The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    The Short Sale Process Guide

    What is a short sale?

    Benefits of a short sale

    Why choose Marshall Realty?

    Short Sale Vs. Foreclosure

    Why walking away is not the answer

    Loss mitigation tools for delinquent mortgages

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    What separates

    Marshall Realty

    from the


    is our resources and

    contacts. We have developed relationships with Consumer Credit

    Affiliates, The Bank of America Reno help center, Wells Fargo Executive

    Offices for Loss Mitigation, Senator Reid's Foreclosure Prevention

    Taskforce, among others.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    We have direct contacts with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and HUD.

    Our goal has

    been to become a total resource for homeowner's in


    entire Washoe Valley. Our testimonial page

    highlights our success.

    Let us put our resources and expertise to work for you.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    What is a short sale?

    A short sale is when a home is sold for less than the amount owed to

    the lender or lenders. The majority of homes in Nevada currently listed or recently sold have

    been in the form of a short sale.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Selling your home for less than what is owed is not an easy decision.

    However, if you are in a position where you are extremely upside downin your mortgage or facing a foreclosure, a short sale may be an option

    to consider.

    Benefits of a short sale

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Benefits of a short sale often include

    Less damage to your credit than a foreclosure. A short sale is not

    reported on your credit history. A foreclosure is reported and stays onyour credit for up to 10 years.

    A homeowner who successfully negotiates a short sale may be

    considered for a Fannie Mae backed mortgage after only 2 years.

    A foreclosure makes the homeowner ineligible for a minimum of 5


    Lenders may consider the sale price as paid in full

    forgiving the


    You can move forward to a brighter financial future in considerablyshorter time.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Why choose Marshall Realty?

    By working with Marshall Realty you will benefit from the experience

    of over 4 years in successful short sales. Longer than any other agentin the Washoe Valley.

    We are familiar with the short sale requirements of each lender.

    Your calls will be answered! You will be kept up to date every step ofthe way.

    Your property is listed in MLS and available to all interested buyers.

    You will not have a sign advertising it as a "Short Sale" or


    You never pay a fee. Lenders pay the commission from the proceeds

    of the sale.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Short Sale Vs. Foreclosure

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 1

    Successful Short Sale

    Future Fannie Mae Loan-

    Primary Residence 1

    A homeowner who loses a hometo foreclosure is ineligible for a

    Fannie Mae-backed mortgage

    for a period of 5years.

    A homeowner who successfullynegotiates and closes a short sale will

    be eligible for a Fannie Mae-


    mortgage after only 2 years.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 2

    Successful Short Sale

    Future Fannie Mae Loan-


    An investor who allows aproperty to go to foreclosure is

    ineligible for a Fannie

    Mae-backed investmentmortgage for a period of 7 years.

    There is no similar declaration orquestion regarding a short sale.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 3

    Successful Short Sale

    Credit Score

    Score may be loweredanywhere from 250 to more

    than 300 points.

    Typically will affect a creditscore for over 3 years.

    Only late payments on a mortgagewill show, and after sale, mortgage

    is normally reported as 'paid as

    agreed', 'paid as negotiated', or'settled'.

    This can lower the score as little as

    50 points if all of the other

    payments are being made.

    A shore sale's effect can be as brief

    as 12 to 18 months.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 4

    Successful Short Sale

    Credit History

    Foreclosure will remain as apublic record permanently, and

    on a person's credit history for

    10 years or more.

    A short sale is not reported on acredit history.

    There is no specific reporting item

    for 'short sale'. The loan is typically reported 'paid

    in full, settled'.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 5

    Successful Short Sale

    Security Clearance

    Foreclosure is the mostchallenging issue against a

    security clearance outside a

    serious misdemeanor orfelony conviction.

    If a client has a foreclosure

    and is a police officer, in the

    military, in the CIA, security,

    or any other position that

    requires a security clearance,

    in almost all cases clearancewill be revoked and position

    will be terminated.

    On its own, a short sale does notchallenge most security clearances.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 6

    Successful Short Sale

    Current Employment

    Employers have the right andare actively checking the

    credit of all employees who

    are in sensitive positions. In many cases, a foreclosure is

    reason for immediate

    reassignment or termination.

    A short sale is not reported on acredit report and therefore not a

    challenge to employment.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 7

    Successful Short Sale

    Future Employment

    Many employers are requiringcredit checks on all job


    A foreclosure is one of themost detrimental credit items

    an applicant can have and in

    most cases will challenge


    A short sale is not reported on acredit report and is therefore not a

    challenge to future employment.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 8

    Successful Short Sale

    Deficiency Judgment (Not Applicable in California)

    In 100% of foreclosures (exceptin those states where there is

    no deficiency), the bank has the

    right to pursue a deficiencyjudgment.

    In some successful short sales, it ispossible to convince the lender to

    give up the right to pursue a

    deficiency judgment against thehomeowner.

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    ( )
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV



    Issue 9

    Successful Short Sale

    Deficiency Judgment (amount)

    In a properly managed short sale, thehome is sold at a price that should be

    close to market value, and in almost

    all cases will be better than an REOsale resulting in a lower deficiency.

    In a foreclosure, the home willhave to go through an REO

    process it does not sell at

    auction. In most cases this will result in

    a lower sales price and longer

    time to sale in a declining


    This will result in a higher

    possible deficiency judgment.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Why walking away is not the answer

    Recently, there have been reports claiming that a "strategic default"

    can be an appropriate and even beneficial reaction to an upside-downmortgage or impending foreclosure.

    While this idea has spread rapidly, the truth is that a default

    is never

    an easy road to choose, and rarely is it ever strategic.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Why walking away is not the answer (cont.)

    In fact, defaulting on your mortgage can be incredibly dangerous and

    irresponsible when handling the financial future of you and yourfamily.

    Unfortunately, the ramifications of a "strategic default" are rarely-if

    ever-explained, leaving many homeowners stranded on an island ofmisinformation.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Why walking away is not the answer (cont.)

    If this is your situation, first understand that you are not alone. Millions

    of homeowners nationwide are in similar circumstances. The onlydifference between them and you is that you're looking for answers

    ...contacting Marshall Realty is a great place to start!

    The best part is, we never charge our clients a fee, ever!

    Call : 775-525-1205
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Allows you to make a regular full payment plus a portion of the delinquencyeach month over a period of months to cure the delinquency.

    Conventional Mortgage -

    Repayment Plan

    VA Mortgage -

    Repayment Plan

    Allows you to make a regular full payment plus a portion of the delinquency

    each month over a period of months to cure the delinquency.

    Allows you to make a regular full payment plus a portion of the delinquency

    each month over a period of months to cure the delinquency.

    FHA Mortgage -

    Repayment Plan

    Loss mitigation tools for delinquent mortgages

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    C ti l M t L M difi ti
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    The delinquency is added to your loan balance in order to bring your loan

    current. The interest rate and terms may be modified.

    Conventional Mortgage -

    Loan Modification

    VA Mortgage - Loan Modification

    The delinquency amount is added to your principal balance, which

    may result

    in fully reinstating your loan. A change in interest rate and/or

    the loan term

    may also be considered. Late, foreclosure, attorney fees may be waived.

    A lender may consider adding the delinquent amount to your principal

    balance, which may reinstate your loan. A change in interest rate and/or the

    loan term may also be considered.

    FHA Mortgage -

    Loan Modification

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    C ti l M t F b
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Allows the repayment of part of the delinquency each month along

    with your

    regular mortgage payment. If you are temporarily unable to meet


    mortgage payment, suspended or partial payments may be accepted until you

    have the ability to resume the payment schedule.

    Conventional Mortgage -


    VA Mortgage - Forbearance/Repayment Schedule

    Suspended or partial payments for a short period of time followed by

    repayment plan, modification, reinstatement, or full pay off.

    You must prove

    your hardship is temporary and will resume ability to pay mortgage.

    Suspended or partial payments for a short period of time followed by

    repayment plan, modification, reinstatement, or full pay off.

    You must prove

    your hardship is temporary and will resume ability to pay mortgage.

    FHA Mortgage -


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    Con entional Mort a e Short Sale/Pre fore los re sale
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    If you have the ability to make mortgage payments or will have the ability in

    the future, but your lender has decided it cannot extend further forbearanceor a repayment plan, VA may buy a loan from the lender and take over theservice.

    Conventional Mortgage -

    Short Sale/Pre foreclosure sale

    VA Mortgage -


    Your lender may work with you to obtain a one-time payment from the

    FHA-Insurance Fund to reinstate your loan. You must be at least 4 monthsdelinquent and able to make full mortgage payments. You will execute a

    promissory note & subordinate mortgage payable to HUD. This note

    carries no

    interest & is payable at time of home sale or refinance.

    Allows the borrower to sell the house and use the proceeds to satisfy the

    mortgage debt even if the proceeds are less than the amount owed.

    FHA Mortgage -

    Partial Claim

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    Conventional Mortgage Deed in lieu of foreclosure
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    If there are no liens on the property and VA agrees, you will sign legal documents

    to make VA the owner of your property. VA will have to pay your lender a claim

    for the difference between the value of your home and the mortgage balance.

    If a

    deed is accepted, you may be released from further liability or asked to repay thegovernment for all or part of the claim VA paid.

    Conventional Mortgage -

    Deed-in-lieu of foreclosure

    VA Mortgage

    Deed-in-lieu of foreclosure

    Allows the borrower to sell the house and use the proceeds to satisfy themortgage debt even if the proceeds are less than the amount owed.

    If you are not eligible or failed at other Loss Mitigation Tools, including a Short

    Sale, you could voluntarily deed or surrender your property to HUD in

    exchange for a release from all obligations under the mortgage.

    FHA Mortgage -

    Short Sale/Pre foreclosure sale

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    Conventional Mortgage
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Conventional Mortgage

    If you are not eligible or failed at other Loss Mitigation Tools, including a Short

    Sale, you could voluntarily deed or surrender your property to HUD in

    exchange for a release from all obligations under the mortgage. There must be

    no liens on the property.

    Lender participation is voluntary. These programs are subject to


    approval. Lenders are not mandated to provide these options. Each lender has

    qualifying criteria a borrower must meet before they will consider offering

    these Loss Mitigation Tools. Please contact your lender for a workout packet

    to apply for delinquency.

    FHA Mortgage -

    Short Sale/Pre foreclosure sale

    Call : 775-525-1205

    f h b l bl b
  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    Trying to figure out the best solution to your problem can be very

    frustrating and overwhelming.

    We offer resources completely FREE!

    Don't wait until it's too late and more importantly DO NOT PAY

    anyone to help you and your family.

    Let us help you find the best resource for you.

    Call : 775-525-1205

  • 8/2/2019 The Short Sale Process Guide by Marshall Carrasco Reno NV


    9740 S. McCarran Blvd #103, Reno,

    NV 89523

    Call Us : 775-525-1205







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