“The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep trying!” CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS The...

“The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep trying!” CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS The fastest runners of short distance may not have the best cardiovascular fitness You must engage in an aerobic activity for an extended period of time

Transcript of “The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep trying!” CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS The...


The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep trying!CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESSThe fastest runners of short distance may not have the best cardiovascular fitness

You must engage in an aerobic activity for an extended period of timeHow can you measure your pulse rate?What benefits are gained from participation in activities promoting cardiovascular fitness?Which health risk factors can be controlled with cardiovascular training?

OBJECTIVESHow can the training principles be applied to improve cardiovascular fitness? How do you determine the rate at which your heart should be exercised?How do you know when it is safe to progress with your cardiovascular training?

OBJECTIVESCardiovascular disease is the number on cause of death in America. It is estimated that over half of deaths caused by cardiovascular disease could have been prevented with a change in the person's lifestyle. All of us have control over six of the nine risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. Engaging in physical activity to improve your cardiovascular fitness is perhaps your most important lifestyle decision.

VALUEcirculatory and digestiverespiratory and nervousrespiratory and circulatoryendocrine and skeletal

Which two body systems are primarily affected by cardiofitness exercise?ANSWER: #3be quick, powerfulutilize large muscle groupsraise heart rate to target zoneimprove muscle strengthlast at least 15 minutes

In order to be considered good cardio fitness exercise the activity must have which of the following?ANSWER: #2,3,5Relax and revitalizeIncreases energy level, look good, feel goodAbility to provide oxygen continuously toworking muscles over an extended timeBetter brain function

Short Term Benefits of Cardiovascular Fitness:Decreases risk of heart diseaseIncreases staminaLowers blood pressure and cholesterolLowers body fatImproves muscular healthReduces sick daysDecreases risk of osteoporosisDecreases arthritis symptoms

Long Term Benefits of Cardiovascular Fitness:

Work togetherBlood picks up oxygen from the lungs and carries it to the heart

Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Capillary System

Heart rate is affected by: position activity level body sizeNormal heart rate:adults: 70 bpmchildren: 100 bpm

Monitoring The HeartPulse:-pressure of blood on artery walls-Use fingers rather than thumb-Count 10 sec. and multiply by 6

Measuring Heart Rate

Resting Heart Rate:-taken just after waking and in the same body position each time-Normal: 50-100 bpm-Assignment: Take Resting-HR tomorrow morning

Measuring Heart Rate

resting heart ratemax heart raterecovery heart ratetarget heart rate

Which heart rate will tell you when it is time to advance your workout?ANSWER: #3Recovery Heart Rate-pulse after exercise-5 min after exercise: 120 bpm-10 min after exercise: no more than 100 bpm

Measuring Heart RateBlood Pressure-blood force against artery walls-Systolic pressure when pumping-Diastolic pressure when relaxed-Normal: 120/80

Measuring Heart RateAtherosclerosisThrombosisHeart attackStroke

Cardiovascular Disease

GenderObesitySmokingHeredityInactivityHigh blood pressureStress/tensionAgeHigh cholesterol

Which of the following are health risk factors for cardiovascular disease that you can control?ANSWER: #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9I can controlInactivityObesityHigh blood pressureHigh cholesterolStress/tensionSmoking

Risk FactorsI cant controlGenderHereditaryAge

Reduces the risk of dying prematurelyStrengthens heart, makes more efficientDecreases atherosclerosisClears fats from bloodstream

Cardiovascular Benefits of Exercise

Helps control weightImproves concentrationPromotes positive self-conceptReduces feelings of depression and anxiety

Cardiovascular Benefits of Exercise220 Age = Max HR

Age 14 = 206Age 15 = 205

Maximal Heart Rate

Upper and lower limits60-90% maximum heart rate

Target Heart Rate

Safe Lower Limit:(220-age) x 60% = Lower Limit(220-14) x 60% = Lower Limit(206) x 60 % = Lower Limit 123.6Target Heart Rate Formula (% of Max HR) Safe Upper Limit:(220-age) x 90% = Upper Limit(220-14) x 90% = Upper Limit(206) x 90 % = Upper Limit185.4Target Heart Rate Formula (% of Max HR)124120118114

Calculate the lower limit heart rate for a 23 year old personANSWER: #3Principle of OverloadFrequency: minimum 3 times per weekIntensity: target heart rateTime: minimum 20 min. at target heart rate

Applying Training PrinciplesIncrease overload gradually by:-increasing pace-Increasing distance

Principle of Progression


During this type of exercise oxygen is required to make muscle action occur, lasts an extended period of time.ANSWER: #4flexibilityanaerobicanabolicaerobic

This type of exercise doesnt require oxygen to make muscle action occur, usually in short bursts.ANSWER: #2Aerobic with oxygen (best)Anaerobic without oxygen

Going to go outside and do an example of both types of exercise!

Principle of Specificity

How can you measure your pulse rate?What benefits are gained from participation in activities promoting cardiovascular fitness?Which health risk factors can be controlled with cardiovascular training?

OBJECTIVESHow can the training principles be applied to improve cardiovascular fitness? How do you determine the rate at which your heart should be exercised?How do you know when it is safe to progress with your cardiovascular training?