The Sandy Valley advocate. (Catlettsburg, KY) 1860-08-22 [p...

BOYD COUNTY GOV it. llduiA 6i.'A School 0 Jiuiiiidaionfcr lor Boyi enure y. L.J. Hamoton, Aaa Bellowand M. T. Bolt appointed Processioners of lands in Ho yd county. The presiding Jude and a in ljority of the Justices cf said couft ctuK-u- i i it in ordered tha; LoU No 1, 2, 3, 4. 9, lt, il .iiJ 13 lyin on Pouoh-fti-ei-r- Fwtililin Mil L'uii street iu Square No -- , in th pUlt of th. t vn ol" C it! tt.hir1 be, n tin same is heruby selected a a Jut of groun, upon which to ei'jct ih i nc.fSiry pa lie bmldin.; of this county. Ordered, t'nt vi J. II m pton. Tirvn n in In n iv Mahlon Lewi.-- he. an I'nv v: b uvb y a Coin t.) dr.i tt a s.i it ol r n and m i ;;c .t cost for Pi public buildin; itiul nuk-- re- port to this cihi ;t at it. Nov- ni or comity tmu't c rliimi. Old 3 red th ;it Q i:i t y 3 n civ ni courts of t i'1'V b ii ,5 al Ll:;- - h' in r h in ,ti f Ban Bur It n r luc V stable, j.e! t.i be :,! a? a cljrii's olH t Ii i pub b 'ii lins of s i ii' can b.! or.v It is Ovd M'0,1 t b.i t tM Ii Jin'Ic of in lie COii ilt y shall hd a .j t r tin"1 n o'' c i vi ram in h is Oisii in i.;., 'iir,;U !;S IV .V I'i SJ h V 1? W holding the .In c cd a nil th t he hul .i' (ho a on tli 3 follow-i- ; di v i i d , a nd com i: his eonrt fiom :i t dy mi il be d'up.i ol a!l usinesa r,; b ''oi'lum for 'rip I ri.: G ?orgft Uur;.--- irtt Mrtiu ICevser - Tu sdi v-- It !irt Monday. Jam9sVnch?vd--- v .im;-di- y . U it no first M :idn Fannin Fri I v t':i i'u sL Moiulny . fi j ! rid, o. ;. Asi B jllnw-- S-i 'on 1oiv.Uy. Mahion Tndiv aKor t'1 second Mniilay o. a. Wm. W.ivd'.-d-a y ai'lei ;hc spe'-n- tinbv. Joha Miller Tii'irii v a ft or th" second Mom!;iv liiTiicl, o. X. Thos. G llTalior Frid.i y u Iter socotid Mondnv. U . A. PingaTl ird Mmvhv, OUti icl, ,o. C. Richird ScoU W-- v atUr too third Monday L. J. IJampton Thursday aftr thethird M,)nd. Ord Bred th i t the o u '.v i i n ls ba paid ut Td vr r in this county I'm lh: ycur .S; ;o: Bi'.li'as!, Niini.u' an cu:"'r ;5 cviis e.rdi: L')dj-In- 15 cents Huts? 15 l'asruiajp. i 1J cinf tand in th sain,? prnj.rn,m lor a ft or !;ort'ir : w !ii k v. ii; h J . li n. win.- . 1c. J. I). R' J ti ir-- Rnyd co 61-- tt CHEAP FOLt CASH! si o IE subscriber vci ct full v info n tho nil1 lie that T tliey tia'3 opnfda i StOCk Of LTt') in th hoiue in this placo for: ciiia by Dr. II imp-- tori, consisting of Drv Gj:d". tiro'-or- i s, i i .va IV. Quoenswar:, Bo its, S'kvs. U ", (.'lof'ni 7. &.' iivt'ant ex'Rrvthin U , fnunj in a fn t , Our sto :!c ivn r,' 'Mi!ly pu- - 'h: s d ii t? city o! Philadvtohia, tin v the ni:-- I'sro-Mb- ircti ;n iti n cos Mid f?cl asi'.V'n cm nd'?r ;t h ; in hi- - m'ents ? can bfi found ii wish to pure Iiisr? ;i iv in rit d tocill Co'i : try pro C dace of er-r- y de rt i ta itii.i ii dlAll'i for good-- and hih ?st prices i veil noiJ-l- 0 O OFt o M ST K A i) it CO., (SiiTCsors tn Ut-- s A irilroy.) W'iilI,rsT,K 11 K A t.VrtS IV Old "'t;ind of Ross oih-nv- From .Street. CiilUM tb.n Ky M"h;tt everybody U'a'dv, 3TJyJ3 JP. Ia.IF ii I i9 ,9 C r. Si ; SI M PLE H " MFD T FS F LY GOT lVFn FOP. THE CURE OF DISEASE I, ALL FORMS. PROFESSOR HRMiY S T V '.Oil It Tells Yoa li w to attfiid upon the sir':, nnd ho'.v to coik fur thr-.- ; ho v to Drinks, Poulficct, ., and h.w to gti'rd infection (ro'n con'.i ji.uf D.s" It Tells You Of the vari nn disoars of andqivs the cest and simpli's nioli of tiv.itmiMit during Tonih-in- , con vti 1; inns, Va ccina tion. Wlionping-cou'i- . Misles, tc. It Tulis You Thi synipMtn of croup, cholora I if. at nni, roll" DUn-hu- , Worms Scalloi 1, llinn-orm.- i liicken-pox- , &c. and iMves you the best v im tor thpiv cur . Il Tel!s You Toe symptoms of Fev.r and Ano. anl Bil'io.H. Ye" low, Tv;-'h- Sc and ithcr F..''.u'.-t,ap.- jives you thj bestan simplest remedies for tr-i-i cur. It Tells Yoa T ib sy nptoiin of In In 'na , con- sumption . Ov?p?i.i, Anilimi, Drijiy, fJout. k;ir;i ,i a t Fuiti-- i go, Kr .si j.'eU .", i;c , x ; ves yon b?t remedies lor iii:ir ,'ni . It'Tells You Th h m t ':n s of eh;!ei-- i M irlt'.is. M in.cit c ii.ilrra , Smallpox i) . it ory, primp, Din ja of the IJ:adl-'r- Lv id ivs and l.ivpr, and Ihj be it rine.iies for euro. It Tells Yoa Til Hymptoin of flu:'Uy, Munip, Xuralia, A poplx y . P.u a! v sis, t'lo vj rioits l)iciia es of Teeih, Eu-an- Eye, and the ber-.- t remedies for tlvur curw. It Tells You To : symptoms of Kniipy Jaun- - b ol th.? il '.n.v rha.;, yL.n H ydrop!rbi,i , and the b jst remedies for t'neir cure. It Tells Von Tin bst and simplest treatm?ut for Wounds, Bi o'ien Bons Jt Disl.ic.i-tion- Spra ins, Lt.-'c- j mv, V hi; !o .vs J'Vvor fioils, liarni, Uiccrs. V j S .veilings, Sj urv y, a i.d S :ro."ula. It Tells You Of the various dis.'fi.sos of '.Vomen, of child-birt'i- . and of M;nrui-tini;- ; Wnif s. B rr miK-s- , &,c . an-- ives th-- i b .jt ;uid s.mplet rem dis fur tli 'ir cure. Th? woi-'.- i is written in plain linn!, free from me lie term, so a to be easily u i ntoo whiK-ii- simple recipes may oon .iro v- u m.i; iim's t'te coit of th1? bo;T(. it is print. il in a ch'ar and ooen type ; i ilia ilritid with i ppropri.ito eniM vin-'n- and will brt ftrw.rd-'- ti vo ir a Idre-ts- neatly bonn l and postage paid, on rocMpt of 5 0;J. $1000 A YiVU;:;'!;r-'- .b wnore, in selling ti a ttove wor ouv injui.-einent- 0 a 11 such a re v r ,' liberal. for single c ipi '.s o!' t'l- - i l l'i. f . gents, w it'i ot'i.'i inlorin tl u. a o v to or Jil .I V .. !.) ri'ijii, ii : :i w N i fi 7 S i nsom str jet. P.ii a k, What EvarybaJy iV:nits. E VE il Y II ID 5 Y'.S 5, A W Y 0' H AMI COUNSELLOR IN BU3INZS3, !1V l it V iv (.SONKV, OK T II K III I. A U F I' II I A U A K . It tellS Y jU !o Jra-.- ,v I' rt .,,!, i ,1 Fip.svs an givesgmira! forins l. u Aree-ment-- i of ..II kin!,, 1SUU of Srle' Leases and P It tellS YOU Oo-.- to ilr.i-.- 113 llivk anl M.nt- - , A ! 1'rr.Ts of lorney, ,ite an l of U :r ipfs n :ol.'.i"S It tellS YO'J The f.v.vs for th . c lle." inn I) .lv ' i Willi the St n: of in ' "3 111 irtfKiiiu ,i.',.a t. I'i S"! .u ot from Ex c utioii in ever State.' It tellS YOU 11 vv to In:l! n'AsignmiMi! w ith form s far c.lm uo i n vviUi creditors, an i th Pi.d Laws of ev .ry It tlls YOU l! r'jh'tiomexisti.ig veei; Guardian an J W.ud, Mol an'. Apprentice, and Lt.i.lioid It tellS YOU What constitutes Libel an mcW. and Hie L:w as to M.irna ', ; . Dower, the Wife's Rilit in r.jn'r- t, Divir'-- and Alimony. Ii tel3 YOU. The 'a .vs tor M 'unic V Li-- in cvr' tiie, i.i the tion Laws of t, lis con iir-.-- and hoLV to comply with th' smn,?. It tsllS YOU Tiii Liw conceni n- Perwi nis and how to uhiiin on., and the Pre E n.jli'in Li.vs to Pahiic Lm is. It tellS YOU T,,u Lx'v fr i'al.'i;ts: wi ll of iroc:dure in oht:ti:iing ono, with I.uerf.'rene , Aisigam:-ut.- and Tiblu of Fees. It tells YOU tl,,lV to 111 vour W.U, nnd hw to A ;i n ini-.- t r on an E t te. w i v ml til' rMia ireo '.us t:iere-i!- in every Statu. It tellS YoU Ph. nvMinnu' of Lmv f.'ims .ner-- :ai i I'vdim ia y.-- the L gUi-Hi- native r.n j Ju i'w. ..f h .'ii thj a nd St ue ij ov.vrn nents. Xt tellS YOU Unvv t uut of La w, by showing Iw.v ti do youi ba.iin'ss iegnlly, - tiin ; a in a v i it a moo a t oi' pivto- - - - ei't v . v' i.ju liti(J4tiu h v irs ti co:u!'ati'n. Single cooies wi t be sT.t by m il, posta paid, to Every Farmer, Every M'chnnic, Every M'ui of liusine's, and Everv in E.erv 'iaie, on re- ceipt of il O.I ' in u v tvle of bin t ij ijv. YEAR;i"'n er.iry vh're, in selling tlia above work, a ouv in- ducements to a il iu lure very libera Fur sinio copies of the Hook, or for tprma to gents, wTh othr inTecm itrn. a only to or adlroj T Cal ;TuC17 Simora atreot, Fiiilid dohia Pa Horn re H'tttcrs, cn l, UJJ way, Aeiv k'oik, 1'lfBLItIKK OF .tlJealer in Pianos, Ale-rrnr- a : i f f n lodeons, Alexandre Orya nfi Ji" i j flf J J y J J Organ Accordcons, Martin'&J Si i:olebrated and othjr Guitars, Violins, Yiolincelos, ccorilfons. Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes. Ciarionots, Tiuiin Forks, Pipes, and Hammers, Violin do.vs, best Italian Strings, B ass Instrument--- for ).muI, Piano br'tooU and covers, and all kinds of Mu-,ic- a Instrtitnotits. Sheet illur.ic. from all the publishers in thelT. S. ; iei tiiii's. Huntin's and Modern School, and all kinds f l.i at r act in n books for the above instruments ; '"Irf.ivh Music Books ; Music elegantl y Bound ; Music .'jper, and all kind3 of Music Merchandise, at the :v rianos, at 175. COO, 250, and up to 800 l.i! lars second ha nd Finnos from '25 up to UiU dollars; Saw Mcludi.'ons, 4"), 60, 75, 100, and up to 2U0 dollars; "cond hanc1 Melodeons from 30 to SO dollars ; Alexan-!r- e Organs, with live stops, H)0 dollars; nine stops. o") and -- 3 dollars; th i rteen stops, 250, 275 ?nd3U0 iuihivs; (iltecn stops, 0 and o.5 dollars. A liberal liscount to Clervmen , Churches, Sabbath Schools, nnd Teachers. The Trade supplied at the jsaal trade discounts. rotiiuouiajd at' the Horace Waters Pianos and lelodeoii. 'The P la no came to ha id, a nd in first rate order. It is a beaut if'.il instrument and no in Lkk k A'ai.kkb, Philadelphia. Joha Hewitt, of Carthage, New York, i hor has had oni! of the Horace Water iunos. writes as follows: 'A triend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano for her. She likes the one you sold ine in December, Ifijii. My piano is becoming popular in this place, ud 1 t! link 1 can introduce one or two more; they will oe more popular th u an v other make." "We ha ve t woof Waters' P Linos in use iu our Semi- nary, one of whiL-- has been severely tested tor three vpavs and we can testify to theivood quality and du- rability.1' oo.. & Git Kcioii y, Mount Can oil 111. II. 'Wat i R3- Esq,. Dear Sir: Having used one of your Piano - r or to fur two years pa st. 1 have found it a very superior instrument. AloxzoGkay, Principal Brooklyn Heights Seminary "The Piauo I received from you continues to give satisfaction, I re ird it as one ol the best instru-LneiU- s iu t!ie place.'1 J as. L. Cj. ahk-k.C- ! i l'ston,Ya . T 'The Mel oct eon has .ja f'l y a i'iri ved. vcl ohl iged Wfo you for your liberal discoim H J can for y oir in thooe pa rts J' liK v. J . M iMuCo;.. icji., Yaj--- j que.-vili- S. C "Your Piano pleases us well. It is the best one in ouv county." '1 hps. A.Latham LamphoUton, Oa. "We fti'e very much obliged to you lor having sent such a lineinMrmnetH for and we shall take pains to recommend it." Bit akk, Held & Co.,BuP a !o Democrat. " The Horace Waters ' Pia no sa re known a s among the very best We are enabled to spea k of these meats w ith confidence. from personal knowledge of thoir excellenttone and durable quality." N. Y. Knvagcli4. " Wecanspeak of the merits of the Horace Waters' Pianos, from personal knowledge, as being of the very best quality Christ ia n Intelligencer- " The Horace Wa ters ' Pia no sare built of the bet md most thoroughl y seasoned ma teria ). We have no tliat buyers can do as well perhaps better, at this tha na t an y other house i n the Union." A te a nd Journal. Wa iersMMa nos and Melodeons challenge com p av- iso a w ith the finest made any where in the country.'' Home Journa . " Hor a ce Wa ters 'Piano-For- t es'are of tall ,ri ch , & even tone . and power HI ." A". Y. Musi c at lit' view. Our friends will find at Mr. Waters store the rery best assortmont of Music and Pianos to be found in the United Sta t esand we urge our southern and western friends to gi ve him a call whenever thv n to Nw-Yorl- f ." fh-- hmn az ine W'lUUKOO.H :i:J KOAUlVAV, THSLY Poo. 21,1859. . THE S ibbatii-Sch- j! liell. T.ouand in .oven months. The unpreced"uted s le of this ij.Mik ha induced the publisher to add some 30 new Fanes and Hymns lo its present si.e, without extra charge except on the cheap edition. Among the many b i uiiful Tunes and Hymns added may be found, "I flight to Love ni y Motlier," "Oh. I'll he a good Child, indeed will," and "sifter and I." Thene and eight otluus from the original Bell were sung at the Ann- iversary of the New York city sand ay school society of thc'M. K. church at the Academy of Music, with a t ap nla use. The Bell cent n ins nearly -- 00 Tunes md Hymns, a nd is one of the best collections ever Price l2c ; $10 per 100; postage, 2c. Bound. 2c ; $15 per 10'J. Elegantly bound, em ba?sed gilt, 25c; 4 '20 per 100; postage. 4c each. Tha B.;ll is also published in small numbers entilff-- Anniversary and Sunday-schoo- l .Music Books, Nos. 1, '2,3 and 4, in order to accommodate the million ; price 3c and 4c each, or 2 and3 per 100. postage lc each. More than 300,000 of ti.e above books have been sold the past eighteen months, and the demand is rapidly increising. UOitACE WATERS, A sent, Publisher, M-- l v. No. 333 Broadway, New-Yor- PIANOS, Melodeons and Organs. The Horace Waters L'iauo? and Melodeons. for depth, purity of 'one and durabilit v, are u narpa ssed. Prices rea sona-b!- Seceud-iian- Pianos ? nd Melodeons from '25 to llr,v,irn tVaiovfj. A ?ni-No- . 333 .U'sdway N.Y. Tyiliinonials : Phe iior.iCe Vv.iteis i iu no-.- a re Mio wn among the very best.'1 Evangelist. We ca u spe.i k of th ir merits fro::: personal Lnowle le." Christian Intelligencer. "Waters's Pianos and Melodeons chal- lenge com pa i i son with the finest made anywhere in the oiinlrv Home Journal N K W M IT S I c . & a r a It ,9 (i it c Ij e e . SONG AND CHORUS- VERY beautiful llmving easy melody, will) ac- companiments, A ca n be sung bv cliildren a s well as adults, a i.d will soon become one of the most po pu la r songsof the day- - of words excellent. I'rice 25 cants mailed free. Just published by Horace Wa i hs, Agent. v, N. Y. New and Popular Vocal Music. "Kind Word." Angels told me So," "Grave ol4 Rosabel. ''"U'ilds of the West," "Give me back my Mnuntair. Home," "Thoughts of God." I'm with the slili,' "WaUe, Lady, Walie," "I'm leaving thee in sor- row, Annie," "liver of Thee," and "Old Nassau," and sung the Students of Princeton college. Trice j o cent.-- eacn. I o v ;imu i' op ii lar s nsirunn-i- i i:u. "Palaci! Garden l'oika ," "Vignette," "Kinpire or f! kick's Qnadvil !rs,"a new da nee, price 40 cents each. "I'icconh.m ini loika," Swinging Schottisch," "Thos: Biker Schottish," all with Vignettes; "Few Hibernian Quadi i! les," 3o cents each: "Crinoline Waltz," lljn-vill- e Ma ourlia ," "Arabrin War crv March," "K,"ad-in- Polka," "Very Last Varsovianne," "Weimar Polka," and "Almira Polka Maxurka," price 23 cents each. . wishing to purchase 1'ianos, Mplod"ous. 1ERSONS cn now order through the editor of the "Advocate," as he is agent for Mr. Water!, and has schedule of prices and testimonials which will sntisfy anyone. Call rn exa mno tlienv. ("nciHtf STEAMBOATS. SKIM LINK. Cincinnati & Eig Sandy Packet. STEAV.Eri BOSTON. W SH HONS i) ELL. Marsh Glark, Clerk. r I "MIIS elegrt at steamer leaves Catletts- - ffpTT 1. barg, mouth of Hig Sa nd y river, every Tt Monday and Thursday morning. On her return leaves Cincinna ti every Tuesoa y and Friday evenings at 5 P. M.. taking passengers and freight at all intermediate points, 'i'he accommodations and ca par it y ol this splendid slea mnr are unsu r pa ssed on the Western waters. Pates of freight and as low as any other bont- ' "3-!- '. P I n n : i K Ohio ". S, ajEs! Oiiio I'o. il. 'pilL new steamer Ohio No 3, C'apt. frrv I IJUe?. leaves Ma rii-tl- every Monday LtfrtPfZi, it (i oIc ck. A. M.. nassiiiff C.tletts rv 'I' 1'. M. T" eaves Cin- - X v at R - , M., psr Caliettsbui everv at '1 o'clot;,', e. M. The steamer Ohio No 2, Capt. Sayre, leaves Man-ot- every 'ritla y a t G o'clock A. M., passini; Catletts--o- i cl; ev,ir v -- atni da v r. t 4 o'clocl,- P. M. L'p Leaves l every Mondav at 5 O'clock, P. M , passing Catlett-bui'- every 'I'uesd.i y at ( o'clock, P. M. IVr sovs coining out of lli lti'er on the packets will connect with th. sh line stt!ainers. C3aa!cc Cg"31 fjadK For Jsaic. iUF E li for sale, that hie tract (.( Land, re&ide, on Big Sandy lliy-er- , known as the Fa lis of Tag, and containing )ne Thous.i nd Acres, lying on both sid: of tlieriver. There are 15 Danes cleared and in a linest.'te of cultivation, which for Farming! .in not be excelled in the Sandy Valley. Th.-- inprovements are two large Frame Houses, nearly "new, Store House, Barn, and all necessary out buildm. There is no tract on the river which: present s greater inducments for mining coal. There is vein of upwards of lour feet of most superiorcoa , a rea v open, and ready for opera tion a Iso. on the tract is ca nnel coa 1. w it h se vera other bituminous veins, an these, being belowthe Falls, with more than a mil riverfrontpresents great advantagPK. Th water power is the bo-s- t on Sandy River and i.o investment would pay better than theerction of a mill at this place. It is also agpod point for a stove. A together, tin's tract of land may be consid- ered the most desirable inthe V' ley of Sandy. The prices and termswiil be mod era te, (part taken in coo ls if Persons desiring further apply to James J. Miller. Catlettsburg Kv., or to the subscriber whose post oilier is "Falls of Tug." Wayne county, Va. tioITif JAMFS VERTR"M. BEN. B U RK PEAM-'- Wr; Goods i GroeevieH) $V., it y Trout Kiicrt, Cn IrttNbnr, Ky. T1)-- ! H subscriber intorin tile public that he is pre-J- "ard to oiler the highest price in rash or Leath er tor Hues and l.arl;. Keeps constantly on hand! every description of Leather, which will be sold at t prices, and invilos persons who wish to huv io rail. JAMES F HAZIER ' " Louisa, Ky., JRy 1, lS0-J.o-tt- '. 11. inidt iiatiuiictt liouic. ''IERMIN'ATES at Vv a.shi.igton and Baltimore on J. the East, and Wheeling, and Parkersburg on the West, at which places it unites with Railroads, Steaipers. &c, lor and from allpoints in the "West, Southwest and Northwest. Two Trains leave Wheeling daily at 3:30 p.m., and 9:5U p.m. One train leaves Parkevsburg daily at '3 AO e.M Direct con net tion s are made by these trains For all Hie Eastern t ilies. This is the only route to Washington City. Pas- sengers by tli i route can visit Ua hi more, Philadelphia, New York auJ.Boi-doti- at the cost of a ticket lo Buston a lone by ot hur lines. Through Tic kets to the Ea stem cities can he purchased via Waiir.gton City at an additional chai ge of Time as quick and Fare as low as by any other route. Sleeping car at- tach i.d to all xroirr thai vs. Inquire for tickets via the Paltitnoie & Ohio Railroad, ot any of the principal Kail road Ollices in the Wet, J. li. Sulli- van'. Gen eral Western Agent, Cincinnati, Otiio. W. P. Smith. Mastrcf Transportation. L. M. Cole, General Ticket Agtmt, Baltimore, Md. 29-- y. Poi'tFinoi i tl i A (1 vei 't iseme n ts . . 1800. LUMBER. I860. L EET & CHAPMAN, PORTSMOUTH OHIO. "Wholesale and Krta il Den lei s in all hinds of White Pine Finishing Lumber pilher Pressed or Rough. iso, DOOItSULlXDSAXDSASH wtiichwilt litoklnl l(vv'.,-- ices. Orders lilled with proinptness an.i bent by return boat. Ollice on Glli Street near the Court House- I.KF.T & CHAPMAN. Portsmouth, April . P U K SELL A N 1) C, O il D O N , lAlPOIiTKllS AM DKALi r.S X ji , ) CHINA, QUEENS11! RE. 7 A l.S( ) ' . and siLYiU i'LA'i4' d;;;; Portsmouth, Ohio - ilUKhavPiiow on hwiid a lar;;e assortment of V QueeiiaWi) re a nd Glass, embracing; the InteM and most elegant styles, and of unsurpassed quality, together with all guides of medium and common ware We have a large assortment of C'ual Oil and Fluid Lamps, and keep constantly all kinds of Lamp I n m hiings. e invite at tel. lion to our stoclt, ami will warrant satisfaction to all who lavor us with a call. In regard to pi ices, we will just say that we will not be undersold. May lCU-46-l- A . W . BUSKI II K , Whohisah; Dealer in ftltGCEIEEES & PESOBL'CK. Huckcye iiiock, Front t., Portsmouth, O. TEAS. rr Tea; tJJ 75 do Young 11 yson Tea 120 do Black do 30 do Gunpowder do 75 Caddy Boxes assorted do A . W. BUSK1RK. TOBACCO. BUTTS Sutherlin's Star. 50 -- 0 " Junes' pounds. 50 " Florence Hughe' Long 10a. 75 Caddy boxes prime Chickun. 20 liutts Flora ; 25 Kegs Gedge & llro.'s Six Twist : 2i) Gr. S. IJ. Williains' Fine Cut chewing. GO Bbls. viueea City Cut and Dry ; 40 III', bbls. do do A. W. BUSK1PK. BOXES Palm ?oap. I O 40 l ' No 1 Soap. BO ! German tlo. 40 Fancy do. 50 " and ha If boxes Star Candles. 100 boxes Tallow Candles ; 75 keg- of Soda ; K'O do.en assorted Brooms; 70 bales Ko 1 and '2 Batting ; 3(H) reams a s sorted Wrapping Pa per ; 50 boxes Starch ; 75 boxes assorted Candy; 50 baes " Shot. 75 bales Bar Lead. A . V BTSKIRTC. MACKKKEL. BBLS. No. 1 Mackerel; 50 3D hf bbls. 40 bbls. No. 2 Mackerel ; 25 hf bbls. Co bbls. No 3 Mackerel ; 25 Kits No. Large Mackerel; 25 ' 2 do. 2 drums A.W. BI'SKIP, HAMS. - VLOT of Ilugcles Sui-a- r ('uitd Ilains iust recei ; ...A- Svf.i NiLS7 OAA KF.GS assorted Nails. UU Kl-l- A. W. T?UKTnK. 1) rXLl V I.D per S.ii.Linpue City uiiect Irom New Orleans 3;H) Bbls prime Molasses. 1(111 half Bbls. do A. V. BUSKIRK. Fxtra Family Flour. IECKIVKl) per Pail Hoad Extra White Wheat Flour. Portsmouth. March Hi, 'HIJ. A. W. iil'SKIRK. ii. w h. vvai'.e. BELL & CO. Srholesale MauiOacturers and Dealers in MATS, CAPS, 5?flTSEaES Jjeatliei" and J inthns. No. 3 Enterprise Buildings, Front St., Port mo nth, 0. BELL CO , keep contantl y on hand a general of the above named aiticles at WHOLE-bAL- ONLY, to which they invite the attention ol the trade. They manufacture goo. is of the best quali- ty, and ha ve made to their own order by the best s East, and will at all times duplicat bills of the best Jobbing II oues of Fa stern Cities, with t be addition of freight and Ext ha nge They a re a Iso gents for Wheeh r & Wilson's Sewing Machine. The beat and most reliable Machines in use, aud sold at the lat tery prices, and Ym anted. nlott K EW A lv H IV A L MORK COMING! Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Brown. RE just receiving a splendid stock ol New Goods, .. Embracing Straw Goods, Ribbons, Flow- ers, a nd all the very la test sty les of Mi II in try ; a lso done on the shortest notice, and the most satisfactory tonus. Give us a call. JC"Store on Court street, East side, lirst door from the corner of Front. ALL CHEAT F OR CASH. Mrs. J. FITZPA'I KICK, nl3-Iy- Mrs. 11. BROWN- BOOKS AND ST A T I O NE U : JAMES STEPHENSON, I50ooksllli:i,statio.i:r, AND IIank Book 12ns5rtfacurca No. 4. Buckeye Block, Front M. Portsmouth, O. HAS on hand a complete assortment of Law, Medical. Common School and Clas- sical Books. Also, a lirgee stock of Cop, I.ett"r and No e Paper, Envelopes, st,Jfll Rent, Ii.ks, Memoian-dum- Timn Books, 6cc , Wall Papers, Curtains, and Wrapping Paper. Slates by the Case or single doze n. Particular attention given to the ma nufacture of Records for County otlices, Ledgers. Journals. &c. All the r'-- aid stvula id Publicafshins in every bin nrh of Lit ii. tm e v c.i us i'. it !.( Ilavinjja special agency tor iLeTS-ifc- series Sch.ool Books thev will be sold at lhe uhers prices. Booksellers. Country Dealers , ScboSL, Academies, and Private Libraries supplied on n:oM libera teims. 13-l- E . II . C L A It K , Front St., hef. Ma rkrt and Court 'a'., Portsmouth, O DKALLli in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver invites attention to his .stock, having on lundandfor Hale constantly such an assortment nnot fa i to plea se. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repa ired nt shortest notice. He so lie its the trade espac ia v of the border counties of Eastern Kentucky and U'g Sandy Valley. ' 33-- y Wholes le a nd Retail Ku i nit ure Houes, J. I!. TV I c K i: U.S. , F lr IS r 1 T V It FA TS2Y, Comer Market and Thi d Streets, Poitcmouth, (J I A M now manufa cturing a nd lia vc a wa y on ha nd a full stock of Parlor, 11 onsi'liold Ac Oliice I'm I'll itu re, such as pla in a nd fa nc v Bedsteads, Pu reaus. Solas. Chairs. Stands, Pook-Casc- Desk's. Ta- bles, &c, Ac. MATTRESSES of all kinds, Sales of a new kind, with wire ncttii g instead of tin. Wardrobes and Piano Stools, Patent Me-tali- c Burial Casks & Casic ktp,o(' a 11 sizes, styles an,l prices, and Undertaking promptly attended to. Everything in the Furniture line generally needed about a house, will he found at my establishment. Knrnaremen and country Merchants will be supplied on lair terms, pspecia v THE rI R ADE OF BIG SANDY. tsy Pig-iro- Lumber, &c, taken at market prices, for a II artic !es in in y I ne. nl3 1 v- - Dr. J. M. Sh ACKLFyoB n. Das't.. R. Spry SHACKLEFORD & SPRY. Successors to Shacklofor.l A: Crirhtnn. XV holrKinle l r is g i s AND APOTHECARIES, No. 2, Enterprise Building, Front St., Portsmouth, O. "T7"E invite your attention to our la re and carpfnl- - V lv selected Steck of Drugs, Medicines. Chmi-rls- . Paints. Oils, Dye Stnlls,' Bruhes, Van.ihe?. Window Glass, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fr.ncy Artie leg. fee. All orders promptly Rnswered. VVe lolicit a share of thetradeof tbo Sandy Valley 13-l- tiUM'.M'l t Ol IV'l V. i t. A T County Cuiu t held tor Givenup Countv, at L. the C'ourt House in the town of Gioimuosbuvg on the 6th day of J unc, 1859, Present Hon. J, 0 . Adams, Presiding Jnd'. It is ordered that each Justice ot the lVace in Greenup County shall hold a couit. ov thetrial o! cival causes.) in lus district in the months now lixed by law, for holding the justices court; and that he hold the same on the following days in said months and continue his court Irom day to day until he disposes of all thebuaincs returned before him, viz: Distinct No. 1. John E. Wink. Wednesday after first Monday. J . li. Puthu jrr.Tluirsda y after firt Monday. District No. 2. Gkorgk "W. MXavk. Friday alter first Monday. John Bagby. Saturday alter the fiiat Monday. District '. 3. Jesse Alexander. Second Monday. S. S. Smith. Tuesday -- Iter the second Monday. DiMuct No. 4. Alexius Pi fk. W ednesda y a Her the second Monday. Ciias. Peakce. Thursday alter the second Monday. District No. 5. Jeff. K eaton", Kiiday after the second Monday-Jacoi- i Willis. Saturday aftei tne second Monday. District No. (i. Third Monday- Tuesday alter third Monday. District Io. 7. James Rouse. Wednesday alter the third Monday. 11. A. Poaui:. Thursday alter the third Monday. It is further ordered that ti:is order no take ellect until a Iter the lh st Monda y in July nxt. A Copy Attest: M'lT.LlAM COlvUM, Clerk July 'J, IHoO Gheenup County Court. G kee xur C o ! s i v , Jv y . The G reenup County Court is hoi den in Greennps-bur- on the first M on da y in e very month a rul c onti l- ines from da y to day, if necessary . J. C Adams, rdt) M. ConuM, (Jerk. J'rc.sid trig JifJg. (irkks'UP (Quarterly Coukt The G reenn n O ua rtei v Cou t commences the Fourth Mondays in March, Jane. September and ))eecwhe and continues at eartuefVi until the j! asii-st- f the Court is disposed of., Jiufzj. G reeni: psbuvg, G reel nr. Co L (nCO. Greenup CorN v p." T, Ib59. Joh,i Senton n the m ionfiv ithm-ixed hh i v the Vii n t v on i ,i o ;!, t ne it. counts of ut;rs . A dm nis tra tors in,! Gua i d in ns fort he Greenup CountvComt Attest. J. C. A dams. n30l PresifHr-- Judge for (ccnvp County. ailF.F.NIJI CO. OFFICFTS. J'JilN ii A ) A .M, Presiding Jutte lol Greenup Oolin-t- v Court. GKORGK K. RO!'. Countv Attorney. WILLIAM CORI'M. Clerk'of theCotinty Court. ALEXANDER SMI TH. Depetv Clerk, GF.ORGi: W. DA KLIN TON, Sheriff. ALLLN MYERS. Jailor S. II. WOLGOTT, Surveyor and Processioner. .IOIIN 11KV1NS. Assessor. -1- F.RF.M1 All 0 A VIOSON, School Com in issinne!-- . S- II. WOLCOTT, Road Commissioner above Lit- tle San dv JESSE ALEXANDER, Jo. do. below do. lo. JOIING. ADAMS, Judge of the Greenup Quarterly f'oillt. GEORGE Y. DARLINTON, Sheriff'. Pistrict Oiiiccis. Hon. E. C. PIUTI'.li. Jn.lKe. Hon. R. II. ST ANTON". Common wealth's Attorney. WILLIAM GOliFM. Clerk. ALEXANDER SMI II. eputv Clerk. GEORGE DARI.1NTON. Sheriff. IIOSTETTES'S The proprietors nnd ninmifaef utcvs of CELEB UATED .STc.MACil BIT-- T 10 lib can lij'penl uith perfect ct iili" ence lo physicians and ci( izens jreiicr.-ili- of he United Hiuros, because the nriicle hay nt l;iiiieil a repu- tation heretofore unhnoun. A few Pacts upon this point will speak i::ere yoweri y than volumes of b.ire ns-e- ri ii n or Id izoning puffery. Tlic consumption of i !oi el t era .Stomach Fit- ters lbr tlC hist year amounted lo over a Lotties, an'l iVom its manifest steady increase in time ast. it i.s cvhlert that during the comirp yenr the consuii; jt ion will lach near one million hot ties. 'Phis iminense amnuiL could never have been foM hul lor the rare mecUtinal properties contained in the prepara- tion, and the sanction of ihe most pioiuinent physicians in thoe seciions of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their paii-nts- but tire ready at all times to give fostiinon'iiN to its eflieacyin nlbcac of stonar-Iii- dera; cements and the dienses therIiom j lii1 'i.povarv popuinn lincil PTTTM,, oli-- est itiKii iou of an in f.'inhlc; inedieiiie. i Cil JS destinod to he :is cinlurincr :is time ii.-'i- t Ilostetter's Stomach Litters li:ive' provcil a GodsemJ to regions where fever niul ague ami various other hi! ions ?c in plaint s h;i vc counted their victims hy hundreds. To he able to fctaic conlidenlly that, the 41 Lii ters'' are a certain cure lor the Dyspepsia find like diseases, is lo ihe proprietors a source of mi- - ( alloyed pleasure. It removes nil morbid matler from the el enrich, purifies the blood, ami impart renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that, tone nnd energy indispensable' lor the reslotaiiou of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, niiUPy but powcrlull y, and soon restores them to a condineu essential lo the healthy uncharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Cillers daily as per directions on the bottle, and the' will lind in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted lo comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have thc evi- dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced thc benefit of using this preparation while sai tiering from stomach de- rangements and general debility ; acting under the advice of physicians, (hey hsivc abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly toted the merits of this article. A lew words to the gentler sex. There arc certain periods when their caves are so haras-du- that many of them pink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if the be young, is apt io forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity lVu- a siinuilant lo recupe- rate the energies of the system, aud enable thc mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- rally prefer the Pi iters to all other invigora-tor- s that receive the indorsement of physi- cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as veil as certain to give a permanent increase of bodi'y strength. All those poisons, to whom we have pariicu-larl- y referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrha-a- , dysentery, indigestion, loss of nppeliie, and all dcases or derangements, id' lhe stoiunc superannuated invalids, petrous of 'dentary. occup:ii i:t, a''d in s J' w ill coi,Mt,L' their phusicd weHnre. ..Vi.'JT fo Hos- teller'? Celebrat'1 Stoniacli Li' wi" aTrial. "ir" CAUTION. We camion thep"iiUic against '. nsing any of the many imitations v counter- feits, but ask for IIustlttph's t'ri.r. nit atki Stomach 1itti:i;s, and see tdiat .arh bottle has the words "Dr. J. Stomach Li1 ters'' blown on the side of the bottle, and staL ped on Ihe metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEE & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and. sold by all druggists, grocers, and jrcneraUy throughout the United States, South Ame- rica, and Germany. FOR SALE BY ELY & CO , CatleONbnrt:, Ky.; JOHX 0 NOliRIS. Ceredo, Wayne co , Va.; JOHN M. HICK Mud Prid-- e : W. O. MILLKR & CO., and J. A. COX, Cabell C. II . Va.; McC LL1STPP & W fi EELER.H urrica n Bride,Va C M. l'CKlAT Buthilo. Va K. A. SMITH, AND !)KA Kit IS HARD V A L'E C U T F. l V. G .ASSWALK, &c. St.. ;? I)o-- brloiv J5ri(tyo, ;rv AXnoTTB.YA. ru-i- A II lii n Is of Co ii ii I ry riod ti c (aUcu in cx- - li:in- - lor 4 vuiN. UKOHGE n. NKAL. And CJoiiE3iiim TSerehasaf, Stvamboat .snt ami nt I'voprictor, I'arlii'i-linrsr- . Vi 11 E !' K I! T O U. KHOOKS. Fsq. B. & O. I!. It. Co. Hiltirrom, Md. Col. B. F. KEI.I.F. V. FroiglilAg-- Pliila'.'plpliia. n. n . 111,1-- Y . hq. Ma yor of Coviiiutun, Kv. D. A ft T II H A LI.. Ba Itiinore, Mil. B. SMITH, CjsMpi-N- W. Bank. Pa rial's Ii u i f?. Va. Hon. KI.l M. (' V'orrpy(!?r, Ma-s- . Cel. JOHN DILS, l Pikoton, U'y. JOS. P. fell AW, U 'holesale & ISeftzil J&rKggist To his Kentucky friends greeting: CALLS their attention to his stock of Drugs, Chemicals. Perlnrne-y- &c, of which be intends to keep a complete assoi tment. and of the best qua lity ; and assuit:s those w ho may need med- icines, thi t their prescriptions bhall be careful y of the purest medicines. Af the old stand of Moxley & Larbei above the Rail Road, 2d street. Ironlon, O. 40-t- 100 bolts glazed Green. 10C do 'French do 100 yds. Holland do Together with a larg. stock of Figured Blinds, at J. Davidson's Cook stoie, Ironlon. 40 ti II. & &ox, iMaiHilacturf-r- of W a ge :i s an i Plows! 1 on ton , Oh io. 1?K now extensively in tlio Manuracture SY ot Wagons, Plows. Wlieei harrows. Cart.-- i and all the various Agricultural implem ents.v. ith the Ulackni!tli ISuiiie-.- in all its bran, lie, md are piep.uvd to ffll orders irom the Hie S.nidy Fa rmers, and a II others s chea pas oioy can du RnU"llnywnere, tileyask their lrlends on Sandy to send them tlieir orders. nl3-l- A Trench Work hy. Michelet. Grace Truman ; Or Love and Principle- - hv Mrs. Sallic R. Ford. Tlieodosia ; The Heroine of Fa ith. At J. Davidson' Jiook Siore.. PajJi'r S3?SE5sisiii:o ! - Window Shit-s.Cnr:ai- I'a jni, New Sty If: At J. Davij-on'- s Rook Store. OANGING in price Irom One Dollar up to Fifteen. IV Call and see them at J. Davidson's Hook Store. 3v SSHKPPARD'S best quality. Warren all sizes a nd Davidson's liool; Store. ' . (:j Jtsarrs : asaa' : 7ANTED iutmeulattdv, a lareu guantitv ofraes fur which school hooks will ho iiven. at. J. DAVIDSON'S liook Stove, 19-l- lronton.Ohio g. KF.vBL-:nci;r:- Nil..-)- Union Itlncli, I ! ton, Ohio. KlE.l'S eonsta nt v on hand and makes to Older variety of men's ear. with a ceneral as- - it ol itntlemen's furnishing r.ods whit-- will bo sold low. He invites tha Rii? SJndv and Kentucky trade. ' J. DAVIDSON, A V holes a le and 'tail i n STATIONEllY, Wall Paper nnd Musical Sreet, Ironlon, Ohio. dr. J. p At ORRIS, V h o psa a n tl li eta i t, is csi i s t a ii d & v 8i s'rrist, IroiitDii, Oliio. KF.F.PS constantly on h.inila la rt;e stor'li ol' Drus, Cheinit-als- . Oils, Paints, live Stuffs, with every othr a rtic e fouiel in a lirst class Di li" Store, which will he sol as low astlvv can be bought nvwhei-- lie especiallvasks Ihe attention of Mer chants and Physicians, as he warrants all articles sold. rno S. THE PLANTER. TIim ftovn Ins nn extfnsh .tIo in th VV ;oi.l 1i.m;i thoroiiylily udupted XO tin' wants of (.lie poonle. Is nnriv.tlc.I in its ""(y-- vTTT, iTTTTrprc-ix- dnialiility, and so uianaged th.H even a child can uudm stand its u.w. THE PLANTER Is uiieiirvsseii in quick and P.iking, nnd rro nvfiH. lis L'ciii'imy in fuel will .soon rt'pay tlm jhhtIkis't, and in lruilinr nr range, uiciit, without sniuko, ia a cuinlort iu every family. THE PLANTER Tr made vrry heavy, of hst Kfutucky Irnn, and snpo-rie- r in every way to Jsnrt hern stevt s. It 18 Bold at reann:iipl" pi ic-t- , thy I n v r not beiiiff taxed with eDorn-i-u- freight lVo:n tho sui thc-ri- ciiiea. .THE PLAHTER Ts t)io result of a Innir cxi'i'ricnoo villi the wants of tradi', and is manufactured exclusively Ly the sole proprietors and ati'ntefs, t'i. W. BSAT,r & Co., At their Stove Works, in ton, Ky. OfRce and Warehouse, 3j and CI Main at., Cincin- nati, and lor sale by W ITMAN BPOTIIEPS. CatlettsbnrR, Ky. 40 ly STOVS-'- T1X, & SHEET iKO.N WAKE AI n 11 u liic 1 ii ve l" s, (ciodo, Va. and 1'n 1 ct t bn rij, Biy. 111 II, under.sigued would mo-- t re.speeyully in'orm JL the public tliat th y are tally pre pa red to fu rnish any a rtic le in llieir line on a,s a vol 'a h e terms as any est.ildihhmeiit in the Kastern or Western cities. Parliciihir attention paid to ;ohbin2 of ail kinds. We ia ve al wa ysou ha nd tin latent n ud Ije pa tern-- o Fruit Cans ; a Uo of Coal t:id V'oo Cooking Stoves. Alo. Parlor, Hall, and Otiice Stoves, Grates, Fron nnd Holloe . etc. nol-l- AV'ITMAN iROTHEns. A. P. BORDERS, Forv.-v'ii-.i- anl Comiission IlEvchant, m jOTLETTSBURG, ky. inliirnn tin- b io th t iv.v Boat at s :r Tlv pern i have reoues Our iiu; in the s! ' The fol of bonks En.-li- . Patent Le" Ln dies' L Detarh-- d Lejiino S f Cold Pi I I.aili.'s' ft Lati ies' a l all pai' Cents' i La! Gold W; A erea t s Drons. a C;, tina. &c.' Cold Bra eel The Fist oA .standard worl J interestinr to a cat loue. f Applv tn f ci irt ww r C W. El on (J (ill l!Ji'S Slot 1 1. T'lIISwell-know- Hotel standson the bank of the 1 liver, near the steamboat landing, on Main street, in Louisa, and has passed into the hands of Geo. W. Gallup, who ha s fitted it up in superior style for the accommodation of travelers. Kvery (liing will be done to make his guests comfortable. He hopes for a liberal share ol public patronage. 42-tf- . GEO. W. GALLUP. LEK HOUSE. I ronl Mn-tl- llInysTillr, ly. M r s. A. M. 7 U K K M A l. l'ropiietress, stai: io dm hf: li . rari?.l.cxni?ton ; 1 leminsburj. Sharpsbur a itii. iin-- f ; v.ei niantowii : Alt. Uarmel Poplar i'lains and Oa intrsville. 13-- 1 y. ItOBRltT MONToOMKIiy. OEO. A. MONTGOMFKY 13IGCS IIOLTSE, h'rn-n- St, , I, PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. R. JlOSTOuJlfcUV 6t hON, I'i'oiirietors. 13-t- 15 V 11 AU T HOUSE, iii iiinnti, oiiio. ii ic wen i.nown House situated lu the infdst ol the JL Heaviest business house o ihe citv and in close PioMimty to the Post Olhce. Custom House. United States Court, Opera iioue, &c, has passed into the 'R.HAMPTON'S BILLS FOR LEUCORRHOAE bands ol Johnson. Sanders& Co., under a long lease,! who are dtvoling their persona attention to every de-J- ri .MPTAV. u- - O 1 J.E.E.O lull Uinent. The public may bo assuied every thing will FEMALE WEAKNESSES be done lor their comtort. 14-l- 1 ? rr tt nirjTri-'c- mTTC T?r,r nnoDcv Third 8'i eet, Near JIain, Cincinnati. Ohio ' ONE DOLLAR' PER DAY. ja.iii-;- iVAisux. ' A T I ?i A Ij HOT HARROW & PlIiLLJP.S Cor. of Main and 4lh streels, Louisville Xv. 'I Mils Hotel is situated in the centre o( theKi-mes- X pait ol the cit convenient to the fin il Tele maph and Expro--oh- i "ii;es, t he Pit nl;. Post iJlIice nnd ivs ol in ien. nt . and wiLii n on ,s.ipi i o the prijuf' i.amiin'. Thc l repritors have just rel'ni m a sty le equn tc'any House iu rn- - wmt-r.nn-.- to the i.-- vel.Jj; i om mn nit y.aud' jjei aous a iaiiii uu' ii y i or ou.5ines 01 pi.'a sure n ever inducement lor pationage. Terms $l,uU per day. . II A M F T to N U OTSE t'.V'i'Li'i("l.:i' li - , 14 V. IIIE subvcrii'cr has the ple-.-u- to in for.: numerous Iriuuls and the public that this old established house has recently undergone a thorough repair, and is now in corntoriable order for ihe reception oltravelers. Every thing will be done to make his guests comfortable- Attached to the Hotel is a Livery Stable. Irom which the public can be supplied on the shortest notice with sa lc Jloraes, Larrniges and buggies, and careful driuers. lie hopes his e doits to accommodate the public will secure tor him a Mia re ol the public pahonniie. nol-ly- j O. W. MAKTIN Vir E Ia Ii M A P U O II S HI , I'roiil t t, 4'iit Irlisbin-- , liy. Opposite li'ifrt Uuut. r fHlS establishment has undergone throughrepair.o i and is no-.- in comnlete order tor the reception of traveler. The pronrietors promise lo use their liest endeavors to make theirpAtrons comfortable Phere i.s a ttached to the Hotel a liar, whieh issup-olie- with choic est l.iuuors and Wines, Cigars, &.c. A Iso. a Livery Sta hi e, Tivre Carria e , llui-ies- and Horses can be had at any time. They hope i'oia lull aha re of the generous pa trona ce o tlupuhl ir. MORUIS WKLLMAN, nol-l- y JOHN WILSON. VJ' mJjl HJtX3MA i) rot'SDUY A M'KAC'l UlIl.KS ol a MiiH'i iur ai lii 1., ul liie Brick embracing pil stvles and slirnes not i'ouihI at any other estahlUhrnent in the VVet.-r- con n try, coiisi ing of the following kind.s in part, viz: i?olIing .Mill Brick all b ho pes a i.d stvles. C'upalo ' '' ' ' hi's. IPast " " InwalU, Posh and Hearths made lo sii it any Furnace. Salt Furnace Tiles and Brick, steamboat Furnace Tiles every size. oalOil " " and Pjtoit Bod Tiles. Oas 11 l Retort protectors. CooaIhc stove and;e Tiles. Orate Tiles and Backs to suit size of Grate. lav Pumps for wells and cisterns. Cla v Draining Tiles all siz'es, for wet lands. Ground Fiie Brick cement. G rou nd P'ire clay a wa s on hand. living procured an experienced hand for each dep.i rtmen of wcrk Irom the East, we are prepared to lilt orders promptly end of a Miperior quality, much better than was ever had ir. this region, or can be manufactured by any establishment iu this conn- . Lr y d lor, Cincinit - .w.oi-- - J. F. STOi.L Mum. Asliland Foundrv nnd Kirtr- Ashland. Ilovd co.. K v.. 'Mareh IHliO 41 I v n ,AK KST!!! ' ays for Tuition in Single a nd Double Kntry Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and Lee-f- res . Coara 8 wpc.U 20, Stationery 7, Tuition 3-- eiitii e ex j.tihrs (.2, time from 6 to IU weeks. Fvery Student, ipon graduntinj;. is guaranteed cr mpetetil to manage he book.s of any business, aud qua ilied to earn z sal-ir- ol irom $500 to $1000. Students enter at any time .No vacation Review it pleasure. First Premiums for Beet Business Wiping for 1S59, "reived at Pittburt;, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union for tip pa st lour j ears. fry- - Ministers1 Sons received at half price. For Circulars, Specimens and Km bell View f the college, inclo.--e live letter star-ip- t to In F. W. JFNKINS, Pittshurc, Pa. F ti AVavixi Cininty, V eslerti Virginia. r M F subscriber oilers for sale, in lots to suit pur-J- L cha sers , it prices ranging from toVs.OO per anc. II is Lands, in Wa vne and Ca bell counties. Va ..are situated principally upon the waters of the'Pwelve Polo and B S.i nd y Rivers, a nd fro m three to twenty miles bark from I lie new citv of Ceredo. The titles to said land are indisputable. The soil is rich a nd productive ,a nd a hounds i n Iron, Coa , a i.d Timber. SAM'L SANDERS. no 2 H . M . C TT 1 L D S . Forvardinr? and Commission Merchant, XS Imrf go:il, Cn I ( iwbit EniucKy. prompt attention to the reception G1VKS of all consignments to his care. 1 y. 1 , i M1DICAL. !; iAMjtTON DR HAMPTON'S COMPOTJD DIUHETIC PILLS 7he Best fRETic, The Best Diueetic' The Best Heretic, Tue Best Diuretic,-Th- The BEi'wic, oo Best Diuketio The Bw Diuretic, The Best Diuretic,-Th- The B Diuretic, Best Diuretic, 7'he Diuretic, G The Best Diuretic, 7UEil.ST Diurltic, ' Kt- -t K The Best Diuretic, drajibton's bills for gravel, DllIAMBTON'S PILLS FOR GLEET, DHAMPTON'S PILLS FOR STRICTURE, D. IIAllBTON'S BILLS FOR CATARRH of THE BLADDER, I'll. o 111.1.0 l Oll UllUlOl) DR. HAMPTON'S PILLS FOR LOSS OF ATPETITE, DR. MAMPTOX'S PILLS FOR LOSS OF MEMORY, DR. HAMPTON'S TILLS FOR Loss of Power or Impotenct DR. II.AAIPTON'S PILLS FOR ' "7 DIMNESS ok VISION, DR ,' AMPTON'S PILLS FOR L ..." V Djkficiltt of Kr.srmATiON DR. HAMr7'OyfS PILLS FOR DIABETES, DR. IIAMP7'0X'S PILLS FOR LASSITUDE.-DR- IIAMPTOX'S PILLS FOR Night Sweats,-DR- . IIAMPy'OX'S PILLS FOR NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS DR. HAMPTON'S PILLS CORRECT THE DELITER10US EFFECTS OF SELF ABUSE AND ARE WrAKEAXTED A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR THE CERE OF ALL DISEASES OF THE DLADDEPi, BLADDER, B LA DINER, BLADDER, BLADDER, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, KIDNEYS, KIDNEYS, KIDNEYS, KIDNEYS, KIDNEYS, AXD SEXUAL ORGAJiS, SEXUAL ORGANS, SEXUAL ORGAX3, SEXUAL ORGANS, DR. IIAMI'TOX'S RILLS, COXTAIX NEITHER BALSAMOR MERCURY RUT ARE PURELY VEGETABLE IN THEIR COMPOSITION WITHOUT TASTE OR SMELL, Mild Blt Puomi'tIn tulir Action. AND NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE MOST HOPELESS CASES OF THE ABOVE DISEASES, WHETHER EXISTING OR FEMALE, ' MALE OR FEMALE, MALE OR ITiMALE, MALE Oil FEMALE, malI: vn.' female; AND KOilA'XTER OJ 2. HOW LuXG STANDING. Ask Fon Dr. Hampton's Fills Ask. Fun Dit. IIamiton's Fills TAKE NO OTHER TAKE NO OTHER AND SHUN THE MANY AND SHUN THE MANY BOTTLED PREPARATIONS 1! OTTLE D P RE r AR ATI ON S WHICH NOW FLOOD THE MARKET WHICH NOW FLOOD THE MARKET THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL AND IN MANY CASES TEND TO AND IN MANY CASES TEND TO AUGMENT THE DISEASE. AUGMENTT1IE DISEASE. PRICE 50 CENTS FER BOX. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOX. PRICE 50 CENTS FER BOX. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOX. PRICE 50 CENTS FER EOX. FRIE 50 CENTS PER BOX. JDU. HAMPTON'S AKTI RHEUMATIC MIXTURE CUKES ACUTE, SUBACUTE, CHRONIC ANT NERVOUS RHEUMATISM. This prnparation is presented (o the Fublii with, the inmost confidence in ils elfieaey and his beoa the result of many years ot study, observation and A 1 1

Transcript of The Sandy Valley advocate. (Catlettsburg, KY) 1860-08-22 [p...

Page 1: The Sandy Valley advocate. (Catlettsburg, KY) 1860-08-22 [p ] · Misles, tc. It Tulis You Thi synipMtn of croup, cholora I if. at nni,

BOYD COUNTY GOVit. llduiA 6i.'A School 0 Jiuiiiidaionfcr lor Boyi

enure y.L.J. Hamoton, Aaa Bellowand M. T. Bolt appointed

Processioners of lands in Ho yd county.The presiding Jude and a in ljority of the Justices

cf said couft ctuK-u- i i it in ordered tha;LoU No 1, 2, 3, 4. 9, lt, il .iiJ 13 lyin on Pouoh-fti-ei-r-

Fwtililin Mil L'uii street iu Square No -- ,

in th pUlt of th. t vn ol" C it! tt.hir1 be, n tinsame is heruby selected a a Jut of groun,upon which to ei'jct ih i nc.fSiry pa lie bmldin.;of this county.

Ordered, t'nt vi J. II m pton. Tirvn n in In n ivMahlon Lewi.-- he. an I'nv v: b uvb y a

Coin t.) dr.i tt a s.i it ol r n and m i ;;c .tcost for Pi public buildin; itiul nuk-- re-

port to this cihi ;t at it. Nov- ni or comity tmu't crliimi.

Old 3 red th ;it Q i:i t y 3 n civ nicourts of t i'1'V b ii ,5 al Ll:;- - h' in r h in ,ti f

Ban Bur It n r luc V stable, j.e! t.i be :,!a? a cljrii's olH t Ii i pub b 'ii lins of s i ii'

can b.! or.vIt is Ovd M'0,1 t b.i t tM Ii Jin'Ic of in lie

COii ilt y shall h d a .j t r tin"1 n o'' c i vi ramin h is Oisii in i.;., 'iir,;U !;S IV .V I'i SJ h V 1? W

holding the .In c c d a nil th t he hul .i' (ho a

on tli 3 follow-i- ; di v i i d , a nd com i:

his eonrt fiom :i t dy mi il be d'up.i ol a!lusinesa r,; b ''oi'lum for 'rip I ri.:

G ?orgft Uur;.--- irttMrtiu ICevser - Tu sdi v-- It !irt Monday.

Jam9sVnch?vd--- v .im;-di- y . U it no first M :idnFannin Fri I v t':i i'u sL Moiulny .

fi j ! rid, o. ;.Asi B jllnw-- S-i 'on 1oiv.Uy.Mahion Tndiv aKor t'1 second Mniilay

o. a.Wm. W.ivd'.-d-a y ai'lei ;hc spe'-n- tinbv.Joha Miller Tii'irii v a ft or th" second Mom!;iv

liiTiicl, o. X.Thos. G llTalior Frid.i y u Iter socotid Mondnv.U . A. PingaTl ird Mmvhv,

OUti icl, ,o. C.Richird ScoU W-- v atUr too third MondayL. J. IJampton Thursday aftr thethird M,)nd.

Ord Bred th i t the o u '.v i i n ls ba paid ut Td vr r

in this county I'm lh: ycur .S; ;o:

Bi'.li'as!, Niini.u' a n cu:"'r ;5 cviis e.rdi: L')dj-In-

15 cents Huts? 15 l'asruiajp. i

1J cinf tand in th sain,? prnj.rn,m lor a

ft or !;ort'ir : w !ii k v. ii; h J . li n. win.- .

1c. J. I). R' J ti ir-- Rnyd co61-- tt


si oIE subscriber vci ct full v info n tho nil1 lie thatT tliey tia'3 opnfda i StOCk Of LTt') in th

hoiue in this placo for: ciiia by Dr. II imp--tori, consisting of Drv Gj:d". tiro'-or- i s, i i .va IV.Quoenswar:, Bo its, S'kvs. U ", (.'lof'ni 7. &.'iivt'ant ex'Rrvthin U , fnunj in a fn t ,

Our sto :!c ivn r,' 'Mi!ly pu- - 'h: s d ii t? city o!

Philadvtohia, tin v the ni:-- I'sro-Mb- ircti ;n iti n

cos Mid f?cl asi'.V'n cm nd'?r ;t h ; in hi- -

m'ents ? can bfi found iiwish to pure Iiisr? ;i iv in rit d tocill Co'i : t r y pro

Cdace of er-r- y de rt i ta itii.i ii dlAll'i forgood-- and hih ?st prices i veil

noiJ-l- 0 O OFt

o M S T K A i) it CO.,(SiiTCsors tn Ut-- s A irilroy.)

W'iilI,rsT,K 11 K A t.VrtS IV

Old "'t;ind of Ross oih-nv-

From .Street. CiilUM tb.n Ky

M"h;tt everybody U'a'dv,

3TJyJ3 JP. Ia.IF ii I i9 ,9 C r. Si ;


PROFESSOR HRMiY S T V '.OilIt Tells Yoa li w to attfiid upon the sir':, nnd

ho'.v to coik fur thr-.- ; ho v toDrinks, Poulficct, ., and

h.w to gti'rd infection(ro'n con'.i ji.uf D.s"

It Tells You Of the vari nn disoars ofandqivs the cest and simpli'snioli of tiv.itmiMit during Tonih-in- ,

con vti 1; inns, Va ccina tion.Wlionping-cou'i- . Misles, tc.

It Tulis You Thi synipMtn of croup, choloraI if. at nni, roll" DUn-hu- , WormsScalloi 1, llinn-orm.- i liicken-pox- ,

&c. and iMves you the bestv im tor thpiv cur .

Il Tel!s You Toe symptoms of Fev.r and Ano.anl Bil'io.H. Ye" low, Tv;-'h-

S c and ithcr F..''.u'.-t,ap.- jivesyou thj bestan simplest remediesfor tr-i- i cur.

It Tells Yoa T ib sy nptoiin of In In 'na , con-sumption . Ov?p?i.i, Anilimi,Drijiy, fJout. k;ir;i ,i a t Fuiti--

i go, Kr .si j.'eU .", i;c , x ; ves yonb?t remedies lor iii:ir ,'ni .

It'Tells You Th h m t ':n s of eh;!ei-- i M irlt'.is.M in.cit c ii.ilrra , Smallpox i) .

it ory, primp, Din ja of theIJ:adl-'r- Lv id ivs and l.ivpr, andIhj be it rine.iies for euro.

It Tells Yoa Til Hymptoin of flu:'Uy, Munip,Xuralia, A poplx y . P.u a! v sis,t'lo vj rioits l)iciia es o f

Teeih, Eu-an- Eye, andthe ber-.- t remedies for tlvur curw.

It Tells You To : symptoms of Kniipy Jaun- -

b ol th.?

il '.n.v rha.;, yL.nH ydrop!rbi,i , and

the b jst remedies for t'neir cure.It Tells Von Tin bst and simplest treatm?ut for

Wounds, Bi o'ien Bons Jt Disl.ic.i-tion-

Spra ins, Lt.-'c- j mv, V hi; !o .vsJ'Vvor fioils, liarni, Uiccrs.

V j S .veilings, Sj urv y, a i.dS :ro."ula.

It Tells You Of the various dis.'fi.sos of '.Vomen,of child-birt'i- . and of M;nrui-tini;- ;

Wnif s. B rr miK-s- , &,c .an-- ives th-- i b .jt ;uid s.mpletrem dis fur tli 'ir cure.

Th? woi-'.- i is written in plain linn!, free fromme lie term, so a to be easily u i ntoo whiK-ii-

simple recipes may oon .iro v- u m.i; iim's t'tecoit of th1? bo;T(. it is print. il in a ch'ar and ooentype ; i ilia ilritid with i ppropri.ito eniM vin-'n- andwill brt ftrw.rd-'- ti vo ir a Idre-ts- neatly bonn l andpostage paid, on rocMpt of 5 0;J.

$1000 A YiVU;:;'!;r-'- .bwnore, in selling ti a ttove wor ouv injui.-einent-

0 a 11 such a re v r ,' liberal.for single c ipi '.s o!' t'l- - i l l'i. f .

gents, w it'i ot'i.'i inlorin tl u. a o v to orJil .I V .. !.) ri'ijii, ii : : i w

N i fi 7 S i nsom str jet. P.ii a k,

What EvarybaJy iV:nits.

E VE il Y II ID 5 Y'.S 5, A W Y 0' HAMI



It tellS Y jU !o Jra-.- ,v I' rt .,,!, i ,1 Fip.svsan givesgmira! forins l. u Aree-ment-- i

of ..II kin!,, 1SUU of Srle'Leases and P

It tellS YOU Oo-.- to ilr.i-.- 113 llivk anl M.nt- - , A ! 1'rr.Ts oflorney, ,ite an l of

U :r ipfs n :ol.'.i"SIt tellS YO'J The f.v.vs for th . c lle." inn I) .lv'

i Willi the St n: of in '"3 111 irtfKiiiu ,i.',.a t.

I'i S"! .u ot from Ex c utioii in everState.'

It tellS YOU 11 vv to In:l! n'AsignmiMi!w ith form s far c.lm uo i n

vviUi creditors, an i th Pi.dLaws of ev .ry

It tlls YOU l! r'jh'tiomexisti.ig veei;Guardian an J W.ud, Mol an'.Apprentice, and

It tellS YOU What constitutes Libel an mcW.and Hie L:w as to M.irna ',

; . Dower, the Wife's Rilit in r.jn'r-t, Divir'-- and Alimony.Ii tel3 YOU. The 'a .vs tor M 'unic V Li-- in

cvr' tiie, i.i thetion Laws of t, lis con iir-.-- andhoLV to comply with th' smn,?.

It tsllS YOU Tiii Liw conceni n- Perwi nis andhow to uhiiin on., and the PreE n.jli'in Li.vs to Pahiic Lm is.

It tellS YOU T,,u Lx'v fr i'al.'i;ts: wi ll ofiroc:dure in oht:ti:iing ono, withI.uerf.'rene , Aisigam:-ut.- andTiblu of Fees.

It tells YOU tl,,lV to 111 vour W.U, nnd hw toA ;i n ini-.- t r on an E t te. w

i v ml til' rMia ireo '.us t:iere-i!-

in every Statu.It tellS YoU Ph. nvMinnu' of Lmv f.'ims .ner--

:ai i I'vdim ia y.-- theL gUi-Hi- native r.n j Ju

i'w. ..f h .'ii thja nd St ue ij ov.vrn nents.

Xt tellS YOU Unvv t uut of La w, by showingIw.v ti do youi ba.iin'ss iegnlly,

- tiin ; a in a v i it a moo a t oi' pivto- -

- - ei't v . v' i.ju liti(J4tiu h virs ti co:u!'ati'n.

Single cooies wi t be sT.t by m il, posta paid,to Every Farmer, Every M'chnnic, Every M'ui ofliusine's, and Everv in E.erv 'iaie, on re-ceipt of il O.I ' in u v tvle of bin t ij ijv.

YEAR;i"'ner.iry vh're, in selling tlia above work, a ouv in-

ducements to a il iu lure very liberaFur sinio copies of the Hook, or for tprma to

gents, wTh othr inTecm itrn. a only to or adlroj

T Cal ;TuC17 Simora atreot, Fiiilid dohia Pa

Horn re H'tttcrs,cn l, UJJ way, Aeiv k'oik,


.tlJealer in Pianos, Ale-rrnr- a

:i f f n lodeons, Alexandre Orya nfi Ji" i j flf

J J y J J Organ Accordcons, Martin'&J Si

i:olebrated and othjr Guitars, Violins, Yiolincelos,ccorilfons. Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes. Ciarionots,

Tiuiin Forks, Pipes, and Hammers, Violindo.vs, best Italian Strings, B ass Instrument--- for).muI, Piano br'tooU and covers, and all kinds of Mu-,ic- a

Instrtitnotits.Sheet illur.ic. from all the publishers in thelT. S. ;

iei tiiii's. Huntin's and Modern School, and all kindsf l.i at r act in n books for the above instruments ;

'"Irf.ivh Music Books ; Music elegantl y Bound ; Music.'jper, and all kind3 of Music Merchandise, at the

:v rianos, at 175. COO, 250, and up to 800l.i! lars second ha nd Finnos from '25 up to UiU dollars;Saw Mcludi.'ons, 4"), 60, 75, 100, and up to 2U0 dollars;"cond hanc1 Melodeons from 30 to SO dollars ; Alexan-!r- e

Organs, with live stops, H)0 dollars; nine stops.o") and -- 3 dollars; th i rteen stops, 250, 275 ?nd3U0

iuihivs; (iltecn stops, 0 and o.5 dollars. A liberalliscount to Clervmen , Churches, Sabbath Schools,

nnd Teachers. The Trade supplied at thejsaal trade discounts.rotiiuouiajd at' the Horace Waters Pianos

and lelodeoii.'The P la no came to ha id, a nd in first rate order.

It is a beaut if'.il instrument and no in Lkk kA'ai.kkb, Philadelphia.

Joha Hewitt, of Carthage, New York, i hor has hadoni! of the Horace Water iunos. writes as follows:

'A triend of mine wishes me to purchase a pianofor her. She likes the one you sold ine in December,Ifijii. My piano is becoming popular in this place,ud 1 t! link 1 can introduce one or two more; they will

oe more popular th u an v other make.""We ha ve t woof Waters' P Linos in use iu our Semi-

nary, one of whiL-- has been severely tested tor threevpavs and we can testify to theivood quality and du-

rability.1' oo.. & Git Kcioii y, Mount Can oil 111.

II. 'Wat i R3- Esq,. Dear Sir: Having used one ofyour Piano - r or to fur two years pa st. 1 have found ita very superior instrument. AloxzoGkay,

Principal Brooklyn Heights Seminary"The Piauo I received from you continues to give

satisfaction, I re ird it a s one ol the best instru-LneiU- s

iu t!ie place.'1 J as. L. Cj. ahk-k.C- ! i l'ston,Ya .

T 'The Mel oct eon has .ja f'l y a i'iri ved. vcl ohl igedWfo you for your liberal discoim H J can for

y oir in thooe pa rts J' liK v. J . M iMuCo;.. icji., Yaj--- j

que.-vili- S. C"Your Piano pleases us well. It is the best one in

ouv county." '1 hps. A.Latham LamphoUton, Oa."We fti'e very much obliged to you lor having sent

such a lineinMrmnetH for and we shall takepains to recommend it." Bit akk, Held & Co.,BuPa !o Democrat.

" The Horace Waters ' Pia no sa re known a s amongthe very best We are enabled to spea k of these

meats w ith confidence. from personal knowledgeof thoir excellenttone and durable quality." N.Y. Knvagcli4.

" Wecanspeak of the merits of the Horace Waters'Pianos, from personal knowledge, as being of thevery best quality Christ ia n Intelligencer-

" The Horace Wa ters ' Pia no sare built of the betmd most thoroughl y seasoned ma teria ). We haveno tliat buyers can do as well perhaps better,at this tha n a t a n y other house i n the Union." A

te a nd Journal.Wa iersMMa nos and Melodeons challenge com p av-

iso a w ith the finest made any where in the country.''Home Journa .

" Hor a ce Wa ters 'Piano-For- t es'are of tall ,ri ch , &

even tone . and power HI ." A". Y. Musi c at lit' view.Our friends will find at Mr. Waters store the

rery best assortmont of Music and Pianos to befound in the United Sta t esand we urge our southernand western friends to gi ve him a call wheneverthv n to Nw-Yorl- f ." fh-- hmn az ineW 'lUUKOO.H :i:J KOAUlVAV, THSLY

Poo. 21,1859. .

THE S ibbatii-Sch- j! liell. T.ouandin .oven months. The unpreced"uted s le of this

ij.Mik ha induced the publisher to add some 30 newFanes and Hymns lo its present si.e, without extracharge except on the cheap edition. Among the manyb i uiiful Tunes and Hymns added may be found, "Iflight to Love ni y Motlier," "Oh. I'll he a good Child,indeed will," and "sifter and I." Thene and eightotluus from the original Bell were sung at the Ann-

iversary of the New York city sand ay school societyof thc'M. K. church at the Academy of Music, with

a t ap nla use. The Bell cent n ins nearly -- 00 Tunesmd Hymns, a nd is one of the best collections ever

Price l2c ; $10 per 100; postage, 2c. Bound.2c ; $15 per 10'J. Elegantly bound, em ba?sed gilt, 25c;4 '20 per 100; postage. 4c each.

Tha B.;ll is also published in small numbers entilff--

Anniversary and Sunday-schoo- l .Music Books, Nos. 1,'2,3 and 4, in order to accommodate the million ; price3c and 4c each, or 2 and3 per 100. postage lc each.

More than 300,000 of ti.e above books have been soldthe past eighteen months, and the demand is rapidlyincreising.

UOitACE WATERS, A sent, Publisher,M-- l v. No. 333 Broadway, New-Yor-

PIANOS, Melodeons and Organs. The HoraceWaters L'iauo? and Melodeons. for depth, purity of'one and durabilit v, are u narpa ssed. Prices rea sona-b!-

Seceud-iian- Pianos ? nd Melodeons from '25 tollr,v,irn tVaiovfj. A ?ni-No- . 333 .U'sdway N.Y.

Tyiliinonials : Phe iior.iCe Vv.iteis i iu no-.- a re Mio wnamong the very best.'1 Evangelist. We ca u spe.i k

of th ir merits fro::: personal Lnowle le." ChristianIntelligencer. "Waters's Pianos and Melodeons chal-

lenge com pa i i son with the finest made anywhere in theoiinlrv Home Journal

N K W M IT S I c .

& a r a It ,9 (i it c Ij e e .SONG AND CHORUS-

VERY beautiful llmving easy melody, will) ac-

companiments,A ca n be sung b v cliildren a s well asadults, a i.d will soon become one of the most po pu la rsongsof the day- - of words excellent.I'rice 25 cants mailed free. Just published by HoraceWa i hs, Agent. v, N. Y.

New and Popular Vocal Music."Kind Word." Angels told me So," "Grave

ol4 Rosabel. ''"U'ilds of the West," "Give me back myMnuntair. Home," "Thoughts of God." I'm with theslili,' "WaUe, Lady, Walie," "I'm leaving thee in sor-

row, Annie," "liver of Thee," and "Old Nassau,"and sung the Students of Princeton college. Trice

j o cent.-- eacn.I o v ;imu i' op ii lar s nsirunn-i- i i:u.

"Palaci! Garden l'oika ," "Vignette," "Kinpire orf! kick's Qnadvil !rs,"a new da nee, price 40 cents each."I'icconh.m ini loika," Swinging Schottisch," "Thos:Biker Schottish," all with Vignettes; "Few HibernianQuadi i! les," 3o cents each: "Crinoline Waltz," lljn-vill- e

Ma ourlia ," "Arabrin War crv March," "K,"ad-in-

Polka," "Very Last Varsovianne," "WeimarPolka," and "Almira Polka Maxurka," price 23 centseach. .

wishing to purchase 1'ianos, Mplod"ous.1ERSONS cn now order through the editor of the"Advocate," as he is agent for Mr. Water!, and hasschedule of prices and testimonials which will sntisfyanyone. Call r n exa mno tlienv. ("nciHtf


Cincinnati & Eig Sandy Packet.STEAV.Eri BOSTON.

W SH HONS i) ELL. Marsh Glark, Clerk.r I "MIIS elegrt at steamer leaves Catletts- - ffpTT

1. barg, mouth of Hig Sa nd y river, every TtMonday and Thursday morning. On herreturn leaves Cincinna t i every Tuesoa y and Fridayevenings at 5 P. M.. taking passengers and freight atall intermediate points, 'i'he accommodations andca par it y ol this splendid slea mnr are unsu r pa ssed onthe Western waters. Pates of freight and aslow as any other bont- ' "3-!- '.

P I n n : i K

Ohio ". S, ajEs! Oiiio I'o. il.'pilL new steamer Ohio No 3, C'apt. frrvI IJUe?. leaves Ma rii-tl- every Monday LtfrtPfZi,it (i oIc ck. A. M.. nassiiiff C.tlettsrv 'I' 1'. M. T" eaves Cin- -

X v at R - , M., psrCaliettsbui everv at '1 o'clot;,', e. M.

The steamer Ohio No 2, Capt. Sayre, leaves Man-ot-

every 'ritla y a t G o'clock A. M., passini; Catletts--o- icl; ev,ir v -- atni da v r. t 4 o'clocl,- P. M. L'p Leaves

l every Mondav at 5 O'clock, P. M , passingCatlett-bui'- every 'I'uesd.i y at ( o'clock, P. M. IVrsovs coining out of lli lti'er on the packetswill connect with th. sh line stt!ainers.

C3aa!cc Cg"31 fjadK For Jsaic.iUF E li for sale, that hie tract (.( Land,

re&ide, on Big Sandy lliy-er- , known asthe Fa lis of Tag, and containing )ne Thous.i nd Acres,lying on both sid: of tlieriver. There are 15 Danescleared and in a linest.'te of cultivation, which forFarming! .in not be excelled in the Sandy Valley.Th.-- inprovements are two large Frame Houses,nearly "new, Store House, Barn, and all necessaryout buildm.

There is no tract on the river which: present sgreater inducments for mining coal. There is veinof upwards of lour feet of most superiorcoa , a rea vopen, and ready for opera tion a Iso. on the tract isca nnel coa 1. w it h se vera other bituminous veins,an these, being belowthe Falls, with more than amil riverfrontpresents great advantagPK.

Th water power is the bo-s-t on Sandy River andi.o investment would pay better than theerction ofa mill at this place. It is also agpod point for astove. A together, tin's tract of land may be consid-ered the most desirable inthe V' ley of Sandy.The prices and termswiil be mod era te, (part takenin coo ls if Persons desiring further

apply to James J. Miller. CatlettsburgKv., or to the subscriber whose post oilier is "Fallsof Tug." Wayne county, Va.



Wr; Goods i GroeevieH) $V.,it y Trout Kiicrt, Cn IrttNbnr, Ky.

T1)-- ! H subscriber intorin tile public that he is pre-J-

"ard to oiler the highest price in rash or Leather tor Hues and l.arl;. Keeps constantly on hand!every description of Leather, which will be sold t prices, and invilos persons who wish to huvio rail. JAMES F HAZIER '


Louisa, Ky., JRy 1, lS0-J.o-tt- '.

11.inidt iiatiuiictt liouic.

''IERMIN'ATES at Vv a.shi.igton and Baltimore onJ. the East, and Wheeling, and Parkersburg

on the West, at which places it unites with Railroads,Steaipers. &c, lor and from allpoints in the

"West, Southwest and Northwest.Two Trains leave Wheeling daily at 3:30 p.m.,

and 9:5U p.m. One train leaves Parkevsburg dailyat '3 AO e.M Direct con net tion s are made by these trains

For all Hie Eastern t ilies.This is the only route to Washington City. Pas-

sengers by tli i route can visit Ua hi more, Philadelphia,New York auJ.Boi-doti- at the cost of a ticket lo Bustona lone by ot hur lines. Through Tic kets to the Ea stemcities can he purchased via Waiir.gton City at anadditional chai ge of Time as quick and Fare aslow as by any other route. Sleeping car at-tach i.d to all xroirr thai vs. Inquire for ticketsvia the Paltitnoie & Ohio Railroad, ot any of theprincipal Kail road Ollices in the Wet, J. li. Sulli-van'. Gen eral Western Agent, Cincinnati, Otiio. W.P. Smith. Mastrcf Transportation. L. M. Cole,General Ticket Agtmt, Baltimore, Md. 29-- y.

Poi'tFinoi i tl i A (1 vei 't isemen ts . .

1800. LUMBER. I860.L E E T & CHAPMAN,

PORTSMOUTH OHIO."Wholesale and Krta il Den lei s in all hinds of

White Pine Finishing Lumberpilher Pressed or Rough. iso,

DOOItSULlXDSAXDSASHwtiichwilt litoklnl l(vv'.,-- ices.Orders lilled with proinptness an.i bent by return

boat. Ollice on Glli Street near the Court House-I.KF.T & CHAPMAN.

Portsmouth, April .

P U K SELL A N 1) C, O il D O N ,

lAlPOIiTKllSAM DKALi r.S X ji , )

CHINA, QUEENS11! RE.7 A l.S( ) ' .

and siLYiU i'LA'i4' d;;;;Portsmouth, Ohio -

ilUKhavPiiow on hwiid a lar;;e assortment ofV QueeiiaWi) re a nd Glass, embracing; the InteM

and most elegant styles, and of unsurpassed quality,together with all guides of medium and commonware We have a large assortment of C'ual Oil andFluid Lamps, and keep constantly all kinds of LampI n m hiings. e invite at tel. lion to our stoclt, amiwill warrant satisfaction to all who lavor us witha call. In regard to pi ices, we will just say that wewill not be undersold. May lCU-46-l-

A . W . BUSKI II K ,Whohisah; Dealer in

ftltGCEIEEES & PESOBL'CK.Huckcye iiiock, Front t., Portsmouth, O.

TEAS.rr Tea;tJJ 75 do Young 11 yson Tea

120 do Black do30 do Gunpowder do75 Caddy Boxes assorted do


TOBACCO.BUTTS Sutherlin's Star.50 -- 0 " Junes' pounds.50 " Florence Hughe' Long 10a.75 Caddy boxes prime Chickun.20 liutts Flora ;

25 Kegs Gedge & llro.'s Six Twist :2i) Gr. S. IJ. Williains' Fine Cut chewing.GO Bbls. viueea City Cut and Dry ;40 III', bbls. do do


BOXES Palm ?oap.I O 40 l ' No 1 Soap.

BO ! German tlo.40 Fancy do.50 " and ha If boxes Star Candles.

100 boxes Tallow Candles ;

75 keg- of Soda ;K'O do.en assorted Brooms;70 bales Ko 1 and '2 Batting ;

3(H) reams a s sorted Wrapping Pa per ;50 boxes Starch ;

75 boxes assorted Candy;50 baes " Shot.75 bales Bar Lead. A . V BTSKIRTC.

MACKKKEL.BBLS. No. 1 Mackerel;50 3D hf bbls.40 bbls. No. 2 Mackerel ;25 hf bbls.Co bbls. No 3 Mackerel ;

25 Kits No. Large Mackerel;25 ' 2 do.2 drums A.W. BI'SKIP,


VLOT of Ilugcles Sui-a- r ('uitd Ilains iust recei ;...A- Svf.i

NiLS7OAA KF.GS assorted Nails.

UU Kl-l- A. W. T?UKTnK.

1) rXLl V I.D per S.ii.Linpue City uiiect IromNew Orleans

3;H) Bbls prime Molasses.1(111 half Bbls. do A. V. BUSKIRK.

Fxtra Family Flour.IECKIVKl) per Pail Hoad

Extra White Wheat Flour.Portsmouth. March Hi, 'HIJ. A. W. iil'SKIRK.

ii. w h. vvai'.e.BELL & CO.

Srholesale MauiOacturers and Dealers in

MATS, CAPS, 5?flTSEaESJjeatliei" and J inthns.

No. 3 Enterprise Buildings, Front St., Port mo nth, 0.BELL CO , keep contantl y on hand a general

of the above named aiticles at WHOLE-bAL-

ONLY, to which they invite the attention olthe trade. They manufacture goo. is of the best quali-ty, and ha ve made to their own order by the best

s East, and will at all times duplicat billsof the best Jobbing II oues of Fa stern Cities, with t beaddition of freight and Ext ha nge They a re a Iso

gents for Wheeh r & Wilson's Sewing Machine.The beat and most reliable Machines in use, audsold at the lat tery prices, and Ym anted. nlott

K EW A lv H IV A L MORK COMING!Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Brown.

RE just receiving a splendid stock ol New Goods,.. Embracing Straw Goods, Ribbons, Flow-ers, a nd all the very la test sty les of Mi II in try ; a lso

done on the shortest notice, and themost satisfactory tonus. Give us a call.

JC"Store on Court street, East side, lirst door fromthe corner of Front.


nl3-Iy- Mrs. 11. BROWN-


JAMES STEPHENSON,I50ooksllli:i,statio.i:r,


IIank Book 12ns5rtfacurcaNo. 4. Buckeye Block, Front M. Portsmouth, O.

HAS on hand a complete assortment ofLaw, Medical. Common School and Clas-

sical Books. Also, a lirgee stock of Cop, I.ett"r andNo e Paper, Envelopes, st,Jfll Rent, Ii.ks, Memoian-dum-

Timn Books, 6cc , Wall Papers, Curtains,and Wrapping Paper. Slates by the Case or

single doze n.Particular attention given to the ma nufacture of

Records for County otlices, Ledgers. Journals. &c.All the r'-- aid stvula id Publicafshins in every

bin nrh of Lit ii. tm e v c.i us i'. it !.(

Ilavinjja special agency tor iLeTS-ifc- seriesSch.ool Books thev will be sold at lhe uhers prices.

Booksellers. Country Dealers , ScboSL, Academies,and Private Libraries supplied on n:oM liberateims. 13-l-

E . II . C L A It K ,

Front St., hef. Ma rkrt and Court 'a'., Portsmouth, O

DKALLli in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverinvites attention to his .stock, having on

lundandfor Hale constantly such an assortmentnnot fa i to plea se.Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repa ired nt shortest

notice. He so lie its the trade espac ia v of the bordercounties of Eastern Kentucky and U'g Sandy Valley.

' 33-- y

Wholes le a nd Retail Ku i nit ure Houes,J. I!. TV I c K i: U.S. ,

F lr IS r 1 T V It FA TS2Y,Comer Market and Thi d Streets, Poitcmouth, (J

I A M now manufa cturing a nd lia vc a wa y on ha nd a

full stock of Parlor, 11 onsi'liold Ac OliiceI'm I'll itu re, such as pla in a nd fa nc v Bedsteads, Pureaus. Solas. Chairs. Stands, Pook-Casc- Desk's. Ta-

bles, &c, Ac. MATTRESSES of all kinds, Salesof a new kind, with wire ncttii g instead of tin.

Wardrobes and Piano Stools, Patent Me-tali- c

Burial Casks & Casic ktp,o(' a 11 sizes, stylesan,l prices, and Undertaking promptly attended to.

Everything in the Furniture line generally neededabout a house, will he found at my establishment.Knrnaremen and country Merchants will be suppliedon lair terms, pspecia v

THE rI R ADE OF BIG SANDY.tsy Pig-iro- Lumber, &c, taken at market prices,

for a II artic !es in in y I ne. nl3 1 v- -

Dr. J. M. Sh ACKLFyoB n. Das't.. R. SprySHACKLEFORD & SPRY.

Successors to Shacklofor.l A: Crirhtnn.XV holrKinle l r is g i s

AND APOTHECARIES,No. 2, Enterprise Building, Front St., Portsmouth, O."T7"E invite your attention to our la re and carpfnl- -

V lv selected Steck of Drugs, Medicines. Chmi-rls- .Paints. Oils, Dye Stnlls,' Bruhes, Van.ihe?.

Window Glass, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fr.ncyArtie leg. fee. All orders promptly Rnswered. VVe

lolicit a share of thetradeof tbo Sandy Valley 13-l-

tiUM'.M'l t Ol IV'l V. i t.A T County Cuiu t held tor Givenup Countv, atL. the C'ourt House in the town of Gioimuosbuvg

on the 6th day of J unc, 1859, Present Hon. J, 0 .

Adams, Presiding Jnd'. It is ordered that eachJustice ot the lVace in Greenup County shall hold a

couit. ov thetrial o! cival causes.) in lus district inthe months now lixed by law, for holding the justicescourt; and that he hold the same on the followingdays in said months and continue his court Irom dayto day until he disposes of all thebuaincs returnedbefore him, viz:

Distinct No. 1.John E. Wink. Wednesday after first Monday.J . li. Puthu jrr.Tluirsda y after firt Monday.

District No. 2.Gkorgk "W. MXavk. Friday alter first Monday.John Bagby. Saturday alter the fiiat Monday.

District '. 3.Jesse Alexander. Second Monday.S. S. Smith. Tuesday -- Iter the second Monday.

DiMuct No. 4.Alexius Pi fk. W ednesda y a Her the second Monday.Ciias. Peakce. Thursday alter the second Monday.

District No. 5.Jeff. K eaton", Kiiday after the second Monday-Jacoi- i

Willis. Saturday aftei tne second Monday.District No. (i.

Third Monday-Tuesday alter third Monday.

District Io. 7.James Rouse. Wednesday alter the third Monday.11. A. Poaui:. Thursday alter the third Monday.

It is further ordered that ti:is order no takeellect until a Iter the lh st Monda y in July nxt.A Copy Attest: M'lT.LlAM COlvUM, Clerk

July 'J, IHoO Gheenup County Court.G k e e xur C o ! s i v , Jv y .

The G reenup County Court is hoi den in Greennps-bur-

on the first M on da y in e very month a rul c onti l-

ines from da y to day, if necessary . J. C Adams,rdt) M. ConuM, (Jerk. J'rc.sid trig JifJg.

(irkks'UP (Quarterly CouktThe G reenn n O ua rtei v Cou t commences

the Fourth Mondays in March, Jane. Septemberand ))eecwhe and continues at eartuefVi until the

j! asii-st- f the Court is disposed of.,Jiufzj. G reeni: psbuvg, G reel nr. Co L (nCO.

Greenup CorN v p." T, Ib59.Joh,i Senton n the m ionfiv ithm-ixed

hh i v the Vii n t v on i ,i o ;!, t ne it.counts of ut;rs . A dm nis tra tors in,! Gua i d in nsfort he Greenup CountvComt Attest. J. C. A dams.

n30l PresifHr-- Judge for (ccnvp County.

ailF.F.NIJI CO. OFFICFTS.J'JilN ii A ) A .M, Presiding Jutte lol Greenup Oolin-t- v

Court.GKORGK K. RO!'. Countv Attorney.WILLIAM CORI'M. Clerk'of theCotinty Court.ALEXANDER SMI TH. Depetv Clerk,GF.ORGi: W. DA KLIN TON, Sheriff.ALLLN MYERS. JailorS. II. WOLGOTT, Surveyor and Processioner..IOIIN 11KV1NS. Assessor. -1-

F.RF.M1 All 0 A VIOSON, School Com in issinne!-- .

S- II. WOLCOTT, Road Commissioner above Lit-tle San dv

JESSE ALEXANDER, Jo. do. below do. lo.

JOIING. ADAMS, Judge of the Greenup Quarterlyf'oillt.


Pistrict Oiiiccis.Hon. E. C. PIUTI'.li. Jn.lKe.Hon. R. II. ST ANTON". Common wealth's Attorney.WILLIAM GOliFM. Clerk.ALEXANDER SMI II. eputv Clerk.GEORGE DARI.1NTON. Sheriff.


The proprietors nnd ninmifaef utcvs ofCELEB UATED .STc.MACil BIT-- T

10 lib can lij'penl uith perfect ct iili" ence lophysicians and ci( izens jreiicr.-ili- of he UnitedHiuros, because the nriicle hay nt l;iiiieil a repu-tation heretofore unhnoun. A few Pacts uponthis point will speak i::ere yoweri y thanvolumes of b.ire ns-e- ri ii n or Id izoning puffery.Tlic consumption of i !oi el t era .Stomach Fit-ters lbr tlC hist year amounted lo over a

Lotties, an'l iVom its manifest steadyincrease in time ast. it i.s cvhlert that duringthe comirp yenr the consuii; jt ion will lachnear one million hot ties. 'Phis iminense amnuiLcould never have been foM hul lor the raremecUtinal properties contained in the prepara-tion, and the sanction of ihe most pioiuinentphysicians in thoe seciions of the countrywhere the article is best known, who not onlyrecommend the Bitters to their paii-nts- buttire ready at all times to give fostiinon'iiN to itseflieacyin nlbcac of stonar-Iii- dera; cementsand the dienses therIiom

j lii1 'i.povarv popuinn lincil

PTTTM,, oli--

est itiKii iou of an in f.'inhlc; inedieiiie. i Cil JS

destinod to he :is cinlurincr :is time ii.-'i- t

Ilostetter's Stomach Litters li:ive' provcila GodsemJ to regions where fever niul agueami various other hi! ions ?c in plaint s h;i vccounted their victims hy hundreds. To heable to fctaic conlidenlly that, the 41 Lii ters''are a certain cure lor the Dyspepsia find likediseases, is lo ihe proprietors a source of mi- -

(alloyed pleasure. It removes nil morbid matlerfrom the el enrich, purifies the blood, amiimpart renewed vitality to the nervous system,giving it that, tone nnd energy indispensable'lor the reslotaiiou of health. It operates uponthe stomach, liver, and other digestive organs,niiUPy but powcrlull y, and soon restores themto a condineu essential lo the healthy unchargeof the functions of nature.

Elderly persons may use the Cillers daily asper directions on the bottle, and the' will lindin it a stimulant peculiarly adapted lo comfortdeclining years, as it is pleasant to the palate,invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,and rejuvenating generally. We have thc evi-

dence of thousands of aged men and womenwho have experienced thc benefit of using thispreparation while sai tiering from stomach de-

rangements and general debility ; acting underthe advice of physicians, (hey hsivc abandonedall deleterious drugs and fairly toted themerits of this article. A lew words to thegentler sex. There arc certain periods whentheir caves are so haras-du- that many of thempink under the trial. The relation of motherand child is so absorbingly tender, that themother, especially if the be young, is apt ioforget her own health in her extreme anxietyfor her infant. Should the period of maternityarrive during the summer season, the wear ofbody and mind is generally aggravated. Here,then, is a necessity lVu- a siinuilant lo recupe-rate the energies of the system, aud enable thcmother to bear up under her exhausting trialsand responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene-

rally prefer the Pi iters to all other invigora-tor- s

that receive the indorsement of physi-cians, because it is agreeable to the taste asveil as certain to give a permanent increaseof bodi'y strength.

All those poisons, to whom we have pariicu-larl- y

referred above, to wit: sufferers fromfever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrha-a- ,

dysentery, indigestion, loss of nppeliie, andall dcases or derangements, id' lhe stoiuncsuperannuated invalids, petrous of 'dentary.occup:ii i:t, a''d in s J' w ill coi,Mt,L'their phusicd weHnre. ..Vi.'JT fo Hos-teller'? Celebrat'1 Stoniacli Li' wi" aTrial. "ir"

CAUTION. We camion thep"iiUic against'. nsing any of the many imitations v counter-

feits, but ask for IIustlttph's t'ri.r. nit atkiStomach 1itti:i;s, and see tdiat .arh bottle hasthe words "Dr. J. Stomach Li1 ters''blown on the side of the bottle, and staL pedon Ihe metallic cap covering the cork, andobserve that our autograph signature is on thelabel.

Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEE &

SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and. sold by alldruggists, grocers, and jrcneraUythroughout the United States, South Ame-rica, and Germany.

FOR SALE BYELY & CO , CatleONbnrt:, Ky.;JOHX 0 NOliRIS. Ceredo, Wayne co , Va.;JOHN M. HICK Mud Prid-- e :

W. O. MILLKR & CO., and J. A. COX, CabellC. II . Va.;

McC LL1STPP & W fi EELER.H urrica n Bride,VaC M. l'CKlAT Buthilo. Va



St.. ;? I)o-- brloiv J5ri(tyo,;rv AXnoTTB.YA. ru-i-

A II lii n Is of Co ii ii I ry riod ti c (aUcu in cx- -li:in- - lor 4 vuiN.


And CJoiiE3iiim TSerehasaf,Stvamboat .snt ami nt I'voprictor,

I'arlii'i-linrsr- . Vi11 E !' K I! T O

U. KHOOKS. Fsq.B. & O. I!. It. Co. Hiltirrom, Md.

Col. B. F. KEI.I.F. V. FroiglilAg-- Pliila'.'plpliia.n. n . 111,1-- Y . hq. Ma yor of Coviiiutun, Kv.D. A ft T II H A LI.. Ba Itiinore, Mil.B. SMITH, CjsMpi-N- W. Bank. Pa rial's Ii u i f?. Va.Hon. KI.l M. (' V'orrpy(!?r, Ma-s- .

Cel. JOHN DILS, l Pikoton, U'y.

JOS. P. fell AW,U 'holesale & ISeftzil J&rKggist

To his Kentucky friends greeting:

CALLS their attention to his stock of Drugs,Chemicals. Perlnrne-y- &c, of which be

intends to keep a complete assoi tment. and of thebest qua lity ; and assuit:s those w ho may need med-icines, thi t their prescriptions bhall be careful y

of the purest medicines. Af the old standof Moxley & Larbei above the Rail Road, 2d street.Ironlon, O. 40-t-

100 bolts glazed Green.10C do 'French do100 yds. Holland do

Together with a larg. stock of Figured Blinds, atJ. Davidson's Cook stoie, Ironlon. 40 ti

II. & &ox,iMaiHilacturf-r- of

W a g e :i s a n i Plows!1 on ton , Oh io.

1?K now extensively in tlio ManuractureSY ot Wagons, Plows. Wlieei harrows. Cart.-- i and allthe various Agricultural implem ents.v. ith the

Ulackni!tli ISuiiie-.-in all its bran, lie, md are piep.uvd to ffll ordersirom the Hie S.nidy Fa rmers, and a II others s chea pasoioy can du RnU"llnywnere, tileyask their lrlends onSandy to send them tlieir orders. nl3-l-

A Trench Work hy. Michelet.Grace Truman ;

Or Love and Principle- - hv Mrs. Sallic R. Ford.Tlieodosia ;

The Heroine of Fa ith.At J. Davidson' Jiook Siore..PajJi'r S3?SE5sisiii:o ! -

Window Shit-s.Cnr:ai- I'a jni, New Sty If:At J. Davij-on'- s Rook Store.

OANGING in price Irom One Dollar up to Fifteen.IV Call and see them at J. Davidson's Hook Store. 3v

SSHKPPARD'S best quality. Warrenall sizes a nd Davidson's

liool; Store. ' . (:j

Jtsarrs : asaa' :7ANTED iutmeulattdv, a lareu guantitv ofraes

fur which school hooks will ho iiven. at.J. DAVIDSON'S liook Stove,

19-l- lronton.Ohiog. KF.vBL-:nci;r:-

Nil..-)- Union Itlncli, I ! ton, Ohio.KlE.l'S eonsta nt v on hand and makes to Older

variety of men's ear. with a ceneral as- -

it ol itntlemen's furnishing r.ods whit-- will bosold low. He invites tha Rii? SJndv and Kentuckytrade. '

J. DAVIDSON,A V holes a le and 'tail i n

STATIONEllY, Wall Paper nnd MusicalSreet, Ironlon, Ohio.

dr. J. p At ORRIS,V h o p s a a n tl li eta i

t, is csi i s t a ii d & v 8i s'rrist,IroiitDii, Oliio.

KF.F.PS constantly on h.inila la rt;e stor'li ol' Drus,Cheinit-als- . Oils, Paints, live Stuffs,

with every othr a rtic e fouiel in a lirst class Di li"Store, which will he sol as low astlvv can be bought

nvwhei-- lie especiallvasks Ihe attention of Merchants and Physicians, as he warrants all articlessold. rno S.

THE PLANTER.TIim ftovn Ins nn extfnsh .tIo in th

VV ;oi.l 1i.m;i thoroiiylily udupted XO

tin' wants of (.lie poonle.

Is nnriv.tlc.I in its ""(y-- vTTT, iTTTTrprc-ix-

dnialiility, and so uianaged th.H even a childcan uudm stand its u.w.

THE PLANTERIs uiieiirvsseii in quick and P.iking, nnd

rro nvfiH. lis L'ciii'imy in fuel will .soon rt'paytlm jhhtIkis't, and in lruilinr nr range,uiciit, without sniuko, ia a cuinlort iu every family.

THE PLANTERTr made vrry heavy, of hst Kfutucky Irnn, and snpo-rie- r

in every way to Jsnrt hern stevt s. It 18 Bold atreann:iipl" pi ic-t- , thy I n v r not beiiiff taxed witheDorn-i-u- freight lVo:n tho sui thc-ri- ciiiea.

.THE PLAHTERTs t)io result of a Innir cxi'i'ricnoo villi the wants of

tradi', and is manufactured exclusively Lythe sole proprietors and ati'ntefs,

t'i. W. BSAT,r & Co.,At their Stove Works, in ton, Ky.

OfRce and Warehouse, 3j and CI Main at., Cincin-nati, and lor sale by

W ITMAN BPOTIIEPS. CatlettsbnrR, Ky. 40 ly


AI n 11 u liic 1 ii v e l" s,(ciodo, Va. and 1'n 1 ct t bn rij, Biy.

111 II, under.sigued would mo-- t re.speeyully in'ormJL the public tliat th y are tally pre pa red to fu rnish

any a rtic le in llieir line on a,s a vol 'a h e terms as anyest.ildihhmeiit in the Kastern or Western cities.

Parliciihir attention paid to ;ohbin2 of ail kinds.We ia ve al wa y s o u ha nd tin latent n ud Ije pa tern-- o

Fruit Cans ; a Uo of Coal t:id V'oo CookingStoves. Alo. Parlor, Hall, and Otiice Stoves,Grates, Fron nnd Holloe . etc.

nol-l- AV'ITMAN iROTHEns.

A. P. BORDERS,Forv.-v'ii-.i- anl Comiission IlEvchant,m jOTLETTSBURG, ky.

inliirnn tin- b io tht iv.v Boat at s


Tlvpern i

havereouesOur iiu;in the s! '

The folof bonks

En.-li- .

Patent Le"

Ln dies' L

Detarh-- d

Lejiino S fCold Pi II.aili.'s' ftLati ies' a l

all pai'Cents' i

La!Gold W;A erea t s

Drons.a C;,

tina. &c.'Cold Bra eelThe Fist oA

.standard worl Jinterestinr toa cat loue. fApplv tn f

ci irtw w r

C W. El on

(J (ill l!Ji'S Slot 1 1.T'lIISwell-know- Hotel standson the bank of the1 liver, near the steamboat landing, on Main street,

in Louisa, and has passed into the hands of Geo. W.Gallup, who ha s fitted it up in superior style for theaccommodation of travelers. Kvery (liing will bedone to make his guests comfortable. He hopes fora liberal share ol public patronage.

42-tf- . GEO. W. GALLUP.

LEK HOUSE.I ronl Mn-tl- llInysTillr, ly.M r s. A. M. 7 U K K M A l. l'ropiietress,

stai: io dmhf:li . rari?.l.cxni?ton ; 1 leminsburj. Sharpsbura itii. iin-- f ; v.ei niantowii : Alt. Uarmel Poplari'lains and Oa intrsville. 13-- 1 y.


13IGCS IIOLTSE,h'rn-n- St, , I,

PORTSMOUTH, OHIO.R. JlOSTOuJlfcUV 6t hON, I'i'oiirietors.


15 V 11 A U T HOUSE,iii iiinnti, oiiio.

ii ic wen i.nown House situated lu the infdst ol theJL Heaviest business house o ihe citv and in close

PioMimty to the Post Olhce. Custom House. UnitedStates Court, Opera iioue, &c, has passed into the 'R.HAMPTON'S BILLS FOR LEUCORRHOAEbands ol Johnson. Sanders& Co., under a long lease,!who are dtvoling their persona attention to every de-J- ri .MPTAV.u- - O 1 J.E.E.O lullUinent. The public may bo assuied every thing will FEMALE WEAKNESSESbe done lor their comtort. 14-l- 1

? rr tt nirjTri-'c- mTTC T?r,r nnoDcv

Third 8'i eet, Near JIain, Cincinnati. Ohio 'ONE DOLLAR' PER DAY.

ja.iii-;- iVAisux.' A T I ?i A Ij HOT

HARROW & PlIiLLJP.SCor. of Main and 4lh streels, Louisville Xv.

'I Mils Hotel is situated in the centre o( theKi-mes-

X pait ol the cit convenient to the fin il Telemaph and Expro--oh- i "ii;es, t he Pit nl;. Post iJlIice nnd

ivs ol in ien. nt . and wiLii n on ,s.ipi i o theprijuf' i.amiin'. Thc l repritors havejust rel'ni m a sty le equn tc'any House iurn- - wmt-r.nn-.- to the i.-- vel.Jj; i om m n nit y.aud'jjei aous a iaiiii uu' ii y i or ou.5ines 01 pi.'a sure n

ever inducement lor pationage. Terms $l,uUper day. .

II A M F T to N U OTSEt'.V'i'Li'i("l.:i' li - , 14 V.IIIE subvcrii'cr has the ple-.-u- to in for.:

numerous Iriuuls and the public thatthis old established house has recently undergone a

thorough repair, and is now in corntoriable order forihe reception oltravelers. Every thing will be doneto make his guests comfortable- Attached to theHotel is a Livery Stable. Irom which the public canbe supplied on the shortest notice with sa lc Jloraes,Larrniges and buggies, and careful driuers.

lie hopes his e doits to accommodate the publicwill secure tor him a Mia re ol the public pahonniie.

nol-ly- j O. W. MAKTIN

Vir E Ia Ii M A P U O II S HI ,I'roiil t t, 4'iit Irlisbin-- , liy.

Opposite li'ifrt Uuut.r fHlS establishment has undergone throughrepair.oi and is no-.- in comnlete order tor the receptionof traveler. The pronrietors promise lo use theirliest endeavors to make theirpAtrons comfortablePhere i.s a ttached to the Hotel a liar, whieh issup-olie-

with choic est l.iuuors and Wines, Cigars, &.c.A Iso. a Livery Sta hi e, Tivre Carria e , llui-ies- andHorses can be had at any time. They hope i'oia lullaha re of the generous pa trona ce o tlupuhl ir.


VJ' mJjl HJtX3MA

i) rot'SDUY

A M'KAC'l UlIl.KS ol a MiiH'i iur ai lii 1., ul liieBrick embracing pil stvles and slirnes not

i'ouihI at any other estahlUhrnent in the VVet.-r-

con n try, coiisi ing of the following kind.s in part, viz:i?olIing .Mill Brick all b ho pes a i.d stvles.C'upalo ' '' ' ' hi's.IPast " " InwalU, Posh and Hearths madelo sii it any Furnace.Salt Furnace Tiles and Brick,steamboat Furnace Tiles every size.

oalOil " " and Pjtoit Bod Tiles.Oas 11 l

Retort protectors.CooaIhc stove and;e Tiles.Orate Tiles and Backs to suit size of Grate.

lav Pumps for wells and cisterns.Cla v Draining Tiles all siz'es, for wet lands.Ground Fiie Brick cement.G rou nd P'ire clay a wa s on hand.

living procured an experienced hand for eachdep.i rtmen of wcrk Irom the East, we are preparedto lilt orders promptly end of a Miperior quality,much better than was ever had ir. this region, or canbe manufactured by any establishment iu this conn-

. Lr

y d lor, Cincinit - .w.oi--- J. F. STOi.L Mum.Asliland Foundrv nnd Kirtr-

Ashland. Ilovd co.. K v.. 'Mareh IHliO 41 I v

n,AK KST!!!

' ays for Tuition in Single a nd Double KntryWriting, Commercial Arithmetic and Lee-f-

res .

Coara 8 wpc.U 20, Stationery 7, Tuition3-- eiitii e ex j.tihrs (.2,

time from 6 to IU weeks. Fvery Student,ipon graduntinj;. is guaranteed cr mpetetil to managehe book.s of any business, aud qua ilied to earn z sal-ir-

ol irom$500 to $1000.

Students enter at any time .No vacation Reviewit pleasure.

First Premiums for Beet Business Wiping for 1S59,"reived at Pittburt;, Philadelphia and Ohio StateFairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union fortip pa st lour j ears.

fry-- Ministers1 Sons received at half price.For Circulars, Specimens and Km bell View

f the college, inclo.--e live letter star-ip- t toIn F. W. JFNKINS, Pittshurc, Pa.

F ti AVavixi Cininty, V eslerti Virginia.r M F subscriber oilers for sale, in lots to suit pur-J- L

cha sers , it prices rangingfrom toVs.OO per anc.

II is Lands, in Wa vne and Ca bell counties. Va ..aresituated principally upon the waters of the'PwelvePolo and B S.i nd y Rivers, a nd fro m three to twentymiles bark from I lie new citv of Ceredo.

The titles to said land are indisputable. The soil isrich a nd productive , a nd a hounds i n Iron, Coa , a i.dTimber. SAM'L SANDERS. no 2

H . M . C TT 1 L D S .

Forvardinr? and Commission Merchant,XS Imrf go:il, Cn I ( iwbit EniucKy.

prompt attention to the receptionG1VKS of all consignments to his care. 1 y.

1 , i




7he Best fRETic, The Best Diueetic'

The Best Heretic, Tue Best Diuretic,-Th-

The BEi'wic, o o Best Diuketio

The Bw Diuretic, The Best Diuretic,-Th-

The B Diuretic, Best Diuretic,

7'he Diuretic, G The Best Diuretic,7UEil.ST Diurltic, '

Kt- -t

K The Best Diuretic,

drajibton's bills for gravel,DllIAMBTON'S PILLS FOR GLEET,




I'll. o 111.1.0 l Oll UllUlOl)DR. HAMPTON'S PILLS FOR




Loss of Power or Impotenct


DR ,' AMPTON'S PILLS FOR L..." VDjkficiltt of Kr.srmATiON

















WITHOUT TASTE OR SMELL,Mild Blt Puomi'tIn tulir Action.






malI: vn.' female;AND KOilA'XTER OJ 2.


Ask Fon Dr. Hampton's FillsAsk. Fun Dit. IIamiton's Fills






















This prnparation is presented (o the Fublii with,

the inmost confidence in ils elfieaey and his beoa

the result of many years ot study, observation and