The Spanish explorers and Native A mericans

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The Spanish explorers and Native A mericans. Christopher Columbus. In 1492 Christopher Columbus set sail. Christopher Columbus was the first to discover A merica He took 3 boats to sail with La nina , Pinta , SantaMaria . He was only 13 when he first set sail. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Spanish explorers and Native A mericans

The spanish explorers and native americans

The Spanish explorers and Native Americans Christopher ColumbusIn 1492 Christopher Columbus set sail.Christopher Columbus was the first to discover AmericaHe took 3 boats to sail with La nina, Pinta ,SantaMaria.He was only 13 when he first set sail.He set sail to India but ended up in United States.

PiedaPineda sailed and landed in Florida in 1519.When he was in south of Florida attacked by hostile nativesHe was the first to create maps of Texas coast.

Cabeza de VacaCabeza de Vaca set sail in 1527. Cabeza de Vaca took 600 men when he got to united states he had 50 then had 40.He went back to tell everyone about the city of Texas or city of goldCabeza de Vaca was a slave of coalithecans and gained a new nickname medicine man and became friends to. When on jouney he got bit by many mosquitoes on land and water.Cabeza de Vaca landed in Florida.

Cabeza de vacaCabeza de Vaca carried around a journal called La Relacion .and looks like this .

This is Cabeza de vaca route.CoronadoWhen Coronado heard about the city of gold from de vaca he thought it was real gold.He sailed thought July 1540 to 1542.Coronado wanted nothing but Money ,gold and other deposits of gold.He landed in mexico and explored mexico and texas. Coronado found there was not any gold.

Pictures of explores

De Coronado Cabeza De VacaChristopher ColumbusPieda

Christopher Columbus travelled by boat to discover the Americas.Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca Jerez de frontera.Pineda travelled across the coast of Mexico.1519Alvar Nunez Cabeza de vaca listened to the stories about the new world. Cabeza de vaca and Alvar Nunez arrived in Florida.Six years after cabeza de vaca returned to Mexico he went to see the coalithecans.1540Cabeza de Vaca takes up his position as a governor of the la Plata regions . 1541Cabez de Vaca introduces new credits about the fair trement149215191527La relacion got publishied1542152815438Native Americans


Pictures of Native Americans


Coahuiltecans were small groups gathered together from Texas and North eastern Mexico.They joined in various sizes often in season they joined into 12 people in a Coahuiltecans group.In the summer they colected Prikly pears, and ate the Prikly pears and traded for ripe fruits they got drinks from nature.They ate snakes , rats, fish, spiders ,ant eggs, and deer Excraments , salamanders, and deer. CaddoDuring plating seasons the Caddo farmed.They traded with other tribes for things they needed.They were broke into groups called confedrcay.Often there were at less seven famlies in one house because the houses were very huge.They named Texas after a word in caddo languge, friend.Karankawa

The Karankawa lived south of the Caddo.In the winter karankawa lived by the shore and for food they ate seafood.In the summer they moved smaller familes into bands and one band had one leader.ComancheThe Comanche moved to to Texas from the north great plains in the year of 1700s.The Comanche depended on buffalo hide or skin.The Comanche made the buffalo out of many different things such as clothing ,bedspead, and food.The Comanche used a wooden frame called travois.The Comanche earned control over central and great plains.

Map of Native Americansk

Presented byKarlaSavannahJamieJeremiah Celeste