The Sketch of Life

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  • 7/31/2019 The Sketch of Life


  • 7/31/2019 The Sketch of Life




    The Development of Self

    The Adaptation of Self

    Be the Self

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    In our previous edition, you have come to know what is life and what is life meant for. You by

    now know that, we are not the distinct innumerable variables as we find with our naked eye.

    Rather we are that Unique, the only existent, that infinite Unit or Sattwa. He exists alone and

    does work with numerous hands of us, eats with numerous mouths of us. We are not the part of

    that super soul, but are that supersoul, because he alone exists and he cannot be parted or added

    as he is that Super constant, which Mathematics denotes by the 0. You also know by now that,

    the life of us is to fill parted from the super soul by the super action of Mahakal, or god of time,

    the process called by Sankhya Yoga as Mahath, and gradually forget his existence by the 20

    demons or subjects of Mahamaya, god of illusion. The 20 demonic subjects include 6 Ripus, 8

    Pases and 6 Senses or Indriyas. The Six Ripus are: Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moha, Modha and

    Matsaya, which means respectively lust, anger, greed, blind attachment, Jealousy and

    foolishness( for thinking oneself to be very powerful). The eight pases are fear, cold, false

    ego, envy, hunger, laziness, disbeliefand wrong understanding. The six senses are five of our

    senses, see, smell, hear, taste, touch and the sixth is mind. Why mind? Because which we

    denote as mind is not at all a mind but is the keywords of our brain, which are derived from

    earlier bitter experience and is directed by the six ripus and eight pases. Our objective of life is to

    identify these 20 demons as demons and enemies and then engage ourself in a rigorous war with

    them. Ultimately defeat them to reach the 0 degree again adheres with converted experience at

    360 degree. Our goal of life is to awake the Kula Kundalini and the process you by now know to

    be the use of trident. But its very easy to say that use the trident to raise the kundalini, I

    understand. But in practice there remain numerous obligations, the major among which is the

    concept. Why to practice? Why? Why? The answers of these whys are the sketch of life. The

    Greatest of beings, who have understood the need of human has sketched the life at different

    times in different way but aiming the same thing, use of trident. Lord Krishna in his sketch of life

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    has formed the Bhagwad Gita. Another Divine personality has sketched the life in the same

    manner but in a different way. Why in a different way? In this world governed by computers,

    you know that, the first initiation is discovery or invention; the second is system building and the

    last is User interface. We have got the discovery in the Upanishadas. We have got the system in

    Manu Samhita and the user interface in Bhagwad Gita. But the user interface has to be changed

    at time to time depending on the user and accordingly there should be necessary changes in the

    system depending on the time so that, the goal remain same. Lord Ramakrishna made the

    necessary changes in the user interface. He kept the motive and impressions of Bhagwad Gita

    intact. There remains three basic sections, Gyan Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. What he

    did is making the object more user friendly, identifying that those typical words creates fear

    among people and signifying that the words he says reaches the Mind and intellect of people. His

    words can also be segregated in three basic divisions:

    Develop the Selfor Gyan Yoga

    Adapt the Selfor Karma Yoga

    Be the Selfor Bhakti Yoga

    We now will look at these words and understand the meaning of them and arrange them to find

    the sketch of the life this Great Human have sketched and exhibited before us through not only

    words but also through his own life. But before that let us know who that person was, how was

    he and what was he.

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    The real time Superhero was born in a small village in modern West Bengal in India named

    Kamarpukur, as a son of very poor yet a serious Brahmin family on 18th

    of February 1836. At the

    age of eight he got his first inspiration to be a sadhak and the story starts from there. He was

    appointed as a priest in the Radha-Krishna Mandir at Dakshineswar Kali Mandir, with the help

    of his elder brother Haladhari, who was a priest in the Kali mandir in the Dakshineswar Maha

    Mandir. But he had got his unique style of worship. By seeing at the worship everyone felt that

    Gadadhar, the birth name of Lord was chating with the goddess as if the Murti or Idol is not an

    idol but a real human. Gradually this unusual behavior was felt as if Gadai or the Lord has

    become mad. Haldhari took the role of a real guardian, from social guardian to religious

    guardian, and tried Gadadhar to be taught from different Gurus, Like Jatadhari of Vaishnavas,

    then Vairavi Brahmani of Tantra, then Totapori of Vedanta. But everytime, undesirably in a very

    short time, the Lord not only learnt the technique of Sadhana or a process of dissolving the Soul

    in the Supersoul, but also became the king of the technique and ultimately became Siddha. And

    there the debate started. General human after becoming siddha, i.e. after his soul dissolves in theSuperSoul never gets his soul back, but the lord got it back. This special quality is only found in

    the Incarnations or Avatars. Ultimately, he was assigned to be an incarnation of bhakti. He had

    got many disciples, of which eleven were prominent, among which Swami Vivekananda was

    very much prominent. He by his beloved disciple turned his sketch into work, and paved the path

    for every life seekers to understand the sketch and live the life for living the life. Lord Krishna

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    drew a sketch through Bhagwad Gita to reveal the absolute truth in the form of the ultimate truth,

    where as our dear lord have drawn such a sketch which is very much user friendly, and thus

    making the path easy and comfortable for all the life seekers. Let us now find out the sketch

    drawn by lord. But before that I will be very much pleased to thank with deep gratitude to that

    prominent disciple of thakur, Shrim, or Shri Mahim Chandra Chattapadhyay for his such

    concrete notation and documentation of the sketch in Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita or The

    Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.

    And also before starting, I seek my beloved Lord and Guru's permission and blessings. O my

    Lord! O my dear Guru! Om Paramgurum Ramkrishnabe! Om Paramprakritim

    Saradamani! Please keep my intellect at your lotus feet! Please keep my devoted heart

    under your ever blessing palm! Please keep my atma devoted and blindly attached to you!

    My dear guru, Paramguru Ramkrishna, without your blessing, it was impossible for a

    sudra like me to listen the words of Truth; impossible for a faded personality like me to

    understand the life, the sketch of life; impossible for a unchanted fellow like me to express

    your thoughts. O Lord! My dear lord please be blessing like that, so that following your

    blessing the entire world becomes life seekers and thus fix You to be the goal of Life and

    thus reach you to fulfill the goal of Life. What it is? As you said 'Attaining God is the Goal of


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    Develop the Self

    The first of the three divisions made to express the sketch of the Lord is to develop the self. As

    have been discussed earlier, you know that what we say to be the mind but a sense of

    misguidance or illusion. The real mind or Atma or Jibatma or Soul or the Self whatever you call

    remains hidden inside. All the word of the Lord is to awaken that self. Lets find out what he is


    Curd is needed to be laid down at silence, then the curd is to be grinded to take out the


    The butter is a food product that is the best of the foods provided for god. It is also very much

    liked by lord Krishna. Why so? The process of preparing the butter is same to that of devoting

    life to attain god. The curd is to be laid down at silence, likewise thought of life or god is to be

    done at silence; then the summed up curd is to be grinded, likewise the thoughts are to grinded

    by the intellect; and then the butter is prepared, likewise the self reveals from beneath of thecurtains of illusion and time. Thus Lord is saying to think of the life, what is it? why is it? what

    to do with it? what should be done with it? in a very silent manner, such that nobody can guess

    also what he is doing. Why is our Lord saying to practice it like an underneath river? Its because

    of the fact that most of the people on earth are living a life under the precautionary observance of

    illusion and time, which does nothing but turns the universe to a tiny room, where only thought

    remaining is I, Me and Myself. If the thoughts of self is to be thought of and that also infront of

    those people then, they will destroy your thought at once, or if cannot they will call you mad and

    turn you out from their view and then also the purpose if not served they may kill you also. So be

    not to be disturbed, you do onething think of self, but do neither expose your thoughts nor

    expose the fact that you are thinking. This will keep you in a safe position to carry on your

    thoughts, without any disturbance.

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    When a plant is a sibbling, then its root is to be protected by fences, otherwise cows and

    goats eats the shrubs to turn its existance at stake.

    This is an addition to the earlier verse. But why do the common people try to destroy the root of

    those thoughts? Because of fear. They search for happiness in the illusion alone. They run after

    fame and money and for that they generate anger for the obligations of attaining that fame or

    getting that money or pleasure of lust; they generate fear for loosing those pleasure of lust, fame

    and money; they generate false ego of their belongings of lust fame and money and the power

    on the society generated from them; they generate jealousy to those who are equivalent to them

    in possession of lust, fame and money and generate and envy to everyone who he think to be

    jealous on their possessions and thus they try to find happiness out of those possessions, which is

    ever variable. So they want to destroy this thoughts out fear of losing their possessions. Why so?

    Because they rightly think that this thoughts breaks illusion and breaking illusion means

    snatching their possessions, where their complete attachment lies. For this reason, they says to

    these special thinkers that, what are you thinking! again those rubbish thoughts! if you want your

    good leave those thoughts. So keep the fences, the silence to preserve your thoughts.

    A sibling should be protected by fence. once it gets bigger, then it becomes a giant tree,

    tying elephant at its root cannot destroy it.

    Until the mind devotes in truth, until the mind starts gaining faith, until the mind learns to sketch,

    if the root or the mind exposes its thought, which are in a very embryonic stage, it can be easily

    destroyed or damaged. But once the embryo turns to a baby, once the life adds to the embryo, the

    baby cannot be destroyed. Likewise, once the faith is established in truth, once the truth is

    visualized with that faith, the truth can never be washed off from mind, and gradually the mind

    resides in truth, and once the soul resides within the supersoul, the supersoul protects the soul

    and thus the soul cannot be taken off from the touch of supersoul by any means.

    Who have learnt music never misses a note in the song.

    Thus at the beginning is the hard work, to learn the music, to establish the heart in lord, to

    establish the soul in the supersoul. Once that is done, then it is impossible to make it out of the

    touch of supersoul as Lord alone guides him everytime. But what quality is to be generated in

    mind to reside there?

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    A wet matchstick doesn't burn

    What a fine answer to the question. Here matchstick is the mind and a burning matchstick is an

    enlightened mind. By what it is enlightened? It is enlightened by the knowledge of truth, it is

    enlightened by the ability to sketch the life. What quality is required to enlighten the mind? The

    mind needs to be dry. Till its wet, it can not be enlightened. How can a mind be wet? A mind can

    be wet by the attachment to material objects, by the weakness to 20 demons. The affection to the

    senses, the mistake of sense of mind to be mind, the mind effected of lust, fear, anger, false ego,

    envy, jealousy is a wet mind. How to dry it! Not by mere stopping those senses, the mind cannot

    be dried off.

    Turn the six enemies to lord.

    But the ripus or pases or the senses cannot be killed, because those are not the false but also

    truth, although faded, but still truth. So Lord guides to turn them to the lord. How! Be a Gyan

    Yogi, learn the truth, generate faith in truth and then devote the mind to lord. Keep the false ego,

    it is not to be destroyed as long as body is there, keep it like I am a Bhakta. Feel anger to loose

    time by not chanting Lord's name; feel anger for forgetting for a moment that the lord does all;

    feel anger for thinking that I am the doer. Feel fear thinking that I will be lost if I cannot attain

    lord; feel fear thinking that I should not cheat, if I do, I will loose my stand to get Lord; thinking

    that I will not run after fame, because once I will get it I will be so anxious that I will forget

    Lord. Feel jealous for someone who is chanting more as he will go ahead to attain god. Feel envy

    to be anxious to loose lord every time. Feel lust to Lord and so meditate on lord as there is the

    lust with Lord. Please your ears to listen Bhajans; Please your eyes to look at different posses of

    Lord, different actions of Lord; Please your noses to smell sweet smell of agarbati or burning

    sticks; Please your taste by tasting sweets and butter or makhans; Please your skin or touch sense

    by meditation as there the joy makes your touch senses pleased to make your skin hairs stand on

    their end; Please your sensual mind by reading books on truth and lord, and think of themlogically, scientifically and practically. Ultimately turn your total attachment to Lord otherwise:

    Attachment kills Intellect.

    Here Thakur says a direct sentence sharper than the tip of a knife. Intellect, what it is? It is the

    logical state of the Soul. It remains until the soul is placed in the supersoul as it guides the soul

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    towards the supersoul. Once the soul is placed in the Supersoul, it remains then only activated

    when the body is busy doing its duty, where the intellect always places logic to establish what to

    do and what not to as duty, because doing responsibilities and not duty diverts the soul to think

    of the results of work, and thinking of the results of the work means generating attachment

    towards the work, which will ultimately kill the intellect as sensual mind will regenerate to

    suppress the soul and this is the fast backward in life. Why so?

    Goal of life is to attain God.

    Another strong, sharp and bold and wonderfully a word whose every word is full of ultimate

    truth! What is life? Life is not from the start of a body but it starts from the generation of a soul

    in the frame of time and illusion. Then it moves in a circular path and it redissolves or reunites

    with the supersoul by moving away from the frame of time and illusion. So, thakur says of the

    goal of life. The goal of a soul is to be dissolved in super soul or to attain god, all others are mere

    objectives in that circular path. The person who has fixed his mind in God and decided that

    attaining lord is his goal of olife is the best of all men in the society, with best knowledge of life

    and best motive, and is among the most efficient person in the earth. But where to exactly

    mould? Thakur says:

    In one liter bottle can four liter of milk be poured?

    We often in our life is very much curious. Out of curiosity, we try to learn as many things as

    possible, out of curiosity comes lust, comes hunger of fame and money, out of curiosity we

    travel, we try to change our caste, our religion, our country, even try to know the future and with

    boast generated from this knowhow we also try to change the future of us, shred off the

    mishappenings by taking aid of various stones and like that. But what to do with those vast know

    how? Just like a teacher with too many pupils cannot tackle anyone or anything and teaching

    remains at stake and earning envelops all, our knowhows also envelops our thoughts. We go on

    collecting knowhows and knowhows and never recollect them or arrange them to find out the

    summary or the base meaning or the knowledge. Thakur says about this madness. Madness of

    generating knowhows by not generating knowledge out of that. Sri Chaitanya Dev said that there

    is no requirement to read five books, read one and that is enough. Thakur is not only saying but

    criticizing us accurately. We try to know all, but nothing at all. If we devote ourself to know

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    what exactly is happening and how is those happening, then the happenings are needless to be

    known. So he says, pour one litre in one litre bottle, because pouring more will result same and

    try to extract the truth from what you know. Truth is revealed by continual debate within,

    between mind and intellect and not by mere gathering knowhows of what is happening where.

    Start this debate, and to start this debate your own memory and intellect is enough, what has

    been visualized by time to you is enough.

    Familymen will tell so many words. Look at the elephant, when she goes so many animals

    shouts at her back, but she never looks back.

    Once the truth is established in the sensual mind, then you become like an elephant. Like an

    elephant then, you are powerful in mind, even your mind is giant like her. Power is not a

    showpiece to be displayed all the time. Power is to withstand less powerful's hazardness. Power

    is to overlook the disturbance of the less powerful's and do what is better for them. What good

    you can do to the society. If you want to do good for the society, then first know the truth, which

    you have already done, next you dedicate yourself, your mind and soul to attain truth and to be

    established in the very Truth. Because until you are established in truth, you cannot even look at

    the entire thing. Standing at any point of a circle, you cannot find the circle as it is, somewhere it

    will look like straight line, somewhere an arc at 10 degree and somewhere others which is not in

    actual and thus a wrong interpretation and thus whatever moves you take turns wrong. So first

    you have to move at the centre of the circle, where from you will be able to find the circle as it is.

    So you have to be established in truth, otherwise all actions are wrong. But in the path of

    attaining truth, there are many obligations, among which the major is the words of familymen.

    The familymen in general are priests of the 20 demons, and giving importance to their talks is the

    most foolishness and even protesting them is even more foolishness, as they are far away from

    truth. So better do not give a damn to their words. Then what to do and how to do that?

    Servants at the house of rich people, but their mind stays at their own house in their ownvillage.

    What an example to say that keep your mind in lord and do whatever work that is needed to do.

    This is the way to work. Go on doing the work, but keep chanting the name of lord within; know

    at heart that I am the medium only, Lord is the doer of all; lord alone exists, we all are the

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    different images of lord; the goal of life is to attain lord, whatever I am doing now is my duty

    and not the work of my life. But this requires a rigid mind, a well knitted mind, so that, you may

    be like this:

    Tortoise swims in water, but its mind stays at land, where its eggs are lying.

    A well knitted mind will result this. The mind will be affixed at truth, then do whatever you need

    to, you can never be detached from truth, as whatever you do will be analyzed from the view of

    truth. So you need to have a controlled mind to behave like this and even more controlled mind

    will result:

    Servants at the house of rich people does everything as if it is his own house, but his mind

    remains at his own village.

    You will do all the works as if it is your job, your house, your organization, but your mind will

    be knowing firmly that those works are none, and you belong to god alone, else what you are

    doing are nothing but your duty. To make the duty you are behaving like that. But although its

    all your duty, you need to preserve your thoughts and need not express it, until you find someone

    to understand those. You, with your duties being followed spontaneously must be in a battle with

    the twenty demons and have to win over them. But yet, you should not let others harm you.

    Listen to the story narrated by Thakur.

    Once there was a snake, very harmful to the nearby villagers. The villagers remained so

    afraid of the snake that, they never came even near to its residential den. One day a sadhu

    was passing by the village. He was told about the snake and their fear related to the snake

    by the villagers. The sadhu assured the villagers to give the snake such a mantra that it will

    never harm anybody anymore. He did thus accordingly and the snake became so calm that

    it was not ready to harm its enemies even. The villagers took their revenge against the

    snake and especially its fear and they almost smashed its head with stones. The sadhu againwas passing the village one day. He remembered the snake and went to visit it. He saw its

    pitiable condition and asked it the reason for its pitiable condition. The snake told him the

    story. The sadhu smiled saying, do not harm anybody, but that doesn't mean to be silent.

    Show anger, but do not be angry.

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    You are needed to fight with the twenty demons and defeat them. But what to do by defeating

    them? By defeating them, broaden your path to truth and use those demons to remain safe from

    the other people. Show anger, fear but do not be angry or frightened. This will keep you safe like

    the other example stated by Lord.

    In Vedas there is a bird, called Hom Panchi. This bird flies high in air, lays egg there only,

    the egg falls and in air only the egg bursts to lay the chick. The chick falls and in air it gets

    its vision and sees its will be crashed if it falls down and then ultimately it starts flying and

    flies high, thus they never comes on land.

    The hom panchi is none other than the Purana's heroic Garura, the carrier of Lord Vishnu. But it

    is not only the word thakur has tried to illustrate through this example. Here garura or hom

    panchi is the symbol of a Gyani or a wise person. A wise person does his duty and that also in a

    stupendous dutiful manner, but never does he attaches his mind in duty. In the mean time, he

    chants lords name continually without any break; he prepares in his mind various requirements

    of the then mankind; he waits for the signal of lord to activate his sketch; and prays to lord to be

    sitted in him. But he never attaches himself with the duties, i.e. he expects nothing from his

    duties as its results and he accepts whatever the result comes out of his duties, remembering that

    whatever is happening is surely for the benefit of his own as well as for the entire mankind. Thus

    he never reaches the ground and he does his duties to his body and family from outside without

    any attachment, and Thakur is educating the mankind how to be wise by this illustration. It is

    very easy to say and that much tough to stay, we all say this. We always use this common word

    to weaken ourselves. Yes, by saying that we weaken ourselves and that is why Thakur is saying:

    You say 'I am free', you are free; You say 'I am not free', you will ever remain dependence.

    What an excellent word, so straight forward, so practical and so encouraging. Dependence or

    freedom is absolutely and fully a mind game. You think, you be. Whatever you feel you are you

    remain like that. You may be given a total freedom, but if you think not to be freed, you are not.

    If you think that you are bound to be in attachment, you are bound to have expectation of the

    work you do, you will have attachment with no doubt and wisdom will also run away from you

    with no doubt. If you can feel you expect nothing, you need nothing and that is only possible

    when you become partially wise, and the rest part of wisdom depends on the practice of wisdom.

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    This is the key to be a complete Wiseman. And there is no other option to detach attachment than

    to be wise. But what to do by loosing attachment! Thakur adds:

    Do work by one hand and hold Lord by other; when the work is over, hold Lord by both

    the hands.

    Attachment can be loosened to attain god, i.e., making all attachments turned around to lord.

    Thus doing the duties in one hand and holding lord by other, i.e. attaching mind to lord and

    doing all the duties. And when the call comes, then duties will cease and the lords work will

    start. This is an ideal quote for moving from Gyan Yoga to Karma Yoga. In Gyan Yoga, you

    have to understand the truth, realize its existence and slowly turn the knowledge to faith, and

    then the faith to reliance. After that, when you can rely totally on truth, and have no doubt over

    truth, then the Gyan Yoga leads to Karma Yoga. There starts the journey to do the duties without

    any attachment of materials and total attachment of truth, i.e. the continual wish to establish own

    self in truth. Here is the place where you have to do work with one hand, since there is no

    attachment, and hold god in other hand, since your total attachment is to attain god. Once the

    duties are over, then the Bhakti Yoga reveals, where you have to hold god by two hands and

    desperately try to be established in truth. So Thakur says such a deep word:

    Books can only say God is there, and nothing more.

    Books can make the logical session to understand existence of God, the truth in better way, as

    the logic becomes sharper by the understanding of the book's words. Truth is a threefold process.

    The first of them is the Instaneous Truth, where the instant happenings are treated to be the

    truth, which are now truth and in the next moment is untrue. The second is the Expanded Truth,

    which is long lasting, like the earth is rotating, the earth radiates heat or you can say, what

    modern science discovers. The last one is the Everlasting Truth, which is none other than Lord

    and her exposure through this universe. Book is to read and understand the instantaneous and

    expanded truth and reach the everlasting truth. Once it is understood that there is everlasting

    truth, and that truth is to be attained, the duty of books is over. And this is because:

    By knowledge, human alone can be molded, the Lord cannot be!

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    Human can easily influence by words of books, because very few human undergoes those books.

    They think that those are the words of the person and not the book, and they rely on the words of

    the person. Not also that, if someone teaches how to be fit, and how to be free from diseases and

    how to elongate life, by a created personality pretending like a sadhu, human believes that he is a

    sadhu. They only understand long live and think for material desires. Whoever supports them in

    this desire is a sadhu to them, be it by bookish words or by hatyog or asanas alone is a sadhu to

    them. But it is the nature of human when living with the knowledge of Instantaneous truth as the

    only truth. But truth itself or Lord is the Entire truth. No book is unread to him or her, as he/she

    resides everywhere, as he/she is the total truth. He/she knows which knowledge is the rechanting

    of the books, which knowledge is having the origin of he himself. Not only that, he even knows

    what is coming from the devotion and faith inside and what is coming from the store house or

    brain and nowhere else. So, whoever want to be focused on knowledge let he be, but to reach

    truth, books and knowledge are the key to generate faith, strictness on duty and devotion. Rest

    rests on you.

    In the sea of family, there reside crocodiles of lust and anger. You need to be soaked in

    haridra before dipping in that sea, then the crocodiles cannot get you.

    Be a gyan yogi, and when faith generates and that turns to deep belief on truth, be a karma Yogi.

    After the Faith is generated and you are soaked in that faith, the lust, greed, anger, false ego in

    the society and in family cannot touch you and you can remain then focused at the goal of life

    and do your duties. If you do not do like this, the ripus having their residence in the society in the

    room of human mind, which have no gyan of yoga, will definitely tear you off to sit deep inside

    of you. To get rid of those, to reach the goal of life, you need to be separated from the society for

    certain time, learn the gyan of yoga and when the gyan is realized, focus on the goal, while doing

    all your duties without attaching your mind in it. This is Karma Yoga. And do this very quickly,


    A fruit tasted by bird, cannot be sacrificed to lord.

    We talk about bali pratha or sacrifice. Who can be sacrificed? Anything on earth which is fresh

    and with no spot. What are this spots! This spots are nothing but the dark shadows of lust and

    money. Who so ever has a shadow of those two in his/her mind cannot be sacrificed. So,

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    sacrifice is to be carried out as early as possible, just like a young goat can only be sacrificed and

    not the older. We often say that why take god's name at such an young age. Either we forget the

    truth or ignore it, in those cases. An older person, who married without any knowledge of truth,

    who earned without any consciousness of truth, is sure to generate attachment to lust and money.

    And an attached mind is not eligible to know the truth, specially the mind attached to lust and

    money. In that case whenever he calls at older age is to secure his money, and bodily life and not

    to make truth as goal in life. The mind which is attached to truth and nothing else before the

    touch of lust and money, with proper knowledge of truth, remains untouched from money and

    lust, if also he lives within them. So truth is to be realized at younger age and not at older age,

    then only that soul can be sacrificed to the supersoul. You will ask then, life doesn't start from

    the start of a body, then what is young or old! A heart which is eager to be dissolved in truth is

    sure to be older! But the fact is such that, a body can only experience the attachment of material.

    Yes of course the attachments are carried forward from earlier bodies or births, but the new body

    at young age has its attachment from earlier birth, and the new attachments are to be generated.

    But still then,

    If something is above other, then to access the object lying below, the object lying above is

    to be moved down or shedded off.

    The relation between soul and supersoul is a very unanimous one. If a dark cloth with numerous

    pores is left over a lighted torch, then the lights coming out of the pores are souls with the main

    light of torch as supersoul. Thus supersoul is the sun and souls are the visions of the sun from

    different positions, places and time. The clouds cover the sun, and the sun cannot be seen. To see

    the sun you need to wait for the clouds to move away or move away the clouds. Like that thakur

    is saying, the soul is hidden under dark clouds of ripus and senses. To access the soul, you need

    to move those clouds, otherwise you will think the sense of mind to be soul and be more and

    more dependent on sensory organs. But where to find him!

    He is within all , search him, You will find him.

    Supersoul is the light of the torch, soul the lights seen from the pores of the dark cloth put over

    the torch light. Soul is sitted all around as the light of the torch is alone existing. So we are not

    the part of that supreme, but the supreme himself, since all the lights coming out of the pores are

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    the light of the torch alone and nothing other than that. So lord alone exists, and whatever we

    see, we feel or even we cannot see or feel is none but lord alone. So no need to search lord

    elsewhere, search him within yourself, once you get him there, you can find him everywhere.

    But how to search him, thakur says:

    A single hole in the wire of telegram will not be able send the message.

    In the path of yog, an yogi must have to be very much careful. A single mistake can turn an yogi

    to a non yogi. Everytime he has to keep deep faith in Lord and at no time he should forget lord,

    or think himself to be the doer. An yogi has to sleep less, eat less, talk less. Whatever he will say

    will be related to humanity and truth, and whatever he thinks will be of truth. He will not behave

    selfish to run for moksh, nor to earn money or fame. Whatever he will do, will either be his duty

    or the practice of truth, i.e. paving the path to make humanity stand in front truth. His every

    thought, every word, every action, every reaction, every expression, every devotion and every

    attachment is counted by the lord of time, as he is the Maha Guru or the Supreme Teacher. Not

    only that, a single mistake is not allowed for him. He have to very cautious in his thoughts, rest

    will be done according to the thoughts, and of course he have to a hard worker. Lord sketches

    more for the yogis like this:

    Shouting 'Siddhi Siddhi' cannot give the pleasure of having Siddhi

    Moksh is a word and nothing more than that, although you take the name of it thousand times a

    day. If you really want to get the pleasure out of moksh, you have to work out for it. Similarly, if

    you want a land of dharma, you are required to plan for it. If you think without the lord's boon

    you cannot create the land, you have to work hard to please lord, you should gather enough

    reason to make lord boon you. If you now ask how to get lord! How can he be pleased, then our

    Lord is ready to draw the sketch.

    Once a disciple asked his Guru: How can I get Lord, I call him so much, but he comes not.Guru took him near a pond, dip his head by force in the water of pond. After sometime he

    lifted his disciple's head from the water and asked: How was the feelings! Disciple replied:

    My life was about to set off. Guru asked again: Do you feel same for Lord, when you will,

    he will come before you.

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    Getting lord is not so easy. Lord or supreme soul is the light of the torch, whose partial

    visualization is you. Until you feel that you cannot make a try to be the light of the torch as a

    whole, and until you try to be the entire light, you cannot be like that, and until you do not be like

    that, you cannot be the light as a whole. To get Lord, you need to become lord, at least lord like.

    Like lord you are required to feel for everyone, understand everyone's situation without blaming

    them. To do that you need to place yourself in other's position. To do that you need to know

    yourself. And to know yourself you need to dedicate everything for self understanding. You need

    to feel lord all the time, feel yourself everytime; feel without getting lord or knowing self life is

    of no meaning. When you feel like this, and this feelings lies for lifetime and everytime, then

    lord can be found, otherwise not. And in the path of this, as you move towards lord you will gain

    more and more power. But be careful. Why?

    Sri Krishna said Arjuna, if you see a person with at least one of the eight siddhis, then you

    should know that, that person will n0t reach me.

    I have said it earlier that, just like you go nearer to sea, you will listen more of its roars, when

    you move nearer to the self you will gain more and more powers. Of these powers eight are

    prominent. Those eight are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Istva, Vastva.

    This are powers to expand body, reduce body, increase body weight or reduce body weight, be at

    all places any time, know desires of all, lordship and power to subjugate all. But if any of this

    powers are retained, that power will surely generate false ego. This false ego will make you so

    much busy to concentrate on that power alone, that your concentration on lord will go on

    deceasing, and ultimately you will loose your progress towards lord and loose him. So lord

    declares that who so ever has something to expand his false ego is far away from him and until

    and unless he retrieves from the false ego, he remains away from lord.

    To kill others needs sword, to kill ownself, knife is enough.

    The word is an absolute realistic one, without hesitation. But what does it mean! Sword here is

    knowledge and knife is humbleness. Knowledge is required. In fact it is absolute necessary. It is

    necessary to generate faith in truth by understanding the truth alone. But once truth is understood

    and faith is generated in truth, the knowledge is purposeful. Nothing can be done then with the

    knowledge except generating false ego from that knowledge. So humbleness is to be generated

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    of that faith, which will restrict the false ego to lead the soul towards super soul. But this

    humbleness most of the time makes idols in his mind and he dedicate everything to that idol,

    which is disliked by many. But our lord declares:

    Like father's photo reminds of father, lords idol and image reminds of lord.

    There is a story of Swamiji regarding this. Once Swamiji was invited in the palace of Kshetri.

    The king of Kshetri was deeply against worship of idol. Swamiji told him to arrange a

    conference for him with general people. In that conference Swamiji ordered to put down the

    portrait of king on floor. The order was sustained. Then he said the subjects to spit on the

    portrait, which no one did. Then swamiji explained to king, that this is just a portrait, and not the

    king himself, then why did the subjects denied to spit on the potrait! Because although you are

    not the portrait, but still your portrait is your resemblance. Like that father's photo reminds of

    father, his words, his deeds, his suggestions, his objections. Similarly idol is the resemblance of

    truth, the lord, the words of lord, the thought of lord. Truth in reality is of no shape and size, but

    human mind cannot imagine that easily and so is the concept of idol, which behaves as symbol of

    truth, and if lord can incarnate in human body, then why not worship him in humanic idol form!

    Idol can destroy the false ego generated of knowledge as idol generates Bhakti or faith or

    devotion. And why devotion?

    Bhakti is female, so can go inside the house, but Gyan is male, so have to wait outside.

    In a family, female is allowed to enter in the family house, because inside remains the females.

    So males are not allowed inside. But females are allowed. Bhakti allows saint to enjoy the rasa or

    taste of lord's love. But Gyan is only allowed to know the lord, and rest nothing. So bhakti is not

    only required but necessity to taste the nectar of lord. What can bhakti do, wha gyan cannot?

    Once Laxmi Narayan was sitted over Khirad Sawar. Suddenly Narayan went up and ran

    towards earth, within a few seconds he came back. Laxmi was astonished in the wholematter and asked Lord: what was the matter? Why did you ran towards earth. Narayan

    replied: I saw a bhakt if mine went over the cloths, the washmen left to dry off, while

    taking my name in no sense. The washmen was running after him to beat him. So i was

    going to save him. Laxmi replied: Then why you came back so fast? Narayan replied, I saw

    the bhakt to lift up a stone to protect himself. So I came back.

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    This is the difference between gyan and bhakti. Gyan never teaches to devote yourself, dedicate

    your everything to lord. It only teaches to know lord. Dedication comes from faith on truth, and

    this dedication comes from bhakti, which enables the faith in truth. Until the faith is generated,

    the dedication will not come, the belief will not be established which will always say at your ear,

    whatever is happening is by the wish of lord, and lord will do what is good for all, so do not

    worry, chant his name, be the observer otherwise. Only one work will be done by me, and that is

    chanting lord's name, all others are his wish. When this renunction comes, then only lord is

    attained, otherwise lord if comes infront, then also you will analyze is this lord or not.

    He who have lost his mind is a saint.

    This is a deadline for those who are seeking guru. No saint can be guru. Saint is not only that one

    who takes ganja and sits naked. He is a saint, who has lost everything to lord. Lord is the

    summation of all. So until one looses everything to him, he has got some separate entity, but who

    has nothing to show as a separate entity is lord himself and he alone is a guru. So, my friends,

    who are seeking guru search for the saint. He can be anywhere, in any profession, but has given

    up everything to lord. He cannot think anything except lord, he cannot imagine anything except

    lord, he cannot say anything except lord, he is a sadhu, he is a saint, he is a guru.

    When candle is lightened insect naturally comes.

    This is a quote for the person, who have devel0ped the self. By knowledge, the self has been

    developed. They have learnt the truth, and how to be on the chariot of truth, how to survive in the

    society without moving away from truth, how to be in truth and do not be affected by ripus. They

    learnt from which ripu, to be most careful, and how to be. But this is just the start and not the

    end. The soul is not illuminated here, so it is not the time to be guru. If you be a guru now, you

    have to search for your disciple. But when actual time comes to be a guru, the light of soul

    becomes so prominent that the insects or bhakta disciples will naturally come. So wait and do the

    necessary to enlighten your soul, then you will turn to guru. Thats it. Try to adapt these

    undiscovered new self.

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    Adapt the Self

    The self has been developed now, and it is now as distinct to the intellect as sun to earth. But the sun has

    no value if it doesn't provide light and heat to earth. For that, the sun has to adapted to the earth's

    environment. Likewise the self is also to be adapted to the environment around it, and for that, there

    should be necessary changes at the intellect. Thakur has greatly sketched the progression of life towards

    development of self, adaption of that self in life so that the life itself becomes of the self's'. His adaption

    techniques include eight distinct features:

    Nature or environment where to adapt

    The time when to adapt

    The skeleton of the environment and time to adapt

    The knowledge to work for the process of adaptation.

    The result of the work that has to be done

    The golden rules for the adaptation

    The cautions to be adapted

    Great FAQs helpful to adapt

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    Camel likes thorny bushes, eats, blood covers his mouth, still he eats thorny bushes only.

    Insect of dung if kept in the vessel of paddy, dies on spot.

    The illusion of Mahamaya:

    fish enters small breakwater, which has its exit, but fish cannot get out of that.

    catterpillar makes silk, can easily come out of that, but dies within its own silk.

    Men concentrated in family is like kite and vulture, flies high, but their vision is at the dirty filthy


    One person said coming at the house of other to that other, in that locality, a house collapsed.

    Listening to that, that person rapidly gone through the newspaper and said, you are talking


    There is a story of thirteen hundred bold headed boys, who were great sages and disciple of a great

    sage. Their guru thought that, my disciples are having siddhais and by that, that will happen what

    they will say. So he decided to make them married. He ordered them to go to the river and get their

    bath. They went there and had their bath and in tide, they were covered by river water, but they

    remained in dhyana. Among them, 100 disciples understood the case and went away. Other 1200

    disciples went back, and were been married to 1200 bold headed females. The power of sageremained with those 100 disciples and the rest went down.

    Does bools contain Lord? Calender says, that date will have heavy rain. Will squeezing the calender

    generate a single rain drop?

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    This all are about the environment where the intellect has to adapt, to. make the self awaken and be

    developed. Camel here is the general mass, who remaining in the family gains sorrow every time, but still

    cannot think beyond that. They if kept in a vessel of paddy, i.e. in a sorrowless place, they die on spot.

    Where there is joy, there is sorrow, because sorrow is just the synonyms of joy. Sorrow and joy are like

    low tide and high tide respectively. When on earth there is low tide, there must be high tide elsewhere,

    and where high tide fills, low tide is sure to hit, and sure to make the filled basins empty and scanty of

    water. Likewise, someone is enjoying joy, means someone is enjoying sorrow, and that someone who is

    enjoying joy is sure to face the sorrow. This is the thumb rule of the earthly life. So the best way or rather

    the only way to get rid of sorrow is to neglect the joy. If you not feel the joy to get or possess a particular

    thing, then you will not feel sorrow for dispossessing that object. If you neglect the feeling of joy for

    having a son, then you definitely will not feel the sorrow for loosing that son. Likewise if you donot feel

    the joy for your belongings, may be your property or fame, then you will not be sorrow to loose those

    possessions. So the only way to make yourself out of the reach of sorrow is to stay away from the feelings

    of joy. But these general mass who has not this knowledge or not having the guts to leave the feelings of

    joy, gets tremendously hurt of the sorrows from those joy, and thus they fear the sorrows. But if they are

    kept in such condition or rather mental condition that they will neither enjoy jor nor sorrow, they just by

    thinking or from their inability of such thinking will die instantly. And this is the illusion of Mahamaya,

    the lord of illusion. We by ouself get into a trap, we can easily make ourself out, but we cannot even think

    of making ourself out, because even by dying we are unable to understand that we have created a trap for

    ourselves. We can easily get rid of sorrow, by not accepting the joy, but we can never think that the

    source of sorrow is joy, even if we understand we cannot accept it, even if we accept it we cannot

    overlook the luxury of joy, and ultimately we go on running after joy and the sorrow rushes after us, the

    fact is we cannot catch the joy, after which we are running, but the one, the sorrow which is running after

    us always catch hold of us like the crane catches the fishes, by not even providing trick for them. But we

    had followed the same track, we are following the same track and we will be following the same track for

    ever. This is the magic of illussion and this is the environment in which we have to adapt, so be very

    careful, a single mistake and illusion is waiting to divert you away from the self, because once you be the

    self, illusion is illusiohned of you or by you. Family men are like vultures. The fly high in the air, but

    their vision is on lust and money. They find those people to be on higher edge than them, who enjoys

    more lust than them, or who has more money than them, be himself sitted on as big chair as prime

    minister of a nation. Be careful of this nature, because eye on lust and money means you are diluting your

    self at the hand of goddess of illusion. They only understand book and newspaper.They have no respect

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    for realistic fact, and truth is the best false to them. You tell them the truth, they will mock at you. So do

    not try to tell them or make them understand the truth directly. Until you reach the truth or be the self, just

    say that much that will protect you of your effort or work to be the self. And do never take their words

    blindly. You must know that only that person who had been the self says every word correctly, and all

    other says a maximum of 60 percent correct words. And these book superstitious or science superstitious

    men can never say anything containing more than 30 percent truth. You must know that most of this

    people who lives in lust and money has no power at all to build you or destroy you as self. Their powers

    were with them until they entered lust and money at their heart. Those who doesn't care lust and money

    are those who can build, shape or destroy yourself. So respect them, fear them, love them.

    Once Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati when sitted at Kailash, a sound of bomb blasting came. Parvati

    asked shiva,what was that sound for, my lord. Shiva answered, that was the birth of Ravana. The

    answer completed and another sound came of bomb blast. Devi Parvati asked her Lord, what was

    that sound for. Lord said, ravana dies.

    A drunk man came before a well dressed Durga puja pandal. Looking at the Durga pratima, he

    said, so much you dress after four dress, after four dress, they will throw you down to the ganges.

    Once at forest, a man saw a sadhak sitted on his asana and praying for Bhagabati. While he was

    watching, he saw a tiger coming. Looking at this, he climbed upa near by tree. The tiger came and

    killed and took away the sadhaka. After that, he came down from the tree and sat where the

    sadhaka was sitted and prayed for bhagabati. As soon as he prayed, bhagabati came before him a

    and wished to give him a boon. He asked Bhagabati, how miracle is this! That sadhaka was praying

    for so long and left away his life praying, but you didn't gave your sight to him, but I sat here for

    few minutes and you came here to give sight to me! Bhagabati answered, you are looking at what

    you are seeing with the eyes you have got at your this birth, but I am looking at the mind of yours,

    which is praying for several births to view me.

    The general mass is also like this. They try to find out the world as they are finding with the eyes they

    have got in this life, in this body. But they didn't know or understand what they have done through out

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    their life. One body to the frame of time is like two bomb blasts of Ravana's birth and death. So to

    understand and adapt with the self your mind and intellect have to understand this fact, that not to go by

    the vision of the senses, but do the work in the way directed by the Lord, so that the goal of life can be

    reached or you can be the self alone.

    One significant guru of abadhut was kite. As long as their is fish at its hand, the crows are at its

    back. As soon as it leaves the fish, it is free.

    Lord is like a huge ocean.Creatures are bubbles on it, creatures with bubbles are like few bubbles

    attached together.

    What is thought at the time of death, the next life starts from that. Bhagabad gita says so. But is

    that so easy to take lord's name at dearh. By now you know the story of the old lady at death, who

    used to sell oil.

    Once the sense's pleasure is met, the soul cries for lord.

    If you have tasted chilli, you definitely will feel chilled.

    Earth is a land for work. Here you are to work. Just like people staying at village comes to kolkata

    to work.

    Mind is like a cloth. Dip it in any colour, it will take that colour.

    Materialistic people do not have the desperacy, without which lord cannot be achieved.

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    A person wants to meet King. To reach King, seven halls are to be crossed. Crossing one hall, the

    person is asking everyone, have you seen king!

    Familymen always runs for more and more possessions. But this possession is the reason for their grief,

    because this possession pulls all other people who seeks possession after him, just as the kite pulls the

    crows behind it for its possession. As soon as it throws off its possession, crows leaves its back.

    Familymen, when leaves of their thought of possession gets freed from other people.But either they do

    not understand this fact, or do not want to understand this fact. But a self developer must have to

    understand and practice to forget the possession, because without practice nothing can be done. Nobody

    has learnt to write english instantly. Nobody has the capacity to learn music instantly, everything requires

    practice. To take the name of lord also needs practice. A self developer must not forget for a single

    moment that they are the universe itself when they have turned to the Self, otherwise they are as tiny as

    bubbles in the ocean and their possession is for the time till the bubble bursts. So why running after more

    and more possessions? Let those who has not developed within them the wish to be the self make more

    and more possessions. Because one who knows the taste of meat, who has eaten meat, who wished to

    have more and more and more of that meat can only leave the habit of having meat. A king can leave his

    possessions, a begger cannot, because he has not the possession. He who seeks more possessions is a

    begger. He who thinks that he has got enough possessions and need not have more is the king. When

    someone thinks like king, then he can think of leaving those possessions. His heart then cries for lord, for

    the self, for the truth, till that time no question of crying for lord. So never try to humiliate a person whose

    heart doesn't cry for lord, never try to make a person who is running desperately to have more possessions

    out off that run, because taht will not help him, infact will hurt him, since his time is to get more pleasure

    from the material world then. Once his need of pleasure is full filled, he will think him as king and he will

    think of leaving all his possessions and his heart will then cry naturally for lord. Do never so try to

    humiliate such people for they are like that. You must know that at one time you were like them only, so

    they are your past. Let them criticize you, because they are novice as human, in humanity. Be careful in

    your every work you do at this time, as all of them are counted. Like you are sure to feel chilled if you

    have chilly, you are sure to get the results pof the work you do. No one can get rid of that. Lord Sri

    Krishna proved by his life that even a Self is not out of that, only thing is that they only do work and

    never think of the results of those. You are here to work and work alone, so whatever may be your wish to

    be, whether that may be becoming the Self itself, but you cannot get rid of doing work, and not even get

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    rid of the result of those works. If you have not to think of the results of the work, if you have to continue

    doing works then why keeping track on the work done! Because, mind is like the cloth, dipped in

    whatever colour, takes the colour of that. So if you do not keep track on your work and your attachment

    towards the results regularily, then your mind will be thinking of something, and you will be thinking that

    your mind thinking about something other. But for be in the process of being the self, two basic things are

    to be followed. Firstly, you need to be desperate in the path. If you be like the familymen, then you will

    have no desperacy, and without desperacy every other thing in the universe may be achieved but never the

    lord. And secondly patience. Never be eager to get lord the day you start your sadhan. If you be impatient

    and get to know whether I can get lord today or not, you will generate a confusion in your mind that,

    whether lord is achievable or not, and once you have this confusion in your mind, being self itself would

    be the biggest question in the universe for you. So go slowly but steadily, because this path is walking

    over a rope between two high peaks, you slip you are lost.

    A needle when covered with mud, magnet cannot pull it. If the mud is washed off, magnet pulls


    If you want to meet lord by staying within family, be like an ant, who takes out the sugar out of the

    mixture of sugar and sand, be like the duck, who takes out the milk out of the mixture of milk and

    water, be like the lotus, grows in dirty pond but remains fresh always.

    There are four types of human and that is same as the nature of fish when net is thrown at them.

    Nitya Jib: They are like those fishes who never falls under the net.

    Baddha Jib: They are like those fishes who after falling in net, thinks that they are fine and safe.

    Mumukha Jib: They are like those fishes, who tries repeatedly to get rid of the net, but ultimately


    Mukta Jib: They are like those fishes who make out of the net.

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    On the earth, your's will as well as Lord's both governs. Know how? Like a cow anchored at the

    root of a tree can roam about till the rope around its neck pulls him.

    In a room of charcoal, how much you be alert, you are sure to have a spot of the coal.

    Until you do work, Bhakti doesn't come out.

    Fruit dethrones the flowers.

    Hand fan is to get some wind. When south wind comes, there is no need of hand fan. Work is to

    reach lord.

    In the Vedas there is the concept of Urna-nabhi, the spider and its web.

    Lord is in all, so why some strong and some weak? Can all son's of a mother have the same

    strength. Look at the son's of Kunti!

    Our soul is like the needle and the Supersoul or the Self is the magnet, mud is the different ripus over

    mind. Untill the soul is cleaned of the mud or the ripus, the soul cannot become the self. So the first and

    foremost thing you have to do to become the self is to wash off the ripus. But the ripus cannot be

    identified by reading books alone. Books will refer the ripus, but you have to understand those by proper

    analyzation through the deeds of your life only. Then only you can identify those and then is to make your

    soul out of those ripus. But during this proces while undergoing, you have to remain in the family. So

    how to make out your path to make the process of cleaning the mud smooth and without any disturbance.

    Thakur has marked the path. Be like an ant or lotus or duck. Take the required thingh out and leave the

    rest, remain in dirty, filthy area but do not allow the dust to touch your mind and soul. But being the self

    himself, human cannot make their way out, because of their nature developed by the illusion. There are

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    very few, whom the illusion or ripus cannot touch even, but most of them think that those ripus and

    senses are their best friend, without them human have no life in them, few understanding all these tries to

    make their way out, like you people and among those few makes their way out. But it is wrong to think

    that we can do nothing as lord is the only doer. Urna-nabhi is the spider and its web. Lord has created the

    universe as a spider creates the web, and lord remains there, as the spider does. So it is not that you are

    nothing, infact you are everything. You are the spider and you are the web. If you don't want to accept it

    for the purpose of ceasing the growth of false ego, then you are the web at least. You have the area of

    ploughing as a cow has. Until the rope knotted at your neck is pulled, it is your responsibility, and what

    you have to do is within that field. So you try, you can never come out without a spot out of this

    illusionary room of material world. So do not think of making yourself clean but focus on coming out of

    that room, then only you will succeed. When will you go in that area where lord alone is the doer. It is

    theb world of bhakti. And you can only enter there by following your work. You go on working and

    praying of lord. When the time will come you will certainly understand that the flower is to fall, i.e. your

    work is ceasing and its the time for the fruits or the bhakti to awake.But while pursuing your work, you

    have to be very careful about few things, if not you will be lost for ever.

    Who thinks that he himself is the only doer, lord never comes to him.

    Lord cannot be viewed because of the cover of false ego.

    Why can we not observe lord? Because there is a curtain in between made of lust and gold.

    A single title changes the nature of human

    Once a guru told his disciple that lord is in all. Listening to that, the disciple touches feet of

    everyone. Once a mad elephant was going through the village. Everybody was moving away from

    the path of the elephant rapidly. The disciple went to touch the feet of the elephant. The Mahut was

    shouting at him to move away. But the disciple didn't listened at him. Tje elephant threw him away

    with its trunk. Guru with his other disciple treated him. When his sense came back, Guru asked

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    him about what happened. Listenening to the total story, guru asked why did he not gone away

    from the path of the elephant. The disciple replied, lord is in everybody, so I tried to worship the

    elephant. Then guru remarked, then why did you not listened to the Mahut, lord is also within him.

    A precious stone is to be sold. Lord says his minister to take that to a benjamin seller. The seller

    looked at it and said, I can give 10 benjamins against that, not more than that; lord said to take it to

    a cloth seller, the seller said, I can give a maximum of ten metres of cloth in exchange of that; then

    lord told to take that to a jwellery man, the jwellery man looking at said, I will give fifty thousand

    for it, please give it to me.

    You are the doer, but unto certain limit, this is the mantra or golden rule of thought school until your

    work has not opened the door of bhakti. But as soon as the door of bhakti is opened, you are not at all a

    doer. Human who in their working phase thinks themselves to be the only doer, or in the bhakti phase

    thinks himself to be a doer, then nothing except false ego is generated and false ego covers the self to the

    intellect. False ego is that curtain over intellect, that restrains the intellect to feel or understand the

    universalhood, which ultimately runs again after material thoughts and thus remains consigned within the

    pot of lust and gold, beacause this two are the governing objects of the material world. But the governing

    subject is time, which is the left hand of Lord. So if you stop thinking yourself to be the doer, your

    governor object or subject both are time or lord, and so the path towards self becomes widened with

    garbage on the road removed. This false ego is a very dynamic hero in the material world. It washes out,

    still comes back. One title from the materialistic society pulls back the false ego. It will make you feel

    doer. And ultimately will imprison your intellect in the prison of lust and gold. So, whatever title comes

    to you, show a view to that, as if you do not require it and also you will not utilize the power of that title.

    If you succeed to do so, the demonic hero or false ego is won by you and you are ten step ahead to be self.

    Lord is in all, sun is there at the same sky, but cloud is not same everywhere. Somewhere its so cloudy

    that the sun cannot be seen at all, where as som where the sun is now seen and at the next time covered by

    cloud, again somewhere the sky is clear, and the sun is absolutely prominent through out the day. You

    have to be focussed at the sun, then the sun will make you understand where it is cloudy and where not.

    Lord is in all but most prominent where there is no cloud to cover over it. Lord is more prominent in

    human than any other creature, among human he is most prominent in the self devoloping beings. So you

    do not need to check everyone, rather be focussed at the self, the exposure of the self will make you

    understand whom to trust the most. Not everyone has the ability to signify the perfect, so you need not

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    have to know everything, but the perfect one, who knows everything, and who can let you know

    everything. You are only required to devote your everything to that perfect, and the perfect will make you

    perfect. But for that you have to have the basic knowledge about the perfect, and that is the golden rule of

    the adaptation process, because without that the perfection is not possible.

    Eyesight, light and mind. all the three is required to observe something.

    What are the components of a fruit? Its coat, flesh and seed. What do we eat, the flesh only. If the

    weight of the fruit is asked, will it of the flesh alone! No the entire thing will be its weight.

    A person remains a slave who always says,'I am a slave'. A perso becomes sinner who always says,'I

    am a sinner'.

    When weather is cloudy, sun cannot be seen. Does that mean there is no sun?

    The earth is a bowl where milk and water stays together, if not seperated mixes up. If the milk is

    converted to butter and left over water, it will float and will not mix up with water.

    When the pot is filled, then there is no difference between pot water and pond water, so no sound

    comes then.

    Ghee is burnt to make fries, until it burns, it makes sound.

    When a wife of a family becomes pregnant, her in-laws deceases all her works.

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    A farmer had no son. After long time he had got a son. Once while he was working at the field,

    someone reported him that his son died. He did all his work and then went back home. He didn't

    cry, not even any sorrow was seen on his face. His wife griefed at him, you didn't love your son,

    then why don't you have any grief. He replied, I dreamt of 12 sons, who died in my dream, now you

    say, for whom I will grief for my 12 sons or your single son.

    Boy says mother, please wake me up when I would like to have toilet, mother replied, my son toilet

    will wake you up.

    A devoted materialistic person's want at material, a devoted wife's want of her husband and a

    sincere mother's care at her son, three wants when unitedly been forwarded to lord, lord can be


    These are the golden rules for the self to be glowing. We while following the rigorous process of

    analyzation, feel that the universe is a dream and it has no existance in reality. But we forget that the

    dream is dreamt by the self, and not by the illution diverted self. We decide the universe to be my dream

    at a time when it is not my dream. Yes the universe is dream dreamt by the self but its not us individually.

    So till we do not be the self, the universe is not the dream, but not the truth completely, that is it is partial

    truth. But never think that you are dependent. That will make you feel dependent for ever. Then you will

    say, it is very uncanny situation. If we feel dependent, we will remain dependent for ever, if we think we

    are independent, that will generate false ego in us! Then what to do! Feel yourself dependent not of the

    society, but of lord. Then neither your false ego will generate nor your dependence to the society will

    succeed. But never ever think that lord is not coming, so there is no lord. Because faith once lost will

    never come back. The world is truth in the cover of less truth. If you go by the cover, you will be lost in it.

    But if you want the necter you have to penetrate the cover. Who have penetrated the cover remains silent

    and he silently narrates the under cover truth, but who has not shouts about the cover only. So beware of

    them. Who has been the self knows practicaly that this world is a dream, and carries out the dream, but

    who has not shouts that these all are dream, do not think even of it. When the time will come, the results

    will come out. Nothing happens before that, expect of lord and lord alone, do the rest thing, but be eager

    for lord alone. To get lord, to be self needs huge desperacy. Its not even the attachment of mother to son

    alone, not even wife to husband and even not of a greedy to gold, but all those put together. S you need to

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    be caring of lord, at the same time ready to loose yourself for lord and at the same time greedy for lord's

    view and his touch and living with him/her. Then and then only you can get him/her, otherwise not.

    General human when becomes guru by his own wish is like, a blind showing path to another blind.

    Until Lord orders to peach and teach, doing such generates false ego.

    General human without proper knowledge and heartily attachment to lord also do sadhana. But

    they are like housefly. They sit on sweets, dungs, foods and everywhere. Who has jeartily

    attachment to lord is like a Honey bee, who takes only necter of flowers.

    Renunction is of three types:

    Getting disturbed of family, thus leaving family, this is a matter of few days.

    Cannot succeed in any of the carrier, and thus becomes guru and earn money, fame and rests

    Sitting and crying for lord of no reason, the real renunction.

    A teacher who has no heartily attachment to lord, is not a teacher.

    There are few classes of sadhaks,

    Prabartak: Who applies tika, wears garland

    Sadhaka: Who is desperate, and knows nothing except sadhana.

    Siddha: Who has enough knowledge of truth and then dedicated for truth.

    Siddha of Siddhas: Who has unlimited knowledge of truth, resides in truth itself and then is a guru.

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    A saint wrote a prayer of Lord shiva, he wished to make his lord listen to the prayer by his own

    voice. He with such intention was going to Kailash. In the road he met with Shiv-bhakt Nandi, the

    ox. When he was asked about his destination, Nandi asked to listen his prayer. The saint narrated,

    listenening to which Nandi laughed with pleasure, with his teeth making out. The saint saw his

    prayer in his teeth, with many others, which are still not been written. He understood his false ego,

    became ashamed and came back.

    A person had the habit of tobacco. He used to light the tobacco from his opposite neighbour. One

    day, he wished to have tobacco, but that was late night. So, he lighted a lamp and with tobacco in

    one hand he went to neighbour. His neighbour looking at him said laughingly, you have the light in

    your other hand, then why here, my friend. He understood the fact and went away.

    Narendra, Rakhal all are Nitya Jiba. If you say that they are born out of general sperm, then you

    must know that seeds in the dung also grows, and grows strong. A person's ability is not by his

    birth, but by his ability alone, which he is developing from lifes after lifes.

    Here are few warnings or cautions for the self developers. They should know that most of the preachers

    are preachers by their own wish and not lords. But without Lords order nobody can be a preacher. Who

    has not viewed, not been the self, how can he/she guide somebody to become the self. If he/she does so,

    that is like a blind showing path to another blind. Self Developers so must never go to preach, before

    reaching lord by pretending to be a guru because that will give you nothing except false ego, and that

    false ego will kill your developments, and not also make those people guru, who had not reach the self,

    but pretending to be a Yog Guru or the supreme of any stream of religion. The minimum qualification to

    be a supreme head or top level experts in any stream of religion is to be or meet the self, and who has

    done so, his/her childish nature and deep thoughtful words out of that childishness is the resemblance.

    You must also understand by now, that those who have reached the self or about to reach there, can tell

    nothing except truth, in fact they are hard core practical, and so much practical that the world is

    astonished at them. This is another feature observing which; you can keep yourself on track. You may

    find many people walking wearing dresses of a sadhu, but you should know that wearing a dress of a

    sadhu doesnt make a person sadhu. Who has got heartily attachment towards lord is a sadhu. There are

    many other who has been burnt of the flame of familiar chaos and has worn the dress of sadhu, with an

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    intention to leave home. But their heartily attachment is at home or family only and they will return home

    in few days. There are also some who wants to be a sadhu by profession by not getting any other

    profession by his choice, and you can easily identify them. They are usually prabartak, and always try to

    proof themselves to be sadhu or like that and they always try to give a boon or curse and try to establish

    his power. But you by now know that having one of the asta siddhis referes to a non-self-dwelling person.

    Can such a person be sadhu. Sadhu is a calm, cool, practical and a soft hearted person, who does not

    easily get joy or sorrow, whose fear, anger, cold, false ego and all other ripus are under control. He knows

    firmly that, he is a chanter of the words of time, and nothing more. He and nobody can create anything

    before time. The first creator is Time and we are the explorers only. They know that tirtha or the sacred

    place is our soul alone, until we find it we go here and there and search for it. They not even ask your

    birth to know who you are. They finds out your exposure to self, to adjudge where you are standing in

    your life, because they know the truth, they know the process of changing the bodily cloth by the soul,

    they know clearly that Goal of Life is to Be the Self.

    In a farmhouse, to avoid the rats from eating the paddy up, they fry few paddies and keep them on

    floor. Rats remains busy eating them without looking at the paddy up there.

    Dipping at Ganga kills sins. When goes to ganga, his sins wait at the shore, when comes back after

    his deep, the sins again climbs his back.

    Till son remains busy in his lollypop, mother remains busy in her kitchen. When her son throws

    down the lollypop and cries for mother, mother comes and picks up her son.

    At normal time, one has to go by the bank to go to the other side of the pond. When there is flood,

    one can move the boat over the pond and bank to reach the other side.

    When idol has been built up, you can break the mould, no problem.

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    A kitten only calls his mother. Wherever his mother keeps him, he remains there.

    Complexity makes the work of incarnation smoother.

    Tides are more prominent when you go nearer to the sea by the river.

    We always think that who is leaving the family for becoming a saint is influenced by renunction. Here is a

    different concept of that. Who is in family is influenced by renunction, because, the nector of the lord

    fried by illussion is before them, and just as the rats remains busy eating the puffed paddy, forgetting all

    about the store of paddy, the family men, or the general mass whatever you call them, who thinks that

    taking birth is to die and they remain busy in different activities to remain forgetful about the fear of

    death, forgets all about the nector of lord and make them busy in the least of the nector fried by illusion.

    The saints are those, who not reamains satisfied with that small amout of nector and they go for that

    eternal, never-ending, nector. So Thakur remains absolutely correct as he is while saying that real seekers

    are the saints and not the family men. So it is your turn now to decide whether you are happy in less, or

    you want more. And talking about sin, if you believe in it, you cannot get rid of it. Whatever you do,

    whether that is sin or not, you have to face its result. In fact if there would have been a process to get rid

    of the fruits of work, that would have been the worst process in the world, because no results means no

    experiance, and no experience means no knowledge and no knowledge means no improvement or

    development, and no development means no movement and no movement means no life. Whatever we

    think or believe to get rid of sin is all rubbish, as it is not possible, never possible and our Lord has also

    referred to that. But nothing can happen before time. How much we say, how much we expect nothing

    happens before time, and not only that, that happening is even cannot be initiated by someone. Time alone

    is the influencer, initiator and the doer. So wait for the time to initiate and be prepared to accept the


    The super initiation starts and shapes up at the initiation of the dearest son of the time called incarnation.

    At that time, there remains no particular process to develop the self, as there a rigorous self-development

    process starts. You can understand that, if you try to understand the examination condition. At school,

    there is the process of education undergoing, but that process becomes rigorous at the time of

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    examination, because everyone remains washing up their education at that time. An idol here is the self.

    The mould is the body. Thakur says that only. When the self is developed and the person becomes the self

    only, the body then can be thrown away or lapsed. Before that suicide is nothing except an work of a

    coward, where the body is only left coming under the full control of emotion that is illussion. They again

    and again have to take bodies and get the same results, to get relief of which he commits suicide. Only a

    person who has become the self, has no fruits to enjoy and so he doesn't require a body to enjoy those. So

    he can easily leave the body. He, who is devoted in the self do not grief or makes sorrow for their own

    condition. They, whatever condition is faced remains happy in lord and if they face something they

    cannot tolerate, they only call lord and leave the rests on lord. More you go nearer and nearer to lord,

    more you find the world pleasant and gayful for living. And if you ask why so much complexity in the

    work of incarnation, then listen, before incarnations incarnate the climax becomes such that, all the evil

    deeds are put under someone, and the incarnation deals with that one.

    By now you have understood what is the adaptation of self, the process to adapt the intelligence in the

    society, so that the self development process remains discontinued. Now is the time to become the self, by

    breaking the sackles of all social discrepancies.

    Be the SelfWe by now have known to adapth the intelligence in the society to make the procedure of being the self

    enhance. Ultimately it has been the time to be the self. To be the self, there are four steps.

    To know the nature of lord or self

    To clear the confusions in the mind of Self developers or Bhakt.

    Directions for Bhakt to be the Self.

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    Signs of Great Bhakts or the Self.

    Know the Self

    In a house, there are five sons of a mother. Fish comes at home. Mother cooks fish in five different

    way for five sons. What is suitable for whom.

    One doll of sand went to sea to measure its depth, it went right but never came back.

    Once a person went near the river bank, where there was a big old tree. He came running and said

    his other friends that, I have seen an animal of green colour on the tree. One of the other friend

    went there and came back and said, yes i have also seen that animal, but its not green, its yellow.

    They went near the tree all along and saw the creature in brown complexion. They saw a person

    sitting below the tree. They asked him, and he replied that, it is a lizard, having no complexion of

    own, wherever it resides, it takes that colour only.

    The meaning of OHM is like the sound of pendulam. T.....O......N.....G

    Moving from illusion to truth.

    Lord's name seed has immense strength. Seed is so soft but able to penetrate the soil.

    Once a priest's daughter was married to a person, whom she had never seen before. Her husband

    died without being seen by his wife. Her father then said that in that mandir, resides her husband.

    She went there and found only a murti of Narayana. She believed him to be her husband and talked

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    smiled laughed with that murti only. Looking to that his daughter is very happy, her father asked

    her. She replied, My husband is very good, he talks laughs and does many things with me, thank

    you my father.

    As long you are below the monument, there are buildings and all, when you climb up the

    monument, only sky remains.

    Everything has been tasted except the Self.

    Basically ther is one pond, put a stick on it. it will seem two.

    Body is the pot, soul the water in the pot, The sun or Supersoul is reflected in water. More clear the

    water, better is the reflection.

    Waves are of river, river is never of waves.

    All is the game of purush and prakriti

    Purusa is nirguna. Look Shiva lies as Dead body, Vishnu lies in Yognidra

    Prakriti is the doer. Parvati is the mahamaya, Laxmi the Yogomaya.

    Lord and his strength is indifferent , unseperable, just like fire and its furious flame, snake and its

    tangential movement.

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    Guru is one lord, when lord orders, then only human can become guru.

    Is Goddess Kali dark! Due to distance she seems dark complexed.

    We often say that why is lord not indifferent. Why lord is different to different, differentiation prooves

    there is no lord. The answer is there. Whatever is suited by whoever, lord prescribes that for that person.

    Not everybodies intelligence is same, not everybodies location in the jivan chakra is same. Then how can

    everybody be treated indifferently, rather everybody should be treated differently, unlile democracy and

    that is the rule of lord.

    Basically, there is no differnce between supersoul and soul except the curtain of illusion between them.

    Its just like the pond which is one, but when a stick is put over it, it seems two, but actually