The Printed Voice of St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal ...€¦ · May 1st. The theme is a pasta...

The Voice of the Vestry St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal Church 20 Alta School Rd. Alta, Wyoming 83414 307-353-8100 [email protected] Church Services Sundays at 10:00am All are welcome For worship and fellowship Office Hours Monday –Thursday 9am - 1pm Friday 10am - 2pm This month, at St. Francis, we are starting the month off with an Eat and Meet on May 1st. The theme is a pasta party, this is a chance to show off your favorite pasta dish. More over, these get togethers are just that, get together for food and friends. We hope you can make this a night off of the same old “what am I going to cook for dinner” and turn it into “I am going to a potluck with my friends”. See you Tuesday night between 5:30-7:00. Mother’s Day is May 13th and we will be having a delicious brunch after church to celebrate our Mothers. We will have some really scrumptious dishes to honor our wonderful mothers, for all they have contributed to our families. There is no need to make any other Mother’s Day reservations in town because we have you cov- ered. My mouth is watering just thinking of all the main courses and deserts we will have. There will be a Worship leaders training for those Worship Leaders who need to renew their license, as well as any else who is considering becoming a Worship Leader. If this is something you have considered during the year, now is the time. We can help you through this leadership at your own comfort level. Training will be in Idaho Falls, at St. Luke’s Church, Saturday, May 19th from 9:00 - 3:00, lunch will be served. Rod will be driving and would love to invite you to the training. Bishop Thom will be visiting St. Francis on Sunday, June 3rd. Most important to the Bishop’s Annual Visitation is the opportunity for the rites of Confirmation, Re- ception, and Reaffirmation. Bishop Thom encourages us all to make good use of these formative experiences for our congregation. While Confirmation and Re- ception are one-time sacraments, they, together with Reaffirmation, present a won- derful moment to educate the general congregation and to offer these spiritual affir- mations to individuals. This is especially true about Reaffirmation, which can be claimed by anyone who has perceived a movement of God in their lives. Indeed, one could make the testimony of Reaffirmation several times over the course of their Christian journey. Following the service, we will be having a barbecue lunch outside, if the weather will finally decide to quit snowing for the year. Let us go in love to serve as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord. God’s Peace, Rod The Printed Voice of St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal Church The Flock May 2018 Sunday School Sundays at 10:00am First and Third Sundays of the Month

Transcript of The Printed Voice of St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal ...€¦ · May 1st. The theme is a pasta...

The Voice of the Vestry

St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal

Church 20 Alta School Rd.

Alta, Wyoming



[email protected]

Church Services

Sundays at 10:00am

All are welcome

For worship and


Office Hours

Monday –Thursday

9am - 1pm


10am - 2pm

This month, at St. Francis, we are starting the month off with an Eat and Meet on May 1st. The theme is a pasta party, this is a chance to show off your favorite pasta dish. More over, these get togethers are just that, get together for food and friends. We hope you can make this a night off of the same old “what am I going to cook for dinner” and turn it into “I am going to a potluck with my friends”. See you Tuesday night between 5:30-7:00. Mother’s Day is May 13th and we will be having a delicious brunch after church to celebrate our Mothers. We will have some really scrumptious dishes to honor our wonderful mothers, for all they have contributed to our families. There is no need to make any other Mother’s Day reservations in town because we have you cov-ered. My mouth is watering just thinking of all the main courses and deserts we will have. There will be a Worship leaders training for those Worship Leaders who need to renew their license, as well as any else who is considering becoming a Worship Leader. If this is something you have considered during the year, now is the time. We can help you through this leadership at your own comfort level. Training will be in Idaho Falls, at St. Luke’s Church, Saturday, May 19th from 9:00 - 3:00, lunch will be served. Rod will be driving and would love to invite you to the training. Bishop Thom will be visiting St. Francis on Sunday, June 3rd. Most important to the Bishop’s Annual Visitation is the opportunity for the rites of Confirmation, Re-ception, and Reaffirmation. Bishop Thom encourages us all to make good use of these formative experiences for our congregation. While Confirmation and Re-ception are one-time sacraments, they, together with Reaffirmation, present a won-derful moment to educate the general congregation and to offer these spiritual affir-mations to individuals. This is especially true about Reaffirmation, which can be claimed by anyone who has perceived a movement of God in their lives. Indeed, one could make the testimony of Reaffirmation several times over the course of their Christian journey. Following the service, we will be having a barbecue lunch outside, if the weather will finally decide to quit snowing for the year. Let us go in love to serve as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord. God’s Peace, Rod

The Printed Voice of St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal Church

The Flock May 2018

Sunday School

Sundays at 10:00am

First and Third

Sundays of

the Month

Eat and Meet “Pasta Party”

The St. Francis “Pasta Party” will take

place on Tuesday, May 1st from 5:30

until 7:00.

Stop by any time to enjoy some

authentic Italian pasta dishes while

engaging in some good

conversation and a lot of laughter.

Wood Palmer and Bev Palm are our

hosts for this event. We welcome

donations of pasta dishes, salads and

desserts. You can bring a dish to share

or just show up.

We look forward to

seeing you this

Tuesday May 1st.

Mother’s Day Brunch Planned

The men of St. Francis would like to cordially invite everyone to a Mother’s Day brunch

after the 10am service on Sunday, Mother’s Day, May 13th.

This brunch is in honor of all of the loving and dedicated mothers in our lives and in our

parish. We ask that the men bring a potluck dish to share and give the ladies a day off from

cooking. Flowers will also be handed out during the service.

You do not need to be a mother to enjoy this celebration, all are invited.

Last Ladies’ Lunch Until Fall On Wednesday, May 2nd we will be

having our next Ladies’ Lunch. This will

be the last event for this group until the


Come and enjoy some great company

and fellowship along with a good meal

and a lot of laughter.

The potluck meal takes place at 12:30 at

the church, bring a dish to share or just

bring yourself. All are invited.

Spiritual Guidance By Ruth Lindstedt

What is Spiritual Guidance?

The art and practice of spiritual guidance (also sometimes known as spiritual direction or spiritual companioning) has deep roots in the Christian tradition and is intended to help people focus on deepening their relationship with God, the Divine Creator, and to grow in their personal spirituality through a process of noticing and naming how and where the sacred is present in their everyday life. Frequently, individuals reach out for spiritual guides when they face

troubling issues such as grief or loss, transitions in personal relationships, job loss, career changes, etc.

The Purpose of Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance explores beyond who/what a person may often present in his/her everyday social relationships and allows that person to experience their deeper true self to develop the strength to act in ways consistent with that self.

The Process of Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guides or mentors provide a safe space for holy listening to discern with an individual where the Spirit may be working their life. They may also offer suggestions to assist another to listen more deeply when alone to the Spirit within.

Spiritual guides are not counselors,

therapists, or financial advisors. Yet, they are willing to “listen with” another in the presence of God, the Divine Mentor, as they try to discern next steps to approach the serious issues in their lives.


Typically, spiritual guides charge for their service. However, fees are adjusted to meet an individual’s circumstances as mutually agreed upon.

Parishioner Ruth Lindstedt is a certified spiritual guide/mentor with an MDiv (see Spiritual Directors International Seek and Find Guide at for details). Ruth is available to meet with individuals to discuss establishing a spiritual guidance relationship. She may be reached at 320-224-6470.

Rummage Sale Items Needed Our St. Francis Annual Rummage Sale

will be held on Saturday, August 11th.

As you all start thinking about spring

cleaning and the urge to purge, please

consider donating to your church the

items that are collecting dust around

your house.

Generous donations from these spring

cleanouts are what makes our Annual

Rummage Sale at St. Francis possible.

Items such as gently used clothing,

appliances, housewares, electronics,

toys, furniture, sports equipment,

among other items help to keep our

church doors open, our lights on and

allow us to be able to give to those in

need in our community. Bigger items are

even more of a blessing, just make sure

that they work, are not soiled or ripped

and have minimal damage.

Donated items are tax deductible, if you

wish to write off your donated items

from your taxes please ask the office for

a donation receipt.

Are You a Good Steward? With all the late snow we have had it is

hard to believe that before we know it

summer will soon be upon us. Summer

brings many things to our little church

in the mountains, this year it will bring

the Tin Cup Challenge, our Annual

Rummage Sale and our Fundraiser

Dinner in September, among other

events. Along with all these events come

the need for volunteers and money to

make our events successful.

What does stewardship mean to you and

what does it look like in our church

today?. Many of us at St. Francis think

that stewardship is all about budgets but

it is so much more than that.

Being a good steward is all about

bringing together your faith and your

volunteer efforts, along with your

money so that we all have ownership in

all that God has given us. It is about our

commitment to God’s service and His

possessions, as well as being responsible

for what God has entrusted us with so

that our work can bring all of us all

together to do God’s work. It is also

about bringing others to our parish to

learn about the love that God has for us

all, and we, in turn, give that love to


In the next few months you will be

seeing sign up sheets. Volunteers will be

needed for our rummage sale, Eat &

Meet dinners, the fundraiser dinner, and

Tin Cup challenge, please challenge

yourself to help with at least one event,

if not all of them. Also, consider how

you can give in other ways to these

events, all of which need money to be

successful. Giving to Tin Cup allows us

to use your generous donation to help

those in need in our community, giving

money toward our food for Eat & Meet

helps feed others in our community,

giving toward Paradise Point Episcopal

Camp in McCall helps our youth have a

religious based summer experience, and

finally, keeping your pledge up to date,

or just giving to the plate every Sunday

helps keep our church open so that we

all have a place to worship.

Colossians 3:23-24 -Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Bishop’s Visit on June 3rd Bishop Brian Thom, will be at St.

Francis for his Annual visitation on

Sunday, June 3rd.

When Bishop Thom comes for his

annual visit all are invited to consider

strengthening your commitment to your

faith through Confirmation, Reception,

or Reaffirmation.

The sacramental rite of Confirmation is

when baptized persons are “confirmed”

in the Christian faith with the laying on

of hands by the bishop.

Reception is for those who have been

confirmed in other denominations, they

may be received into the Episcopal

Church by the bishop.

Reaffirmation is for those who have

been baptized and confirmed in the

Episcopal Church (or any member

church in the Anglican Communion)

and wish to recommit themselves to the

Christian life of faith by choosing to

reaffirm their

baptismal covenant

with the bishop.

If you are interested

in Confirmation,

Reception or

Reaffirmation please talk to Rev. Deb


A potluck BBQ is scheduled for after

the service that day, weather providing.

Celebrating Easter at St. Francis

Above left: The St.

Francis Choir at the

Easter service.

Above right: Rev. Deb Adams,

Hanna, & Elizabeth flower the


Middle left: Spencer Parisee

helps Owen Hudasko with his

Sunday school project.

Middle right: Lisa Wagener &

Rev. Deb Adams.

Right: The children on the

hunt for Easter eggs.

Below: Jim Rein shows off

his festive tie while

getting ready to enjoy his

Easter brunch meal.

Right: Toni Hill

and her family

enjoy the Easter

festivities after

the service.

Prayers of the People Jean Paul & Inger Trudelle, The family of Dean Naylor, Railer Dodge, Roland Smith, Dan Mans, Faith, Bob

Partridge, Danielle, Bob & Ginny Chewning, Joe Powell, Chet, Hadley MacMillan, Shannon, Gary Blake,

Gretchen Notzold, Mary Sickler, Rod Gust, Mary Carol Staiger, Bryce Galbraith and family, The family of

George Tremblay, as well as all faith communities and schools of Teton Valley.

May Birthdays May 6th-Olivia Schulz

May 6th-Jasper Carlson

May 6th-Jerad Gubbels

May 11th-John Parisee

May Birthdays & Anniversaries

May 14th-Chris Schulz

May 14th-Clarke Arick

May 21st-Jim Schulz Jr.

May 21st-Mark Hanson

May Anniversaries May 17th-Lisa & Kent Wagener

May 21st-Jim & Chris Schulz

Celebrating Easter continued

Right: Little Ryder Haviland

looks at the collection of eggs

in his basket.

Far right: The Gubbels family,

Jerad, Kelly, Charlie & Sam.

Below left: Hannah Hoth.

Below middle: The children get

ready for the hunt.

Below right: Brooks, Frank &

Winton Brophy’s grandson,

finds a lot of Easter eggs.

Vestry Members and Church Staff Junior Warden

Clarke Arick


[email protected]

Pete Oslund


[email protected]

Jim Steele


[email protected]

Wood Palmer


[email protected]

Steve Thomas


[email protected]

Celeste Wilcoxson


[email protected]

Bishop of Idaho

The Rt. Rev. Brian Thom



The Rev. Deb Adams


[email protected]

Senior Warden

Rod Gust


[email protected]

Parish Sexton

Angie Warner


[email protected]


Ruth Lindstedt



Parish Administrator

Nancy Parisee



[email protected]

Parish Historian

Toni Hill


Church Attendance

April 8th 35

April 15th 32

April 22nd 24

April 29th 21

May Service Volunteers

May 6th Sixth Sunday of Easter

Holy Eucharist

Celebrant: Rev. Deb Adams

Musicians: Gayle Lien

Lay Minister: Rod Gust

Lay Reader: Sharon Froberg

Greeter/Usher: Nancy Parisee

Refreshments: Sharon Froberg

Altar Flowers: Angie Warner

Sunday School: Monica Hoth

Acolytes: Hannah Hoth & Phoebe Lewis

May 13th Seventh Sunday of Easter

Morning Prayer

Worship Leader: Rod Gust

Musician: Nanci Garling

Lay Minister: Bev Palm

Lay Reader: Ruth Lindstedt

Greeter/Usher: Steve Thomas

Refreshments: Mother’s Day Brunch

Altar Flowers: Mother’s Day Flowers

Sunday School: Kids in Church

May 20th Day of Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

Celebrant: Rev. Deb Adams

Preacher: Ruth Lindstedt

Musician: Nanci Garling

Lay Minister: Rod Gust

Lay Reader: Monica Hoth

Greeter/Usher: Jim & Connie Steele

Refreshments: Monica & Hannah Hoth

Altar Flowers: Jim & Connie Steele

Sunday School: Nancy Parisee

May 27th Trinity Sunday

Holy Eucharist

Celebrant: Rev. Frank Johnson

Musician: Gayle Lien

Lay Minister: Angie Warner

Lay Reader: Celeste Wilcoxson

Greeter/Usher: Celeste Wilcoxson

Refreshments: Rod Gust

Altar Flowers: Toni Hill

Maundy Thursday 12

Good Friday 10

Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil 9

April 1st Easter Sunday 71

St. Francis Approved Vestry Minutes March 13, 2018







Present: Rod Gust, Steve Thomas, Clarke Arick, Wood Palmer, Jim Steele and Ruth Lindstedt. Rod Gust called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and Ruth Lindstedt gave the opening prayer. The minutes for the February 6, 2018 meeting were approved as presented. Senior Warden’s report It was announced that Ruth Lindstedt offered her candidacy for the position of treasurer. The

meeting was open for discussion and the candidate was nominated for the position. A vote was called and seconded. The vote was unanimous. Ruth Lindstedt is the Treasurer and is gratefully welcomed to fill the position.

The audio equipment arrived that was recommended by the worship committee and approved by

the vestry, one microphone short. Rod ordered the lapel mic and it will arrive shortly. Rod reported that the office equipment was updated with a new printer and the “Office 360”

operating system. Junior Warden’s report Clarke discussed hanging the cross to the right side of the alter next to the closet door. We will get

the appropriate drill, hooks and anchors to accomplish this task. We will check the level of the propane tank and advise Holiday propane. Lighting in the sanctuary was discussed and plans to remove 1 or 2 existing fixtures to check wiring

and sub surface conditions will be scheduled soon after Easter. Snow plowing was evaluated, and recommendations will be discussed at building and grounds com-

mittee. Treasurer’s report Ruth reported the financials, asked for any comments, questions as well as ways to improve the

reports to the vestry. The financials were approved. Committees Worship The March 11, meeting minutes were reviewed and acknowledged. Outreach Eat and meet was another success with a couple of new families attending. An idea was presented in Centering prayer during post prayer discussion to start an interfaith ministry in Teton Valley. This would be a time for all the Ministers, Pastors, Priests, Lay ministers and Bishops to get together and form a presence in the community. It was felt that together we could accomplish more and make a greater community awareness of the work the church’s do to improve the lives of valley residents. This idea was overwhelmingly supported by the vestry and ide-as were suggested. Closing prayer Rod gave the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

St. Francis Newsletter

If you have additions or corrections to our St. Francis newsletter

please contact Nancy Parisee at [email protected]

or call 307.353.8100.


1 Cub Scouts


Eat & Meet


2 Centering Prayer


Ladies’ Lunch


3 Centering Prayer


4 AA 7:30pm


6 HE Service 10am

with Rev. Deb


Worship Comm.


7 Girl Scouts 4pm

Book Club 6pm


Vestry 5:30pm

Cub Scouts


9 Centering Prayer


10 Centering Prayer


11 AA 7:30pm


13 Mother’s Day

MP Service 10am

with Rod Gust


Day Brunch

after church

14 Book Club 6pm

15 Cub Scouts


16 Centering Prayer


Boy Scouts


17 Centering Prayer


18 AA 7:30pm



HE Service 10am

with Rev. Deb


Building &

Grounds Meeting

21 Book Club 6pm

22 Cub Scouts


23 Centering Prayer


24 Centering Prayer


25 AA 7:30pm


27 HE Service 10am

with Rev. Frank


28 Memorial Day Book Club 6pm

Church Office



30 Centering Prayer


31 Centering Prayer


May 2018