THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC RULES IN TEACHING ENGLISH (A Case Study at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah Curup in Academic Year 2019-2020) THESIS This thesis is submitted to fulfill the requirement for “Sarjana” degree in English Language Education By : TIA PUSPITA SARI NIM. 15551046 ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT EDUCATION (TARBIYAH) FACULTY INSTITUTE COLLEGE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) CURUP 2019


THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC RULES IN TEACHING ENGLISH (A Case Study at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah Curup in Academic Year 2019-2020)


This thesis is submitted to fulfill the requirement

for “Sarjana” degree in English Language Education

By :














Assalammu’alaikum Wr.Wb

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, praise is to Allah, lord of

universe. By the mercy, blessing and help of Allah only, she could possibly accomplish

the writing of this humble thesis. May pray and peace is upon him the last prophet

Muhammad, his family, companions and his followers.

Alhamdulillah, the researcher had finished this thesis entitled “The Role of

Islamic Rules in Teaching English (A Case Study at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah

Curup in Academic Year 2018-2019)”. This thesis is presented in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the degree of strata 1 in English Study Program of IAIN Curup. In

writing this research, there are many people who helped me in many ways, because of

that I greatly debted to :

1. Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, M.Pd., M.Ag as the Rector of IAIN Curup.

2. Dr. H. Ifnaldi as the Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Curup

3. Jumatul Hidayah, M.Pd as the Head of English Study Program IAIN Curup

4. My special thanks to Leffy Noviyenty, M.Pd and Eka Apriani, M.Pd as my advisor

and co-advisor who had been a constant source of knowledge, strong encouragement

and sustained critical support, opinion and gave many useful suggestions and

corrections for its improvement. It has indeed been a great privilege and joy to work

under the guidance and scaffolding of her.




اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئت سهلا

“Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali atas izin-Mu. Dan tidak ada kesedihan (kesulitan), jika Engkau berkehendak semua

akan menjadi mudah”

“By writing you can express your feeling” Write Until The End of Your Life !!



The reseacher dedicated this thesis to all beloved person in the

life. They are :

The greatest man in my life, he is my awesome father Bpk. Herwanto

Kurniawan (alm) and my wonderful mother Ibu Warni Tri Marni. Thanks for

everything that you have given to me that i can’t say by a word. BOTH OF


For my hero, he is my brother Frediy Agung Sanjaya H.W.

All my big Family of Kakek Warimin and Kakek Marzam.MZ.

Special thank for my grandmother Mbah Samiyah.

My best partner ever Nur Isnaini.

My alarm and my thesis partner Zaira Ulsana and Andi Junaidi.

My craziest friends Ajeng, Linda, Adnin, Shyna, Kiteng, Yuk Yana, Riska,

Novita (Joni), Reka, Lena, Mbak Ayu.

My brother Endang Saputra, Abdul Munir, and yuk Dessy (Dor) that has

support my thesis journey.

My brother Darwin Handika, Junaidi Mufid, Joe berlin, Revaldi.


TBI A Wilda, Khoiri, Irah, Siti Nurlita, Siti Rofi’ah, Anggun, Meilissa, Shella,

Ayu, Novita, Zaira, Andi.

TBI B Maya, Tini, Rizkan, Rafki, Reynaldi and all members.

TBI NR Rani, Ilham, and all members.


KPM Squad 2018 and PPL Squad 2019.


Thanks a bunch to all people that always support me to finish my study that i

can’t mention one by one. Without you all i’m nothing !!



Tia Puspita Sari, 2019 : The Role of Islamic Rules in Teaching English (A Case

Study at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah Curup in Academic

Year 2019-2020)

Advisor : Leffi Noviyenti, M.Pd

Co-Adviso : Eka Apriani, M.Pd

This thesis is focused on role of Islamic rules in teaching English at SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah Curup in academic year 2019-2020. This research is a case study which

is presented in qualitative way. The objective of the research are to investigated the

Islamic rules that the teacher use in teaching English, the Islamic values that derived the

teachers by implement Islamic rules, and the implementation of Islamic rules and

Islamic values in English teaching. Subject and sample of the research are English

teachers at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah. The technique for collecting the data were

observation, interview and document analysis of lesson plan to make sure the answers

were based on interview to the teachers. The instruments of the research were interview

guidance to guide the researcher in interview and field notes for observation. The

findings of this research show that: There were islamic rules that the teachers

implemented in teaching English based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith. First, Akidah were

conducted with main objectives of Belief in God and Belief in Prophet Muhammad

SAW. Second, Akhlak (Morals) were conducted with main objectives of moral towards

Allah SWT, morals towards Rasullulah SAW, personal morals, morals in family and

morals in society. Next, Islamic values that the teachers derived were followings:

taqwa, tawakal, gratitude, honesty, independent, social, brotherhood, creative,

innovative, and productive. The third, the implementation of Islamic Rules and Islamic

values related verses of Al-Qur’an to the topic of teaching English, and related Hadith to

the topic of teaching English.

Keyword : Islamic Rules, Islamic Values, Implementation





PENGAJUAN SKRIPSI..............................................................................i

THE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ....................................................... ii


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... iv

MOTTO AND DEDICATION .................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF CONTENT.................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDIX .................................................................................. xiv


A. Background of the research ................................................. 1

B. Research questions ............................................................... 5

C. Objective of the research ..................................................... 6

D. Delimitation of the research ................................................. 6

E. Significant of the research ................................................... 6

F. Definition of key term .......................................................... 7


A. Teaching English ................................................................. 9

B. Islamic Rules ........................................................................ 10

1. Al-Qur’an ................................................................. 11


a. Aqidah ................................................................ 112

b. Akhlak ................................................................ 17

c. Syari’ah .............................................................. 19

2. Hadith ....................................................................... 21

a. Sunnah Qauliyah.................................................22

b. Sunnah Fi’liyah...................................................23

c. Sunnah Takririyah...............................................23

C. Islamic Vlaues.......................................................................24

1. Spiritual Dimension..................................................24

2. Cultural Dimension...................................................28

3. Intelligence dimension..............................................30

D. Islamization To The World...................................................32

1. Islamization In Teaching English.............................33

E. JSIT.......................................................................................36

F. Review Of Related Findings.................................................37


A. Kind Of Research ................................................................. 39

B. Subject, Sample And Informant Of The Research ............... 40

C. Technique For Collecting Data ............................................ 42

D. Research Instrument ............................................................. 43

E. Technique Of Analysis Data ................................................ 49


A. Findings And Discussion ...................................................... 52


A. Conclusion............................................................................. 68


B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 69






Table 3.1 Blue Print of Semi Structured Interview.................................45

Table 3.2 Blue Print of Field Notes Based on Islamic Rules ....................... 48

Table 3.3 Blueprint of FieldNotes Based on Islamic Values ....................... 49

Table 4.1 Findings of teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah............54

Table 4.2 Implementation of Islamic Rules and Islamic Values

at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah..........................................................4.2



APPENDIX 1 : Proof Reading Certificate

APPENDIX 2 : SK Pembimbing

APPENDIX 3 : SK Penelitian

APPENDIX 4 : Kartu Konsultasi Pembimbing Skripsi

APPENDIX 5 : Expert Informant

APPENDIX 6 : Lesson Plan

APPENDIX 7 : Interview Result

APPENDIX 8 : Field Notes Result

APPENDIX 9 : Documentations




A. Background Of The Research

Islam is Rahmatanlilalamin. Allah swt said in the Al-Qur’an :

وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين

“We don’t has sent you (Muhammad), except as a Rahmat to Universe” (Q.S Al-

Anbiya : 107).1

Islam is not only intended for Muslims. But, the religion of Islam is

intended as a guide to all religions on the earth. Not only for human life, Islam is

also intended for the entire universe. Likewise with all aspects of life, Islamic

religion is used in education and is associated with all subjects. Related to

language learning, regardless of where the language originated, it can still be

associated with Islamic learning. It means that Islam is the source of all aspects

of life. Islam was revealed to bring good, peace and salvation to all the

inhabitants of the earth. The religion of Islam was revealed by Allah SWT to

Muhammad SAW as a complement to previous religions. Allah SWT explained

in the Al-Qur'an, that whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, that religion will

never be accepted, because all the perfection of religion is in Islam itself.

1Departemen RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemah, (Bandung, CV Penerbit Diponegoro: 2010) p. 331


سلم دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الخرة من الخاسرين ومن يبتغ غير ال

"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, he will not be accepted and in

the hereafter he will be among the losers."(Q.S Al-Imran : 85).2

People was created by Allah SWT on earth one of which is as a Khalifah

(leader) who prospered the earth. Through the practice of the true teaching of

Islam, the human will be wise in managing the earth because Islam influences

many fields such as economics, politics, culture, and education. In education

field, teaching Islam in all aspects, also teaching English to others people means

that we have done duty as a Muslim. Based on the verse of Al-Qur’an and the

expalantion above, every people in this world has a obligation to share

knowledge related to Islam to others, especially in education process.

Human efforts in conveying Islamic teachings carried out in the world of

education are contained in Islamic integrated private schools. Integrated Islamic

private schools have more Islamic rules than Public School because integrated

Islamic schools have a goal to shape their students to be Islamic person. This is

proven by the fact that there are more subjects of Islamic-based in integrated

Islamic schools than other public schools. Sekolah Islam Terpadu (Islamic

Integrated School) constitutes a new nomenlature of the 20th

century islamic

education system in Indonesia.

In Rejang Lebong Regency, there are many schools that have basic

2 Ibid., p.61


integrated Islamic school start from Islamic Elementary Schools, Junior Islamic

High Schools and Senior Islamic High Schools. In Junior High School, there are

SMP IT Rabbi Radhiyya, SMP Kreatif Aisyiyah, and SMP IT Khoiru Ummah.

The reseacher has done research to all of these schools above. Based on pre-

observation, the reseacher found the differences in ways of teaching all subjects

at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah, especially in teachimg English. Teaching English in

others Integrated Junior High Schools in Rejang Lebong were different by

teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah. In fact, in teaching English, the

teachers in other schools just focuse on the ways to use the material from the

book that contains general material that do not give much contribution to

implement islamic rules especially in teaching English. For Islamic schools, the

teachers can design Islamic material with Islamic rules while helping the students

to master the targeted English language skills and components.

In SMP IT Khoiru Ummah , the teachers are required to have more ways

to teach. Besides, to make students proficient in English, they also aims to

additional Islamic religious insight by teaching English. When the teacher teach

something that the student already have knowledge before and does not include

islamic elements, the purpose of teacing English by Islamic rules may be said

have not been achieved well. When the reseacher do the observasion, the

reseacher found the teacher who taught English subject related te topic of

material to Hadith. Teacher taught the topic about “Invitation” and gave


explanations to the students about obligations a Muslim to attend a invitation

from another Muslims. Besides implement Hadith in teaching English, teachers

implement rules of Al-Qur’an because Al-Qur’an is main source in daily life

before Hadith. In addition, based on pre-interview to the teacher, all of the class

in SMP IT khoiru Ummah always related Al-Qur’an and Hadith in teaching,

especially in teaching English.

The main reason this school implement both of Al-Qur’an and Hadith in

teaching is because SMP IT khoiru Ummah is the one and only Islamic

Integrated Junior High School in Rejang Lebong regency that incorporated to

JSIT (Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu) National or National Integrated Islamic

Schools network. JSIT has the principle that integrated to all of the aspect in the

schools activities based on Islam and create the students to be master not only in

Arabic, but also in English.

SMP IT Khoiru Ummah uses the same national curriculum from the

government as other general schools. In addition, the schools included in JSIT

are also one of them, SMP IT Khoiru Ummah use the curriculum rules contained

JSIT. The rules contained in JSIT include introducing Islamic teachings into

teaching and learning activities based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. In English

learning in general, there are four skills taught by the teacher, they are speaking,

listening, writing and listening. While, according to the rules in JSIT the teacher

must incorporate the teachings of Islam into the teaching of the English



Based on the phenomenon described above, the reseacher is interested to

know how the teachers combined both Islamic rules in teaching English and four

skills in English in one system of teaching English class. It means that the

reseacher want to investigate the Islamic role of teaching English in SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah from the first grade, second grade, and also third grade by using

Islamic rules in teaching English entitled “The Role of Islamic Rules in

Teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah Curup.”

B. Research Questions

In this research, it is better to identify the problems covering the research. To

make the study clearer, the writer identifies the problems as follows:

1. What are the Islamic rules that the teachers implemented in teaching

English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah?

2. What are the Islamic values that the teachers derived by teaching English

at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah?

3. How do the implementation of Islamic rules and Islamic values in the

teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah?

C. The Objective of The Research

This research aims at finding the answer to the questions stated in the

problem statements. Thus, the objectives of the study are to investigate:


1. Rules that the teachers implemented in teaching English at SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah

2. Islamic values derived the teachers in teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru


3. The implementation of rules and values in teaching English at SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah

D. Delimitation of the research

Based on the identification problems above, it is necessary to make a

delimitation the problem so that the scope of the problem becomes clearer. On

this research, the researcher limited the problem on English teaching process at

SMPIT Khoiru Ummah.

E. Significant of the research

1. Theoretical

The benefit of implementing this research is to share knowledge on

educational management field.

2. School

In this research, the school is expected to be able to know the success

of implementing teaching English based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith.

3. Students

This research will also be useful for students because the students will

realize Islamic value, with implementation of Islamic value in every lesson,

and it will add their Islamic knowledge.


4. The readers

By reading this research, the readers are expected to catch any

information to improve their knowledge.

5. The writer

This research helps the writer to develop the knowledge and

experience in implementing teaching English.

6. Next reseacher

This reserach can be used as a consideration material or further

development, as well as references to similar research.

F. Definition of key terms

1. Role

Role is a function or part performed especially in a particular

operation or process.3 This research focuses on a performed role of islamic

in teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah.

2. Islamic Rule

Islam is the religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah as the

sole diety and in Muhammad as his prophet.4 Rule is an official or accepted

principle which guides behaviour and says how things are to be done.5 In

this research, the reseacher do the research based on the teaching at SMP

IT Khoiru Ummah that use Islamic rules as a way in teaching process.

3Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, p.1155

4Oxford Leraner’s Dictionary, p.720

5Longman Dictionary, p.1210


3. Islamic Values

Islamic values are the values of education held or established with the

desire and attention to practice Islamic teaching and values.6 In this

research, the reseacher focuses on the values that the teachers devired in

teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah.

4. Implementation

Implementation is a matching activity.7 In this research, the reseacher

wants to know how do the teacher implement Islamic rules and Islamic

values in teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah.

6 Hasrul, Incorporating Religious Values in English Learning Material (Yogyakarta:Sanata

Dharma University, 2018)p.31 7 Op.Cit.,p.720




A. Teaching English

According to Brown, teaching is showing or helping someone to learn to do

something, giving instruction guiding in the study, providing with knowledge and

causing to know and understand.8 Then, according to William Burton, teaching is

the efforts in giving stimulus, guidance, and instruction to the students in learning

process.9 Teaching is important in education. According to Gagne and Briggs, “the

important of teaching is not lecturer material efforts but strive for the students to

learn material based on the purposes, be able to influences the students to learn,

and the lecturer is not just as informatory, but as stimulator in learning and

teaching process. In other hand, lecturer stimulates growth in learning as a

motivator, director, facilitator, in every process learning and teaching activity”.10

According to Omear Hamalik, there are seven aspects in teaching. They are

instructional purpose aspect, teaching material aspect, method or strategy learning-

teaching aspect, instructional media, assessment method, facilities supporting;

time; place; equipment aspects, and the last is worker aspect lecturer and student is

8 Douglas Brown, Principle of language learning and teaching : fourth edition, (New york :

Longman, 2000p.7 9 M Subana dan Sunarti, strategi belajar mengajar bahasa indonesia, (Bandung : Pustaka, 2000),

p.13 10

Ibid., p.14


a factor determine achieved or not that process.11

Teaching is an important thing

because it shapes growing minds. Teaching is also parts of learning because it

raises psyches bubbling with brilliance and curiosity.12

That means that the importance of teaching will engage the students growing

in good thinking which have good future, and it also will raise students spirit and

motivation to know something. From the opinion above, there are some aspects of

teaching such as teaching should have instructional in this case educator prepare

the planning in teaching. In teaching material, it is important to have a context of

learning. In learning, there are also strategies in order the teaching process will

have good in input or output in learning and teaching process. In teaching, there

are assessments for finding how far the process and achievement. The teaching

also should have facilitations in order to engage and increase the teaching process.

B. Islamic Rules

According to Savage and Amstrong, rules in Islamic are those bedrock and

fundamental beliefs that give direction to person’s life. They are convicted that so

deeply within rooted that they guide people when they make decisions about how

they spend their time, talents, and money for something.13

Rules is a fondation to

do activities or developing something. Rules has functions as a directions to attain


Omear Hamalik, Psikologi Belajar Mengajar, (Bandung : Sinar Baru Algensindo Offset,

2004), p.30 12

Ibid., p.31 13

Johari, Mustaffha, integration of islamic value in accounting education, 2016, E-Journal, p.61


purposes and basic to do something to be done well.14

So, Islamic rules aim to set

limits on humans in carrying out all activities.

Allah SWT said in the Al-Qur’an :

قباىل لتعارفوا انا انثى وجعلنكم شعوبا وا ن ذكر وا اكرمكم نن ل يايها النااس اناا خلقنكم م

خبيراتقىكم ان ل نليم

We have created you from men and women, then We have made you nationals and

tribes so that you know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of

Allah is the most pious person. Truly, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Exact. ( Q.S Al-

Hujurat : 13)

Based on the verse of Al-Qur’an above, Islam has a rule of Muslims life to

knows each others and make the relationship to each other. According to Nizar and

Rasyidin, the important rules in our life especially in Islamic education is based on

Al-Qur’an and Hadith.15

According to Hasan Langgulung, there are five sources in

Islam as a rules, there are Al-Qur’an, Hadith, Qiyas, Nash, and Ijma. Additionaly,

Al-Qur’an and Hadith are the eminent sources. As a fondation of Islam, Al-Qur’an

has a global principles.16

Thus, Hadith as a detail explanation based on Al-Qur’an.

1. Al-Qur’an

Al-Qur’an is divine revelation that comes (al-wahy al-Munazzalah) that

has revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a sources and complement to

set human life. Al-Qur’an is the book of Allah SWT which has a vast and

large treasury for the development of humanity. Al-Qur’an is the most

complete source of education both social, moral, spiritual, material, and


Fatah Yasin, Dimensi Pendidikan Islam, (UIN-MALANG PRESS,2008) p. 36


Ibid., p.39 16

Ibid., p.37


universal education. Al-qur’an is a source that absolutely and complex value

which has the existence has never changed.17

The possibility of change only

limited to the human interpretation of the text of the verse which desires the

dynamism of the meaning according to the contex of the situation, conditions,

and human ability to do the interpretation. It is a theoritical normative

guideline for the implementation of islamic education which requires futher

interpretation for the operational of islamic education. Its contents cover all

human dimensions and are able to touch all human potential.18

Thus, Al-

Qur’an was revealed as a mercy for Muslim, as the verse below :

لناه نلى نلم ه ى ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون ولق جئناهم بكتاب فصا

”And indeed we have brought a Book (Al-Qur’an) to those whom we have

explained on the basis of our knowledge; be guidance and mercy for those

who believe.” (Q.S. Al-A’raf : 52).19

Al-Qur'an is a book of instructions, thus the Al-Qur'an has three main


They are :

a. Aqidah

Aqidah is the principle of educating the entire building of Islamic

teachings and becoming all matters concerned in Islam. Aqidah is a

fundamental Islamic belief for all human activities in their lives.

Aqidah is built on six basic beliefs or commonly called the pillars of

faith. Some fiqh scholars define aqidah as follows something that is


Soleha, Rada, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Bandung : Alfhabeta,2011), p.25 18

Ibid., p.26 19

Ibid., p.28 20

Aminuddin, Pendidikan Agama Islam, (Ghalia Indonesia Bogor : 2005), p. 80


believed and held firmly is very difficult to collapse.21

It believes

according to the propositions that are in accordance with reality, such

as believing in Allah SWT, the hereafter, the books of Allah, and the

Apostles of Allah SWT. Trust grows because of the arguments that can

be accepted by common sense. Therefore, it is linked to the pillars of

faith that are the basis of all Islamic teachings. Its position is very

central and fundamental because as mentioned above, it becomes the

principle, and at the same time, it hooks everything in Islam.22

Aqidah is a belief that must be instilled in children. Aqidah is the

faith on which a person becomes convinced in religion.23

Aqidah is the

foundation of a Muslim. Like a building, then one's faith will

determine the strength of Islamic buildings, both in establishing sharia

and in displaying their morals. In order to have a solid foundation, a

proper understanding of the faith is needed. Aqidah is built on the main

points of belief in the six things commonly called the pillars of faith.

Aqidah is trust and recognition of the oneness of Allah (Tawhid) which

is the foundation of faith in other faiths such as the faith in angels,

apostles, books, the hereafter, and qadha and qadar.24

To explain

various aspects of aqidah, then the book of Allah and the Sunnah of


Samsul Munir Amin, Menyiapkan Masa Depan Anak Secara Islami, (Amzah, Jakarta : 2007),

p. 118 22

Op.Cit., p. 80 23

Samsul Munir Amin, M.A. Menyiapkan Masa Depan Anak Secara Islami, (Jakarta : Amzah,

2007), p. 118 24

Ibid., p.4


his Prophet should be used as the main source.25

So, Aqidah is one of

important thing as a basic of our life.

There are the main points of faith or pillars of faith in Islamic aqidah:

1. Belief in God

Allah SWT, that absolute substance, according to Islamic

teachings, is God Almighty.26

A valid belief in knowing God

means having faith in him and confirming that he is, the creator,

the Giver of Rizki, the one who turns on and off, for him the right

to create and command and to return to him, to believe in his

substance, His nature, and his asthma.27

Everything about God is

called a need. the Almighty God is the basis of the Republic of

Indonesia, according to article 29 paragraph 1 of the 1945

Constitution "The State is based on a Godhead". The meaning of

Islam and its pillars are often included in the concept of faith as

narrated by Bukhari from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet had sent a

delegation of Abdul Qois when they asked the Prophet "order us

to carry out certain things, we will preach to the people behind us

so that we entered heaven because of it, and they asked the

Prophet about the drink - carrying out the four things and leaving


Muhammad Abdul Qodir Ahmad, Thuruqu Ta’limu Al-Tarbiyah Al-Islamiyah, Proyek

Perencanaan Prasarana/Perguruan Tinggi Agama, p. 116 26

Mohammadn Daud Ali, SH. Pendidikan Agama Islam, (Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2002), p. 202 27

Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud, Tarbiyah Khuluqiyah, Media Insani, (Solo : 2003), p. 90


the other four things.28

Thus, teaching English in Islamic

Integrated School could be implement the first point of Aqidah’s

faith that conducted with belief in Allah SWT as our God.

2. Belief in Malaikat, Holy Qur’an, and Prophet Muhammad SAW

Aqidah truth about Malaikat, Holy Qur’an, and Prophet has

a strong correlation with the belief system in God. Whoever

believes in Allah must have faith in his Malaikat, His holy Al-

Qur’an and His Prophet consecrate thus (Malaikat of the holy

Al-Qur’an and Prophet) because they follow the fact that Allah

sent angels to bring the holy Al-Qur’an to the Prophet

Muhammad SAW.29

The second point is belief in Malaikat, the

Holy Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad SAW that the one unity of

the pillars of second, third and fourth faith that can be tied by

teaching English at Integrated Islamic School.

3. Belief on the Day of Judgment

Belief in the last day and the events that result from the

resurrection from the grave, gathering of humanity in the

Mahsyar lands to the entry of experts in heaven to heaven and

experts in hell to hell is faith in the unseen. Allah said in the Al-

Qur’an :


Ibid., p.202 29

Mohammad Daud Ali, Sh. Pendidikan Agama Islam, PT. Raja Grafindo, ( Jakarta : 2002), p.



لنا نلى نب نا فأتوا بسورة من مثله وادنوا ا نزا وإن كنتم في ريب مما

إن كنتم صادقين شه اءكم من دون لا

“And if you (remain) in doubt about Al-Qur'an that we

revealedto our servant (Muhammad), make one (only) letter such

as the Qur'an and invite your helpers besides Allah, if you are

people correct.” (Q.S Al-Baqarah : 23 )30

Based on the explanation above, belief on the day of

judgement is fifth pillas faith of Islam.

4. Confidence in Qada and Qadar

The belief in the pillars of faith that have been stated above

are basically in Al-Qur'an, among others. Allah said in the Al-

Qur’an :

ل وإذا تولاى سعى في الرض ليفس فيها ويهلك الحرث والناسل ولا

يحب الفساد

“And if he turns away (from you), he walks on earth to do

damage to him, and destroy crops and animals, and Allah does

not like destruction.”(Q.S Al-Baqarah : 205)31

As for what is meant by Qada is a provision regarding

something, while qadar is a measure of something according to

certain laws.32

Thus, what is meant by Qada and Qadar or


Departemen RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemah, (Bandung, CV Penerbit Diponegoro: 2010) p.4 31

Ibid., p.32 32

Muhammad Halabi Hamdi, Cara Islam Mendidik Anak, (Jogjakarta : Ad-dawa’, 2006), p. 144


destiny is a provision or determination (Allah SWT) according to

a certain norm or size.

b. Akhlak(Morals)

Etymologically, the word Akhlak (morals) comes from

Arabic al-akhlaq which is a plural form of the word khuluq which

means ethics, morals, behavior and character. Whereas,

terminologically morals means a state of mental movement that

pushes towards doing an act without thinking of the mind. This is the

opinion expressed by Ibnu Maskawaih. While al-Ghazali defines

morals as a permanent trait in the soul from this arises actions easily,

with no need for the mind. As for the morality by Dr. Ahmad Amin

defined a science that explains the meaning of good and bad, explains

what should be done by some humans to others, states the goals to be

directed by humans in their actions and shows the way to do what

must be done . From the above understanding, it is clear that moral

study is human behavior, or rather the value of his behavior, which

can be of good value (noble) or vice versa of bad value (despicable).

What is assessed here is human behavior in dealing with God,

namely in performing worship, in dealing with others, namely in

bermuamalah or in social relations between humans, in dealing with

other living creatures such as animals and plants, and in dealing with

the environment or inanimate objects which are also God's creatures.


In short this moral relationship is divided into two, namely the

morality to Khaliq (God the Creator) and the morals to makhluq (His


Thus, Akhlak is a symbol of person character.

There are Morals scope in Islam include human relations

with God as the creator, the morals of fellow humans in one

religion,morality between religious people and morality with the


1. Morals to Allah

Moral to Allah is the highest degree of morals because the

other morals are the basis of morals to God first.

2. Morals to the Messenger of Allah

Prophet Muhammad SAW is the last messenger of Allah.

He is the "anbiya" priest and apostle. In him attached a source of

example for humanity, he who deserves the Islamic moral parent.

3. Personal morals

The scope of personal morals is all related to issues that are

inherent in oneself, all activities, both spiritually.34

On the other

hand, Yunahar Ilyas in his book divides moral discussion into

five parts, namely:


Hari Jauhari Muchtar, Fiqih Pendidikan, (Bandung :PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2005), p. 88 34

Nipan Abdul Halim, Menghias Diri Dengan Akhlak Terpuji, (Yogyakarta : Pustaka Belajar,

2000), p. 8-9


1. Morals towards Allah SWT

2. Morals towards Rasulullah SAW

3. Personal morals

4. Morals in the family. It consists of mutual obligations

between parents and children, husband and wife obligations,

and obligations to relatives.

5. Morals in society. It consists of what is forbidden, what is

ordered, and the methods of manners.

6. National Morals. It consists of the relationship between the

leader and the others people in the country.35

So, Moral (Aqidah) could be implemented by a

communication to other person or people in the daily life.

c. Syari’ah

According to Mahmud Syaltut, Syari’ah as rules prescribed

by Allah or prescribed its principles so that humans themselves use

them in dealing with their Lord, with their fellow Muslims, with their

fellow humans, and the universe, and with life. Thus, study of

Syari’ah is based on the problem of the rules of Allah SWTbased on

Al-Qur’an and Hadith. These rules govern humans in dealing with

their Lord (hablun minallah) and in dealing with others (hablun

minannas). These two human relations that are the scope of Islamic


Yunahar Ilyas, Kuliah Akhlak, (yogyakarta : Pustaka Belajar Offset, 2006) p.5-6


Syari’ah. The first relationship is then called worship, and the second

relationship is called muamalah. Worship regulates how humans can

relate to God. In a special sense (mahdlah worship), worship is

manifested in the five pillars of Islam, namely saying two sentences

of shahadah (testimony), setting up prayers, performing zakat, fasting

in the month of Ramadan, and going on hajj for those who are able.

While muamalah can be done in various forms of human activity in

dealing with others. The forms of relationships can be in the form of

marital relations (munakahat), division of inheritance (mawaris),

economy (muamalah), criminal (jinayah), politics (khilafah),

international relations (siyar), and justice (murafa'at).Thus, it is clear

that the study of syari’ah is more relied on the practice of the basic

concepts of Islam contained in aqidah.

Allah SWT saidin the Al-Qur’an :

لك أنزلناه حكما نربيا ولئن اتابعت أهواءهم بع ما جاءك من العلم ما لك وكذ

من ول واق من لا ولي

“And thus, We have sent down the Qur'an as a (correct) rule in

Arabic. And if you follow their passions after knowledge comes to

you, then there will be no protector and guardian for you against

Allah.” (Q.S Ar-Ra’d : 37).36

So, Al-Qur’an as a main source of Islam has three main

objectives that will guide human life. The first main objectives is


Op.Cit, p.94


Aqidah that explains about faith of pillars as a Muslim. Aqidah has

expalined that the main basics in life that can be related to teaching

material is belief in Allah SWT,belief in Malaikat, belief in Holy Al-

Qur’an, belief in Prophet Muhammad SAW, belief on the day here

after, and the last is belief in Qada and Qadar. The second is Akhlak

(Morals) that that has explained the obligations of a Muslim in

caryying out daily activities. Akhlak (Morals) is reflected in the

attitude of individuals in interacting with others. In this case, Akhlak

(Morals) are closely related in teaching Morals in the school. Morals

can be associated by teaching English based on the islamic approach

throuh Al-Qur’an. The last main objectives of Al-Qur’an is Syari’ah

that has expained about workship and Muamalah.

2. Hadith (Sunnah)

Hadith or As-sunah is a way that was exemplified by Prophet

Muhammad SAW in his life journey carrying out the da’wah of Islam. The

example given by him can be devided into three parts. First, Qauliyat which

contains the statement and the approval of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Second, the hadith Fi’liyyat, which contains actions and deeds that have been

carried out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The third is Taqririyat, the

Prophet approval of actions and events that occured.37

Everything that had

been shown by the Prophet are sources and references than can be used by


Ibid., p.29


Muslims in all their life activities. It is because in general most of the Islamic

rules are contained in the Al-Qur’an, but the rules governing those contained

do not regulate the various dimensions of life in detail. The explanation of

Islamic rules contain in the Al-Qur’an is still general and global. For that, the

Hadith is needed as an explanation and reinforcement of the existing Al-

Qur’anic rules, and the same time as a guide for the benefit of human life in

all aspects.38

When viewed in terms of matter and its essence, it is divided into

three types, namely:

a. Sunnah Qauliyah, is the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW says in

various fields, such as law, morals, ‘aqidah and others.39


qauliyah holding the highest rank. It means that sunnah qauliyah is the

most sources than sunnah fi’liyah and sunnah takririyah.

There are the examples of sunnah qauliyah :

1. Hadiths about learning and teaching the Al-Qur'an. From

Utsman from the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he said: "The

best person among you is someone who learns the Qur'an and

teaches it." (HR. Al-Bukhari).

2. Hadith concerning the union of believers. From Abu Musa he

said; Rasulullah SAW said: "Believers are one with another


Ibid., p.31 39

Fatchur Rahman, Baca dan bandingkan, Nazar Bakry, Fiqh dan Ushul Fiqh, Cet.IV (Jakarta :

PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,2003), p.40-41


believer like a building, one with the other strengthen each

other.” (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim).40

b. Sunnah Fi'liyah, is all the actions of the Prophet as an Apostle. For

example, he did the five daily prayers by perfecting his procedures,

conditions and getting along well. Likewise, the problem is related to

the pilgrimage, in which the Al-Qur’an only mentions the obligation to

perform the pilgrimage, without any detailed explanation of the

procedure. In other words, Sunnah fi'liyah, which is the work of the

Prophet. which is a practical explanation of shari'ah regulations that are

not yet clear how to implement them.41

c. Sunnah taqri’riyah is an action made by the companions of the Prophet

Muhammad SAW and were not allowed to be prohibited or denied by

the Prophet, then the actions of the Companions of the Prophet became


Thus, Al-Qur’an that has three main objectives: Akidah, Akhlak,

and Syari’ah. Hadith has three main objectives: Sunnah Qauliyah,

Sunnah Fi’liyah and Sunnah Takririyah. All of the main objectives of

Al-Qur’an and Hadith could be the sources of teaching in integrated

Islamic School.


Departemen Agama, Quran dan Terjemah,(Jakarta,Yayasan Penyelenggara penterjemah, PT.

Intermasa,1993) p.121 41

Muchtar Yahya dan Fatchurrahman, Dasar-dasar Pembinaan Hukum Fiqh Islami

(Bandung:PT.Al-Ma’arif, Bandung,1983) p.39 42

Ibid., p.39


C. Islamic Values

Islamic is everything related to Islam, the muslim religion based on the

teaching of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.43

Beside that, according to Zakiah

Darajat, value is a set of beliefs or feelings that are believed to be an identity that

give a special pattern to patterns of thought and feeling, attachment or behavior.44

According to Yusuf al-Qardhawi, Islamic values are whole human education, mind

and heart, spiritual and physical, morality and skills.45

Johnstone states that he

takes the terms values about what is right and good, and at the same meaning, he

has assigned to morality where both of them has the similar essential meaning

about how we should behave towards our life properly.46

According to Suhairimi

in Johari, Musthafa and Deni, Islamic values are not merely a valuation of reason

or appreciation of cultural variation of reason or appreciation of cultural variation,

but is a reflection of the human need to be guided by reasonable arguments derived

from Al-Qur’an and Hadith. In short, these values are set out in the Al-Qur’an and

practice of Prophet Muhammad SAW. It can be considered as the cultural values

of the way of life of Muslim; Islamic values such as ways of communicating,

interacting, socializing with family members, friends, neighors, young and older

people in society in a decent and proper way are the examples of practicing what

we should do as good followers in line with the religion says. When it come to be


Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, p.236 44

ZakiahDarajat, Dasar-dasar Agama Islam,(Jakarta:BulanBintang, 1984),p.260 45

AzamardiAzra,Pendidikan Islam Tradisi dan Modernisasi di Tengah Tantangan Milenium III,

(Jakarta:Kencana,2012),p.6 46

Bill Johnstone, values in english language teaching, (London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,

2003), p.42


school matter, teacher have responsibility to educate and instill Islamic values in

Muslims students; teachers not only impart those values in theirs materials and

activities so that students would obtain what they are supposed to get as a good

Muslim, at the same time learning English as an compulsory subject in the school.

Types of values range from aesthetic values, concerned with issue relating to the

beauty and style, while moral values, concerned with broad questions of righ and


Thus, it can be concluded that Islamic values are the value of education

held or established with the desire and intention to practice Islamic teachings and

values. Kirschenbaum said that values, education, and moral are the concious

attempt to help others acquire the knowledge, skills attitudes and values that

contribute to more personally satisfying and socially constructive lives.48

Especially in teaching English, teacher building students characters by Islamic

values that related to topic in teaching English that the teacher derived to students.

Islamic values in education include three dimensions in aspects of life that

must be fostered and developed by educators,49

they are:

1. The spiritual dimension

According to Allport, spiritual dimensions may be understood as actions

in service of perceived ultimate being a belief of the performance off al


Ibid., p.43 48

Hasrul, Incorporating Religious Values in English Learning Material(Yogyakarta : Sanata

Dharma University, 2018) p.31 49

Mustari, Nilai Karakter Refleksi Untuk Penelitian, (Jakarta:Rajawali Pers,2014) p.29



Besides, according to Evren and Faith, spiritual dimension is the

search or ultimate being, and it is the passion that a person has for ultimate

being. Spirituality is a highly individual and intensely personal.51

The purposes of spiritual dimension are to instill the values of taqwa,

tawakal, and gratitude.

a. Taqwa is an attitude that is fully aware that God is always watching us,

then we try to do only something that is approved by God by avoiding

or protecting ourselves from something that is not approved by him.

Faith is an inner attitude full of trust in God, so it is not enough that we

only believe in the existence of God, but must remember to be an

attitude of trusting in the existence of God and trust in Him. Faith must

necessarily be seen in everyday life and is reflected in the character of

an individual or of noble character that appears in the attitudes,

behaviors, and interactions with other human being.

b. Tawakal. The essence of tawakal is to surrender all matters to Allah

SWT, cleanse it from wrong endeavors, and continue to tread the areas

of rule and regulations. Thus, the servant believes in the part of Allah

SWT for him. What Allah has ordained for him, he is sure he will get it

otherwise. What Allah has not determined for him he is sure will not

50 Allport G.W, The Individual And His Religion ( New York:Maccmillan,1950) p.59 51 Evren, Fatih S , The Relationship between Spiritual Leadership and Issues of Spirituality and

Religiosity:A Study of Top Turkish Managers. ( Istanbul, Turkey, 2011) p.57


get it. Tawakal is a picture of determination in hanging only to God. In

this case, Al-Ghazali links tawakal with monotheism, with the

emphasis that monotheism is very functioning as the foundation of

tawakal. Tawakal has a very close relationship with human

understanding of destiny, joy, endeavor, patience, and do’a. Tawakal is

sincerity in relying on God to benefit and prevent mudhartan, both

regarding world affairs and the affairs of the hereafter.

c. Gratitude is the attitude of a person not to use the favors given by Allah

SWT. In committing immorality to Him, this form of gratitude is

marked by the conviction of the heart that the blessings obtained come

from Allah, not other than Him, then follow praise by word of mouth,

and do not use these favors for something the giver hates. The form of

gratitude for the blessings that Allah SWT gives is by using the favor of

Allah SWT as well as possible. The gifts given by Allah SWT must be

utilized by us and preserved such as the five senses, property,

knowledge and so on. If we have been grateful for the gift of Allah

SWT, it means that we have been grateful to him as the creator. The

more we are grateful, the more blessings we will receive.52


Mustari, Nilai Karakter Refleksi Untuk Penelitian, (Jakarta:Rajawali Pers,2014) p.29


Based on the explanations above, Islamic values of spiritual

dimensions are related to Taqwa, Tawakal and Gratitude. Spiritual

dimensions are kinds of Islamic values that instil values direct to Allah


2. Cultural dimension

Cultural dimension is all related to social indivual habit and


Brown states that culture also establishes for each person a

context of cognitive and affective behavior, a template for personal and

social exsistent. A language is a part of cultural and culture is a part of

language. So, those two aspects cannot be separated each other since they

affect and link one another.54

In cultural dimension there are to instilled

honesty, independent personality values, strong values, responsibility, social

values, and brotherhood. There are the explanations about values in cultural

dimension :

a. Honesty is a value that does not need complicated explanations or

definitions. In all cultures and nations, “Do not lie” is a basic prerequisite

for ethical human interaction.55

Honest is a behavior that is based on

efforts to make himself as a person who can always be trusted in his


Chrisiana Wanda,Upaya Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Mahasiswa ( Jurnal Teknik

Industri, 2005) Vol.7, p.1. 54

Hasrul, Incorporating Religious Values in English Learning Material(Yogyakarta : Sanata

Dharma University, 2018) p.32 55

Huijer M, van Leeuwen E, Personal values and cancer treatment refusal of Medical Ethics,

(Journal, 2011)vol.26, p.358


words and actions both to oneself and to others.56

So, honesty is also

related to conduct interaction with participants.

b. Independent personality is the attitude and behavior that is not always to

depend on others in completing tasks.57

So, independent personality

always try to do something by his or her self first. It doesnot mean

independent personality do not need others in their life.

c. Strongly is a behavior that never gives up when facing difficulties in

carrying out activities or tasks so that it is able to overcome the

difficulties encountered so as to achieve the desired goals.

d. Responsibility values is the attitude and behavior of a person to carry out

their duties and obligations as they should, towards oneself, society, the

environment (natural, social, and cultural), the State, and God. If the use

of rights and obligations can be orderly, a sense of responsibility will

arise. Good responsibility if between the acquisition of rights and the

fulfillment of obligations can be mutually balanced. For that we need the

formulation of the concept of human responsibility.58

e. Social values is values held by a society, regarding what is considered

good and what is considered bad by society. As a general guideline that

has lasted a long time, which directs behavior and satisfaction in


Mohamad Mustari, Nilai Karakter Refleksi untuk Pendidikan, (Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo

Persada,2014), p.11 57

Ibid., p.77 58

Ibid., p.19


everyday life. To determine whether something is said to be good or bad,

appropriate or inappropriate must go through a process of weighing.

f. Brotherhood values is the spirit of brotherhood, especially among fellow

believers (commonly called ukhuwah islamiyah) is basically that human

beings do not easily demean other groups. Not insulting each other,

mocking, prejudiced, likes to find fault with others and likes to curse

(talk) on the ugliness of others. So, cultural dimensions iss related to all

aspects of Social life.

3. Intelligence Dimension

Intelligence dimension is related to instilled the values of

intellegence. There are the values of intelligence : creative, discipline, work

ethic, professional, innovative and productive.59

a. Creative is a skill in human life (life skill) or is a certain intelligence

possessed by every human being, and from one individual to another

it is different. If you ask creative people about creativity, it will

produce different answers. So from that don't aim at one

understanding of creativity, because in essence creativity can be

interpreted from various aspects.60

b. Dicipline is efforts to instill value or coercion so that the subject has

the ability to obey a rule. Discipline can be a substitute term for a law


Ibid., p.5 60

Op.Cit., p.17


or instrument of punishment where it can done to yourself or to


c. Professional is a person who has a profession or work that is carried

out with high ability and holds fast to moral values that guide and

underlie actions. Or the definition of a professional is a person who

lives by practicing a particular skill or expertise involved in an

activity according to his expertise. So it can be concluded that

professionals who run professions in accordance with their expertise.

d. Innovative is creating something that has never existed or creating

something completely different.61

e. Productive is an attitude to work that produces things that are

beneficial to yourself and others. Productive means not being

unemployed and not stopping in business. Because a lot of work on

earth can be done and a lot of benefits provided it is done

wholeheartedly and sincerely.62

Rasullulah SAW said "The best of

someone is one who benefits other people". (HR. Ahmad)

Thus, from three dimensions above, there are fourteen

islamic values that the teachers can use in teaching integrated Islamic



Ibid., p.17 62



D. Islam Related to the world

Religion is a rule, teachings, guidelines or system that regulates the faith,

beliefs and beliefs of humans, while Islam is a celestial religion which was sent

down by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW peace be upon him who

was an apostle of the messenger of Allah SWT and Allah made Islam a religion

which is rahmatan lil alamin (a blessing for all nature). Allah SWT said in the

Al-Qur’an :

حمة للعالمين وما أرسلناك إلا ر

“We don’t has sent you (Muhammad), except as a Rahmat to Universe”(Q.S Al-

Anbiya : 107).63

Islam as rahmatan lil alamin explained everyhing in the world. Allah SWT said

in the Al-Qur’an :

ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إنا أكرمكم نن يا أيها النااس إناا خلقناكم من

نليم خبير أتقاكم إنا لا لا

“We created you from a man and a woman and made you nation and tribe so

that you knew each other. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the

most pious among you. Truly Allah is mighty know.”(Al-Hujurat : 13)64

Based on the verse of Al-Qur’an above, Allah SWT commanded humans to

communicate with each other by communication between nations with different

languages. This verse is a suggestion for every human, especially Muslims to

learn the language of unifying the nation, one of which is English. So, in the


Departemen RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemah, (Bandung, CV Penerbit Diponegoro: 2010) p. 331 64

Ibid., p. 517


verse of Al-Qur’an above, indirectly Allah SWT encourages us to learn the

language of other nations, especially English as International language. On the

others, based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003, Article II

Paragraph 3, the purpose of national education is to develop the potential of

students to become human beings who have a balance between the mastery of

science and technology with appreciation of the values of faith and devotion for

God Almighty.65

Thus, the teaching-learning process in Indonesia must be

integrated with the values of faith and devotion (IMTAQ).

1. Islamization In Teaching English

Affective teaching is fundamental in educational process. It aims at

developing excellent moral output. For Muslims, values of Islam cover

all aspects of life. Therefore, Islamic education is necessary to integrate

into all instructional contents so students can fully develop their attitude

accordingly. English is a necessary subject, but on the other hand, it also

teaches the idea of secularity which exist in English culture. Integrating

Islamic values can be done through additional exercises that reflect

Islamic values in the topic being taught, insert Islamic names of people,

enclose relevant Al-Qur’an and Hadith, and mix some Islamic

expressions related to the given topic.66


Republik Indonesia, Undang-Undang Dasar no.20, tahun 2003 66

R Amelia, “Merancang Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pendekatan Islami”, (An-Nida

’37, no. 1 , 2012) p. 8-14


According to Mohammad Natsir, the importance of religious and

non-religious education must not be separated because between religion

and a foreign language, there is a unity that is needed in life. Studying the

religion of Islam in the world of education that no one has helped with

Islam will ask Muslims from their glory both in the world and in the

hereafter. Teaching of foreign languages referred here is teaching of the

English language while still using rules in Islam.67

Good learning in English is authentic, which is teaching as the

language is actually used in everyday life by its speakers. For example,

from daily reading, daily conversation, writing they make, and so on.

Therefore, the values held by the people. Speakers will be integrated in

their reading, conversation and writing. Speaking a language without

using the cultural values of that language will have an odd effect.

Over time, language will be used in conjunction with cultural values

inherent in the language, especially if it is considered there is nothing

wrong with these cultural values. But, English is an important

international language to master which is representative of Western

societies who practice secular cultural values in various examples that

contradict Islamic beliefs. For example, the most extreme is the way they

see God and religion.


Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau, “Jurnal Pemikiran Islam”, (Vol. 37,

No. 1 Januari-Juni 2012), p.13


The characteristics of Western society put logic above everything.

So, everything must be measured with reason. Because the existence of

God was not reached by the five human senses, they made their own rules

about divinity and religion with their intellect. The idea that all religions

are essentially the same is teaching the value of goodness to their

adherents so that there is no need to contrast religion at first glance, it

seems reasonable and correct. In reality, it is also Western societies that

have succeeded in transmitting to the wider world the understanding that

individuals may not embrace any religion (agnostic), or completely reject

the presence of God (atheists) even though they say they are hostile to

communists. This belief has influenced many thought groups of people

outside the West, including Muslim communities. Values that exist in

Western society look good and noble, but it is worth remembering, they

are in fact a group that does not get a clue. It is very dangerous if students

assume that secular moral values, which are learned through English

learning media or entertainment media, are of equal or better value to

them than the values taught by Allah SWT to Muslims.68

Thus, Islamic

Education through learning English becomes a means for students,

teachers, curriculum designers and textbooks to continue to be creative

and learn about Islam. So, it can disseminate Islamic values contextually

because there are many opportunities to compare with Western values.


Ibid., p.12


English reading material is mostly written or adapted from native speaker

writers. It is better if the teacher designs a reading that further reinforces

the Islamic faith, without reducing the quality of learning.


Integrated Islamic Schools Network modifies and develops the curriculum

in order to achieve the main objectives of the establishment of schools which

include: Make students with Islamic personalities, have a strong faith and

intelligent. All subjects are integrated with the moral values of the Al-Qur'an and

Hadith with modern sciences. This is a very important tool in order to balance

students both in terms of scientific mastery modern as well as religious morals so

that all student life is solely only to serve God.

There are five principles that character Integrated Islamic School

curriculum; education and learning based Islam in all aspects of school activities,

competency-based learning, Mastery of the Qur'an, mastery of Arabic and

English so that able to compete in global life, actualization of abilities and talents

of student.69

In other words, the curriculum of the Integrated Islamic School

aims not only develop knowledge and equip them with vocational skills but more

important for them is to instill values of religious morals and strengthen his

belief in Islam so they are committed to preaching. This is what is claimed to be

a manifestation from the word "integrated" in the school system, which is


Hasan al-Banna, Risalah Pergerakan Ikhwanul Muslimin Jilid 2, terj. Anis Matta, dkk, (Solo:

Era Intermedia, 2012), P. 183


believed to be the foundation to shape Muslim leadership.70

So, in teaching

english at JSIT, teachers should implement Islamic rules, especially at SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah.

F. Review of the Related Findings

There are some findings related to this research, especially about role of

Islamic in Teaching inclusion that have been investigated by the researcher, they


The firrst is the research done by Khusnul Hasrul, entitled “Incorporating

Religious Values in English Learning Materials at Pesantren Ali Maksun Krapyak


Based on the research, there are religious values that could be

implemented in teaching English materials that appropiate implemented to the

students at Islamic boarding school. Teaching English by Implementing Islamic

materials could show students motivation and help students to get contextual


The second one is done by Elmy in her research entitled “The Character

Education Found of Islam in English Text Book of Tenth Grade”. In this research,

the reseacher use qualitative approach by document analysis by textbook. The

reseacher found the verse Al-Qur’an and Hadith in the textbook of teaching

70 Suyatno, Sekolah Islam Terpadu Filsafat, Ideologi, dan Tren Baru Pendidikan Islam di

Indonesia, Jurnal Pendidikan Islam : Volume II, No.2, Desember 2013 71

Khusnul Hasrul, Incorporating Religious Values in English Learning Materials at Pesantren

Ali Maksun Krapyak Yogyakarta, (Yogyakarta : Sanata Dharma University, 2018)


English to tenth grade. This textbook provided curriculum 2013. In the result, the

reseacher found eleven islamic educations based on the textbook.

The third one is a research conducted by Nur Khamdan in Islamic Junior

High School Al Azhar 15 Cilacap entitled “Merancang Pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris Berbasis Pendekatan Islami” or “Integration of Teaching English by

implemented Islamic Values”.72

It was found that the integration of Islamic values

was carried out in the Learning Plan, Learning Materials and Learning Activities.

In the learning material section, integration is done by attaching verses from the

Qur'an or hadith that are relevant to the topic or material. Meanwhile, in the

learning activities section, integration is done by making a list of activities that

reflect Islamic values to be carried out during the teaching and learning process.

Based on the related findings above, the research focused on Islamic rules

that the teachers implemented in teaching English subject, kinds of Islamic values

that the students get after join to English class and also how do the teachers

implement rules and values of Islam to the students. Certainly, the teachers have

different ways when they teach the students that have basic on Integrated Islamic

School. So, this research was totally different with the others that conducted

Islamic in the research.


Nur Khamdan, Merancang Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pendekatan Islami,

(Cilacap : UIN SUSKA, 2012 )




A. Kind of Research

This research used qualitative case study. Hancock has stated that, “Qualitative

research is concerned with developing explanation of social phenomenon”.73


study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contempory

phenomenon within its real life context, when the boundaries between phenomenon

and context are not clearly evident and which multiple source of evidence are used. In

other words, case study is a case that also can be some events or entities other than a

single individual and have been done about decisions, programs, problem, the

implementation process, and organizational process. This research focuses on role of

Islamic rules that the teachers used in teaching English.

Creswell states case study is a qualitative research approach in which the

investigator explore a bounded system (a case) or multiple bounded system (cases)

over times through detailed, indepth data collection involving multiple source

information and responts a case description and case based themes.74

So, case study

is a problem to be studied, which can reveal an indepth understanding of a case or

bounded system, which involves understanding event, activity, process or one or

more individuals. So, this research used qualitative case study. The writer used this


Beverly Hancock, Trend Focus for Research and Developing in Primary Health Care: An

introduction to Qualitative Research, (University of Nottingham : Trend Focus Group,.1998), P 2. 74

John W. Creaswell, Research Design (California : SAGE Publications, 2014) p.43


method to know how the role of Islamic rules that the teachers used in teaching


B. Subject, Sample and Informant of the Research

1. Subject and Sample

Subject is an individual who participates in a research study or is someone

from whom data are collected. The term subject may also identify individuals

whose behaviors, past or presents, is use as data, without their involment in some

type of treatment. It means that subject is a person from whom data are collected.

Sample is the group of elements, or single elements, from which data are obtained.

It means that group of subjects from whom data are collected. As the theory from

Gay “sampling is a process of selecting a number of individuals representing the

larger group which they were selected.”75

It means that group of subjects from data

are collected.

In this research, the researcher chose English teachers at SMP IT Khoiru

Ummah as a subject and sample. The researcher chose this school with the criteria;

the school is an integrated Islamic Junior High School that joined JSIT. Regarding

this, the writer used purposive sampling. In this type of sampling, items for the

sample are selected deliberately by the researcher; the choice concerning the items


Gay, L.R. 1987, Educational Research, Competencies for analysis and application. Third

Edition, Columbus : Merril Publishing, p.2


remains supreme. So, in this purposive random sampling, researcher can choose

the sample depend on their determined criteria.

2. Informant

Informant in qualitative research is the person who understands Information

about the object of research or the research. The selected informant must have

criteria that the information obtained is useful for research which is conducted.

According to Spradley, informants must have several criteria that must be


they are:

a. Informant which is intensively integrated with an activity or terrain activities

that are the target or attention of researchers and this is usually marked by the

ability to provide information about the head something asked.

b. Informant still fully attached and active in the environment and research


c. Informant has enough time and opportunity to be asked for information.

d. Informant which in providing information does not tend to be processed or

prepackaged and they are still relatively innocent in giving information.

In this resarch, the reseachers choosen the informant based on the criteria

above. The informant of this research was a lecturer that has competence

about Al-Qur’an and Hadith. She is Rafia Archanita, a lecturer of Al-Qur’an

and Hadith in IAIN Curu that provide information about Al-Qur’an and


Spradley,informant in the research,(Moleong, 2004), p. 165


Hadith, and she has enough time to be asked information about Al-Qur’an and

Hadith in teaching related to the research.

C. Technique for Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the researcher used interview and observation as the

instrument in collecting data.

1. Interview

In qualitative interview, the researcher conducts face-to-face interviews

with participants, telephone interviews or engages in focus group interviews with

six to eight interviewees in each group.77

Interview is a question-answer activity

between one person and another person. Interview is a purposeful interaction

usually between two people, focused on one person trying to get information from

the other person. Interview permits the researcher obtains data and compares it

with the data from observation.

Interview has purposes to know about opinion, feeling, emotion and the

other things which is related to a person a group. It means that interview helps the

researcher to know what the research subject thinks about the research. The

research can be done by interviewing the teachers about what are Islamic rules that

they use as the material of teaching English and what are the Islamic values that

the teachers expected after finish the lesson. It can be done by using the guidelines

of interview and also using tape recorder for taken the result interview.


John W. Creswell, p. 140


2. Observation

Observation is done by observing directly theresearch sample behavior

and its interaction in research setting.78

It means that the researcher is involved

directly in researcher uses Passive Participation Observation. Susan Stainback in

Sugiyono’s book argued that “Passive Participation means the research is present

at scene of action but does not interact or participate”.79

It means that the

researcher observed the teacher’s activity, but did not participate in the teacher’s


This technique is to investigate the ways of the teachers in implement

Islamic Rules and Islamic values in teaching English. Besides that, it is to make

sure that the teacher’s implement Islamic rules and Islamic values in teaching

English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah based on the data from interview. This

research used field note as intrument.

D. Research Instrument

1. Interview guideline

The interview guideline is a list of question in interview to get

information about how teachers implement Islamic rules in the material. The

interview question is in open and semi structure interview. So the teachers gave

free answer that has relation with in interview guidance. A semi structure


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan R&D).

(Bandung : Alfabeta, 2015), p. 184 79

Ibid., p. 183


interview is flexible, allowing new questions to be brought up during the interview

as a result of what the interviewer says.80

The interviewer in a semi structured interview generally has a framework

of themes to be explored. The researcher chose this interview because the

researcher needed more information about this research. Before the researcher did

interview, the researcher must make a question around this research in the paper.

After that, the researcher interviewed the teacher. When the researcher needed

more information, the researcher made a new question around this research.

Table 3.1

Blueprint of Semi Structured Interview

No Rules Indicators Sub Indicator Questions

1 Al-


1. Aqidah a. Belief in

Allah SWT

b. Belief in


c. Belief in

Holy Al-


d. Belief in




e. Belief on

the day of


f. Confidence

in Qada and


1. Do you implement

rules of Aqidah that

has main objectives

on faith of pillars in

Islam ?

2. What are the rules

that you implement of

Aqidah that has main

objectives on faith of

pillars in Islam ?

3. What are the values

that you derived to

students by

implement rules of

Aqidah that has main

objectives on faith of

pillas in Islam ?


Ibid., p.233


4. How do you

implement rules of

Aqidah that has main

objectives on faith of

pillars in Islam ?

2. Akhlak


a. Morals


Allah SWT

b. Morals




c. Personal


d. Morals in


e. Morals in


f. National


5. Do you implement

Rules of Morals ?

6. What are kinds of

rules that you

implement related to

Morals ?

7. What are the Islamic

values that you

derived to your

students by related

English teaching topic

to Morals ?

8. How do you

implement rules of

Morals in teaching

English ?

3. Syari’ah a. Shahadah

b. Prayer

c. Performing


d. Fasting

e. Hajj

9. Do you implement

Syariah’s rules about

workship in teaching

English ?

10. What are kinds of

workship that you

ever or often

implemented in

teaching English ?

11. What are the Islamic

values that you

derived to your

student by related the

topic of teaching

English to Workship

in Islam ?

12. How do you

implement islamic

rules about Workship

in teaching English ?


2 Hadith


1. Sunnah

Qauliyah Everything

related to

Prophet’s ever


13. Do you related your

topic in English

teaching to Sunnah

Qauliyah ?

14. How do you related in

your English teaching

to Sunnah Qauliyah?

15. What are the Islamic

Values that you

derived to your

student by implement

Sunnah Qauliyah ?

2. Sunnah

Fi’liyah Everything

related to

Prophet’s ever


16. Do you related your

topic in English

teaching to Sunnah

Fi’liyah ?

17. How do you related in

your English teaching

to Sunnah Fi’liyah ?

18. What are the Islamic

Values that you

derived to your

student by implement

Sunnah Fi’liyah ?

3. Sunnah

Takririyah Everything

related to



ever did

19. Do you related your

topic in English

teaching to Sunnah

Takririyah ?

20. How do you related in

your English teaching

to Sunnah

Takririyah ?

21. What are the Islamic

Values that you

derived to your

student by implement

SunnahTakririyah ?


2. Field Notes

Field notes are observer’s notes about what was the researcher seen,

heard, experienced, and thought during the observation. They contain descriptive

and reflective aspect. In this study, field notes were used when the researcher

conducted pre-observations and observation. It can be provide data for the third

research question.81

The researchers use field notes during observations. The

format of field note consists of teachers and students activities while learning

process is mainly on indicators for teachers implementing Islamic rules and

Islamic values theories.

Table 3.2

Blueprint of Field Notes based on Islamic Rules

No Rules Indicator Sub indicator Field notes

1 Al-Qur’an 1. Aqidah a. Belief in god

b. Belief in Malaikat

c. Belief in Al-Qu’an

d. Belief in Prophet

e. Belief on the days of


f. Confidence in qada

and qadar

2. Akhlak


a. Morals towards Allah


b. Morals towards

Rasullulah SAW

c. Personal morals

d. Morals in family

e. Morals in society

f. National morals


Taylor and Bogdan, Field Notes: How to Take Them, Code Them, Manage Them. P. 389


3. Syari’ah a. syahadah,prayer,perfor

ming zakat, fasting in

the month of

ramadhan, hajj

b. marital relation

(munakahat), division

of inheritance

(mawaris), economy

(muamalah), criminal

(jinayah), politic


international relation

(siyar), justice


2 Hadith


1. Sunnah


2. Sunnah


3. Sunnah


Table 3.3

Blueprint of Field Notes based on Islamic Values

No Indicator Sub indicator Field notes

1 Spiritual dimension a. Taqwa

b. Tawakal

c. Gratitude

2 Cultural dimension a. Honesty

b. Independent

c. Responsibility

d. Social

e. Brotherhood

3 Intelligence


a. Dicipline

b. Creative

c. Innovative

d. Productive

e. Profesional


f. Workethic

3. Recorder

When we do interview in our research we need some tool record such as

sound recorder by mobile phone our documentation. To get the best data, you

might be used recorder. Furthermore, it is specially needed if the interview is

doing long time and intensive. The researcher used sound recorder to record the

interview process. So, the researcher used sound recorder by mobile phone to get

more data and information to be accurate and make the researcher can be easier in

collecting and analyzing data.

4. Document analysis

The reseacher used document analysis to the observation for make sure the

teacher implement the Islamic rules in teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru

Ummah. The most commonly sample of the teachers implement Islamic rules

based on lesson plan. Sukmadinata described documentation as “a technique to

collect the data by assembling and analyzing the documents, either written

documents, pictures, or electronic ones.”82

E. Technique for Analysis Data

After the data were collected from the techniques for collecting data including

interview, field notes for observation and document analysis, the researcher continued


Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,

2007), 221.


to analyze the data. According L.R Gay and Peter Airasian about Education

Research, there are some steps in analyzing the data.83

They are as follows:

1. Data Managing

This step can be used to organize the data from interview and

observation. The researcher divided the data based on the research question. The

purpose of managing the first is to organize the data and check it for completeness.

The second is to start the researcher on the process of analyzing and interpreting

the data.

2. Reading

After managing the data, the researcher read the data from observation by

using field notes and interview by using the result of interview. The researcher

read all the data to get general description about the data that have been got, so the

researcher could know how to arrange those well.

3. Data Classifying

Classifying data is done after reading the data of interview and observation

about Islamic rules and Islamic values in teaching English. In this research, the

researcher started to classify each of data into several categories based on research


4. Description

After classifying the data, the researcher started to describe the data.

Description was based on the interview and observation which provided the true


L.R Gay and Peter Airasian, Education Research, (USA : Clarinda Company, 2000), p. 224


picture of the settings and events that took place in it. So, the researcher and the

reader had an understanding of the context in which the study took place. This

research wanted to determine what rules that the teachers implemented in teaching

English, what islamic values that teachers derived to students by teaching English,

and how the implementation of rules and values in teaching English.

5. Interpreting

Data interpreting continues after the data collection, analysis and

interpretive stage of a study. Interpreting is also a part of process of writing the

result of study. Interpreting is the reflective, integrative and explanatory aspects of

dealing with studies data.




In this chapter, the researcher presented the findings from the observation and

interview. The aim of this research were to investigate the Islamic rules that the teachers

implemented in the English teaching process, the values that derived the teachers by

implemented Islamic rules, and also how the teachers implemented rules and values in

the English teaching process. In colleting the data, the researcher used interview

guideline for interview and field note for observation. For make sure the teachers

implemented the Islamic rules in the English teaching process, besides using interview,

the reseacher used document analysis. This chapter consists of research finding and

discussion that are combined into one discussion.

A. Finding and Discussion

In this part, the researcher presented the finding of how the teachers

implement Islamic rules in teaching English, the values derived by the students in

the teaching English, and also how the teachers implemented of Islamic rules and

values in the teaching English. In collecting the data, the researcher used interview

guideline for interview and field note for observation. Then, it answered research

questions in this research. The research question was answered by interview

guidline and document analysis for make sure the answered of the teachers. The


second question was answered by Interview, and the third question was answered by

field note observation.

Teachers implemented some Islamic rules in teaching English that has the

Islamic values in the contexs. Teachers did the implememtation of Islamic rules in

English teaching which was related to the topic of teaching. As the table below :

Table 4.1

Findings of Teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah

No Rules Values Implementation

1. Salam

الاذين يؤمنون بآياتنا فقل سلم وإذا جاءك

حمة أناه من نليكم كتب ربكم نلى نفسه الرا

نمل منكم سوءا بجهالة ثما تاب من بع ه

وأصلح فأناه غفور رحيم

“If those who believe in Our

verses come to you, thensay:

"Salaamunalaikum.Your Lord

hasdetermined uponHimself

affection,that whoever commits

evil among you becauseof

ignorance, then he repentsafter

working on it and doing so make

repairs, then surely Allah is

Forgiving, Most Merciful". (Q.S

Al-An'am : 54)

1. Taqwa

2. Tawakal

3. Social

4. Brother-hood

- Teachers opened

the class by says




- Teachers said

salam to end the


2 Gratitude

بع والرض ومن ماوات السا تسب ح له السا

1. Gratitude

2. Taqwa

3. Tawakal

- Teachers closed

the meeting by

says Alhamdullilah

- Teachers guided

students to says


كن ل فيهنا وإن من شيء إلا يسب ح بحم ه ول

تفقهون تسبيحهم إناه كان حليما غفورا

“The seven heavens, the earth

and all that is in it glorify Allah.

And there is nothing but

glorifying by praising Him, but

you all do not understand their

prayer beads. Verily, He is Most

Gracious, Most Forgiving”. (Q.S

Al-Isra : 44)



3 Respect others

نن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول اللاهحق

: إذا لقيتــه فسل م المسلم نلى المسلم ست

نليه، وإذا دناكأجبه، وإذا استنصحك

ته، و إذا فسم فانصحه، وإذا نطس فحم لا

مرض فع ه، وإذا مات فاتـبعه

“There are six rights of a Muslim

towards fellow Muslims, namely:

if you meet him then say hello, if

he invites you then fulfill his

invitation, if he asks you for

advice then give him advice, if he

sneezes and says: 'Alhamdulillah'

then pray ' he is with

Yarhamukallah (meaning =

hopefully God gives mercy to

you), if he is sick then visit him

and if he dies then accompany his

body".(HR. Muslim, no. 2162).

1. Social

2. Brotherhood

3. Taqwa

4. Tawakal

- Teacher gave the

topic about

Greeting to the

first grade

- Teacher gave

related Hadith

about Greeting to


- The teacher asked

the students to

practice in front of

the class about the

material greeting,

how to say hello /

hy, and greeting by


to the Muslims.

4 Respect others

1. Social

2. Brother hood

3. Taqwa

4. Tawakal

- Teacher gave the

topic about asking

some one age’s for

the first grade


ولتج ناهم أحرص النااس نلى حياة ومن

ر ألف سنة الاذين أشركوا يود أح هم لو يعما

ر ولا وما هو بمزحزحه من العذاب أن يعما

بصير بما يعملون

“And really you will find them,

the humans who are most willing

to live (in the world), even (even

more) from the polytheists. Each

of them wants to be given a

thousand years of age, even

though long life will never keep

him away from torture. Allah

knows best what they do.” (Q.S

Al-Baqarah : 96)

5. Innovative

6. Productive

7. Creative

8. Gratitude

- Teacher gave the

Hadith that related

to the topic of

some one age’s

- Teacher guided the

students try to ask

a friend age

- Teacher explained

to students to use

time wisely in the

life, beacuse we

can not ask to

Allah SWT to give

the time back.

5 Respect others

لك فليتنافس المتنافسونختامه مسك وفي ذ

The shell is musk; and for such it

should be contested. (Q.S Al-

Muthaffifin : 24)

1. Social

2. Independent

3. Productive

4. Creative

5. Innovative

6. Tawakal

7. Taqwa

- Teacher gave the

topic about asking

for attention for

the second grade

- Teacher gave the

instruction to all of

students in the

class, one of them

read the holly Al-

Qur’an in front of

class. After this the

teacher explained

about the meaning

of verse Al-Qur’an

and gave the

relation based on

the topic of english


6 Appreciating others

كن الاذين اتاقوا رباهم لهم جناات تجري من ل

1. Social

2. Brother Hood

3. Productive

4. Creative

5. Innovative

6. Taqwa

7. Tawakal

- Teacher gave the

topic about

Appreciating for

the second grade

- Teacher gave

related verse on

Al-Qur’an to the


تحتها النهار خال ين فيها نزل من نن لا

خير للبرار وما نن لا

“But those who fear their Lord,

for them heaven is flowing rivers

in it, while they are eternal in it

as a place to live (grace) from the

side of God. And what is with

Allah is better for devoted

people”. (Q.S Al-Imran : 198)

topic of teaching

- In the end of

teaching before

close the class

teacher gave one

example of verse

Al-Qur’an that

related to material

at that day, teacher

asked one of the

student to read and

one student more

to give relation

with the material.

After that the

teacher gave more

explanation or give

additional answer

from the student


7 Respect and appreciating others

وما اختلفتم فيه من شيء فحكمه إلى لا

رب ي نليه توكالت وإليه أنيب لكم لا ذ

“Regardless of what you are

disputing, the decision is up to

Allah. (Which has these qualities)

is the God of my Lord. I put my

trust in Him and return to Him”.

(Q.S Asy-Syuura : 10)

1. Social

2. Brotherhood

3. Independent

4. Honesty

5. Productive

6. Creative

7. Innovative

8. Tawakal

9. Taqwa

- Teacher gave the

topic about giving

and appreciating

opinionas the topic

of third grade

- Teacher related the

topic of giving and


someone’s on the

verse of Al-Qur’an

- Teacher gave the

instruction to all of

students in the

class, one of them

read the holly Al-

Qur’an in front of

class. After this the

teacher explained

about the meaning

of verse Al-Qur’an

and give the

relation based on

the topic of english


8 Respect others 1. Social

2. Independent

- Teacher gave the

topic about


ة أخرجت للنااس تأمرون كنتم خير أما

بالمعروف وتنهون نن المنكر وتؤمنون

ولو آمن أهل الكتاب لكان خيرا لهم باللا

منهم المؤمنون وأكثرهم الفاسقون

“You are the best people who are

born for humans, command the

forgiving, and prevent from evil,

and believe in Allah. If the People

of the Book of faith, surely it is

better for them, among them

there are believers, and most of

them are people who are

wicked”. (Q.S Al-Imran : 110)

3. Productive

4. Creative

5. Innovative

6. Taqwa

7. Tawakal

Annoucement as

the topic for third


- Teacher gave

related topic


annoucement to

verse Al-Qur’an

- Teacher gave the

rules to students

how to give the

announcement in

the good way to

others depends

on Al-Qur’an.

From the table above, the researcher found the answers of the questions about

Islamic rules that the teachers use based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith are rules about

Salam, gratitude, respect others person and appreciating the others. From the

Islamic rules that the researcher found on the interview and observation, the

researcher also found the Islamic values that the teachers derived to the students in

teaching English. They are Taqwa, Tawakal, gratitude, brotherhood, social,

productive, innovative, creative, and honesty. The teachers used Islamic rules and

Islamic values in teaching English by giving the relationship to the topic of teaching

English that has Islamic rules that conducted many Islamic values. Additionally,


teachers used Islamic rules in teaching English in the beginning and before close the


1. The Islamic rules that the teachers implemented in teaching English

Based on the findings in this school, the researcher did interview and

observation for make sure that the teachers implemented Islamic rules in

teaching English based on JSIT curriculum on July – Agustus 2019.

Additionally, the researcher use document analysis based on lesson plan to the

English teachers. From the table above, teachers used some Islamic rules that

are related to the topic in teaching English. The teachers implemented Islamic

rules based on the theory. But, not all of Islamic rules based on the theory are

implemented by teachers.

According to Nizar and Rasyidin in his book entitled “Dimensi

Pendidikan Islam”, the main sources of life are Al-Qur’an and Hadith that have

the own rules and main objectives.84

The main objectives of Al-Qur’an are

Aqidah, Akhlak and Syari’ah. The main objectives or kinds of Hadith are

Sunnah Fi’liyah, Sunnah Qauliyah, and Sunnah Takririyah. However, based on

interview and observation, the teachers did not implement all the basic of Al-

Qur’an and Hadith. Based on interview and observation, the teachers just

implemented Aqidah and Akhlak based on Al-Qur’an. Aqidah and Akhlak also

have main objectives to be implemented. The main objectives of Aqidah are


Fatah Yasin, Dimensi Pendidikan Islam, (UIN-MALANG PRESS,2008) p. 36


belief in God, Belief in Malaikat, belief in Holy Al-Qur’an, belief on Prophet

Muhammad SAW, belief on the days of judgement, and the last confidence in

Qada and Qadar. In fact, teachers just gave the point of belief in God and

Belief in Prophet Muhammad SAW in teaching English. It means that teachers

just implemented two points of six pillars on Faith of Islam.

The second main objectives of Al-Qur’an are Akhlak (Moral). The points

of Moral are Morals towards Allah SWT, Morals towards Rasullulah SAW,

Personal Morals, Morals in Family, Morals in Society, and the last is National

Morals. Based on interview, teachers just implement Morals to Allah SWT, and

personal Morals. But, the teachers related about personal Morals to Moral in

society and Moral in Family. The interview and observation above implies that

teachers didn’t use Moral to Rasulullah SAW and National Morals. Thus,

teachers just implemented four Morals from six Moral that based on theory.

The third main objectives of Al-Qur’an are Syari’ah. The main objectives

of Syari’ah are Workship and Muamalah. There are parts of Workship:

Shahadah, Prayer, Performing Zakat, Fasting in the month of Ramadhan, and

Hajj. The parts of Mu’amalah are Marital Relation (Munakahat), division of

inheritance (Mawaris), economy (Muamalah), Criminal (Jinayah), Politics

(Khilafah), International relation (Siyar), Justice (Murafa’at). Based on the

interview and observation, English teachers at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah never

related all of main objectives of Syari’ah with the English material of teaching.


The second main source beside Al-Qur’an is Hadith (Sunnah) . Based on

interview and observation At SMP IT Khoiru Ummah, teachers implemented

two kinds of Hadith related to English teaching. Based on the theory, there are

three kinds or three main objectives of Hadith or Sunnah. There are Sunnah

Qauliyah, Sunah Fi’liyah and Sunnah Takririyah. Based on theory, Sunnah

Qauliyah is everything related to what the Prophet Muhammad SAW ever

been said. Sunnah Fi’liyah is everything related to what the Prophet Muhhamad

ever been did. The last Sunnah Takririyahis everyhing related to what Prophet’

Companions ever been did. Based on the interview, SMP IT Khoiru Ummah

just implemented Sunnah Qauliyah and Sunnah Fi’liyah in teaching English. it

means that the teachers never used Sunnah Takririyah in teaching English.

Based on the interview and observation to the English teachers in English

class at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah Curup, the researcher found rules about Salam.

Salam conducted Islamic rules about Moral to Allah SWT, Moral in society,

and Aqidah that related to the verse of Al-qur’an Q.S Al-An’am : 54. The

second Islamic rule is gratitude. Gratitude conducted Islamic rules about Morals

to Allah SWT and Aqidah to Allah SWT. The next Islamic rule is respecting

others that conducted Islamic rules about Sunnah Qauliyah because the teachers

related rules about respect others to a Hadith by Muslim. Besides, it also

conducted to Moral in society, moral and family and also personal moral. The

last Islamic rules that the teachers gave to students is appreciating others.


Appreciating others conducted Islamic rules about Morals in society, Aqidah to

Allah SWT that related to the Q.S Al- Imran : 198.

2. Islamic values that the teachers derived to students in teaching English

Based on the findings in this school, the reseacher did interview to get the

informations about Islamic values in teaching English that related to Al-Qur’an

and Hadith which teachers derived to students. To make sure the data from

interview, the researcher used observation to investigate the Islamic values that

teachers derived to students in teaching English based on the material and

topic of teaching English. From the interview, the reseacher found the Islamic

values that related to the theory.

According to Mohammad Mustari in his book entitled “Nilai Karakter

Refleksi untuk Pendidikan.”85

, There are three dimensions of Islamic values.

The first dimension is Spiritual. In Spiritual dimension, there are Taqwa,

Tawakal, and Gratitude. Taqwa explained about obeying and avoiding depends

on the rules of Islam. Tawakal explained about belief in Allah SWT. The last is

Gratitude. It explained about blessing to Allah SWT for which Allah SWT has

given to us. Based on interview and observation, in teaching English at SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah, the teachers implemented all of these values. Teachers often

used these values by related with the material or topic in teaching English.

Teachers always related Islamic values with the topic of teaching in the end of


Mustari, Nilai Karakter...p.11


teaching process. For additional, teachers implemented rules for

Assalamu’alaikum for open the English teaching and lafadz Alhamdullilah for

close the English teaching. For Assalamu’alaikum there was Islamic values

such as Taqwa, Tawakal, Social, and Brotherhood. For lafadz Alhamdullilah

there was Islamic values such as Taqwa and Tawakal.

The second main objective of Islamic values is cultural dimension. Based

on theory on journal entitled “Incorporating Religious Values in Teaching

English Learning Material”, the points of cultural dimension are honesty,

independent personality, strongly, sesponsibility, social values, and


Honesty is a value that does not need complicated explanations

or definitions. In teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah, teachers

implemented this values, such as in the topic of “Giving Opinion”. Then,

independent personality is attitude and behavior that is not always depends on

others. In teaching English at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah, the teachers

implemented this values by the material in the teaching English that related to

the Hadith or verse on Al-Qur’an. Next, strongly is never gives up in facing

dificullities. Based on interview and observation, in teaching English teachers

did not implement Strongly values. So, they did not relate English topic

material with strongly value based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith. Then,

Responsibility is attidute of person to carry out they dutties and obligations as

they should. In teaching English, the teachers derived the students to get this


Hasrul,Incorporating Religious...p.32


values by relating teaching material to a hadith or Al-Qur’an that explain about

the obligation a Muslims in life in doing something. The next point of main

objectives of cultural dimension is social value. Social value is values hold by

society, regarding what is considered good and what is considered bad.

Teachers devired students to get the social values by teaching English that

related to verse of Al-Qur’an and Hadith. For example in topic of greeting the

teachers give H.R Muslim that explain about the obligation of moslems to say

hy or Assalamu’alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh for Muslims people. The

last Islamic value in cultural dimension is brotherhood. Brotherhood is called

by Ukhuwah Islamiyahis basically that human beings do not easily demean

other group. For example in teaching English is on the topic of “Appreciating”.

In this material teachers give the rules of Al-Qur’an verse Al-Baqarah : 198 that

expain for those who always do good things and praised in their life. So, the

teachers gave the relation to Brotherhood values.

The third main objectives of Islamic value is Intelligence dimension. In

intelligece dimension there are Creative value, Dicipline value, Professional

value, Innovative value, and Productive value. Creative value is a skill in

human life possesed by every human being, and from one individual to another

it is different. In teaching English teachers related the topic of material to

creative values based on Al-Qur’an. For example in the topic of “Someone’s

Age”, in this topic teaachers give the rules of Al-Qur’an on Al-Baqarah : 96

that explain about something useful that we should do everyday. By


implementing this verse of Al-Qur’an, the teachers derived the students could

think about something good that they should do in daily life. It is called creative

value. The second value is dicipline. Dicipline is efforts to instill value that has

the obey to follow the rule. Based on interview, the teachers never implemented

value of dicipline in teaching English althought based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith

or not. The third Islamic values of Intelligence dimension is professional. In

teaching English, the teachers never implemented rules of Al-Qur’an and

Hadith about Professional based on teaching topic material. Next, innovative is

creating something that has never existed or completely something different. In

teaching English, at this islamic value, teachers related the topic of material to

Al-Qur’an. Based on interview, the reseacher got the information about the

topic “Asking for Attention”. In this topic material, teachers used Q.S Al-

Muthaffifin : 26 that explains about the orders of Allah SWT for people to do

something good. The last Islamic value in Intelligence dimension is

Productive. Productive is an attitude to work that produces things that are

beneficial to people. In English teaching, the teachers implemented productive

value that related to the topic of teaching that based on Al-Qur’an. The teachers

used the topic about “Giving and Appreciating Opinion” and also the teachers

used the value by this rule in Q.S Asy-Syuura : 10 that explain about

appreciate someone and Allah SWT is the best decider.


Based on interview and observation, the conclusion of teaching English at

SMP IT Khoiru Ummah, there are ten Islamic values taught from fourteen

Islamic values based on the theory. Islamic values that the teachers derived to

the students there are taqwa, tawakal, gratitute that related to Allah SWT as a

God, social, brotherhood, innovative, productive, cerative, independent,

honesty that related to humans life.

3. The Implementation of Islamic rules and Islamic values in the teaching


Table 4.2

Implementation of Islamic Rules and Islamic Values in Teaching English

at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah

No Implementation Rules Findings

1 Islamic Rules a. Aqidah - In teaching English teachers for first grade, second grade and

third grade often implemented

the rules of Aqidah that related

to Belief in God

- Sometimes, teachers implemented the rules about

belief to Prophet Muhammad


- Both of English teachers did not implement Aqidah’s rules about

Malaikat, Holy Al-Qur’an, and

also confidence in Qada and

Qadar like main objectives of

Aqidah said before.

b. Akhlak

(Morals) - In teaching English both of

teachers sometimes

implemented Moral forwards


Allah SWT, and personal Moral

to have good relation to Moral

in Family and Moral and


- In teaching English both of the

teachers sometimes

implemented rules forwards

Rasullulah SAW

- In teaching English both of teachers didn’t implement

National rules

c. Syari’ah - In teaching English both of the teachers didn’t implement all of

rules in Syari’ah

2 Islamic Values a. Sunnah

Fi’liyah - In teaching, English teacher

who taught at first grade and

second grade rarely

implemented SunnahFi’liyah

- In teaching English, teacher who taugh at third grade never

implemented rules based on


b. Sunnah

Qauliyah - In teaching English both of

teachers sometimes

implemented Sunnah Qauliyah

c. Sunnah

Takririyah - In teaching English both of the

teachers never implemented

Sunnah Takririyah

Based on the findings in this school by used observation and field note

instrument to get the information about the ways that the English teachers

implemented in teaching English based on Islamic rules, the reseacher found

the teachers that always open class by says Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi

Wabarakatuh first. Besides, the teachers always gave the relation between the

topic of teaching English to Al-Qur’an or Hadith in the end of teaching before


give the conclusion of the material. The teachers almost used the same ways in

given the Islamic rules. Islamic rules that the teachers gave to students always

related to Islamic values.

Teachers gave the relation about Islamic values that they got from Islamic

rules with the functions to daily life. Teachers gave the explanation about the

benefit by following the rules based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith to students.

Teachers gave Islamic values based on the topic in teaching English that was

related to Islamic Rules. If teachers gave material at that days related to Al-

Qur’an, the explanation of Islamic values comes from Al-Qur’an. If teachers

gave the material related to Hadith, the explanation of Islamic values at that

days related to Hadith. Teachers gave the values by using direct and indirect

ways. Sometimes teachers asked and explained to students about the values that

they should do based on the Al-Qur’an and Hadith that related to topic. And

also there were teachers that didn’t explain to students what values that they got

after did Islamic rules. For examples, teachers never explained to students about

the functions of opening class by saying Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

wabarakatuh and closing class by saying Alhamdullilah.




After analyzing and interpreting the obtain data in the previous chapter, the

conclusion and suggestion as the last part of this research are taken. The conclusion

below is the answer of the research question of this research, while suggestion are

intended to give information to the researchers who are interested in doing further

research in this area.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion in chapter IV before, the researcher took

some conclusions of the role of Islamic Rules in Teaching English at SMP IT

Khoiru Ummah Curup. At SMP IT Khoiru Ummah, the English teachers

implemented Islamic rules in teaching English based on Al-Qur’an and Hadith. It

means that teachers related topic of teaching to verse of Al-Qur’an or the related to

Hadith. But, the teachers didn’t implement all the main objectives of Al-Qur’an

and Hadith. From Al-Qur’an, the teachers didn’t implement Syari’ah rules and for

Hadith the teachers didn’t implement Sunnah Takririyah.

Then, There are ten points that the teachers derived to students in teaching

English. There are Taqwa, Tawakal, Social, Brotherhood, Innovative, Productive,

Creative, Gratitude, Independent, and Honesty. Teachers implemented islamic

rules in teaching English at the beginning of lessons and at the end of the lessons


by explain directly and indirectly to student about Islamic values that are related to

the topic and based on rules of verse on Al-Qur’an or Hadith.

B. Suggestion

After did interview to both of respondents and observation in the

classroom, the researcher would like to give some suggestions which may be

useful for:

1. The School

This research can be reference for the school holder in choosing

better ways in implement Islamic rules in teaching English.

2. The Teachers

This research can be reference for the English teachers in

choosing many ways in implementing Islamic rules in teaching English.

The teachers could implement Islamic rules in core teaching process.

The teachers can combined the exercises related to Islamic rules.

3. Next Researchers

For further researcher, the researcher suggests them to conduct a

research related to Islamic role in teaching with different area and

different kind of research.


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