THE SOWER - First United Methodist Church - Home

PRAYER REQUESTS Prayers for those in the nursing home or assisted living Mary Lou Preston Steward Barrick Peggy Metheny Jim Hill Devert Hoelker Prayers for healing or for comfort in difficult circumstances Nadine Douglas Bonnie Steiner Lib Rosenbaum Daycie Lee Sonya Pearson Betty Madison JD & Wanda Travis Cheryl Wedel Ross Hines Buster Loving John Chand Sylvia Robart George Williams Bob Ford Donna Warnick Brownie/Regena Browne Larry Siess Darrell Coit Mike Harris Leland Williams Darla Kinney David Southall Carol Webb Rayna Lax Bob Haggard Griffy Klein Thelma Chand Steve Haggard Paula Sawatzky Kristi Spaeth Jim Holland Bob Smith (Okc) Helen Jones Family of Jim Lorenz Eileen Chittum Mary Evans Website: The next deadline for Sower articles is . Thursday, February 20, 2020. First United Methodist Church Staff Ministers The baptized members of the church Pastor Rick Robart, [email protected] Church Secretary Kim Snider, [email protected] Music Director Shirley Clayton Hand Bells Director Nancy Rodolph Pianist Carla Cruson Nursery Olivia Stehr Youth Director Colin McCartney 9:30 AM WORSHIP 10:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Church Office: 580-323-3179 Parsonage Phone number: 580-331-5030 Pastor Ricks Cell number: 1-918-803-1138 Pastor Ricks Email: [email protected] FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2/1 Jack Carpenter 2/27 Judy Jordan 2/3 Chris Newcomb 2/27 Trey Newcomb 2/6 Beverly Thomason 2/6 Betty Madison 2/7 Alyssa Heerwald 2/8 Kaci Fransen 2/10 Turner Moss 2/14 Paula Ford 2/14 Quincy Matlock 2/15 Derek Jordan 2/16 Jeanne Engel 2/16 Patty Lee 2/16 Jill Weedon 2/18 Bill Jackson 2/18 Marty Wandrie 2/19 Jim Hill 2/22 Kate Dowdell 2/25 Regena Brown PERIODICALS THE SOWER PE 508920 THE SOWER (The Sower PE #5089020) February 2020, Church newsletter published month- ly by First United Methodist Church, 1001 Frisco, Clinton, OK 73601. Periodical postage paid at Clin- ton, OK POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First United Methodist Church, 1001 Frisco, Clinton, OK 73601 Saturday Monthly February 1, 2020 THE SOWER The mission of our church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the World. Loving God; Loving Others; and Living Out Our Faith Love Lifted Me We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NIV) The two huddled together, working line by line, bar by bar, composing a hymn in tandem. The words were jotted down by James Rowe, and the music was hammered out at the piano by his friend, Howard E. Smith. Smiths hands were so twisted from arthritis, that his friends wondered how he could play the piano at all. But there they were, James pacing back and forth, while Howard banged away the melody. When they finished, the world had the song, Love Lifted Me.Are you familiar with that song? Verse one says: I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more. But the Master of the sea, Heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I. The chorus says: Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me; Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Did you find yourself singing those words? Did you find yourself thinking back to your former way of life, be- fore Jesus saved you? I did. The thought of Jesus loving me and saving me when I was sinking in sin reminded me to love Him even more, and to love others. The last verse of this song offers the same love to every person who does not know Christ: Souls in danger look above; Jesus completely saves. He will lift you by His love, Out of the angry waves. Hes the Master of the sea, Billows His will obey. He your Savior wants to be, Be saved today. The Apostle John wrote, We love, because he first loved us.” We love all those sinking in sin, those deeply stained within. We love them because Jesus heard our despairing cry and lifted us out of our sin and cleansed us within. The Book of Zingers says: The secret to evangelism is allowing the love of Christ to overflow in every word, every action and every thought.” “We love because he first loved us.” __________________________________ Morgan, Robert, Then Sings My Soul,” Book 2, p. 29. Pastor Rick

Transcript of THE SOWER - First United Methodist Church - Home


Prayers for those in the nursing home or assisted living

Mary Lou Preston Steward Barrick Peggy Metheny

Jim Hill Devert Hoelker

Prayers for healing or for comfort in difficult circumstances

Nadine Douglas Bonnie Steiner Lib Rosenbaum Daycie Lee Sonya Pearson Betty Madison JD & Wanda Travis Cheryl Wedel Ross Hines Buster Loving John Chand Sylvia Robart George Williams Bob Ford Donna Warnick Brownie/Regena Browne Larry Siess Darrell Coit Mike Harris Leland Williams Darla Kinney David Southall Carol Webb Rayna Lax Bob Haggard Griffy Klein Thelma Chand Steve Haggard Paula Sawatzky Kristi Spaeth Jim Holland Bob Smith (Okc) Helen Jones Family of Jim Lorenz Eileen Chittum Mary Evans


The next deadline for Sower articles is . Thursday, February 20, 2020.

First United Methodist Church Staff

Ministers The baptized members of the church

Pastor Rick Robart, [email protected]

Church Secretary Kim Snider, [email protected]

Music Director Shirley Clayton

Hand Bells Director Nancy Rodolph

Pianist Carla Cruson

Nursery Olivia Stehr

Youth Director Colin McCartney



Church Office: 580-323-3179

Parsonage Phone number: 580-331-5030

Pastor Rick’s Cell number: 1-918-803-1138

Pastor Rick’s Email: [email protected]


2/1 Jack Carpenter 2/27 Judy Jordan 2/3 Chris Newcomb 2/27 Trey Newcomb 2/6 Beverly Thomason 2/6 Betty Madison 2/7 Alyssa Heerwald 2/8 Kaci Fransen 2/10 Turner Moss 2/14 Paula Ford 2/14 Quincy Matlock 2/15 Derek Jordan 2/16 Jeanne Engel 2/16 Patty Lee 2/16 Jill Weedon 2/18 Bill Jackson 2/18 Marty Wandrie 2/19 Jim Hill 2/22 Kate Dowdell 2/25 Regena Brown



PE 508920

THE SOWER (The Sower PE #5089020) February 2020, Church newsletter published month-ly by First United Methodist Church, 1001 Frisco, Clinton, OK 73601. Periodical postage paid at Clin-ton, OK POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First United Methodist Church, 1001 Frisco, Clinton, OK 73601

Saturday Monthly February 1, 2020

THE SOWER The mission of our church is to make disciples of

Jesus Christ for the transformation of the World.

Loving God; Loving Others; and Living Out Our Faith

Love Lifted Me We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19 (NIV)

The two huddled together, working line by line, bar by bar, composing a hymn in tandem. The words were jotted down by James Rowe, and the music was hammered out at the piano by his friend, Howard E. Smith. Smith’s hands were so twisted from arthritis, that his friends wondered how he could play the piano at all. But there they were, James pacing back and forth, while Howard banged away the melody. When they finished, the world had the song, “Love Lifted Me.”

Are you familiar with that song? Verse one says: I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more. But the Master of the sea, Heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I. The chorus says: Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me; Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Did you find yourself singing those words? Did you find yourself thinking back to your former way of life, be-fore Jesus saved you? I did. The thought of Jesus loving me and saving me when I was sinking in sin reminded me to love Him even more, and to love others.

The last verse of this song offers the same love to every person who does not know Christ: Souls in danger look above; Jesus completely saves. He will lift you by His love, Out of the angry waves. He’s the Master of the sea, Billows His will obey. He your Savior wants to be, Be saved today. The Apostle John wrote, “We love, because he first loved us.” We love all those sinking in sin, those deeply stained within. We love them because Jesus heard our despairing cry and lifted us out of our sin and cleansed us within.

The Book of Zingers says: “The secret to evangelism is allowing the love of Christ to overflow in every word, every action and every thought.” “We love because he first loved us.”


Morgan, Robert, “Then Sings My Soul,” Book 2, p. 29.

Pastor Rick


Gas-ONG: Helped - Fuel: Helped - Stranded Veteran -


Sept. 8, 2019

June Liturgist Kristin Blakeburn

Wednesday, June 19, 5:30 Finance Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 25, 6:00 Trustee Committee Meeting


An Outward Focus: Jesus was always outward focused. He saw the needs of all the people around him. He did all he could to bring them into the Kingdom of God.

Are we keeping an outward focus at church? The Book of Zingers states: Something is fishy if we aren’t fishing for men.

Let’s keep an outward focus on those who don’t know Jesus. Let’s keep praying and inviting. Let’s keep being friendly to all of our guests. Let’s help lead our children and youth to Sunday School.

Galatians 6:9 (NIV): Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Second Sunday Servants:

Children will collect cereal & juice for Opportunities, Inc.

Website: Check out our Website at:

Tell your friends about it. Put the website address on your Facebook page. Sermons are available at the website for you to read.

Sunday, Feb. 2: Holy Communion & Alms.

Thursday Feb. 13 4:00 p.m.: Free Medical Clinic.

Friday Feb. 14: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sunday Feb. 23: Children Collect Coins for Mis-sions.

Thursday, Feb. 27 4:00 p.m.: Free Medical Clinic.

UMW Meeting Thursday Feb. 13 at 12:30 pm

Finance Committee Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 5:30 pm

Trustee Committee Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 6:00 pm

I Will Not Offer That Which Costs Me Nothing. In 1 Chronicles 21, we see David, a man after God’s own heart, sin by counting his fighting men. The sin was unbelief: he didn’t trust the Lord of Hosts to win his battles.

God in his mercy offered David three options for Israel’s punishment: three years of famine; three months of being killed by enemies, or three days of the sword of the Lord. David chose the latter.

David saw the Angel of the Lord with his sword drawn, extended over Jerusalem. David confessed to God, “I the shepherd have sinned.”

The angel told David through Gad, the prophet, to build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunal the Jebusite.

Araunah offered to give David the field and oxen for the burnt offering.

David said, “No, I insist on paying the full price. I will not . . . sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing. 1 Chronicles 21:24.

David’s great son, Jesus, paid the full price for our sins on the cross, so that we can be forgiven and have a relationship with God.

How do you feel about your offerings? Do you say with David: I will not offer to the Lord that which costs me nothing?

Thank you for your consistent, sacrificial offer-ings.

January: $117.55

Electric: Helped - 2

Water: Helped - 1

Dear Ladies,

Our next UMW meeting will be Thursday, Feb-ruary 13th at 12:30 p.m. in the Parlor. Ann Marcy

will provide the program, and Barbara Griffin will

provide the refreshments.

Sincerely, Carla Cruson - UMW President

Ash Wednesday Service February 26, 7:00 p.m.

Traditions are important. They can help us stay grounded in the faith. You are invited to plan now to take part in our short, meaningful Ash

Wednesday service. The imposition of ashes is a powerful way to symbolize our repentance and mortality as we begin the Holy Season of Lent.

The youth are back in the swing of things on Wednesday nights; it’s been great! One night in the Sanctuary, we served by picking up all the Special Christmas Offering Envelopes in the pews. The youth did a great job!

We’d love to have any youth in 7th-12th grade to come join us on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:00 p.m. If they come a few minutes early, they can play pool, ping pong or even foosball. Thank you to all the adults that volunteer to help me with the youth group on Wednesday nights.

This month, the youth will be going to see “Seussical the Musical” at Southwest Playhouse on Sunday, Feb. 16!

At this time, the youth are doing a video series called “Nooma” it’s by Rob Bell. We also talk about the issues we encounter in the world and how God works in us.

Any 7th-12th graders are welcome to join us for Sunday School at 10:45 in the education building!

Colin McCartney

Youth and Children’s Director



FEBRUARY 2, 2020



Potato Bar Chili Dinner Dessert Auction

This is a fundraiser for the Youth, love offering for the lunch and a dessert auction.

Donations received will help go to Youth Force this summer. The youth will work on people’s houses for those that cannot get around very well or cannot afford to do work on their house.

Thank you for supporting youth!

Colin McCartney

Dear church family,

I love what the Lord says in Exodus 23:25 – Worship the Lord your God and his blessing will be on your food and water. I

will take away sickness from among you. When it’s time to worship the Lord, blot out everybody and eve-rything and sing directly to Him and concentrate on Him. Let the words of the songs go deep into your be-ing. That’s where the blessing lies.

Love to all, Shirley

Thank you Ashley Kelly for doing youth Sunday school while I was out of town with my wife for our honey-moon!

I would also like to thank Pat & Suzanne Day, and Jill Atchley for taking care of youth Wednes-day night! I am grateful for amazing volunteers!

Sincerely, Colin McCartney

MUSIC Director News


SUNDAY FEB. 9TH 11:30 A.M.


This is a meeting for Parents and Volunteers to attend.

Children’s Sunday school classes are held upstairs at 10:45 a.m. in the Educational building for grades K-4 & 5-6. Please join us. We have a great time!

For questions, please contact Colin McCartney at (405) 816-7378

Special Thank You: to Rick Robart for officiating Glea’s Funeral service. To the women who prepared the wonderful meal

for the family, and to Carlos and Ann Newcomb for the lovely music.

From the Family of Glea Tutwiler

THANK YOU: We want to thank you for all the ways you have supported us in Sylvia’s battle with breast cancer. You have prayed, you have shared caring words, food and gifts. A special thanks to

Sally Sappington for taking Sylvia to her radiation treatment when I had to be at a preachers’ meeting all day in Emond. Thank you for your understanding as we have to go to OKC five days a week for treatment.

We love you all, Pastor Rick and Sylvia