The propagation of tribrachial flames in a confined channel

Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179 The propagation of tribrachial flames in a confined channel Nam Il Kim a,, Jeong Il Seo b , Young Tae Guahk b , Hyun Dong Shin b a School of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 156-756, Republic of Korea b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Guseong, Yuseong, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea Received 10 July 2005; received in revised form 23 March 2006; accepted 2 April 2006 Available online 11 May 2006 Abstract A flame formulated in a mixing layer has a typical structure of a tribrachial (or triple) flame. The propaga- tion velocity of a tribrachial flame is much higher than the laminar burning velocity of a stoichiometric premixed flame, and the propagation velocity usually decreases as the gradient of fuel concentration increases. A separate experimental study that used a jet flow in an open space reported that there is a maximum propagation velocity at a critical fuel concentration gradient coupled with the enhancement of a diffusion flame branch and that the critical concentration gradient can be varied even by the difference in velocity variation near the flame. This study investigates how a confined flow field affects the structure of a tribrachial flame. The mean velocity and the con- centration gradient of fuel were controlled by a multislot burner. Laser diagnostic methods were used to measure the velocity variation, the OH radical, and the temperature variation. Even in a confined geometrical space, the existence of the maximum propagation velocity was confirmed. Moreover, the critical concentration gradients in a confined channel were larger than those in an open jet case; that is, the role of the diffusion flame at the maximum propagation velocity becomes more significant in a confined structure due to the enhanced convective diffusion. This result shows the importance of the diffusion branch in a confined (or squeezed) stream tube. © 2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Tribrachial flame; Triple flame; Propagation velocity; Flame stabilization; Concentration gradient 1. Introduction A tribrachial (or triple) flame can form in a mass diffusive mixing layer with a flammable concentra- tion. The tribrachial flame consists of a lean premixed flame, a rich premixed flame, and a diffusion (or non- premixed) flame. The junction of the three reaction branches is called a tribrachial point. This structure was first reported by Phillips [1], who experimented * Corresponding author. Fax: +82 2 814 9476. E-mail address: [email protected] (N.I. Kim). on flame propagation in a horizontal methane–air stratified mixing layer in order to simulate mine ex- plosions. Phillips showed that the propagation veloc- ity of a tribrachial flame (PVTF), or V f , is much larger than the laminar burning velocity of a stoichiometric mixture. Ishikawa [2] observed similar flame struc- tures through experiments on the transient flames that formed in a stratified methane–air layer in a chamber with constant volume. In an analytical study, Dold [3] recognized the importance of the tribrachial flame for turbulent modeling. A number of studies have since been conducted on the tribrachial flame, especially with regard to the 0010-2180/$ – see front matter © 2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2006.04.001

Transcript of The propagation of tribrachial flames in a confined channel

Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–

The propagation of tribrachial flames in a confined channel

Nam Il Kim a,∗, Jeong Il Seo b, Young Tae Guahk b, Hyun Dong Shin b

a School of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 156-756, Republic of Koreab Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Guseong, Yuseong,

Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea

Received 10 July 2005; received in revised form 23 March 2006; accepted 2 April 2006

Available online 11 May 2006


A flame formulated in a mixing layer has a typical structure of a tribrachial (or triple) flame. The propaga-tion velocity of a tribrachial flame is much higher than the laminar burning velocity of a stoichiometric premixedflame, and the propagation velocity usually decreases as the gradient of fuel concentration increases. A separateexperimental study that used a jet flow in an open space reported that there is a maximum propagation velocityat a critical fuel concentration gradient coupled with the enhancement of a diffusion flame branch and that thecritical concentration gradient can be varied even by the difference in velocity variation near the flame. This studyinvestigates how a confined flow field affects the structure of a tribrachial flame. The mean velocity and the con-centration gradient of fuel were controlled by a multislot burner. Laser diagnostic methods were used to measurethe velocity variation, the OH radical, and the temperature variation. Even in a confined geometrical space, theexistence of the maximum propagation velocity was confirmed. Moreover, the critical concentration gradients in aconfined channel were larger than those in an open jet case; that is, the role of the diffusion flame at the maximumpropagation velocity becomes more significant in a confined structure due to the enhanced convective diffusion.This result shows the importance of the diffusion branch in a confined (or squeezed) stream tube.© 2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tribrachial flame; Triple flame; Propagation velocity; Flame stabilization; Concentration gradient

1. Introduction

A tribrachial (or triple) flame can form in a massdiffusive mixing layer with a flammable concentra-tion. The tribrachial flame consists of a lean premixedflame, a rich premixed flame, and a diffusion (or non-premixed) flame. The junction of the three reactionbranches is called a tribrachial point. This structurewas first reported by Phillips [1], who experimented

* Corresponding author. Fax: +82 2 814 9476.E-mail address: [email protected] (N.I. Kim).

0010-2180/$ – see front matter © 2006 The Combustion Institute.doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2006.04.001

on flame propagation in a horizontal methane–airstratified mixing layer in order to simulate mine ex-plosions. Phillips showed that the propagation veloc-ity of a tribrachial flame (PVTF), or Vf, is much largerthan the laminar burning velocity of a stoichiometricmixture. Ishikawa [2] observed similar flame struc-tures through experiments on the transient flames thatformed in a stratified methane–air layer in a chamberwith constant volume. In an analytical study, Dold [3]recognized the importance of the tribrachial flame forturbulent modeling.

A number of studies have since been conductedon the tribrachial flame, especially with regard to the

Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

N.I. Kim et al. / Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179 169

dependency of the PVTF on the gradient of the fuel’smass fraction (or concentration gradient), which is animportant issue. Although Phillips reported that thepropagation velocity decreases as the mixing thick-ness decreases, the concentration gradient was notquantitatively evaluated.

Kioni et al. [4] connected a multislot burner toa slightly diverging channel and strictly controlledthe concentration gradient of methane. They used di-luted methane (with 55% N2), and their results alsoshowed that the propagation velocity of the tribrachialflame was much larger than the laminar burning ve-locity. However, the propagation velocity in their ex-periment increased slightly as the concentration gra-dient increased. The discrepancy in the correlationbetween the PVTF and the concentration gradient hasbeen attributed to the confined geometry of the chan-nel.

Ruetsch et al. [5] analytically explained that theratio of the PVTF to the laminar burning velocity ofa stoichiometric mixture asymptotically converges tothe square root of the density ratio of the unburnedmixture to the burned mixture when the concentra-tion gradient approaches a very weak concentrationgradient. They expressed the ratio as

(1)Vf ∼ S0L


where S0L is the laminar burning velocity of the stoi-

chiometric mixture, ρu is the density of the unburnedmixture, and ρb is the density of the burned mixture.Their results are extremely valuable in terms of un-derstanding the characteristics of typical tribrachialflames. They explained the mechanism of the increasein the PVTF in terms of the upstream flow redirec-tion, which is due to the volume expansion near thetribrachial point [5,6].

The approach of Chung and his research group [7–10] revealed that the base of a lifted diffusion flamecan be explained by the structure of the tribrachialflame and helped to explain the essential mechanismof turbulent lift-off flames. To measure the PVTF, Koand Chung [9] used the propagating flames of a smalldiffusion jet and relied on analytical results derivedfrom a boundary layer theory. Their PVTF was muchhigher than the laminar burning velocity and it de-creased as the concentration gradient increased. Thisresult agrees well qualitatively with the estimate byRuetsch et al. with regard to the limit of small concen-tration gradient. However, the ultimate state of a zeroconcentration gradient needs to be reconsidered. If theconcentration gradient becomes zero, then the mix-ture becomes a well-premixed gas. Thus, the flamein such a mixture becomes a premixed flame—nota tribrachial flame. The propagation velocity of thepremixed flame must then be of the same order as

the laminar burning velocity, which is much smallerthan the value asymptotically estimated by Ruetsch etal. [5].

Discrepancy between the PVTF and the concen-tration gradient motivated the study of Kim et al. [11].They were the first to investigate a tribrachial flamestabilized in a potential core of a large jet in an openspace (that is, an open jet). Under such conditions, aunique mechanism of flame stabilization is the flowredirection caused by the flame itself. This mecha-nism is the main reason for the increase in the PVTF.In addition, the lift-off heights were sensitive to themean velocity and the concentration gradient. Thus,the blow-off conditions of a tribrachial flame with anopen jet, which were defined as the maximum veloc-ity for flame stabilization, could be a good methodfor measuring the PVTF. Kim et al. [11] showed thatthere is a critical concentration gradient at which thePVTF reaches its maximum. They suggested threecauses: the limitation of the burner, the nonuniformvelocity profiles, and the additional volume expansionby the diffusion flame.

Briefly, the limitation of the burner implies thatwhen the size of the burner is not sufficient to estab-lish an “ideal tribrachial flame,” the flame edges closeto the flammable limits are eliminated and the overallpropagation velocity of the tribrachial flame is under-estimated. Here, the ideal tribrachial flame is definedas a tribrachial flame that has been stabilized in an in-finite uniform velocity field with linear concentrationprofiles that cover all flammable conditions from thelean limit to the rich limit [11].

According to the results of Kim et al. [11], thiscritical concentration gradient varied when the flamewas near the nozzle’s exit. This result raised questionsabout the effect of the flow deflection on the charac-teristics of the tribrachial flame. In regard to this, thedifferences between the theoretical tribrachial flameand the flame in the confined channel have not yetbeen clarified, even though confined channels haveoften been used in this research field. Furthermore,neither the difference between the planar mixing layerand the round jet nor the effect of the shear layerhas been distinguished clearly. We therefore inves-tigated the tribrachial flames in a slightly divergingchannel as the first step in elaborating the effect ofthe velocity field. In such a channel, flow divergenceis expected to be suppressed and the concentrationgradient maintained at a higher level, resulting in en-hanced mass diffusion, especially behind premixedflame branches.

Our two primary objectives were to investigatewhether a tribrachial flame in a slightly divergingchannel has a critical concentration gradient for themaximum PVTF as observed in the open jet and toexplain the difference between a tribrachial flame that

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has stabilized in an open jet and one in a confinedchannel. To experimentally investigate the PVTF andthe structure of the flame, we used various laser diag-nostic techniques, the results of which can expand ourunderstanding of the characteristics of the tribrachialflame.

2. Experimental method

We used methane (with a purity of 99.95%) andpropane (with a purity of 98%). Fig. 1 shows the testsection with a slightly diverging channel. The diverg-ing angle of the channel was set to 3.5◦ on each side,which is the same angle chosen by Kioni et al. [4]. Weconnected a multislot burner with a contraction nozzleto the diverging channel and named the starting pointof the channel the nozzle exit. Details of the burnerhave been presented elsewhere [11]. Fig. 1 shows thecoordinates for the direction of the flow (x), the con-centration gradient (y), and the depth (z).

Fig. 1. Experimental apparatus (HC: honeycomb, PG: parti-cle generator, MC: mixing chamber, length unit is mm).

Our two experimental parameters were the meanvelocity and the concentration gradient (that is, thegradient of the fuel’s mass fraction). There were 14slots in the y-direction for the premixed mixtures andtwo additional slots for the side nitrogen in the z-direction. By adjusting the flow rate and the equiv-alence ratio of the mixture in each slot, we couldstrictly control the overall flow rate and the concen-tration gradient.

The effects of side nitrogen layers were examinedby varying the flow rate of the nitrogen. As a re-sult, even though a small deviation was found for thelift-off heights of the flames, the overall trends weresimilar regardless of the flow rate. Thus, the meanflow velocity of the nitrogen was regulated such that ithad the same mean velocity as the main stream of themixture. All flame shapes then had negligible devia-tion in the z-direction compared with the flame widthand the scale of experimental fluctuation in the lift-offheights. Thus, all flames in this study were consideredto be two-dimensional structures.

For the luminous intensities of the tribrachialflames, we used an intensified CCD camera. Themaximum intensity was obtained near the tribrachialpoint. The lift-off height was defined as the dis-tance between the nozzle exit and the location of themaximum luminous intensity. To measure the lift-offheights, we averaged more than a hundred images.

A hot-wire anemometer (Dantec CTA56C17) wasused to measure the velocity of the cold flow, and aparticle image velocimeter (PIV) was used to measurethe velocity of the reacting flow. We also used a dou-ble pulse Nd:YAG laser (500 mJ, 532 nm) with a pulseinterval of 224.9 µs. We installed a 532-nm band-pass filter (with a bandwidth of 10 nm) to excludethe flame luminosity. The seed particle was 0.5 µmof Al2O3. The concentration gradient of the methanewas measured with the aid of mass spectroscopy (HI-DEN HPR20).

To detect OH radicals, planar laser-induced flu-orescence (PLIF) techniques were used. The laserpulse was generated by a second harmonic Nd:YAGlaser (500 mJ, 532 nm), and a pumped dye laser witha frequency doubler was tuned to 283 nm with apulse energy of 12 mJ. An intensified CCD camera(512 pixels × 512 pixels) was equipped with an FG-09 filter and an FG-01 filter.

For the temperature, the shapes of the coherentanti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectra of ni-trogen were used. The spectra were taken with amonochrometer equipped with another intensifiedCCD camera (1024 pixels × 256 pixels) over a Ra-man shift frequency range of 2260 to 2350 cm−1. Forthat, we used a single-mode Nd:YAG laser (532 nm)to generate a pump laser and a modeless dye laser togenerate a Stokes laser [12].

N.I. Kim et al. / Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179 171




Fig. 2. Photographs of tribrachial flames: (a) direct images of a methane flame, Vm,0 = 102.5 cm/s; (b) direct images of apropane flame, Vm,0 = 120 cm/s; (c) visualization of streak lines (methane, Vm,0 = 105 cm/s).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Flame shapes and lift-off heights

Fig. 2 shows direct images of the tribrachial flameswith the concentration gradients for fixed mean ve-locities. The concentration gradient at the nozzle exit,∇YF,0, was measured, and the mean velocity at the

nozzle exit, Vm,0, was defined as the flow rate dividedby the cross-sectional area of the channel at the nozzleexit. Figs. 2a–2c show images of the methane flamesand propane flames, as well as the Mie-scatteringimages of the streamlines near the methane flames.In all results of this study, the left-hand side wasfuel-lean and the right-hand side was fuel-rich. Asthe concentration gradient increased, minimum lift-

172 N.I. Kim et al. / Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179

Fig. 3. Variation of the lift-off height with the concentrationgradient at the nozzle exit and the mean velocity at the nozzleexit for (a) methane and (b) propane.

off heights existed for fixed mean velocities, and thewidth of the premixed flame branch in the y-directiondecreased to less than the width of the channel. Thus,the curvature of the flame was enlarged as much inan open jet, and the luminous intensity of the dif-fusion flame was also stronger than that of an openjet, even for a concentration gradient smaller thanthe critical gradient. The streamlines near the flamein Fig. 2c show that the flow divergence is signifi-cantly restricted when the concentration gradient issmall (compare with Fig. 4c in [11]). The flame po-sition was noticeably disturbed with particle seeding,and the images in Fig. 2c were chosen when the dis-turbances were small.

The variation in the lift-off height with the concen-tration gradient is shown in Fig. 3a for the methaneflames and in Fig. 3b for the propane flames. As theconcentration gradient increased, the lift-off heightdecreased and then increased, depending on the con-

Fig. 4. Velocity distribution of a nonreactive flow in thechannel (Vm,0 = 100 cm/s).

centration gradient. Lift-off heights reached a min-imum value at the critical concentration gradient.Compared with flames that stabilize in an openjet [11], flames in a channel stabilized more eas-ily, since flame stabilization can be obtained evenwith much higher mean velocities or at greater lift-off heights. Moreover, for the same variation of theconcentration gradient, the resultant variation of thelift-off heights was much smaller than that in theopen-jet case. As a result, blow-off was not observedunder the experimental conditions of this study, al-though it could readily be observed in the open jetexperiment [11].

3.2. Definition of the mean velocity and theconcentration gradient

The essential differences of a flow in a confinedchannel are the variation in velocity and the concen-tration gradient of the nonreactive flow. We measuredthe velocity distribution of a nonreactive flow using ahot-wire anemometer in the channel. Fig. 4 shows theresults. We found that uniform velocity profiles weremaintained near the center. However, the width of theuniform velocity grew slightly as the height increasedbut the mean velocity decreased inversely. This phe-nomenon is mainly due to the conservation of the totalflow rate and the increase in the cross-sectional areaof the channel. Although these results are not novel,the trend and the relation to the concentration gradientshould be checked in order to validate the experimen-tal limits and characteristics.

The depth of the channel in the z-direction was55 mm, and the width of the channel in the y-directioncan be written as W(x) = W0 + 2x tan θ , where W0 isthe channel width at the nozzle exit (W0 = 50 mm)and θ is the slope angle of the wall (θ = 3.5◦). The

N.I. Kim et al. / Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179 173

ideal mean velocity, Vm,x , can then be written

(2)Vm,x = Vm,0W0/(W0 + 2x tan θ),

where Vm,0 is the mean velocity at the nozzle exit. In-stead of using the measured velocity at the center, weobtained the mean velocity at the nozzle exit, Vm,0,from the ratio of the flow rate to the cross-sectionalarea. This definition is more reasonable because thetotal flow rate is conserved in the channel regard-less of the existence of the flame. Such a definitionis also close to the physical meaning of the prop-agation velocity of a premixed flame in a confinedchannel. An additional strength is that the same de-finitions have been used as representative velocitiesin previous studies conducted in channels or in openjets [1,4,11,13].

Fig. 5 plots the variation of the ideal mean velocityand the measured velocity at the center of the cross-sectional area, and the results are compared with theexperimental results for the open jet [11]. All the re-sults have the same flow rate of the mean velocity of100 cm/s at the nozzle exit. The axial mean veloc-ity in the channel decreases with the height, while theaxial mean velocity of the open jet is almost constant.The measured velocity at the nozzle exit is 1.14 timesthe ideal mean velocity estimated from the flow rate.Even though the measured velocity in the channelis similar to the ideal case in their trends, the devi-ation between the experimental and ideal velocitiesincreases in the direction of the stream, probably dueto the growth of the shear layer near the wall.

As with the velocity variation, the concentrationgradient also varies in the direction of the stream, gen-erally by two mechanisms: the convective diffusiondue to the diverging flow field and the mass diffusiondue to the concentration gradient. However, variationin the concentration gradient by the mass diffusion is

Fig. 5. Variation of the velocity of a nonreactive flow in theaxial direction (Vm,0 = 100 cm/s).

negligible since the concentration gradient is constantwithin the area of interest in which flames are formu-lated; i.e., the derivative of the constant concentrationgradient is zero. By assuming that the fuel concen-tration of each stream line is maintained, the idealconcentration gradient can then be written

(3)∇YF,x = ∇YF,0W0/(W0 + 2x tan θ),

where ∇YF,0 is the concentration gradient at the in-let of the channel. We used the measured concentra-tion gradient at the nozzle exit, ∇YF,0, as the initialconcentration gradient on the basis of Eq. (3). Thelocal concentration gradient, ∇YF,f, was estimated atthe tribrachial position xf. As a result, we found thatthe dependency of the concentration gradient on themean velocity was negligible under our experimen-tal conditions because the residence time in the testsection was sufficiently short compared with the dif-fusion time scale of a cold mixture across the channelunder the weak concentration gradient in this experi-ment.

The second mechanism of mass diffusion is notsignificant because a linear distribution of speciesdoes not cause a change in the local flux. Only anoverall shift in concentration may occur from the richside to the lean side with the order of the characteris-tic diffusion length (Duτc)

0.5, where Du is the massdiffusivity of the unburned mixture and τc is a convec-tive time scale. The mass diffusivity of the unburnedmixture was on the order of 10−5 m2/s. The con-vective time scale was less than 10−1 s based on thelength of the test section and the mean velocity. Thecharacteristic diffusion length is subsequently on theorder of 10−3 m, which is negligible compared withthe spatial resolution of this experiment.

However, the mass diffusion becomes significantwhen the concentration profile has a stepwise dis-tribution; that is, the concentration of the rich sidehas a finite value and there is a drastic variation be-tween the lean and rich sides near the stoichiometry.This situation may occur when a small number ofslots are connected directly to the channel, as oftenadopted in other experiments. The concentration gra-dient then decreases from an infinitely large value toa small value; moreover, it does not depend on thecross-sectional area of the channel but on the diffu-sion velocity. Under such experimental conditions, asopposed to those of the present study, the variationof the local concentration gradient along the streamshould therefore be evaluated in conjunction with theincrease in the mixing thickness of the species.

As shown in Fig. 6, we used mass spectroscopy toevaluate the concentration gradient of the methane–air mixture without flame along the stoichiometryline. The trend in the experimental results is simi-lar to the trend in the ideal concentration gradient of

174 N.I. Kim et al. / Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179

Fig. 6. Variation of the concentration gradient of a nonreac-tive flow in the axial direction (Vm,0 = 100 cm/s).

Fig. 7. Velocity variation in the direction of the stream, asmeasured by the PIV method (propane, Vm,0 = 120 cm/s).

Eq. (3). Moreover, as with the velocity variation inFig. 5, the deviation between the ideal concentrationgradient and the measured results increases in a simi-lar trend with the height.

3.3. Propagation velocity

When there is a flame in the channel, the velocityfield near the flame is deflected. The velocity dis-tribution near the flame was measured with the PIVmethod and the results are shown in Fig. 7. Alongthe same line of height, the minimum velocity wasplotted at the upstream, while the maximum velocitywas plotted at the downstream. The velocity decreasesslightly at the nozzle exit and then decreases steeplyin front of the thermal layer. The minimum velocityin front of the flame is known to be in the same orderas the laminar burning velocity [5]. For detailed study

of the local burning velocity, measurement with highresolution is required in front of the thermal layer, butthis task is beyond the scope of this study.

Across the premixed flame, the velocity increasesdrastically due to thermal expansion. However, be-hind the premixed flame, the velocity continually in-creases. This likely can be attributed to the addi-tional volume expansion from the curved surfaces ofthe premixed flame downstream from the tribrachialpoint, or from the diffusive reaction behind the pre-mixed branch. In a confined geometry, the volumesource generates velocity increases in the directionof the stream, as with a flame in a tube. Whenthe concentration gradient is small, the curved pre-mixed flame lengthens in conjunction with the en-larged overall scale of the flame. Thus, the velocitybehind the premixed flame accelerates with the con-tinuous heat release from the flame. Another effect isconcerned with the development of the flow. The ve-locity field which has been already disturbed by theflame develops to a new velocity field in the channel,and it increases the velocity along the stream at thecenter of the cross-sectional area coupled with the in-crease of the viscosity of the burned gas. In addition,as a minor reason, a small portion of the continuousincrease in velocity may also be attributable to thebuoyancy effect.

Even though the ideal mean velocity and the idealconcentration gradient do not correspond with thereal velocity and the real concentration gradient, theycan be representative values coupled with the strongsimilarity between the mean velocity and the con-centration gradient. Thus, the lift-off height, xf, wasconverted to the PVTF, Vf, against the concentra-tion gradient, which is based on Eqs. (2) and (3).Fig. 8a shows the results for the methane flames, andFig. 8b shows the results for the propane flames. Allthe experimental results agree well with each other,and the critical concentration gradients were 0.0054for methane and 0.0085 for propane. These valuesare about twice the values of the critical concentra-tion gradients, which we obtained from the blow-offconditions of the open jet experiment: 0.0025 for themethane and 0.0047 for the propane [11].

Fig. 9 compares the PVTF in this study with theflame stabilization conditions of the open jet exper-iment, along with other relevant measurements. Inthe open jet experiment, the blow-off conditions weresuitable for measuring the PVTF. Thus, the extrapo-lated line of the blow-off conditions agreed fairly wellwith the analytical value, MA, for a zero concentra-tion gradient, especially in the case of methane [5].The results of Ko and Chung [9] were smaller thanthe analytical value MA. Furthermore, the results byKioni et al. [4] present quite a different trend, whichwill be explained later. One notable result is that even

N.I. Kim et al. / Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 168–179 175

Fig. 8. Propagation velocity with the concentration gradientfor (a) methane and (b) propane.

in the open jet, the critical concentration gradientshifted to higher values as the flame approached thenozzle exit, and the values were close to the criti-cal concentration gradients of the present experiment.In conclusion, the PVTF of the flame in the chan-nel is close to the results of the flashback in theopen jet, which was defined as the condition where-upon the flame base moves into the contraction noz-zle.

Even in the case of the open jet, the flow diver-gence near the nozzle exit is restricted by the contrac-tion nozzle. Thus, the flow situation near the nozzleexit is similar to the flow in the channel. From theseresults, we can extend the discussion on the flame ina confined channel to the situation where the flowdivergence by the flame is partially suppressed dueto the external flow around the flame. For example,if there were an additional coaxial flow around the

Fig. 9. Comparison of the propagation velocities of propaneand methane flames in a channel with other results. PA: theanalytic value of a propane flame [5]; PB: the mean veloc-ity for the blow-off of a propane flame [11]; PF: the meanvelocity for the flashback of a propane flame [11]; MA: theanalytic value of a methane flame [5]; MB: the mean velocityfor the blow-off of a methane flame; MF: the mean velocityfor the flashback of a methane flame; Ko and Chung [9];Kioni et al. [4].

open jet, the flow divergence near the flame in theopen jet might be equally restricted. We can then ex-pect the propagation velocity to decrease as it doesin the channel or near the nozzle. Based on theseresults, it is believed that the task of measuring thePVTF with an open potential jet is the most reason-able among all experimental methods that have beensuggested thus far, because it is less affected by thegiven velocity disturbance by a confined channel orshear layer.

Before investigating the reason for the maximumPVTF, we will briefly discuss flame stabilizationfrom the viewpoint of the response of the PVTF tothe concentration gradient. When the mean velocityis matched to the propagation velocity, a stationaryflame is obtained. Considering a slight disturbance inthe flame position, ε, we can express the variation ofthe mean velocity and the concentration gradient fromEqs. (2) and (3) as follows:


∇YF,x= Vm,x+ε


To estimate the sensitivity of the propagation velocityto the disturbance of the concentration gradient, thePVTF, Vf, was presented as being proportional to the

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concentration gradient to the power of a as follows:











The response rate a becomes a function of the con-centration gradient and determines how the propaga-tion velocity responds to the concentration gradient.A flame slightly disturbed upstream (ε < 0) confrontsan increased mean velocity and its propagation veloc-ity decreases inversely if a is negative. In most ofthe literature, a is negative. The flame then movesdownstream, resulting in a stable flame. That is, thevariation in the PVTF is smaller than that of the meanvelocity caused by a perturbed distance. Thus, thevariation in the lift-off heights is small when the con-centration gradient is larger than the critical value asshown in Fig. 3.

If a is positive, on the other hand, there is anincrease in the propagation velocity of a flame thatis slightly disturbed upstream. Consequently, the re-sponse of the flame is more sensitive than when a isnegative. Furthermore, if a is greater than unity, theflame will become unstable because the increase inthe propagation velocity may be larger than the in-crease in the mean velocity; i.e., the flame slightlydisturbed upstream propagates farther upstream, andthe flame propagation cannot be prevented by the in-crease in the mean velocity. When the disturbance,ε, becomes infinitely small, the response rate can bewritten as follows:

(6)a = d(lnVf)

d(ln∇YF,f )= ∇YF,f




Fig. 10 shows the response rates for the propaneand methane flames. We used the fitting lines of thepropagation velocity in Fig. 8 for Eq. (6). The re-

Fig. 10. Response rate of the propagation velocity with theconcentration gradient.

sponse rates are much smaller than unity for all ex-perimental results. Thus, the tribrachial flames can bestabilized in a channel regardless of the sign of a. Inthe overall trend, the response rates decrease as theconcentration gradient increases, and the variation inthe response rates becomes small.

3.4. Structure

The existence of the maximum PVTF is impor-tant in combustion study because it can be a bridgeor a criterion between a premixed flame and a typicaltribrachial flame. With respect to the reason for theexistence of the maximum PVTF, three mechanisms,the limitation of the burner, the effect of nonuniformvelocity profiles, and the effect of the diffusion flame,have been introduced [11]. It was also shown thatthe ambiguities arising from the previous two mecha-nisms with respect to the limitation of the burner andthe effect of nonuniform velocity profiles can be elim-inated by employing a clearer definition of an “idealtribrachial flame” [11]. However, the third mecha-nism, namely the effect of the diffusion flame, con-cerns the additional volume expansion by the reactionat the diffusion branch, especially near the premixedflame branch [11].

In this study, however, the flame is located in achannel and the ideal tribrachial flame is not available.Thus, the third mechanism was investigated mainlyin conjunction with the second mechanism. That is,we expected the confined structure to enlarge the con-vective diffusion, thereby manifesting the maximumPVTF. Although more studies are needed to clarifythe effects of diffusion on the PVTF, the followingthree points should be first confirmed so as to validatethe possible contribution by the additional reactionalong the diffusion flame to the PVTF:

• The experimental method must be sufficientlysensible to detect a small variation in the PVTF.

• The reaction rate of the diffusion branch must beenhanced in relation to the reaction rate of thepremixed flame when the concentration gradientis under the critical value.

• The temperature variation along the diffusionbranch must be capable of indicating any addi-tional heat release.

First, we relied on Fig. 3 to estimate the experi-mental resolution of the lift-off height. Near the crit-ical concentration gradient, the deviation of the lift-off heights between the two different mean velocitiesof 102.5 and 105.0 cm/s was about 18 mm for themethane flames. In addition, the standard deviation ofthe measured lift-off height was less than 3 mm underthe same conditions. Thus, the experimental has res-

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Fig. 11. The OH-PLIF signal and a comparison of the signal at the same distance from the flame base (propane,Vm,0 = 120 cm/s); (a, a′) Vf = 101 cm/s, ∇YF,f = 0.0032; (b, b′) Vf = 108 cm/s, ∇YF,f = 0.0081; (c, c′) Vf = 105 cm/s,∇YF,f = 0.0140.

olution of less than 0.4% and can detect small effectof the diffusion flame if it has meaningful variationabove 0.4%.

Second, the reaction rate along the diffusionbranch was evaluated by measuring the OH radicalsnear the base of the flame in order to check the ad-ditional reaction. Fig. 11 shows the intensity of theOH-PLIF signal, and Figs. 11a′–11c′ show the dis-tributions of the OH radical at three horizontal lineslocated 10, 20, and 30 mm from the base of each tri-brachial flame. Since the PVTF values of the threecases have a similar order, the same horizontal dis-tance from the flame base implies similar convectivetime scales. The OH radical usually has its maximumvalue along the diffusion flame and this phenomenonis evident in Figs. 11b′ and 11c′, similar result wasobserved by Won et al. [10].

When the concentration gradient was small, themaximum intensity was observed in the lean pre-mixed branch, whereas the diffusion branch had arelatively weak intensity, as shown in Fig. 11a′.In addition, when the distance from the tribrachialpoint increased, the OH radical along the diffusionflame maintained almost the same value, whereas theOH radical of the premixed flame branch decreased.These results for the concentration gradient, whichis smaller than the critical value, are similar to thetrends of the experimental results of Kioni et al. [13],who observed dense OH radicals in the lean premixedflame branch. Additionally they reported the secondpeak increase in the OH signal in the direction of thestream along the diffusion flame. However, we foundno renewed increase of OH radicals. Such a differenceis likely caused by the difference in the fuel dilution.

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Fig. 12. Variation of the maximum temperature in the axialdirection (propane, Vm,0 = 120 cm/s).

In the case of Kioni et al. [13], fuel dilution increasedthe residence time along the diffusion flame branch,which could activate the contribution of the diffusionmechanism.

Finally, the temperature variation in the axial di-rection was measured using the CARS system by thespace of 1 mm in horizontal direction (or y-direction).Fig. 12 shows the maximum temperature at the sameheight for three concentration gradients. The relativedistance refers to the distance from where we mea-sured the largest increase in temperature. Consideringthe probing space, it can be said that the temperaturevariation was steepest near the tribrachial point, whilethe maximum temperature was located slightly down-stream.

When the concentration gradient is larger than thecritical value, the maximum temperature decreasesto a value that is less than the adiabatic flame tem-perature, and the peak of the maximum temperatureis closer to the premixed branch. These results aretypical of a tribrachial flame. While the concentra-tion gradient was smaller than the critical value, themaximum temperature was slightly higher than theadiabatic flame temperature of the stoichiometric pre-mixed flame. We also obtained such excess temper-atures when the concentration gradients were suffi-ciently small in the open jet experiment [11].

Since the flame stretch effect is negligible at a suf-ficiently small concentration gradient, the gas temper-ature just behind the premixed flame approaches theadiabatic flame temperature theoretically. Then smalldisturbances concerned with the energy or speciesequations may cause additional temperature increase,and the following mechanisms can be suggested eventhough their estimation requires more study: (1) heatrecirculation from the burned gas to the unburned

mixture either by radiation through the gas phase orby conduction through the burner, which is enhancedby the size of the flame or total amount of the fuelconsumption rate; (2) additional heat generation bythe reaction along the diffusion branch coupled withthe difference in various diffusion coefficients of heatand mass diffusion of abundant species such as O2,CO, and H2.

As the concentration gradient becomes smaller,the intensity of the luminosity and OH radicals of thediffusion flame decrease. Concerning the terminationof the diffusion flame under the small concentrationgradient, some studies have suggested that the effectsof radiative heat loss from the gas phase are an im-portant mechanism. Liu et al. [14] explained the ex-tinction of the diffusion flame at a low stretch rate orlow scalar dissipation rate, and Guo et al. [15] dis-cussed the extinction of a premixed flame at a lowstretch rate. They reported that the radiative heat lossfrom the gas phase participates in flame extinction,in addition to the main causes of convective and dif-fusive heat loss at the conditions close to extinction.And it was noted that the flame is extinguished notonly by the global heat loss but also by the termina-tion of chemical processes in such limit conditions.

Returning to the tribrachial flame in a channel,a similar situation may occur when the concentrationgradient is small. Recently, Daou et al. [16] studiedthe effect of volumetric heat loss on the tribrachialflame, though their configuration differed from ours.Similar to their results [14–16], a diffusive reactionpossibly has a low limit in the concentration gradi-ent, and this concept will be applicable even for theedges of premixed flame branches. Such low limitsof both the premixed flame and the diffusion flamemay also play a significant role in the existence of themaximum PVTF. Such detailed investigation neededto fully elucidate the effect of the radiative heat trans-fer is, however, beyond the scope of this study.

4. Concluding remarks

In this experimental study, we examined the prop-agation velocities and characteristics of a tribrachialflame. In particular, we investigated the tribrachialflames in a slightly diverging channel to clarify theeffect of a confined stream. The tribrachial flamesin the confined channel had a maximum propagationvelocity at a critical concentration gradient, and thecritical concentration gradient increased to a largervalue when the convective diffusion was enhanced.The propagation velocities in the channel were closeto the flashback conditions of a tribrachial flame thathas been stabilized in an open jet. As the concentra-tion gradient increased, the growth of the diffusion

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flame branch was revealed by the distribution of theOH radicals using the PLIF method, and the growthof the diffusion flame branch was confirmed by tem-perature measurement using the CARS system. Theseresults highlight the need to reconsider the role of thediffusion branch on the propagation velocity, espe-cially under a confined (or squeezed) stream.


The authors are grateful for support from the Com-bustion Engineering Research Center at the KoreaAdvanced Institute of Science and Technology.


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