The Short Story an Authors Tale Whole Sha Bang

THE SHORT STORY: AN AUTHOR’S TALE BY: Josh Morgan Setting: Present day Characters: Henry Mills - main protagonist, writer and hopeless romantic pinning after Chelsea Ben (Darth Dr!mmond - Henry"s #est friend since college and roommate, wor$s at a # factory and li$es to lo!nge aro!nd Chelsea D!%al - girl who li%es ne&t door to Henry and Darth, wor$s as a waitress wi #ecoming a professional photographer 'ames - Chelsea"s #oyfriend reg - Henry"s co-wor$er and closest friend at wor$, also roommate 'ac$ - Henry"s co-wor$er, also roommate )eil S!mmit - Henry"s #oss, chief editor for *he S!mmit )ews, pretty laid #ac$ #!t to #!siness when needed +ran$ hite - gent for Dragonscale P!#lishing Ho!se and wants to sign Henry illiam *odd - gent for Dragonscale P!#lishing Ho!se Bar#ara - wor$s at the newspaper with Henry co%ering filler stories, has had a h!ge fore%er .ictoria - Chelsea"s mother aiter Preacher *yler Heather racia - character in Henry"s story Harold - character in Henry"s story Act 1 Scene 1 *lights up stage right to reveal a man on the ground holding a dying woman in his a Harold: racia, yo! ha%e to hold on/ e"re so close to the safe ho!se/ e"ll get yo !p/ Gracia: Harold, yo! ha%e to go on witho!t me0 +or what is lo%e if not worth dying fo 1


A play i've written

Transcript of The Short Story an Authors Tale Whole Sha Bang

THE SHORT STORY: AN AUTHORS TALEBY: Josh MorganSetting: Present dayCharacters: Henry Mills - main protagonist, writer and hopeless romantic pinning after Chelsea Ben (Darth) Drummond - Henrys best friend since college and roommate, works at a bottling factory and likes to lounge around Chelsea Duval - girl who lives next door to Henry and Darth, works as a waitress with dreams of becoming a professional photographer James - Chelseas boyfriend Greg - Henrys co-worker and closest friend at work, also roommate Jack - Henrys co-worker, also roommate Neil Summit - Henrys boss, chief editor for The Summit News, pretty laid back but gets down to business when needed Frank White - Agent for Dragonscale Publishing House and wants to sign Henry William Todd - Agent for Dragonscale Publishing House Barbara - works at the newspaper with Henry covering filler stories, has had a huge crush on him forever Victoria - Chelseas mother Waiter Preacher Tyler Heather Gracia - character in Henrys story Harold - character in Henrys story

Act 1Scene 1*lights up stage right to reveal a man on the ground holding a dying woman in his arms*Harold: Gracia, you have to hold on! Were so close to the safe house! Well get you all patched up!Gracia: Harold, you have to go on without me. For what is love if not worth dying for.Harold: Love is everything worth living for! You have to live! We didnt come all this way for nothing!Gracia: I know youll do well Harold. Remember me, Harold, and everyone. Live your life and dont forget me. *she dies**as Harold begins to sob, lights fade stage right and come up stage left to reveal an office scene with Henry and Neil downstage*Henry: And thats the end of it.Neil: Henry, I think thats the best one youve written yet. Thats going straight in, no revisions whatsoever!Henry: Wow, thank you so much Mr. Summit!Neil: Now Henry, youve been writing short stories for my newspaper for a long time and in that time youve written hilarious comedies and beautiful romances. Why is it that youre not married yet?Henry: Sir?Neil: I mean it! You write these beautiful love stories and yet I have never seen you with a girl.Henry: Well sir, with all due respect, maybe Im just waiting for the right one.Neil: Oh Henry, youre hopeless. Find a girl, thats an order!Henry: Ill try my best Mr. Summit.*Henry leaves Neils office and walks through the newsroom to his own desk when he is joined by Barbara, who has had a crush on Henry for a long time*Barbara: Hi Henry.Henry: *sighs* Hi Barbara, how are you?Barbara: Oh you know, just doing work stuff. So howd Mr. Summit like your story?Henry: He loved it, its going in the paper with no revisions.Barbara: Really? Thats pretty good Henry! I always knew you were a great writer. So whats it about?Henry: Nope, not telling. I never tell one of my stories before its published in the paper. Its bad luck.Barbara: Not even to me? *bats eyes*Henry: Not even to anyone.Barbara: So, I was thinking about getting coffee before work tomorrow, any chance you would like to come with me?Henry: Listen Barbara, youre incredibly nice and sweet. I just dont think this would work out. Were colleagues and I dont think it could work.Barbara: Oh, Im sorry.Henry: No, Im sorry. Ill join you for that coffee, okay? But just as friends.Barbara: *she brightens up* Okay, sounds great. The Downtown Cafe at 6?Henry: Sounds great Barbara.*Henry packs up to leave for the day. Greg and Jack walk over to Henry*Greg: Hey Henry! What was all that with Barbara?Henry: Oh, it was nothing.Greg: You sure? You know shes had the biggest crush on you since, oh, I dont know, forever?Jack: Yeah man. Youve got to watch how you handle Barbara. She a delicate one, she is.Henry: Yeah, yeah. I know. She just wanted to grab some coffee tomorrow morning and I didnt want to say no.Greg: Alright, just be careful that its not a date date, you know.Jack: Yeah, like a date date.Henry: What do you mean, a date date? What is that? Why are you being middle schoolers right now?Greg: Look, just be careful what you say and the way you say it. Oh, by the way, you want to come hang out with me and the Jack and the rest of the guys tonight?Henry: Nah, I think Im just going to go home and write some more.Jack: Write, write, write! Thats all you ever do. You need other hobbies.Greg: Jacks right, whenever we come home after a late night of drinking with some smoking hot ladies; there you are, just sitting at your laptop typing away.Jack: Its sad man. Henry: Look, I do other stuff beside write.Greg: Like what?Henry: I do--things--with people.Greg: Henry, youre going to die alone. You need to get out more! Come on, you need to get out there and meet some girls.Henry: I can meet girls all on my own, thank you very much.Jack: Yeah, cause you have so many friends outside of work.Henry: I do!Greg: Whatever you say Henry. If you change your mind, well be at the bar tonight till last call.Henry: Thanks guys, I may drop by.Greg: You really should, you could have some actual fun. See you at the apartment later.*lights out*

Scene 2*lights up stage right to reveal a dirty apartment with trash lying all around and Darth sitting on the couch comfortably playing a video game while wearing a Darth Vader helmet, black cape, jeans and a t-shirt. Henry enters*Henry: Hey Darth, you here? Wait, why am I even asking that question. Of course youre here, youre always here playing some game.Darth: Yes siree, I am. When Im not working that is. I find solace in playing video games, gets my mind off things.Henry: Yeah, like taking showers and eating anything other than McDonalds.Darth: Hey, I shower. *pause. Henry gives Darth a look* When I need to. Oh come on! You just made me lose the game! *throws controller down in frustration*Henry: Not my fault, I was just looking at you.Darth: Well yeah, but you were looking at me all weird. Henry: Darth, whered all the milk go?Darth: Huh? Oh, I used it all eating cereal today. I think I broke the world record for amount of cereal eaten in one day. Henry: Darth! You cant just use all the milk! I just got it yesterday! We have 4 grown men living in the same cramped apartment! You cant just drink all the milk in one day!Darth: You cant blame me man. If there is milk, I will drink it. Henry: Whatever, Im going to the store to buy more.Darth: Hey, are Greg and Jack down at the bar?Henry: Yes, surprisingly enough, they are. Why do you need to know?Darth: No reason.Henry: Darth, no! You can not play another prank on them! The last time you did this it ended very badly!Darth: Look, only one--no wait, two people were hospitalized and they made a full recovery.Henry: Yes, but only after they had to go through rehab for a month! No pranks! If you prank them, Im not going to cover your part of the rent this month.Darth: Fine, no prank. But if they prank me, I have full rights to prank them back.Henry: Fine, whatever, Im going to buy milk. This apartment better be here when I get back.*Henry walk out the door center stage into the hallway the same time Chelsea Duval walks out of her apartment that is stage left.*Henry: *obviously nervous* Oh, Chelsea, hi.Chelsea: Hey there Mr. Writer, hows business?Henry: Oh, you know, its going. How about you? Hows waitressing?Chelsea: Well, its alright. Its not my favorite job in the world.Henry: Well writing isnt a walk in the park either.Chelsea: So, published any new stories?Henry: Um, yeah. I just brought one in today.Chelsea: Oooh, whats it about?Henry: Well, I dont usually tell people my stories before theyre published in the paper. Chelsea: Not even to me? *pause*Henry: Well--I guess I could tell you a little bit, but you have to promise youll read the whole thing when it comes out in the paper tomorrow. Deal? *he holds out his hand*Chelsea: Deal. *they shake hands*Henry: Alright, so picture this, theres a war on and its tearing the entire world apart. The story is about these two lovers that find themselves in the middle of one of the biggest battles of the war. They try and leave the city, but they keep getting caught in the crossfire. Their goal is to get out of the city to a safe haven they heard about.Chelsea: Wow, how do even come up with this stuff, Henry?Henry: I dont know, I just kind of think about it and then I write it down.Chelsea: I wish I had your creativity. My brain is nowhere near as colorful as yours.Henry: Well I wouldnt say that. Youre very creative in your own way.Chelsea: Thank you Henry, but Im really not. Im just ordinary Chelsea Duval. Ill see you later. *she walks away upstage*Henry: There is certainly nothing ordinary about you Chelsea Duval.*lights out*

Scene 3*lights up on newsroom with Henry at his desk when Greg and Jack walk over. It is the next day*Greg: Hey, Henry. What are you working on? Another story?Henry: Yeah, Im just trying to work out the ending for this one.Greg: Whats it about?Henry: You know the rule, no spoilers.Greg: Fine, fine. So are you coming to B-Dubs tonight with everyone? Missed you last night buddy.Jack: You should totally come. Its going to be an awesome time!Henry: Um, Im not sure. I really want to get this story done before I do anything else.Greg: Come on Henry, you never come out of that little bubble of yours. Its time we take the pin that is life and pop your dumb bubble of seclusion. Ever since you found this amazing skill of yours, youve turned into Bummy McBummerson.Henry: You do make a very strong argument.Greg: Why thank you.Henry: *getting up and patting Greg on the shoulder* I was kidding.Jack: *getting up behind him* Come on Henry, come and hang out with the gang just this one night. Who knows, maybe youll find a girl.Henry: I find it very hard to believe that I would find a girl that I would like at B-Dubs.Jack: Oh, I see! Too good for us? *laughing* Tell me, what kind of girl would spark the interest of Henry, the reclusive writer? Would it possibly be Heather, the chubby know it all from college?Henry: No, no, no! You can not bring her up! In fact, you cant bring up any of the girls I dated in college Mr. I Was Too Fat To Get Any.Greg: Hey! Theres the Henry Ive been missing!Jack: Id like some support on this maybe!Greg: Hey, I didnt say anything.Henry: Look guys, Ill think about coming tonight.Greg: Alright! Were meeting there at 8. Ill see you there.Neil: Henry! Get in here!Jack: Whoops. Looks like someones in trouble!*Henry enters Neils office*Henry: How can I help you Mr. Summit?Neil: Henry, I want you to meet Frank White and his associate William Todd. Gentlemen, this is Henry Mills.Frank: So nice to finally meet you Mr. Mills. *shakes Henrys hands. Henry is bewildered by these newcomers*Henry: Please, just Henry.Frank: Of course. Have you ever heard of the Dragonscale Publishing House?Henry: Yes, isnt it a pretty big publishing company?Frank: Wed like to think so. I have an offer from them. They would like to give you a book deal.Henry: What? Are you serious? Thats amazing!William: Do you have an agent or anything of the sort?Henry: No, Ive worked mostly independently for the past few years. William: Well in that case, here is the contract already drawn up for you to sign. *pulls out a contract* You dont have to sign it this very moment, in fact, we would strongly advise against that. Please take it home and read over it and we will meet again in, lets say, two days. Be ready with your decision then.Henry: Of course, thank you so much. *Frank and William exit*Henry: How in the world did the Dragonscale Publishing House hear about me?Neil: Ive got no clue. I was just sitting at my desk yesterday when they called and said they would be dropping by to talk about a possible book deal for you. I didnt want to ruin the surprise or anything. Now, go on home. I want you to think long and hard about this deal. It could be your big break and I dont want you to miss it kid.Henry: Thank you so much Mr. Summit.*Henry exits Neils office and walks back over to Greg and Jack*Jack: So what was that all about? Who were those guys?Henry: They were with a publishing company that wants me to write a book for them.Greg: No way! Thats amazing man! Im so proud of you! I knew this day would come.Henry: Thanks guys, how about we go out and celebrate? Just like old times.Jack: You got it buddy, lets get out of here!*lights out*

Scene 4*lights up in B-Dubs with Jack, Greg and Henry entering*Greg: Man, I am so proud of you, you know that? Henry: Yeah, its like the fiftieth time youve told me tonight. You are so drunk man.Jack: You know Greg, hes always been such a lightweight.Henry: He really has, hasnt he? Remember that one time at Ambers party he passed out on top of the fireplace mantle?Greg: A manticore? Where?Jack: Yes! That was probably the most hilarious thing Ive ever seen! Especially since it was a Christmas party and he was wearing the most adorable reindeer ears.Henry: I think I still have a picture of that somewhere.*Neil enters and walks towards the group*Neil: Then you have got to show me. Henry: Mr. Summit?Neil: Come on Henry, its after hours. Im just Neil.Greg: Neil Diamond? Is that you? No wait, youre ugly Neil. Blech.Neil: Im just going to accept the fact that he thought I was the ugly Neil and move on.Jack: You have to admit though, Neil Diamond is a very beautiful man. Henry: Alright, fine. Thats true.Jack: So get this, I was down at the bowling alley the other day and I was this close to a perfect game when suddenly-- *Henry spots Chelsea off in the distance sitting with some guy* --Henry, you ok man? What are you looking at? *he notices Chelsea* Oh, I see. And you were worried about not meeting anyone.Henry: No, its not like that. We just live across the hall from each other in my apartment building. Ive never really seen her anywhere but that hallway and the laundromat sometimes. I guess I have had a little crush on her for a while.Greg: Aw Henrys got a little crush!Neil: Leave the boy alone. Now, shes right there, granted shes with another man and hes twice your size, but I say go talk to her.Henry: What? Right now? No way! Shes obviously on a date.Neil: Or maybe thats just her relative. You never know. Go up and talk to her.Henry: Fine. Ill do it. *Henry gets up to walk over to Chelsea*Jack: Ten bucks says thats the boyfriend.Neil: Ten bucks says brother or possible cousin.Jack: Youre on.*Henry walks over to stage right where Chelsea is*Henry: *to himself as he walks over* Alright, got to act casual. Just pretend like were bumping into one another randomly. Oh Chelsea, hi! Didnt see you there! No, too much. Chelsea! Havent seen you since yesterday! Ill just wing it. *he arrives at Chelseas table but acts as though hes just passing by* Chelsea? Oh my gosh, hi!Chelsea: *standing up* Henry? Is that you? I didnt know you came here. Frankly I didnt know you went anywhere.Henry: Well to be honest I dont really get out much. Do I just give off that vibe or something? Or is it a smell? I hope it isnt a bad smell.Chelsea: *laughing* Oh Henry, you are a trip. Are you here with anyone or--?Henry: Umm--oh yeah, Im here with some of the guys from the newspaper. They were all coming out and decided to invite the weird secluded writer. Chelsea: Well I think thats sweet of them. Theyre trying to get you out of that shell you got.James: *clears throat*Chelsea: Oh I almost forgot! Henry, this is James, my boyfriend.James: *standing up and shaking Henrys hand* Pleasure to meet you.Henry: *obviously saddened that it is in fact her boyfriend* The pleasure is all mine.James: So how do you know my lovely girlfriend?Henry: Oh we just live across the hall from each other. Sometimes we see each other at the laundromat. This is actually the first time Ive seen her anywhere other than the laundromat and when we occasionally bump into each other out in the hall.Chelsea: Yeah, I think youre right. All that time living right across from each other and this is the first time we properly see each other in public. Henry: So, um, how did you you and James meet?James: Well a few years ago we bumped into each other getting coffee. It just kept happening and so we started talking about life and our goals and howd we gotten to where we were today. We knew each other pretty well after a while and then one day we decided to make our thing an official thing.Henry: Thats awesome, Im super excited for you guys.Chelsea: Oh and since we live right across from each other, we would be available to double date whenever. Or do you have a girlfriend? James: Or a boyfriend?Chelsea: James!Henry: What? No, Im not gay.James: Oh, Im sorry. I just--Chelsea: James, just stop. James: Sorry. I didnt know, I thought to maybe keep that option open, you never know. Im just going to get another drink. *walks away*Chelsea: Sorry about that, he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. Henry: No, its ok. Im fine. Never been called gay before, at least not to my face.Chelsea: Im guessing you probably dont want to do those double dates now. Henry: Well, I do have a slight problem. I just--have to know when shes available. Shes got such a busy schedule. Chelsea: Oh! Well just call me whenever shes available and well try and work something out. *takes out pen and writes number on napkin and gives it to Henry with a big smile on her face* Henry: Sure thing Chelsea! I guess Ill leave you two to your date and Ill get back to the boys.Chelsea: Alright, Ill talk to you later Henry.*Henry walks back over to the group stage left and sits*Greg: Hey man, I saw what went down. I saw numbers exchanged!Neil: See, what did I tell you? Nothing to worry--Henry: We have a double date set up. She wants me to call her when I get my girlfriends availability.Greg: But you dont--? Do you?Henry: No. I dont.*lights out*

Scene 5a*Next day, lights up on Henrys apartment, Greg and Jack onstage playing go fish on table, both Henrys and Darths voice come from offstage*Jack: Go fish.Greg: Dang it! Where are all the twos at! *draws* Oh, there they are.Darth: You have become strong young Padawan.Henry: I have learned from greater teachers than you. Darth: HA! Impossible! For I am the supreme Jedi in the galaxy!Henry: Youre no Jedi!*they burst through a door stage right fighting with plastic or light-up lightsabers*Greg: Hey! Keep it down you guys! Were trying to play a game here!Darth: Sorry guys, were just trying to have a little fun here!Jack: Yeah, well cant you do that somewhere else?Henry: Hey, this apartment is big enough for all of us. And besides, youre just playing go fish.Greg: Go fish is a time honored tradition in my family. My great great grandfather would play it during the war.Darth: Your great great grandfather that lived in America?Greg: Yes, so what?*the door opens, Henry and Darth hide their lightsabers behind their backs*Henry: Um, hello there--Chelsea?Chelsea: Yeah, its me. Im just checking to see if were still on tonight at six for our double date.Henry: You betcha! See you there!Chelsea: Whats going on in here? You guys were causing an awfully big racket.Henry: Oh, you know, just guy stuff. Chelsea: Looks like you guys are fighting with lightsaber.Henry: These silly things? Nah, we were just--Jack: Maam, I would like to inform you that these adults were indeed playing with lightsabers.Henry: You are so funny Jack! *whispers to Jack* Shut up!Chelsea: Okay, well Ill just let you guys sort this all out and Ill see you at six Henry.Henry: Yep, thanks for dropping by.*as Chelsea leaves, Henry plops down onto their couch followed shortly after by Darth*Henry: Dude, what was that?!Jack: Shes really pretty! I couldnt really see what she looked like at the bar, but shes gorgeous Henry!Henry: Well thank you for making me out to be the biggest nerd of all time.Greg: Like you needed any help with that.Darth: Man, this blows. You have to go on a double date with the girl of your dreams and shes not even your date. Why did you even agree to this?Henry: I dont know man, Im already under enough stress as it is with the book deal. Ive only got one more day to think about it. *Chelsea walks back, about to knock and hears them talking and stands outside their door listening to their conversation*Jack: Yeah, a whole day. Youve got time to worry about that later. Right now, were talking about Chelsea. You need to kick James out of there and steal that girl.Henry: No, Im tired of people thinking you can just steal people. If you steal someone, theyre never really yours. And on that note, people arent just possessions you can snatch up. Theyre living breathing people who deserve respect. They have lives and reasons and scars. Thats one of the best things about being an author, you understand that a person is not just a name on a page. Theyre made up of so much more. Theyre made up of experiences and failures and successes. Theyre souls with a meat suit. If you read between the lines whenever you see a name written down, you can see their life in each letter they write. You can see the pain theyve experienced or the love and support of their friends. Everything is right there if you look close enough. Thats why Im not going to steal Chelsea, Im going to live my life and try to be satisfied with myself and if she would like to join me, I would not object at all. Darth: Dang--ok man. You do that and let no one stop you.Henry: Thats the plan.*Chelsea leaves upstage once more, looking inquisitive*Greg: Youre really into this girl, arent you?Henry: Yes, I really am.Darth: So what about this book deal?Henry: I dont know man, I must have read it a thousand times and it just seems too good to be true.Jack: Well, youve always got your job at the paper to fall back on. I say do it.Henry: I know, but..Greg: If you give me another lame excuse, Im gonna punch you in the face. You better do it.Henry: Fine. Ill do it.*lights out*

Scene 5b*lights up to reveal a nice candle-lit restaurant when James and Chelsea enter and sit at a table up left*James: *pulling out a chair for Chelsea* My lady.Chelsea: Why thank you kind sir. *sits down* This is a really nice restaurant, howd you get the reservation so quickly?James: I have my ways. *sits down in his own chair* I like it for the ambiance.Chelsea: Oh! The ambiance?James: Yes, I happen to know big words like ambiance.Chelsea: Im proud of you James. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot.James: Of course, you know Id do anything for you. So tell me about this Henry guy.Chelsea: Oh, hes just been my neighbor for a while now. He works at the newspaper writing short stories, hes quite good.James: Wait, hes Henry Mills? No way! His stuff is really good. A bit romantic for my taste sometimes, but still.Chelsea: Yeah, hes a real sweetheart. He always gives me a little sneekpeak at his next story.James: He does? Huh, Im getting a little jealous now. *chuckles*Chelsea: *chuckles* Oh, stop it. You have nothing to worry about.*Henry enters with Barbara, they come up to the table where Henry sits while Barbara remains standing*Barbara: *clears throat, ignored and clears throat again but louder*Henry: What is it Barbara?Barbara: Well arent you going to pull out my chair for me?Henry: Here, sorry. *gets up to get her chair*Barbara: Thank you, dear. Now, you must be Chelsea.Chelsea: Yes, and you are?Barbara: My names Barbara, Im surprised Henry never mentioned me to you.Henry: Like I said dear, we barely ever see each other.Barbara: But how could that be when you live right across from each other?Henry: We both work honey.James: Whos hungry? I know I am!Henry: James, nice to see you again.James: Its nice to see you as well Henry. Chelsea was just explaining to me that youre actually Henry Mills.Henry: Well I didnt know I was famous.James: Oh youre pretty famous alright.Chelsea: Its true, a lot of people only pick up the Summit News to read your stories.*Waiter comes up to the table*Waiter: Good evening and welcome to LAmore. Have you had a chance to look at your menus?James: Actually no, could we have a few minutes?Waiter: Of course, Ill be back to take your orders. Would you like a nice wine to start off the evening?James: Get us your most expensive wine. *waiter bows and walks away*Chelsea: James, are you sure about that? Thats probably quite a lot of money.James: Nonsense, anything for you.Barbara: Youd do the same thing for me, wouldnt you dear?Henry: Sure, if I had a real job. *awkward silence* I mean, of course honey, whatever you want.Barbara: Henrys always doing the nicest things for me. Why, just last week he bought me this expensive bracelet. Chelsea: Wow, thats beautiful. You have really good taste Henry. Howd you know which bracelet to get her?Henry: Ummm--Well, when you know someone as well as I know Barbara, its easy.Barbara: So thoughtful.Chelsea: James just got me this necklace yesterday, isnt it the most beautiful thing youve seen?Barbara: Thats beautiful! Where did you get it?James: It was actually my grandmothers. She wanted me to have it when she passed away but I thought it looked much better on her.Chelsea: I was thinking about wearing it to a job interview I have tomorrow.James: Oh really? You never told me about a job interview. Is it with a photography company?Chelsea: It is indeed!James: Thats amazing, Im so proud of you!Henry: Congratulations! Speaking of new jobs, I just got offered a book deal by a publishing company based up in New York.Chelsea: Oh my gosh, congratulations!James: Hey, good job man! You definitely deserve it.Barbara: Im so excited for you sweetie! *awkward hug* Did you sign the paperwork yet?Henry: Actually no, I havent. James: What?Barbara: Wait, what? Why not?Chelsea: Yeah, why not? This could be your big break!Henry: I just dont know yet. Im not nearly as talented as they think I am.Barbara: What are you talking about? You are far more talented than any writer I know.Henry: Thanks Barbara, but I know thats not true.Barbara: Its true to me.Chelsea: Barbaras right, Henry. You are gifted! Have you even read your work?Henry: Well yeah, Ive got to proofread it before I put it in--Chelsea: Thats not what I meant. Have you ever taken the time to actually sit down and look at what youve written? How well it communicates your ideals and how the story pulls you right into the characters world? Youre amazing, Henry. Dont pass this up.James: Shes right man, you gotta take a chance sometimes, like I did with Chelsea. Who knows what would have happened if I had never asked her out?Henry: Thank you everyone. I think Ill do it. And if that fails, I always have the newspaper to come back to.Barbara: But you wont forget us while youre writing your bestseller, will you, Henry?Henry: Of course not, how could I ever forget you guys? Youve all helped me grow a lot as a writer and I could never thank you enough for everything youve done.James: Speaking of helping people grow, Chelsea, I have something to ask you. *gets down on one knee*Chelsea: Oh my goodness.James: Chelsea, when I sat down at your table that day, I had no plans to fall in love, but here I am. Youve changed my life, made me a better person, youve helped me overcome my weaknesses and strengthen, well, my strengths. *nervous laughter* I dont want to go back to who I was, I want to be who you see in me and who I aim to be. Chelsea Duval, will you marry me?Chelsea: Oh my gosh, this is so much to take in. I-- I dont know what to say-- Theres so many, um, emotions and-- I dont know-- *she gets up and runs/walks out*James: *heartbroken, watching her leave then sits back down* What did I do wrong?Henry: Barbara, could you give us a minute?Barbara: Sure, Ill be in the bathroom or something. *gets up and exits*James: I thought she loved me, I thought she would say yes.Henry: Women are unpredictable, James. James: I just dont know why she didnt say yes.Henry: Alright, this may make you a bit mad, but here goes: shes not obligated to say yes. Shes her own person and this is a big step for her and you. You cant just expect her to make the decision to spend the rest of her life with someone so quickly. James: Well do you think shes going to say yes?Henry: I think she will, if you give her some time. She was under a lot of pressure just then. Practically the whole restaurant was watching you guys. James: *mildly laughing* Yeah, thats true. So how much time should I give her?Henry: I cant answer that for you James, you know her better than I do. James: Well you certainly understand women.Henry: I just understand how every human should be treated, regardless of gender.James: Thank you Henry, youre a great friend. Henry: As are you, James.James: Hey, if Chelsea says yes, how would you like to be the best man at my wedding?Henry: *stun and shocked* Um, sure! Sounds great!James: Dont you think you should tell your date its ok to come back?Henry: Oh my gosh, Barbara! *gets up to leave* What about the check?James: Dont worry about the food, I was going to cover it anyway.Henry: Thanks so much James, I hope everything works out with you and Chelsea.James: So do I man, so do I.*Exeunt. Lights out*

Act 2Scene 1*lights up on Henrys apartment building with Chelsea in her room stage right on the phone and her mother Victoria on the phone stage left*Chelsea: I dont know what to do Mom, everything just feels like its collapsing all around me.Victoria: Thats the difficult part about trying to solve your own problems, the world falls down around you while you try to save what you can. Youve only got two hands dear, you cant hold the whole world.Chelsea: Well I cant dump everything into someone elses hands.Victoria: No, you cant. Thats the hardest part of life, trying to find the balance of being independent and trusting others with your issues. You just need to find someone with strong hands and a lot of patience.Chelsea: I wish I could. I wish I wasnt a dumb waitress.Victoria: I know honey, someday someone will notice the amazing photographer you are and hire you right on the spot.Chelsea: I wish I had your confidence and hope. Im honestly stuck between a rock and a hard place with James. I dont know what to do, mom.Victoria: Well dear, I cant tell you what your heart already knows. But if youre seriously doubting, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and what makes you happy. As a wise man once said, The person you spend the most of your life with is you. So do what makes you happy sweetie. Like being with your friends, you do have friends, dont you darling?Chelsea: Of course I have friends. I have friends that live right across the hall from me.Victoria: Then never let them go, hold tight to them. Chelsea: I plan on it. Thanks Mom, Im glad you were here to talk.Victoria: Oh shush, Im always here to talk to my little girl.Chelsea: Hey! Im not little anymore!Victoria: You will always be my little girl. Youll figure everything out darling. Love you.Chelsea: Love you too. Bye. *she hangs up the phone and theres a knock at the door. she opens it up to see Henry*Chelsea: Henry! Hi, come right on in.Henry: Wow, your place is really nice. Much better looking than our cluttered apartment.Chelsea: Really? This is actually pretty dirty for me. It was pretty dirty from what I saw the other day. *they laugh*Henry: So are you alright? You kind of left the restaurant in a hurry.Chelsea: Yeah, Im fine. Im just trying to figure everything out.Henry: What are you trying to figure out? If you dont mind me asking. You just seemed so happy at B-Dubs the other day.Chelsea: Well, I need to find myself and know that I can be me before I can be with him. Henry: Well that may work for some people, but for others it might hurt them a lot.Chelsea: Like you?Henry: What?Chelsea: You. Youre satisfied with yourself and can live your life happy without needing someone there beside you.Henry: I guess so. How do you know all that?Chelsea: I heard you this afternoon. That big speech you gave about people and me and everything.Henry: Oh crap. You werent supposed to hear all that.Chelsea: I know, Im sorry I eavesdropped. But I understand what you mean. I need to figure out myself.Henry: No, Chelsea! You and James have something special. When you have something that special, you never let it go. Chelsea: But what about all that stuff about figuring myself out?Henry: Thats what I need to do. Youve already got it figured out. You have an amazing guy who loves you.Chelsea: Im just not sure if Im ready to commit.Henry: Well I know that James loves you and from what I can tell, you love him.Chelsea: Its not that simple Henry.Henry: I know it isnt. I talked to James after you left and I told him to give you some space so you can figure it out, but I really want everything to work out between you guys.Chelsea: Thank you Henry. Thank you so much. *they hug*Henry: Anytime. *they leave her apartment and Chelsea leaves down the hall upstage. Darth comes out in the hallway, eating something*Darth: So, how was dinner?Henry: Dont even get me started on that.Jack: Whats wrong with you?Henry: James asked Chelsea to marry him and she said no.Greg: Thats a good thing, right?Jack: Yeah! Its just like in the movies. She realizes what an utter jerk he is and how amazing you are and runs away with you in the end!Henry: This isnt some movie Jack, this is real life!Darth: Henrys right. Real life is nothing like the movies. Im sorry dinner was such a disaster, man.Henry: I just need some sleep. Goodnight.*lights out*

Scene 2*lights up on a diner, Henry walks in and is waved over by Frank and William. Henry sits at their table*Frank: Hello there, Mr. Mills. Its good to see you again. *handshaking, blah blah blah*Henry: Thank you so much for this opportunity. Im really at a loss for words to describe how grateful I am.William: Well hopefully you arent at a total loss, we still need to you to write a book or two for us. *laughter*Frank: So, did you get a chance to look over the contract?Henry: Yes I did and I have to say, its a very generous offer. Id just like to know how you guys actually heard about me. Summit News isnt exactly the New York Times.Frank: Well didnt Mr. Summit tell you? Hes the one that called us in the first place. He sent over a few of your works and we loved them.Henry: What? Are you serious? Why wouldnt he tell me?Frank: Im not sure, I assume he has his reasons. So, if you have everything signed and initialed, well need the book in 4 months, so by the end of November. Wed like a background story in two weeks and after that, youll be free to write your story.William: If we approve of the story, that is.Frank: Which Im sure we will. We have great confidence in you Mr. Mills, we have no doubt that youll produce a great story for us. Henry: Thank you so much, I will not disappoint you. Heres your contract.*Frank and William get up to leave when Darth walks in and sits with Henry*Henry: Darth? What are you doing here?Darth: Well I fell asleep in the car last night and when I woke up, I was here so I thought I might as well go in. I thought I had gotten kidnap accidentally.Henry: How can you get accidentally kidnapped?Darth: Well maybe they were after the car and got more than they bargained for so they thought, Hey, why not make some extra money off this dude?Henry: Yeah, but who would want to steal our car? Its a junker. Even I wouldnt steal our car.Darth: Whatever. So what are you doing here anyway?Henry: I was signing that book contract.Darth: Oh nice, howd that go?Henry: Pretty great, I looked over the contract last night and theyre being really generous. If this book goes big, Im gonna get a lot of money from it. Darth: Sounds awesome, whats it gonna be about?Henry: Not sure yet, got any suggestions?Darth: I have the perfect solution! Alright, imagine theres a space crew of say 5 or 6 in deep space and theyre just out there, exploring, having a great time. When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a biiiiiiiiig wormhole opens up and sucks them in! When they come to, they have no idea where they are and the book is about them trying to find a human colony out in deep space.Henry: But I thought they were already in deep space?Darth: Well now theyre in deeper space.Henry: Alright, how does it end?Darth: Well along the way they lose 3 people to a terrible space disease and at the end they find a colony where they live out their lives in peace and harmony.Henry: Well what happened to the space disease?Darth: I was hoping youd ask me that. BAM! Sequel! The disease comes back after years of laying dormant in the space crews bodies and they have to figure out a way to eradicate it. Henry: Thats not half bad, Darth.Darth: Why thank you.Henry: But I dont think Im going to use that for my book. I dont know how well it would sell. Darth: Aw, come on. Its a great idea!Henry: It really is, but I dont think its what the publishing company is expecting from me. Maybe you could write that one yourself.Darth: Maybe I could! Thank you Henry! I think Im going to follow in your footsteps. Lets go home so I can start right away! *exits running*Henry: This is going to be interesting. *exits**Exeunt. Lights out.*

Scene 3*lights up on Henrys apartment with him seated at the table stage right with his laptop open in front of him. Darth is also seated on the couch playing video games*Henry: Alright, just got to brainstorm. Ideas. Creativity. Just got to get it all out and onto my computer.Darth: Youve been saying that for the past hour, dude. Youve got to take a breather.Henry: I cant just take a break. My whole career is riding on this book. If I dont get the right story, then everything Ive worked for is going to crash and burn.Darth: Whoa man. Thats no way to live. When you wrote stories for the newspaper, you were all excited. You were just like, Yeah man, this is awesome! I am having so much fun!!Henry: I never said anything like that.Jack: What Darth is trying to say is that you need to stop looking at this like some life-or-death mission and try to enjoy it. Once your book becomes a best-seller, people are going to read it and know that you enjoyed writing it.Henry: Thanks man, that means a lot. Maybe I should take a breather, you guys have any suggestions?Darth: Do I have any suggestions? I have many suggestions. I have only one question for you Henry: A or B?Henry: Um, what?Darth: A or B? Not a tough question.Henry: I guess A?Darth: Good choice. Now you have to help me write my book.Henry: What, the one with the space crew and the disease?Darth: The very same. Henry: Alright, fine. But youre going to have to follow all of my rules.Darth: Can do. Let me just get some paper and a pencil.Henry: *dripping with sarcasm* Wait, you can actually write? Its a miracle!Darth: Haha, very funny. Seriously man, I need some tips. I want to know if this is something I could actually do.Henry: Alright, tell me about the characters. What are they like? What are they dreams and ambitions? What are there fears? Darth: Okay, here we go. First we have Captain Benjamin--um--Drummundus.Henry: Benjamin Drummudus? Is this character based off of yourself?Darth: What? No! Of course--yes it is.Henry: Well what are his ambitions? What does he want to do? How did he become a captain?Darth: When Benjamin was a little boy, he had always dreamed of becoming a space captain.Henry: Yep, this is definitely based on you.Darth: Fine, since you obviously hate my idea--Henry: I dont hate your idea Darth, it just needs some work.Darth: Ill just work on that later. Now on to option B. You have to call up Chelsea and invite her over and were going to play a game of charades.Henry: What? Why would I do that? Shes obviously still dealing with the whole James thing.Darth: Yeah, she needs a break from all that just as much as you do. You both need to chill out for a little bit.Henry: Fine, Ill call her up and see what shes doing.*Henry calls Chelsea which queues the lights to come up on her apartment stage left where shes watching television. She answers*Chelsea: Hello?Henry: Hey, Chelsea, its me.Chelsea: Oh, hey Henry. How are you doing?Henry: Good, good. So Darth convinced me to take a break from writing and wanted to know if you wished to partake in a game of charades with us.Chelsea: Um, sure. First off, who is Darth?Darth: Um, hello, this is Darth. Its just a nickname I go by. My real name is Benjamin. Im one of Henrys three roommates.Chelsea: Wow, three roommates. Were you one of the ones playing cards on the table when I burst in the other day?Darth: No, those two guys are Greg and Jack. Youll meet them all when you come over for charades.Chelsea: Wow, four guys living in one apartment. And why did you have to call me? You literally could have just walked over and knocked on my door.Henry: Hello, Henry again. And I dont have an answer to that question.Chelsea: Alright, alright, Im headed over. I guess Ill see you after I take the long, excruciating walk from my apartment to yours and..oh my, what is this? Is this your door? Did I happen to reach your door in the time it took me to say exactly one sentence?Henry: Alright, youve had your fun waitress. Im coming to the door. *opens the door to let Chelsea in*Darth: Hey Chelsea.Chelsea: Hello Darth. So why are we playing charades again?Henry: Well Darth thought I could use a break from writing. Darth: There was a point where he was just sitting there staring at his computer screen.Henry: What, like you dont do the same exact thing every time you play a video game?Darth: Hey, video games take a certain amount of skill and reflexes that you will never have Henry.Chelsea: Boys, youre both pretty. Stop fighting and lets get on with it. Theres a reason people call me the Charade Queen.Henry: Wait, people actually call you that?Chelsea: Yeah, all the time.Henry: What people?Chelsea: Oh, you know. People. That I know.Darth: Ill believe it when I see it. Ive already got some cards made up, so lets do this thing.Chelsea: First off, who is Jack and who is Greg?Greg: Im Jack.Jack: And Im Greg.Darth: Theyre messing with you, its the other way around.Greg: No it isnt. Im most certainly Jack. I thought you would know your own roommate.Jack: I, Greg, am very disappointed in you Darth.Chelsea: Im just going to call you both idiot from now on.Jack: Oh snap! I like her! Can we keep her?*lights out*

Scene 4*lights back up on the same place with same people, only one hour later. Everyones sitting around with a drink in their hands. Henry emerges from the kitchen as lights come up*Henry: You know what, that was actually kind of fun. Thanks Darth, I really needed that man.Chelsea: Yeah, I think I did too.Darth: Well you are both welcome. Everyone needs to take a breather every now and then. Cant just live life working all the time. Gotta slow down sometimes and chill.Chelsea: I must say Darth, I never really pegged you for a philosophical kind of guy.Darth: Why thank you very much. I pride myself on my underdogness.Greg: Dont think thats an actual word.Darth: It is now.Henry: So Chelsea, how are you doing? With the whole James thing I mean.Chelsea: Honestly, I think Im going to say yes. Ive been thinking about all the things James has done for me. Hes been nothing but supportive and loving to me and hes honestly the most amazing guy I know.Darth: He really is a better dude than the all of us combined.Greg: From what Ive heard tonight, I agree with that statement one hundred percent.Henry: He really is and I think you should tell him.Chelsea: I will, thank you all.Darth: So what are you doing sitting around here? Go tell him!Chelsea: I think Im going to get him a few things first, just to show that Im really sorry.Jack: What, are you going to get him a bouquet of flowers?Chelsea: Yes I am and he will love them!Darth: You go for it girl!Henry: Hey, I got to warn you. James asked me to be the best man already.Chelsea: What, already? When was this?Henry: After you left the restaurant, I talked to him and he asked if I would be the best man if you said yes.Chelsea: He knew all along.Henry: I told him to have faith. I knew youd come around eventually.Chelsea: Look, Henry. I know this hasnt been the easiest for you.Henry: What are you talking about?Chelsea: I know youve liked me for a while and I would just like to thank you for everything youve done for me.Henry: I--of course Chelsea, I just want you to be happy.Chelsea: Alright, Im off to go apologize to my future husband. *gets up to leave* Henry?Henry: Yeah?Chelsea: Maybe youll let me get a sneak peek at your book before it gets published?Henry: Hey, you know me, I dont usually tell people my stories before theyre published. Chelsea: Not even to me? *pause*Henry: Alright, but you have to buy one of the first copies, deal?Chelsea: Deal.*Chelsea leaves*Greg: Shes really something, isnt she?Jack: I can see why you had a crush on her for so long Henry.Henry: I think Im ready to let go though. It was only a crush and nothing more. Ill find someone else.Jack: Are you actually okay with this?Henry: I actually am. At first I wanted James out but I just kept telling myself that they were meant to be and Ill find someone like her. Just not today.Darth: Im proud of you Henry, youve come a long way man.Greg: Now youve got to worry about this book thing, have you figured out a topic yet?Henry: Still no, but I think Im ready to actually sit down and have a brainstorming session.Jack: Alright, well leave you to it. Greg and I are off to the bar. Care to join us Darth?Darth: Wait, really?Greg: Yes really. But you cannot wear that stupid outfit. Go put on and actual clean outfit and meet us down there.Darth: Will do gentlemen! See you down there! Good luck with your story Henry.*lights out*

Scene 5*lights up on Henrys apartment. Hes sitting at his computer typing away while Darth plays video games*Henry: Man, this is the best story Ive ever come up with. I think this is really going to sell Darth.Darth: Good for you man, Ive gotten nowhere with that whole space disease novel.Henry: Well you wouldnt listen to any of my tips.Darth: You call those tips? All you did was say how much the main character was based on me. Henry: Well he is! And thats not a problem. You can write a character thats based on you. That makes some of the writing a lot easier.Darth: Yeah, I just dont think Im cut out for writing. Maybe I should just be one of those people that comes up with really awesome stories for all my writer buddies.Henry: You do that now and I use about zero percent of those ideas. Darth: Which I find to be very disrespectful. Would it kill you to use one of my story ideas? Just once?Henry: The one time I did that, I ended up actually handing it to my boss who said to me, and I quote, Are you alright son? I have a therapist friend who could give you a free session.Darth: Thats not my fault! You totally took my idea and turned it around into something sick and demented!Henry: How could I turn a story about a boy who can control dead peoples bodies into something sick and demented? It was already there! I was just in a writing lull and thought, Meh, alright.Darth: Whatever man, have you heard from Chelsea about how it went with James last night?Henry: No, and I didnt think I would. I thought shed be preoccupied with James.Darth: I dont know man, it seems weird to me that she hasnt told us anything yet. She lives 30 seconds thataway. Why would she be holding out on us? Unless it went badly--Henry: It didnt go badly. James and Chelsea are madly in love. I dont see how anything could have gone wrong. *a knock at the door prompts Henry to get up to answer it, its James*Henry: James, hey. Whats up?James: Hey, do you have a minute?Henry: Sure thing man, why dont you come in and sit down. *James comes in and sit on the couch with Darth*Darth: Hey, how you doing man? My names Ben, but most people call me Darth. Im Henrys best friend.Henry: So whats going on? Havent heard anything from Chelsea, what happened last night?James: Something bad happened last night Henry. Im sorry that I have to be the one to tell you.Henry: Hey, its okay. Did she say no? What happened?James: Shes dead, Henry.Henry: What?James: Chelsea died last night on her way to see me. She was driving down the road when a stupid drunk idiot hit her from the side going 50 in a 35. She didnt even see him coming.Henry: But--how? I just--James: She smashed her head pretty badly and when the paramedics got there--shes just gone Henry. What am I going to do now?Henry: Were--um--were going to get through this James. All of us.James: How? Shes--she was the love of my life, man. She was the single most amazing woman that I have ever known and shes just gone. Like that. And I dont even know if she felt the same way.Henry: She did. Last night, we all got together to play some charades, just her and my roommates. We all needed a breather. After that we talked. She decided she was going to say yes.James: She did?Henry: Yeah, she was on her way to apologize and give you a freaking bouquet of flowers.James: She would do that. What were the last words she said to you guys?Henry: She--she said that she was off to apologize to her future husband. She was so happy James. You made her so happy. James: Thank you Henry, thank you so much.Henry: Of course, anytime. Just give me a call if you ever need one. James: You were a great friend to her Henry. She cared about you a lot. *he leaves*Greg: Hey, who was that?Darth: Chelseas gone, you guys.Jack: What, she ran away? I thought she was going--Darth: Shes dead, Jack. She died in a car wreck on her way to see James.Greg: Wow, so shes just gone?Henry: Shes gone, okay? There, weve all got that through our thick brains.Darth: Are you okay man?Henry: Yeah, Im super! Im sorry. Just give me some time.Darth: Alright, well were all here for you. I know how much she meant to you.Henry: I just--why? Why her? Of all the people in the world, why her? She was so loving, so caring. She was a blessing to this world! She didnt deserve to die! Not like that! There was so much more for her to do! She never accomplished her dreams and she never even got to tell James that yes, she did want to marry him and have a life with him! James didnt deserve that and neither did Chelsea. Darth: The world is a strange place.Henry: No, its a cruel place with no regard for our lives.Darth: Look, I know she went before she was supposed to. But she spent her life being happy. And shed want you to do the same.Henry: I just need some time guys. *Henry leaves*Greg: We need to do something for him guys.Jack: Like what?Darth: Look, he just needs time. We need to give him some space and wait for him to come to us when hes ready. Trust me, this is exactly how it was when he lost his mother.Greg: Wait, Henrys mother is dead? How? When?Jack: Yeah, why havent we heard about this?Darth: It happened when he was young. He had just gotten his drivers license and was driving around during the winter with his mother when he hit some black ice and spun out of control. Their car flipped and when it came to a stop, his mother was dead. She hit her head too hard on the roof of the car. Henry never forgave himself.Greg: Wow, I never knew.Darth: Thats because he doesn't want people knowing. Just give him some space, trust me.*lights out*

Scene 6*lights up on funeral home stage right with Henry, Darth, Greg, Jack, James and Chelseas family in attendance*Darth: This is all too real Henry, I cant believe shes gone.Henry: Neither can I Darth, no one really can I think.*James approaches Henry and Darth*James: Thank you so much for coming you guys, it really means a lot to me.Henry: Of course, Chelsea helped me out a lot. She was really an inspiration to everyone she met.James: She really was. Oh, this is Chelseas mother, Victoria. Henry: Hello, Im Henry and this is Benjamin, Jack, and Greg.Victoria: Oh Chelsea told me all about you, Henry. You were very important to her. She talked about how amazing a writer you were. You were very special to my daughter. Thank you so much for being there for her.Henry: Of course, Chelsea would have done the same for us. Your daughter was an amazing woman Mrs. Duval, you should be proud.Victoria: Oh I am. Chelsea always made me a proud mother, even when she didnt think she did. Im glad she had such good friends and an even better fiance. She chose a good man in you James, never forget that.James: Thank you Mrs. Duval. Like Henry said, she was an amazing woman who cared much and gave whatever she had.Victoria: Im glad you all knew my daughter, I can see how much shes affected you all. And please, call me Victoria. *she leaves*Henry: Shes a lovely woman, its amazing to see how much Chelsea is like her mother.James: Tell me about it, they even do some of the same things, you know? They do the same thing with their fingers where they tap them to the tune of Hey, Jude whenever theyre bored.Henry: Really? I never noticed.Darth: Yeah, and during charades, she did this thing with her hair where she made it into a mustache every time she was thinking really hard.James: Yeah, she did that a lot too, even when she was bored. Henry: Im just glad Chelsea and I got the chance to become actual friends and not just people who live across the hall from each other. Darth: Me too. She really turned out to be an amazing girl.James: She was amazing. Everything she did was for someone else. She rarely did anything for herself.Henry: Thats the kind of person she was; loving, caring, and doing anything for her friends and family.James: So are you guys staying for the actual service?Henry: I think so, yeah.Greg: Jack and I feel out of place here, we barely knew Chelsea.James: But you still knew her and knew how wonderful she was, please stay.Jack: Sounds good to me. Greg?Greg: She was a really sassy lady and that alone made me fall in love with her. Ill stay.James: Good, cause the service is starting in a few minutes. Want to go grab a seat?Henry: Sounds good.*Henry, James, and Darth all grab a seat in a separate room stage left when a preacher gets up to start the ceremony*Preacher: Good evening everyone. We are gathered tonight to celebrate the life of Miss Chelsea Duval. A woman who gave to others more than she ever gave to herself. She was a loving woman who inspired everyone she met. She rarely complained and always had a smile on her face. Even though she passed too soon, we know that she would not want us to mourn her death; but instead, live our lives to the fullest and always remember her as the kind-hearted woman we knew and loved. On the day of her passing, she was on her way to her boyfriend James house to tell him that she wanted to marry him. In the car with her were a bouquet of roses and this note, which I shall now read to you. Unless of course, James would like to read it himself. James?James: I think I can do it. *he gets up and goes to the podium to read the note. Once he starts reading the note, Chelsea comes out on stage and stands beside him, narrating the note.*James/Chelsea: Dearest James,Chelsea: I hope that with this bouquet of flowers and this expertly written note, you will forgive me. I know that these past few days have been rough for the both of us and I know that I kind of left you hanging at the restaurant. For that, I am deeply sorry. No amount of flowers or beautifully written love notes will ever be able to describe how much you mean to me or how much I am sorry for not saying yes sooner. Nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you. Even though I may get moody trying to plan the wedding (and I will), know that I love you and that no one has made me as happy as you have. Youre an amazing guy James, one in a million. I hope that you love this note and will read it again on our wedding day. Love, Chelsea. *she exits. James is left crying*Preacher: Would you like to say anything more James?James: *choking back tears* I think that note said it all. Chelsea was a treasure and possibly, no, definitely the most amazing person to live on this planet and God help the people that will never get to meet this beautiful woman. *James leaves the room stage right followed by Henry*Henry: Are you alright James?James: No, I miss her Henry. I miss her so much. I keep thinking this is all a dream and Im going to wake up and shell be at the door with her bouquet and her note. But shes not at the door, shes gone.Henry: I know James. When she walked out of my apartment yesterday, I thought Id see her again and with a ring on her finger. Id thought wed have a blast at your bachelor party getting to know each other. I thought that your wedding would be the single most beautiful wedding in history. But thats not going to happen. But that shouldnt prevent us from being happy and living. Chelsea would want us to be happy and to give and to love. So thats what Im going to do James. What about you?James: Count me in buddy. Count me in.*lights out*

Epilogue*lights up on a book store with Henry signing books. Its a few months later.*Henry: Thank you so much for coming out. Did you like the book?Hannah: I really did. Are all the things that you wrote actually true?Henry: Yes they are, Miss?Hannah: Oh, its Hannah. Thats so amazing! I cant believe one woman could have that much of an impact.Henry: Honestly, neither did I Hannah. She was an amazing woman.Hannah: Im so sorry she had to go like that.Henry: So am I. She was an inspiration to so many people. *she leaves, James enters with a copy of the book*Henry: James? Oh my gosh, how have you been? Its been a while since I saw you.James: I know, I just needed some time to myself.Henry: Of course. Have you had a chance to read the book?James: I did, its amazing. You really made Chelsea amazing.Henry: I didnt have to make her amazing, she was already that way. I just put down all the information into words.James: You did it in such an elegant way though. You really served her memory well. Thank you Henry.Henry: Of course. I actually have something for you. *he pulls out a book* This is the actual first copy of my book, without all of the publishing edits. I promised Chelsea that she would be the first one to read my book before it was published and now that shes gone, I thought it would be best to give it to you.James: Wow, thank you so much Henry, but I cant take that.Henry: Why not?James: Because if anyone should have the unedited copy, it should be you. You wrote this beautiful book about her and its only right that you keep the first copy. She would want you to have it. I have this copy and even with all the edits, its still amazing. Henry: Thank you James.James: I would like my book signed though. Could you sign it to me and Chelsea?Henry: Of course. *he signs* Thank you James.James: Thank you Henry. Youve inspired so many people with this book.Henry: It was Chelsea who did the inspiring, not me. Ill see you around James.*lights out*THE END