The Rebuilding of Rio de Janeiro PLSC 422 Presentation: Emma Watts, Mark Phelps, Todd Goldstein, and...

The Rebuilding of Rio de Janeiro PLSC 422 Presentation: Emma Watts, Mark Phelps, Todd Goldstein, and David Koontz

Transcript of The Rebuilding of Rio de Janeiro PLSC 422 Presentation: Emma Watts, Mark Phelps, Todd Goldstein, and...

The Rebuilding of Rio de Janeiro

PLSC 422 Presentation: Emma Watts, Mark Phelps, Todd Goldstein, and David Koontz

History of World Cup: Preparation in South America

1986 FIFA World Cup

• Mexico had held the games 1970,16 years prior to the most recent event held in 1986.

• Originally to be held in Columbia.

• Failed due to economic concerns.

• Decided to be held in Mexico in 1983.

• First city to hold two World Cups.

• Severe earthquake eight months prior to tournament.

• Doubt.

• Events were still held.

Collapsed General Hospital in Mexico City after the 1986 Earthquake.

Flyer advertising the 1986 World Cup in Mexico.

How South Africa Prepared for the World Cup

• Won the Nomination in 2004, over Egypt, Morocco, and a joint bid with Libya and Tunisia.

• Question if South Africa could catch up with construction of stadiums.

• Security Concerns. (Crime)

• Bulked up police force.

• Built 5 new Stadiums and upgraded five existing stadiums.

• New Rapid Transit Railway and widened highways.

• Refurbished Airports

History of Olympics: Preparation in Beijing China

• Also created new buildings, stadiums, hotels, and even created an entire village within the city for the athletes.

• Relocation of People out of Beijing• Pollution.• Efforts to improve the environment.• Athletes concerned about health

London 2012 Olympics

• Various Organizations created to oversee the success of the games.

• Olympic Delivery Authority.

• Security Concerns due to riots and terrorist attacks.

• Fear.

• Olympics were successfully held.

Security Overview

• Federal Police fostering Legacy of Safety and Security

• Rio de Janeiro strong culture of violence and violent crime.

• 4,767 murders in Rio in 2010o -536 murders in New York City 2010

• Police focused on Pacification and creating a greater presence of forceso -At least 20 more police units across


Security Leadership

• Federal Police Chief Jose Mariano Beninca Beltrameo -Secretary of Security for Rio de


• Focused on Creating "Legacy of safety and security in the Region following a strong history of violence."

Securing the Favelas

• Gang related violence has plagued Rio for Decades

• Violence centered in city slums or Favelas

• Beltrame believes hosting the world cup and olympics has allowed police and federal workers to secure and integrate the Favelas

Drug Trafficking

• Rio de Janeiro has a strong drug trafficking culture in the favelas

• Drug crimes on rise o -2008 police seized 14 kilos of crack

cocaineo -2010 police seized 200 kilos of

crack cocaine

• Brazilian Military launched a two week crackdown on drug traffickerso -Resulted in 181 arrest, 518

weapons seizures and at least 40 deaths

Destruction of the Favelas

• Since February of 2011, Rio has been destroying the favelas.

• By the end of the renovations about 1.5 million families will be out of a home across Brazil.

• This is not the same as the Beijing Games as 1.5 million there alone were removed

• The construction companies are to build new housing for the displaced families but have not finished them.

• The demolitions are part of a transformation of the area around Rio

Citizen's Reactions

Citizen's Reactions

• Many citizens are extremely upset about the destruction of their homes

• Some see it as just a way for the government to capture their homes to build new middle class homes

• Others see it as just a way for the government to have an excuse to push them out

• Normally a country's citizens are happy for both the World Cup and the Olympics, and this time there are many people who do not want to support them at all


• This destruction is for the building of new stadiums and parking for the games, both the Olympics and World Cup

• There are also new apartment buildings being built across from where other favelas were destroyed

• People also say that this is just to destroy the low income housing and have an excuse to place high income housing

• The games are also being used as an excuse to just clean up the city where city officials want the poor to move out

World Reaction to the Destruction

• Many activists have voiced their opinions on how the government is abusing eminent domain

• Amnesty International is one of the biggest groups standing up for the families being evicted

• The IOC and FIFA have stated that they do not see any rights being violated

• Neither group will perform and outside/internal investigation on violations

• Countries of the world have yet to step up and do anything and are not expected as no one did for Beijing

Why are these events important for a country?

• These games allow Brazil to be on the world stage

• The increase in both tourism and new buildings allow for the GDP of the country to grow, bringing more people out of poverty into the middle class

• Rio alone should see a 15% increase in tourism

• These events also push a country to modernize faster than on a normal pace

Cost of Reconstruction

• Initial estimates say the renovations and construction will cost about $14.8 billiono that it just the cost for Olympic buildings

• City, state and local governments have invested about $12 billion to these efforts so far

• The construction is projected to be done by the end of 2015- early 2016

Stadiums: Macarana

• Originally built for the 1950 World Cup

• Recently rebuilt for the 2007 Pan American Games

• Undergoing another renovation currently

• Changes include:o lowering the grandstando new roof- had to be demolished because it was

deemed to be unsafe

• Issue: o reconstruction is continually delayed due to strikes

• Budget:o $470 million

Macarana Stadium

Stadiums: Barra Velodrome

• Complete renovation for the stadium which houses track cycling

• Does not meet current Olympic standardso must be expandedo proposed split level circulation system

• New circulation systems and

more open floor plan

Transportation: Airports

• Notoriously known to be cramped and strained with air traffic growth

• Renovations include airport terminals and runwayso this includes expansion and modernization

• Tencredo Neves International Airport is nearly doubling its capacity

Transportation: High Speed Rail

• Plans are in place to build a high speed rail between Rio and Sao Paulo

• The tunnel will be 6 kilometers long, through a large mountain

• The construction is so far behind that it may not be ready for the World Cup and even the games

• The only alternative to flying or busses is over primarily unsafe roadso this cuts down on travel of those


Rio Metro

Transportation: Roads

• New roads are being built from the city's southern suburbs to most of the Olympic venueso the Olympic venues are beyond the current

metro and bus lines

• Problem: these new roads go through some of the poorest and unsafe neighborhoods

• The construction is causing the eviction of Vila Autodromo and thousands of other small communities

• Money constraints

Lodging: Hotels

• Plans to build 10,000 more hotel roomso 22 new hotels

• Two of the new hotels will be built as part of the Olympic port in the harbour area

• Le Paris Hotel

• There will still be a shortage, even with the new constructiono cruise liners will be used as extra space for lodging

Olympic Village

• Media Village (MEV)- 85 buildings that will house the press

• will be transformed into public housing after the games

• Olympic Village (OLV)- residential housing units, shops, restaurants, gyms, plazas

• The final cost for this will be around $1.5 billion


1. Where was the 1986 World Cup supposed to be originally held?

2. Who is standing up for the families of the favelas?



















