans, Basidiobolus and Conidiobolus, can beisolated from plant debris and soil especiallyduring rainy months (Bittencourt 1988). Asemphasized recently by Kwon-Chung (2012),these genera are evolutionarily distant fromeach other as well as from the Mucorales, withwhom they traditionally were classified in Zy-gomycota.

Conidiobolus spp. cause submucosal diseaseof the nose, sinuses, and central face. In mostcases, gradual progression causes swelling ofsubmucosal and subcutaneous tissue, disfigure-ment, breathing difficulties, and chronic bacte-

The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects Humans

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rial sinusitis caused by the blockage of ostia.Unlike the Mucorales causing sinus disease,Conidiobolus does not usually invade blood ves-sels nor penetrate into the central nervous sys-tem (CNS) (Prabhu and Patel 2004).

Two species, Conidiobolus coronatus andConidiobolus incongruus, have been isolatedfrom central facial disease. Presumably, theroute of infection is inhalation of large ballisto-spores forcibly launched from the sporangio-phores on which they are produced singly todistances up to 30 cm (Isa-Isa et al. 2012). Ow-ing to their large size of 30–38 mm (Isa-Isa et al.2012), spores presumably land on the mucosaof nasal air passages and fail to reach the distalairways (Bittencourt et al. 2006).

Conidiobolus spp. infect arthropods includ-ing mites, spiders, and insects (Isa-Isa et al.2012). They elaborate lytic enzymes includingelastases, collagenases, and lipases, likely to par-asitize and kill arthropods (Comerio et al. 2008).These enzymes enable Conidiobolus to digest hu-man tissue, growing by extension from nasalsubmucosa through the facial soft and bony tis-sue (Gugnani 1992). Metabolites toxic to insectshave also been identified but because the fungusis highly lethal to arthropods and only of mod-erate virulence in mammals, it remains to beseen whether these metabolites play any role inhuman infection (Wieloch et al. 2011).

The host sends neutrophils, eosinophils,and histiocytes to contain the fungus, and gran-ulomas (structured assemblies of histiocytes)develop. Histopathology can show dense eosin-ophilic material surrounding the hyphae, theSplendore-Hoeppli phenomenon, which hasbeen suggested to consist of antigen–antibodyprecipitate (Isa-Isa et al. 2012).

Basidiobolus ranarum causes subcutaneousdisease primarily in children of tropical andsubtropical Africa, Asia, and the Americas.Nodules appear at sites of inoculation throughinsect bites, scratches, or small wounds (Ribeset al. 2000). In addition, Basidiobolus has causedgastrointestinal infections, presumably after in-gestion of large inocula, and symptoms resem-ble inflammatory bowel disease (Zavasky et al.1999; Vikram et al. 2012). When insects infectedby Basidiobolus are eaten by amphibians and

reptiles, the fungus is shed in the feces (Ribeset al. 2000) and attaches to plant matter withwhich it is accidentally inoculated under theskin, for instance, by thorns, leaves used forcleansing, etc. As an insect pathogen, it alsoelaborates proteases and lipases (Echetebu andOnonogbu 1982; Okafor et al. 1987; Okafor andGugnani 1990; Okafor 1994). Its inability toinvade deep organs is likely related to limitedthermotolerance; 37˚C may be its maximalgrowth temperature (Ribes et al. 2000).


Pathogenic Onygenales

Several soil-inhabiting members of the ascomy-cete order Onygenales have evolved to parasitizemammals and cause systemic infection. Theyhave been classified in the family Ajellomyceta-ceae (Untereiner et al. 2004; Bagagli et al.2008), which include B. dermatitidis (teleo-morph, Ajellomyces dermatitidis), H. capsulatum(teleomorph, Ajellomyces capsulatus), Paracocci-dioides brasiliensis, Paracoccidioides lutzii, Laca-zia loboi, Coccidioides immitis, Coccidioides pos-adasii, and related fungi with similar properties.The intracellular pathogenic strategy of some ofthese organisms is similar in protozoa and mac-rophages (Steenbergen et al. 2001, 2003), raisingthe possibility that their capacity for virulencearose accidentally as a result of environmentalpressures (Casadevall and Pirofski 2007).

Disease caused by these fungi begins asymp-tomatically in the lungs and progresses to aninfluenza-like illness or frank pneumonia. Theycan disseminate to distant sites, can persist andreactivate, with different organ predilectionsamong different genera: Paracoccidioides in oraland respiratory mucous membranes (Queiroz-Telles and Escuissato 2011; Marques 2012),Blastomyces in bones, joints, and skin (Bradsheret al. 2003), and Histoplasma in multiple organsincluding the gastrointestinal tract and adre-nals, as well as bones and skin (Kauffman 2007).

Their primary lifestyle is saprobic. Mostgenera occur in defined geographic areas, whichfollow particular soil consistencies, for instance,dry and alkaline for the Coccidioides spp. and

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acidic for Histoplasma. It has not been ruled outthat their geographic distribution follows thatof specific host mammals. In the soil, they growas a branched network of hyphal filaments, amycelium, and saprobically use organic matter.They produce airborne dispersal cells: Conidiaproduced from specialized hyphae, as Histo-plasma and Blastomyces do, or arthrosporesfrom regulated fragmentation of hyphal com-partments, as Coccidioides and Paracoccidioidesdo. Paracoccidioides produces both arthroconi-dia and aleuriconidia (conidia directly pro-duced along the hyphae). Once conidia or ar-throspores are taken up by a mammal, usuallyby inhalation, they convert into parasitic yeast(or spherules, in the case of Coccidioides spp.)and initiate an infection. The principal signalfor their conversion to the yeast form is theelevated mammalian body temperature, sothat this switch can be induced in vitro whenthey are cultured at 37˚C or above. For this rea-son they are grouped as thermal dimorphs.These fungi infect, persist, and cause diseasein healthy hosts. In immunocompromisedhosts, the infections are more clinically appar-ent, more severe, and more likely to disseminateto multiple organs.

Adaptive cellular immunity is required tocontrol the infection with these fungi and canbe detected by skin tests with purified antigens.For this reason, clinically apparent infectionswith some members of this group, such as H.capsulatum, became much more common withthe rising prevalence of AIDS. These Onyge-nales (Ajellomycetaceae) are the only phyloge-netically related group whose members all causesystemic disease in otherwise healthy people.

Other thermally dimorphic fungi are Spor-othrix schenckii (order Ophiostomatales), whichis primarily introduced into the host throughskin injuries, and Talaromyces (Penicillium)marneffei (order Eurotiales), which does notinfect healthy hosts but because of the AIDSepidemic has become a prevalent and impor-tant invasive pathogen in Southeast Asia. Thesefungi coevolved with higher vertebrates, as it isthe adaptive immune system by which they arecontrolled. The fact that these evolutionarilydistant fungi convert from saprobic hyphal to

pathogenic yeast growth at the temperatures ofendothermic animals suggests that an ability toaccess large nitrogen and other nutrient storesof an animal host is an advantageous lifestyleoption for a soil dweller, and a result of conver-gent evolution in several phyla.

H. capsulatum will be discussed at greaterlength because it is well studied and also becauseit exemplifies important principles for otherthermally dimorphic Onygenales. This fungusinhabits soil and other organic matter such asdecaying wood enriched with bat and birddroppings. Its hyphae produce macro- and mi-croconidia, and the latter are small enough,,5 mm, to penetrate into the alveoli of mam-malian lungs. There they are phagocytized byalveolar macrophages and converted to yeastthat is able to proliferate in the hostile environ-ment of the phagolysosome.

Aspects of histoplasmosis resemble infec-tions with a well-adapted bacterial intracellularpathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Depend-ing on inoculum size, infection is most ofteninapparent or leads to a self-limited influenza-like illness. The pathogen can persist indefinite-ly until immune decline allows it to reactivate.Lung disease resembling TB can ensue immedi-ately after infection, and dissemination to allorgans occurs depending on host immune sta-tus and age. The response of an immunocom-petent host is granuloma formation.

Histoplasma occurs on all continents, al-though it is rare in Eurasia and most commonin North and South America. Two studies ofH. capsulatum showed that its growth and clin-ical phenotypes, which had traditionally beenthe basis for its division into varieties (capsula-tum, duboisii, and farciminosum), did not alignwith the divisions of its seven phylogeneticclades (Kasuga et al. 1999, 2003), and that thedifferent clinical disease states attributed tothese (now obsolete) varieties were caused bythe same clades.

Phylogenetic analyses suggest that H. capsu-latum arose in South America 3.2–13.0 millionyears ago and its present distribution reflects aperiod of rapid spread to all continents exceptEurasia (where it was later introduced), fol-lowed by restriction to the warmest areas during

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a period of intense cold 1.8 million years ago(Kasuga et al. 1999, 2003). From there, it spreadto temperate regions as the earth warmed again.This idea is consistent with its low genetic di-versity in temperate regions and high diversityin tropical areas (Kasuga et al. 1999), mirroringthe diversity of plant species in areas of temper-ate and tropical forest, which are its geographicareas of distribution.

The two North American clades are notclosely related and are thought to have beengenetically isolated for the past �20 millionyears (Kasuga et al. 1999), despite overlappingterritories. These two clades differ in virulence,with North American clade 1 having been iso-lated predominantly from AIDS patients, andclade 2 infecting immunocompetent hosts (Ka-suga et al. 1999). A clade 2 isolate and a repre-sentative of the Panama clade have been used ingenetic studies of virulence factors, and surpris-ing differences were found, as discussed below.

The habitat of Histoplasma is soil enrichedwith bird and bat droppings, in specific geo-graphic locations including the Ohio and Mis-sissippi valleys of North America and moist re-gions of Central and South America. Whereasbirds are very rarely infected with H. capsulatum(Quist et al. 2011), bats are frequently infectedbut respond with minimal inflammation (Tay-lor et al. 1999), suggesting active repression ofthe host immune response by the fungus. It wassuggested that, “in at least some bat species nat-ural exposure may result in a chronic, controlledinfection, which allows the bat to excrete viablefungi over a long period” (Hoff and Bigler1981). Experimentally infected bats also had aminimal inflammatory response (McMurrayand Greer 1979).

A broad variety of other infected mammalssuch as cats (Aulakh et al. 2012), dogs (Bromeland Sykes 2005), sea otters (Morita et al. 2001),and badgers (Bauder et al. 2000) do respondwith granulomatous inflammation to the pres-ence of Histoplasma yeast. Perhaps H. capsula-tum has evolved to infect bats, in which it avoidsactivation of host responses, by mechanismsonly partially adapted to other immunocompe-tent mammals. If this is the case, the fungus hasestablished an efficient amplification cycle by

which its mycelial form grows in droppings un-der bat roosting places, for instance, in caves,and its microconidia are released into the airto be inhaled by the bats that fertilize its soilsubstrate (Taylor et al. 1999).

Several mechanisms by which H. capsula-tum yeast successfully interacts with mammali-an hosts have been identified. Surprisingly, dif-ferent clades use different strategies to achievean intracellular lifestyle in macrophages, and tosuppress macrophage activation. For example,macrophages recognize the important pathogenassociated molecular pattern (PAMP) b(1,3)-D-glucan with the receptor dectin-1 (Rappleyeet al. 2007), and ligand binding triggers re-sponses that enhance phagocyte activation re-sponses (Underhill et al. 2005).b(1,3)-D-glucanis the main structural polymer of ascomycetecell walls, so Histoplasma cannot forgo its useto avoid activating their hosts’ macrophages.Instead, Histoplasma yeast of most clades hideit by coating their cell surface with a(1,3)-D-glucan. Perturbation of genes whose productsare required for a(1,3)-D-glucan synthesis ren-ders cells of the Panama clade avirulent (Rap-pleye et al. 2004). Notably, this a(1,3)-D-glucancoat is lacking in a North American clade 2strain (Edwards et al. 2011), and an a(1,3)-D-glucan synthase mutant in this strain back-ground is fully virulent (Edwards et al. 2011).

Another cell surface protein, Yps3, is ex-pressed to a significant level only in the morevirulent North American clade 2 (Bohse andWoods 2007). This protein, a homolog ofB. dermatitidis BAD1, contributes to dissemina-tion of H. capsulatum to extrapulmonary foci(Holbrook and Rappleye 2008). Its gene ispresent in most strains but substantial tran-scription is known to occur only in NorthAmerican clade 2, the clade lacking a(1,3)-D-glucan. Yps3, like BAD1, may directly suppressTNF-a production, circumventing the need forthis clade to use a(1,3)-D-glucan to hide thestimulatory PAMP b(1,3)-D-glucan (Holbrookand Rappleye 2008). The known variations intheir pathogenic repertoires among clades ofHistoplasma are based in differences of regula-tory rather than coding regions between the se-quenced strains (Edwards et al. 2013).

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H. capsulatum yeast have evolved a reper-toire of manipulative molecules to turn thehost compartment specifically evolved to killpathogens, the phagolysosome, into a habitatin which they thrive (Sebghati et al. 2000; You-seff et al. 2009). Remarkably, within the teleo-morph genus Ajellomyces, originally compris-ing the anamorph sister species H. capsulatumand B. dermatitidis, one species H. capsulatumchose this route of intracellular life, whereas theother, B. dermatitidis, is a successful extracellu-lar pathogen.

Distinct H. capsulatum clades differ in spe-cific details of the pathogenic program of theiryeast, but they have in common that their suiteof virulence factors is turned on simultaneouslywith the switch from hyphal to yeast growth.Mammalian body temperature of 37˚C or aboveis the main signal to trigger conversion from themycelium to yeast. This conversion entails dif-ferential transcription of �20% of the genome(Nguyen and Sil 2008), and is controlled by anetwork of transcriptional regulators apparent-ly responding to a histidine kinase signal (Ne-mecek et al. 2006; Webster and Sil 2008; Cainet al. 2012; Beyhan et al. 2013). Mutants in theseregulators are incapable of the transition toyeast growth, and are avirulent (Nemecek etal. 2006; Webster and Sil 2008; Cain et al.2012; Beyhan et al. 2013).

Other members of the Ajellomycetaceae,all of which associate with mammals, haveequally distinctive ecology and pathobiology.Mycelia of the Coccidioides spp., growing nearrodent burrows in arid regions of the Americas(Nguyen et al. 2013), produce arthroconidia.When arthroconidia are inhaled by a mammal,they give rise to round cells—spherules—inwhich growth and mitosis occur to eventuallyfill the enlarging mother cell with hundreds ofendospores. On maturity, the spherule rupturesand releases the endospores into host tissue.Newly released endospores repeat the growthcycle locally or disseminate hematogenously.Phylogenetic analysis shows that the fungusevolved in North America before that conti-nent’s geologic connection with South America2.5–3.5 million years ago (Fisher et al. 2001),and that the genetically homogeneous South

American strains, derived from populations inpresent-day Texas, reached their current distri-bution 8940–134,000 years ago, possibly withthe migration of humans from North intoSouth America (Fisher et al. 2001). Anotherunique member of the Ajellomycetaceae, L. lo-boi, shares an important feature with a distantmember of its phylum Ascomycota, Pneumocys-tis jirovecii. They are the only human fungalpathogens not grown in culture (Vilela et al.2009). Lacazia, a sister genus to Paracoccidioi-des, has been found only in subcutaneous in-fections of previously healthy humans in theAmazon basin and in dolphins of the Atlanticocean and of the Amazon (Vilela et al. 2009;Theodoro et al. 2012), and (analogous to Myco-bacterium leprae) can be amplified only in amouse model. In contrast, Paracoccidioides spp.,prevalent fungal pathogens that cause pneu-monia, systemic disease of the monocyte–mac-rophage system, and destructive lesions of skinand oral mucous membranes (Fortes et al.2011; Queiroz-Telles and Escuissato 2011; Mar-ques 2012, 2013), occur in Central and SouthAmerica mainly outside the Amazon region(Theodoro et al. 2012). Paracoccidioides causesclinical disease in many more men than women,in a ratio of 13:1, possibly because estrogenblocks the conversion of inhaled arthroconidiato the tissue-invasive yeast form (Shankar et al.2011). This fungus frequently infects armadil-los, and its virulence factors such as the immu-nodominant adhesin glycoprotein 43 (Pucciaet al. 1999, 2008, 2011; Fortes et al. 2011) mayhave evolved in its coevolution with these an-cient mammals (Bagagli et al. 2006; Richini-Pereira et al. 2009).

Some members of the Onygenales infecthealthy humans, but very rarely cause invasivedisease. Dermatophytes of the genus Arthro-dermataceae specialize in degrading keratins,important structural proteins in vertebrateskin whose extensive cross-linking by disulfidebonds makes them proteinase resistant (Gradi-sar et al. 2005). With the evolution of animalswith substantial keratin appendages such asscales, feathers, nails, and hair, specializing inuse of these nutrient sources must have been aworthwhile niche for the presumed ancestor of

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the dermatophytes (Weitzman and Summerbell1995).

Reptilian amniotes had evolved keratin, sothat the basis for this specialization was avail-able as a fungal substrate 300 million years ago(Eckhart et al. 2008). Recent analysis of mito-chondrial genomes of six dermatophytes com-prising the three morphologically defined ana-morphic genera, Trichophyton, Microsporum,and Epidermophyton, together with 29 othermembers of Ascomycota, confirmed that thedermatophytes are descended from a commonancestor (are monophyletic) and separated fromother fungi only 32–50 million years ago (Wuet al. 2009). This study also found that classifi-cation of species by molecular characters fre-quently contradicted the traditional classifica-tions based on morphologic traits (Wu et al.2009), emphasizing the fact that fungal mor-phology is enormously flexible and convergentevolution is common, so that only limited pre-dictions of their physiology can be made fromthe appearance of fungal structures. In contrast,molecular phylogenetic studies have confirmedthe grouping of dermatophytes by their ecologicand clinical features, including the distinct sitesof the human body they tend to infect (Ca-farchia et al. 2013).

Anthropophilic dermatophytes travel overthe world with their human hosts. Althoughmany species are endemic to specific geographicregions, some species occur worldwide. Theirprevalence varies with the lifestyle and socio-economic conditions of their human hosts, andis undergoing continuous epidemiologic changes(Ameen 2010). Unlike their thermal dimorphicOnygenales relatives, they can reach a new hostby person-to-person transmission, and their ac-cess to new human substrate is made even easierby the ability of their arthroconidia to persist foryears in fomites (Weitzman and Summerbell1995). Anthropophilic dermatophytes, relyingon person-to-person access to new hosts, canforgo long-distance travel via airborne conidia,which their geophilic relatives produce in largerprofusion to reach distant deposits of animalkeratin (Weitzman and Summerbell 1995).

Coevolution with their animal hosts pre-sumably allowed dermatophytes to evade or

resist the evolutionarily more ancient innateimmune mechanisms, so that today their con-trol requires adaptive cellular immunity (Dahl1993). By restricting their usual habitat to themost superficial keratinized layer of the skinand its appendages, dermatophytes reduce theircontact with immune cells. Human-specificdermatophytes (anthropophiles) are able todown-regulate host inflammation to establisha chronic infection (Blake et al. 1991; Shiraki etal. 2006). In contrast, soil-dwelling (geophilic)and animal-specific (zoophilic) dermatophytesare unable to manipulate host immunity andare eliminated by a vigorous inflammatory re-sponse, illustrating the principle that a well-adapted parasite carefully calibrates its viru-lence.



Basidiomycete yeast with a worldwide distribu-tion, cryptococci, in the past century, infectedhumans only rarely (Molez 1998). In the 1950s,increasing numbers of cryptococcal meningo-encephalitis were reported from central Africa,viewed in retrospect as sentinels of the emer-gence of AIDS around the Congo River (Molez1998). AIDS is still the setting in which the vastmajority of cryptococcosis occurs (Mitchell andPerfect 1995; Pukkila-Worley and Mylonakis2008); for 2006, 957,900 cases of cryptococcalmeningitis associated with AIDS were estimat-ed, resulting in 624,700 deaths (Park et al. 2009).Furthermore, recent outbreaks of Cryptococcusgattii infections with significant mortality onVancouver Island and the northwestern UnitedStates raise the concern that the fungus may beevolving to become virulent for healthy humans(Fraser et al. 2005; Byrnes et al. 2010; Springeret al. 2012).

The pathogenic cryptococci, C. neoformansand its sister species C. gattii, enter a human byinhalation of infectious cells: dried yeast or pos-sibly basidiospores, the products of meiosis af-ter mating. When these small airborne cells,,5 mm in size, are inhaled, pneumonia can en-sue in susceptible hosts, and on gaining access to

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the bloodstream, the yeast can disseminate to allorgans. Cryptococcus has a special predilectionfor the CNS and causes subacute meningoen-cephalitis, in which high intracranial pressureplays an especially deleterious role, which, ifleft untreated, is lethal. The fungus can persistfor years in the lung or in sites of previous dis-semination and reactivate only on weakenedimmune surveillance.

C. gattii causes invasive disease and death inwild and domestic land and ocean mammalsand birds and pneumonia and meningoen-cephalitis in previously healthy people (Krock-enberger et al. 2002; Miller et al. 2002; Raso et al.2004; Santos et al. 2008; McGill et al. 2009). Awealth of analyses of pathogenic cryptococciover the past several decades have shown thatC. gattii in many settings is a more commonprimary pathogen than C. neoformans (Speedand Dunt 1995; Springer et al. 2012), but newreports continue to blur the boundaries be-tween primary and opportunistic pathogensamong the Cryptococcus species (Chen et al.2008; Chau et al. 2010; Choi et al. 2010), illus-trating the limited utility of these terms (Casa-devall and Pirofski 2001). A recent report hasindicated that the presence of anti-GM-CSF au-toantibody is a risk factor for C. gattii CNS in-fection in otherwise healthy individuals (Saijoet al. 2014). It suggests that patients with cryp-tococcal CNS infection considered “immuno-competent” may carry immune defects that canyet not be identified by routine immunologicalscreening. An important condition for a clearerunderstanding of ecology, epidemiology, andevolution of cryptococci is that more resourcesfor microbiologic analysis become available inpoor countries. Cultures of blood and cerebro-spinal fluid currently cannot be performed inmedical settings in which most patients withcryptococcosis will seek help.

The separation of the sister species C. gattiiand C. neoformans is thought to have occurred45 million years ago (Simwami et al. 2011). Mo-lecular typing recapitulates traditional serologicclassification of varieties into C. neoformans var.grubii (serotype A, VNI, VNII, VNB) and var.neoformans (serotype D, VNIV) and their hy-brids (serotype AD, VNIII), as well as C. gattii

(serotypes B and C) (Mitchell and Perfect 1995;Meyer et al. 2003). C. gattii has been subdividedinto molecular varieties or cryptic species VGIthrough VGIV, among which further subdivi-sions correlate with geographic location andvirulence (Kidd et al. 2004; Fraser et al. 2005;Byrnes et al. 2010).

In the environment, C. gattii has been iso-lated from numerous tree species in tropicaland more recently in temperate regions, partic-ularly from sites of wood decay and insect con-sumption of vegetable matter (Ellis and Pfeiffer1990; Fortes et al. 2001; Kidd et al. 2003); al-though it was first found on Eucalyptus treesand believed to follow their worldwide distribu-tion (Ellis and Pfeiffer 1990), its isolation fromthe midst of pristine Amazon rainforest revisesthe interpretation of its origin (Fortes et al.2001). Environmental sampling on VancouverIsland to define the reservoirs of the outbreakthat began in 1999 found more than 10 speciesof trees to yield C. gattii, which comprised�10% of the trees sampled (Kidd et al. 2007),and it survives for at least 1 yr in fresh- andseawater, suggesting it could spread with oceancurrents (Kidd et al. 2007).

Supporting the idea of an origin of patho-genic C. gattii in South America is the uniquelysymmetric distribution of mating types in hap-loid isolates from that continent. Although clin-ical and environmental isolates of the a matingtype vastly predominate in other parts of theworld, and isolates of the a type are almost neverencountered, the South American distributionis 0.8a–1.0a (Hagen et al. 2013).

C. neoformans var. grubii, which is responsi-ble for �95% of cryptococcal infections world-wide and 98% of infections among AIDS pa-tients (Simwami et al. 2011), is genotypicallymost diverse in southern Africa; and a collec-tion of strains from Botswana contained 12%isolates of the a mating type, which in othersites is extremely rare (Litvintseva and Mitchell2012). In that study, distinct genotypes werethought to have diverged 5000 years ago; theinvestigators speculate that pigeons contrib-uted to the worldwide spread of one specificstrain of C. neoformans var. grubii (Litvintsevaand Mitchell 2012) because C. neoformans is

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enriched in bird droppings and has been shownto mate on pigeon droppings (Nielsen et al.2007). A study from Thailand supports the con-cept of an origin of C. neoformans var. grubii inAfrica (Simwami et al. 2011).

Like C. neoformans, with which it shares vir-ulence traits, and unlike nonpathogenic crypto-coccal species (Findley et al. 2009; Araujo Gdeet al. 2012), C. gattii possesses a thick polysac-charide capsule composed of glucurono- andgalactoxylomannan, which, analogous to en-capsulated bacteria like Streptococcus pneumo-niae, blocks phagocytosis of the organism un-less it is opsonized (Casadevall et al. 1998).Presumably, the dense capsule also providessome protection against hydrolytic enzymesexocytosed by neutrophils. Capsular glucuro-noxylomannan and other macromolecules, aswell as virulence-associated proteins, are carriedthrough the cell wall in an amazing process in-volving vesicles that originated from the lateendosome (multivesicular body) (Rodrigueset al. 2007, 2008). This process, first discoveredin Cryptococcus, subsequently was found in oth-er pathogenic fungi like Paracoccidioides (Valle-jo et al. 2011, 2012), and in the model yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae (Oliveira et al. 2010).Like other fungi, cryptococci can diversify mor-phologically in the host, producing a popula-tion of Titan cells, giant cells of up to 50 mm indiameter (Okagaki et al. 2010; Zaragoza et al.2010) created by DNA replication and growthnot followed by mitosis (Okagaki et al. 2010).Other antiphagocytic mechanisms, indepen-dent of the capsule, are controlled by two GATAtranscription factors and are likely to involvecoordinated regulation of numerous physiolog-ic processes because hundreds of genes are dif-ferentially expressed in their mutants (Liu et al.2008; Chun et al. 2011).

Once ingested by alveolar macrophages notactivated by T lymphocytes, the fungus cansurvive and proliferate, and it is thought thatsome cryptococci may enter the brain withinmacrophages crossing the blood–brain barrier(a Trojan horse-like mechanism), whereas freeyeast in the bloodstream cross the blood–brainbarrier by transcytosis (Casadevall 2010; Shiet al. 2010). To survive in phagocytes, it buffers

oxidative and nitrosative stress with melanindeposited in its cell wall (Wang et al. 1995),and with neutralizing enzymes like superoxidedismutase, glutathione reductase, and thiore-doxins (Kronstad et al. 2011). Both in macro-phages and in the free-living amoeba Acantha-moeba castellanii, it disrupts phagolysosomemembranes to prevent acidification of this com-partment and to dilute the lytic enzymes it con-tains; it also sheds large amounts of capsularpolysaccharide to fill the phagocytic cells’ cyto-plasm (Steenbergen et al. 2001; Tucker and Ca-sadevall 2002). Virulent strains not only resistkilling but proliferate in the amoebae (Steenber-gen et al. 2001) so that the predator finds itselfprey.

How did some cryptococci evolve from sur-vivors of amoeba attacks to occasional parasitesof humans? A recent study examined evolution-ary relationships and virulence traits of C. gattiiand C. neoformans strains, and related fungi be-longing to the order Tremellales, which do notinfect mammals (Findley et al. 2009). OtherTremellales parasitize fungi by attaching to thehost fungus with a specialized hypha and ac-cessing its cytoplasm through a newly createdpore (Zugmaier et al. 1994; Millanes et al. 2014).An evolutionary trajectory from parasitizinganother live fungus to parasitizing an animalhost may have proceeded through associationwith and parasitism of insects, and through se-lection in soils by amoebae for traits that canalso function in mammalian virulence. The hu-man-pathogenic Cryptococcus species killed lar-vae of the wax moth Galleria mellonella in onestudy, whereas their Tremellales relatives par-tially or completely lacked virulence in this in-sect model (Findley et al. 2009). Of note, insectcellular immune defenses consist of amoeboidphagocytes (Williams 2007; Browne et al. 2013),so that resistance to free-living amoebae maytransfer well to resistance to insect plasmato-cytes. However, in nature, cryptococci so farhave only been found in association with insectfrass (the excreta of plant-eating insects), not asinsect parasites (unlike, e.g., the entomophthor-ales and the ascomycetous Cordyceps spp.). Fur-ther ecologic research will have to show whetherinsect parasitic cryptococcal relatives can be

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identified, perhaps in their ancestral tropicalforest habitats. The role of its versatile matingsystem in virulence evolution of Cryptococcuswill be discussed in the dedicated articles inthis collection.


A sufficiently immunocompromised host canbe infected by hundreds of environmental fun-gal species that grow at human core tempera-tures. However, a predictable set of actors isknown to cause the most common invasive in-fections in immunocompromised individuals,and they will be discussed next according totheir phylogenetic affiliations, which predictimportant parameters of their physiology.



Candida species are a polyphyletic group of theorder Saccharomycotina, which live as com-mensals on mammalian mucous membranes,particularly of the gastrointestinal tract (Wrobelet al. 2008). They have rarely been found in thesoil (Marples and Di Menna 1952; Skinner andFletcher 1960). A limited number of species arecommonly associated with humans as coloniz-ers and opportunistic pathogens: C. albicans,Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Can-dida tropicalis, Candida lusitaniae, and Can-dida krusei. Of these, C. albicans is the mostcommonly isolated human commensal andpathogen (Odds 1988; Kam and Xu 2002;Krcmery and Barnes 2002). The frequency ofcolonization with nonalbicans Candida speciesshifts according to age of the host, with C. para-psilosis being more prevalent among childrenand C. glabrata among older adults (Soll 2002).

Invasive candidiasis takes many forms, de-pending on the setting in which a host becamesusceptible to this opportunist, and depletion ofnormally competing bacterial flora by antibiot-ics often plays a role. For example, in cancerpatients receiving chemotherapy, candidiasis isoften caused by fungal transmigration through

disrupted intestinal epithelium, and the organswith the heaviest fungal burden are those con-nected by the portal circulation—liver andspleen—but not the brain. In contrast, prema-ture newborns with candidiasis often have ab-scesses in the brain, because their blood–brainbarrier may be immature and because theirbrain receives such a large fraction of cardiacblood output.

C. albicans is the human companion funguspar excellence. Many healthy humans carryC. albicans, which harmlessly colonizes mucousmembranes to high numbers at different ana-tomic sites of a single individual (Odds 1984,1988; Soll et al. 1991). It has evolved to flourishin a wide range of environmental conditions:high pH in the intestine versus low pH in thevagina, feast and famine nutritional conditionsin the gastrointestinal tract according to itshost’s mealtimes versus steady glycogen supplyin the vagina, and aerobic conditions on oralsurfaces versus anaerobic conditions in the in-testine. Unlike the dermatophytes, in which dif-ferent clades inhabit different anatomic sites,C. albicans biotypes are generalists and eachcan adapt to all sites (Odds 1984).

Not only can C. albicans survive and thrivein highly disparate microenvironments of thehuman host, but as part of the normal flora ithas also honed its ability to avoid triggeringhuman immune defenses, for instance, by cov-ering its main structural cell wall component,b(1,3)-D-glucan, with glycoproteins to avoidengaging the macrophage dectin-1 receptor(Wheeler and Fink 2006).

Analysis of its populations, which compriseat least five clades, suggests that C. albicans mi-grated throughout the world with its humanhosts (Lott et al. 2005). It is unknown whetherthe fungus accompanied the mammalian line-ages that led to primates throughout evolution,or whether it made the jump to mammaliancommensal at a more recent time before emer-gence of modern humans (Lott et al. 2005).

Perhaps in its long cohabitation with thehuman, which as to host numbers proved to bea winning strategy, C. albicans became so closelyhostadapted that major genomic rearrange-ments, as facilitated by sex and meiotic recom-

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bination, became less advantageous (Goddardet al. 2005). In a stable and benign environment,such as the equilibrium between thriving hostsand commensals, the expenditure of time andenergy required for sexual reproduction maycost more than it benefits. C. albicans appearsto consist of stable clonal diploid populations(Bougnoux et al. 2008), and its mating andparasexual cycle seem to be such rare eventsthat their discoveries were sensational paradigmshifts in the community of Candida researchers(Hull and Johnson 1999; Magee and Magee2000; Miller and Johnson 2002; Alby et al. 2009;Hickman et al. 2013). Although the parasexualcycle occurs infrequently, it can generate proge-ny with extensive genetic diversity by shuffledcombinations of eight chromosomes or by re-combination between homologous chromo-somes mediated by the conserved Spo11 proteinintegral to meiotic recombination (Forche et al.2008). More discoveries are sure to follow on therole of mating and various ploidy states in Can-dida ecology today, and virulence associatedwith the mating loci (Lockhart et al. 2005; Wuet al. 2007) may become more important as Can-dida habitat changes with current changes inhuman epidemiology.

In the millions of years of coevolution, hu-man predecessors and humans survived onlybriefly with diseases during which C. albicanscould significantly invade the host. Invasivecandidiasis was very rare (Browne 1954; Zim-merman 1955). C. albicans is an efficient inva-sive pathogen, causing mucous membrane in-fections in individuals with ineffective adaptivecellular immunity and fatal disseminated infec-tions in patients lacking functional innate im-mune cells, neutrophils. For a microorganismthat relies on person-to-person transmissionand does not have a significant soil reservoir(or mode of locomotion back from the soil toits primary host), the benefit of multiplying tothe point of host death seems mysterious. Oneidea might be that the Candida pathogenic rep-ertoire evolved to take advantage of a constantlarge number of temporarily susceptible hu-mans, infants, who develop oral candidiasis be-cause of immature adaptive immunity. Humaninfants’ propensity to widely distribute their

oral secretions (to slobber) may allow infectingCandida to launch its increased numbers frominfected mucous membranes of these hosts andto colonize more of their contacts. If this is thecase, Candida virulence factors evolved to effi-ciently infect mucous membranes, and invasivedisease is for it an accidental dead end.

The pathogenic repertoire of Candida com-prises all features needed for a human fungalpathogen. It is able to grow well at human febriletemperatures of 39˚C–40˚C. It can penetratehost tissues with hyphal cells and it has multipleadhesion molecules to facilitate the drilling ac-tion of the hyphal tip (Staab et al. 1999; Sund-strom 2002; Hoyer et al. 2008; Liu and Filler2011). Its hyphae constitutively produce yeast,constantly diversifying the population withmore mobile cells (Shen et al. 2008). An arrayof lytic enzymes suitable for digesting humanmacromolecules is induced during tissue inva-sion (Ghannoum 2000; Staib et al. 2000; Cal-derone and Fonzi 2001; Schaller et al. 2005; Al-brecht et al. 2006; Trofa et al. 2011), andtransporters are regulated coordinately to ab-sorb the released monomers into the fungalcell, as reviewed by (Morschhauser 2011), andto mobilize micronutrients from the host(Weissman et al. 2008; Citiulo et al. 2012; Noble2013). Unbiased genetic screening yielded novelvirulence factors like glucosylceramide synthe-sis (Noble et al. 2010) and is expected to revealnew aspects of Candida invasive lifestyle (Hol-land and Summers 2008).

Resistance of Candida to the human im-mune system is limited. Features increasing itsvirulence were likely selected against in its longcoevolution with us as a commensal. Yet todaywe are saving, and improving the quality of,human lives that are vulnerable to this oppor-tunist, and any line of investigation that mightresult in better control of invasive candidiasishas the potential worldwide to save hundredsof thousands of lives every year (Pfaller and Die-kema 2007).


Aspergillus fumigatus, the species responsiblefor �90% of invasive aspergillosis (Schmitt

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et al. 1990), causes relentless pneumonia, sinus-itis progressing through tissue planes, and brainabscesses in neutropenic patients and thosewith phagocyte defects like chronic granuloma-tous disease. It is feared in immunosuppressedindividuals because its susceptibility to antifun-gals is limited. This organism also causes diseaseat another extreme of immune function: allergicreactions.

Normal human innate immunity controlsA. fumigatus, a versatile thermophilic plant sap-robe. It is well adapted to the high temperaturesthat occur during bacterial decomposition ofdead plants and tolerates thermophilic bacte-ria’s optimum of around 55˚C (Latge 1999).At human febrile temperatures of 39˚C–40˚C,it grows well. Its secretion of a very broad andredundant range of hydrolases (Kothary et al.1984; Kwon-Chung and Sugui 2013), evolvedin the tumultuous competition for nutrientsamong the microbiome of decaying plants, al-lows it to easily access human tissues as sourcesof nutrition (Abad et al. 2010).

The mycelia of A. fumigatus give rise to co-nidiophores, specialized hyphae that producesmall (�3 mm) airborne dispersal cells, conid-ia. Their small size allows them to remain air-borne for long periods and, incidentally, toenter human alveoli. On average, a person isestimated to inhale several hundred A. fumiga-tus conidia each day (Hospenthal et al. 1998);with exposure to grass cuttings, leaf litter, orcompost, this number may be orders of magni-tude higher (Mullins et al. 1976; Poole andWong 2013). Conidia are coated with hydro-phobic proteins (Thau et al. 1994; Paris et al.2003) and with the chemoprotectant melanin(Pihet et al. 2009) to withstand harsh environ-mental stressors like freezing, sunlight, and des-iccation (Kwon-Chung and Sugui 2013). Theyare recognized by innate immune cells of a hu-man host only when they begin to germinate toproduce a growing hypha (Levitz and Diamond1985; Aimanianda et al. 2009) after landing inan air-filled space like a paranasal sinus or lung.Aspergillus conidia can give rise to allergic lungdisease, and the fungus can colonize the bron-chiectasis of cystic fibrosis or chronic obstruc-tive lung disease; but lethal invasive infection

occurs when there is a dearth of functionalneutrophils and macrophages to control germi-nating conidia. Hyphae proliferate in lung pa-renchyma or sinuses, and hyphal fragments oc-casionally are carried to highly perfused organslike the brain in which they initiate foci of met-astatic infection. On encountering blood ves-sels, Aspergillus hyphae tend to enter and followtheir course, clogging the vessel and causinginfarction of downstream tissue. This angio-invasive behavior may be attributable to thigmo-tropism, the ability to sense and follow contours,which aspergilli have in common with fungi ofdiverse phyla (Perera et al. 1997; Bowen et al.2007).

Pathogenicity studies of A. fumigatus high-light general themes of innate immunity(Morton et al. 2012). For example, specializedalveolar epithelial cells, type II pneumocytes,phagocytose and kill conidia of A. fumigatusin their lysosomes, unless the conidia manageto germinate before their death (Wasylnka andMoore 2003). Neutrophils are attracted by thechemokines secreted by resident alveolar mac-rophages encountering A. fumigatus duringtheir patrols of the alveolar space. Whereas smallhyphae are engulfed and killed by neutrophils,larger hyphae are killed by their extracellularrelease of reactive oxygen and nitrogen spe-cies and antimicrobial peptides, in dependenceon the pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs)TLR2 and 4, and dectin-1 (Netea et al. 2003;Kennedy et al. 2007; Werner et al. 2009). Neu-trophil extracellular traps (NETs), critical tocontrol polymicrobial infection in appendicitis(Brinkmann et al. 2004), nutritionally constrainA. fumigatus hyphae (McCormick et al. 2010)and down-regulate excessive inflammation elic-ited by their presence (Rohm et al. 2014).

Non-Fumigatus Aspergilli, Fusarium,Pseudoallescheria, and Other OpportunisticAscomycetous Fungal Pathogens

Profound immunosuppression, for instance,during prolonged neutropenia, graft-versus-host disease, or severe rejection episodes oftransplanted solid organs, permits invasive dis-ease of many other types of environmental fila-

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mentous ascomycetes. Among them are thenon-fumigatus species of Aspergillus (Torreset al. 2003), Fusarium solanum, Fusarium oxy-sporum, and other Fusarium spp., and their tele-omorph Nectria spp. (Nucci and Anaissie2007), Pseudoallescheria boydii, and its Scedo-sporium anamorphs (Quan and Spellberg 2010).Infections with these fungi are often lethal be-cause the hosts they usually infect are incapableof mounting an effective immune response, andbecause they tend to be more resistant to cur-rently available antifungals.

Fusarium spp. have evolved to infect plants,and the genomes of certain lineages contain oneor more entire chromosomes encoding plantpathogenicity factors, which may be horizontal-ly transferred within the genus (Ma et al. 2010).Encoded on pathogenicity chromosomes, andother genomic clusters reminiscent of bacterialpathogenicity islands, are secreted hydrolyticenzymes and signaling molecules expressedduring early plant infection (Ma et al. 2010;Rep and Kistler 2010). Whether possession ofa pathogenicity chromosome corresponds tovirulence for humans, for instance, in the F. oxy-sporum lineage identified to have caused 70% ofinvasive fusariosis in a San Antonio hospital(O’Donnell et al. 2004), is not yet known. InFusarium, morphogenesis contributes to viru-lence for humans, because yeast-like cells areproduced from hyphae in the host, and typicallyspread widely through the bloodstream to causenumerous foci of infection in the skin.

Pigmented filamentous ascomycetes, alsocalled dematiaceous fungi, infect immunocom-promised and, rarely, immunocompetent in-dividuals to cause phaeohyphomycosis. Theirpathobiology is diverse including brain abscess-es (Cladophialphora bantianum, Ramichlorid-ium spp., and Dactylaria gallopava), keratitis,sinus or soft tissue infections, ulcers, and cysts(Exophiala jeanselmei, Exophiala dermatitidis,Curvularia spp., Bipolaris, or Alternaria spp.).When directly inoculated into tissue, these fun-gi can cause devastating disease, as emphasizedin a tragic outbreak caused by contaminatedinjectable steroids (Smith et al. 2013).

Another epidemiologically, biologically,and profoundly important ascomycete, P. jiro-

vecii, is so distinctive in its biology, that only areference to the related article in this collectioncan be made (Gigliotti et al. 2014).


In addition to the Cryptococcus spp. discussedabove, other Basidiomycota growing predomi-nantly as yeast in the host, Malassezia furfur,Trichosporon asahii, and other members of hu-man skin flora, are opportunists in patientswith venous catheters and in immunosup-pressed patients.


Profoundly immunocompromised patients atrisk for the environmental fungi describedabove are also at risk for Mucorales infections.Additionally, Mucorales cause severe disease indiabetic patients especially at times of uncon-trolled blood glucose, and patients with elevat-ed serum iron (e.g., attributed to hemosidero-sis), as described in the excellent series by Rodenet al. (2005). Like the aspergilli, these fungicause disease where airborne dispersal cells,sporangiospores, enter air-filled spaces (i.e., insinuses and lungs). Infections with Mucoralesprogress rapidly as the fungus grows fast andrelentlessly through tissue planes and bone,penetrating the eye and the brain when origi-nating in sinuses, and causing widespread in-farction because of its angioinvasive behavior.Depending on the underlying condition, suchinfections are often fatal (Roden et al. 2005),especially because these fungi tend toward resis-tance to current antifungals.

The Mucorales are an ubiquitous, ancientgroup mostly of saprotrophs, which, unlikethe Ascomycota and Basidiomycota (the Di-karya), do not manifest sophisticated adapta-tions to diverse substrates, but rapidly use upavailable sugars and then move on via theirsporangiospores (Hoffmann et al. 2013). Theirevolutionary distance from the phyla of otherhuman parasitic fungi is apparent in the struc-ture of their hyphae, which are fragile, thinwalled, and lack septa, and in the compositionof their cell walls in which chitin and chitosan

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play the structural roles that glucans fulfill in theDikarya (Dijksterhuis and Samson 2006). Somespecies like Mucor circillenoides are dimorphicand form yeast in the host (Dizbay et al. 2009;Khan et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2013), contributingto dissemination.

Among the Rhizopus spp., Rhizopus oryzae isresponsible for �70% of human disease (Spell-berg et al. 2005). Several of its virulence factorsare areas of active investigation: its iron scaveng-ing from the host (Fu et al. 2004; Ibrahim et al.2008, 2010; Spellberg et al. 2009; Ibrahim 2011)and its ability to bind GRP78/BiP, a Kar2 ho-molog, on the surface of endothelial cells withits spore coat protein homolog CotH3 (Liu et al.2010; Gebremariam et al. 2014). Like a broadphylogenetic variety of fungi, Mucorales are an-gioinvasive. Thigmotropism, the proclivity tosense and follow curvatures of a surface, hasbeen shown for one species, Mucor mucedo(Perera et al. 1997), and is likely to be commonto all. Much remains to be learned about thebiology of these evolutionarily old fungi andhistorically new human pathogens.


Immunologically intact humans manifest ro-bust defenses against fungal diseases. Recently,human social evolution produced scientificmedicine, whose progress has rendered a largepopulation susceptible to infections with funginot considered human pathogens as recently asa hundred years ago. Human social evolutionmay have reached a stage where prioritization ofthe resources needed for understanding fungalbiology and for successful development of mul-tiple new classes of antifungals is possible, as theexample of AIDS shows. Effective antiretroviraltherapy was developed with a massive researcheffort less than two decades ago, and if humansociety evolves to a point of valuing all humanlives equally, near elimination of AIDS is as fea-sible as the quasi elimination of HIV mother-to-child transmission has been in wealthy coun-tries (Siegfried et al. 2011; Cohen et al. 2013;Nicol et al. 2013). Unlike with HIV, which hasno reservoir in nature, humans will always haveto cope with fungal infections, because poten-

tial fungal pathogens are part of our normalflora and of soil, water, and air. But buildingon the tremendous efforts and findings of thepast decades, new low-toxicity therapies andnovel preventative measures of fungal infectionscan be within our reach.


J.R.K. thanks Alison Clapp, Library Director ofBoston Children’s Hospital, for ever-graciousand lightning-quick procurement of innumer-able articles.

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November 3, 20142015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019273 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Julia R. Köhler, Arturo Casadevall and John Perfect The Spectrum of Fungi That Infects Humans

Subject Collection Human Fungal Pathogens

PathogensEvolutionary Perspectives on Human Fungal

John W. Taylor Pathogenicity TraitPolyphyletic Pathogens with a Convergent

−−Thermally Dimorphic Human Fungal Pathogens

Anita Sil and Alex Andrianopoulos

HumansBlack Molds and Melanized Yeasts Pathogenic to

de HoogAnuradha Chowdhary, John Perfect and G. Sybren

Mechanisms of Antifungal Drug Resistance

Howard, et al.Leah E. Cowen, Dominique Sanglard, Susan J.

within MacrophagesFungal Pathogens: Survival and Replication

MayAndrew S. Gilbert, Robert T. Wheeler and Robin C.

Cryptococcus and CandidaTreatment Principles for

Laura C. Whitney and Tihana Bicanic

Innate Defense against Fungal Pathogens

Hise, et al.Rebecca A. Drummond, Sarah L. Gaffen, Amy G.

The Human MycobiomePatrick C. Seed

PharmacodynamicsAntifungal Pharmacokinetics and

Alexander J. Lepak and David R. AndesInfectionsTreatment Principles for the Management of Mold

Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis and Russell E. Lewis

EntomophthoralesHuman Fungal Pathogens of Mucorales and

al.Leonel Mendoza, Raquel Vilela, Kerstin Voelz, et

Adaptive Immunity to Fungi

al.Akash Verma, Marcel Wüthrich, George Deepe, et

GenomesFunctional Profiling of Human Fungal Pathogen

Alexi I. Goranov and Hiten D. Madhani

Pathogenic Species ComplexCandidaThe Siobhán A. Turner and Geraldine Butler

and Related SpeciesAspergillus fumigatus

R. Juvvadi, et al.Janyce A. Sugui, Kyung J. Kwon-Chung, Praveen

Fungal Morphogenesis

al.Xiaorong Lin, J. Andrew Alspaugh, Haoping Liu, et For additional articles in this collection, see

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