The south island kokako by Alex

The south island kokako by Alex

Transcript of The south island kokako by Alex

1. The south island kokako by Alex 2. 'Extinct' South Island kokako could still be alive A native New Zealand bird previously declared extinct could still be alive after a sighting was confirmed near Reefton. The kkako is an endangered forest bird which is endemic to New Zealand. It is slate- grey with wattles and a black mask. 3. Our kkako is part of the very, very old wattlebird family. A wattle is a coloured flap of skin that hangs beneath the beak. The kkako's cousins, the extinct huia and the saddleback also have wattles. Theirs are red-brown, while our kokako has bright blue ones. Kkako are forest birds and used to live throughout New Zealand . Now they are very, very rare. There are two reasons for this: A lot of their forest has been cut down to make farmland. kkako are easy prey for pests. They can't fly very well. They prefer to run up tree trunks and along branches and then glide to another tree. Their main enemies are stoats, rats and possums. These animals hunt at night, raiding nest and eating eggs, chicks and even the mother bird sitting on the nest. 4. There are 2 types of kokako there is the north island one ( on the left ) and the south island one ( on the right ). 5. We need to save the kokako!!!!!!! 6. The End