The role of statistics in science (Essay)

THE ROLE OF STATISTICS IN SCIENCE By: Muthia Khaerunnisa Agency: Department of Statistics Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Islamic University of Indonesia Statistical Science is the key to life because the science of statistics can be used in all fields of science and the everyday human life. According to the (,2013 Widiyanto) use of statistical methods in all fields has made advancing world civilization. Research-research conducted in the laboratory as well as applied research has brought changes and advances in the world. Can not be denied that the development of science and technology as the role of statistics. Statistics it self is the study of how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and present the data. In short, statistics is a science that deals with the data. Meanwhile, according to experts like Modenhall, statistics is one of the fields of science related to the extraction of information from a numerical data and used to make decisions of a population from which the data was obtained, and according to Kendal and Stuart Statistics is a branch of scientific method with regard to the collection of data gathered by measuring properties of the population found. During these statistics often interpreted narrowly i.e. narrower again only as population demographics figures produced by the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS), whereas in statistical science coverage is broader than just the numbers. According to 1

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By: Muthia Khaerunnisa

Agency: Department of Statistics Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Islamic

University of Indonesia

Statistical Science is the key to life because the science of statistics can be used in all

fields of science and the everyday human life. According to the (,2013 Widiyanto) use of

statistical methods in all fields has made advancing world civilization. Research-research

conducted in the laboratory as well as applied research has brought changes and advances in the

world. Can not be denied that the development of science and technology as the role of statistics.

Statistics it self is the study of how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and present the

data. In short, statistics is a science that deals with the data. Meanwhile, according to experts like

Modenhall, statistics is one of the fields of science related to the extraction of information from a

numerical data and used to make decisions of a population from which the data was obtained,

and according to Kendal and Stuart Statistics is a branch of scientific method with regard to the

collection of data gathered by measuring properties of the population found.

During these statistics often interpreted narrowly i.e. narrower again only as population

demographics figures produced by the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS), whereas in statistical

science coverage is broader than just the numbers. According to the definition of The Oxford

Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation,

presentation, and organization of data. So it's not just a Statistical data, but a set of useful science

to produce, analyze, and interpret the data. In fact the word statistics are familiar because we've

been hearing it since in mathematics when high school.

The role of statistics in everyday life unwittingly actually we often use statistical science

for example in regulating how much expenses we are matched with the revenue that we earn, and

then select the items which we will buy, and others that ultimately takes the best decision we will

take. Similarly with other fields, help decide the decisions should be taken appropriately. For

example when we are cooking again we will taste the cuisine to conclude whether the food has a

delicacy or not, it is actually a statistical technique we have used IE about samples. In the science

of statistical Sampling is a small part of the population, which can represent the entire



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The role of statistical science in the field of science is actually a lot of roles in a variety of

experimentation, testing hypotheses, significance tests on a variety of biology, physics,

chemistry, and others.

Many use statistical analysis probability/odds as the concept of essence. In Statistical

Physics also rely heavily on the theory of chance to determine the State of a balanced system. In

this case, the discussion emphasized at the particle-system partikelnya interact very weak both

for particles different or not different. In addition to having the nature of quasi molecule, the

molecule a free ideal gas molecules do not terbedakan because it is both not certain to occupy the

place are predisposed in space or have a certain speed. Whereas, for particles that occupy the

position of regular lattices in Crystal, i.e. vibrating particles around a fixed point, can be

distinguished because it is. Techniques used in solving those problems include probability and

distribution functions, kinetic theory, and statistical mechanics.

The role of Statistical Science in biology is Biostatistics and Biometry. Biostatistics is the

branch of the science of Statistics pertaining to statistical methods on apliksai issues in the field

of biology and medicine. In biology, Biostatistics used to designing experimental biology,

collecting data, collecting data, and analyzing data. Biostatistics also introduced a statistical

calculation of life as life test data analysis is a statistical technique that is useful to perform

testing of durability or reliability of a component or the measurement of the length of the

durability of the life of a patient in the treatment of a disease. The use of biometry is often used

to solve problems in biology by applying statistical methods. Biometrics derived from Greece,

i.e. the combination of the words "bios" and "metron". BIOS meaning life and metron mean

calculation. So, in General, biometrics is technology to demonstrate the authenticity of the

individuals who access the assets of the organization. In the biological sciences research methods

used to collect data is a method of observation, surveys, experiments or experiments. The next of

these methods will get the observations in the form of data, statistical analysis done so to be able

to diinterprestasikan and dipresentasi. Statistical analysis in biology that is used is to connect

between facts and concepts. So the statistics are important in the concept of a withdrawal by

using inductive approach through the use of the method of observation or survey using the

method of experimentation.

The role Statistical Science in chemistry is a Kemometrika. Kemometrika comes from the

word "chemo" which means chemical and "metrika" meaning countless. So Kemometrika in


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chemical calculation means language. Kemometrika is the use of mathematical statistics in the

design of experiments, and the evaluation of the chemical data produced.

The application of statistical methods in various fields in addition to the field of science

is actually very much like the areas of business, industry, banking, Government, politics,

disaster, social, economy, Informatics, agriculture, etc.

The abundance of data now doesn't cause the science of statistics decreases, but instead

increasingly vital. According to the Linked Data Scientist profession In becoming the most

sought-after professions in the last 3 years, it is driven by the increasing trend of big data, the

abundance of data demands new professions that are able to analyze the data at the same time

predicts in a timely, appropriate, effective, efficient and in real time. See coverage in such a

broad and important data, a scientist who mastered the science of Statistics is urgently needed

and has an extensive job prospects because remember all fields require the application of

statistics in statistical science application development because applied knowledge needed by all

sectors of community life and a country cannot be separated from the process of perencanan and

appropriate decision making. Statistical Science was instrumental in the decision making for the

determination of the proper policies, effective, and efficient. The data scientist will be able to

explain a phenomenon occurs and then predicts what will happen in the future. This proves that

the Statistical Science was the key to life, because life is actually not off of Statistics.

Reference :

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Andi. (2011) . Penerapan Statistik Dalam Berbagai Bidang. [online] http://andi- [ Diakses Tanggal

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