The smart fish

The Smart Fish
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A story to help students manage themselves when others are calling them names or saying things that are not nice, rather than hitting out.

Transcript of The smart fish

Page 1: The smart fish

The Smart Fish

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This is the story of a fisherman who goes to the same spot every day to fish. He has been very successful in this spot and always catches a fish with the bait he uses.

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One day, the fish began to think about what was happening. At first, they wanted to bite the fisherman and hurt him like he was hurting them. But they realized that in order to do that, they would have to let him catch them. That would not be good. They then looked more closely at the bait and saw a hook hidden in it.

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"We must swim past the bait or surely we will be caught," the fish decided.

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So when the fisherman dropped his baited line into the water as usual the next day, none of the fish would bite. This was very confusing to the fisherman! How could he be unable to catch a fish today when the same bait had always worked before?

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The next day, the fisherman was determined to catch a fish so he put twice as much bait on the line. This was very tempting to the little fish, who thought this must be a feast. But just before biting into the tasty treat, they remembered about the hook and swam on by. Now the fisherman was really concerned!  "What is going on here?" he wanted to know.

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The next day, the fisherman was more determined than ever to catch a fish. He put three times as much bait on the line. But the little fish were very smart and knew that the fisherman was only trying to catch them and eat them for dinner. They swam right by that beautiful bait.

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The fisherman began to realize that the fish were onto his game and that he would have no more luck at that fishing hole. So he packed up his rod and reel and moved to a new fishing spot. The little fish were not bothered by him again.

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When kids in class or out in the playground tease and say mean things, they are trying to upset you and make you do something that will get you into trouble. They are being the fisherman.

Sometimes the bait they use is very tempting. They may say or do things that are not nice. It is important that you realize that these things are not true and are not meant to be true. Just as the bait that the fisherman put on his line was not a true dinner for the little fish and was not meant to be.

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When we give in to the anger we feel and say mean things back or hit or get in someone’s face, the fisherman has won. We have been caught!

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Only by being a smart fish and ignoring the bait can we escape the hook. When we first begin to ignore the mean words, the other kids are confused and are usually more determined to get us going. They will add more bait to the line. They will try even harder to catch us. But if we keep on ignoring the words, they will become tired, like the fisherman, and move on to a new person to bother.

They may even stop fishing altogether!

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How can we deal with baiting?Act like a brick wall

Become a brick wall, students can push you, but if you act like a brick wall, and do not budge, they will not get what they want.

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Remember that it takes two to play, if you don't join in, they will move on.

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Remember the truth, good feelings will protect you.

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Use the wheel of choice

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