The Social Value Of Social Networks


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Eline Bochem 596558

Sociology of Culture Essay

T.P. Franssen

December 2009

A Culture of Narcissists?

The Social Value of Social Networks: Social Interaction and Identity Construction in Social

Networking Sites

“Looking at the proliferation of personal web pages on the net, it looks like very soon everyone on earth will have 15

Megabytes of fame.” (M.G. Siriam)

In the past 10 years massive changes featured The Internet. Web1.0 – the online world of passively

information-pushing websites transformed to Web2.01 – an Internet of applications facilitating

interaction, information-sharing and collaboration made possible by the rising of weblogs, social

networking sites (SNS), wiki’s and mash-ups paving the way for the development of online

communities existing by means of the exchange of social interactions among actors. This essay will

try to research the social value of social networking sites, associated social interactions and identity

construction on the Internet.


Before analyzing the social value of social networks, the concept of ‘social’ has to be covered: for

how does a grand concept as social needs to be defined? Max Weber, one of the founders of modern

sociology formulates action as social: ‘insofar as, by virtue of the subjective meaning attached to it by the acting

individual (or individuals), it takes account of the behaviour of others and is thereby oriented in its course’

(Weber/Heydebrand, 2004). However naming an action meaningful or merely reactive behaviour - to

which no subjective meaning is attached – is something which could be hard to recognize. For this

reason almost all behaviour sociologically relevant, can be situated somewhere in between. With

reference to the Weberian concept: ‘Social’ seems to exist only in the intersubjective relations among

individual, is opposed to the concept of private and could therefore be understood as interactive. And

interaction is a necessary process in the attainment of rewards because so much of what humans want

                                                        1 Web2.0 is closely associated with Tim O’Reilly and the O’ Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004.

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can only be obtained from other humans. Taking for granted actors will socially interact simply

because the environment makes it possible - neglecting the social (psychological) dimension of the

desired social interaction – is therefore a statement which cannot be made.(Kreijns, Kirschnerb and

Jochemsb, 2003:336)


Two theories explain the social (psychological) dimension of interaction to a larger extent: the

exchange perspective assumes humans are motivated to maximize gains and minimize losses. Identity

theory holds that human actions are aimed at conscious goals and purposes, which are the cause for

interaction among humans. (Brown, 2006:9) Although these two theories reason from different

viewpoints, both connote a certain amount of conscious acting present in processes of obtaining

whatever an actor likes to pursue.

This conscious acting becomes more clear when we introduce role-playing, a concept defined by

Goffman. As a species, human beings need "face-to-face" interactions and according to Goffman,

those interactions are displayed in such a way they are dependent upon situational expectations that

effect conduct of the individual actors participating in communication exchange, which assumes the

expression of roles (Sannicola in Perry, 1995). The emergence of technology and computer-mediated

communication paved the way for online role-playing with the birth of chatrooms, social networks

and social media platforms such as Hyves, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. They are the stages of

role-playing on the Internet attracting different audiences and performers.


Roles provide a sense of identity because actors use roles as basic conceptual tools in thinking about

self: ‘We become the roles we are playing, because roles provide purpose, meaning, direction, and guidance to our lives’.

Thoits (1983) theorized that the greater the number of roles, the stronger one’s sense of meaningful

and guided existence. Her research shows that people who possess numerous identities report

significantly less psychological distress (Brown 2006:4). Even stronger sources of meaning than roles

are identities, because of the process of self-construction and individuation that they involve.

Identities organize meaning, while roles organize functions. It is therefore identity could be defined as

the process of construction of meaning on basis of a cultural attribute or related set of cultural

attributes that is/are given priority over other sources of meaning (Castells, 2004:5&6).

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Three types of identity are distinguished by Castells

1. Legitimizing: introduced by dominant institutions of society to extend and rationalize

domination over social actors.

2. Resistance: formation of communes/communities as a way of copying with conditions of

oppression (anti/pro movements, religious extremistic movements)

3. Project: Proactive movements which aim at transforming society, parts of society or acts in

society not formed out of oppression, but merely motivated by ideology and opportunity

(online networks)

It is this third type of Identity, which could be related to online identity construction. Perceiving this

construction as an aggregate whole, existing of different parts, identity construction could be said to

exist of the creation of different subjects or characters as defined by Goffman, characters performing

different roles. All various subjects together could then be considered the collective social actor

through which individual actors reach holistic meaning in their experience of Self.2 Understanding

holistic as a derival from Durkheimian collective effervescence, here merely conceived as Self-

effervescence: the high energy generated when subjects of the Self congregate and forge altogether a

collective identity. One collective social actor invigorated, strengthened and cemented by the

continuous expression and shaping of the online subjects of the Project identity. Project as such that

in this case the building of identity is a project of different life: online life. Perhaps on the basis of an

oppressed identity in offline life, but expanding towards the transformation of a society, community

or network as the prolongation of this project of identity, the different subjects are being created and

constructed. New technologies enable new kinds of group-forming and the Internet together with its

online innovations are providing opportunities for new network forming and new project-identities

(Shirky, 2008:17)


On behalf of reduced auditory and visual cues, Internet communication provides a large potential for

online identity experiments (Valkenburg and Peter, 2008:208). Bodylanguage, facial expressions,

gestures and other nonverbal language cues present in offline social interactions are backed out and

replaced by technical body language: identity expression by transmedia usage, which allows a user to

experiment with his or her identity across multiple forms of media with each element making

                                                        2 The Self as the agent, the knower, the ultimate locus of personal idenity (Perry, 1995:1).

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distinctive contributions to an user’s understanding of his or her identity.3 By using different media

formats, it attempts to create so-called entrypoints through which familiars, friends, fans and

followers can become immersed in the project identity world of the actor. Entrypoints in offline

interactions are provided by bodylanguage c.s. as named before.

Users are experimenting with their identity online, while communication takes mostly place in

communities separate from those existing in offline life. Repercussions are hereby reduced offering

an interesting opportunity to emphasize, strengthen and change certain features of the Self. Online

identity experiences may even carry over to the actor’s offline life in so that their social competence

will improve (e.g., Huffaker, 2006; Suler, 2005 in Valkenburg and Peter, 2008:210). On the other side

pessimistic voices say online identities are less inhibited than their offline variants because actors

would mainly communicate with anonymous strangers online. (Harman et al., 2005). This goes for

online communication in general, which includes the complete Web World in all its varied contact

modes. Focussing on social network sites (SNS) specifically, it becomes clear Harman’s statement has

to be criticized. What characterizes SNS is not their allowance to meet strangers, but rather their

ability to enable users to articulate and make visible their social networks (Boyd and Ellison, 2007).

Of course this can still result in connections among individuals that would otherwise not be made,

but that is often not the case: rather connections among familiars or people who share some history

or have previously met offline are being created. Or to put it short: in SNS it is all about ‘latent ties’

(Haythornwaite, 2005).

While all SNS inhibit structural parts as profiles, friend lists, comments and private messaging, they

show great differences in features, private/public balance and user base. Some support mobile

interactions and offer special applications – e.g. Twitter offers Twitterberry and Ubertwitter for

Blackberry, Echofon, Tweetie and Twitterific for iPhone and Twibble for Nokia and other cell

phones. Secondly many SNS target their audiences from specific geographical locations, interests,

educational background or age groups. For example: Hyves is most popular among Dutch youth,

where Netlog is valued higher among Belgium youth. Facebook started as the online network for

university students and has transformed to an international platform for high educated people,

LinkedIn is merely a corporate network to get connected to (ex)-colleagues, business aqcuintances

and stay up-to-date with career opportunities, MySpace is mostly used by artists, musicians and DJs

to show, share and spread their portfolio, Ning will provide results for those, who are wishing to be

part of an independent SNS, a SNS founded by their own and there are even SNS founded for dogs

(Dogster) and cats (Catster) ( Valkenburg and Peter, 2008:226).

                                                        3 Transmedia is here linked to Identity Experimenting in the same way as Henri Jenkins III relates Transmedia to practices of Storytelling in his book Convergence Culture (2006).

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‘When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the World Wide Web... Now even my

cat has its own page’. (Bill Clinton)

However some SNS do target a specific audience, in the end this does not determine the real main

audience. Example of this phenomenon is Orkut, launched in the United States with an English-only

interface that attracted Portuguese-speaking Brazilians as the dominant user group: it shows the often

unpredictable development of online communication platforms (Boyd and Ellison: 2007) Although

most SNS are free to use – exceptions are gold memberships (Hyves) or other distinctive ‘high’

profile accounts – and accessible for everybody with online access, many ‘outsiders’ value some SNS

as beyond their reach, too complicated to adapt or simply as something they don’t/want (to)

understand. Some of them mostly unaware of the chances and opportunities SNS could offer, judge

SNS as narcisstic ego-tripping platforms overcrowded by people pretending to be somebody in this

age characterized by the everybody-can-become-famous philosophy. Explanation for these

statements could be found referring to Metcalfe's Law, which says that the value of a network is

proportional to the square of the number of its users. In other words: the more people have phones,

the more useful they become. This ‘network effect’ leads to rapid adoption and puts up barriers for

new entrants, people, who are not (yet) participating (Saffo, 2007).

On the other hand ‘the value of a social network is defined not only by who's on it, but by who's excluded’, says

Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley forecaster. Despite their name, therefore, they do not benefit from the

network effect. Thus unlike other networks, social networks lose value once they go beyond a certain

size. Because of this argumentation SNS of more exclusive character like ‘ASmallWorld’ are being

set-up: an exclusive site for the rich and famous. Such networks recognise that people want to

hobnob with a chosen few, not to be spammed by random friend-requests (Baym, Bing and Lin,

2004:309). Thoughts of inclusion and exclusion could be recognized here. In genereal SNS

participants are labeled as ‘they’ by non-SNS participants – a group other than actors not (yet)

participating count themselves to. We-They relations could play a part in deciding not to join a SNS.

Whether decisions are based on frustration (unfamiliarity with the digital world and/or the incapacity

to use devices needed for online connections), envy (awareness of friends’ (high) levels of SNS

connections causing a certain degree of jealousy ), passive behaviour (unwanting to put effort in one’s

digital identity) or ignorance (SNS integration fear – feeling oneself an outsider), all could be reasons

not to sign-up.

'The Internet is a giant network of intelligent, informed computer geeks, by which I mean: people without lives. We

don't care. We have each other'. (Dave Berry)

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Nevertheless, actors likely to participate in SNS, are often members of several networking sites and

proclaim to develop their social skills to a larger extent and experience an increase of self-disclosure

caused by the development of online friendship connections. (Bargh, McKenna and Fitzsimons,

2002:33&35). Of course it could be argued this level of self-disclosure will increase as well by forming

offline friendship connections, it are the online connections Bargh c.s. and this essay are dealing with.

Self-disclosure and the development of social skills are being perceived as a must-have, while identity

is becoming the main and sometimes the only source of meaning in a historical time characterized by

widespread destructuring processes as deinstitutionalization, the delegitimation of grand causes – ‘the

era of great explanations is over’ as Zizek states in his ‘In defense of last causes’ (2008) – and the related

fading away of major social movements (Warschauer, 2001:152). Definitions of identity markers as

race, nationality and ethnicity are altered as well by on the one hand globalization and its intersecting

effect on identity markers, while on the other hand identity markers are mattering most as a source of

oppression and distinction in reaction to these globalization tendencies. And it is by social

interactions, role-playing and connecting one’s identity can be formulated. Due to the outlined

situational factors in the beginning of this paragraph, it is not strange:

At this time people are looking for ways to connect more with one another no matter what geographical location they’re

at’. (The Next Web 2009)

And advancing technologies are providing new spaces and playgrounds to give meaning to one’s Self

by offering e.g. opportunities to identity experimenting in the online world cross bordering location

of which SNS are one example. It is herefore SNS (creating Castells ‘Project’ identity) could be

considered a replacement of traditional platforms of identity construction, such as institutional

(creating Castells ‘Legitimizing’ identity), religious and social movement domains (creating Castells

‘Resistance’ identity). Connection is part of human’s life the Internet is merely a tool to enhance one’s

connecting capacities. And perhaps actors participating on SNS could be defined as: ’Over-caffeinated

narcissistic Tourette's patients with ADHD who are all trying to be the most entertaining (Katherine Berry about

people active on Twitter) and is the ‘social’ value of SNS often to be forthcoming: ‘Networking is always

important when it’s real and always a useless distraction when it’s fake. Internet allows huge amounts of fake

networking with scoreboard & lists of popularity. Is this the way ‘social’ had to be interepreted?, in the end SNS

participants are just trying to find out who they are, trying to grab some social meaning in their

experience of Self.

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• Baym, N.K., Zhang, Y.B. and Lin, M.C. (2004), ‘Social Interactions Across Media:

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• Boyd, D.M. and Ellison N.B. (2007), ‘Social Network Sites: Definition, History and

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• Brown, L. (2006) ‘Introducing Social InteractionTheory’, Paper presented at the annual meeting of The American Sociological Association, Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Aug 10, 2006

• Castells, M. (2004), ‘The Power of Identity: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture’, Vol. 2, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford

• Kreijns, K., Kirschnerb P.A, and Jochemsb B. (May 2003), ‘Identifying the pitfalls for social

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• Perry, J. (1995), ‘Self and The Self, (In Supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998)

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• Shirky, C. (2008), ‘Here Comes Everybody: How Change Happens when People Come Together’, The Penguin Press, New York

• Valkenburg, P.M. and Peter, J (2008), ‘Adolescents’ Identity Experiments on the Internet:

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• Warschauer, M. (2001), ‘Language, Identity and the Internet’, In B. Kolko, L. Nakamura & G. Rodman (Eds.) Race in Cyberspace., New York: Routledge, Pages 151-170

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