The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

You probably already know how great ‘greens’ are for you Everything from cancer protection to lowering cholesterol are on the arm-length list of benefits that even a simple search will bring up. Each of the “big 3” greens is good for you in so many different ways. The top three commonly available dark leafy greens are spinach, kale & collard. So why isn’t everyone scrambling to eat kale at every meal? Flavor. You don’t want breakfast broccoli. Nobody wants a bowl of collard greens instead of a pizza for dinner. You know it’s good for you, but serving a big bowl of spinach at lunch (with nothing else) just isn’t appetizing.


Learn the secret of making healthy greens like spinach, kale & collard taste like what you really want. With this slideshow you can learn how to erase the flavor of the greens, & replace it with smooth chocolate, or fresh fruit. Food chemistry (and a recipe right here in the show!) illustrate how the flavor can be erased & the nutrition enhanced with specific combinations of ingredients in your blender or food processor. There's smoothies, snackable frozen 'candies' popsicles & more inside! It's fast, tasty and so easy that you'll want to grab your chia seeds, blender, and greens to get started right away.

Transcript of The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Page 1: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

You probably already know how great ‘greens’ are for you

Everything from cancer protection to lowering cholesterol are on the arm-length list of benefits

that even a simple search will bring up. Each of the “big 3” greens is good for you in so many

different ways. The top three commonly available dark leafy greens are spinach, kale & collard.

So why isn’t everyone scrambling to eat kale at every meal?


You don’t want breakfast broccoli. Nobody wants a bowl of collard greens instead of a pizza for

dinner. You know it’s good for you, but serving a big bowl of spinach at lunch (with nothing

else) just isn’t appetizing.

Page 2: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

What if you could have a whole salad worth of greens…

Before anyone else has even thought of touching a veggie?

However, it has to taste GREAT. With this slide show, you’ll learn the secret of eliminating the

flavor of various greens so that you can enjoy a wide variety of healthy treats, snacks,

smoothies and more…all with leafy greens thoroughly hidden inside.

After all…if something doesn’t taste good, mix up fast, and clean up quickly, you won’t be able

to take action and do it. Today’s lifestyle demands healthy choices quickly, easily & with

fantastic flavor you actually look forward to.

“No One Will Eat This For Breakfast.”

Page 3: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Fortunately, you can fight the flavor with FUN!

Just look at all of these tempting treats:

Smooth, rich tasting chocolate drinks, colorful frozen ‘candies’ to snack on, fun creamy popsicles, sweet

smoothies to satisfy…the list goes on with fantastic flavors you actually want to try.

Page 4: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

This drink is the real winner if you like chocolate!

It’s the perfect “introduction item” to re-flavoring your greens. Getting started with this simple

recipe is ideal as it is smooth, unintimidating, and so easy to get right with just a blender.

It’s easy, it’s quick, and it tastes fantastically chocolaty, it’s a real treat…so much so, that you’d

never guess it was PACKED with 2 whole handfuls of raw spinach.

(You’ll never guess how much spinach is in this glass, just by looking at the photo!)

Page 5: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

How does it work?

Chocolate & spinach sounds like a horrible combination.

That would be correct…if you couldn’t totally ERASE the flavor of the spinach first!

Fortunately, this drink is engineered (with flavor combination science) to do exactly that.

Spinach doesn’t have a powerful flavor when you start combining it with other things in the

correct proportions.

Bitter compounds = knock them out with sweet & neutralize them by

using the banana

Leafy flavor = cancel it out with super strong, unsweetened cocoa


Cocoa isn’t sweet = power it up with stevia powder or drops to turn the

drink into a sweet treat that you really want (without adding sugar)

Mellow with non-dairy milk = no thick sludge here! A smooth icy cold

chocolate drink is ideal, don’t let acidic compounds in dairy milk meddle

with your flavors

Maximize spinach nutrient absorption with healthy omega 3 oils by

adding chia seeds

Each ingredient does an important job in contributing to what you DO taste, and making sure

you DON’T taste what you don’t want.

Page 6: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Make a chocolate drink that’s great for you!

1 cup baby spinach leaves (about 2 handfuls)

1 yellow banana

(not under nor over-ripe, the yellow banana has the natural fruit sugars in correct proportions to

sweeten your drink & cancel bitterness)

2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

½ tsp stevia powder (or more, to taste)

½ cup non-dairy milk (less for thick ‘smoothie’ texture, more for a drink)

1 to 3 tsp dry MySeeds chia seeds

Blend until smooth, chill and enjoy.

You might not think something this simple could be so good…but give it a try. It’s so easy it takes less

than 5 minutes. If you use it in the morning, you can always scoop in some of your favorite protein

powder. Chill overnight in the fridge for breakfast in an instant.

Feel good about your day because you already had a salad-

worth of greens before most people have even thought of

touching a veggie.

Page 7: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Yes, you can freeze this drink!

Don’t want a smoothie? Want something to bite into? Yes, you can freeze this drink to create

these snackable chocolate ‘candies’ seen here. All you need is a fun shaped ice cube tray with

small “bite size” forms. It is as easy as pour, freeze, pop & snack!

Because you used a banana, these frozen treats have the creamy texture of a fudgescicle

popsicle. They aren’t icy, brittle or extremely hard. This pleasing texture makes them easy to

eat as a healthy snack. Remember: kids love fun shaped little foods like this…but no kid would

pick spinach as their after-school snack under normal circumstances. However, this drink is

rather extraordinary.

Page 8: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Fun Popsicles too?

Of course, if you want a larger portion, just select a pour-n-freeze plastic popsicle mold

available from almost any grocery or online store. Most are dishwasher safe, can cost as little as

a dollar, and are a snap to use.

You can save money this way as well. Making popsicles at home with your own fresh

ingredients is often less expensive than buying a box of popsicles in the store. Plus, think about

how much better these are for you: no artificial dyes, sweeteners, pasteurization (it kills off

some enzymes & nutrients in fresh fruits or vegetables), or animal ingredients.

Page 9: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Now that you believe in the power of recipes…

Using combinations of foods together really can make healthy stuff taste great. It’s time to take

it further with more ingredients and more tips to make life even healthier AND even easier for

you. For example, did you wonder why seeds were a part of the recipe?

Chia has no flavor of its own. The seeds are very tiny and can be added to almost any food

without altering the flavor. While chia won’t alter flavor, it will alter nutrition and fiber content

in a great way.

Page 10: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Chia seeds are there for the same reason salad oil is applied to

salads – you won’t get the full nutrition otherwise!

The healthy plant oil inside chia seeds makes greens MORE nutritionally available to you.

Healthy oils, like omega 3s and extra-virgin olive oil combine with the nutrients in the leaves

like lycopene and beta-carotene to help your body absorb more of these healthy compounds.

(Yes, both lycopene and beta-carotene are in spinach, despite their reputation for abundance in

red & orange foods instead)

Dietary fat, which comes from the food you eat, is crucial to the absorption of the fat-soluble

vitamins, which includes vitamins A, D, K and E. The only thing that will dissolve these so you

can use them, is a unit of healthy fat. So when you’re making greens drinks, never skip the chia

seeds or you’ll miss out on the nutrition—which was the whole point of the drink.

Page 11: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Chia’s job is not limited to adding oil, when you add chia seeds

to anything, you’re also adding:

Page 12: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Some Greens are Tough – Power Through Them

Do you often see kale, collard greens, or mustard greens on menus? Probably not, and the

reasons are taste & texture. Different greens have different benefits , but you’ll need a better

blender if you want to use the “tough guys” like kale, collard or mustard greens. These 3 aren’t

popular on menus because when raw, they are rough, tough & fibrous. If you don’t have a

powerful, sharp blender, you can get “bits of texture” instead of a smooth smoothie.

You can counteract this with a sharp blender or food processor blade. If your machine is older,

or if the blades are blunt, you may get texture bits when using these greens. However, their

health benefits are powerful, it’s worthwhile to put your blender or food processor to the

test…and upgrade to a newer one if you have to.

Page 13: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Avoid Gross greens!

Worried about not being able to use up that giant bag of greens quickly enough? Have 3

different types in the fridge to maximize your nutrition spectrum? Don’t worry, just freeze ‘em.

Because you’re blending, you can easily freeze the leaves and they’ll keep for months at a time

without withering, wilting or rotting. Don’t bother to defrost, just pack them into the blender or

food processor.

The spinach and kale on the left were just removed from the freezer after 2 weeks. The same

type of leaves on the right, didn’t fare so well in just the fridge. Don’t let any of your greens go

to waste: freeze them for “almost forever freshness”.

Page 14: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Different Greens – Different Benefits

Of course, there are many green foods you can try blending into the recipe above, and some

are more exotic than others. Wheat grass juice, sea vegetables, unusual bean sprouts and many

more line the shelves of health food stores. But when you need a big bag of quick, easy greens

there are usually 3 that are common, inexpensive, and cooperate decently well in a myriad of

healthy recipes.

Notice how each green has different effects that it does best.

Kale has 1000% more vitamin C than spinach, but collard greens have more protein. This is why

mixing them up, and not sticking to only one is a good idea. Of course, if you’re looking for a

specific effect, like lowering cholesterol, or reducing prostate cancer risk, you’ll want to choose

the specific green that focuses on the desired effect.

Page 15: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Collard Greens

Forget about a steamed, withered green mess that doesn’t taste great. Blast away their flavor

in the blender and get unrivaled cholesterol fighting power. Collard rules over all cruciferous

vegetables in its ability to bind to bile acid (substance manufactured by the liver) and escort it

out of the digestive system. Bile acid is made by using up cholesterol, so you want to “waste”

as much of this stuff as you can, to lower your cholesterol level.

Anti-cancer – Research shows that collard greens have 4 specific glucosinolates are:

glucoraphanin, sinigrin, gluconasturtiian, and glucotropaeolin. Each one has a cancer fighting

property to help keep you safer.

What’s in a collard green?

One cup has about 63 calories, 5 grams of protein, a single gram of fat, 11 grams of

carbohydrates, (That’s about 8 of fiber, and only 1 of sugar), over 250% of your daily needs for

vitamin A, over 50% of your daily needs for vitamin C, 26% of calcium needs, 12% of iron and

10% of both vitamin B-6 and magnesium.

Collard greens are an extremely rich source of vitamin K and also contain folate, thiamin, niacin,

pantothenic acid, choline*, phosphorus and potassium.

*Choline is the good exercise & good mood nutrient

Page 16: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want


Kale features easily absorbable calcium & iron, as well as over 1000% more vitamin c than

spinach. It continues to impress with vitamin A, C and K as well as trace minerals like copper,

potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. It’s super low calorie at only 40 calories per cup,

but high in protein with 5 grams per cup. Protein can only give you energy, it can’t be stored as


Fiber & alpha-lipoic acid, both which have been shown to lower or help balance glucose levels , can give

you steadier energy throughout your day. No one would ever think of powering up their morning with

kale, but now you can.

What’s in kale?

A cup of kale has 33 calories, 0 cholesterol, 329 mg of potassium, 133% your daily value of vitamin-A,

134% your daily value of C, only 10% of your recommended amount of calcium (spinach has more) both

lutein & zeaxanthin which both boost eye health, alpha-linolenic acid (less than fish, but still great for

you) 2.5 grams of fiber, and the b vitamin folate.

Page 17: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want


Spinach is the mildest & most user-friendly of the big greens.

It’s light texture & milder flavor make it easy to use but its vitamin K, vitamin A (in the form of

carotenoids), manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E,

calcium, potassium, and vitamin C make it something you’ll want to use every day!

It is a very good source of dietary fiber, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, protein, and choline (just

like how the collard green was) A cup of spinach has more potassium than a banana. Spinach

has compounds that increase satisfaction (feeling of fullness) AND that reduce your desire for

starchy foods. Both of these effects are great for weight loss.0

What’s in spinach?

One cup of raw spinach has 27 calories, (That’s very low for a cup of anything!) 0.86 grams of

protein, 30 milligrams of calcium, 0.81 grams of iron, 24 milligrams of magnesium, 167

milligrams of potassium, 2813 IUs of Vitamin A and 58 micrograms of folate.

Be on the lookout for its anti prostate-cancer properties with neoxanthin and violaxanthin, plus

its special glycoglycerolipids that guards your digestive tract against inflammation. The

potassium can be used to help lower blood pressure, and the magnesium is great for energy,

absorbing calcium, muscle & nerve health, helping the immune system and even heart rhythm.

Magnesium is the mineral that helps with 22 health conditions!

Use the above link to learn more about what this amazing mineral will do for you.

Page 18: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

You can add your favorite mix-ins too

If you want to add your favorite protein powder, or other powdered vegetables you can. This

drink, for example, has the healthy algae spirulina added to it. Maca powder, wheat or barley

grass powder, moringa powder, protein powder, spirulina, whey, chlorella and so much more

can be added to your smoothies. You can also use kefir or yogurt for a probiotic boost.

You can see the chia seeds in this very green drink. (None of the colored drinks like red, orange

or purple will work with spirulina though…it turns everything it touches bright green no-matter

what) The beauty of green smoothies is they welcome in almost any extra ingredient you’d like

to add.

Page 19: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

Why should you choose MySeeds for your chia seeds?

You’ve seen the variety, you’ve seen how easy it is, so it’s time to give green drinks a try in your

own home. Even replacing a bagel breakfast with a green drink a couple of days of the week

can make a big difference in your health. However, the oil in chia is a key to unlocking ALL the

(fat soluble) nutrients every time.

MySeeds brings you top quality chia -

We screen-filter our chia thoroughly AND mix together black & white chia seeds to maximize

nutrition. (The seed colors have similar, but not exactly the same, nutritional content – get the

best of both worlds and select our blend!)

MySeeds gives you BONUSES -

We’re the only company that gives you TWO free chia seed cook books instantly with any size

order of our seeds. Green drinks aren’t the only thing you can make with chia…there’s baking,

dressings, sides, breakfasts, dips, salsas, burgers and more! Don’t just pick stale “chia pudding”

recipe off the internet, reach for the full color photo bonus books with REAL content!

MySeeds gives you customer service-

Have a question? Need to talk about a recipe? Want to know more about some specific aspect

of chia & just can’t find it? Talk to us! We always have real people ready to help you over the

phone or with email. No phone mazes, no canned responses…get a real person who is happy to

help, every time.

MySeeds gives you ongoing content –

Instant recipe books not enough? No worries, we’ve got a recipe of the month club mailer to

dispense 1 new recipe every month for as long as you like. Recipes don’t repeat, and they just

keep going for as long as you like, so there’s no end to creative things to try with chia.

MySeeds is the #1 Chia Seed Authority-

We have hardcover, soft cover AND kindle books of chia recipes & remedies. We have how-to

videos, slide shows, articles and so much more for you to explore. If you want chia & knowledge

from an expert source, you want MySeeds.

Page 20: The Secret to Making Great Healthy Greens Taste Like What You Really Want

This is just a small sample of what

you can do…

Apple Noodle Bowl – A dinner with crispy apple

slices & chia seed sauce

Rainbow Potato Salad with chia dressing gives the

old summer favorite a colorful makeover

A Super Berry Smoothie that can be enjoyed at

any time of the year thanks to frozen fruits

Cracklin’ Chocolate ‘Snowball’ Cookies have half

the fat of ordinary cookies, but rich dark chocolate

flavor thanks to chia gel

Hearty Chia Chili- would you believe that this

chunky, cheese topped dish is actually vegetarian?

It is! And you can learn how to make it.

Pepper Turkey Chia Burger – Learn how to use

chia in a burger patty with seasonings to create

this juicy burger with its slice of roasted red

pepper & special cilantro topping

Carrot Cake Pancakes – Warm spiced pancakes for

breakfast…you’ll never guess how much shredded

carrot is in this secretly better-for-you treat…

Sweet Potato Chia Dip – Spicy! Fluffy! Super on

veggies, pretzels, chips or crackers…this easy,

cheesy dip is perfect for parties.

Getting MySeeds chia means so much more than added health, it’s fun food ideas & a new way

to look at your menu. You can expect all this and more, but only if you choose