The Power of Patience Part 1

The Power of Patience By Ross Enamait – Published in 2008 As a trainer, I often emphasize the importance of intelligent program design. Variables such as exercise selection, intensity, frequency, and volume must be closely monitored. However, recognizing the need to oversee these variables is not enough. We as trainers are always looking to find better ways. We scour through monthly journals in search of new material that we can pass on to our athletes. It isn’t uncommon to spend several hours each week reading new research and rereading old research. This thirst for knowledge should be commended, as knowledge is a powerful weapon. I’ll never criticize anyone who is eager to learn and improve. Yet, as we search for new and improved methods for our athletes, we often forget to share seemingly obvious advice with them. In the words of former Nobel Prize winner Andre Gide: “The most important things to say are those which often I did not think necessary for me to say – because they were too obvious.” Abiding by these words, it is imperative to communicate the importance of patience. We’ve all heard that patience is a virtue, but very few actually live by these words. Coaches and mentors regularly preach the importance of hard work, but few share such passion when stressing the importance of patience. Perhaps patience is an assumed prerequisite, but we all know the fault in assumption.


The Power of Patience Part 1

Transcript of The Power of Patience Part 1

The Power of PatienceBy Ross Enamait Published in 2008As a trainer, I often emphasize the importance of intelligent program design. Variables such as exercise selection, intensity, frequency, and volume must be closely monitored. However, recognizing the need to oversee these variables is not enough. We as trainers are always looking to findbetterways. We scour through monthly journals in search of new material that we can pass on to our athletes. It isnt uncommon to spend several hours each week reading new research and rereading old research. This thirst for knowledge should be commended, as knowledge is a powerful weapon. Ill never criticize anyone who is eager to learn and improve. Yet, as we search for new and improved methods for our athletes, we often forget to share seemingly obvious advice with them.In the words of former Nobel Prize winner Andre Gide:The most important things to say are those which often I did not think necessary for me to say because they were too obvious.Abiding by these words, it is imperative to communicate the importance of patience. Weve all heard that patience is a virtue, but very few actually live by these words. Coaches and mentors regularly preach the importance of hard work, but few share such passion when stressing the importance of patience. Perhaps patience is an assumed prerequisite, but we all know the fault in assumption.Patience Is a VirtueMerriam Webster defines patient as steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity. An athlete who is patient will see a challenge through from start to finish, despite the struggles encountered on his journey. Patience is more than a virtue, it is a powerful weapon.Famous novelist Leo Tolstoy (perhaps best known for War and Peace) summarized the importance of patience with the following:The strongest of all warriors are these two Time and Patience.And while his words were not directed towards exercise, youll have a hard time finding better advice. Without patience and time, dont expect to accomplish anything. Even a hard working athlete who is impatient will struggle with long term goals. Hard work during each single session isnt enough if these sessions do not accumulate into something significant. Ive seen plenty of hard working athletes who are hindered by impatience. They work hard each day, but are never patient enough to see out a long term goal. Their lack of patience negates both hard work and intelligent program design. Even the most sophisticated training program will do little if the athlete isnt patient enough to progress through one step at a time.Planting A SeedHave you ever gone apple picking? Think of yourself picking fresh fruit from a large tree. You see the fruit, you pick it, and you eat it. You never see the seed that started the tree. You only see the end result.If you plant an apple seed today, dont expect to eat fresh apples next week. You must be patient if you wish to produce worthwhile results. This simple concept also applies to the world of fitness and sport. Dont expect to accomplish anything significant in a few days or weeks. Be prepared for a long road filled with potholes, detours, and dead ends.Many great athletes are falsely assumed to be naturally gifted. You see the end result and cannot fathom how the athlete progressed to such an amazing level. What many fail to realize however is that the athlete may be nothing more than patient and diligent.Unfortunately, patience doesnt sell well, so its rare that youll hear it mentioned. Much of the fitness industry focuses solely on revenue. If the truth doesnt sell, the truth isnt mentioned. People want quick fixes in todays world of instant gratification. Quick sells well. Slow and steady does not. The fitness industry knows what the consumer wants (fast results), and is more than willing to satisfy this request. If something takes time to accomplish, you can bet that it wont be pimped out on a late night infomercial. People want results yesterday, not tomorrow.I can understand the obsession with instant gratification. If we can do something faster, why not do it? In theory, the idea has merit, but in reality it simply isnt true. Technology can be automated, but the human body cannot. Positive change requires time.Impatience is perhaps the number one reason why athletes fall short of their potential. The athlete sets a goal, works on it for a few weeks, doesnt see the progress that he was hoping for, so drops the idea and moves on to another. This cycle continues over and over again. After several months of bouncing around, the athlete is no better off than when he started. Hes done nothing but jump from challenge to challenge without any results.Another common scenario comes from the athlete who tackles several new goals at once. He too may be diligent, but he isnt patient enough to apply a slow and steady strategy. He wants everything now and isnt interesting in waiting. If youve spent any time on a fitness message board, Im sure youve seen a newbie come along with a list of goals such as:I want to do a one-arm chin-up, dunk a basketball, deadlift three times my bodyweight, run a mile in 5 minutes, walk on my hands, and do 100 consecutive pushups.The athlete then sets out to create a single training plan that will allow him to accomplish each of these goals. After several months, the results are always the same. Nothing. He will have gotten nowhere fast, with little if any progress on any of the defined goals.Perhaps the best advice for someone who has walked in these shoes comes from Samuel Smiles:The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.