The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and...

The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Transcript of The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and...

Page 1: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research

Dr Hannah GordonClinical Research Fellow

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Hannah Gordon
Page 2: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


• Review • History of twin studies• Twin studies in IBD• New molecular techniques in IBD

• UK IBD Nixon Twin and Multiplex Registry and Biobank

Hannah Gordon
Page 3: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

History of Twin Studies

• 1st recorded 1875 • Francis Galton (1)• Description of twin pairs

• Personal traits• Physical and mental health

“Nature is far stronger than nurture”

• Monozygotic vs dizygotic distinguished 1914 (2)

Hannah Gordon
Page 4: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Twin Studies – study design

• Classical• Monozygotic vs dizygotic (nature vs nurture)

• Adoption• Genetically identical individuals reared apart

• Longitudinal• Correlation between environment and discordance

over time • Exercise and depression

• Offspring of twins• Birth weight of children of MZ female twins more

similar than birth weight of children of MZ male twins

Hannah Gordon
Bouchard - MISITRA, striking lifestyle choices and personality traits in twins reared apart
Page 5: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Twin Studies in IBD – Inheritance

• Twin study 1988 showed CD MZ concordance 55% DZ concordance 3.8% (3)• Figure 1: Range of Concordance of Crohn’s and UC between Twin Pairs (from Swedish, UK, Danish, Dutch and German Twin Populations (4))

• Variation• CC defined 1960s• Genetic differences between populations

• Crohn’s has stronger genetic basis

• Strong environmental component

Crohn’s Disease Ulcerative Colitis

Monozygotic 20-55% 6.3-17%

Dizygotic 0-3.6% 0-6.3%

Page 6: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Twin studies:

• UC altered mucosal glycosylation presented in discordant MZ pairs (9)

• MZ concordance • CD location and behaviour• UC extent (5,6)

• monozygotic twin pairs x1CD x1 UC (7)

• X2 concordance DZ twins compared with other siblings (8)• Shared uterus• More similar childhood environment

Page 7: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Genome Wide Association Studies

• 163 SNPs associated with IBD (10,11)

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The Microbiome – a living active ecosystem

• Trillions of microbes (10x number of human cells) (12)• >1000 species level phylotypes• Microbial genome 150x larger than human host (13)• Changes during life• Interactions with host (and each other)

• Obesity• DM• IBD• CV disease

Page 9: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Study of Microbiota

• Megagenomics • 16srRNA PCR sequencing and amplification (14)

• Metaproteomics • Expressed gene products

• Metabolomics• Metabolites of host-microbiota interactions• High res NMR spect• Multivariate statistical analysis• “Metabolic fingerprint”

Page 10: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Microbiota of MZ twins:

• Healthy MZ twins have similar microbiota (15)

• Twins with CD have differing microbiota (concordant or discordant) (16)

• Microbiota tends towards phenotype rather than genotype (17)

• Inactive UC microbiota no different from healthy twin (18)

Page 11: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Metabolomics – “Fingerprints” in IBD

• Metabolomic profile of faecal water of A) CD (n=10), B) UC (n=10), C) Healthy control (n=13) (19)


1, butyrate; 2, leucine; 3, propionate; 4, valine; 5, isoleucine; 6, threonine; 7, alanine; 8, lysine; 9, acetate; 10, glutamate; 11,succinate; 12, aspartic acid; 13, asparagine; 14, trimethylamine; 15, cysteine; 16, proline; 17, glycerol; 18, methylamine; 19, 5-aminosalicylicacid; 20,N-acetyl-5-aminosalicylic acid; 21, tyrosine; and 22, uracil

Page 12: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Metabolomic profiles IBD:

• CD• Depletion of short chain fatty acids• Decreased methylamine and trimethylamine

• UC• Increased amino acids

Page 13: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Metabolomic profiles of Twins

• Difference between discordant MZ pairs (ICD and CCD) (20)

• Similarity between healthy MZ• Differentiation between ICD and CCD

• ?Metabolites associated with SNPs higher in affected twin

Page 14: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Epigenetics – Blurring the distinction between nature and nurture

• “Heritable changes in gene expression that occur without alterations in DNA sequence” (11)

• Methylation • gene silencing

• Histone modification

• Changes persist after mitosis• ?persist after meiosis (transgenerational)

Page 15: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


• IBD – 50 genes with different methylation between patients with CD and controls (21)

• Twin studies – different methylation patterns SLE MZ discordant

• Role of twin studies• ?timing of methylation• ?Inheritance of methylation in offspring

Page 16: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


• Small non coding RNA molecule• Transported from nucleus• Forms protein complex• Binds with mRNA• mRNA degraded sooner and translated less

• How does it change in IBD?• Distinct miRNA signatures in peripheral blood in CD

vs UC vs Control (11)• MiRNA

• NOD2 controls miRNA expression (24)• MiRNA 29 deficient mice – worse colitis

Page 17: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Limitations of twin studies

• Sample size

• MZ twins 3/1000 births• DZ twins 13/1000 births• IBD prevalence UK 400/100,000

Page 18: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

IBD Nixon TAM Registry and Biobank

• History• Royal Free Dataset

• 250 twin pairs

• Study of MZ vs DZ concordance 1996 (23)• Database revisited and reanalysed 2011 (6)

• Concordance of disease location and extent• Childhood infection

• Current• Contacting Twins from previous dataset• Recruiting new Twin pairs• Biobank

Page 19: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


• Continuing relevance to twin studies in omics era(2)• Microbiome• Epigenetics

• Twin studies to date• Evidence of genetic component

• Development• Disease pattern

• Galton wrong – environmental factors predominate

Page 20: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

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Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2014

• Bella Center Copenhagen, Denmark• EACCME applied• Register online at

Page 22: The Role of Twin Studies in IBD Research Dr Hannah Gordon Clinical Research Fellow Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


If you know of any IBD patients who are part of a twin pair please contact me:

Email: [email protected]: +44 (0)7834 705791