The Rivers Team is a group of four Anglican Churches: St

Magazine January 2010 The Rivers Team is a group of four Anglican Churches: St Andrew’s Brinsworth St Mary’s Catcliffe St Helen’s Treeton St Lawrence’s Tinsley

Transcript of The Rivers Team is a group of four Anglican Churches: St

The Rivers Team is a group of four Anglican Churches:
St Andrew’s Brinsworth St Mary’s Catcliffe St Helen’s Treeton
St Lawrence’s Tinsley
Diary Dates Jan / Feb
Tuesday 5th January Brinsworth & Catcliffe Church Council - St Andrew's Church, 7:30pm
Saturday 9th January
Prayer meeting - St Helens Church, 9.00am – 10.00am
Coffee morning - St Helen's Church, 10:00am - 12 Noon Messy Church - St Andrew’s, 3:45pm
Sunday 10th January
Messy Church - Treeton Primary School, 3:30pm
Monday 11th, 18th & 25th January Alpha course - St Helen’s church lounge, 7:30pm
Tuesday 19th of January
Team Council meeting - St Helens Church, 7:30pm
Monday 25th January Messy church coffee morning - St Helen's Church 10am - 11:30am
Tuesday 26th January
St Helen's Church council meeting – St Helen’s church lounge, 7:30pm St Andrew’s Centre Meeting – St Andrew’s Centre, 7:30pm
Friday 29th January
Emergency Reception Centre Staff Training - St Mary’s, 10:00am – 3:00pm
Tuesday 2nd February St Mary’s Focus Group - St Mary’s Church, 7:30pm
Friday 5th February
Tuesday 9th February
St Andrew’s Focus Group - St Andrew’s Church, 7:30pm St Lawrence’s Church Council Meeting - St Lawrence’s Church, 7:30pm
Saturday 13th February
Prayer meeting - St Helens Church, 9.00am – 10.00am Coffee morning – St Helen’s Church, 10.00am -12.00am
Messy Church - St Andrew’s, 3:45pm
Sunday 14th February St Helen’s Messy Church - Treeton Primary school 3:30pm
Monday 22nd February
Messy Church Coffee morning – St Helen’s Church, 10:00am – 11:00am
Editorial by Margaret Lunt, Team Vicar
On the twelfth day of Christmas we will be taking down the Christmas decorations and putting them away for another year. But in some countries the children will be opening their presents that have been left by the three Wise Men. The visit of the Wise Men to Jesus marks the beginning of Epiphany, which is the season when we celebrate the fact that God has revealed himself to the nations through Jesus. Yet the visit of the Wise Men to Jesus resulted in unforeseen consequences; warned by God in a dream they had to return home by another route. Joseph, also warned by God in a dream, had to take Mary and the small child and journey as refugees to Egypt, and Herod in a fury killed the babies of Bethlehem, leaving a trail of grief. It reminds us that as we enter 2010 we do not know what lies ahead on an individual, community, national or world wide scale. But at the end of Epiphany we are encouraged by the words of Simeon in the Temple who, taking Jesus in his arms, looked at him and said, My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared… to be a light for revelation to the gentiles. For some, believing in Christ immediately brings trouble and we need to pray for those who are persecuted for their faith. But sometimes when trials and difficulties come, or when God seems far away, the temptation for us is to give up. But in the Christian journey it is not just starting or the high peaks on the journey that are important, it is continuing and finishing our walk in the light of Christ, knowing that Jesus, who died and rose again for us, will keep us to the end of our journey. As the writer to the Hebrews puts it, Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
Whatever‘ is a club for kids in the last two years of Primary school and the first year of Comp. In this turbulent time of their lives we provide something consistent that they can rely on even when everything around them seems to be changing. Whatever‘ looks at lifestyle issues from a Christian perspective, and also features games and activities in a structured environment.
Where? St Andrew‘s Church
When? Tuesday during term time, 6:30pm—8:00pm
Who For? School Years 5 - 7
Cost? £0.50
A very popular group, our Parents and Toddlers meet weekly to play! The Church is full of things to keep the little ones entertained - it‘s amazing how a grizzly child turns into a happy, sweet one when you give them a change of scene. It‘s also a great way of meeting other parents with children your child‘s age.
Where?St Andrew‘s Church
Who For? Toddlers with Parents or Carers
Cost? £1.70 per family
Messy Church is a time where whole families can come together and have fun doing crafts and activities. It includes a time of teaching that both young and old can appreciate. An important part of Messy Church is the meal where everyone can
sit and enjoy time together. Where & When? St Andrew‘s: Saturdays Jan 9th & Feb 13th @ 3:45pm
St Lawrence‘s: Sunday Jan 3rd & Feb 7th @ 10.00am Treeton Primary School: Sun Jan 10th & Feb 14th @ 3.30pm
Who For? Whole Families (Children must attend with an adult)
Cost? Donation at the event
SMASH is a youth group, aiming to provide comp age kids with an alternative to meeting up on the streets. We have space for sports, including football, hockey, volleyball and table tennis. We also play games, do activities and provide space for chilling out, chatting and listening to music.
Where? St Andrew‘s Church
When? Monday during term time, 6:30pm—8:00pm
Who For? School Years 7—9
Cost? £0.50
Lunch Club
Lunch Club takes place every week in St Andrew‘s Church, providing a friendly place to meet and socialise with other people. The meal includes a main course, pudding and a cup of tea or coffee.
Where? St Andrew‘s Church When? Thursdays at 1.00pm
For Who? Anyone Cost? £3.00
St Helen’s Chatterbox Craft Club
Chatterbox‘ meets each week in Treeton Reading Rooms on Wednesday‘s between 1:00pm and 3:00pm to make items for the Samaritan‘s Purse Operation Christmas Child‘ annual Shoe- box appeal. The group consists of around 8 members who knit, sew and stick, collect and buy items for the shoeboxes. For the Christmas 2009 appeal we were able to send over 230 boxes from St Helen‘s as part of a total of 4,924 boxes sent from Rotherham. With the help of donations and some fund raising, all the boxes were sent to Belarus , the Crimea and Krygistan. It is with the generosity of Treeton Parish Council who allow Chatterbox‘ to use the Reading Rooms free of charge that the group is able to continue. Anyone interested in what we do will be more than welcome to join us. NO SKILLS NEEDED. Phone Denise Walker on 0114 2889480 for further details.
Christmas Tree Festival
The weekend of 12th & 13th December, St Helen‘s Church held their second Christmas Tree Festival. There were twenty trees on display, mainly carrying lights, which produced a beautiful spectacle. They were all provided by the local community and represented the aims of the business or group who supplied the trees. These included a tree decorated with vegetables from a wholesale fruit and veg business and a tree from the local table tennis group decorated with coloured ping pong balls. The church received a steady stream of visitors all day and over £100 was raised from the sale of refreshments towards the Church Restoration Project
A letter from Bishop Steven New Year Resolutions
I‘m a great believer in New Year Resolutions. They give us all at least one chance in the year to start a good habit or drop a bad one. As my mum used to say: if at first you don‘t succeed, try, try, try again. Most years something will stick.
So here are three resolutions I‘m making for 2010 which I recommend are on your list:
The first is to explore God‘s mercy. Most of us know in our heads that God loves us. But we don‘t appreciate just how much. I‘ve made two visits to the Peak District so far since moving to Sheffield . We went once to Chatsworth and once to Ladybower. We intend to go more often this year. But it wouldn‘t be honest for me to say to a friend that I know the Peak District very well. Many of us are like that with God‘s mercy. We know it‘s there. We‘ve visited once or twice. But we haven‘t taken the time to explore that love properly. We only understand a fraction of the length and breadth and height and depth of the love of God.
The second is to practice random acts of kindness. When I worked in a college some years ago, a friend had a big sign on his door: love is practising random acts of kindness. It‘s not the whole of love, of course. Love also means sticking at something year after year. But loving your neighbour as yourself becomes a bit more of an adventure when you try and be kind once a week or once a fortnight to people you don‘t know well.
And the third is to pray as often as you can for three people you know who are not Christians. Add them to your personal prayers and pray for them to come to faith.
The greatest treasure we have in life is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The greatest gift we can give at any time of year is the knowledge of God‘s love. Pray this year that someone you know will become a Christian.
Explore God‘s mercy. Practice random acts of kindness. Pray for someone to become a Christian.
And yes, of course, I will be making other resolutions to do with calories and exercise!
Have a very happy New Year!
Rivers Team Prayer Diary And Daily Bible Readings
FRIDAY 1ST JANUARY Bible Reading: Colossians 1:24—2:7 Please Pray for: Brian & Milly Lingard, Mick Storey, Churchwardens Pray that God will give the gift of patience to people enduring hardship around the world. Pray for Gods protection and blessings for Hansi & Kath Jain as they continue their work in India.
SATURDAY 2ND JANUARY Bible Reading: Colossians 2:8—End Please Pray for: Jillian & Clifford Littlewood, Linda‘s Coffee Shop Pray for all SAMS employees and volunteers facing an uncertain future to receive guidance. Pray for the recovery of our economy, and that those who have lost their jobs will be able to find new ones. MONDAY 4TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12—4:1 Please Pray for: Robert & Judith Lucket, Elise Todd, St Andrew‘s Centre Staff Pray for a fair and just settlement in Sri Lanka that reflects the ethnic diversity of the country. Pray for all the staff and children starting back at school today. TUESDAY 5TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Colossians 4:2—End Please Pray for Bob, Margaret, Alison & Elizabeth Lunt, June Turner, Chug Pray for children in foster care that their carers would give them the love and security they need. Pray for the planning of Mission in Tinsley involving St Lawrence‘s Church & St Thomas Crooks. WEDNESDAY 6TH JANUARY Bible Reading: John 1:29 - 34 Please Pray for: Chris & Angela Mangham, Coffee Morning at St Lawrence‘s Pray Jamaican Christians will reject false teachings from Muslims and they will stand firm in their beliefs. Pray for Trade Union relationships in the UK, especially the dispute within BA. THURSDAY 7TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 20:1—16 Please Pray for: Pat & Chris Marlow, Hilda & Roy Mills, Musicians Pray for those struggling to pay for the heating of their homes this winter. Pray for people working in shops over this busy sale period.
FRIDAY 8TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 20:17—28 Please Pray for: Ian, Bambo, Christina & Leigh Marshall, Prayer Ministry Pray for CMS Australia Summer Camp and the young people interested in mission work at home and abroad. Pray for all vulnerable people who find it difficult to cope with the cold weather, especially the elderly and homeless. SATURDAY 9TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 20:29—End Please Pray for: Vanessa, Craig & Carrick McGovern, Cell Groups Pray for the safety of fishermen who risk danger at sea to provide a supply of fish for us to enjoy. Pray for Messy Church at St Andrew‘s today and Treeton School tomorrow. MONDAY 11TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 21:1—17 Please Pray for: Evelyn McLaughlan, Alan & Yvonne McTeer, Treasurers Pray that Nepali Christian leaders will have an influence on the country‘s constitution being rewritten. Pray for the Alpha Course starting tonight at St Helen‘s, and for the other discipleship courses run around the team. TUESDAY 12TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 21:18—32 Please Pray for: Debbie & Celia Morton, Steven & Celia Ogle, Whatever‘ Pray for those receiving treatment and recovering from operations to receive a healing touch. Pray and give thanks to God for the recent breakthrough in cancer research. WEDNESDAY 13TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 21:33—End Please Pray for: John, Julie, Steven & Andrew Morris, Toddler Group Pray for wisdom for church leaders in Guyana facing challenges by Hindu Guyanese who oppose Christian activities. Pray for the Chatterbox Club in Treeton THURSDAY 14TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 22:1—14 Please Pray for: Liz Shaw, Alison Shaw, Eddie & Nic Short, Luncheon Club Pray for those struggling with depression and other mental illnesses. Pray they will find inner peace. Pray for the team going into Treeton primary school to take an assembly. FRIDAY 15TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 22:15—33 Please Pray for: James & Faith Mpofu and their family, Pais Project Pray for the development and leadership of the Church in Thailand. Pray for Catcliffe Methodist Church as they start again after their flood, and for their future protection.
SATURDAY 16TH JANUARY Bible Reading: - Matthew 22:34—End Please Pray for: John, Maria & Rachel Norman, Sunday Club Pray for those with hearing difficulties, may they find other ways of meeting with God using other senses.
Pray for Philip, Julie and Judy as they go to the Laughton Deanery Development Day‘ to give a presentation on Messy Church. MONDAY 18TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 24:1—14 Please Pray for: Claire Norman, Shirley Poultney, Rotherham Holiday Aid Pray for Tearfund‘s work in Zimbabwe as it share‘s the Bible‘s teachings on respect for women and gives practical advice about HIV. Pray for the extra troops sent to Afghanistan to train the countries own troops. TUESDAY 19TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 24:15 – 28 Please Pray for: David, Laura, Georgina & Daniel Smith, Worship Leaders Pray for the finances of our Churches across the team and about your own giving for 2010. Pray for the Team Council meeting tonight at St Helen‘s WEDNESDAY 20TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 24:29—End Please Pray for: Christine Pretty, Linda Read, Pastoral Workers Pray for Chinese Christians and the completion of the Revised Chinese Bible to enable them to study the scriptures. Pray for industrial, sports and hospital chaplains. THURSDAY 21ST JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 25:1—13 Please Pray for: Caroline, Jordan, Dylan, Gracie & Millie Ramsden, Vergers Pray for the persecuted Church in Cambodia as it faces more complex religious registration laws set by the Government. Pray for leaders in the Anglican Church as they deal with difficult questions facing the church this year. FRIDAY 22ND JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14—30 Please Pray for: Julie Read, Doreen Riley, Alan & June Register, Staff Team Pray for those whose lives are affected by alcohol abuse and its consequences. Pray for the Tinsley Green project, and the problems with funding and possible redundancies. SATURDAY 23rd JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 25:31—End Please Pray for: Roy & Elaine Standen, Elaine Steel, Sunday Breakfast Club Pray that God will give the gift of patience to people enduring hardship around the world. Pray for Ronnie and Nicky Irene as they start their missionary work in Bolivia
MONDAY 25TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 26:1—16 Please Pray for: Colin & Ruth Roberts, Ron & Carole Robinson, SMASH Pray that communities in Myanmar will have enough water to meet their needs as the dry season continues. Pray for the Messy church coffee morning at St Helen's Church TUESDAY 26TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 26:17—35 Please Pray for: Gerry & Rachel Screaton, Sunday Ministry— Flowers Arrangers Pray for the Sheffield Cathedral Archer Project and for continuing funding to meet the needs of homeless people. Pray for all the countries that have been involved in the climate change summit in Copenhagen. WEDNESDAY 27TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 26:26—46 Please Pray for: Mark Roddison, Vera Rollinson, Sound System Operators Pray for the ministry by Barnabus in North Sudan that reaches out to Muslims with the Gospel. Pray for the Orgreave / Waverley liaison meeting tonight which has been organized to give people in the community the opportunity to have their say on the new development on the Waverley site. THURSDAY 28TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 26:47—56 Please Pray for: Philip & Maureen Sanderson, Sunday Ministry - Welcomers Pray for Christian youth workers and organisations who have a passion to reach out to young people with the Gospel. Pray for all those who do not have enough to eat in the world and especially our Christian brothers and sisters. FRIDAY 29TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 26:57—End Please Pray for: John& Kate Saxton, Bessie Roys, Pat Seyboth, Singalong Pray for SAMS volunteer James Pender in Bangladesh and for his work with arsenic mitigation projects. Pray for plans to develop St Mary‘s as an Emergency Reception Centre, and the staff training session being held today. SATURDAY 30TH JANUARY Bible Reading: Matthew 27:1—10 Please Pray for: Abigail Deborah & David Screaton, Janet Shelton, Godric Green Pray for soldiers seriously injured in active service. Pray for healing both physical and mentally. Pray for the joint service tomorrow at St Mary‘s, and for Philip Hacking as he pre- pares his sermon.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who attends the Midweek Communion Service at St Andrew‘s and the Bread & Cheese Lunch which follows, where £72 was raised for the Salvation Army to help people in need.
Treeton Ladies’ Group
The Treeton Ladies Group meet in the second Tuesday of each month at 7:45. Everyone is welcome. The next two meetings will be on January 13th (AGM) and February 10th (Games Evening).
Emergency Flood Centre
Following discussions with the Emergency Planning Department of RMBC it has been agreed that, in the event of fu- ture flooding in Catcliffe, St Mary‘s Church will be used as an emergency reception centre. This will be supported by RMBC, but staffed by members of our churches. For this to happen a team of people will need to be trained to manage such a centre. RMBC have offered to put on a training session at St Mary‘s on Friday January 29
th from 10.00am to 3.00pm. Lunch
will be provided. This is a great opportunity for the Church to serve the community. If you are interested in taking part in this, please contact David Bent or Jean Demaine (01709 837470).
An afternoon of Songs from the Shows, Old Time Music Hall, War - Time Songs and Popular Hymns. Coffee, Tea and Cake accompany the singing! Everyone is welcome. Next Date: Friday February 5th at 2:00pm
Treeton Trudgers Walking Group
Treeton Trudgers have two walks in January. On Saturday 2nd there will be a short, 3.5 mile walk led by Ron & Carole Robinson. This will go from Cresswell Crags and through the village of Holbeck, where there are some interesting graves of the Dukes of Portland. The walk passes through the valley with the prehistoric caves and finishes with a visit to the new visitor centre. On Saturday 30th January, Ian Wall will lead a 4.7 mile walk in the Ravenfield Common area where we will discover a secret valley. All walks start at the top of Washfield Lane Treeton at 10.00am, where anyone without transport can usually get a lift in someone‘s car. Please wear sensible footwear and bring waterproof clothing and a packet lunch. Please ring Ron & Carole (0114 2694100) or Ian (01709 519125) for any further information.
We are planning to start a mentoring scheme for the men within the Church. This will be purely voluntary, and will centre around support and accountability with the goal of encouraging men in Christian discipleship. We will be using a model based on the relationships of Paul, Barnabas and Timothy and will be using a set of bible study notes by Jeff Lucas as a basis for the mentoring. If you would like to be involved in this, or would like more information, please contact David Bent, Philip Barringer or Chris Leverton.
The next Rivers Team Magazine will be available at the end of January. If you would like to have an article included, please get it to Nicola by letter or email by Sun Jan 17th. [email protected]
St. Andrew‘s Centre is intended to be used by the people of Brinsworth and the surrounding area for social and community activities. The Church has access for wheel- chairs and toilet facilities for the disabled. There is an audio loop system in both the Church and the Centre.
Rooms are available for hire for private functions. The following courses will commence week beginning Jan 11th:
Monday 9.45 – 11.45 am I.T. Workshop Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00 Noon Drawing & Painting
Thursday 12.30 – 2.30 pm Further German Thursday 7.00 – 8.30 pm Spanish Conversation
Fri 10.30am Beginners Keep Fit (commencing Jan 8th)
For further information, contact Julie on 01709 361630
If you‘ve got questions about life and the Christian faith and are looking for answers, then why not make a Start! Start! is a six-session course designed to help people discover the basics of the Christian faith. Normally run in small groups, each session involves watching a couple of short DVD programmes, followed by time to talk, listen and ask questions. The next Start! Course will begin in February. For further information contact Philip Barringer (01909 518194) or Sarah Burgess (01709 364584).
News from the Deaf CommunityNews from the Deaf Community
December was a busy time for the deaf community in Sheffield with the Christmas services and all the parties! The highlight was probably the Signed Carol Service. Many of be people from the deaf community participated in the signing choir and were involved in the drama and other activities.
We were very pleased to have Bishop Steven with us. He preached a memorable sermon using the illustration of how a new baby in the family can mean making lots of changes. He related that to the birth of Jesus and how as Christians we need to begin to make the changes to our lives which the message of Christmas calls for. Please remember the deaf community in your prayers. Pray especially for the young people who desperately need to be discipled so that they can know the love of Jesus for themselves.
Church Weekend Away Church Weekend Away Sneaton Castle, Whitby May 28th to 30th Sneaton Castle, Whitby May 28th to 30th
Main Speaker: Bengt WedemalmMain Speaker: Bengt Wedemalm Saturday Night Entertainment: Puppet Power Saturday Night Entertainment: Puppet Power
BOOK SOON! Half the places are now booked! BOOK SOON! Half the places are now booked!
Bringing Christmas Cheer to Brinsworth
“This takes me back to what Christmas used to be like!”
“You’ve really cheered up my day!”
A bit of good old-fashioned Christmas spirit and generosity helped busy shoppers on their way, as St Andrew‘s Coffee Shop took to the streets on the Saturday before Christmas. Giving out free cups of coffee, hot mince pies and tempting chocolate treats, church members had a friendly smile and good news to tell. Shoppers were sent on their way with a Christmas blessing of peace, love and goodwill.
Missionary Links
Ronnie and Nicky Irene are linked to St Lawrence‘s following a visit and midweek meeting in 2007. At the time Ronnie was pastor of Cristo Salvador‘ church in La Paz, Bolivia, but had been a night-club bouncer when he met Nicky Venables. She had grown up in a missionary family and it was a shock to Ronnie‘s wobbly faith to discover that his new girlfriend was the daughter of the Anglican Bishop of Bolivia! But Bishop Greg Venables helped Ronnie to a clear, solid faith and he and Nicky, now parents to Natasha, Tamara and Daniel, have served God with love and faithfulness. They have overseen growth at Cristo Salvador, notably in bringing forth leaders. Ronnie describes it as a Bible-based church offering a warm, healthy and secure ambience and the means for each member to apply their talents to the benefit of the rest. In December they moved to Paraguay, invited by Bishop Peter Bart- lett (from Doncaster!) to join the leadership team and oversee a congregation in the capital, Asunción. In people like Ronnie and Nicky, one feels the present and future of the South American church are in good hands.
Church Weekend Away Church Weekend Away Sneaton Castle, Whitby May 28th to 30th Sneaton Castle, Whitby May 28th to 30th
Main Speaker: Bengt WedemalmMain Speaker: Bengt Wedemalm Saturday Night Entertainment: Puppet Power Saturday Night Entertainment: Puppet Power
BOOK SOON! Half the places are now booked! BOOK SOON! Half the places are now booked!
Book Review by Judy Leverton When asked what was totally unique to Christianity, C.S. Lewis once re- sponded, "Oh, that's easy. It's grace." But what is grace? If you read this book you will find out. Philip Yancey explains grace in words that anyone can understand. This book really stirred my emotions as I read and learned about the greatest gift ever given to mankind. Yancey uses a variety of interesting real life stories and shows through God's word, how both our greatest need and God's greatest gift, is grace. He movingly defines 'grace' saying, 'there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less.'
He explains beautifully the true nature of grace, grace which doesn‘t calculate on the basis of merit or profit but is freely, generously and unconditionally given. Grace costs nothing for everyone except the person who gives it. In a practical and encouraging way Philip Yancey tackles the issue of how we should respond to others in the light of the way that God responds to us. His words encourage us to see others through the eyes of the God who forgives us without condition. He calls Christians to imitate their Father, to work hand in hand with him to bring grace to a graceless world and to walk in the footsteps of Christ. This excellent book challenged me to think far more about what it means to be gracious. How can I be as gracious to others as God is gracious to me?
Revd. Margaret Lunt St Lawrence’s Church
1 Rodwell Close Treeton Rotherham S60 5UF Tel: 0114 2694479 Philip Barringer 59 Cramfit Crescent Dinnington Rotherham S25 2XT Tel: 01909 518194 [email protected]
Nicola Short Brinsworth Vicarage 61 Whitehill Lane Brinsworth Rotherham S60 5JR Tel: 01709 363850 [email protected]
Revd. David Bent 61 Whitehill Lane Brinsworth Rotherham S60 5JR Tel: 01709 363850 [email protected] Revd. Judy Leverton
The Rectory Church Lane Treeton Rotherham S60 5PZ Tel: 0114 2696542 [email protected] Julie Lindley St Andrew's Centre 85 Bonet Lane Brinsworth Rotherham S60 5NG Tel: 01709 361630 lorraine@therivers-
Contact Us
St Andrew’s Sundays 9:30am. Refreshments
available after the service.
(31st Jan: Team Service at St Mary’s) Wednesdays 12:00 Noon
Bread and Cheese Lunch served after the service
St Helen’s Sundays 10:15am
Refreshments available after the service.
(31st Jan: Team Service at St Mary’s)
St Lawrence’s Sundays 10:00am
Refreshments available after the service.
(31st Jan: Team Service at St Mary’s)
St Mary’s Sundays 10:30 for 11:00am
(31st Jan: Team Service starting at 10:30)
Refreshments & Breakfast available from 10.00 am
Service Times