The Role Played by Music in Tv Advertisement

THE ROLE PLAYED BY MUSIC IN TV ADVERTISEMENT Music is a part of our everyday life. Who is ready to differ? Music has several effects on human body : relaxing, pleasure, remembering things,.. Music moves us emotionally, gives us the will to change things, to move on, to keep going! “There is also no doubt that we are quite the musical species (Sacks, 2007)”. Human beings like music most than any other being on this earth; they are able to memorize thousands of pieces of music, including melody, mood, tempo, lyrics, etc. Music usually accompanies happy events: birthday, marriage, and even sad ones: breakup, funeral. In advertising, music is used to convey a message to the consumer. Several aspects are to be respected: the ad must be short and efficient, by inciting the consumer to desire to try/buy the brand’s product. How to get to this result? Music features such as melody, tonality, tempo and mood are important to influence consumer attitude toward the ad and the brand, and to his purchase intention. Music has an effect on advertising persuasion via the auditory pleasure that it generates among consumers, and is reflected on the brand. But a serious study shows that “people have different emotional reactions to a product being advertised and the person announcing it if the advertisement is accompanied by jazz, swing or classical music”. Different types of music generate different emotions on potential consumers. If one does not like some type of music, one even does not want to listen to or to look at the TV ad. Brands have to use the correct music, if they want to target a specific audience. Music is powerful and it creates a profound connection with the listener. Media advertisements, such as television commercials, are usually associated with entertainment and leisure, judged not serious. Obviously, the consumers’ attitude towards a commercial also depends on his or her interests, depending on what he or she needs at that precise moment.


The plan of my thesis about music in TV advertising

Transcript of The Role Played by Music in Tv Advertisement

THE ROLE PLAYED BY MUSIC IN TV ADVERTISEMENTMusic is a part of our everyday life. Who is ready to differ?Music has several effects on human body : relaxing, pleasure, remembering things,.. Music moves us emotionally, gives us the will to change things, to move on, to keep going!There is also no doubt that we are quite the musical species (Sacks, 2007). Human beings like music most than any other being on this earth; they are able to memorize thousands of pieces of music, including melody, mood, tempo, lyrics, etc. Music usually accompanies happy events: birthday, marriage, and even sad ones: breakup, funeral.In advertising, music is used to convey a message to the consumer. Several aspects are to be respected: the ad must be short and efficient, by inciting the consumer to desire to try/buy the brands product. How to get to this result?Music features such as melody, tonality, tempo and mood are important to influence consumer attitude toward the ad and the brand, and to his purchase intention. Music has an effect on advertising persuasion via the auditory pleasure that it generates among consumers, and is reflected on the brand.But a serious study shows that people have different emotional reactions to a product being advertised and the person announcing it if the advertisement is accompanied by jazz, swing or classical music. Different types of music generate different emotions on potential consumers. If one does not like some type of music, one even does not want to listen to or to look at the TV ad. Brands have to use the correct music, if they want to target a specific audience. Music is powerful and it creates a profound connection with the listener.Media advertisements, such as television commercials, are usually associated with entertainment and leisure, judged not serious. Obviously, the consumers attitude towards a commercial also depends on his or her interests, depending on what he or she needs at that precise moment.However it seems that people have a fairly negative attitude towards advertisements and commercials in general, because of mass advertising overload in modern society. Due to this, people are also used to ignore advertisements, especially if they already have seen them on TV. It means that brands need to be more efficient, more inspired, intuitive, insightful, they have to pay attention to each element constituting the advertisement: mood, colors, text, moves, lyrics, music, and so on; and the last one playing a prominent role in the advertising industry.So how do marketers succeed to lure their potential clients? What are their criteria choice of music in TV advertisement ?

SUBJECT : THE ROLE PLAYED BY MUSIC IN TV ADVERTISEMENTLeading question : MARKETERS : WHAT ARE THEIR CRITERIA CHOICE OF MUSIC?PLAN:I THE ROLE PLAYED BY MUSIC IN ADVERTISINGNowadays music represents a prominent part of consumer marketing, and brands know it!Of the estimated sixty billion broadcast advertising hours encountered by North Americans each year, approximately three-quarters employ music in some manner. Music can serve the overall promotional goals in one or more of several capacities. For the purposes of this essay, six basic ways are identified in which music can contribute to an effective broadcast advertisement: 1) entertainment, 2) structure/continuity, 3) memorability, 4) lyrical language, 5) targeting, and 6) authority establishment. The following discussion of these six features is ordered in more or less historical order -- according to their chronological introduction as marketing strategies.A THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF MUSIC IN ADVERTISINGMusic has become a major component of consumer marketing, it helps brands targeting potential consumers and incite them to buy their products.There are several functions of music in advertising : Entertainment: good music contributes to the effectiveness of an advertisement by making it more attractive. A good ad engages the attention of an audience, and it is a good beginning. Structure/Continuity: music may also be employed in various structural roles. Perhaps the most important structural role is in tying together a sequence of visual images and/or a series of dramatic episodes, narrative voice-overs, or a list of product appeals. This is the function of continuity. Historically, the use of music to achieve greater continuity originated in film music -- where one of its functions was to smooth out sequences of discontinuous scene changes or edits. The music is used to mediate between disjoint images. Thus, advertising music can be employed as simply an uninterrrupted background -- what has been dubbed "gravy train." A second structural function is the use of music to heighten or emphasize dramatic moments or episodes. This is also a major function of music in films. This structural use is evident in a 1983 McDonald's Restaurant radio spot created to introduce the "Sausage McMuffin." Memorability: music increases the memorability of a product, the products name, or the bands name, so that there appears some degree of recognition or familiarity. Despite the largely visual orientation of human beings, photographs and visual images do not infect human consciousness to the same extent tht some melodies do. Listeners are sometimes known to display evasive behavior in an effort to prevent being "seeded" by a melody they know will persist mentally long after the actual sound disappears. Lyrical Language : vocal music permits the conveyance of a verbal message in a non spoken way. Targeting: the aim is to captivate those viewers who constitute the target: demographic, age, cultural group, etc. Authority Establishment: here the music is used to enhance an ads credibility, to establish its authority.

B SELECTED ELEMENTS OF MUSIC: tempo, length, intensity, mood, lyrics..All of these ingredients are to be mixed when doing a good recipe of inciting, intriguing music. Analysis of each of them, examples of real adverts from Europe and from other countries. Tempo : music influences a customers mood. Slow tempo music relaxes the customer and causes them to linger in the store longer, whereas fast tempo music may be better for stores and restaurants that need rapid turnover. Music isnt just about speed, the type of music must match the store.

Jingle : The classic "jingle" is the most common musical technique for aiding memorability and hence product recall. One of the most famous mnemonic jingles originated in the 1950s with Pepsodent toothpaste.

C SELECTED TYPES OF MUSIC : jingles, classical music, rock, pop, ethnic musicEach type of music creates a specific atmosphere and helps aiming a different category of potential consumers. All these types of music must be analyzed, because each one is important when promoting a product, when targeting a category of clients. Music and lyrics should fit in order to create a specific ground favoring peoples interest to the product, the brand.The use of different melodies, which are appropriate and in line with the message and the brand but different in terms of tempo and tone, creates different impressions of the person endorsing the advertised product and of the brand itself," says Patrick Hartmann, co-author of the study published in theAfrican Journal of Business Managementand a researcher at the University of the Basque Country.


A SEDUCING THE CONSUMER BY EMOTIONSEmotions that are often used in adverts are represented by humor, passion, shock, credibility and hope. All of these emotions need to be examined, analyzed. They help to send a subliminal message to the target. Emotions vary depending on the consumer category (age, sex, ethnic group, social class etc). Analysis and examples for each case.

B - EXPECTED RESULT OF MUSIC IMPACT ON CONSUMER BEHAVIORMarketers hope to captivate a large percentage of future clients when a new product is set on the market. They pay attention to all the elements that constitute an advert : mood, length of the ad, its music, etc.While spoken words in television commercials can become annoying after seeing it a couple of times, music can make repetition enjoyable, because it uses rhythms and a variety of sounds that accompany the verbal content of the commercial. This is called repetition congruity. Viewers may recognize the music and might pay more attention to the ad when they see it again, thus improving brand attitude.Another phenomenon is the association congruity, which happens when customers associate the music with a pleasant past experience, and the new product appears seems to be just lovely. Branding is a marketing tool which is employed to appeal to a particular audience. The use of music can be effective in strengthening a brand and helping to promote a sense of substance and authenticity. Music psychologists refer to what is known as musical fit, whereby musical characteristics that correspond with a brands core message prime relevant beliefs, which can increase the salience of a brand and influence consumer behaviour [1]. A study investigating the effect of music on two competing petrol brands found that participants demonstrated a preference for the brand advertised with the best musical fit. The authors concluded that if the consumer does not already have a clear preference of brand, musical fit can influence product choice [2].Mood altering musicMusic can be used to self-regulate our emotions and enhance our moods, as indicated by groups of music listeners [3], [4]. Music also affects us physically; music tempo can increase or reduce heart rate [5] and increase physiological arousal [6]. Even the inexperienced listener is able to perceive differences between intended happiness and sadness when presented with short musical sequences [7].Advertisers take advantage of musics mood altering abilities by utilising a psychological method calledconditioning. A well-documented example of conditioning is a study by Ivan Pavlov [8], whereby he tested dogs salivating in response to being fed. It was quite accidentally that he found that his dogs were salivating at the sound of a bell, even when no food was present. The dogs had been conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell because it had always been paired with food. This can also occur with music and advertising. For example, an advertiser who wants to promote positive feelings about a chocolate bar brand might choose to play a popular up-tempo piece of music alongside an image of a chocolate bar, because up-tempo music is likely to promote positive feelings. Eventually, the advertiser would only need to present either the music or the chocolate bar to achieve the same response in the consumer.Subconscious effects of musicIndirect advertising can also affect us as consumers. An oft-cited investigation by North, Hargreaves & McKendrick [9] observed that German music influenced consumers to purchase more German wine in a supermarket. The same study found that a similar pattern occurred with French music and sales of French wine. When asked, shoppers were unaware that any music was playing at all! Findings from a similar study suggest that classical music can lead to customers buying more expensive wine compared to when popular chart music is playing [10]. Music has also been reported to affect the amount of time spent shopping, with slower tempo music correlating with a longer time spent in store [11], [12].Not only are we affected whilst out shopping, but in restaurants as well. Have you ever noticed that you eat more quickly in a restaurant when you hear fast music? Well that is often the intention! Caldwell and Hibbet [13] found that when presented with slow music, diners in a restaurant spent a significantly greater amount of time dining, compared to fast music. In addition, significantly more money is spent on food and drink when slow music can be heard. Adifferent study revealed that classical music can encourage more money to be spent, compared with pop music or no music[14]. Easy listening music appears to result in a low perceived atmospheric value of a restaurant [15]. Next time you are out shopping, or eating in a restaurant, listen to whether you can hear music and whether you think its affecting your behaviour!

C FINAL RESULT OF MUSIC IMPACT ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOROn the other side, the concept of congruity is not always reached. When consumers hear a song which causes them negative and unpleasant memory, the phenomenon of association incongruity occurs.Here I will draw up a summary of the role music plays in consumer marketing, positive and negative aspects for the brand. On a global scale, the answer to the question of advertising effectiveness is clearer: the continued viability of commercial radio and television broadcasting is a tacit testament to the overall success of the advertising conveyed. Of course, some advertising campaigns fail to achieve their marketing objectives, but these are the exception rather than the rule. Although there are circumstances where advertisers will effectively gamble on a particular strategy, these are calculated risks, which on average have a positive payoff. Needless to say, advertisers do not support broadcasting as a public service or through corporate goodwill.