The Turn off the faucet while...

The Spirit Holy Spirit Lutheran Church November 2019 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ; Grace, mercy and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! My last Newsleer arcle to you, and perhaps ever. I wish I had begun counng the number of newsleer arcles (over 400), council meengs (at least 400), bapsms, weddings and funerals I have done in my 42 years. I think it would have been inter- esng – at least to me. But I didnt. This being my last Newsleer I thought I would give 5 concluding thoughts/suggesons to the church at large and 5 thoughts/ suggesons to Holy Spirit Church in parcular summing up 42 years of ministry; CHURCH AT LARGE Care more about others than about yourself. The Church is at its best when it follows Jesus into unexpected places for the sake of the hurng and suffering. The Church belongs to God and not to any one group of people, denominaon, pastors, priest, or tradions. The 7 last words of the church are We have never done it that way before. The Church is a movement. Some how or other over me it became a system of beliefs, doctrine, rights or wrongs. The Church needs to rediscover the whole idea that God is a verb and cannot be contained in a box! We need to listen to each other, listen to the youth, listen to the outsider, listen to other Chrisans, listen to the prison- ers, listen the dying, listen to the poor, listen to Chrisans in developing parts of the world. JESUSHOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Your two best assists are your locaon and the Early Learning Center. You need to build on those two resources since they are your future! See the Early Learning Center as an educaonal ministry and not as a source of in- come! Focus on your mission and ministry, and not on your past and survival. Dont be afraid to try new things. You need more acvies, programs, dinners, etc! If the founders of Holy Spirit did- nt have an adventurous spirit in the beginning, HSLC wouldnt be here today. 3b. Get as many people involved in as many things/programs as possible. HSLC belongs to everybody and everybody needs to claim responsibility. Old mers need to let new mers have their me! 4. Come on everybodyyou can give more! I dont need to say that. You already know what you are capable of giving to God and his work! 5 JESUSIn Christs Love! Pastor Gerry

Transcript of The Turn off the faucet while...

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The Spirit

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

November 2019

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ;

Grace, mercy and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

My last Newsletter article to you, and perhaps ever. I wish I had begun counting the number of newsletter articles (over 400),

council meetings (at least 400), baptisms, weddings and funerals I have done in my 42 years. I think it would have been inter-

esting – at least to me. But I didn’t.

This being my last Newsletter I thought I would give 5 concluding thoughts/suggestions to the church at large and 5 thoughts/

suggestions to Holy Spirit Church in particular summing up 42 years of ministry;


Care more about others than about yourself. The Church is at its best when it follows Jesus into unexpected places for

the sake of the hurting and suffering.

The Church belongs to God and not to any one group of people, denomination, pastors, priest, or traditions. The 7 last

words of the church are “We have never done it that way before.”

The Church is a movement. Some how or other over time it became a system of beliefs, doctrine, rights or wrongs. The

Church needs to rediscover the whole idea that God is a verb and cannot be contained in a box!

We need to listen to each other, listen to the youth, listen to the outsider, listen to other Christians, listen to the prison-

ers, listen the dying, listen to the poor, listen to Christians in developing parts of the world.



Your two best assists are your location and the Early Learning Center. You need to build on those two resources

since they are your future! See the Early Learning Center as an educational ministry and not as a source of in-


Focus on your mission and ministry, and not on your past and survival.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. You need more activities, programs, dinners, etc! If the founders of Holy Spirit did-

n’t have an adventurous spirit in the beginning, HSLC wouldn’t be here today.

3b. Get as many people involved in as many things/programs as possible. HSLC belongs to everybody and everybody

needs to claim responsibility. Old timers need to let new timers have their time!

4. Come on everybody…you can give more! I don’t need to say that. You already know what you are capable of giving to

God and his work!


In Christ’s Love!

Pastor Gerry

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May God give you an open heart and mind, a loving spirit, be more willing to give than to receive, look for the

positives instead of the negatives, welcome the stranger and newcomers, listen with loving ears and daily seek to

be better for the sake of Jesus! Amen


Please welcome Pastor Joseph Lettrich as Holy Spirit’s “Bridge Interim”. Pastor Lettrich is a long time pastor in our

Synod having pastored St. John Brooklyn and St. John Linthicum, and numerous interims, most recently Abiding

Savior in Columbia.

His wife Carol grew up at Second English Lutheran Church in Baltimore.


1. Turn off the faucet while brushing teeth or shaving

2.Turn thermostat up 3 degrees (in summer) and down 3 degrees (in winter). In the spring and fall, open the windows

as often as possible.

3.Wash dishes by hand in a dishpan and only run the dishwasher with a full load. Do not use heat for the drying cycle.

4.Wash clothes in the coolest water possible.

5.Turn off lights, TV, radio, stereo when leaving the room for any length of time.

6.Take a day of rest-no shopping, no work, no driving once a week.

7.Recycle everything possible; don’t buy over packaged items.

8.Donate a box of books to the library twice a year.

9.Hand wash clothes inst4ead of dry cleaning whenever possible.

10.Clean out closets and donate clothes not worn in the past year.

11.Memorize one Bible verse about God’s love for his creation, such as Psalm 24:1: “The earth is the Lord’s and the

fullness thereof.”

12.Follow our grandmother’s advice: “Use it u, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”

13.Install low-flow shower heads. Take showers instead of baths (they use less water.

14.Clean or replace air filters throughout the house.

15.Disconnect ice machine in freezer, especially if you have two or more.

16.Unplug TV and stereo when not in use or put them on a switched power strip.

17.Donate old cell phones, computers, printers to a good cause or take them to Staples for recycling.

18.Plant deciduous trees along the south side of house to save cooling costs.

19.When replacing appliances, purchas3e the most efficient (Energy Star), with the lowest yearly energy cost.

20.Ask your local utility to conduct an energy audit on your home and/or business and then heed their advice.

21.Visit the grocery store only once a week. Combine trips. Carpool.

22.Air dry laundry. Whenever possible.

23.Avoid fast food restaurants; pack a picnic lunch when travelling.

24.Replace church light bulbs with compact fluorescents. Recycle church bulletins.

25.Caulk and weather strip around windows and doors to plug air leaks.


“Thank the Lord for your many blessings. Pray that you protect and provide care for the homeless, weak and ad-

dicted. Guide my children on their journey. Help them make the right decisions. In Jesus name!

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Delaware- Maryland Synod in Assembly

has designated

November 24, 2019 (Christ the King Sunday)


“For I was hungry and you gave me food.”

Matthew 25:35

Holy Spirit will be joining other churches in the Delaware -Maryland

Synod in supporting this ELCA World Hunger Program by celebrating in

worship, in prayer, in word, and with a noisy jar offering. Additionally,

the congregation is asked to bring in non-perishable food donations

(cereal and canned food) to support a local food pantry “Rock of Hope”

sponsored by Ebenezer United Methodist Church located on Winfield


Each member and/or family of Holy Spirit has been blessed with full re-

frigerators, pantries, overflowing tables, and opportunities to dine out.

We have numerous options and choices. Many do not. Please consider

setting up a noisy jar in your own household and begin now collecting

your loose change to bring to church on November 24. While shopping

for groceries each week, designate an item or items for the food pantry

drive. You have been generous in the past in recognizing and respond-

ing to a challenge, and sharing Christ’s love with those in need. Contin-

ue this tradition on World Hunger Sunday.

Please call Patsy Taylor at 443-952-7116 with any questions.

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We may not understand God’s plan for Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, but HE has

walked with this congregation through so many “events” that I believe HE clearly has a mission for

this church family.

As the Stewardship chair and a member of the Church Council, I strongly encourage

you to attend the upcoming Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 17th after the 10:45 ser-

vice (approximately noon). As our Call Committee moves forward and we complete the congrega-

tional survey regarding our “wishes” for a future Pastor, we need to take a serious look at our cur-

rent financial status and the proposed budget for the coming year. As a church community, we

need to consider what Holy Spirit Lutheran Church might look like to a perspective pastor.

Would he or she be interested in who we are and what we have to offer?

On November 24th, which is the Sunday following the Congregational Meeting, we

will have our Pledge Sunday here at Holy Spirit. These financial pledges will provide the Call Com-

mittee with a better idea of the salary we can offer a Pastor.

Respectfully submitted by Holly de Benedictis, Stewardship

Thanksgiving Eve Service 7:00 pm

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Stewardship and Gratitude

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

--Psalm 9:1

Gratitude is the attitude, the key that can unlock the doors of our lives to more

joy, satisfaction, contentment, love and peace. Gratitude undergirds everything we do

as disciples of Christ and stewards of the gifts with which God entrusts us. Are these

bold claims? Yes! Are they true? Without a doubt!

Blame it on our consumer culture that constantly implores us to buy more, or

simply blame it on human nature, but many of us focus way too much on our unfilled

desires, our unmet wants. Whether it’s a fancier car, a bigger house, whiter teeth, more

friends, a fatter paycheck or skinnier body, our

wants can overwhelm and define us if we’re not

careful. Want and desire can blind us to the

blessings we already have in this wonderful life

that God has given us.

What’s the cure? Gratitude! It’s an attitude

that can be developed through prayer and

practice. And since we are gearing up for

Thanksgiving on November 28, why not make it a

month long effort?

Start by making a list of things for which

you are thankful today. (If you have a smartphone

that enables you to take notes, use it. A small pad

or index card will also do.) Include at least 20

items on the list.

Carry the list with you and pray over it several times a day, saying, “I thank God

for this. I thank God for that,” and so on. Make it a working project, adding to the list as

you think of new blessings or reordering them in priority.

As the weeks unfold, see if you won’t develop an attitude of gratitude for the

things you already have and a deep satisfaction and peace for your life. Gratitude

unlocks our lives to the abundance that God intends for us.

Copyright © 2018, Rev. Robert Blezard. Reprinted by permission.

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Worship Matters — Meal

The third part of our worship is called “Meal”, going back to the meal that Jesus had with his disciples on the night before he was crucified. Since Paul's letters were written before the Gospels, the earliest description that we have of this event is in 1 Corinthians 11:23-25. This passage describes the same actions that are part of our meal today: taking bread and wine, thanking God for them, and sharing them.

There are many names for this meal, including the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, and Holy Communion. Each of these reflects a different aspect of it: thanksgiving; a meal hosted by Jesus; and the relationship believers have with Jesus and with one another.

At Holy Spirit, this part of the liturgy includes the sections below. Those which are in bold italic are considered central elements, while the others may be omitted. In fact, we do not use the Eucharistic Prayer or the post-communion canticle at our early service.

Offering Setting the Table Offering Prayer Great Thanksgiving Dialogue and Preface Sanctus (Holy, holy, holy) Words of Institution or Eucharistic Prayer with Words of Institution Lord's Prayer Communion Communion Song (Agnus Dei) Distribution Post-Communion Canticle Prayer after Communion

Some of these actions occur simultaneously or as other actions are being performed. For example, the assisting minister sets the table while the offering is being gathered. When both have been completed, the offering is brought forward. At Holy Spirit, the practice is to commune worship leaders while the communion song is being sung. Finally, the assisting minister clears the table after the distribution during the post-communion canticle if there is one.

At Holy Spirit, we, like many Christian congregations, celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday and at many other services. We do this because we need the sacrament. In Christ’s body and blood given to us, God forgives us and nourishes us for mission as the baptized people of God.

Deacon Linda

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Early Learning Center News for November:

Our enrollment is still way up with 96 spots filled. We will begin registration for

the 2020-21 school year the first of December so if you know anyone looking for

a preschool please tell them to contact me (Jennie Jones) in the office at 410-


The Preschool children will be talking about the first Thanksgiving, families and

what we are thankful for. Some of the children will decorate a t-shirt to wear to

their Thanksgiving celebrations. Stories about Pilgrims and Native Americans

will be read every day. Our character trait for this month is Honesty.

We are working on the ASQ-3 evaluations to prepare us for the end of the

month conferences. We continue to study our colors, shapes, letters, numbers,

and hand writing skills.

Our afternoon classes are having lots of fun times with all the science activities.

We had a candy theme, a pumpkin theme, and spiders throughout the week.

There are also lots of turkey crafts and corn painting going on. We have had

chapel time and library visits.

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Hymn Story — Sent Forth by God’s Blessing

This hymn was written by Omer Westendorf, one of the

earliest authors of Roman Catholic liturgical music in English. He

was born on February 24, 1916, in Cincinnati, and, except for the

time he served overseas during World War II, appears to have

spent most of his life in that area. His time in Europe, however, had

a significant impact on the rest of his life. While he was on leave in

Holland, Westendorf heard some new settings of the Mass and

brought them home for his own parish choir. The interest in new

music from Europe led him to found a company called the World

Library of Sacred Music in 1950. The initial purpose of this firm

was to import music, but it later began publishing its own music

and became World Library Publications, now the music and liturgy

division of J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.

Westendorf wrote words for many hymns and pieces of liturgical music under his own

name and several pen names. “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing” is one of his most famous hymns.

He also wrote “Gift of Finest Wheat” (ELW 484) and translated “Where Charity and Love Prevail

(ELW 359) from Latin In 1975, he was named the Pastoral Musician of the Year by the National

Association of Pastoral Musicians. Westendorf died on October 22, 1997, in Cincinnati.

“Sent Forth by God’s Blessing” was published in 1964. It is a wonderful sending hymn

since it alludes to the other three parts of the service. Can you find these references? It is set to a

Welsh tune called “The Ash Grove”. This tune was first published in 1802, but there is evidence

that it may be as much as 150 years older than that. In the 1920s, Katherine Davis wrote the

hymn “Let All Things Now Living” for the tune; that hymn was first published in 1939.

Deacon Linda

1 Sent forth by God’s blessing,

our true faith confessing,

the people of God from this dwelling take leave.

The supper is ended.

Oh, now be extended

the fruits of this service in all who believe.

The seed of Christ’s teaching,

receptive souls reaching,

shall blossom in action for God and for all.

Your grace shall incite us,

your love shall unite us

to work for your kingdom and answer your call.

2 With praise and thanksgiving

to God ever-living,

the tasks of our everyday life we will face —

our faith ever sharing,

in love ever caring,

embracing God’s children, the whole human race.

With your feast you feed us,

with your light now lead us;

unite us as one in the life that we share.

Then may all the living

with praise and thanksgiving

give honor to Christ and his name that we bear

Omer Westendorf

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Second Sundays of the month are “Jammin”


Fun activities for all ages

The beginning of the youth group experience for

Pre-school & Elementary-aged kids

The Second Sunday of Each Month

at approximately 2:00 pm

(time depends on activity)

J.A M.: Jesus and Me

Check out our website and our Facebook page

to stay up-to-date on J. A. M. events

Contact Laura Blum and Joe Herb for more details

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Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes

October 9, 2019

[P = present; A = absent]

P Pastor Gerry Rickel P Brian Bowman/President

P Deacon Linda Smith P Mark Friend/VP/Personnel

P Andy Jones/Treasurer P Milt Taylor/Financial Secretary

P Nancy Bowman/Secretary/M&W P Holly deBenedictis/Stewardship

P Will Stecher/Property P Laura Blum/Youth & Education

P Jim Robinson P Joe Herb/Pastoral Assistant/Y&E

P Carol Friend/Social Ministry; Constitution and Bylaws

P Michele Burger/Youth & Education

Call to Order – 7:00 p.m. by Council President Brian Bowman

In accordance with the decision made at the August 9, 2017 Council meeting, the minutes of the

September 11, 2019 Council meeting were approved via email by a simple majority of the Council

who attended the meeting.

Opening Devotions

→ Prayer [Mark Friend]

→ “Called by God to Serve”, chapter 6 – Apathy in the Church [Mark Friend]

Mark compared the lesson to the story of ‘Jonah and the Whale’.

We can’t flee from God.

It’s not easy to answer God’s call.

***In light of Pastor Gerry Rickel’s October 2, 2019 letter of resignation as Interim Pastor of Holy Spirit Lu-

theran Church and his retirement from active ministry, Bishop Bill Gohl has come to speak to the Council

regarding a Bridge Interim for HSLC.

Bishop Gohl offered Pastor Joseph Lettrich (retired) of Ellicott City, Maryland as the Bridge Interim for

HSLC, with Deacon Linda Smith and Joe Herb (Assistant to the Pastor) assisting with the transition.

Pastor Lettrich would meet with the Executive Committee to discuss/develop a position description

and agreeable compensation for a month-to-month contract.

After much discussion, and considering Council has already accepted Deacon Linda Smith’s resignation

(effective 11/24/19), Deacon Linda said she was “open to negotiating” her role in transitioning a bridge

interim for HSLC.

A motion was made by Mark Friend and seconded by Laura Blum for the HSLC Executive Committee to

meet with Pastor Lettrich, and Deacon Linda Smith to develop a mutually acceptable staff plan; motion

passed unanimously.

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A motion was made by Laura Blum and seconded by Jim Robinson to suspend Deacon Linda’s resignation un-

til after the Executive Committee, Pastor Lettrich, and Deacon Linda Smith meet to develop a staff plan;

motion passed unanimously.

Bishop Bill Gohl stated that if HSLC can come up with an agreement, he will sign off on it.

Current Business

Pastor’s Report – report submitted

Treasurer’s Report/Andy Jones – report submitted

At the September Council meeting, a discrepancy was noted in the amount listed for August’s

“offering/envelopes” between the Treasurer’s Report and the Financial Secretary’s Report. It

was determined that the discrepancy was a double posting of a deposit on the Treasurer’s Re-

port. The error was corrected and the account was reconciled for August.

→ Motion to approve the August 2019 and September 2019 Treasurer’s Reports was made by Laura

Blum and seconded by Mark Friend; motion carried.

Committee Reports [Consent Agenda Reports*]

*Financial Secretary - Milt Taylor; report submitted

*Deacon Linda - Linda Smith; report submitted

*Music & Worship - Nancy Bowman; report submitted

Fellowship - [Bill Dodson] – no report

Stewardship - Holly deBenedictis

Joe Herb and Holly deBenedictis (and possibly Laura Blum) will give temple talks in prepa-

ration for Stewardship Sunday.

*Property - Will Stecher; report submitted

Youth & Education - Joe Herb/Laura Blum/Michele Burger –

report submitted

Youth & Education is requesting the Confirmation Retreat to Mar-Lu-Ridge be funded (≈

$900) by the Youth Fund

→ A motion was made by Nancy Bowman and seconded by Will Stecher to take monies

from the Youth Fund to pay for the Confirmation Retreat to Mar-Lu-Ridge; motion car-


Council discussed the pros/cons of having 1 worship service on December 22, 2019 for the

Christmas Pageant. A Congregational Christmas Fellowship would follow the proposed

one/9:30 a.m. service.

→ A motion was made by Laura Blum and seconded by Carol Friend to have 1 worship ser-

vice on December 22, 2019; motion carried.

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*Social Ministry - Carol Friend; report submitted

Personnel - Mark Friend – no report

Evangelism - [TBD]

→ Great news!! Several new families have worshiped with us in the past few weeks.

Constitution and Bylaws - Carol Friend – no report

Old Business

Status of CY2018 Audit – auditors have completed their review of their sections; still have a few ques-

tions to address with Andy Jones

Multipurpose Room storage closet (previously approved, but not completed during renovation due to

lack of funds)

Brian Bowman checked with Fire Marshal regarding any code issues or special material require-

ments; no issues with either.

→ Construction of storage closet will move forward, but with the room-use schedule and volun-

teers’ personal commitments making it difficult for an adequate open timeframe, work will

not start until 2020.

“Thank You/Farewell” event(s) for Deacon Linda; sheet cake to be ordered.

→ Due to Deacon Linda Smith’s proposed/possible involvement with the Bridge Interim’s transition,

plans for a retirement “Thank You/Farewell” (11/23/19) were put on hold.

New Business

CY2020 Draft Budget – Andy Jones presented a 2020 draft budget to the Council for discussion and

approval; some adjustments were made.

→ A motion was made by Milt Taylor and seconded by Carol Friend to approve the presented 2020

draft budget with the adjustments made tonight; motion carried.

Pastor Gerry’s and Deacon Linda’s meeting: Who will assume the duties that Deacon Linda now does?

(i.e., IT, website, Bible Study)

→ Due to Deacon Linda Smith’s proposed/possible involvement with the Bridge Interim’s transition,

this discussion was put on hold.

Pastor Gerry Rickel’s letter of resignation as Interim Pastor of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church and his re-

tirement from active ministry.

→ No additional Council discussion was needed.

Annual Congregation Meeting – November 17, 2019; proposed agenda

Call to Order


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Signature/Sign-in Sheet for Attendance Minutes of the HSLC Annual Congregation meeting – 11/18/18; handout 2019 Annual Committee Reports; handout Elections (by written ballot): Audit Committee; Nominating Committee; Synod Conference

Representative; Church Council Council Approved 2020 Ministry Plan/annual budget – summarized on power point presen-

tation → Copies for review also made available in the Narthex by 11/10/19 Call Committee – status update Election Results Adjournment and Prayer

Letter to Congregation regarding date/time/agenda of 11/17/19 Congregation Meeting to be emailed/mailed 11/2/19.

Annual Committee Reports are due to Nancy Bowman by 11/10/19 for the 11/17/19 Congregation Meeting.

Pledge Sunday (originally planned for 11/17/19) → Motion made by Milt Taylor and seconded by Laura Blum to move Pledge Sunday to 11/24/19,

the Sunday after presenting the 2020 Ministry Plan (11/17/19); motion carried. Call Process

Call Committee is moving forward quickly, about a month ahead of schedule

Congregation Survey for Ministry Site Profile; available through October in hard copy and online

Council Meeting Points to Share with Congregation this Sunday

Council met with Bishop Bill Gohl regarding a Bridge Interim Pastor for HSLC after Pastor Gerry’s


Council discussion and approval of a 2020 Ministry Plan/annual budget

Congregation Meeting 11/17/19


→ Holy Spirit Day at Gaver Farm – October 13, 2019

→ Trunk or Treat – October 20, 2019

→ Newsletter Deadline – October 20, 2019

→ Annual Committee Reports due to Nancy Bowman by November 10, 2019

→ Next Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting – Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 7:00 p.m.

Motion to Adjourn

→ Motion to adjourn was made by Milt Taylor and seconded by Carol Friend; motion carried.

Closing Prayer

→ Meeting ended at 10:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy Bowman

Nancy Bowman/Council Secretary

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The “Spirit Diners” will get together on Sunday, December 8, at 1:00 PM at the Paper Lantern Asian Grill, 2020 Marriottsville Road, Suite G (corner of Route 99, behind Dunkin Donuts.) PLEASE NOTE DATE SEQUENCE CHANGE. Here is their website to view the menu: Use the “sign-up” sheet (in back of the church) to make your reservation. Questions: call Barbara Northrop,

Spirited Seniors will not meet in November. The next gathering will

be December 11 at Basta Pasta in Eldersburg. There is a sign up sheet

in the narthex.

Contact Information for Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

Address: Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

2205 Old Liberty Road

Eldersburg, MD 21784

Church Office Phone: (410) 795-6333

Preschool Office: (410) 795-2287


Pastor: [email protected]

Deacon Linda: [email protected]

Pastoral Assistant: [email protected]

Parish Administrator: [email protected]


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