The San Francisco Call.alternately by;griet;and ian-^ ger/jMr.» andiMrs.% Ball,[who are:aald,t&....

PRICE FIVE CENTS. ,SANv:FR^N6IS^ OmttßM« Jjm\ PMf.T*lColiiSiliJ STOHY -OF TRAGEDY COXTIXVED *_OIf .' PAGE 8." AYAQUIU \u25a0V j Ecuado r, i ; Jan.' t•« 3 1. 1 ; EarthQuake": «hock« jltd^dajr,? ' t w«r«i i% felt throughout £ the republic "3* and great damage in the ! northern pro v in cc». At ! .Tuquerre»,' in' the province : of Cauca; Colombia, fsareral house« : collapsed,; - ; EARTHQUAKES IN SOUTH AMERICA ;/* Jan.* ai'-rPrivate tr advices received I herej'f fom . Qaitagehla ;.are jto * the effect that £' General i Gonzalea 1 ' f ofmer*|Pre3ldeht£of : Colombia, and - Gen{ eral* Nelospinal haVe *sta>te\i fa ;revolutipn ln^the province Hot -/Antioquia' against Presldentf Reyes.*"-' 1 |§/rh^b"areage|ofjt*e^e^omll|lnfantrjg •M^well^slthat^ofJthe^reldFArtiri [the : Swondj In fan tjy^as'deßtroyed^hej h^JjW^Bjfloodedtbyjten^ngin^fiwKi^ 'inii^wate^frgDßMhe^ b'ay"ls atfanfearlyi hour ; this .morning,, and -the -,flr«^W»i I vFlre^brok"ejbut^j^;^f6rw^d|hVild "of| the'.Un lted \ S taj^^aj^ny^j^inspoipt Meade,^ly|ngTaJ^ ? thelFoJsVni^treetfd6ck' "Feady^to [sall| to£day| for! Man IlaWabout" m^Jffh^^jsfm^lneiaKdJ^Meadl^ ||yneB^c^^^^^^^ath,^fj«ejjeroj^«r and :>: >en"dangered ? the] lives Toffmanyj'flre^ 1 Tjvo 1 ilieaSers : in%^ep\it)lic -to OreftlirdmGeii- mr;GM£SMMio&mm^ '^AJfter , the flames'^were ; subdued J several b^le¥|ojC|tho*e*; wholfell tims £ to"j both 1.1 ".I |^Cjip*tain|^Ml^fpakl£}of^^*^ne^;(^m^ pany49|was '^undjidrowned^ In (the I *, hold' and lhlVibpdy | recoyereA . His v heinMtl iiru 'wenf floating^ onu 'top of' the \u25a0 waters by.Ttne searching i firemen, and -' in : a " few. minutes theyj camejjiicro«B l h^ body :-! t There era! ' m^eTflremeaJy djeome^of the i aaU^i. were t overcome- by ; the asmoke, and were" drowned s without )being able to! get « onto . alternately by;griet ; and i an-^ ger/j Mr. » and i Mrs. % Ball,[who are : aald , t&. have ' vainly \u25a0 tried ; . to have their/ daughter desert 'her husband and return to them. aTe now speeding for Southern California, where. th«y will paaa tho winter^ _- . . NEW YORK. Jan. »L-Miss Grace Ball, member of an exclusive social ( circle "and : the /only •- of / Thomas -,R. Ball, whose iis > reckoned - : as* close f'to'" |4,000,000,^has> eloped ;' with het * father's former .;chauffeur.- •. John 4 Sehringr. . This dellcateiyoun^g woman.' whose' every want has *ibeen* .anticipated •' * from - babyhood; whose ) life {.up* to now ' ha 3 < been : a"; dream 'of i luxury."Is;living with her husband in Jwo? small ;i«oms ; in '> East "Orange, where she] has \u25a0' been exploring 'the mysteries of llgh t ; housekeeping. "' .the i marriage took place on Christmas )and * couple announced *, it to ; the -parents a week later Itwasi not ,till J that -society; learned ': ot ''this romance In real life. ; GJEVOLUTIbNjBREAKS , \ ; OUTiON^GOLOMBIA Special DUpatcU to The Can. Several Men Succumb to Flames and Water and Many, Others: Suffocated, i crew^who ;| are,' Nels ",; Gregorßen * Frederick \u25a0 > Bouchifr,^ Marcus 7?Nelsen? " Jo-i seph' M.l Shuto^'Ajc«H;Holmqulat T and^Ziewisl J: Johnsonrj besides J-f a f silver \u25a0 xnedal are each -awarded a; 1500.'. :\u25a0-- ' , This iwas j the Iquickest , actl^in~f taken : by thelCarnegiejhero|fundrcommi6sion 1 since' its | incepUori.*!S Captain 1 " Ca»to3beside*s ire- 1 'ceivingi a*?gojd| medal, * a is",. awarded ¥ |1500 for t the -:purposefof | liquidating" the f mort- gage 'on ;J hisTi property /at | Pleasantvllle 1 NX ' J."?j*Five 'thousand \ lsl tbj beTse t ' aside-as^aTspeclallfund^forithefeducatioh 1 of I Mark <Jaeob_4 Caato^the-'nine-year-oldi son, of ' Captain; Ga*io.'T'?:'HH' !:*/V"'' ; 'ir-:-:i r - : - : J % ; PITTSBURGH Jan.^ 3i;^Cap tain i Mark C \u25a0Casto »', of flshlng^schoprier^Alberta' |and "his'crj^^fj^xjmim^whorotf^anuary, ! l^lin'\aVnerbe|gl^eTrescued i forty-twoTandJ^eif^aisengers^fr^ Clyde j llner^Cherokee.^^ilch l fan^^f aground' on's Brlgantlne£B^6als tjaear'^Atlantic Tcity/i N.f J.;\: while? on f:thi*t,way^ from| 'San fDo^- 1 mingo/to\Ne_w|.york^were^tb;dayJmadel beneflclaries|"of^the"SCarneglel i he ro sfund' for^theirJherolsni^BesjdesJmedals'ltdJithe! captain 'and 'crew': a1a 1 s'utnTajfgregatingj $9600 wag .'* awarde d. '-'-^ •.;.",',' /! . V'':'.;;-;V- v , T- ..";-- fv,;-^v .' DEADLY FIRE IN HOLD OF TRANSPORT MEADE HeroismJin Saving; DISINHERITED FOR ELOPING WITH MAHOUT tIN * THE r AWVXJUt TRAGEDY % ENACTRD \u25a0:!\u25a0BENEATH '* LOTTA'B ' i: •••; i; : FOUNTAIN tI^AST 'EVENINGKWHII^E -THEiMAKKET-STKEET^: CROWD J.WA3 , ; , HOMEWARD BOUND:.! TWOOI*,*THESFOUR^MOTHERL.ESBi CHILDRJEN. - CARNEGIE FUND AWARDS GIVEN BRAVE SEAMEN -At .Flagstaff » the canals^ have been studied 'now ; for .two 'decades . with .a fln,a' twenty-fpur-lnch telescope. ; j The, accomplishment oi' the^feat."twhlch culminated, last May at^FlagsticfC^j held by/ astronomers ! to mar trtiTdistinct . epoch in the 'study of '3J^ir«. ' placing,".as it does.' beyond, a douK -what has hitherto \u25a0 been known "onlyfori the testimony ot very ex-* pert; observers. , For ma*hy ; years* after the canals were { first ; noted : by . Prof esaor, Schlaparelli,"* the -Italian observer." a" great many ''astronomers doubted their exist- ence. .' \u25a0« BOSTON,', Jan. of the canals on the ; planet* Mars,'* the t first ' ever taken, are on exhibition In the Massachu- setts*. Institute of Technology. They afo the'work of Carl Otto Lampland.ron© of Professor \u25a0 Perclval Lowell's assistants . at the '.latter's " observatory* at Flagstaff. Ep«dal Dispatch to The Call. :- TOKIO.'j Janr^3l.^-At" a'meeting*>f * the Budget Committee fto-day^MtOishi; leader, of ; the^Proirressive ,fparty/» interpellated CeneraKTereauchi.'iMinister of War, aa to whether; the^Goverriment, fas the ' result of theVAnglo^Japahes'e^alliance.'Mhtended to urge the i ßritish?. Government Jto reform its \u25a0army^organiz"atipn. ; '>The*t Mlnister^re^ plied .that the 1 Government", would dorso at some '.futurel date. 'X >* - LONDON,^Febrjl.—The .cablegram ;f rom \u25baTokloi ahnounoihg' thatt the* leader "of -'the i^rogressiye/party.- of "jJapan j, interpellated 'the % Minister j of "War r as \u25a0 to ,>. whether *. the Japanese « : Governm«nt, r f- Inj'vyiew . qt- the rAnglo-Japan'ese'alliahce, . to] urga iuponjthe 'British reform of •*its''arnny.^6rganlxatldni ;> to*'which : the ! Minister £ replied rt * nat * ? : hl ? ' Government [would ' doi so : at some", la likely ,to * cause ;r; r& sensation I. throughout % Great ! Britain.' \u25a0\u2666, For the :" moment^. most •;of f.the papers .refrain ) from" icommeht; /under < the ideas that "a^wrong.impressionmlght have . beenlconvey cd ' through? a" close ; telegraphic suminaryTor 'by \u25a0aj telegraphic /error... : r.The l " Daily/ Mail says /It sisI reluctany to believe that ! the ', common' rules" of| lnterna- 'tibnalicourtesy^have^beenilntehtionally 'disregarded.' - ilt expressed t the] belief ', that the 'statemehtrof l General ; Tereauchl ; wUI result hv ''diplomatic r Thel Daily. 5*5 * News/i in' an \ editorial, says "that Vitv la^notTan'agreeable^piU^ for^a proud . pebpl .*' to'swallow,'/,' and > poinU with dramatic « emphasis ? t tos the | extraordinary atory iof 1 the > last '^twenty* years ; since t the Gilbert and ' Sullivan' opera 1 Of! 'The \u25a0\u25a0 Mlka-I "do" represented |,"ourj no tiona7 o '^ a P ar^" i .The" papers adds 'that; "if /this miracle hajn I penedvin'i twenty" years.S what* may? not happen* in*- flftyj- years?" j4j 4 Accomplished by an Astronomer at Flagstaff. :15^ Request Reforms : in^Ke^ntish(&my;;:; ;O^anization.; / JAPAN STIRS UP WRATH OF PROUD ALBION PHOTOGRAPHS THE CANALS ON PLANET MARS Three weeks ago David Hanby of 631 Mission a?friend of Arr«-w-i i bridge since her childhood, walked with her^along Market: street. «"waibrM~:«-« U,c pair.tomhor. Thcnwt morning he waited :\u25a0? for,j Hanby .^at ; his ModirtiiS'a^fl beat him up. t:xcjalminsi-"you must not run with -ray, wife!*v OnCTuesW^ waicbed Oi<? rooms. of his former wife all tlay.' \u25a0 In the afternoon he law. twolm?S' leave the. hotel, and a moment -later- she { followed.^ He 'stohped t her at > th'e?£>££2 of Pine and Kcarny, streets and there, told; her that- he-would kill 1 her 'Shf-.-riti out that she had not seen the.two men and*he;iet "her sro.with.a warning ' «Jh« ; said, before she left him at the corner, that she would: have fhlnv arrested and he told her In reply that he would kill: her ahe, moment. he was released" Yesterday was the day he had marked; for, the. death bfuhemTboth" ajid,v M ' terday he set out to find her.- She was, not at .. her lodgings. 'He 1 walked I*dowri1 * do wri = Kearny. street. He, metiher at Geary.-. He /spoke . to her. f She replied anwilv" Then the murder, and the, surging of the frightened .crowd. - : The "crime ff ,,. ,»•' complished. The calendar had not -lied; " On; WalbrMge's body were ! found two bank books, r He > had accounts -in *Vh«- Swiss-Awerlcan ;Bank and the Jlibernia Bank- amounting to a'r total Jofi $000 * ul- had given bis former wife $60 in December, for; the care' of'the child - He had recently ; 'drawn* out! s2oo. , . verno n . The'parents of Mrs. Walbridge resld e in Hanford: Her . brother. Benjamin ' Heath. Ss the postmaster, there.-; She hasia sister, Julia Thompson,; who lives in Berkeley.- , : "" : \u25a0•' .\u25a0::\u25a0.;*<,\u25a0.-:\u25a0: -"j-.-v-?- ;.'.*\u25a0\u25a0.**,'.••\u25a0.\u25a0';\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 --,' -\u25a0-'.\u25a0\u25a0. "\u25a0. •- THREE CHILDREN WERE BORN TO 'THEM. * Three children were born to them. Clyde/ aged" U. years, 4a now on the ,- ranch of Mrs. Walbridge's father. George, aged B. Is at Santa' Cruz ', Vernon aged 5, was sleeping in his. mother's room at the St Gailhard Hotei on Pine street at the time of the tragedy. With film' Wai Clara,, a' child of a 'second marriage. Early after the pair were married Mrs. Walbridge complained of her hi.," band b treatment. He was cruel and beat her much of the time Five yelrsa^o £o yearf^ter^ *"?" ' *** T^ *"™^ t }W^^+«) Eleven months after . the interlocutory decree of divorce wm ; rr»nt^ »* Walbridge and Edward T. Robblns of 917 Clay street Oakland bnlr* ?™' tugboat, steamed outside of the: heads and were I^^SSSSib^SS^ Clara, was later born to them. Then came the dedsionlnf Uhe^courts SSS such marriages Illegal. Robbins rieft , the~woman^They^had??eenf IivSSS! gether In San Francisco. He went to Oakitnd.- This ,wa 8 a year^airo g? Meanwhile Walbrid&e watrhed every/action of his. former. wife.^KotVlona-" a«i: he came to her room at the St. Gailhard and; found in her possossion^h.?nfi^' letters from George Peckham of Hanford.. professing hi* lo^f^'h^^K^f. hor v, nwrry Wir..The .letter, were typewritten and date from;MftytS November ' 3: \\ , .^bridge bad thee letters In h!^ pocket when he shot his f?rme?Sf™fa«t ' nlphL Itis probable lhat they were the cause of his last aUack"of jealousy ?l "'\u25a0 HAUNTED HER FOOTSTEPS^LIKE^DEMON.. 1 Back of yesterday's tragedy there '^es the common ' \ story' of a man who treated a woman so. cruelly that she left him suddenly, and •\u25a0 afterward got a divorce. He was a beast more than a man, ,buf he: loved the : woman V of his" choice even when he was subjecting her to the mos^ terrible^ tortures, and. when* Bhe later married again he- threatened to kill her.j ; He waiched her every, movement since the day that she left him five years, ago, his Jealousy increas- ing as time wore on. Then the woman took iup lodgings in this cityandmen,. came to 6ee her. Walbridge came to her rooms andithey quarreled. He cbri- : templated her death until he finally, infuriated \u25a0 himself into a demon. Yesterday was the day that this man deliberately, mar-d as the day. of her death. He also intended that he should die at the 'same time. ,He accom- plished his purpose, A great calendar; in the man's room at 681 Mission street '\u25a0'- Is a silent witness to the terrible fact that the murder and suicide -were v planned with deliberation and the date set for yesterday. Across the "W of January the man had placed a, double ,cross. The 'date .was fingermarked < On a scrap of paper he had written the words, "It shall, be the 31stl There" Is no-other way." He carried out his purpose. The mark on: the calendar 1 was no idle scratch of the pencil. The story of Walbridge and his wife is a long one. He'ls a general'woVk-- man and lived in Santa Cruz. It.was twelve ' years ago 1 that he met -Belle' Heath, then a Hanford girl of 18. the- streets of Santa Cruz. He loved \u25a0 her *' from the first and a marriage quickly resulted. TALE OF BRUTALITY IN BACKGROUND. '.*Two*"members of the gjreat crowd were struck by the flying ' bullets. The fact that more were not killed makes the affair a. miracle. ; The first bullet passed through. the body of. the. woman' and struck Geore^' B.'.Btang^ enberger, a priiulng solicliorVMn.- the", fight;fobc;ii^ "'^T/pV^rl. ra "<^p^^ way through"nve of themand inflictlng/a" woun'd^'in thY-roof "of his mouUt. Both men' were treated -at, the" Central; Emergency Hospital, tand; werejable to go t<?l their homes. without. assistance.. '.'.;%'- v :'**"*!,*.•*,"•.--.. Yesterday's tragedy was one of the' most^ remarkable crimes ever com- mitted here. It was accomplished in the most central part of the city, under the very shadow of Lotta Fountain, and at a. time when the thou- sands of toilers were hurrying their weary way homeward. It was' a spec- tacular time for the committing of a spectacular crime.! When the first shot rang out the great crowd started in fright. It could not run; it was too big, too cumbersome. Women screamed,' not knowing the cause of their error, but seeming to realize the dreadful thing that was taking place before their very eyes. .The. Impulse was to, shrink away from the Infuriated murderer with the smoking pistol. Those nearest him seemed paralyzed with-their fear and could only press backward, their eyes staring at the man.. One' man in all that great crowd kept his senses; He was Policeman Speck, who caught the failing woman. He heard the first shot fired, saw the woman fall and ran straight for the! murderer.. Walbridge saw him coming and quickly shot himself.' It was probably due to this policeman's brave action that the lives -of- others were saved from -a sacri- fice at the hands of the demonized being whose soul was crying for blood. TWO OF CROWD STRUCK^ BY BULLETS. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•• w \u25a0 \u25a0 Demonlzed by a jealous love for the woman who had once borne .his name, but who had obtained a divorce from him years ago, William S. Wal- bridge met her on the street laic,yesterday afternoon. He had planned- to kill her and himsel* Before the' horrified tfio'u sands -'of homegoers gathered about Lotta Fountain , he. raised, a. revolver -and shot her in the baclu' She fell and rose again. Screaming in her. terror, she 'started to run from him. "MyGod! He will kill me! Help!" was her!cry.; In his fury.the man shot her again this time through the heart. Crazily he looked about, him, then fired once at. random. Then, 'before, the, paralyzed crowd could interfere, the raging murderer pressed the smoking revolver to' his temple and ended his own life with the fourth bullet. He fell forward dead upon the pave- ment. % '\u25a0, .;. .%"\u25a0-'->•»\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0*..':' \ -; ."/\u25a0'\u25a0', In the few fearful seconds which' elapsed before the terrified' crowd purged in toward the fountain Mrs. Walbridge staggered on a: few steps. She collapsed in the arms of Policeman Joseph Speck, wlio was hastening! to her rescue. A cab was right at hand, and with > of Edward Da- vis, a bystander, the officer hurried the dying woman to the Central Emer- gency Hospital. She lived to be placed upon the receiving table, but died an Instant later. ' . Prompt Work of Officer Joseph Speck Probably Saves Lives of Many. NEITHER IS SERIOUSLY INJURED, W. T. Pearl Struck in ¥eeth and G.E? Stangenberger* Wounded in Foot. PmES CRAZILY INTO^ THE CROWD] W. S. ]j/ at bridge Commits v^M^rder^an'd. Suicide When Demonizedbyßdge, EVENING TRAGEDY IS WITNESSED BU THOUSANDS AROUND LOTTA FOUNTAIN Under the-very shadow of Xotta* Fountain, :-. while';; the thousands '6f evening 'Homegoers were,; crowded cbout, William S. Walbridge shot 'and^kii led ;his^fprrner wife,' fired into*the crowd, then. committed suicide. Jealously prcmpted ;the ; deed; v ; Tfo -/.\W.yli. ; Pearl; and! George B. Stangenbergerhwere shot by stray, bullets, but: neither was severely wounded. The prorhpt:action of Officer Joseph Speck^inlrunning;tbwardithe crazed murderer probably saved : the lives;6f many in the^dense crowd. about. ' J GRAZED BRUTE KILLS FORMER WIFE AND HIMSELF IN MIDST OF A GREAT THRONG VC*i : \ THE . THEATERS: ' ALHAMBR.V- "Michael . Strogott." /ALCAZAR—"A = Strenuous LUel" . f<^Uroi&lA^'.'brt«nUl Bur!«squers". > COLOMBIA— •'WoodJand. # 2- [cHirres^-yaud«Tin«.; Matinee. , GRANI>^-"'VV«jr . Down'Ea*ti" MAJESTTC^' ; Swe«t '". Nell of Old .'\u25a0•\u25a0 Drury.",", Matinee. ORPHETXM— VaudarUic. '. '. Matinee TTVOLJ— '.The - Brigands." The San Francisco Call. ; -Forecast for February 1, IDCC: Francisco and vicinity— Fair Th-unflay. with.]Increasing cloudiness; ygW . cast irtid^ % ' \ ' " ""\u25a0*-'" G - ': MeADIE." V \u0084 District Forecaster. VOLUAH^XGIX—Np. 03,

Transcript of The San Francisco Call.alternately by;griet;and ian-^ ger/jMr.» andiMrs.% Ball,[who are:aald,t&....

Page 1: The San Francisco Call.alternately by;griet;and ian-^ ger/jMr.» andiMrs.% Ball,[who are:aald,t&. have ' vainly \u25a0 tried;.to have • their/daughter desert 'her husband and return



AYAQUIU\u25a0VjEcuado r,i;Jan.' t•«31.1—

;EarthQuake": «hock« jltd^dajr,?'tw«r«ii%felt

throughout £ the republic"3*andgreat damage in the!northern pro vincc».At!.Tuquerre»,' in'the •province :of Cauca;Colombia, fsareral house« :collapsed,; - ;


;/*Jan.* • ai'-rPrivate tr advicesreceivedIherej'ffom.Qaitagehla ;.are jto*

theeffect • that £'GeneraliGonzalea 1'

fofmer*|Pre3ldeht£of :Colombia, and-Gen{

eral*Nelospinal haVe *sta>te\i fa;revolutipnln^the province Hot -/Antioquia' againstPresldentf Reyes.*"-' 1

|§/rh^b"areage|ofjt*e^e^omll|lnfantrjg•M^well^slthat^ofJthe^reldFArtiri[the:Swondj Infan tjy^as'deßtroyed^hejh^JjW^Bjfloodedtbyjten^ngin^fiwKi^'inii^wate^frgDßMhe^ b'ay"lsatfanfearlyihour ;this .morning,,and -the -,flr«^W»i

IvFlre^brok"ejbut^j^;^f6rw^d|hVild"of|the'.Un lted\S taj^^aj^ny^j^inspoiptMeade,^ly|ngTaJ^

?thelFoJsVni^treetfd6ck'"Feady^to [sall|to£day| for!ManIlaWabout"m^Jffh^^jsfm^lneiaKdJ^Meadl^||yneB^c^^^^^^^ath,^fj«ejjeroj^«rand :>:>en"dangered ? the]lives Toffmanyj'flre^1

Tjvo1ilieaSers :in%^ep\it)lic-to OreftlirdmGeii-


'^AJfter,the • flames'^were ;subdued J severalb^le¥|ojC|tho*e*; wholfell tims £to"jboth

1.1 ".I|^Cjip*tain|^Ml^fpakl£}of^^*^ne^;(^m^pany49|was '^undjidrowned^ In(theI*,hold'and lhlVibpdy|recoyereA . His vheinMtliiru'wenffloating^onu'top of' the \u25a0 waters by.Ttnesearching ifiremen, and -' in:a


theyjcamejjiicro«Blh^body:-!t There

era!'m^eTflremeaJy djeome^of the iaaU^i.

were tovercome- by;the asmoke, and were"drowned s without )being able to!get«onto

.alternately by;griet;andian-^ger/jMr.» andiMrs. %Ball,[who are:aald ,t&.have

'vainly \u25a0 tried ;.to have •their/daughter

desert 'her husband and return to them.aTe now speeding for Southern California,where. th«y will paaa • tho winter^ _- .

. NEW YORK. Jan. »L-Miss Grace Ball,

member of an exclusive social (circle "and:the /only •-

of/Thomas -,R. •Ball,whose iis > reckoned

-:as* close f'to'"|4,000,000,^has> eloped ;'with het


former .;chauffeur.- •.John 4 Sehringr.. Thisdellcateiyoun^g woman.' whose' every wanthas *ibeen* .anticipated •' * from - babyhood;whose )life{.up* to now

'ha 3<been :a";dream

'ofiluxury."Is;livingwith her husband inJwo? small ;i«oms;in'>East "Orange, whereshe] has \u25a0' been exploring 'the mysteries ofllght;housekeeping.

"'•.the imarriage took place on

Christmas )and*

couple announced *,itto;the -parents a week later Itwasi not, J that -society; learned ': ot ''thisromance In real life. ;


Special DUpatcU to The Can.

Several Men Succumb to Flames andWater and Many, Others: Suffocated, i

crew^who ;|are,' Nels ",;Gregorßen *Frederick \u25a0

>Bouchifr,^ Marcus7?Nelsen?"Jo-i

seph' M.lShuto^'Ajc«H;Holmqulat Tand^ZiewislJ: •Johnsonrj besides J-fafsilver \u25a0

xnedal are each -awarded a; 1500.'. :\u25a0--'

, This iwas jthe Iquickest ,actl^in~f taken :bythelCarnegiejhero|fundrcommi6sion 1since'its|incepUori.*!S Captain 1

"Ca»to3beside*s ire-1

'ceivingi a*?gojd| medal, *a is",.awarded ¥ |1500

for t the -:purposefof |liquidating" thefmort-gage 'on;J hisTiproperty /at|Pleasantvllle 1NX

'J."?j*Five 'thousand \lsltbjbeTse t'

aside-as^aTspeclallfund^forithefeducatioh 1

ofIMark <Jaeob_4 Caato^the-'nine-year-oldison, of

'Captain; Ga*io.'T'?:'HH' !:*/V"'';'ir-:-:ir


J%;PITTSBURGH Jan.^ 3i;^Cap tainiMark C\u25a0Casto »', of flshlng^schoprier^Alberta'|and"his'crj^^fj^xjmim^whorotf^anuary,!l^lin'\aVnerbe|gl^eTrescuediforty-twoTandJ^eif^aisengers^fr^Clydejllner^Cherokee.^^ilch lfan^^faground'on's Brlgantlne£B^6als tjaear'^AtlanticTcity/iN.fJ.;\:while? on f:thi*t,way^from|'San fDo^-1mingo/to\Ne_w|.york^were^tb;dayJmadelbeneflclaries|"of^the"SCarneglel ihe rosfund'for^theirJherolsni^BesjdesJmedals'ltdJithe!captain 'and 'crew': a1a 1s'utnTajfgregatingj $9600wag .'* awarde d. '-'-^ •.;.",',' /!.V'':'.;;-;V-v,T-..";--fv,;-^v .'








BRAVE SEAMEN-At .Flagstaff » the canals^ have been

studied 'now ;for .two 'decades .with.a fln,a'twenty-fpur-lnch telescope. ;

jThe, accomplishment oi' the^feat."twhlchculminated, last May at^FlagsticfC^j heldby/astronomers !to mar trtiTdistinct .epochin the 'study of'3J^ir«.

'placing,".as it does.'beyond, a douK -what has hitherto \u25a0 beenknown "onlyfori the testimony ot very ex-*pert;observers. ,For ma*hy;years* after thecanals

•were {first ;noted: by .Prof esaor,Schlaparelli,"* the -Italian observer." a"greatmany ''astronomers doubted their exist-ence. .'

\u25a0« BOSTON,', Jan. of thecanals on the ;planet* Mars,'* the t first


taken, are on exhibition In the Massachu-setts*. Institute •of•Technology. They afothe'work of Carl Otto Lampland.ron© ofProfessor \u25a0 Perclval •Lowell's assistants .atthe '.latter's

"observatory* at Flagstaff.

Ep«dal Dispatch to The Call.:-TOKIO.'jJanr^3l.^-At" a'meeting*>f *the

•Budget Committee fto-day^MtOishi; leader,

of ; the^Proirressive ,fparty/» interpellated

CeneraKTereauchi.'iMinister of War, aa

to whether; the^Goverriment, fas the'result

of theVAnglo^Japahes'e^alliance.'Mhtendedto urge • theißritish?. Government Jto reformits \u25a0army^organiz"atipn.


'>The*tMlnister^re^plied.that the1Government", would dorso atsome '.futureldate. 'X>* -

LONDON,^Febrjl.—The .cablegram ;from\u25baTokloi ahnounoihg' thatt the* leader "of-'thei^rogressiye/party.- of"jJapan j,interpellated

'the % Ministerjof"War ras \u25a0 to ,>. whether *.theJapanese «:Governm«nt, r

f-Inj'vyiew.qt- therAnglo-Japan'ese'alliahce, .to]urgaiuponjthe 'British reformof •*its''arnny.^6rganlxatldni;> to*'which:the!Minister £ replied rt

*nat *?:hl?'Government

[would'doiso:at some",la likely

,to *cause ;r;r& sensation I.throughout % Great

!Britain.' \u25a0\u2666, For the :"moment^. most •;of f.thepapers .refrain ) from"icommeht; /under <the

ideas that "a^wrong.impressionmlght have.beenlconvey cd'through? a"close ;telegraphic

suminaryTor 'by \u25a0aj telegraphic /error... :• r.The l

"Daily/ Mail says /ItsisIreluctany to

believe that!the ',common' rules" of|lnterna-'tibnalicourtesy^have^beenilntehtionally'disregarded.' -

ilt expressedtthe]belief ',that

the 'statemehtrof lGeneral ;Tereauchl ;wUI

result hv''diplomatic r

ThelDaily.5*5*News/i in' an \editorial, says

"that Vitvla^notTan'agreeable^piU^ for^aproud.pebpl.*'to'swallow,'/,' and >poinU withdramatic « emphasis ?t tos the|extraordinary

atoryiof1 the>last '^twenty* years ;since t theGilbert and

'Sullivan'opera 1Of!'The \u25a0\u25a0 Mlka-I

"do" represented |,"ourjnotiona7 o'^aPar^" i

.The" papers adds 'that;"if/this miracle hajnIpenedvin'i twenty" years.S what*may? nothappen* in*-flftyj-years?" j4j


Accomplished byan Astronomer at


:15^ Request Reforms: in^Ke^ntish(&my;;:;

• ;O^anization.; /




Three weeks ago David Hanby of 631 Mission a?friend of Arr«-w-iibridge since her childhood, walked with her^along Market:street. «"waibrM~:«-«U,c pair.tomhor. Thcnwt morning he waited :\u25a0? for,jHanby.^at;his ModirtiiS'a^flbeat him up. t:xcjalminsi-"you must not run with-ray, wife!*v OnCTuesW^ h«waicbed Oi<? rooms. of his former wife all tlay.' \u25a0 In the afternoon he law.twolm?S'leave the. hotel, and a moment -later- she {followed.^ He 'stohpedt her at >th'e?£>££2

of Pine and Kcarny, streets and there, told; her that- he-would kill1her 'Shf-.-ritiout that she had not seen the.two men and*he;iet "her sro.with.a warning' «Jh« ;said, before she left him at the corner, that she would: have fhlnv arrested andhe told her In reply that he would kill:her ahe, moment. he was released"Yesterday was the day he had marked; for, the. death bfuhemTboth" ajid,vM

'terday he set out to find her.- She was, not at.. her lodgings. 'He1walked I*dowri1

*do wri

=Kearny. street. He, metiher at Geary.-. He /spoke. to •her. fShe replied anwilv"Then the murder, and the, surging of the frightened .crowd. -:The "crime ff

,,. ,»•'complished. The calendar had not -lied;

"On; WalbrMge's body were! found two bank books, r He > had accounts -in *Vh«-

Swiss-Awerlcan ;Bank and the Jlibernia Bank- amounting to a'r total Jofi $000* ul-

had given bis former wife $60 in December, for; the care' of'the child-

He had recently;'drawn* out!s2oo. , . vernon.The'parents of Mrs. Walbridge resld e in Hanford: Benjamin


Heath. Ss the postmaster, there.-; She hasia sister, Julia Thompson,; who lives inBerkeley.- ,:""

: \u25a0•'.\u25a0::\u25a0.;*<,\u25a0.-:\u25a0: -"j-.-v-?- ;.'.*\u25a0\u25a0.**,'.••\u25a0.\u25a0';\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 --,' -\u25a0-'.\u25a0\u25a0. "\u25a0. •-

THREE CHILDREN WERE BORN TO 'THEM. *Three children were born to them. Clyde/ aged" U.years, 4a now on the,- ranch of Mrs. Walbridge's father. George, aged B.Is at Santa' Cruz ', Vernonaged 5, was sleeping in his. mother's room at the St Gailhard Hotei on Pine

street at the time of the tragedy. With film'Wai Clara,, a' child of a 'secondmarriage.Early after the pair were married Mrs. Walbridge complained of her hi.,"band b treatment. He was cruel and beat her much of the time Five yelrsa^o

£o yearf^ter^ *"?"'***

T^ *"™ t̂}W^^+«)Eleven months after .the interlocutory decree of divorce wm

;rr»nt^ »*Walbridge and Edward T. Robblns of 917 Clay street Oakland bnlr* ?™'tugboat, steamed outside of the: heads and were I^^SSSSib^SS^Clara, was later born to them. Then came the dedsionlnf Uhe^courts SSSsuch marriages Illegal. Robbins rieft,the~woman^They^had??eenf IivSSS!gether In San Francisco. He went to Oakitnd.- This ,wa8 a year^airo g?

Meanwhile Walbrid&e watrhed every/action of his. former. wife.^KotVlona-" a«i:he came to her room at the St. Gailhard and; found in her possossion^h.?nfi^'letters from George Peckham of Hanford.. professing hi*lo^f^'h^^K^f.hor v, nwrry Wir..The .letter, were typewritten and date from;MftytS November '3:\\,.^bridge bad thee letters In h!^ pocket when he shot his f?rme?Sf™fa«t '

nlphL Itis probable lhat they were the cause of his last aUack"of jealousy ?l "'\u25a0HAUNTED HER FOOTSTEPS^LIKE^DEMON.. 1

Back of yesterday's tragedy there '^es the common'

\ story' of a man whotreated a woman so. cruelly that she left him suddenly, and •\u25a0 afterward got adivorce. He was a beast more than a man, ,buf he: loved the : woman Vof his"choice even when he was subjecting her to the mos^ terrible^ tortures, and. when* •Bhe later married again he- threatened to kill her.j ;He waiched her every,movement since the day that she left him five years, ago, his Jealousy increas-ing as time wore on. Then the woman took iup lodgings in this cityandmen,.came to 6ee her. Walbridge came to her rooms andithey quarreled. He cbri-:templated her death until he finally,infuriated \u25a0 himself into a demon.

Yesterday was the day that this man deliberately, mar-d as the day. ofher death. He also intended that he should die at the 'same time. ,He accom-plished his purpose, A great calendar; in the man's room at 681 Mission street '\u25a0'-Is a silent witness to the terrible fact that the murder and suicide -were vplanned with deliberation and the date set for yesterday. Across the "W ofJanuary the man had placed a,double ,cross. The 'date .was fingermarked <

On a scrap of paper he had written the words, "It shall, be the 31stl There"Is no-other way." He carried out his purpose. The mark on:the calendar 1wasno idle scratch of the pencil.

The story of Walbridge and his wife is a long one. He'ls a general'woVk--man and lived in Santa Cruz. It.was twelve

'years ago 1

that he met -Belle'Heath, then a Hanford girlof 18. the- streets of Santa Cruz. He loved \u25a0 her*'

from the first and a marriage quickly resulted.


'.*Two*"members of the gjreat crowd were struck by the flying'bullets.

The fact that more were not killed makes the affair a.miracle. ;The firstbullet passed through.the body of.the. woman' and struck Geore^' B.'.Btang^enberger, a priiulng solicliorVMn.- the",fight;fobc;ii^

"'^T/pV^rl.ra "<^p^^way through"nve of themand inflictlng/a" woun'd^'in thY-roof "of his mouUt.Both men' were treated -at,the" Central;Emergency Hospital, tand; werejableto go t<?l their homes. without. assistance.. '.'.;%'- v :'**"*!,*.•*,"•.--..

Yesterday's tragedy was one of the' most^ remarkable crimes ever com-mitted here. It was accomplished in the most central part of the city,under the very shadow of Lotta Fountain, and at a. time when the thou-sands of toilers were hurrying their weary way homeward. It was' a spec-tacular time for the committing of a spectacular crime.!

When the first shot rang out the great crowd started in fright. Itcould not run; it was too big, too cumbersome. Women screamed,' notknowing the cause of their error, but seeming to realize the dreadful thingthat was taking place before their very eyes. .The. Impulse was to, shrinkaway from the Infuriated murderer with the smoking pistol. Those nearesthim seemed paralyzed with-their fear and could only press backward, theireyes staring at the man.. One' man in all that great crowd kept his senses;He was Policeman Speck, who caught the failing woman. He heard the firstshot fired, saw the woman fall and ran straight for the!murderer.. Walbridgesaw him coming and quickly shot himself.' It was probably due to thispoliceman's brave action that the lives -of- others were saved from-a sacri-fice at the hands of the demonized being whose soul was crying for blood.


\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

• . \u25a0 .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•• w \u25a0\u25a0

Demonlzed by a jealous love for the woman who had once borne .hisname, but who had obtained a divorce from him years ago, William S. Wal-bridge met her on the street laic,yesterday afternoon. He had planned- tokillher and himsel* Before the' horrified tfio'usands -'of homegoers gathered

about Lotta Fountain ,he. raised, a. revolver -and shot her in the baclu' Shefell and rose again. Screaming inher. terror, she 'started to run from him."MyGod! He will killme! Help!" was her!cry.; In his fury.the man shother again

—this time through the heart. Crazily he looked about, him, then

fired once at. random. Then, 'before, the, paralyzed crowd could interfere,

the raging murderer pressed the smoking revolver to' his temple and endedhis own life with the fourth bullet. He fell forward dead upon the pave-ment. % '\u25a0, .;. .%"\u25a0-'->•»\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0*..':' \ -; ."/\u25a0'\u25a0',

In the few fearful seconds which' elapsed before the terrified' crowdpurged in toward the fountain Mrs. Walbridge staggered on a: few steps.

She collapsed in the arms of Policeman Joseph Speck, wlio was hastening!

to her rescue. A cab was right at hand, and with > of Edward Da-vis, a bystander, the officer hurried the dying woman to the Central Emer-gency Hospital. She lived to be placed upon the receiving table, but diedan Instant later.

' .

Prompt Work of Officer Joseph SpeckProbably Saves Lives of Many.


W. T. Pearl Struck in ¥eeth and G.E?Stangenberger* Wounded in Foot.


W. S. ]j/atbridge Commits v^M^rder^an'd.Suicide When Demonizedbyßdge,


Under the-very shadow of Xotta* Fountain,:-. while';;the thousands '6f evening 'Homegoers were,; crowded cbout, William S. Walbridge shot 'and^kii led ;his^fprrner wife,' fired into*the crowd,then. committed suicide. Jealously prcmpted ;the ;deed;

v ;Tfo -/.\W.yli.;Pearl; and! George B. Stangenbergerhwere shot by stray, bullets,but:neither was severely wounded. The prorhpt:action of Officer Joseph Speck^inlrunning;tbwardithe crazed murderer probably saved :the lives;6f many in the^dense crowd.about.





ALHAMBR.V-"Michael .Strogott."/ALCAZAR—"A=Strenuous LUel" .f<^Uroi&lA^'.'brt«nUlBur!«squers".>COLOMBIA—•'WoodJand. #2-[cHirres^-yaud«Tin«.; Matinee.,GRANI>^-"'VV«jr.Down'Ea*ti"•MAJESTTC^'

;Swe«t '". Nell of Old

.'\u25a0•\u25a0 Drury.",", Matinee.ORPHETXM—VaudarUic. '. '.MatineeTTVOLJ— '.The

-Brigands."The San Francisco Call.

; -Forecast for February 1, IDCC: Francisco and vicinity—FairTh-unflay. with.]Increasing cloudiness;

ygW. cast irtid^% ' • \'

"""\u25a0*-'" G-

':MeADIE." V

\u0084 District Forecaster.