The Saint Paul globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1902-02-09 [p 28]*8 TH« ST. PAUL GLOB 3, SSJNDAY, FEBRUARY...

*8 TH« ST. PAUL GLOB 3, SSJNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19Oa. Shakespeare's plays have stood the test of centuries, and yet when comparisons are made some of the efforts of the mas- ter playwright are judged to be much better than others. Among his lighter works it is the general opinion that "The Taming of the Shrew" is entitled to first position. This sparkling piece is almost soon sold at a large rjremium and the rape extended even to this country. The rest of the company include Marie Drofrah, Emma Hayner, William J. Shea. Irving Knight, Stuart Beebe. P. A. Nannary, Harold Fiske, Paul Ander- son, Ei. W. Browning, R. O. Meech, and John C. Davis. The engagement is for four nights and Wednesday matinee, be- ginning Sunday evening. "lO> YONSON" AT THE, GRAND. Popular Swedish Dialect Comedy Returns to St. Paul. At the Grand tonight and all week, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday, Man- agers Thall & Kennedy will present for the first time here in over two years, that ever popular Swedish dialect corned.v drama "Yon Yonson."' The plot Is one of the most interesting ever evolved by a playwright. Likewise it abounds with scenes of vivid realism, and throughout j the whole there is such an amount of j clean, wholesome comedy that it forms | the happiest and most thrilling eombin-i- --i tions known to the stage in many year.?, i The story of the play shows that Amos Jennings appropriates a patent belonging to his dead brother, whose daughter he adopts and takes into his own house. But the young son of his former partner is turned adrift in a Swedish community in a sparsely settled section of Minnesota. He grows up in ignorance of his bir:h. After some years Jennings takes a new partner, a man named George Halloway, who knows all about the patent transac- tion. Using that as a lever, Hallowav forces Jennings into a )and scheme by means of which he intends to swindle a wealthy English tourist. Jennings take 3 the Englishman to see the land and by force of some thrilling circumstances is made to believe that he has murdered the traveler. Halloway during the action of the play accuses Jennings of murder, but tlie tourist, who has recovered from the assault, puts in an appearance. In the end the young Englishman marries Jen- nings' adopted daughter, and "Yon Yon- CHARLES B. HANFORD AS PETRUCHIO, In "The Taming of the Shrew," at the Metropolitan Tonight. Mr. Charles B. IlanforJ, who opens at the Metropolitan tonight in "The Taming of the Shrew," has been a most consis- tent follower of the classic drama. Few actors have been as faithful to the Shapespearian drama as he. Fully twen- ty years of his work on the stage has been on these lines, and he has been <-i^- soeiated with several of the most pre- tentious offerings of a Shakespeariaa character. Mr. Hanford's most notable success was made in the Booth-Barrett production of "Julius Caesar," in which he appeared as Marc Antony, and in this character lie r.'nared honors with the stars. He was also a member of the Robson & Crane company ir. the revival of "The Comedy of Errors.' strides to the front. This was during the seasons of 1887, 1888 and 18S3. The last two seasons the late Thomas W. Keene lived he was under the management of Mr. Hanford and it was with Mr. Keens that Mr. Hanford last appeared In this city. Three seasons ago Mr. Hanford was one of a three-star combination exploited by Wagenhals and Kemper—The James- Kidder-Hanford company. Several years ago he toured the country with Mr?. Joha Drew in a repertoire of Shakespearian comedy, and during the seasons of ISO 2-:"3 he purchased the Booth-Barrett produc- tion of "Julius Caesar" and made a tour of the country playing Marc Antony. Last year Mr. Hanford temporarily for- sook Mr. Shakespeare and produced a Southern comedy drama called "Private John Allen." This season he has brought forward the rollicking comedy "The Tarn. ing of the Shrew." For two seasons Mr. Ha-nford played the heavy roles with Julia Marlowe, dur- ing whicn time Miss Marlowe made rapid the only one of Shakespeare's comedies -with a regular plot and a down-right moral. It is full of bustle, animation and rapidity ol" action. Petruchio is a mad man in his senses, a very hone3t fellow who hardly speaks a word of truth and succeeding in all his tricks and impos- tures. The situation of poor Katherine, worn out by his incessant persecutions, becomes at last almost as pitiable as it is ludicrous. The learned critics say that Petruchio is a character which all hus- bands should study. Be that as it may, "The Taming of the Shrew" is undoubt- edly viewed from many standpoints a splendid object lesson in matrimony. The comedy should be seen not only by those who have entered the bonds of wedlock, but also by those who contemplate taking that most important step. Charles B. ljanford, the well-known Shakespearian star, will present "The Taming of the Shrew" at the Metropolitan opera house for four nights and a Wednesday mati- nee, beginning tomorrow night. He will appear as Petruchio, a role admirably euited to his talents. His shrewish Katherine will be portrayed by Miss Helen Grantly, a young actress of beauty and distinction, who Is said to have al- ready achieved remarkauie success. son," who has saved several lives and has been the humorous, yet unassuming hero of the play, turns out to be ncr brother, who had been turned adrift and had grown to sturdy manhood in the rough lumber camp. The play is in three acts and the end of the second, showing the remarkably realistic log jam, is one of the best ef- forts ever produced on the stage. It is said that the management has secured the best company yet seen in this popular drama, headed by Knute Erickson, a young- Swedish dialect comedian, voc^!. Ist and musician, who was the first Swe- isih dialect actor to appear in the leading iUsic halls of England. Among the oth- ers well known are Annie Mack-Berlein, Guy Spangler, Sydney Craven, Belle Gold, G-eorgie Bryton and Beatrice Norman, a feature which is still retained is rue Lumbermen's quartette, who will be heard in act second in all the latest up- play has not been seen in St. Paul since presented here several seasons ago by Mr. MacDowell and the late Fanny Dav- enport. It is said that Mr. MacDowell has never been in better form than he is at the present time, and his portrayal of "Le Baron Scarpia" is more than ever the finished and artistic characterization of the role which is indelibly stamped in the memories of those who have witness- ed the play of the French dramatist. Miss Florence Stone will be seen in the title role. She comes with a wealth of praise from the press of other cities as MELBOURNE MAC DOWELL, At the Metropolitan This Week. le-date songs. The play, as heretofore, will be given a magnificent scenic equip- ment. ENGLISH FOLLY COMPAXY. Rose Hill's Bnrlesqners to Be Seen at the Star This Week. i being a young, handsome and extremely talented woman. Brieily told, the story of the play is as follows: Le Baron Scarpia, the superin- tendent of the Roman police at the time of the French war at the beginning of the eighteenth century, is in pursuit of a political prisoner who has escaped him and is hidden by Marie Cavaradossi, a Roman citizen of advanced lioeral views. Cavaradossi is beloved by Flora. Tosca, an Italian singing grirl of much beauty, j who has won the admiration of the court and become the protege of Queen Caro- line. Scarpia is in love with La Tosca and, {[laying upon her jealosy, induces her to believe that the person whom Cavaradossi is shielding is a woman. She finds out her mistake just before the ar- rival of the police at Cavaradossi's home, where her lover has taken the fugitive. For this Cavaradossi is put to torture within an adjacent room where L<a Tosca is compelled to hear his terrible shrieks of agony, until, finally, after a terrible struggle with herself, and in spite of the | words of her lover amidst his suffering j she betrays the whereabouts of the fugi- tive, who is killed in bting taken. A moment or two later Cavaradossl staggers into the room bleeding and falls unconscious, but recovering, reproaches La Tosca for her weakness. Cavaradcssi is sentenced to be executed and La Tosea is given a chance, as she supposes, to save him at the expense of her honor, by Baron Scarpia. She consent?, seemingly, j but the moment that the villain ttuntcs he has conquered her she sstaiba him to the heart with a knife which she has found on a table in his apartments. She hastens to her lover to tell him of the arrangement of his mock execution, in which she was led to believe th it the muskets were to -he loaded with blank cartridges and that he was only to feign death to fulfill the commands of the government; but Scarpia has outwitted her and she finds her lover dead. She confesses her murder of Scarpia to the guard, and in trying to throw herself from the ramparts of the Castle Ar.g-e!o I she is shot and falls dead by her lover's | side. The attraction which will be sure to please will hold the boards at the Star Theater all next week commencing with a matinee on Sunday, Feb. 9, is the fun- toy" musical farce, "McDoodle's Night Off," presented T>y Rice & Barton's "Rose Hill English Folly company, & clever combination of mirthmakers, head- ed by Geo. W. Rice and Joe J. Sullivan, who will be scon, in the leading roles. They are ably supported by a competent \u25a0company of comedians and a bevy of pretty and talented girls. Th<» piece is said to be of the usual farce order. Mc- Doodle, a married man, becomes infat- uated with an actress named Juliet G-ore, who aspires to be a star, but lacks the necessary backing. McDopdle comes .to her assistance and backs tha woman with stellar aspirations. He has great difficulty in keeping the matter a secret licm his wife, and the complications and entai glements which arise on one hand and the actress and her husband whom she introduces later on, on the other hand, form the theme of the comedy. It is luli of laughable situations and the music is catchy. There is ample room for the introduction of specialties and those con- tributed by the different members are said to he excellent. Miss Carrie Web- ber assumes .he role" of Juliet Gore; Mr. PJail appears as Romeo Gore, a Jealous tragedian; while the role of Mrs. Mc- Dooule is played by Miss May Shink. The other characters are all in good hards, and the musical part of the en- tertaiiment is rendered by a big choir of pretty girls with well trained voices. Tho olio consists of such clever people as Katherine Rowe Palmer, McFarland & Earl, Gavnella & Shink, Sullivan & Webber, Nolan & White. Crawford & Manning and Berry & Hughes. There will also be pome excellent singing by a quartette of the company, and a gavotte by sixteen of the pretty and Bbapely girls. COMIXG ATTRACTIONS. "The Girl From Maxim's," a lively farce comedy, is underlined for the Met- ropolitan for four nights and a matinee, the engagement opening Sunday, Fob. 16. "The Strollers," with a strong com- pany headed by John B. Henshaw and Marie George, and including Eddie Foy and a host of clever entertainers, comes to the Metropolitan for a half week be- ginning Thursday, Feb. 20. Jan Kubelik, greatest of living violin- ists, will appear at the Metropolitan opera house Wednesday evening, Feb. 16. Another great band will be heard in St' Paul Sunday, Fefo. 23, when Innes and h's band will give two concerts at the Metro- politan opera house. In addition to his band Innes brings a trio of grand opera singers, including Miss Frances Boy'den-, soprano; Signor Edgardo Zerni, tenor, and Signor Achille Aioertl, baritone. Following the engagement of "Yon Yon- son" the stage of the Grand opera house will be given over to high-class vaude- ville, a style of amusement which finds immense favor with looal theatergoers. The occasion will serve to introduce here for the first .time the Orpheum show, under the direction of Martin Beck. The "Mamselle 'A.wkins" company, headed iby Miss Delia Stacey, is announced to be seen at the Grand shortly. The Royal Lilliputians will present the spectacular farce comedy, "The Merry Tramps" during their engagement here at the Grand opera house. "A Ragged Hero," a melodrama new to St. Paul, will be presented at the Grand In the near future. Although Miss Grantly's name is not as familiar to the threater-goers on this side of the Atlantic as Mr. Hanford's her reputation having been gained largely- through her English successes, there is every indication that her charming im- personation of Katherine in ''The Tam- ing of the Shrew," which evoked so much praise in England, will win for her hosts of friends in this country To play Katherine is the dominant de- sire of every actress, and it was this ambition that induced Miss Grantly to refuse tempting histrionic offers in Great Britain and come to this country to be the leading feature in 'Mr. Hanford's sup- port. She is probably the youngest act- ress who has ever interpreted the char- acter. Her talents, however, are far be- yond her years, and in addition to the dramatic qualities that she possesses in bo marked a degree, she is justly celebrat- ed for her striking personal beauty. In face and ligure Miss Grantly is said to be nearer the ideal than any other attress on the English-speaking stage. Her at- tractiveness was put to a rare test at the recent photographer's convention in London, when her picture was selected as the most perfect type of the Grecian style of beauty. As a result of this selec- tion there was an immediate demand for the actress's photographs, which were I MACDOWELL IN "LA TOSCA.* Sardou's Tragedy at Metropolitan L«st Hr.lf of Week. Commencing Thursday, Fet>. 13, with a matinee Saturday. Sardou's "La Tosca," with Melbourne MaoDowelf ond Florence Stone in the stellar roles, will be the at- traction at the Metropolitan theater.-The BEATRICE NORMAN AS WIDOW LAFIIN, At the Grand.. Al H. Wilson in "The Watch on the Rhine" is announced for another visit to the Grand in the near future "The Dairy Farm" is included in the list of bookings at the Grand. The new management of 'The White Slave" promises a superb production of the play, both dramatically and scenic- ally, when it is presented at the Grand opera house. "The Volunteer Organist" comes to the Grand later in the season. She'd See Him First. "I've had a good many rebuffs in my line of business, but I struck the limit the other day down on Tasker street," said a collector. "I had been after a man for several months to coilect a bill of $6, but had always been put off with, excuses and promises.. This day his wife came to the door and I stated my bus- iness to her, although I guess she knew all about it. 'My husband is asleep,' she said. 'He works at night, and never gets up until noon. He won't \e up for two hours.' 'Very well,' I said, 'I'll come back in two hours.' 'It went be worth your while,' she said; 'I'm sure he hasn't got $6, and, even if he had, I shall see him before you will. If he has any money in his clothes you can just bet your lifo I'm going to get it myself. I don't think you stand much chance around here.' Af- ter that I didn't think it worth while to ffo back."—Philadelphia Record. J4c/sic^^Pramk AID FROM AMERICA ENGLISHMEN THINK PERNICIOUS ACTIVITY OF GERMANY Ml ST BE RESTRAINED PERSIAN GULF STORM CENTER Incident at Koweyt Is Exciting Widespread Disapproval in Lon- don—Status <luo Is in Dan- ger of Rupture. Special to The Globe. LONDON, Feb. B.—Englishmen are ask- ing how long it will be before themselves and Americans will have to fight side by side to repress the pernicious activity of Germany. The situation in the Persian Gulf today where the war cloud may burst into an actual tempest at any moment is the di- rect outcome of the ignoring by Germany and Russia of British rights in Koweyt and Oman. The action of Turkey in demanding of the Sheik of Koweyt that he make obei- sance to his suzerain, or in other words comply with the demands of Germany, made through the porte, meets with gen- eral disapproval here. It is considered that both Germany and Russia could h?ve adopted more diplomatic methods in securing access to the Persian Gulf for their railway ter- minal than by sending warship^ to recormoiter or threaten. Koweyt has for some time been under a British protectorate and also Muscat or Oman. The present need of Russia and Germany for' termini in this local- ity would appear to be the result of plans long since considered which could have been presented for British sanction through the foreign office. There is a decidedly uneasy feeling- here concerning the present state of af- fairs in the Persian Gulf and there 's talk of mobilizing the Indian army at once, in which case it is likely that Lord Roberts would, for patriotic rea- sons, be requested to postpone his re- tirement and accept the command of the Indian army. It has been with the present situation in view that the British Indian govern- ment has established its great military frontier for Northwestern India. This has been done by the incorporation of the mountainous districts lying north of Baluchistan between the Indus and the Afghan frontier, in one province, und.r the direct control of the Central Gov- ernment of India, and was a political as well as a military measure. One Eye on llnssia. This new military province covers the Northwest frontier and constitutes the first line of the defense of India against a possible invasion by a Russian ar- my. The flanking defenses are Kashmir on the north, which is practically a British province, and Baluchistan in the south, which boasts the formidable fort- ress of Quetta. The old policy of the Indian government toward the frontier tribes has been to- tally reversed. Instead of the provoca- tion methods which kept these semi-civ- ilized people in a constant state of alarm and made them permanently hostile to the government of India, there is a cor- dial understanding with them and they are treated as allies or fellow-subjects by the Indians who come up from Peshawur. The Afghans' and Kabulese who form the bulk of the tribesmen are all war- like and will fight to vie last man ..> preserve the integrity of their country. It is by encouraging this luc-a of in- dependence among them that the British have secured their outposts in a way that enables them to economize greatly in the matter of frontier troops. A Russian army marching on India through Afghanistan must reckon with these guerrilla troops, of whom they would find not less than lOO.Ouo, desperate figmers and armed to the teeth, as the British authorities would very promptly see. The positions of Muscat, Koweyt ,ana Bund«r Abbas, to where the Russians want to build a railroad, are ail consid- ered strategic points from which a move- ment could toe made on India. Tne Northwestern frontier having been made practically impregnable by the British- Indian government it is now surmised that .Lius'sia seeks a means of getting at India by sea. Her present scheme is to run a line from the trans-Caspian railway at Merv to Meshed and then south to ounder Ab- bas. This would bring the railway with- in a few miles of Herat, the key to India. It would give Kussia the opportunity of holding her thumb on the latch of India's back door, while, if gihe controlled the route to Bunder Abbas, she would have her paw on the "front door latch also. It Mr, Charles B. Supported by the beautiful Helen ©F THE ST. PAUL Fell. 2Q, 21, 22. YOU ALL WANT TO SEE Week of Feb. 16, Stntns Quo in Persian Golf. CABBIE WEBBEH, "With Rice and Barton's Company, at the Star. AMUSEMENTS. RfgETIIQPQLgTAM I ££.^. PRICES THIS WEEK ISSSSSZSZZK?- f -™ TflMtfiUTf Rrs* "a" Week. I Uniun I I Wednesday Matinee TUiioon v Las* Ha!f Week. inUnOUAI Saturday Matinee. The Distinguished Heroic Actor. HANFORD GRANTLY And a Splendid Company in an Elabcra'e Revival of Shakespeare's Best Comedy, llesßa Bk b fia SHREW THE FfIMOUS STROLLEeS With Henshaw, Foy, Marie George and Don and a Battalion of Pretty Girls, Are Strolling This Way. MELBOURNE AND MISS FLORENCE LITT. Propmtor TKTajJIAVS. Msn^cr FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS. THE GREATEST OF ALL SWEDISH DIALECT DRAMAS. STONE In a Production of Victorien Sardou's Masterpiece, Minneapolis, Fefc, 16 17, m,iß> v ~~'''j \.''\u25a0'"* ?\u25a0\u25a0' '-v 3 Hi BBngfiH ENACTED BY A SUPERB COMPANY HEADED BY MR. KNUtE* ERSGKSON= The lumber Gama in Mid" Winter. The Funny Irish Widow* The Breaking of the Log Jam. The Singing of Yon. The Lumbermen's Quartette. BOX OFFICE OPEN ALL BAY. Martin Beck presents for the first time here THE ORPHEUM SHOW Presenting Elegant Vaudeville. is confidently believed here that -ritain will fight rather than permit this rail- way to be built, as it would necessitate doubling the standing army of India. The objection to the Turko-German railway planned to Koweyt is De.-^ved to be purely on the ground that ii permis- sion is granted to Germany to carry out her enterprise it cannot be refused to Kussia as both governments are sup- posed to be on friendly terms with Great Britain. THIS SUNDAY NIGHT. AND ALL WEEK. MATINEES— Wednesday and Saturday. St&jr Theatre MATINEE DAILY. EVENJNGS AT 8:15. Matines Today. Ail Week. RICE & BARTON'S It has been Great Britain's policy foi- years past, since long before either Ger- many or Russia had any aims in this direction, to maintain the status quo in Rose Hill English Folly Company. Vaudeville and Extravaganza. NEXT WEEK.. The Erigadiers. Good [eats IOC 20c 30c MOZABT-HALL.lg^AnmgJ^gg'c, Monday Eve., Feb. io. Danz' Military Band and Orchestra. Gypsy Camp, 60 people, all new costumes, splsn- did effect. Royal Gypsy Band under leadership of Slgnor Crematore. Great carnival event of ths &ason. Tickets and reserved seats at Mozart Ha!!, Sunday, Feb. 9, 10 a. m. to I p. m., Monday, Feb. 10 after 10 a. m. Admission—Gentlemen, 1.00; Ladies, 50c. \u25a0 -.-~- --. the Persian Gulf. To this ena she has done ell possible in her power, as she also did in Afghanistan, to uphold the tnde- pendence of these Sheiks. To this -- - she has not hesitated to prevent Turkey frcm enforcing her nominal suzerainty, even having resorted two years ago to the severe expedient of having the decks of the British cruiser Perseus cleared for action when Turkish troops threatened to land at Kowevt. According to the St. James Gazette, which is telieved to be officially inspired. Great Britain will continue to maintain the status quo in the Persdan Gulf, in spite of what the result of her action may be. The Berlin papers say that England is playing a dog in the mar.ger game. "Russia," they say, is bound sooner or later to acquire a port on the Persian Gulf and England will gain nothing by opposing her desires." They point out the fact that Great Britain has in every way thwarted the designs of Russia in the direction of obtaining a southern nut- let by means of a port, fcr her vast ex- ports, Russia has been handicapped almost unspeakably by her failure to secure an outlet into navigable oceans. Her states- men have long recognized the fact that with her vast inland empire and im- mense population she must have outlet to all the oceans of the world. She has been balked at Constantinople for cen- turies. Her attempts to reach the Per- sian Gulf have been open enough no secret having been made of her inten- tions. It is understood that she has se- cured the necessary concessions from Persia. A new line of navigation has ibeen opened by her from Odessa, to the Persian Gulf and a line of railway com- menced from Julfa to Ta;!?nz and Teheran. She has a good road from the Caspian to Teheran, which pays well, but her transportation to the Persian Gulf is by mule or camel, occupying three months and $100 a ton In summer or hall as much again in winter. fey \u25a0 y ..-', . .\u25a0:. . x . -^ \u25a0 \u25a0 : \u25a0 '"^3B^^ \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : * •''\u25a0'\u25a0''\u25a0 : \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0: . :::\u25a0.\u25a0: :::::"j I SHftSfrr^frif^>iTOliJPfo?»iftMfrKlßß^ \u25a0 \u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0. \u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0.'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0 W'\u25a0-¥%'\u25a0 ;::-:'::::'-\u25a0:'\u25a0•:\u25a0•:•'\u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.::"'l- -v \u25a0...,...:.;.: >::\. •\u25a0- \u25a0\;.:\u25a0:;,:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;'' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- -..-*%rajl'

Transcript of The Saint Paul globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1902-02-09 [p 28]*8 TH« ST. PAUL GLOB 3, SSJNDAY, FEBRUARY...

Page 1: The Saint Paul globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1902-02-09 [p 28]*8 TH« ST. PAUL GLOB 3, SSJNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19Oa. Shakespeare's plays have stood the test of centuries, and yet when comparisons


Shakespeare's plays have stood the testof centuries, and yet when comparisonsare made some of the efforts of the mas-ter playwright are judged to be muchbetter than others. Among his lighterworks it is the general opinion that "TheTaming of the Shrew" is entitled to firstposition. This sparkling piece is almost

soon sold at a large rjremium and therape extended even to this country.

The rest of the company include MarieDrofrah, Emma Hayner, William J.Shea. Irving Knight, Stuart Beebe. P.A. Nannary, Harold Fiske, Paul Ander-son, Ei. W. Browning, R. O. Meech, andJohn C. Davis. The engagement is forfour nights and Wednesday matinee, be-ginning Sunday evening.


Popular Swedish Dialect Comedy

Returns to St. Paul.At the Grand tonight and all week, with

matinees Wednesday and Saturday, Man-agers Thall & Kennedy will present forthe first time here in over two years, thatever popular Swedish dialect corned.vdrama "Yon Yonson."' The plot Is oneof the most interesting ever evolved by aplaywright. Likewise it abounds withscenes of vivid realism, and throughout

j the whole there is such an amount ofj clean, wholesome comedy that it forms| the happiest and most thrilling eombin-i---i tions known to the stage in many year.?,

i The story of the play shows that AmosJennings appropriates a patent belongingto his dead brother, whose daughter headopts and takes into his own house. Butthe young son of his former partner isturned adrift in a Swedish community ina sparsely settled section of Minnesota.He grows up in ignorance of his bir:h.After some years Jennings takes a newpartner, a man named George Halloway,who knows all about the patent transac-tion. Using that as a lever, Hallowavforces Jennings into a )and scheme bymeans of which he intends to swindle awealthy English tourist. Jennings take 3the Englishman to see the land and byforce of some thrilling circumstances ismade to believe that he has murdered thetraveler. Halloway during the action ofthe play accuses Jennings of murder, buttlie tourist, who has recovered from theassault, puts in an appearance. In theend the young Englishman marries Jen-nings' adopted daughter, and "Yon Yon-

CHARLES B. HANFORD AS PETRUCHIO,In "The Taming of the Shrew," at the Metropolitan Tonight.

Mr. Charles B. IlanforJ, who opens atthe Metropolitan tonight in "The Taming

of the Shrew," has been a most consis-tent follower of the classic drama. Fewactors have been as faithful to theShapespearian drama as he. Fully twen-ty years of his work on the stage hasbeen on these lines, and he has been <-i^-soeiated with several of the most pre-tentious offerings of a Shakespeariaacharacter.

Mr. Hanford's most notable success wasmade in the Booth-Barrett production of"Julius Caesar," in which he appeared asMarc Antony, and in this character lier.'nared honors with the stars. He wasalso a member of the Robson & Cranecompany ir. the revival of "The Comedyof Errors.'

strides to the front. This was during theseasons of 1887, 1888 and 18S3. The lasttwo seasons the late Thomas W. Keenelived he was under the management ofMr. Hanford and it was with Mr. Keensthat Mr. Hanford last appeared In thiscity.

Three seasons ago Mr. Hanford wasone of a three-star combination exploitedby Wagenhals and Kemper—The James-Kidder-Hanford company. Several yearsago he toured the country with Mr?. JohaDrew in a repertoire of Shakespeariancomedy, and during the seasons of ISO 2-:"3he purchased the Booth-Barrett produc-tion of "Julius Caesar" and made a tourof the country playing Marc Antony.

Last year Mr. Hanford temporarily for-sook Mr. Shakespeare and produced aSouthern comedy drama called "PrivateJohn Allen." This season he has broughtforward the rollicking comedy "The of the Shrew."

For two seasons Mr. Ha-nford playedthe heavy roles with Julia Marlowe, dur-ing whicn time Miss Marlowe made rapid

the only one of Shakespeare's comedies-with a regular plot and a down-rightmoral. It is full of bustle, animation andrapidity ol" action. Petruchio is a madman in his senses, a very hone3t fellowwho hardly speaks a word of truth andsucceeding in all his tricks and impos-

tures. The situation of poor Katherine,worn out by his incessant persecutions,

becomes at last almost as pitiable as itis ludicrous. The learned critics say thatPetruchio is a character which all hus-bands should study. Be that as it may,"The Taming of the Shrew" is undoubt-edly viewed from many standpoints asplendid object lesson in matrimony. Thecomedy should be seen not only by thosewho have entered the bonds of wedlock,but also by those who contemplate taking

that most important step. Charles B.ljanford, the well-known Shakespearianstar, will present "The Taming of theShrew" at the Metropolitan opera housefor four nights and a Wednesday mati-nee, beginning tomorrow night. He willappear as Petruchio, a role admirablyeuited to his talents. His shrewishKatherine will be portrayed by MissHelen Grantly, a young actress of beautyand distinction, who Is said to have al-ready achieved remarkauie success.

son," who has saved several lives andhas been the humorous, yet unassuminghero of the play, turns out to be ncrbrother, who had been turned adrift andhad grown to sturdy manhood in therough lumber camp.

The play is in three acts and the endof the second, showing the remarkably

realistic log jam, is one of the best ef-forts ever produced on the stage. It issaid that the management has securedthe best company yet seen in this populardrama, headed by Knute Erickson, ayoung- Swedish dialect comedian, voc^!.Ist and musician, who was the first Swe-

isih dialect actor to appear in the leadingiUsic halls of England. Among the oth-

ers well known are Annie Mack-Berlein,Guy Spangler, Sydney Craven, Belle Gold,G-eorgie Bryton and Beatrice Norman, afeature which is still retained is rueLumbermen's quartette, who will beheard in act second in all the latest up-

play has not been seen in St. Paul sincepresented here several seasons ago byMr. MacDowell and the late Fanny Dav-enport.

It is said that Mr. MacDowell has neverbeen in better form than he is at thepresent time, and his portrayal of "LeBaron Scarpia" is more than ever thefinished and artistic characterization ofthe role which is indelibly stamped inthe memories of those who have witness-ed the play of the French dramatist.

Miss Florence Stone will be seen in thetitle role. She comes with a wealth ofpraise from the press of other cities as

MELBOURNE MAC DOWELL,At the Metropolitan This Week.

le-date songs. The play, as heretofore,will be given a magnificent scenic equip-ment.


Rose Hill's Bnrlesqners to Be Seenat the Star This Week.

i being a young, handsome and extremelytalented woman.

Brieily told, the story of the play is asfollows: Le Baron Scarpia, the superin-tendent of the Roman police at the timeof the French war at the beginning ofthe eighteenth century, is in pursuit of apolitical prisoner who has escaped himand is hidden by Marie Cavaradossi, aRoman citizen of advanced lioeral views.

Cavaradossi is beloved by Flora. Tosca,an Italian singing grirl of much beauty,

j who has won the admiration of the courtand become the protege of Queen Caro-line. Scarpia is in love with La Toscaand, {[laying upon her jealosy, inducesher to believe that the person whomCavaradossi is shielding is a woman. Shefinds out her mistake just before the ar-rival of the police at Cavaradossi's home,where her lover has taken the fugitive.

For this Cavaradossi is put to torturewithin an adjacent room where L<a Toscais compelled to hear his terrible shrieksof agony, until, finally, after a terriblestruggle with herself, and in spite of the| words of her lover amidst his suffering

j she betrays the whereabouts of the fugi-tive, who is killed in bting taken.

A moment or two later Cavaradosslstaggers into the room bleeding and fallsunconscious, but recovering, reproachesLa Tosca for her weakness. Cavaradcssiis sentenced to be executed and La Toseais given a chance, as she supposes, tosave him at the expense of her honor, byBaron Scarpia. She consent?, seemingly,

j but the moment that the villain ttuntcshe has conquered her she sstaiba him to theheart with a knife which she has foundon a table in his apartments.

She hastens to her lover to tell him ofthe arrangement of his mock execution,in which she was led to believe th it themuskets were to -he loaded with blankcartridges and that he was only to feigndeath to fulfill the commands of thegovernment; but Scarpia has outwittedher and she finds her lover dead. Sheconfesses her murder of Scarpia to theguard, and in trying to throw herselffrom the ramparts of the Castle Ar.g-e!o

I she is shot and falls dead by her lover's| side.

The attraction which will be sure toplease will hold the boards at the StarTheater all next week commencing witha matinee on Sunday, Feb. 9, is the fun-toy" musical farce, "McDoodle's NightOff," presented T>y Rice & Barton's"Rose Hill English Folly company, &clever combination of mirthmakers, head-ed by Geo. W. Rice and Joe J. Sullivan,who will be scon, in the leading roles.They are ably supported by a competent

\u25a0company of comedians and a bevy ofpretty and talented girls. Th<» piece issaid to be of the usual farce order. Mc-Doodle, a married man, becomes infat-uated with an actress named JulietG-ore, who aspires to be a star, but lacksthe necessary backing. McDopdle her assistance and backs tha womanwith stellar aspirations. He has greatdifficulty in keeping the matter a secretlicm his wife, and the complications andentai glements which arise on one handand the actress and her husband whomshe introduces later on, on the other hand,form the theme of the comedy. It isluli of laughable situations and the musicis catchy. There is ample room for theintroduction of specialties and those con-tributed by the different members aresaid to he excellent. Miss Carrie Web-ber assumes .he role" of Juliet Gore; Mr.PJail appears as Romeo Gore, a Jealoustragedian; while the role of Mrs. Mc-Dooule is played by Miss May Shink.The other characters are all in goodhards, and the musical part of the en-tertaiiment is rendered by a big choirof pretty girls with well trained voices.Tho olio consists of such clever peopleas Katherine Rowe Palmer, McFarland& Earl, Gavnella & Shink, Sullivan &Webber, Nolan & White. Crawford &Manning and Berry & Hughes. Therewill also be pome excellent singing bya quartette of the company, and agavotte by sixteen of the pretty andBbapely girls.


"The Girl From Maxim's," a livelyfarce comedy, is underlined for the Met-ropolitan for four nights and a matinee,the engagement opening Sunday, Fob. 16.

"The Strollers," with a strong com-pany headed by John B. Henshaw andMarie George, and including Eddie Foyand a host of clever entertainers, comesto the Metropolitan for a half week be-ginning Thursday, Feb. 20.

Jan Kubelik, greatest of living violin-ists, will appear at the Metropolitanopera house Wednesday evening, Feb. 16.Another great band will be heard in St'Paul Sunday, Fefo. 23, when Innes and h'sband will give two concerts at the Metro-politan opera house. In addition to hisband Innes brings a trio of grand operasingers, including Miss Frances Boy'den-,soprano; Signor Edgardo Zerni, tenor,and Signor Achille Aioertl, baritone.

Following the engagement of "Yon Yon-son" the stage of the Grand opera housewill be given over to high-class vaude-ville, a style of amusement which findsimmense favor with looal theatergoers.The occasion will serve to introduce herefor the first .time the Orpheum show,under the direction of Martin Beck.

The "Mamselle 'A.wkins" company,headed iby Miss Delia Stacey, is announcedto be seen at the Grand shortly.

The Royal Lilliputians will present thespectacular farce comedy, "The MerryTramps" during their engagement hereat the Grand opera house.

"A Ragged Hero," a melodrama new toSt. Paul, will be presented at the GrandIn the near future.

Although Miss Grantly's name is not asfamiliar to the threater-goers on this sideof the Atlantic as Mr. Hanford's herreputation having been gained largely-through her English successes, there isevery indication that her charming im-personation of Katherine in ''The Tam-ing of the Shrew," which evoked so muchpraise in England, will win for her hostsof friends in this country

To play Katherine is the dominant de-sire of every actress, and it was thisambition that induced Miss Grantly torefuse tempting histrionic offers in GreatBritain and come to this country to bethe leading feature in 'Mr. Hanford's sup-port. She is probably the youngest act-ress who has ever interpreted the char-acter. Her talents, however, are far be-yond her years, and in addition to thedramatic qualities that she possesses in

bo marked a degree, she is justly celebrat-ed for her striking personal beauty. Inface and ligure Miss Grantly is said to benearer the ideal than any other attresson the English-speaking stage. Her at-tractiveness was put to a rare test atthe recent photographer's convention inLondon, when her picture was selectedas the most perfect type of the Grecianstyle of beauty. As a result of this selec-tion there was an immediate demand forthe actress's photographs, which were I


Sardou's Tragedy at MetropolitanL«st Hr.lf of Week.

Commencing Thursday, Fet>. 13, with amatinee Saturday. Sardou's "La Tosca,"with Melbourne MaoDowelf ond FlorenceStone in the stellar roles, will be the at-traction at the Metropolitan theater.-The


Al H. Wilson in "The Watch on theRhine" is announced for another visitto the Grand in the near future

"The Dairy Farm" is included in the listof bookings at the Grand.

The new management of 'The WhiteSlave" promises a superb production ofthe play, both dramatically and scenic-ally, when it is presented at the Grandopera house.

"The Volunteer Organist" comes to theGrand later in the season.

She'd See Him First."I've had a good many rebuffs in myline of business, but I struck the limitthe other day down on Tasker street,"said a collector. "I had been after aman for several months to coilect a billof $6, but had always been put off with,excuses and promises.. This day his wifecame to the door and I stated my bus-iness to her, although I guess she knewall about it. 'My husband is asleep,' shesaid. 'He works at night, and never getsup until noon. He won't \e up for twohours.' 'Very well,' I said, 'I'll come backin two hours.' 'It went be worth yourwhile,' she said; 'I'm sure he hasn't got$6, and, even if he had, I shall see himbefore you will. If he has any moneyin his clothes you can just bet your lifoI'm going to get it myself. I don't thinkyou stand much chance around here.' Af-ter that I didn't think it worth whileto ffo back."—Philadelphia Record.




Incident at Koweyt Is ExcitingWidespread Disapproval in Lon-

don—Status <luo Is in Dan-ger of Rupture.

Special to The Globe.LONDON, Feb. B.—Englishmen are ask-ing how long it will be before themselves

and Americans will have to fight side byside to repress the pernicious activity ofGermany.

The situation in the Persian Gulf todaywhere the war cloud may burst into anactual tempest at any moment is the di-rect outcome of the ignoring by Germanyand Russia of British rights in Koweytand Oman.

The action of Turkey in demanding ofthe Sheik of Koweyt that he make obei-sance to his suzerain, or in other wordscomply with the demands of Germany,made through the porte, meets with gen-eral disapproval here.It is considered that both Germany

and Russia could h?ve adopted morediplomatic methods in securing access tothe Persian Gulf for their railway ter-minal than by sending warship^ torecormoiter or threaten.

Koweyt has for some time been undera British protectorate and also Muscator Oman. The present need of Russiaand Germany for' termini in this local-ity would appear to be the result ofplans long since considered which couldhave been presented for British sanctionthrough the foreign office.

There is a decidedly uneasy feeling-here concerning the present state of af-fairs in the Persian Gulf and there 'stalk of mobilizing the Indian army atonce, in which case it is likely thatLord Roberts would, for patriotic rea-sons, be requested to postpone his re-tirement and accept the command ofthe Indian army.It has been with the present situation

in view that the British Indian govern-ment has established its great militaryfrontier for Northwestern India. Thishas been done by the incorporation ofthe mountainous districts lying north ofBaluchistan between the Indus and theAfghan frontier, in one province, und.rthe direct control of the Central Gov-ernment of India, and was a political aswell as a military measure.

One Eye on llnssia.This new military province covers theNorthwest frontier and constitutes the

first line of the defense of India againsta possible invasion by a Russian ar-my. The flanking defenses are Kashmiron the north, which is practically aBritish province, and Baluchistan in thesouth, which boasts the formidable fort-ress of Quetta.

The old policy of the Indian governmenttoward the frontier tribes has been to-tally reversed. Instead of the provoca-tion methods which kept these semi-civ-ilized people in a constant state of alarmand made them permanently hostile tothe government of India, there is a cor-dial understanding with them and theyare treated as allies or fellow-subjectsby the Indians who come up fromPeshawur.

The Afghans' and Kabulese who formthe bulk of the tribesmen are all war-like and will fight to vie last man ..>preserve the integrity of their country.It is by encouraging this luc-a of in-dependence among them that the Britishhave secured their outposts in a way thatenables them to economize greatly in thematter of frontier troops.

A Russian army marching on Indiathrough Afghanistan must reckon withthese guerrilla troops, of whom theywould find not less than lOO.Ouo, desperatefigmers and armed to the teeth, as theBritish authorities would very promptlysee.

The positions of Muscat, Koweyt ,anaBund«r Abbas, to where the Russianswant to build a railroad, are ail consid-ered strategic points from which a move-ment could toe made on India. TneNorthwestern frontier having been madepractically impregnable by the British-Indian government it is now surmisedthat .Lius'sia seeks a means of getting atIndia by sea.

Her present scheme is to run a linefrom the trans-Caspian railway at Mervto Meshed and then south to ounder Ab-bas. This would bring the railway with-in a few miles of Herat, the key to India.It would give Kussia the opportunity ofholding her thumb on the latch of India'sback door, while, if gihe controlled theroute to Bunder Abbas, she would haveher paw on the "front door latch also. It

Mr, Charles B.

Supported by the beautiful




2Q, 21,22.



Week ofFeb. 16,

Stntns Quo in Persian Golf.

CABBIE WEBBEH,"With Rice and Barton's Company, at the Star.



TflMtfiUTf Rrs* "a" Week.I Uniun I I Wednesday Matinee TUiioon v Las* Ha!f Week.

inUnOUAI Saturday Matinee.The Distinguished Heroic Actor.



And a Splendid Company in an Elabcra'eRevival of Shakespeare's Best Comedy,

llesßa Bk b fia



STROLLEeSWith Henshaw, Foy, Marie Georgeand Don and a Battalion of Pretty Girls,Are Strolling This Way.




LITT. Propmtor TKTajJIAVS. Msn^cr



In a Production of Victorien Sardou'sMasterpiece,


16 17,m,iß>

v ~~'''j \.''\u25a0'"* ?\u25a0\u25a0' '-v3 Hi BBngfiH


MR. KNUtE* ERSGKSON=The lumber Gama in Mid"Winter.The Funny Irish Widow*The Breaking of the Log Jam.The Singing of Yon.The Lumbermen's Quartette.



Martin Beck presents for the first time hereTHE ORPHEUM SHOW

Presenting Elegant Vaudeville.

is confidently believed here that -ritainwill fight rather than permit this rail-way to be built, as it would necessitatedoubling the standing army of India.

The objection to the Turko-Germanrailway planned to Koweyt is De.-^ved tobe purely on the ground that ii permis-sion is granted to Germany to carryout her enterprise it cannot be refusedto Kussia as both governments are sup-posed to be on friendly terms with Great



MATINEES— Wednesday and Saturday.


Matines Today. Ail Week.


It has been Great Britain's policy foi-years past, since long before either Ger-many or Russia had any aims in thisdirection, to maintain the status quo in

Rose HillEnglish FollyCompany.

Vaudeville and Extravaganza.

NEXT WEEK.. The Erigadiers.



MOZABT-HALL.lg^AnmgJ^gg'c,Monday Eve., Feb. io.

Danz' Military Band and Orchestra.Gypsy Camp, 60 people, all new costumes, splsn-

did effect. Royal Gypsy Band under leadership ofSlgnor Crematore. Great carnival event of ths&ason. Tickets and reserved seats at Mozart Ha!!,Sunday, Feb. 9, 10 a. m. to I p. m., Monday, Feb.10 after 10 a. m. Admission—Gentlemen, 1.00;Ladies, 50c. \u25a0 -.-~- --.

the Persian Gulf. To this ena she hasdone ell possible in her power, as she alsodid in Afghanistan, to uphold the tnde-pendence of these Sheiks. To this -- -she has not hesitated to prevent Turkeyfrcm enforcing her nominal suzerainty,even having resorted two years ago tothe severe expedient of having the decksof the British cruiser Perseus cleared foraction when Turkish troops threatenedto land at Kowevt.

According to the St. James Gazette,which is telieved to be officially inspired.Great Britain will continue to maintainthe status quo in the Persdan Gulf, inspite of what the result of her action maybe.

The Berlin papers say that England isplaying a dog in the mar.ger game."Russia," they say, is bound sooner orlater to acquire a port on the PersianGulf and England will gain nothing byopposing her desires." They point outthe fact that Great Britain has in everyway thwarted the designs of Russia inthe direction of obtaining a southern nut-let by means of a port, fcr her vast ex-ports,

Russia has been handicapped almostunspeakably by her failure to secure anoutlet into navigable oceans. Her states-men have long recognized the fact thatwith her vast inland empire and im-mense population she must have outletto all the oceans of the world. She hasbeen balked at Constantinople for cen-turies. Her attempts to reach the Per-sian Gulf have been open enough nosecret having been made of her inten-tions. It is understood that she has se-cured the necessary concessions fromPersia. A new line of navigation hasibeen opened by her from Odessa, to thePersian Gulf and a line of railway com-menced from Julfa to Ta;!?nz andTeheran. She has a good road from theCaspian to Teheran, which pays well,but her transportation to the PersianGulf is by mule or camel, occupying threemonths and $100 a ton In summer or hallas much again in winter.

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