The RYLMUN Nuggets Issue 2



The RYLMUN Nuggets, Issue 2, 10th July, 2015. Designed by Commentariats, Design Panel Associate.

Transcript of The RYLMUN Nuggets Issue 2

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Closing Ceremony To Be Graced By Dr. Kiran Bedi

It is our pleasure to announce that the Closing Ceremony of RYLMUN, 2015 shall be graced by the presence of Dr. Kiran Bedi, an avid Indian Politician, a social activist and a retired police officer. She has also marked her presence in the world of sports, being a former tennis player.She has also been a proud head of the United Nations Department of Peace Keeping Organisation and the first woman to be appointed as a UN Civilian advisor in 2003. Dr. Bedi continues to inspire us with her vibrant thoughts and activism against corrup-tion in India. We look forward to an enriching interaction with her at the ceremony…

HeadMistress’s Message“Encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already

doing.”Proverbs 16:3

It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the first session RYLMUN. It is a platform for young ambassadors to acquire the art of diplomacy. My best wishes are with all the participants of RYLMUN, so that tomorrow, you can use this simulation exercise in bringing peace and giving solutions to global issues. It is a learning experience not only for the delegates but each and every person who is involved in organizing this event.

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SECURITY COUNCILThe Security Council was a house of delegates with zeal, excitement and aggression poured into the last whisps of their souls. The hair on your skin rise as the fervency of their witty words strike the chords of your brain. In simple words, it’s certainly refreshing.





SThe committee embarked with questions, a lot of them. Well, the Executive Board deserves commen-dation for their patience and reiteration. The Agenda revolves around eradicating the vermin who’re disrupting the maritime. The delegate of New Zealand appeared con-fused while establishing the Agenda. He reiterated “Threats to Maritime Se-curity” as the Agenda and was not able to compre-hend his mistake until the chair pointed - twice.

Maritime security connotes different meaning and purpose to different member nations. This was clear as the debate proceeded when delegate of Kuwait raised a point of order relying on his interpretation of term “peace”.

Few delegates on which I suppose, the committee was alive and going well can be referred as the new blood. A fire burning inside them screamed, “It’s time that we start being preventive, recipro-cate (retaliating) and resilient

towards the unfolding repercussions brought by ignorance of maritime security in the foreseeable future.” The committee at first, slow appeared prom-ising as the debate advanced.

The first day of the Security Council commenced with the presence of a few delegates. But neverthe-less, delegates of China, USA and Chile sparked debate and uplifted moods. In the informal session, China focused on leading the cold war to which USA opposed, “You can’t just simply ‘lead’ the Cold War.” Eventually, as the GSL commenced, a little heat flamed in the committee as Japan, Pakistan and Chile pointed fingers at the USA, playing the blame-game of who bombed Moscow. USA assertive-ly replied that the points were baseless and that USA believes for a fact that the nation would never bomb a city. Well, delegate of USA, ironically, your points itself presented no foundation leading the whole discussion into a void of nowhere. With not much time at hand, it’s of utmost importance to realize that pressure is building and crisis can rise at any moment.

By Vipasha Verma

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“The day hunger disappears , the world will see the greatest spiritual explosion humanity has ever seen “ The objective of the committee is to adopt concrete steps for the for-mation of a plan to increase intra organization of Islamic co- operation, foreign direct investment with special emphasis on agricultural sector. The increasing influence of non-state armed groups, including Al Qaeda and its subsidiaries and affiliates, has considerably weakened the power and influence of many Muslim states. IDB aims to achieve intra-Muslim coop-eration on everything from education and scientific exploration, to cultural exchange, to economic development, to combating sectarianism and ex-tremism.

The International Press was looking forward to a healthy debate but the del-egates of the IDB were found discuss-

the problems instead of solutions, with some of them least bothered about what’s going. The delegate of Gabon was in his own dreams nei-ther speaking nor focusing on what is going on. The delegates were in a total jeopardy on what sub agenda should they carry forward with. The International Press expects more consensuses and a fruitful debate with a discussion more bound to-gether rather than being scattered.

President John F. Kenne-dy’s words- “If a free soci-ety cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich” stand as the germane to the agenda of ECOSOC . The delegates of the committee filled with alacrity started their session with their agenda “The role ofinternational trade and economic integration in development of countries with special emphasis on trade barriers and protectionist policies” bringing out their eclipsed ebullience .The press appreciates the delegates of Japan and WTO for their well versed content and their vivacious ap-proach. There was a damn sight of the commotion due to chits showing the baffling approach of the dele-gates during the session.During the moderated caucus the delegate of UNCTAD raised the point of information providing the con-text of the history of Brazil and India .While the delegate of USA emphasized the importance of liberaliza-tion by providing a comparative outlook on cold war. Delegates of UAE and Argentina looked wearisome. The craving for a brain storming debate by the press did not reach the brink .But all in all it was an enticing session and we hope to experience the same exuberance tomorrow.

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THE DWINDLING ESSENCE OF RIGHTS ~Deepanshi and Poorvi “Utterly naïve and oblivious to the world, They sleep soundly, fuzzily curled,And protract in their kingdom, knowing no confines, So, let us preserve their realm and let it not decline”.The rights of child, which have been neglected for what seems like eons, need to be read-dressed in this turbulent era. The UNCRC has, ergo, con-vened to discuss and dissect the matter of rights of children in middle-east .

The council commenced on a seemingly emphatic note with enthusiasm brimming in the bosom of every delegate. Blis-tering allegations and oppo-sitions started soaring across the council as the delegates fervently indulged into salient

debates and discussions. The delegate of India stood up first to impart her disquisition upon how the state of children has beengreatly enhanced in her nation. This was followed by the delegate of Japan who en-lightened the committee by unveiling the lack of certain exigent values which are not being recognized by the Middle-East. With flickering confidence the diplomat of New Zealand stated that the rights of children living in their country are secured through various pieces of legislations and he also be-lieves that New Zealand is one of the finest countries for children to live in. The com-mittee seems to be on the brink of moving into a potentially interesting and crisp one with many substantive questions and lots to ponder upon.

The UNFCCC committee commenced on time with the agenda of “Discussing the possibility of forming a Global Counter Cli-mate Change Policy After Assessment of the Kyoto Protocol”. Once all the del-egates arrived, the roll call was taken followed by the delegate of Egypt raising the motion for the com-mencement of the session. Later on, the delegate of India raised the motion for the establishment of the GSL with each speak-ers time being 60 seconds. The delegate of HLPF,

Israel and Malaysia delivered their speeches very well. The committee was interesting as it discussed many points related to the agenda, instead of only the agenda. Some of the topics which they discussed were- “How can previous climate change policies affect climate?”,

The committee was full of life today, which was enlightened by the allegations the delegates put forward to each other. One just can’t have any preconceptions about the committee and what it holds in the future, so we are really looking forward for day two of the committee.

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IAL “If you do not create change, change will create you.”

The human race prefers to stay comfortably within clearly defined zones and has always resisted change throughout the course of history, not realiz-ing that change is the only constant in life. At times, it may seem as though our contributions to the world aren’t as significant as those of others. There are always people who are smarter, have more resources, a resume that makes others pale in comparison and suchlike. What we forget is that our decision to get out our beds and participate in life is just as important. A small snowball is the catalyst for an avalanche. Our decisions have a ripple effect, so to speak. They make not effect the world, but they touch the lives of the people around us, for good or for bad. As young people with open mindsets and ideas galore, we have been given and

At the stroke of midnight when the city sleeps, most of the Delegates stay awake. The sleep they lose is later covered up during the session. Many of our delegates seem to be part of the nocturnal MUN population. Some of the remarkably talented delegates are the masters of this art!The disease of yawning at equal intervals has been termed Lazophonia by the members of the International Press. The patients of this illness can sleep whenever and wherever-without any lullabies. The victims of this disease are very common and most of them are our acquaintances, they can be our friends, family and even neighbours. I would like to mention the many ways through which the delegates try to hide their lethargy-what incredible skills and techniques they used! The most common techniques are: 1)Maintaining a highly attentive expression- usually nodding in agreement or vehemently shaking their heads to disagree-while yawning. 2)Placing their hand under their chins to somehow support their heavy heads.3)Hiding their faces to take a quick nap.4)Rocking their chairs while stretching out their tired muscles. We all know that prevention is better than cure, so, from now onwards I request all delegates to sleep early be-fore the big day rather than sleeping during important discussions related to world peace.

Thank You!

Lazophonia By Anushka Sharma

Prafula Grace BusiAnjini Sharma

will have countless opportunities to change the world. We are responsible for the way these favourable circumstances are used, whether for personal gain or for those who suffer needlessly. Remember that if there would be no change, there would be no butterflies.

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KNOW YOUR CORE IPThe Core International Press is a group of people who pull of an exquisite newsletter, working ceaselessly to brew an exceptional journal and numerous intellectual press conferences. A rev-erie doesn’t turn into a reality through sorcery; withal it takes sweat, determination and per-severance to make it happen. A newsletter isn’t a mere bunch of parchments but is a pastiche of myriad thoughts embellished on a bookfell. So here we are, presenting to you the conjurers behind this miraculous newsletter.


An ebullient Ryanite, a person bestowed with the

blessing of exceptional writing skills, she is an utter scripturient. She is a Newton who is not into science

and laws but poems, literature and prose. She is a die-hard chocolate fan, and fantasizes books and fashion.

An amiable person by nature, she is loquacious and ex-presses herself ably. Expression? Oh yes. Music speaks to her. She expects that this conference proves to be an ideal platform for young leaders of tomorrow to gain

wisdom and knowledge.


The Aphrodite of our International Press, she is an-other beautiful writer in the clan. With an experience of over 15 MUN’s she has an insightful persona. She is an utter animal lover, and sympathizes with them. Her

obsession doesn’t cease there, as she is a shopaholic and voguish. In addition Ms. Vohra has an exception-al admiration for the epic movie ‘The demon barber

of fleet street’. She excels in charming people with her elegant demeanor and her ‘Happy-go -lucky’ approach. She expects to amass wonderful memories and salient

knowledge from RYLMUN’15.


Ms. Bedi commenced her International Press expe-rience last year, as a photographer. And since then,

there’s been no looking back. In the last year she gathered a fair number of experiences and now, as a result she stands here as the Head of Photography at RYLMUN’15. The perfectly timed snaps, and her out

of the box ideas are the reasons which makes her stand out of the crowd. Another feat in her lot is that she’s

always won the IP crisis’ set alight to her. She also has profoundness for debating and can shake a leg too.

She hopes to make her last MUN experience indeed a pleasurable one.


Mr. Mukhi is an exceptionally talented photographer and a creative designer. He has showcased his brilliance in photography on his page, Mohit Mukhi Photography. He’s also a part of Commentariats- La presse Internatio-nale, an organization of students set to provide journal-istic stimulation and a wonderful proscenium to give ef-fect to the power of Media. With an optimistic outlook, he loves to tell tales and present emotions through his

photographs. Well, he’s not just into photography but he loves music as well. EDMs are his favorites! (Well, now

you relate to him?)

EDITORSPrafula Grace Busi

Our editor is an agile basketball player and a grace-ful dancer. She loves reading and takes pride in

being nerdy. One can surely relate to her as she finds her true respite in procrastination. She uses obscure words in a supercalifragilisticexpi-alidocious manner (Well yes, that’s a single word). She reckons that everyone should try to beat their

personal best and be unapologetically themselves as it is the best way to stand out from the crowd.

Anjini Sharma

Other than being a lovely writer and a passionate reader, Ms. Anjini is an exceptional Bharatnatyam dancer and a vivacious drummer too. It seems like beats and rhythms speak to her. Like most of the

people in this wide world, she too is endeared by the dulcet Minions. So, clap along if you feel that Hap-piness is a truth! She also ardently adores Lebanese

cuisine (A delectable delicacy indeed!).

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JournalistsGarima Singh, Chitra Sharma,Deepanshi Narula, Navya Singh Vipasha Verma, Yamini Gupta,Vikas Kumar, Poorvi Gupta,Anushka Sharma,Nandana Bhattacharjee.

PhotographersArjun Suri, Bharat Gupta, Shreyasi Jha, Jayant Gupta,Ananya Singh.

CartoonistsSiddhant Sharan, Amna Zaidi, Akshita Jain.

JR Graphics+91-9818080524

Proceedings of the Security Council. Hibby Jibbies in the committees.

Thinking Hard! ~ Delegate of ChinaEB at its Best!

International Press