The Saga of Boolpropia: A Round Robin Legacy - Chapter One



my legacy chapter ^^

Transcript of The Saga of Boolpropia: A Round Robin Legacy - Chapter One

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Hi everyone! ^_^ Welcome to The Saga of Boolpropia – A Round Robin Legacy. :)

This is a project that myself and some people from the website ‘’. Basically, one simmer has one generation of the

usual ten, and each simmers simself marries into the legacy (an idea we didn’t come up with until after we decided our founder was male), so my male simself modelled after the male me is marrying the male

founder… so basically, YAOI xD. Anyway, I’m Thai, aka taintedColours, and this is the first chapter of the first generation :]

Let’s get this show on the road, no? :D

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Caligula gazed disapprovingly above the empty lot he was forced to call his home… but he didn’t have much choice, did he? Fleeing from his home country of

Reme to come to find himself in a bare village by the name of Aerien. And his ‘house’… well… it was a…

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…definite downgrade from the splendour of Reme.

“This wall is not deserving of a Reman.” It was true, Reme was a rich country, and most of it’s inhabitants lived in relative comfort, a lounge chair, mini fridge, bare

lightbulb and scarce bathroom equipment was something Reman’s where not used to.

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From his studies of places outside of Reme, Caligula knew that most outsiders found their jobs through an item called the ‘newspaper’, so, Caligula read a small book he had taken with him, to keep him entertained until the paper arrived. He was easily

made bored, so a book would help keep his attention.

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When the paper girl arrived, Caligula tipped her, family friends would always be good for his purposes, after all.

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Back in Reme, Caligula was excellent at athletics, and often dreamed of becoming a Superstar Athlete, in fact, you could say it was his lifetime want. He soon got himself a

job as a Mascot for the local team; it was a start, at least.

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Soon enough, a welcome wagon from the neighbourhood came to welcome him to town. It consisted of an odd bird-beaked woman, a man with a nose that could pop a balloon,

and an odd man that stood out from the other two…

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Caligula went up to the odd man and introduced himself.

“Hello, pleb, I am Caligula Boolpropia, from Reme.” Caligula’s Reman accent played on his tongue.

“Pleb? That’s a new nickname for me, not heard that one before. Thai, Thai Simself.”

“Simself is an odd surname.”

“Well Boolpropia is no less stranger.” Thai rolled his eyes mockingly.

“I resent that; Boolpropia is… was a very rich Reman noble family!”

“Of course.” Thai clapped his hands together happily, “but anyway, aren’t you going to introduce yourself to

Marisa and Ben?”

“I would rather talk to you, you are obviously the more attractive of the group.”

“Is that a compliment?” Thai lifted his eyebrow curiously.

“No, simply an observation.” Caligula retorted back.

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“Well, Cal, I must admit, that was a very suggestive observation.” Thai laughed.

“Possibly, and my name is Caligula.”

“Cal’s shorter.”

“You may only call me Cal if I can refer to you as pleb.” Caligula said, annoyed.

“If you like, Cal.” Thai replied.

“I dislike your sense of humour.”

“Oh, you know you love it.” Thai mocked.

“Possibly…” Caligula seemed thoughtful for a moment.

“Wanna play kicky ball?” Thai seemed genuinely excited.

“What in the name of Remus is kicky ball?” Caligula said back, surprised.

“Here, I’ll show you!” Thai pulled a small ball out of his back pocket and passed it to Caligula, “now, just kick it to me!”

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“So I just kick it to you like this?” Caligula asked.

“Yep! Simple, isn’t it?” Thai smiled widely.

“Seems a bit tedious…”

“Just wait till you start playing, hun.”

“Hun?” Caligula spluttered slightly, as he kicked the ball back towards Thai.

“Hey, Cal just didn’t sound right.”

“Of course… but you’re still going to be called pleb.”

“Hey, no complaints here.” Thai shrugged, and passed the ball back.

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They played into the night, and soon liked to think of each other as friends, possibly even best friends. Obviously, from best friends, comes the off chance

something might… spark.

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Kicky ball was soon abandoned, for other… pursuits.

“You know, pleb, you’re pretty good at handling balls…”

“…okay, THAT, was definitely a flirt.” Caligula just smiled softly in return.

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Caligula decided to show Thai the steps to an old, traditional Reman dance. The odd dance seemed to add a romantic air to the mood; and things… progressed from there.

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“Admittedly, pleb, I do quite enjoy your company.”

Caligula whispered into Thai’s ear.

“I see, and I must say, hun, your company is also relatively enjoyable.”

“Of course it is!” Cal announced happily.

“You make me laugh, with your attempts to scare me into submission and your

oversized ego.”

“You either love me or hate me.” Caligula retorted.

“Like marmite?” Thai laughed.

“Marmite? What is this ‘marmite’?”

“I’ll tell you later, hun.” Thai laughed in return.

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Things between them moved along smoothly, and within no time they where eating each other’s faces like cannibals… in looooo-oooove. ó ó


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Thai decided to stay the night.

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a/n: And yes, I did sell their toilet and bulbs and things for money to get a double bed, why do you ask?

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The next day, Thai went home back to wherever townies live, and Caligula went to his job as a Mascot.

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He came home promotion-less, as he did the next day… and the day after that. Though he had all the necessary skills. He then decided, that maybe what he needed was some

cheering up.

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Thai came to visit soon afterwards.

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Caligula had made his mind up. He didn’t want Thai to not be with him anymore.

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“Pleb, I have something to say to you.” Caligula murmured through a kiss.

“And what would that be?”

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“Marry me?”

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“I-I… uhh… can’t….”

“Just say yes?” Caligula asked hopefully.

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And with that, Thai Simself moved into the House of Boolpropia; and brought with him 18,000 simoleans.

Rich ass townies.

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They decided to consummate their imminent marriage.

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Then get married so they had an excuse to consummate it some more…

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The next day, where there was previously a wall and a shower, stood a fully fledged, un-painted house that was an odd cross between ‘Reman’ architechture and ‘Colonial’, which

resulted in a quite beautiful house.

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Open plan kitchen/sitting room/dining room



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And obviously, Thai and Caligula had to break in the new bed.

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And the next day, Caligula came home as a promotion to Minor Leaguer.

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But while Caligula seemed to be lucky as ever, Thai seemed to come down with an odd illness.

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Later that night, the cause of the odd ‘illness’ became clear. Thai was pregnant. How it happened, none of the two knew… but they swore they would keep the baby a secret, none of

the two could tell what odd tests the government would put on them.

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His pregnancy seemed to pass by in a flash;

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…and soon enough, he was due to give birth.

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And soon enough, a baby girl called Atia was born, she was named for a powerful noble in Reme that Caligula respected (and made a promise to name his first female child after her to).

With Thai’s skintone, and Caligula’s eyes, she was truly a beautiful little girl.

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Time went on, as it does, and Caligula got promoted to actually on the actual Aerian athletics team, and it soon came to be little Atia’s birthday.

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“Come on girl, we’re gonna grow you up all big and strong.” Thai whispered to his daughter, as Caligula blew his horn loudly.

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“Make a wish honey…” Thai said, “because if I could make a wish, it would be that we’ll never be found by the government… ever.” Thai sighed, and blew out the candles.

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Atia grew into a beautiful toddler, a needy, slightly manipulative one, but still a wonderful toddler.

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Obviously, Thai and Caligula had to congratulate themselves on managing to bring a child into the world.

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And on that bombshell, I shall end this incredibly short chapter ;]

Next time on TSoB:

- A birth

- A birthday

- Manipulation

- And of course, the real introduction of an actual plot :o

Thank you for reading, and hopefully we’ll see you all again soon! ^_^
