The Princeton union (Princeton, Minn.) 1911-12-21 …...Picture a fleet of them, like a train of...

f^A/i %J >-"%•<* I til P^kw^ m '^ !&< JO oo( THE PBiyCETOy TT3Snoy g THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911. Aeroplanes May Make 90 to 100 Miles an Hour Brookins Sees Big Advance In the Science For Next Season. Thinks We Soon Shall Have Airships Crossing the Seven Seas. >Ooo 'OoO< AEROPLANES for next season, j \ accoxding to Walter Brookins, Jfm w } 11 be able t0 m ^e from ninety to a hundred miles an hour, where they now make from fifty to sixty miles He predicts that they will be able to make long- voyages over seas, to alight in the ocean, start again from the water and "trim sail" afloat in the air Mr. Brookins is the first of the pro- fessional fliers in this country and hold- er of the world's record for slow flying under control and steep banking at the turns. Except for the men known as aeroplane inventors, he has been a practical airman for a longer period than any American now flying. Of those who came out of the Wright school in his class-the first to be grad uated—he is the only survivor, John- stone and Hoxsey having both met death in the air. Mr. Brookins has had three serious falls. He is now building an aeroplane for work over seas, which is to consist of a combina- tion between a high power racing rao- torboat and a Wright biplane. In this new craft Brookins believes he will have an aeroplane on which aviators may cross the ocean The machine will be so constructed as to be nonsinkable, and at the same time it will have carrying capacity for an abundant supply of fuel and food Question of Landing. "Today we of the air game have got to get speed control," said Brookins in telling of the outlook for aeroplanes as he sees it. "We canflyfast enough to keep up, but not slow enough to make safe landings If v,e should fly slow enough to land safely we would sim- ply drop, and that we must overcome "A bad smashup which I had last summer at Belmont park was due to the fact that I had very little wing space on my Baby Wright racer and a big engine. Flying was fine, but light- ing—well, I had to hit the earth at a higher speed than it could be done "Now, this is the way out, and exper- iments are going to demonstrate it An aeroplane to get off the ground needs lots of wing space. It also needs wing space to light on. After it gets up and gets to going it can move along on materially smaller wings "We are coming to adjustable wing areas and adjustable angles of inci- dence for our planes. The sharper the angle the more the upward thrust as the plane leaves the ground. After it is up and strikes a cruising level the angle ought to be lessened, and the sail area ought to be reefed in. "If we could get that matter solved we'd ha\e aeroplanes whose speed we could control We need aeroplanes that can stay aloft at twenty miles an hour and under, and if we get them in a condition to do that and then can reef in the sail spread after we get up we can send them to 100 miles an hour on the present engine develop- ment A single aeroplane capable of running at 20 and then at 100 miles an hour—how would that be for a de- velopment? Wouldn't it make the au- tomobile look sick?" The question of the biplane and the monoplane came up. Brookins has raced in a biplane against monoplanes and has lost to them. He has seen much of both types in action "And that's exactly the point." he said. "The biplane gets away and lands well and has too much head re- sistance when it is at full speed. What we must have is convertible machines, not exactly of either type, but a type that will have the advantages now exclusively the property of each. "I think biplanes and monoplanes will soon be doing about equally up to seventy-five miles an hour, but for the next twenty-five miles of gain the monoplanes will excel, and the first 100 mile an hour machines will be monoplanes, line of Development. "It took development in tires, roads, engines and in other directions to make the automobile, and in the air TAFT WANTS FRUIT CAKE. i game there must be development of the same sort. We must have the air lanes mapped out, and that's coming next season." | "What do you think was the best air accomplishment of 1911 ?" Brookins was asked. "The flight of Kodgers," the aviator responded, "and for this reason: It put the whole exhibition game out of business at once and took the thrill from cross country flying at a single dash. People had been wondering if the aeroplane could really go some place. His really went and went so far that even a trip across the conti- nent, made subsequently, made less Kir than did his journey. "And that was needed. The busi- aess needed to be hauled out of its level as a seven day wonder and cir- aus sideshow and brought down to the question of utility. "I know a lot of men with money svho are at work for 1912, but for the most part they are a misguided lot. I hear of aluminium wings with metal supports. That's the silliest thing imaginable. A wooden support that liasn't actually snapped is always as strong as it was at first, but a metal support may be so jarred that it is ready to go to pieces on your next time, and you never know it is getting ready to do so until it does it. Auto- mobile rims are of wood for exactly the same reason that aeroplane sup- ports wilt be of wood. "For my part, I am following the re- sults of experimentation. I have let the motorboat builders do my work. All I have done is to seek out the best in motorbeats and adapt it to the task of alighting out of the air and have Incorporated into it a pair of planes large enough and with engine power enough to lift the required weight. Wilbur Wright forecasted the idea when he flew up the Hudson with a ;anoe under his planes. *'My combination craft will have 120 horsepower and a margin of 700 pounds of lifting capacity over the net weight of 1,500 pounds of the com- pleted craft. The planes will be so attached that in case of a forced land- ing in a stormy sea, where the waves would wash up over the planes, they 3an be quickly cut away. The pilot will be at sea with a 120 horsepower mo- torboat, with air tight compartments, and he will have as much chance to survive as any motorboat man could have. Luncheon on the Ocean Wave. "If he has landed in calm water he can ride along at fifteen knots an hour while he makes necessary repairs, re- fills the gasoline tank, has his luncheon or sleeps a bit. The railroad train doesn't haul the load of the steamship. Yet. as between steamships and railroads, we prefer the latter where speed is requisite. We are now facing a chance to go between fixed points at from 75 to 100 miles an hour over the shortest possible route, and we must not belittle the aero- plane's capacity. Picture a fleet of them, like a train of cars, starting two minutes apart from New York bound for Atlantic City or Philadelphia. The cargo of one boat you carry in ten trains, say. What does it matter, then, if you carry the cargo of one train in 100 aeroplanes when the number you can send off is limitless ? "When we can see these things ahead Df us it amazes us to find an aero club boasting because its clubhouse is the- finest in the land and yet find its mem- bership composed of men who ask us If parachute attachments wouldn't be good for us Yes, they would be good— as good as strawstacks all the way along the rights of way of railroads, so that if a train should run off the track It would have something soft to drop into. Aeroplane effort has to aim light. and the freaks just now are in the very last stages of their opportunities. Soon we will have aero clubs as proud of aeroplanes as they are today of club- houses, and then great things will come " TUMOR CUT FROM BRAIN. Texas Woman Is Asked to Send One For Christmas Dinner. The Taft family has asked for a Tex- as contribution toward its Christmas dinner. It is a fruit cake that is want- ed, and the request will be complied with. Just before Christmas of 1910 Miss Hattie Brandenburg of Dallas, who has a reputation in culinary lines, baked a fruit cake and sent it to the president. Mrs. Taft acknowledged its receipt and said that Mr. Taft enjoyed it very much. Much to the surprise and delight of Miss Brandenburg, she recently receiv- ed a letter from the White* House ask- mg if it would be possible to €£t an- other one of those delicious fruitcakes for Christmas dinner this year. It will be sent. Brand Whitlock Refuses More Pay. Mayor Brand Whitlock has refused an increase of $500 in his salary as Hiief executive of Toledo, O His present salary is $4,000. X Ray Used to Guide Surgeon's Scalpel During Critical Operation. Mrs. Charles Loomis of Bluefield, W. Va., has been successfully operated on by Dr. Harvey Cushing in the Johns Hopkins hospital for tumor of the brain. The case is the second one on record the world over from which a patient has recovered, the other suc- cessful operation having been perform- ed in Chicago years ago. Never before, it is said, has an op- iration so difficult as that performed In Mrs. Loomis been attempted. To reach the tumor, which was under the brain, Dr. Cushing was compelled to cut through the nose and the side of the head, using the X ray to guide him. Two operations were required. The operation is one of the most dangerous in surgery, for, while the patient is on the table, which in the case of Mrs. Loomis was over five hours on each occasion, the slightest false move on the part of the surgeon would have brought the instrument j a contact with the brain, causing in- itant death. State News. The Sherwood Pension BUI. '„ * There are some absurdities in the Sherwood pension bill as it passed Edward Gearlds, who is alleged to the house. For example, a para- be one of the men implicated in the graph was voted out which provided Blackduok arson case last March that a veteran with an income of one was bound over to the grand jury in thousand dollars or more a year the sum of $5,000 by Judge Simons in should not be eligible bo the increases the Beaidji municipal court last Fri- under the act. At the same time a day. sh»l be received into . uUon.1 territories, « L ™ by L^°„ s of soldier's home and that any state IQM h fto w , „ • Z , census oi soldier-, home toktog i„ L h a ££J5" . ^ . H * D !™ to ' vetera. shal. , os e ,U ledera! aid. SinlSL ^.oT**' °' Here are two remarkable proposi- w . . . . _ tions, one that a man with an income WI " w,na ceding has sued the pastor of one thousand dollars a year may I T* ? fc " Paul Ger m»n Baptist add three hundred dollars a year to it Jf'JJ? a J d three o f i t s members for by simply asking for the increase; the , , da . ma S es because some one other that a man with an income of fl ? p attached to a string in three hundred dollars a year is sup- e s e a t o f J»s pew and pulled said posed to be so well off that the ? ,'. ch c a u s e d fche P*n to pene- government will no longer recognize e t h e 8eat o f h i s "atomy, him as entitled to enter a soldiers^ Tne Minnesota branoh of the W. C. home. The fact is, however, that a ^' U * re cently won, at Milwaukee, a veteran alone in the world and sicki banner, in recognition of the greatest would find his dollar-a-day incomel amount ot work done in fche depart- entirely insufficient to provide thei ment "nderthe head of "Work Among care which could be furnished him i„'Woodsmen." Th« tw mi u__.__ Where Can I You Find \1/ a soldiers' home. This chilly pro- vision about the exclusion of fche Sherwood pensioners from the soldiers' homes ought to have been cut out entirely, or else it should have been provided that such pensioner might be admitted and pay a portion of his expenses there out of his pension money.—Minneapolis Jour- nal. Attacked by a Turkey. Frank Stadden narrowly escaped having his eyesight destroyed and his nose bitten off by an infuriated turkey on Monday morning. But here's the story in brief: John McCool sold a number of turkeys to Mr. Austin and one of them flew into a tree. Finding it im- possible to coax fche gobbler from its perch Frank Stadden was appealed to. Frank loaded his blunderbuss and brought the fowl to earth, but it was only slightly wounded and, when he attempted to capture it, the bird showed fight. It struck at Frank, drove its talons into his hands, bored holes into his face with its beak and greatly disfigured his proboscis. Seeing that Frank was getting the worst of the battle Mr. Austin ran to his assistance with a club and dis- patched the gobbler. However, in striking at the turkey Austin's aim was not at all times accurate, and Frank received one of the blows in- tended for the bird which caused a big blue-black lump to appear with remarkable rapidity upon the polished portion of his cranium. Mr. Stadden asserts that never in his lifetime has be encountered so ferocious a turkey as this particular gobbler, and says he is inclined to the opinion that either its father or its mother was a great American eagle. A. Fireproof Christmas The state fire marshal has issued a list of suggestions which it would be well for persons to follow at Christmastide. Here they are: Dip Santa's garments in alum to make tbera fireproof. Use mineral wool, made of asbes- tos, instead of cotton batting, to< imi- tate snow on Christmas trees. Light the tree with electric bulbs instead of candles. Do not wrap electric bulbs in tissue payer to color tbem. Beware of all tree ornaments made of celluloid. If candles must be used instead of bulbs, place a sheet of tin or zinc under the tree. Place all presents on the floor under the tree instead of banging them from the branches. Extinguish all tree lights before presents are given out. Keep buckets of sand and water near tree and con- stantly watch it. Persons in charge of Christmas tree celebrations are often criminally careless, says the fire marshal, in permittiug aisles and exits of the balls used to become blocked. Woodsmen." The Red Wing chapter of that organization is doing con- siderable to uphold the distinction won and is at this time soliciting magazines or other literature to be donated to the various lumber camps. Typhoid Lurks in River Water We are told that boys and girls who skate on Rum river frequently q,ueneh their thirst with water from that pol- luted stream, and it would be wise for parents to warn their children of the danger of such proceeding. As- is well known, Rum river water is im- pregnated with sewage and consequent- ly must contain myriads of microbes —among them, no doubt, typhoid germs. One case of typhoid, proba- bly due to this source, has already appeared in the village, and others are liable to follow. It would be a good idea for school teachers to en- lighten their classes upon this matter of drinking water from fche river. POULTRY WOMEN AND POULTRY MEN Should Not Forget the Big Score Card Show at Anoka, Minn,, Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, 1912. Inclusive Liberal Cash, and Special Premiums GEORGE D. HOLDEN, Judge Send'for pemium lists to W. M. BEAN, Pres , or THOM&S MAGNUS, Sec.-Treas. ANOK7A. fllNNESOTA to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to it) more appropriate Holiday Gifts than in a first- class Hardware Store well stocked for the season? An early visit will give you ideas if we cannot supply your wants. We show only useful, ser- viceable articles and at prices which are favorable. 1&47, Community and Quadruple Plate Silverware. Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons and Forks. Keen Kutter Carving Sets, Tools, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Sewing Sets and Safety Razors. Mantle Clocks and Boys' Watches. Rochester Nickle-Plated Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolaters and Serving Dishes. \|/ Sweepers. to it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it; to it; Rocking Chairs and m m m m m Bissel's Carpet f^ Our picture department is working overtime, and if you wish framing done for Christmas you will avoid possible disappointment by placing your order at once. We are also showing a choice assortment of framed pictures, copies from the Old Masters, framed to suit your own selection. Caley Hdw. Co. m m m Christmas Greeting w E sincerely thank those who have so liberally patro- nized us during the short time we have been in busi- Notice to Parents and Guardians The ruling of the Board of Educa- tion for Independent Sch6ol District Number One, Mille JLacs county, Minn., regarding the payment <a$ tuition by non-resident pupils is. as follows: All pupils not residing in school district number one., and desiring to attend school at Princeton or Brick- ton in any of the grades, are required to pay tuition at the rate of $1.25 per month for each pupil. The payment of said tuitioa shall be made at the beginning oi each term, in advanoa for that term, to Superintendent Marshall, who is authorized to collect it. Failure of any such pupil to pay the tuition as specified will prevent that pupil from attending any of the classes in the grades. By Order of the Board of Educa- tion, J. J. Skahen, Secretary. Princeton, Minn., Dec. 20, 1911. 2t ^ ness in this village and assure them that we appreciate their 8 % orders. We shall continue to carry a large stock of high-grade g g merchandise and endeavor to please our customers in every 2? & way, and we wish every one, whether a customer of ours or & & not, a S ' Merry Christmas AND A John McCool says it is with reluc- tance he admits that inoluded among the "friends" who occasionally call upon him is a light-fingered gentle- man who earried away valuable property from his barn! Happy New Year 1 mi Our Price is Always Lower Than Our Quality A C /fels 4M ** *> 9* '•^^^^^^M^mHmm^iikm!!»ssa»kimsr*Fi : '- ••"• ^ $•• K liifclMftliMttaW /%^IW rsAf\ mm

Transcript of The Princeton union (Princeton, Minn.) 1911-12-21 …...Picture a fleet of them, like a train of...

Page 1: The Princeton union (Princeton, Minn.) 1911-12-21 …...Picture a fleet of them, like a train of cars, starting two minutes apart from New York bound for Atlantic City or Philadelphia.

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JO oo(

THE P B i y C E T O y TT3Snoyg THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911.

Aeroplanes May Make 90 to 100 Miles an Hour

Brookins Sees Big Advance In the Science For Next


Thinks We Soon Shall Have Airships Crossing the

Seven Seas. >Ooo 'OoO<

AEROPLANES for next season, j \ accoxding to Walter Brookins,

Jfm w}11 b e a b l e t 0 m^e from ninety to a hundred miles an

hour, where they now make from fifty to sixty miles He predicts that they will be able to make long- voyages over seas, to alight in the ocean, start again from the water and "trim sail" afloat in the air

Mr. Brookins is the first of the pro­fessional fliers in this country and hold­er of the world's record for slow flying under control and steep banking at the turns. Except for the men known as aeroplane inventors, he has been a practical airman for a longer period than any American now flying.

Of those who came out of the Wright school in his class-the first to be grad uated—he is the only survivor, John­stone and Hoxsey having both met death in the air. Mr. Brookins has had three serious falls. He is now building an aeroplane for work over seas, which is to consist of a combina­tion between a high power racing rao-torboat and a Wright biplane. In this new craft Brookins believes he will have an aeroplane on which aviators may cross the ocean

The machine will be so constructed as to be nonsinkable, and at the same time it will have carrying capacity for an abundant supply of fuel and food

Question of Landing.

"Today we of the air game have got to get speed control," said Brookins in telling of the outlook for aeroplanes as he sees it. "We can fly fast enough to keep up, but not slow enough to make safe landings If v,e should fly slow enough to land safely we would sim­ply drop, and that we must overcome

"A bad smashup which I had last summer at Belmont park was due to the fact that I had very little wing space on my Baby Wright racer and a big engine. Flying was fine, but light­ing—well, I had to hit the earth at a higher speed than it could be done

"Now, this is the way out, and exper­iments are going to demonstrate it An aeroplane to get off the ground needs lots of wing space. It also needs wing space to light on. After it gets up and gets to going it can move along on materially smaller wings

"We are coming to adjustable wing areas and adjustable angles of inci­dence for our planes. The sharper the angle the more the upward thrust as the plane leaves the ground. After it is up and strikes a cruising level the angle ought to be lessened, and the sail area ought to be reefed in.

"If we could get that matter solved we'd ha \e aeroplanes whose speed we could control We need aeroplanes that can stay aloft at twenty miles an hour and under, and if we get them in a condition to do that and then can reef in the sail spread after we get up we can send them to 100 miles an hour on the present engine develop­ment A single aeroplane capable of running at 20 and then at 100 miles an hour—how would that be for a de­velopment? Wouldn't it make the au­tomobile look sick?"

The question of the biplane and the monoplane came up. Brookins has raced in a biplane against monoplanes and has lost to them. He has seen much of both types in action

"And that's exactly the point." he said. "The biplane gets away and lands well and has too much head re­sistance when it is at full speed. What we must have is convertible machines, not exactly of either type, but a type that will have the advantages now exclusively the property of each.

"I think biplanes and monoplanes will soon be doing about equally up to seventy-five miles an hour, but for the next twenty-five miles of gain the monoplanes will excel, and the first 100 mile an hour machines will be monoplanes,

line of Development. "It took development in tires, roads,

engines and in other directions to make the automobile, and in the air


i game there must be development of the same sort. We must have the air lanes mapped out, and that's coming next season."

| "What do you think was the best air accomplishment of 1911 ?" Brookins was asked.

"The flight of Kodgers," the aviator responded, "and for this reason: It put the whole exhibition game out of business at once and took the thrill from cross country flying at a single dash. People had been wondering if the aeroplane could really go some place. His really went and went so far that even a trip across the conti­nent, made subsequently, made less Kir than did his journey.

"And that was needed. The busi-aess needed to be hauled out of its level as a seven day wonder and cir-aus sideshow and brought down to the question of utility.

"I know a lot of men with money svho are at work for 1912, but for the most part they are a misguided lot. I hear of aluminium wings with metal supports. That's the silliest thing imaginable. A wooden support that liasn't actually snapped is always as strong as it was at first, but a metal support may be so jarred that it is ready to go to pieces on your next time, and you never know it is getting ready to do so until it does it. Auto­mobile rims are of wood for exactly the same reason that aeroplane sup­ports wilt be of wood.

"For my part, I am following the re­sults of experimentation. I have let the motorboat builders do my work. All I have done is to seek out the best in motorbeats and adapt it to the task of alighting out of the air and have Incorporated into it a pair of planes large enough and with engine power enough to lift the required weight. Wilbur Wright forecasted the idea when he flew up the Hudson with a ;anoe under his planes.

*'My combination craft will have 120 horsepower and a margin of 700 pounds of lifting capacity over the net weight of 1,500 pounds of the com­pleted craft. The planes will be so attached that in case of a forced land­ing in a stormy sea, where the waves would wash up over the planes, they 3an be quickly cut away. The pilot will be at sea with a 120 horsepower mo­torboat, with air tight compartments, and he will have as much chance to survive as any motorboat man could have.

Luncheon on the Ocean Wave. "If he has landed in calm water he

can ride along at fifteen knots an hour while he makes necessary repairs, re­fills the gasoline tank, has his luncheon or sleeps a bit.

The railroad train doesn't haul the load of the steamship. Yet. as between steamships and railroads, we prefer the latter where speed is requisite. We are now facing a chance to go between fixed points at from 75 to 100 miles an hour over the shortest possible route, and we must not belittle the aero­plane's capacity. Picture a fleet of them, like a train of cars, starting two minutes apart from New York bound for Atlantic City or Philadelphia. The cargo of one boat you carry in ten trains, say. What does it matter, then, if you carry the cargo of one train in 100 aeroplanes when the number you can send off is limitless ?

"When we can see these things ahead Df us it amazes us to find an aero club boasting because its clubhouse is the-finest in the land and yet find its mem­bership composed of men who ask us If parachute attachments wouldn't be good for us Yes, they would be good— as good as strawstacks all the way along the rights of way of railroads, so that if a train should run off the track It would have something soft to drop into. Aeroplane effort has to aim light. and the freaks just now are in the very last stages of their opportunities. Soon we will have aero clubs as proud of aeroplanes as they are today of club­houses, and then great things will come "


Texas Woman Is Asked to Send One For Christmas Dinner.

The Taft family has asked for a Tex­as contribution toward its Christmas dinner. It is a fruit cake that is want­ed, and the request will be complied with.

Just before Christmas of 1910 Miss Hattie Brandenburg of Dallas, who has a reputation in culinary lines, baked a fruit cake and sent it to the president. Mrs. Taft acknowledged its receipt and said that Mr. Taft enjoyed it very much.

Much to the surprise and delight of Miss Brandenburg, she recently receiv­ed a letter from the White* House ask-mg if it would be possible to €£t an­other one of those delicious fruitcakes for Christmas dinner this year. I t will be sent.

Brand Whitlock Refuses More Pay. Mayor Brand Whitlock has refused

an increase of $500 in his salary as Hiief executive of Toledo, O His present salary is $4,000.

X Ray Used to Guide Surgeon's Scalpel During Critical Operation.

Mrs. Charles Loomis of Bluefield, W. Va., has been successfully operated on by Dr. Harvey Cushing in the Johns Hopkins hospital for tumor of the brain. The case is the second one on record the world over from which a patient has recovered, the other suc­cessful operation having been perform­ed in Chicago years ago.

Never before, it is said, has an op-iration so difficult as that performed In Mrs. Loomis been attempted. To reach the tumor, which was under the brain, Dr. Cushing was compelled to cut through the nose and the side of the head, using the X ray to guide him. Two operations were required.

The operation is one of the most dangerous in surgery, for, while the patient is on the table, which in the case of Mrs. Loomis was over five hours on each occasion, the slightest false move on the part of the surgeon would have brought the instrument

j a contact with the brain, causing in-itant death.

State News. The Sherwood Pension BUI. '„ * There are some absurdities in the

Sherwood pension bill as it passed Edward Gearlds, who is alleged to the house. For example, a para- be one of the men implicated in the graph was voted out which provided Blackduok arson case last March that a veteran with an income of one was bound over to the grand jury in thousand dollars or more a year the sum of $5,000 by Judge Simons in should not be eligible bo the increases the Beaidji municipal court last Fri-under the act. At the same time a day.

sh»l be received into . u U o n . 1 territories, « L ™ by L ^ ° „ s of soldier's home and that any state I Q M h f to w , „ • Z , census oi soldier-, home toktog i„ L h a £ £ J 5 " . ^ . H * D ! ™ t o ' ve tera . shal. , o s e ,U ledera! aid. S i n l S L ^.oT**' °'

Here are two remarkable proposi- w . . . . _ • tions, one that a man with an income W I " w , n a ceding has sued the pastor of one thousand dollars a year may I T* ?fc" P a u l G e r m » n Baptist add three hundred dollars a year to it J f ' J J ? a J d t h r e e o f i t s members for by simply asking for the increase; the , , d a . m a S e s because some one other that a man with an income of fl ? p™ a t t a c h e d to a string in three hundred dollars a year is sup- ™e s e a t o f J » s pew and pulled said posed to be so well off that the ? , ' . c h c a u s e d fche P*n to pene-government will no longer recognize e t h e 8 e a t o f h i s " a t o m y , him as entitled to enter a soldiers^ T n e Minnesota branoh of the W. C. home. The fact is, however, that a ^ ' U* r ecently won, at Milwaukee, a veteran alone in the world and sicki banner, in recognition of the greatest would find his dollar-a-day i n c o m e l a m o u n t ot work done in fche depart-entirely insufficient to provide t h e i m e n t "nderthe head of "Work Among care which could be furnished him i„ 'Woodsmen." Th« t w mi u__.__

Where Can I You Find \ 1 /

a soldiers' home. This chilly pro­vision about the exclusion of fche Sherwood pensioners from the soldiers' homes ought to have been cut out entirely, or else it should have been provided that such pensioner might be admitted and pay a portion of his expenses there out of his pension money.—Minneapolis Jour­nal.

Attacked by a Turkey. Frank Stadden narrowly escaped

having his eyesight destroyed and his nose bitten off by an infuriated turkey on Monday morning. But here's the story in brief:

John McCool sold a number of turkeys to Mr. Austin and one of them flew into a tree. Finding it im­possible to coax fche gobbler from its perch Frank Stadden was appealed to. Frank loaded his blunderbuss and brought the fowl to earth, but it was only slightly wounded and, when he attempted to capture it, the bird showed fight. It struck at Frank, drove its talons into his hands, bored holes into his face with its beak and greatly disfigured his proboscis. Seeing that Frank was getting the worst of the battle Mr. Austin ran to his assistance with a club and dis­patched the gobbler. However, in striking at the turkey Austin's aim was not at all times accurate, and Frank received one of the blows in­tended for the bird which caused a big blue-black lump to appear with remarkable rapidity upon the polished portion of his cranium. Mr. Stadden asserts that never in his lifetime has be encountered so ferocious a turkey as this particular gobbler, and says he is inclined to the opinion that either its father or its mother was a great American eagle.

A. Fireproof Christmas The state fire marshal has issued a

list of suggestions which it would be well for persons to follow at Christmastide. Here they a re :

Dip Santa ' s garments in alum to make tbera fireproof.

Use mineral wool, made of asbes­tos, instead of cotton batting, to< imi­tate snow on Christmas trees.

Light the tree with electric bulbs instead of candles.

Do not wrap electric bulbs in tissue payer to color tbem.

Beware of all tree ornaments made of celluloid.

If candles must be used instead of bulbs, place a sheet of tin o r zinc under the tree.

Place all presents on the floor under the tree instead of banging them from the branches.

Extinguish all tree lights before presents are given out. Keep buckets of sand and water near tree and con­stantly watch it.

Persons in charge of Christmas tree celebrations are often criminally careless, says the fire marshal, in permittiug aisles and exits of the balls used to become blocked.

Woodsmen." The Red Wing chapter of that organization is doing con­siderable to uphold the distinction won and is at this time soliciting magazines or other literature to be donated to the various lumber camps.

Typhoid Lurks in River Water We are told that boys and girls who

skate on Rum river frequently q,ueneh their thirst with water from that pol­luted stream, and it would be wise for parents to warn their children of the danger of such proceeding. As- is well known, Rum river water is im­pregnated with sewage and consequent­ly must contain myriads of microbes —among them, no doubt, typhoid germs. One case of typhoid, proba­bly due to this source, has already appeared in the village, and others are liable to follow. I t would be a good idea for school teachers to en­lighten their classes upon this matter of drinking water from fche river.


Big Score Card Show at

Anoka, Minn,, Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, 1912. Inclusive

Liberal Cash, and Special Premiums GEORGE D. HOLDEN, Judge

Send'for pemium lists to W. M. BEAN, Pres , or THOM&S MAGNUS, Sec.-Treas.


















more appropriate Holiday Gifts than in a first-class Hardware Store well stocked for the season? An early visit will give you ideas if we cannot supply your wants. We show only useful, ser­viceable articles and at prices which are favorable.

1&47, Community and Quadruple Plate Silverware.

Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons and Forks.

Keen Kutter Carving Sets, Tools, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Sewing Sets and Safety Razors.

Mantle Clocks and Boys' Watches.

Rochester Nickle-Plated Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolaters and Serving Dishes.

\ | / Sweepers.


it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it; to


Rocking Chairs and


m m

m m

Bissel's Carpet f^

Our picture department is working overtime, and if you wish framing done for Christmas you will avoid possible disappointment by placing your order at once.

We are also showing a choice assortment of framed pictures, copies from the Old Masters, framed to suit your own selection.

Caley Hdw. Co.




Christmas Greeting

w E sincerely thank those who have so liberally patro­nized us during the short time we have been in busi-

Notice to Parents and Guardians The ruling of the Board of Educa­

tion for Independent Sch6ol District Number One, Mille JLacs county, Minn., regarding the payment <a$ tuition by non-resident pupils is. as follows:

All pupils not residing in school district number one., and desiring to attend school at Princeton or Brick-ton in any of the grades, are required to pay tuition a t the rate of $1.25 per month for each pupil. The payment of said tuitioa shall be made at the beginning oi each term, in advanoa for that term, to Superintendent Marshall, who is authorized to collect it. Failure of any such pupil to pay the tuition as specified will prevent that pupil from attending any of the classes in the grades.

By Order of the Board of Educa­tion, J . J . Skahen, Secretary.

Princeton, Minn., Dec. 20, 1911. 2t

^ ness in this village and assure them that we appreciate their 8 % orders. We shall continue to carry a large stock of high-grade g g merchandise and endeavor to please our customers in every 2? & way, and we wish every one, whether a customer of ours or & & not, a S

' Merry Christmas AND A

John McCool says it is with reluc­tance he admits that inoluded among the "fr iends" who occasionally call upon him is a light-fingered gentle­man who earried away valuable property from his barn!

Happy New Year 1

mi Our Price is Always Lower Than Our Quality A

C /fels






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