The race to capture experiential learning and competency based education (CBE)


Transcript of The race to capture experiential learning and competency based education (CBE)

The race to capture experiential learning and competency based education (CBE)

The race to capture experiential learning and competency based education (CBE)NCES STATS ConferenceJuly 10, 2015

Joellen Shendy, UMUCJeff Alderson, EduventuresPatrick Elliott, UMUC/PESC

PresentersP20W Education Standards Council (PESC) members:Joellen Shendy,Associate Vice Provost and University RegistrarUniversity of Maryland University CollegeJeff Alderson,Principal Analyst, Enterprise SoftwareEduventuresPatrick Elliott,Associate Registrar andPESC Board MemberUniversity of Maryland University College

What is CBE?Competency Based Education

No standard definition

CBE covers multiple approaches:Course-based vs. direct assessmentAll-you-can-learn and self-pacedPrior learning assessments, co-ops, and credit by exam


So Really, What is CBE?A large term, covering multiple approaches

Common characteristics:Change in pedagogy: Not the sage on the stage, but the guide on the side.Focus on assessment as a means to demonstrate learningValues what you know over where you obtained the knowledge

Why is CBE important (general)?AccessibleRecognizes what a student already knowsNot rigid to term structure

FlexiblePace may vary

TransparentExtended transcripts can provide deeper information

AffordableViewed as a potential solution to reduce cost of education

Relevant Industry relevant competencies that can be aligned to workforce needs


Why is CBE Important to YOUDifferent data

Redefines key components of education

Current systems and processes do not adequately support CBE

Other issuesFinancial aid and other funding sources (VA, etc.)

Regional accreditations guidelines recently released

Relatively new and lack of benchmarks


What is Experiential Learning?Experiential Learning is learning that occurs through experienceInternships

Clubs and Activities

Study Abroad




Why is Exp. Learning Important? Experiential Learning captures unique elements of the student's collegiate experience that are not usually documented on an official transcript that help form a more holistic view of the student

Distinguish the student or graduate from other students for employment or further education pursuitsDemonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities that may not be apparent through other meansRecognizes contributions and achievements outside of academic courseworkMay help brand an institution with distinct elements


Why is Exp. Learning Important?Capturing and recording experiential learning provides additional insight into learners knowledge, skills, and abilities for both learner and institution

Supplements traditional academic work

Brand institution, providing unique value-add

Helps establish life long learning


CBE Models

Course Connected CBE is being delivered within courses that are connected to time and credit based metrics (Carnegie Model)Direct Assessment CBE is being delivered by assessment (projects, simulations, papers, etc) absent of time and credit constraints Subscription Model Must meet all competenciesHybrid ModelCBE may be being delivered by a mix of models including direct assessment and credit based learningProgram transition hybrids

What does the data look like (CBE)?Different than current modelsSome CBE will retain elements of typical structures (may map to courses or carry units and a grade)CBE allows multiple attempts to satisfy a requirement rather than the one and done model we have now More expansive and detailed than a typical course and more individualized CBE structures may dive deeper than a typical learning outcomeArtifacts and assessments may be more granular No relation of number of competencies to a particular program (no magic 120 credit hours happening)

What does the data look like (CBE)?CBE not supported within majority of current system structuresIssues are Pace and Place Not tied to timeNot tied to place - recognition that learning can occur anywhere How to capture data that does not fit within current structural frameworkManualCategories are problematic


What does the data look like (EXP. learning)?Experiential learning complements traditional academic courses but may not be assessed the same wayNo gradesDifferent categoriesNot typically housed in a single system but, if so, it usually is not in the SIS where regular records are storedVerification of the learning can be official or unofficial - poses issues if the data needs to be trusted


What is happening in the industry?Which vendors are collecting, transferring, storing data today?Ellucian: acquired the Helix LMS, focused on CBE; mapping LMS data models to ERP/SIS structuresLoudCloud: artifacts stored locally to the LMS, using LTI/SSO to send data to SIS/AssessmentsCivitas: data agnostic, mapping/aligning/transforming data from multiple sources, write back to SISKaplan University: Learning Outcome Manager and Repository; 1:1 credit hour equivalenciesD2L/Brightspace: Adaptive Learning Engine and assessments integrated to the LMS

Trends:LMS and Assessment vendors continue store learning outcomes locally to their databasesLTI standard not robust enough to transport outcomes data back to the SISEmerging standard for Caliper for learning events, but not robust for entire objects to support learning outcomes (yet); brand new standard, and limited support (D2L, Kaltura, etc.)

Where do we think it is going?Alignment of CEDS elements to CBE applicabilitySummary of John Milams work on current state of standardsQ) Why is this important? A) The basic framework exists to save R&D $$, dont reinvent the wheel for portability of data between institutions for degree audit, transfer and employment verificationIssues for CBE standardization fall into three categories:TechnologyPolicyTaxonomy Emergent need for transfer, portability, audit, mapping, system integration?All major for-profit institutions are pursuing homegrown or vendor-led CBE data systemsAll CBE-focused LMS vendors Standards forums to share best practices around technology, policy and taxonomy

ANALYSIS OF CEDS 5.0 for CBE IMPACT232 distinct data elements of higher CBE interest for reviewPersonsProgramsAwardsLearning ResourcesLearning ObjectivesLearning ExperiencesCompetenciesVerificationsRubrics

However, CEDS illustrates how a course-based approach is outdated

Taxonomies are still needed for CEDS & CBE systems beyond CIP, SOC, & NAICS related to competency frameworks


CBE Documents and SystemsExtended TranscriptsProvide greater evidence of students learning journeyIMS Global Work Group on CBE Data and Extended Transcript (eT)Development of CBE data standards for institutional systemsPrototype and provide open source code for a CBE digital eT A few sample schools providingKaplan University (CBE)Capella University (CBE)Northern Arizona University (CBE)University of Wisconsin (CBE)Elon University (Experiential)Stanford University (Outcomes)


Call to action! Stakeholders need to join the conversations

Participate in workgroups and PESC task force.Tom Black, Stanford University, ChairJoellen Shendy, UMUC, Co-ChairAlex Jackl, Bardic Systems, Co-ChairFor more info, contact [email protected] or visit

What questions does the NCES group have? Take aways to be addressed and followed up.