REDHILL REVIEW THE The Redhill Academy Newsletter July 2020 [email protected] Message from the Principal Mr Neil Matthews At the end of this term our headteacher, Mr Neil Matthews, is retiring after over 11 years at Redhill and a total of 36 years in the teaching profession. Mr Matthews started his teaching career at the Dayncourt school where he became Head of History, before moving on to work as an Advisor for Nottinghamshire Local Authority. After working at the Ashfield School as an Advanced Skills Teacher, he joined Redhill as an Assistant Headteacher in charge of Teaching and Learning in 2009. His work in this area played a pivotal role in moving the academy forward and establishing it as the first secondary school in the area to gain two successful Ofsted outstanding grades for the quality of teaching. Neil s passionate belief that the best teachers make the biggest difference to childrens lives has always been apparent in all he does and promotes. His sympathetic but rigorous support and advice for teachers has benefitted so many who, I know, are very appreciative of the positive difference he has made to their professional expertise and careers. As you will be aware, as an exceptional headteacher, Mr Matthews is very respected and popular with our students. His clear leadership has always had a strong element of empathy and ambition for all students in the school. He has never accepted second-best for any Redhill student. He has a very strong, positive presence around the place, always willing to talk and laugh with students and encourage them to be the best they can be in everything they do. Those students who have been lucky enough to have had Neil as a history teacher will always remember him fondly as a truly memorable and fantastic teacher. In fact, I know that there have been many history graduates who were originally inspired by his teaching and love of the subject. And of course, his battlefield trips are legendary. All the students and staff who have been on these, without exception, come back inspired, reflective and a great deal more knowledgeable of the sacrifices made by their great- parents generation. As a close colleague and friend for many years now, I will personally miss Neil s insight, support and humour. There are not, after all, many of us left in the staffroom who know all the scenes from Dads Army, the back catalogue of Elvis Costello, or can remember the glory days of Nottingham Forest. But I do know that, amongst other things, he is very much looking forward to expanding the number and range of battlefield trips he leads abroad, and to complete some of those long distance walks its always difficult to find time for. It is difficult to sum up the contribution Neil has made to Redhill, our students and so many other students from other schools during his career. He has been an immense figure in the teaching profession and I know he has influenced the lives of so many students for the better. He has shown absolute integrity in all he has done, most recently during these extraordinary times for schools. His effect on Redhill will be long lasting and substantial. But his most enduring legacy will be with the students, many of them adults and parents now themselves, who will remember him very fondly and often as a real inspiration in their lives. Mr A Burns - Principal






The Redhill Academy Newsletter July 2020

[email protected]

Message from the Principal

Mr Neil Matthews

At the end of this term our headteacher, Mr Neil Matthews, is retiring after over 11 years at Redhill

and a total of 36 years in the teaching profession.

Mr Matthews started his teaching career at the Dayncourt school where he became Head of

History, before moving on to work as an Advisor for Nottinghamshire Local Authority. After working

at the Ashfield School as an Advanced Skills Teacher, he joined Redhill as an Assistant

Headteacher in charge of Teaching and Learning in 2009. His work in this area played a pivotal

role in moving the academy forward and establishing it as the first secondary school in the area to

gain two successful Ofsted outstanding grades for the quality of teaching. Neil’s passionate belief

that the best teachers make the biggest difference to children’s lives has always been apparent in

all he does and promotes. His sympathetic but rigorous support and advice for teachers has

benefitted so many who, I know, are very appreciative of the positive difference he has made to

their professional expertise and careers.

As you will be aware, as an exceptional headteacher, Mr Matthews is very respected and popular

with our students. His clear leadership has always had a strong element of empathy and ambition

for all students in the school. He has never accepted second-best for any Redhill student. He has a

very strong, positive presence around the place, always willing to talk and laugh with students and

encourage them to be the best they can be in everything they do. Those students who have been

lucky enough to have had Neil as a history teacher will always remember him fondly as a truly

memorable and fantastic teacher. In fact, I know that there have been many history graduates who

were originally inspired by his teaching and love of the subject. And of course, his battlefield trips

are legendary. All the students and staff who have been on these, without exception, come back

inspired, reflective and a great deal more knowledgeable of the sacrifices made by their great-

parent’s generation.

As a close colleague and friend for many years now, I will personally miss Neil’s insight, support

and humour. There are not, after all, many of us left in the staffroom who know all the scenes from

Dad’s Army, the back catalogue of Elvis Costello, or can remember the glory days of Nottingham

Forest. But I do know that, amongst other things, he is very much looking forward to expanding the

number and range of battlefield trips he leads abroad, and to complete some of those long

distance walks its always difficult to find time for.

It is difficult to sum up the contribution Neil has made to Redhill, our students and so many other

students from other schools during his career. He has been an immense figure in the teaching

profession and I know he has influenced the lives of so many students for the better. He has

shown absolute integrity in all he has done, most recently during these extraordinary times for

schools. His effect on Redhill will be long lasting and substantial. But his most enduring legacy will

be with the students, many of them adults and parents now themselves, who will remember him

very fondly and often as a real inspiration in their lives.

Mr A Burns - Principal



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Goodbye to All That

In September 1984, George Michael was number one, Prince Harry was

born, Forest had just beaten Aston Villa 5-0 away to go top of Division

One (honestly, this is true!) and I started my first teaching job. As a

nervous 22 year old with a bad haircut, I walked through the doors of

Dayncourt School in Radcliffe-on-Trent as a history teacher. Thirty six

years later, I am now a few days away from retirement. So much has

changed during that time especially in terms of the technology available

in schools. All of my early resources were banda sheets. These were

created by spreading alcoholic spirits on a carbon master sheet and

then producing thirty copies on a hand cranked machine – sounds like

the Dark Ages and the smell was overpowering! Despite all the

changes, the fundamental basics of the job have stayed the same.

Working with young people and their families to support, guide and

shape students and untap the amazing potential they all have. Working

with our brilliant students has been a privilege.

Throughout my time in education I have

been very lucky. I have worked with

outstanding colleagues, in excellent

schools, supporting great communities. I

have participated in cultural exchanges to

Poland and India, football tours to Holland

and of course have developed a passion for taking students to explore the

battlefields of the First and Second World Wars which will continue into

retirement. I have made so many close friends, at times overcome difficult

challenges and felt along the way, that together, we have made a positive


Over the years I have worked in and with a number of schools but The

Redhill Academy is where my heart will always be. I arrived as an Assistant

Headteacher in January 2009 and never wanted to work anywhere else. I

have always felt part of a family here where staff and students work together

to be the best we can be both in terms of academic achievement and the

way we conduct ourselves. Redhill students are very special. They are

friendly, genuine and have high aspirations for themselves. I will miss them,

my colleagues and the community enormously.

Finally, I want to thank Mr Burns and the governors for the faith they have

continued to show in me. Also, a huge heartfelt thank you to my colleagues, the students and parents for

your support and kindness over the years. I have a few plans for what comes next which hopefully the

easing of restrictions will allow to happen at some stage. For, in the words of my lifelong hero, Joe

Strummer ‘I want to do everything, in silver and gold, but I’ve got to hurry up before I grow too old!’

Thank you everyone. Mr N Matthews Head of School



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Year 10 student Jamillah Wells has recently found out that agreeing to help an up and coming young

photographer can have amazing consequences. When Jamillah was approached by Justyna Hodur

Photography, she and her friend Hannah agreed to help. Both Jamillah and Hannah attend the Katie

Wright School of Dance and this was the focus for a series of photographs that were taken. Thinking

nothing more of it, imagine Jamillah’s surprise when she learned that some of the photos have been

selected for the Vogue Italia website! This is a massive achievement and something we definitely

wanted to share with everyone at this time. Well done Jamillah!

Before It's in Fashion, It's in Vogue!



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Making the most out of Lockdown from abroad

Year 13 student Xhuljana Novaku, returned to Greece in March as school

closures were announced, so she could be with her family during lock-down

amidst this global pandemic.

However, Xhuljana, who has accepted a place at Sheffield Hallam

University to study International Business with Spanish, has been keeping

herself busy. She has been accessing lots of on-line courses and virtual

events to keep learning and developing her skills throughout lock-down. We

are really proud of her efforts and her commitment has certainly paid

off. Xhuljana applied for a virtual Internship through the Internship

Experience UK programme in partnership with Guardian Jobs, and was

successful in getting a place on the Business Operations and Marketing


Over a packed three days, from 6th July, she has been attending sector-focussed skills workshops

delivered by major employers including Google, Enterprise, M&S, GSK and Procter and Gamble

amongst others. Xhuljana will be set project work in collaboration with other interns and graduates of the

businesses. Xhuljana is excited to learn new practical skills and increase her employability and

understanding of what to expect entering such a role after graduation. Good luck Xhuljana, a bright

future awaits!

Mrs N Hayward

Head of Year 13, CAL Business

Lockdown as a chance

Joni, Year 7, has been keeping herself busy by getting involved with things she might not normally have the chance to do. She felt strongly about the BLM protest and went along with her brother to support changing attitudes in the world towards people who have suffered throughout history. She is lucky to have a Grandad who teachers her history online every week and has been doing presentations and essays with him.

Joni also co-hosts an online quiz for the charity that her Mum works for and has many followers raising money for

a good cause, this goes out on Facebook live. Alongside this she was asked by Nottingham Radio show ’Drivetime’ to do a regular update of her time in lockdown. She does this with her Mum and older brother, also a former Redhillll student.



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

We are really proud that the HE+ scheme is going from strength to strength since we launched the new Nottingham North consortium in 2018. We are now the largest consortium (in terms of schools involved) in the whole UK, with 14 different schools taking part in the events that we run. We also still managed to run the full programme of two conferences, a parents’ event, a Year 13 interview evening and a visit to Cambridge this year. We work closely in partnership with Peterhouse, Cambridge and the programme is designed to support students to make competitive applications to the most prestigious universities. Our success can be measured by that fact that more students than ever received offers to Oxford and Cambridge this year.

Felix Daines in Year 12 who studies Maths, Further Maths, Physics and German says:

“I am currently part of the HE+ programme. Through the trips to Oxford and Cambridge and lectures at Redhill I met many people with similar interests and career aspirations. I saw what it would be like to live and study at these top universities and the sort of content I would study in my course. I also received a lot of guidance and advice through my university application. What I most enjoyed about the experience was the tours and lectures at Magdalen and Peterhouse colleges in Oxford and Cambridge, I got a real insight into what life at these colleges is like and the extracurricular activities and societies I could get involved in through speaking to current students in my subject.” Felix is hoping to study Engineering at possibly Cambridge or Bristol, and we wish him the best of luck with his application.

Redhill Cambridge scheme a real success!

Photo taken of King’s College on Year 12 trip to Cambridge Feb 2020

Felix Daines, Samantha Millington, Amy Meek, Holly Poole

Ms S Sharp Trust Director of Post-16



The Redhill Academy Newsletter











G 18/9/19

“This week I met Tracey and Andrew who started the street kitchen. I set out the

clothes, toiletries, blankets and then helped to distribute it out. There was a man with

crutches who couldn't reach all the stuff on the floor, so I went through the stuff looking

at the sizing of clothes to see if we could find anything his size. Others were asking for

sleeping bags, socks and gloves as it was very cold, and because there was only a

limited number we didn't have enough for everyone. This made me want to do a

collection at school for both food and clothing as I'm sure that between us we have

more than enough and it would be well appreciated and needed. Andrew texted me

saying that we had served 150 homeless people that night, which really shows the vast

amount of people in Nottingham living on the streets.”



“This week was the last clap for the NHS, so

I decided to organise a street performance

of "somewhere over the rainbow" as there

are several musicians on the road. I sent

the music around and we ended up with a

saxophone, trombone, trumpet, two flutes

and plenty of singers. Although it was hard

to keep in time as we were far apart, it was

good fun and people enjoyed it.”


We are incredibly proud to announce that students from The Redhill Academy’s 2018-2020 cohort, have

successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award!

Both Oxbridge candidates, Caitlin McCracken and Rebecca Smith, have worked tirelessly, alongside their

studies and despite COVID-19 lock-down, to achieve this prestigious award. Both students now await their

official invitation to London, to accept their awards.

Mrs C Smith


Caitlin McCracken , Year 13

Rebecca Smith, Year 13







Rebecca at Oxford


Analysis of Literature

Gym Workout



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Persuasive speech Hollie Hutchinson, Year 12

Poem Caitlyn Mylechreest, Year 7







lle W


s, Y




Signed petition Max Hemmings, Year 7



y P




uel F





Persuasive speech Theo Unwin-Allen, Year 10

Project work set by the English department for students during Lockdown linked to ‘Black Lives Matter’.

Here are only some of the remarkable results.



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Musical in an afternoon: Hairspray

You can’t stop the beat!

On Thursday 9th July The Arts team brought the Musical in an afternoon session to students in

Years 7 to 9. It was Mrs Thomas who came up with the idea, inspired by different community

and arts groups coming up with their own lockdown versions of songs and dances from

musicals from the comfort of their own homes. It was Miss Dunn who put Hairspray on the table,

not only drawn to the big and bold musical due to the inspirational story of one girl's dream to

dance but also the fact that at its core, the story is one about acceptance and inclusion

(standing against rejection and exclusion) during the early days of the civil rights movement.

Participating students were transported to Baltimore, USA. The year became 1962 and the

lovable plus-size teen, Tracy Turnblad, had only one desire – to dance on the popular "Corny

Collins Show." Talented Redhill students could choose to act as Corny Collins or Tracy

Turnblad, play the music or sing to the catchy number, You can’t stop the beat, dance the steps

as part of Tracy’s ensemble or design the giant glittery hairspray can from which Tracy’s mum,

Edna appears.

The range of submissions (to be premiered on the school website on Friday 17th July) included

highly engaging monologues and duologues performed in living rooms, a dance performed in a

tent, music played from the comfort of a settee and glitzy spray cans designed at bedroom

desks. The inspiring workshops created by The Arts Team and vibrant visual and performance

work presented proves that even during lockdown, You can’t stop the beat!

Miss E Bates - Head of The Arts

Archie Holt

Finley Beale

Amber Slack & big sister, Ellie

Nia Jones

Ravi Subbarao



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

(Virtual) Year 7 Arts Day: Cycle of change

Not wanting this year’s cohort to miss out on the excitement of Year 7 Arts Day, the Arts Team

worked incredibly hard to offer a range of practical workshops designed for students to follow in

the comfort of their own homes and gardens. It all began with a live introduction at 9am. Then the

countdown began for students to complete their chosen drama, dance, music and/or art workshop

and upload their work by the 12 midday deadline. The IT team then worked frantically to compile

the submissions and present a live showcase which streamed at 2.30pm.

The students’ response was incredible. In keeping with the theme of Cycle of Change, for drama,

we received interpretations of the cycles and change from Kari and the North Wind performed with

absolute confidence and conviction. For dance, we watched highly skilful movements inspired by

positive changes witnessed in recent times. For art, students gathered materials to present deeply

imaginative sculptures inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy and for music, incredibly talented

students made or played instruments in light of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

What a day! The first ever (Virtual) Year 7 Arts Day was an invigorating and rewarding experience

for all involved. In the words of Mr Matthews, ‘to see living rooms as stages and everyday objects

as the raw materials for creating art was brilliant and awe inspiring’.

Want to see more? You can find the Year 7 Arts Day Showcase on the school website.

Miss E Bates - Head of The Arts

Jacob Williamson Tamzin Bartram

Diego Perez-Martinez

Caitlyn Mylechreest

Rory Mountford-Lisle



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Since September 2019, students at The Redhill Academy involved in Accelerated Reader lessons have taken 3,616 quizzes about the books they have finished reading. The total number of words read is an amazing 112,802,603. The three students with the highest word counts are:

Shane Zhao 10,767,956 words Max Aindow 5,888,457 words Joe Berthels 4,775,295 words

Our other word millionaires are: Ella Dodd, William Hurst, Poppy Ogburn, Thomas Barnaby, Caitlyn Mylechreest, Ravi Subbarao, Nia Jones, Dylan Bastareche, Raphaella Lucero, Lucy Naylor, Suhayla Crabbe Mann, Alanoor Bakhtyari, Drew O’Hanlon, Delinda Lee, Joe Hunter, Indy Cowley and Nell McManus. Well done to you all. During lockdown students have continued to read and take quizzes for the books they have finished. I would like to commend the following students for all their achievements – From Year 7: Robin Clarke-Phillips, Aya Fekir, Oliver Fowler, Caitlyn Mylechreest, Lillian Neylon, Harriett Rieley, Gabrielle Wilkins, Alanoor Bakhtyari, Tamzin Bartram, George Heath, Alfie Jacques, Maya Romaniuk, Nieve Gilbert, Ella Passfield, Ana-Lucia Alexander, Siddharth Bhagat, Ruby Wilson, Ashden Lees, Leo Matthews, Poppy Ogburn, Diego Martinez Perez, Ravi Subbarao, Isabella Wynne, Shane Zhao, Emily Rowson-Mitchell, Indy Cowley, Cohen Fryer, Delinda Lee, Rory Mountford-Lisle, Freya De Jonge and Libby Bridgett. From Year 8: Thomas Barnaby, Ava-Mai Bird, Cara Johnson, Jake Newman, Ellie-Louise Shortland and Lillie Devonport.

Books currently on loan All books currently on loan to students and staff have been renewed so that they are now due for return in September 2020. More details about the arrangements for the return of these books will be available in September. Mrs K Hilditch - Librarian

Learning Resource Centre News

Accelerated Reader

112,802,603 Words



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

An upside down cake for a upside down world. Students were given an optional task of making an upside-down cake for an 'upside down world'. Many

students made some very well presented, tasty looking cakes, some interpreting the task in their own way,

rather than making a traditional upside-down cake. For example, Ana-Lucia Alexander and her brother

Llewellyn made some Monkey cakes, as it had been reported in the news that zoo animals were missing

humans viewing them. Well done to everyone who sent me a photo of their cake.

Mrs J Bostock

Teacher of Food Technology

From left to right: Eleanor Glover, Leo Matthews, Llewellyn and Ana-Lucia Alexander, Lola Hind, Darcy Greensmith

Star Baker!

As the weeks and months of lockdown have gone on, members of Green House GEB have continued to take

comfort in baking amazing cookies and cakes to enjoy at home rather than in T1 as we would have done pre-

lockdown during our weekly Friday Cake Day. Scarlet has perfected her cookies after several attempts and Isaac

has enjoyed some family baking sessions. However, it is Grace Welford who steps forward as star baker following

her creation of the incredible cakes pictured. I think the rainbow design is a particularly poignant symbol of the

period of lockdown, I’m still awaiting the postman to deliver my slice!

Miss E Bates

Tutor of GEB



During National School Sport Week, the PE department

created a challenge for our students to get active in their

homes. Each day they were asked to be creative and find

ways to improve their scores in a range of activities,

including obstacle courses and upside-down balancing

challenges! The response from our Redhill families was

fantastic and here is just one of the incredible score sheets

and photos from students that enjoyed the event in the

beautiful week of sunshine.

Mrs S Johnson - Head of PE

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

National School Sports Week


Emma Porter, Year 9 Jessica Young, Year 9 Evie Stainsby, Year 7

Lana Treacy, Year 8 George Heath, Year 7


22nd Tuesday

23rd Wed 24th Thurs-

day 25th




Challenge Obstacle



per Basket-



















1 32 8 18 1 min

16s 50


2 53 8 21 1 min

20s 59


3 83 11 27 1 min

23s 60

My Personal

Best 83 11 27 1 min

23s 60



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

The week before May Half Term all Year 7s and Year

8s were invited to take part in a competition on Times

Table Rock Stars against Colonel Frank Seeley. The

competition lasted the week and I am pleased to say

the students were fantastic and The Redhill Academy

WON! Our top performers were Pavel Johnson and

Zac Hall in Year 8 and Kaydee Bradford in Year 7 who

have all received a certificate through Show My

Homework to congratulate them. However, it’s

important to note that everybody who took part in this

competition contributed to our victory. Thank you for

making the Maths Department proud .

Mrs S Peasley - Teacher of Maths

Maths Rocks

First ever virtual Junior Maths Challenge

On Thursday 25th June 2020 top set Year 7 and 8 students were invited to take part in the first ever

virtual Junior Maths Challenge. This would normally have taken place in April in school, however due

to school closures this obviously could not happen, so this year it was online instead. Of the invited

students, 71 took part which was absolutely fantastic. The teachers of these groups wanted to pass

on their congratulations to all of those who participated. There are certificates on the way (via your

school email) if you haven’t already received them.

Some students achieved Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates, their names are listed below.

Congratulations to all !


Sara Agabani, Leo Brailsford, Idris Evans, Sam Fretwell, Evie Haywood, Tom Hunter, Liam Johnson,

Stan Johnson, Pavel Johnson, Natasha Need, Diego Perez, Megan Reynolds, Zac Rogers,

Erin Shepherd, Paul Slaney, Ravi Subbarao


Louis Haslam, Charlotte Hayes, Joe Hunter, Nia Jones, Miguel Lontoc, Charlie Stott


Keshav Kacker



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Miss Davies £527 raised for Mesopotamia Food bank in Basford

May 2020 - Lockdown Land's End to John O'Groats - 1745km on an exercise bike in my spare room. The challenge took me a total of 19 individual days amounting to 50 plus hours of actual cycling. Hills were very much included.

Redhill Staff Fund Raising

During Lockdown several Redhill staff members have been active raising money for Charities. Here

are some awesome results.

Run the Wall

Mrs Johnson - £32,000 raised so far for Cancer Support Centre

We had hoped to run the length of Hadrian's wall, coast to coast, 92 miles at the end of May. The challenge was planned to raise funds for children services at my local cancer support centre. After experiencing breast cancer twice and seeing the challenges my own children faced with that difficult situation I wanted to try and help other families going through a cancer diagnosis.

Unfortunately the challenge had to be postponed due to the corona virus, but we still wanted to try and do something to raise more money. 90 miles in May was set up so people could run, walk, cycle the distance of Hadrian's Wall at any time during May. We also did a virtual relay event during the weekend of Run the Wall, people ran a certain distance over those four days and were sponsored. 120 people got involved and incredibly over 14,000 miles were travelled during the month of May by our Run the Wall Warriors. My own daughters set themselves a goal of running a full marathon each in the four days of the virtual relay, I'm so proud of their achievement and commitment. Our fundraising has now reached £32,000 and we are hopeful we can hit our £50,000 target by the rearrange date of May 2021.'m so grateful for the

support from the Redhill community and excited to go and do the challenge for real next year. If you want any support with your own running journey, my door is always open.



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Mr Piliero - KEEP MOVING


£4,275 raised so far

My aim over the next 20 days is to send a message of support by

raising money and awareness for the charity Mind.

One performance per day with my two children, who love to sing

and dance

300 press-ups per day to be completed in under 15 minutes for

the first 10 days / 400 press-ups per day for the last 10 days to

be completed in under 25 minutes. Build up now to 500!

Why perform?

I’m a believer that you need to take at least one positive from a day even when we are at our worst.

Why the HIGH number of press-ups?

I have now completed 300 per day for the first 10 days. We now have a new target of raising money and I

feel I should ‘up’ the stakes and now complete 400 per day. I want it to be tough, painful and have the feeling

some days that I just can’t carry on. My point is that I will have days that these press-ups will be a big

struggle. But it’s important we KEEP MOVING & WE DON’T GIVE UP!!

Mental health effects 1 in 4 of us and I believe that nobody should cope with it alone. Thank you for reading,

please continue to support me over the next 20 days. My aim is to keep raising awareness and hopefully you

can help me do this!

To view the daily videos please visit Instagram @paolopiliero11

Miss Anderson Runs 5k a Day in May!

£985.25 raised for The Teenage Cancer Trust

I am the House Achievement Coordinator for Smith

House and our charity is The Teenage Cancer Trust. I

had organised a charity concert to take place on

Thursday 30th April 2020, but given the current situation

this event could no longer go ahead. I did not want this

amazing charity to lose out, so I thought long and hard about what I could do to

help still raise money for them. I decided it had to be something which would be a

challenge for me.

Over lockdown I was tagged in a 5k run for the health heroes and it is safe to say

it was not massively enjoyable due to never really getting into running as I have

always been more of a dance fitness/gym goer. I thought why not turn this

negative of not really enjoying running into a positive and what a better way than

to run 5k a day everyday throughout May!

During my challenge there were both good and bad days, as some mornings I just simply did not want to run, but the amazing support spurred me on and kept me focussed. Not only did I take responsibility to independently raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust, I also started to enjoy running!

Redhill Staff Fund Raising



The Redhill Academy Newsletter


Academic Year

2020 - 2021

Student Edition

The whole year’s calendar can be found on the school’s website.

Please be aware that some of the dates on the calendar are likely to change as schools implement the latest DfE Covid-19 requirements. Some of the events on the calendar have 'tbc' next to them; regular updates will be sent as soon as we are able to confirm for certain that events will go ahead.



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

The School Year

Term Dates for 2020 - 2021

Autumn Term

Tuesday 1 September to

Friday 18 December

Half Term Weeks

Monday 19 October to

Friday 30 October

Spring Term

Monday 4 January to

Thursday 1 April

Half Term Week

Monday 15 February to

Friday 19 February

Summer Term

Monday 19 April to

Tuesday 27 July

Half Term Week

Monday 31 May to

Friday 4 June

Additional trip information that is not listed in this calendar will be sent home to parents throughout the year.



The Redhill Academy Newsletter




Week 1

Tuesday 1 Sept INSET DAY

Wednesday 2 Sept Autumn Term starts

Year 7, 11 and 13 start at 8.45am

Thursday 3 Sept Years 8 and 12 start at 8.45am

Friday 4 Sept Years 9 and 10 start at 8.45am

Week 2

Monday 7 Sept

Tuesday 8 Sept

Wednesday 9 Sept Year 7 CATs tests

Thursday 10 Sept Year 7 CATs tests

Friday 11 Sept Year 12 Stepping Up Day (off timetable all day)

Evening - Year 13 rearranged Prom

Week 1

Monday 14 Sept Year 10 boys & girls Vaccinations DTP / ACWY

Tuesday 15 Sept Year 7, 9 and 12 photographs (am)

7.00pm Year 12 Welcome Evening for Parents

Wednesday 16 Sept

Thursday 17 Sept INSET DAY

6:30pm Year 6 Open Evening

DofE Gold (Y13) Practice Expedition (until 19.9.20)

Friday 18 Sept I NSET DAY

Week 2

Monday 21 Sept Year 11 Assertive Mentoring-Week 1 (until 25.9.20)

Inter-House Mystery Challenge

Tuesday 22 Sept 3.00pm – 6.00pm DofE Pre-expedition assessments

Wednesday 23 Sept 7.00pm Year 13 University Information Evening for Parents

Thursday 24 Sept 7.00pm DofE Information Evening

Friday 25 Sept

Saturday 26 Sept DofE Bronze (Y10) Practice Expedition (until 27.9.20)



The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Week 1

Monday 28 Sept Year 13 Common Deadline Week

Tuesday 29 Sept 6.00pm Year 7 Hagg Farm Parents’ Information Evening

Wednesday 30 Sept


Thursday 1 Oct National Poetry Day – reading events

7.00pm Post 16 Open Evening

Friday 2 Oct

Week 2

Monday 5 Oct Trip: Year 13 Biology trip to Perlethorpe tbc

Tuesday 6 Oct Trip 1: Year 10 Physical Geography tbc

Year 13 Mock Oxbridge tests (3.30pm)

Wednesday 7 Oct Trip 2: Year 10 Physical Geography tbc

1.00pm – 3.30pm KS4 (Y9/10) Trust Winter Games at Hall Park

Inter-House Drama Challenge (lunch time)

Thursday 8 Oct Trip 3: Year 10 Physical Geography tbc

7.00pm Year 11 Parents’ Workshop – “Revision Strategies”

Friday 9 Oct

Saturday 10 Oct DofE Bronze (Year 10) Qualifying Expedition (until 11.10.20)

Week 1

Monday 12 Oct Trip: Year 7 Lawrence House to Hagg Farm (until 13.10.20)

Year 12 Common Deadline Week

Inter-House Art Challenge launch

Tuesday 13 Oct Trip: Year 7 Knight House to Hagg Farm (until 14.10.20)

Wednesday 14 Oct Trip: Year 7 Green House to Hagg Farm (until 15.10.20)

Year 11 Mock Interviews

Thursday 15 Oct Trip: Year 7 Africanus House to Hagg Farm (until 16.10.20)

Year 11 Mock Interviews

Year 13 Oxbridge early entry deadline

3.15pm – 5.00pm Year 11 Arts Inspiration Workshop

6.00pm - 7.00pm School Direct Information Evening (Primary) –

at Training Centre

7.00pm – 8.00pm SCITT Information Evening (Secondary) –

at Training Centre

Friday 16 Oct Year 13 Progress Report 1 issued