The smoker’s conscious and subconscious mind


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Transcript of The smoker’s conscious and subconscious mind

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The Smoker’s Conscious and Subconscious Mind

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Smokers often consciously want to Quit smoking.

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Maybe they detest the terrible taste and smell. Others don’t enjoy burning holes in their clothing and furniture.

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For others there the negative health effects, shortness of breath and coughing they experience are a real concern.

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There are smokers who just don't enjoy feeling like a lepper because of the fact that the wider community finds the habit offensive and anti-social, and absolutely no one likes to see their hard earned money, go up in smoke.

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Yet despite all of these valid and rational reasons for stopping smoking, many continue smoking because emotionally they feel unable to quit, or feel as though they would somehow be missing out on something and be unable to cope.

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These people,under normal circumstances, find it very difficult to stop smoking Brisbane, almost as if, they were rowing a canoe against the motion of a flowing river.

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In this instance, their conscious mind is the rower, purposely setting off to row the boat in the direction of quitting Smoking.

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Meanwhile the motion and flow of the river ( Subconscious Patterns,Programmes and imprints) is going in the complete opposite direction

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which often results in people experiencing giving up smoking as an extremely difficult and frustating endeavour, where the odds seem stacked against them.

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What Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking effectively does, is begin to influence and change those subconscious patterns, programmes and imprints,

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so that the direction and motion of the river changes, to go with, and support the conscious minds' new direction to leave smoking behind as a thing of the past.

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So, allow us to be so bold as to ask you, How good will your new life be? And what parts of this new life, are you looking forward to the most, when you take back control, and become this reinvented, happier

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freer, healthier, more energetic and empowered version of yourself, when you have successfully quit smoking forever Brisbane?!

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Take Back Control of Your Life And Set Your Self Free From The Smoking Habit Forever

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