The Roman Empire Decline of the Republic And Rise of the Empire /.

The Roman Empire Decline of the Republic And Rise of the Empire /

Transcript of The Roman Empire Decline of the Republic And Rise of the Empire /.

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The Roman Empire

Decline of the RepublicAnd

Rise of the Empire


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Decline of the Republic

• Decline of the Republic • ~ 120BC some leaders attempt to give land to plebeians (Tiberius Gracchus)

• Patricians fight back• 75 years of civil war– Generals gather private

armies, fight for control– Senate loses power

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Military Changes

• The army was no longer a citizen army• Now it was a professional army• Men joined to become rich and powerful• Loyalty was to a general, not to Rome• The senate passed a law– The army could never enter the city of Rome– Generals are very powerful and the senate feared

this new power

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Julius Caesar

• Rise of Julius Caesar • Caesar make an alliance• Joins Pompey and

Crassus• Helped each other gain

power• Caesar elected to

consul in 59 B.C.

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Julius Caesar

• Rise of Julius Caesar • Rome on the brink of collapse

• Julius strong military general

• 58-51BC lead army to conquer Gaul– Captured large amounts

of gold– 55 BC Bridge Across the

Rhine River• Troops very loyal

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Julius Caesar

• Rise of Julius Caesar

• Death of a Dictator

• 49BC returns to Italy– Fights with armies of the

Senate– Caesar wins, becomes

Dictator for Life in 44BC

– Ruled with great power, took much of the Senate’s power for himself (King)

– Assassinated by Senators March 15, 44BC

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The Empire• Octavian (Augustus) • Another civil war after

Julius, 13 years• Adopted son of Caesar• 27BC Given title Augustus

by senate– First true emperor of Rome

• Shows respect for senate, doesn’t “power grab”

• Time of peace and prosperity

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The Empire

• Notable Emperors • Nero (54-68)– “Nero fiddled while

Rome burned”– Murders family– Tyrant, Persecution of

Christians• Trajan (98-117)– Expanded Empire to its

largest– Public Building Projects– Social welfare

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The Empire

• Notable Emperors • Hadrian (117-138)– Consolidated border– Hadrian’s Wall– Reorganizes army so

soldiers defend home provinces

– Champion of education

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Ruling the Empire

• Governing Conquered People

• Usually remained free• Divided into provinces– Ruled by governor,

supported by army• Rome did not force

their way of life on them– Happy people= taxes

and commerce– Many adopted Roman

ways in the end. (Why?)

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Daily Life

• Citizenship • City of Rome was overpopulated– Originally, only residents

of city were true Romans

• Census – official count of people– Registering=citizenship– Men declare families,

slaves, wealth.– If failed to register, could

lose property or become slave

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Daily Life

• Citizenship

• Social Classes

• Women, slaves, and ex-slaves could not become citizens

• Huge gap between rich and poor

• Rich – lavish houses, country estates, feasts and parties

• Poor – crowded apartments, no water

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Daily Life

• Circuses • Poor sometimes riot– Usually over lack of

food, particularly wheat

• Emperors put on shows Circus) to make people happy, entertain– Free grain provided– Fights, public executions

• Gladiators, exotic animals

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Daily Life

• Family Life • Traditional values• Government support– Land and money if

family had children– Directed at upper class

• Paterfamilias – “father of the family”– Often 3 generations

under 1 roof– Had absolute power

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Daily Life

• Family Life • Women– Married into families– Freedom based on

husband’s wealth• Could work, own things

• Slavery– Very common – Generally well cared for– Possible to buy freedom