The Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design

Tim Ash, CEO at SiteTuners The Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design

Transcript of The Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design

Tim Ash, CEO at SiteTuners

The Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design

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Tim Ash CEO at SiteTuners


Tim Ash is author of the bestselling book Landing Page Optimization, and CEO of SiteTuners.

Over the past 15 years, Tim has helped hundreds of US and international brands improve their web-based initiatives, including Canon, Google, Facebook, Nestle, Verizon Wireless, Texas Instruments, Cisco, and Coach.

Tim is a highly-regarded keynote and conference presenter, and the chairperson of Conversion Conference. He has published hundreds of articles and is the host of the Landing Page Optimization podcast on

About SiteTuners

• San Diego based conversion rate optimization agency

• Large and small company clients worldwide

Practice areas:

• Conversion-focused website blueprints (full redesigns & quick faceli"s)

• Landing page test plans & testing strategy development

• Internal optimization team mentoring & training

Ignore your lading pages at great peril at your bo!om line

You are ignorant and blind

Your baby is ugly

How you see your web marketing…

…your visitors’ view

The seven deadly sins of landing page design

Unclear call to action


Sandal World landing page

What are you supposed to do here?

What is the desired CTA on this PPC landing page?

Before& A"er%

Show the customer what you want them to do

Before& A"er%

Create a clear focus

Too Many Choices


146 clickable links!

Get them closer to the goal…

Asking For Too Much Information


Get them closer to the goal…

Before& A"er%


Before& A"er%


What’s the minimum information you need?

Do you really need all this information?

Too Much Text


Would you read all this?

Even for a very technical product, this is too much

Not Keeping Your Promises


The promise of expert reviews

…but you have to join first

Visual Distractions


Too much color and too many things

Banners that move and cover text

Lack of Trust


Unhelpful risk reducers

Helpful risk reducers

Would you buy a grand piano from this site?

Example: Too many trust indicators


Example: Optimized trust indicators


Unclear call-to-action

Too many choices

Asking for too much information

Too much text

Not keeping your promises

Visual distractions

Lack of trust

Seven Deadly Sins Recap








Multiple Sins Case Study: CREDO Mobile

Find the sins

The optimized version

Focus areas on the original version

Focus areas on the optimized version

+84% conversions

A"er optimization

Take off the rose-colored glasses

Get to work


Tim Ash CEO at SiteTuners