The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1897 …...McAVOY &c go.. Funeral Directors ima...

THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, JS97. 11 ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW. ADVICE FRKE; DIVORCE LAWS A sp;.;c. - >altv; private; no fee with out success-.collectionr G. W. HOWE, atty atlau-,850 Market, cor.Stocktn. A VI K-Plt IV TKL\ W -M^TTKKS -M. moderate fees: a to a. JlcC.< BK, 103 Larkla'. JA. MiTCHELI- REMOVED TO 1206 MA It- . ket; all legal matters: collections ; advice free. ADVICE FRKE; No CUARUE UNLrSS SuO XV cessful. \>. W. l)AVll)Si.\, D'J7 ilarteiss BIftTiIS— MARBIAGES—DEATiIS. r Birth, marrla?o and death notice* sent by raUl wtll not be Insane 1. They mus: bo handed I-i %: either ot the publicatlri^ ofllcei au Iv? indOM>t with the name re3ide:ica persom auih3.-u.ji lohuvosnu aa.-uj puuiisiied.j BOBX. EICIILER— In tillsci:y. October 11, 1837, to th9 wife of Dr. Alfred Eichler, v son. GAGAN—la this city, O.tober 12, 1397, to tb.9 wifeof ciiiirl K. ii»:an, a sjii. HAMBLY— In Oakland, October 6.1897, to th« wife 01 Joseph Hambly, a daughter. HaRRISOX— In Fall Brook, San Diego County October 6. 1897, to the wife ot Edward N. llar^ rlsOTi, adaujliter. LIEBSCHUTZ— this city. October 11, 1897, to t;ie wiTo 01 Charlej Liebschutz, aaauguter. MO.NROK— in this city, October 4. 1537. to the wlfp \u25a0>\u25a0 11 Monro». mnit _____ MAKiIIKD. BROTJHN-lIYMAN-In tlnscitv. October 10, 1897. by Rabbi Isidore Mverj of the Kush-a:xe« Temple, I'e::j>min Brotman and Ray Ilyman, both of Sau t-r.uiciscu. POLLARD— KEMP—In this city, October 12. 1597. tli- Key. A J. Wells, Harry Pollard and Kmma NiolioU Kemp. li liil>. Baruch. Emilia Kane. Marion -K-man, Mary Keating, Pairicfe Broivj, John J. Lyman, _rs. B. Campbell. Michael SlcCann. James A. Chamonde St. Hubert, Primiltz, Mar>'aretha Marlon nsou, Dr. Luke Cra'.ir, Uennls Siafford, Helen Crawford, Key. A. K. Tennis, Jolm E. Douglasa, William A. Tennis. Albert R. Ha iks. Perry N. Welsh. Joan T. Huwley, Helen a. Williams. Henrietta E. Jonuson, HuldA E. Winall, Mary A. Wrlgh;, Frank BARUCH—In New York, October 6. 1897, EmilU Uaruch, a native of Germany, ag«d 67 years. BLACK.M A.N— la this city, Cctober 12, 1897, Mar/ Biacknian, v native of N>w York City, aged 6S yours 11 months and '2b days. BROWN— In San Mateo, Joha J. Brown, aced 31 year*. B3~Notlce of funeral neraaftsr. CAMPBELL-In this city. October 11. 1897. Michael Campbell, a native of Ireland aged $'• years. CUAMO.V de ST. HUBERT— In this city. Octr* ber 12. .897. Marion, beiovel wife or Captain J. Chamon de bt. Hubert, and mother of Ntns Chamon de St. Hubert, a native or Haylbery, England. , , - j.*' a2"Frtenda and acquaintance* are respect- fnllyInvitad to attend the "uneral TO-iIORROW (Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from her lat« reshien c. "JlOo Bu3a simi-., thence to St. Dom- inic's Church, corner Bush and >teiner streets, wDere a his;li requiem mass win De cele- bratf d for the repose oi her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. _ Interment Holy Cross tuiaei tery. CRAIG— In thU city, October 10. 1597. Donnls ( r^ig.beloved father of Alexander Craisr. a Ba- tiv» at County Donegal, ireiau 1. a.^ea 75 years. lE3"Frlenaj and acaualntancei an? rejpect- folly Invited to attend tli« rnaaral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. from the p»r- lora of the Culli'ornla Undertaking Company, sou:hwesi corner Geary and Ikockton strt-eia, lh?nc«ti> St. Bremlan's Church whTe a requinni mass will be celebrated for the repose of hia soul, commencing at 9 o' a. m. lutermeul Mount Calvary Cemetery. CRAWFORD— Oakland. October 11, 1897, Rev. A. K.CrawforJ. a native of Nova Scotia, aged 67 yeurs 6 months and 19 days. DOUGLASS—In Bettiany, Contra (°osta County. October 11, ISH7, Wiillam a., belovei sou 01 Ell*n and the late Dr. Wiillam A. Donglasß, a native of San Francisco, asel years 2 monihi aud 1 duy. \u25a0 \u25a0 ;-. . HAXKS—In Oakland. October 9,1837, Perry N. Hanks, agud 37 years. HAWLEY— Inthis city, Helen Ada-ns Ilawley a native of New Yoric, a,-tU 27 years 11 nionthj and 27 days. JOHNSON— this cltv. Octobsr 11, 1837, Hnld«, in?a:it daughter of Emma and Ovai Johnson, a n.i:iv>* vi Mivi''ri»ncisoo, ugei 4year* 9 month* uad 13 days. fiS"Friends and acquaintancei aro reipect- fnllylnvittHl to attand th« fu-icTil THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the resi- dence 01 iho parents. 5 -haiesneure stroet. 8.-r- -11il Heigats. luieruieni 1. o. O. F. Cemetery. KANE—In tht^ city, October 11, LBB7, Marion K-i!;e, a native of Lou.ion, Eng:and, asaa 5J years. KEATING— Inthis city. October 12, 1537. Pat- rick Keatius. beloved brother of Cornelim, Mlchasi anl Jame-i Keaiing anl 'Mrs. Julli Walsh, a native of County Curs, Ireland, a-o4 48 year*. Jty"Frlendt anl acanalntaac^^ are respecti fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MOHKO^V (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. a., from the par- lors o: Mcavov ct Uaiiagner, 20 Mf.h street. ihenc» D st. Rose's Churcn for MTTtees. luter meu: Mount Calvar/ Cemetery. LYMAN In this city, October 11.1897. Mr* 15. Lyman, mo her of E. F. ,J. C. and J. R. Lymau, natty of Ireland. aseJ 78 yeari. JK3"Th9 funeral will taka nlaca TIII3 r>A"¥ (Wednesday), at 8:80 o'clock a. m.. from t.'ia residence of her son. J. R. Lymai. 334 Tw9nty- uliuh street, thence to st Paul's Churcn.wuir.: a requiem mass will be celebrated for tue repose ol her sonl, commencln? Nt t> o'clock a. m. In terment Mount Calvary Caiaecery. Funeral privalu. McCANN—In Oakland, October 11.1837. James a. McCanu, a native oj Indiana, aged 46 yt-ui'j 7 months and 27 days. PRIGNITZ—In thl3 city, October 11,1897 Mar- garethe, i»«"loved wifeof William Prignltz (neq iciiiuitun) , aud motner or Willie and C»r| Pri;uitz, a native ot Hanover, Germany, r ea 39 years and 2 months. A memr-.eroi St. Paul's Evangelical 1 ufieran Fr:ui n Verein. Howard atreet acd Hori'nuugs Lodge No. 1,0.d. H. S. W, Friends ana acaualutancei ara respeci- fnlly invited to a. tend tlio funeral Till^ u\C (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock p. it., from her lata residence, 518 Sixth street, between Bryant ancj Brannan, iheicce to S.. Pau 's Evangelical- Lu- theran Cuurch, Howard street, between Tern!} anJ Eleven to. whara funeral services will held , commencins at 2 o'clock i\m. lutermeul Laurel HillCemetery. > ROUIXSON— At Latnrop, Ca!., October 10, 1897, Dr. Luke Robinson. bi»'.oveJ husoaud of (jenevn Robinson, and fatlir r o; Dr. Frank, Uta, ciearfe and Beruadetta Hohmson, a native of Hi. Joseph, Ma. nvje 1 5 1 years 3 moutiis and 'J5 days. 6,'£~ Friends are resD«ctfullv Invita-l to attan-1 tUe funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at IU o'clock a. m.. from si. knatina >. hurch. Hay*-s s.reet aud Van Ne<s avenue, whero a requiem high mass willbo ceiebfated. Piea3e omit flow- ers. STAFFORD—In this city, October 12, 1897. Helen, beloved daughter of .Nicholas I. and, Margaret StafforJ, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 ears 5 month* anil l'_' days. ftS"Tho ianeral will take plaJe THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from tin) reaidenc* of the parents. 2a lraucis street, ofj Mission, near iive-mlle House. Intermem pri- mta TENNIS— In Oakland. October 6, 1897, Joha Elwood, and October 11. 1897, Albert Howe, infant sons of J. F.aud Kate Rowe lVn;ils. WELSH— In this city, i-ctober 12, 1897. Joha Thomas, be'.ove;! son of Maria and the late. James Welch, brother of Jamet, Joseph. Mar- gare:, Duvid nud Charie* Welsh and Mrs. 13. Williams, aud nephew of Mrs. Jauies Mci'an- lels. a native of Sun ±'rancisco , aged 16 years ? moith1 and 7 da/s. J63*Friends and acquatniancat ara r^sneot- fuliy invltea to attend the rnneral TO-MORROW (Thursday). at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his lata residence, 12J2 Vailejo »tre-t, thence to tit. Bridget's Church, whera a solemn requiem mass wiil be celebrated for the ropose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. _ Inter- ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. WILLIAM a— lntnla city, ober 11. 1897. Hen- rlett* E., wire of Amoi Williams, a native of No v YorK, ivj," I 42 years 8 monms and 26 days. 03~Fri<>nds anil acqual.-^ancet ars rt?4Doav fullyinviteU to a.tend cue funsral Tills* UiV (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock r.m.. from the resi- cience, 22 Chattanooga stieet. Please omit flow- er». - V:af>A WINALL— In thi3 city, October 11. 1837. Mary A., oeloved wife of stuart A. Winall, a native of LlOClnnati, Ohi->, HgeJ 79 years. v.:».„' JK3" Friends of the tamily are respect-, fnuy invi.«d to attend the luneral Till*DAY (Weduesdav). at a o'clocK p. m., from her lata , rasldtsacif. 531 Haight street. Interment Laurel Ulli Cemetery. WRIGHT— the City and Couuty Hospital. Oc- tober 11. I>>97. Frank Wright, a native of Cali- fornla- aged 24 years. w.cavoy'a GALLACHER, FUNKEALDIEECTORS & kmbalmkrs, 20 iifthSt., Opp. Lincoin School. Telephone South 80. U. -B. McaVUV 1 Mauagtr McAVOY &c go.. Funeral Directors ima Kmlmimoi's, 1-^35 .U uke St.. Bet. 81 h aud 'J:h. Telephone SoHtii 247. Ettab. 1858. Tel. South 47. CRAIG & COCHRAN CO. uneral Uirectorsand Kinbalmer«, 23- M4 A>D 3fl MINI' AVtNI'K- Lady assistants. Siacloui fcrtheuseoi our patrons, i.ublier tir«-s on our ambulance. SELLS k'.AL LOTS AND QRAVES. 1 PERFtTUAL CARE. LAUREL HILL CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, Junction oi Bush Street and Ceo- tral Avenue, San Frandcco. - \u25a0 \u25a0 - " COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. Q9fi -ACRES TISiBKft LAND IN iIENDO- ' J clno county; cheap. Address C A., box 40, Call Otlice. T.MPK.VKI) Ranch, 400 ACRES; YEARLY J- payments: proposi tjo-i surprising: no asoutj. Owner. i;-sj Fourth st., room 4. SMALL RANCH IN REDWOOD CITY FOOT- kJ hills. Apply i'O l'rosper st. C;VAN ACRE-640 ACRES KERN COUNTY; *ipO good for stock, sheep, fruit, .S., box 40. Call. LITTLK HOIIKS CLOSiK TO IOW.V lii 7 proved: easy terms: also 4 o 12-acre'plecei on 8 and 10 years' credit. D. H. TWINU Bo- noma City: f\>rv MoDiay at 633 Market -»t.. X b* OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— OOB BROADWAY. OAKLAXO Ul;aL ESTATE. QCCfi COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS; NEARLY O*- UVJ. new; near Fruitvale station; owner going r.way: this price for this weeK. $1000— an estai4- cottage of 7 rooms and hath; convenient; good location; improved street; must be so .1. *1-5 l) Modern cottage; 5 rooms and bath: on Twenty-sixth, near Urove; these ar^ nil cheap. HUUH AL CAMKRON, Rtoker, 479 Niuth St., Oakland. 87 WILL BUY A LOT WORTH 9150 IN tip O the Allendale Tract, East Oakland: noth- ing like it for the money: build your own home or will t ui;d it tor you; payment as rent. $5 call, $5 monthly; 3 c ec;rlc car linen and line scboolhouse; s:te, cllmnte and soil the best. Call or drop its a line. 459 Ninth St., be:, Broad way and Washington, Oakland; carriages free. H. '/.. JONEs. owner. OAKLAND FUBMTCIW FOR SALE. \\r ANTED—CASH BUYERS FOR FURNI, '* tureaua household goods this week. Special at the old store of 11. fcCHELLHAAS, 408 Eiev- enilj s:.. Oakland. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS iIAMIDA EEAL ESTATE. BARGAINS— 5-KOOM'COTTAUE AND BATH, i> lot 60-xIOU, price* $18M): 8- ootn col ii:o and bath, lot £.oxl4o, price $2750: I'2-roam co'-tage and baih. lot lbOxlfiO, pi Ice $4800: also other de- sirable property, some sold forihe mortgaee: easy payments. pply or write to .-'. K. DENKE SR. I.i), vt «'i'-,i>-r st. , Alameda, Ca'. BERKELEX BEAL ESTATE. OABGAIK— tiOOO: NEW HOUBK 9 ROOMS I -' ai.d bath; cmiented b&sement: furnace; mod- ern inevery detail; largdlot; 1 block from uni- versity grounds, and aboiU iiOO feet off Telegraph aye.; the best location in Berkeley; can be had on easy installments If desired. For further par- tiruiars call or addies-i SAMUEL & KNOWLfc-S, 481 in'.h st.. Oakluud. LOR --ALE— IN BKRKELKY. NOTION AND J drygoodj store; 3 'iviug-rooma; bath: lot. 2143 Dwlght ua>\ Berkeley. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. Excha FOR CITY OR OAKLAND property; orchard of '2'Z acres, In full bearing; Alia Punta 'iract »t -tege, 01 B»n Pablo »ye.; sp:endid piaie for a home. UAIGHT, San- some sU . '.'." EXOHAKGE FOR CHICKSK RANCH-A uiooe-n 2-Btorv. 8-rooin house. Address Owner, 1916 Pacific avc, Alameda. MUSICAL IXSTRUMEXTS. AT MIEHMAN. CLAY A CO.'s, THE MIST- cal tieadquarters ot the I'acllic Coast, is ihe place to buy pianos and organs: new pianos from *17. > ti> $1400; -<cu.'ul-hiind :rom $5.f upwaiu; terms as low us $3 per month: s>;e repreae.: ta- ttv»s fur Meinway &.-ons, A. B. l hase. j-.merson, Barnes pianos ana Estey pianos und organs. Corner of Kearny ana Suiter sc-j. BSOLUTELY THE OLDK.sT AND LARG- est housa west of 1 nica.o is KOHLKR A CHASE'S. 26. 28 ana SO CFarrell st. Pianos, organs and all other musical instruments, of all «iies and prices. Terms easy; prices lowest J verythin? i-i-ssiu.a cou« to picasa uui uatlsf/ the customer. ACIUAI.LY SACKIFICED— LI--TOF PIANOS fur follo'aitig week: $660 "-teinway. $275: foso 1 hickulnj-, ifJLO: $450 Colby, *;2i5: *\u008400 Conover, *30O; long list secuD'l-hand pianos, half price. 850 up. The F. W. H'E.NIEKfuMI'A- NY, 933 ilartcet st. -)(\ SECOND-HAND PIANOS, SQUAUK AND —v/ upright, at your owis price nd on your own terms, t<r one «e.-k only: we mus liave room for new stock. shekMa'.v, clay & CO., cor. oi Suiter nnd Kearny sis. BL'.N.'-i-.i'K REDOCTIIiN IN I'RICES— Halnes. Kuabe. iiush &Gens and others: sec- (lid-han-i pianos from $100 up. W. C. Ua.MIL- 'IO.N, successor to A. L. Bancroft ifc Co., 324 Posu BAROAIN; ONK FINK I'KCKKR UPRHiIIT pinno; old E'igllsh mahocany dining- room set. Offlce, Paciho Storage Warehouse, Ti'i Stockton st. I^KCKER PIANOS, 1 --XI) VERY LITTLE, \) $-J6O: Marshall i&Wfudell, bargain. $1(55; Krg- lish uprlchtfor 960. MAVVAIs, 769 Market at. *;n tHiOI> .D-HaM; pianos-, termseasy; *-vprices low; Chickering, Steck. Vose, >terlins. BENJ. ITI:T.\Z& .-O , itJ and '^0 O't arrelt st. COH.MER.fc CO.. BYKOA iIAUZY. NEWBY, O Kvans. BrlsKS and other pianos: see our rent Pan; no interest iirst year. SOB. SlO, 31-' Posu ADIdIN l.Vi'KATuK'a SALK -il UoT SjELU pianos ac imuienss redoclloh for rashoron lusli.ilmeiits. tAION fc.-TATK. 735 ilarlcot au \TKW MASON it lIAMBLKN SOLID AN- -l\ tiquc oak riniili: cost $500: willsell $1 75, oae week. 4-3 E -dy st. VKiIY FINK II'KIGHT SACRIFICED THIS > weelc for half its value. DEWINU, 2d floor, F.ood builJi.g. ! |>OK SALE. CHEAP— SQUARE KXaBU i I 1piano. 325 Eddy st. " : _^__^ I ph-RFECTLY Nr.W HAZELTON. APPLY I X sio Leavenworth s:. KINU&BURY (1897 MODEL). IS THE PIANO you want. J. HaRRY OTT, 5'J6 Hayes s:. vT. 1 /WiPIANO: (iKr.AT BAROAIN. SCHMIIZ, t^:Xvv. IbMcAllister, neur Ulbernia Bank. (T..- INSTALLMENTS. 2D-HAND VPRIUHI' tip«J-stelnway, Decker, G abler. Horung's,i!lßPost B>oLUIELi tHK KEaT I'LACE TO BUY pianos; all grades, §2 up. HKlnjS, 13ti Ellis. I Ol KIN WAY UPRIOHTAND BaBYURAND \u25a0 O sacrificed. KEEFFK'S, 1019 Van Ness ye. \\ r U. KAJJOER, .-OLft Mili.N r FOR HALLKL' »' .«t liuvla ana Frnncls Bucou piano*. 41 j Micta. SDfKKIOK VIOLINS. ZITHKRS,OLD <fe NEW. LL iILLLI'.Ii, maker, repairer, 2 Latham place. KNaßi-; PIANOS; NKW teCALE; AKW Btylej. _oHLKK &CH Asli, 80 Farrell st- A »Ui'.K.\lA\ CLAY _ CO.'S ONLY' ii-ii you nuu d. avOclc vi new atemway pianos. •V>7 UO_'l«Oat_JtY COkNEU OK Ci.AY tV_. I open cntl 9:3! i clock: branch omc*»u< the call: subscriptions »nd want ads. taken. I>JKXTISTS. Van VKOOM & CO.'S KLECTRO. DENTAL f Parlors, 89V MarKet Rt. : lady attendant; no gas I or other dangerous anaesthetics fiveu; electricity ; the great agent, used to relleva palu; teeth tilled , ana extracted ptUnleasly by our new electrical ' process; a written guarantee given with all woric I done: lowes: prices, beit work: all surgical wors j attended by U. W. Williamson, M. D.. piysiclati I«nd tmrgeou: esnminatlon free by the u;-e of our I new electrical appliances: porcelain and goli I crowns: bridge- work and teeth without plates a specialty. Klectro-_ent.\l Parlors. »97 Market IpULL SET Oi'' TEETH. f5: PaINI ESS XX- J tractiou; see our oumblnation plate, thin as paper: warranted 10 ye rs; teeth without plates; crown and bridge work our speclulty: teeth im- planted or transplanted: fillings50c, crowns 50; all work painlpis and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors, 24 Sixth St. DR. GKORGK W. LKEK. THK GE.WINK Leek dentias. <!:sroverer o! paiules-t ext'ractloa and patentee of improved br.dg« work or teeti »i:hout any plate, moved from tf to 20 (f FarreU. DR. LUDLUMHILL, 1443 MARKET ST., NX. Eleventh ; l.ocharge for extracting when plate* are made; o:<J plates made over likenew; i*«:a lrcm$8 per set: extracting 60c; gaa given. VKW YOP.K DEN ! ISTS-P *3 50 UP- \u25a0Li silver nilings. uOc np; gold fllings. *1 up; platt-s mended. $1 up; ail work warranted: pain- less extraction. J)6i> Mission st , SSE. cor 6th. < OHIO DKNTAL PARLOR*, 906 MARKET- Painless extracting, 50c; i/peu eveuiugt and Sundays. ©r FULL SET OF TEE III; BEST MAKK; <J)O. kept iv repair: extracting free; fillings50c; crowns $3 50. l'acillc Dental Parl irs. 18 Third. CROOMK DKNTAL ASSOCIATION. 75» MAX- Vket, Get. 3d and 4th: (Bis »peria'.ism-. palnleji extracting, *lin gas. #1: piate* »f7 up. nil, $1up. DX. J. J. LEEK, MA R K 1 ST.; OPE evenings: Sunday tlilnoon; registered dentist WC. UARDINU, M. D., 500SU1TEK, COR. . Powel!; tei. Main 6375; painless extraction. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1320 Mwlcai at. - ET OF TEETH WITHOUT A fi_ui. __" ILC. Young. IS4I Polk »t. pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION,BOd Ji.A_i- V Jtet st. ViX. V_AAL£3 W. D_t;__n. CITY REAL ESTATE. CC. BEMIs, . real e&tate and LAND agent, 824 montgomery s>t. FOR 15ALK. Choice buildinglot on Army and 27th sts.; close to •-•lectrlc road. $5 00—Good corner for store; must be sold; lot s'J:4x6i> feet. *6700—50x127 :H feet on Jackson St., overlook- ing ;he Prrsldio and bay. M-vara on Pain >t. : panhandle of park. $800— Choice bnildlnjf lots north of parK. Kurzalu—SW. cor. bth aye. and C St.; 109x95 tU mil RENTS P! R ANNUM; BKY- ®')OUI». ant su. nr. 3d: lars;e lot. 44x80 to rear street; street ixceptfd; 4 flat*; separate en- trances: H good buy. ROBERT J. MERCER & bON, 410 Pine St. ffl»')£>nA CHKAPEST i.OT INTOWN: LA- «4T UUI/. ciina st.. -r. Pine street, accepted. ROBERT J. MKi:ci-.R &SON, 410 Pine st. fi**;n.nn OXK ov THK CHOICE-T LOTS *iP »JUVJ. on Wline or r.o:ores St., nr. Twenty- seconi; WxlMi terms to suit. JOHN H. GRADY, 18 Post st. A FI^E NKW CJTTAI.E CHEAP. *^700—Nice new storv-and-im f co'.tage of 6 rooms, bath, etc.; lot 25x75. ou Clinton Park, near 14th and Guerrero Ms ; easy terms. <3t <l\t\ COZY 3-R OM COTTAGE AND BTA- <J>>. \J\I. bl , nr.28th and Alabama; lot 25x100. G. Al'.JlllKLsi XX. 24 Montgomery st. SPECIAL BARGAIN NEW HOME; 16 Kiood aye., ••sunny side": see it to-day. J. O. FAIR, 16 Floudave. T? OR SALE ON EASY TERMS— 2 COTTAOKS lot" rooms ba h and lar<f pantry; basemen: floored; cement sidewalK aud a'l la:est improve- ments. Apply to J. M. COMeIRFOuD, on the property, cor. Cortland and t allfornia ayes., from 10 .\. m. to -1 p. m. Take ilissiou-s:. cars to Cort- land aye. j-UOOM NKW COTTAOE HOUKS: KASY T rental terms. THi-. MCCARTHY X u..f4«Mkt. GREAT BABOAIS; $95J; COTTAGK 4I rooms: slreut workCone; 2 minutes' walk from Mlssioa-st. cars: al-o comer lots. 8., box 40, Cull. I AST CHANCE: NEW COTTAGE; $2600; Xj$15'J casi., %-±i a month ments. »'. \V. 11. PaTT»-R»ON tt C \u0084 1 C 8 Market St. SUIJIKIJAN PROPERTY. Ol 9 C\C\C\ IVATKR FRONT PROPERTY: '- -I—.vUU, »jjuining Point Rn-iimont ler- jinnus of Valley iiuau; a specula. 10:1. Call for particulars. ALTA ITNTA TRACT, SAN PABLO AYE., I miles N. of terktlev— c_ots from 1 to 20 •errs; low price; monthly payim-uts: near terminus of Valley Railroad. feend lormaps. 1 JDAI'IKS ADJOINING LANDS PUR- -1 "O chased for caryard of Valley Railroad; $116 per acre; < asy terms. ALTA PUNTA TRACT;. TOTS 60x200: AT siege, t-aii Pablo aye.: £80 to $2uo each: month y payments HAIQHT, 22OSansomesU mnon to i.oa>. ftPvAfl nnn AT 6 Aliv 61 '3 pkk CKNT (TuV'v'.vVMi on iity real « s:»te, also Oakland. Manhsttan Loan Co.. lti Mills bid;;., ground floor. C»'_>/W» lllld^T LOWKST RaTKs; SKC- ,^,iUU.iHIUond mi.rt:;ui,'es. life Insnrancc, estates, undivided iutercs 8. leal es ale In probate, any sum. Mi:iiiiau:-.n i.ouu Co.. 10 Mills bui.ding. AN\ AMbl N 1 AT ty. V.: CENT ON REAL J\ estate: second anU ih'rd mortsagei, esla:ev undivided in:eres:.s. real esta:e in prooaie. lile tn- surauce, toods In warehouse, furniture and piaoot without removal; and leiiaciei bought; nodalay. R. McCUIAiASi, 24 Montgomery SL, R3. j OANS ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS IN i ' fc\ F., Oakland or Alameda, at lowest rate*, without removal; no commissions: no iie.a/i J. NOON'AN. 101./ to 1023 illsalou. übuVJ cIXIU; lei South 14. HIGHLY KEsPKCTAIII.K ANU I'HIVaIK place obtain liberal advances on diamonds *nd Jen elry of tho lowest ratev Baldwin Jewoirr b-.ore. Via M; r*e St.: UsßpttOO« l>;eeu JUV IN SUMS TO fcUIT BORROWERS AT B PEU Xcent on lir^t BDOrtgafC st-curitv. O A. LAN*., 19 Montgomery bU, s. P.; Ito 4 P. M. GO TO A REGULAR LICKNSKI) PAWN- broker at 1 Fourth St.. Dpatatra strictly pri- vate; low rates; tel. red 1121: csuiblishea 1869. LOW l.Ali. Si I'iH MUNill IXTr.HKST Jon each $IOOJ 65c per munth ou flO't; second Koricago: any uecurlty. c«sh, box 'A Call Otllce. Ur E HAVK JIOShY TO 1.0A.S ON Cl 1 V real «-Biat9: i;:tHre*t reasonable. Cal. Tills Ins. and Trustee, '^10 Montgomery hl, Mills buld. ON FURNITUKE O!'. KSTATK; LOW nitiresl. BNKH, 7 ity Hall aye. 1(\ SIXTH MOST RKLIAIILK LACK TO X\> borrow mocey; <!iamoi.ds and jewelry. JAHGE AN1' SMALL I. \u25a0 A NEGOTIATED, -i 3^B Montgomery st.. rcora 318 ON PIANO-. Fi'KMU'R.... WITH WITH* out removal ;low rate<i;no com. 116 McAllister. ANY SUM—IST AND2D M'T'GEs. BhTATSS etc.: 6 percent. H. MURPHY, 628 Market. ON FCR.NII-URK, PIANO^.; No REMOVAL; low Int.: private pa.t>-. Km. 3. 40 Utary st. Cj 1 ZiO.OuO U.>. 1.11. ].S>UHA.M:iS i«>HCIKS QJ-V/ lo>v Iniores:. Jus, n. lUPLITZ.33J Hut Q'.H 1O f^xJ.Uuil; L v. 1.-r I.ATI. ls>r«t2lJ *^<ni iiorta.. any propottliQiL J rva^n 4l3Mout J iJiAJiCIAL: J" OANs on real estate, bor.ds, etc.; lowest rc.tei, J MCAFEE lißuiiiKns. 108 MotitgouiHry at, MKDICAL. A PROCESS THATIS PERFECTLY lIARM- less; never falls inany case of monthly »lck- ntss, no mat;er what cause; no tltciricilybum- bug or other dangerous methods; money in every case refund d If a cure la not effected: travelers helped immediate]}*; years' experience: home in confinement with sanitarian conveniences. Con- salt free tlie only reliab •> phya cian-s DH. AND MRs. DAVIEs, l-i McAllister St.. next iiiberula Bank: hours 9 a. m. to 5 i nd 7 to 8 1> v< ALL CASES OF MONTHLY SUPPRESSION" (front wta'rver caase) restored In a lew hours; s»fe at any time; n>> i-rocess humbug: in- stant relief for travelers; homo tn confinement: my celebraied treatment nnd remedies for mouthl .- ecppresslon never t.i 1 : every case guarauteed; consultation irtc nnd confidrnllai. MRS. DR. WYETH. 91G Po«.t St.. near I.arkln. A PROCESS THAT N VKK FAILS TO RE- store every case of montnly slckneeg f-otu 1 wha-ev.-r cause In a few houis wbon medicines I ai.d others failed; no Instrument! us'd; 111 \u25a0 y y**Krß* experience: every cis? sm^r need; i iidvi. c free; t^rius reasonnble: firs.-c private ! home fir tinement. MRS. 1)K. IJALKV, ll^tj Market st., over owl Druss.ore. A SURE, SAFE AND sPKKDY Cl RK OR all lem.ile disease*; a borne in conflneme n:, I with best Donible «arr; wit!: the privacy of a .li ins ad tne convenience of hospital;" those who are sick or discouraged sboulil ca!l on the ! doctor and state their case: they «rin find in her a true trtend: all cousimuLions fri eand aiisouitely contidenilal. MRS. DR. GW YER, 228 Tur^ st. » LL OF Dlt. FOU LET'S CAPSULr.s ARK -'» Kuaranteed absolute cure for nil lemale dis- eases; positive y safe and sure; no danger or after effects: taken In lime It also acts as a ureventive: I price $1 50 per box. sent free by mail on receipt of price; consultations 0:1 all special diseases free, WALLER I;H<>^., 33 Grant aye.. S. .. A cau- tion—Before purchasing elsewhere, write us. LLLAlllta I> 1 ROUBLE OR WHO ARK .. \ suffering from disease peculiar to their «ex will find immediate re.ief by cotisult:nsr a first- class lady physician, who never fails 10 cure a single c»se; lrpe consultation: terms c&av. Mlia. DR. M. IMVYKj:. 'jei^j Kearayst. QURE CURE, WH-.N UI'HERS FAIL: NO O medicine or Irstruments: ever> woman her own physician for all femu'.e troub'e*, uj mattat from what cause: restor-s in oue aay: never falU: consultHtlon lr^e; can be aenj unj used at hoiu->. DR. POPI'KK. 318 Kear:iy s; Orders by tel. DR. maud INMAN. THE oklkhratkd electro-therapeutic specialist: women's irregu- larltles a speclHliy; cur« >-iiarantei'd or no fee; cons'jltaiiou frie. 1035 Market tt, bet sixth and seventh. MRS. DR. SCOTT: FEMALE COMPLAINTS, diseases of the eye: a permnnent cure Kuuran- teed or no charge made: consult tree: hours. 10 to 12, 2to 4, 7to 8, Sunday 11 to I. 410 tieary st. DR-S utioi>wi>. DISEASES OF WOMEN": icdlr.i near or far: sate, qiiiot cure guuranieeu: any a.lment; maternity home; care; skill only: low ftes: Dr. i-clmck's self-cure. 95. 401 VaaNesj. DR. AND Mi'.s. WEOBNER, 826 EDDY 81.— XJ Safe quick cure for all female complaints goar. uteed: private home In confinement; every cook* fort; infants adoptod; terms moderate: pills*L A BOON TO WIVES ASi) MUI'HMUJ-Sr:. goro; price 60.. RICHARDS & CO., 40S Clay ou; send 2-c. stamp for partlculnn to Seguru Manufacturing Co., 631 X St., Sacramento. Cal. ALPr FRKNCH, PILLS—A BOON TOLA- dies with lt-mae troubles; no danger: safeanl snre; $2 60. cxpres* C O. IX; don't delay until too late. CMOoOJI I:KOS., Coast Agenw. Oakland, CaL CONFIDENTIAL LADIES IN Ti.UUULK / communicate with Uli.sANTiiii Ha ot»u. aye., ban Frauclscs. \u25a0 . | lL WtAK .3 KKKaLM RKGULATINIi PILLS; Xlf < H f »f Hi /?f, !e J? l: '•onraenagogue: f1 tar oox. JUCHABUa «tCO..arug 4IW Clay eusoloagtß, SURE CURE IRREGULARITIES OR OTIIKR female diseases. MRS. DR, PUETZ, 2&4y 2 4th. OME IN CONFINEMENT; DISEASES OV women. Mrs. Dr.FuuKe, Bth st Alumeda, DX- HALL, 14 McALUISTKIt ST., NKAtt [ Jonea— Dlseaaes of womsn an a chUdrea. PEKSOXALS. BL.— ALL F.EUEIVED O. X.: -WILLBrt AT . entrance o'clocs<; if it rains will s'e yon at o'd corner at 1:30: If cioudy will be at eu trance '1 o'c o>. c. K. X BOOM TO ItENTTO A GENTLEMAN 1 by a Gerninn widow at _r>7 Lexington aye., beu Nineteenth and Twentieth s:s. MRS. DR. UBAP.ION. SPECIALIST INCON- linements and female diseases, oOS Howard. RKTTY GIRL BABY FOR ADOPTION. MRS. DR. FUNKE, Prospect St.. Alam-da. ADIK EVAN: ' COSMKTiC PARLOUS RE- muved 10 H Mason sU, room 19. MII'DLK-AGKD MAN WOULD LIX 1 TO become acqoai led with, respectable lndy between 25 and -ut; olject, matrimony. Address M. F., tox 83. Call Office. JV. ANNETTE SCHAUEK. HAVING LKFT mv bed and board, I will not be responstol« ior any debts contracted by her. FRED SCHAUER. BOY BABY, 3 DAYS OLD, FOR ADOPTION. call at 3241 Sixteenth s:., city. I AUi PARTNJ-R IN GOOD PAYINGBU>"l- -1> ness; lr.tle money required. Address J. X., box 11. Call. MRs. DR. ALLKN, EXPKRT CHIROPODIST, will attend cal-s. Second floor, b2O MarkeU lAIHES.WHO ALWAYS LIKE THK BKST XJ of everything, but can't always afford it. will be pleased tn boih respects at my estab lshnit-nt: : Ine besi hairdressing ka the city, 26c, my on.- and j only pric : baugs cut and curled, 15c; gray and i bleached hair restored lo natural color, fl 50 to»s. <.. LKDEi.KK, 111 Stocktou SU ••/^VUINoNIA"— AN EFFECTIVE. CLEAN. QUINuNIA *— AH tonic; bottle. CLEAN. non-greasy t «ir tonic; 06c bottle. L^DKR- I'ln, 111 SiOCKton si. ATRIMON I AI, MAGAZINE: PERSONAL I>l ads: bes' published; 10c a copy. MES3EN- GEI-. (5). San Jose, fa.. MIHE "WhDDING BELL," BKsT MATRIMO- -1 nial paper; 8 pages; copy 10c. Editor, 111 Ellis bt. \JR-. S. K. McLEOD, PSYCHOTHERAPEU- i.»I tic nnd ma', netic beuler, 5'Jl Kills st. THIRST OF MONTHLY OPERA PERFORM- jT nnces of .Joseph Greven's oppratlc sch< ol (Murphy building, Market ond Jones sU.) will take pace Le ember 1 In I. O. U F. Hall; acting in costume; i-iniil:.i;. orchestra occompaniment. TirOULDLIKETO HEAR FROM BERNARD »» KI.\O. Addre.s StJ South Portland aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. SlsTfcß SARAH. DVH.K FP.EE: DIVOBCK LAWsj A SPF.C- j iaiiy :prlvaie:no fee wltnout success:collect 0113 I G.W.HOWE, atty allaw, 850 -MarKet.cor.stoclita. BADGES, PHOTO. AND BADGE BUTTONS made in San Franrlsco at KaUeru prices W°ALI N. BRUNT, 535 Cl«y sU. S. F. DJ . OUTDOOR SsTKREOPTICON BHOWEV& XJ ry night tor. Ifarfeet and sixth st«.; anlsticad- vi \u25a0rii.seini-its in living lUhl: promoters \u25a0of imsi- n>ss. Consult OWL ADV. CO, lUOMarketst l/LKCTRIC LKiHTS IN EVERY ROOM- 1U ircnester House. 44 hli-d st , nr. Market; 100 room<, 25c lo (1 50 per night: tl &0 to »6 tier «cc«: tree bus ana bauga:e to and from the ferry. SUFE.-Fi-toU:-. Haik> RKMoVKD BY 0 \u25a0iroiysii. MRS. DR. WELCH, 2115 Bush. UII'TOUKDERUN KA-Y l.xS TALLMr-.NTS. * L.LKMus. 1117 Marke: r.t.. vet 7th and biii. CILO\K-> AND 'iAILOK-MAI>K t>L'lT.l 11K- J ltilfl at wholesale llgur^*. 2\i tatnsuma su HHl'r>CllJliiir, SANITARY PLLMBEIt, . ensiitter. t-"3'ioideu t.atH hv 'i«!, cutter 47L /-IHF.APKST AM' BEST IN AMERICA—THE \J WKKKLYCALL, sont to any address In the Cnliwl .States or C&nada one year lor $1 CO, pos;- ase f.-.. c- DKKSS3IAKEKS. MMX, GOLDSTKIN KLEG ANT STYLISH drHsses-!5 up ilrs^sis medeover. 6 Eddy. R. 85 lAI UVOY MRS. DB. F. 1 LARK, THE DISTINGUISHED trance clairvoyant and medium: while en- tranced she will reveal every l.luden mystery lv life; slie will siiow you how to overcome your enemies, remove family triubles. restore lost af- ieciions: unite-i the seDttraied. recovers lost, «tol»n or burleU troperty: locates treasures, minerals: t. Us your entire lue. pksi, present and luture.while In h periect trance. > lours. 10 a. m. to sp. . if. Mlii. DB. F. CLABK, rooms 25 aud 26, 1206 I Marke:, opp s-txth. Ifgirggg MAI.. 1 'hit, WuMiKKITUL CLAIKVOY- ant card-reader, born ooublo veil and sccoal \u25a0lent; diagnoses disease, toil ille reading; la. 50c; (ems $1. palm, anilclalrv.: siu »1 bo. I'Ju TurlC i CONSULT LUCKY MKI-ll READS FKOM j cmdtH tot.rave: 25c. 41 Minna sU, bas-D)e:it. , \. ISS MELVILLE. GREAT CLAIHVOYANI' i«> and water reader. J*2J VW Misiion, fpp. Mlnu MME. MORKAU. BE MEDIUM. CLAlR- vi.yant. c»rd-reodt:r; -'5c up. 73 Fourth su GYl'sV 1II K-RK a litCO, k ShVKXTU >T.; ladies -sr. K enls eOc: all queßttons answered. MME. LKGKTTt.LIFE-RKADIiR ANDBLSI- DeH advice; one pne^, 25c. 313 Jt>Bile,Dr. 4th. MMX. HA.NSKN. i'AL.MISI, CARD-W RITK II; J pas., present and future; \ilc 14» 6ih su, r.5. MMX ZINKiL\. THE BUSIK&'HS MEDIUM a .'1 untrologer. Room 12, 109 Gran: aye. Vi'.tJlt FUI L'.lh TOLD BY CARDS; LADIES X 10c gentlemen 25c. 148 Sixth, room 38. MME. RaVcNa KtAlisLlir. *lUi>.NTi.x: uuaiiiev* Bdvic -; uame-i nive.;; 25c up.s Fourto. MME. VIOLA, CLAIRVOYANT. LlFh-RK A D i'l er. business test, i.'k- up. 634 Howard nr. 4th MME. SODAN, RE NOW Xl» CA KD- REA DE li aud Scotch s t-ress. 619 Eddy sU: 9to 8 P m. ETHKL (iHAY. >L > I ItVoYANI , CARl- reader, mst. 1169 Mission su, near tlghth. MM if. SYBILLE: CRADLE TO GP..WK; FU- ture husband's picture 25c:ladies 914 O'Farreil ÜB^CUIPTIUNS AND \^ A.Ni aljs *Oit THK Uu lakeu at brancu bUicu. MM liaye* H.; of m uni 1 \u25a0-• :HJ luck SriKITUALISM. rnEST-MKETINGi 8 P. M.; 10c. 335 McALLIS- X ti-r; K. A. Stltt, Niia Meakin, Hargiave, other . \T 111 LAKKIN ST., P. P. S.. 8 P. M.; TESTS by Mmes. Fituiican ana Ellis; free. MM.-. YOUNG'S j-.xrilA Tr.ST CIRCLE TO- ni;lit; 10c; 60 McAUisier: wouderful tests. v. Ba MAYOBTEEKB, 112^ OAK: CIKCLKS i'lTues. 8 r. m. . Thurs.2p m. ; Ksc; readings f 1 MRS. .1. J. WHITNEY, SPIRITUALMEDIUM, i ior messages and advice. 2 18 Stockton bt. ! AM. FKANCIs. IN DKPKNDKN I SLATE . wnt-r. libllaighc su: hours » untilBP. v. ! J>ISUOP L. GARKISON. hKANCE SUNDAY, ! i Tue. Tliurs. eve. ; siu (lai 10 to 5. 142:» M'k. j CARPET-CLEAN CIIY KTKAM CAlll-Kl-CKKANINO Wmucs" \J tiLans. moves, lays carpets. O. H. bTKVKXi iler.. 3B and 40 Klglitii st. ; telephone South 25a UMJC3 \uU BbCUMK Dl>uUsl'Kl> \VU"t£ " poor worksend toSI'AULDINU'S PloneerC»> pft-beat'.na; Works. £53-87 '1 enama ; leL Ba 41 p REATEASTERN STKaM CARPE r-CLKAN VJ ing works. 14 Bth, B. RANT. lei. Jessie 20 I. JWATTS.rellable carpet-cl<>&nin2,renovig,a'.ter- . ation works. 413 McAllister. Tel. Jessie 321. BAIU'.EK'S KRPKISK CARPKT-CLK \N- X> iUK uks, .36 14th. Tel Mii>. 100. Z. T. Barber. CARPEts CLKANKJ>, RKN'OVaTKD LIKE Dew. J. MCQUIitN, 463 Mevci.sou; tel. S. 235. \ DVANCE CARPET- CLEANING CO 407 A Suttsr; ie!. Ma:n39l. OKO. WALCOM, prop. pLKANINO, 3c; LAYING. y.c; RU \u25a0 6<AM- \J pics iree; teL Jessie 944. Stratton, 8 Eighth. CAKlfcl^i tUANhli* JiKMuVATKD LIKiJ new. i3'l»ii:li; lei. southed Mackintosh Jc vJd. J>.. MITCHKIL. CARPET-CLKANING CO, | . 1:40 14. h st.; cleanlnz 3c. a yard; tel. MU 74, J CO.NKLIN'--* «lAßPii;t' - BliAllNU WuiUa, \J bXJ UuiUen Oaie avo. 'leiepnona Kast 1-A 4JIARKKI' ST BRANCH OFUCE Of' 'ikUi rt (ai.i. want «di nr.a saiiHt-rlptliiTM uiicen. STOKAGK. <• AT LOW RATES— FURNITURE. CARPET^ piano\ household goods; clean, light com- partments; advances made. J. BOO.N'a.V, 1017 to 10.3 Mission su, above Slxtn; open eveulngs. T^URNITURE. PIANOS KTc-ADVANCKS. X I shipping. CHas. L.TaYLOK.2O4 LKGAL KOnUiBS. rmiK CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION X bavin? reteived j-pp.ica ions to mine by the hydraulic procesj from .-AM aHTYK In ihe Km- j er;on Miti'. near Gibsonvi ie, >.erra County, to 1 deposit tailings in Slate lr«ek, and in the I'oliVrtv ' Mine, near Table lt< cl;. >ierr» County, '.odepoit tailing-i'in Slate Cf»ek: from VICTOR MONTRE, In i.r.wly anyon Mine, n«*ar MKellty. M<rra County, in derosit taillDgs in Grizzly Ccnyon- from ii. F. ATKINSON. 1a the Homestake Mlae No 2. near Herra Cltjr, Sierra County, to ue^osit taUin.-s In the impounding bi stn of in- Homt- stakvMine, and irom i.R. SlOl'T et .Is., la the j Gold NujjKft Mine, near Gitsonvllle, sierra' Co -n:y. to deposit tailings in lauyun Creek, gives I notice that a meetl-.g will be held at iooni 59. ! llooil Bnl.'ding. -an Francisco, CaL. on October ! 25, 1897, ai ItM p. M. BOARDING AND KOO3IS. I (\rj HYDE FRONT SUNN V BOOM : J IV t bah, gas, running water, piano; broak- fast; telephone; best location tn the cliy; $10. SILVEK STATE HOTKL,16 AND 18 MASON si. —Ho ild and room $5 to *8 per werk: rooms 91 50 10 $5 pei week; elevator; e:ec:ric-lights; all modern improvements; special rates by the month. J T. WISEMAN. ELEGANT ALCOVKS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE J-J rooms, boaid. 539 O'Farrell, cor. worth. OAQVAN NKSS NKWI.Y PUKNIRHED OUO Huriny rooms: table board; -terms moderate. Q| 9 TURK- PLEASANT SUNNY SUITE; Ol also others; private boarding. Jin HYDE-NEWLY FURNISHKD ROOM '1 i U with board; {20 up; use p»rlors. pia:io. BKOOKLYN HOTKL, KM-n.* BUSH ST.. board and room $1 to $2 per day, to to 912 per week: choic« rooms 60 cents to *1: fiiite roomi for family Sl tosl 50 p-r night: first-class service: Iree coach. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. TTACKMEIER's HOTKL, 128 TO 129 EDDY XX st.: cboice sunny room* $2 50 per °.\eek and ui>: board. Al table, $6 «nd up. FUKD.KRTJ£L and ADAM. HACKMEIER, Proprietor*. THE WAJ.D >KF, 309 POWKM, OPP. UNION square— Thorouuhly renovateii; newly and ele- gantly furnlslied; board. MRS. J. A. CALHOUN. m£*nKLSTH at IiRANCiI OFFICE Ob' iUI 'in* civ, tiibftcxipugu tua ttauk a«U Uken. tIULDKEN BOARDED. SPLENDID HOME FOR CHILDKKNWITH reUned ianiily: personal cate: extremely healthy locality: good sktiool. H. THOMPSON, tileu. Ellen. IfLDKKLV WIDOW WISHES CHILD TO -I-* board: kindest care. "j;-,S Seventh st., rear. I DOW WISHE-FKW YOL'N<; CHILDREN; '• nice home: moiher's cure. 2618 Bryant aye. CATI ON AL. \ N EVENING BUSIN ESS COLLEGE, YOUNG l\ Men's ChtUttan Aasocia -tuaies in book* Jieeilni', mathematics, stenorraph , typt-wri.liic, mecbaniral and \u25a0hand ilrawim.-,Ke«:ni"try,al«e- br.i, elocuti ii, German, i-panish, i \u25a0 niiish, vocal music and electricity nilmc i:(:e 1 in membciship privilege.- Call or send for illus'rated cataloiru--, Asscciaiinn bids, Mason ani F. 1.15. Special privi- lege to young ladles in study of stenogrnphv. type- wri'.lngand German. 11. J. McCOY.Cien. Sec. \ tCMiiOL OF PHYMCAL AND .0- }\u25a0 locution, 1215 Octavla St., sa:i Francisco, miss eliza mackintosh, pupa of Proiessor G. W. Bayuham, Glasgow, Scotland, and graduate of lh» cchool of oratory, I'hllMdi-lphio. I'.i. teacher. Ollicedays, lhur*. r. v., Saturday a. m. HKALD':-. BUSINESS UOLL.BUC 21 POST »i. iiooktteeplng, business practice, snort- hana. typlnc, telegraphy, lan;uar;es. Knallsti bimi (hes: eiectrieal. clvliand minliignu gingering. Miivevlns, assaying, navigation, eu-.: 'JO teacheri; day and eveuiuz sessions: write ior catalogue. ANDERSON'S PREPARATORY fcCUOOL— Pupils prepared for ( nllf.<rnia and Manford universities in day and evening classes und prt. vuto Iftjaont; leacliurs' and civ service uxaailna. tloiis. Room 4U7. Parrott on; din^. A^ Kha' ]-lsl.Nh>s COLLKUK, H25 MONT- comcry b.. indivlduai instruction In sbor: hand, lypin™, bookkeepiuf, uiegrapby, eta; lira tenoiarship $50: low ratej iei weec ana mon:a. pARTINGTON'S school or magazine -Iand Newswspaper illuslratiou, 424 Pineac: free exhibition ol works by Modonta dally, '_' lv 1 F. m.: classes morning and at;ernoon. ENGINEXKING SCJioOL: CIVIL, ELECL, mining, mech.. survey, assay. arcult.: 6e.yA.evo.: tet. ]fc64. A. VAN VIEHNAII.LKN, W.i Marked I^XPEKIF.NCED TEACHER DKHIRi-s PRl- 'vat- pupils; Lours 3 to 7. MISS FULLL.K, 836 Turk st. C;»;n BUSINESS KBKKCM OR SPANISH —V. course. Call at 22V, Geary st.. room 39. BOOK XXI- PI .\ G. Altll IIMI-. lit:. "wkITINO. gram., etc ;day,n!clit. ?sma 1601 Mkt..op.Btu. EUGENK DE FOi.ESI, SCHOOL OF AUTI.VQ and elocntiun. 14 McAllister, r. 70; call '-' to 4 GAMBLb'S DANCING >CHoOL; children's casj sat. 8 p.m. ai7 DevUadero. T>ELASCO'.S LYCEUM btGUOOI, <>F ACTING— JJ Pupils reliearsrd o.i stage. Alcazar buiidiu- LLDLA.M &CIIOOL uK KLOC'L AND D.amatic Art. 9.8 >utter su Miss BOLTK'S SCHOOL, tfSIM < .\UrO:;XU; 111 boari : tug., i-r., Ger, music; 30 a mii.tli. SAN FiIANCiSCO JiUMNESM ui-l.r GK. 12JU Market s'_ ;IJ4 posltluns lv 'i»b. tjH in '97. SI'A.N I^H—CLASS..S UAIIYj S.i MONTH 4 O toll p. v. lioom 10, Y. M. U A. build CINGING; PIANO; I'AtilS UKADI/ATX; 0 Frenc-u, German lancuages; f > mo. 109 Taylor. GUITAR, MANDOLIN. PIANO AND VOCAL lessons; if.-s m Mary Tf— ItinM 39 Firth sw 9-9,- MISSIuN KUBtsCKIPTIOX* a.\l) •J— ' want :•\u25a0!* «iiicpn t< >- TH< t'ALU HORSES. tITAKTfeD CHEAP; PAfR OF HORREX weight 1100; stroDg ranch wagon. 105 New Montgomery at * UCTIO.V SALES EVERY BATUKDAY AT Xx. 11 o'clock of horse*, busgies. waguns, harnesi. etc. £mportum sale* y»iO* »'2O \*leuCi« >i., i. WATKIN.i, aocUoneer. Atk HitUtHU Jolt bALE; Al.s'l WAUONt n\r cnggle& ran* hariiesi: Grand Arradß Hor»« Mtrltsi Xii sixth st. : ruction luies every W*i« trsda/ fcUI.LIVAN <fc DovLK. Atictioueers. WAOOXI AND CAKKIAGE3. BARGAINS! r.AHGAINs: BARGAINS! IN new and second-hand wagoui. buggies carts, harness, robes uud blankets. 1-PihoM llaruen Company, 111 J.f.r»ln st., opn. new City IlalL pHEAPEST PLACE I.< TOWN: iAI.M WAO- \J ons, bugglei. haclcs und harnrss: new and sec- ond-hand. 6th and Valencia ms.; tel. white 371. |j*Ufß LAUNDRY, BAKKtt'a A.M) MILK 1 wagons cheap for cash or installment*: 1 Unit lop and open buggy: aisu I c2S liarrlsoa tt 'n HORSES. WALU.Vi, CARTS. JIARNEsS; *"' auction -nlf «-very iu»-sd.«,- 721 Howard su FOU SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. \l' INi- PUNCHEONS FOX SALE; IN GOOD *\u25a0 condition; I he*e puuehcons n-cen:iy used tor sweet and red winr>. C. DELMAS, 630 Brannnu St., bet. Fifth and sixtii. STKKEOPTIC^N; FKENCH IE NT; 2- O Inch lens, with slides aud scr»en complete. 3474 >iicrai..i-;it(i .i:. I^RESK MIL* H COWS; KICfl MILK: GF.X- X tie, c:.e p; will exchange ior dry cons. 1312 Folsom st. OLI> GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. VV\ MUND, watchmaker and jc«e er, 2*Jti B'iILERS,EN«iINE.-,'-'D-UAND jMACaiINKKY AICINTOSH «t WOLPMAN. 137 Beale su MITH PREMIER TYPEWKITEK; BAi:- galn. H. P., box 82, call uilice. rnHoROUGHBUED FOX - TERRIER PUPi 1 for sale cheap. 207 1 ehama st- r>KDHiKEKI) ST. BERNARD BITCHAND 9 X pups: c.jcai). 4t07 r. >i 3b's Minna st. I?OR SALE SPLENDID ROUGH-COATED X Ist. Bernard bitch Alma (Duke of Edinburgh- Lady Gladys). Apply at 1320 Geary street. AFKS— bargains in NEW and stcosn hand, al sizes; halt original cost. 109-111 Market st , Hi if, IJOILKRS. ENGINE?., PUMP*. BELTINO.GAS I >MiKints; bought and »old. WHITE, 516 Mission A LOT OF bXCONI* - Ha.\l» K^CHES>Ti£K lamps with hangers. AdJre.s 11. li.11., call Office. Vy ANT ED—GET YOUR SHOES MADK To »" in your f«et et the name price you bay ready- made ones, from 91. $2, 93. $\u25a0! and *5, at siij Mission mv, bet. i-'irst and second sts. q/'A/k PAIRS ANOTH&It LOI' MKNS OUV/U shoes, been slightly damagod, at lest than one-fourth ihelr value, from 25ciof'i5i). 662 Mission st., bt-t. First and Second. JADIKV hMUKa tOLI-O. Slo: MEN'S -1 shoes, soling, 60c: all repairing done at half Ihe usual price. 6e2 Mission SL, l<*;. Ist and 2d. ~f R. POUL., UKALEK Sr.C- O. ood-band buitdlng material, IMS-M Mission. pOFFEE-MILL. J.CAL .HAND-TRUCK, LET- KJ ter-press. ce;Jc and sate clieap. 102 Clay st. LOT OF UNCALLKD-KOR SHOES, FROM 25c up to *1 26. 662 Mission, bel Ist and 2d Bars, back bars, mirrors, show- cases, counters, linoiram, ollico furniture, sioro end furaitars and tlxtures; n.w and second- band. J. NOONAN, ltl7-10J.B-1021-10Ja ilU- \u25a0lou gt., atove Sixth. |>AX*. baoWCASr.S, COUNTKRa. bHU.LV- i>lug. etc.. boui:htand sod. i 063 Mission, nr. Viti. SEWIXU-MACHIXES. fflto MONTHLY: RENTED. REPAIRED «ip— bought, sold: machine supplies. 145 sixth. ALL KiND-. BOUGHT, SOLD, EXCHANGED rented: repairing; lowest rates. 205 Fourth, I'HVSKJAXS. DH. C, C. CDONNELU 1208 MARKET, RE3 XJ 2bb4 25tU uu; dueasei of women a sptouliy. __! . OO_ TO LET- Continued. BFSH - \u25a0"* strco;. YAI ? OCreß - la « KLLIS _ INCANDES- J-v cent llfsnts; reading-room. and ladies ''S rlor: room, per ntaht, Sbctofl 60; week, »-: to J«: month, *8 t:> S«0; elt-vator on ouice | floor: rooms with hot and c u!.l wnter: uaths. ]>AMONA_HOTEL RAMONA; MOST M«>D- m «l i : - \ M c*?e *?" Lrooms: 80c 10 $1 60 per day. MRS. k AI r.Ml HART, manager. lbO Killsst. pOSEDALE HOUSE, 321 ELLIS-200 SINGLE 11 aua 'art,, rms; 20c to 50c nichu *1 to *:i wk. HVfr* K LLIS-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. *-> vj to let lor 2 gentlemen; 4-7. •* .illl MIBO.. rpiiE Waldo p.f new nousE; just -«\u25a0 opened; sunny rooms; tel. Mint 1792. 24 Fifth. rPHJC C> sMiil'l,l I!AN >KLEcr FAMILY I hotel: 100 Fifth st-.cor. Ulaftion: rooms 60c, if»c and $1 per night; }2 to $5 per week. "I £9 FItTH— SUNNY sINGLK, DOUBLE - lt -'— rooms; 81 week up; respectable; quiet. .Fifteenth Street. 1 fiQ*^ FIFTEEN iH7 COR. VALENCIA \J»'O Large unfurnished bay-window room: new house; 4-s per month; riferences. J'ulfcom Street. r Tp(\\ FOLBOM N UK, LARGE. FURNISH- I '\u25a0Us ed rm to let; sn liable for 1 or 2 gents; chp. 1 i..:i.:; Hireoi. n FULTON— SUNNY ROOM -. NICELYFUR- hisl.k!; lent rcuscnable; family. iititry Ml'« D.. mi GEARY ST.-KLI'.GANT SUNNY FUR- J tiisheil or umurnlshed rooms; central; fca'h ;rent reasonrtble. \ <£oldeii (iatn Avenue. 90/' GOLDEN OATK AVK —FURNISHED «JOy) suany front room, suitube for 2. Kearnv Street. QA KKARNY— SUNNY i UUNISIT^DR'OM'-; OU suites, single; tourists: unfurnished olllcej, *)'\u25a0 (\ KKARNY ELEOaNT KOO.U-: FUR- I U nished to suit occupnnt; furnished or un- I furnished; Housekeeping privileges; day, week, or mouth. AKI.i.NUTON HOUeE. 127 KH.ARXY— I I'leasau: sunny rooms, en >>ulte and single; 1 lirst tiass in every respect; terms reasonable. Alarkot Street. \u25a0t -1 99 MARKKT MCKLY FURNISHED X1£t£i suites; aiso single rooms; reasonable. SlHrtha IMuce. 6 MARTHA, SOUTH OF GEABY, ABOVE Masou— Sunny rooms; tti a:.rt .*" aino th. jiaMjii Street. HMASON— SUNNY KOOM; NICELY FUR- nlsned; f 1a week. 3linna Street. l'(K1 MINNA. COR. EIGHTH—NEWLY FUR- VJU I nished bajr-wtndow room; $1 a week. Sic A .i,.- MtWd | a McAllister, .ni-xt to hibernia J-'ir BnnK—1 studio rooms for typewritera, lawyeis, doctor.,. pRAND SOUTHERN, SEVENTH AND Sll<- \J sion— SuiU's:slug!e; sunny: elevator: moderate HAMOCK llOb'BJ .ci ;^ii).N ,' i.KIT Jainllv rooutiiic-liousa. }l Ml »$i |r»«t in-i MIS-lON FURNISHED ROOMS; ±U«.)1 parlor 11 >or 1 *)Ill\ MI>SION LARGE, SUNNY 1 *-UU front room; elegantly . furnished; gas; bath; etc. I'iiie stree.. 70J PINE—SUNNY FRONT ROOM FOR 1 i Utl or 1, 99; also one aingp, with stove, f6. i osc Mreo.. 9QQ POST, BOHEMIA.FRONTS UNION S-Q., «-OiJ '2 blks. Palace: sunny suites; private bath, j i. om ell streu*. OA] POWELL (THE MONTKLLO)— SUNNY —\J 1 furnished rooms; reasonable; tran&leut. ~ t .-.. > r..r~" -"- *-*•"-» THE HILLSDALE. 33 SIXTH ROOM?, J suites, single: also light houekeepluc loims. j VTKW iIA.NCi.IMI.. , 61 6TH. COH. .MXS- j X™ sion— 1- Ii;. nwly.fur. mis :en >uite:sinKle: reas. \ 1 -Ji' sixi H— mcki.y fobnibhko KOOMS: 1 «-)U single and large; bath; 25c tosUc night; >1 i to S3 week. MocK:.(!i Mieet, Xi-'UROPEAN. 17 STOCKTOH ELEGANT SU rooms; suite or single: <iay, week or mortth; ba.hs; hot and cold water: transient; elevator. —~ —^^— —^—— .—^ . __ -»_ fcuttur Strejt. OflQ SUTTER (SDITJCB HOUSE) FUR- p\JO nished rooms '.5c up: suites, sintles: iraus. j TH STANFORD, S'JO% M'i'l'E.:- ROOMS I furnished elegantly: 5 c, »1 50 day: »8, *30mo. : Third Street. I Q THIItD-ROOMS TO LET; 6UITABLE 1 O for tailor-shop. \ -^ 2\eK« Airuiio. "i r VAN NEsS NICKLY FURNISHED I •-» sonny suites and single rooms; housekeep- ing. J.l H VAN NEfeS— SUNNY ROJMB, SINGLjc: trxU and double, new; bath, gas; $7 up. M UaiieOUS. -r-UKNISnKD ROOM; EVERY CONVKNI- P ence: location nnexcelled: references required. Address UD. box i, Call Olli.e. STOKES TO LKT. H>_> TENTH— LARGE STORK: ( Hi Ai'EsT * in city; grocery or liquors. SW. c H. KLLISAND SCOTT; SIORE AND 2 living-rooms; fine lo ation; %'i'l. STORE, NW. COB. POSr AND BAKER. WITH i lixtuips, complete for grocery: 3 rooms in I rear: h'ne. concrete cellar; reut $-'U: water free. 1 P\9zl If AKXKT, NR. LAKKIN- $65 ! 1 jgive leas». ABHTON. 411 Montgomery «t \ "^"***"*^™"™***"— **" ***~^ ' OFFICES TO LKT. EMMA SPRECKfcLS BUILDINU, 927 MAR- j -J ket st.-?l^ 10 SUO. .Sill ON. room 210. LODGING-HOUSKS. "I /-ROOM BOUSIC, CASH f «J25 J i 20-room house, best in city 1003 '..9 rooms, on Kearny st 2iOJ 9-room ll»i. Vciy good , 450 18-room bouse, on -\u25a0-•ix'.b st 600 ! 4J-room house, ciears $250 1800 | 2S-room iiouse, >ix:h »i feso | room liuiisr, $luo casn 430 .'l4-ri om house. ceais*i. ; l«00 ' 14-room house on >:ddy 350 \u25a0 14-room hi use on M&.100, near Market 250 Cliv property, ranches and business placet lor sale and. exchange. H. C Di-.CKKK, 102J Market, j (2jJ')X LODi.INO-H'JC.->E: 16 ROOMS; ALL ' O"^-'-'* black walnut furniture: rent reason- ; able: busy I»catlun; lino pliice for steady or transient trade. M. LKss, 5 Fourth su ANTKD LOPUIXG-HOUSK: 16 OR 24 " rooms: cash phid if suitable. Call or address 1257 Stockton at., rm. 2. ] /.-ROOM HOUSE: NEWLY FURNISHED; J.U all occupied; Austrian bouse. 246 Fourth st. (JjOr,A 22-ROOMCORMCR HOUSE, NICELY *£t)O\J. furnished; all full; good location. 231 Second st. V^lci; MODERN COTTAGE IN THE MIS- i-' sion: very cheap. V. C, Lox B'A C*II Oflice. RK^TAURANT and lodging-house F)K At rent in Elmhurst. Inquire b.x 11, Call Oflice. Oakland. TyiCELY FURNISHED LODGING-HOUSE; 16 X\ rooms: sickness. J. S., box 3, Call t'fflce. LOST. 1 J-FT. SKIFF: P.U.vTKD BI UE. RETURN It: to LOUIS YON HARTKN. Long Bridge and Merrimac. LOST-FUR COLLAR. LIBERAL REWARD. J j Return to 315 Ueary st. SMALL BLACK TEKUIEK, WITH COLLAR: reward. Return to 3342 Army gt. 1 OST— A PASSBOOK WITHTHKHIBERNIA J^ havings and Loan Society of san Francisco, in the name of -> .<.LI.IK DJNAN, No. 195,483. The tinder will please return to batiic. VJKAL-KIN tOLLARETTE, WITH BKAR ! O trinimlngs, from Post a:,u Baker to Jackson and Maion. via JacKson-streec cars. Reward, 2519 Post. TYI'EAVKITERS. ALL TYPEWRITERS SOLD OR KKNTED; send for price and sanip.'e work. L. <t M. ALEXANDER, 110 Montgomery st. MITH PREMIER, »45; CRANDALU »15; sauiDle work. SCOTT<tBANNAN, 333 Montgy P HOUSES TO LKT. " _ _ ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOME; , v 10. 13 rooms: b-th: 821 .'Farreil. BOVtrl, TOY >v SONNTAO, t>-4 Market bi. l)K.l»f'cEr7'l"O S3O; 8 BOOMB; DECORATED J\ latest style: nice mantes: 40-tou sunny yaid: sanitary plu-nbins: see it. 2525 Pine st., ur. Scot. / Ti - MODERN FLAT OF 6 ROOM^ AND ( > I I. Lath. 1448 Valencia bt.. near'lwen:y- I " !^l_ - V ; - KABLKSUNNY CORNER COTTAGE; 6 "JJ looms: $25; Oakland. Apply Dentist, 10 loear.v st. \u25a0 - .. C »jC GEABY— 7-ROOM HOUSE A>'DB.Vl'll: Of«J rent $25. /COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE CON- \i tainius drawing-room, librKry, reception-room, j billiHrd-room and 11 bedrooms: lariju grounds: choice loration; to lease for a term of yenrs. For full inr:icuiars apply to M .\DlsoN &BURKfc. 626 Market su QQ HOUSE; 6 SUNNY BOOK 8; YARD. «JJ5v 917V2 reat aye., near Tweuty-secot d st. SUNNY 2-STORY HOUsl.; t5 KOOMS; MOD- kJ em. 707 Ellis gu. near cor. Larkin. C99 LAKKIN— I2 IooMS AND BATH- IN «^. - perfect, order; $40. .Apply L.C. BaBIN. 413 Kearny sU TO LKT— HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 1308 Larkln sU <5j 1 r HOUSE TO LICT; 6 KOOMS. 23Vb <„ 10. Morris aye., near Sxth. Q>- 5-KOOM HOUSE: SEWLY PAPERED tjp . and fainted: new plumbing. 1667 Kearny su, near Greenwich. I.I'NDVK-1.-. fitll.n— KD> XX \u25a0;"\u25a0 n-. Wiil rent homes at BALDWIN «fc HoWKLL. 10 Montgomery st. COTTAGES TO LKT. RflQ L °C^'ST AYE. -SUNNY 001 fAOB: 5 \J\.'ts rooms and bath. Keys a: grocery. Me- Alllsteraiid Laguna sts. \u25a0 •" FLATS TO LET. ' MODERN SUNNY FLATS, b AND7 ROOJi^ Vii bath. 2520 cutter st. . rent reasonable. r^i 1 (< NEW B.\Y-WIND-»W FLAT; b LU.-HT ij)l-\). rooms: gas; bath 909 som st. LTPPER FLAT:Ni.w: 5 KuO3IS : MODERN: l-i sunny: $22 50. 1071 Fell st., near s-cotu IQUNNY LOWEK 1 LAT. 5 ROOM>, BATH; O yard: Sl4. 1720y 2 Fo!som. near Thirteenth. LAT 14 KOOMS FOX SALE OR IIiAD.-.; -Call full; low rent. 1055 Mission st. T?LAT 5 Ri'OMS 4.ND BATH; EACH RuOM J- sunny. 161.-. Folsom st., near Twelfth. VLAT;$20; 6 HANDSOMELY DKCOR'ATED 1 tunny rooms and bath, 26 thotweil eu, near Fifteenth. C»9- MODERN FLAT: 8 ROOM-*: BATH; 1 &£.O. or2familes. 1128 Howard sU LAT, 4 BOOMS AND KITCHEN. 284 NA- S- lomaau, near Fourth. PPER AND LOW 1 H FLATS; 5 ROOMS; L bath; rent .*li-: yard. 3J Moss st , beu Sixth ai.d Seventh; key cor. Howard. QiA LOVELY SUNNY FL\T, 7 ROOMS. 0 '"• '-4 G iden Hate near Van Ntst. JU 1 - Ni W UI'PKK FLAT. 4 -I'.NNY i;MS.; tH)X«J. bath. 1:8 Lloyd si. uiT Scott, nr. \\*..ller. Q ( AC) rWENTIIsi ST., COR CAPP— FLAT; Oil- 4 rooms and b.ith; modern improve- ments. >)l LAFAYF.riK. BET. ELEVENTH AND OX Twelfth—4 sunny rooms. rp\Vi) ELKGANT FLATS, 5 ROOMS; SUN IN JL every ruom; in'::r 1 Ity lia.ll. 10 <;rove st. 9 FLATS IN REAR 820 V 2 LAKKIN *T.; pood order; cheap rent- Apply L. C BABIN. 413 Kearny st. rTtiQAGBOVE— LOWKB FLAT: 4 ROOMS; 4 t- hath; iight, sunny: large yard. VTEW BAY-WINDOW FURMaHED FLAT; -L> cheap to good tenants 169 San Carlos aye. CHOICr. TINTED SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 6 rooms and baih. 8 Webster st.t nr. Haighu T?LaT. 5 ROOMS: BATH. STATIONARY 1 wasutubs; large yard; if-0. 15-1 Broadway. LONDYKE GOLD. KLONDYKE GOLD Will rent flats at BALDWIN ds HOWELL, 10 Montgomery st. /'liK.u- MODERN FjuATS, 6 AND 6 i-.ooms ; f\..' %H IO fit sw them. 5-JS >cvenii «t 1101 BEKKJEUXO BOOMS.-' Castro Street. JAX CAPTRO (BEAR)— 3 NICR SUNNY "w unfuriished rooms; large yard; chlCKen- hou-e; cheap. J-'ell Street. n-l Q FELL-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, $10, UIOalso .-story house rooms, ?25. > i UUom siroe . QCO FOLSOM— LABGE SONSY BETROOM; OUO eounec.iag kitchen, yard; complete house- keeping. Orove> Street. 9f19 GROV COB. VAN NKSS AVE.—UN- _ V/^_ furnishi-d 3-room suite*, with pas stove. or Q MISSION— FDKKIa H lv D t""housekeeping room: $X a month. Howard Street. 1 niR HOWAED UNNYH °USEKEEPINO 'VlUioodh; suites, Binglea; reasonable; top floor: top bell. Wwnn Street. f\AP. MINNA-FUIiNISHKD ROOMS; CoM- %jrt.\J plete for bousekeeping: lar^e yard. \u25a0l-»h6ion >tree;. C£»l MISBION, NR. 2D-SUNNY BEDROOM OUJ. anl klicben furui» for housekeeping. Natoina Street. 9QO XATaMA' - AR FOURTH—2SUNNY +**J^' fumlsbed rooms housekeeping; yarJ- rea- \u2666ooable. i\A.?\ NATOMA-2 SUNNY NFU RNISH D \jrxu rooms for housekeeping $7. . O«k btreet. rl9 OAK-LARGE ALCOVE ROOM, COM- I J— plete for housekeeping, private family, $12. "I A OAK-FUKNISUED ROOM FOR LIGHT J-T. housekeepiDg. •»•»» seventh strce:. 1 49 SEVENTH (GIKAItD) - SUITES AND Xl— kiUhPn; also singlerirs.: newly renovated. tiith Mreo;. r(\-t 1SIXTH--2 OK S BAY-WINDOW ROOMS OUJ-2 iurulsbed for housekeeping; reasooabie. leliama Mre«t. 71 7 TEHA MA, BET. EIGHTH ANDNINTH- -4XI large front room for hkpg and kitchen. MOCktmi >.l'«a;, C-JI BTOCKTON- MCELY FURNISHED tj X bou^ekeepini; rcoms; sunny; with bath, in prlvae family; doivntown: rent teasonable; ref- . «-reice given and /•IT STOCKTON, NR. PINE-I-LOORS OF 3 j 011 unfaruisbed 100 ms: nice garden. 1 rj-t r KTON— SUNNY ROOMS FUR- J ill) aished fur completo housekeeping; r -nt $10. Twelfth Street. 1ytr. TWELFTH. COR. HOWARD— NICELY 1 -!•' famished hoasekeepins rooms; rent rea- sonable. Twenty-third Street. Q79Q TWENTY-THIRD-2 FURSISHED OliiO room* for housekeeping. .'\u25a0: i-< : .11. <•>>"-. KITCHKN: SITTING-ROOM; BKDROOM; JV furtiUhed; only «7. G. D. H.. box 76, CalL 9 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUBE- \u25a0 keeping purroses: reierences required. Address A. 8.. box 1. Culi office, "I l-rj .Nul'u al'.—miAliUit UXelVti ,OK .IUI 'm« iiu. kUbSCTIpUIiJ t-Uil vtaut Mil taken. - - i KOOBIS TO LET. iKOOM!* TO LET. Braunan Street. •79^ BRanNan, ABOVK SIXTH-8 NIC 1; 1 ~sv tupny rooms; rent cheap. 1-Ut.Ji Stl-Bd.. L. R9fi BUSH-SMALL SUNNY FURNISHED T--— _ room8: *6 np; reas 'liable. i.-.<jv Slreut. OOA EDDY-LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS; fJtJI all conveniences: rea-iona')i<-. . ' CHERMAN^APARTMENT nousE. 28 BTn *3 at. near Market; furnished and unfurnUiied.

Transcript of The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1897 …...McAVOY &c go.. Funeral Directors ima...

Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1897 …...McAVOY &c go.. Funeral Directors ima Kmlmimoi's, 1-^35.Uuke St.. Bet. 81haud 'J:h. Telephone SoHtii 247. Ettab. 1858. Tel.South



ADVICE FRKE; DIVORCE LAWS A sp;.;c.->altv;private; no fee without success-.collectionrG. W.HOWE, atty atlau-,850 Market, cor.Stocktn.A VI K-PltIV TKL\W -M^TTKKS-M. moderate fees: a to a. JlcC.< BK, 103 Larkla'.

JA.MiTCHELI-REMOVED TO 1206 MA It-. ket; alllegal matters: collections ;advice free.

ADVICEFRKE; No CUARUE UNLrSS SuOXV cessful. \>. W. l)AVll)Si.\,D'J7 ilarteiss

BIftTiIS—MARBIAGES—DEATiIS.rBirth, marrla?o and death notice* sent by raUl

wtllnot be Insane 1. They mus: bo handed I-i%:either ot the publicatlri^ ofllcei au Iv? indOM>twith the name re3ide:ica persom auih3.-u.jilohuvosnu aa.-uj puuiisiied.j

BOBX.EICIILER—In tillsci:y. October 11, 1837, to th9

wife of Dr. Alfred Eichler, v son.GAGAN—la this city, O.tober 12,1397, to tb.9

wifeofciiiirl K. ii»:an, a sjii.

HAMBLY—In Oakland, October 6.1897, to th«wife 01 Joseph Hambly, a daughter.

HaRRISOX— In Fall Brook, San Diego CountyOctober 6. 1897, to the wife ot Edward N. llar^rlsOTi, adaujliter.

LIEBSCHUTZ— this city. October 11, 1897, tot;ie wiTo 01 Charlej Liebschutz, aaauguter.

MO.NROK— in this city, October 4. 1537. to thewlfp \u25a0>\u25a0 11 Monro». mnit_____MAKiIIKD.

BROTJHN-lIYMAN-In tlnscitv. October 10,1897. by Rabbi Isidore Mverjof the Kush-a:xe«Temple, I'e::j>min Brotman and Ray Ilyman,both of Sau t-r.uiciscu.

POLLARD—KEMP—In this city, October 12.1597. tli- Key. A J. Wells, Harry Pollardand Kmma NiolioU Kemp.

liliil>.Baruch. Emilia Kane. Marion

-K-man, Mary Keating, PairicfeBroivj,John J. Lyman, _rs. B.Campbell. Michael SlcCann. James A.Chamonde St. Hubert, Primiltz, Mar>'arethaMarlon nsou, Dr. LukeCra'.ir, Uennls Siafford, HelenCrawford, Key. A. K. Tennis, Jolm E.Douglasa, William A. Tennis. Albert R.Ha iks. Perry N. Welsh. Joan T.Huwley,Helen a. Williams. Henrietta E.Jonuson, HuldA E. Winall, Mary A.

Wrlgh;, Frank

BARUCH—InNew York, October 6. 1897, EmilUUaruch, anative of Germany, ag«d 67 years.BLACK.MA.N—la this city, Cctober 12, 1897,

Mar/ Biacknian, v native of N>w York City,aged 6S yours 11 months and '2b days.

BROWN—InSan Mateo, Joha J. Brown, aced 31year*.

B3~Notlce of funeral neraaftsr.CAMPBELL-In this city. October 11. 1897.

Michael Campbell, anative of Ireland aged $'•years.

CUAMO.V de ST. HUBERT—Inthis city. Octr*ber 12. .897. Marion, beiovel wife or Captain J.Chamon de bt. Hubert, and mother of NtnsChamon de St. Hubert, anative or Haylbery,England. ,, -

j.*'a2"Frtenda and acquaintance* are respect-

fnllyInvitad to attend the "uneral TO-iIORROW(Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from her lat«reshien c. "JlOo Bu3a simi-., thence to St. Dom-inic's Church, corner Bush and >teiner streets,wDere a his;li requiem mass win De cele-bratf dfor the repose oi her soul, commencing at9:30 o'clock a.

_Interment Holy Cross tuiaei


CRAIG—InthU city, October 10. 1597. Donnls( r^ig.beloved father of Alexander Craisr. a Ba-tiv»at County Donegal, ireiau 1. a.^ea 75 years.

lE3"Frlenaj and acaualntancei an? rejpect-follyInvited to attend tli« rnaaral THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. from the p»r-lora of the Culli'ornla Undertaking Company,sou:hwesi corner Geary and Ikockton strt-eia,lh?nc«ti> St. Bremlan's Church whTe a requinnimass willbe celebrated for the repose of hiasoul, commencing at 9 o' a. m. lutermeulMount Calvary Cemetery.

CRAWFORD— Oakland. October 11, 1897,Rev. A.K.CrawforJ. anative of Nova Scotia,aged 67 yeurs 6 months and 19 days.

DOUGLASS—In Bettiany, Contra (°osta County.October 11, ISH7, Wiillam a., belovei sou 01Ell*n and the late Dr. Wiillam A. Donglasß, anative of San Francisco, asel years 2monihiaud 1duy. \u25a0 \u25a0 ;-..

HAXKS—In Oakland. October 9,1837, Perry N.Hanks, agud 37 years.

HAWLEY—Inthis city, Helen Ada-ns Ilawleya native of New Yoric, a,-tU 27 years 11nionthjand 27 days.

JOHNSON— this cltv. Octobsr 11, 1837, Hnld«, in?a:it daughter of Emma and Ovai

Johnson, a n.i:iv>*vi Mivi''ri»ncisoo, ugei 4year*9 month* uad 13 days.

fiS"Friends and acquaintancei aro reipect-fnllylnvittHl to attand th« fu-icTil THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the resi-dence 01 iho parents. 5 -haiesneure stroet. 8.-r--11ilHeigats. luieruieni 1. o. O. F. Cemetery.

KANE—In tht^ city, October 11, LBB7, MarionK-i!;e, anative of Lou.ion, Eng:and, asaa 5Jyears.

KEATING—Inthis city. October 12, 1537. Pat-rick Keatius. beloved brother of Cornelim,Mlchasi anl Jame-i Keaiing anl 'Mrs. JulliWalsh, a native of County Curs, Ireland, a-o448 year*.

Jty"Frlendt anl acanalntaac^^ are respectifullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MOHKO^V(Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. a., from the par-

lors o: Mcavov ct Uaiiagner, 20 Mf.h street.ihenc» D st. Rose's Churcn for MTTtees. lutermeu: Mount Calvar/ Cemetery.LYMAN

—Inthis city, October 11.1897. Mr* 15.Lyman, mo her of E. F. ,J. C. and J. R. Lymau,

natty of Ireland. aseJ 78 yeari.JK3"Th9 funeral will taka nlaca TIII3 r>A"¥(Wednesday), at 8:80 o'clock a. m.. from t.'ia

residence of her son. J. R. Lymai. 334 Tw9nty-uliuhstreet, thence to st Paul's Churcn.wuir.: arequiem mass willbe celebrated for tue repose olher sonl, commencln? Nt t> o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Caiaecery. Funeralprivalu.

McCANN—In Oakland, October 11.1837. Jamesa. McCanu, anative oj Indiana, aged 46 yt-ui'j7 months and 27 days.

PRIGNITZ—In thl3 city, October 11,1897 Mar-garethe, i»«"loved wifeof William Prignltz (neqiciiiuitun),aud motner or Willie and C»r|Pri;uitz, a native ot Hanover, Germany, rea

39 years and 2months. A memr-.eroi St. Paul'sEvangelical 1ufieran Fr:ui n Verein. Howardatreet acd Hori'nuugs Lodge No. 1,0.d. H. S. W,

Friends ana acaualutancei ara respeci-fnllyinvited to a. tend tlio funeral Till^u\C(Wednesday), at 1 o'clock p. it., from her lataresidence, 518 Sixth street, between BryantancjBrannan, iheicce to S.. Pau 's Evangelical- Lu-theran Cuurch, Howard street, between Tern!}anJ Eleven to. whara funeral services will b«held,commencins at 2 o'clock i\m. lutermeulLaurel HillCemetery. >

ROUIXSON— At Latnrop, Ca!., October 10, 1897,Dr. Luke Robinson. bi»'.oveJ husoaud of (jenevnRobinson, and fatlirro; Dr. Frank, Uta, ciearfeand Beruadetta Hohmson, a native of Hi.Joseph,Ma. nvje 1 5 1 years 3moutiis and 'J5 days.

6,'£~ Friends are resD«ctfullv Invita-l to attan-1tUe funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at IUo'clock a. m.. from si. knatina >.hurch. Hay*-ss.reet aud Van Ne<s avenue, whero a requiemhigh mass willbo ceiebfated. Piea3e omit flow-ers.

STAFFORD—In this city, October 12, 1897.Helen, beloved daughter of .Nicholas I.and,Margaret StafforJ, a native of San Francisco,aged 3 ears 5month* anil l'_' days.

ftS"Tho ianeral will take plaJe THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from tin)reaidenc* of the parents. 2a lraucis street, ofjMission, near iive-mlle House. Intermem pri-mta

TENNIS—In Oakland. October 6, 1897, JohaElwood, and October 11. 1897, Albert Howe,infant sons of J. F.aud Kate Rowe lVn;ils.

WELSH— In this city, i-ctober 12, 1897. JohaThomas, be'.ove;! son of Maria and the late.James Welch, brother of Jamet, Joseph. Mar-gare:, Duvid nud Charie* Welsh and Mrs. 13.Williams, aud nephew of Mrs. Jauies Mci'an-lels. a native of Sun ±'rancisco ,aged 16 years ?moith1and 7 da/s.

J63*Friends and acquatniancat ara r^sneot-fuliyinvltea to attend the rnneral TO-MORROW(Thursday). at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his lataresidence, 12J2 Vailejo »tre-t, thence to tit.Bridget's Church, whera a solemn requiemmass wiilbe celebrated for the ropose of hissoul, commencing at 9 o'clock a.


ment Mount Calvary Cemetery.WILLIAMa—lntnla city, ober 11. 1897. Hen-

rlett* E., wire of Amoi Williams, a native ofNov YorK, ivj,"I42 years 8 monms and 26 days.03~Fri<>nds anil acqual.-^ancet ars rt?4Doav

fullyinviteU to a.tend cue funsral Tills* UiV(Wednesday), at 1 o'clock r.m.. from the resi-cience, 22 Chattanooga stieet. Please omit flow-er».


WINALL—In thi3 city, October 11. 1837. MaryA., oeloved wife of stuart A. Winall, a native ofLlOClnnati, Ohi->, HgeJ 79 years.v.:».„'

JK3" Friends of the tamily are respect-,fnuy invi.«d to attend the luneral Till*DAY(Weduesdav). at a o'clocK p. m., from her lata, rasldtsacif. 531 Haight street. Interment LaurelUlliCemetery.

WRIGHT— the City and Couuty Hospital. Oc-tober 11. I>>97. Frank Wright, a native of Cali-fornla- aged 24 years.

w.cavoy'a GALLACHER,FUNKEALDIEECTORS &kmbalmkrs,20iifthSt., Opp. LincoinSchool.

Telephone South 80.

U. -B. McaVUV 1 Mauagtr

McAVOY &c go..Funeral Directors ima Kmlmimoi's,1-^35 .Uuke St.. Bet. 81haud 'J:h.

Telephone SoHtii 247.

Ettab. 1858. Tel. South 47.

CRAIG &COCHRAN CO.uneral Uirectorsand Kinbalmer«,

23- M4A>D 3fl MINI' AVtNI'K-Lady assistants. Siacloui fcrtheuseoi

our patrons, i.ublier tir«-s onour ambulance.



Junction oi Bush Street and Ceo-tral Avenue, San Frandcco.—-

\u25a0 \u25a0- "


Q9fi -ACRES TISiBKft LAND IN iIENDO-'J—clno county; cheap. Address C A., box

40, Call Otlice.T.MPK.VKI)Ranch, 400 ACRES; YEARLYJ- payments: proposi tjo-i surprising: no asoutj.Owner. i;-sjFourth st., room 4.

SMALL RANCH IN REDWOOD CITY FOOT-kJ hills. Apply i'O l'rosper st.

C;VAN ACRE-640 ACRES KERN COUNTY;*ipOgood for stock, sheep, fruit, .S., box 40. Call.

LITTLK HOIIKS CLOSiK TO IOW.V lii7proved: easy terms: also 4 o 12-acre'pleceion 8 and 10 years' credit. D. H. TWINU Bo-noma City: f\>rv MoDiay at 633 Market -»t.. X b*



QCCfi COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS; NEARLYO*- UVJ. new; near Fruitvale station; ownergoing r.way: this price for this weeK.

$1000— an estai4- cottage of 7 rooms and hath;convenient; good location; improved street; mustbe so .1.


Modern cottage; 5 rooms and bath: onTwenty-sixth, near Urove; these ar^ nil cheap.HUUH AL CAMKRON, Rtoker, 479 Niuth St.,Oakland.

87 WILL BUY A LOT WORTH 9150 INtip• O the Allendale Tract, East Oakland: noth-ing like it for the money: build your own homeor w« will t ui;d it tor you; payment as rent. $5call, $5 monthly; 3 c ec;rlc car linen and linescboolhouse; s:te, cllmnte and soil the best. Callor drop its a line. 459 Ninth St., be:, Broad wayand Washington, Oakland; carriages free. H. '/..JONEs. owner.


\\rANTED—CASH BUYERS FOR FURNI,'*tureaua household goods this week. Special

at the old store of 11. fcCHELLHAAS, 408 Eiev-eniljs:.. Oakland.


BARGAINS—5-KOOM'COTTAUE ANDBATH,i> lot 60-xIOU, price* $18M): 8- ootn col ii:o andbath, lot £.oxl4o, price $2750: I'2-roam co'-tageand baih. lot lbOxlfiO,piIce $4800: also other de-sirable property, some sold forihe mortgaee: easypayments. pply or writeto .-'. K. DENKE SR.I.i),vt «'i'-,i>-r st.,Alameda, Ca'.


OABGAIK—tiOOO: NEW HOUBK 9 ROOMSI-'ai.d bath; cmiented b&sement: furnace; mod-ern inevery detail; largdlot; 1 block from uni-

versity grounds, and aboiU iiOO feet off Telegraphaye.; the best location in Berkeley; can be hadon easy installments Ifdesired. For further par-tiruiars call or addies-i SAMUEL & KNOWLfc-S,481 in'.h st.. Oakluud.

LOR --ALE—INBKRKELKY. NOTION ANDJ drygoodj store; 3 'iviug-rooma; bath: lot. 2143Dwlghtua>\ Berkeley.


Excha FOR CITY OR OAKLANDproperty; orchard of '2'Z acres, In full bearing;

Alia Punta 'iract »t -tege, 01 B»n Pablo »ye.;sp:endid piaie for a home. UAIGHT, San-some sU . '.'."

EXOHAKGE FOR CHICKSK RANCH-Auiooe-n 2-Btorv. 8-rooin house. Address

Owner, 1916 Pacific avc, Alameda.


AT MIEHMAN. CLAY A CO.'s, THE MIST-cal tieadquarters ot the I'acllic Coast, is ihe

place to buy pianos and organs: new pianos from*17.> ti> $1400; -<cu.'ul-hiind :rom $5.f upwaiu;terms as low us $3 per month: s>;e repreae.: ta-ttv»s fur Meinway &.-ons, A. B. lhase. j-.merson, pianos ana Estey pianosund organs. Corner of Kearny ana Suiter sc-j.

BSOLUTELY THE OLDK.sT AND LARG-est housa west of 1nica.o is KOHLKR A

CHASE'S. 26. 28 ana SO CFarrell st. Pianos,organs and all other musical instruments, of all

«iies and prices. Terms easy; prices lowestJ verythin? i-i-ssiu.a cou« to picasa uui uatlsf/thecustomer.

ACIUAI.LYSACKIFICED— LI--TOFPIANOSfur follo'aitig week: $660 "-teinway. $275:

foso 1 hickulnj-, ifJLO: $450 Colby, *;2i5: *\u008400Conover, *30O; long list secuD'l-hand pianos, halfprice. 850 up. The F. W. H'E.NIEKfuMI'A-NY, 933 ilartcet st.

-)(\ SECOND-HAND PIANOS, SQUAUK AND—v/ upright, at your owis price nd on your ownterms, t<r one «e.-k only: we mus liave room fornew stock. shekMa'.v, clay & CO., cor. oiSuiter nnd Kearny sis.

BL'.N.'-i-.i'K REDOCTIIiN IN I'RICES—Halnes. Kuabe. iiush &Gens and others: sec-(lid-han-i pianos from $100 up. W. C. Ua.MIL-'IO.N, successor to A. L.Bancroft ifc Co., 324 Posu

BAROAIN;ONK FINK I'KCKKR UPRHiIITpinno; old E'igllsh mahocany dining-

room set. Offlce, Paciho Storage Warehouse, Ti'iStockton st.

I^KCKER PIANOS, 1--XI) VERY LITTLE,\) $-J6O: Marshall i&Wfudell, bargain. $1(55; Krg-

lish uprlchtfor 960. MAVVAIs,769 Market at.

*;n tHiOI>.D-HaM;pianos-, termseasy;*-vprices low; Chickering, Steck. Vose, >terlins.BENJ. ITI:T.\Z& .-O , itJ and '^0 O't arrelt st.

COH.MER.fc CO.. BYKOA iIAUZY.NEWBY,O Kvans. BrlsKS and other pianos: see our rentPan; no interest iirst year. SOB. SlO, 31-' Posu

ADIdINl.Vi'KATuK'a SALK -ilUoT• SjELUpianos ac imuienss redoclloh for rashoronlusli.ilmeiits. tAION fc.-TATK. 735 ilarlcot au

\TKW MASON it lIAMBLKN SOLID AN--l\ tiqucoak riniili:cost $500: willsell $175,oaeweek. 4-3 E -dy st.

VKiIYFINK II'KIGHTSACRIFICED THIS> weelc for half its value. DEWINU,2d floor,F.ood builJi.g.

!|>OK SALE. CHEAP— SQUARE KXaBUiI1piano. 325 Eddy st.":


I ph-RFECTLY Nr.W HAZELTON. APPLYIX sio Leavenworth s:.

KINU&BURY(1897 MODEL). IS THE PIANOyou want. J. HaRRY OTT, 5'J6 Hayes s:.

vT. 1/WiPIANO: (iKr.ATBAROAIN.SCHMIIZ,t^:Xvv. IbMcAllister, neur Ulbernia Bank.(T..- INSTALLMENTS. 2D-HAND VPRIUHI'tip«J-stelnway, Decker, G abler. Horung's,i!lßPost

B>oLUIELi tHK KEaT I'LACE TO BUYpianos; allgrades, §2 up. HKlnjS,13ti Ellis.

IOlKINWAY UPRIOHTAND BaBYURAND\u25a0 O sacrificed. KEEFFK'S, 1019 Van Ness ye.

\\r U.KAJJOER, .-OLft Mili.Nr FOR HALLKL'»' .«t liuvlaana Frnncls Bucou piano*. 41jMicta.

SDfKKIOK VIOLINS.ZITHKRS,OLD <fe NEW.LL iILLLI'.Ii,maker, repairer, 2 Latham place.

KNaßi-; PIANOS; NKW teCALE; AKWBtylej. _oHLKK &CHAsli, 80 Farrell st-

A »Ui'.K.\lA\ CLAY _ CO.'S ONLY' \» ii-iiyou nuu d. avOclc vinew atemway pianos.

•V>7 UO_'l«Oat_JtY COkNEU OK Ci.AY—

tV_.I open cntl 9:3!iclock: branch omc*»u<the call: subscriptions »nd want ads. taken.


Van VKOOM & CO.'S KLECTRO. DENTALf Parlors, 89V MarKet Rt.:lady attendant; no gas

I or other dangerous anaesthetics fiveu; electricity; the great agent, used to relleva palu; teeth tilled, ana extracted ptUnleasly by our new electrical' process; a written guarantee given with all woricI done: lowes: prices, beit work: all surgical worsj attended by U. W. Williamson, M.D.. piysiclatiI«nd tmrgeou: esnminatlon free by the u;-e of ourInew electrical appliances: porcelain and goliI crowns: bridge- work and teeth without plates a

specialty. Klectro-_ent.\l Parlors. »97 MarketIpULL SET Oi'' TEETH. f5: PaINIESS XX-J tractiou; see our oumblnation plate, thin aspaper: warranted 10 ye rs; teeth without plates;crown and bridge work our speclulty: teeth im-planted or transplanted: fillings50c, crowns 50;all work painlpis and warranted. Chicago DentalParlors, 24 Sixth St.

DR. GKORGK W. LKEK. THK GE.WINKLeek dentias. <!:sroverer o! paiules-t ext'ractloa

and patentee of improved br.dg« work or teeti»i:hout any plate, moved from tf to 20 (fFarreU.

DR. LUDLUMHILL,1443 MARKET ST., NX.Eleventh ;l.ocharge forextracting when plate*

are made; o:<J plates made over likenew; i*«:alrcm$8 per set: extracting 60c; gaa given.

VKW YOP.K DEN !ISTS-P *350 UP-\u25a0Li silver nilings. uOc np; gold fllings. *1 up;platt-s mended. $1 up; ail work warranted: pain-less extraction. J)6i> Mission st, SSE. cor 6th.<

OHIO DKNTAL PARLOR*, 906 MARKET-Painless extracting, 50c; i/peu eveuiugt and


©r FULL SET OF TEEIII;BEST MAKK;<J)O. kept ivrepair: extracting free; fillings50c;crowns $3 50. l'acillc Dental Parl irs. 18 Third.

CROOMK DKNTAL ASSOCIATION. 75» MAX-Vket, Get. 3d and 4th: (Bis »peria'.ism-. palnlejiextracting, *lingas. #1: piate* »f7 up. nil, $1up.

DX.J. J. LEEK, MARK1 ST.; OPEevenings: Sunday tlilnoon; registered dentist

WC. UARDINU,M. D., 500SU1TEK, COR.. Powel!; tei. Main 6375; painless extraction.

ALL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR-ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1320 Mwlcai at. -

ET OF TEETH WITHOUT A fi_ui. __"ILC. Young. IS4I Polk »t.



CC. BEMIs,. real e&tate and LAND agent,824 montgomery s>t.

FOR 15ALK.Choice buildingloton Army and 27th sts.; close

to •-•lectrlc road.$5 00—Good corner for store; must be sold; lots'J:4x6i> feet.

*6700—50x127 :H feet on Jackson St., overlook-ing ;he Prrsldio and bay.

M-vara on Pain >t.:panhandle of park.$800— Choice bnildlnjflots north of parK.Kurzalu— SW. cor. bth aye. and C St.; 109x95 tU

mil RENTS P! R ANNUM;BKY-®')OUI». ant su. nr. 3d: lars;e lot. 44x80 torear street; street ixceptfd; 4 flat*;separate en-trances: H good buy. ROBERT J. MERCER &bON,410 Pine St.


—UUI/. ciina st.. -r. Pine street, accepted.

ROBERT J. MKi:ci-.R &SON, 410 Pine st.

fi**;n.nn OXK ov THK CHOICE-T LOTS*iP

—»JUVJ. on Wline or r.o:ores St., nr. Twenty-

seconi; WxlMi terms to suit. JOHN H.GRADY,18 Post st.


*^700—Nice new storv-and-im f co'.tage of 6rooms, bath, etc.; lot25x75. ou Clinton Park, near14th and Guerrero Ms;easy terms.

<3t<l\t\ COZY 3-R OM COTTAGE ANDBTA-<J>>. \J\I. bl ,nr.28th and Alabama; lot 25x100.G. Al'.JlllKLsi XX.24 Montgomery st.


NEW HOME; 16Kiood aye., ••sunny side": see it to-day. J. O.

FAIR,16 Floudave.

T?OR SALE ON EASY TERMS— 2 COTTAOKSlot" rooms ba h and lar<f pantry; basemen:floored; cement sidewalK aud a'l la:est improve-ments. Apply to J. M. COMeIRFOuD, on theproperty, cor. Cortland and t allfornia ayes., from10 .\. m. to -1 p. m. Take ilissiou-s:. cars to Cort-land aye.


GREAT BABOAIS; $95J; COTTAGK 4Irooms: slreut workCone; 2minutes' walk from

Mlssioa-st. cars: al-o comer lots. 8., box 40, Cull.IAST CHANCE: NEW COTTAGE; $2600;Xj$15'J casi., %-±i a month ments. »'. \V.

11. PaTT»-R»ON tt C \u0084 1 C8Market St.


Ol9 C\C\C\ IVATKR FRONT PROPERTY:'- -I—.vUU, »jjuining Point Rn-iimont ler-jinnus of Valley iiuau; a specula. 10:1. Call forparticulars.

ALTA ITNTA TRACT, SAN PABLO AYE.,Imiles N. of terktlev— c_ots from 1 to 20

•errs; low price; monthly payim-uts: nearterminus of ValleyRailroad. feend lormaps.

1JDAI'IKS ADJOINING LANDS PUR--1 "O chased for caryard of Valley Railroad;

$116 per acre; < asy terms.

ALTA PUNTA TRACT;. TOTS 60x200: ATsiege, t-aii Pablo aye.: £80 to $2uo each:

month y payments HAIQHT,22OSansomesU

mnon to i.oa>.

ftPvAfl nnn AT 6 Aliv 61'3 pkk CKNT(TuV'v'.vVMion iityreal « s:»te, also Oakland.Manhsttan Loan Co.. ltiMillsbid;;., ground floor.C»'_>/W» lllld^T LOWKST RaTKs; SKC-,^,iUU.iHIUond mi.rt:;ui,'es. life Insnrancc,estates, undivided iutercs 8. leal es ale In probate,any sum. Mi:iiiiau:-.n i.ouu Co.. 10 Mills bui.ding.

AN\ AMblN 1 AT ty. V.: CENT ON REALJ\ estate: second anU ih'rd mortsagei, esla:evundivided in:eres:.s. real esta:e inprooaie. lile tn-surauce, toods In warehouse, furniture and piaootwithout removal; and leiiaciei bought;nodalay. R. McCUIAiASi,24 Montgomery SL, R3.

j OANS ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS INi' fc\ F., Oakland or Alameda, at lowest rate*,without removal; no commissions: no iie.a/iJ. NOON'AN. 101./ to 1023 illsalou. übuVJ cIXIU;lei South 14.

HIGHLY KEsPKCTAIII.K ANU I'HIVaIKplace obtain liberal advances on diamonds

*nd Jen elry of tho lowest ratev Baldwin Jewoirrb-.ore. Via M;r*e St.: UsßpttOO« l>;eeu JUV

IN SUMS TO fcUIT BORROWERS ATB PEUXcent on lir^t BDOrtgafC st-curitv. O A. LAN*.,19 Montgomery bU, s. P.; Ito 4 P. M.

GO TO A REGULAR LICKNSKI) PAWN-broker at 1 Fourth St.. Dpatatra strictly pri-

vate; low rates; tel. red 1121: csuiblishea 1869.

LOW l.Ali.Si I'iH MUNill IXTr.HKSTJon each $IOOJ 65c per munth ou flO't; second

Koricago: any uecurlty. c«sh, box 'A Call Otllce.

Ur E HAVK JIOShY TO 1.0A.S ON Cl1 Vreal «-Biat9: i;:tHre*t reasonable. Cal. Tills

Ins. and Trustee, '^10 Montgomery hl, Millsbuld.

ON FURNITUKE O!'. KSTATK; LOWnitiresl. BNKH,7 ity Hallaye.


MOST RKLIAIILK LACK TOX\> borrow mocey; <!iamoi.ds and jewelry.

JAHGE AN1' SMALLI. \u25a0 A NEGOTIATED,-i 3^B Montgomery st.. rcora 318

ON PIANO-.Fi'KMU'R.... WITH WITH*out removal ;low rate<i;no com. 116 McAllister.

ANYSUM—IST AND2D M'T'GEs. BhTATSSetc.: 6 percent. H.MURPHY,628 Market.

ON FCR.NII-URK, PIANO^.; No REMOVAL;low Int.: private pa.t>-. Km. 3. 40 Utary st.

Cj 1ZiO.OuO U.>. 1.11. ].S>UHA.M:iS i«>HCIKSQJ-V/ lo>v Iniores:. Jus, n. lUPLITZ.33J Hut

Q'.H 1O f^xJ.Uuil;L v. 1.-r I.ATI. ls>r«t2lJ*^<ni iiorta.. any propottliQiL J rva^n 4l3Mout


J" OANs on real estate, bor.ds, etc.; lowest rc.tei,J MCAFEE lißuiiiKns. 108 MotitgouiHry at,


A PROCESS THATIS PERFECTLY lIARM-less; never falls inany case of monthly »lck-

ntss, no mat;er what cause; no tltciricilybum-bug or other dangerous methods; money ineverycase refund d Ifa cure lanot effected: travelershelped immediate]}*; years' experience: home inconfinement with sanitarian conveniences. Con-salt free tlie only reliab •> phya cian-s DH. ANDMRs. DAVIEs, l-iMcAllister St.. next iiiberulaBank: hours 9 a. m. to 5 ind 7 to8 1> v<

ALLCASES OF MONTHLY SUPPRESSION"(front wta'rver caase) restored In a lewhours; s»fe at any time; n>> i-rocess humbug: in-

stant relief for travelers; homo tn confinement:my celebraied treatment nnd remedies for mouthl .-ecppresslon never t.i1: every case guarauteed;consultation irtcnnd confidrnllai.


store every case of montnly slckneeg f-otu1 wha-ev.-r cause Ina few houis wbon medicinesIai.d others failed; no Instrument! us'd;

111 \u25a0 y y**Krß*experience: every cis? sm^r need;i iidvi.c free; t^rius reasonnble: firs.-c private!home fir tinement. MRS. 1)K. IJALKV,ll^tj

Market st., over owl Druss.ore.

A SURE, SAFE AND sPKKDY ClRK ORall lem.ile disease*; a borne inconflneme n:,

Iwith best Donible «arr; wit!: the privacy of a.liins ad tne convenience of hospital;" those

who are sick or discouraged sboulil ca!l on the!doctor and state their case: they «rin find in her a

true trtend: all cousimuLions frieand aiisouitelycontidenilal. MRS. DR. GW YER, 228 Tur^ st.

» LL OF Dlt. FOULET'S CAPSULr.s ARK-'» Kuaranteed absolute cure for nil lemale dis-

eases; positive y safe and sure; no danger or aftereffects: taken In lime Italso acts as a ureventive:

Iprice $1 50 per box. sent free by mail on receipt ofprice; consultations 0:1 all special diseases free,WALLER I;H<>^., 33 Grant aye.. S. .. Acau-tion—Before purchasing elsewhere, writeus.

LLLAllltaI> 1ROUBLE OR WHO ARK.. \ suffering from disease peculiar to their «exwill find immediate re.ief by cotisult:nsr a first-class lady physician, who never fails 10 cure asingle c»se; lrpe consultation: terms c&av. Mlia.DR. M. IMVYKj:.'jei^j Kearayst.

QURE CURE, WH-.N UI'HERS FAIL: NOO medicine or Irstruments: ever> woman herown physician for all femu'.e troub'e*, uj mattatfrom what cause: restor-s inoue aay: never falU:consultHtlon lr^e; can be aenj unjused at hoiu->.DR. POPI'KK. 318 Kear:iy s; Orders by tel.

DR. maud INMAN. THE oklkhratkdelectro-therapeutic specialist: women's irregu-

larltles a speclHliy; cur« >-iiarantei'd or no fee;cons'jltaiiou frie. 1035 Market tt,bet sixthandseventh.

MRS. DR. SCOTT: FEMALE COMPLAINTS,diseases of the eye: a permnnent cure Kuuran-teed or no charge made: consult tree: hours. 10 to12, 2to 4, 7to 8, Sunday 11 to I. 410 tieary st.

DR-S utioi>wi>. DISEASES OF WOMEN":icdlr.i near or far: sate, qiiiotcure guuranieeu:

any a.lment; maternity home; care; skillonly:low ftes: Dr. i-clmck's self-cure. 95. 401 VaaNesj.

DR. ANDMi'.s. WEOBNER, 826 EDDY 81.—XJ Safe quick cure for all female complaints goar.•uteed: private home In confinement; every cook*fort; infants adoptod; terms moderate: pills*L

ABOON TO WIVES ASi) MUI'HMUJ-Sr:.goro; price 60..RICHARDS & CO., 40SClay ou; send 2-c. stamp for partlculnn to SeguruManufacturing Co., 631 X St., Sacramento. Cal.

ALPr FRKNCH, PILLS—A BOON TOLA-dies with lt-mae troubles; no danger: safeanlsnre; $2 60. cxpres* C O. IX;don't delay untiltoolate. CMOoOJI I:KOS., Coast Agenw. Oakland, CaL


LADIES IN Ti.UUULK/ communicate with Uli.sANTiiii Ha ot»u.

aye., ban Frauclscs. \u25a0 .|lL WtAK .3 KKKaLMRKGULATINIiPILLS;

Xlf<Hf »fHi /?f,!eJ? l: '•onraenagogue: f1 tar oox.JUCHABUa «tCO..arug 4IW Clay eusoloagtß,

SURE CURE IRREGULARITIES OR OTIIKRfemale diseases. MRS. DR, PUETZ, 2&4y2 4th.OME IN CONFINEMENT; DISEASES OVwomen. Mrs. Dr.FuuKe, Bth st Alumeda,

DX- HALL, 14 McALUISTKIt ST., NKAtt[ Jonea— Dlseaaes of womsn ana chUdrea.


BL.—ALLF.EUEIVED O. X.:-WILLBrt AT.entrance o'clocs<; if it rains wills'e yon ato'd corner at 1:30: Ifcioudy willbe at eu trance '1o'c o>. c. K.

X BOOMTO ItENTTO A GENTLEMAN1 by a Gerninn widow at _r>7 Lexington aye., beuNineteenth and Twentieth s:s.

MRS. DR. UBAP.ION. SPECIALIST INCON-linements and female diseases, oOS Howard.



COSMKTiC PARLOUS RE-muved 10 H Mason sU, room 19.

MII'DLK-AGKD MAN WOULD LIX1 TObecome acqoai led with, respectable lndy

between 25 and -ut; olject, matrimony. AddressM. F., tox 83. Call Office.

JV.ANNETTE SCHAUEK. HAVING LKFTmv bed and board, Iwillnot be responstol«

ior any debts contracted by her. FREDSCHAUER.

BOY BABY,3 DAYS OLD, FOR at 3241 Sixteenth s:., city.

IAUi PARTNJ-R IN GOOD PAYINGBU>"l--1> ness; lr.tle money required. Address J. X.,

box 11. Call.

MRs. DR. ALLKN,EXPKRT CHIROPODIST,will attend cal-s. Second floor, b2O MarkeU

lAIHES.WHO ALWAYS LIKE THK BKSTXJ of everything, but can't always afford it.willbe pleased tn boih respects at my estab lshnit-nt: :Ine besi hairdressing ka the city,26c, my on.- and jonly pric:baugs cut and curled, 15c; gray and ibleached hair restored lo natural color, fl50 to»s.<.. LKDEi.KK,111 Stocktou SU


tonic; bottle.CLEAN.

non-greasy t «ir tonic; 06c bottle. L^DKR-I'ln,111 SiOCKton si.

ATRIMONIAI, MAGAZINE: PERSONALI>l ads: bes' published; 10c a copy. MES3EN-GEI-. (5). San Jose, fa..

MIHE "WhDDING BELL," BKsT MATRIMO--1 nial paper; 8 pages; copy 10c. Editor, 111Ellis bt.

\JR-. S. K. McLEOD,PSYCHOTHERAPEU-i.»I tic nnd ma', netic beuler, 5'Jl Kills st.

THIRST OF MONTHLY OPERA PERFORM-jTnnces of .Joseph Greven's oppratlc sch< ol(Murphy building, Market ond Jones sU.) willtake pace Le ember 1In I. O. U F. Hall; actingin costume; i-iniil:.i;.orchestra occompaniment.

TirOULDLIKETO HEAR FROM BERNARD»» KI.\O. Addre.s StJ South Portland aye.,Brooklyn, N. Y. SlsTfcß SARAH.

DVH.K FP.EE: DIVOBCK LAWsj A SPF.C- jiaiiy:prlvaie:no fee wltnout success:collect 0113 I

G.W.HOWE, atty allaw, 850 -MarKet.cor.stoclita.

BADGES, PHOTO. AND BADGE BUTTONSmade in San Franrlsco at KaUeru prices

W°ALI N. BRUNT, 535 Cl«y sU. S. F.

DJ . OUTDOOR SsTKREOPTICON BHOWEV&XJ rynight tor. Ifarfeet and sixth st«.; anlsticad-vi\u25a0rii.seini-its in living lUhl: promoters \u25a0of imsi-n>ss. Consult OWL ADV. CO, lUOMarketstl/LKCTRIC LKiHTS IN EVERY ROOM-1U ircnester House. 44 hli-d st,nr. Market;100 room<, 25c lo (1 50 per night: tl&0 to »6 tier«cc«: tree bus ana bauga:e to and from the ferry.

SUFE.-Fi-toU:-. Haik> RKMoVKD BY0 \u25a0iroiysii. MRS. DR. WELCH, 2115 Bush.

UII'TOUKDERUNKA-Yl.xS TALLMr-.NTS.* L.LKMus. 1117 Marke: r.t.. vet 7th and biii.

CILO\K-> AND 'iAILOK-MAI>K t>L'lT.l 11K-J ltilflat wholesale llgur^*. 2\i tatnsuma su

HHl'r>CllJliiir,SANITARY PLLMBEIt,. ensiitter. t-"3'ioideu t.atH hv 'i«!, cutter 47L/-IHF.APKST AM'BEST IN AMERICA—THE\J WKKKLYCALL,sont to any address IntheCnliwl .States or C&nada one year lor $1CO, pos;-ase f.-..c-



KLEGANT STYLISHdrHsses-!5 up ilrs^sis medeover. 6 Eddy. R.85


MRS. DB. F.1 LARK,THE DISTINGUISHEDtrance clairvoyant and medium: while en-

tranced she willreveal every l.luden mystery lvlife; slie will siiow you how to overcome yourenemies, remove family triubles. restore lost af-ieciions: unite-i the seDttraied. recovers lost, «tol»nor burleU troperty: locates treasures, minerals:t. Us your entire lue. pksi, present and luture.whileIn h periect trance. > lours. 10 a. m. tosp. .if.Mlii.DB. F. CLABK, rooms 25 aud 26, 1206 I

Marke:, opp s-txth. Ifgirggg

MAI..1 'hit, WuMiKKITUL CLAIKVOY-ant card-reader, born ooublo veil and sccoal

\u25a0lent; diagnoses disease, toil illereading; la. 50c;(ems $1. palm, anilclalrv.: siu »1 bo. I'Ju TurlC i

CONSULT LUCKY MKI-ll READS FKOM jcmdtH tot.rave: 25c. 41 Minna sU, bas-D)e:it. ,

\. ISS MELVILLE.GREAT CLAIHVOYANI'i«> and water reader. J*2J VW Misiion, fpp. Mlnu

MME. MORKAU. BE MEDIUM. CLAlR-vi.yant. c»rd-reodt:r; -'5c up. 73 Fourth su

GYl'sV 1II• K-RK a litCO, k ShVKXTU >T.;ladies -sr. Kenls eOc: all queßttons answered.

MME. LKGKTTt.LIFE-RKADIiRANDBLSI-DeH advice; one pne^, 25c. 313 Jt>Bile,Dr. 4th.

MMX.HA.NSKN. i'AL.MISI,CARD-W RITK II; Jpas., present and future; \ilc 14» 6ih su, r.5.

MMX ZINKiL\.THE BUSIK&'HS MEDIUMa .'1 untrologer. Room 12, 109 Gran: aye.

Vi'.tJlt FUIL'.lhTOLD BY CARDS; LADIESX 10c gentlemen 25c. 148 Sixth, room 38.

MME. RaVcNa KtAlisLlir.*lUi>.NTi.x:uuaiiiev*Bdvic -; uame-i nive.;;25c up.s Fourto.

MME. VIOLA,CLAIRVOYANT.LlFh-RK ADi'ler. business test, i.'k-up. 634 Howard nr. 4th

MME.SODAN, RE NOW Xl»CAKD-REA DEliaud Scotch s t-ress. 619 Eddy sU: 9to 8P m.

ETHKL (iHAY. >L >IItVoYANI, CARl-reader, mst. 1169 Mission su, near tlghth.

MMif. SYBILLE: CRADLE TO GP..WK; FU-ture husband's picture 25c:ladies 914 O'Farreil

ÜB^CUIPTIUNS AND \^ A.Nialjs *OitTHKUu lakeu at brancu bUicu. MM liaye* H.;

ofm uni1 \u25a0-• :HJ luck

SriKITUALISM.rnEST-MKETINGi 8 P.M.; 10c. 335 McALLIS-X ti-r;K.A. Stltt, NiiaMeakin, Hargiave, other .\T 111 LAKKINST., P. P. S.. 8 P. M.; TESTS

by Mmes. Fituiican ana Ellis; free.

MM.-. YOUNG'S j-.xrilATr.ST CIRCLE TO-ni;lit; 10c; 60 McAUisier: wouderful tests.

v. Ba MAYOBTEEKB,112^ OAK: CIKCLKSi'lTues. 8 r.m..Thurs.2p m.;Ksc; readings f1

MRS. .1. J. WHITNEY,SPIRITUALMEDIUM,iior messages and advice. 2 18 Stockton bt. !

AM. FKANCIs. INDKPKNDKNI SLATE. wnt-r. libllaighc su: hours » untilBP. v.!

J>ISUOP L.GARKISON. hKANCE SUNDAY,!iTue. Tliurs. eve.;siu (lai 10 to 5. 142:» M'k. j


CIIYKTKAMCAlll-Kl-CKKANINOWmucs"\J tiLans. moves, lays carpets. O. H. bTKVKXiiler.. 3B and 40 Klglitiist. ; telephone South 25a

UMJC3 \uU BbCUMK Dl>uUsl'Kl> \VU"t£"poor worksend toSI'AULDINU'S PloneerC»>pft-beat'.na; Works. £53-87 '1enama ;leL Ba 41

p REATEASTERN STKaM CARPE r-CLKANVJ ing works. 14 Bth,B. RANT. lei. Jessie 20I.

JWATTS.rellable carpet-cl<>&nin2,renovig,a'.ter-. ation works. 413 McAllister. Tel. Jessie 321.

BAIU'.EK'S KRPKISK CARPKT-CLK \N-X> iUK uks, .36 14th. Tel Mii>. 100. Z. T.Barber.

CARPEts CLKANKJ>, RKN'OVaTKD LIKEDew. J. MCQUIitN,463 Mevci.sou; tel. S. 235.

\ DVANCE CARPET- CLEANING CO 407A Suttsr; ie!. Ma:n39l. OKO. WALCOM, prop.

pLKANINO, 3c; LAYING. y.c; RU \u25a0 6<AM-\J pics iree; teL Jessie 944. Stratton, 8 Eighth.

CAKlfcl^itUANhli*JiKMuVATKD LIKiJnew. i3'l»ii:li;lei. southed Mackintosh Jc vJd.

J>.. MITCHKIL.CARPET-CLKANING CO, |. 1:40 14. h st.; cleanlnz 3c. a yard; tel. MU74, JCO.NKLIN'--* «lAßPii;t'

-BliAllNU WuiUa,

\J bXJ UuiUen Oaie avo. 'leiepnona Kast 1-A


BRANCH OFUCE Of' 'ikUirt (ai.i. want «di nr.a saiiHt-rlptliiTMuiicen.


AT LOW RATES— FURNITURE. CARPET^piano\ household goods; clean, light com-partments; advances made. J. BOO.N'a.V, 1017to 10.3 Mission su, above Slxtn; open eveulngs.



rmiK CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSIONX bavin? reteived j-pp.ica ions to mine by thehydraulic procesj from .-AMaHTYK In iheKm- jer;on Miti'. near Gibsonvi ie, >.erra County, to 1deposit tailings in Slate lr«ek, and inthe I'oliVrtv 'Mine,near Table lt<cl;. >ierr» County, '.odepoittailing-i'inSlate Cf»ek: from VICTORMONTRE,In i.r.wly anyon Mine, n«*ar MKellty.M<rraCounty, in derosit taillDgs in Grizzly Ccnyon-from ii. F. ATKINSON. 1a the Homestake MlaeNo 2. near Herra Cltjr, Sierra County, toue^osittaUin.-s In the impounding bi stn of in-Homt-stakvMine, and irom i.R. SlOl'T et .Is., la the jGold NujjKft Mine, near Gitsonvllle, sierra'Co -n:y. to deposit tailings inlauyun Creek, gives Inotice that a meetl-.g willbe held at iooni 59. !llooil Bnl.'ding. -an Francisco, CaL. on October !25, 1897, aiItMp. M.



J IVt bah, gas, running water, piano; broak-fast; telephone; best location tn the cliy; $10.

SILVEK STATE HOTKL,16 AND 18 MASONsi.—Ho ild and room $5 to *8 per werk: rooms

9150 10 $5 pei week; elevator; e:ec:ric-lights; allmodern improvements; special rates by themonth. J T.WISEMAN.

ELEGANT ALCOVKS. DOUBLE AND SINGLEJ-J rooms, boaid. 539 O'Farrell, cor. worth.


NKWI.Y PUKNIRHEDOUO Hurinyrooms: table board; -terms moderate.

Q|9 TURK-PLEASANT SUNNY SUITE;Ol also others; private boarding.

Jin HYDE-NEWLY FURNISHKD ROOM'1iU with board; {20up; use p»rlors. pia:io.

BKOOKLYN HOTKL, KM-n.* BUSH ST..board and room $1 to $2 per day, to to 912 perweek: choic« rooms 60 cents to *1: fiiite roomifor family Sl tosl 50 p-rnight: first-class service:Iree coach. CHARLES MONTGOMERY.

TTACKMEIER's HOTKL, 128 TO 129 EDDYXX st.: cboice sunny room* $2 50 per °.\eek andui>: board. Al table, $6 «nd up. FUKD.KRTJ£Land ADAM.HACKMEIER,Proprietor*.

THE WAJ.D >KF, 309 POWKM, OPP. UNIONsquare— Thorouuhly renovateii; newly and ele-

gantly furnlslied; board. MRS. J. A. CALHOUN.

m£*nKLSTH at—

IiRANCiI OFFICE Ob'iUI 'in* civ, tiibftcxipugu tua ttauk a«UUken.


SPLENDID HOME FOR CHILDKKNWITHreUned ianiily: personal cate: extremely

healthy locality: good sktiool. H. THOMPSON,tileu. Ellen.

IfLDKKLV WIDOW WISHES CHILD TO-I-*board: kindest care. "j;-,S Seventh st., rear.

IDOW WISHE-FKW YOL'N<; CHILDREN;'• nice home: moiher's cure. 2618 Bryantaye.



—-tuaies in book*

Jieeilni', mathematics, stenorraph ,typt-wri.liic,mecbaniral and \u25a0hand ilrawim.-,Ke«:ni"try,al«e-br.i, elocuti ii, German, i-panish, i\u25a0 niiish, vocalmusic and electricity nilmc i:(:e1in membcishipprivilege.- Call or send for illus'rated cataloiru--,Asscciaiinn bids, Mason ani F.1.15. Special privi-lege to young ladles in study of stenogrnphv. type-wri'.lngand German. 11. J. McCOY.Cien. Sec.

\ tCMiiOL OF PHYMCAL AND.0- }\u25a0 locution, 1215 Octavla St., sa:i Francisco,miss eliza mackintosh, pupa of ProiessorG. W. Bayuham, Glasgow, Scotland, and graduateof • lh» cchool of oratory, I'hllMdi-lphio. I'.i.teacher. Ollicedays, lhur*. r. v., Saturday a. m.


—iiooktteeplng, business practice, snort-

hana. typlnc, telegraphy, lan;uar;es. Knallstibimi (hes: eiectrieal. clvliand minliignugingering.Miivevlns, assaying, navigation, eu-.: 'JO teacheri;day and eveuiuz sessions: write ior catalogue.

ANDERSON'S PREPARATORY fcCUOOL—Pupils prepared for ( nllf.<rnia and Manford

universities in day and evening classes und prt.vuto Iftjaont; leacliurs' and civ service uxaailna.tloiis. Room 4U7. Parrott on; din^.

A^Kha' ]-lsl.Nh>s COLLKUK, H25 MONT-comcry b.. indivlduai instruction In sbor:hand, lypin™, bookkeepiuf, uiegrapby, eta; liratenoiarship $50: low ratej iei weec ana mon:a.pARTINGTON'S school or magazine-Iand Newswspaper illuslratiou, 424 Pineac:free exhibition ol works by Modonta dally, '_' lv 1F. m.: classes morning and at;ernoon.

ENGINEXKING SCJioOL: CIVIL,ELECL,mining, mech.. survey, assay. arcult.: 6e.yA.evo.:

tet. ]fc64. A. VANVIEHNAII.LKN,W.i Marked

I^XPEKIF.NCED TEACHER DKHIRi-s PRl-'vat- pupils; Lours 3 to 7. MISS FULLL.K,

836 Turkst.

C;»;n BUSINESS KBKKCM OR SPANISH—V. course. Call at 22V, Geary st.. room 39.

BOOK XXI-PI.\G. AltllIIMI-.lit:."wkITINO.gram., etc ;day,n!clit. ?sma 1601 Mkt..op.Btu.

EUGENK DE FOi.ESI, SCHOOL OF AUTI.VQand elocntiun. 14 McAllister, r.70; call '-' to 4

GAMBLb'S DANCING >CHoOL;children's casj sat. 8 p.m. ai7 DevUadero.

T>ELASCO'.S LYCEUM btGUOOI, <>F ACTING—JJ Pupils reliearsrd o.istage. Alcazar buiidiu-

LLDLA.M &CIIOOL uK KLOC'L ANDD.amatic Art. 9.8 >utter su

Miss BOLTK'SSCHOOL, tfSIM < .\UrO:;XU;111 boari :tug., i-r.,Ger, music; 30 a mii.tli.

SAN FiIANCiSCO JiUMNESM ui-l.rGK. 12JUMarket s'_ ;IJ4 posltluns lv 'i»b. tjHin '97.

SI'A.NI^H—CLASS..S UAIIYjS.i MONTH 4O toll p. v. lioom 10, Y. M. U A. build

CINGING; PIANO; I'AtilS UKADI/ATX;0 Frenc-u, German lancuages; f> mo. 109 Taylor.

GUITAR, MANDOLIN. PIANO AND VOCALlessons; if.-s m Mary Tf—ItinM 39 Firth sw9-9,- MISSIuN

—KUBtsCKIPTIOX* a.\l)—


want :•\u25a0!* «iiicpn t< >- TH< t'ALU



CHEAP; PAfR OF HORREX'» weight 1100; stroDg ranch wagon. 105 New

Montgomery at* UCTIO.V SALES EVERY BATUKDAYATXx. 11 o'clock of horse*, busgies. waguns, harnesi.etc. £mportum sale* y»iO* »'2O \*leuCi« >i., i.WATKIN.i,aocUoneer.AtkHitUtHU Jolt bALE; Al.s'l WAUONtn\r cnggle& ran* hariiesi: Grand Arradß Hor»«

Mtrltsi Xii sixth st.: ruction luies every W*i«trsda/ fcUI.LIVAN<fc DovLK. Atictioueers.


BARGAINS! r.AHGAINs: BARGAINS! INnew and second-hand wagoui. buggies carts,harness, robes uud blankets. 1-PihoM llaruenCompany, 111 J.f.r»ln st., opn. new City IlalL

pHEAPEST PLACE I.< TOWN: iAI.M WAO-\J ons, bugglei. haclcs und harnrss: new and sec-ond-hand. 6th and Valencia ms.; tel. white 371.

|j*Ufß LAUNDRY, BAKKtt'a A.M) MILK1 wagons cheap for cash or installment*: 1 Unitlop and open buggy: aisu c2S liarrlsoa tt'n HORSES. WALU.Vi, CARTS. JIARNEsS;*"'

auction -nlf «-very iu»-sd.«,- 721 Howard su


\l' INi- PUNCHEONS FOX SALE; IN GOOD*\u25a0 condition; Ihe*e puuehcons n-cen:iy used torsweet and red winr>. C. DELMAS, 630 BrannnuSt., bet. Fifth and sixtii.

STKKEOPTIC^N; FKENCH IENT; 2-O Inch lens, with slides aud scr»en complete.3474 >iicrai..i-;it(i.i:.

I^RESK MIL*H COWS; KICfl MILK: GF.X-X tie, c:.e p; will exchange ior dry cons. 1312Folsom st.

OLI> GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. VV\MUND, watchmaker and jc«e er, 2*Jti


MITH PREMIER TYPEWKITEK; BAi:-galn. H.P., box 82, call uilice.


TERRIER PUPi1forsale cheap. 207 1ehama st-

r>KDHiKEKI)ST. BERNARD BITCHAND 9X pups: c.jcai). 4t07 r. >i 3b's Minna st.


SPLENDID ROUGH-COATEDX Ist. Bernard bitch Alma (Duke of Edinburgh-Lady Gladys). Apply at 1320 Geary street.

AFKS— bargains inNEW and stcosnhand, al sizes; halt original cost. 109-111

Market st , Hi if,

IJOILKRS. ENGINE?., PUMP*. BELTINO.GASI>MiKints;bought and »old. WHITE, 516 Mission


Ha.\l» K^CHES>Ti£Klamps with hangers. AdJre.s 11. li.11., call


Vy ANTED—GET YOUR SHOES MADK To»" inyour f«et et the name price you bay ready-made ones, from 91. $2, 93. $\u25a0! and *5, at siijMission mv, bet. i-'irst and second sts.

q/'A/k PAIRS—

ANOTH&It LOI' MKNSOUV/U shoes, been slightly damagod, at lestthan one-fourth ihelr value, from 25ciof'i5i).662 Mission st., bt-t. First and Second.

JADIKV hMUKa tOLI-O. Slo: MEN'S-1 shoes, soling, 60c: allrepairing done at halfIhe usual price. 6e2 Mission SL, l<*;.Ist and 2d.

~f R. POUL., UKALEK Sr.C-O. ood-band buitdlngmaterial, IMS-M Mission.pOFFEE-MILL. J.CAL .HAND-TRUCK, LET-KJ ter-press. ce;Jc and sate clieap. 102 Clay st.

LOT OF UNCALLKD-KOR SHOES, FROM25c up to *126. 662 Mission, bel Ist and 2d

Bars, back bars, mirrors, show-cases, counters, linoiram, ollico furniture, sioroend furaitars and tlxtures; n.w and second-band. J. NOONAN, ltl7-10J.B-1021-10Ja ilU-\u25a0lou gt., atove Sixth.

|>AX*. baoWCASr.S, COUNTKRa. bHU.LV-i>lug. etc.. boui:htand sod. i063 Mission, nr. Viti.

SEWIXU-MACHIXES.ffltoMONTHLY: RENTED. REPAIRED«ip— bought, sold: machine supplies. 145 sixth.

ALLKiND-.BOUGHT, SOLD, EXCHANGEDrented: repairing; lowest rates. 205 Fourth,


DH.C, C. CDONNELU 1208 MARKET, RE3XJ 2bb4 25tU uu; dueasei of women a sptouliy.

__!.OO_ TO LET-Continued.BFSH

-\u25a0"* strco;.

R°YAI ?OCreß-

la« KLLIS_

INCANDES-J-v cent llfsnts; reading-room. andladies ''Srlor: room, per ntaht, Sbctofl 60; week,»-: to J«: month, *8 t:> S«0; elt-vator on ouice |floor: rooms with hot and c u!.l wnter: uaths.

]>AMONA_HOTEL RAMONA; MOST M«>D-m«l i:-\M c*?e*?"Lrooms: 80c 10 $160 per day.MRS. kAIr.Ml HART, manager. lbO Killsst.

pOSEDALE HOUSE, 321 ELLIS-200 SINGLE11 aua 'art,, rms; 20c to 50c nichu *1to *:i wk.

HVfr*KLLIS-NICELYFURNISHED ROOM.*-> vj to let lor 2 gentlemen; 4-7.•*.illlMIBO..

rpiiE Waldo p.f—

new nousE; just-«\u25a0 opened; sunny rooms; tel. Mint 1792. 24 Fifth.

rPHJC C> sMiil'l,lI!AN—

>KLEcr FAMILYIhotel: 100 Fifth st-.cor. Ulaftion: rooms 60c,if»c and $1 per night; }2 to $5 per week.

"I£9 FItTH—SUNNY sINGLK, DOUBLE-lt-'— rooms; 81 week up; respectable; quiet.

.Fifteenth Street.


\J»'O Large unfurnished bay-window room:new house; 4-s per month;riferences.

J'ulfcom Street.

rTp(\\ FOLBOM—

N UK, LARGE. FURNISH-I'\u25a0Us ed rm to let; sn liable for 1or2gents; chp.

1 i..:i.:; Hireoi.

n FULTON—SUNNY ROOM-.NICELYFUR-hisl.k!; lent rcuscnable; family.


miGEARY ST.-KLI'.GANTSUNNY FUR-J tiisheil or umurnlshed rooms; central;

fca'h ;rent reasonrtble. \

<£oldeii (iatn Avenue.

90/' GOLDEN OATK AVK —FURNISHED«JOy) suany front room, suitube for 2.

Kearnv Street.

QA KKARNY—SUNNYiUUNISIT^DR'OM'-;OU suites, single; tourists: unfurnished olllcej,

*)'\u25a0 (\ KKARNY—

ELEOaNT KOO.U-: FUR- I—• U nished to suit occupnnt; furnished or un- Ifurnished; Housekeeping privileges; day, week, ormouth.

AKI.i.NUTON HOUeE. 127 KH.ARXY— II'leasau: sunny rooms, en >>ulte and single; 1

lirst tiass in every respect; terms reasonable.

Alarkot Street.

\u25a0t -1 99 MARKKT—

MCKLY FURNISHEDX1£t£i suites; aiso single rooms; reasonable.

SlHrtha IMuce.

6 MARTHA, SOUTH OF GEABY, ABOVEMasou— Sunny rooms; ttia:.rt .*"aino th.



3linna Street.

l'(K1MINNA.COR. EIGHTH—NEWLY FUR-VJUInished bajr-wtndow room; $1 a week.

SicA .i,.- MtWd

|a McAllister, .ni-xt to hiberniaJ-'ir BnnK— 1 studio rooms for typewritera,lawyeis, doctor.,.

pRAND SOUTHERN, SEVENTH AND Sll<-\J sion— SuiU's:slug!e; sunny: elevator: moderate

HAMOCK llOb'BJ .ci ;^ii).N ,' i.KITJainllv rooutiiic-liousa. }lMl »$i |r»«t


FURNISHED ROOMS;±U«.)1 parlor 11 >or

1 *)Ill\MI>SION—

LARGE, SUNNY1*-UU front room; elegantly. furnished; gas;bath; etc.

I'iiie stree..

70J PINE—SUNNY FRONT ROOM FOR 1iUtl or 1, 99; also one aingp, with stove, f6.

iosc Mreo..

9QQ POST, BOHEMIA.FRONTS UNION S-Q.,«-OiJ '2 blks. Palace: sunny suites; private bath, j

i. om ell streu*.

OA] POWELL (THE MONTKLLO)—SUNNY—\J 1 furnished rooms; reasonable; tran&leut.~

t.-.. > r..r~"-"-*-*•"-» •


ROOM?, Jsuites, single: also light houekeepluc loims. jVTKW iIA.NCi.IMI.., 61 6TH. COH. .MXS- jX™ sion— 1- Ii;. nwly.fur. mis :en >uite:sinKle: reas. \1-Ji' sixiH—mcki.y fobnibhko KOOMS:1«-)U single and large; bath; 25c tosUc night; >1 ito S3 week.

MocK:.(!i Mieet,


ELEGANTSU rooms; suite or single: <iay, week or mortth;ba.hs; hot and cold water: transient; elevator.———~—^^—



fcuttur Strejt.


FUR-p\JO nished rooms '.5c up: suites, sintles: iraus. j

TH STANFORD, S'JO% M'i'l'E.:-ROOMS Ifurnished elegantly: 5 c,»1 50 day: »8, *30mo. :

ThirdStreet.IQ THIItD-ROOMS TO LET; 6UITABLE1O for tailor-shop.

\-^ 2\eK« Airuiio.

"ir VAN NEsS—

NICKLY FURNISHEDI•-» sonny suites and single rooms; housekeep-ing.

J.l H VAN NEfeS— SUNNY ROJMB, SINGLjc:trxU and double, new; bath, gas; $7 up.

M UaiieOUS.-r-UKNISnKD ROOM; EVERY CONVKNI-P ence: location nnexcelled: references required.Address UD. box i,Call Olli.e.


H>_> TENTH—LARGE STORK: ( HiAi'EsT• *incity; grocery or liquors.

SW. c H. KLLISAND SCOTT; SIORE AND2 living-rooms; fine lo ation; %'i'l.

STORE, NW. COB. POSr ANDBAKER.WITH ilixtuips, complete for grocery: 3 rooms in Irear: h'ne. concrete cellar; reut $-'U: water free.

1P\9zl IfAKXKT, NR. LAKKIN- $65 !1 jgive leas». ABHTON. 411 Montgomery «t \"^"***"*^™"™***"—**"***~ '̂


EMMA SPRECKfcLS BUILDINU,927 MAR- j-J ket st.-?l^ 10 SUO. .SillON. room 210.

LODGING-HOUSKS."I /-ROOM BOUSIC, CASH f «J25J i20-room house, best in city 1003'..9 rooms, on Kearny st 2iOJ9-room ll»i.Vciy good , 45018-room bouse, on -\u25a0-•ix'.b st 600 !4J-room house, ciears $250 1800 |2S-room iiouse, >ix:h »i feso |

room liuiisr, $luo casn 430.'l4-riom house. ceais*i.; l«00

'14-room house on >:ddy 350 \u25a0

14-room hiuse on M&.100,near Market 250Cliv property, ranches and business placet lor

sale and. exchange. H.C Di-.CKKK,102J Market, j(2jJ')X LODi.INO-H'JC.->E: 16 ROOMS; ALL

'O"^-'-'* black walnut furniture: rent reason- ;able: busy I»catlun; lino pliice for steady ortransient trade. M. LKss, 5 Fourth su


LOPUIXG-HOUSK: 16 OR 24"rooms: cash phid if suitable. Call or address1257 Stockton at., rm. 2.

] /.-ROOM HOUSE: NEWLY FURNISHED;J.U all occupied; Austrian bouse. 246 Fourth st.

(JjOr,A 22-ROOMCORMCR HOUSE, NICELY*£t)O\J. furnished; all full; good location. 231Second st.

V^lci; MODERN COTTAGE IN THE MIS-i-' sion: very cheap. V. C, Lox B'A C*II Oflice.

RK^TAURANTand lodging-house F)KAt rent inElmhurst. Inquire b.x 11, Call Oflice.Oakland.

TyiCELYFURNISHED LODGING-HOUSE; 16X\ rooms: sickness. J. S., box 3, Call t'fflce.



SMALL BLACK TEKUIEK,WITH COLLAR:reward. Return to 3342 Army gt.

1 OST— A PASSBOOK WITHTHKHIBERNIAJ^ havings and Loan Society of san Francisco, inthe name of -> .<.LI.IK DJNAN,No.195,483. Thetinder willplease return to batiic.

VJKAL-KIN tOLLARETTE, WITH BKAR !O trinimlngs, from Post a:,u Baker to Jacksonand Maion. via JacKson-streec cars. Reward,2519 Post.


ALLTYPEWRITERS SOLD OR KKNTED;send for price and sanip.'e work. L. <t M.

ALEXANDER,110 Montgomery st.

MITH PREMIER, »45; CRANDALU »15;sauiDle work. SCOTT<tBANNAN, 333 Montgy


ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOME;,v 10. 13 rooms: b-th: 821 .'Farreil. BOVtrl,TOY >v SONNTAO, t>-4 Market bi.

l)K.l»f'cEr7'l"O S3O; 8 BOOMB; DECORATEDJ\ latest style: nice mantes: 40-tou sunny yaid:sanitary plu-nbins: see it. 2525 Pine st., ur. Scot.

/ Ti-

MODERN FLAT OF 6 ROOM^ AND( >II. Lath. 1448 Valencia bt.. near'lwen:y-I"!^l_ -V ;

-KABLKSUNNY CORNER COTTAGE; 6"JJ looms: $25; Oakland. Apply Dentist, 10

loear.vst. \u25a0

- ..C»jC GEABY—7-ROOM HOUSE A>'DB.Vl'll:Of«J rent $25.

/COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE CON-\i tainius drawing-room, librKry,reception-room, jbilliHrd-room and 11 bedrooms: lariju grounds:choice loration; to lease for a term of yenrs. Forfull inr:icuiars apply to M.\DlsoN &BURKfc.626 Market su

QQ HOUSE; 6 SUNNY BOOK8; YARD.«JJ5v • 917V2 reat aye., near Tweuty-secot d st.

SUNNY 2-STORY HOUsl.; t5 KOOMS; MOD-kJ em. 707 Ellis gu. near cor. Larkin.


perfect, order; $40. .Apply L.C. BaBIN.413 Kearny sU


<5j 1 r HOUSE TO LICT; 6 KOOMS. 23Vb<„ 10. Morris aye., near Sxth.

Q>- 5-KOOM HOUSE: SEWLY PAPEREDtjp•. and fainted: new plumbing. 1667 Kearnysu, near Greenwich.I.I'NDVK-1.-. fitll.n—KD> XX \u25a0;"\u25a0 n-.Wiil rent homes at BALDWIN «fc HoWKLL.10 Montgomery st.


RflQ L°C^'ST AYE.-SUNNY 001 fAOB: 5\J\.'ts rooms and bath. Keys a: grocery. Me-Alllsteraiid Laguna sts. \u25a0

• • •"


MODERN SUNNY FLATS, b AND7 ROOJi^Vii bath. 2520 cutter st.. rent reasonable.

r^i1 (< NEW B.\Y-WIND-»W FLAT;b LU.-HTij)l-\). rooms: gas; bath 909 som st.

LTPPER FLAT:Ni.w: 5 KuO3IS:MODERN:l-isunny: $22 50. 1071 Fell st., near s-cotu


O yard: Sl4. 1720y2 Fo!som. near Thirteenth.

LAT 14 KOOMS FOX SALE OR IIiAD.-.;-Call full; low rent. 1055 Mission st.

T?LAT 5 Ri'OMS 4.ND BATH; EACH RuOMJ- sunny. 161.-. Folsom st., near Twelfth.VLAT;$20; 6 HANDSOMELY DKCOR'ATED1 tunny rooms and bath, 26 thotweil eu, nearFifteenth.

C»9- MODERN FLAT:8 ROOM-*: BATH;1&£.O. or2familes. 1128 Howard sU

LAT,4 BOOMS AND KITCHEN. 284 NA-S- lomaau, near Fourth.

PPER AND LOW 1 H FLATS; 5 ROOMS;L bath; rent .*li-:yard. 3J Moss st ,beu Sixthai.d Seventh; key cor. Howard.

QiA LOVELY SUNNY FL\T, 7 ROOMS.0 '"• '-4 G iden Hate near Van Ntst.

JU 1-

Ni W UI'PKK FLAT. 4 -I'.NNY i;MS.;tH)X«J. bath. 1:8Lloyd si. uiT Scott, nr. \\*..ller.

Q (AC) rWENTIIsi ST.,COR CAPP— FLAT;Oil- 4 rooms and b.ith; modern improve-ments.

>)l LAFAYF.riK. BET. ELEVENTH ANDOX Twelfth—4 sunny rooms.

rp\Vi) ELKGANT FLATS, 5 ROOMS; SUN INJL every ruom; in'::r 1 Itylia.ll. 10 <;rove st.

9 FLATS IN REAR 820V2 LAKKIN *T.;—pood order; cheap rent- Apply L. C BABIN.

413 Kearny st.


—t- hath; iight, sunny: large yard.

VTEW BAY-WINDOW FURMaHED FLAT;-L> cheap to good tenants 169 San Carlos aye.

CHOICr. TINTED SUNNY UPPER FLAT;6rooms and baih. 8 Webster st.t nr. Haighu

T?LaT. 5 ROOMS: BATH. STATIONARY1 wasutubs; large yard; if-0. 15-1 Broadway.



10 Montgomery st.

/'liK.u- MODERN FjuATS, 6 AND6 i-.ooms;

f\..'%H IO fit sw them. 5-JS >cvenii «t


Castro Street.

JAX CAPTRO (BEAR)— 3 NICR SUNNY"w unfuriished rooms; large yard; chlCKen-hou-e; cheap.

J-'ell Street.n-l Q FELL-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, $10,UIOalso .-story house rooms, ?25.

> iUUom siroe .QCO FOLSOM— LABGE SONSY BETROOM;OUO eounec.iag kitchen, yard; complete house-keeping.

Orove> Street.

9f19 GROV COB. VAN NKSS AVE.—UN-_V/^_ furnishi-d 3-room suite*, withpas stove.

or Q MISSION— FDKKIaH lv Dt""housekeeping room: $X amonth.

Howard Street.

1niRHOWAED UNNYH°USEKEEPINO'VlUioodh; suites, Binglea; reasonable; topfloor: top bell.

Wwnn Street.

f\AP. MINNA-FUIiNISHKD ROOMS; CoM-%jrt.\J plete for bousekeeping: lar^e yard.

\u25a0l-»h6ion >tree;.

C£»l MISBION, NR. 2D-SUNNY BEDROOMOUJ. anl klicben furui» for housekeeping.

Natoina Street.


AR FOURTH—2SUNNY+**J^'fumlsbed rooms housekeeping; yarJ- rea-\u2666ooable.

i\A.?\ NATOMA-2 SUNNY NFURNISH D\jrxu rooms for housekeeping $7.

. O«k btreet.

rl9OAK-LARGE ALCOVE ROOM, COM-I J— plete for housekeeping, private family, $12."I A OAK-FUKNISUED ROOM FOR LIGHTJ-T. housekeepiDg. •»•»»

seventh strce:.


SUITES ANDXl— kiUhPn;also singlerirs.: newlyrenovated.

tiith Mreo;.

r(\-t1SIXTH--2 OK S BAY-WINDOW ROOMSOUJ-2 iurulsbed for housekeeping; reasooabie.

leliama Mre«t.

71 7 TEHA MA,BET.EIGHTHANDNINTH--4XI large front room for hkpgand kitchen.

MOCktmi >.l'«a;,

C-JI BTOCKTON- MCELY FURNISHEDtj X bou^ekeepini; rcoms; sunny; with bath, inprlvae family; doivntown: rent teasonable; ref-. «-reice given and

/•IT STOCKTON, NR. PINE-I-LOORS OF 3 j011 unfaruisbed 100ms: nice garden.

1rj-t r KTON— SUNNY ROOMS FUR-J ill)aished fur completo housekeeping; r-nt$10.

Twelfth Street.

1ytr. TWELFTH. COR. HOWARD—NICELY1-!•' famished hoasekeepins rooms; rent rea-sonable.

Twenty-third Street.

Q79Q TWENTY-THIRD-2 FURSISHEDOliiO room* forhousekeeping.

.'\u25a0: i-< :.11. <•>>"-.

KITCHKN: SITTING-ROOM; BKDROOM;JV furtiUhed; only «7. G. D. H.. box 76, CalL


—keeping purroses: reierences required. Address

A. 8.. box 1. Culi office,

"I l-rj.Nul'u al'.—miAliUit UXelVti ,OK.IUI 'm« iiu. kUbSCTIpUIiJ t-Uil vtaut Miltaken.

- -


$£ Braunan Street.

•79^ BRanNan, ABOVK SIXTH-8 NIC1;1 ~sv tupny rooms; rent cheap.

1-Ut.Ji Stl-Bd..


_room8: *6 np; reas 'liable.

i.-.<jv Slreut.

OOA EDDY-LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS;fJtJI all conveniences: rea-iona')i<-.

. '

CHERMAN^APARTMENT nousE. 28 BTn*3 at. near Market; furnished and unfurnUiied.