The Six Dimensions of Network Marketing - MLM Training, … · Open your mind and heart and enjoy,...

1 The Six Dimensions of MLM TRAINING Dale Calvert

Transcript of The Six Dimensions of Network Marketing - MLM Training, … · Open your mind and heart and enjoy,...


The SixDimensions of


Dale Calvert


Confidential Report(©) Dale Calvert, Calvert Marketing Group


You have the right to give away this book as is, in its entirety with no changes or omissions



Before we get started there is only one thing I really want you to know. In 2000, I sold my network marketing company and semi-retired.

Since that time I have stayed extremely busy operating Calvert Marketing Group. We are a consulting, training and seminar company that supports the entire network marketing community worldwide.

Unlike 95% of the publications written regarding the network marketing industry today, I AM NOT A DISTRIBUTOR FOR ANY MLM COMPANY. I have a few consulting contracts with individual companies, I speak at national conferences and I coach several six figure distributors, but I am not a distributor. I tell you this so you understand; I have no program to try to back you in to.

I am free to share with you what I know and believe from my heart after nearly 30 years in the network marketing industry. I have no hidden agenda. Yes, thousands of people who read this information will end up ordering my courses and training programs and I may agree to add a couple as coaching clients.

But my goal is to give you an insight and understanding into the industry from someone who has studied MLM Leadership my entire adult life.

Open your mind and heart and enjoy, The Six Dimensions of MLM Training


Dale Calvert


At the time of this writing, I should be working on my “No Fluff” newsletter. By the way, if you are not a subscriber, you should be.

I am one of the few marketers left that still actually produces a monthly newsletter full of my best content. I know most marketers today are just blogging and I understand that. However, I have been writing this newsletter since 1995 andcannot bring myself to stop now.

You can subscribe here and when you do, we are going to send to you in the mail a Free copy of our 3-hour best selling audio course “Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire”.

I had originally planned on making THE SIX DIMENSIONS OF MLM TRAINING an article, but realized as I was forming my thoughts that for me to try to do this subject justice I really needed to produce a DVD or place it in eBook form.

Since, I am now living in Atlanta, and my office, with my recording studio is in Kentucky, I am writing. This is a somewhat complicated concept, so stay with me because I believe the information will be very valuable to all network marketers who are tempting to become professionals within this industry.

This is the first time I have ever attempted to explain what I now call The Six Dimensions of MLM Training.


Why is it important for you to understand the Six Dimensions of MLM Training?

It seems that daily, I talk with clients and customers who have listened to an “MLM Leader” teach them how to do the business, they have followed their advice and now are more frustrated than they have ever been.

Many times, they have invested $500 or more on a course that promised them instant success and in some cases spent thousands of dollars on coaching programs with little or nothing to show for it.

So as we get started, let me ask you a couple of questions.

What profession can you earn a six figure income, without first obtaining an education?

The answer appears obvious, none, right?

As a matter of fact I taught this concept for many years.

Over time I have changed my opinion on this, at least at some level. Over the years I have met many six figure earners in network marketing who did it with what they came with.

I know that is probably terrible English, but let me try to explain what I mean. Network marketing over the past 50 years has been built by what I call 3%ers.


These people have a lot of natural people skills. They think quickly on their feet, they are business minded and know how to create a following.

The problem is network marketing is not, or should not be about developing a following it is about developing leaders. These people have built their business, and really don’t know how they did what they did, which makes it impossible to teach!

They didn’t build their business by design; they built their business with a tremendous work ethic and their personalities.Personality is not duplicatable, only systems are duplicatable.

The majority of my coaching clients are six figure earners who fit the description above. They are good people, they want to help their team and in many cases have by trying to for years. However they wake up one day and finally realize that most people can’t do what they do and that they are NOT DUPLICATABLE. That is when they call me, some after totally disagreeing with my training material for years.

The Leadership Paradigm Shift

I respect these people; there drive, determination and their work ethic. Eventually leaders must understand network marketing is not about what they can do, or what works for them personally, it is about what can be duplicated by the masses. They must have what I call the “Leadership Paradigm Shift”.

Example; years ago, our Play 1 was always a one on one presentation, using a flip book. Over time I became very good at that presentation and my sponsoring ratios we extremely high.

After the VHS came out, Yes, I am talking about VHS Video. I had to change what we taught as our play 1 presentation from 1 on 1 presentation to push play on the VCR. For me personally,


my recruiting ratios would have been better with a flip book, but for the masses, VHS was the way to go. My conviction and belief in what I was doing could not be duplicated by most people. The video told the same story, the same way, every time. If you are doing anything that cannot be duplicated by the masses, duplication stops.

It is NOT ABOUT YOU! You must understand, it is about what can be duplicated by the masses. Unfortunately many network marketing “leaders” never get this; they never have the “Leadership Paradigm Shift”

I don’t have time to get into a lot more detail on this at this point. I wrote a booklet about this a few years ago that has really created a mind shift for many leaders in the industry, you can find out more about it here:


To summarize, the network marketing industry has been built by 3%ers go getters, with tremendous people skills and work ethic who ARE NOT DUPLICATABLE.

The masses need specific, proven systems which build one upon another!

Most MLM Gurus Teach at the Point they had some kind of Success

In a previous sentence I said:

The masses need specific, proven systems which build one upon another!

This simple statement means much more than it appears to.

Systems MUST Build One Upon Another.

For years I have been saying that we are trying to teach Algebra to distributors who don’t know how to add and divide yet!

When you enter a traditional high school or university there is a reason that you take freshman math BEFORE Advanced Calculus! Think about that concept for a minute.

In network marketing there will be distributors on training webinars and sitting in hotels all over the world this weekend attempting to learn advance recruiting concepts and ideas that they have no business attempting yet!

Gurus are trying to teach them advanced social networking recruiting and they haven’t even talked to their momma!


You have heard it over and over online, the same old warn out story. Same story, different “self proclaimed guru” or “mlm coach”.

I got involved in network marketing and I did everything my upline told me.

I made my names list, invited people to hotel meetings and put flyer on cars.

Your upline is teaching you wrong! SIDEBAR: This one really gets to me. I know the copy in these ads treat you like you’re an idiot, but really. What upline in the world is TRYING TO KEEP THEIR DOWNLINE FROM MAKING MONEY? Don’t they know, that you know that in network marketing the better you do, the better your upline does?

This outdated “Old School Crap” won’t work. Then I foundXYZ attraction marketing system and prospects are flooding my inbox with their checks already made out begging me to join my opportunity!

I know I am stepping all over the toes of some of you reading this. STAY WITH ME, there is, or can be a happy ending here.

Let me expand, there are some absolutely awesome “Attraction Marketing” training systems in the market place taught by some very sincere, successful people who really do want to make a positive difference in your business and your life.

Did you hear what I said?

Probably not and I can predict the backlash so let me say this one more time, and please hear me!


There are some absolutely awesome “Attraction Marketing” training systems in the market place taught by some very sincere, successful people who really do want to make a positive difference in your business and your life.

I know you feel a but ….coming so here it is.

These people don’t understand the value of the education they received in the beginning of their career that ultimately created the skills and ATTITUDES for their success!

We learn much more when we are disappointed and experience failure than we do when we create success.

Here is what you have to understand:

Just because Joe or Jane Guru blew it in their warm market, never figured out how to correctly invite guest to hotel meetings, or recruit in their local market DOES NOT MEAN IT DOESN’T WORK!

Those statements are as ridiculous to network marketers who really “get it” as some one telling the attraction marketer, Network Marketing is a Scam!

Most MLM Gurus Teach at the Point they had some kind of Success!

I am definitely NOT AGAINST online recruiting systems, social media, or attraction marketing!

I am about developing prospecting and recruiting professionals. I KNOW for 97% of the population online is NOT HOW THEY SHOULD START THEIR NETWORK


MARKETING BUSINESS! The learning curve is too long and less face it 41% of the American population doesn’t even have an email address!

I know the idea of sitting back, learning a few marketing concepts and getting rich working on the Internet is appealing to people. I get that.

However, you can learn the skills and attitudes that are required to develop success in the network marketing industry or you can play around on Facebook & Twitter.

I love Facebook and Twitter and use them both daily, but it is scary to think how many people think that Social media, or Funded Proposals, or any other one method is THE way to build a network marketing team.

As I said in a recent article, for attraction marketing to work, you must be attractive! There are simply far toomany people trying to teach people how to do that which they have never done!

Just pick up the phone sometime and call one of these self proclaimed “MLM Guru Business Coaches” and do what we did. Tell them you are looking for an opportunity, you saw their website and ask them:

How long have you been involved in network marketing?

Average time 2 years 3 months

Are you full time?

96% No


You talk about developing a six figure income on your website, can I get the name of a couple of people you have helped earn $100,000 a year

99% Nobody yet

1% Gave us their upline to call.

Can you teach me how to create leads in my local marketor correctly talk with my brother about the business (he is an entrepreneur)

95% Oh no, we don’t do that on our team or that is the old school way to building a business.

Am I the only one that thinks this is sad? Most network marketers couldn’t market their way out of wet paper bag!

Some of the best advise I can give you is before you listen to anyone ask yourself these 3 questions:

1) Who is this person?2) What have they ever done to build a business?3) Why should I listen to them?

Listen, I believe we can all learn from each other, even if it is what NOT TO DO! But into today’s market there are far too many people trying to teach you how to do that which they have never done.

The real challenge is there are people that have had some success, but they are teaching AT THEIR POINT of Successwhich ultimately means they are trying attempting to teach Calculus to beginning math students! Does this make sense?

I believe these people are sincere but they are very 1 dimensional and have not grasped the concept that 97% need to be taught SEQUENTIALLY. This is how they learned; they just haven’t fully


realized the importance of the lessons, skills, and attitudes that they learned from failure.

As Jim Rohn says:

“Never mistake sincerity for truth, some people are sincerely wrong”.

There are six pillars to becoming a master prospector and recruiter. I believe you should master each one of these pillarssequentially, one at a time.

Below you will find a blog post from our site that talks about this in a little more detail:

MLM Training: Our readers write regarding this week MLM Minute ATTRACTION MARKETING BULL HOCK

December 13th, 2008

If you are not a subscriber,subscribe now at:

—–Original Message—–From: Dale Calvert [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 11:41 AMTo: Susan MazzaSubject: 12/12 MLM Minute - Attraction Marketing B U LL Hock

Hi Susan,

If I see another video from someone tryingto tell you how to do that which they haveNEVER DONE…I think I will just throw up!

Attraction MarketingWeb 2.0BLAH BLAH BLAH1!



Check out this weeks training at

I appreciate your Support!


PS…You know a lot of people that NEED TO HEAR thismessage, feel free to forward this along!

Calvert Marketing Group120-B Water StreetGeorgetown, KY 40324502-868-6199


Great message, I’m sending it on to several people.

You mention 6 pillars. That’s not the usual 5 pillars of a company that Ihear about all the time… but you are talking about 6 pillars of your mlmbiz? What are the 6 pillars you teach?


Sue Mazza



There are six levels of prospecting and recruiting tobecome a MASTER PROSPECTOR (Pillars)

1) Warm Market REFERRALS (

2) Local Lead Generation (

3) Newspaper Prospecting (


4) Funded Proposals (

5) Internet Lead Generation (

6) Buying Leads and using Voice Broadcasting ( )

Thanks for your kind words!



Warm Market I have written numerous articles and blog post regarding warm market recruiting over the years. The simple truth is at this point and time approximately 90% of people who ENTER the network marketing industry for the first time, join witha friend, family member or business associate. Those stats are according to an informal survey I take at my live training events.

I could write a book on why Warm Market Recruiting is so important and how to correctly and successfully contact your Warm Market. For now, just let me say this as regards to recruiting and especially Warm Market Recruiting.

“The odds of the person you know, being the one you’re looking for is very slim, the odds of them KNOWING the person you are looking for is extremely high”


In short, you should start in the Warm Market to get referrals for your business and it is THE BEST PLACE for a new person to create product sales.

If you go to you can access a 1 hour training call I did that talks about how to get your new team member active and productive in the warm market. I also havea free document with scripts for every prospecting method, including the warm market. It is free and available at

After a person has practiced the basic scripts and process for recruiting in their warm market, getting referrals and producing product sales they should start advertising in their

LOCAL MARKET. Don’t go across the country until you have gone across the street! Build it in your backyard first. Again there are multiple reasons from a training and expense standpoint that make Local Marketing Recruiting the next sequential, psychologically congruent step to becoming a Master Prospector and Recruiter. You can access a free 7-Part online video series that will teach you the basics of Local Marketing Recruiting at:

After a person starts to develop a local duplicating team they should learn how to correctly run classified ads online and offline. You can access another free PDF with inside secrets on this subject at

After you are having success running online and offline classifieds then you should learn all you can about FUNDED PROPOSAL MARKETING. I understand that some 1 dimensional trainers are trying to preach that all lead generation should be with funded proposals, but I totally disagree.


Just as an example, every network marketer should be using some type of drop cards in their day to day activities. There is just no excuse for every network marketer not to be using this Local Lead generation method!

You can find a very informative booklet on drop card marketinghere:

I also believe that when you start prospecting with Funded Proposals you should be using multiple products. I love buying entrepreneur related books and selling them on and having my material “ride along” in the package!

More Funded Proposal products can be found here”

and by the time most of you read this, this Funded Proposaldealership site will be up and running at:

You can learn exactly how we approach the entire concept of Funded Proposals at and yeswhat we teach regarding this subject is quite different than those that have a single ebook they want you to push. I am not saying that is a bad thing, we just believe multiple products create multiple leads.

You can also register for a webinar that we are currently conducting every month that will share a very unique prospective on funded proposals as it relates to physical products delivered in the mail vs. digitally delivered products.

The webinar info is at


After you have mastered, and only after you have mastered, Warm Market, Local Market, Classified Ads & Funded Proposals are you ready to dive head first into the constantly evolving world

of Internet Marketing.

Once there, you can stay there, because again, it is a constant evolution. I have been marketing online since 1995. I spend several hours daily testing new methods and ideas.

Social Media wasn’t even a phrase a couple of years ago, and today if you aren’t on Twitter and Facebook, well you don’t get it!

The majority of my marketing time today is spent testing online methods, yet most people consider me an “old school marketer”. Hopefully you understand at this point my philosophy on teaching people how to be a MASTER PROSPECTOR & RECRUITER and to not get sucked into thinking, Social Media, Drop Cards, Funded Proposals, or ads in USA Today are “THE” Way to build your team.

I have over 50 websites that get over 40,000 visitors a month. I have a strong online presence and love the power of the Internet. It has helped me develop a client base all over the world.

However, I have seen countless number of people who Drank the Attraction Marketing Kool-Aid, and now are totally out of the network marketing industry never to return, and that makes me upset!

Finally sixth and final pillar is Buying Leads. However we have always taught that you should never buy leads until you are full time and you have the money to invest and even then, never personally call them. We believe you should use a Voice Broadcasting System and find the low lying fruit that are actively looking for an opportunity now!


There is no greater waste of your valuable time than to spend hours on the phone pounding out phone calls to a leads list. Yes, I know a few marketers who have mastered this, but it is VERY FEW and quite frankly anyone who teaches you or your downline to prospect this way, doesn’t understand human nature.

This is by far the hardest, most difficult way to try to build a business, yet some “leaders” still teach people how to build this way. I never have been a propionate of buying and calling leads. It is the fastest way to run a new person out of the business.

Oh, I know, it sounds so great, but believe me, if every lead was as hot and fresh as lead companies, and those selling leads try to make you think, everyone in network marketing would be using this method, and with the technology available today, very few do, and I will debate anyone on this point.


There is new software that has just been released that we have been testing and love, which eliminates the need for ever buying an MLM Lead again.

At least 50% of those involved in network marketing right now, are looking for a new home for various reasons.

The software allows you to harvest network marketers. We use it, and highly recommend it; as a matter of fact a large number of people are reading this publication now, because of this software . You can watch a video explanation by clicking here.

The question I get. Is this spamming? According to the information I have under the “Can Spam” act you are allowed to send a 1 time email to someone whom you feel has a need for your product or service. You cannot ad them to a permanent list, unless they subscribe.


As we have always taught you should Voice Broadcast leads. Again this brings up “do not call list” etc. Again, it is my understanding of the law that this does not apply business to business only business to consumer. Obviously those that are in network marketing and have their phone number on their website are in business.

This is my personal understanding, I have never had any problems, but you need to investigate this for yourself. Before I start getting flooded with email here is where you can find info regarding the voice broadcasting service that we use:

So those are the six pillars of lead generation. I believe that every leader should teach all six pillars in a sequential order.Every prospecting system should teach all six of these pillars, but unfortunately I know of very few that do.

Again, the reason some don’t teach warm market recruiting, or how to recruit in their local marketing is because they blew it in their own. Just because they blew it does not mean it doesn’t work.

At the time of this writing, I received an email where 2 well known do it all on the internet gurus were going to do a webinar to teach people how to recruit in their warm market and local market. How interesting, teaching something you have been knocking for years.

Those of you that subscribe to my weekly MLM Minute know since the last quarter of 2009 I have been saying that the shift back to starting people in their warm market and using proven local lead generation methods of the past has started.

It is oh so slight, but people are starting to realize the value of not eliminating 40+ percent of the population who don’t even have an email address.


There are other “old school” network marketers who teach their people to “stay away from the internet”. The problem is they don’t give their people a structured sequential alternative!

Now let’s go just a little bit deeper with this topic before we move forward. My generation of network marketers, those who have been around for 20+ years, never provided the masses the direction, support, and sequential training programs they needed.

Again it has always been 3 %ers throwing mud on the wall and some of it (other 3%ers) stuck. So over time you end up with a company full of ego driven “leaders” all trying to teach the masses different ways to build their business. The masses get confused and frustrated, thus the name of the booklet I mentioned earlier “Why the Masses of Network Marketers are Frustrated, Confused and Don’t Have a Clue What They are Doing”

Many of those we Frustrated 5 years ago, have become the “Attraction Marketers” of today. A couple of months ago, I was talking to someone who I would say is one of the Top 5 Attraction Marketing trainers in the market. I told him, if I had sponsored you when you first entered the industry we would have had success in your warm market, we would have had success in your local market and you would have eventually ended up where you are today, (Internet Marketing) but you would have mastered the other pillars first! I would tell any Attraction marketer the same thing. They obviously have the work ethic and mental capacity to learn, if they are teachable I could have helped them get to six figures before our buddy Al invented the internet!

So a message to old school network marketers who are telling their people to stay away from the internet. You have to provide them with duplicatable step-by-step training. If you don’t, they will search for someone who will. Those of you who really


understand what I just said, should hire me to help you do it, it will be the best $500 an hour you ever invest in your business. The rest of you don’t need me, you just need a training course. I have a waiting list, but you should get on it!

The 6 Dimensions of MLM Training

First of all I use the term “Leadership” very loosely. I am really talking about people who have leadership titles within their company.

Some of you have heard my CD Training called Pentacle Leadership. To me that is the true measure of leadership in network marketing.

What is a Pentacle Leader?

Most would say someone who has created a $10,000 monthly income in the industry is a leader. I disagree totally. They probably have a leadership title, but the industry is full of $10,000 a month earners who have no clue how they did what they did. They are a dime a dozen!


Good people, honest people, hard workers, YES, but not a leader. Network Marketing Leaders develop other leaders. Let’s face it, most $10,000 a month income earners in the industry are those who have just become good at developing a FOLLOWING.(Think about that one for a minute) From the outside looking in I would almost describe it as manipulative. They make people feel good about themselves, which is a good thing. But sometimes people need to be told what they need to hear, not want to hear.

Attraction marketers are masters at telling people it is not their fault, it is the upline, the company, the out dated training you have received and on an on.

No! The reason for anyone who lives in a Free Enterprise System’s lack of success is staring them right back in the mirror!!

I understand, you can add your own “yeah but” to that statement. Maybe you never embraced Free Enterprise until recently, maybe you had a lousy upline, and I could go on and on making excuses for you, but you and I both know most wouldn’t be valid.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life and sooner or later you have to DECIDE that you are going to make it and you WILL NOT BE DENIED!

You never fail until you stop trying!

Forget visualizing your way to Success using some “SECRET” formula and start programming your mind daily for success andput action behind your vision.

Click here to learn specifically, exactly, step-by-step how to do that!

Back to Pentacle Leadership


You want to become a $10,000 Earner who has taught another $10,000 earner how to develop $10,000 earners. Now granted3 $10,000 earners could be a 3%er, stacked upon a 3%er, who is stacked upon a 3%er.

How will you know the difference?

Are they all ego driven teaching their own systems and programs, or are they unified in their training systems and programs?

Sounds very simple, but it is very important and something you should always be aware of.

Systems are duplicatable, personality is not!

So with that said, let’s look at the Dimensions of MLM Training. If you really want to get the full effect of this concept make a list of 10 MLM Leaders/Consultants/Trainers you know well within the industry. I will come back to this list in a minute, but for now write their names down.

Dimension One|WORK HARDERThere is nothing sadder to me than seeing someone who has been in the industry 5 plus years and has never got passed The“Work Harder” mentality. These are people that “did it with what they came in the industry with” as we talked about earlier.

They are usually people that have worked hard all their life, had success in other areas of life and their answer to everything is work harder. When their team members ask them questions, all answers eventually come around to work harder, see more people, etc.

Yes that worked for them, but they don’t understand that 27%ers need more than a see more people pep talk. Several years ago, I had a downline member who was and probably still


is the biggest ego maniac I have ever worked with. He was not afraid to talk to people, but his awareness and understanding of human nature was pitiful. He was perpetually stuck in the work harder mentality.

Before network marketing he was a plumber and he had sponsored some great people and was making about $250K a year. He had a good story, but it was hard for me to use him to speak at training events because most of the audience had a better working knowledge of what it took to build an organization than he did. I know this sounds impossible, but it was absolutely the truth. He was a very simple minded shallow thinker that majored in the minors. Work harder MLM leadership is 1 dimensional. It is very sad to see these people when you understand they have totally missed the two greatest benefits of network marketing.

#1 The personal growth and development

#2 The friendships and relationships you develop

Look at your list of 10; are there some “Work Harder” trainers on it?

Dimension Two|Personal Development

There is no question that the #1 benefit of being involved in network marketing is the personal growth and development. The personal growth industry and the MLM Industry go hand in hand.

Before network marketing I don’t think I had ever walked into a book store. Today I own a personal growth and development library that I am very proud of.


I understand that

Formal education makes you a LIVING but if you become SELF EDUCATED you create a Fortune

When you develop the hunger for personal development it becomes like a drug. Most network marketers go through a heavy personal development dimension within the first few years of their career.

They read all the classics, and buy every DVD and CD program they can possibly afford. For many years I spend 1/10 of my income on personal development programs. Personal development is still part of my every day life and always will be.

However some people stay in the Personal Development Dimension. We can all name popular MLM Trainers who only talk about personal development.

Over time, these people will go out on a limb and get weird. Mark my words I have seen it many times. I believe that the Bible was the original self-help book. Read Proverbs daily and run your business by it is my advice.

A couple of years ago “The Secret” DVD was going to transform the world. Now 2 years later ……. the people who were “speaking this philosophy” everywhere that people would listen, are no better off than when they started.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in visualization and positiveaffirmation, I understand how the sub-conscious mind works using auto suggestion as talked about in Think and Grow Rich. However you must get into action. Motivation and visualization without action makes you weird.

That is how people end up dying in sweat tents.


Look at your list of 10; are there some “Personal Development” trainers on it?

Dimension Three|Lead Generation

Understand the 6 dimensions of MLM Training are sequential and predictable. It is a natural progression and a path that all open minded, observant, MLM Leaders follow. I have watched it for 30 years.

The next dimension is Leads. MLM Leaders get to a point were they realize it is not just about working hard and reading TheMagic of Thinking Big, their team needs leads, because most can’t go into the market place and start up conversations using the 3-Foot Rule everyday.

This dimension causes “Leaders” to make many bad moves. Yes they are aware, yes they are trying to help but at this point many get sucked into lead companies offering “Fresh Hot Leads” and pay the leader a commission to promote the leads to their team.

Some of you remember the phenomenal growth of a company called Pro Step in the mid nineties, a company that provided leads for many organizations within the industry. I was personally in the lead generation business back in 1999. We had a unique Funded Proposal/Lead Generation Program that was different from anything in the market.

Over time, I got sick and tired of watching people buy leads thinking that was going to make them successful. Even though


on every conference call we told people if they have not exposed their warm market to their opportunity and mastered local lead generation the program was not for them.

A smart leader will master local lead generation and teach that to their team and follow the 5 pillars that we talked about earlier.

I would estimate that 80% of the network marketers in the world have not mastered lead generation and it is such a very important part of the business. “Work Hard” leaders have done a poor job at teaching specific step-by-step systems because they have personally always been effective using the 3-Foot Rule.

This is exactly why so many distributors are spending hours upon hours online every week trying to get through the online marketing learning curve and the promise of pre-sold prospects.

This is also why I am conducting live events around the United States this year. A 3-hour workshop “How to Master MLM Lead Generation Online and Offline”

This is where many people get stuck. After they contact theirnetwork marketing contacts they simply have not mastered how to create a constant flow of new people to expose to their opportunity and products.

Look at your list of 10; are there some “Lead Generation” trainers on it?

Dimension Four|Start Right Game Plan

At every dimension you find less and less “Leaders”. Quite frankly I would estimate that well over 50% of the people within theindustry with “Leadership titles” are stuck in Dimensions 1 & 2.


Eventually over time, open minded learners realize that they need a step-by-step process to get people started on the right track. If they don’t, ultimately the only people that will make it long term will be the 3%ers.

You end up with more of a social group than a productive team. There are some people that like you & like hanging out with you instead of the ladies in the women’s club or church choir. Most network marketing organizations are made up of social club members and people who couldn’t tell you no. Ouch! I know it hurts, but it is the truth!

The days of telling people, let me know if I can help you with anything are over! Just because the business came natural to you, it won’t to 97% of the people you enroll!

People want Direction in the beginning; they want to be told what to do first! That is why we developed the Start Right Program to help you put together an effective game plan for new people from day one. An excellent book about developing leadership that has nothing to do with network marketing, but I highly recommend and make sure all my coaching clients read is

“LEADERSHIP and the 1 Minute Manager”. If you are ready for this, when you read the info in this book it will take your business to a new level. If it doesn’t, put it back on the shelf and read it once a year, I promise there is a big ah ha waiting for you in this book.

If you listen to people you can hear the leaders that are at Dimension Four and have a specific game plan for starting new people off quickly and correctly.

Quite frankly less than 10% of the mlm leaders are 4 dimensional.


Look at your list of 10; are there some “Start Right” trainers on it?

Dimension Five|“Unified Duplicatable Training Systems”

Less than 1% of Leaders ever get to the 5th Dimension which is “Unified Duplicatable Training Systems” This is where you unify and systemize every single aspect of the business.

You have a 2 step recruiting system

A retails to recruit system

Specific scripts for every aspect to of the business

Exact system for new distributor training

Exact procedures for sponsoring new team members

Exact system for distributor retention and the list goes on and on.

Sometimes I call this the franchise factor. The reasons franchise duplicate so well is because of their unified duplicatable training.

If I pull up to a Starbucks in Atlanta, Dallas, Boston, or Lexington, Kentucky I am going to hear the same thing.

“Welcome to StarBucks what can I get started for you today?”

McDonalds in Hawaii don’t serve Pineapple burgers and the French fryer is always on the left.

I have leaders tell me distributors are independent distributors. You cannot require them all to do and say the same thing like a franchise can. I 100% totally disagree. I did it, and I have


helped leaders put together the same type of systems for their teams.

The leader must understand the POWER & Confidence a unified duplicatable training system creates and be committed to implementing it, but it can be done.

“When you unify your organization, you separate yourself from the masses” Unity creates separation!

Unified organizations stand out from the crowd.

If you don’t own our classic training “Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire” it should be part of your library. The information is solid, but what blows MLM Leaders away is a group of 500 people repeating back to me throughout the training word-for-word what you say and do in any given situation.

I promise you have never seen anything like this. The majority of our coaching clients are six figure earners who contact me immediately after watching this DVD set. I have heard it dozens of times “I want you to help me put together a word-for-word system like on the Confessions DVD’s”

As I say on the DVD’s there were 500 people in the audience, but the unique thing is at that time there were about 25,000 more team members that were just as plugged in and could have been reciting the same thing.

Unity removes confusion.

When somebody pulls up to the drive through window at Starbucks, the drive through worker doesn’t have to wonder what to say and they are not constantly testing new phrases.

Systems & phrases are duplicatable, personality and the ability to think on your feet is not.


If you know me and are familiar with our training you know I have been talking about Unified duplicatable training systems for years. I have occasionally had the opportunity to discuss and debate this with leaders. Naturally with mlm leaders being 3%ers they really don’t appreciate my perspective. However after 30 years of observing, I know what I know and will debate or discuss this concept with anyone.

I am not saying it is easy, but I am saying it can be done and more importantly should be done.

I recently talked with MLM Legend John Milton Fogg about this very topic. I think you will find the discussion very interesting and you can access it here:


PREVIEW: can optionally “right-click” the links above to save MP3 files to your compueter)

Look at your list of 10; are there some “Unified Duplicatable Training Systems” trainers on it?

Here is where most people don’t quite follow me. Many organizations have a prospecting system, or a Start Right System, but that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about systemizing every single business building activity and every aspect of building a network marketing team.

Dimension Six“Unified Duplicatable Training Systems”implemented through a Corporate University


First let me say, this has never been done before. Just because a company or organization calls their training a “university” doesn’t mean it is, at least at the level I am talking about.

Imagine an environment where every distributor that enters a company enters into the company’s university program. They go through foundational courses in the beginning and as they achieve goals and advance in the comp plan they move forward much like a traditional university. The key is they must not just attend the class or study the material; they must also put the information into action and ADVANCE IN THE COMP PLAN Before they can enroll in the next training module.

You start with course number one and when you graduate with course number 8 or 10 you are at the top level of the corporate comp plan.

This type of training is psychologically congruent with the way humans think. When someone enters college they know they start as a freshman, then go through a series of courses and when they graduate as a senior they are ready to start their profession.

This type of training system, I believe down the road could become the standard within the industry. The challenge is it must be implemented at the corporate level and quite frankly very few companies have corporate leadership that truly understand the power of adding a franchise factor to their company and what that can mean. The key is to get top leaders behind such a program and that is not always easy.

The unique aspect of such a program is you must pass and move up in the comp plan BEFORE you can enroll in the next course.


With one of the companies I have a consulting contract with I am currently working to put together this type of system for their distributors. Quite frankly I feel this will be my legacy and in the future the majority of my time will be spent developing Universities for MLM companies.

So there you have it, what I call the 6 Dimension of MLM Training.

1) Work Harder2) Personal Development3) Lead Generation4) Start Right5) Duplicatable Training Systems6) Corporate Universities

I sincerely hope that this information has caused you to think and given you a deeper awareness and insight into what it takes to become a unique leader within the network marketing industry and develop training systems that the 27%ers can duplicate.

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And our weekly online video training at:

I hope to have the opportunity to meet you personally and shake your hand in the near future.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Dale Calvert